#my brain is in the valley too trust me
dopaminevampire · 10 months
My husband, Monday morning after the weekend we both started Stardew Valley together, which was his first time playing:
"My brain is not on responsible things this morning. My brain is in the valley."
Also him, an hour and a half earlier still in bed: "I fell down the wiki well last night." *proceeds to infodump Stardew Valley things he learned*
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izvmimi · 9 months
cw: potions mishap. as usual all my writing puts night raven college in a genuine College setting. preview to probably what will be a longer fic. minors dni.
"you realize this is akin to poisoning, right?"
despite the fact that you mean to be harsh - desperately so - your voice comes out tinged with a different kind of desperation and you can feel that familiar feeling of lust balloon in your chest, but it's different, painful to the point of bursting, and you double over, hoping that perhaps positioning your body to look at nothing but your own two feet will help.
it doesn't.
"not akin," vil starts, his own pale face flushed. "far worse."
you know that he's right.
"we're fools," you lament through your clenched teeth. your voice is as low as a whisper even though the laboratory is empty, but the intense sensation of shame you can feel from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes to the very vertex of your scalp only mirrors the lust you feel right now. thank goodness it's not for the man next to you, but for a different man -
or fae.
vil shakes his head, but he's still red, breathing heavily, his brain too flustered to come up with something intelligent to retort. the vials of would be hate potion are strewn across the lab bench, as the test mice in the corner of the room continue to chirp and squeak loudly, doing exactly what you want to do to diasomnia's housewarden right now, if you were to see him before the effects of this presumed passion potion wore off -
fuck endlessly.
"i cannot believe you made me trust you."
"will you just shut it? YOU worked on half of this potion's design!" vil insists.
"because i didn't think you would drop the ball so heinously!" you protest. part of your voice comes out in an uncharacteristic whine and your legs tremble. the two of you link eyes, and both of you know that the longer you stay here, the more ridiculous things will end up. the mice continue to contort and writhe together. you can't stop thinking about malleus' grin, or his height, or the size of his hands, or what he may look like underneath, or-
"i'm leaving," vil announces.
too afraid to sit in this ruined potions chamber alone you follow him, weak and breathing heavily with only one thing on your mind.
malleus. malleus draconia. malleus draconia of briar valley. malleus who says your name in a low voice as though he's forbidden to say it out loud. malleus who smiles at you even when you look stupid, even when you tell him to stop following you like a shadow.
malleus. malleus. malleus.
"vil, where are you going?"
you already know where he's going. pomefiore. to find them.
maybe you should find the object of your desire as well, but that would defeat the very purpose of this whole debacle anyway.
he'd laugh... but then he'd indulge you.
and that still remains your greatest fear.
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brownblob · 5 months
can you do malleus x y/n?
Do you?
Malleus Draconia x GN!Reader
Malleus Draconia, the stoic Fae prince, and future ruler of the Briar Valley had always been a figure of intimidation. Since he was born, no one had ever dared to go against the prince. It was surely wonderful to be respected as such, even feared.
Yet, he couldn't help but feel so dreadfully lonely.
Everyone saw him as a prince, a man who would one day rule over all faeries, a man who who could kill in just a snap of his fingers.
A boy who was never invited to events, a boy who was feared so much that he never lived like a child. A boy who's name could cause thousands, if not millions, to cower.
Then why were you not scared?
Why was it that whenever you saw him, you smiled? Why was he always greeted as an individual, a friend, whenever he met up with you? Why did you trust him so easily?
Were you foolish or naive? He did not know, but what he did know was that you were endearing, a sort of light amidst his black and white world.
You had opened his eyes to what friendship was, what it was like to be cared for unconditionally.
Yet he was greedy. It was in his nature, after all, he was a dragon. He was a dragon who wanted to hoard this newfound treasure.
That treasure was you.
You weren't like his retainers, you never served under him. Nor were you like his followers, you never worshipped him. Then what were you?
The simple idea of someone so peculiar messed with his brain. He wasn't sure what category you were part of. You started off as "just a human" a very peculiar one, but still a mere human.
"Tsunotarou!" You'd say with that same goofy smile plastered on your face. Did you really not know what he was capable of, or were you just that brave?
Yet, whenever you said that name, reaching your arms out to engulf him in your embrace, he couldn't help but smile. The corners of his lips tugged to a grin, showcasing his sharper teeth as he returned the gesture.
He didn't know when nor did he know how it happened, but soon enough, you weren't just a human anymore.
You were his human, his peculiar human that he wanted more than just a friend.
He wanted to be more than "Tsunotarou".
His greed longed for your love, his greed longed for your touch, his greed longed for you.
"Child of man, what do you see me as..?" He asked, his voice deep as usual, his left hand cupping your face. He leaned down to your height, his lips awfully close to your neck.
"What am I to you?" He asked, his voice a whisper. The room seemed to go silent as you stood there, his free hand snaking around your waist.
What started of as a normal walk in the woods, turned into something more serious, much more intimate. The way his right hand snaked around your waist as the other one cupped your face, it was all so confusing, yet so fitting.
Fireflies seemed to dance around you, illuminating the dark night. The wind made the trees dance, the moon seeming a bit too dreamy than usual, as it made a pond nearby glow. The scene was right out of a fairytale, and it seemed as if he were a prince and you were his fated lover.
This was the first time he'd been so outright blunt with you, and so awfully close. Yet, it felt nice, the way his hands fit against you, the way his breath felt on you neck, and the way the blood rushed to your cheeks.
As he moved away from you neck, you looked up at him, your neck craning a bit. His emerald eyes looked into yours with something you couldn't explain, they were seeking an answer, they were longing for you.
"You're Tsunotarou, my friend..." You replied, your mind running a bit too fast for your liking as your heart skipped a beat. What was happening to you? You weren't sure what he was hinting at, what exactly was he asking, so you stated the obvious.
He wasn't stupid, he already knew this. He wanted to know more, what exactly he meant to you, what the possibilities were.
He pulled you closer, your face buried in his chest as he leaned down a bit so you could hear his words as clearly as possible.
"What if I want to be more than friends?" He asked, as the arm gripped around your waist tightened.
"You've given me the chance to experience friendship, something I am deeply grateful for. Yet, friendship doesn't soothe the longing in my heart." His words were careful, slowly reaching the goal he was aiming for.
"I want to be yours."
He let go of you slightly, allowing his eyes to look into yours. His grip loosened a bit as he waited for you to run off, for he may have made you uncomfortable. Yet you didn't, you simply stood there in his loosened embrace.
Your face was flushed, the usual childlike smile nowhere to be found. Instead, your face was red, an expression he'd never attained from you, an expression that he wished to see more of.
The fireflies still danced in the night, the moon glowing brightly, the trees swayed with delight, as you two stood there, relishing in the serenity.
"Do you long for me as much as I long for you?"
Note: Sorry for leaving at kind of a cliffhanger but I wasn't sure how far I was supposed to go and whether it was supposed to be wholesome or more heated. Please do give me more premises and ideas to write about, it would be greatly appreciated.
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mediocre-stories · 2 months
The Cliffs
TW: mentions of depression, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of suicide, mentions of death, vulgar language
Authours Note: Hi everyone! Thank you for your patience with me! I am officially done school for the summer so I will have tons of time to write! I hope you enjoy this one, writing it broke my heart a little bit but there is a happy ending! Once again this story is based off of Shane's six heart event from Stardew Valley. I hope you enjoy reading and as always feel free to leave me some constructive critism!
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It was another sleepless night. You had been having a lot of those lately. The air in the farmhouse was heavy with the summer heat, your sheets clung to your body, and the mattress you laid on itched at your skin. You rolled over, peering to your wallclock.
2 am. You groaned.
You made the decision to go for a walk, you slipped on your work boots, pulled on a wool sweater, and headed out the door.
It was raining hard, the water hitting your skin with enough force to make it lightly sting. The trees lit up with the flashes of lighting, and the valley air felt crisp as it entered your lungs. You walked to your favourite place, Cindersap Forest. The quiet of the trees and the calm of the lake soothed your nerves. You walked along the edge of the lake, letting the rain cool your flushed skin.
You made your way towards the cliffs. As you walked, a flash of lightning revealed the figure of a man laying near the edge of the cliffs. You jumped. As the lightning illuminated the forest again, you realized the figure was Shane. You approached him cautiously.
He lifted his head off the ground, looking up at you. His dark hair stuck to his face due to the rain. His eyes were glazed over and he slurred his words as he spoke.
"Y/N...I-I'm sorry." He hiccuped.
You felt a pit grow in your stomach, "why?"
"My life... it's a pathetic fucking joke." Shane paused to let out a small chuckle, resting his head on the ground again. "I mean look at me." The smile disappered from Shane's face as his voice cracked with tears, "I'm too small and stupid to... to take control of my life."
As Shane spoke, you moved to sit beside him. You hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder, wanting to find some form of comfort to provide him. He seemed to flinch at your touch.
"I'm such a fucking piece of shit, Y/N. I do nothing but disappoint everyone around me. Marnie can hardly look at me, Jas is scared to talk to me. Did you know I'm her godfather? At least I'm supposed to be, but I can't even do that. Her parents were my college friends, they died in a car accident and left her with me. They trusted me, and look what I've done."
Shane's body racked with sobs as you rubbed his back. "Shane, you're doing all you can. You were put in a difficult situation, but Jas has a roof over her head, food in her belly, and people who love her."
"But none of that is because of me, that's all Marnie Y/N, not me."
The storm seemed to get stronger as Shane talked. The thunder rumbled through your body and the lightning illuminated the rocky cliffs below.
"I've been coming here often lately...looking down. Here's my chance to finally take control of my life. I could just jump, I wouldn't hurt anyone anymore."
You sighed, looking out at the sky. You let Shane rant, knowing that nothing you could say would help, he had to want to help himself. You just prayed to Yoba that he would realize this sooner than later. He laughed again.
"I can't do it Y/N. I'm too fucking scared, just like always. It's pathetic. All I do is work, sleep, and drink just to try and forget about how much I hate myself. Why should I even go on Y/N? Tell me why I shouldn't jump."
You paused, racking your brain for the right words, "Shane, I can't tell you what to do and what not to do. You have to make your own decisons, but I am here for you. Always."
He rolled onto his back and looked up at you, gently grabbing your hand that was rubbing his back. He interlocked his fingers with yours and squeezed. "Thank you Y/N. Thank you for telling me like it is. I'm tired of the bullshit I hear from people. I'm so sorry I've been so mean to you."
"Hey, don't worry about it. It was refreshing to talk to a real person again. People in this town can be too cheery sometimes." you joked. He smiled, rolling back over to face the cliff.
"I think you should take me to the hospital now."
You stood up and helped Shane to his feet. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you stumbled to the hospital. You had to stop a few times to let him vomit, rubbing his back each time.
You were sat in the waiting room. Maru had brought you a blanket, as the rain had soaked through your clothes and chilled you to the bone. You waited anxiously for what felt like hours. You had called Marnie, who was now sitting beside you, picking at her nails to distact herself. When Dr. Harvey finally emerged from the emergency room, you both stood up.
"You can come and see him."
You and Marnie entered the emergency room. There was Shane, laying on a hospital bed. His skin was pale and sickly looking. He was hooked up to so many unfamiliar machines. He looked so small laying in that bed, you heard Marnie sob. Dr. Harvey broke the silence.
"I've pumped his stomach and rehydrated his body. He's going to be okay. It's good that you brought him in though, Y/N. " Dr. Harvey sighed, "Too much alcohol is terrible for the body, but right now I'm most worried about his mental health."
Dr. Harvey moved towards Marnie, pulling out a pamphlet from his pocket, "When he comes to, I'll have a chat with him about his treatment options. I know an excellent counselor in Zuzu City. Life can be painful sometimes, but there's always hope for a better future. You've got to believe in that."
It was the next afternoon. You left the hospital early in the morning, returning to the farm to do your chores. After everything was tended to, you fell asleep on your couch, finally catching up on the hours of sleep you had missed last night. You awoke to a knock on your door. You moved to your front door and opened it, rubbing your eyes groggily at the light from outside entering your small farmhouse. There stood Shane, looking sheepish, but much better than last night.
"Hey." you spoke.
"Hey..." he replied, looking at his shoes. "Oh man, how do I say this? I'm really sorry about what happened last night at the cliffs. That was embarrassing."
You gave him a small smile, "it's okay. I'm just glad you weren't alone."
He looked up and smiled back, "yeah, thank you for being there for me."
"I told you I always will be."
The conversation went silent, the only sound coming from the whistling of the wind. Shane spoke again.
"I've decided I want to see a therapist. Harvey got me in touch with a colleague of his. Anyways...I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me. And I want you to know that I am going to take things a little more seriously from now on."
"I'm really happy for you Shane." In the heat of the moment, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck, taking in the smell of his colonge. You felt his body stiffen for a moment, then relax at your touch. He brought his arms around your waist. You stayed there for a moment before you both pulled away.
"Well uh, I should get going. Thanks again Y/N." Shane said, you noticed a small blush creep across his cheeks. "Maybe after my first counselling session I could stop by and we could talk?"
"Of course, you're always welcome on the farm."
"Thank you Y/N, I haven't had a friend in a long time."
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youphoriaot7 · 8 months
Would love to hear what you have for bad or any of the french!!
I have my own ideas but love hearing how others interpret things hehe >:]
And maxo is def lonely...I'd say eye before but he's so alone :<
OOH alrighty this was fun >:3 i totally feel you! i love hearing other opinions too >.> especially for stuff like this, because everyone interprets it differently!!!
note: these are all q!, of course, so keep that in mind! i also don't watch these ccs very frequently, so this is just what i've noticed! :D
bad is, arguably, the end. this one probably isn't a surprise—he is literally the grim reaper. but on top of that, as shown especially in his recent arcs, he will not hesitate to end life if necessary. he's immortal[?], he's seen a lot of death. it doesn't faze him quite the same way anymore. his rage is cold and calculated (hello, ron). he just has this air of...inevitability.
antoine is the stranger. hands down. i'm sorry, but this man(? question mark?) is so freaking weird /pos. he totally nails that uncanny valley-type vibe, the not-entirely-human thing. i also like to think of it as though he's performing, masquerading amongst the humans. i just...hmm. i love antoine.
baghera is the lonely. that hurts me so bad to write ksjfgsk but especially after the recent lore, it makes sense. she seems to have a tendency to close herself off from people, whether she realizes it or not. she's close with people, don't get me wrong—but it's...i don't know. it's not the same. i can't quite explain it.
etoiles is the slaughter. i know that feels like an obvious answer, but it just. makes. sense. the man is a fighter, through and through—whether he wants to be or not. his first reaction—whether joking or not—is generally violence, in some way. i also really love the way the tma wiki says this: "fear of not knowing where, how, or when pain will come—but that it will." i feel like that quote is just...really applicable to etoiles.
pierre is the eye. pierre was tricky, i'm not gonna lie, but i really think he falls under the eye. he sees a lot more than he admits he sees. his mechanical brain is freakin' incredible. he puts things together super quickly once he has all the pieces—see philza's birdcage incident as an example. i just. yeah. eye vibes.
i'm abstaining from kameto. mans is out getting cigarettes. just havin' a good time. good for him to be honest. avoidin' the horrors. <3
also, i wanted to take a stab at maxo myself—i completely agree that he fits the lonely so well (my poor cubito :( ), but i would argue that maxo is the spiral! i dunno, i just feel like a lot of parts of his lore have very...spiral-esque feelings to them. false friendships, gaslighting, madness—in a way, he's turning into a sort of spiral himself, what with that leg—can he even trust himself anymore?
thank you for asking!! >.> :D hope i was entertaining >:3
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maltmealo · 2 months
Chapter 16: Trouble
"Should he be so little?"
"Don't worry, he'll grow up big and strong just like ----"
"Huh... they grow."
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“You got all this for me?” The room you had been staying in had been spruced up to look more or less like a small one-room apartment, complete with a kitchen and all that had been stocked with canned goods and none perishables, as well as some bags of fruits on the counters. You’re blankets and pillows had been organized to make a somewhat good nest, complete with a small tv pushed against the wall.
“Yeah, with all the moping you’ve been doing around we thought it would be nice for you to have a room instead of sleeping next to Ratchet all the time.” Cliffjumper says, a proud expression on his face as he pokes his head through the doorway to get a good look, “We did all the hard work, Doctor Sowa got the food.”
“I appreciate the gesture but… won’t I die without being near one of you guys?” you ask, looking towards Cliffjumper with a concerned expression.
“Eh, don’t worry about it, my room is right next to yours, plus, it's my job to take care of you, so I have to make sure our residential human is comfortable.” He grins, pulling his head out of the door. You follow him out and see that he had pulled his head upon command on none other than the quiet doctor, who was now promptly staring at Cliffjumper blankly.
‘Check up.’ he signed, grabbing you by your elbow and all but dragging you into the room, closing the door behind him, and leaving a very confused Cliffjumper outside.
“Doctor Sowa? Are you okay?” You ask as he pulls out a chair and makes you sit on it, he seemed tenser than his usual relaxed and emotionless self, his movements stiffer.
‘Don't trust them.’ he signs as he pulls out a stethoscope from his old-timey doctor bag.
“What? Why?” You ask, a confused look on your face as the doctor lifts your shirt up and presses the cold metal against your back.
He doesn’t respond, unstrapping your sling and taking your arm into both of his hands.
It felt wrong, or looked wrong, something about his hands had dipped into an uncanny valley, maybe it was the fact that they were long and spindly, or maybe that they were a little too smooth, but maybe that was just because he took care of himself-
You froze, your breath catching in your chest as you squeezed your eyes shut tight, expecting the loud crack to be one or multiple of your bones breaking but you felt no pain. A hand touches your cheek, pulling you out of your shocked state as you open your eyes.
A faint melody reaches your ear, not one you recognized, not made by man or nature, a calm steady mix of almost autotuned dinging and a humming that sounded nothing like the tense humming of Optimus.
‘I would never hurt you.’ he signs as he lets go of your dumbstruck face, taking out a pair of scissors and carefully snipping away the fabric that held the down broken plaster together. Your arm was healed, it had just been two weeks and your broken arm no longer ached or screamed whenever you even thought of using your muscles. He takes a rag out of his bag and pours some water on it, slowly but gently cleaning up your arm from all the dirt that had congealed under your cast.
You stare at him- or rather listen to him, it was so much more soothing to hear this, it wasn’t forced or overwhelming, it wasn’t something that invaded your brain and gave you a headache, it was calm, communication in the purest form.
