#miraculous bible spoilers
Saw some people complaining about people calling Socqueline Bridgette or even the existence of Bridgette (I’m honestly just confused lol), so I made this reference with a couple extras to help people out.
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I’ll be frank, I don’t really care for what you call them because I’m a PV fan, but if people complain, fight, or start discourse over really simple things, I can’t really sit down. I don’t know how bad it got, but it’s appearing on my feed, so I’m putting this here to hopefully clear the air.
(Never did an ID before, but I’m not sure about the image quality, so ID under cut!)
[ID: Five images lay on a gradient. From left to right: 
Image of The Mini Menace Ladybug #17, with character sweating and backing away nervously from a red eye mask being handed to her. Labelled Marietta.
Image of an early concept of Marinette, with an ahoge and one arm behind her back, smiling. Labelled Concept Marinette
Image of a still from Ladybug PV, with character swaying her hips, arms behind her back, smiling. Labelled “Bridgette”
Image of a still from The Bubbler of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, hands on her hips and smiling. Labelled Marinette
Image of a still from the Jubilation trailer of new character Socqueline, smiling sheepishly. Labelled Socqueline
Under each image, there is bulleted text.
Under Marietta it reads: 
-Earliest Concept (2005)
-”Mini Menace”
-Probably has a canon personality
-Wore stuff closer to Alternative Fashion
-Probably 18 (has a car)
Under Concept Marinette it reads:
-Company made (2012)
-Was part of a political commentary or something
-Has a canon personality
-Luck was a staple of her character
-Kung Fu
-Either had multiple love interests or one that wasn’t Cat Noir
-Same character in the PV
Under “Bridgette” it reads:
-Fanon character associated with the PV design
-Somebody somewhere called her Bridgette and the PV fandom agreed
-Seriously, if people say Bridgette, you can practically guarantee it isn’t canon
-Was given the name to help differentiate PV from 3D*
Under Marinette it reads:
-Canon (2015)
-Is the protagonist of the actual publicized show
-Lost some qualities from earlier concepts
-Gained new qualities not present in previous concepts
-In a kids show
Under Socqueline it reads:
-New canon character associated with the MOTW, but not the MOTW
-Cosplayer or soemthing
-Works at or owns a JOANN Fabrics
-What is this Moondancer crap
-Has a canon personalitiy
-I legit do not know why she resembles Marinette
-Not “Bridgette”
In the bottom left corner, there is text that reads: *Note: You are allowed to call this design Bridgette if you want. Nobody will stop you. But the amount of people that have mistaken fanon for canon is causing this to get very concerning. Bridgette’s name and personality was not created by anyone associated with the show. Please don’t ask the creators about this, the legitimately won’t know what you are talking about.
End of ID]
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masternia · 1 year
⚠️⚠️ATTENTION⚠️⚠️ This is a serious post and I feel the need to talk about so let’s go. This is Ezra Weiz the Voice director (I think that’s the word?) of Miraculous Ladybug. He basically casts all of the lovely voices to the English cast of miraculous. I’m pretty sure everyone by now knows that everything from every script, to episode, to storyboard of season 5 has been leaked. The leaker has NOT ONLY decided to leak all of season 5 BUT HAS ALSO decided to leak all of the miraculous staff INCLUDING winny, Jeremy, Ezra AND the creator Thomas’s phone numbers and possible addresses. It’s one thing to leak a show but to completely dox a whole miraculous cast is wayyyy to far. Whether you like them or not this is NOT okay and will NEVER be justified. It’s plainly wrong. While there’s nothing that we can do it’s important that we are educated on stuff like this. Please do nothing but send love and support to everyone and let’s all hope they are safe and sound.
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shortmexicangirl · 2 years
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gloob… WHY
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kikigeh · 2 years
I decided to write down the most striking information from the season 5 bible leak. DO NOT INTERACT if you want to go into the season blindly but do interact if you want to discuss it. Heavy spoilers under the cut.
