#my jobs keep me too busy and tired to look for work but they dont pay me enough to live. like at all. I'm in debt and i cant get out
girlhorse · 1 year
truly been at my limit for a long time now and i dont know what to do anymore
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chillllii · 5 months
i regret getting a cat in my current situation
#vent#she always gets inti things that she's not allowed near#she gets on top of my pc she gets in my desk and my desk is messy so shut knocks shut around and off#if anyine tells me to just clean my desk i hope you get shanked stfu#she somehow gets randoms pieces of shit around my room and i dont know it's there ubtil i step on it#and she can only be in my room too otherwise she's outside and that's an absolute not#so she has very little space and i try to keep it dark so i can sleep cause i sometimes go to bed in the morning#and she wants to look outside so she will scooch over my makeshift curtain of an old sweater and towel plus my box fan i i#keep up there and knock it off on top of me when i'm trying to sleep#i feel like a tired baby rn i just want to sleep i just want to fucking sleep. ut instead my cat keeps me awake#i should not have my cat but teats start flowing the moment i thi m about rehousing her#i love that stupid fucking cat#i hate my home i hate where i live#i hate my stupid adress i hate how my house is not a house it's not even a trailer#it's a repurposed shed that i share with my brother#and then in seperate buildings there's a bathroom/mudroom#in a different buildong but the same room there's a kitchen that's also a living room that's also my parents bedroom#i fucking hate living here i hate living here so much please someone adopt me and my cat or smth so i can be out#ignore that i'm well past adopting aye just get me out if here#o cant even work cause i cant drive ti a job cause i dont know how to drive and anyone who could help me learn is busy with smth else#so i get stuck here with having to learn it on my own but i cant ever process when i try to stufy it all just turns blurry and into nothing#and then i jever learn it#please help me please please help me please
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toastsnaffler · 6 months
my supervisor AND my manager both aren't in today so I'm just practicing shit... im boored
#ive done 2 rounds of free fatty acid titration + gonna do a round of dh spectophotometry this afternoon to mix it up...#i was meant to be working more on emc w my supervisor but cant do it without her here so. we wait#i mean its not that boring i like doing the actual work. but theres just so much waiting inbetween stages#and its not a long enough length of time to go do anything else so i just have to stand around and look busy..#yawwwn. wish i had more to do to distract me from thinking im fighting for my life defending the mental fort against le depression#tis the season innit. its weird bc on some levels im doing far better this year than i have the past few years like im managing it rly well#mainly through heavy control of how im allowing myself to talk + think abt things im trying to nip anything -ve in the bud#prevention is better than having to drag my limp cold body back out of that hole#but also at the same time. there are things im deeply dissatisfied with + cause me a lot of pain to think abt#which im having to shelve bc most of them are beyond my ability to solve. or just take time/alternative environments#and also bc ik that this time of year i dont have the mental tools or energy to dedicate towards solving anything complex#so im just. very detached from how i feel. locking that shit in the back of the freezer until spring. what can u do yknow#at least i have a job to keep me busy and make me too tired to think in the evenings. im surfing this shit fine for now#OKAY five more mins and i can take this stuff out of the incubator and go to lunch woohoo#this rambling is what HAPPENS when i dont have enough to do at work. smfh#.diaries
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
i neeeed soft!joey x reader sleeping with their head in the others lap. dont mind which way it is but still 🥹 too soft i cannot
okay so, i know that this request asks for me to write something new but, i've got things planned and i didnt want this to drown and disappear into my inbox to maybe be found months later, so, TO MEET YOUR NEEDS, here's an excerpt from all goes south that i wrote early feb 2023. hope it suffices!! Wordcount: 0.9K
Taken From: All Goes South
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excerpt taken from part four You thought everything was going to change when Joe texted you, “Are you busy tonight?” and you looked around your small, dingy flat before answering,
“Other than falling asleep to bad TV and sleeping off this splitting headache, not really”
You’d just finished doing dishes and were quite literally excited to lay down on your sofa and not move for the rest of the evening.
“Sounds lush, come do that here”
Joe hadn’t yet been over to your place, and you’d been weird about it that first night, so Joe had never asked to come over again. You were glad; your place was a filthy shoebox compared to Joe’s home. A real grimy one, all sorts of drab, with a messy flatmate, because who the fuck could afford their own flat in central London as an undergrad?
You sent Joe a pic from your position on the sofa, your legs spread out with your ankles crossed on the coffee table.
“Don’t wanna move”
“Text your address again?”
Joe made that sound all kinds of casual. You’d never texted Joe your address before, and him coming over to your place was definitely not what you had planned for.
You probably would’ve hoovered had you known earlier in the day.
Now? Not a chance.
Joe’d dropped you off after a photoshoot once, so he vaguely knew whereabouts your lived, but he’d never been over.
You knew you’d hate yourself for it later. Joe had no business being in your dirty little flat. But you didn’t reply with a joke, or a sly comment, or even something flirty. You just texted your address, because, actually, you really fucking wanted to snuggle up to Joe, even if that meant Joe was going to see your unhoovered flat, and maybe meet your flatmate.
When Joe entered, it was obvious to him why you needed a proper job. He didn’t comment, but you could see him look, which was fine - you’d looked around his place the first time you’d seen it too.
Different reasons, of course, but, whatever.
He joined you on the sofa, and tried to make polite conversation. Said he brought gin, because he knew it was your favourite, but you hardly reacted. You weren’t joking before when you said you had a headache. And so Joe dropped it. Just sat next to you and was happy he got to be close.
That was all he wanted anyway.
To be close.
It didn’t take long before you found yourself nodding off, head bobbing, jerking itself back up every time it fell forward. You were fighting off yawns and kept rubbing your face in a weak attempt to stay awake. It was hard work, and your headache started getting worse, but you had a guest over, and it was rude to just fall asleep next to them, so you fought against all instincts until you heard a soft chuckle from Joe.
“You’re allowed to sleep, you know? Come, lay down,”
And then he offered you his lap.
So much for taking things slow.
Sure, you weren’t about to deep throat him exactly, but that was some close penis-to-face interaction you were about to get involved in.
But you were so tired.
And you really liked Joe.
So you moved, and scooted, and your head found Joe’s lap. Four arms worked together to cover you with the throw blanket, and before you knew it, Joe’s hand was patting your hair, and then a kiss got pressed into it before he sat back up.
His hand remained, and fingers raked, brushed and softly played and all of it made you fully relax.
Turned you into putty.
Made you melt into Joe’s touch. 
Nothing was going to beat this. 
It only took you a few seconds to drift away. To float. To hover in flight, the wind keeping you stationary.
Somehow you felt yourself slipping away from Joe whilst simultaneously moving towards him more.
Joe made small comments about whatever you were watching, but his voice was a faraway, deep thing that melted over you a little.
You drifted and floated and hovered until you found yourself in this bubble where it was just warmth, comfortability and tingles from scalp scratches.
Your thoughts went fuzzy, and you didn’t think about how you always seemed to self-sabotage everything in your life. How you always pushed away whoever was trying to get close. In your bubble it was safe, and Joe was allowed inside, and nothing could hurt you in there, in Joe’s hands.
Teetering on the edge of falling asleep, of fully slipping under, Joe noticed your breathing had become steady and slow, so he pulled his hand away, afraid that his touch would wake you back up.
But the second his fingers stopped playing, you stirred, hummed, and then blindly reached behind your head to find his hand and placed it back. It made Joe’s chest swell. Made him think things, like he wanted this forever, like he wanted to kiss you silly. Wanted to cuddle you close until your individual smell became his and his became yours. Wanted to inhale you, fill his lungs up the to brim with you. 
Be close. 
Forever be close.
Joe was in trouble.
Trouble had found him in the form of a pretty girl and Joe was absolutely fucking gone for you.
