#my bones hurt
arabiidhound · 2 months
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Some quick Dealer doodles
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ot3 · 2 months
im about to be on week 3 of having shit to do every single day which considering i can normally barely get through 1 is pushing me to my limit but well thats life sometimes
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whumpbees · 11 months
Exhausted whumpees. Aching all the way through, whimpering at even the smallest of movement even as whumper berates them for it because they can't help it- and maybe they keep going until their vision blurs, until sounds go distant and fuzzy and they collapse.
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ottosbigtop · 6 months
I love rtvs these guys never fail to be absolutely fucking nuts I just never thought I would be invested enough to experience the consequences of a tv solutions event.
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squeakadeeks · 2 years
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Knight Aether ✨complete✨
GODDAMN it took a hell of a hustle (and several very nasty burns) but older/Knighted Aether is finally ready for his reveal 💃 🪩  I think this is one of the most complex armors i've made to date. Everything was crazy involved from having to dye fabric, wefting+adding lights to the wig, patterning the armor, wrapping the armor, planning/rigging the lights and then just getting the dang thing on. I am completely and utterly exhausted from working on this beast but HE'S HERE
 Foam on this project sponsored by cos com cosplay supplies!
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
Me after laying in bed all day watching 911 because I feel like crap: *lays in bed editing 911 fanfiction*
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
I think a lot of people don't understand that while trans men* very rarely have any foothold against cis women misogyny-wise, its also very rare for trans women** to be able to wield any power against either of those groups, misogyny-wise in particular. Like, cis women fuck over trans men in discussions of reproductive justice and excuse it with all manner of ridiculous excuses but the same thing happens all the fucking time to trans women in feminist discussions/spaces and it comes from all sides, trans and cis.
I think discussing misogyny and feminism and being trans inclusive is very, very important. But it means fuck all to trans inclusion if you're not actively fighting transphobia/transmisogyny/intersexism, ect, ect as well and it means fuck all if we can't discuss the fact some of y'all are only blaming men for the restriction of reproductive rights in places like the US while ignoring the white supremacy and intersectional bigotry at hand and excluding trans men from your activism because you want something simple and familiar, like feminism before you pretended to give a fuck about trans people. It means fuck all if we can't discuss the fact some of y'all want 2010 feminism back because you're transmisogynistic assholes who never worked through your bullshit. It means fuck all when we STILL CAN'T discuss the fact TERFs and radfems recruit trans men and AFAB transmascs because they know the power y'all can hold in feminist spaces over trans women and they'll own up to that even if plenty of y'all won't. It means fuck all when plenty of cis women will actively exclude trans men from discussions of misogyny because they really don't want to understand how trans people fit into feminism. It means fuck all if we can't discuss the fact feminism means NOTHING while most folks, trans and cis alike, ignore intersexism unless it'll handily prove some sort of point.
It means fuck all if we don't acknowledge the state of feminism is abysmal and will go nowhere if no one wants to put in the fucking work. And putting in the fucking work DOES mean acknowledging privilege, it does mean working to understand these systems of oppression, it does mean actually understanding intersectionality instead of treating it like a subtract or addition problem in a second grade textbook.
I've rambled here but I'm trying to say y'all have got to at least admit you HAVE these privileges in order to ask yourselves the important questions. Like: do I want liberation more than I want to oppress someone else? And: how many friends am I willing to lose for the right reasons?
*Or other trans folks who fall into a similar societal position, like a lot of transmascs
**Or other trans folks who fall into a similar societal position, like a lot of transfems
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ozymoron · 5 days
god i feel like an old man and not in a hot way
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disabledopossum · 11 months
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lemonlokkich · 2 months
Bones (derogatory)
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lordacne · 9 months
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aemiron-main · 1 year
me explaining why I’m pretty sure the orderlies shocking henry also fractured his skull
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deqdyke · 2 months
A weird part of growing up with social media is that I have mutuals here who I've never spoken to but have followed for over a decade.
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alien-slushie · 2 years
Izuku: It's going to rain.
Shinsou: Are you psychic now or something?
Izuku: No, I have arthritis.
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strawbs-screaming · 5 months
posts might be slow since i have influenza and im getting my ass kicked by it
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blackmoldmp3 · 7 months
i made Soup. turkey soup w dumplings.
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