A few things to note before we go on:
The document's final revision is from 2020, this means that THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT FINAL and the information might differ from what we will be seeing in the end product.
Also, a show's bible is meant to go over the key points of the story and characters, it's not necessarily a synopsis of everything that you'll see in the show so save yourself the immediate belief that the season is going to suck because character A or thing B are not mentioned in length here.
The bullet points go in order of appearance in the document, hence the jumps in subjects.
With that out of the way, let's start. FINAL WARNING, leave if you don't want to be spoiled.
It is revealed that Marinette had a crush on Kim prior to the show starting. Confessing was a bad experience for her (thanks to Chloe) and that's the reason as to why she's so hesitant to confess to Adrien.
At the very end of the season, Ladybug and Chat Noir will finally be able to use their special powers without transforming back. They'll be able to use Lucky Charms/Cataclysms more than once.
Adrien will find the courage to tell Gabriel that he doesn't want to be a model.
Adrien realizes that he feels something special towards Marinette and, realizing that Ladybug will never love him back, he decides to pursue her instead.
Adrien and Marinette will have their first kiss on episode 23 "Collusion".
Gabriel, owing a favor to Tomoe Tsurugi, wants Adrien to be with Kagami.
Nathalie is described in the document as "eventually emerging as a surrogate mother to Adrien".
We will either see or hear what happens when Chat Noir uses his Cataclysm on a human being in the episode "Destruction"
Ladynoir's relationship will change; without Chat Noir's flirting and with Ladybug finally accepting that she needs him (no longer pushing him away), they become a perfect duo of platonic, supportive friends.
Lady Noire and Mister Bug make an appearance in Season 5 once more.
Ladybug will be merging the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous herself becoming "BugNoire".
The merging of the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous create a brand new Kwami whose ability is to grant a wish (Like Dragon Ball's Shenron). The magic formula is found within the Grimoire; Gabriel, however, does not know how to decipher it. This is why his goal is to find someone who does.
Ladybug/Marinette finds out Hawkmoth's identity. Chat Noir/Adrien, however, will NEVER learn about it.
Nathalie was introduced to the Agrestes by Mrs. Tsurugi. She was hired because she was a hunter of magical artifacts.
Nathalie is secretly in love with Gabriel and follows him blindly, however, she has a secret plan for herself and wishes to fuse the miraculous so that her own wish can be granted: Make Gabriel fall in love with her.
Monarch will akumatize people and then send out a miraculous their way this season.
At the end of the season, Gabriel will give up the butterfly miraculous and someone else will get a hold of it: Lila.
Lila has several identities and several families, somehow. She goes by Lila Rossi, Cerise and Iris Verdi for different scenarios.
Scarabella will make a comeback for the two episode special.
Chloe's butler's name is Armand; he's the only person who cares for Chloe. More about this will be brought up in the episode "Adoration".
Zoe has feelings for Marinette, but she doesn't dare to tell her. This will also come up in episode "Adoration".
Zoe will become the holder of the Black Cat miraculous during the two-part special.
Contrary to popular belief, there are no written implications about Juleka and Rose's relationship despite it being shown on-screen. Neither are there any implications about Marc and Nathaniel's.
Kim was ALSO in love with Marinette in 8th grade. He is said to be the root of Marinette's problems in the episode "Derision".
Kagami is described as having "powerful feelings" towards both Adrien and Marinette.
Luka will leave in Mid-Season 5 as to not compromise the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. He will leave with Jagged to Brazil, where he meets with Su-Han who will teach him Mirakung-fu. He'll go back to Paris in the finale.
Felix's new identity as the Peacock holder is called "Argos".
There will be several instances where we're reminded of Marinette's anxiety, mostly induced by her fears both as a civilian but also as Ladybug.
Marinette gives up on Adrien (or attempts to) and starts realizing that she may have feelings for Chat Noir, who has changed a lot since the end of S4.
