#moxiety dad!au asks
moonlit-flowerfield · 2 years
So uh. I made a little bby a while back and I'm not sure the context but I was sad and made her.
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Lil bby.
Anyway, so then I fell hard for her design and wanted to make more of her! And then I read @manyfandomsonelog 's fic, called "What You Can Stand", which reupped my ideas for my Superhero AU of Sanders Sides.
Which got me thinking. I never really had an idea for Virgil's power, but if he had one considered "evil", I could do a cool story. But then I remember her.
So now uh
I have a fantasy/superhero AU idea and she's one of the plot points! Yay?
Anyway have some low-key lore as I figured shit out for it.
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And before you ask, I'll answer a few things.
NO, I cannot draw feet. Shut up.
She's actually really young for an elf, as they can live over 5000 years (depending on the sub-species).
No, she was not experimented on to be given powers. Yes, she was tested on because of her powers.
She's such a sweetheart, you don't understand.
Virgil WILL basically be a dad in this fic.
Patton WILL basically be a dad in this fic.
NO, MOXIETY IS NOT A SHIP IN THIS FIC, the ship makes me uncomfortable.
Thomas will try and be a hip cool kid and ultimately fail.
Toby (October from the Thomas Sanders Shorts) is in this fic and is not a dick because he likes it.
I'm really thinking of naming her Theodosia. No really reason why. It doesn't even fit her.
And now with that out of the way, I leave you to your scrolling. Thank you!
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in the moxiety dad au, (i'm sorry i can't type the whole name) why does Thomas hide his own anxiety? c!Thomas canonically has intrusive thoughts, so does he handle them better here than he does in canon? Since, you know, less catholic guilt?
it’s okay! (the au in question, in case you wanted to read it, is little and broken but still good and it’s on ao3!) 
yes, thomas in the moxiety dad!au is much more aware of his anxiety and intrusive thoughts than c!thomas. when he first starts having really severe anxiety, patton and virgil Notice. they’re especially attuned to it because virgil has anxiety too, so he notices certain behaviors in thomas that he recognizes from himself as a child 
so when thomas is about eleven, they sit down and explain what anxiety is and that virgil has it too, that he takes medicine and goes to see a special doctor called a therapist every few weeks to help him work through his brain, and if thomas ever feels he needs that he can tell them and they’ll help him
when thomas is about thirteen the anxiety/intrusive thoughts start getting worse, so he goes to tell his dads because he knows that they’ll understand, and they do because We Support Healthy Parental Dynamics On This Blog 
they bring thomas to the therapist’s office where virgil goes for therapy, and they get him an intake appointment. thomas doesn’t go to virgil’s specific therapist, but he goes to another therapist in the same office, so they schedule their appointments at the same day/time and go together and then if they have particularly rough therapy sessions they go get ice cream 
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random-snippets · 4 years
Second Chance
Summary: Human AU Virgil has a conversation with his adoptive father after a getting into a fight at school. 
Characters/Pairings: Romantic Moceit, paternal Anxceit and Moxiety
Notes: This is an AU that popped fully-formed into my head and I have tons of background info about it if anyone’s curious. All the Moceit feels right now, amirite?
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia, references to homophobic slurs, mentions of violence (schoolyard fight), mentions of injuries (minor), mentions of blood, self-deprecating thoughts, abandonment issues. Let me know if I missed anything I need to warn for! 
A soft knock on Virgil’s door made him flinch, but he sighed, reaching up and pulling his headphones off his head. Time to face the music. “Come in,” he mumbled. 
The door creaked open, and his dad’s fiance poked his head in. “Virgil,” he said softly. “Can I come in?” 
“Already said you could.” Virgil shifted and reached up to brush his hair out of his face, wincing when his fingers bumped his bruised right eye. 
“So you did.” Janus stepped into the bedroom and closed the door softly behind himself. Virgil swallowed, anxiety ratcheting up a little, and Janus paused, giving him a look that Virgil knew all too well. The one that said ‘I just read you like an open book.’ “Do you want me to leave it open?” he asked.
Virgil shrugged. “Don’t care,” he said, but the thought of being locked in with Janus--with anyone--still frightened him. He just sort of hated that Janus knew that, and knew without having to ask. 
Janus raised his eyebrows, hand still lingering on the knob. “Second chance?” he offered. 
Virgil sighed and slumped. “Maybe a little bit open?” 
Janus nodded and opened the door about a foot. It was enough that Virgil could hear his dad (Patton? Should I be calling him Patton again? Or maybe--oh God please no--maybe Mr. Sanders?) in the kitchen, busy with dinner preparations. The sounds would have been comforting and familiar, if it hadn’t been for the notable absence of the usual string of singing, whistling, or talking to himself Patton usually engaged in. He swallowed again, wishing he could bury his face in his arms, but along with his eye, his lip was split and swollen, and while the nurse had claimed his nose to be unbroken, it still felt pretty awful. He’d stuffed two wads of toilet paper into his nostrils to stem the flow of blood, and he realized he hadn’t taken them out yet. He did so now, crumpling the blood-soaked tissue in his fist. 
“You here to yell at me?” he mumbled, as Janus moved to settle into Virgil’s desk chair across from the bed. 
“Do I look like I’m here to yell at you?” 
“I hate it when you do that.”
The corner of Janus’s mouth twitched up. “Do what?” 
“Answer a question with another question. I hate when you get all...shrink-y.” 
Janus’s smile grew fractionally. “All right, then. Let me ask a different question. Do you want me to yell at you?”
Virgil shrugged one shoulder. In truth, he kind of wished someone would. Yelling he was used to; yelling made sense. 
Instead, when Patton had picked him up from school after the principal had called him in, his dad had just asked him quietly if he was okay, and if he wanted to talk about it. When Virgil had nodded at the first question and shaken his head at the second, Patton had merely turned his attention to the road to finish the drive home in silence. But there’d been a flash of something in his eyes--something that Virgil was terrified had been disappointment--and when he’d fled to his room the moment they’d gotten home, Patton hadn’t tried to stop him. 
It was that, more than anything, that had him so terrified now. If he’d disappointed Patton...what would that mean? Would he change his mind about letting Virgil stay? Would he...un-adopt him? Surely you could do that, right? His mom had given him up and she’d actually given birth to him so surely if all you did was adopt someone, if all it was was paperwork, there were ways to undo it, right? And it wasn’t like it had been that long ago, either. Maybe there was like...a 90-day money back guarantee or something. Not completely satisfied with your screw-up of a kid? No problem! Bring him on back to Kids-R-Us, and we’ll be happy to find you a better one! Refunds and exchanges welcome anytime! 
“Well, whether you want me to or not, no, I’m not here to yell at you,” Janus cut into his cycle of terrified thoughts, and when Virgil looked up, he found his...his brain always faltered here. What was Janus? His dad’s fiance? His stepdad? They’d said to just think of him as his dad too but was that right? He didn’t know Janus, not as well as Patton; he’d been busy working on his book and then away on the signing and lecture tour and sure they’d skyped a lot but Janus hadn’t had to deal with him, not like Patton had. Janus didn’t know him. Janus probably saw him as another screwed up kid he could write a case study about, not as a son. 
And now he was the kid who’d upset his fiance. 
“So if you don’t want to yell at me, what do you want, then?”  
“I want to know what happened.” 
Virgil lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. “I got in a fight.” 
“Over what?” 
“I very much doubt that.” Virgil looked up and saw Janus regarding him knowingly, in that way he did that drove Virgil crazy. If the X-men were real, this would be what it felt like to have Professor Xavier reading your mind. 
“It was just a stupid fight with some stupid kids from my stupid class,” Virgil said. “I don’t know what you want from me. I won’t do it again.” 
“Won’t you?” 
Virgil frowned. “What?” 
“Well,” Janus lifted one leg and crossed it over the other, folding his hands on his knees and tipping his head. The effect would’ve been sort of comical if things hadn’t felt so serious. “If the circumstances that caused this fight were to recur, or ones similar to it, wouldn’t your response be similar?” 
Virgil snorted, then winced when his bruised and battered nose protested the decision. “You sound like Logan.” 
Janus smiled. “There are worse people to sound like. Your uncle’s a smart guy.” 
“He’s not my uncle.”
“Isn’t he? He’s your dad’s brother.” 
“Patton’s not my dad.” Virgil meant to sound tough and confident. Instead it came out sort of choked and muffled. Maybe he’d made his nose clog up when he’d snorted a second ago.
“I have a piece of paper from the state department of health and human services that suggests otherwise.” Janus’s voice was light, but almost unbearably gentle, too, and Virgil scowled, hating that his eyes were beginning to sting. 
“So? It’s just a piece of paper. It doesn’t mean anything.” 
“I think Patton would be very sad to hear you say that,” Janus said softly, and when Virgil looked up, he saw an echo of that same sadness on his face.
“Why?” Virgil said thickly. He reached up and rubbed at the top of his lip gingerly, under his nose, which was beginning to trickle. “I just keep screwing up. Why would he want to keep me? Why would either of you?” 
Janus lifted the box of tissues from Virgil’s desk and handed them over wordlessly; Virgil took one and began to gingerly dab at his aching nose. Dammit. He hated crying, but it was so much worse after getting beaten up. 
“You didn’t screw up,” Janus said. “You got into a fight. Thirteen-year-old boys do that.” 
“Yeah, well, at least some of them win sometimes,” Virgil groused. “I just get my a--my butt kicked.” It figured: he couldn’t even get in trouble right. 
“Did you ever learn how?” 
“What?” Virgil looked up at his stepfather, too startled by the words to remember to be upset. “What do you mean?” 
Janus shrugged. “I mean, did anyone ever really teach you how to hold your own in a fight? Especially when you’re outnumbered against a group of opponents bigger than you are?” 
Virgil blinked. “I...I mean...no?” 
“Well, what did you do? When the fight started, I mean?” 
“I...” Virgil stared at him. “I dunno, I punched the guy?” 
“Which one?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“There was more than one boy, right?” 
“How did...how did you know that?” 
“Well, bullies tend to travel in packs. They’re cowardly like that. Did you go for the leader?” 
Virgil shrugged. “No, I...the one that was closest, I guess. He was smaller.” He’d still been huge next to Virgil, but at the time he’d seemed slightly less dangerous than the hulking monster of a seventh grader who’d seemed to be in charge.
Janus nodded. “Always go for the leader,” he said. “Like I said, bullies are cowards. If you take down the leader they usually scatter.” 
“I mean, I feel like he would’ve kicked my...my butt either way,” Virgil said. “The guy was fu--freaking huge.” 
“Heavy-set? Or tall?” 
“Both, I guess.”
“Heavyset isn’t always a bad thing,” Janus said. “Heavier boys are often slower than smaller ones. Tall is the problem. His reach is longer than yours.” Janus sat up and held his fists in a boxing stance, then extending his arm. It came just to Virgil’s chin. “Try to reach me with your arm.” Virgil did; his fist barely reached past Janus’s elbow. “See? I’ve got like two feet of reach on you; you’re never gonna get in a good hit if I’m on my guard. 
“So what do I do?” 
“Hit them with something unexpected. Your legs--that’s where you’ve got some reach. A bully coming in for a punch is going to put himself within kicking distance, and you can usually get in a good hit and incapacitate him pretty quick. Just gotta practice your front kick.”
“Wh--why...why are you teaching me to fight?” Virgil asked, abruptly aware of just how absurd this whole conversation felt. “Shouldn’t you tell me to run away and find a teacher?” 
“It’s foolish to assume that will always be an option,” Janus said, sitting back. “Maybe in a perfect world, but...” 
“I feel like in a perfect world bullies wouldn’t be trying to beat me up in the first place,” Virgil grumped.
Janus grinned, looking pleased, and it sent a thrilled, proud little shiver up Virgil’s spine. “Touche. So since we’ve established the world we’re in isn’t perfect, it’s important you know how to defend yourself, isn’t it?” 
“I mean...yeah, but...I dunno, I feel like grown ups are supposed to tell you to like...be the bigger person, turn the other cheek, some bullsh--some stupid...thing like that.” 
Janus glanced at the open doorway, then leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and regarding him seriously. “Virgil, let’s make a deal: as long as you promise not to do it in front of Patton, when you and I are talking, you can curse a few times.” 
Virgil perked up a bit. “How many times?” 
“Five times per conversation.” 
“Seven. Final offer.” 
“Deal.” Virgil giggled, as Janus extended his hand and shook his solemnly. “Okay,” he said. “So aren’t grownups supposed to tell you to be the better person or some...bullshit like that?” It felt very strange, saying that word in front of Janus--indulgent, like sneaking a cigarette out of an unwatched purse. 
“Maybe.” Janus shrugged. “To be honest, I’ve never been that great at being a responsible grownup. I leave that to your dad.” 
Virgil barely stopped himself from snorting again. “Dude. You’re literally a doctor.” 
“I have a PhD, yes.” 
“In child psychology.” 
“Exactly.” Janus arched one eyebrow conspiratorially. “I studied child behavior. Not grownup.” 
Virgil laughed in spite of himself. “Oh my God, you are suck a fucking dork.” Fucking was a little too intense, and it didn’t taste as good on his tongue as bullshit had; it was an overindulgence, like puking after trying to smoke that stolen cigarette. “Freaking dork,” he said softly, lowering his eyes and hoping Janus didn’t call him on his backpedaling. 
Janus merely shrugged. “No arguments there.” 
“How’d you learn how to fight, anyway?” Virgil decided to get the conversation back on track. “I mean, like...who taught you?” 
Janus regarded him for a second calmly. Then he said: “Well, I learned in the system. Some of the bigger boys in my foster house thought I should know how, considering, well.” He pointed at the side of his face and smirked. 
Virgil, however, had stopped smiling; the expression had fallen from his face the second the words had hit him. In the system. “You...you were in the foster system?” 
Janus nodded. “I was.” 
“Wh--when did--why didn’t you--?” 
“Why didn’t we tell you?” Janus finished, and Virgil nodded hard, hair flopping into his face. He brushed it away without thinking, then winced when his fingers again brushed the bruised flesh around his eye. 
“Did Patton give you an ice pack for that?” Janus asked, seeing his wince. 
“Yeah, but it melted.” 
“As ice does. Want to get another one? I think your eye is starting to swell a bit.”
“In a minute.” As soon as they went downstairs, Virgil was afraid this--whatever it was, this spell that had fallen between them--it would go away, and he had to know. He had to have answers. Because if Janus had been in the system... “Why were you in the system? How long? What happened to your parents?”
“Getting right to it, aren’t we?” 
“I...” Virgil cringed, realizing it was probably impolite to ask questions like that--or worse, that doing so may have opened old wounds. This was probably why they didn’t tell you, he chastised himself. They knew you’d be an asshole about it.
He flushed, ashamed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to--” 
“No, no,” Janus said softly. “It’s okay. You deserve to know, and I’m...happy to share.” 
Virgil looked up at the slight hitch in Janus’s voice. “Second chance?” he offered quietly.
Janus smiled. “Okay,” he admitted, “I’m willing to share, which amounts to the same thing, and if it helps you feel like you really belong here with Patton and me, then I’m happy for that. What do you want to know?” 
Virgil hesitated. “How many questions do I get?” 
“Hmm.” Janus considered. “Let’s say five for tonight. Otherwise we might miss dinner.” 
Virgil smiled sheepishly. “Okay. Um. How long?”
“Thirteen years.” 
