nakajisaeko 1 year
Monster Headcanons ~ If They Were Sick Pt. 1
No one is really interested in this series, but I just had a scenario come to mind...what if the characters were sick? I will say I was inspired by most headcanons on here, & there is a specific one that I will add on the end because of writing space. Because I think its a big finale~ This is also not unrealistic, but some may be, so just point it out. Anyways, begin~
馃┖ Kenzo Tenma:
He really liked to eat & drink your rice soup & tea. He even joked that he would deliberately become sick just to eat it, it was that good.
He loved when you played with his hair as he dozed off onto your lap while watching movies. It was his most favorite thing that you did when he was sick.
He likes it when you give him small kisses on his forehead or cheek, he even said they have a "magic touch".
If the TV wasn't working or he wasn't in the mood for movies, he liked when the radio played. & when a song came on, you would hum to it & it just made him fall asleep easier. He really loved your voice.
He likes the massages you give him on his hands, since he is a doctor & he is always using his hands. They felt so sore, so he really loved it when you gave him those.
But what he really adored is when you tried to make him laugh with your corny jokes or sarcastic comments. A side you showed that made him fall in love with you when you first met.
馃摉 Johan Liebert:
It shouldn't be a surprise that he doesn't eat as much. But if you begged him to just eat at least one bite of the butter drenched toast, he would. & not because he was annoyed by your enthusiasm, but because it did really look tasty. Most of the time though, he either doesn't fill himself up or he would just drink the tea you made.
Since he isn't a fan of touch, although he didn't seem bothered by it at points, he did allow you to give him head massages. & shockingly, he actually fell asleep on you.
Hugs & nothing more are the only thing he really likes from you. Plus, he doesn't want to make you sick. But he promised when he got better, perhaps just one cheek peck would be okay. Either then that, hugs are really the deal.
Johan doesn't really like television & the radio, so reading would be the best choice. Sometimes he would read with you or he would ask you to read to him. The second part is mainly what he wants. He really adores your voice.
Johan, again, is not fond of physical contact, so it would be kind of hard to give him a massage. But if he did want one at some point, giving him a back rub wouldn't hurt, would it? (by the way, with his clothes on >.<)
Really the only thing he likes though, that you do when he is sick, is just giving him words of affection. It not only makes him feel good, but also makes him smile brighter.
馃尭 Nina Fortner
Nina would accept anything you would give her. Even though she's lost her taste & is disappointed she can't enjoy your meals, she will just smile big & wide because she's grateful that you're even cooking for her. Oh yeah, she likes when you feed her. ;3
Nina loves your head pats, but she tries her best not to fall asleep because she really wants to talk to you all day. But sometime later, it would be her giving you the head pats. XD
Nina adores your warm kisses, but she is sometimes worried that she would make you sick, so she tries to avoid them as much as possible just to protect you. She prefers cuddles around this time until she gets better. Then, she will kiss your face a bunch of times with a big smile!
Movies are Nina's favorite! She would watch them nonstop while she either played with your hair or you played with hers. You would even have to stop her from eating snacks she wasn't supposed to eat until after she was done being ill. But she'd just brush it off & say she was just "fine". Yeah...you had to clean up after her after that...
Belly rubs are a great deal for her. After a stomach ache, she would love tummy massages to ease her pain. She would giggle a lot if it tickled. "You're bringing the old me back, Y/N!" & she would just not stop laughing.
But what Nina really loved the most was when you came up with many ideas for activities for her to do if she was bored. & one of them was when you guys had a PvP battle in board games. She would win endlessly. XD
I will publish the other part some time, but I hope you liked these. I decided to use the same six scenarios for each character & will likely do the same for others, but will change up the scenarios a bit. So sorry if it was repeating the same things. ^///^
I was inspired by @malware-180 with her fic & a few of their others. She's an amazing writer & you should check out her stories! <3
& I hope you didn't mind if I incorporated some ideas! :D
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s0lace-1n-s0l1tude 4 months
Doesn't Stein mean stone in German? Because everytime I hear or read "The Magnificent Steiner" my brain automatically translates it to "The Magnificent Stoner" and I always end up giggling like the idiot I am
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absurdist-enby 7 months
Trying my best to be like Tenma when the world wants me to be like Johan
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home-brewed 1 year
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happyfriendmonsters 2 years
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Johan bust just dropped. off at my house a few days ago. It鈥檚 ridiculously amazing. My absolute favorite is the little obluda.