Adrien asks Marinette out, which further complicates her feelings since she believes her crush on Adrien is detrimental.
Marinette is convincing herself that the one she loves is Chat Noir in order to forget about Adrien but he, who has given up on Ladybug, is intent on pursuing Marinette this time around.
There will be an apparent complete reversal of the lovesquare which may only culminate with Andre The Ice Maker's appearance to help them figure some things out.
Plagg and Tikki hurt from watching Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Chat Noir struggle with their feelings, which is why they opt for removing their miraculous and handing them out to other holders (Alya and Zoe).
Marinette thinks Zoe has a crush on Adrien. We know that that isn't quite the case and she is the object of Zoe's affection instead.
Lila and Chloe become the next class representatives. Lila is able to manipulate and control Chloe; because of their joint efforts, they become Monarch's strongest minions.
I think the only three things I heavily dislike are:
1. The fact that Adrien will NEVER find out about his father 2. Lila is not a compelling character, so the show is definitely going to suffer with her as the lead villain. 3. Felix is not mentioned much, if at all. Seems like the sentimonster arc might take a backseat but then again, things could've changed during production from 2020 to 2022.
But other than that, I don't see why anyone would read the document and firmly believe that it's underwhelming. If anything, I find most of it extremely exciting compared to the other seasons. Only time will tell.... but anyway, until then, don't miss today's release of episode 1!
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starguardianniom · 10 months
Adrien and Marinette screwing each other's character development
That's literally what happened in season 5.
5 seasons of Adrien trying his best to break free of his dad's abuse and control only for Marinette to honors Gabriel's wish and make him believe he was a hero and a good parent, despite having front seat at his abuse, on top of fighting him, and Gabriel made the both of time cry. So now Adrien will forever think his father was a good man, when he was not. He will like his abuser, when the last episode showing them together has Adrien showing nothing but hatred toward his father for thinking he knew better for him when he was just doing what he wanted Adrien to do and not what Adrien wanted himself.
We spent 5 seasons watching Marinette trying and failing to confess to Adrien, only for him to confess to her instead which rendered kind of all her efforts pointless, on top of not having to learn the many lessons that she should have, like regarding his private life, or start seeing him as a person and not a perfect angel who can't do no wrong. They even had some jokes at her behavior, behavior that they later learned was because she had a traumatic experience which made her decide that the next poor sod that would catch her attention would not be permitted to have a private life whatsoever, just because she made an error of judgement and didn't listen to her friend's warning, something she keeps doing repeatedly during the series. She just gets her boyfriend and never has to change her behavior, and he doesn't get to maybe get mad or creeped out at all the stuff she did for him while she could barely speak to him, let alone struggle to stay close less she ran away out of being scared to ask him out. So her toxic behavior also doesn't get to be toned down. Biggest example is after learning that Gabriel is Monarch, she goes to speak to him because she wants Adrien back, not to stop Monarch once in for all. She has to when he finds her in his house and she can't hide much longer.
The main difference, Marinette has been aware since forever that Gabriel was pretty controlling with Adrien and got depressed over it several times since it meant she couldn't hang out with him. And she still sided with his abuser because she didn't want Adrien to deal with the backlash of knowing his father was the local terrorist of the city. A guy she spent 5 season fighting, and spent the last episode of season 5 beating up because he prefered to go with his crazy scheme instead of respecting his wife's last wish. And she decides to respect Gabriel's last wish instead of being honest with Adrien and the rest of the city, which I'm sorry to say, is beyond horrible of her. People deserves the truth, so does Adrien, stop coodling him like his father tried, he doesn't need it.
Meanwhile Adrien just learned in the last season that she had a crush on him. And saw her doing some pretty weird stuff, but never truly saw the real depths as to how far Marinette was willing to go to get his love. He didn't see her bully Kagami, he didn't see her lie and manipulate her parents to make her follow him to Shangai and abandoning her uncle on his birthday just to go stalk him, among other stuff. So he isn't aware of the worst of Marinette, and half of it he thinks she's just weird because to him that's how she's always been, weird and quirky but still charming and cute somehow.