“I can hear you,” You whisper, a smile growing on your face as you push what he had said earlier to the back of your mind and what he had just done, “it's beautiful.”
He sets the damp rag down, tilting his head as he looks down at you, his unchanging eyes staring into the depths of your soul.
‘It's nothing,’ he signs finally, putting away the stethoscope, before looking up at you again.
“It’s not nothing, it's you,” You smile, listening intently to the music, “I didn’t realize humans could do that, it sounds so much sweeter than the ‘bots.”
He gives you a strange look before reaching up and setting his hands on either side of your face, gently tilting it around as his fingers press into your pulse.
He was testing to make sure your neck didn’t hurt, of course, any other reason would be unthinkable, he had a job to do, and he couldn’t get feeling for a patient of all people in the universe.
You wince when he digs his cold fingers in just a little too hard like he was trying to dig his fingers into your veins to feel the rush of blood that kept you alive. He pulls away quickly at your reaction, resting his hands above his lap.
‘Apologies,’ he signs when he raises his hands again, taking a step away from you and looking around the room.
“No worries, I’ve been through enough to handle a little pain,” you tease, standing up off the chair as you rub your wrist, flexing each finger individually to test them. You follow his gaze in looking around the room, “nice isn’t it?”
‘It is unique,’ he turns back to you, looking you up and down, ‘are you still in pain?’
“No my arm feels fine,” you roll your wrist in demonstration, twisting your arm in circles and bending it.
‘Not that,’ he grabs your hand and places it against your chest and you wince, it felt like all the air had been forced out of your lungs, it was confusing and dazing, painful and not at the same time. You didn’t even realize it but your legs had given out on you and Doctor Sowa was now supporting you, ‘this.’
You stare up at him, what was this? It was like all the memories you needed to answer his question had been locked away. You open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out, it felt like your body had shut down everything in order to focus on the feeling of his hand pressed against yours. Your ears were ringing, your senses were in overdrive to find something to grab onto.
He takes his hand away and everything feels like it restarted, you take a gasp of air that you didn’t realize you needed, your legs finally support your body and everything comes rushing back.
He gingerly places a hand on your back, taking one of your arms and guiding you to sit down on the bed. He sits down beside you, patiently waiting for you to catch your breath as he rubs your back gently.
The music came back into the forefront of your mind, pulling you out of the sensory overload you had just experienced. It reminded you, that you weren’t alone, he was here with you, a man who sounded so much sweeter than anything you had ever heard before. You were safe here, in the tiny nook made by giants and now owned by you.
“I'm gonna say no,” You finally get out, blinking a couple of times as tears drip down your face. You reach up and touch them, maybe it was from pain, maybe it was because of the overwhelming feelings you just felt, or maybe it was from a host of other reasons that you didn’t want to know. All you knew was that you were crying and the tears weren’t stopping.
It hurt and you couldn’t help the sob that left your mouth, you covered your mouth, the pain just bringing everything to the surface as you tried to stay calm and stop crying.
That was what you were trying to do this whole time, you weren’t going home, you weren’t going to see Meryl or find out if he ever survived or not, you weren’t going to see your family, you were going to die in this universe probably crushed underfoot like everyone else, weren’t you?
They promised though, the aliens who had swooped in and saved you from falling and becoming a stain on the hard ground of a place that wasn’t home. Optimus had promised you that after everything you were going home. You were going home after this.
You take a few more seconds to calm your breath, tears still falling down your cheeks even though you weren’t sobbing. He pulls his hand away from your back, allowing you some space to reset your body manually.
“Yeah, definitely not okay,” you laugh, wiping your tears away with your sleeve as you sniffle. the ache was still there, hollow and hurting.
‘It isn’t getting better,’ he signs, watching you with the same expression he always had, still and sound, like a rock or an anchor.
“But Ratchet said if I-”
He slaps a hand over your mouth, his eyes drilling into yours as he slowly releases your lips.
‘They did this,’ he signs, his hand pressing against your chest gently, it was not nearly enough to hurt you this time, ‘they don’t want to be responsible.’
“Why wouldn’t they want that? They seem like good people stuck in a bad situation,” you reply back, frowning at his answer. They did want was best for you, they wouldn’t have saved you otherwise, they would have thrown you out to the dogs if they didn’t.
‘They killed my children.’
What should have been silence was filled with the somber melody of his soul, you felt it. You felt his pain and anguish, you could almost see it through his eyes, feel the wetness of death on your fingers, but the memories pull away, leaving you on the precipice of sadness and confusion.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, unable to think of anything else to say than to apologize on the Autobots' behalf, what would you say? Would you defend the death of children? Say that it wasn’t the Autobots' fault that his kids were stupid enough to get underfoot or get stuck in the crossfire? Or would you say that the Autobots had changed? That they may have meant to do it but they’re different now.
You swallow down your thoughts and clear your throat, “how old were they?”
‘Too young.’ he responds, staring you down like he knew what you were thinking.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, your voice stuck in your throat as you avert your gaze, “there’s nothing I can say to justify your loss.”
He stays silent, not moving his hands anymore, just staring at you. You look down at your lap biting your tongue as you stay silent. You didn’t know where to go from here, sure you’ve had this conversation with Meryl before, but now it was different, something inside of you was preventing you from saying anything.
Suddenly, he clasps your hand in both of his, guiding it into this lap and pulling you out of your thoughts as he gives it a squeeze. You look back up at him, his gaze no longer intense but now… sad.
“What were they like?” you find the words, it was easy now, he was human like you, he mourned and grieved, if he was angry at you it wasn’t because of anything you did.
‘They were… troublemakers,’ he signs letting go of your hand but letting it rest in his lap as he speaks in hands, ‘fighters to the very end, a… dynamic duo if you will.’
“Early in the hospital, you said there were three, what was that one like?”
‘He was smart, a fighter, he protected his brothers,’ his hand movements getting slower as he stares off into space, ‘he went first.’
“They sound like handfuls,” you laugh softly, smiling at the descriptions, “what were their names?”
He pauses, focusing back on your face. He shakes his head, grabbing your hand again and squeezing it.
He didn’t want to talk about it, seeing his children get shot down and crushed by the Autobots who claimed to be for peace. To be forced to see those who had mercilessly slaughtered them for the sake of someone who could die without them.
You were just like him in a sense, smart but naive, you trusted that the people who were liars to keep you safe and heal you. They didn’t know they were liars and that was going to get you killed in the most agonizing way possible.
“Do you want a hug?”
A question so simple it made him stop. He slowly nodded, releasing your hand to let you hug him.
You lean in, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him, it was awkward at first. so much so that you almost pulled away, but slowly he hugged back, his arms resting around your back and adding a pleasant pressure to your back.
“You remind me of someone,” you mutter, resting your head on his chest, the song is louder now, but it still held the quiet grieving tone, “his name was Meryl, he taught me a lot.”
His hand lays flat on your back, rubbing circles into it, it was comforting to feel a genuine human touch after two months of only being picked up and held by giant robots. Hell, the last time you were held like this was when you left for college, and now after all the stress, it was more than nice.
You stay like that, wrapped in each other's limbs for what seems like hours before he pulls away, lifting up his hands and cupping your cheeks.
“What are you doing?” you asked as he touched your eyes where they were still red and puffy. He stares at the red rings, his fingers stained with the salty liquid that covered your own face.
He stands up quickly, going to the full-sized fridge and rifling through it before returning with a water bottle. He pops off the cap in a single upward movement, handing you the incorrectly opened water bottle.
“Um… thank you,” you say as you take a sip of the water, the cold water washed down your throat as you tilt your head back, staring at the ceiling as you chug about half of the bottle.
‘You were beginning to get dehydrated, that is dangerous,’ he explains, taking the bottle from your hand and setting it down on the table as he sets back down.
It was silent for a few moments as you stared at each other, it wasn’t awkward, more like a mutual understanding of… not knowing what more to say.
Suddenly the silence was broken by a harsh knocking.
“Doctor Sowa! It’s time to go.” Agent Fowler’s voice breaks through the silence as both of you turn your heads to look at the door.
He looks back at you, a silent question being transmitted between the two of you, are you okay?
You nod, giving him a meek smile as you stand up. He suddenly grabs your hand and pulls you back down, bringing you into a tight hug. He had been hesitant when you hugged him, but now he was confident, smooth, and strong. It was confusing for sure, he had been so untouchy from the moment you met him, only touching you when absolutely necessary.
His hand touches the back of your head, pressing you further into his body. He forces your face into his shoulder, almost like he was trying to shield your vision from something terrible.
He smelt like citrus, which one you couldn’t tell but it was distinct, like a freshly pealed orange or a squeezed lemon. It almost smelt like those cleaners your mother kept under the counter to clean with from time to time.
It was silent but so loud at the same time, his very life force grasping at yours to tell you something, the melody didn’t hurt like the bashing singular sound of Ratchet and it didn’t feel like you were getting forced to calm down.
It was simple, the message he was giving you was so incredibly simple and so hard to understand at the same time.
‘Thank you.’
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horridgoblin · 3 months
what a perfect time to take a break from bg3 to play the new stardew valley 1.6 update. biting the bars of my enclosure as i keep reopening steam to check if its out yet
trust me, the brain is still rotting (because gale), i just dont want bg3 to end so soon :(
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sequinsmile-x · 11 months
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Obsidian - Chapter 1
A smut anthology, set in the Stained Glass Windows universe.
Hi friends,
As requested by several people, this is a series of smut one shots that fit within the Stained Glass Windows universe.
Some chapters will be linked directly to chapters within the main SGW story and some won't be.
This first chapter is set in Chapter 7 of SGW and is a direct continuation of their first date 👀. Since it's a continuation, I've included part of the original scene from SGW here to really make it flow.
I hope you enjoy this <3
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: Smut, 18+
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
It’s everything she’d always imagined it to be and more. 
He’s everywhere. His tongue in her mouth as he presses up against her, his chest against hers, the rumble of the moan he knows she’s trying to fight caught up in his ribs. His hands on her back, burning her even through the material of her dress, are a clear attempt at remaining respectful, but somehow that makes her more aware of everything. Of the hem of her dress bunching around the top of her thighs as she sinks deeper into his lap, of him getting harder beneath her, a preview of what was to come.
He holds her close, his hands firm at her lower back as he breathes her in, remembering every little thing he can. She rolls her hips against him and he groans, part of his brain that he’d successfully ignored all evening coming back online as he pulls back from her, unable to stop himself from smiling as she tries to chase his lips.
“If you’re about to tell me you’re a second date kind of guy I might kill you,” she jokes, her words breathless as she smiles at him, her chest heaving slightly as she stares at him.
“No,” he replies, smiling at her as he smoothes some of her hair back, “It’s not that it’s just,” he pauses, unsure how to phrase it, how to put into words the concerns that had kept him from going any further with her despite his entire body screaming at him, “You’re my best friend, Em.”
She beams at him, impossibly more beautiful as she moves one of her hands from behind his neck to cup his cheek, her thumb delicate against his skin.
“You’re my best friend too, against all odds,” she replies, smiling when he chuckles at her attempt at a joke, “That’s why I think this works.”
“I know,” he says, his hands on her hips as he holds her tightly, “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t,” she says simply like it was the easiest thing in the world. She knows it was her turn to take the jump, that he’d been the one to assure her in the motel room where they began and now he needed it in return. It’s how they’d worked since they’d become friends, the give-and-take that they both needed but had never found elsewhere, “I really want this, Aaron. I want you. We can figure out the rest as we go.”
If it was anyone else saying it to him it wouldn’t be enough. He needed to know everything, to have control, but he trusts her. He loves her, he knows that already but won’t say it yet, afraid it was far too much too soon. So he accepts it, simply nodding in response. She smiles as she leans forward to stamp a kiss against his lips and he hesitates.
“For fuck sake, Aaron,” she says, rolling her eyes at him.
“I just want to know you’re sure, sweetheart.”
The term of endearment makes any misplaced anger disappear as quickly as it had appeared, and she shakes her head at him before she leans back enough to pull her dress off, leaving her in the underwear she’d later admit to him that she’d bought specifically for tonight. For him.
“I’m very sure,” she replies, leaning back in to kiss him before he can look at her properly, pleased when he immediately responds this time. His hands are scorching against her skin, his fingerprints branding her ribs as his hands drift over her, mapping out her hills and valleys.
Her skin was so soft he thought it might drive him insane, and he knows that later on he’ll take his time to memorise her, but right now his need for her overrides that. Desperate and overwhelming as he stops fighting the need to know how her skin felt everywhere. He runs his hand down her stomach, stopping as the texture of her changes, his thumb catching on some thicker skin.
She pulls away from him as the need for oxygen takes over, her forehead pressed against his, and she feels his thumb tracing the scar on her abdomen, and she looks down at the same time he does. She swallows thickly as she watches him trace the whole scar, from just below her ribcage, moving outwards onto her belly in a backwards l-shape. It was faded now, the best it would ever be, and sometimes she managed to forget it was there. This was the first time she’d ever told someone the story behind it, coming up with lies on the spot for past partners as they asked curiously, and it felt oddly liberating as well as making her nervous in equal measure that someone knew all of her like this.
“I know it’s not-”
“You’re beautiful,” he says, his hands drifting to her back as he shifts her closer, cutting off her self-deprecating comment she had ready, “So fucking beautiful.”
The compliment makes her blush, alabaster skin turning pink on her cheeks and down her neck and chest, disappearing below her black lace bra. She was a work of art, beyond his imagination, and he couldn’t believe that she was here with him.
“Aaron-” she starts, but her plea for him to touch her is cut off as he leans forward, licking her nipple through her bra, tugging at the material with his teeth. She holds his head against her chest as he moves to her other breast, paying it the same attention, her fingers tight in his hair. His hands trail up her back again, his fingers hooking under the band of her bra before he quickly undoes it, lowering it down her arms and pulling back just enough for him to take it off completely and throw it over his shoulder. He dives back in. His lips directly against her, already sensitive, skin this time, and she groans, the sound coming from somewhere deep within her belly, “Fuck.”
Aaron smiles against the swell of one of her breasts, pride flaring in his chest at the fact he was already having an effect on her and he’d barely even started. He knew it was a mutual thing, that he was already just as addicted to her. To her soft skin, the way she felt on top of him. 
“So soft,” he murmurs, kissing up her chest, taking time to suck at the hollow of her collarbone before he moves upwards, his lips on her jaw and then her cheek before he captures her lips with his. His tongue swoops through her mouth, tasting the scotch they’d shared when they first came back to his and something he’d never been able to name that just seemed to be her, “So delicious.”
Emily pulls him back in, her lips fierce against his as she unbuttons his shirt, a desperation to the action that destroys her usual dexterity. She gets frustrated about halfway down, the need to feel his skin against hers overwhelming, and she pulls the shirt apart, buttons scattering across the floor in every direction. If he cares he doesn’t say anything, he simply pulls her closer, both of them groaning as their chests collide, the movement making her hips tilts even deeper towards his. It makes her pull away from the kiss, a whine escaping her as his hips twitch up into her, the brief pressure against her clit almost torturous due to the clothing still between them. 
She takes the opportunity to push his shirt down his arms, her eyes fixed on his chest as he throws the shirt in the same direction her bra had gone. He was more toned than she thought he would be, strong in a way that was subtle as his muscles ripple under his skin. A type of safety in his embrace that she had never felt before, something she knew she could quickly get used to. She leans in and kisses his jaw, smiling as he shivers when her breath skips over his ear. She kisses down his chest, her smile only getting wider as she licks over his nipple, his hand in her hair as he pulls her back up into a kiss. 
He moves so quickly it takes a moment for it to register, her back against the couch as he looms over her, the look on his face almost animalistic. He places his hand on her abdomen, fingers trailing over her scar as he looks her up and down. 
“So fucking beautiful,” he says, leaning down to stamp a kiss against her lips before he quickly moves down, ignoring how she tries to chase him. He licks down the valley in between her breasts and she arches up into it, moaning as he pushes her back down, his hand still firmly on her belly. 
She closes her eyes as he gently kisses her scar, tracing the entirety of it with his lips, tenderness that makes her ache in every touch to her skin. It feels like acceptance, like he saw beauty even in the darkest parts of her history, parts she had run away from as soon as she could. 
It feels like love, as absurd as that thought felt since this was their first date. 
Her breath catches in her chest as he moves south, a soft kiss against the top of her panties and she places her hand on the back of his head, their eyes meeting as he looks up at her, his eyes blown black with desire. 
“You okay?” 
She chuckles half-heartedly and she nods, “I’m more than okay.”
He smiles and hooks his fingers in the side of her panties to pull them down her legs, purposely running his knuckles down her skin, watching as goose pimples chase him down to her ankles. She automatically lets her legs fall further apart, one of her feet planted on the floor and the other on the couch. He works his way back up her body, dropping a kiss to her knee, then her thigh, as he lays between her legs. He places his palms on her thighs, pressing them further apart, and she groans, the stretch in her muscles pleasant as she watches him in anticipation. 
She’s sure she should feel embarrassed or exposed to the way he’s looking at her, but she doesn’t. It makes her feel empowered. Beautiful. 
When he finally leans in and licks through her she moans, her head falling back and hitting the cushion behind her, “Holy shit.” 
He smirks against her, turning his head just enough to kiss her thigh before he’s on her again, his tongue against her clit. He groans at the taste of her, his hands hooking under her thighs as he hauls her closer, already addicted to her. She wraps a leg around his shoulders, her heel pressing into the middle of his back to hold him in place. The way he was making her feel was the only thing she could think about, pleasure slowly starting to unfurl in her belly. He pushes two fingers into her, and she moans, her thighs clenching around his head.
“That’s it,” she gasps out, encouraging him, “Right there, please don’t stop.” 
He does as he’s asked, unrelenting as he continues to roll his tongue over her clit and pump his fingers inside of her, building her up as she continues to whisper encouragement, her hips rolling against his face and hand. When she comes she feels like she’s falling, everything around her disappearing except the feel of him still against her, only slowing down as she comes down from her high. 
When she opens her eyes she’s looking right at him. She’s unsure when he moved, how he’d slid up her body without her noticing, but she doesn’t care. She pulls him into a kiss, licking herself from his lips as she pulls him in closer. She reaches for his belt with shaky hands, undoing it and his pants quickly. He helps her out, shuffling his pants and his boxers down just enough for her to grab him, both of them moaning as she wraps her hand around him. The heat of her skin against him makes his hips thrust by themselves and he breaks their kiss to bury his face in her neck, his groan muffled in her sweaty skin. 
