#miruko x y/n
titanialev · 1 year
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
hawks, miruko, fatgum, midnight and eraserhead x vigilante reader
REPOST the original one got flagged as s3xu4l content even tho it's just fluff :(
vigilante reader is tame basically acting as a pro hero just without the license, mainly focusing on saving people, and therefore none of the heros reallu care. no warnings just pure fluff
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hawks/keigo takami:
-keigo would be a vigilante if he wasn't taken in by the commission. 100% he would not have stopped saving lives even if he got in trouble for it. he might even fuck around and manage to get you an actual hero license if you want one, even a fake one to get out of trouble if you need it
-basically. even as the number two hero he's no snitch and in fact really respects what you do. you guys probably met trying to save the same civilian or something and hit it off immediately
-he lets you follow him on patrols, absolutely no fucks. almost everyone thinks you're just one of his sidekicks and you basically act as one without the hero license. would just use his feathers to carry you away from any particularly hard ass heros (cough endeavor cough) if he needs to
-doesn't have a lot of friends but the ones he does have know all about you (including everything keigo gushes to them about you ugh) and they also don't care, they trust him as a person and a hero so by default they trust you
-probably also insists on training you but most of your spars end up in making out because he has no self control when it comes to you but you're not complaining
-end of day routine with keigo would def start with you two dancing in keigos living room, he just sweeps you up and starts dancing out of no where, doesn't even need music, the sound of you laughing at his antics is music enough for him, you've come to expect it every day when he comes home and it's one of the things you miss most when he's gone on a longer mission
-your rough days always end with you flying, even if you can fly using your own quirk, there's something about being held to the chest of the man you love while he flys through the night sky, placing unwavering trust in him to not let you fall while you admire the stars always makes your heart full, and for keigos rough days, you always preen his feathers, he's not used to anyone touching them besides his fans grabbing at him, so nothing relaxes him more than the feeling of your fingers in his feathers, straightening and adjusting them for him as you go
miruko/rumi usagiyama:
-is so aggressively supportive of the vigilante thing she'd see you out beating the shit out of a villain and be like BEAT THEIR ASS BABE GET EM
-insists on you training with her. if you want to be a vigilante you gotta be in shape enough to go toe to toe with the number 5 pro hero
-absolutely kicks your ass in training but it's okay bc she gives you kisses every time you win a match <3
-if you're not immediately recognizable as a vigilante she Will take you to the boring hero shit she has to go with. no one's willing to get close enough to you besides hawks, because if you're with her she'll glare down anyone who tries to approach her and hawks is the only one brave enough to get closer (she also trusts hawks the most out of all of them and knows hes no snitch)
-has a sixth sense for when you're in trouble, so if you're ever in over your head in the same city as her ur opponent better start praying
-on especially hard days for you, rumi gives a mean back massage that leaves you putty in her hands, on rumis hard days you always do her hair. she finds it so relaxing and loves the styles you do on her and will proudly wear whatever you did as long as she can
fatgum/taishiro toyomitsu:
-taishiro is just That Guy yk u guys probably met because he picked you up by your scruff during a fight you were losing and he jumped in all heroic like *swoons*
-him being That Guy /pos and all his only reaction after dealing with the villain is to put you down and be like woah. hello person i have never seen in my life before this very second right now. you should hurry along i don't want any civilians caught in the cross hairs when the police arrive. anyway random stranger i've never seen ever you should totally come by my hero agency and train in case you know. you get caught close to another villain attack
-guys got a heart proportional to the rest of him how could you not do anything for him he's sunshine personified. if he said jump you'd ask how high he's just got that affect
-he's probably the most chill pro hero aside from like. aizawa. you know how like the bigger the dog the more chill they get (usually). yeah same affect with him he minds his business stays in his lane does heroic deeds on the reg yk
- his favorite thing to do with you is spend time with you laying on top of him <33 he usually takes up all the space on wherever he's lying but no complaints can be heard when you get to cuddle on top of him all night
-end of day routine with taishiro would pretty much be him coming home from work, flopping on the couch, and dragging you to lay on top of him to doze until the food he ordered arrives (even if you wanted to there's no way you could cook for tai after work, you'd have a hard enough time cooking for Any pro hero let alone one who's quirk is dependent on food)
-your rough days usually entail you crawling inside his shirts to be closer to him (in my mind his clothes are probably usually baggy because they need to be able to withstand his full size and after a day at work he'd probably be at least somewhat smaller) and him allowing you to curl up on him like a cat (he probably also pets ur hair like a cat but we don't need to mention that), his rough days probably entail something like baking treats together!! he seems like the kind of guy who really really enjoys quality time with a s/o and combining that with food? his bad day melts away immediately
midnight/nemuri kayama:
-honestly you're probably not even the first vigilante she's dated, if there's one thing nemuri is gonna do it's whatever the fuck she wants lmao
-she's def the type of person to be like rules are meant to be broken
-nemuri LOVES going out with you, you better pray you don't have a recognizable face because there's no way you're getting out of going out to dinner and her dragging you shopping and her showing you off any chance she gets(not that you'd want to get out of that stuff i mean. it's nemuri)
-nemuri prefers working night shifts even when not working at ua so she can force you to take a break when she takes hers and she always packs you food <3
-she also prefers night shifts so you both can protect each other, shadowing one another in case one of you gets over your heads, the other one never being too far
-she probably has a lot of cats and by default they're your cats so usually while nemuris gone at ua you're playing with her cats. (nemuri probably has hundreds of pictures of you with a cat on top of you after you fell asleep)
-her favorite time of day is when you're both home and sweaty from fighting, your end of day routine always starts with taking a bath together, washing grime off the other, using the tenderness to reset your minds after a long day
-she loves to pamper you, do your nails, face masks, anything you want ,and uses her quirk slightly on you after a particularly rough day, and for her rough days you always make sure she gets a foot massage and glass of wine with a book <3
eraserhead/shouta aizawa:
-same shit different day yeah? he probably mostly has vigilante friends if we're honest (aside from hizashi and nemuri of course)
-is definitely used to dealing with vigilantes both a professional and unprofessional sense, nothing you can do will shock him, and you can always count on him to save your ass when things go south, it's like he has a second quirk with the way he's able to sense when you're either about to do something stupid or about to die. usually both.
-you guys patrol at night together, you both prefer working when you know the other is somewhere nearby in case things go south, and more often than not you take cases on together (although Technically it's just him on the paperwork)
-omg what if you guys meet because he saw you feeding a cat and snuck up on you only for you to. notice him? holy shit?? you could sense his presence?? he was flabbergasted. that like never fucking happens
-end of day routine is you bullying him into a shower with you and him making you wash his hair as payment. literally a fucking cat. we both know he wouldn't shower after patrol alone he'd just go to sleep.
-your rough days always end up with you in a caterpillar looking ass sleeping bag with shouta but you'd have it no other way. his rough days are full of cat cafes. they just relax him like nothing else
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vrisrezis · 1 year
My fav Bnha characters with a crush teehee
Have probs done this b4 butttt lol these look rlly long ngl
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Katsuki is kinda disgusted with himself. He hates all that lovey dovey bullshit and he always told himself he wouldn’t end up falling in love like the shitty old hag, but here he is being a lovesick moron. Katsuki is not known for being subtle, you’d have to be a special kind of moron to not notice he’s totally head over heels. Even if he wouldn’t describe it in those words, he totally is. He has very complicated feelings about the fact he likes you, wanting to focus on his hero training but you make it so difficult for him with your stupid smile that he loves hates so much. However he’s aware of how happy you make him feel, so he’s willing to set it aside, it must be a good thing you make him feel so good, right? It’s strange, but he will find himself showing off more when your around, trying to prove to you specifically he’s gonna be the best hero. In training he works extra hard if you happen to be around or happen to even be watching, he may even start competitions with class 1A just to prove himself to you. Whether it’s dumb competitions like racing in the pool or even school related competitions such as, who’s got the best grades, this nerd absolutely shows off around you. He wants you to think he’s cool, that he will one day be the best. But he also tries to leave subtle … hints he likes you. Even though it’s obvious already, he’s been given the impression that he isn’t totally obvious. He shows his interest in you in other ways, but I will mention he has an extreme jealousy problem even before you are even dating. This is typically of people that are “stronger” than him, so todoroki and deku. However he might get that jealousy if say, kaminari flirted with you. Other ways of actually showing interest though is that he’s actually nice to you, though he shows it in ways that can go unnoticed. If your forgetful he always makes sure he has an extra water bottle with him, or anything else you may need he just says he happens to have. Or perhaps you need help studying or even with homework, he just says kirishima happened to pick a different study buddy that day, so you and him can study together. And kirishima, as the ultimate wingman, insists you two should study more often… alone… and the main thing that gives him away! Blushing! Oh man, if he isn’t the most obvious guy in the universe because of that red face! He can blame it on the cold, he can blame it on how hot it is out, he can blame it on his quirk, or that he’s angry, he is always red faced when you’re too close. If you’ve ever seen amity blight blush, it’s exactly like that. He stares at you in class with this soft expression that is almost never seen on his face, and if he is to ever be caught he simply turns away as fast as possible, wide eyed and blushing. You’ll find that bakugou believes in your strength, so he’s protective in battle a reasonable amount, only if you’re truly in deep shit. When he’s more comfortable with being your friend, he takes you out on hiking trips and just hanging out with you, and sometimes kirishima. The entire class of 1A knows about his little crush though so it makes it extremely hard for him to keep it a secret lol, he’s constantly paranoid somebody told you.