“Whoa.” Virgil’s eyes widened. Janus had been in the system longer than he had? “How old were you?”
“When I got in or when I got out?” 
“I guess...both?” 
“You sure about that? If I give you one, you can do the math and figure out the other on your own, and save yourself a question.” 
“Shit! Okay yeah, just...how old were you when you got put in?” 
“Five.” Virgil frowned, then said, “You...got out at 18?” 
“I did.” Janus’s face, like his voice, was calm and quiet, but Virgil understood something about it--something he realized had always been there, but hidden, like fish swimming below the ice of a frozen lake. 
His heart sank as the real reason for that deep, long-buried sadness finally dawned on him. “You were never adopted,” he whispered. 
“No,” Janus agreed. “I wasn’t.” 
“You never got a family?” 
“I didn’t say that.” 
Virgil frowned, before the meaning of Janus’s words sunk in, making him feel at once like he might laugh and cry. He swallowed, scooting back and resting against the headboard of his bed, wrapping his arms around his knees, as though he might be able to contain the strange emotion swelling inside him.
Janus watched him for a second, then said, “Mind if I join you up there? This chair wasn’t really made for adult butts.” 
Virgil smiled weakly at what he understood was Janus’s attempt to cheer him up, and nodded, watching as the man climbed up onto the bed and settled beside him. He didn’t try to hug Virgil, as Patton might have, but settled close enough that he would be easy to reach out and touch, if Virgil needed. Janus leaned his head back against the wall, and sighed. “Much better,” he declared. 
Virgil found himself studying him, as Janus sat quietly, apparently willing to wait for the next question as long as it took Virgil to ask it. His eyes trailed along the marks on the man’s face: spatters of dark red splotches across his cheekbone and jaw, and along one side of his nose. A port wine stain, Patton had told him it was called; just a harmless birthmark. Virgil had always been impressed by the way Janus had refused to cover it up with make-up. Impressed, and kind of glad; he always thought it looked kinda cool, like dragon scales or something.
Still, he doubted it made things any easier for him as a kid in the system. They didn’t usually give you bonus points for things that made you stand out.
“Is that why you didn’t get adopted?” he asked quietly, then winced, wondering if this time he had stepped over a line. 
Janus glanced at him, not having to ask what Virgil was referring to. “Maybe,” he said. “Maybe not. It doesn’t really matter now, does it?” 
“I guess not.” Virgil hesitated, then scooted a fraction of an inch closer, angling himself toward Janus ever so slightly. Janus wordlessly lifted an arm, and Virgil scooted underneath it immediately, some of the turmoil in his chest calming down as the arm settled around his shoulders. “What happened? To your birth family?” 
“My parents died in an accident.”
“I didn’t have any extended family to speak of, other than a grandfather who lived in an assisted care facility and couldn’t take care of me. So into the system I went.” 
Virgil nibbled at the uninjured side of his lip, leaning his head against Janus’s shoulder lightly. “Were you scared?” 
“Sure. Scared, mad, sad, all of it.” 
“What happened after you turned eighteen?” 
Janus glanced down at him and smiled slightly. “I went to college,” he said. “And I started studying. A lot.” 
“Is that how come you wanted to be a child psychologist?” 
“Pretty much, yeah. I knew there were lots of kids like me who were scared. I figured I could help them figure out how to survive. Teach them how to fight.” 
Virgil tipped his head back and looked at him dubiously. “They let shrinks do that?”
“There are lots of different kinds of fights, Virgil,” Janus said. “Not all of them involve fists and feet.” 
“Huh.” Virgil frowned, leaning his head against Janus’s shoulder again. “They called you guys the f-word,” he said after a moment of silence. 
“The kids at school.” Virgil scowled, then stopped when the expression pulled at his swollen lip. “That’s why I got into the fight. They called you guys the f-word.” 
“I see.” Janus sounded...Virgil wasn’t sure. Upset? Maybe...but mad? He didn’t think so. At least, not at Virgil. “You know what that says about them, don’t you?”
“That they’re fucking assholes?” Virgil spat, scowling again in spite of the stinging in his lip. This time, he found, the word ‘fucking’ didn’t taste so bitter. 
“No. Well, yes, quite possibly, but usually? It means they’re being raised by assholes. Lots of kids that age just parrot what they grew up hearing.” 
“That’s bullshit,” Virgil said, drawing back and glaring at him. “I had plenty of asshole foster parents and I don’t go around saying shit like that.”
“Well, that’s because you’re smarter than most kids your age. You had to be.” The smile on his face was proud, and Virgil flushed, squirming a little under the intensity of the expression. Patton looked at him like that a lot, but he never really felt like he’d earned it. Tonight, though...he kind of felt like maybe he did. He kind of felt like Janus didn’t give out smiles like that to just anyone, or for just anything. 
It felt good. 
He slumped back against him, too overwhelmed by that expression to keep looking at it, and Janus let his arm loop back over his shoulders easily. They lapsed into silence for a little while, listening to the clanging of pots and pans coming from the kitchen. Virgil could smell something good, something that smelled hearty and made his mouth water a little, and knew that soon, maybe in just a few minutes, Patton would holler up the stairs at them to come and get it. 
Soon. But they had a few seconds left, he was pretty sure, and so he said, “Janus?” 
He hesitated, not exactly sure what he wanted to ask. Finally, he said, “Do you ever...worry? That it’ll...I dunno. That it’ll all go away again?” 
Janus didn’t have to ask him what he meant. “Sometimes.” 
“Really?” Virgil was surprised. He’d expected Janus to be reassuring--to lie, maybe, but to pretend like nothing ever got to him now. 
“Sure. That surprises you?” 
“I mean...yeah, kinda?” Virgil shrugged. “I guess I thought you’d tell me it gets better. That you stop being so scared all the time.” 
“It does,” Janus said. “Just because I still get scared sometimes doesn’t mean it’s not better than it used to be.” 
“You know what used to scare me the most?” Janus said after a second, and Virgil looked at him curiously. Janus smiled. “Patton.” 
“Patton scared you?” Virgil couldn’t even begin to believe it. “How the hell could Patton scare you?” 
“Patton himself didn’t,” Janus said. “But you know him. When I first met him, I thought, ‘here’s this amazing guy who’s had this perfect life, with this perfect family that loves him, he’s probably a total asshole or a complete rich snob.’ I kind of wanted to hate him, because he had everything I’d ever wanted, right? Like what did he do to deserve it?” He chuckled and shook his head. “Then I spent more than five minutes with him and realized no, he’s actually a total sweetheart, and he cares about everyone so much, and when we started dating I kept thinking, ‘how can someone this good see anything of value in someone like me?” 
Virgil’s breath caught in his throat, hearing his own deepest fears echoed in Janus’s voice.
“I just kept thinking, ‘eventually he’s going to realize how much better he could be doing. He’s gonna find someone who doesn’t have a temper, who doesn’t have rejection and abandonment issues, who’s as nice as he is and who isn’t this complete and total nobody.’“ 
“Exactly,” Virgil breathed, staring at Janus with wide eyes. 
“Of course,” Janus continued, “eventually I realized a few things.” 
“What things?” 
“Well, first of all, I realized that while Patton is an extremely kind and wonderful man, he’s not perfect, and it was actually really unfair of me to put him up on a pedestal like that. He makes mistakes, he has a temper too--you’ve seen him on game night when he’s losing at Monopoly” --here Virgil broke into soft giggles and nodded, “--and he worries. A lot. He also tends to give the people who hurt him more chances than they deserve.” 
Virgil’s smile faded. “But...what if I’m one of those people?” he whispered. “If I keep hurting him, or disappointing him...” 
“No, Virgil.” Janus’s voice was firm. “You could never disappoint him. He worries about you, but that’s just because that’s what he does. But he’s never going to be disappointed.” He paused, and glanced at Virgil sidelong. “However,” he said lightly, “he would probably tell you that you don’t need to go picking fights at school to defend our honor.” 
Virgil grimaced. “Yeah, I know,” he said. Then: “What would you tell me?” 
“I’d tell you that there are lots of reasons to fight in this world, and lots of things worth fighting for, but I never want to see you hurt over something as petty as someone calling your dad and me a stupid name.” 
Virgil sighed, and leaned against Janus’s shoulder again. “Yeah, I know,” he said again. “I just got so mad. Like who are these assholes to judge you guys? You’re...” he faltered, feeling a little choked and more than a little embarrassed, but forced himself to finish: “You’re both so amazing, and you gave me an actual real family, and...and who cares if you’re gay, why should that even matter? You’re...” 
“Hey.” Janus reached out and gently brushed the few tears that had escaped away from Virgil’s cheeks, being careful of his bruises. “Thank you, kiddo. I mean that. But you know what? Next time that happens, you ignore them, or defend yourself if they physically attack you first--I’ll help teach you how--and then you come home and you and me, we can talk it out. Vent, whatever. That way you can deal with it, but you don’t have to take a beating. Right?” 
Virgil sighed, and nodded again, finally letting go of the last of his worry and anger. “Yeah, okay,” he said. “I guess so.” 
“Good. Now. Are you hungry? It smells like Patton’s just about done down there, and I want to get more ice on that eye of yours anyway.” 
“Yeah.” Virgil realized with some surprise that he was hungry--his stomach had untied itself from the knots it’d been in since he’d gotten home, and the scents wafting from the kitchen had only gotten better in the last few minutes. 
“Great. C’mon.” 
Janus rose from the bed and held out a hand; Virgil took it and let him help him to his feet. “Is it just your face?” Janus asked. “No other injuries anywhere else?” 
“No. I mean yeah, just my face.” Virgil shrugged sheepishly. “The guy just hit me once. The rest is from when he knocked me down.” 
“Gotcha. That’s good, then. Let’s go.” 
Janus paused in the doorway of Virgil’s room and glanced back at him. Virgil shifted nervously, then smiled a little hesitantly. “Thanks.” 
Janus’s face broke into the first broad grin of the evening. “What I’m here for, bud,” he said. “C’mon, let’s go eat.” 
Virgil nodded, following his...his father...out of the bedroom, and down the stairs to the kitchen. Patton looked up when they arrived, having just set a pan of what looked and smelled like lasagna--Virgil’s favorite--onto the table. 
“Perfect timing!” he said cheerfully, moving to kiss Janus hello, then looking over at Virgil. “Hope you’re hungry. You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Virgil said, hugging himself, still feeling a little uncertain. That flash of something on Patton’s face in the car still had him worried, and in spite of Janus’s words, he found himself wondering if his dad was disappointed. 
Patton tilted his head, apparently hearing the uncertainty in Virgil’s voice. He moved forward and laid a gentle hand on Virgil’s shoulder, while Janus busied himself making a new ice pack. 
“Second chance,” he murmured. “You okay, kiddo?” 
Virgil looked up at Patton, studying his face, and in it, he saw lots of things--worry, concern, a little bit of anxiety, sure--but no anger. And beneath it all, so obvious it almost hurt to look at: a deep, abiding love. 
Virgil relaxed at last, and gave Patton a genuine smile. “Yeah,” he said again, stronger this time, and when Patton beamed and opened his arms, Virgil stepped into the embrace gladly. “Yeah, I’m okay, Dad.” 
“Good,” Patton whispered, and Virgil felt a kiss dropped into his hair before Patton drew away and said, “All right, let’s get to it, then. This lasagna isn’t going to eat itself!” 
Virgil settled at the table, watching as his dad and J--and his father--updated each other on their day, laughing and joking lightly with one another. He held the ice pack Janus had given him to his cheek with one hand, and with the other, ate the lasagna Patton had made for him. 
And even though it pulled slightly painfully at his split lip, he couldn’t help but grin. 
Thanks for reading! 
A little background info (and to clarify something, just in case it wasn’t clear enough in the text): the “Second chance” bit is a rule they have in their household. Janus is a child psychologist, and he specializes in lying as a defense mechanism created by abuse victims to placate their abusers. He theorizes that your first response to any question that causes a heightened emotional response is usually a lie, because your instinct to protect yourself kicks in and forces you to say what you think the asker wants to hear. In their household, they have a policy that if someone thinks the answer they got might not have been truthful, you can say “second chance” and answer again, with no repercussions about having lied.
They use this to ask each other “are you sure,” as well as to admit to having lied themselves (So sometimes one of them will answer or say something, then say “second chance” and amend their own statement. Like “Hey Dad, do you want to play this video game with me?” “Sure kiddo! Well...second chance, how scary is it? I don’t want to have nightmares.” ). 
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warnadudenexttime · 3 years
Ok so swap aus, love them whole lot!!
Like personality swaps are interesting but the thing that gives sanders sides an edge to swap aus is the idea of the sides swapping traits!
Obvs dark side light side swaps are neat as well but that’s a whole other discussion so
Because I am a hoe for my ships ( that being moceit, analogical, Platonic/brotherly creativitwins ) let’s start off with the concept of
Logan - anxiety
Virgil - logic
Patton - deception
Janus - morality
Remus - light creativity
Roman - dark creativity
Now it’s important to note that listen you rarely see this type of swap, I’ve never seen it atleast??
It’s mostly logicality prinxiety swaps and I get the appeal they’re opposites, so it causes conflict, Same with Logince and moxiety is also a common swap
However!! I do have some ideas :D it’s not a fully fleshed out idea but still a concept!!
Commonly enough when people switch traits for the sides they honestly dont keep a lot of what that side was. For example patton is a hyper, kind hearted sad dad when anxiety he just loses that and just acts like a droopy Virgil yk yk?
So we are gonna try and preserve those personalities without making them not fit for the trait entirely, meaning we may have to exaggerate some details about them
For example:
Canonly, Patton can sometimes be manipulative so we may have to heighten that up a bit, stuff like that
So back on topic
I think we should still keep C!thomas the same, atleast in the beginning of me writing this, we work around the idea of him staying the same as canon and from there we can change him as needed
Logan as anxiety
- a bit more confident as hes listened too more than logic!logan sadly enough
- I’d say hes a lot more open about his more negative emotions, while he does try and to still not show them his anger does slip out a bit much whenever he feels like his points are gonna get thomas killed, lmao insert tempest tongue falsehood joke here
- he’d have the look more that of a tired professor
- wrinkled black button up, he’d have a purple tie. Instead of just like makeup eye shadow, he’d have actual eye bags
- probably kept C!thomas up through many college and school nights for studying
- is always anxious YouTube is gonna fail and regrets not putting up more effort for Thomas to go into his chemical engineering degree
- obvs cause I’m an analogical hoe I’ll sneak this in, Logan really does like virgil as virgil too values thomas’ education and just kinda sits there while Logan angrily rants every single possibility of what could go wrong today
- “and there’s a highly probable statistic that we could end up dying participating in this activity! 75%, virgil!!”
- I think when overwhelmed with his mind racing through probabilities he’d end up messing with or loosening his tie, cleaning his glasses a lot, or chewing on the end of his sleeves
- I think he accidentally blurts out a lot of words especially when he’s trying to hold in his anger, like “THATS A BAD IDEA” then slaps his hands over his mouth and just kinda says, “apologies... I need to stop my sudden outbursts as they’re becoming a frequent problem�� and hey the outbursts getting even more worse and uncontrollable could lead to Logan doing an ol duck like in AA
patton as deception
- I think I myself would love a dark side who comes in sickeningly sweet but has “darker” intentions I suppose?