He was huge. She’d always imagined he would be, and in the brief make-out sessions they’d had since they decided to make a go of this she’d felt him beneath her. She’d grind against him until he’d stop her, insistent on taking her out on a date before they went any further. She clenches around nothing in anticipation, her body shaking with it as she pumps him up and down a few times. 
“Take off your pants,” she breathes out, and he’s up quickly, standing so he can remove them quickly. She places her hand on her hip, encouraging him forward and he stops, shaking his head at her. She frowns, “But I want to-”
He leans down and kisses her fiercely, cutting her off before she can convince him to change his mind, “Later, sweetheart.” 
She’s not sure if it’s the nickname, or the authoritative undertones to his voice, but she finds herself nodding in silent agreement. He slips in behind her on the couch, his back flat against the back of it as he pulls her into his chest. He reaches between her legs, rubbing over her clit again, spreading the wetness he found there, that he’d created, before he lifts one of her legs back over his. He pauses and she cranes her neck back to look at him, a soft smile on her face as she nods leaning in for a kiss that was softer than one of the ones they’d shared since they walked into his apartment. 
He reaches between them and guides himself into her, their kiss breaking as they both groan at the stretch, his forehead against her temple. 
She can feel him everywhere, her body overwhelmed by him, pushed almost to its limit as he seats himself entirely inside of her, his hips flush against hers. 
“Fuck,” she whimpers, her clenching around him as her eyes roll back into her head, “You feel so fucking good.” 
He takes it as a sign to start moving, thrusting his hips back and forth into her, the wet heat of her around him enough to make him lose his mind. It felt like she’d been made for him, like they’d been made for each other. He presses his hand firmly into her lower belly, moving his hips harder against her as it draws a near scream from her, encouraging him to push his palm even deeper into her skin, her only response is a breathless grunt as he steals the words and breath from her lungs.  It makes pride wash over him again and he kisses her quickly, fiercely, before he pulls back, words escaping without him really meaning them to. 
“You’re so perfect,” he mutters against her skin as he reaches for her hand, linking their fingers together before he puts their joint hands on her stomach, his over hers as he applies pressure there again. She pushes her hips back against him, both of them giving and taking, desperate to make each other feel good. He rests his lips against her temple, the taste of salt on her brow spurring him on, “Feel how perfect you are,” he grunts, his hips getting slowly more sporadic, “Like you were made for me.”
“Aaron,” she gasps, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” 
She gets impossibly tighter around him, the trembling of her thighs letting him know she was close along with the near constant stream of moans escaping her, as if she was entirely unable to stop herself. He starts to lose control, his hips speeding up as he grunts, his forehead pressing into her temple as the sound of his skin slapping against hers echoes around the room. 
“Where?” He asks, and it takes a moment for his question, what he means, to register. They’d discussed it. He had memories that felt blurry now about her saying she was on the pill, that she was clean, but he wanted to be sure. Wanted to know she was sure. 
“Insi…fuck,” her breath catches in her throat as his hand moves back down to her clit, rubbing gentle circles against her sensitive skin, “Fuck, inside. Please.” 
They come together, tipping over the edge at the same time as they both tense, their bodies seek each other out, pressing impossibly closer as they ride out their highs. The only sound now is their breathing as they try to heave air into their lungs.
He’s gentle as he rests his hand on her waist, pulling out of her before he encourages her to turn to face him, his arms anchoring her to the couch, to him, so she doesn’t fall off. She smiles at him, a daze to it he’d never seen before, a glint in her eyes he’d seen glances of when they were alone. 
He’d knocked all of her walls down, her defences gone, and for the first time in a long time, it felt like someone was truly seeing her. It makes her feel exposed, the thought that he knew her so well already somehow more intimate than the fact they’d just fucked on his couch. She isn’t sure what’s worse, the fact that he’s capable of it, of making her feel safe enough to feel this way, or the fact that she doesn’t care.
“Kiss me,” she whispers, the first words either of them had said since they’d come, her voice raspy in the comedown of her orgasm. He does as she’s asked, not that he would have needed any convincing, and he pulls her into a soft kiss, his lips stamped against hers as their noses squish into each other's cheeks.
“I’m sorry our first time was on the couch,” he mutters as he’s still kissing her, guilt that he hadn’t taken her to his bedroom flooding through him now the desperate pleasure was fading.
“I’m not,” she replies, pulling back to look at him, her palm on his cheek, “This was perfect,” she says, frowning when he still looks unsure, “What’s wrong?” 
“It’s just…I bought you flowers,” he says, clearing his throat as embarrassment he doesn’t quite understand washes over him as her eyes get brighter, a hint of a smile on her lips, “Wildflowers because I know you love them. They are on the nightstand in my bedroom.”
“Bit presumptuous, don’t you think” she jokes, laughing as his eyes go wide, an apology she doesn’t need already forming on his tongue as if they hadn’t been having sex only minutes ago. As if he wasn’t dripping out of her onto his couch, “Honey, I’m kidding,” she says, kissing him softly, her hand still on his cheek, “That might just be the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me.” 
He leans forward to kiss her, knowing it’s the only thing that will stop him from confessing his love for her right there. She’s smiling when she pulls back, her fingers trailing through his now messy hair. 
“Let’s go to bed,” he whispers, his voice dripping with suggestions, and she nods, her teeth digging into her lower lip before she kisses him once more before they stand up, his arm around her waist as she’s unsteady on her feet. 
She knew neither of them would be getting much sleep tonight. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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jeannefostergoriot · 2 months
I hate it here x Fitz Vacker (12/16 years old)
“Quick, quick, tell me something awful, like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy” is the friendship with Keefe, as both their life are abnormal, and they find pretty ways to word it better. To make themselves breathe easier.
“Tell me all your secrets, all you’ll ever be is my eternal consolation prize”: all the Foxfire girls turning around him cause he’s handsome and a Vacker, while not understanding him, and this popularity being like a consolation prize for all the pressure he puts on himself, all the weirdness of living between the worlds.
“You see I was a debutante in another life but now I seem to be scared to go outside”: he was seen as king of teenage, king of school, and then, after book 2, he can’t go outside, he can’t get in life, he screams his anger whenever, his friend has been kidnapped, his father’s mind broke, and it may have been temporary but it scarred him.
“If comfort is a construct, I don’t believe in good luck”: being a Vacker. He knows he has privileges, but he doesn’t really feel them in any other way than pressure.
“Now that I know what’s what, I hate it here”: with the story unraveling, all the secrets hidden by the Council, learning all the flaws, now Fitz probably feels like the Lost Cities are less shiny as they seemed when he was a child sent away.
“So I will go to secret gardens in my mind”: before finding Sophie, the Forbidden Cities may have been such a haven, like there, he was a kid, learning about life, on a secret mission but without the prestige of his family name. Now, it’s in his mind only.
“People need a key to get to, the only one is mine”: the fact that he doesn’t trust easily, that he won’t open up.
“I read a book about it in a book when I was a precocious kid”: maybe he read the book. But he probably read a lot as escapism, and human books to learn about them. And he was precocious. Manifested very early.
“I’m there most of the year cause I hate it here”: he goes to the Forbidden Cities. He isn’t “here”, in the Lost Cities.
“My friends used to play a game where we would pick a decade we wished we could live instead of this”: used to cause the second Sophie arrived, he can’t play anymore. And he’d pick any other time just to not be himself.
“ I’d say the 1830’s but without all the racists and getting married for the highest bid”: he is basically living that. It’s not racism but there is discrimination he grew conscious of, and there is the matchmaking…
“Everyone would look down cause it wasn’t fun now”: we tend to get annoy at him cause apparently he ruins things. But he points things out too. He is embarrassing.
“Seems like it was never even fun back then”: I doubt he has ever had fun in his life. He’s been on a mission since he was SIX. And he daydreams it.
“Nostalgia is a mind-trick, if I’d been there, I’d hate it”: till being re-integrated in the Lost Cities cause he can now follow classes normally, but still, he doesn’t fit with his image, he hates it everywhere.
“It was freezing in the palace”: about how Everglen can feel, it’s a palace and sure, they love each other, but they put such high standards, it’s cold.
“I hate it here so I will go to, lunar valleys in my mind”: he goes in himself when he can’t breathe. He paints the light in his brain.
“When they found a better planet”: the idea, again, that he feels trapped in this world.
“Only the gentle survived”: he wish for gentleness
“I dreamed about it in the dark, the night I felt like I might die”: so. Yeah. He probably gets very anxious in the middle of the night for anything, during the mission, and even after. Worries about not finding Sophie. About something going wrong. About the way he is perceived. About everything really.
“I’m lonely but I’m good, I’m bitter but I swear I’m fine”: no one really knows him deep down, except Keefe, and they get separated about Sophie. So it’s lonely. He is bitter, he is angry, but he still puts up a pretty facade, he still pretends, cause he has to in order to hold on.
“I’ll save all my romanticism for my inner life and I’ll get lost on purpose”: 12/13 yo. Lost in between worlds he doesn’t really belong. Losing himself in one to not face the other. Hiding how he is inside.
“This place made me feel worthless”: he thinks he’s never enough cause he doesn’t hear “I’m proud of you” enough, cause he plays a role, he has to be the golden child, or at least act like it.
“Lucid dreams like electricity, the current flies through me and in my fantasies, I rise above it”: the lucid dreams are the only thing he has real control upon, but for the real life, he is drowning, trying to keep things in order with the world collapsing.
“And way up there, I actually love it”: the hope to find his place someday.
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karatekels · 11 months
I saw your writing recently, and I must say, I love,love love it! Do you think you could write something about kk3 Terry? The reader maybe training along with Daniel during that time. Him not being able to say no to keep the act up and genuinely training her on the side, a contrary to Daniel's 'classes'. Maybe they've been a little flirty here and there but as soon as she found out Terry's plans, she's been rather cold. She gets a little too 'friendly' with Daniel and Terry snaps with the immediate need to claim her *spicy spicy* , dragging her to his home that night to make her his! The little virgin gal...
I'm sorry I went on forever there, but my brain conjures up scenarios 100 miles a minute for this guy! Thank you in advance🤍🤭
I’m happy to give it a try, anon – this will be my first KK3 Terry request (though I do have an ongoing fic on AO3 with him right now!) This should be in 2 parts, so enjoy! (Part 2 | Oops, I lied. Part 3)
This now has a sequel that starts here!
Silver Seduction - Part 1
“Trust me, Y/N. Mr. Silver offered to train me, and since Mr. Miyagi won’t, I’ve got to take him up on it! I can’t let those guys knock me around, and if you’re going to be hanging out with me too, I need to be able to keep you safe!” Daniel LaRusso explained, walking with you through L.A. to a karate dojo. You had only known the boy for a week or so now, but he seemed to have latched onto you with the attentiveness of a puppy and a strong sense of chivalry.
Danny was a sweet boy, just shy of eighteen, but was entirely too sweet, not to mention young, for you. You had been introduced by your little sister, Jessica Andrews, who was planning on leaving L.A. to reunite with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, just as you had arrived to visit your aunt. You were on summer break from university and having just turned 21, were looking forward to a bit of independence in a city as big and important as L.A.
Before leaving, Jessica had filled you in on what had been going on with Daniel. A karate champion from last year’s All-Valley, Daniel had had several unpleasant run-ins with bullies trying to threaten him into competing in the tournament again, and was currently having a strained relationship with his mentor Mr. Miyagi, who he was living with for the summer. Your heart went out to him, imagining he must be quite lonely without any family or friends his own age to confide in, and you agreed to keep an eye on him while you were in L.A., as you didn’t have any friends here either.
“Settle down, Danny – no one has attacked me yet!” you point out, laughing good-naturedly at his enthusiasm for playing the knight in shining armour.
“And I won’t let it come to that,” he promised sagely, and you bite back a smile at his serious tone. “Okay, here we are!” he announced, pointing to the entrance with a grand gesture.
“Cobra Kai karate?” you say incredulously, reading the name above the door. “Isn’t this the place where the last bullies came from?” you ask, trying to keep things light, but unsure if the boy had thought things through.
“Yeah, but that was under the old sensei, Sensei Kreese! Mr. Silver said that he had died, and he’s done nothing but help me so far. He seems like a really nice, hard-working guy, and he doesn’t have any students right now since he’s fixing up the place.” Daniel explains. “Now come on, I don’t want Mr. Miyagi to find out we were here.”
Danny leads you into the dojo, and you walk in quietly to see a man training on his own. He moved through a series of punches and kicks; his kicks were especially amazing, especially for such a tall guy! After a moment or two, he bowed to his reflection in the mirror and turned to face the two of you, trotting over to greet you both. Uh-oh, busted.
“Hey hey, Danny!” he welcomes Daniel warmly, seeming excited, and you take a moment to look at him more closely. He was an incredibly handsome man, probably in his late-twenties or early-thirties, with long black hair tied back in a tight ponytail, stunning blue eyes, and a friendly smile. He seemed to be looking you over as well, his eyes twinkling as he takes you in. Maybe accompanying Daniel on his karate quest had been a good idea after all?
“Hi, Mr. Silver. Listen, I thought about your offer, and-”
“Now Danny, where are your manners? Don’t you think you’d better introduce me to your lovely friend here?” he interrupts. “C’mon, am I gonna need to teach you how to be a gentleman and karate?”
“Oh, uh, sorry, Mr. Silver, of course. This is Y/N Andrews, she’s visiting for the summer. Y/N, this is Terry Silver – he’s going to train me in a different kind of karate.”
Mr. Silver turns to you, bowing, and you blush lightly. “Y/N,” he repeats, savouring your name, “great to meet you.” He hasn’t turned any lights on in the dojo, and the light from the windows is fairly dim, which must explain why his eyes look like they’re glinting.
“Likewise, Mr. Silver,” you reply, smiling shyly. He looks like he’s about to say something else to you, but Danny cuts in.
“So yeah, Mr. Silver, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to take you up on your offer. Just short term, I mean…”
“Trouble? Are you kidding? It would be an honour!” He responds to Daniel with enthusiasm that seems genuine, but you think you may have seen a flash of annoyance on his face as he turned from you to the boy.
“How does Mr. Miyagi feel about it?”
Daniel hesitates. “Mr. Miyagi, he uhh… he doesn’t know about it.”
You give the two of them some space, stepping away to take a closer look at the dojo as the matter didn’t concern you. You had never been in a karate dojo before, but it felt a little familiar. You had taken gymnastics classes for years, while your sister had taken up rock-climbing, and you imagine that this was where the feeling of familiarity stemmed from. Based on the moves you’d just seen from Mr. Silver, karate sure looked like a lot fun. Maybe he could teach you too, you thought, half-serious.
“It’s not much yet,” Mr. Silver says, and you jump, not having heard him approach. He puts a hand on your shoulder to steady you, giving you an apologetic smile. “But it will be when I’m through with it!”
“I’m sure it’ll be great, Mr. Silver! Danny says you’ve been working really hard to fix it up,” you encourage. He smiles at you, taking a couple of steps closer and bending down to speak in your ear.
“Hey, c’mon, you’re not some kid I’m teaching. You can call me Terry when it’s just us!” he whispers conspiratorially. You find yourself smiling, pleased that he sees you on more equal footing with himself.
“Okay, Terry,” you emphasize, and he gives you a pleased smile. “Where’s Daniel?” He gestures down the hall to a closed door.
“Changing; I had a spare gi in the closet. He wants me to train him, and we’re not gonna waste any time!” he declares. You find it sweet of him to take Danny under his wing so immediately. “What are you doing with that kid, anyway? You his babysitter or something?”
“No, nothing like that,” you laugh. “My sister introduced me to him before she went back home, said he’s been dealing with some kids harassing him. I don’t really know anyone here, and he’s a nice kid, so I thought I’d keep an eye on him.”
“Hey, you know me now, so you can hang out with someone your own size!” he jokes, clearly referencing Daniel’s short stature. You take a step back, making a show of looking up at him to emphasize your height difference, and he laughs. “Well, someone who’s also an adult, then,” Terry concedes, smirking slightly and looking over your shoulder.
“I’m basically an adult!” you hear a voice from behind you, and turn to see Danny standing there, having changed into the uniform for training.
“Danny! Wow, you look great,” you say, gesturing to his gi. You hope you haven’t embarrassed him with your conversation. How long had he been standing there listening, anyway?
“Thanks, Y/N!” he says, beaming at you. He was so sweet and innocent, and it was so easy to make him happy. “Are you gonna stay and watch me train?” he asks hopefully, and you can tell he’s eager to show off. You look over at Terry.
“I’d love to, if it’s okay with Te- with Mr. Silver, of course,” you say, winking at him. He grins, giving you a once over, and you blush. “I mean, I’d love to learn a few moves myself. Oh, I know!” you exclaim, hopping up and down in your excitement. “You guys can use me to practice on!” Daniel balks at the idea immediately, but Terry considers you with a thoughtful expression.
“I don’t wanna hit you, Y/N!” Daniel protests, but you shake your head.
“No, nothing like that. But if Mr. Silver is going to show you how to flip someone or sweep their leg or something, you can practice on me! That way he can make sure you’re doing it properly. I won’t get hurt, I’ve done gymnastics for years and I know how to land safely! Please let me help?” you ask, looking at them both hopefully.
“I don’t know…” Danny hesitates, still seeming uncomfortable with the idea, so you turn to Terry, knowing that if you can convince him Daniel will have to go along with it.
“Oh, come on! I let you and Danny practice tossing me around, and I pick up a few moves in the process! It’s a win-win! Please?” you ask, eyes bright. You had told Jess that you would keep an eye on Danny, especially with the bullies that had been bothering the two of them lately, and this would give you a great opportunity. Plus, you really wanted to spend some more time with Terry. You’d had fun talking with him today, and he was more than easy on the eyes. Terry eyes you, sizing you up and clearly contemplating something.
“Alright, alright!” he gives in, raising his hands up and grinning. “I guess I could use the help. But you’re both gonna have to listen to me, alright?”
You and Danny both nod, excited to watch Daniel train and to learn from Mr. Silver – Terry – yourself.
You landed on the floor on your back as your legs were kicked out from under you, hitting the ground the way Terry taught you, and giggled breathlessly. That was fun!
“You like that, huh?” he asks, grinning down at you. You take his offered hand and hop to your feet, smiling back. You had had a great time, watching Terry put Daniel through the paces – you tried to follow along with the kata as best you could, trying to copy them but not wanting to take Terry’s attention away from Danny. He’s the one that really need to be trained, after all.