You thought everything was going to change then, but it hadn’t. Not at all, actually.
read All Goes South here
(skipping the taglist on this one because posting this feels like cheating since it's not new writing)
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eddies-house · 1 year
Rockstar!Eddie x Reader Blurb
So this originated from this post by @uglypastels but I just wanted to start organizing my stuff because I'm def writing more and I need to have the lore and shit all in one place which is why I'm posting it here.
Basically, this is rockstar!eddie having this urgent need to spoil you, he tells you to quit your job because it's stressing you out so bad and he has the means to take care of you but you refuse. Lots of fluff, Eddie is a sweetie pie with a huge heart even after his band takes off
i can see like early on in the relationship you haven't moved in with him yet and still live in a little apartment in a shitty part of town and he swears you are the one like has never felt this way about anyone before but he really tries to refrain from suffocating you with his love because he doesn't wanna scare you away. As the relationship grows he hangs out at your apartment in the evenings when you come home from work exhausted and he just loves on you and gets you takeout cause you're so tired and life has just been stressing you out with all the bills and living paycheck to paycheck. He knows that struggle all too well from his upbringing and he can't stand seeing you suffer that way cause you're his baby and you deserve to be spoiled and treated like royalty.
You've been to his house before however you dont get to go over there a lot because of how much you're working but lets just say its fucking nice. It's not super big but its so homey and also screams eddie with the metal posters everywhere and guitars and such. He even has a little pool and a hot tub that you never get to enjoy with him because of how busy you are. He can't take it anymore, he feels like you're so beyond overworked and he will not have it.
One night you're laying in your bed with him complaining about work and all the bullshit thats been happening lately and hes just playing with your fingers, putting his rings on yours and then back on his, just back and forth fidgeting cause hes nervous to ask his question. As you're wrapping up a story from another shitty work situation you're like "that's so fucked up, right!? i've been keeping an eye out for a new job though so hopefully-" and he cuts you off cause no, you won't be getting a new job that will only stress you out, not if he can help it. "Move in with me." he says suddenly. You just turn to look at him like he's insane and before you can protest he's like "no, I'm serious. Move in with me. Let me take care of you, I can't watch you do this anymore." He's super sincere about it and his eyes are all big and pleading. You go on to tell him that you can't do that, you need to make it on your own and it lowkey turns into a fight. You're telling him that you're not going to rely on a man for your wellbeing and saying stuff like "do you think that lowly of me?!" and this is not how it was supposed to go, he just genuinely wants to see you happy and doing all the things you want to do that you never have time for because you're working.
He cups your cheeks in his hands and is like "baby, I think so highly of you, I just wanna give you the world. Please let me. Let me give you all the things I never imagined I'd ever be able to." You still get defensive about it cause he's not just asking you to move in, he's asking you to quit your job and basically run away from your current life which....that's not so bad cause your current life is shit but its also so scary because its the only normal you know so how could you just up and leave it?? You turn him down and let him know that you just can't and he respects your boundaries so after that he leaves it. He still hates how miserable you are but he still wants to be there for you as much as he can. It fucking sucks cause when your car starts acting up he just wants to take it in and get it fixed cause there would literally be no financial burden on him but for you, it would cost like months of rent. To work around it, he says he'll fix it cause he has so much experience with cars and even works on his own all the time. He has it towed to his house where he can use all his tools and stuff in his garage and while he could secretly just take it in somewhere to have it fixed, he doesn't want to upset you if you found out cause he knows you would try to pay him back and he knows you'd find a way to see how much it costs and it would just add to your stress. He doesn't mind doing it himself anyway, its therapeutic so he has it up and running again in a few days.
He loves that you're so independent but it doesn't change that he just wants to shower you with everything you could ever deserve. One day he waits for you at your apartment to come home from work, he has a key and everything and he's setting up a little after work dinner date, nothing too crazy but he brought over an expensive wine for you to try and he can't cook for shit but he's trying to learn so he makes spaghetti and meatballs for you. When you step in the door, he's all excited and running toward the door to greet you, the room actually smells really good and he even threw together some garlic bread and he's super proud of himself and he's excited to see your reaction. Only when he sees you, he stops dead in his tracks because there are tears and mascara streaming down your face and you have one of those frowns that you get when you're trying not to cry but the tears are stinging your eyes. He gathers that you cried all the way home and are trying to hold it together in front of him. He just rushes over and scoops you up to hold you on the couch in his lap and you can't contain the tears anymore, you just start sobbing into his chest while he rubs your back and soothes you. "I've got you, I'm right here." He doesn't even ask for an explanation, he's just there for you and he hopes that when you're ready, you'll tell him but if not, that's okay too.
You're still full on crying, snot and all when you pull back to tell him through a wobbling voice and sniffles "I-I can't do it anymore." And he has an idea of what you're referring to but he just nods with sympathy in his eyes. "Life sucks s-so bad. Don't wanna do it anymore." You would be hiccupping and getting yourself really worked up like almost not breathing. He would shush you gently and cradle your jaw in his hand, the tears slipping down into his hand and say "Baby, you need to breathe, okay? Gonna make yourself sick." and he would help you with little breathing exercises to kinda calm your nervous system. It would work a little but you're still super upset. He sparks an idea and if you yell at him again then so be it cause he just wants his baby to enjoy life and not come home crying more often than not. He would pull your head into his chest again and just whisper "Come live with me. Please. You can quit this job, find something new that you actually like." He tries to reason with you because he knows from last time that you would absolutely not just up and leave without any plans to help pay for things even though he won't allow it. "Eddie, I can't do that to you, I don't know how long it'll take me to find something decent." You would tell him sadly although its a much different reaction than last time because it sounds like you might be on board in some way if you could work things out how you needed. "Sweets, I can't watch you do this anymore. I'd much rather you quit and take some time to find something you actually love than stay here and be sad every day. Come stay with me, you don't even have to get rid of your apartment if you don't want to but just come stay with me and decompress. Let me spoil you a little bit while you figure it out. That's all I want." He sounds so genuine and is talking so softly its making you melt.
Eventually you work out a little deal where you'll stay at his house and search for work in the area. You use up the remaining money you have to keep paying rent on your apartment that you don't even use anymore. Secretly Eddie goes to the leasing office and pays off like a year's worth of rent and gives you your money back. "What this for?" you would ask as you looked at job listings while lounging around at his kitchen counter. He'd just shrug and kiss your cheek. "Don't worry about it." But you will most definitely worry about it. You get heated again and finally pull the information out of him and he admits that he got your money back and paid off a year for your apartment so you wouldn't have to give it up should you decide you don't want to stay with him permanently. It's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for you but you come at it raging because he shouldn't have to do this. You're trying to argue with him but he just grabs your hands calmly and is like "Listen. I had nothing growing up, I lived in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere." You're not really sure why he's going into this, you knew this from all the late night talks where you'd just lay in bed when neither of you could sleep. "I always had to decide if I wanted to eat or if I wanted to keep the lights on. And I'll be damned if I let you go through that or anything similar to that. I don't wanna spend my money on fancy designer shit or brand new cars. I want to spend it on you and making you comfortable and happy because now I can. I never thought I'd be able to do that for someone but I can now and you're my girl. Let me take care of you in the ways I never even dreamed I'd be able to take care of someone." You start crying again because what the fuck no one has ever been so sweet in your entire life and you're like what did I do to deserve this???
He's there wiping the tears away and nudging his nose against yours. You still don't want to give in but he's so damn sweet and he's being so vulnerable with you, this is something so personal to him. "I'm still getting a job and paying my half." You choke out. He just agrees because it'll make you happy but little do you know that whenever you give him any money he puts it aside in its own account for you. You end up working at a little flower shop and its beautiful, you get to be creative and you aren't stressed beyond your limits every single day. He visually sees that you're happier and you have this glow to you. One day you're both on his couch after he came home from a recording session and you worked late at the flower shop because you'd been working on some arrangements for a big event. You're both so tired and snuggly just watching some stupid movie while snacking. He's got you in between his legs and his thumb is stroking your hip, you both forget about the movie and just start talking about endless things. It comes up that you'd like to start your own little business some day, possibly your own flower shop that also sells cute little things from other small businesses (like soaps, art, etc.). Maybe even have a little coffee bar in it. He sees the way your eyes light up and he just smiles so softly down at you. He puts you both in a position where you're sitting criss cross in front of him and he's doing the same in front of you. "Let's do it then." he says like its the most obvious thing in the world. You scoff cause you don't have even a fraction of the money saved to start a business.