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Oh man if you thought katsuki was bad, izuku is on another level of being obvious with his feelings. The boy truly wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s not even something he’s aware of at first, he just thinks your good looking like … wow way more attractive than anyone he’s ever met! You’re a good friend, with an interesting quirk and yes his notes on you are a lot longer than even kacchans and maybe he draws you a lot, maybe he draws moments where you looked really breathtaking and maybe he thinks about you before he goes to bed and when he wakes up in the morning and yes maybe he dreams about you too and overthinks everything you say to him and maybe he rambles about you an unreasonable amount to his friends but… oh man he… he likes you doesn’t he? And once he realizes, it gets even worse because now he’s just blushing at you and he looks like he’s gonna pass out everytime ochako mentions the fact he hasn’t confessed yet and he’s just dying on the spot. Boy talks faster than Eminem can rap whenever she mentions him having a crush especially if you happen to be there for the conversation. Tends to ramble around you a lot, just about random things and everyone is just like “oh god not this again” you have to be oblivious to not notice. Izuku tends to worry about you a lot, so he always checks up on you after training to make sure you didn’t get too hurt, and don’t even get him started when it comes to you going on missions, he worries so much when you’re fighting villains. Now he knows how his mother feels. Izuku tends to be clingy around his crush, so he tends to ask you to hang out quite often, whether it’s hanging out or even studying or even fighting together against some villain he likes being around you and likes making sure that you’re safe when it comes down to it. He tends to have very obvious slip ups that he likes you, voice cracks then correcting himself or perhaps coughing way too loudly when he tries to do an ahem cough, bumping into you and tripping, he’s so clumsy around you. Probably accidentally calls you pretty. He’s just… such a mess man.
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Hawks is not experienced with romance, while many can agree he’s a good looking guy that has many people flocking towards him, he was never that interested in dating until you showed around. Honestly, could’ve seen him being aromantic before meeting you, lol. So since he’s never experienced romantic feelings, it’s going to take him a little longer than it should to realize his feelings. However he does show signs of taking a special liking to you beforehand, that even he doesn’t understand at the time. He hates the idea of people looking at you the wrong way, perhaps to court you. He assumes this is because he senses they’re potentially dangerous and as a good friend of yours, he’s just looking out for you. After all, he’s naturally protective of you in battles with villains, even if you can protect yourself. Sure he’s not protective especially of endeavor or miruko, but that’s just because he’s not as close with them as he is with you! He doesn’t feel his heart beat faster around his other friends, but he assumes it must be something else, maybe there’s something making him nervous, or maybe he’s just simply excited to be around you! Sure he doesn’t blush around anyone else when they compliment him, but that’s because it means a lot knowing a close friend thinks about him in such a way! For awhile, keigo comes up with many reasons to justify his feelings towards you until miruko and endeavor make him realize he’s being a total moron right now. Upon realizing his feelings, he’s not completely sure how to go about it, but he starts by trying to make it known he likes you. He’s subtle with his flirts, but once he puts his toes in the water to see if your comfortable with him flirting, he dips his whole foot in. At that point, people just think you two are dating with how casual he is with his newfound flirtatious personality when you enter the picture. Upon realizing his feelings he becomes 10x more protective and kinda already acts like a boyfriend by bringing you lunch to work and taking you to cafes and literal dates and stupid shit like that, lmao.
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Aizawa I imagine having very few crushes in his lifetime, and has dates with even less people than that. Because of this inexperience even in his age, he’s not quite sure how to go about his feelings initially. Mic and midnight are extremely annoying about how obvious he is, as well. Aizawa is extremely protective of you, given his experience with his students, it’s only natural he grows protective of you and worries for your safety. Whether you’re a hero or not, he’s going to worry for you. Other than that, the way he shows he cares for you is different with you than it is with his friends. He’s good at listening to you and remembers very small things about you that maybe he wouldn’t remember with other people, he remembers very small details. Perhaps something as small as your favorite coffee even if you don’t like coffee that much. I imagine him fearing if his students ever found out he liked you, what kinda hell that would be. Dealing with them teasing him and potentially telling you, but he truly can’t help but be obvious at times. He stares at you longer than he should, even smiles at you longingly when he thinks you aren’t looking. He looks like a lovesick kitty. Generally reserved in his attraction to you, keeping to himself and hoping he can find some hints you return the feelings before initiating anything. However, he’s always been relatively stupid with romance so this takes awhile for him to even figure out and he has a habit of overthinking everything you say to him and is often left wondering what your intentions truly are with him. When you two spend time together, he likes doing things with you he’d never do with anyone else. Likes you playing and doing his hair, and watching movies and such, your hangouts often feel like dates even when you aren’t dating. So when the time does come you two date, it feels as though nothing has changed. He with trust you whole heartedly, if you aren’t a teacher at UA he is introducing his students to you, his co workers, and especially Eri, all the people who are important in his life but does it in such a way that feels casual and natural. He has a way of not making his crush known if your oblivious enough. However, a part of him that feels like he shouldn’t tell you how he feels come from a place of worrying for your safety and the people that may come after you. He will learn to trust you and your strength, he’s just a worried dad.
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Miruko is a bold and brave lady, however even she’s never had much experience with love. Being way too determined to become a hero, it hasn’t given her much time to really experience romance aside from hookups. She decided it was a waste of time, but as one of the top heroes, she understands she can have both things in her life. If she cares to, anyway. And upon meeting you had come to the conclusion she would love to have both things. Miruko is a very confident woman so you will find she wastes no time in approaching you with her feelings. This is, when she realizes them. Due to her being new to it, it takes her a bit to realize it. But after a couple months of knowing you she figure it out. The way she feels compelled to buy you stuff despite not knowing you for that long, the need to protect you from danger even when you can protect yourself just fine, the strange need to wrap her strong arms around you, it all connects to her eventually. Upon realizing the feelings she’s gained she is very flirtatious and makes her intentions with you very clear. She doesn’t like wasting time. You will find though that despite how bold she is, if you flirt back she gets a little shy sometimes. This is a rare occurrence, but it happens! She can be a softie too yknow? She is physically affectionate with you, casually wrapping an arm around your shoulder when you two are talking, whispering in your ear a lot and getting close and personal when she really doesn’t have to. She loves inviting you over to hang with her for games and such, it already feels like you two are a couple even when you aren’t. It’s only a matter of time before she officially asks you out. You may find that during your hangouts she tries to impress you with her strength and tends to brags about her accomplishments. You’ll also find she dresses nicer and even wears makeup occasionally. Her flirtations with you are different than with her hookups too, compliments on how cute you are rather than how hot you are. She wants you to know you mean something to her as well, so on occasion she tells you that you mean the world to her.
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Dabi has not experienced romance, ever. Hookups aren’t in his life either. Dabi had been set on one thing and one thing only, revenge. You’d have to be a real special one for him to be attracted to you, but no matter how special you are it will not deter him from his original plan. He didn’t plan on pursuing you in anyway, but he’s selfish at heart and can’t help himself. He may not try to pursue you romantically but he will try his absolute hardest to form a strong bond between you two. It may take awhile to be vulnerable with you but it will absolutely happen while you two are friends, he will be extremely open with you. He’s open about being touya early in your friendship to show he trusts you whole heartedly, to show he thinks you’re like nobody else he’s met. He would know his feelings, despite the complete lack of experience in dating. He just knows. He looks at you and thinks, you’re the one for him. Out of everyone on this list, he’s one of the more protective ones. I’d say the most if it wasn’t for toga, tbh. You will find he’s around you a lot, like just because he’s so protective but also because he likes to be around you. He cares for you and likes your company. You remind him of the good parts of home, you bring back his humanity. Dabi makes no moves on you, despite how strong his feelings are for you and how aware he is of his feelings. He’s scared to form a relationship, in fear it will go to shit and knowing he’d hurt you, knowing his plan of revenge will end in his death. He’d never want to put you through that. He spends much of his time hanging out with you and it feels like the two of you have been best friends forever. He tends to joke with you and be sarcastic, but always being one that’s there for you when you need it and even give you advice. He’s a true friend but he’s scared to be something more.
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Toga is truly the most obsessive and protective, the closest you get to a yandere. She grows feelings almost automatically, because she feels as though she sees you for who you are right away. She feels like she’s known you forever, she knows she likes you the more she wants to steal some of your blood and become you. If you’re okay with an overbearing insane girl on your side, she’s the lady for you! She acts like she’s known you forever, even if you’re complete strangers. There is no filter with toga, and she acts like you’re already best friends when you aren’t. And when her romantic feelings become apparent, she makes those feelings very apparent and that she wants something more with you. She tends to get up in your face a lot when talking, with a blush on her cheeks, it’s just because she loves being so close to you! Flirting with you and calling you her darling or her love is a common occurrence, even when you two aren’t even a couple yet. She worries for you a lot and is very protective, and after twices demise this protective nature becomes 10x worse. She’s clingy and constantly cuddling to your side, holding your arm or your hand. She has no shame in you knowing her feelings, she just hopes you will stop being so shy and tell her how you feel too! She will absolutely murder for you too just to add onto her yanderish tendencies, not that I don’t think every villain would do that for you though, lol. Also, the moment you meet her she’s inviting you to the league of villains without a doubt. You’re a part of her little weird family now, no questions asked. You become extremely important to her and how she approaches life from then on. (You could actually help her become a decent person if you were aiming to be a hero. You hold so much power by being the object of her affection, lol).