“See, Danny? I’m totally fine!” you point out to him, and he folds his arms and rolls his eyes, but gives you a smile.
“Fine, I guess it’s okay,” he concedes, and you and Terry share an amused look.
“I think that’s enough for today,” Terry says. “Why don’t you go get changed, Mr. LaRusso, and I’ll walk Y/N through another couple moves so that she can practice with you tomorrow?” Danny nods, heading back down the hall to get changed. Terry turns back to you, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“You’re a pretty fast learner, Y/N,” he compliments. “I saw you trying to follow us through the kata, and you’re not bad. I bet I could really teach you a lot if I didn’t have to focus on the Karate Kid,” he says, pointing back to where Daniel was with his thumb. You blush at the praise.
“Thank you, Mr. Si- Terry,” you correct yourself, and he smiles wolfishly. “But Daniel only has a few days to train, so he should of course take priority.”
“So I’ll train you separately!” he proclaims, and you go to protest, but he cuts you off. “I was gonna have to train Danny without you anyways, to go over the stuff that you can’t help with, and he can’t train all day; he’ll wear himself out!”
“Won’t you wear yourself out, training both of us all the time?” you point out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“It takes a lot more than that to tire me out,” he says, winking at you, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep you from smiling. Still, you hesitate, not wanting to take up too much of his time.
“The response you’re looking for is ‘Yes, Sir’,” he offers teasingly, quoting himself from an earlier conversation with Daniel, but his eyes are intense. You bite your bottom lip, and see that his eyes track the movement.
“Yes, Sir!” you concede, giving him a mocking salute. Terry beams at you.
And so it went. Terry would spend the next few days alternating between teaching you and Daniel together, going through the kata and using you to demonstrate moves, and then teaching you separately, Daniel visiting the dojo in the early afternoon and you coming by in the evening.
You were on your way to the dojo now for your evening class, and took the time during the walk over to think about all that had happened in the past week. You were definitely sore, and had more than your share of bruises, but from the way Daniel had been limping around (trying his best to hide it), you can tell that Terry was training him way harder.
Still, the training had been worth it – not only were you learning to be a decent fighter, and helping Daniel to improve, but getting to spend time with Terry, especially during your 1-on-1 sessions, was really fun. You had been getting more comfortable with one another, and had definitely been flirting throughout your private training with him. Did he get a little closer to you when correcting your form than he would need to, and did his touches linger as he adjusted your hips, adjusting your stance to land a proper punch? Most definitely, but you couldn’t find it in you to mind. Terry seemed genuinely pleased by your progress, and you loved the charming smile he gave you when you perfected a move. And yesterday, when you walked into the dojo, he had presented you with a beautiful flower, saying that he’d seen it on his drive over earlier that day and that he couldn’t resist picking it for you. You had accepted the gift, smiling shyly, and had reached up, pulling him down into a hug so you could place a quick kiss on his cheek.
He was just so wonderful, and you could definitely feel yourself falling for him. You were very inexperienced when it came to dating, having only had a couple of relationships in high school, and had been too focused on studying in college to waste your time with boys. But if Terry decided to ask you for a date, you knew you would be helpless to resist him.
Smiling at the thought, you turned the corner to the Cobra Kai dojo, but were startled out of your daydreaming by the sound of a panicked scream and laughter. The door banged open, and you quickly dashed into the bushes outside to hide. Daniel came running out, clutching his stomach, and you could see blood on his shirt and that he looked absolutely terrified. What on earth was going on?
You heard the door open again, and heard bare feet hitting the pavement at a run.
“Get back in there, LaRusso,” demanded a young boy in a white Cobra Kai gi.
“Leave me alone, Barnes! I’m not fighting anymore!” Still, he turned to face the boy as he said this, assuming a defensive stance and trying not to let the pain on his face. Barnes? Wasn’t that one of the kids that had been harassing him and Jessica? What was he doing here?
“Hey, we ain’t done with you yet!” yelled the boy, taking a threatening step towards Daniel.
“But he is now done with you.”
Mr. Miyagi stepped in between the boys, appearing from nowhere. Where had he come from? Had he seen you? You tried not to panic, pushing yourself further against the outer wall of the dojo to stay hidden.
“Was I talking to you, old man?” Barnes sneered dismissively.
Quick as a flash, Mr. Miyagi had picked up the boy and thrown him clean through the dojo door.
“You stay here, Daniel-san.” He ordered, walking in after the boy. Daniel hesitates, eyes wide, but after a moment or two sneaks in after him. You hear a scream, and the lights in the dojo go out. Turning, you try to see what’s going on through the window. Where was Terry? Was he alright? But you can’t see anything through the closed curtains, and can only hear the sound of fighting. Just how many of them were there? You couldn’t bear the thought of Mr. Miyagi going up against more than one person. You knew he was a good fighter, but he was so small.
Suddenly, you hear the now-familiar sound of Terry’s voice, but he doesn’t sound quite right. He sounds mean.
“You think this is the end of it, old man? I’m going to open Cobra Kai dojos all over this valley!” you hear him scream. Terry was fighting Mr. Miyagi?
“Hell, I might even teach for free! From now on when people say karate around here, all they’ll mean is Cobra Kai karate – John Kreese’s karate! You won’t even be a memory!” Kreese? Hadn’t Daniel said he died? What the hell was going on.
You hear Daniel’s voice, close to the entrance. “Yes he will! You won’t!” he cries passionately, and the door opens again, and you see Danny and Mr. Miyagi step out onto the street once more, both thankfully looking unharmed. As the door swings shut, you hear the sound of men laughing evilly, like hyenas, and it sends a chill up your spine.
“Now will you train me?” Danny asks desperately.
“Hai,” the man agrees, nodding sagely, and the two of them head down the street back home. But Daniel suddenly stops in his tracks, looking horrified.
“We gotta tell Y/N to stay away from them! She’s probably on her way for her lesson!” he exclaims, taking off down the road. Mr. Miyagi walks quickly after him, and you feel your heart warmed at the thought that they were looking out for you. But you were an adult, and you didn’t need others to take care of you, at least, not without you getting a word in first.
Steeling yourself, you take a deep breath and walk into the dojo. Immediately, you take in the mess of broken glass and paint, and are immediately relieved that Danny and Mr. Miyagi appeared to walk out unharmed. Stepping quietly into the dojo, you see the younger boy, Mike Barnes, on the ground, looking bewildered with his head in his hands. Terry – covered in paint, for some reason – is talking in a low, angry voice, to a shorter yet still very intimidating-looking man, who you recognized from signs in the dojo as John Kreese. So, not dead then, you realize, and your heart immediately clenches at the realization that Terry had been in on it from the beginning. How could you have been so stupid?
“Terry?” you call out to him, hating how your voice comes out weak and shaky, but your anger has caught you so off-guard it isn’t able to burst out of you quite yet. Barnes jumps to his feet and immediately takes a fighting stance, but Terry waves him off with a hand. The three of them move to approach you, with Terry in the centre, eyes wild with excitement.
“Hey hey, beautiful!” he greets boisterously, clapping his hands. You’d think he’d be a bit less exuberant, covered in paint and having had his ass kicked by a man twice his age and half his size. He lopes over to you, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you over to the others, and you’re in such shock by his lack of awareness that you let him.
“Johnny, this is Y/N! Ain’t she something?” he asks, standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders and looking to Kreese for approval. The older man looks you up and down, and you feel dirty.
“When you told me to enjoy myself in Tahiti, Terry, I felt bad enjoying the company of those women you’d provided. It would’ve cleared my conscience to know you had found yourself a girl stateside!” Kreese joked, leering at you. The pair share a laugh that sounds more than a little cruel, and you feel yourself start to tear up. But the feeling of devastation is quickly overwhelmed by your anger.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you yell at him, wrenching yourself out of his grip. “What did you do to Danny?” he crosses his arms, looking down on you like he’s disappointed that you’re even asking, and shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it, baby girl,” he croons, reaching for you, but you swat his hand away, and a flash of anger crosses his face. “That little prick ruined the name of this dojo, my dojo, and I needed to teach him a lesson!”
“What are you talking about? I saw him come out of here bloody and hurt! He’s just a kid!” you exclaim, and he laughs under his breath, smirking. Who was this guy, and where the hell had the sweet, kind Terry you’d gotten to know gone? “You… you lied to me.” You hear your voice shaking, and you’re close to tears. You hate how weak you must look in front of these men, these monsters, who would jump a kid just for winning a karate tournament.
“Hey, I didn’t lie to you,” Terry says smoothly, and you try to interrupt him, but he continues. “I lied to him, and you just happened to be there.”
You’re shocked at how cold and callous he’s being, your mouth falling open, and he comes towards you once more. You feel yourself shrink back in fear.
“Come on, doll. This doesn’t have to get in the way of you and me,” he croons, reaching towards your face. Without thinking, you reel back and punch him in the face, causing him to stumble back, more from the surprise than the force.
“Don’t you ever come near me again, do you hear me? I’m fucking done with you!”
Kreese looks shocked, but doesn’t make a move towards you, standing his ground with his arms crossed and surveying the situation, but Barnes comes towards you again, fists clenched. Terry, one hand clutching his bleeding nose, reaches out with the other to stop the boy.
“Leave it,” is all he says, and Barnes obeys like a well-trained dog. You back out of the dojo, staring at Terry through your tears, and as soon as your back hits the door you turn, running off into the night.
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31 notes · View notes
rosewould · 2 years
wingless angel; dsc
act i | act ii | final act 1k celebration masterlist
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pairing; fuckboy!winwin x afab!reader
words; 6.09k
genre; estabished relationship, angsty smut (you heard me right), and a touch of fluff
warnings; toxic relationship, lots of sexcapades, piv, Sicheng is a an asshole, drunk sex, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, rough sex
preface; I said act iii would be less depressing and I didn't really lie did I? I'm mad I didn't release this on halloween :*). Anyways how did you guys like this small series? I'm not so sure about the ending.
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act iii ➻ bloodline
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“It’s been such a beautiful ceremony, thank you guys for coming out to celebrate my love for this woman right here.” Sicheng directs the room’s attention to your slumped figure, engulfed in a stuffy dress that prohibits a comfortable seated position. An eggshell ball gown, tailored perfectly to what you described in your diary as a naive middle schooler.
“I mean, what can I even say?” He looks at you with fondness so evidently fake it makes your stomach churn. 
“You can start with how beautiful I look in the wedding dress I spent an arm and a leg for.” You mutter, not that it reduced any of the bright smiles directed at you. Look, even Aeri, Minjeong, and Yizhuo are smiling. Did he fool them too?
“She’s the love of my life! That’s why we’re here aren’t we?” His uninspired language is met with hoots and hollers of encouragement and admiration.
“Be careful! They might think you enjoy my presence.” You laugh at your own joke and the crowd swoons, reacting as if they just witnessed a cute exchange. Everyone looked so content despite you clearly displaying your displeasure. Their wide smiles feel offputting.
“But no, she isn’t the love of my life.” His confession makes the crown react in shock. You slowly straighten up in your chair. He looks at you with that dead look in his eyes, the one you came to realize indicated plainly that he shared none of your love for him.
“She isn’t the love of my life because now she’s my wife.”
“Those aren’t mutually exclusive-” You’re cut off by the rapturous applause that erupts around the banquet hall as everyone stands from their seats. The piercing sound of their chairs scraping the floor surround you, caging you in along with the innumerous amount of bodies. You try to stand but Sicheng pushes you back down. His blank stare beats down on you.
“Welcome to the first day of the rest of our lives.”
You’re not sure when you extended your hand, but it’s presented to him to slide on a ring. Upon further inspection, you discover it’s rusted and scraping your skin as it slides down your finger. You wince, your brain screaming at you to pull away. You think you’re screaming. You were talking this whole time, right?
“I’m ready.” You say, punctuating it with a quivering smile.
As you pry your eyes open, all you take in is a sea of darkness. You sit up and turn on your bedside lamp. Relief floods your body as you take in the familiar scenery. It was ridiculous to think you were anywhere else anyway, but you didn’t completely trust yourself.
“Hello there,” A bouquet of red chrysanthemums, blue hyacinths, and lilies of the valley are pushed into your view. You look up and see exactly who you expected to. “Hi, Dejun.” You force a tight smile. The man sits beside you after you accept the flowers.
“You’re going to turn my house into a garden at this rate.” 
“I grow so many flowers, I just thought I’d put them to good use.” He shrugs.
“I don’t think dying in my living room is really “good use”.” You mumble, toying with the tissue paper. 
“Of course it is. A pretty girl deserves pretty flowers.”
You never understood the gesture. They looked okay and smelled fine, but they just sit in a vase and die. What was the point? You place them in your lap before tapping your fingers against the metal bench. The two of you watch silently as children run around, friends throw a frisbee, and couples have a picnic.
“Maybe that’s what we should be doing.” Dejun laughs awkwardly before looking down into his lap. He presses his thumb into the palm of his other hand until it goes white, and when you look up at his face, he’s chewing his bottom lip. Why is he nervous?
“I’m sorry my mom makes us do this.” You sigh frustratedly. 
“It’s fine, she seems like a good mom.”
“She is, but forcing us to do this isn’t going to fix anything.”
His silence makes you nod, so he does feel the same way. From the corner of your eye, you see him stop fidgeting.
“I don’t feel forced to go on these dates.” You turn to face him. He looks back pointedly as if he wants you to know he’s serious. “I enjoy them.”
“How? They’re so awkward every time.” You snort.
“Because I get to be with you.” The sincere fondness in his eyes makes your heart skip a beat. You watch him with your mouth parted slightly before looking away and clamping it shut. You press your cool fingers into your warm cheeks
That night is like every Friday night, you drink and find someone else drunk and fuck like rabbits. Tonight brings an especially sexy face. The epitome of tall dark and handsome.
“I’m Yukhei.” He slurs after a heated makeout section in the back of a cab. You smile lazily. “I don’t care.”
He shrugs at that before going back to your messy blur of lips and tongues. You moan salaciously as he sucks your tongue, bucking against his thigh.
“Put your seatbelts on!”
The two of you are too consumed in how each other’s mouths taste and feel. Saliva manages to transfer around both your lips. You pull away, heating up a few degrees when a string of spit follows. Yukhei is fucking massive, you can feel it as you palm him. 
“I can’t wait for you to rip me open.” You drawl into his ear before giggling.
Mr. Yukhei is not the most… precise but you’re drunk and he’s big. He gives the right amount of friction and stretch that makes you drool. He laps it up during his sloppy ministrations. It's wet, sweaty, and lazy. Just what you need on a Friday night.
But not Saturday morning when you wake up from another nightmare. This time you couldn’t escape. The ring was stuck around your finger making it burn and pulse as the rust infected your exposed flesh. The finger started to swell, but you ignored your internal conflict, mothering your five kids and cooking for your disinterested husband. After all these years, his face is still vivid in your nightmares. The way he looks at you without any emotion, still very much vivid.
This time you wake up with a loud scream, stirring awake the body beside you. 
“What?! What!” Yukhei exclaims, not a hundred percent awake yet. You look over at him, then down at your naked body. You grimace at the disgusting feeling between your legs. “Oh god.” You press your hand over your throbbing forehead.
“You need to leave.”
“Yeah, I think so.” He replies with vexation as he throws the covers off his body and slides off your bed. “I’m gonna take a shower first, though.”
You get in after he leaves your house, washing away all the fluids dried onto your skin. It felt good in the moment but felt icky when you woke up. You could feel the remnants of the sex but no semblance of emotion. Each Saturday morning felt emptier than the last. With these new nightmares that accompany the empty mornings, it made you dread them all the more. 
Whether you want it to or not, Friday rolls around. You meet with Dejun. The sun sets. You fuck a new guy. It’s the same numbing cycle, the only variation being you running into an old one night stand and saying “fuck it”.
“Was it Yukhei?” Dejun sucks more of his smoothie down.
“No, it was Jaemin again. He was close to the best I’ve ever had.” You reflect as your own smoothie condensates in your hand.
“You did have sex with him again in the morning, so that makes sense. That seems impossible with how you describe the mornings after.”
“Everyone I fuck is obviously horny, but Jaemin… something about me really turned him on. Sex is so much better when the person can’t get enough of you. So I was fine with one more time.” It made that morning feel a little less burdensome. He slipped in while you were in the shower and ran his hands all over your slippery body. He was as hard as a rock just from that. 
There was something about the way he looked at you, the way the simplest things like touching or kissing you made him audibly aroused. “But then he left and I had to go back to what I usually do those mornings.”
Xiaojun hums, “Who was the best you ever had?”
“Huh?” You snap your head to stare at him in shock. “You said he was close to the best you ever had.”
“Oh, right. Well, I guess you can tell by my reaction.” You fidget with the cup containing the melting smoothie.
“I might have, yes.” Dejun laughs. “I feel like the sex can be a good reference point for unhealthy relationships.”
“You think so?” You always reflected on the sex as the only good part of that relationship. It’s the only time he showed you anything resembling affection. It was the only time you felt your feelings were reciprocated. 
“Yeah, my buddy used to be in a super toxic relationship where they pretty much hated each other. They barely spoke normally, just screaming and insulting and bickering. But he said the sex was amazing and that they understood each other then. I told him maybe they were just compatible sexually and not romantically. For me and Yue,”
The atmosphere instantly felt heavier with the mention of his ex. You try to peer at him, analyze his expression without him noticing. “the sex felt like nothing. Just lying there for the both of us. In and out. It felt like a chore. I thought that maybe I hated sex or something.”
Being with Sicheng made you feel like you had it wrong all along. That it was Kun poisoning your mind and preaching abstinence and the importance of romance over sex. But now you’ve come to an understanding that sex is your thing. You look around the mall from the kiosk seating the two of you are situated at. Maybe what’s happening now is a rough patch.
“But I don’t hate sex. I actually really, really like sex.” He says as though it’s absurd he thought so in the first place.
“How could you be wrong about something like that, though? I mean if anyone knows you, it’s you.” You pop the lid over the lip of your cup and snap it back on. Repeating the action over and over as you mull over his words.
Dejun considers your response, nodding as he thinks it over. “Sometimes when you don’t want to let go of someone, you convince yourself of things that aren’t true.” 
The lid fully pops off and the cup slips right out of your grasp. You shoot up as the smoothie spills all over your lap. The big commotion causes everyone to look in your direction. You cower away from their eyes as something dark and putrid settles in your stomach. Their eyes paralyze you with fear, grounding you to your spot.