He pulls up a banking app on his phone and starts tapping his fingers away before setting the phone in your hands. You look at it all confused and he's just staring at you all dopey and cute but you have no idea why. He blurts out "It's yours. Every penny you've given me to cover bills. I put it away for you." You gasp when you realize how much money has built up in the account. You want to scream at him but you also know that he didn't do it against his will, he did it because he wanted to, he never does anything he doesn't want to. He's super stubborn even when it comes to his record label trying to tell him what to do. Again, the waterworks start and you collapse into him. He starts telling you "I know you don't like that I do things like this but you're my girl and I can't help it." He would press a kiss to the top of your head and you would pull back to look up at him and just grab him by his shirt so you could kiss him with so much emotion. That night you just make love to each other for hours, you can't keep your hands off each other. You don't know it but he's also planning on buying you a ring really soon and he's going to buy the one that he's seen you stare out when you've been out with him. It's a simple ring that's more dainty than anything and it doesn't even cost a lot, he just sees the way your eyes grow every time you pass that same shop and see it in the window and he knows that he's going to get it for you.
After that night you have less trouble letting him do things for you. Obviously you avoid it if you can but you don't scold him every time he slides his credit card over to pay for things or when you find out he's paid off a loan you had taken out a long time ago for that time you went to cosmetology school a few years ago that didn't end up working out. Suddenly the balance is zero and when you call to clear it up they tell you its been paid off. You make sure to give him the best head of his life but then also complain a little because you feel guilty that he took care of it. He shushes you by shoving his face in between your legs.
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aghoststorycomic · 3 months
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first, because of how flighty i've been with updates, i would like to encourage you to use an RSS feed reader and add the "a ghost story" RSS feed to it by clicking "find feeds in page" or "add new feed" and entering www.aghoststorycomic.com/. or dragging and dropping it if you use a different RSS feed reader. rss feeds are how the ancients used to navigate the web and through it they knew when things updated immediately. using an RSS feed has 2 major benefits: 1. you can get updates without having to use any social media or following my social media. 2. you can keep up with the comic when updates get sporadic without having to hopefully remember to check it some day in the future.
second, i do not like to advertise the patreon when i am behind on rewards and have been unable to deliver anything of interest beyond comic pages for a while, but consider throwing a buck a month at me to see pages a month early. that's something.
i realize that webcomics really need reliability to survive, so i'm genuinely so annoyed and so unhappy that i'm in this situation. i toughed it out as long as i could, but this final leg has been the fucking pits. it sucks. effexor is a notorious nightmare of an antidepressant to get off of and boy were they not kidding. i'm down to a quarter pill doses, but my body is rampaging because i'm not dosing it with the norepinephrine treat its become accustomed to. its never so much that i'm like, in acute physical or mental distress, its just bad enough that it makes working consistently hard. i had a buffer up until this last month when it was completely used up because i was too busy thinking about how bad my entire face hurt. or how my eyes felt like they were vibrating out of my skull.
i started effexor two years ago and was on a pretty high dose. i got the most bizarre and unpleasant side effects on this drug and the reason i didn't do anything about it was because the drug's primary effect was to instill me with a sense of overwhelming apathy. this is a great effect (intentional? i'm not sure) to have when the symptom you were trying to treat was "unbearable anxiety". not joking, it worked incredibly well for at least getting me mentally back to a baseline level of sane. after that, though, with nothing irrational to be apathetic about, my brain decided that household chores, basic hygiene, and my job were pointless and stupid or unpleasant. food tasted bad. not bland, bad. showers felt annoying instead of relaxing. i would look at the dishes piling up in the sink, the barest minimum i should be doing around the house on a daily basis to maintain a comfortable living space and would think "well that is just impossible".
but i was also putting up with a lot of stupid shit from my body. it made my right hand fingers and lower back feel distractingly stiff. my lip was split for a year straight and would re-open every time i opened my mouth. my nose and gums had open sores. i got a rash on my face that lead me down a rabbit hole for months trying to figure out if i do or don't have lupus (i dont)(neat). i would get insomnia so bad i would be up for 36 hours regularly, but i was too tired to get anything done. and with the withdrawals i would get all of those and as an added bonus i got to enjoy body aches that felt like bruises all over my body. they hurt so bad that laying on the couch was uncomfortable as a consequence of newton's third law. and i'd have weird meltdowns about the cats hating me (?). i am only boring you with all of this whining to try to explain the amount of distractions i was fending off while still trying to be a productive member of a household, experiencing common adulthood problems galore (basement....), and trying to create comics for you and for me. i am telling you this because it sucked, and sucks, so bad.
on top of everything else, the impact the effexor has had on my creativity has been eye-opening. i realized there was a correlation between my dosages increasing and my ability to draw nosediving. the "impossible" feeling of the dishes carried over to my comic work which got lazier and worse and i knew it and it was frustrating. there is a special kind of shame and guilt you develop when you charge someone for something you know is not your best work, just the best you could do in the moment. or when you are just sitting in front of your computer staring at it blankly and thinking about how much you'd like to draw if only it wasn't the hardest thing in the world. you feel like a lazy sack of shit, knowing that there is nothing physically preventing you from working. your brain simply cannot make
i started the weaning process in i think november so am pretty much on track for this to actually be over soon. there's light at the end of the tunnel. its happening. and there are bright moments in between doses where i can actually do things. like right now! i drew this very easily instead of being in hell for hours. but these precious moments are short lived until the withdrawal symptoms start up and i have to take another pill that nerfs me.
anyway APRIL 6th! dont forget me or ill cry.
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fetish4juggalos · 2 years
Gotham villains with their s/o
Breif introduction into other media I enjoy posting for other than horror I LOVE DC
I plan to make another villans post once I get further into the series maybe with jervis and Jeremiah and some updated headcannons for these 3 but for now enjoy some small gotham content
Sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in advance
Oswald Cobblepot
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He follows you around. Not in a creepy "you cant go anywhere" way but in a clingy wanting to be around you type of way
If the two of you are sitting on the couch and you just randomly get up to stretch or leave the room he'll have this look of utter confusion and quickly(as best cas he can)get up from where hes seated to catch up to you
Has victor check up on you while youre at home or walking around gotham to make sure you are safe. That includes to and from work
He is completely obsessed with the idea of you ONLY being his. The idea that you dated others or that you have exs irks something in him
If any of the patrons at the club hit on you or touch you in any way that he deems inappropriate he'll shut it down immediately. If hes too busy to deal with it on the spot he'll make sure victor does
He has some anger management issues so he often freaks out but if he sees that you're nervous or scared he'll break down into apology on the spot
Hes a sweetheart though and always trys to make you happy by giving you gifts and making sweet gestures as Apologies
Crys to you about his insecurities and how he believes he doesn't deserve you and how everyone thinks hes a pushover-
More into cuddles then anything but the idea you want to be sexually involved with him makes him a whole other type of happy
Loves kissing you in private since it feels more affectionate and passionate but isnt apposed to the idea of kissing you infront of everyone to prove a point
Victor Zsasz
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Hovers over you while youre minding your business. If youre cooking or cleaning he'll be behind you looking over your shoulder or seeing what your'e up to
Doesn't necessarily like your exs but as long as they dont come asking for you back or harassing you hes fine with the idea that you have dated other people even if it means he'll have to one up them in everything
Likes when you clean his wounds and bandage him. He has a crazy high pain tolerance but even if the wound is only like a 5/10 on the pain scale he'll play it up for sympathy points
Even if hes chill about you having dated other ppl in the past he'll go from 0 to 100 if he finds out an ex is still trying to contact you or show up at your apartment. You wont see _______ ever again
Refers to you as his spouse even if you aren't married. "My wife and I-", "Im going to go spend time with my husband", "me and my spouse-". He'll probably never stop but you never asked him to so its kinda became a pet name over time
Likes kissing whenever. He loves making out after work or hanging out with you on the couch and being affectionate but if you two are infront of the zsaszettes or in the club he loves kissing there too. Probably finds all kinds of ways to goof off at work with you
Has a pretty sick sense of humor so if hes done with a particularly gorey job he'll bring home a trophy to freak you out with. Maybe a eye or a hand assuming youre desensitized to that stuff since you are dating victor zsasz
He sleeps freakishly less then the average human probably bc of years of work and self discipline but if youre asleep when he gets home from work he'll slip into bed with you even if hes not tired
Hes just a bit creepy so I dont doubt he watches you sleep sometimes. Probably takes photos of you asleep to piss you off and to keep in his camera role. Then if you ask abt the pics he'll stand there like "😦" "how did those get there?"
