#nct love triangle
alreadyblondenow · 2 years
Who’s gonna drive you home? (Part 1.)
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Pairing: Racer Jaehyun x female reader x Racer Taeyong
Genre: Love triangle, racer au, fluff, smut, angst
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex which is not advisable in real life situation, mentions of alcohol, one night stand, cursing, mentions of being fuck buddies, kind of bathtub sex, kind of and almost kitchen sex, kind of illegal racing, betting. NOT PROOFREAD, SORRY.
NOTE: THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND A 100% MADE UP FROM MY MIND. Inspired by Jackson Wang’s ‘Who’s gonna drive you home’ song. Oh gosh i love that song :(( Part 1 is the chillest part of the story HAHAHA part 2 is crazy. Decided to put it in half because the story was so long. Pls enjoy, let me know what you feel through ask!
“You have to win today’s race dude, the car prize is absolutely gorgeous. Plus, we all can’t afford to loose any more money. The shop is—“
“On the line. I know. I heard Taeyong’s going to race tonight? How come I don’t see him around?” Jaehyun said while searching through the crowd. It was a normal race night where the crowd was wild, cars are all lined up looking pretty and such, they’re all just waiting for the number one contender. Lee Taeyong. The unbeatable racer, Jaehyun’s number one enemy in the streets.
“Alright people lets get down to business. Money and bets down!!!” Mark announced through his Megaphone excitedly.
“Taeyong hyung will be here in a minute” Mark continues and quickly glanced at Taeyong’s trailer.
“Five thousand cash and a date with Johnny’s girl” Jungwoo said which made everyone “oooh” in excitement, but Johnny is already furious about it.
“That’s not fair— dude, my girlfriend is not a prize” Johnny exclaimed, if Haechan wasn’t there to stop him, he will be punching Jungwoo this instance.
“Well Johnny hyung, rules are rules. We can only hope that Jungwoo looses— Jaehyun hyung?”
“Ten thousand cash and Taeyong’s car”
And the moment Jaehyun dropped those words, the area went quiet because what Jaehyun just said is a total shot to the moon. Impossible but everyone knew that Jaehyun is a good driver too, and if Taeyong looses his car his reputation as the greatest racer is on the line.
“Jeong Jaehyun, you know how to challenge me” Taeyong said out of nowhere, “Call. You want my car, I want your shop”
And in an instant, the tension became even more extreme for Jaehyun did not see this coming. He looked at his friends with worried eyes, seeing them shook their heads for neither one of them don’t want to loose the shop. But for Jaehyun, it’s all or nothing.
“Deal. Let’s race”
You on the other hand, is freezing at the back of Jisung’s car, waiting for the perfect timing to tell him to pull over.
“Aaah as expected, Taeyongie hyung is leading the race again” he said as cars passed by in front of you and Jisung now, seeing Taeyong’s car first.
“You never watch him race, how come?” The kid curiously asked you.
“I always wanted to watch him. But he kept our relationship secret, so I’m not allowed—“
“But you’re here tonight? Why?” He cut you off. What’s up with this kid you thought.
“And it’s my biggest mistake Ji, he broke up with me tonight because he told me—“ And in the middle of your sentence, it reminded you how Taeyong broke up with you earlier. Hot tears started falling uncontrollably, and you can feel your heart breaking into half… again.
Earlier that night
You were excited to surprise Taeyong tonight even though he told you don’t come to the race, but you haven’t seen him for days and you thought he was going to be happy and excited too once he sees you… but it turned out to be a disaster.
“You’re being childish, can’t you wait until tomorrow?” Taeyong asked in an angry tone.
“What is your problem—“ he’s never been like this.
“You. You are my problem. You have to leave” he was gently pushing you away, his arm is around your waist but still you don’t like what’s happening right now.
“Are you hiding something from me? Why do you keep me out from your world Tae? Were dating for months already. Do you have someone else? That’s why you don’t want me to go to your races?”
“Again. You’re being childish— I can’t deal with this tonight, the race is about to begin. Jisung will drive you home” he said with angry eyes, but before he leaves he tried to kiss you but you refused.
“I am here Tae. We have a problem to fix and your damn race is more important?” You scoffed, “maybe it’s better if we stopped this so I could never bother you again like this” you didn’t mean it, and for a second you really thought that he will stop you from breaking up.