“Are you okay?” Dejun raises from the floor with your capsized cup in his hands, still covered in your banana smoothie.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You’re surprised by your own trembling voice and frantically avoid his eyes. Then he’s gone, leaving you stuck in the same spot. It feels like their eyes are burning on your skin, boring through your skull. You can feel them all around you. When he returns you feel a flood of relief. He starts wiping off the bottom of your shirt and the top of your jeans. “You don’t have to tell me anything now,”
Dejun stands from his kneeling position to capture your dazed eyes. “but in the future, I hope to be someone you feel comfortable sharing your pain with.” Your breath catches in your throat. Every time you spend time with him, he brings you closer to believing he truly cares about you. Today feels like the first in a long time you have very little trouble trusting someone new. 
Once you get accustomed to your cycle it’s hard to break it. Dejun’s words are starting to make sense to you. After three years of processing what happened, it was time to work toward closing this chapter. 
That Friday after you met with Dejun, you still searched for a one night stand. You went to his place and had sex. And you woke up in the morning from a nightmare. Even after Dejun’s words permeated in your mind. 
This particular Saturday, you feel especially drained. It was past emptiness, now you felt like you were getting sucked dry. You felt absolutely sapped and your appearance properly illustrated that. Your face looked sunken in and your eyes looked dead. 
So the next Friday, when you’re at a party, you decide this is it. This is where the cycle ends. You’d been invited to a Halloween party by your colleague that insisted she knew you from college. Not only do you not remember her face at all, but she was also in a sorority. There was no way you and her crossed paths even once. Still, you could use some free booze and mindless fun. You dust off your tattered wedding dress and veil, blue wig, and blue-ish grey face paint.
“You’re here! Oh my god, you look amazing!” Your colleague, Krystal, greets you at the door dressed as Daphne. “I’m so glad you made it.”
You greet her back and enter the house filled with loud music and dancing party-goers. You’re okay with going to places alone as long as you don’t call attention to yourself. With You, Aeri, Minjeong, and Yizhuo no longer on speaking terms, you don’t really have a choice. You could’ve asked Dejun to come, but you didn’t want to bother him. Even though he’d look great as your Victor.
You think of him as you fill your cup with spiked eyeball punch. And when you go to the bathroom. And when you accidentally walk in on a couple, making a note to tell him about that later. The atmosphere is fun, and you see a few people you actually do remember from college. You and two alumni talk by the steps and sip on the berry punch.
“I’m just here to scope out hot people. I miss having sex at parties.” Sooyoung laments before pouting, looking more elegant in recent years. You nod along with Wendy even though you couldn’t relate at all. You were in a relationship the entire time you were in college. Hopping from one toxic relationship right into another. You barely had time to figure out what you truly wanted.
“Ooh! I see one. Wait, is he with you?”
When you look over, the tall man has already fully emerged from the crowd, dawning a Victor costume. The man you come to realize is your corrosive ex smiles when he sees you. Sicheng never had much empathy, but he had a shit-ton of audacity. Your expression sours as the two girls swoon over the romantic coincidence. The popular couple from college meet again after years and accidentally match. Except, you know it’s not entirely an accident.
Krystal appears from the crowd as well with a gasp and a squeal. “This is too cute!” Her loud voice alerts everyone around her. “The lovebirds are reunited!”
Everyone close to the two of you starts to chant and holler in encouragement. You feel like the walls are closing in and you have no room to breathe. You look around terrified at all the warped faces grinning toothily around you. You quickly run up the stairs, shutting yourself into an empty room.
Your head pulses and you hadn’t had enough to drink for that to be possible. You pace around the room, attempting to calm your erratic heart. The sound of the door opening reverses all your progress, and seeing who had turned up made it all worse.
“I haven’t seen you in so long!” A particularly loud voice speaks next to Sicheng. He glares to his right when he sees Krystal. A stuck up sorority girl who had tried to get with him on multiple occasions. He had to admit she was consistent if that’s why she was bothering him.
“We did graduate after all.”
“Yeah, but we were friends, right?” She settles on a stool next to him at the bar. He had no recollection of them spending any time together valuable enough to consider them friends. “Plus, if you didn’t get with ___, I feel like we could’ve been more than friends.” Krystal looks at him seductively, nibbling at the tiny straw in her glass.
“Is that what you’re here for?” He quirks his brow at her and hopes it isn’t obvious he’s clenching his jaw.
“No, I’m engaged.” She stretches her arm to shove her hand in his face and present her obnoxious ring. “I’m here to invite you to my party this Friday. A bunch of our alumni will be there.”
For the first time since she started talking her words piqued my interest. “Think of it as sort of a reunion! Meet some of your old frat bros or whatever.”
With that, she gets up again, wandering off somewhere else in the bar. Sicheng wasn’t worried about some random dudes from a fraternity. 
He was wondering if you still loved him.
One could say he made a slight oversight. Sicheng was a simple man. To him, life and the way you navigate it doesn’t have to be complicated. He does what he wants, and at times he pushes that aside to do what he needs. He figured it out by high school. He had to get good grades to get into a good college so he could qualify for a job under his father. Then when he enters his mid to late twenties, he’d find a girl and marry her. Finding the girl might’ve been a little hard in theory, but he figured he would just know when he found her. 
When he first met you, he pinned you as one of many hankerings he needed to address. Everyone who’s not asexual has that craving, right? And most people have specific… attributes they’re attracted to. Through trial and error, he learned not to let feelings get in the way of his method. Anything that flared up inside him when he looked at you, he suppressed. But they ended up breaking free anyway.
More than any other girl, you fought for and devoted yourself to him. Instead of flapping your lips about how little the two of you go out, you’d plan dates yourself. Instead of letting your friends persuade all your decisions, you fought against them. You did so many things for him that genuinely caught him off guard. That night in the theater? His other women wouldn’t dare.
You were different, and you were sorely missed when he found someone else. The process was always annoying and exhausting, especially if they were really prudish (which in turn brought the best results) which was the case for the next girl. Sicheng for the first time ever found himself losing patience during the process. And after it was all finished? The sex was mediocre and she would just bitch and moan. Usually he would just ditch her and find someone new, but he just kept thinking about what you would do. You cooked for him, gave him massages, and never nagged him. Well, until the end.
He wondered what you were so up in arms about. You guys were great, you seemed happy, everyone on campus loved the two of you, and the sex was great; but you just had to make things complicated. Now they just are, there’s no reversing that now.
Sicheng was sure he was finally rid of you after he sent that text, but you just kept invading his mind. It forced him to reflect on things. Thinking of you made him wonder if his plan for his life prevented him from seeing he had already met his wife.
On a particularly burdensome day, he was trudging through the busy mall. Surrounded by grating chatter, loud children, and bodies entering his personal space. He just needed to get what he needed and leave. A thought enters his mind as he passes a jewelry store to his left that makes him back up and peer inside. He enters warily, ignoring the employee and staring at the array of rings displayed. Smack dab in the middle, almost like it was fate, was a plain gold band. It was the same ring from that movie you liked. What was it… Corpse Bride?
He lifts the ring and inspects it, ignoring the older man once again as he warns that his lover will think it’s boring. He inspects the ring once more in his bed later that night. He had no clue where you lived or if you were even in the same city anymore. He didn’t have your number nor did he think you’d pick up anyway. He snorts thinking about how you’d probably hang up on him if you did.
The ring had been collecting dust for a while now. It was time to dust it off. It was worth a shot, right?
The bulky ring box sits uncomfortably in his left pocket. It’s a constant reminder to stay on task. He had another exhausting day at work and he doesn’t want to stay long. Good thing this costume is just a suit and a little makeup. He spends the entire party searching for you. After what feels like millenniums, he nearly gives up and leaves. He didn’t even know for sure if you were coming. In reality, the two of you were always mere feet away from crossing paths, only just missing each other as you went from room to room. 
He makes his way to the living room, ready to leave and toss the stupid ring. Who else would want a ring like this? Then he catches a blue wig in his peripheral. It wasn’t Sadness or Coraline this time, there was a shredded veil attached. He maneuvers through the crowd as quickly as he can toward the punch bowl and taps on the person’s shoulder. They turn around, puzzled. It wasn’t you. This was it. His sign to leave. He trudges back through the crowd toward the bathroom. He’d use it quickly, then go home and forget about this stupid plan.
As he approaches the stairs, he notices another blue wig and veil. The dreary eyes of their owner match the costume well. It’s really you. Sicheng approaches slowly. It’s catching up to him now, how many years it’s been since you’ve been anything more than a constant thought in his brain. 
All the women around you seem ecstatic that the two of you are together again, matching costumes and all. Your expression couldn’t be more different. Sicheng’s mouth twitches, finding it harder to maintain his smile. He actually did feel happy to see you, and you’re looking at him like he’s the last person you wanted to see. Even during your worst fights you never looked at him like that. 
The party-goers surrounding the two of you start to chant as initiated by Krystal and you seem to panic. Sicheng starts to panic himself. Should he do something? Before he could consider it, your feet were thundering up the stairs. He quickly follows behind.
You slam the door in his face which startles him. He stumbles back a bit, taking a minute to really soak in what was happening. He huffs before charging into the room. You look up at him with a mixture of dread, anger, and disbelief.
It feels like hours go by of you staring at him incredulously before your shoulders slump. “Haven’t you done enough?” You beseech him, genuinely requesting an answer to the accusatory question. Sicheng scoffs, looking around as if searching for clarity.
“No-” You rush toward him with a cautionary finger extended. “Don’t you fucking start with your oblivious act.”
Sicheng’s brain does backflips trying to explain your behavior. “Are you still angry about the breakup? It’s been years now.”
Your face contorts to express how utterly awestruck you are. Sicheng doesn’t know what to do with the look or the silence, so he digs through his pocket. If you still love him, surely this would appease you and force you to bring it out. There’s a tinge of hesitance dulling his confidence. He’s not sure what’s causing it, but he would guess it was the strangely awkward atmosphere between the two of you. It was like he had never had sex with let alone dated the woman in front of him. Someone witnessing what was transpiring would think he was about to propose to a stranger he pissed off at some point. He brushes away the unease and powers through his plan.
You watch confusedly as he gets on one knee and presents the box. Realization hits you before he even opens it, and the panic is back. You gawk at the ring, wide eyed and slack-jawed. The silence extends either due to time slowing down for Sicheng or many minutes passing by of you in shock. For a moment he gets excited. It’s happening, despite the tense atmosphere, your love is reigniting. Soon you’ll be back to your wife-material ways and all will be well.
In the blink of an eye, an uncalculated swipe of your hand knocks the ring onto the floor. Sicheng looks down at the ring. The worst he was expecting was a no and he wasn’t fully expecting that either. The woman who slapped the ring out of his hand was the most dedicated woman he’d ever spent time with.
“I think I’m going fucking crazy.” You laugh erratically, tossing a hand through your hair. Sicheng looks up at you like you grew two extra heads. “I think you are, yes!”
“You had all these years to reflect and you don’t come with an apology, you come with a ring?!” You shout, your voice ringing in his ears.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Sicheng stands up, discarding the box to the floor to join the ring before repeating the word a few times. “Apologize? For what? A nasty breakup?”
You look like you’re about to erupt again but you ground yourself, taking a very deep, shaky breath. “You know what? I’m done with you, completely this time.” You smile, looking scarily calm before making your way to the door. Completely this time. Maybe there was something there after all. Sicheng stops you by grabbing your arm.
“Are you afraid it won’t work out like last time? If that’s it we can work through it.”
“Sicheng,” You stop and back up to get a proper look at him, eyes flickering between both of his, “you took away my voice. I already felt insignificant enough, but you made me feel stupid for expressing any thoughts outside of sex. And!” You narrow your eyes, stepping closer, “You did it in a way that made it hard to criticize you.”
“If I hurt you-” You stop Sicheng with a raise of your finger and a sound of disapproval.
“If.” You laugh, shaking your head. “You can’t sit here and pretend like your actions weren’t cold and calculated. You fucked me up for every relationship that followed you, and you shattered my heart to pieces.” You watch him bitterly, grimacing as if you tasted something nasty.
“I’m here to fix that.” Sicheng tries but you almost immediately shut him down.
“You know what? I don’t even want your apology. It doesn’t mean shit to me.”
“Y-You’re just hurt. Just let me show you, we can make this work.” There was apathy in your eyes that unsettled him. He much preferred you being loud. He’d let you slap him if it made you reconsider. 
“So you’re not just here for sex?”
“What?! No! I bought a fucking ring for god sake!”
“What does that ring mean?” You ask incredulously. “Come on, think. Sex was the only pleasant thing to come from our relationship. Ring or no ring, girlfriend or wife, it doesn’t change that the only things you’re after are simple pleasures. You don’t want depth.”
“That’s not true!” Sicheng grabs your shoulders but you immediately brush them away with a look of disdain. He ignores it and powers through. “I was waiting for a wife, and I’m only getting older. It’s time for me to consider getting married and I want it to be you.”
“Listen to you. You sound like you’re checking something off a list, not planning to marry the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. Sicheng, you don’t love me.” You state plainly. “Besides, we’d make each other miserable.”
This emotion with this level of potency is something Sicheng had never experienced before. Your eyes on him felt cold and intrusive. He wanted to scream for you to get away from him to save him his pride, but a weaker part of him that’s been beating him down since he bought the ring prevailed. 
“You really feel nothing for me?” He immediately regrets the question after hearing how weak he sounded. His eyes flit all around the room in an attempt to avoid you.
“After everything I’ve said you’re still thinking about yourself.” You sound like you’re self-reflecting rather than speaking to him at this point.
“I’m sorry, I really am.”
“I told you I didn’t want your apology. Just let this go.” You gesture disinterestedly, no, you refer to your past relationship as if you’re appalled by the whole thing.
Sicheng realizes now that he definitely made an oversight. If only he didn’t tell you he didn’t love you in that damn text. If he had just stuck it out for a year or so, he wouldn’t be having this much trouble. You’re hurt, too hurt to be upfront about your feelings. 
“Please. Let me change your mind.” 
The doubt is quickly evident on your face but surprisingly eases up after a moment. “Okay. Do it.”
Again Sicheng is forced to deal with a response he didn’t expect. He was ready to plead a few more times before you folded. Sicheng sinks to his knees, eyes locked onto you as he does so. He reaches under your tattered dress to pull your panties down and you scoff, expressing how disappointingly predictable you thought Sicheng was through your eyes. 
“You’re gonna fuck me to show how much you love me?”
“You said yourself it was the best part of our relationship.” Sicheng kisses up your thighs, surveying you as you clench your teeth and drop your guarded expression. It was already working. Sicheng’s index finger skims across your folds, freezing upon his discovery. You were bone dry, even when he pushes his fingers past your labia.
“Don’t just sit there and stare at it. Do something about it.” You reprimand before gripping his hair and shoving it into your pussy. Sicheng is normally turned off by a dominant woman, but the way his groin started to ache forces him to realize how long he’s gone without sex. He hasn’t had a break from sex so lengthy he resorted to porn in years. So he starts eagerly lapping at your folds. “That’s right, get it nice and wet.” 
Your grinding against his face makes a squelching noise so obscene he’s getting hard fast enough to humiliate him. His pants were already starting to strain while he had to apply moisture to your vagina. His nose was pressed right against your clit as his tongue swipes between your folds. He’s generous with the saliva, coating you with a layer so thick it was dripping back down onto the floor. 
“Mm, you were always so good at this. When you actually fucking did it.”
“You came regardless.” He mutters before lapping at your slit, licking from your taint up to your hardened clit. He flicks the fabric that was ridden up over his head backward and fully cloaks himself under your dress. You lose your grip on his hair as he shoves his face further into your heat, thrusting his tongue inside you. He’s as rough as he always was, nails indenting in your skin as he makes little to no effort to ease you into it. “Go ahead, make me love you Sicheng.”
He groans against you as he fucks you with his tongue with more fervor. He hasn’t gotten any in a long time and you probably weren’t getting any either. It makes it all the more plausible you’d remember the magic and come crawling back. You were getting wet now, he could taste it. With his nose back against your clit you were grinding against his face. He pulls back with a hum, licking his lips.
“Been a while since you got eaten out? So desperate.” His condescension was back in full swing with the help of his renewed confidence. When you just chuckle he returns between your thighs and lets you grind on his face.
“If you think this is desperate you should see me other Friday nights.” 
Sicheng slides his tongue from your hole and pulls back from under your dress. You just smile smugly when he stares up at you. Before Sicheng met you, you barely had sex. He was at a frat party when Kun vented to him. The two of you did nothing sexual. The furthest you ever went was neck kisses and you requested them shyly ever since. The way he described you was as someone who got worked up by the smallest instances of physical affection. And now you were fucking a new guy every week?
“You said I shattered your heart.”
“Okay, so fix it like you said you would.” You raise your eyebrows, getting impatient from all the talking. You try to push his head back but he pulls away. 
“I want to fuck you now.” He grabs your hand and tries to guide you toward the bed but you stay put. “The floor is fine.” You say nonchalantly.
Something about what you said and how you said it makes his chest tighten. He settles on the floor, still unsure about the whole thing. He tugs you onto his lap where he can kiss you and keep your chests pressed together. But you just push him back and undo his pants. How was he going to revive your love if you refuse to get close to him? In his frustration he flips you over, trapping you under him as he scowls. He only gets more worked up when you roll your eyes.
“Missionary? Really?”
“This bothers you but getting back with Kun doesn’t?” Sicheng spat, letting his bruised ego and rising resentment get the best of him. You sit up on your arms and gawk at him.
“What did you just say?”
“You’re pushing me away and acting like you barely want to touch me when shacking up with Kun was no problem for you.”
“Don’t fucking act like you care now to weaponize it against me.” You shove at his chest before sliding from under him.
“Care now? You didn’t get the note?” Sicheng asks, genuinely confused. The look on your face helps him understand that you did get the note. Your utter disbelief dissolves as you process the information. You laugh humorlessly, blinking away your tears. “Wow… if you had told me that just a year earlier you would’ve ruined me.” You seem somber as you sit in silence.
“I wasn’t going to send it but I could tell you were doing it to get back at me and it pissed me off-”
“I don’t care.” You express soberly and tug him by his shirt, repositioning back to the position he put you in. “Come on, I believe in you. Fuck me until I love you.” You goad him. Despite being belittled, Sicheng angles himself before shoving inside you. The force pushes a strained noise out of you. “There you go. Fuck me rough like I know you can.” You grit. The slam of his hips is brutal, perfectly expressing how frustrated he is. He wanted to fuck the arrogant bitch out of you.