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Shigaraki is determined to destroy the entire world and everyone in it, but even he has feelings. He has feelings towards the league, secretly (or not so secretly) seeing them as his found family. And you, well, in his eyes you are also family but you’re also special to him even in comparison to the league. He isn’t aware of what his feelings towards you are for the longest time, even after the advice kurogiri had given him. He now relies on spinner to give him proper advice, who tells him he feels romantically towards you. Shigaraki is naturally a protective person when it comes to you, not liking anyone getting too close and personal with you, even spinner and toga sometimes. He’s lost a lot and he’s not willing to lose you too especially to some loser that doesn’t deserve you. He’s easily jealous and he’s also easily paranoid you could find somebody else. In his mind, he knows you deserve more than him and the possibility of you ending up with anyone that isn’t him is almost too much to bare. Even if he knows you deserve more, he’s selfish to his core. He likes to play games with you and treats you like a longtime friend, he consistently works on your relationship to make sure he keeps your bond going at all times. He enjoys being close to you and would like to keep it that way and maintaining your relationship. He could talk to you for hours about anything while playing video games with you (Nintendo gamer tingz). As time goes by, he tries to trust you more and grows less protective and obsessive, especially as he becomes much more powerful and much more confident he can protect you if need be. He isn’t bold about his feelings, an occasional shy blush coming from him is the closest you get to him letting his feelings be known. He may eventually approach you, though.
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robinsomega · 1 year
miruko/rumi in rut x reader
this is a drabble for rumi in rut, i might make this a full length thing at some point but... here are my thoughts. it's by no means perfect this took me 15 minutes i am simply here to dump my opinions about rumi turning me into her cumdump idk what else there is to say. also male rabbits actually don't go into ruts so you can ignore that or think of this as an abo fic, either works
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content warnings: rumi has a dick, breeding kink, mentions of reader getting pregnant/carrying her kids, idk just lots of cum, i think that's it lmk if anything else needs to be tagged
thinking about rumi in a rut and the only thing she wants to do is fuck a baby into you... sharing her rut with her would be absolutely insane, because she literally won't stop until she's sure you're filled with as much cum as she can possibly stuff into you before either of you are able to sleep, her rut pushing her on to the point she can't even feel the overstimulation over the physical urge she has to get you knocked up carrying a litter of her kittens. just the thought of how you'd look stuffed full and carrying her kits has her hips picking up speed even further, jackrabbiting right into your wet heat. (pun slightly intended) by the time she's decided you're as stuffed as she can get you, the entire lower half of your body is numb and shaking. you don't know how many times she dumped a load in you but you do know how heavy your stomach feels, filled to the absolute brim. you don't know how you're going to last until the end of the week when this is only the second day.
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frickingnerd · 3 months
mirko with a s/o who has a fox quirk
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pairing: mirko / rumi usagiyama x gn!reader
tags: established relationship, fluff, flipped bunny/fox dynamic
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bunnies might be a foxes' natural prey, but neither you nor mirko are anything like the animals your quirk is related to!
mirko isn't a timid little bunny, but instead a tall and loud woman, easily towering over you in height! the only thing she has in common with a bunny is how much energy she always has!
meanwhile you're not a sly and cunning fox, but a rather quiet and shy person, who could never betray or hurt anyone!
the two of you make an interesting pair to look at, because of that! next to rumi, you look more like the prey than she does!
and she certainly likes to tease you about that! though truly, she just loves to tease you in general!
whenever the two of you are out on patrol or a mission together, rumi is usually the one running ahead, as you try to keep up with her and she likes to joke that those are the only times you're anything like a fox, since you're chasing after her – your prey!
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oldmama · 2 years
New official art just dropped LOOK AT THEM 😵‍💫😵 Hawks and Mirko 🥵 when she still had all her limbs
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I’M 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🪦
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
Honey, let me take care of you
Cw: as always black female reader unless gender neutral is mentioned, degradation kink(whore, slut, harlot and bitch), praise kink(sweetie, honey and baby) breast/nipple worship, endytophilia, thigh riding, choking, dirty talking, impact play, Miruko is a bisexual femdom, reader is onmisexual, reader is commando under her skirt, reader is needy and Miruko is going to deliver!
wc: 631 (yes under 1k still- this is mainly for me, I'm always like write less than 500 words but end up doing more still sigh)
Aperçu: Miruko is a busy hero and she has been neglecting her partner this past month. Even though she had told herself that relationships were a top priority when it came to her life, it seems that she can’t keep her promises. Will she make it up to the reader or not?
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Miruko finally came back home, much later than she had promised, though… You are patiently waiting for her sitting on that office chair you love so much. Maybe today, this room will be put to another use other than hero work you think. Her steps are steadily approaching the door and she opens it and you greet her not so warmly “ Welcome back” you announce dryly. She responds with an enthusiastic “I’m home honey, missed you!” as she wraps her arms around you and softly kisses your plump lips. You moan into the kiss, it starts to get heated and then she stops. She lovingly looks at you, smiles and sits on her modern mahogany desk. You tell her “ Why did you stop? You know I deserve so much more than what you have just given me.” 
“I know baby but it’s also about time you give me a performance, don’t you think I know that you have no panties under that skirt, huh”
How did she know that? You wonder and you remember that you left your underwear somewhere scattered in the apartment. She was paying attention to you right now and out of nowhere she pulled out your panties and held them in front of your face.
So you raise your skirt and start to caress your folds already wet from the effect Rumi’s kiss had on you. It's not the first time you masturbate in front of her while keeping eye contact. It’s such a turn on to see her in a suit and tie with a slicked bun, her loosened collar makes this scene more erotic because you shouldn’t be doing this here.
You have been in relationships with a few people but they had never seemed to prioritise your pleasure until you met her. She always had you cuming on her tongue, thighs, fingers or even when she was in her mean phase which happens usually if you behave well twice a year on any surface of the apartment ( I’ll leave that up to your imagination, judgement free zone here…) You were gasping for air, you were close to climax and she utters “ This is the gift I get for working so hard right, after a whole month of not touching you… soaked panties for me, I should be proud of my obedient whore!” out of nowhere. She snaps her finger and declares “ Who allowed you to stop pathetic slut, keep going. You can’t stop until I tell you to!”
So you keep going  and there you have your first orgasm. You didn’t know you were a squirter before having sex with Rumi and now every single time you have sexual intercourse you squirted. She praised you each time you did it “ such a good doll for me, right. Come here, let me hug you for a little bit.” she motioned you towards her.
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Now she is sitting on that chair and you are riding her thigh while she simultaneously plays with your nipples. She pinches them, sometimes vigorously sucks on them, bites it whenever your pace falters. She gropes them whilst she puts her face on them, inhaling the dizzy scent of your grapefruit body butter.
She also chokes you from time to time because you love the feeling. She helps you to roll your hips on top of her thighs, bounces you one it occasionally making you sensitive down there. She also smacks your buttcheeks to keep you going whenever you slow down saying “Now, now sweetie you can’t be doing this. Remember your pleasure is more important than my own whenever we fuck”
You were so lost in your own pleasure that her voice seemed distant. She kept saying “come on vicious harlot since you want to cum so bad get it yourself ” 
Fic 2 of the Pride series.
Comments and reblogs are widely welcome!!
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2022 © All rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld. Translations, modifications, replicas or even property of my achievement are not allowed without my approval. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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subwaystragedy · 8 months
New Too The Feeling || Dom!Miruko x Sub!Ftm Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Praise and ever so slight corruption with anal
A/n: I don't like this one and I'm so sad about it omg-
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"Doing so good bunny boy," Rumi whispered softly in your ear, causing you to let out a loud cry, feeling her strap on deep in your stomach as she holds the back of your neck, your stomach and chest against the bed with your ass in the air. Rumi on her knees to pull you back against her fake dick, hearing you cry out was enough to make her drip down her thighs as she held your hips, soon wondering what you’d sound like with a form of deeper penetration. Stopping her movements as she contemplates asking you, pausing too long for you as you begin to whine and squirm, “Rumi,” it comes out in a high pitched and needy whine.
Wiggling your hips to hopefully get her to move, feeling her hand move to tightly grip your ass to keep you still, “Hey bun?” she ask as he grip softens a bit, “Y-yeah?” “Wanna try somethin’ new?” The question has you puzzled, looking back at her best you can as you ask, “W-what do you have in mind?” trusting her fully with the idea she’s going to present to you to keep you still, as you look back at her best you can "Wh-what did you have in mind?" you ask, trusting her fully with the idea she's going to present. 
"Do you want to try anal pretty boy?" she hums, leaning over you as she talks softly in your ear "Your pussys wet enough to help," she almost coo's, her gentle yet rough voice makes you whimper as you nod slowly. "Good boy," her voice us going to drive you over the edge one day, you swear it, feeling yourself tighten over the toy inside you as she pulls it out in at an agonizingly slow pace, the moan you let out as you feel it is involuntary, but the praise that follows feels lovely.  "Such a noisy boy, doing so well for me," paired with the deep chuckle she lets out from low in her chest was bewitching, hiding your face in the pillows as you whimper, feeling embarrassed as she runs the toy from your cunt to your ass.
"You tell me if it hurts too much, okay bunny boy?" "Y-yes ma'am!" like usual, an automatic response, earning another beautiful deep rumble from her as she chuckles, "Good boy," is the last thing you can focus on before she pushes the silicone toy into your ass. Slowly and gently of course, the gasp you let out amuses her, and you can tell from the way she pushes in more than last time and that soft entertained laugh she lets out giving it away. 
Pushing more past your rim as you move your arm to place it on her anywhere you can reach, the position allowing you to grab her thighs. "Tell me the safe word," she commands as you take more of the toy in the unexplored hole, "B-butterfly!" you cry, biting your lip as your nails dig into Rumi's skin slightly. The hiss she lets out tells you there'll at least be small crescent marks later on. Too consumed by your own pleasure to realize you’re doing it even harder, “Relax bun,” she tells you, stating it as a command to follow rather than a suggestion.