- I think Janus wouldn’t like Patton in the start because he knows how easily manipulated C!thomas can be and to see a seemingly innocent dad try and push some morals on you, he’s cautious
- so Patton when he first appears doesn’t hide himself like Janus did behind a disguise... well sort of?
- he comes in dressed as his outfit in the series, maybe throughout the whole time he’s redirecting the conversation in his favor so no one reveals him, which we’ve seen canon Patton do a good job of being able to distract the sides from fighting so we can say he has that ability himself as well
- maybe like Janus he can stop people from saying words he doesn’t want thomas to know, or well thomas himself doesn’t wanna know
- but instead of the obvious slams hand over mouth it’s more like, Virgil speaks up saying “Thomas, It would probably help you to know that, Patton isn’t exactly-“ and maybe either he tries to finish his sentence and can’t speak, he just lets out air instead of a noise. Or forgets what he was talking about all together, another form of misdirection?
- patton’s whole thing is he came up here, dressed in his lil innocent dad outfit, being sweet as all hell “kiddo, I heard about a certain show you messed of Joan’s? Now we don’t joan hating us do we? We love Joan to death and we wouldn’t wanna hurt them! Can you imagine the look on their face?” Which Janus just says, “are you asking him to lie? You and I both have the understanding that Joan hates being lied to.”
- patton’s like “ehhh I know, but I think saving the relationship is more important! We don’t know if telling the truth could end up hurting Joan more then just a small fib?”
- so blah blah Patton is revealed
- his cardigan is back to his cat hoodie which is the black variety, instead maybe tied around his waist? He could have fingerless gloves that kinda look like cat
- paws? Like, he’s the unlucky black cat. He doesn’t have snake makeup but maybe he has sharps canines/fangs like cats do. And maybe we could keep the polo just make it yellow? Not sure though, but I do wanna have his lil logo go from just a blue heart when first shown to a yellow one with it like, being broken with a claw mark, like someone tore through it
- and why he chose to come in blue in the first place maybe he wanted to show thomas he was similar to Janus or maybe he has a crush on Janus? 👀👀 who’s to say
- but he’s revealed and just ahHhwhaj OH NO THE CAT PUNS, “apawogies Thomas for deceiving you a bit there, I was just trying to help make sure joan is feline good in the end! I do think you should really reconsider- meow I better get on my way then ol’ creativity needs some pasta. Keep my ideas in mind kiddo!” Then leaves lmao
- and that could be a solid set up for Thomas to be like- wait is there two creativities? Yk yk
- I do have some ideas for how svs and svs redux could go but yeah
- overall Janus, not really that known for having an animal trait as much as Patton and Roman but Janus could turn into a snake for svs redux-
I’m getting a head of myself lol
- point is, lmao- Patton’s animal trait is a cat
- he’s still kind? He can be a bit more pushy then canon Patton. But his first method is always just a gentle nudge and, “oh come on kiddo, I think your father would probably agree with me on this one”
- he’s not so much for thomas’ self  preservation as more so he pushes thomas to help his friends and because he wants to make sure thomas looks good enough for them so they’ll stay he ends up pushing for lying
I have some more ideas for the other sides as well but just wanted to see what some thoughts are before I keep on developing this :D
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Valentine’s Day
words: 2868 universe: human au characters: virgil, roman, patton; mentions of remus, logan, janus pairings: romantic prinxiety, platonic moxiety, platonic DLAMPR, implied background romantic logicality warnings: none i can think of, just fluff on fluff on fluff a/n: happy late valentines day, everyone! i wanted to have this done on actual valentine’s day but executive dysfunction said no thank you. this fic is dedicated to my amazing girlfriend @katlikethesword. i still can’t believe how lucky i am to be your datemate, and i love you with all my heart. this is my first time writing a prinxiety fic this long, so i hope you like it <3
Virgil had never liked Valentine’s Day. As he often said, it was just another commercial holiday created for big corporations to take advantage of people’s relationships in order to make even more money. It was the same with holidays like Christmas and Halloween, but Valentine’s Day had always stood out to him as the worst of them all. He sometimes wondered if, deep down, he disliked this day in particular because he’d never had someone to spend it with.
That is, he didn’t, until he met Roman.
Virgil never would have guessed he’d fall for someone like Roman. The two had met through the internet, after joining a small Discord server for those who shared an interest in Steven Universe. The two held a sort of rivalry between them at first, arguing almost constantly to the point where the others would grow nervous when they noticed both of them online at once. They didn’t dislike one another, per se, but the fact that their opinions clashed a majority of the time led to conflict more often than not.
After some time— and convincing by the others— the two of them begrudgingly started to get along. Their arguments went from heated debates to playful bouts of banter. Virgil found himself growing fond of his eccentric friend, and began to see him as less annoying and self-absorbed. He instead grew to appreciate his sense of humor, and his eagerness to stand up for his beliefs, and his unrelenting loyalty to those he cared about.
Over time, Virgil’s feelings blossomed into something more than just platonic and he felt himself falling. It had terrified him at first— after all, he’d never had feelings like this toward anyone before. He finally came to terms with it after one fateful night, when a voice call lasted so long that the two of them had ended up falling asleep. After that, there was no turning back. After what felt like forever— in reality, a week— he finally opened up about his feelings, and somehow, by some miracle, Roman reciprocated them.
As a result, the two of them were now in a romantic relationship together. Virgil felt himself fall more and more in love every day. It was the simple things that made him special. Roman often sent him messages containing words of adoration and devotion, and he tagged his boyfriend in Tumblr posts that reminded him of their relationship, or of Virgil in general. Virgil had been hesitant to admit that he was in love with Roman, but he did so eventually. He couldn’t imagine loving anyone else.
Not everything was this easy, though. Roman lived thousands of miles away, too far to come and visit unless he was travelling with his family, which was unlikely considering how unappealing his home state was as a vacation spot and how unlikely it was for his parents to plan a trip there. All they could do was pine hopelessly as they waited until they could finally see one another. It wasn’t uncommon for Virgil to lose himself in daydreams of the day they could finally see each other, when they could finally hold each other, when they could finally be together. Roman sometimes joked that he’d expect the pining to die down when they got together, only for it to double once they actually did, and Virgil couldn’t help but agree. It was hard being so far from the person he cared about. All he wanted was to see his love, to be by his side, to be in his arms, even if only for a little while. Was that really too much to ask?
When he woke up on February 14, the first thing Virgil did was grab his phone and open Discord to message Roman. When he did, he’d been expecting his boyfriend to have sent him something, anything, but there was nothing. Maybe he’s not awake yet. He hoped that was it. gerard-gay: hey. happy valentine’s day. i miss you. After he sent it, Virgil lay back down, pulling the covers over himself and closing his eyes again. He stayed like that for a few minutes before stumbling out of bed and changing out of his pajamas. He wasted little time in changing into a purple t-shirt, his favorite hoodie, and a pair of dark gray sweatpants. With that done, he headed into the bathroom. He splashed water on his face, then dried it before taking out his makeup kit. He decided to go for a simple look today, complete with the black eyeshadow on his lower lid that he often wore. Satisfied, he left the bathroom and headed into the kitchen.
The first thing he noticed was that his parents weren’t sitting on the couch like they usually were. Panic surged through him as his eyes flitted around the room, looking for some kind of clue. His gaze fell on a bright pink sticky note on the counter. He came over to it and read it. We had to go pick something up. We’ll be home around 1pm. Love you! ~Mom and Dad Virgil sighed in relief. They hadn’t abandoned him after all. They could have told me beforehand, though. He glanced at the clock on the microwave. 8:49. Damnit, I got up too early. At least he had the house to himself for a while.
He made himself a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal, got out his daily pills, and headed into the living room and set everything on the coffee table. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV, switching it to Netflix and putting on The Office. It wasn’t his favorite show, but it was better than eating in silence. As he ate his cereal, Virgil checked his notifications again. Nothing. He can’t still be asleep, can he? Even on the weekends, Roman was usually awake at around this time. He wasn’t ignoring him, was he?
Virgil soon finished his breakfast and grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch, swaddling it around himself. He stayed there for a while, occasionally having to venture out of his cozy cocoon to ensure Netflix that he was, in fact, still watching. As he watched, he kept an eye on his phone for any indication that Roman was alive and hadn’t grown bored of him.
Soon, he felt his phone buzz, and he nearly dropped it as he opened Discord to check the notification. To his disappointment, it wasn’t from Roman. It was instead from Patton, one of their mutual friends. happypappypatton: Happy palentine’s day!
Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle. gerard-gay: happy palentine’s day pat
happypappypatton: How’s your day so far?
gerard-gay: could be better
happypappypatton: Oh no! Why? Did something happen?
gerard-gay: nothing happened gerard-gay: just kinda worried about roman
happypappypatton: Is he okay?
gerard-gay: idk gerard-gay: i messaged him earlier but he didn’t respond
happypappypatton: Oh no, I’m so sorry!
gerard-gay: it’s okay gerard-gay: at least my parents aren’t home gerard-gay: so i get the house to myself😎
happypappypatton: Can I call you and keep you company?
gerard-gay: nah that’s okay gerard-gay: i don’t wanna take time out of your day
happypappypatton: You’re not happypappypatton: Nobody should be alone on Valentine’s day happypappypatton: Pleeeeease??? I want to talk to you!
gerard-gay: okay
happypappypatton: Yay!!
Virgil laughed to himself as he clicked the phone icon. It didn’t even finish ringing once before Patton picked up.
“Hi Vee!”
“Hey, Pat.”
“How’ve you been?”
“In the ten seconds since you last talked to me?” He laughed. “Exactly the same.”
Patton giggled. “Good point.”
“What about you?”
“I’m doing great! You know I love Valentine’s day.”
“I know you do. You and your roommate are having that Palentine’s party this year, right?”
“I wish I could come,” Virgil half-joked.
“I know, I wish you could too. Just hang in there, we’ve only got a year and a half ‘till you graduate.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m counting the days.”
“Me too,” Patton agreed with a soft laugh. “Has Roman gotten back to you yet?”
“That’s really weird. I would have thought he’d have sent you a page-long message about how much he loves you and misses you.”
“I know, I thought so too.” He sighed. “Do you think he’s sick of me?”
“No, absolutely not. You know how much Roman cares about you. Besides, even if he didn’t, he wouldn’t just ignore your messages.”
“Yeah, I guess. It would be pretty out of character for him to just ghost me.”
“Ghost you? But it’s not Halloween, it’s Valentine’s Day!”
Virgil groaned. “You couldn’t not make a dad joke, huh?”
“Sorry,” he giggled. “But you gotta admit, that was kinda funny.”
“Meh. It wasn’t your worst work.”
Patton laughed.
“Yeah, anyway…”
The two of them were quiet for a moment. “What about the others?” asked Virgil. “Have you talked to ‘em today?”
“Mhm! I DMed everyone earlier. I’m actually talking to ‘em right now.”
“Oh, cool. Are you…” he hesitated before finishing, “talking to Roman?”
“No, he’s the only one who hasn’t said anything. So on the off-chance he’s actually ignoring you, he’s ignoring me too.”
“Has anyone else said anything?”
“Nope. It’s weird, I asked them if they’d talked to him today after you told me he hadn’t been responding, and they all said no.”
“Even Remus?”
“Uh-huh. Apparently he hasn’t even seen him today.”
Virgil started bouncing his leg anxiously. “Okay, now I’m getting kinda scared. Do you think something happened to him?”
“I dunno. Maybe? But Remus would’ve said something about it, right?”
“Yeah, I’d think so.”
“Let’s change the subject,” Patton suggested. “I don’t wanna make you more anxious about this than you already are.”
“Thanks, Pat. How are the others? What are they up to?”
“They’re doing pretty good! Remus is working on a writing project, Janus is playing Stardew Valley, and Logan’s procrastinating on his schoolwork by scrolling Tumblr. Don’t worry, I already scolded him for it.”
Virgil laughed, the mention of Logan reminding him of something. “Ooh, speaking of Logan, are you gonna tell him today?”
“No, not today.”
Virgil was genuinely shocked. “Really? Why not?”
“C’mon, you know him. He sees Valentine’s Day as an excuse for big companies to make a boatload of money.”
“So? I think that too. What does that have to do with you not telling him?”
“It wouldn’t mean anything to tell him today. I don’t even know if I’m ready to tell him yet or not. Besides, he’s got a lot on his plate today, Valentine’s day or not.”
“I get that. Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so pushy. You tell him when you know you’re ready.”
“Thanks, Vee. You didn’t sound pushy, though. I definitely know how frustrating it can be when your friend’s been pining after someone for months on end but they still refuse to do anything about it.“
Virgil laughed. “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll stop complaining.”
“I’m not saying you have to. I did my fair share of complaining when y—” Patton stopped abruptly, and Virgil heard a faint voice coming from the other end. “Okay, just gimme a second,” Patton called out, clearly talking to someone else. “I’m so sorry, Vee, I gotta go. Emile promised a couple friends we’d meet them for lunch today and it completely slipped my mind.”
“That’s okay,” Virgil reassured him. “You go have fun, Pat. I’ll be fine by myself.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. If I get really lonely I can always talk to the others.”
“Okay. Tell me if Roman gets back to you, ‘kay?”
“I will. I’ll talk to ya later.”
“Bye! Love you!”
“Love you too.” Virgil hung up the phone and got up, grabbing his dirty dishes and taking them into the kitchen to wash them. Once he finished, he glanced over at the clock, which read 10:37. Only about two and a half hours until Mom and Dad get home, he thought as he put the dishes away. He left the kitchen, checking his phone again as he headed toward his bedroom. Once again, Roman still hadn’t said anything. He’s definitely awake by now. Had he been right? Had something happened to him? He forced the thought away. He couldn’t let that bother him. Why was it so important, anyway? Today was just another day.
He reached his room and sat down at his desk, turning on his laptop and putting on his headphones. He then opened Spotify and put on the playlist he’d made for Roman the day after they’d gotten together, before switching over to Tumblr and scrolling through his dashboard. He could probably do the exact same thing in the living room, but he preferred the cozier, more familiar atmosphere of his bedroom. Peanut, his cat, climbed up onto his lap and curled up into a ball. Virgil smiled to himself and reached one hand down to scratch him behind the ear. Peanut purred, and Virgil’s smile widened.
He stayed there for a few hours, seeing what everyone on Tumblr was up to today. Every so often, he switched to Discord to see if Roman had replied to him yet, but no such luck. He did his best to ignore his growing worry, focusing instead on the computer in front of him and the cat on his lap. He could be busy today, he reminded himself. His world doesn’t revolve around you.
Soon enough, he heard the familiar rumble of the garage door, followed by the ca-CHUNK of the front door and the clip-clop-clip-clop of his parents’ footsteps. Virgil gently moved Peanut off his lap, which the pale ginger tabby didn’t seem to mind much. “I’m gonna go say hi to Mom and Dad,” he told the cat. “You can come if ya want.” Peanut meowed in response, which made Virgil laugh. He knew his cat couldn’t understand him, but he still found it wildly amusing when he acted as if he did. He crouched down to pat his head a few times before leaving his bedroom and going into the living room. He smiled at his parents when he saw them. “Hey,” he greeted, giving a sort of half-wave.
“Hey, honey,” his mom greeted with a smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” added his dad.
“Yeah, you too.” He came over and hugged his parents.
“Have you eaten yet?” his dad wanted to know.
“I did,” he reassured him. “I had a bowl of cereal.”
This satisfied him. “Good.”
