l-ii-zz · 13 days
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Heyyyy so.. I finally introduced her yaaay
This is Siu Mai, but you might know her by her alter ego, Nassandra. Leader of the “Universal Family”, a resistance group that have gained huge power over the years, becoming a real menace for the Irken Empire. As you can see, they have eradicated tons of irkens and they will try to do the same with the Tallest.
They might have good intentions but their actions are certainly questionable. They don’t seem so different to those they try to destroy, do they?
You might recognize the person on the left, and to the right we have Nana, a character that was given to me by @dertyclown and that I’ve decided to give her a role on this resistance group. Nana takes care of Nassandra’s child, Nor Mai (Nori for shorties). Maybe I’ll introduce them better for another time :)
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lilyoffandoms · 10 months
Blades Drabble - Tyril x Maiele, Mal x Daenarya
From the holiday prompt list (Namesake Day) for the March @choicesmonthlychallenge. Not really using the prompt but it gave me the idea.
Yeah, I know, March. I was gonna come back to this and flesh it out but ugh nope. If it hasn’t happened yet it’s not gonna happen. So I’m gonna post it anyway, probably cry about it, worry about having posted it, and then come back and delete it 😅
Warnings &A/N: No warnings but relies heavily on headcanons I have for Maiele and Tyril.
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She stood smiling before everyone assembled in the small chapel. She looked out on all their faces. Faces she loved.
Nia smiling brightly and bouncing Ihsan around on her hip. Tyril making the rounds and greeting each guest in turn. Imtura pulling a flask from her jacket and taking a swig before handing it to Maiele, who smirking at her as he happened to be passing by, paused to take a swig. Mal kneeling beside Makas and showing him how to twirl open a switchblade. Kade regaling her boys with wild stories that had them standing in surprisingly rapt attention. Nassandra stood with her grandfather off to the side of the room as the two watched those around them.
It was a strange thing being here for Dakarai’s adoption into House Starfury. She still wasn’t sure she understood it all. He was Tyril and Maiele’s child, that adoption had gone through a year ago and now he was being named heir to another house but would still live with his parents until he decided if he wanted to fully take on the role and responsibilities as Adrian’s heir.
She smiled again.
Elven customs were weird.
She giggled.
How many times had Maiele and her had that exact conversation?
He smile dropped a little.
She knew Maiele was worried about it. He had shared enough stories about the pressure Tyril had felt over it, that she too worried about Dakarai.
It wouldn’t be easy. He wasn’t an elf. It would be harder for him. As it was, she was sure some houses didn’t approve at all over Adrian’s choice.
But she smiled, a hopeful thing.
She knew Adrina. She knew Maiele. She knew Tyril. Dakarai would never face this alone if he chose this for himself when he was old enough. Hell, Mal and her would see to it that Dakarai was never alone in this.
That’s why they were here after all. To witness this moment and to support them all.
Adrina stepped up beside Daenarya and stood watching the whole scene beside her.
“Thank you both for being here today,” Adrina said as she looked from Daenarya to Mal. “It means so much to me. And I know it means the world to my brothers, though Tyril would never admit that to Mal,” she said through a giggle.
“Oh trust me, Mal knows. Maiele already told him. He’s going to be insufferable at the meal,” Daenarya grinned. “Perhaps they should not sit near each other.”
“Oh, but where is the entertainment in that?” Adrina smirked.
“Plus, it’s good for Tyril,” they said in unison followed by a peal of giggles.
“Do I dare ask what has you two in such a state?” Tyril asked as he approached the front with Dakarai.
“Probably wouldn’t be your best idea,” Daenarya winked.
Adrina and her grinning openly at Tyril’s sigh.
“Don’t worry, brother,” Adrina smiled sweetly as she placed a hand on his arm.
“With you? And with her around?” he began as Maiele slid up beside them all. “With him?” he pointed to Maiele. “It is impossible not to worry.”
“What did I do?” Maiele asked while trying to keep the grin from his face.
“What haven’t you done?” Tyril smiled.
“Ouch,” Maiele laughed.
“But fair,” Daenarya smirked.
“Et tu?” he mocked and stuck out his tongue at her.
“What, are you five?” Tyril asked.
Maiele stuck his tongue out at Tyril who simply grinned.
“Now I know where Ihsan gets it from,” Adrina laughed.
“So we getting this show on the road?” Mal interrupted as he stood beside Daenarya, a hand slipped around her waist.
“‘Bout time,” Imtura smiled. “I’m starving.”
“Me too,” Ishan said from his place in Nia’s arms.