Jerome Valeska
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Whenever jerome does something for you he always makes sure its extravagant. His gifts always tend to be big gestures and whether thats him killing a bunch of civilians and spelling your name with their bodies or some expensive thing he stole that he'd thought you'd like really depends on his mood
With all the crime and chaos hes committing he really doesn't have his own place so staying at yours a "seemingly innocent" civilian is the best bet. And boy does he love your place. He has only a handful of personal items he keeps there but when hes laying low and staying over multiple days at a time he is at his happiest
Yall cant really go on dates or in public outings since you not being publicly involved with him is kinda apart of his whole laying low idea and also bc of the whole wanted criminal thing so house dates are a go to
He enjoys spooning you and maybe its bc he didn't get alot of love as a child but its one of his favorite cuddling positions
Hes scary when hes upset but if he sees any body language or facial expressions that show that you are scared of him he'll be quick to remind you that he'd never hurt you unless you wanted him too
As far as exs go hes another one that doesn't like the idea that you were with anybody other then him. It pisses him off that he didn't find you before you had a chance to waste your time with other assholes. If an ex however came anywhere close to you he'd know before you did bc he would have already dealt with it.
All the pet names he has for you are normally complements along the lines or gorgeous, handsome, cutie, and whatever he can come up with to make you smile
He also takes pictures of you without your knowledge to add to his camera role or just to have laying around somewhere but if you find one of those pics around the house and ask where it came from he'll just smile and shrug
Dances with you whenever he finds the opportunity. He was in the circus so I dont doubt that he has some experience dancing or performing. He sometimes puts on a little show with you as if you were infront of an audience with his best preformers voice. Even if its just in the kitchen or in the living room its fun and he loves to see you laugh
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He too, is an evil spirit  PART 1
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Tome: Huh? Ekubo-chan, you’re the only one here?  -Narration- There’s an evil spirit living at my work place. Ekubo: Why are you here again? And dont call me Ekubo CHAN.  Didn’t we tell you to stop coming? 
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Ekubo: ennh...so tired -Narration- Well actually, he used to follow around one of the students at my school that was a grade below me.  Tome: Where’s reigen Ekubo: Errands. I’m keeping an eye on the office.  -Narration- Though I’ve never actually seen them (Ekubo and Mob) together.
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-Narration- He doesn’t have a body. The one he has now is borrowed. In his original form, he looks like a green balloon. One day he started coming in to the consultation office in this body. Now he does it every once in a while Tome: Ekubo chan, would you like some tea? Ekubo: Sure, I’ll take some. 
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Tome thinks: lukewarm (ie. The tea has gotten a bit cold) -Narration- A while ago, the office suddenly closed for a few days Ekubo: Lukewarm -Narration- After that was when it started (”It” being Ekubo coming in, in his body) I’ve asked my bossed about it. Tome: Why did you close the office with no warning? 
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-Narration- His reply was
Reigen: The truth is, I became an angel. You have to keep it a secret though. 
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-Narration- This guy never seems to have a straight answer. I dont know if it’s just too much trouble to explain, or if he doesnt want to talk about it.  Tome: Sure  Tome: What does he mean by angel? Ekubo: No shame at all huh!....
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-Narration- I remeber clearly the way that spirit looked then. He seemed to stare at my boss rather meaningfully. But I dont know if my boss noticed. He didnt say anything. 
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-Narration- So then, that’s when he started coming in, in the body of this unfamiliar man.  Ekubo walks in: What kind of crap business is this... Tome: YAKUZA!! Reigen: Yep! It’s the Yakuza alright!  Ekubo: What?! No!  It’s Ekubo sama. This is the first time you’ve seen me like this....
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Tome: Ekubo chan? Come to think of it, the red spots on your cheeks look familiar.  Ekubo: Well, that’s my trademark isnt it? Now stop staring.
Reigen: ...Okay but why did you come in with a body.... Ekubo: Well, I want some takoyaki too Reigen: Tch
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-Narration- I don’t quite understand how these two relate to each other . If I had to describe it, theyre like bastard friends that still for some reason trust one another. But that’s not quite it.... there’s something else....
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Reigen: Ah! Tome, you’re here again... Tome: Hello! Where were you? Reigen: I had some errands. Thanks for keeping an eye on the office Ekubo. 
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Reigen: Even though you just arrived, I’m sorry to say, but we’re about to close. Ekubo why dont you return your body? Tome: Eh? Ekubo: Alright Alright Tome: Well, alright, I have to bo back and pick up some stuff I forgot anyway.  Reigen: Stuff you forgot? You mean at the school? Tome: Yeah
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Reigen: Ekubo...why dont you go with her? Ekubo: WHAT?!
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Ekubo: Why should I? Reigen: It’s already dark, and there’s lots of unsavory looking people that hang out around the school Tome: I’ll be fine... Reigen: Sure sure
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Ekubo: No..she’s a highschool student. It’s not appropriate for her to be seen walking around with this older man. The police are going to have questions for sure. I’d get reported and..... Tome thinks: Wow he’s self-aware after all. Ekubo: Why dont you go yourself?  Reigen: Well....then, can you take care of closing the office for the day? Record all the jobs in the ledger, calculate the day’s earnings. Answer emails. Preparing for tomorrow’s appointments. Update the website homepage, sweep up, lock up and lights out.  Okay? Ekubo: ....................
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Ekubo: FINE I GET IT! Reigen: Sounds good, You can go straight back after.  Ekubo: I will Ekubo walking with Tome: THAT BASTARD Tome: ... I’m fine on my own  Ekubo: Idiot Tome: Well...why dont you go and return your body first....
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Ekubo: But it important that you dont look like you’re walking alone, isnt it?  As a spirit, I can only intervene AFTER something has happened. Even if someone tries something and never gets far, its still something (T/N: Im not sure if this is getting through, but he’s saying that suppose someone tries to assult her. He COULD protect her, but only after it’s happened. Where as just by being with her, he can act as a deterrant. )
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Ekubo: Let me put it a different way. No one is going to be trying anything with THIS guy around. (He means his body).  Tome thinks: This spirit.... why does he.... -Narration- This spirit and the boss.... what do they have over each other... that’s a mystery too. 
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He’s not an employee, because he’s not being paid. He’s goes to the office at the request of the kid he’s always following around, but he seems rather dedicated and invested in his right.
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He’s an evil spirit If he wanted to he could dispatch the boss without breaking a sweat. 
Because the boss, Reigen aratake is not a psychic. 
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Tome: By the way, how’s Mob’s entrance exams going? Ekubo: Ah.... He’s having a hard time. But Ritsu is helping out But, I think he’ll be okay. He works hard. 
-Narration- When the topic of conversation turns to my former underclassman (Mob) he doesnt feel like an evil spirit at all. He seems quite calm. I realized through this that his interactions with the boss is something different. 