Each thrust drives your body further up the floor until he grips your hips. He accompanies his break-neck thrusts by slamming you against him. You’re borderline shouting from his cock barreling inside you and he catches a glimpse of the old you. The way your eyes screw shut with your eyebrows pulled together as you moan helplessly, you react exactly the same as when you were dating.
“Fuck me until I can’t walk!” You wail before throwing a hand over your head to support you. Sicheng hadn’t had rough sex in an even longer time. The last girl couldn’t take it as well as you do. She always complained. You always liked it deep and hard, until your legs ached. 
Sicheng is more than eager to give it to you again. He doesn’t know how you’re feeling but he is starting to feel like he did before. When the two of you would just go at it for hours.
“Missed your slutty pussy.”
“I bet you did. You made it this way.”
You sneer when he clamps his hand around your throat. “Shut the fuck up already.” He knows how to achieve that, so he lessens the speed and delivers more punishing thrusts. You struggle to moan let alone speak. He knows you’re fucked when your hands flail in search of something to grip. One lands on his forearm while the other grabs his shirt to clench. 
Your hips buck and attempt to break free from his grasp but he maintains his tight grip. Your walls flutter around him and massage his shaft. You’re drenched now, clenching around him to help him get off. You even smile up at him.
“Pull out.” You say, still smiling even after Sicheng’s falters. “What?”
“Don’t cum inside me.”
Sicheng grunts and pulls out, unable to continue the conversation as the friction gets the best of him. He starts to jerk off and you move from under him, avoiding the semen that sprays from his tip. By the time all of his cum was tugged from his cock all of his momentum was gone. “Are you off the pill?”
That would make no sense if you’re having sex with more people, but he’s still confused when you answer. “Nope.” You stand and straighten out your dress, not sparing him a glance.
“So you think I have something or…”
You sigh as you pull your panties back on, annoyed by this conversation. “Oh, I almost forgot.” You finally look down at him, eyes following his as he stands as well. “Thank you for my last Friday night hook up.”
Sicheng felt much less confident than when he first saw you tonight. Your words filled him with unease. They were too vague for him to do anything with. “Your last?”
“Yes! And what a hook up it was.” You seem triumphant for reasons that were beyond Sicheng’s comprehension. You move closer to him and flash a quick smile. 
“I felt nothing.” You state emphatically, brimming with pride as you stare Sicheng down. He grinds his teeth, eyes wide as his nostrils flare.
“You’re a fucking liar.” He fires the words at you but you remain unaffected, smiling as if you weren’t demolishing his pride. 
“But I’m not. You failed to make me love you.” You mock his plan. He’s realizing now that you never thought he could do it in the first place. “I have to thank you for something else, though. Being here with you, listening to you talk, experiencing how you fuck again? It all made me realize that I do love someone else.”
“Who?!” Sicheng explodes, stepping so close your bodies are mere inches from touching. “One of your one night stands? You really think they love you? You’re still just as naive as you were before.” He snarls, harsh exhales of his nose hitting your face. 
“Someone who never propositioned me once.”
Reality crashes down on Sicheng when he realizes he fucked up again. That and the fact that there was very little he could do to change your mind. At this point, he just wanted to hold on for the sake of his dignity. “Please, I can take you out-”
“After you left me I had it all wrong. You convinced me sex was what I needed and he made me realize that wasn’t true. He loves me and he makes me happy, and for once I'm not lying to myself when I say those things." You pat him on the shoulder, content as you leave the room.
Sicheng stands alone, replaying the events that just transpired against his will. He does it over and over, standing in that room for an indeterminate amount of time. You, the pathetic chick from college begging for validation were the same person smiling in his face as you broke him down. He races toward the door and flings it open. The party had long since died down, indicating how long he had been in Krystal’s bedroom. The sedated atmosphere forces Sicheng to wallow in his self-pity, coping with his failure.
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The first sounds you hear are birds chirping as your eyes flutter open. The sunlight is soft as it enters your eyes. You raise slowly from the bed, inhaling deeply. Another nightmare-free Saturday. Dejun stirs next to you and you look down at him fondly. He smiles groggily.
“Sleep well?” His voice is scratchy and his dark hair is a tangled mess on top of his head. You smile with a smile giggle, settling back onto the bed and nuzzling into his arms. You brush his hair away from his eyes. 
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➻ end of act iii
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104 notes · View notes
teyvats-worst-hero · 1 month
My final thoughts on Penacony Part 1:
I think they did really well conveying the resort aspect of it at the very beginning, it literally reminded me of the terrible tourist culture where I live. I think I would’ve appreciated more love given to the lobby instead of… a really long hallway…
In the Golden Hour, I like how gilded age it looks! Morally dubious stuff everywhere: Dreamphones, billboards that chase you, SoulGlad at every corner, everything. Really sells how consumerist Penacony is, how corrupt.
But I also wish the billboards didn’t chase you every time you walked by. It raises my anxiety by 21%.
The notes I’m finding around the map are super disturbing, and this kind of worldbuilding really suits Penacony. Everything is so bright and perfect that you pay no mind to the danger in plain sight.
The enemies are really well done, it’s all so toy-like, so theoretically non threatening. And the battle theme fucking SLAPS, I love it. The TV enemy scares me shitless though. Too human-like in an uncanny valley way, but really too monkey-like. Don’t ask me. I don’t know. My primitive brain keeps screaming “MONKEY! RUN! DANGER!”
They did a really good job with not making any one person seem entirely on our side, everyone seems to have their own motivations without them being overwritten by someone they just met. They have some secrets and I like that. I also like that they interact with each other. Makes it feel so much more real and like things are happening outside of the protagonist, and we’re a faction of our own. Not some impossibly perfect neutral entity that NEVER has allegiances no siree (Cough cough Genshin Impact)
I like how things are mostly left to the player to think about. There’s no “I knew you weren’t Robin because your singing voice was weird!” to spell out earlier foreshadowing. God I hate when stories spell out foreshadowing. No one is telling me to be weirded out by things aside from the game’s INSISTENCE that Sampo is EVIL and NOT TO BE TRUSTED.
Some things I don’t like?
Black Swan.
I really dislike how she’s written overall. She just shows up and starts dommy-mommying the story and has a little “betrayal” moment that happens too fast for any importance to be attached. She’s like. Budget Kafka. I’m annoyed by how often she talks down to the player without ever actually feeling like a person who’d do that, like Sparkle or Aventurine, so it just sounds… Forced. Out of place. Obligatory. Her entire character is being a sexy plot device. Maybe she’ll get a personality, but as it stands, she doesn’t have one. Fight me.
This mission also has a problem with assuming you care deeply about characters you’ve strolled around with for 30 minutes. Now I’m not saying it’s bad to treat the characters like they have emotional weight regardless, that’s a good thing, but when your big plot beats rely on that weight to throw punches, it falls flat.
You run around with Firefly for a little bit. Cute. But very surface level.
You have a beautiful moment with her talking about her chronic illness. That’s great, if you saw my previous posts you know I got very introspective over it.
You go into the dream world and ALMOST die.
You go into the dream world again two minutes later and she ACTUALLY dies, and you immediately move onto the plot and another death that fully overshadows any plot or emotional significance of Firefly.
But NO my friends, she isn’t ACTUALLY dead, she’s something something Sam?
It just feels cheap. If they’re using Black Swan as the catch-all mysterious plot device, they’re using Firefly like tears in a can. Legitimately what would change if Firefly just… didn’t die there? If we just saw Sam and the shadows of Firefly, but couldn’t find her after? Is the point to make it seem like she isn’t Sam? Cause that’s a super cheap and unnecessary trick.
Back to the ending though. I really like the reveal of Robin’s death, it feels super weighty for the plot and the setup and payoff of Sparkle is excellent. I have no idea what’s going on with Misha. Probably some kind of descendant of the Watchmaker, maybe he’s split in two. One in the real world one in the dream. Misha and Mikhail perhaps?
Overall, really interested in this story. Good job Hoyoverse.
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sunbeamstress · 5 months
let's look at the coastline in elden ring.
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it's tricky if you hit it at the wrong time of day; the simulatedly foggy marine layer glows the same color as the horizon so you end up letting torrent run off the edge like a fucking dufus. but sneak up on it when it's a little dark out, and there it is, just a chunk of the world razored off
but no if we want the main show, we have to aim the camera downward like so
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what i think is most interesting about the abyss in elden ring is that it being entirely and unconvincingly simulated doesn't do a thing to mitigate the uncanny valley dread of it
when you fall off of something in this game, gravity chucks you like brock fucking lesnar, your character having precious little inertia, their falling animation not quite matching up with their bearing and angle. they sorta stay upright, puppetlike
if you want to take this journey with me, you gotta wonder what happens when your little elden ring girlie falls off the edge but she doesn't die. the death camera stays in place, fixed right over the ocean's surface, still half-aimed at the eerie undersea drop, while the tarnished vanishes into the black
it's a scary enough proposition in real life. what i think really kicks this concept across the line into nightmare fuel is the constraint of janky video game physics, the weird way you drop through the water without any convincing representation of fluid resistance. it's hard not to imagine falling like that forever
when i was your age, whippersnappers, we didn't have any fancy schmancy backrooms. we had ecco the dolphin's open ocean level:
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this is the video game that taught me what thalassaphobia means.
ecco is an infuriating but beautiful puzzle/exploration type deal where you play as a cute lil dolphin. most of its stages consist of gorgeously-drawn undersea caverns, coral reefs, lush and overgrown lagoons, etc etc.
i don't know how it ends, though, because at some point you have to play Open Ocean
the scenery drops out entirely, leaving your lil dolphin self stranded out in an endless, monotonous scroll of deep blue. water filters in murkily from the surface in pale white, plummeting its way down a crispy noise-diffusion layer of darker and darker blues
open ocean.
i couldn't handle this. i'd gamely attempt the level, careening to the right as fast as my rubbery little body could move, but i'd get more and more anxious until i had to pause the game and turn it off. i couldn't really understand what the game was doing to me
i tried again a few times. skimming the bottom felt like the natural move, there being a minimal but ever so slightly comforting texture scroll of coral reef, but the problem was the sharks. sega genesis only had 256-320 pixels of horizontal screen space to work with, so flying madly around the place felt like swimming blind; i'd always smack facefirst into a shark and freak out.
the surface wasn't much more comforting
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i remember this being a weird turning point in the game's tone. it's warm and vibrant and so utterly normal up until this level. and then suddenly it's this eerie music that never gives you a moment to rest, and an empty, alien sky with a diffuse light that comes from nothing, and artificial-looking silvery waves that repeat onward and onward and onward
elden ring's water looks realistic enough; your brain can agree ah yes, that is water without too much trouble. that it does look real enough is the problem, because if you can trust that it's water, you can trust that it'll act like water. it's creepy because when you fall through it like it's nothing more than fog, the reassuring illusion it provides of a physical medium you could swim through is shattered. you don't realize you're plummeting into a bottomless pit until you're already plummeting into the bottomless pit
by contrast, ecco's water is creepy because the illusion is never there to begin with. up until now the water has held to certain rules: you can go in any direction, you can leap across the surface, and your world is reasonably constrained by the ocean floor. open ocean takes away the floor, save for a vague hint of it at the bottom - yet it still feels like you could swim down forever if you wanted. also it throws sharks at you
these are mostly weirdo thoughts i kept to myself for most of my life, except for a stint back on the early days of reddit where i wrote a little essay about thalassaphobia on r/gaming. people seemed to get it
i was pleased as punch when eventually the concept of liminal spaces had penetrated the internet's public awareness. it gave language to something i understood but could never really ideate! not only was i able to understand why the safeway parking lot in tucson unnerved the shit out of me, but also i recognized at once that the ill-defined boundaries of ecco's open ocean and elden ring's jarringly bottomless sea cliffs were prime examples of artificial liminal spaces. the concept was definitely too abstract for the web and eventually it got diluted into horror game schlock fuel, but early on they had the right idea in that these spaces could invoke feelings of fear, loneliness, sadness, wistfulness, curiosity, more.
i think it's really neat that video games can do that, too. here's my very favorite liminal space:
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if i had the wherewithal, i would have made this a little embedded video with sound, so you could hear the crunchy 8-bit din of the ocean in this weird little corner of the original legend of zelda. little 4-6 year old me loved to park link on this sliver of a mountain path and just kinda vibe here.
this screen's tilemap was so ruthlessly simple that you can't help but fill in the details in your mind's eye. isolated from the rest of the map, there's no telling if this little chunk of black/orange/yellow rock is meant to be a cliff looming over the sea, or some kind of depression in a sort of seaside crag, or perhaps something stranger still, known only to the japanese gentlemen who plotted it out.
my preferred mental image was that of link winding his way up a path no wider than he, carved into the surface of this enormous rocky monolith. in this context the path's presence in the foreground makes it feel as if it's somehow 'hidden' from the ocean, a safe refuge, free of meddling octoroks and zoras, to recuperate, soak in the sunlight, and from a secretive vantage, look out over a span of nearly-blank water that must go on forever.
i feel like this part of zelda is supposed to invoke the same thalassaphobic response i get from elden ring and from ecco the dolphin, but the presence of the cliffside, and more specifically the way the path is couched toward its center, makes it feel like we're regarding the ocean from far, far above. it might go on endlessly baby, and beyond its reaches the world might be nothing but vapor, but we're safe up here. the weird high concept void can't get us
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emptyblog7 · 29 days
Dreamlight Adventures: Book 3 Part 5
@chillwildwave @uva124 @oh-shtars @signed-sapphire
Phoenix was collapsed over a bench in an isolated park overlooking Cokhavinia, weeping bitterly over what had transpired. She had just arrived in the city, and Lady Elwyn was coming to greet her at the gate, but Phoenix had sped away, looking for a place to be alone. Lady Elwyn was surprised at this, and some of the guards were about to pursue, but Lady Elwyn stopped them, perceiving that Phoenix was grieved.
Now here she was, devastated by the loss of her dearest friend and Lover. She was grateful for Yaron’s choice in saving her, but the loss cut her deeply. She sobbed, “Oh Yaron!”
Suddenly, she felt someone gently lift her arms and face up onto their lap and groan in sympathy, “My dear Phoenix.”
Phoenix gasped as she recognized that voice. She looked up in shock and saw the High King sitting on the bench! He gazed at her with sad eyes, also grieved at the loss of His Son. She burst, “My High King!!”
The High King placed His hand on her cheek and rubbed it gently as He stated, “I’m here, My dear child. I’m here.”
Phoenix looked away in utter sadness as she continued to sob. “I’m so sorry, My Tsarba! I couldn’t do anything to—”
The High King hushed Phoenix and coaxed her into a gentle embrace with His wings. “My Phoenix, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for.” He bowed His head as He added, “It was the only way to save you from the Forgotten’s destruction. I knew this; My Son knew this, and the plan was set in motion the moment you chose to trust His plan for the Forgotten’s defeat, rather than Merlin’s.”
Phoenix remembered that. She knew that her villagers wouldn’t be able to fight the Forgotten if she left, which was Merlin’s idea, so she chose Yaron’s plan of defeating the Forgotten, which mainly had her trusting Him and staying in the Valley. Though, she had no idea that it would’ve come to this! She stated in a broken voice, “I…Yaron—I had no idea it would have come to this act.” Fresh tears fell as she mourned, “He said He loved me too much to lose me…so I let Him love me, just like Lady Elwyn said. I…” Her words began to get jumbled in her brain, and she couldn’t say any more.
The High King nodded in affirmation. “Lady Elwyn was wise to tell you this. My Son does love you like that, and He’s given you freedom from the Forgotten’s clutches with this act.”
Phoenix sniffled a bit before saying, “I love Him too, Tsarba, and I want to thank Him so badly…” her crying intensified as she blurted, “But He’s gone!!”
The High King groaned as He held her tightly, letting her pour out her grief in silence.
About fifteen minutes passed before Phoenix’ crying began to subside and her muscles began to relax from the tension she felt from her grief. The High King rubbed her shoulders gently, coaxing her to relax further in His embrace as He stated quietly, “Your villagers are worried about you, My dear child.”
Phoenix knew that. She had just bolted away from them with no explanation. However, she didn’t feel like explaining what had happened to her entire Village. “I…want some time alone.” She entreated, “I…I want to stay here, away from my Village for now. Will You please allow me to do that?”
The King looked at her softly and answered, “I will, dear child.” He then caught sight of three people entering the park where they sat, and He tapped her shoulder blades as He added, “Under one small condition: You let them minister to your grief.”
Phoenix straightened from the High King’s embrace and turned to see Aster, Asha, and Lady Elwyn standing nearby with deep concern on their faces. Phoenix colored a little at having run from them specifically, but now that they were here, she found herself wanting their comfort.
After some thought, Phoenix breathed deeply and turned to the High King. “I accept those terms, my King.”
The High King nodded in approval and urged her forward before disappearing from view. She arose from the bench and walked sheepishly towards her friends. She started, “Guys…I—”
She didn’t have time to finish before Asha pulled her into a crushing embrace, saying softly, “Don’t you dare apologize. We know.”
Phoenix fought herself not to start crying again before Aster joined in on the hug. He stated with emotion, “We’re here for you, dear friend. You just say the word, and we’ll be here!”
Lady Elwyn also joined in and caused a soft magic to swirl around the embrace as she declared, “Cokhavinia will always serve as the place you can come and find refuge, my friend. We are forever your Valley’s ally.”
Phoenix’ spirits began to lift with their encouraging statements, and she relaxed a little in their hold. She answered in a whisper, “Thanks, you guys.”
Phoenix lay restlessly on her bed in Lady Elwyn’s castle, still unable to sleep. The previous night was still all too fresh in her mind, and she remained heart-sore. Lady Elwyn had offered her to stay in her palace for as long as she needed, and Phoenix had readily agreed. As much as she loved her villagers, she just wasn’t ready to have all of their attention poured into her from this pain. However, she was grateful that Aster and Asha were here in Cokhavinia to comfort her in the time she’d spend in the Star City. Though, she still sighed despondently and wondered to herself, “How can I move on from this?! How can I continue ruling the Valley without Yaron?!”
Suddenly, a strange humming sound came from outside her window. Phoenix sat up from her bed and moved the curtains aside to see what was making that sound. “Who’s doing work at this hour?”