“Then it seems to me we should proceed,” Adrina smiled and held her hands out for Dakarai. “Are you both sure about this?” she asked Tyril and Maiele from the hundredth time.
“If we were not sure, we would not be here,” Tyril said after looking at Maiele.
Adrina looked to Maiele who nodded, “We are sure and he can make the decision for himself when he is old enough. Isn’t that right, Dakarai?” Maiele turned to tickle his son’s side as he asked it.
“Yep,” the toddler said before laughing and squirming in Adrina’s arms.
“Thank you,” Adrina smiled and kissed Dakarai’s cheek.
“You two ready?” she ask as she turned to Mal and Daenarya.
“You know it,” Mal smirked.
“This is serious,” Tyril reminded him.
“It is?” Mal asked a smirk not so well hidden on his lips.
“It is,” Tyril said sternly.
“Yes, very serious,” Mal put on his best serious airs and stern face.
“Ha! You look just like him,” Maiele laughed.
“Don’t,” Tyril scolded.
“He does,” Adrina concurred.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Tyril sighed.
“I’ll keep him focused. Don’t worry,” Daenarya said and patted Tyril’s arm.
“Focused on what?” Tyril asked skeptically.
“On whom, is the better question,” Maiele chuckled.
“On the ceremony,” Tyril answered firmly.
“Don’t worry,” Daenarya smirked with a wink thrown at Tyril.
“I’ll be very focused,” Mal grinned as they ascended the dias.
Tyril made to follow but was caught by Maiele’s hand on his arm.
“They will behave,” he smiled.
“I suppose it’s all how you define behave,” Imtura chuckled.
“Not helpful,” Maiele laughed.
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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Lisander Fire-Bear
Though I mostly play him on Skyrim, I do have a sim version of Lysander, and I just want to speak a little about Lysander.
Lysander was the only son of the great Skylander Warlock (warmage) Bowen Firebear, and the Aswyn (high elf) healer, Nassandra Ashala. He was raised by his father in a middle of a battlefield, during the war between the Empire and the High Order. 
From an early age Bowen recognized Lysander had an insane amount of raw power, so much power, that it could damage and eat through Lysander’s body. Bowen believed Lysander held a ‘Valasy’s spirit within a mortal coil’, and that was why he was both as powerful and deadly to himself.
He decided, that once the war against the High Order ended, he would go to Skyland with Lysander so he could learn from the best mages in the continent to control and conduct his powers.
However, when his father was betrayed by the Empire, and sold to the High Order, to protect his son, Bowen, released all of Lysander’s powers, which killed the soldiers of the High Order who took then hostage, but also killed Bowen.
Being responsible for his father’s death, broke Lysander, so much so, he eventually fell victym to a trap of the God of Wisdom and Secrets, Aldia, whom, centuries before, Bowen had fooled and to whom his entire bloodline now owed an immense debt to. 
Seeing the power and potential of Lysander, Aldia kept Lysander Captive in his plain of the Abyss, and tortured Lysander with immense and unimaginable knowledge. But Aldia, in all his wisdom, was also vain, and accidently, left a piece of thought slip into Lysander, an obsession, he let it slip, that the Valasyr, the dragons, where beyond the gods themselves, as even Aswan and Arawn, Denwen and Dwen were the same. Dragons.
With this new knowledge, Lysander became obsessed with becoming a Valasyr, a dragon, and believed, he could find an answer in Skyland, for it was in Skyland, that the God King Liod’Rever, became a dragon himself. 
Lysander escapes and is rescued by the monk Ja’Vashani, and together the two travel to Skyland to find the College of World’s End and a way for Lysander to become a dragon and break free from Aldia’s control.
Despite wanting to keep Lysander as his champion, Aldia doesn’t believe Lysander can find the answer, and even if he does, Aldia will, nonetheless, get the knowledge he wants, so he wins either way.
In his quest, Lysander steps into a Civil War between the Empire and Skyland, the High Order’s Inquisition, the prophecized return of the God King Liod’Rever, and the reawakening of Denwen, the Devourer, the God of Dragons, lord of Chaos, as well as fight against Aldia’s continued attempts to recapture him, an assassin order decided on killing him and the reawakening of every god of Valanois and the Abyss ever.
Lysander will count with the help of Ja’Vashani, a martial arts master, and wildborn monk, Ralof, a Stormvein knight fighting for the freedom of Skyland, Kellen, a Dark-Elf Mage of Shadows, Yorodin, an assassin from the desert, Legate Nova, a dissident from the Emperial Legion, Lagerta Stormvein, the leader of the Stormvein Rebelion, Itir, a powerful warlock and dragon who was sealed under the Crown of the World and Lysander accidently freed, and Veevee, a thousand year old vampire girl looking for a cure, Maura, a hideous hag witch wanting to break free from a curse who, with the help of the god of debauchery, achieved to marry Lysander, and a small army of adopted kids.