But he didn’t.
“If that’s what you want. Do whatever you want. I honestly think that our relationship is already too much for me,”
And he left without saying another word. Just like that.
Present time
Jaehyun lost the race and at the same time he lost his shop and all his friends are mad at him for putting the shop on the line. He kept on thinking about his mistakes tonight while downing shots in front if him.
If only he was fast enough. Faster than Taeyong, he thought.
If only he could bet on something else other than his shop…. But he got nothing.
“Is this seat taken?” You disturbed him,
“N-no, I’m alone” Jaehyun said with surprise, stuttering because he was strucked by your beauty. The whole night that you were drinking beside him, he was secretly watching you with the thoughts of maybe driving you home because you seem so drunk already.
“If you got something to say, just say it” you said out of nowhere, it was obvious that he was watching you. And if you’re being honest it’s not a bad idea to start a conversation with someone so handsome… even after getting your heart broken tonight. What will Taeyong do? Surely talking to this handsome guy is not a crime.
But given that you’re both drunk and not to mention the sexual tension was quick to arise. Jaehyun leaned forward and drank your lost shot. “I think you should come with me, I’ll drive you home” he said with all the courage he has left.
He lost his friends, the race, and his shop. Of course he thinks he deserves a decent fuck tonight. That is… if you want it too, he thought to himself.
“How about you take me to your place?” You said, as if you were reading his mind.
Of course the two of you didn’t waste more time in that cheap bar, you and Jaehyun went to his place fucked the whole night until you say ‘stop’. He fucked you on the dining table, his bedroom floor, and of course his bed. He was good, big, gentle but can be rough if you ask him to. He was the perfect fuck you needed tonight.
“Fuck— please. I’m so weak” you pleaded as you feel your knees give up while he continues to fuck you from behind, your left hand was reaching behind to stop his lustful thrusts, but the man wrapped both his arms around your body and started touching your boobs… making you want more of it but you just can’t fucking handle it anymore.
“Give Taeyongie one last round” the man behind you whispers and started licking your neck and placed wet kisses afterwards.
Wait. Taeyong?
You looked behind you and saw Taeyong’s lustful eyes. Smiling weakly at you handsomely. It was one of those looks where you feel so loved and protected by this man. And it just makes you fall even harder for him. You shut your eyes gave in to his touch, letting him fuck you for another round. In fact, you were asking for more and moaning so beautifully to let him know that you love what we was doing to your body.
But by the time you opened your eyes, it was all just a dream. And then your broken heart greets you ‘good morning, you lost Taeyong last night’
“You’re awake” Jaehyun brought you to reality and reached for his thick blanket to cover you up. His beautiful face was the first thing you saw, realizing what you’ve done together last night but you didn’t have any regrets. So the good fuck from your dream was because of this man beside you.
A one night stand. That’s all.
After you cleaned yourself up and made yourself decent, you sat at the edge of his bed while he was looking so hot shirtless in bed. His face was lit up, pink and beautiful with those deep cute dinples. Beautiful and handsome at the same time. You couldn’t believe this man fucked you senseless last night.
“Please tell me you remember giving me your phone number last night” he started, teasing you in some way.
“Yeah I remember and that’s for emergency use only” you flirted back.
“I hope the man who left you regrets every second of it” Jaehyun said. You don’t remember telling him about that part but truth is Jaehyun dried your tears last night while you were sleeping.
Days after the breakup you haven’t heard anything from Taeyong. But little did you know, the man was having a hard time, now that you’re gone. If only he could tell you the real reason why he broke up with you… but he can’t.
“Jungwoo hyung was bold last night, asking a date with Johnny hyung’s girl” Mark informed Taeyong.
“Good thing I won then,” Taeyong said without emotions while continuing to repair the damages from the previous race. “That’s why I couldn’t risk the world knowing about me & y/n— she couldn’t understand that I’m protecting her from my enemies…”
“But hyung, you love her—“
“And I will regret for the rest of my life if something bad happens to her because of my doing. This is for the better”
“Anyway, about Jaehyun hyung’s shop… should we visit him now?” Mark changed the subject,
“I just broke up with Y/n, Mark. I can’t handle business yet. I’ll talk to him soon… also dont you think what I did was too much? His shop was all he has, I’ll make another deal and talk to him”
“G-got it… I’m sorry about Y/n, hyung”
And when Mark left Taeyong to be alone, your ex-boyfriend can’t focus with almost everything he tries to do because he misses you. On days like this, you’re usually with him, watching his fix his car while he tells you how he won last night. He misses your curiosity, the randomness of every question you ask him. In other words, this is him regretting that he broke up with you.