Taking a deep breath through your nose, relaxing your body, almost immediately tightening up again as she pushes her fake cock into your ass further, gasping as you inhale sharply, forcing your mind elsewhere so she can fuck you. “Good boy, such an obedient whore for me, yeah? She teases as she gets close to bottoming out, knowing how big the strap on you like her to use is, “Y-yes m-ma’am,” hiccupping through your words as you talk, letting Rumi know you’re enjoying it, remembering the first time she put her toy inside you. Hearing you hiccup, stutter, and gasp as you take the 8 inches in your pussy, now your ass, getting excited herself as she hears that loud and low moan you let out as she bottoms out.
Loving how she can see you clench around her “dick” with it so deep inside the newly stretched hole, the toy not being thick enough to no hurt as it enters you, but long enough to feel it in your gut, even if you couldn’t see it as you looked down and place your hand on your stomach. The sting as she pulls out gently, leaning over you in a more intimate leapfrog position as she rubs your clit in between her thumb and forefinger, jerking you off as she kisses the back of your neck. Taking your slick and rubbing it up towards your ass again, making the assumption of its pain as she speaks to you, "Be good bunny, I need you to relax."
You nod as you lift your head up again, trying to turn your head towards her to look and nod, doing the best you can to tell her you're listening, your ability to talk being limited from the pleasure and pain of her pulling out of your rim. Whimpering softly as you finally look her in the eyes, “Good bunny” she tells you as she leans back up, grabbing your hips as she pulls you towards her quickly, the loud cry you let out only makes her smirk, pushing you forward by your hips just to slam you back down against her. Forcing the strap on to hit deep inside you, moaning like you’re in a porno as she chuckles, “Such a pretty bunny boy, taking it like my handsome man," her words are hardly heard, too busy moaning at the mix of pain and pleasure.
"Th-thank y-you! F-fuck!" is all you can cry out, feeling yourself getting close unreasonably soon, feeling your stomach tighten, almost screaming as Rumi picks up the pace once again. Going impossibly faster, "You like that bunny?" she asks, moving her hands to your ass as she grips it, still moving you back and forth on the fake dick, "Yes! Fuck- please! G-give me more!" The screams of desperation and pleasure let Rumi know she's getting to you, feeling a new sensation taking over you, the laugh she lets out only fueling your arousal, her low and soft voice not helping, "Gonna cum bunny boy?"
 Only being able to nod quickly in response, the deep penetration of the toy hitting the insides of your ass was in turn hitting your g-spot, the feeling of an intense orgasm coming your way so quick you can't tell Rumi. Gasping as you let out a silent cry, head up and tilted back as Rumi chuckles, pushing inside you as deep as she can, the feeling of wetness falling down your shaking legs as you go weak, only staying up by your hips as Rumi holds you. Leaning down to kiss the side of your head as you pant, "Good boy," whimpering at her softness. "M-more.." was all you could whisper, hearing her softly exhale, seemingly entertained by the request. 
"You got it bunny boy."
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deleteddewewted · 2 years
Could you do Male readerx Mount Lady x Miruko Sweat and sour. R is tired of Yu publicly denying that she is in a relationship because of her "brand". When she is confronted, Yu asked how people would react that she is sleeping with a quirkless nobody. R gets upset and leaves to his friend Rumi's house. She comfort him and suggests they make a sex tape as payback. Maybe end it with a, "He's mine now, bitch." (Could the smut be from the perspective of Yu watching the tape?) Thanks.
Sweet and Sour: Revenge Tape
Mirko x M! Reader x Mount Lady
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event (May 21 - June 26)(JJK, MHA, KNY Characters Only!)❤️🖤
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event Masterlist❤️🖤
W: Breeding Kink, Sub! Mirko, Angst, NSFW, Dom! Reader, Male! Reader, Impact Play, Overstimulation, Daddy Kink, Revenge, Sex Tape
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
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Takeyama didn’t know what to think of you after you ignored her texts for the past two days. She knew she messed up and she knew she embarrassed you but you always came back to her. You always answered when she called, always responded to her texts when she’d send one. But, after a disastrous night out where you tried to pull her into a kiss after eating out at a restaurant she’d been dying to try, you hadn’t responded to any of the messages she had sent.
“For the love of fuck, Y/n. Answer me!” She grew frustrated with you. It wasn’t normal for her to be ignored. What could be so important that you felt the need to ignore her?
More days went by and eventually, she gave up on calling you. You ignored all attempts to be contacted and didn’t bother to interact with any of the mutual friends you both had.
“Yu, have you ever thought of going to your ex’s house?” Nishiya rolled his eyes at his roommate and sighed when he watched her deflate.
“Yu, do you even like Y/n romantically?” Takeyama’s eyes widened, offense clear on her face.
“Yes! Of course, I do! Why would you ever assume I didn’t?” Takeyama yelled. She felt her eye twitch as Nishiya judged her with his gaze.
“Are you serious right now?” He sighed. The stress of having to deal with her complicated emotions was too much for him.
“Yes! I love Y/n. He’s my boyfriend!” She whined.
“If he’s your boyfriend then why don’t you let him kiss you in public?”
“Because-” She tried to clarify herself but Nishiya cut her off.
“Why don’t you let him hold you or hug you, then? Why isn’t he able to call you or acknowledge you as his girlfriend while you’re both out, huh?” He raised his brow at her all while looking smug.
He knew every single detail and event of your relationships. It was embarrassing how much he knew about you and Takeyama. He knew how much you devoted yourself to her and how little she gave back. He watched how Takeyama spent hours on the phone talking to you about something that caught her interest and how attentive she became any time you spoke. He had to watch how you both cuddled on the couch during a movie night and how loud you fucked in Takeyama’s bedroom afterward. It disgusted him to hear how casually Takeyama dismissed you for quirkless nobody when I’m public and during interviews.
“Oh, him? Yeah, no, he’s just some mega fan who I like to take pity on. Poor guy is quirkless so he likes being around heroes.” The mocking and annoying laugh she would let out was just as vile as her words. He could see that she loved you, that she truly wanted something with you besides getting a quick lay. He saw it but so did her manager. 
Everyone around her told her that she had to pretend not to know you. Being seen with a quirkless was mildly disapproved of but dating willingly was the biggest insult to modern society. The hero world expected her to do her duty and to bring children into this world who would best her capabilities. But if they found out that a quirkless had managed to breed and fuck her full of their cum, the hero world would implode in a mix of joy and disgust. You were no one and nothing in their world and because of that, you were not allowed to be recognized as her partner.
“You know why. Do you think I’m happy with this? I want to be able to go out with my boyfriend on cute dates and be able to kiss him without feeling shame.”
“So you are shamed of him?” Takeyama covered her face as she thought to herself.
She wasn’t ashamed of you, not at all….at least that was what she told herself to cope with the circumstances. She was raised in a society that valued quirks and the type of quirk you possessed. She was practically destined to be a hero the moment her quirk manifested and spent her time being praised for doing the bare minimum. When she got with you, she was looking for an adventure, something new and foreign to her. She loved the simplicity of your life yet how difficult it was for you. The way you navigated life without a quirk made her completely enamored with you which sold her in the idea of committing herself fully to you. You were the “it” she had been looking for and once she got you in her bedroom after a night of clubbing, she knew that no one other than you would be able to satisfy her. 
Takeyama still remembered what her first time with you was like. You were gentle with her even as you noticed all of the scars and cuts that littered her body. You kissed her softly, your hands wandered over her body as your mouth made its way towards her breasts. You sucked on her nipples and played with them as she gasped. You relished her broken moans and made it your duty to take care of her in every way. Your fingers slowly plunged inside her and thrust at an even pace. She remembered arching her back and squirting all over your hand and face. She had never had someone touch her so softly and treat her like a princess. So when you finally had your sex inside her, when you finally had her pussy lips spread and wrapped around you, she couldn’t help but scream for you. You felt right, so, so right inside her. You made her realize that ambition of fame and adoration from nameless fans meant nothing if you weren’t by her side.
“I’m used to being around people who are like me. We don’t live in a place or time where having a quirkless partner is acceptable by most.” She wanted you with everything she had
“I love him. I want all of him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.” Nishiya watched as the blond cried to herself. He would offer comfort but he also knew that by doing so he would be enabling her behavior and minimizing the seriousness of the situation. You both needed to talk and that was up to her to do.
Days went by and there was still nothing from you. She reached out, she even visited your apartment but you didn’t answer her. She spent most of her time going from work and then heading back home to cry over your absence. She couldn’t drink no matter how much she wanted to drown her feelings in alcohol and it sucked because the more she looked at the pictures she had hanging on her walls of the two of you, the more of an asshole she felt.
Takeyama was daydreaming of the date you were supposed to be on but was quickly snapped out of it once a package was shoved in front of her by Nishiya.
“What’s this?” She grabbed the small package and turned it around to see it was addressed to her.
“I have no idea but it’s for you.” Nishiya sighed before leaving the shared apartment.
Tired and battered after a long patrol, Takeyama took off her hero costume before heading to the bathroom to bathe, the package still in her hand. She made sure that the water was scolding hot before making herself comfortable in the bath. She relaxed and basked in the warm water and closed her eyes. She thought of what you would do if you were there to see her. Would you join her or would you sit beside the tub and massage shampoo into her hair? She opened her eyes and reached out for that package that she had placed on top of the toilet cover. She ripped the thing open, not caring that water splashed out onto the tiled floor.