I kind of just realised that while reading other posts about those subjects and just saw that they both ruined each other's development, Adrien unintentionally and Marinette, intentionally.
EDIT: chocolatevoidpizza made me realize I was victim blaming Marinette for the cruel prank she went through in Derision via the line "just because she made an error of judgement and didn't listen to her friend's warning".
That is unfair on Marinette and I apologize for writing that and take it back.
I however won't delete it cause I need the reminder to not have a repeat of that and I need the lesson.
So thank you chocolatevoidpizza for opening my eyes and knocking sense back into me.
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
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Girl which mom???!!! You have twenty of those 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Things Adrien will never know since he’s not allowed to find out his father’s Hawkmoth
That Gabriel has purposely gone out of his way to upset Adrien’s friends via unfairly punishing him/limiting his freedom solely so he could have an Akuma to use (”Bubbler” and “Chat Blanc”)
That Gabriel once tricked him into believing he had upset his father so he could akumatize himself and keep him and Ladybug from realizing his real identity (”Collector”)
That after akumatizing Gorilla (“Gorizilla”), that he purposely put Adrien’s life in danger and had him thrown from on top a building just so he could find out if he was actually Chat Noir or not (and only changed his mind after Adrien had been thrown and it looked like he wasn’t about to transform to save himself)
Had noticed via his akuma butterflies when Adrien is upset/depressed but did nothing about it
Openly threatened his cousin (Like, feel how you want about Felix, Gabriel still threatened a child)
Has had Paris nearly flooded/burned down/deleted/eeby-deebied/brainwashed/zombie invaded several times while Adrien was outside the house with no idea if he had gotten/might get caught up in the attack (and not seeming to care)
That the few time he did arrange for Adrien to not be around when he was planning something (NY and Shanghai specials, “Risk”, etc.), it was specifically so he could hurt his friends, and usually done at Adrien’s own expense
That Gabriel almost caused WW3 by threatening the world with nukes (NY special)
That his father murdered someone(Or at least had their murder arranged via a gang hit) (Shanghai special)
That Nathalie’s health dove into the negatives specifically because she was helping him with his supervillainy (Yeah, she chose to become Mayura and everything, but this is still someone Adrien considers family here)
Everything about the Grimoire
Went out of his way to manipulate Chloe in “Heart Hunter” (Again, feel however you want, Gabe still purposely made it so Chloe would think Ladybug didn’t want her so he could get her on his side more easily)
Purposely put Lila and him together so she could “keep an eye on him” at his behest
Was the one who instigated Lila into enacting her plan in “Ladybug”, which ended up with Marinette expelled, and all because he considered her a “bad influence” on Adrien
Had twice Akumatized Adrien after he found out about him being Hawkmoth and his mother’s actual fate, just so he could get Ladybug’s miraculous (“Chat Blanc” and “Ephemeral”), which led to the world ending and everyone being dead in one of these scenarios
Has been magically manipulating him into obeying his will (If Senti!Adrien proves to be canon)
Made a deal with Felix to get all the Miraculous the latter stole ( “Strikeback”)
Deliberately chose to focus on stealing the Miraculous instead of taking the opportunity given to him to save his mother and Nathalie from their respective ailments (“Evolution”)
Purposely had him Cataclysm his arm, and near risking making his son a murderer/orphan (“Destruction”)
Kept the Kwamis he stole/kidnapped in cages and called them “slaves”
That the whole “Alliance Ring” nonsense was specifically to help mask his activities as Hawkmoth
And that he mainly just cares about his rivalry with Ladybug now.
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 2 years
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A) statue scene truthers y’all fought so hard for so long how are you feeling today? Specifically bushy like I won’t tag you bc idk if you’ve seen the episode yet but I can imagine you died.