But hearing about Jungwoo and Johnny’s bet last night made him think that he did the right thing even though you’re both hurting.
While Jaehyun was cleaning his shop and preparing it to its new owner, he couldn’t let go of the stress and heartbreak that’s happening right now. It has been days since he lost from the race, but Taeyong haven’t contacted him yet. Nonetheless, he was still struggling to let go.
The shop gave him friends, which are all mad at him right now and he’s too ashamed to call them. This place was their safe space, an escape from reality. Not to mention, everyone in town loved this car shop and they had loyal customers.
“Hello? Anybody here?” you knock on the car shop’s locked door… but the sign says ‘open’. But just before you leave the place, someone from the inside opened the door which made you both froze.
“Uh— well… uhh… this is a surprise. Do you work here?” You asked Jaehyun. Honestly, you’re not sure if that’s his name.
“I sorta… ehem… own this car shop— what do you have here? Looks heavy—“ he then carried the box that you were carrying and invited you in. It was clear as the day, that the place was indeed closed and he was just too busy flipping the sign.
“The shop is closed because?” You started, and your question gave hurt Jaehyun.
“Lost a bet. Long story short— well, well, what do you have here? These car parts are expensive… these yours? You drive?”
“Ex’s. Long story short” Jaehyun nodded and immediately got the message. You were trying to forget your ex. Good for you, you thought.
“Well, if were being fair right now… these aren’t technically yours… so,” he teased you, just making you smile. “How about, I take you to dinner in exchange for these good car parts?”
You got to admit, the man is smooth. It wasn’t a bad idea after all. He was a good distraction. “Okay, tonight then? Where are you taking me?” You smiled and leaned forward. Oh you missed his smell.
“Somewhere breathtaking,” he smiled back and placed a kiss on your cheek. He shouldn’t have done that, but he can’t help it he thought.
The sudden sweetness made your heart flutter, you didn’t expect that he’s capable of being this sweet. “What a gentleman,” you giggled, “pick me up at 7?”
But Jaehyun arrived earlier than expected, he was that excited to see you. Maybe, this wasn’t out of desperation to forget his current situation and problems. Maybe, he really wanted this to work. And change his life.
Little did he know, you were actually trouble.
As you were looking through the window to see Jaehyun outside, you suddenly remembered how Taeyong took you out on your first date. Back then you didn’t know anything about his world, you just knew that Taeyong is so handsome and you scored a kind hearted man. That night, Taeyong brought you to a fancy restaurant and ate steak, drank expensive wine and had a great time in his bed until the sun comes out.
Now you’re just not sure anymore if going with Jaehyun is the right thing to do. It’s not right to see someone who’s nice like him, while you’re still hurting from your past. So tonight, you decided to be honest with Jaehyun. You will finally tell him about Taeyong, and that you are not emotionally ready for him. Yet.
“You race? Guess I was too drunk to realize that your car was fast, during our first night” you gave him a hug before you get in his car. You noticed how his car was like Taeyong’s. Shiny and expensive.
“I wasn’t driving fast that night. Figured I might startle you— do you know something about racing?”
First of all, you wanted to say that it will not bother you even if he goes fast because Taeyong always drives fast. Second, you didn’t really want to talk about Taeyong now, you’re saving it for later and admit that you know a few things about racing.
“I can drive, let’s just leave it to that,” you smiled and put your seatbelt on, “you can drive fast, I don’t mind” you added. He just smiled his usual handsome, dimpled smile. “So where’s this breathtaking place?”
“Oh you’ll see” he smiled again, and started driving. “I should drive safe. Especially that you’re with me. That will put me at ease”
The date went on beautifully. You learned a lot of things about Jaehyun, while he gets nothing from you. Yet. But Jaehyun wasn’t in a rush, he was simply happy and thankful that you’re okay with spending time with him. Yes, he may be handsome and all the girls wanted to date him, but he never really gave them attention. But you, you have his attention. And even though he was nervous and unprepared, he liked this feeling that you’re giving to him.