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Classmate: Eh? Tome?  Tome: Oh? You’re just now headed home? Classmate: Yeah. Did you forget something? Tome: Yeah
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Classmate: And this man is..... Tome: Ah haha He’s from my part time job. He came with me because it’s unsafe to walk alone. So overprotective, am I right? Classmate to Ekubo: You’re a good guy.....sorry Ekubo: heh Tome: He’s got a scary looking face, but the red patches are his trademark. 
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Classmate: ....red patches on his face?  Where? 
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Classmate: Is everything okay? -Narration- He’s an evil spirit Tome: Um... ye...yeah...We’ll anyway, see you tomorrow. -Narration- I keep saying this over and over.  Tome to classmate: Bye! 
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-Narration- He’s a soul. Composed of nothing but energy. With no body. Existing outside of human constructs of morality.  Ekubo: Heh...you scared now?  I’m not going to eat you, you know.  Tome: Ekubo-chan
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Tome: The red patches on your face... No one else can see them?
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Tome: What.... Hey! Stop!
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Ekubo: I can choose who sees it. It’s because I’m an evil spirit. It’s a kind of favortism if you will Tome: favortism.... (T/N Im not sure what word to use for this, but something like Partiality or preferential treatment. He’s saying that letting other people see what he truly is, is a favor afforded to a some people he selects.)
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Tome: Youre pulling my leg right? Ekubo: Nah, you’re pretty badass. Tome: What?  Ekubo: That Hoshida guy, He’s got good taste. (Hoshida is the boy that was interested in Tome in the Reigen spinoff)
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Tome: You mean upperclassman Hoshida? Why? Ekubo: No reason.  Ekubo thinks: Isnt it obvious Ekubo: Terrible -Narration- He’s an evil spirit. The body he’s wearing now isnt his. 
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-Narration- Thinking about it, his voice, his physical sensations, the he who uses someone elses body to eat. Nothing is his, even something as simple as his own unique smell.  Or many he does and I just dont know. Maybe he does as a spirit and I’ve jsut never gotten close enough. I wonder what the otherworld (Spirit world) smells like.
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Tome: Thanks for coming with me to pick up my stuff Ekubo-chan. Ekubo: Heh Youre a student. How could you forget your homework? Tome: Hehe -They round the corner and there’s sounds of arguing- Tome: Huh? Ekubo: Huh? Voice: You made me feel so good after. Reigen: Well thats really.... Voice: I wanted to ask for your help again, and I never thought I’d run into you here. It’s too much of a coincidence. It must be....
See the rest of this story in Part 2
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megsforpresident · 2 years
Tom Holland - Dinner. (smut)
Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
A/N: wrote this a while ago, didn't think I would post it. not my best work but could be worse.
TW: 18+, p in v, foreplay, fingering, i dont know more tbh but this is supposed to be very vanilla.
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You worked at a small diner around London. It was a small job at night so you could pay for college and your apartment. It was a bit away from the city centre but you didn't mind. It helped you to clear your head from all the business from the big city. 
Usually you had the night shift, meaning you would start at 6pm and finish around 1am, because you stayed late to help the others clean everything, but today was a Friday, your classes finished at noon and your friend who worked there got sick and asked you to cover up for her. 
So today you were supposed to work from 1pm to 2am. It was tiring but you liked what you did and the people were always so nice to you. Most of them you already knew, they were usually there everyday. 
"More coffee Carl?" You asked one of your usual customers and he nodded. 
While you were making coffee, the door opened. Usually you would show people to their table and give them the menu but you were busy.
"I'll be right there." You said loudly, finishing the process of the coffee maker. You walked fast to the entrance of the dinner, cleaning your hands and going to the cashier, who was on his break, to get a couple of menus. "Hi, welcome to Luke's. Please follow me." You asked, going to a table. The young man with a hood sat at the table and you handed him a menu."I'm Y/n and I'm going to be your waitress tonight." 
You told the young man, and he looked at you for the first time. You recognised him immediately, either for him being Tom Holland, spider-man, or for him being Tom Holland, your first friend, your first crush and your first boyfriend. 
You and Tom hadn't seen each other for about 4 years. You spoke to each other a lot on the phone for the first year he was away but eventually you both stopped. College was keeping you really busy and he was doing so great with his career. 
He was living his dream and usually you kept track of his work feeling proud of him. When you were children, Tom decided he wanted to be an actor and you decided that you wanted to be a writer, a screenwriter and that's what you were majoring in, a English major with a specific focus for screenwriting. 
"Oh my God. Y/n!" Tom said excited, getting up hugging you. You obviously hugged him back, missing one of the most important people in your life. "I haven't seen you in years!" 
"I missed you Tom!" You said in his ear, breathing him in. 
"I missed you too." He said septing back to look at you. Before you could say anything else Carl called you. 
"I'll be right back. Choose what you want." You left Tom to see the menu and went to the coffee maker to serve Carl his coffee. 
"Who's the guy?" The man, in his 20-ish something asked as you took his coffee. 
"An old friend." You smiled. "Hey isn't Elijah coming tonight?" Elijah was Carl's old uncle, you loved the man, he was always so nice to you and their relationship made your night. 
"He didn't want to come tonight. I start to think you like him more than you like me." He joked, and you kissed his cheek passing by. 
"Don't think like that Carl!" You laughed back, moving to one of the tables, getting the dishes out and collecting the tips. 
"Hey Luke." you called your boss putting the dishes on the window. "Can I take that break now?" He nodded and you moved to Tom, sitting with him. You had a burger in hand, already knowing that would be Tom's order. 
"Hey how did you know?" He asked, smiling. 
"You haven't changed Holland." You smiled while taking one of his fries. "Anyway, what should we expect for the next avenger movie? Because I have an interesting theory." 
Tom laughed, not surprised that you had seen his movies. You ended up catching up a bit, before you had to go back. 
The diner started to get a bit busy and you had no hands to keep track of all the orders, so Luke had to leave the kitchen leaving Mark there alone for a bit. 
It was almost closing time and Tom was still there. 
"Go on y/n, you worked harder than we did today. Go home. Take the sad puppy with you." Luke said, pointing to Tom, who has a tired expression on his face. 
"No, I can stay and help." You offered, but Luke wasn't going to take no for an answer. He always thought you worked too hard. "Fine, fine. Thank you. I'll see you guys tomorrow." You kissed both on the cheek, in a friendly way and left to see Tom. "What are you still doing here Hollywood?" 
"Oh c'mon we still have a lot of catching up to do!" He said excitedly, getting up. "Let me walk you home." 
"Fine, let's go." You smiled and he walked you home. 
You did keep talking all the way to your apartment, and you invited Tom in. At the moment it was 3 in the morning and you were eating the rest of the Chinese you had ordered for lunch. 
In a moment, you were laughing and Tom just stayed looking at you. You had taken your hair out of it's braid and your make up was all over your face but, you smiling was the most beautiful thing he had seen. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked, putting the empty box on the coffee table and so did Tom. "Lad if I have something on my face you should've told me." You smiled nervously and Tom smiled a bit. 
He reached to your face, looking deep into your eyes and man did you want to kiss him. Your eyes fell from his to his lips and you reached your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him to you. 
Your lips moved in a perfect sink, like nothing had changed. You always loved Tom, even with the boyfriends you had after him, it was always him. And the same happened to Tom, he always loved you. 
It was quick until the innocent kiss turned into a hot make out session. You were on his lap, your skirt pulled up so his hands could run through your ass and thighs freely. You rocked your hips, by accident, when Tom squeezed one of your ass cheeks and he groaned into the kiss.
You kept the action going, feeling him harder and harder under you making you wetter and wetter. 
"If you don't stop that, I won't be able to stop." He said in your ear as a groan, as you kissed his neck. 
"I don't want you to stop Tom." You said in his, in the most innocent way, driving him crazy. 
He picked you up, making you scream a bit from surprise, taking you to your bedroom. He put you in bed carefully, getting on top of you after taking his shirt off. Then you saw that his muscles were very well defined and he looked so hot with his hair a bit messy, lips red from the kissing and the look of lust in his eyes. 