“What?” It was a display hologram that contained a video. Confused, she opened the hologram and pressed play. 
The scene on the holographic screen was of you cuddling with Mirko. You had your head leaned against her own and your legs were tangled together. It looked normal apart from your hand that had wandered into Mirko’s underwear. She was in a sheer white top with panties and your hand was clearly playing with her clit. Mirko gasped as you quickened your pace and leaned into you in search of a kiss. You reciprocated and kissed her passionately. Takeyama watched as you slipped your fingers inside Mirko’s cunt with tears in her eyes.
Mirko screamed your name, her body responds to your every touch.
“Y/n, please. Make me yours. Please!” The dark-skinned woman moaned. You didn’t answer her but you instead shoved your tongue into her mouth before getting on top of her. Your back faces the camera but by the way, you brought your hand up to your mouth, Takeyama assumed you cleaned up your fingers with your mouth.
You pulled yourself out of your pants and moved Mirkos panties to the side before slapping her sex. The white-haired woman let out a yelp before lifting her legs up and flushed against her before reaching down and spreading her pussy lips for you.
“Fuck me, Y/n. Breed me, baby.” You grabbed her by the throat and shoved your dick inside of her slicked cunt.
You snapped your hips hard, the sound of your balls hitting her ass resonated throughout the entire room and was difficult to ignore. You growled as Mirko moaned like a bitch in heat and begged for your babies. Takeyama watched as you slapped the rabbit hero’s tits and cunt before sucking on her nipples with vigor. Slick drooled out of here while cum coated your cock as you continue your relentless pound into her now puffy pussy.
“Yeah? You want this dick to breed you, slut? You want daddy to fuck this cunt full?” You slapped her across the face and let out a growl when she only managed to choke out half of your name.
“Answer, slut.” You spat.
“Y-yes! Plea-se!!!!” Mirko arched as you continued to pound into her. 
You changed your positioning so that your thrust would go deeper and began to unexpectedly snap your hips to get her to yell. Mirko grabbed onto you, her legs now pressed flush against her by your hands, as she obeyed all of your orders. You told her not to cum until you thoroughly bred her pussy full and she happily obliged because she wanted to feel your warm seed inside her. She thought about having your babies before, cute little hybrids that were a mix of you and her that she would show off to the world. Cute babies that you could both build a nest with and raise together. Children who she could show off to Takeyama since the blond never publicly acknowledged you. 
Mirko begged for permission. You told her to hold it because you were close. She nodded and clenched so that her walls hugged your length and she quickly felt the urge to squirt. The knot that formed in her stomach began to loosen but with a quick spank to her leg, she tensed up and caused you to cum. You snapped your hips before completely burying yourself inside her wet and puffy cunt. You rubbed her clit and slapped it which got her over the edge too. She squirted all over your pelvis and came on your cock before collapsing and shaking under you. You laid on top of her and turned the both of you over so that she laid on top. This position allowed Takeyama to see that you had bred Mirko, your cum oozed out of the muscular woman’s sex. Mirko’s legs twitched and her tail wagged as you gently rubbed her ass and spread her. You groaned out loud before chuckling. Mirko turned her head around and weakly spoke to the camera with a dick-drunk grin.
“He’s mine now, stupid bitch.” You spanked Mirko’s ass and told her to cut it out before bringing her down for a kiss which she happily reciprocated.
Takeyama dropped the hologram onto the tiled floor and made herself comfortable inside her tub. She was crying in pure humiliation and horror at what she watched but she also hated the burning feeling she felt below her waist. She had played with herself while she watched you fuck another woman and impregnate her. She continued to clean herself before solemnly making her way to her bedroom. She would spend the rest of the night crying over you and how much of an amazing father you will be to Mirko’s children. 
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fatkish · 2 months
May I ask for a Tokoyami x Reader? A rivals to lovers trope - UA holds a masquerade ball event, and they end up dancing together, and the rivals to lovers energy just skyrockets ‼️
Tokoyami x Reader: Masquerade
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(This is your masquerade outfit and mask. You can change the color, also I tried to stay as gender neutral as possible)
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(This is Tokoyami’s outfit. The mask is made to fit his beak and blend in with his face)
You and Tokoyami had always been rivals since the quirk assessment test on day one, or, at least, both of your guys’s quirks were rivals
Your quirk allows you to summon and control the animals and creatures that are tattooed on your skin. The tattoos you currently possess are: a black widow spider, a Luna moth, an eastern dragon, an owl, a king cobra, a koi fish, and a wolf.
For whatever reason, your owl seems to dislike dark shadow, thus, a fight often breaks out whenever they are in close quarters
The was a pro hero masquerade gala event that Miruko, the pro you were interning with, was going to which meant you were too
You didn’t know what pro Tokoyami was interning with so when you saw Hawks, you didn’t think anything of it
Unlike your quirks, you and Tokoyami were on relatively good terms with each other, some of your summon animals liked him, some didn’t, most notoriously, your owl seemed to pick a fight with Tokoyami and Dark shadow, every time it saw them
Not being one for slow dancing or events like this, you stuck to area near the food. Being a wallflower and trying not to do anything much to gain attention
Tokoyami had walked up and asked you to dance, a slow dark lullaby like ballad played as Tokoyami slow danced with you
Unknown to you, Hawks was playing as Tokoyami’s wing man
As the song played, Tokoyami led you to the dance floor and slowly began to waltz
His slow dancing skills coupled with the eerie and strangely macabre yet pleasant music only added to the boy’s mysterious charm
“I must admit, you’re a wonderful dancer Tokoyami”
“Thank you, though you’re praise is much appreciated, it is hardly necessary”
“I beg to differ. Any who, what made you choose to ask me to dance, I’m hardly any good at this as I’ve already stepped on your toes a few times”
“I don’t believe you’re a bad dancer, only time and much practice will improve your skill”
“If you say so”
“I must confess that I have ulterior motives for asking you to dance”
“Here we go”
“I wanted to ask you if you would do me the honor of being my boyfriend/girlfriend/romantic partner?”
“Are you serious?”
“As serious as I will ever be”
“Well then, I accept”
“Well then, from this moment fourth, please call me Fumikage, my love”
“Well, only if you call me (y/n), my dark prince”
“Absolutely, shall we continue our dark ballad? My love”
“Yes, we shall”
After accepting, you both continued to dance, as you swayed around the room, hand in hand.
Twisting and twirling, looking like two swans in the night, you continued your dance, following Tokoyami’s steps until the music ended
Only for clapping to echo in the room afterwards and the flashes of cameras to surround you both
(Hope you enjoyed this, sorry if it’s short)
After the event, Hawks kept pestering Tokoyami
“Just be sure to use protection, Tsukuyomi”
“… what?…”
Realizing what Hawks was alluding to
“… That is not why I asked them, and that is years ahead”
“I’m just saying”
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
bnha pro heros with a vigilante s/o
aizawa, hawks, midnight, fatgum, miruko
vigilante reader is a pretty tame vigilante they pretty much just do heroic deeds but without a license so no one really cares much since ur not hurting anyone besides some bumps and scrapes, probably ooc? idk this is how i see them, not proofreading so if it sucks my bad, no warnings for anything i don't think, it's just fluff
-honestly you're probably not even the first vigilante she's dated, if there's one thing nemuri is gonna do it's whatever the fuck she wants lmao
-she's def the type of person to be like rules are meant to be broken
-nemuri LOVES going out with you, you better pray you don't have a recognizable face because there's no way you're getting out of going out to dinner and her dragging you shopping and her showing you off any chance she gets(not that you'd want to get out of that stuff i mean. it's nemuri)
-nemuri prefers working night shifts even when not working at ua so she can force you to take a break when she takes hers and she always packs you food <3
-she also prefers night shifts so you both can protect each other, shadowing one another in case one of you gets over your heads, the other one never being too far
-she probably has a lot of cats and by default they're your cats so usually while nemuris gone at ua you're playing with her cats. (nemuri probably has hundreds of pictures of you with a cat on top of you after you fell asleep)
-her favorite time of day is when you're both home and sweaty from fighting, your end of day routine always starts with taking a bath together, washing grime off the other, using the tenderness to reset your minds after a long day
-she loves to pamper you, do your nails, face masks, anything you want ,and uses her quirk slightly on you after a particularly rough day, and for her rough days you always make sure she gets a foot massage and glass of wine with a book <3
-is so aggressively supportive of the vigilante thing she'd see you out beating the shit out of a villain and be like BEAT THEIR ASS BABE GET EM
-insists on you training with her. if you want to be a vigilante you gotta be in shape enough to go toe to toe with the number 5 pro hero
-absolutely kicks your ass in training but it's okay bc she gives you kisses every time you pin her <3
-if you're not immediately recognizable as a vigilante she Will take you to the boring hero shit she has to go with. no one's willing to get close enough to you besides hawks, because if you're with her she'll glare down anyone who tries to approach her and hawks is the only one brave enough to get closer (she also trusts hawks the most out of all of them and knows hes no snitch)
-has a sixth sense for when you're in trouble, so if you're ever in over your head in the same city as her ur opponent better start praying
-y'all's end of day routine always starts with rumi ranting about her day while you cook dinner for the both of you, then it's your turn to rant while she cleans the dishes after dinner
-on especially hard days for you, rumi gives a mean back massage that leaves you putty in her hands, on rumis hard days you always do her hair. she finds it so relaxing and loves the styles you do on her and will proudly wear whatever you did as long as she can