“Did you enjoyed the dinner?” Jaehyun asked, keeping his eyes on the road while peaking from time to time on your side, just so he could look at you more. “Sorry if you’re expecting something grand for tonight— it’s my first time taking someone out on a proper date—“
“Jaehyun, I have to be honest with you— I’m not yet ready for this, I literally got my heart broken the night we first met. And I’m secretly, still wishing that he will come back, that T—“
“Don’t do this tonight. I understand. I really do,” Jaehyun let out a heavy breath before stopping the car just so you two can talk better. “Just let me try, let things flow and if we don’t work out then at least I didn’t let the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met go without taking the chance”
And again, the sweet words got into you. “And besides, you need a distraction” he added and showed you a very handsome smile.
When you let Jaehyun enter your life, you didn’t expect great changes in your life. He was supposed to be a distraction from your heartbreak, a guy who’s willing to make you cum and warm your bed almost every night. But the more Jaehyun stay in your life…. The more you want him to stay for a little longer.
It started when mornings felt light because you knew he stayed and his face will be the first thing that you will see in the morning.
When his kisses felt different and you love receiving them especially when you haven’t seen him for hours or days, and you just miss him so much. He would kiss you in public, in front of the people he knew, wrap his arms around you and whisper, “You don’t know what you do to me when were apart” and spread kisses on your face.
The day you admitted to yourself that you love him, you knew that you’re with the right person. And that you’ve completely understood what love really means. Although Jaehyun never told you he loves you, but you can see it as clear as the day.
When he takes you out on a cheap date because he wanted to do something special for you.
When he goes an extra mile with making you home cooked meals.
When you just kiss lovingly before you two go to sleep.
Jaehyun knew he won already. And that his love is already accepted, he’s just waiting for you to tell him.
“I’m almost done, where are you?” Jaehyun spoke through the phone. He was still in the car shop, he works there now. He’s not the boss, but at least he can still be with the place. “I’ll be home soon, let’s have dinner together, I haven’t had lunch. Cook for me?”
“Mhmm. I’m already cooking right now, so you need to be home fast— you know you can move in with me, I’d love to share my place with you” you said which made Jaehyun giggle. You hate how he can’t take care of himself when you’re not around.
“We’ve talked about this,” he giggled again, “I’m saving up for our place. I don’t want to be a freeloader, and besides it’s good investment for our future” he teased you, you knew he was talking about marriage.
When Jaehyun was on his way home, he was so excited to see you that he was going too fast that other cars were pissed at him. And that gave him an idea. If he can go back to racing again, he can save up fast and he could ask you to marry him. Jaehyun smiled at that thought, but he immediately remembered that it’s a life he already left because, well, now that he has you… he has someone to lose now.
“Wow you’re dirty…” you greet him the moment he enters your place. His white shirt was full of grease, hands were dirty too, but he was still handsome as ever. “How many satisfied customers today?” You kissed him on the lips as part of your way of saying ‘welcome home, you can relax now’.
“A lot” he smiled back and pulled you closer. “How about we shower together?” He suggested with a smirk.
“How about I give you a bath and clean you up? And then we’ll have dinner. Thought you were hungry?” You tug his shirt and push him towards your bathroom and prepared a warm bath for him.
He was quiet while you were washing his hair, careful not to put shampoo in his eyes. His right arm is resting on the tub, while the other one is reaching for yours as if you’re going somewhere any minute. You wonder what’s on his mind.
Of course it was the racing. Jaehyun was thinking long and hard about it, over and over again. He never told you about the reason why he stopped from racing, he never told you the reason why he lost his shop. You just know that he is not in trouble, and that he’s genuine as he can be. And that’s one of the many reason why you love him.
“There all clean,” you sat beside the tub, playing with his clean fingers under the warm water. He was still quiet while his eyes were glued in the ceiling.
To catch his attention, your hand traveled through his hard rocked abs and touched it softly. No reaction.