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“MLB SPOILERS: From what I've read from the leaked bible, it's pretty clear that Adrien is full of shit. Adrien will finally break off his ties with Chloe in the future because he finds out that the reason why Marinette has such a hard time with confessing her true feelings for someone she likes is for reasons related to Chloe. This will be seen as "the straw that broke the camel's back" moment, with Adrien finally standing up to Chloe and telling her to screw off. However, the reason why I don't buy it is because this moment comes FAR TOO LATE and only seems to come at all when it actively effects Adrien. 
Chloe is Marinette's BULLY. She's BEEN bullying Marinette in the entirety of the show's run. Not to mention that she's also been bullying, intimidating and manipulating not only the whole entire class, but even others outside of her class. She even treats her best friend terribly. Basically, she’s been a crappy person to anyone who isn't Adrien himself. 
Chloe’s BEEN a terrible person, but NOW??? ONLY NOW 5 seasons in, THIS situation in particular is Adrien’s breaking point??? Only now that Chloe messes with “the girl that he loves” is what sets everything off? I don’t think Adrien is a bad person, but I do think that he’s selfish. I understand why Adrien was friends with Chloe for all these years (because she was the only friend he had while growing up and he (somehow) sees “redeemable qualities” in her), but this situation doesn’t put him in a pretty good light. Chloe literally got away with being a terrible person, but it only matters to him now just because it directly affects HIM, not the fact that it affected literally everyone else. 
This kind of stuff is part of reason why people tend to not like Adrien, because the boy’s so oblivious, naive and even sometimes selfish about everything.”
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yeet-noir · 1 year
I just want to share some speculation I have for the future seasons of Miraculous.
With that in mind if you had read the leaks from the bible this is NOT a post to share your opinion or knowledge sorry I don't want to be spoiled.
It is clear to me we are at the downfall of Monarch. He is suffering both physically and mentally from his misuse of the Miraculous. Plus the divid between Adrien and him grows wider and his control of Adrien is starting to diminish.
Lila is a very obvious contender for a villain and honestly will pose such an interesting threat to Ladybug and Chat Noir. Gabriel may be able to manipulate people while wielding the Butterfly Miraculous, but he can only go so far as a civilian using his status and wealth to control situations. Lila however, has a mastery when is comes to manipulation and she is very influential without ANY powers. She is a living chameleon after her dramatic wig moment. She has nothing to loose and everything to gain. But she also isn't going to sacrifice herself to get there.
However, Chloe has fallen into Lila's own manipulation and she is somebody who has been established as being self-serving. That is such a feat for anybody to do because it clearly isn't benefitting Chloe at all. Chloe lost her school status and her loyalty from both Sabrina and her dad. Chloe has nobody she can control anymore besides a new flustered principal, she lost that control.
Chloe no longer has puppets, she is the puppet. Lila doesn't have to worry about her own repercussions because outwardly Chloe will be the one causing the scene. I think when the time comes we will see Chloe realize her position and want to change, but it will have to be so authentic for it to work this time. Not because she wants a ego boost or flaunt her powers by being a superhero, but because she desires to be good.
So while we watch Chloe in her villain era, I think it's also important to note that she is not the one who is really in charge. She is just a disposable pawn in a much larger game and I can't wait to see how it plays out!
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Guys I’m so ashamed.
I tried my best to ignore it but i couldn’t resist so I caved and read the leaked season 5 bible.
No spoilers but I’m very disappointed and this completely ruined my season 5 viewing experience.
There is still no Nino is Luka reveal
I mean I could hope that maybe it happens in season 6 or it just wasn’t covered in the summaries, but it still hurts.
I’ll do my best to enjoy miraculous for the action or comedy or romance instead and not just to prove that I’m right, but it will be a struggle
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Correct me if I am wrong (APPROPRIATELY THOUGH), but regarding the "Civilian Marinette gets slammed into concrete wall by Monarque to the point where the WALL breaks but somehow Marinette is still fine" in Déflagration, I do remember now that people are bringing it up that back when I read the leaks these two times that Kwamis Choice was described very differently in it.