-keigo would be a vigilante if he wasn't taken in by the commission. 100% he would not have stopped saving lives even if he got in trouble for it. he might even fuck around and manage to get you an actual hero license if you want one, even a fake one to get out of trouble if you need it
-basically. even as the number two hero he's no snitch and in fact really respects what you do. you guys probably met trying to save the same civilian or something and hit it off immediately
-he lets you follow him on patrols, absolutely no fucks. almost everyone thinks you're just one of his sidekicks and you basically act as one without the hero license. would just use his feathers to carry you away from any particularly hard ass heros (cough endeavor cough) if he needs to
-doesn't have a lot of friends but the ones he does have know all about you (including everything keigo gushes to them about you ugh) and they also don't care, they trust him as a person and a hero so by default they trust you
-probably also insists on training you but most of your spars end up in making out because he has no self control when it comes to you but you're not complaining
-end of day routine with keigo would def start with you two dancing in keigos living room, he just sweeps you up and starts dancing out of no where, doesn't even need music, the sound of you laughing at his antics is music enough for him, you've come to expect it every day when he comes home and it's one of the things you miss most when he's gone on a longer mission
-your rough days always end with you flying, even if you can fly using your own quirk, there's something about being held to the chest of the man you love while he flys through the night sky, placing unwavering trust in him to not let you fall while you admire the stars always makes your heart full, and for keigos rough days, you always preen his feathers, he's not used to anyone touching them besides his fans grabbing at him, so nothing relaxes him more than the feeling of your fingers in his feathers, straightening and adjusting them for him as you go
-taishiro is just That Guy yk u guys probably met because he picked you up by your scruff during a fight you were losing and he jumped in all heroic like *swoons*
-him being That Guy /pos and all his only reaction after dealing with the villain is to put you down and be like woah. hello person i have never seen in my life before this very second right now. you should hurry along i don't want any civilians caught in the cross hairs when the police arrive. anyway random stranger i've never seen ever you should totally come by my hero agency and train in case you know. you get caught close to another villain attack
-guys got a heart proportional to the rest of him how could you not do anything for him he's sunshine personified. if he said jump you'd ask how high he's just got that affect
-he's probably the most chill pro hero aside from like. aizawa. you know how like the bigger the dog the more chill they get (usually). yeah same affect with him he minds his business stays in his lane does heroic deeds on the reg yk
- his favorite thing to do with you is spend time with you laying on top of him <33 he usually takes up all the space on wherever he's lying but no complaints can be heard when you get to cuddle on top of him all night
-end of day routine with taishiro would pretty much be him coming home from work, flopping on the couch, and dragging you to lay on top of him to doze until the food he ordered arrives (even if you wanted to there's no way you could cook for tai after work, you'd have a hard enough time cooking for Any pro hero let alone one who's quirk is dependent on food)
-your rough days usually entail you crawling inside his shirts to be closer to him (in my mind his clothes are probably usually baggy because they need to be able to withstand his full size and after a day at work he'd probably be at least somewhat smaller) and him allowing you to curl up on him like a cat (he probably also pets ur hair like a cat but we don't need to mention that), his rough days probably entail something like baking treats together!! he seems like the kind of guy who really really enjoys quality time with a s/o and combining that with food? his bad day melts away immediately
-same shit different day yeah? he probably mostly has vigilante friends if we're honest (aside from hizashi and nemuri of course)
-is definitely used to dealing with vigilantes both a professional and unprofessional sense, nothing you can do will shock him, and you can always count on him to save your ass when things go south, it's like he has a second quirk with the way he's able to sense when you're either about to do something stupid or about to die. usually both.
-you guys patrol at night together, you both prefer working when you know the other is somewhere nearby in case things go south, and more often than not you take cases on together (although Technically it's just him on the paperwork)
-omg what if you guys meet because he saw you feeding a cat and snuck up on you only for you to. notice him? holy shit?? you could sense his presence?? he was flabbergasted. that like never fucking happens
-end of day routine is you bullying him into a shower with you and him making you wash his hair as payment. literally a fucking cat. we both know he wouldn't shower after patrol alone he'd just go to sleep.
-your rough days always end up with you in a caterpillar looking ass sleeping bag with shouta but you'd have it no other way. his rough days are full of cat cafes. they just relax him like nothing else
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Ur fav Bnha characters . Idk what to rq maybe just angst . Whatever u want LOL .
Hcs for how my favs handle a breakup :) ur welcome I didn’t do all my favs cuz I have way too many LOL
Hawks is a clingy boyfriend so he realizes quickly that somethings wrong. He’s very empathetic and due to his childhood had to recognize when something was wrong with his parents so… he’ll know that you want to breakup. But he will do anything to prevent the conversation, by simply acting like a better boyfriend to compensate in hopes you still love him, just being better to you in hopes it makes your relationship suddenly healthy again. He changes the subject if you try to have a serious conversation with him.
Dabi doesn’t fully know what’s coming but it’s not good. When you break up with him, he understands. He never understood how you tolerated him at all so he understands that you can’t handle him anymore. He’s fully okay with staying friends, he’s selfish to his core and can never find it in him to truly leave you when he should. He just wants to be around you forever.
Shigaraki is so immature about it, he’s so pissed off. It’s just because he’s really hurt and doesn’t know what to do, he thought you’d be with him forever so he just doesn’t understand why you’re leaving him now so suddenly? Either way, when the breakup happens he wants nothing to do with you, he doesn’t want to be hurt again.
Toga can’t help but think there’s something wrong with her, in fact she’s convinced it’s her fault. She was too weird, wasn’t she? Too obsessed and too protective of you. Too creepy, why can’t she just be normal?
Miruko handles it well, she’s still hurt but willing to be friends afterwards. She knows dating a top pro can be exhausting, and she’s healthy enough to know it’s not your fault or hers, this stuff just happens. It still makes her really sad though.
Aizawa is mature about it, even if it hurts him. He wouldn’t wanna be friends afterwards, because he doesn’t think he’d be able to handle it but you always have his number in case you really need him.
Bakugou just doesn’t understand. He may try to bargain with you, give him another chance to be better, please? He automatically assumes it’s his fault and he needs to fix it. Even if you try to convince him it’s not his fault, he’s determined to make this work even when the relationship is beyond broken.
Izuku doesn’t even cry, he’s just really shocked. Handles it well but when he’s alone bawls his eyes out because he’s just so upset. He’s convinced it’s his fault this happened, and that he just wasn’t good enough.
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robinsomega · 1 year
i post for the five trans lesbians that are going to like my girldick rumi post btw.... u guys just don't get it
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frickingnerd · 1 year
being in a poly relationship with mirko and lady nagant
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pairing: mirko/rumi usagiyama x gn!reader x lady nagant/kaina tsutsumi
tags: polyamorous relationship, hero / villain dynamic, fluff
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lady nagant and you were colleagues and you two met long before you got to know mirko
you two were happy and in love back then and you really thought you'd end up marrying kaina one day
but then she snapped, wasn't able to endure all the pain her work caused and ended up being thrown into tartarus
a few years later you met rumi aka. mirko, a new hero that you worked along side and quickly build a close relationship with
you still weren't fully over kaina when you started dating rumi, but you assumed it would just happen eventually
beside, she was in the most secure prison japans, so you'd never get to see her again… right?
wrong! a few years later, the prisoners of tartarus fled – along them your first love, kaina
you were one of the first ones to start looking for her, together with mirko, who knew how hard it would be for you to see her again
instead, lady nagant crossed paths with hawks and deku first, with you only getting to meet her again when she was brought into a hospital after severe injuries that almost killed her
it took a while for kaina to get better again – not just physically, but also mentally. yet you were beside her every step of the way. and so was rumi!
your girlfriend knew how much your ex still meant to you and she wasn't the jealous type
even when you confessed to her that you still hadn't gotten over kaina and that you still had feelings for her, mirko encouraged you to tell her about it
if everything would go well, you'd get to be with kaina and rumi. and things did go well!
both of them were important people in your life that you couldn't live without!
they were aware of it and they didn't mind having to 'share you' with someone else
rumi had heard a lot about kaina since she started dating you and kaina learned about rumi during her time at the hospital
the two girls slowly got closer as well over time, realizing they weren't so different and that they had a few things in common, aside from you
but being your girlfriends was a good bonding point for the beginning
after a while, the relationship started to feel more and more natural. you started getting used to your situation and it started to feel like it was meant to be this way
you couldn't imagine your life without the two of them anymore
and neither could they! 