You then reach for his hand, and licked his point finger and put it in your mouth that’s how you got his attention and went hard in an instant. With no other words, he attacked you with kisses and helped you remove your damped clothes. Joining Jaehyun in the tub and sitting on top of him. “What were you thinking?” You moaned out when you feel Jaehyun suck you boobs and knead them, pinching the other with his wet hand, making you real sensitive.
“You. Are you tired?” He asked, while putting shower gel on your body and applying it gently in your skin. Making it slippery for his liking, kneading your boobs, your ass cheeks and gently massaging your back.
“Do you want me to give you a massage tonight?” You asked, stroking his hard cock under the water while he was rinsing you with the shower head.
“I want to make love like crazy tonight” he said which made you both giggle.
You don’t know what’s up with Jaehyun tonight, but you can feel that he’s longing for you almost like he was saying through his kisses that he’s afraid of losing you. He was pulling you closer, whispering sweet things, and the things he want to do to you tonight…. Starting with flipping your body on the mattress, face flat on the clean and fluffy sheets but your ass is up in the air. You shivered when Jaehyun blew cold air on your wet slit. Running his fingers up and down until you’re wet and good before he licks you softly.
It’s his hand placed on your hip, soothing you whenever he feels like you’re giving up.
But he wanted more. And so he spreads you ass cheeks, licked your entrance oh so fucking slowly that your legs couldn’t take the tingling. Earned a light smack in the ass, before Jaehyun continues to lick you from behind. Enjoying how your ass would shake in front of his face. And the moment you came, Jaehyun was kissing your ass cheeks, teasing you further and making you giggle. He made his way beside you, checking if you’re still awake.
“Can you stop playing already?” You said with a small laugh. He rolled on top of you, spreading kisses on your face and neck while he made you swing your arms around him. Oh he loves being close to you like this.
You feel his hand sooth your left leg before he spreads it and line his cock. You moan at feeling of the tip of his cock teasing your wer entrance. “You know, I can cum with just gliding my cock on your slit” he said with a low voice but of course he will not be satisfied. He then slowly pushed in, watching every inch of his cock go inside you and watch you melt with his stroke. He did not move for a few minutes, kissing you one too many times and telling you how much you feel so good around him, even asking you if you’re okay. And when he finally pulled out, he sees his cock glisten with your pussy juices and was happy that he made you so wet.
Moving slowly with a slight force, your boobs were moving up and down and Jaehyun loves the sight of it. You reached for his hand and made him touch your boobs, but he decided to pinch your nipples instead and put it in his mouth. He was moaning so hard, moving his hips rhythm while you receive every ounce of pleasure and admiration. And whenever you peek at him, you see him looking straight into your eyes with all the love he has for you.
“I love you too,” you said moaning. He heard it well. He stopped for a second to let it sink in, reached for your hand and kissed it.
After your confession, his thrusts became sharper and made you weak in an instant. Gripping Jaehyun’s hands so hard as he fucks you, begging him, moaning his name, and making the night even memorable for the two of you when you reached for his face and before you came. You breathing so hard. So hard that you wanted to push him away, but you can’t be apart from him.
“Oh she’s sleepy, don’t you want to make the night longer?” Jaehyun said, teasing you while kissing your hands again. He was giggling when you fell asleep while still gripping his arm like you’re still telling him to stop. He was the one who put on clean clothes on you and made sure you’ll have a warm bed tonight. But even though he was the reason for your beautiful sleep, Taeyong is the one in your dreams and still make you tear up in your sleep.
Jaehyun hold on to you. Physically and figuratively. He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers together,letting you know that someone is waiting for you. And that he loves you, more than you can ever imagine.
“Good morning” you didn’t have second thoughts with waking him up with kisses. You missed him already and you can’t get enough of him.
“Aren’t you tired?” He smiles and pull you close. Oh he’s so cute.
“I am but I really want to start our day already,” you poked his dimples m. “It’s our first day, officially”
Jaehyun’s eyes went big immediately and smiled sweetly. He rolled on top of you and showered you with kisses, making you feel so loved this morning. So this is love you thought.
The day went on slow. You’ve never flirted like this before and if you’re both being honest, it fees like you haven’t been seeing each other for months already. Everyday together is a new feeling, like a new gift you’re excited to open. That’s how excited you are with your commitment with Jaehyun.
And to think that, you’re the one who pushed him so many times because you weren’t sure with your feelings and you still love Taeyong… you just hate yourself with the thought of hurting him that way.