“What’ve you been up to?” asked his mom.
“Not much. I had breakfast, called Patton and then went to hang out with Peanut and scroll Tumblr for a bit. What about you guys? What exactly were you picking up?” He glanced around in search of a box or some kind of indication of a possible answer but found none.
“Actually,” answered his mom. “It was something for you.”
Virgil hadn’t expected that. “Oh! I-uh, cool. Thanks.”
“Don’t thank us yet,” his dad told him with a laugh. “Go and see, it’s in the garage.”
“Okay.” He went into the laundry room, where the door to the garage was, with no idea what he was going to find in there. His parents rarely got him big presents, and when they did it was either for his birthday or for Christmas. He had no idea what to expect. He reached the door, turned the handle, and flicked on the lights.
Standing there was a teenage boy with a broad smile. He wore a red hoodie and a pair of ripped blue jeans, and his white sneakers were dirty and worn. Around his neck was a necklace with a gold-colored charm shaped like a crown. He spoke, his voice sounding to Virgil like the most beautiful of songs. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
“ROMAN!” Virgil barreled into him, nearly knocking him over as he threw his arms around him. “Oh my God, you’re actually here. Like, right here. In my garage. How did you even manage to do this?”
“I have my ways.”
Virgil pulled back a little to smirk at him. “You’re just as insufferable in real life as you are online, huh?”
“Well, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me and my insufferableness.”
“Unfortunately.” Virgil gave him a lopsided grin as an indication that he was joking, and an adoring smile crossed his boyfriend’s face. “Is this why you haven’t answered my message?”
“I can’t believe you’re actually here. You actually are here, right? This isn’t some practical joke?”
“It’s not a joke. I wouldn’t do that to you. Well, maybe I would, but not on a day like today. Not on Valentine’s Day.”
The two were quiet for a few moments, just taking in one another’s presence. Virgil was pretty confident that he would willingly stay here forever if he could.
“Well, now that you’re here, what do you want to do first?” Virgil asked, finally breaking the silence.
Roman gave Virgil the playful smirk he’d only ever imagined before. “I think I have an idea.” He rested a hand on his cheek and leaned in, and Virgil felt his heart soar as he and Roman shared their long-awaited first kiss.
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hetacon · 3 years
Listen and Wait
Word Count: 700
Pairings: Familial Moxiety, Familial Analogical, Logicality
Warning: Food mention, mention to Virgil’s father kind of sucking at being an actual parent
Summary: It really is a wonder what Patton and Logan remember of what Virgil says.
(I finally wrote something, yay!! This is more content of the Midnight Stellar AU I have, where Logan and Patton own and run a late-night café! You don’t need the other stories that have been made for this AU but if you want to, they’re tagged under the tag “‘midnight stellar au”! Either way, enjoy!)
Virgil barely even got through the door of Midnight Stellar before Patton passed him on his way, leaning over quickly to give him a kiss on his hair.
“Good evening Virgil, Logan’s just finished up a batch of peanut butter cookies and I’ll get you your hot chocolate in a minute, already have everything set out if you’ll give me a minute!” Patton called out, working to clear some tables.
With a raised eyebrow, Virgil went over to the counter and gave Logan a confused look.
“Hello Virgil, I take it you want your usual?” Logan asked him, transferring the aforementioned cookies from their spot on a couple of cooling racks.
“Yeah, uh, what’s up with...?” Virgil gestured vaguely to the two café owners.
“What? With us almost having your order ready?”
Virgil nodded, laughing to himself a little as Patton bounded over with a bright smile towards Virgil.
Patton gave a dramatic eye roll before giggling, clearly messing with him. “You just finished up your art history final and you mentioned last week about taking a nap before spending the night out of the house and heading over here! And you usually are here around 2:30 so we wanted to make sure to have things ready for you! Things are busy at the moment but if you want to talk, I’ll have everything settled in 10 minutes and then we can chat!”
After a moment of just staring at Patton, who seemed to be going on with business as normal despite what he just said, Virgil felt his cheeks heat up considerably and he burrowed into his hoodie a bit.
“Why do you remember that?” His tone definitely did not come out even there, not in the slightest.
Logan chuckled and slid Virgil a plate of cookies. “You are great company for us Virgil and we like hearing about you and your life, it’s a joy to talk to you. Naturally we want to support you where we can, considering your...” He cleared his throat, glancing to the side as he pushed up his glasses. “Lack of a decent example of a parental figure.”
“Geez, you really don’t have to, I’m fine by myself and all,” Virgil muttered. “Also can I get some cinnamon on it today Patton?” he added as a bit of an afterthought.
“Absolutely you can and you can handle yourself perfectly well as Logie and I are both aware-“ Patton started, finally setting Virgil’s drink in front of him. “But that doesn’t mean that we don’t want to give it to you anyways!”
Virgil snorted before shaking his head, sliding $20 over the counter. “Once again, you guys are more like my dads than my actual dad, might as well just call you it instead,” he joked.
Patton slide the money back over the counter before he looked across the room, vaulting over the counter, with slight protest from Logan on making sure he doesn’t get hurt. Patton ignores him though, going to clear off and wipe down another table. “I wouldn’t mind if that’s what you want, how about you Logie?” he said rather seriously.
Logan looked Virgil in the eye, giving him a solid gaze. “I would have no objections.”
Virgil turned even more red if it was possible and he buried his face in his hands. “You guyssssss!” he groaned out, only for the two men to laugh. “Thanks Dad,” he semi-sarcastically commented to Patton. He would never admit to the bubbly feeling he felt at it. Not when Logan was giving him a knowing smile anyways.
“Love you kiddo, you rock!” Patton hummed out.
“Mm...” Virgil hummed for a moment, looking to Logan. “I’ll come back to you, gotta think on a name.”
“Take your time, we’ve got all night Virgil,” Logan said with a soft smile, going to take care of another customer’s order as they walked up to the counter.
With that, Virgil went to go sit at his usual table, which he noticed was already set up for him. He really was happy to have them.
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Happy Father's Day
This is a father's day fanfic. This is set in the Kindergarten Teachers AU.
Pairings: Romantic Roceit, Romantic Remlosleep (Remus x Logan x Remy), Platonic Moxiety
This fanfic includes: Trans!Remy (FTM), Nonbinary!Roman, Agender!Remus (Ze/Zem), Kid!Patton, Kid!Virgil.
Also here’s a quick list of what every gender-neutral term in this fanfic stands for-
Nopa- taken from ’(no)n-binary (pa)rent’
Baba- based on ‘Mama/Dada/Papa’. Also means dad in some languages and grandmother in others.
Zaza- a mashup of 'mama/dada/papa’ and the gender-neutral pronouns 'Ze/Zir’ or ‘Ze/Zem’. 
Zizi- neutral based on Italian for Aunt (Zia) and Uncle (Zio)
This is really bad. I really need to stop writing things in a hurry. I might delete this later.
Patton has alway loved summer. Heloved the hot weather and family holidays. But what he loved more was being able to have sleepovers with his befriend Virgil as often as they wanted. The two of them have known each other since birth since their parents are friends. They do everything together. At the moment they’re trying to brainstorm about what they should do for their parents for Father's day. They need gifts for Logan, Janus, and Remy so they had quite a bit of planning to do. 
"How about we start with your papa, Pat?" Virgil asks.
Patton nods, "Alright! How about we try asking baba and zizi Remus for help?"
Roman and Remus don't really like getting gifts for Father's day. The two of them prefer Parents' Day, so they’re usually able to help the two kids with getting gifts for their dads.
Virgil smiles, "Okay! Well let's go ask my zaza if he can call your nopa over."
The two of them stand up and go to the kitchen. 
Remus isn't at work today since the hospital ze works at is temporarily closed for repairs. Thankfully, ze's still getting paid, so he doesn’t mind the small vacation.
Once Virgil and Patton get to the kitchen, Virgil runs over to Remus and tugs on zir shirt.
Remus looks down at him and smiles, "What's up, pebble?"
Virgil smiles brightly, "Can you help us get gifts for uncle Janus, pops, and dad?"
"Sure!" He turns to Patton, "Do you want me to call your nopa over?"
Patton nods, "Yes, please!"
"Alright. You guys go wait in the living room while I call them."
The two kids nod and run back to the living room. After a while, Remus joins them. 
"Okay, Ro should be here soon. How about we start brainstorming some ideas while we wait for them to show up, yeah?"
"Okay!" Virgil and Patton excitedly say at the same time.
The three of them brainstorm for about 15 minutes before there's a knock on the door. 
Remus stands up and goes over to the door, opening it.
"Hey, Rem!" Roman says with a bright smile.
“Hey,” They share a brief hug before the two of them walk back to the couch.
"Baba!" Patton goes over and hugs Roman.
"Hi my little prince!" They hug Patton back and kiss his forehead, making the boy giggle.
"Let's get daddy's gift!" The little boy says cheerfully after kissing his parent's cheek.
"Alright, alright."
They break the hug and the four of them go back to thinking of gift ideas.
Remy came home at around two pm. He usually works at home, but this day he had to go to a client's house. When he walks in he sees Remus and Virgil on the couch. Both of them are smiling brightly and Virgil seems to be holding something behind his back.
"Hi, you two." Remy says with a hint of curiosity in his voice. 
Remus stands up and goes over to him, kissing his cheek.
"Hi, love. How are you feeling?"
Remy shrugs, "I'm alright. What are you guys doing?"
Virgil giggles and goes over to him, "Here, pops!" He holds out a present, "Happy father's day!"
"Oh, buddy," He takes the gift before giving Virgil a hug, “Thank you."
Virgil hugs him back, "No problem!' He pulls away after a while, "Now, hurry up and open it!"
Remy chuckles, "Okay, okay."
The three of them sit down on the couch. Remy opens the gift. Inside the box was a necklace with a heart on it, some markers, and a handmade card. 
"Aww, thank you guys. I love them." 
He hugs both Virgil and Remus. They hug him back.
"No problem, pops! I'm happy you like them!"
"Of course, love."
At around four pm, Logan came home. Despite the fact that it was summer, Logan still has to work. He usually is working on writing curriculums, going to conferences, workshops, and presentations. Today he had to go to a board meeting at the school. 
He goes inside and is a bit surprised when he sees the living room empty. Usually around this time, Virgil is watching TV or Remy is working in the living room. He walks into the kitchen and smiles when he sees his family there. Remus is making dinner while Remy and Virgil are talking at the dinner table. 
"Salutations guys."
"Oh! Hi, starlight. How was the meeting?" Remus asks, looking over at him with a smile.
Logan walks over to the table, sitting down next to Remy after kissing Virgil's head. "It was fine. How are you all doing?"
Remy rests his head on Logan’s shoulder and smiles, "We're doing well. Virge has something for you though."
Logan holds Remy close and raises a brow. He looks over at his son. “You do?"
Virgil smiles and holds out a gift for him, "Happy Father's day, dad!”
Logan smiles brightly and takes it, "Thank you, Virgil. I appreciate it."
He opens the gift. The gift included an astrology book, an expensive pen, and a card that Virgil made.
“Do you like it, dad?” Virgil asks.
Logan ruffles his hair, “I love it. Thank you again for the gift. I love you."
The little boy laughs and leans into the touch, "Love you too!"
Janus came home at around eight pm. He was tired after a long day of working on paperwork and talking to clients. He goes inside and immediately gets hugged by Patton.
"Daddy! You’re home," he says joyfully. 
Janus hugs him back and rubs his back, "Yup. Where's baba?"
Patton pulls away from the hug and smiles, "He's in the kitchen. Come on!"
Patton leads Janus to the kitchen, "Baba, daddy is here!"
Roman looks over and smiles. They go over and kiss Janus briefly."Welcome home, darling. How was work?"
He sighs,"Tiring, but it's whatever. Is there any left over dinner? I'm hungry."
Roman smiles sadly and kisses his cheek, "Yeah. I'll serve you some. But first, Patton wants to give you something. Come on."
Roman leads Janus over to the table and gently sits them down.
Patton walks over and gives Janus his gift, "Happy father's day, papa. I hope you like the gift!"
Janus takes it and smiles, "Thank you, sweetie."
He opens it and takes out a paper award that says 'Best dad ever' and a watch.
"Oh, kiddo," He sets the gifts on the table before hugging Patton, "Thank you so much. I love you."
Patton hugs him back and kisses his cheek, "Of course, daddy! I love you too!"
Janus pulls away from the hug after a while and smiles.
"How about after you eat, my love, we watch a movie?" Roman asks.
Janus nods, "Yeah, that sounds nice."
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joyrose-fandomer · 3 years
Please, don’t fall for me (Sanders Sides fantasy school AU) Chap 3
Relationships : Future (Prinxiety, Intrological, Mocite, Platonique Moxiety and platonique Analogical)
POV : Virgil
TW : Water, Manipulation
Virgil couldn't focus on anything after that.
He kept looking at the pamphlet and the folded paper on his laps. 
The pamphlet showed a picture of a big white building. It looked like a bad copy of Harvard. 
It was named "Pine hills High school and College of art, sport and science" which was long for nothing and boring like literally any school.
But most importantly, it looked pricy. So Virgil looked around the pamphlet but he couldn't find any price anywhere. 
Tss, of course, they wouldn't.
It said on the pamphlet that the school had good infrastructure and good results in every sportive, artistic and scientific field. That it had 100% chance for the student to have a diploma and list several students that became important.
Virgil didn't know any of those names and most importantly, never heard of that school.
  On the other hand, the folded paper was a lot less fancy. There was no picture only a name and a few commentaries.
It didn't look official in any way. In fact, it was very obvious that Remy had written everything.
But it gave a strange feeling, like the ink and paper weren't normal. Like it could disappear at any moment if Virgil stopped looking at it or if anyone else looked at it.
He knew it didn't make much sense, but he could swear that he saw the words glitter from time to time.
"The Argus school" was the name written on the paper. 
"School for young magical creatures to learn how to control their powers in safety."
So, like a school of magic? When did Virgil step into Harry Potter?
  It was so cliché and suspicious, Remy was surely messing with him. 
What if it was all an elaborate prank?
What if it was a kidnapping technic and Virgil was falling straight for it?
Should he call the police?
Would they believe him?
But what if it was not a joke?
It was so unrealistic but it explained so many things...
That day when school ended Virgil didn't directly go home.
He went to the pool.
"Hello, do you have a ticket ?"
The young women at the entrance asked.
Oh. Well, he needed to confirm that too eventually.
The high school boy took a deep breath.
"No, I forgot...sorry"
Her voice was suddenly a lot softer.
"It's ok, I can give you one. It's 7$"
Alright, he won't have to meet her again, he could do it.
He took off his mask and hood
"I'm sorry miss. I forgot to bring money"
She blinked like she was trying to adjusted her eyes after being flashed with a stong light.
"Alright, I will take your name and you can pay later"
"Wait really?" Virgil exclaimed, not expecting the woman to actually let him get away with it so easily.
The woman smiled. "Yes, but don't tell anyone, I'm not supposed to do that. So what's your name ?"
"Virgil Apkallu"
"That's an interesting name could you spell it ?"
Virgil spelled his name like he always did. Before remembering an important fact.
"I don't have my swimsuit!"
She laughed. Virgil couldn't blame her, he really didn't think that through.
"Do you want to go home to pick it up?"
If he got home it would be too late, his father wouldn't let him go back out again.
He looked up at the women. Making eye contact with someone for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
"If I go home I don't know if I would be able to come back..."