Tom kissed your neck, biting and sucking everywhere he wanted to, leaving his mark, slowly opening your uniform with the front zipper. You helped him take it off, leaving you only in your matching black lace underwear. 
He looked you up and down, feeling his cock harden against his jeans. His lips were quick to pass to your chest, taking the opportunity of you arching your back to take your bra off. All of his attention went to your nipples, making them hard, leaving his mark around them and you couldn't help but moan. 
Your moans were his favourite sound from now on, and there was no way he would get tired of hearing them. He moved again, kissing your stomach, making his way down. 
The anticipation was the worst, the teasing, and he was really trying to push you to the limit. You lift your hips and your legs to help him take the last piece of clothing in your body. 
Tom started to kiss your inner thighs, gently, in an intimate way, making you even more turned on. Eventually he reached your center, passing his tongue through the folds, smirking at how wet you were. 
He nibbled at your clit, making you moan as one of his long fingers pumped inside you. Your hands went to Tom's hair, pulling a bit, loving the feeling of him groaning against you. 
"Uhn… Tom… that feels so good." You said as a moan when he had 3 of his fingers inside of you. 
As soon as you started to move more, he pulled away from you, licking his fingers and you groaned from the lack of contact. 
"I'm not done with you yet baby." He said, eye to eyes with you, and you felt attracted to this 'bossy' side of him. 
You helped him undo his belt and pull his pants down, along with his boxers. He was way bigger than you had seen last time or had imagined the past few years, he laughed a bit at your reaction but quickly recovered when you closed your fist around his penis. 
Attaching your mouth to the tip, Tom groaned and you smiled to yourself. It wasn't long before you were gagging on him, feeling his cock ready to come, but he moved your head away, climbing on top of you again. 
"I want to cum inside you baby, not in that pretty mouth of yours."  He groaned in your ear, before you felt his tip at your entrance. He looked at you to be sure you wanted the same. 
"Please Tom, I can't take it anymore." You whined, feeling too turned on to be waiting, and he respected your request, getting all inside of you in one go. 
You moan feeling a bit of pain but the good kind of pain. Tom stayed still, waiting for you to let him move. You nod and he pulls his hips back, only leaving the head in you before slimming back in. 
Your room was filled with moans, groans and swears coming from the both of you. Tom was in and out, all the way in, all the way to the tip fast and rhythmic, making you feel like you were in heaven. 
"You want to cum baby?" He asked in your ear. "Cum for me, be a good girl will you?" you nodded immediately, and his hand attached to your clit making you moan loudly. 
You were over the edge, you could feel your walls clenching around him and he moaned loudly. One or two more trusts and you were cuming with a loud moan and pulling at Tom's back. He came inside of you while you were in your high, making it so much more intense. 
Tom pulled out, kissing you sweetly before picking you up again. He found the bathroom, sitting you on the counter and started a shower. 
He took care of you, washing every inch of your body, along with his before going to get you some clothes, a pair of your underwear and his t-shirt, as he appeared in jeans. 
"Tom.." You called as he was about to leave your room, thinking you were asleep. "Stay with me?" He could never say no to your puppy eyes. 
He took his jeans and shoes off, laying in bed next to you and your head found its way to his chest as you cuddled to him. You were fast asleep, feeling satisfied and safe, happy that Tom was here. 
"I love you y/n." Was the last thing you heard, with a kiss on the head before feeling Tom get into a comfortable position to sleep in. 
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transexualpirate · 30 days
serious post ew look away but i need to vent for a second
it's infuriating how fast i can go from feeling amazing to feeling like actual garbage. just this week i was happy that things are looking up for me and mulder and my little petsitting business was taking off and i was doing good at college only for things to go bad again because it always feels like im not allowed to enjoy feeling happy for too long
i know i sound super dramatic right now but i can't help it thats my natural reaction to things. im dramatic. its who i am.
my roommate is moving out possibly this week and im glad because we haven't been getting along well recently but also the bills are piling up and i was already on the edge of it as it was but i could still maintain things. but i just learned that my landlord wants to raise rent 10% unexpectedly and i know it isn't a lot and i can probably still pay it but it's still scary. it'll be my first time living 100% on my own and i have a cat to care for (thank goodness because if i had to live actually alone i dnt know what id do lol but with a cat relying on me i know im safe) and it's just. i dont know. it kind of feels like a lot. i dont know if im ready for this if ill do well if ill be okay and i hate that so much. everything is so expensive and im looking for a job but it's so so hard to find one i can do while still having time to spare for college and im scared that my grades will drop because this semester has been really hard and I'm really insecure about my own intellectual abilities. and keeping an entire apartment clean by myself. can i even do that. i struggle with keeping my room liveable sometimes what if i fuck up and the house gets super dirty and it's embarrassing and i can never bring anyone over in fear of them finding out what a fucking mess i am. not that my friends come over a lot obviously. i dont know if my friends like me very much. one of them drifted away from me after i fucked up twice once by sleeping with one of her friends and making things super awkward because he fell for me but i dont like him that way and twice because my roommate and i aren't that good right now and my roommate is also a close friend of hers. and i have other friends but i always feel like i cant keep long lasting meaningful friendships if we see each other often because i fucking suck. i think im just a little bit of a mess right now and it's. exhausting. im scared. im scared and money is running thin and i can always ask my parents for more but im scared of doing that too because my mom always makes it seem like i own her something when she gives me money. which i guess i do so it makes sense. but im tired of owning things to people and i was trying to go by without depending on her so much but i guess im not ready for that. im almost 19 and i feel 13 when things started crashing around me for the first time and it's a little more than a month to my birthday which is often a shit time because of bad things that happened there and i dont know dude i dont fucking know i think im just overwhelmed i wish i could go to therapy again but i don't have the money or the time really. at least i have mulder. ill always have my cat. i love him so much. at least i have him. i have to hope things will get better. i have to hope and work for things to get better and i know this because i worked before and it worked. but god im tired and i just wish i could go to sleep and not wake up to bad news for once. i wish i could go to sleep. fucking hell
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just-before-dawn · 1 year
just a lil small statement from me :)
i know that the zine and the people involved has caused uproar within the fandom. i wanted to ignore it as best as i could, but because of me wanting to live my life in peace (as i already have enough on my plate), some people call it me being naive and idiotic.
im going to say this again (as i have done so many times already but people keep needing to be reminded), my zine is on a neutral standpoint. if people think of it in a certain "discourse" position, then please change your thinking. im so tired of having to overexplain and defend the entire purpose of this zine constantly, again and again. some people still don't understand.
ive been involved with this fandom since december 2022 when i made my first post. i decided to make this zine because there was nothing else out there and i thought it would be fun. i have experience in outsourcing and finding manufacturers, i also know the process and the ins and outs of being in a zine. that's why i decided to make one for this fandom. dont let this zine be the ONLY zine in this fandom, i myself plan to make more after this one (coughcoughtuggoffeleeszinecough) and if someone else wants to start one, please do!
i truly love this goddamn musical about singing and dancing cats. this zine is for the purpose of celebrating this musical through art and writing. this musical has had a horrible reputation amongst society, why not turn that around?
in my own words and actions, i chose the people in this zine based off of what they have submitted in their applications, both moderators and contributors. i dont have time to do a deep dive internet check to see what problems a person has caused in a fandom. i work two jobs, im currently also packing 300 kickstarter orders, and im running this zine at the same time. i honestly do not have time to look into the drama that happened in this fandom unless if someone brings it up to me personally and they give me proof. i have explained myself time and time again that i do not absolutely give a single fuck about what side a person stands on. i do not care what a person enjoys or likes on the internet, i have my own business to attend to and other people have theirs.
if im so busy, why am i running this? because i want to and it gives me joy knowing that something great is coming into fruition!