“You made me skip work, but you’re the one who’s not here with me” he giggles and nuzzles his nose on your nape which tickled you and brought you back to reality. “What are you thinking?” He smiled, curious while leaning towards you by the kitchen table.
“Hmm. Nothing. I just remembered how I used to push you away and look at us now” you said, racking his soft hair and pulling him closer in between you bare legs.
“Told you. I’ll keep coming back,” he smiled back put his hand on your waist and started kissing your neck with want. As if his kisses were telling you that he’s not going anywhere. Soon his hands traveled under your borrowed shirt and feel his cold hands on your skin.
“We haven’t had breakfast” you whispered near his ear.
“You’re my breakfast,” he smirked and put his hand inside your panties, not wasting anymore time and started making you wet with his fingers. Slowly gliding it up and down, not rushing and rather taking his time with torturing you. This time, his kisses were slow but hungrier, his tongue made you weak and made you want for more. You can’t stay still because the pleasure was building up and it’s building up fast. “Spread your legs” you asked nicely with a sexy tone, you wanted to melt right then and there but you can only follow what he says. “How do you like my fingers?” He asked once again while you’re getting comfortable on the kitchen table with your legs wide open and Jaehyun in between them. “Slowly like this?” He ran his middle finger on your wet slit oh so slowly which made you weak and moan his name. It was a slow, feather like touch from him. No sign of pressure from his fingers, just pure teasing and pleasure.
Jaehyun saw the effect from he did, he smiled and went back to kissing you with want as he continues what he was doing down there. And when he felt your legs closing, and everything was already too much for you, he focused on your clit and made you cum from teasing it. You were so frustrated and wanted something other than teasing, but your boyfriend was enjoying. You can only roll your eyes at him but still give him the kisses he asks for. “We have all day. I’ll make it up to you” he giggled and you two continued kissing each other while talking, having a sweet time together.
Until Jaehyun’s phone kept on ringing. Which he continues to ignore because it was an unknown number. After a few missed calls, it stopped ringing.
Then your doorbell rang. By this time you hate how the world continues to ruin your quality time together. “Ugh. I’m not expecting anyone today—“
“It’s okay, I’ll go check on it. You can go fix yourself first” he kissed you and helped you down. Jaehyun then grabbed his shirt from the couch before opening the door, and there Taeyong was standing.
Taeyong was surprised but he didn’t show it. He saw Jaehyun wearing his shirt as he opens the door.
Then you arrived to the scene shortly, wearing a man’s shirt and short shorts.
It wasn’t hard to solve Taeyong thought. You two completely slept together… and now he’s boiling with anger. But of course he’s not showing it.
“Tae… what are you doing here,” Your heart was breaking again as you said his name. He changed so much. He got thinner, the sparkle in his eyes were gone and you almost didn’t recognized him.
“Came to talk to you,” Taeyong answered coldly, “but I see that you have company already,”
It’s been months since the breakup and you didn’t thought that he wanted to fix what you had together. You wanted so bad to hear what he has to say, and truth be told you wanted to talk to— but suddenly, Jaehyun interfered.
“She doesn’t want to talk to you” Jaehyun said with pride.
Taeyong gets what he wants. Always. But this time Jaehyun is the one leading in this race, and he will not let Taeyong win.
“And who are you to speak for her, Jaehyun?” Taeyong replied and by this time you were shocked to the core that they knew each other.
“Jae, you know him?”
“I’ll explain everything later,” Jaehyun said to you.
And while Taeyong was watching you two talk, it was clear to him that he lost you already today. And so with a heavy heart and no goodbyes or whatsoever, he walked away from the two of you. But you were quick to follow him. And as you chase Taeyong, Jaehyun on the other hand hot hurt with your actions. He didn’t stopped you anymore and let you follow Taeyong. Clearly you wanted to talk to him too, Jaehyun can only hope that you wont forget that he exists.
“Tae— how are you?” You stopped Taeyong from getting in his car. He turned and faced you, sadness in his eyes were visible.
“Do you love him?” Taeyong asked with a firm tone. Almost mad but this time he didn’t want his anger to ruin what he can still fix . “Do you love him?” He then once again asked with a softer tone.