She froze and thought for a bit before walking away and coming back with her wallet. 
"Here, go to the dispenser and get yourself a swimsuit"
"Wha- but it's your money, I can't"
"It's fine kid, it's just 2$. Now go before we close"
Virgil sighed and bought simple black shorts. He thanked the woman and she let him get in.
He felt guilty. He knew he didn't ask her to do all that and she was the one who insisted. But he couldn't help but feel like he manipulated that woman.
But it's what he was trying to do, didn’t he ?
The pool was empty. It was late and during fall it was too cold to go swimming.
The pool attendants weren't here, probably thinking that no one would come at that hour.
So Virgil had the water for himself.
Time to get it over with.
The good thing with being an anxious mess like Virgil is that you end up collecting techniques to get rid of disillusions.
Often the biggest disillusions were the hardest to get rid of. It's the ones that make the less sense. 
Like thinking everyone you meet want to kill you, or that your parents were secretly robots.
But the good thing is. The bigger they are the easier it is to prove your brain wrong.
If you don't turn into a wolf under the full moon, you're not a werewolf.
If you don't have magic powers you're not a witch.
And if you can't breathe underwater you're not a siren.
A normal human can't survive underwater for more than 5 minutes, a trained diver can stay at best 12 minutes.
Virgil only had to stay underwater until he felt the huge to breathe.
If he could stay underwater for longer than that without needing to go out to breathe then... haha no, it was stupid last time he was just confused because he fell into the pool in the middle of a panic attack. 
He will be out in a few seconds.
He slowly went down the stairs. The water was colder than he remembered.
It was probably reckless to test that alone but at least no-one was here to stop him.
Once he was in, the cold was a lot more bearable. In fact, it was numbing pleasantly.
The only swimmer went around the pool using the border to hold himself. But he didn't really need it, it was mostly the lack of confidence.
Eventually, he let go of the side of the pool and swam to the center of the water.
He felt free. Like floating in space. Swiming was so easy, it was second nature.
Virgil set the timer at 0.
And go !
He let himself sink.
The echoes of the empty room, the lapping of the water, the far-away cars.
It all dissolved into silence.
The golden hue of the sunset reflected all around, slithering in the water like hundreds of glowing vines.
Virgil was still holding his nose under the water but he didn't feel the need to breathe. Actually, he was already breathing. 
He brushed the side of his neck. His skin was taking off but it didn't hurt.
He breathed in.
Water entered the gap in his neck.
He breathed out. 
Water went out of the gap.
He never had gills. Since when did he had gills?
He let go of all the air he was holding in a string of bubbles. 
He watched them float away. Reflecting the sunlight, making them shine the away fairy lights would.
Bright and clear.
When he tried to breathe through the nose, the airway seemed blocked and he ended up breathing by his Gilles again.
He was breathing underwater. He could see underwater.
He could see and breathe better than on land.
His hair fell on his face.
He could see his own eyes reflecting in them like a mirror and his eyes reflected his hair the same way.
This was new. Usually, they were both jet black. 
He swam to one of the Hublot around the pool.
His hair reflected the pool around, perfectly merging with the water like they were trying their hardest to disappear. His eyes were hardly any better. They were glossy and blue with gold lights just like the water around.
Usually, his eyes were so dark he could barely see his pupils well now that his eyes were different... He still couldn't. Apparently, his pupils also got this mirror effect.
This one was probably not a new thing. The boy could remember every time someone had the great idea of pointing a flashlight at him only to scream because his pupils were shining like a wild animal.
The confused boy swam around. 
It was so simple, like taking a walk around the park.
So peaceful,
So comfortable,
So pretty,
So safe,
It felt like home.
Virgil didn't know how much time he spent here. He didn't want to look at the timer. 
He didn't want to walk. He didn't want to choke on air. He didn't want to feel the pressure of the world.
This was where he belonged. He was happy.
He didn't want to go.
He looked up. The golden light turned silver.
It was night. He needed to go home.
With a sigh, the half siren swam out. Posing the timer but not looking at it.
Everything was so heavy out there. Virgil dresses up slowly and difficultly. His clothes stuck to him and made moving even harder.
Taking a deap breath of his inhaler and dragging himself away from the pool.
The woman looked surprised that he was still here but she still waved him goodby with a smile.
The cold autumn wind gave him a headache, the boy hid his wet hair in is hood and walked.
By the time he arrived home, his body was freezing.
His mind bearly felt anything.
"Do you have any idea how late it is? 
I was so worried! Where were you ?!"
His father immediately yelled when he opened the door.
Virgil stayed silent. He didn't feel guilty, just, empty.
He walked around mindlessly, working only on muscle memory. His father still yelling behind him but he couldn't hear anything.
When he took off his hood his father went silent and stared at him wearily.
"Virgil, why are you soaked ?"
His son took a deep breath and locked eyes with his parent with a serious expression.
"Dad. Who is my mother ?"
Sorry, the story didn’t advence a lot this chapter, I really just wanted to right water again ! (^u^’)
Tag list : @angstysunshine @sander-sides-fics 
@moments-of-selves @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes (I still don’t know if you want me to tag you or not so if you want me to stop just tell me ok ? (^u^))
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poison-rat · 3 years
Anaroyality (Virgil x Roman x Patton) My cousin asked for this btw! (By the way)
This is going to be the last of these prompts I do. I'm getting a little bored of these particular questions. I may reblog some new ones later and I'll try those instead because I really do love talking about my ships and my HCs.
I think this is the first time I've talked about Patton?? I love the happy, bubbly Patton that comes with more fanon than canon, but I love Patton. Anaroyality is also a ship I haven't touched before. I kind of ship Moxiety and Prinxiety, but I haven't combined them before. So I hope this comes out good! Also you didn't specify which set so I did the first one instead.
Who is the most affectionate?
People always assume Roman would be, being the romantic type and all, but it's actually Patton. He's considered the heart of the relationship. He loves giving hugs and kissing their heads, holding their hands, and kissing their cheeks. He’s also a verbally affectionate person. He loves to give them nicknames and tell them how cute or pretty they are or how good they are at their hobbies. Virgil always gets so flustered, hiding in his hoodie. He loves it tho. Roman gets blushy and his ego inflates a little and he flaps a bit when he gets overwhelmed.
Who initiates the handholding?
Most of the time, it’s actually Virgil. He gets overwhelmed by the world quite often, and with two extroverted boyfriends, it balances things out when he can just walk up and hold their hand and feel like there’s this barrier between him and the world, that he’s safe. Other than that, it’s Roman, holding hands or arms or wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Who worries more for the other?
Virgil worries about them all the time. Roman hangs out with his wild brother or goes off on his ‘adventures’ for several hours or even days. Patton is more of a homebody, but Virgil always worries something will go wrong at home. So Virgil hangs out with Patton regularly to ‘protect him’. Patton doesn’t see what the big deal is, but he’s happy for the company.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Patton is very quick to ask for help. Virgil and Roman will be arguing for hours if Patton doesn’t ask for help. Imagine they’re in a furniture store and Virgil wants to look at sectionals. Roman would prefer a reclining couch. Patton has no opinion because both are good. They argue for about ten minutes before Patton wanders over to an employee and explains what they all want. Employee helps them find the perfect mix of the two and they leave with a nice sectional that has recliners in it. Virgil and Roman still bicker but they know for a fact that without Patton, they would still be arguing in the middle of the store.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Patton misplaces things all the time, so he has this little keychain that allows him to track his keys, phone, wallet, and other such items. Of course, he loses the keychain too, so now Roman holds onto the keychain.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Roman loves to leave notes all over the house that usually stay hanging up until they lose stickiness and drift off. When he gets particularly inspired, he writes a whole letter. Virgil keeps them pressed in with his books, taking them out when he’s having a bad day. Patton has a scrapbook of their relationship and puts his letters in the back of it.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
They can all sleep fairly well without the other, but they have some difficulty. Virgil sleeping alone, he can’t get tired enough to fall asleep until the wee hours of the night. Roman alone, he tosses and turns a lot. Patton alone, he wakes up very easily. A car drives by just too loud and he’s up.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Roman plans a whole romantic night out to propose to them. He’s been planning a proposal since he was a kid and he’s not about to change it just because he now has to plan for two boyfriends instead of just one.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
(Taken from AU. Virgil has stepdad he hates and mom he loves. Patton has his mom who he adores. Roman has Remus and his mom, both have good relationships with)
Roman introduced Virgil and Patton to Remus first, mostly because they all live together. He also told his mom shortly after because he was just so excited. Patton was shortly after. He hates keeping secrets from his mom. Virgil was last, not telling his stepdad and only telling his mom a year or two down the line. She supports and loves him, glad he’s happy.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Roman loves the feeling of hair running through his fingers and will sit there with both of their heads in his lap as they watch a movie and just pet. Sometimes he braids their hair and makes it pretty, which both of them love. It tends to put Virgil to sleep and Patton very relaxed.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Patton is the dad friend and will always make sure they’re fed and drinking water. Virgil puts up a fight, playfully so, but always listens to Patton because he loves him.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Roman puts up with nothing. He will defend his boyfriends to the death. Virgil doesn’t do it often, but if someone is bothering one of his boyfriends and they aren’t able to defend themselves, he will.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Roman prepared surprises for every special occasion or even just a random Tuesday. He loves to shower his boyfriends in love and will do anything to make them smile. Virgil finds it embarrassing but Patton loves them.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Virgil is a stickler for pinky promises. Patton loves doing it because it’s such an easy way to make sure they stick to promises.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Virgil and Roman will doze off anywhere and Patton always makes sure he has a throw blanket nearby to cover them up. He also has a hundred photos of them snuggling in his phone.
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youtuberswithalex · 4 years
Summary: Swallowing his panic, he tried his hardest to take a deep breath. He grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped, hoping to scurry to his room and get rid of the evidence of any injury before anyone could find out, but it came back soaked in just as much deep, dark blood as before. Tears sprung to his eyes as he let his hyperventilating take over. 
(Trans!Virgil; Adoption AU; Romantic Logicality, Paternal Moxiety, Brotherly Prinxiety, Creativitwins)
Warnings: Blood, periods, crying, explanation of the menstrual cycle, brief mention of sex, implied/referenced past child abuse, brief mention of past character death, Remus Antics (brief, non-graphic mention of a gory scene in an old movie)
Word Count: 2316
A/N: So, this has been a fic I’ve wanted to write for 12+ years, a fic that’s transpired fandom after fandom after fandom: an explanation of what a period is, to help others who won’t get/understand an explanation from other sources. I know this gets a little info-dump-y, but I tried to make it understandable. This fic is for you kids who are nervous about getting yours for the first time, like I was, and I hope seeing characters you love going through it, too, can help!
This is also the first fic I’m posting, I guess, of this Adoption AU I’ve had in my head for a while! I’ve got a couple other ideas in mind, including a part 2 to this focusing more on Roman and Virgil, sooo hit me up for some AU questions, if you have any!
It was true that Virgil hadn’t really been feeling well in the past week.
He didn’t know what it was, but everything just felt… off. He didn’t want to socialize with anyone; being around people had been making a fire of rage burn in his chest, and the fact that he didn’t know why just made it ten times worse. He was exhausted to the point of nearly falling asleep in class, and would have slept through his alarms twice and been late if it hadn’t have been for Roman waking him up when he didn’t come for breakfast.
Speaking of, he hadn’t had much of an appetite, and he’d hardly been eating because of it. Even the idea of eating anything had made him feel a little gross. And his stomach had been cramping a lot.
Realistically, Virgil knew this was something he should tell Patton or Logan, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It didn’t matter how many times Roman reassured him that their dads wouldn’t be angry at him for getting sick; until he saw it for himself, he wasn’t going to be able to believe him. So what if Patton was a nurse? So what if Roman and Logan had butted heads dozens of times since Virgil had moved in, and it had never dissolved into a screaming match? That didn’t mean they wouldn’t turn on him, or that he was a good enough kid to avoid getting on their bad side!
Besides, he wasn’t throwing up or running a fever! He was just going to waste their time if he said anything. They had more important things to worry about than him. It’s not like he was dying or anything.
…Or, so he’d thought, until Thursday afternoon when he went to the bathroom and found his underwear covered in blood.
Virgil almost screamed at the sight. As soon as he recovered, he frantically searched his body for any sign of a scrape or scratch that could have left such a mess. There was nothing. Maybe… Maybe it had already healed?
Swallowing his panic, he tried his hardest to take a deep breath. He grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped, hoping to scurry to his room and get rid of the evidence of any injury before anyone could find out, but it came back soaked in just as much deep, dark blood as before. Tears sprung to his eyes as he let his hyperventilating take over.
Footsteps came rushing to the door faster than he’d ever heard in this household. “Virgil, are you okay?”
He choked back a sob. “I-I’m bleeding…!”
“Okay, it’s going to be okay, kiddo,” Patton soothed. “Can I come in?”
Virgil looked at himself, still on the toilet, and set the wad of toilet paper on the tank. He scrambled to stand and pull his pants up before whimpering out an “Uh-huh”.
Patton calmly came in and shut the door behind him. “Alright, where are you bleeding?”
“I-I don’t know!”
“You don’t know?” he asked with a frown.
“I…” Virgil picked up the toilet paper and showed it to him, lowering his voice to a whisper despite no one else being in there with them. “It was all over my underwear,” he explained. “And when I wiped, I…”
He trailed off as Patton tilted his head to inspect the blood, and then understanding faded onto his face as he looked away in thought. While it was only a few seconds, it felt like an eternity; his stomach started to cramp again, and Virgil found himself trembling.
“I-I haven’t been feeling good this week,” he admitted. “My stomach’s been hurting, and—and all I want to do is sleep, and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to bother you guys, and I’m sorry, I should’ve said something, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to be sick, I don’t want to have to go to the hospital, please—!”
Patton shushed him and ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair. “Hey, hey, relax, it’s alright! You’re okay, Virgil. You’re not going to die, trust me. Especially not on my watch.”
He leaned over, put the toilet lid down, and gently pushed Virgil to sit on it before kneeling in front of him. He took a few seconds to chew on his lip in thought.
“Virgil,” he started, “At your old school, did your teachers ever take an afternoon to talk to you guys about puberty?”
Virgil shook his head.
Patton let out a breath and nodded. “I guess they probably think it’s a little too early to talk about it, huh?” he muttered. “Am I allowed to touch your stomach, honey?”
Virgil hesitated, but he nodded after a moment. Patton reached up and placed his hands on Virgil’s lower belly. When he flinched, he used his thumb to rub gentle circles into it.
“Okay, so, in your body, right down here, you have this thing called a uterus,” he softly explained. “When people are pregnant, that’s where the babies grow before—”
“No, no, no—!” Patton had to hold back a laugh, taking his hands away to cover his face for just a second before returning them to their original position. “You’re not pregnant, Virgil, don’t—don’t worry about that!”
Virgil snapped his mouth shut, lower lip still trembling. Patton offered him a reassuring smile as he continued.
“Your uterus has these two things connected to it called ovaries.” He used his two index fingers to draw out where they would be. “They hold a bunch of tiny little eggs inside of them that eventually would turn into people—but only under certain circumstances, at certain times, usually involving another person. If you were to get pregnant, you’d know, understand? It’s not going to happen randomly.”
Patton didn’t move on until Virgil nodded.