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epictones · 5 years
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A doodle for a friend.
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inkedshepard · 5 years
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Ok, but she's beautiful and I love her OKAY?!?!?
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mira-mangu · 7 years
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OC-October day 4 interacting with someone else OC. OC of choice Nassandra from @bigolaf No matter what universe they’re from they’ll always find time to catch up. I’ve had migraine for two days. My art always comes out a bit wonky afterwards. Still trying to recuperate. Drawing arm is still shakey.
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OC Collab Commission
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art-of-jinxyzilla · 7 years
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whose a crappy camera phone pic? You are This is Nassandra, my lesbian liger
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storyofmychoices · 2 years
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[Mal Volari x Daenarya Masterlist] [Mal's Orphanage]
Pairing: Mal Volari x Daenarya (F!MC, human) ; Tyril x Maiele* Maiele belongs to @lilyoffandoms as do Tyril + Maiele's children Book: Blades of Light and Shadow (future) Word Count: ~1,300 Rating: General, fluff, some angst Prompt: @choicesficwriterscreations : Celebration
Synopsis: Daenarya has an unexpected realization while she, Mal, and the boys (Rayden + Lydo) are visiting Tyril and Maiele.
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Daenarya stormed into the room a full five strides ahead of him, not even bothering to greet Tyril, who welcomed them at the door. She plopped down beside Maile with a huff. Arms folded across her chest, her eyes red and puffy as she rested her head on her friend's shoulder.
Maile carefully closed the Elven text he had been reading. His gaze shifted toward Mal and Tyril, having now had time to catch up. "What did you do?"
Mal threw his hands up in the air. "Why do you assume it's me?"
"Perhaps because, it usually is your fault," Tyril quipped, his lips pressing into a smirk. "I'm honestly not sure how Daenarya has put up with you for this long."
"No one asked you, Elf Boy."
Maiele's brow rose challengingly at Mal as he wrapped Daenarya in a supportive embrace.
"I didn't do anything," complained the Rogue. He slumped into the armchair furthest from them, kicking his feet up onto the ornate wooden coffee table.
"Where do you think you are?" Tyril scoffed in disbelief. "Even our youngest is more civilized. Feet off the furniture."
Mal sighed in frustration but complied with the request. He had little energy left to fight. He raked his fingers through his already tousled hair. "I swear. I don't know what I did. Daenarya, please—"
If her looks could kill, Mal would have been a deadman.
"Have you tried apologizing?" Maiele suggested.
"For what?!" Mal grumbled. "One minute, we were laughing with the boys on the way here. The next, she was in tears and wouldn't talk to me."
"That doesn't sound like Daenarya," Tyril argued. "She's the reasonable one of the pair of you, which says a lot."
"Not lately."
"What's that supposed to me?" Daenarya broke her silence, her eyes glistening once more.
The hurried footsteps of children as the front door closed behind them pulled the attention of the adults, their argument ceasing.
Rayden ran forward, a bundle of flowers held haphazardly in his small hands. "To make you feel better, Mama."
"Oh, sweet boy—" She sniffled, the tears pooling in her eyes breaking at his gesture. She pulled her soon-to-be adopted son into her lap. "They're so beautiful. Thank you." She held him to her chest, pressing a kiss to his hair.
"You're squishing me," he giggled.
"My apologies," she smiled, loosening her grip before squeezing tightly again. Her heart felt lighter with each passing second. "I love them and you! Both of you." Her attention shifted to Lydo waiting nearby with Maiele and Tyril's three children.
"Nassandra helped me pick the right ones," Rayden continued, holding up the flowers to her face. "We picked the blue one because it reminded us of the trip we all took a couple of moons ago. Do you remember? There was that whole field of blue and purple flowers dancing in the breeze where we had our picnic."
"I remember," she nodded, her lips pulling up as her eyes creased in the corners, the memory of the trip drifting into focus. It had been a beautiful time, the nine of them laughing and playing, the pair of adults taking turns sneaking off savoring a few precious moments alone while the other pair entertained all five children. "We had fun, didn't we?"
Rayden nodded. "Everyone was really happy. I want you to be happy again."
Daenarya rested her head on his. "I know."
"Maybe we can go back there again? Right now?"
"Hmmm...That would be fun, wouldn't it? Maybe we should wait a little longer, though. We were just there a couple of weeks ago."