Phoenix’ eyes widened at what she saw. The humming wasn’t coming from someone doing late-night work; it was coming from the strange wind that had carried the High King’s voice and song to her and Yaron the day before! Only this time, it was swirling sparkles and mist around to form a large, ethereal lion with six wings! Phoenix quickly dressed before opening her windows to get a better look. “It’s…the High King’s Magic!!”
When the Lion saw He had her attention, He made a low growl as He walked on air closer to her. Phoenix cautiously put her hand out to Him, and the lion’s eyes flashed brightly before placing His misty face against her hand, purring deeply.
Phoenix relaxed a bit at this but was still confused on the Magic’s arrival. “What could this mean?” She removed her hand from the Lion’s face and, being careful not to alert anyone nearby, asked quietly, “Why are You here? What’s happened?”
The Lion rumbled in His throat before turning His side to her, offering her a ride to someplace.
Phoenix blinked in surprise at the implied request. “You…want me to come with You somewhere?” The Lion made a slow nod, and Phoenix gestured to her door before asking, “Shouldn’t I let the others know?”
The Lion roared a bit before flicking His right wings towards her, urging her to do as He urged.
Phoenix understood. “You want me to come now.” He nodded, and Phoenix exhaled nervously as she slowly climbed onto the Lion’s back, just in front of His wing joints. Once on, she gently grasped parts of His misty mane and stated, “Alright, where do you want to take me?”
The Lion didn’t answer. Instead, He shot up into the air and zoomed out of Cokhavinia with impressive speed. Phoenix tightened her hold onto the Lion’s mane. “This feels about as fast as when Yaron took me to the In-Between Realm!” The Lion darted around asteroids and sped past comets with incredible precision, and Phoenix couldn’t help but wonder, “What could the High King’s Magic want to show me at this hour?” When she noticed that they were getting closer to her realm, her confusion grew. “Why are we going back to Dreamlight Valley?”
The vast expanse of space slowly faded into the background, as the Lion reentered Dreamlight Valley’s atmosphere. Dawn was beginning, brightening the night sky and shining a faint, pink hue over the ocean. He slowed down considerably as He soared quietly above Dazzle Beach and Peaceful Meadows before veering towards the left…close to where the Forgotten Lands stood. However, as they drew closer to those Lands, Phoenix gasped. “What?!”
The Forgotten Lands had undergone a mysterious but dramatic change! No longer were there dark trees or an imposing atmosphere; now the trees were bedazzled and bright, made of every mineral Phoenix had ever encountered, the grass shined like gold, and bright aura shined up and out of the biome, thus giving off a slight light in the twilight. Phoenix recognized this look. “This is what Yaron showed me when He told me about the Glistening Lands!!”
The Lion dipped down towards the new Lands until He landed at its borders. Phoenix dismounted and looked around in awe at how the Forgotten Lands had changed. Sparkles were coming off of the trunks of the trees, the gnarled branches were straightened, and the animals that were awake at this time looked more vibrant and lively than before.
Phoenix gushed, “This…this is beautiful!” She turned to the Lion and asked, “But…why did You bring me here?” She turned back to the scenery and swept her arms out, “And how did this happen?!”
The Lion made a low roar before nudging her forward with His snout, as if urging her to go find out for herself.
Phoenix was confused. “Is there something more here I need to see?”
The Lion nudged her forward again with a bit more force than before.
A slight chuckle escaped her lips at His insistence; she knew better than to argue with the High King’s Magic. So, with a deep breath, Phoenix began to wander around the new Lands, scanning her surroundings for anything that the Lion wanted her to see. “I’m…not sure what I’m looking for here, but I know the High King’s Magic wouldn’t have brought me here for no reason.” She hummed to herself. “What could be here?”
She was concentrating so hard on her surroundings that she didn’t see that she was walking towards an exposed tree root. Her foot caught onto it, and she flailed her arms out with a yelp, trying to stop herself from falling over.
Suddenly, strong hands caught her arms, causing her to fall up against them in an awkward embrace. The stranger chuckled, “Easy, Phoenix! I gotchya.”
Phoenix straightened once she regained her bearings and looked up at her rescuer. He was wearing a large, white cloak and a hood that obscured bits of his face from view. She stuttered in apology, “I’m so sorry, sir. I was just trying to look for—”
The stranger laughed. “No need to apologize, my friend. You’re up quite early!”
Phoenix smiled sheepishly. “Well…it’s a long story. I was brought here to see something important, but after wandering around for a bit, I’m still no closer to understanding exactly what I’m here to see.” She gestured to their surroundings before adding, “other than drastic change the Forgotten Lands underwent.”
The stranger hummed in understanding. “I think I may be able to help with that, my friend.” Phoenix looked at him expectantly, and he slowly removed his hood, revealing a very familiar face. “You’re looking for Me.”
Phoenix nearly staggered to the ground when she saw the stranger’s face. She put her hand to her mouth in shock as her eyes welled up with tears. She stretched her other hand out to His face tentatively as she stuttered, “Y…Yaron? Is that…”
Yaron smiled softly and placed her hand against His face, showing that He was really there. Placing His own hand on her cheek, He answered, “Yes, Phoenix. It’s really Me.”
Phoenix sputtered in astonishment as she felt Yaron’s warm touch against her face. “It…really is HIM!! He’s alive!!” With a burst of excitement, she threw her arms around Yaron’s neck and began laughing and crying at the same time. “Yaron!!” She shouted, “You’re okay!!”
Yaron laughed outright as He received her embrace tightly and spun her around with equal joy. Hearing her crying, He stretched His wings out from under His cloak and enfolded them around her before sighing gustily, “Oh My love!”
Phoenix leaned her head against His chest and held onto Yaron tightly with no intention of letting go. A million questions filled her mind, and she burst, “But the red Night Thorns! The pocket realm’s destruction! How?!”
Yaron rubbed her shoulders calmly, “There was one thing the Forgotten hadn’t considered in her spell—The Laws of the Realms.”
Phoenix looked up in confusion. “But…didn’t they state my destruction because of her existence?”
Yaron affirmed before revealing, “It also states that when a willing, pure victim takes the place of another in a fatal spell and has run cold at final breath, the spell is undone.” He gestured to their surroundings in triumph. “It’s a Law so powerful that it even reversed the Forgotten’s spell on this place.”
Phoenix then noticed something different about Yaron. A scar ran down His face, and His wrists appeared scarred as well. Furrowing her brow in concern, she touched His cheek. “Your face!” Seeing His wrists, she amended, “Your wrists!”
Yaron took her hand in His and calmed her. “It’s alright, Phoenix. They are from the red Night Thorns, but they are no more.”
Phoenix relaxed at bit at His comfort before embracing Him again. Yaron received her gladly, and she said gustily, “Thank You.”
Yaron smiled broadly as He placed His hand on her head. “You are welcome, My love.”
A few minutes of bliss passed between them as each of them rested in each other’s presence. Dawn was nearly in full swing, giving the now Glistening Lands an orange and pink hue, and more creatures emerged from their earthen and wooded homes to greet the new day.
Phoenix then remembered something. When they separated, she cried excitedly, “Aster and Asha! They’re still in Cokhavinia! We gotta go give them the news!!”
Yaron chuckled at her enthusiasm before responding, “We will, My dear, but first…” He offered His arm to her and asked, “Shall we not start the day with a breakfast at our island?”
Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh outright at the request. Hooking her arm around His, she answered emphatically, “I would love too, Yaron!” Yaron smiled in approval and led her out of the Glistening Lands and towards Dazzle Beach.
As they walked, Phoenix noticed that Yaron wasn’t putting His disguise back on, even though they were walking in the midst of the Valley! Confused, she asked, “Yaron, You don’t have Your disguised form up. Why is that?”
Yaron turned to her with a twinkle in His eye before revealing, “The time of disguise ended when the Forgotten’s pocket realm was destroyed.” He then wondered aloud, “I wonder what the villagers’ reaction will be once they find out who I really am.”
Phoenix giggled. “After being one of the only ones who knew that Yaron was the High Prince, I’m curious about that myself!”
They reached the Beach undetected, since most villagers were still asleep at this hour. They sailed off on their canoe like normal and eventually docked on their island. Yaron then led Phoenix to their normal spot on the flat rocks and created their picnic with a flourish of His magic.
Phoenix gasped lightly as she perceived a greater intensity in His magic than on other mornings. As they sat down, she remarked, “That was bigger than normal.”
Yaron smirked mysteriously, “Today is a special day, My dear.”
Phoenix couldn’t argue with that. She gazed at the spread before them and hummed in thought. “I think I have a bit more of that Gooseberry Punch left…” She waved her hands for a moment and manifested a carafe of the punch and handed it to Yaron. He looked at her quizzically, and she revealed sheepishly, “I…had some still left over from the last time. You make all of this food all the time and—"
Yaron smiled kindly and received the carafe. Placing towards the middle of the spread, He stated, “I enjoy doing this, My dear.” He then gestured to the carafe before adding, But, I’m glad you do have more of this punch, Phoenix. I really enjoyed it the last time!” Phoenix chuckled a little, and the two of them started eating.
As they did, Phoenix caught sight of a small box wedged in between two of the dishes. It was smaller than her palm and was clamped shut by a winged clasp in the middle. Perplexed, Phoenix freed it from the dishes and showed Yaron. “Yaron, what’s this?”
Yaron looked at what she’d found and hid a smile. “Perhaps you should find out, Phoenix.”
Phoenix tilted her head at the mysterious tone Yaron was using. “What is He planning?” She unclipped the clasp and slowly opened the box until she saw what was propped up inside. She gasped in shock. “It’s…a diamond ring!!” Phoenix looked up at Yaron with wide eyes. “Is Yaron doing what I think He’s doing?!”
Yaron saw her reaction and took her right hand in His before declaring, “Dear Phoenix, from the moment I arrived in your Valley, I sought to win your heart, because I loved you more than you realized. You told Me once that I had indeed succeeded in that venture, so I wish to ask you this…” He caused the ring to levitate out of the box and float just in front of Phoenix right hand. “Phoenix of Dreamlight Valley, will you marry Me?”
Phoenix heart skipped a beat. “He IS proposing!!” Without a second thought, Phoenix shouted her answer, “Yes, Yaron! A thousand times yes!!”
Yaron beamed excitedly as He placed the ring on her finger. He stretched His wings and arms to Phoenix in invitation, and she accepted the embrace gladly. Phoenix’ heart was all in a flutter with how elated she was over everything that had happened that morning. “My High Prince returns from dead, and now He’s going to marry me!!” She rested her head on His shoulder in contentment. “Yaron was right; everything WOULD be alright…in the end.”
Right then, Yaron caught sight of two people riding down to the Valley on Nova-gryphs. He chuckled in recognition. “Looks like Aster and Asha realized you were gone.”
The two of them separated, and Phoenix turned around just in time to see the two of the land on Dazzle Beach and dismount their Nova-gryphs. A memory came to mind, and she laughed, “I seem to always get away from those two for one reason or another.”
The two of them arose from their picnic, and Yaron made it disappear with a wave of His hand before studying Asha and Aster’s path of travel, “Looks like they’re going up towards the Plaza.”
Phoenix groaned, “I bet they’re going to see if I’m at my house.”
Yaron looked at the position of the sun, which was in its full ascent, before revealing, “You know, most of the villagers should be up by now, and with Asha and Aster here now as well…” He offered His right arm and wing to Phoenix as He suggested, “Shall we bring the news to the Valley?” Phoenix nodded excitedly, and they sailed back to the Valley. When they walked off the dock, Phoenix suggested that they fly to the Plaza to avoid detection along the way. Yaron agreed, and they shot up into the air in their respective magics just as Moana exited her hut nearby.
As they soared above the Meadow and into the Plaza, Phoenix caught sight of Asha and Aster standing at her door in bewilderment. She couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “This feels like a game of hide-and-seek!”
Yaron and Phoenix soon landed in front of the Dreamlight Well, which gave them a holistic view of the Plaza. True to Yaron’s instincts, most of the villagers were awake and were beginning to start their day.
Aster and Asha were the first to notice their arrival. When they saw Yaron with Phoenix, they shouted in astonishment and rushed towards them, calling their names as they did.
Phoenix turned around just in time to receive Asha’s crushing embrace. Asha exclaimed, “Oh Phoenix! You really have a habit of disappearing from us without a word!”
Phoenix laughed loudly as they separated. “Yeah…not sure I can do much about that.”
Aster made his way to Yaron and embraced Him firmly. He stuttered, “The…High King told us You were dead!”
As they separated, Yaron answered, “I was…for a time. It’s a long story, but let’s just say the Laws of the Realms will not allow an innocent, willing victim to stay dead forever.”
Phoenix then tapped His shoulder. “Uh, Yaron? I think we’ve got everyone’s attention.”
Yaron looked up and saw many villagers gathering around them, whispering amongst themselves in confusion and speculation.
Merlin, who was in the crowd, moved to the front to meet Phoenix and Yaron. “My, my!” He started, “It seems the past day and a half has held a whirlwind of activity for you two and Asha and Aster! Even the High King came down to the Valley for some reason!”
Phoenix nodded with a glance at Yaron. “Yes, the past few days have been quite eventful.” She then addressed Yaron, “Did You want to tell them?”
Yaron winked, “Let us spit the responsibility, My love.”
Phoenix agreed and walked forward to address the villagers. “My friends! Many of you know that I and Yaron have sought to rid our Valley of the Forgotten once and for all over the past week or so.” The villagers nodded in affirmation, and Phoenix continued, “About a day and a half ago, Yaron, myself, Asha and Aster went into the Forgotten’s pocket realm and foiled her plans to expand her Dark Valley past our Realm and remove me from existence. Now, she and her pocket realm are gone for good!” The villagers cheered loudly at that declaration, but Phoenix added seriously as she took Yaron’s hand in hers, “But not without a grave price paid…”
The villagers quieted down at that statement, allowing Phoenix to continue, “The Forgotten tried to imprison and destroy me on our way out of her realm with a powerful spell, but…” She turned to Yaron, “Yaron found a way to deprive the spell of its goal by using His magic to switch places with me, giving me life…while He suffered destruction at the hands of vicious Night Thorns.” Some of the villagers gasped in surprise at the story, but Phoenix wasn’t finished. “However, the Laws of the Realms—a deep magic that governs reality—worked in His favor, and as He was a willing and innocent victim on my behalf, He was not allowed to stay dead forever. That is why He stands here before you today!” She looked at Yaron and concluded sincerely, “I am forever grateful for that act of Love itself.”
Yaron smiled fondly at her before catching Merlin inspecting His new look. Merlin adjusted his glasses a bit, and Yaron prompted, “You have a question?”
Merlin tapped his cane. “You’re wings…they look identical to the High King’s wings! How is that possible?”
Yaron turned to Phoenix for a moment, and they shared a grin before He turned to the whole Village and declared, “Because I am His Son, the High Prince!!”
A collective cry of shock ran through the crowd of villagers at this revelation. Merlin, especially, staggered at the news. Phoenix watched him as he stroked his beard and mumbled seriously to himself. “What could be going on in his mind right now?”
Yaron then brought Phoenix close to His side with His wings as He addressed the crowd again. “My Father, the High King, told Me stories of this Valley, especially about your ruler, Phoenix.” Glancing at her, He continued, “When I first arrived here, I sought to win her heart, as I had grown to love her deeply, and today, I am overjoyed to declare to you now that Phoenix and I…we are engaged!!”
Merlin nearly jumped out of his slippers in surprise, and the whole Village erupted with cheers for the engagement.
Fairy Godmother moved to the front of the group and squealed with joy. Taking both Phoenix’ and Yaron’s hands in hers, she exclaimed, “A royal wedding in our humble Valley! Oh, you must let me create the perfect gown and suit for you two!!” Phoenix and Yaron chuckled at her excitement.
Remy then piped up from the crowd. “You can count of Chez Remy to provide the finest catering service in the Valley, my friends!” His little body shook with excitement, “Ooo!! This is the challenge I’ve been hoping for!!”
Scrooge McDuck quacked, “And you can count on my shop to provide the best furnishings money can buy…or my name isn’t Scrooge McDuck!”
Phoenix couldn’t help but blush at her villagers’ attention. She leaned against Yaron’s shoulder and answered them sincerely, “Thank you, my friends. I could not have asked for better villagers…or friends.”
Fairy Godmother waved her wand at the two of them with a smile. “Oh come now! It’s the least we can do for all that both of you have done for this Valley.” She then addressed Yaron specifically, “And You, young Man. You have shown such wonderful devotion to our Phoenix. She could not have asked for a better Husband.” She then bowed, “And we are honored by Your presence, Your Majesty.”
Yaron placed His hand on the fairy’s shoulder kindly as she straightened. “Thank you, dear fairy.” Looking at Phoenix, He added, “I am proud to have dear Phoenix as My soon-to-be wife.” The fairy nodded approvingly and went her way, already thinking about what sort of outfits she was going to create for Phoenix and Yaron.
When she left, Yaron and Phoenix dismissed the villagers, and Aster addressed them. “When you have a moment, perhaps you two could tell us a bit more about your reunion.” He shook his head in bafflement, “With Phoenix’ sudden disappearance from Cokhavinia and now this, I need a little help catching up.”
Asha concurred with Aster’s desire, and Phoenix answered, “I’m sure we have some time now. Maybe we can—”
She was suddenly interrupted by Yaron’s hand on her shoulder. When she turned to Him, He discreetly gestured to Merlin, who was still standing nearby, deep in thought. Phoenix understood and turned back to Asha and Aster. “Actually, could we wait on that? Yaron and I have something to take care of.”
Asha answered, “Of course! We’ll see you two later.” She then followed Aster away from the Plaza towards the Forest of Valor.
Once they were gone, Phoenix and Yaron turned their attention to Merlin. Phoenix approached him and asked tentatively, “Merlin? Are you okay?”
Merlin looked up at her with heavy eyes as he hummed, “It should’ve been impossible to destroy a whole pocket realm; this whole Forgotten dilemma was supposed to have gone a different way…or at least, that’s what my research told me.” He sighed as he placed his hand on Phoenix’ shoulder. “I know that I have been wrong before…but never this wrong. And if I had my way…I dare say we would’ve entered an age worse than the Forgetting.” He faced Phoenix squarely as he declared, “You were right to choose Yaron’s way over mine, my friend.”
Phoenix looked sympathetically at her old friend. “Oh Merlin.”