without you, kaina wouldn't have been able to recover. you were able to accept her flaws and support her as she tried to get better again
and rumi fell in love with you even more, seeing how kindly you treated kaina, someone who had been through so much and yet still received nothing but kindness from you…
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shotorozu · 2 years
you like their lips
PART ONE (containing momo, kyouka, mina, and toga)
character(s): ochako uraraka, tsuyu asui
legend: [Y/N = YOUR NAME] female! reader because it’s pride month, quirk’s not mentioned
headcanon type: fluff, spicy if you squint (X READER)
note(s): happy pride month!! im late but its better late than never and sorry for disappearing 💀 i swear i was going to post part two sooner, but i was watching the owl house, and then i got hooked onto amphibia. now that i’m done with that, i can finally post this (almost a year later after part one was posted but we don’t talk about that) also i was gonna add miruko but i was like ahh fuck it i don’t wanna fuck up her characterization, she’ll be in the part three if there’s any 😭
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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uraraka ochako
i had a hard time when it came to deciding the exact visuals but one thing’s for sure— her lips are plump ™️
she’s second in the unofficial “most plumpest and juiciest lips” tier, and the only reason why she’s second place is because mina’s first 💀
her lips are naturally flush, but when i was thinking about her lips’ natural color, the first thing that came into my mind was princess peach— so they’re kind of naturally pink. it’s a mystery to the 1-A girls as to how and why
her cupid’s bow doesn’t have much definition to ochako’s dismay but her lips are plump (top lip’s slightly bigger), proportionate to her face, and still beautiful regardless 🤩 as for teeth i imagine her having a little bit of crookedness. nothing too noticeable, until you place her next to someone with the straightest set of teeth out there bakugou
her teeth were something she kind of wanted to fix with braces at some point in junior high, though i imagine her eventually getting braces during her time in ua but never got to because the alignment of her teeth aren’t exactly her top priority. plus her concern with the alignment of her teeth slowly faded away, the more the school year progressed. and anyway she’s still cute, there’s nothing to “fix” about her
her lips aren’t chapped 24/7, and it’s because she usually wears lip balm with a spf in it— but when they are chapped, she has a mini discussion in her head about whether or not she should apply some lip balm 💀
ochako’s lip balm collection is a good three in numbers. one has spf, one is a little more heavy duty for the days where her lips are particularly chapped, and the last one has a bit of a mild tint— the perfect collection for someone like ochako.
as for lip glosses and tints, it’s also a three in quantity. (one clear gloss, one water tint, and one lipbalm-lipstick product that’s in a shade that’s similar to her natural lip color.) she wishes she had more but 🧍‍♀️☹️ luckily, her collection grows by a bit and she gets the amount she wants because you, mina, and momo gift her some 🤩👍
moving aside, ochako’s observant— like the way she noticed how her old crushes were basically flocked with people of interest, and how she notices when there’s definitely something off with her friends. she just can’t put her finger on it. and it’s exactly like that when it came to your interest in her lips.
observant she is, but when she notices you staring at her lips— it flies over her head, at least until it happens for a second time, and then when the third time happens, then.. that’s when she questioning why. ochako comes to a conclusion pretty quickly, she just needs real confirmation, and is determined to get it. she’s just mortified at the idea of being really far from the truth
it was easy to miss it the first time. the second time? she did notice, but didn’t think much of it. however, when the third time happened, that’s when she started searching for possible answers— gathering a conclusion, and that’s when she made an assumption. an accurate one.
it was easy to miss it the first time. the second time? she did notice, but didn’t think much of it. however, when the third time happened, that’s when she started searching for possible answers— gathering a conclusion, and that’s when she made an assumption. an accurate one.
all she needs now is confirmation.
but how can she get that in the least imposing way possible? ochako thinks she isn’t one to really hesitate when it comes to asking questions, especially when it came to you, but in this case— it’d feel awfully awkward on her part if she was wrong. which is why she finds it hard for once.
and it feels especially hard to ask, with the way your gaze keeps fleeting to her lips ever so often. way too often, ochako doesn’t know how she hadn’t noticed before. (her eyes are mostly on you, after all.)
though, two things manage to push her into asking you about it. those things being a conversation with a trusted friend (tsuyu) and well.. your continuous eyeing of her lips.
“you have an idea that Y/N-chan likes something of yours.”
“so.. why the hesitation, ribbit? can’t you just ask her honestly?”
“well, i do! i keep trying on asking Y/N, but whenever i’m about to ask her about it, she keeps doing that.. thing again!”
“what thing?” you suddenly join the conversation, faster than ochako’s own realization.
“Y/N!” despite the suddenness of your appearance, ochako’s lips form into a smile— a twinge of nervousness runs through her, when your eyes follow the movement of her mouth. ochako realizes what’s about to happen.
her green haired friend luckily reads the room and before ochako could send a signal, she’s already walking off to go talk to the other 1-A girls in the vicinity.
ochako then turns to you, the question hanging on the tip of her tongue. (she’s distracted for a second— seeing how focused you look whenever you take a look at her lips.)
“so! Y/N,” she manages to get your focus up on the entirety of her face again, and not just her lips. “i have a question, and please answer honestly, okay? it’s about something that’s been on my mind lately!”
you blink, unsure of where the direction is going. “oh, sure. i can— i can do that.”
ochako’s smile seems to get brighter at that. she grabs at your hands, and gives it a squeeze. “alright, thank you! okay so just..”
she inhales, just eager to get it out, once and for all. “doyouhaveathingformylips?becauseican’thelpbutnoticeyoukeeptakingglances—”
“ochako!” you raise your voice, an airy laugh accompanying your tone.
“right! sorry.” ochako sheepishly apologizes. “long story short, i want to know if you have a thing for my lips because of how much you keep staring at them, which isn’t bad of course, but i’m just curious!”
your cheeks heat up at that, and you can the clamminess of your hands start to form. you hope she doesn’t take extreme notice. “…yes. your lips are quite pretty. i like everything about it. they’re so.. you. they also kinda remind me of princess peach and they’re so soft. wait, is that weird to say?”
she’s silent for a second. though that all changes in the next following moments— as she practically beams in delight at the confirmation.
“no! of course not!” her cheeks become rosier, and she squeezes your hand in joy. it’s a miracle that she somehow managed to not use her quirk on you by accident. “thank you for your honesty.”
“it’s really nothing.” you reply, just happy to be honest— after keeping a thing like that from her ever since the beginning of the relationship.
she’ll start wishing she had a bigger lip balm/lip care collection to satisfy your interest in her lips (even though you keep telling her that you like her lips regardless of what product she puts of them 💀)
either way, her collection does increase by a certain number ever since that revelation.
ochako did this anyway— regardless if you had an affixation on her lips or not, but she’ll tend to pepper your face and hands (your finger tips specifically) with pillowy kisses. they feel like heaven on earth 🤩
a little spicy, but she’ll use her knowledge in martial arts to her advantage to get a gentle hold of your wrists— only so she could plant a deep and meaningful kiss onto your lips. but she’ll then run away all embarrassed because she realized what she just did 😭 but its okay because you like it
in short— she was eager to get answers, but also thoughtful at the idea of being wrong, which is why she didn’t ask any sooner. but after finding out? she’ll gladly entertain your interest with enthusiasm because how could she not? you’re her girlfriend 🤩‼️ i love her lol
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tsuyu asui
finding and deciding on visuals was a pain in my ass 😭 but it was all worth it because i finally found something fitting 💀
i debated on this (internally) for a bit— went back and forth between opposing ideas. but i came to the conclusion that tsuyu’s lips aren’t exactly “big” they have a bit of volume, yes— but they’re usually fixed into a thin, straight line that’s usually accompanied with her neutral default expression, a slight but genuine smile, or an “m” which is basically a tsuyu frown if that makes sense 😨
so big isn’t exactly the first adjective that comes into mind when it comes to describing tsuyu’s lips— but y’know what, that’s perfectly fine! and honestly? tsuyu doesn’t really know why she should care about it, so she’s content with her lips regardless of the size. (as she should tbh 😼)
her lip color is kind of on the paler side (which again, she’s fine with it) and her top lip is just slightly smaller than her bottom one. i imagine a few mean girls in her middle school commenting about it once, and tsuyu just being like 🧍‍♀️😐🤷‍♀️❓
her lips are pretty harmonious with her other features and nicely shaped so,,, 🤩 as she should, not giving a fuck
as for teeth— they’re not perfectly aligned but they’re not noticeably crooked, so tsuyu would say she’s content with them. she never really thought about getting braces before (unless she really needed them, which is different. she also has no qualms with getting braces or anything similar.)
her lips get chapped a lot during the colder seasons, so she has about one heavy duty lip balm 💀 it has spf— so to her, that’s pretty much it. no need to buy anything more apparently 😃👍‼️ outside of the colder seasons, she doesn’t use lipbalm because i can kinda imagine her just drinking water whenever she feels like her lips are chapped 😨😭
as for glosses or lip tints, she.. doesn’t have much of a collection 😭 i see her having two at most (pre Y/N’s lips affixation discovery) one from middle school because she got one as a gift, and one from all of the 1-A girls because they saw the “collection” and all collectively decided to give her one 💀
anyways— she pretty much had an idea since the very beginning. she definitely didn’t go through the suspicion and speculation stage, nope. tsuyu just.. knows 😟 it’s one of the many perks of being reserved.
she genuinely questions if you have any idea on how obvious you are with your staring 💀 because you are being super obvious, and of course— she’s going to be the one to tell you. she constantly does ever so gently. never tells you why she thinks you’re staring though, because regarding your affixation on her lips, she’s just waiting for you to admit it tbh. though she won’t exactly probe you for an answer
“you’re staring again.” your girlfriend’s bluntness suddenly reminds you of where you’ve been keeping your gaze at.
you gulp, realizing you were caught red handed— again, and you immediately bring your attention to the library’s ceiling. “so sorry!” you whisper shout, “i didn’t mean to, tsuyu—”
“—tsu.” you quickly correct. your odd nervousness snapped you back into an old habit— yet your girlfriend didn’t seem to mind too much.
instead of commenting on it more, she gave you a long look, with softness at the edges. usually— you’d be pretty good at reading your girlfriend’s expressions, and you’d pat yourself on the back for being able to do so accurately, and quickly. quicker than anyone.
but now? she’s totally unreadable and you don’t know— you don’t know if you should worry or if you should say something— or heck, if you’re just overthinking, and tsuyu’s just pointing out your constant looks because of how naturally reserved and observant she is, she couldn’t just not point it out. that has to be the case, right?
wrong, actually.
tsuyu wets her lips as she flips a page in the book she’s reading, and all of a sudden— your eyes are attracted to her lips all over again. just like how bees are attracted to honey, and how ants are attracted to the smallest crumb of food or sugar.