"Nuh-uh. It was two moons!"
"I don't think so. It couldn't possibly be that long ago."
"No, the boy is right," Tyril interrupted after some mental calculation. "That trip was 57 days ago, to be exact."
Her brow furrowed in consideration, the color draining from her face as an unexpected realization came into focus. Her attention shifted quickly to Maiele, "Watch them for me?"
"Of course. Everything okay?" He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as she passed Rayden off.
"Mal, I think we need to talk." She chewed her lip as she gestured for him to follow her outside.
"Look, Kit, I'm sorry. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry." He placed his hand on her shoulder, her back still toward him once they were outside.
She stood frozen, too afraid to share her realization.
He moved in front of her, his finger hooking beneath her chin, lifting her face to meet his. "Please talk to me."
"I think I'm pregnant."
"I thought I was just overwhelmed and stressed with the adoptions and taking in the new kids at the orphanage. I thought I was just tired and moody. I thought I had just snuck too many sweets with Rayden and Threep. I thought that trip was just the other day. If it really was two months ago—"
His jaw dropped. "We're having a baby?"
She squeezed her eyes closed and nodded. They had talked about kids, but then they started the orphanage and ended up with a houseful of children in need, two of whom they were adopting.
His lips captured hers fiercely without warning as he enveloped her in his arms. "We're having a baby," he breathed between flurried kisses.
"We're having a baby!" She repeated as they broke apart to catch their breath. She rested her forehead against his, tears streaming down her face. "What about the boys? What about the other children? What about—"
"Shhh—" He cradled her jaw, brushing the tears from her cheek. "We'll figure it out—together."
"I love you, Mal Volari."
"I love you, my beautiful, Daenarya." He kissed her again and again, smiling wider and wider each time. He lifted her into his arms, spinning her around as his excitement grew.
Daenarya screamed at the sudden movement, her joy replacing the sadness she had felt earlier.
The sound of her shriek brought the children running, followed closely by Maiele and Tyril.
"Are you okay?" Rayden ran toward her as Mal set Daenarya down. "You screamed. I was worried."
"I'm sorry for scaring you." She threaded her fingers through his hair. "I was happy, that's all."
He hugged her. "I'm glad the flowers worked."
"Me too."
"Can we go back to playing now?"
Daenarya brushed a kiss on his forehead. "Go ahead."
They watched as the children bounded off, certain to find an adventure of their own.
"Looks like you two made up!" Maiele smirked happily. "Do you two need a room while the kids are distracted for the moment?"
"I think we might be a little too late for that," she shrugged coyly, her hands drifting toward her stomach.
"Really?" Maiele's eyes widened at the news as he moved to her.
"Yeah." She nodded eagerly, unable to school her widening grin.
"Congratulations!" He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He kissed her cheek. "I'm so happy for you."
Mal cleared his throat, trying to push Maiele away from her.
The elf towered over him, giving little consideration to his attempt to separate them. Instead, he pulled Daenarya further away. "You've had your turn." His focus returned to her as he looped his arm with hers. "We should celebrate! Come on, I have just the thing."
Mal stood speechless as Maiele led Daenarya back inside, the two of them giggling gleefully as they discussed the news.
Tyril's firm hand clasped on his shoulder. "Congratulations. You and Daenarya will be wonderful parents. You will be an exceptional father."
His face softened at the genuine tone of the elf's words. "Do you mean that?"
"The reprobate thief I met in Port Parnassus those years ago? No." Tyril paused, his gaze washing over Mal in consideration. "The man that stands before me presently, however, undoubtedly, yes."
"Thank you," Mal choked out, at a loss for words once more.
"That is not to say the child will be civilized or dignified in any manner." His lip twitched up. "Come with me. I am certain we can find a bottle of fine wine worthy of the occasion that you have yet to relieve us of."
Mal smirked proudly, "I wouldn't count on it."
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A/N: Mal and Daenarya are both a little chaotic(affectionate) in their own ways. I feel like they talked about having kids, they want to have kids, they didn't take precautions against having kids, and yet, I imagine they would both be oblivious to her being pregnant at first. I imagine she's had signs and symptoms for a couple of weeks and they just made excuses because it never even occurred to them. lol Maybe they'll be more organized and responsible when the child is born?
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this! Tags in a reblog! Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed.
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mackroyce · 6 years
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Headed to see screening of "The Other Side" in Dothan at Troy University Dothan Campus with my Queen Mrs. Nassandra Corbitt. #madeinDothan #sharingiscaring www.cpeprojecta.com (at Troy University Dothan Campus College of Arts & Sciences)
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l-ii-zz · 10 months
oc voice claims? Hehehehe
I can share you the voice claims of the ocs of mine that you already know:
For ODI! Ben Norris, who does Rogier's voice in Elden Ring!