Merlin moved away from Phoenix for a moment and faced Yaron. “Yaron, I cannot begin to tell You how sorry I am for how I behaved during this whole season. I misjudged You when You were simply doing what was best for Phoenix.” Merlin grasped Yaron’s shoulders and added, “You showed the truest devotion to Dreamlight Valley and to our Phoenix, and I humbly ask for Your forgiveness for my ignorance.”
Yaron smiled kindly and grasped the wizard’s arms firmly. “Of course, I forgive you, Merlin. You are My love’s most trusted advisor; you have served her well and I hope that shall continue for many years to come.”
Merlin bowed reverently, “I appreciate the gesture, Your Highness, and I will continue to serve in my role to the best of my ability for as long as you both will have me.” Phoenix and Yaron thanked him, and he left for his home, saying, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must research for the best uses of Dreamlight magic on a wedding.” With that, the wizard walked away.
Phoenix sighed in relief, grateful to see her wizard friend finally understand the truth about Yaron. After some thought, she turned to Yaron. “So…now what?”
Yaron chuckled a bit as He draped His right wings over her shoulders. “I believe we need to bring Asha and Aster up to date on everything that’s happened after you disappeared from Cokhavinia. They should still be in the Forest.”
Phoenix’ eyes brightened in remembrance. “Oh right! Let’s go!”
Yaron agreed, and the two of them walked to the Forest of Valor to catch up with Aster and Asha.
Phoenix sat patiently in front of a mirror inside Fairy Godmother’s house as the fairy tried a variety of hairstyles on her with her magic. Many days had passed since the High Prince’s declaration of His engagement with her, and the entire Village had been doing their part in preparing for their wedding. Remy had worked his magic in the kitchen, Scrooge McDuck found the best investments in wedding furnishes, and Fairy Godmother had made good on her promise to create the best wedding attire for Yaron and Phoenix. The fairy had finished Yaron’s outfit earlier that day; now she was working on Phoenix’ look, with a little less than an hour left till the ceremony.
Right now, the fairy was trying to choose the best hairstyle for Phoenix before creating her dress. She mumbled indistinctly as she did, and Phoenix couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as her hair went from a messy bun to interlocking ponytails. “Fairy Godmother, any one of your designs will be fine!”
Fairy Godmother countered, “Now, now, Phoenix. This is the most important occasion in the history of the Valley!” She made eye contact with Phoenix through the mirror as she added, “It’s not every day that our humble Village sees a wedding, especially a royal one that involves our very own Phoenix! So, your look must be perfect.” Phoenix couldn’t help but agree, and the fairy hummed a bit as she thought about the fish-tale braid she’d just created and saw how it looked on Phoenix. “You’ve grown so much, my dear.”
Phoenix smiled sheepishly. “It’s amazing what a couple of crazy adventures can do to a person.”
The fairy agreed as she put a few pearl strings across the braid. “Ah, but we’re never forced to learn from the things we’ve experienced, Phoenix. We must consciously decide whether we will learn from our circumstances of fight against them.” Facing Phoenix squarely through the mirror, she added, “And from what I can see, you chose to be taught by your circumstances.”
Fairy Godmother was soon done with Phoenix’ hair, and she arose from the vanity in preparation for the fairy’s choice of dress. Phoenix recounted, “Even though I eventually learned to trust Yaron, I seem to remember a time when I actually fought that urge to trust Him.”
Fairy Godmother waved her wand around. “Well, apparently, Yaron was up to the challenge.” She then raised her arms up and urged, “Now, prepare yourself, child. Merlin helped me perfect this unique spell.” Phoenix acknowledged, and the fairy declared loudly, “Bibbidi…Bobbidi…BOO!!”
A torrent of magic escaped the fairy’s wand and began to swirl around Phoenix rapidly, sounding like a chorus of bells as they went. Phoenix gasped in surprise as she watched some of the sparkles transform into orange and blue flames as they continued to climb up her body in a spiral, changing her clothing as they went. Phoenix watched the transformation in astonishment. “Fairy Godmother really HAS been practicing!”
When the magic reached Phoenix’ head, it dissipated with a twinkle, and Phoenix was able to get a good look at her dress. Her eyes widened at how the edges of her dress were blazes of blue and orange fire that whooshed and licked the ground. The flames went up her skirt until they faded into a white, sparkling fabric at the midpoint. A decorative belt separated the skirt from the bodice of the dress, which had a blue outline of a rising phoenix at the center of her chest. The dress boasted a one-sleeve design that went down her wrist, and a sparkling veil crowned the entire outfit.
Phoenix gaped at the beauty of the fairy’s work. She looked up just in time to see Fairy Godmother chuckle lightly, “Ah! Now that looks splendid!”
Phoenix sighed gustily and embraced her fairy friend tightly. With tears pricking her eyelids, Phoenix whispered, “Thank you.”
The fairy received the embrace in her usually gentle way and answered, “Of course, my dear. I always seek to make dreams come true.”
They soon separated, and the sound of the Village clocktower tolling reached their ears. The fairy exclaimed, “Oh!! It’s time!” She then created a magical bouquet for Phoenix and gave it to her before urging her out. “Go on, my dear!”
Phoenix chuckled a bit as she exited the fairy’s house. Once out, she blinked in surprise at seeing Merlin waiting for her. “Merlin, what are you doing here?”
Merlin tapped his cane before offering his arm to her. “If you will allow, Phoenix, I would consider it an honor to lead my closest friend down the aisle to her new Husband.”
Phoenix felt touched by this gesture. She accepted his arm and answered, “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Merlin.” Merlin smiled as Phoenix took his arm, and he began leading Phoenix up to the Forest of Valor, where the ceremony was being held.
They eventually came onto a path that led to the Frosted Heights stairs, and Phoenix how beautifully everyone decorated that part of the Forest. Most of the villagers (some of the villains didn’t care to attend) were seated on birch benches on either side of a golden carpet that acted as a path towards where the Groom (the High Prince) and the High King, who was officiating the wedding, stood.
As Merlin led Phoenix down the golden carpet, Phoenix’ heart jumped as she saw the High Prince’ regal outfit. His golden suit sparkled in the afternoon sun, and a bright red sash crossed diagonally across His chest. His cape was pure white, with orange and blue flames dancing on the edges, and a golden crown rested on His head. His eyes met hers, and He beamed in excitement.
Once at the head of the aisle, Merlin surrendered Phoenix over to the High Prince and sat at the right side of the ceremony. Yaron took Phoenix’ hands in His, as His wings flicked outward, and smiled lovingly. “You look lovely, My dear.”
Phoenix giggled as she remarked, “It seems Fairy Godmother outdid herself with the both of us.”
Yaron agreed heartily, and the High King began. “Villagers of Dreamlight Valley! For many months now, you have witnessed a growing bond between your ruler and My Son. Today, we are here to witness the precious fruit of this growth in the marriage of My Son, High Prince Yaron, to your Dreamlight Valley ruler, Phoenix!” He turned to His Son, “Yaron, do You take young Phoenix to be Your wife?”
Yaron locked eyes with Phoenix and placed His hand on her cheek. “For all time, Father.”
The High King beamed before turning to Phoenix. “Phoenix, do you take My Son to be your Husband?”
Phoenix grinned as her face flushed with anticipation. She placed her hand over Yaron’s and answered, “Forever and a day, Tsarba.”
The High King nodded approvingly before facing the crowd again. With a flourish, He stretched His wings out and boomed, “Villagers of all kinds! I give to you My Son and His wife!!” He turned to the couple, “You may now kiss Your bride, My Son.”
Yaron smiled before pulling Phoenix in with His wings, and the two of them kissed. The crowd erupted in cheers and thunderous applause at the newlyweds as they separated, and Phoenix jumped into Yaron’s arms in joy. Yaron then hooked His arm around Phoenix’ and hemmed her in with His wings before leading her back down the aisle and away from the ceremony, thus leading the villagers to the reception that was taking place at Dazzle Beach. As they went, Phoenix could feel a strange sensation come over her shoulder blades from being close to Yaron’s wings. She hummed quietly, “What…is that?”
Thanks to Remy’s expertise in the kitchen, the reception was a huge success, with hardly any leftovers by the end of it. Phoenix and Yaron had shared a table with Asha and Aster, and they had a wonderful time talking amongst themselves.
When the reception finished, Yaron led Phoenix towards the center of the Beach with many of the villagers following close behind. He made a loud whistle with His fingers, and large, flaming bird burst onto the horizon. Phoenix gasped, “Is that a—”
Yaron chuckled, “Yes, My dear! It is a phoenix coming to take us to our honeymoon.” He added with a twinkle in His eye, “I have a special creation in mind for our time in the In-Between Realm.”
Phoenix was excited. She leaned against His shoulder and stated, “Can’t wait to see Your idea!” Yaron chuckled, and Phoenix soon caught sight of some of the villagers talking amongst themselves in confusion; they appeared to be looking at something on her. She wondered aloud, “What are they looking at?”
Yaron was holding back a smile. “Maybe you should take a look at the water.”
Though confused, Phoenix moved away from Yaron for a moment and looked at her reflection in the ocean…and nearly yelped in surprise. She stuttered, “I…I have…wings again!!”
And she did, only these wings were far different from her eagle wings. These wings were made of a bright blue light, and their make-up was similar to Yaron’s wings. She flicked them and twirled around in amazement before looking at Yaron, who was clearly pleased at her reaction.
Phoenix took Yaron’s hands and gushed, “Thank You, my High Prince! I know You had everything to do with this!”
Yaron hugged her tightly. “You are welcome, My dear wife.”
Right then, they heard a loud squawk above them. They looked up and saw that the phoenix had arrived and was lowering itself a bit to allow them to board. It chirped and cooed in their direction, as Yaron patted the bird’s beak. “Thank you, magnificent creature.”
The phoenix sang in response, and Yaron mounted the bird first before reaching out His hand to help Phoenix up. She accepted His hand, and she mounted behind Yaron with Him hoisting her up.
Once they were settled, Aster and Asha came to the front of the group of villagers, and Aster declared confidently, “We will keep everything in order here until you two return from your honeymoon.”
Asha added, “Now don’t feel like you have to hurry back, you two; have fun!”
Yaron and Phoenix laughed, as Yaron replied, “We will definitely take your advice, My friends.” He then glanced at Phoenix. “Ready, My dear?”
Phoenix took hold of His waist. “Born ready, my Love.”
Yaron smirked and urged the phoenix on. With a thunderous flap, it took to the skies and soared higher and higher above the Valley with the villagers below waving farewell. Once the phoenix broke away from the Realm, its feathers began to burn furiously, and Yaron gripped the bird firmly. He instructed, “Hang on, Phoenix!”
Phoenix acknowledged before tightening her hold on Yaron. With a loud shriek, the phoenix exploded forward with a burst of speed into the vast expanse of space and disappeared into the stars with a twinkle, taking Yaron and Phoenix to the beginning of their happily ever after.
CLOSING THOUGHTS: Yay!! I finally got all of my stories into Tumblr!! I hope you and the rest of the group enjoyed this series; I loved writing this and I may do more once I have more solid ideas. Something I forgot to mention about my series that might pique some of your interest: I have a Narnia easter egg in book 1 and in book 3. One easter egg comes from the Narnia books and the second one comes from the first Narnia movie; do you think you can spot them both? ;) Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this series in general and what your favorite parts were! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my series, and I hope to interact with you guys more in the future.
And yes, I did forget tags on some of the story posts; still getting used to that. XD
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Some pre-accident Steven Boxleitner headcanons because I have Thoughts about this man.
-Look I know we all as a fandom collectively like to portray Steven as a perfect cinnamon roll all the time because it makes it more tragic, and that is valid, but it is important to my mental health to believe that he and Wordgirl used to dunk on each other all the damn time. Usually in a more lighthearted tone than we see with Two Brains, but you cannot look at me and tell me they didn’t have a cool adult older sibling-gremlin younger sibling type dynamic. Roasting each other is just part of the deal, your honor.
-In that vein he would absolutely pretend not to know about memes and the Youth Culture just for the sake of making wg cringe. He is GRATUITOUSLY misusing the word “sussy” just to watch her die inside.
-Can cook really well but in a way that would make most professional chefs hate his guts immediately if they saw this man in the kitchen. He’s committing every food crime known to man. He is eyeballing his measurements and microwaving shit that nobody else dares to microwave, yet somehow it always turns out really well. You think a man who welds a grilled cheese together fears consequences for his culinary sins? Because the answer is no. He can and will use a laser to cook a steak and there is no stopping him.
-Plays video games but gets weirdly analytical and strategic about shit that does not need that level of thought. He is making spreadsheets in excel to find the most efficient farm setup in stardew valley and actively researching the best type combinations and stat setups in pokemon before he even picks his starter. Though despite whatever he chooses as the most optimal setup, he still ends up keeping a single ratatta he catches at the start of the game one his team because he can’t bring himself to abandon him in the box.
-pretends to know shit about sports if he has to talk to The Straights about things. Very good at bullshitting his way through a conversation but if he gets called out on it he will never recover.
-Ex theater kid. One of the first shows he did was, ironically, cats. He has done his best to keep any and all video evidence completely hidden because if wg ever found it he would never hear the end of it.
-Childrens show enthusiast that will absolutely go feral over dissecting the lore, worldbuilding and the character arcs in something that is probably ultimately not meant to be that deep. [looks directly at the camera like i’m on the office]
-Has a lot of irrational fears. Clowns, puppets, old dolls, animatronics, and for some reason horses. He simply Does Not Trust Them.
-Has a habit of playing horror games or going down creepy youtube video rabbit holes really late at night and then being unable to sleep due to the very obvious and foreseeable consequences of his own actions. This does not deter him from doing it again the next night.
-Gets crushes on the villains pretty easily and always feels a little bad about it because he’s supposed to be one of the good guys and thus should not be having fantasies about being wrapped up safe in the arms of the guys he’s supposed to be helping to stop.
-I’m not saying he would make fucked up weapons with the intent to use them or cause any serious damage, but he absolutely would make something capable of mass destruction just to see if he’s capable, test it once, and then immediately disassemble it and scrap the blueprints while spending the next week or two unsettled at the knowledge of how much havoc he could cause should he choose to, even if he knows he has no desire to hurt anyone.
-Always feels a little guilty that he’s never out in the field helping wg fight villains. He says it’s because he’s not sure if he’d be much good in a fight, and she assures him it’s fine, but he knows that’s not the real reason. He doesn’t fight because he knows he’d be a little too good at it and he doesn’t trust himself not to take it too far in the heat of the moment.
-Overall gets a lot of intrusive thoughts that he finds pretty upsetting. He’s had them for awhile so he’s pretty much learned to just ignore them, but sometimes something will pop into his head that freaks him out enough that he has to just. stop what he’s doing for a minute and just sort his brain out.
-Always worried that, despite all he does to help the side of good, deep down he’s secretly a bad person at his core and always will be. When he fused with Squeaky and started his first crime spree, he had a moment of sheer panic and grief, mourning what he believed was the death of the only part of him that could be categorized as a good person, dooming him to be only the rotten core that remains. Which is part of the reason he started leaning into the theatrics of being a villain once he got used to Squeaky’s presence, even though Steven is still the one with the dominant portion of control over their body. It’s not so much that Steven changed, but moreso that his perception of himself and how he has to act did. His original amicable and caring personality is still in there and still shines through on occasion, but he’s resigned himself to putting on a front of being antagonistic and selfish because that’s what Squeaky demands and the rest of the city expects of him.
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noxious-fennec · 1 year
PLEASEEEE tell me about the symbolism in your drawing Oh i am dying to know
HII why thank you for asking!! I'll try my best to answer concisely but Tl;dr I'm not normal about either cwilbur or flower symbolism :) it also must be noted that a lot of my decisions are entirely based on my personal cultural experience so I hope if anything you find it interesting.
For an overview, The peice is inspired by art nouveau, namely alphonse mucha and henri privat livemont, and is mostly based on this hamlet production poster by the former. The composition however is not based on said illustration, and is slightly inspired in part by stained glass and fences of the movement. The clothing cwilbur is wearing is from the edwardian period, if I've got my references correct it's earlier in the period, though not any year in particular. It differs drastically in the fact that the colors are very vibrant (I can't help putting cwil in shades of red, ho16 permanently changed my brain chemistry), and that the Cape part of the inverness cape is entirely too short. Otherwise I've attempted to keep the general silhouette accurate.
Now the plant symbolism:
First: Arabian jasmine (which fun fact are not actually the same as the 4 petal vine yasmine, has a different name, Full (فل), and they grow on shrubs) and the Damascus rose go together because of two reasons: 1) i didn't know other flowers to put there and 2) they're very closely tied in my brain. If you try to find their symbolism you'll find a lot of things about beauty and purity, as is common with any white flower or rose, but my reasoning differs. Without going into too much detail, I intended for them to symbolise community and belonging.
Daffodils (the ones depicted are the ones most common in my region, they may not resemble the expectations but they are indeed daffodils) mean death rebirth and hope, its a flower i generally associate with cwil. Same meaning goes for the white lilies. And poppies have a heavy association with war and generally symbolise remeberance and hope for peace, and thus, l'manberg association.
The next five are flowers that represnt certain characters strictly based on cwilbur's preception of them, but they can be applied to others as well, i just thought these were most important:
Freesia: especially when yellow, usually means thoughtfulness, trust and friendship. represents cranboo.
Orange/tiger lilly: pride, hatred, status, tenacity.  Cquackity
Lilly of the valley: cmon we all know this one, ctommy
Boat orchid: virtue and morality, a gesture of respect and friendship. Ctubbo
Gladiolus: diminutive of gladius(sword); strength of character, moral integrity and rememberance. ctechno
pomegranate tree and fruit: pomegranates have a very different connotation in Western media, from what I can glean, as opposed to what I'm used to them being perceived as (I won't derail this but I can elaborate if needed). In short, I've chosen to take advantage of this double meaning and so its here to represent life death and resurrection while the tree is for family and home.
On a side note, I was originally going to do night blooming jasmine (مسك الليل) but it wasn't working, the symbolism of it however still stand: its a flower many love and think smells amazing, but rarely do they actually want the burden of having it in their own yards because of how deathly strong it smells. I was intending on using it to symbolise the complicated nature of cwilbur's relationship with the important people in his life.
And finally, the olive tree: aside from its meanings of peace and friendship, olive trees also mean olive oil which is a product with many healing properties that is not too easy to make and requires a lot of work. i chose it to mean healing and the process thereof.
So yeah that's it, hope it's up to expectation and thanks for the interest means a lot to me <33
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