“Okay. Now, about once a month, one of these two little guys is going to let one of their eggs go,” he said, “and it sticks to the wall of your uterus. And your body goes…”
Patton threw his hands into the air and waved them around. “’Yay! We’re gonna have a baby!’” he cheered in a cartoony voice. Virgil let out a weak snicker. Patton counted it as a win.
“It starts to get ready for this potential baby by building up this lining around the walls, so that it’ll be extra protected from harm. And for a little while, if you… Ah…” Patton’s face turned red. “Do… certain things, with certain people, that egg might get fertilized, and that’s how pregnancy starts.”
“Like… kissing?”
Patton hummed. “No, you’d have to do a little more than that. More, uh… adult stuff.”
Virgil nodded, looking at the floor very seriously. “Taxes.”
It was a fight to keep his laugh in. “R-Right. Taxes.” He cleared his throat and continued. “Um, anyway, if that egg doesn’t get fertilized, your body says, ‘Oh, darn! Well, maybe next time!’, and it gets rid of the egg, and then it gets rid of that lining so it can make a fresh one for the next egg.” He pointed to the bloody toilet paper still gripped tightly in Virgil’s hands. “That’s what that blood is. It’s not a cut, and it’s certainly not an omen of death. It’s just a sign that you’re growing up.”
Virgil stared at the toilet paper for a long moment. “…Am I going to have to do this every month?”
“Well, not at first,” Patton replied, putting his hands on his knees. “This is a brand new feature in your body right now, so it’ll take a bit for it to fall into a real cycle. For a little bit, you might have a couple within a month, or you might not have it for another three after this. But, eventually, yeah, the body will balance itself out.”
“How long is that gonna take?”
“It depends on your body. If it takes a while, or it doesn’t seem like it’s going to balance at all, we can look into some options to help, like birth control or hormone therapy. Modern medicine is a great thing,” he said with a wink. “How about we save that conversation for a little later, though? See how this pans out for now?”
There was a beat, and then Virgil slowly nodded. He shifted and tipped his head away. “What do I do about my underwear?” he whispered.
Patton hummed and sat back, looking up at the ceiling. “Well… I’ll be honest, kiddo, I can talk your ear off about anatomy and the medical side of things, but I don’t have a clue about the products and stuff. How would you feel if I called Remus’s mom and asked her to come explain that stuff to us?”
Virgil wiped at his eyes. “Okay.”
Offering a gentle smile, Patton held his arms open; there was a moment of hesitation, and then Virgil leaned forward and wrapped his smaller arms around him. Patton held him tight and rubbed his back.
“Thank you,” he whimpered.
“Of course, sweetie. That’s what your Pop and I are here for,” he reassured. “And don’t you ever worry about bothering us if you’re not feeling well, okay? We care about you more than whatever silly things we might be working on. We want to take care of you, okay?”
Virgil shuddered in a manner that was suspiciously similar to that of a repressed sob; when he spoke next, his voice was tight and high-pitched. “Okay.”
They sat like this for a moment, with Patton holding his son close, rubbing a hand over his lower back, until he pressed a kiss into his hair and pulled back.
“Alright, Virge, I need to go call Mrs. Drake,” he said. “Is your stomach still hurting? Or anything else, for that matter? I can get you some medicine to help, if you want.”
Virgil nodded, scrubbing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
Patton nodded and climbed to his feet. “Okay. I’ll be back as soon as I can, promise.”
He stepped out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and leaving Virgil alone with his thoughts again. He was still shaking, yes, but the terror of thinking he was going to die was settling into the more manageable fear of learning a new routine…
And maybe, a little, the risk of starting to put his trust into someone.
But maybe there wasn’t so much to fear in that one.
Virgil leaned forward and finally dropped the bloody toilet paper into the trash.
The front door slammed open; Logan and Roman both nearly jumped out of their skin from where they sat at the dining room table.
“Virgil, we got your little butt-diapers!”
There was the sound of a light swat, and then the snatching of a plastic bag.
“Stahp, Remus, he’s already having a hard time with it!”
Snickering echoed through the entryway as the two climbed the half-flight of stairs leading to the main floor. As Remus made a beeline to tackle Roman out of his chair, Logan adjusted his posture to be more formal and nodded at Mrs. Drake.
“Good afternoon, Alya,” he called.
“Hi, boys,” she quickly responded. “Are they still in the bathroom?”
“I believe so, yes.”
Mrs. Drake nodded and hurried off just as Roman wrestled Remus off of him. He glanced at the hallway, and then between his twin and his father.
“Wait, what’s going on?”
“Your baby bro’s anus is bleeding for the first time!”
“No, Remus,” Logan scolded. He turned to Roman. “He’s experiencing his first menstrual period. Your father called Mrs. Drake to help teach him the technical aspects of how to best handle it.”
Roman blinked and sat up straight. “Oh! Is he going to be alright?”
“Yeah, Mom brought a bunch of stuff to help,” Remus replied, waving his hand as he plopped into the open seat next to Roman. “Pads, painkillers, heating rice bag sock things, the whole shebang. And a bunch of chocolate and candy and stuff!”
“Ah, good. I’ve seen studies that dark chocolate helps with cramps,” Logan stated.
Remus sighed. “A shame. I was hoping we’d get to see Virgie’s tiny baby rip out of his stomach. Like that scene in Aliens!”
Roman let out a whine and swatted him. “Dude, that’s my little brother!”
“Oh, come on! Your other dad’s a nurse! He could stitch him back up in no time!”
“That is not how nurses work!”
Logan hummed and adjusted his glasses, turning back to the papers he was grading. “Astounding. In less than two minutes, you’ve expressed your ignorance in both anatomy and the careers of the medical field. I suggest you brush up on them both if you truly wish to study in the field of dentistry.”
“Haa, brush up,” Roman laughed.
Logan shot him a glare over the rim of his glasses; Roman and Remus high-fived.
“Do your homework, Roman.”
Roman grinned and turned back to face his homework, but his mind instead floated back to Virgil’s condition. He bit down on his lip and shifted before looking up and tapping his pencil end against the table.
“Seriously… Virgil is going to be okay, right?” he asked.
Logan let out a soft breath. “Your brother is going to be just fine,” he gently reassured. “This is a natural thing for many people who possess uteri. He might be in pain for a little while, but ultimately, he will be alright.”
“My mom deals with it every month, and she’s not dead yet,” Remus pointed out. Then, with his grin fading a bit, he added, “Our mom probably had them, too. She must’ve, if she had us.”
Roman watched him for a long moment, and then he nodded, swallowing the lump that had snuck into his throat.
“Okay,” he whispered. “Okay.”
Second A/N:
Hey, folks-- So, as it turned out, I made a bit of a mistake in explaining this. So sorry about this! Thank you so much to @romanslunchbox​ for pointing this out and correcting me:
“ It isn’t a huge mistake. However, in your fic you stated that the egg gets stuck in the lining of the uterus. But that is only possible with a fertilized egg. An non-fertilized egg dies in the oviducts before it can even reach the uterus. After the egg dies certain hormones are released to start the menstruation about 2 weeks later (how that works is an entire shit show of hormones and stuff). It takes a while for these hormones to be released, so the uterus keeps producing more lining for the egg to get stuck in. When the uterus finally gets the signale that there is no pregnancy, that is when the menstruation starts. “
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Summary: The sound of footsteps pad across the landing above and though Virgil has come all this way he’s suddenly struck with the feeling that he’s not ready. It’s been 15 years since they’ve seen each other—so much can change in 15 years; so much has changed in 15 years.
Though, maybe things haven’t changed quite as much as Virgil thinks.
(AKA, a past-punk moxiety AU)
Pairing: Moxiety!
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, smoking, homophobia and nondescript injury. Vague allusions to past abuse (or at least mentions of terrible parental figures). Brief discussion of a parental figure having died.
AO3 Link
It isn’t at all the place Virgil imagined for him. The flower pots all sit in a row on the steps, red ivy climbing up the fence like spider webs and a garden hose curled up on a perfectly manicured front lawn. Everything about it is picturesque—almost to the point of insanity—and as a butterfly floats by and lands delicately on a ladder leaning onto the fence from the backyard, Virgil wonders what in the world could have changed Patton so drastically to have led to this.
There’s an image, in his head, of teenage rebellion—of 2 am milkshakes and stolen bicycles, of broken glass and laughter, so much laughter, as they took advantage of what time they had left to live. It doesn’t fit in with this pastel blue sky in this pastel blue neighbourhood full of pastel blue people but he knew that it wouldn’t. He knew things would be different.
Though, that doesn’t make it all that much easier to comprehend.
Vaguely, Virgil hears the sound of excited squeals coming from the yard and he ducks his head over the fence just a bit, catching sight of a young girl flying off of a trampoline at a hundred miles an hour—hair a mess and grin bright.
The kid must be Patton’s—it’s unmistakable, that dark skin and reckless look, like she’s ready to take the world on at any moment—and Virgil can’t help but remember the nights the two of them spent drinking and talking and vowing to never tie themselves down to anyone or anything. 
He supposes no one really does know what they want when they’re young.
It takes Virgil a while to gather up the courage to knock—he’s all too aware of his leather jacket and patches, his dyed hair and piercings. He couldn’t feel more out of place in this suburban neighbourhood and he hadn’t thought that around Patton he could ever feel out of place.
In the end, though, the choice is taken out of his hands. The young girl throws open the door, clearly looking to haul ass across the street to the park—the kind of place he and Pat would have smoked, once upon a time—but is stopped short as she notices Virgil standing in her way. There’s a moment where he’s afraid she’s going to scream or cry or something else he would have no clue how to deal with but instead, she just grins cheekily.
“Dad!” she yells, barely turning her head to face the soft white interior of the house, “There’s a man here for you!”
The sound of footsteps pad across the landing above and for a moment Virgil is so afraid that he’s gotten the wrong house or that Patton won’t want to see him and though he’s come all this way he’s struck with the feeling that he’s not ready. It’s been 15 years since they’ve seen each other; so much can change in 15 years.
“Riley, what do you mean? What ma-”
And then, there he is.
His face is void of any of the makeup he used to wear, his hair faded from turquoise to its natural black and left curly in a way he wouldn’t have been caught dead with once. And, over the top of a graphic t-shirt displaying some characters Virgil doesn’t recognise and unripped light-wash jeans, Patton had thrown a familiar blue flannel.
Virgil remembers that flannel, worn under heavy coats to help fight the evening windchill, tied around Patton’s waist as they scaled fences just to see if they could and left in a pile on the floor in his room as they finally escaped back to comfort and warmth. Honestly, he’s just surprised it still fits.
Patton does nothing but stare at him for a moment, his lips parted in shock and his eyes big and wide and god, looking at him now is like falling in love all over again.
“Virge?” he breathes, a melody of disbelief in his voice. Virgil can’t exactly blame him—it isn’t as if he’s someone Patton was expecting to see.
Virgil rubs over the fabric of his jacket, a nervous tick he’d had even back then. “Hey, uh… surprise?”
And in an instant, has Patton pitched forward right into his arms. Virgil catches him—of course, he catches him, he’ll always catch him—and Patton laughs, displaying some level of joy Virgil hadn’t known he’d needed to hear until now. He can feel Patton breathing against his neck as they hold each other and, distantly, the sound of light footsteps echoes away and up the stairs.
They pull apart, eventually, the separation like trying to peel a sticker off of a concrete wall—the easiest kind of graffiti to enact while still being tricky to remove. The distance Patton puts between them seems almost reluctant and Virgil wishes he had the courage to tell him to stay.
“What are you doing here?” Patton asks. It’s soft, like the white fuzzy carpet of his new home and Virgil realises suddenly he’d been so caught up in him that he’d forgotten that this him wasn’t the same.
Patton had always been soft but not soft like this. He’d been soft in redirected conversation and distractions, in Virgil’s favourite TV show on in the background and stolen chocolate bars in his pocket, guiding hands mimicking steady breathing. This Patton seems soft around the edges—worn down, almost—and Virgil feels those 15 years as more of a lifetime.
He doesn’t answer the question—truthfully because he’s not sure how, not sure where to start with the mess of events and near-misses and regrets that finally brought him here to Patton’s doorstep—and instead replies with one of his own. 
“My mom died. Did you know that?” It’s a stupid thing to ask, they hadn’t spoken to each other in 15 years, there was no way he could have known. Virgil asks it all the same though. “I have her money now. Didn’t write me out of the will even after everything we went through. Guess she didn’t want how much she hated me and my “lifestyle” to come out even after she’d kicked it.”
Patton just looks at him. There’s something sad in his eyes, maybe, something regretful or sympathetic, something holding years worth of apologies and love confessions in not so many words that every night they'd pretended they hadn’t said.
Maybe not, he isn’t sure. He’s never been very good with stuff like that. 
“You owe me a party,” Virgil continues impulsively. Patton grins and shakes his head and the urge to kiss him is so strong for a moment Virgil can’t breathe. “You promised me when she was dead and I didn’t have to worry about her anymore we’d have a party. With cheerio sausages and expensive liquor and-”
“Sparkling juice and bad karaoke,” Patton interrupts, “I remember.”
Nobody speaks. Patton doesn’t invite him in and Virgil doesn’t ask for fear of being turned away. 
He knows there’s an element of worship in the way he looks at Patton. It’s worship like the way farmers pray for rain in a drought, worship like how sailors are drawn to the rough turn of the sea and worship like teens relishing in the night when they’re bored and alone and angry, yearning for freedom that only comes in years they feel they don’t have left.
But now, dark eyes gazing at him and breath catching in his throat, Virgil thinks maybe he isn’t the only one who feels it.
“I have a kid now, you know?” Patton asks and Virgil knows instantly that question isn’t about the party but everything that comes after it—all of the hundreds of possibilities that stem from this decision that neither of them can quite voice out loud, “Single parent. I made a lot of bad choices in those 15 years—gave myself away to a few people who didn’t deserve it, maybe—but she’s… helped. I want to be better for her.”
Virgil nods. It’s a little hard to reconcile teenage Patton with this one but he tries anyway. He has to; he owes him that much.
(In truth, he owes him so, so much more than that but right now this is all he feels he can give.)
“Yeah, uh, Riley, right? Seems like a sweet kid, if not a bit mischievous.” Virgil smirks slightly, somewhere between teasing and nostalgic. “Kind of like you were.” 
At that, Patton grins and he laughs and it feels right—feels like early morning rainfall and crackling log fires, like the burning in your lungs as you run and the way your eyes slowly drift shut against your will when you’re up too late, like every ending and beginning in just a moment. 
He shakes his head again, almost affectionately chastising and there’s a stuttering of Virgil’s hand as he goes to reach out, to brush a strand of hair away from Patton’s face but stops himself halfway through.
Patton doesn’t seem to notice. Virgil once thought Patton never noticed—never saw the longing in his eyes and the flushed red of his cheeks as they sat side-by-side on a park bench in the middle of winter, running from the heat of harsh words and high expectations.
He wonders if maybe that was naive. 
“Well, I’ve gotta make sure to raise her right,” Patton jokes and his smile is amused—fond and familiar like the worn leather of Virgil’s jacket between his fingers, “If she’s not questioning authority and getting me called down to the office at least once a term then I’m doing something wrong.”
With that, there’s a flash—just a moment—of principal visits and angry rants, of cutting class to sit with the other in the silence of the school office and knowing, that outside of the two of them, there was no one else to come. And he thinks of Patton—this Patton, not his Patton—taking up the empty space of that office with kind reassurances and defensive words, protecting and protecting and protecting, fighting for Riley the way he had Virgil.