For LU! AURORA's sweet and angelical voice! (+ her accent is just.....HHHHNNGGG)
For URANIA! Pippa Bennet Warner, who does Malenia in Elden Ring!
For TIP! Olivia D'Abo! Who conveniently does Tak's voice too C:
For HAN! I love Charlotte's voice for her, by Jennifer Cody!
For MEG! Erica Schroeder, who voices Blaze in Sonic 06!
For DOE! Melina's soft and calmed voice!, from ER as well :3
For AMYGDALA!! Varre's voice fits him PERFECTLY and no one can tell me otherwise!!
I haven't introduced NASSANDRA yet, BUT, for her! Sofia Lamb's voice, from Bioshock 2!
The Little one is mute, so no voice claims for it! :')
Another Plus! I headcanon Tallest Miyuki with Florence's voice!!
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lilyoffandoms · 2 years
August: A Reunion Kiss (Tyril x Maiele & Family)
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Based on this art by the always lovely and wonderful Mich!! Thank you again for the lovely, gorgeous, beautiful art!
Warnings & A/N: No warnings I can think of. More on the kids’ names here if ya are interested.
For day 30 (Thief AU | Mojitos | “I knew you was a thief. But I loves me a thief.”) of the @choicesaugustchallenge. Not really a thief AU but Makas is most definitely learning too much from his Uncle Mal and has his heart set on stealing his sister’s journal.
[For my Year of Kisses Series for these two.]
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“He’s here! He’s here!” Ihsan yelled from the front window where he had taken up residence with his younger brother, Dakarai.
Maiele smiled as the two came running to find him when he didn’t immediately heed their calls.
“Ada here,” Dakarai beamed from his placed at Maiele’s leg.
Scooping him up into his arms, he walked toward their front door, calling back out over his shoulder as he did, “Nassandra. Makas.”
Nassandra put her book down quickly and all but skipped towards him before slowing to follow after them, pretending to be uninterested in the family reunion that was about to happen.
Maiele smirked and called out to their second oldest again, who was nowhere to be seen, before opening the door to greet Tyril, returning from a business trip, and quickly wrapped up by his family.
“We missed you,” Maiele grinned into a kiss to his cheek as the children hugged him tightly. Makas joining after a moment.
“Hi, Ada. Wanna see what I can do?” Ihsan grinned and began doing cartwheels across their front lawn.
“Very nice,” Tyril smiled. “How long has he been practicing that?” he ask Maiele quietly.
“Since you left,” Maiele chuckled.
“I’ll get your bags, Ada,” Nassandra said and grabbed his luggage.
“And where have you been up to, Makas?” Maiele asked the latecomer.
“Upstairs. Doing things,” he said and glanced around for Nassandra who was heading onto their porch and into the home.
“So definitely up to something,” Maiele laughed.
“I’ll tell you, but,” he leaned up and whispered to Maiele, “but Nassa can’t know.”
“And why is that?” Tyril asked.
“Were you trying to pick the lock on her desk drawer to find her diary again?” Maiele asked.
“Nooooo,” he answers guiltily and gave Tyril one more quick hug before bolting back into the house and up the stairs.
“You know he’s going back to trying before we stop him,” Tyril sighed.
“Good thing I had Nia enchant the lock for me,” Maiele smirked. “If he does manage to pick it, he will have a red face for the next 24 hours.”
“And Nia agreed to this?” Tyril smiled as he took Dakarai from Maiele’s arms and shifted him to the other arm so that he and Maiele could walk hand in hand back into the house.
“It was her idea,” Maiele laughed.
Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose
Tyril Tag: @voseho
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lucillaenchantress · 7 years
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I'm trying out a new art style thingy thing. Nassandra on top of one of the tallest spires on her mansion, excising in the dead of night.
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inkedshepard · 5 years
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When you and your girlfriend decide to create a distraction but that was not at all what you had in mind. And then you realise she’s a goddamn keeper.
These are such a pain to edit. But like this is the DLC we deserve.
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mira-mangu · 7 years
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Oc-October day 10 -coffee shop alternate universe. She already works in something like a coffee shop plus I drew her in a coffee shop with nassandra. So, a pizza joint waitress bunny girl instead!
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l-ii-zz · 2 years
Who is lar nassandra? 👀
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We're not ready for her to be revealed. But I think I gave a good clue so you can get an idea of who she is. "Lar" Hmmmmmmm.... 🤔🤔🤔���🤔
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