please note that ive gotten anon hate from both a "proshipper" and an "anti", if that doesn't already explain the true neutrality of me and my zine, i dont know what does. im sorry that the results of who was picked and chosen for this zine gave out the supposed wrong reputation. im sorry that i didnt work hard enough to spend time (that i dont have) to do an fbi check on everyone to find out that they've done a certain action in this fandom. i cant make anyone happy with how this zine goes, i can only do so much. i had no idea that fandom discourse was going to be the main problem with running the zine. i thought it would be something bigger like finance. but this discourse does not define the zine.
im so tired of reading things said behind my back, assuming things about me, without actually confronting me about it. my dms are always open for anyone to talk to me about things. my asks are always open too.
the zine and myself have zero people blocked because i dont have time for that. guest contributors were chosen because multiple people requested them, moderators were chosen by me without any bias because i liked what i saw in their applications, contributors were chosen by all of us mods (there are FIVE of us, nothing more) as a collective group. my process with choosing was specifically on work, i dont choose people by bias. im not that kind of person. i also have already talked to my mods about interacting with the apparent discourse surrounding this zine. they will not interact with any posts outside of the people involved. any actions they have made already are not condoned by me and i couldnt say something about it earlier because i was at work.
so please, if a person has a problem with me and my zine, confront ME about. do not bother anyone else.
again, if my zine happened to make someone assume that its "proship" or "anti", then please think twice. this zine is a celebration of this musical and fan content. i dont fucking have a stance. stop assuming shit about me behind my back, im so tired of having to explain this to people. the people involved might and i have no clue because yet again, i dont do fucking deep dives on people unless if someone actually mentions and brings it up to me. but just because i choose to enjoy my time in a fandom without any drama doesnt make me naive and stupid.
it is a person's decision whether or not they want to support this zine. but please do not spread hate. tell me about it and i will take action. thank you.
again, my dms and asks are open. i have zero people blocked on here and the zine's acc. i cannot say the same for anyone else involved. the zine's acc on tumblr and insta are only run by me, nobody else.
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anantaru · 2 years
do you write everyday... i see you so many times in the tags and im genuinely impressed with how much writing you do 😭 if you can do you have any tips on how to be motivated to write ?
i don‘t actually! you see i‘m very busy during the day with my hobbies and friends etc. so the only time for me to properly write is at night! you could say i‘m a fast writer but that‘s also because the second i get an idea in my head (i‘m very creative during the night) i immediately write it and can‘t stop until it‘s finished. (I will sometimes write more fics during the night but it all depends on my motivation or on how tired i am!)
If you‘re asking me for tips i‘d say (under the cut):
number one: do not force yourself because it will always make you feel worse, i know that from myself like when i dont feel like writing i simply dont do it! just know even if you feel a bit motivated you do not have to write a whole fic, just brainstorm a few outlines and gradually write a fic. :)
number two: do not look at votes or compare yourself to others, i myself don‘t look at those things at all, meaning the reason i started this blog was because i was simply searching for a new creative outlet (and because heizou is so hot dude i had to write for him), idfc about any drama, any competitions or whatever is going on here.
But really quick: i‘m not saying that receiving likes/reblogs isn‘t nice, i‘m literally always getting so embarrassed and flustered whenever i see people like my writing or if they take their time to send me an ask like it just means so much to me i could honestly cry, and i couldn‘t be more thankful for that because that‘s also something what keeps me writing. - yet in the end: you should always write for yourself and never look at those things too much since in the end this is just tumblr, it‘s not reallife and that‘s good.
Last but not least: as long as you had a good time writing your piece of work, you did a great job! 💗
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ilsseongyi · 2 years
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hello everyone,,, here is my boy nam seongwon aka seongyi. he is a 27 year old nerd horror fanatic. i honestly dont know how serious i want this kid to be yet or maybe more comedic than serious even. but some mystery is on the way for him so we'll take it in stride. mmm idk how to properly tldr or introduce so check out his points down below! anddd i don't currently have any wanted connections or plots as of now that im writing this preparing for opening sooo drop a like if you're alright with a completely random starter or check out the prompts below !
“fun facts”
stays up late to listen to horror podcasts from around the world. also does late night lives in his room to talk about horror stories and conspiracies in the dark.
usually out of the house at very odd times of the night due to his bad sleeping habits. doesn't run by a particular timezone. so
perpetually tired™
kind of a nerd but like, not the fan type nerds, just really geeky
seems smart...
studied abroad after his freshman year in uni and graduated in the states. ( five years abroad )
went by alex in the states because no one could pronounce his name. aka one of his first friends said "you look like an alex." and his english name was born
wanted to live out the rest of his life in the states, but the job he wanted fell through and he had to return to korea.
arrived after his grandfather's funeral took place and his parents told him to start over by taking over his grandfather's old business — isang wonders
didn't love the idea of returning to ilsang because he's reminded of why he hated his birthname and all the memories of everyone thinking he was a girl before meeting him
lowkey triggered because no one knows he legally changed his name to seongwon years ago so everyone still calls him seongyi
likes gaming from time to time in between his breaks from horror research and whatnot
lives in yeonhwa-gil because he’s in his grandfather’s old home was there. absolutely hates it because it smells like fish like all the time and he also hates eating fish. 
a full grown ass man but can’t sell the house because his parents won’t allow him to. lol
dude is only put together when he wants too otherwise,, things are kind of a mess.
honestly a completely different person than when he was in america because lowkey depressed and not all that optimistic being in ilsang
“random starters”
these can all be adjusted and changed as we go! just ideas to get started! reply with the corresponding number if you’d like me to write a starter based off of one of the prompts below!
it’s 3 fucking am and you keep hearing something meowing in the street but it doesn’t sound like the cats you usually hear. you go to look to see if its an injured cat but you find this nutcase in nothing but a tshirt, shorts and sandals meowing to a dark corner. he tells you the electricity went out in his house and he didn’t want to be alone so he’s trying to find a cat to keep him company outside.
you run into seongyi and think he’s a foreigner because he’s speaking fluent english. commence being convinced he’s not a native until he steps in dogshit and starts swearing up a storm.
it’s getting late and the library is closing and they’re kicking you out. but you notice there’s some guy sitting in the corner that they haven’t mentioned and say you’re with him.... now you’ve both been kicked out and seongyi is kindaa annoyed bec he was like five books deep in research and the librarian yelled at him.
the elders of yeonhwa-gil have organized a neighborhood dinner and both you and seongyi were invited. surprise surprise, they only have fish. fish stew. grilled fish. steamed fish. pan-fried fish. just everything you could think of plus fish. seongyi sees you brought something that ISN’T fish and honestly, you’re his new best friend in that moment.
hi yeonhwa-gil neighbor. the plumbing and electricity both stopped working in my house and for some reason the electrician is not picking up his phone. can i use your bathroom. except i keep coming when it’s super late or super early until you get sick of me and tell me to go to just get a room at haedodi.
hey i know you, you’re the guy who makes video and streams online about horror and scary things right? you recognize seongyi from some of his videos maybe or clips of him that have gone around. he has verified social media after all. maybe you guys talk about things in ilsang.
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
A lil updates and thoughts going on rn! Mostly about art again :') putting it under read more tho bc it got away from me again all rambly lmao
Hooo wheee! Life has been a little busy huh. Finally going to work again even if it is pretty much part time, other hobbies im keeping up with, trying to keep up on life admin and its going almost well! Shame im realizing i havent worked on my drawings in well over a month now 😅
Part of me is slightly dreading going back to them rn bc ive spent hours and hours on them already and they still need many hours before i post them....
You know that one guy on like tiktok/youtube shorts whos a really friendly old artist with a hobbit hole studio and does like 1hr paintings that look incredible? Obviously i dont expect myself being rusty and also not with years and years of experience to do the same but wouldn't that be the dream? To be able to just create and be done and happy with it in just an hour or a few and move on. How sad it is how many things i have started and not finished, outting in hours and hours where it doesnt really make even a super significant difference.