Parenthood suits Patton more than he’d first thought, perhaps.
“Ah, office visits.” Virgil nods sagely and can’t resist the quirk of his lips as Patton giggles. “A hallmark of a punk child. Next thing you know she’ll be dyeing her hair, running off to the park in the middle of the night to meet up with boys.”
It’s obviously a joke but still, Patton quietens, taking on a more contemplative look. It seems as if he’s remembering something and Virgil needs, all at once, to make sure he’s more to Patton than simply that expression on his face in the midst of just another day.
“Yeah,” Patton finally says, “Yeah, she was thinking purple actually.”
Virgil doesn’t reach up and drag a hand through his own purple hair but it’s a near thing. He hums—soft and low. “Good taste.”
A heavy silence rings in his ears—an echo of all the memories they share and all the memories they don’t, a collision of black and pastel blue on a canvas already painted with teenage angst and first love—and Virgil can't stand the way it feels like it may be too much to overcome. It isn't; he won't let it be.
He takes a step closer and Patton doesn’t move away, just lets Virgil crowd him against the doorframe till their chests are pressed together and each shuddering breath is a joint effort.
“I’d like to get to know her. If you’ll let me,” he murmurs and he’s so close that he can hear Patton’s heartbeat pick up as he slides a hand up to brush at the strands of hair against Virgil’s neck.
The air between them is tense and pulled tight—gazes tracing over freckles and foundation, their skin warm with each point of contact and the rushing of blood in Virgil’s ears drowning out the pounding of his heart. Each second that goes by without comment feels to Virgil like sinking into quicksand, like fingers losing their grip on the edge of a building and threatening to let him fall.
But, before he can draw away, throw up his walls and stumble his way through apologies like they’re nothing more than kids again, Patton tugs him forward and, softly, he brings their lips together.
The kiss is a teenage fantasy come true, the culmination of every moment—under streetlights or under blankets or under nothing more than the cover of night itself—where Virgil longed to reach out and tell Patton that he wanted to kiss him until the world faded away and all that he could focus on was the taste of cherry red lipstick and the joy and love pounding in his chest like a second heartbeat.
It's the comfort in late-night knocking, Patton taking Virgil in and patching him up and holding him as he cries because he has a mother that doesn’t love him and a father that’s always absent and a world that doesn’t care, muttered reassurances a quiet backdrop to his sobs.
It's the warmth in drinking their way through meagre retail paychecks, Patton’s soft touches like fire against his skin and the thread of restraint holding Virgil back from blurting out a love confession worn down to something as thin as a spiderweb and just as delicate.
It's the exhilaration in grocery store runs with no money and bags filled with spray paint cans, their gloved hands clasped tight as they race against the biting evening wind, giving in to the urge to let out a cry of victory that bounces off the empty alley walls.
So, yes, it’s the culmination of years of pining but it’s more than that too. It’s an apology, it’s acceptance and it’s an offer of a future, to stay here with them. 
“I think I’d like that,” Patton gasps as he pulls away and Virgil’s so enamoured even after all these years that he barely knows what to say, “For you to know her, I mean. She’d like you. She’s like you, or at least the way you used to be—always a bit loose with self-control.”
Virgil doesn’t tell Patton that all his self-control had been going towards keeping himself from telling him he loved him. He doesn’t think he’d know how.
Slowly, Virgil blinks and he nods and it’s all he can do to keep himself standing as Patton beams up at him with a smile reminiscent of stars colliding—bright and beautiful enough to take his breath away. And suddenly Virgil feels like maybe he can fit in here, that maybe he can fit in anywhere he needs to if Patton keeps looking at him like that.
He smiles back, smaller than the one he’d received but the way Patton’s eyes light up makes Virgil feel like maybe that doesn’t really matter. “Okay, yeah. I want that; I want to stay.”
“Okay,” Patton parrots and he’s barely holding back giggles, Virgil can tell. It’s okay though because he feels it too—that sense of happiness and disbelief that has almost no other way to present itself—and giving in feels more like an inevitability.
So, laughing and hands joined together, Patton pulls Virgil inside to the soft white of his suburban home. And he closes the door.
Taglist: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard @shadowsfromthesun @teadays @sandersships @camcam774 @autism-goblin @deadlyhuggles6 @romanthestarstruckqueer @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @rainboots-are-for-snobs @welpweregonnadie @spirits-in-my-thoughts @hold-my-hat @goodandbadisallmadeupnonsense @stop-it-anxiety @figurative-falsehood @jadedfantasies231 @idosanderssidespromptssometimes @poisonedapples @sanders-screams @another-sandersidesblog @do-not-just-see-observe @mychemicalpanicattheemo @harleyquinnamiright @localtransgrape @fandomsofrandom @gattonero17 @airiervessel @ollyollyoxinfree @tired-and-probably-crying .
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 18: Bodyguard
When Logan signed up to be the bodyguard of a wealthy (and questionable) man’s son, he thought it would be an easy job. Just sit in the background and make sure the kid doesn’t get killed. He didn’t expect the kid to be his age. Or flirty. Or dating his ex. Logan POV, eventual Analogince with parental Moxiety
Day 17 | Masterlist | Day 19
Logan sighed as he twirled the ballpoint pen between his fingers. He was sitting in the middle of a cafe, filling out a crossword puzzle. He took a sip of his chamomile tea and bit back a grimace. It was exceedingly bitter; the coffee shop he normally went to served much better drinks. But he wasn’t here because of the drinks. He briefly looked up from his crossword to quietly observe the real reason he was here. On the other side of the cafe, scrolling through his phone while he sipped on an iced coffee, sat Virgil Tempest Sanders, son of Patton Sanders and heir of Sanders Financing.
Logan thought back to everything leading up to this moment. Before this, Logan was commonly hired to take out corrupt politicians and gang leaders. So when he got a call from Patton Sanders to be a bodyguard, he was shocked to say the least. Patton Sanders was seen as the epitome of goodwill; he frequently donated to charity, has never spoken ill will towards anyone, and always had a smile on his face. So it was extremely odd for him to contact an assassin who was frequently hired by much more sinister individuals. But apparently Logan’s skills impressed Mr. Sanders enough to provide Logan a more permanent (and well-paying) job.
The job was simple: shadow his son any time he was out of the house. Virgil was kept on an extremely short leash after he was ‘kidnapped’ 5 years ago. He was only gone for a few months, but it was enough to essentially put him on house arrest. Virgil was only allowed to be out of the house between 10 AM and 5 PM. Mr. Sanders paid Logan to watch Virgil during these hours. When Logan had first learned about the job, he’d nearly scoffed in disbelief. He didn’t want to be babysitting a child! But after hearing about what wages he’d earn, Logan quickly changed his tune.
It was also shocking to learn that Logan actually wasn’t babysitting a child. Virgil was 23 years old; shockingly close to Logan’s own age. The age surprised him for several reasons. First of all, why was Virgil kept on such a short leash at 23 years old? Sure, he was kidnapped for a few months (which Logan doubted was an actual kidnapping. It was more likely that Virgil ran away) but that still didn’t warrant such restrictions for an adult. Second of all, Virgil still looked like a teenager. He had an extremely youthful face, with large brown eyes hidden beneath an oversized purple hoodie. He was actually quite attractive, almost as attractive as-
Logan figuratively shook the thought away, attempting to focus on the crossword puzzle. There were a few words that he was stuck on, but he was most likely going to stay here for a while. One of the perks to this job was that Virgil only tended to go to four places: this cafe, the local library, a small music store on the other side of town, and the local park. Still, Logan had been following this pattern with Virgil for the past two months. A small part of Logan, the part that smiled slightly when he managed to shoot someone directly between the eyes, wished that something would happen to spice things up-
Logan looked up and was surprised to see Virgil leaning over his shoulder, staring at the crossword puzzle. “What?”
Virgil smirked. “‘First name that can mean ‘prince.’’” He took the ballpoint pen from Logan’s hand, which he had been lightly nibbling on. Logan bit back a gasp as Virgil deliberately ran the pen against Logan’s bottom lip before using it to write ‘AMIR’ on the crossword.
Logan examined the paper and was surprised to see that it was the correct answer. He blushed as he turned back to Virgil, who had a smug look in his eyes. “Th-Thank you, Mr…?”
Virgil smiled, settling down in the seat across from Logan. “Call me Tempest. And you are?”
Logan smiled at the use of Virgil’s last name. He felt like he should at least reciprocate. “Adstrum.”
Virgil smirked. “Glory. Immortality.” He gives Logan a once-over before practically purring. “Divinity.”
Logan blushed at the implications. “I’m sure my parents meant ‘star’ when they named me.”
Virgil laughed before his expression darkened. “So, how much is he paying you?”
Logan put on a faux-innocent expression, but on the inside it felt like his blood had turned to ice. Mr. Sanders specifically said that Virgil couldn’t know about Logan unless absolutely necessary. Logan thought he’d been subtle and inconspicuous. “Who is paying me, exactly?”
Virgil sighed. “My father. Look, you almost fooled me at first. If I wasn’t always watching my back, you would’ve fooled me. But nobody ever visits this cafe because their coffee’s shit.” He gestured to Logan’s tea. “And I’m guessing the tea is too judging by how much you face screws up when you drink it. You could’ve been just a regular customer, but I’ve seen you at the library and the park, and I don’t doubt that you were at the record store too. And the people around here get really gossipy, so I knew that you were only here on the days that I showed up.” He leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face. “So I’ll ask again: how much is he paying you?”
Logan looked him in the eye before sighing. “Too much to say no.” He carefully folded up his crossword puzzle. “Though I’m quite uncertain as to why this job exists in the first place. You obviously have no intention on running away again-”
“Running away?” Logan looked up to see Virgil confused and slightly angry. But Logan had dealt with enough people to see the acting for what it really was. “I was kidnapped and held against my will!”
Logan scoffed. “Kidnapped?” He straightened his tie as he spoke. “You disappeared in the middle of the night from a building whose security rivals the White House. There was no sign of struggle, nor was there a ransom note. Either your kidnapper was an extremely intelligent individual who wanted more than just money from Mr. Sanders, or you left on your own free will. And judging by my observations and personal experience, I’m inclined to believe the latter.”
Virgil stared for another moment before laughing. “Well, would you look at that! You’ve got a brain to match your bark. And I assume you bite, too. Because there’s no way you’re some random civilian. So, what’s your real job?”
Logan coughed. “I must admit, I’m not used to having my job description be, ‘keep client alive. ’”
Virgil blinked, and Logan suddenly felt like he’d said something wrong. “You stressed the word alive. ” Now it was Logan’s turn to blink. “You wouldn’t need to stress it unless there was something specific about keeping them alive.” His eyes suddenly lit up. “Are you an assassin?!”
Logan blushed. “Essentially. But now I am your bodyguard.”
Virgil vibrated in his seat. “How many people have you killed? Do you usually kill good people or bad people? Or does it only depend on the money? I wouldn’t blame you for that. The economy sucks.”
Logan chuckled. “I mainly target corrupt politicians and gang leaders. I turn down any jobs that involve families or children.”
Virgil mouthed the words ‘corrupt politicians and gang leaders’ before gasping. “Do you know Logan Croft?”
Logan blinked. “How do you know that name?”
Virgil gasped again, stars in his eyes. “Are you Logan Croft?” Logan decided to nod his head. Virgil already knew about his job, and his father was paying Logan. It wouldn’t hurt to give out his name, just this once. “Oh my gosh, you’re the guy who killed Jacob Smith four years ago! How did you do it? They say he was impenetrable behind his gang and-” Suddenly his phone ringed. “One moment, please.” He pressed the phone up to his ear, and Logan could hear his boss’ muffled voice on the other end, though he couldn’t understand what he was saying. “Hey, Dad. Yeah, I’m at a cafe. Yeah, I can come home for lunch. See you then. Bye.” He turned back to Logan with a grimace. “Sorry, I’ve gotta go. Maybe we can have a full conversation next time?”
Logan nodded. “I ask that you don’t tell Mr. Sanders about our conversation, or that you know about having a bodyguard. I’m afraid he might fire me if you do.” Or expose me to the world.
Virgil nodded. “Of course!” He stood there awkwardly for a moment. “Well, you know where I am… see ya, bye!” And with that, Virgil walked out of the cafe. Logan waited a few minutes before following. It was just to make sure that Virgil got home safe. It was part of his job, after all. It wasn’t because he found Virgil interesting and funny and cute-
Logan frowned, shaking away the thought. He would not get attached to Virgil. It would only serve as a cruel reminder of Roman. Roman and Logan had met in middle school and dated for several years. But Roman had fallen in love with another man a few years ago. And while Logan is polyamorous, it was dangerous enough to be attached to one civilian. So, they broke up on friendly terms. Logan had never felt so… empty, after leaving Roman. It had felt like Roman had taken Logan’s ability to be happy. Logan hadn’t fully smiled or laughed since their breakup…
Except for today, when he’d talked to Virgil. Virgil reminded Logan of Roman. He was charismatic, sarcastic, and funny. And with every butterfly that formed in Logan’s belly, a new knife stabbed him through the heart. Being with Virgil would only remind Logan of what he could no longer have with Roman. So, Logan would keep his distance (even if he could no longer do so literally).
When Virgil got home that day, he had a brief lunch with his father before retreating to his room for the day. Once he got there, he immediately pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting his boyfriend.
V- (3:05 PM) Hey, your ex’s name was Logan Adsrum Croft, wasn’t it?
R- (3:06 PM) Yeah, why?
V- (3:06 PM) Guess who my hot new bodyguard is ;)
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i can imagine virgil in the little broken but still good au being kind of really sad? that his son, this lovely lil 11 y/o, has to deal with the stuff that paralyses him, and then when the intrusive thoughts pop up? My dad got so awfully sad when he found out about mine because I also have anxiety and intrusive thoughts. Do you think that they every kind of bonded on simultaneous bad days? like if they both had bad days around the same time? Asking because my dad and I do sometimes
oh yeah virgil is very sad, but he’s also determined
his parents, god bless them, did not really understand what he was going through because they could not relate to his experiences, so even though they really tried to help him they couldn’t, and he felt kind of isolated and alone even though he knew they were trying. he’s determined not to let thomas feel isolated like that.
when they both have bad days they have “special bonding days” where they go and do the single most relaxing thing they can think of together. sometimes that means they facetime their respective therapists and then go get ice cream. sometimes it means they sit and try to figure out a puzzle so they have something to do with their hands while they talk things out. sometimes they watch a movie together - funny if they need to laugh and sad if they need to cry. they’re there for each other, and it’s very sweet
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arc852 · 4 years
Infinitesimal!Sides Masterpost
 A masterpost of all my Sanders Sides G/t fics.
The Four: Thomas adopts four tinies after helping them settle into the shelter. The tinies are now on a mission to get him to understand. | Complete |
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
The Four One-Shots: Takes place after The Four and in the same universe.
Dyeing For Purple
Finding Home: A mini-series featuring a tiny kid Virgil and his hardships before (and after) finding his true home.
Act I
Act II
Stay at Home Dad
School Arc (1)
School Arc (2)
School Arc (3)
School Arc (4)
School Arc (5)
School Arc (6)
Only Trying to Help: Patton decides to help Virgil. Things start out kind of rough.