I guess watch out, 100% outdated leak spoilers or maybe even not entirely correct memories of mine ahead? For this episode you already saw because it aired?
Zoe was Sole Destroyer + Kwami power of destruction (which makes ALOT more sense), Monarque had his own Lucky Charm (which is also something I found sad didn't happen in Canon) but most importantly, I swear to God I believe remembering that the initial Lucky Charm created by Tikki WAS the Ladybug-disguise suit with which Marinette could return into battle even without her Miraculous.
Cause I remember reading what Tikkis lucky charm is and immediately going "yeah that makes sense, that's how Marinette gets into battle" and that definitely wouldn't be the case if it had been a bin. So I do believe the initial Lucky Charm was a suit which is probably the reason why the wall-slamming moment is a thing in the first place.
Initially the magical lucky charm suit probably WAS supposed to be the explanation for why Marinette can endure that as civilian (which in my opinion would have been a perfectly fine explanation, I can work with a magical lucky charm suit) but then at some point Kwamis Choice got a massive rewrite and now we have a couple of awkward leftover elements of the old version that feel off in Canon (like Chloé for some reason getting akumatized into ZOÉ'S akuma form. Switch-arounds like that normally do not happen).
Of course the wall-slamming moment is the worst offender in this regard cause holy SHIT that should have killed civilian Marinette 10 times over! The show is normally pretty consistent with not overpowering civilian characters or making them realistically vulnerable in comparison to the Miraculous Holders ect, so that moment didn't just break every bone in Marinette’s body, it also broke LONG established world building.
I do wonder what caused this massive rewrite though and why old moments like this were still kept despite of not making sense anymore. The initial script also seemed to have been a stronger story, especially Zoe/ Kitty Noire wise.
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kindaorangey · 1 year
in terms of marinette maybe finding out gabriel is hawk moth before adrien does, i think the identity reveal should really go both ways, and gabe should basically be like "oh you have GOT to be kidding me" and marinette gets in one last jab at him about him being a terrible father to adrien. and then he dies.
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be me
log into twittter
see "MiraculousLeaks" is trending
close Twitter
look at the camera, break the 4th wall and say the fuck they doing over there???
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aura-can-draw · 2 years
Spoilers warning
Bro they really reversed the love square didn't they (apologies if this is inaccurate i read through the bible leaks (?) love squares posts like once and couldn't find it again so i had to do this by like memory, please kindly correct me if im wrong)
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Meanwhile, the Marichat fandom
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starguardianniom · 1 year
Nooroo's fate
I hear everyone complaining about Chloé's fate in the finale, but what about Nooroo? He'll be going with Lila while all his friends who got imprisoned with him in season 5 get back their freedom.
Which, ok, the other kwamis are free. Awesome.
But he's not.
And why the show was made?
So that Marinette and Adrien aka Ladybug and Chat Noir would retrieve the Butterfly miraculous.
You're telling me that Marinette will fail her job at the end of the season.
Because Adrien won't be around for the final fight.
She will.
And will make a deal with Gabriel to make sure Adrien never finds out he was the son of Monarch, bring back his mom and his dad's assistant back to health and raise him, oh and also erase his memories of him ever being abused by his dad and instead getting fake, happier memories.
And gets back all the miraculouses but the Peacock and the Butterfly.
How does she miss the Butterfly among all the others?
The Peacock might be somehow safer in the hands of Félix since he doesn't want to bring Sentimonsters to life right and left.
Honestly it's probably the only reason to continue the show, as soon as the Butterfly and Peacock would be retrieved, Marinette would probably be asked to step down from being a Guardian since she did her job and now there's no use of having the Miraculouses around until the next great threat.
But still.
Marinette somehow manage to fail at her job even more with each passing finale.
Especially by letting her emotions clouding her judgement.
I am facepalming so hard.
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