Also its that dinluke positivity week thing (god i hope this doesnt show up in the tag lmao sorry) i was really hyped months ago thinking its great prompts and great time to partake in my favourite fandom especially before february 2023 inevitably changes the scene in some way! But all of a sudden mid november is here and thats kinda terrifying! I have no clear idea for any of them, nothing im like desperate to draw and my current drawing doesnt really fit them either. Im thinking maybe i should try like, giving myself idk 2 hrs max to just make something beginning to end and if i hate it its ok i dont have to post it. But maybe i will and it could be fun! Sure i am too tired to properly do anything but idk, even making one post could give me excitement and hype for things i used to enjoy and something that isnt just real life and like job related.
To be fair i could also go for the much more guaranteed dopamine boost and play a video game ive been thinking of playing again for months. Sure i dunno which to choose and im not like super inclined to anything even tho i would like to play multiple of them again, just playing alone is a little boring i guess.
The more i spend just overthinking the quicker my sunday will be over and ill have to do next week and god knows ill be busy!! I should try drawing bc its there floating in my mind and could be easier to slip in into the day routine to do a little here and there rather than like, playing skyrim for 30 mins loll. Or oblivion bc for some reason ive been missing it. Or battlefront, even tho that is really hard to play without really trying my hardest and getting readjusted to the pace of it
Alright ok im gonna set up my digital art stuff, im gonna challenge myself to sketch something on theme for all the prompts and see what ends up catching my attention. If i can do 1 or even a couple of them thatd be really really neat!
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spicypopcornfromhell · 5 months
Oh look a vent post
Tw for suicide, suicide attempts self harm abusive household, cynicism, depressive behaviour and more, dysphoria being the new addition.
If you press read more and i ruined your day its on you, you have been fucking warned
Ik i shouldn't but i have nowhere else to throw these thoughts and unfortunately ill put it here
Final fucking warning if you struggle with depression or anything above DONT FUCKING INTERACT WITH THIS.
Dont. Its for your own saftey
I dont know how much longer i can keep up the façade between the memes and the horny posts, the only thing that gives me any reason to live is a future i might never have. A future ruined by greedy old men in suits.
Im trans now but everytime i turn off my phone i see the same old cis dude with stubble bc shaving is getting tedious. I keep doing this why? Why do i do this ehy cant i just FEEL like a women i know im trans but everytime i look in a fucking mirror i feel shit. I sometimes wish the pills worked, i took too little.
Fucking im 18 and yet i get treated like a child in real life. The bad way aswell. Peaple irl tell me i talk too much and i should just shut up. Idk even know if im autistic "enough"to get treatment. Ik for a fact i have adhd but online tests are telling me fuckoll. Tho multiple peaple irl tell me im def adhd, i have so so so much symptoms of autism. I blend in with some autistic peaple but i feel fake. I dont feel like me anymore im just some fucked up husk smiling at peaple bc i cant fucking reveal to peaple how i feel irl. The internet is my safe blanket. No one knows me here. I can be WHAT i want to be but when i close this phone and I look in the mirror im just dude. Short hair testosterone chubby cant pick up shit. Im too fucked to be a women or a man. I can be neather. Mabye if i die i dont have to feel like anything but im too scared to try. Ive been trying to get better and im clean since the 18 of dec 2023. I hate myself. I wish i was some cis women instead. But life wants to watch me longingly stare at models online, wishing i could be them.
Having a cis person assume bc i talk to women i wanna fuxk her is so so fuxked up im so tired of it. Having a dad who loves me yet fucks me around emotionally tell me "I MUST HAVE KIDS" like i dont work with kids i just cant it pisses me off indont lilke kids.
5 fuxkinng weaks im botteling this up 5 fucking weaks i cant look in a mirror. Those nudes, were the closest i get to be a women, not even hrt is gonna save me at this point.
Rubbing salt into my scars and jerking off is the few hits of dopamine that still works. And some friends but noone irl reallly cares abt me, im the disposable vape in human form. One hit of dopamine and contentment is suddenly a joke. 6 peaple make the mistake of sticking with me. Alot of peaple online too. They and a few peaple are the only tether i have rn.
The housing markets gone to hell and i dont have MARKETABLE skills i can voice act sure but ai will fuck me over there. I can be annoying. Ads do my job better. I cannot draw art and i get like just above fail for everything. I cant do sports i cant motivate myself bc some teacher thinks traumatised children can learn, well fuck you mister S yelling at a kid who had writing issues isnt the way to teaxh i child. I fuxkign ger nauseous everytime i see complcated math equations. Its better now but like 7 years later. So any "self proclamed business" work wont save me
My current ccountry has a 55% unemployment rate and im going to a conservative town in canada. Tho i hope things are better there i so so hope mabye a new country might kinda help
Goinng back to my inescapable family problems im essentially the fucking mule. I poar drinks and i wash the dishes and most of the family's clothes. I bring the cigarettes and i (often) mow the lawn. I have to do the "manly" tasks bc wowie i have a dick and corse voice. I bairly get thanked aswell. Only thanks i got was being the emotional punching bag. Yk why else have a sun. Bc who else do you take the anger out on. Fucking get told i do good work the one day then i get belittled the next. The fuck am i supposed to feel anymore.
I want to relive a different childhood, i want to be a kid again, but with a fresh start. But i cant. God knows how i deel with all this. But i have friends that would be sad to see me go. But im a burden and a cancer and the only way to get rid of cancer is to cut it off tho i wont do that rn. I cant. I just cant. Want to but i cant.
Ill add latwr or nah idk. But i dont know
Sorry if you read this
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bubsub69 · 1 year
Entry 8
28/05/2023 15:49
I'm trying to move on from her but it's really hard, i messaged some people but even on the first one i was shaking over the send button, because i don't want to move on, i want to wait for her to reply, i want to be with her, no matter how hard she ghosts me, but yeah i still sent some messages, 3 from reddit and 2 on chaster, no replies yet but its not really looking great
its so frustrating to browse through chaster as well, i was looking for some locks with interactions and theres so many people there that are findoms, fucking hate that shit, just want to have an actual relationship not talking to someone that treats this as her job, but considering the ratio of sub guys and dom women its kind of inevitable, just browsing through personal subreddits that shit becomes so clear, a shit ton of M4F posts with no upvotes and the few F4M ones all have at least a couple of upvotes, which is also what made me really like her in the first place, she picked my shitty 6 line introduction over the 10 paragraph essays of the charming princes, maybe she liked how im a person of few words or just how even in introductory text im a shy mess, but i guess after meeting me she changed her mind..
Still waiting for her to start a conversation, literally anything even just a hi just showing that she cares about me but i guess thats asking too much, conversation hasnt progressed after she said she was moving and her twitter still doesnt have anything besides her first tweet so i cant stalk her from there either. I guess i just have to be patient and wait for one of the messages i sent yesterday to get a reply of something os just keep trying to find someone else, but im so tired of waiting, i keep telling myself to be patient but im sick of being patient, yesterday was the 1 month aniversary of talking with her and im still only have 1 video call with her and this marks one week of not talking to her at all, i dont even know how to start a conversation with her anymore, i cant ask her if she found a house it obviously doesnt take a fucking week even if she is squatting at an ex's house, and now that i think of it how does she have an ex in portugal, did she seriously already date and breakup with someone in her time in portugal? i guess she was here for a bit before she permanently moved here, i probably couldve asked her about that but asking that a week later is weird. back to the waiting and patience i guess, my favourite.
Since im in a this marks x mood this was also the biggest interval where i didnt write in here and i kinda know why. For some time i thought i got the sadness™ from post nut clarity but during chastity i constantly had the sadness™ and was fine for a bit after the cage broke and i gave up, (speaking off i tried glueing it but it broke again.. twice so rip to the ring i guess) but this i was busy with the security project and hanging out with people helped me to not be a sad fuck, i laughed and cracked some jokes, you know being a normal human being, but it just goes to show, its like all those greentexts say, having a girlfriend wont solve all your problems, and in my case its having friends but i guess im too much of a useless fuck to get those either unless its in a work context.
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