Part 1
Part 2
New Home: Roman buys Patton and brings him home.
New Home
Flower Crowns
Buying Logan
Scrapped AU: Various scenes in an au I have abandoned.
Logan and Patton
Roman and Virgil
Reverse Roman and Virgil
Living On The Giant Side AU: Virgil, a human, moves into a house with three giants.
On The Giant Side
Shrunken Anxiety AU: Roman shrinks Virgil down and keeps him as a sort of pet.
You’re Freezing, Come Here
Ask blog
Space Barista AU: Virgil workes at Starbucks when an interesting customer comes in. They strike up a friendship.
Part 1
Part 2
Fairytale AU: Roman, about be crowned King, suddenly gets cursed by his brother and winds up wandering through a forest at only a few inches tall. It’s there he meets the Big Bad Wolf.
Part 1
Part 2
The Dime Project: Virgil, the lead scientist on Project Dime, finally gets to test the device. And what better way to test it, then to bring something…small, over.
Part 1
Can Humans Be Kind AU:
Can Humans Be Kind? - When Roman finds himself cornered by a rat, a human steps in to help. But can he really trust this human?
Can Humans Be Kind? (2) - Roman has been living at Janus’ house for a week now and finally thinks his leg is healed enough to start climbing again. It isn’t and now he finds himself injured again, worse than before. Will Janus help him again?
The Ratatouille Theory - Roman had just planned to test his theory but now he finds himself hitching a ride with Janus to work. Not good.
October Prompts:
Day 1 - Fear
Day 2 - Cage
Day 3 - Outside
Day 4 - Moon
Day 5 - Rat
Day 6 - Pocket
The Cave - Thomas and the sides go camping. Things get weird when they find a mysterious cave.
Bottled Emotions - When Thomas bottles his feelings, Patton is put in a literal bottle.
Not Useless - Logan reassures Patton that he is not useless.
Bop - Virgil bops Roman on the nose.
Keys and Trust - Thomas shows Patton his keys.
Space - Virgil reveals he’s used to feeling insignificant to Logan. Logan is quick to comfort.
Cold and Lost, I Hold You Close - Logan is a size shifter. When Logan and Patton get lost in the snow, Logan has a choice to make.
All in a Snap - Roman takes the prank war a step too far.
A Different Kind of Perspective Change - Virgil has a nightmare where he’s the small one.
A Small Prank - Roman pranks Virgil. Things backfire.
Gifted - Virgil is bought by Roman as a gift for Patton.
Meteor Shower - Virgil discovers Logan the night of a meteor shower.
Wrong Feeling - Patton finds himself missing his past abuser. Roman comforts him.
Sing Me a Song, Please? - Thomas reassures Roman that it’s okay for him to sing.
Not Alone - Thomas, after seeing Roman cry himself to sleep one too many times, decides to go and comfort him despite the fact humans aren’t supposed to know about him.
No Need to Worry - Virgil has a nightmare and starts to doubt things. Thomas comes in to help stop those doubts.
Hug! - A little something for Hug a Tiny Day. Roman and Patton are in search of Logan and Virgil in order to give them a hug.
You Deserve Better - Virgil thinks Roman deserves a friend better than himself and says as such.
A Sleepy Morning - Just some good ole’ Moxiety cuddles.
In A Jar -  Logan gets trapped in a jar and must now face the human who did it.
Mushrooms - Bullet point story; Logan shrinks after eating soup Patton made out of mushrooms from the imagination.
Not Sick - Logan says he isn’t sick, Virgil disagrees.
Homeless - Patton is homeless. And lonely. One night, while settling down in an alleyway, he meets someone. They both end up helping each other.
Toy Inside - Roman finds himself trapped in a cereal box that promises a toy inside. The cereal is then bought.
Unexpected Help - A giant finds a human injured near the giant side of town and takes him back to his own home to patch him up.
Mistaken Observations - Some fairies are used as decor pieces. Fashion items that some humans wear. Logan is sure this is the case with Roman and Virgil.
Loneliness and Desperation - Patton is so lonely…he can’t find it in himself to care anymore.
Fairy Hunt and Capture - Roman drags his brother, Virgil, to go try and catch themselves some fairies. Logan and Patton are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Visiting - Virgil goes and visits his giant of a friend.
Meet-Up - The human knows that they’re there and asks to meet. Thomas goes alone despite Virgil’s warnings.
Experiment Gone Wrong - Logan’s experiment has quite literally blown up in his face. Good thing Roman is there to help him out. Oh, and tease him.
Letting Go - Logan is a giant who has escaped a lab. In the middle of the forest, he reveals some things to his friend.
3 Times Virgil Felt Small and the 1 Time He Didn’t - Virgil has always been small but lately it seems he’s been smaller than ever.
Cute G/t Side Drabbles - Short and sweet drabbles
A Well Oiled Cupcake Making Team - Roman and Patton make cupcakes together.
On Opposite Sides - It’s been five years since the aliens have taken over the earth. All this time the humans have been confined to city limits, watched over by the giant guards surrounding them. Virgil is a human who only has the comfort of his friend Roman via Skype.
Cared For - Virgil is letting his studying get in the way of important things. Like sleeping and eating. So Patton does something about it.
Wrong Words Said - Logan is still getting used to the whole ‘being a dad’ thing.
Mistaken - Virgil thinks someone is in his room. Unfortunately for Patton, he thinks it’s someone else.
Lunch Deal - Roman has been captured but things take a different turn than he expected.
Ambidextrous - Roman is ambidextrous and decides to show off.
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goldheartofsteel · 4 years
Might I suggest either a moxiety or a LAMP soulmate AU? The kind where you write on your skin and everyone else can see it? I super love soulmate AUs and I would love one!
5 minutes until his birthday.
4 minutes until his life changes.
3 minutes until he learns if any of his soulmates already reached their 21st birthday.
2 minutes until he gets to be as happy as his best friends.
1 minute until he gets to move onto the next phase of his life.
30 seconds….the longest 30 seconds of his life.
He’s so screwed now. 
This isn’t how it's supposed to be. 
Fate really loves to play jokes on him, don’t they?
There’s only one way to play this off....don’t tell a single soul he got his soulmarks and let them think his soulmate, soulmates are younger than him. 
The truth is he’s not worthy of his soulmates and they won’t want him like this. 
He can only hope they’re all deep asleep and didn’t feel the alert tingle that he, their fourth soulmate turned 21 because he knows when they put their minds together and connect the dots, which they will....he will lose the three best people in his life. 
Patton slowly gets out of bed, still tired from the previous night; first, eager with excitement then complete dread about what his future holds in store for him. 
Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair as he slips on his puppy paw slippers before heading downstairs. He knows his parents will be waiting for him, expectantly as he’s made this a big deal his whole life. 
“Good morning, sweetheart and happy birthday,” greets his mom from the stove where she’s making his favorite pancakes. 
“Morning champ! Stay up late last night, did you?” his dad asks. 
“Mornin’ mom and dad. Yeah, I did….” he trails off, not wanting to explain who his soulmates are and why he’ll never be with them.
Patton doesn’t miss the concerned look his parents share but chooses to ignore it as he settles in his usual chair at the dining room table where a glass of apple juice awaits him. 
Taking a sip of the juice, he focuses on the task at hand and calms down. 
Placing a plate of pancakes down in front of him, his mom takes a moment to kiss his forehead, drawing a smile out of him.
“Thanks mom! These look great.”
She smiles.
“Anything for my favorite son on his birthday,” she replies. 
“I’m your only son.”
She chuckles. 
“That doesn’t mean I can’t have a favorite.”
His dad snorts. 
Patton’s heart feels lighter; no matter what happens, he still has his parents. 
The sight of his front door causes a weight to fall from his shoulders because Patton’s day was exhausting while doing his best to dodge his soulmates without looking like he was.
As Patton enters the house, he opens his mouth to greet his mom but he pauses before taking in the smirk on her face. She simply points upstairs and he takes it as his room is where he needs to do. 
Opening the door to his bedroom, Patton freezes when his eyes land on his three best friends and soulmates - Roman, Virgil and Logan; they all look completely comfortable cuddling on his bed though there’s an obvious gap. 
They know he knows and spent the day avoiding them instead of talking to them about their new reality. 
“Uh, hey guys….what are you doing here?”
Logan quirks an eyebrow at him.
“I believe it would be obvious as to why we are here,” he states firmly.
Patton flinches causing Virgil to smack Logan on the arm. 
“Oh Pat...you didn’t really think that we wouldn’t want you, did you?” asks Roman.
Looking around the room, he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. 
Roman climbs off of the bed then approaches Patton before gently taking his hand in his own. 
“I’ll have you know that I’ve been falling for you since we met, so knowing you’re one of my soulmates is the best news to wake up to,” comments Roman. 
Blushing, Patton tries to hide his face with his free hand but Virgil joins the pair and copies Roman’s posture. 
“Princey’s right. Anyone who’s ever met you would hope would be their soulmate,” Virgil takes a deep breath, “I didn’t want to dare to dream that you could be one of mine.
Patton looks between Virgil and Roman in awe. 
The trio turn to look at Logan where he sits on the edge of the bed. 
“I must confess, Patton...I never thought someone like you would be my soulmate, let alone that I’d have several. However, it pleases me greatly to know that I was incorrect in my earlier thought,” says Logan.
Patton kisses one of Roman’s then one of Virgil’s hands before pulling his free and turning towards Logan. Without giving Logan any warning, he throws himself at his genius soulmate causing their other two soulmates to laugh out loud at Logan’s expression. 
Snuggling closer to Logan, Patton smiles when he feels Logan wrap his arms around Patton’s waist before Roman and Virgil join them, on either side of them. 
“How did you know that I was your fourth soulmate?” he asks out loud.
Virgil runs his hand up and down Patton’s back as he answers.
“You doddled on your hand during class and light blue appeared on my skin. I immediately recognized it.”
“Fudge...I should have remembered to not to do that,” replies Patton.
Kissing Patton’s cheek, Logan shifts slightly so they’re both comfortable.
“Indeed, I knew right away that it was familiar but I could not put my finger on why until I discussed the matter with Roman and Virgil,” he states.
Roman runs a hand through Patton’s hair.
“Honestly, my darling….I thought I had been dreaming.”
Before Patton can say anything, the door opens and his mom appears in the doorway and taking in the sight of her son with his soulmates before grinning brightly.
“Aww, this is so wonderful! I think this calls for a celebration!” exclaims Patton’s mom.
Patton and Virgil blush in response causing the other three to laugh loudly.
At the end of the day, he really should have known better; his soulmates would never reject him.
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typically-untypical · 4 years
Soulmate September Day 22: “When you close your own eyes, you can see what your soulmate sees.”
Pairing: Moxiety
Alternate Universe: Highschool AU
Warnings: Implied Child Abuse
Word Count: 1040
Virgil was five years old when he first saw it happen. He had closed his eyes to lay down for a nap when he saw a man he didn’t know dragging him up the stairs. He wasn’t sure it was really him but it felt like it was. Virgil immediately opened his eyes, crying out for his mom to help him. She came barreling down the stairs and he was safe. He knew he was, but he didn’t feel safe.
That day he cried into his mother's arms as he tried not to close his eyes and see that scary man again.
It wasn’t long after that incident that his mom and dad sat him down and explained what soulmates were and how it worked. Virgil cried again because this person who was one day going to become his best friend wasn’t safe. His parents tried to reassure him that things would be okay, but there was a tenseness in the air. They all knew that it was very possible that things wouldn’t be okay. They began preparing Virgil for the worst-case scenarios, but that was a lot for a five-year-old to handle.
Virgil grew up seeing the abuse of his soulmate on an almost daily basis. It was hard to watch and it grew harder and harder each day that he couldn’t do something to help him. Virgil had learned his soulmate’s name from watching it be written on tests in adorably soft handwriting. It matched well with the soft kind smile that Virgil saw Patton practice in mirrors. Virgil both loved and hated mirrors. When Patton was in front of a mirror Virgil got to see his soft smile, dimples, and curly blond hair, but he also saw all of the bruises and marks that were normally hidden under long sleeve polos.
It wasn’t until high school when something finally changed. Most people didn’t really try to befriend Virgil, he was the strange loner kid who almost always had his eyes closed, but he had found friendship in one of his classmates named Logan. Logan didn’t mind that Virgil always had his eyes closed, and never asked. They found topics to talk about and Virgil found that Logan was a relaxing presence. He was logical and inventive, and easy to rile up. Logan was solid ground when Virgil started to panic over Patton’s safety, and Logan was also the one who had come up with the plan.
Record everything.
Virgil’s parents knew about the issues their son was facing but they didn’t know how to help. There were strict social rules about contacting your soulmate before it was time for you to meet and his parents were firm believers in that. Logan didn’t feel bound by such rules. He told Virgil to record everything, what school did Patton go to, what did the area around his house look like, and what was the house number if it was possible to figure that out. It took less than a week for Virgil to collect everything and Logan took all of the information to his parents.
That night was one of the hardest for Virgil, he didn’t know what was going to happen or if this would help, but after years of watching teachers ignore the signs from Patton, watching the people that Patton called friends not reach out to help, Virgil wasn’t sure that it would help.
He was never happier to be wrong.
Logan’s mother was a lawyer, and apparently soulmate vision could be used in a court of law. Society was built on the idea that your soulmate was perfect for you and you wouldn’t betray them. Logan had expressed his doubt on perfect soulmates but he had reassured Virgil that with his testimony, they could rescue Patton. It happened so quickly. Before the middle of the semester, Virgil was seeing Patton for the first time, looking at him face to face.
Patton’s parents had been found guilty of child abuse. Patton was removed from their custody and Virgil’s parents were asked if they wanted to take custody of Patton. Apparently, that was a common occurrence in cases like these. Since Virgil’s parents were expected to become Patton’s in-laws eventually, the courts assumed they would be the next best fit. Virgil couldn’t be upset, Patton was with him, Patton was safe.
The car ride back to their house was awkward. Patton answered every question with ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ despite Virgil’s parents saying it was okay not to. Patton couldn’t seem to help it and Virgil knew exactly why. It made him want to reach out and take Patton’s hand, to hold it tightly but he didn’t want to scare him. He was afraid of hurting Patton.
“Alright, boys, time to go inside. Patton, are you okay with sleeping in Virgil’s room for now?”
“Yes ma’am, thank you.” He smiled that bright smile that Virgil both loved and hated. It was a beautiful smile, but it was also a defense.
As the two parents walked away Virgil turned to look at Patton. “Hey…” He wanted to ask. Was it rude to ask? He didn’t want Patton to be in any further pain.
Virgil rubbed the back of his head, “Can I hug you?”
“Of course you can kiddo.”
Virgil pulled at the sleeves of his hoodie, ignoring the kiddo comment. He was anxious. What if this all went wrong. Carefully he wrapped his arms around Patton, avoiding the still healing bruises. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you sooner.” His voice shook but he was resolved to stay strong. Especially since he could feel the shaking and slow crumble of Patton’s walls beneath him.
“I’m just glad you came.” Patton hugged back tightly and Virgil almost felt a wince. “I was happy to just watch you when I could. I never thought I would get to have this life with you.”
Virgil began to carefully rub his back. “You’re safe with me, and we will make a great life together.”
Patton began to cry and all Virgil could do was continue to hold him. He would make sure that Patton had happiness for the rest of his life, and he would make sure that Patton was always safe.
Tags: @tsshipmonth2020
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