“you’re staring, again.” she comments, quietly— and it’s an reminder of how she caught you again, and how awfully entranced you are with her lips.
your eyes go from her lips, to her eyes— and you’re almost startled at the fact that she’s already staring right back at you, like.. she was observing you this time.
“oh, i—”
“don’t worry, it’s cute.”
she probably knows, she definitely knows. your cheeks flush red at her words— even though there’s that slight idea of tsuyu teasing you.
or even worse, tsuyu’s actually silently judging you for your staring, for your interest— and she’s not saying anything because you’re dating her and she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings—
it’s insanity! you think to yourself. you make a mental note that you probably should practice some restraint. it’s rude to stare after all.
you’re about to apologize— and this time, try your very hardest in not staring and being seemingly distracted, maybe even hypnotized by your girlfriend’s lips, when tsuyu interrupts you with the closing of her book.
it’s loud enough to catch your attention, make you jump a little— but not loud enough to earn a scolding from any of the librarians.
and then, she’s scooting closer to you. there’s still a good allowance of space, but she’s close— and placing a hand on yours. the warmth of her hand on yours practically makes your hand tingle. (you hope it actually isn’t, and it’s just your imagination.) “Y/N-chan.”
“i think you should be honest with yourself.” tsuyu comments, quietly. her words are enough to cause whiplash— you think.
“i know you have a thing for,” she gets her other hand, her unoccupied one, and points it at her lips. “these.”
so you’ve been caught, it was really only a matter of time. but still, the idea being said out loud is.. daunting, but it’s the truth— so there’s really no point in denying it.
“is that true?”
you nod, being momentarily speechless— from a bit of shock, you’ll assume. “yes.” you manage to voice out. “i.. like them, even if you don’t really focus on them a ton, they’re a part of you so.. of course i like them. a lot, though.”
“but i’ll try to not stare— wait no, i really won’t stare after this—”
yet all tsuyu does is shake her head, and she caresses the back of your hand with her thumb. it’s comforting— and a reminder that she’s physically that close to you.
“i meant what i said earlier. Y/N-chan, you’re so cute y’know?”
“you can stare and do anything you’d like with them, honestly.”
you sputter, at a lost for words.
but after processing things properly— you just find yourself being glad that it all turned out well.
afterwards, she starts researching on lip care more— heck, she’ll even ask one of the 1-A girls to help her look for a lip tint or two (this is a shocker to the other 1-A girls, so they all end up coming with her, instead of the one or two girls she was expecting 💀)
okay so i mentioned earlier that some mean, insensitive girls in middle school commented on her lips before and probably said something not so nice ☹️ i mentioned how tsuyu doesn’t gaf (🤩) but that doesn’t mean tsuyu isn’t kind of confused when she silently realizes you like her lips.
like you.. the love of her life, liking HER lips 🤔 the same lips that had people saying mean stuff about 😨❓
which brings up the topic of— showering her lips with compliments and praises, it practically erases any doubt 🤩😃👍
personally i don’t really see tsuyu to be someone that gives kisses a lot— but after this revelation, she starts giving you more kisses 😯 this kind of made you wonder if she was just doing that bc you liked her and her lips, and not because she wanted to— but she reassured you that she was doing it because she likes it
a little spicy, but she’s also the type to give you a really long, meaningful kiss— and then just walk away like nothing happened 😭❓ it has you flustered, but you wonder how she does it 💀
in short— she finds your interest cute, and she won’t really admit this part out loud, but your interest got her to appreciate the aesthetic of her lips a little bit more. so.. 🤩 it’s a win for you both.
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bonbonthedragon · 2 years
Some Things Aren’t How They Appear
Hawks x fem!Reader x Miruko
Warnings: a bit of spice, fluff, smidge of sadness but in reality it’s not it’s a happy bird
Summary: what the title says ;)
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!Not my photo!
It was so sudden, your lips colliding with hers and how that spark just absolutely expanded between the two of you. Hadn’t you had a husband this move would have been done sooner, knowing how she tasted and the smell of her minty lip balm. Just so damn smooth.
Gasping you pulled away, looking back at stars in her pupils and mouth hung open in shock. Shit. And when the attempt to pull away came she wouldn’t let you go, even as your own face paled and palms kicked at her chest to step back. “No- no I- I have a husband. Oh my god!”
“No-“ shoving Miruko out of the way, you stumbled back. “I’m married!”
And in those scarlet starlight eyes a cloud came to shadow them, Miruko swallowing hard as her face contorted into something of heartbroken tenderness. The sweet sorrow of that she knew it too, that your life already belonged to someone else entirely, the one thing she couldn’t break. But you had pulled her in, and by no means did she deny.
The hero had known her feelings from the beginning, a year of seduction just to see you blush and fight the burning in your chest. Flirtatious jokes and small comments to her riding outfit, she couldn’t complain of the attention she received from you. Of course she saw the ring, the big diamond adoring your finger that shimmered and made her gut churn every time it caught light. The red that tinted the edges only reminded her that it was but her friend that you were sworn to.
“Keigo- he- oh fuck” you cursed, frantically looking around before you came back to her, melting over how her lips were still bruised from your assault. Fuck. Swallowing, finally your legs moved and you picked up your purse quickly, going over to the mirror to fix your tattered hair. Mirikonhad ran her hand through then viciously just as you pulled her in.
“No-“ you shook your head, forbidding her to speak. “It was my fault.”
“(Y/n)” her eyes found your lips again, moving slowly.
“Don’t-“ taking a deep shuddering breath, you held your head “don’t say my name like that. And god, don’t look at me like that.” You pleaded, pleaded. “We can’t- I can’t see you anymore, I’m sorry- I shouldn’t have.”
Everything in you sank, a dread so heavy every step felt burning. So when you opened the door, there was Hawks, smiling wide as he chirped a hello and kissed your cheek.
“Hey Miruko” he chimed, snaking a hand around your waist “mind if I steal her?”
It was only then the other hero made a move, shutting her mouth and standing straight, trying hard to slacken her shoulders as if nothing was wrong, as if she did not just let a married woman kiss her. “Of course”
Hawks was already on you once the door to the apartment shut, his fingers sliding up the sun dress that lay loose on your figure. It was rather long so you hadn’t bothered to wear shorts underneath. He definitely liked that.
“Kei-“ you tried, biting your lip as his lips met your neck and hand grazed up your thigh “keigo-“ he only hummed, not stopping his menstruations, but you held down. “Stop!” You finally said, and he froze.
Oh his eyes, his sweet sunflower eyes. “I…” suddenly tears came flooding, unable to help the overwhelming sensation of guilt “I’m so sorry!” And you pulled away, just as you did Miruko. Immediately his hands came to your cheeks and you shook your head no.
“What-hey…hey” he tried, but you just kept moving him away “stop-(y/n), what’s wrong?”
“I’m terrible, that’s what-“
“The hell-“
“I kissed Miruko!” And you slapped a hand over your mouth, eyes wide and tears blurring your vision so much that you were thankful you could barely see how his features contorted. “I’m- I know- I’ll leave, we can separate if you want- god I-“
“No- it’s okay- we’ll it’s not okay but- I mean, I understand if you don’t-“ and his hand wrapped around your wrist.
“I don’t care.”
And that had you frozen in place, eyebrows creased in utter confusion. “You…you don’t…” and you looked at him, betrayed. “I cheated on you! Cheated! You should be angry! Upset! Throwing things! Why aren’t you throwing things? Any normal person would have kicked me out!”
And he took your arm even when you tried to let him do otherwise. Hawks turned your arm over, showing the written past. He thumbed the scar, “I’m not him. I’m not going to throw things. And no, I’m not upset. I would never hurt you.”
“But I hurt you” and tears again threatened to take hold, your jaw trembling.
“No you didn’t. I understand why you’d think that, any normal person would, but I’m not normal, and I’m not upset. I know you have feelings for her, the way you looked at her on our wedding day. Oh- don’t cry-“ but the dam had already broken, you felt terrible. He should be upset at you! And he was comforting you? “I’m not mad, I promise!”
“You’re dumb!”
He chuckled, holding you tight. “I’ve been in poly relationships before, it just…it’s not that I don’t care it’s just it doesn’t bother me. I know you love me, and I trust you. I’m open to anything, though I just don’t know how comfortable you are with it, dove.” He pulled away, moving your tear wet hair from sticking to your face. “I’d never hurt you like him, I’m not your Ex.”
“I know” you mumbled, grabbing his wrist as he held your face.
“You want me to call Miruko?”
“C-call her?” that had you straightening, eyes wide and cheeks red
He laughed, giving a smirk and ducking so his lips here just by your ear, a shiver wracking down your body. “I love seeing you so embarrassed” he purred, kissing your cheek. “I mean to clear things up, if you don’t want to, of course.”
“I-I w-well,” you shoved him away, “shit Keigo! You can’t just-“
“Yes! Stop it” you whined.
“I’ll set you guys up for a date~”
“D-date?” You held your cheeks, brain frazzled. Seriously, what the hell was happening?
“Yeah, at that really nice place you like? Oh!” He pulled out his phone, turning it to show you a restaurant. “Or this one? They have great miso soup.”
You were so confused. “Your scaring me. When do I expect the yelling to start?”
Smiling at you, he shook his head. “Never, Im just letting myself fangirl over the two of you fine ladies. Or…future girlfriend.” and he winked. “Wine! You both will need wine!” And he started toward the shared wine cellar.
“Why aren’t you screaming at me you damn bird?!” You yelled as he hopped down the stairs.
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