Purchased from the maker David Chapanoff on instagram https://www.instagram.com/davidchapanoff/
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johanliebertspsyche 2 years
The only thing humans are equal in is death
- Johan Liebert
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hekkoto 1 month
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Loooong witchy cat cause cats are liquid lolz Some witchy artwork with meme long cat >XD I recall I just found meme with such cat and I just HAD TO draw it ;p wanna support my evil dark empire? Im accepting souls on Patreon and Ko-fi! -> Hekkoto Huge thanks to all of my Patrons and people who donate <3
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2amdoodles 7 days
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Underrated character: Martin Reese, the bodyguard from Monster.
New fave in this series. Tenma is terrific of course.
But also, this guy who really doesn't even give a sh* anymore but still just does his job and yet, also has a thread of ethics/morals about him.
For all you fans of this guy no one talks about: https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterAnime/comments/v0ie9b/hey_guys_i_am_reading_monster_for_the_first_time/
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good-wine-and-cheese 2 years
Objectively I am excited that monsteranime is making its way onto netflix but I also know I will experience the dread of fandom too
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nakajisaeko 1 year
Monster: Johan Liebert Headcanons
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Art belongs to respectful owners, although please check my likes, I believe the artist is in there. Warning, not very good at headcanons, so please point something out.
Johan is NOT the romantic type. Sure, he may be romantic in how he fantasizes his goals & philosophy on life, but he isn't interested in love nor anyone.
So why did he take an interest in you?
You could be out on a walk, reading on a bench, eating at a cafe, or even visiting the museums, & he'll always be there, watching you.
You did speculate that someone was stalking you, but you shrugged it off at first.
That was until you met him...
Johan isn't your typical yandere guy like any other. He was gentle & kind. Though he was concerned about your whereabouts, he wasn't the overprotective kind of person.
He let you wander freely & even allowed you to leave the country if you wanted. But he always made sure you had his contact info just in case something happened.
Referring back to what I previously said, Johan is not the romantic type. So, anything going beyond distance, like touch, is a big no.
The only time he would touch you is if he was holding your hand or moving a strand of hair out of your face. No cheek kisses or even intercourse. Maybe a few hugs here & there, but that is all.
If he had to choose, of the Five Love Languages, I think it would be Words of Affirmation.
Being the bookworm he is, he had to search through dictionaries for hours, even months, to find a positive word or maybe even a romantic one.
Most of what he would say would be compliments on your outfits or maybe just your personality. Or maybe, just the beauty of what he'd discovered was your morbid mind.
He rarely calls you any nicknames, but when he does, its either just your actual (or not actual) name, or "Darling" or "Flower" (I had to look some up XD)
Once again, referring back to what I previously said, Johan is not the typical yandere. He doesn't lock you inside, tie you up, or even abuse you.
You may find him a bit eerie, but you trust him so much because of how different he seems from other people you've met.
Plus, he didn't kidnap you, especially by force, you accepted his invitation into his life by free will.
The only concern though is that he likes to seem to brainwash you a lot. If he's not in a good mood, he'll most likely just make you feel bad about yourself or even manipulate you. Either then that, he always keeps that smile on his face & it makes your heart melt, even with those loving, bluebell eyes.
You may not be his wife, lover, or girlfriend, even having a platonic relationship with him, but being a very close friend of his is the best gift you could ever receive from someone like him.
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s0lace-1n-s0l1tude 3 months
Man I sure love those crazy,evil twinks,has to be one of my favorite tropes fr,fr
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kazheadlandff 11 months
btw i will post gorillaz and naoki urasawa news so this account is multifandom(kinda) #naokiurasawa #gorillaz #monsteranime
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happyfriendmonsters 2 years
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Nina/anna and tall johan pins are now available as of 10/27/22. I decided not to close my shop, but just keep open to sell monster pins.
I restocked grimmer and lunge. The obluda pin will be available soon. I also reduced the price of the pins just a wee bit. $12 for heads, $16 for bodies.
The Shop: HappyFriendMonsters
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ray4nibal 2 years
Kenzo Tenma | Monster (Naoki Urasawa)
Fan art by me
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ashferr 3 years
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look at me! look at me! the monster inside me has grown this large
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