“Because I’m here to bring you back Y/n,”
You stand in front of Taeyong in shock. Confused to what is happening right now, but most importantly… why can’t you answer his question when you just said to Jaehyun that you love him. Last night while you two were making love.
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multyeverything · 1 month
Roomates are not boyfriend material .2
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Autor: multyeverything
TW: Uso de insultos, insinuaciones a la violencia.
Rating: 16+
Sinopsis: La ira es uno de los sentimientos que los hombres no pueden controlar. Así como el amor cuando verdaderamente lo sientes. De esa manera estarán dispuestos a hacer lo que sea que tengan que hacer para recuperar a quien más aman. Así sea perder la dignidad o amigos en el camino.
AU: Romance / Roomates / Universidad
Emparejando: Lee Jeno X TN
Conteo: 3k palabras
Parte 1
El golpeteo incesante en la puerta principal sobresale de entre el silencio previo. Un ritmo en aumento de fuerza hace que corra a abrir. Pienso que probablemente Linda esta afuera con las bolsas pesadas de compras o su material de arquitectura que carga día a día; con esta lluvia debe estarse empapando ahí fuera. Deshago los pestillos de seguridad y abro a toda amplitud.
- ¿Por qué tengo que pagar yo por la mierda de Jaehyun? -
Fue lo primero que dijo apenas y abrí la puerta. Delante se encontraba un muy afectado Jeno; ojos rojos e hinchados, pelo negro completamente enmarañado, nariz herida de tanto limpiarla, y sus labios con marcas de haber sido mordidos con fuerza.
No hace nada, solo solloza. Sus lágrimas se confunden con los chorros de lluvia que caen en su cabeza.
- Fui bueno, he sido el mejor de los chicos. Pensé en ti y lo que habrías querido aunque no me lo pidieras, no toqué un solo pelo de su cabeza. Te dejé ir y no te molesté porque dijiste que estaríamos bien. Pero tú... tú rompiste tu promesa TN. Han pasado semanas desde tu último mensaje. Prometiste que seríamos tu y yo un equipo, como siempre. Pero me viste la cara de tonto.-
Busco entre mil excusas que puedo decirle. Pero nada sale de mi. No hay nada en el repertorio que pueda justificar el incumplimiento de mi promesa a mi mejor amigo. Y la profundidad de su mirada no me permite pensar más allá de mis pies; tantas emociones son expresadas que abruman con cada segundo que corre el reloj.
- ¿Estás enojado? - cavo un poco más profundo mi propia tumba.
- ¿Qué? ¿Aparezco así de la nada con esta pinta y todavía lo preguntas? - sorbe su nariz por el resfriado que está cogiendo- Pues si, estoy furioso. Me hierve la sangre tan solo compartir espacio con Jaehyun. Ver su estúpida cara o como quiere pretender que nada pasa entre el y yo. Las invitaciones a salir o que vaya sin avisar a los entrenamientos. Como si fuésemos los de antes. He estado a nada de abalanzarme a él y golpearlo solo porque me sirve mi plato de comida. - miles de facciones moldean su rostro para denotar lo iracundo que esta. -Pero estoy aún más decepcionado... herido. -
Entonces no han charlado al respecto... Ni han solucionado nada al parecer...
Una decepción que no debería sentir a estas alturas me inunda. Inhabilita cualquier otro pensamiento que pudiera tener. Tras algunas semanas de contacto cero y mucha introspección, creí que cuando alguien lo mencionara o eventualmente lo viera en la universidad, sería más fácil lidiar con ello. Con suerte lo odiaría y sentiría nada más que repugnancia. Pero no, apenas y menciona su nombre me derrumbo mentalmente. Aún más sabiendo que intenta seguir con su rutina tal como si nada.
Efectivamente, tampoco supe nada de él o recibí un texto/llamada. No había profundizado el motivo del porqué. Di por sentado que había comprendido el mensaje cuando hubo la confrontación. Pero con lo que acabo de escuchar, pareciera que ni siquiera le tomó importancia. O no la que yo habría deseado.
- Sé que yo te hice lo mismo alguna vez. Y tal vez me merezca esto por mandar nuestra amistad al olvido por un tiempo. Pero... - empieza a llorar con mayor intensidad. Sin pensármelo dos veces, lo tomo de la mano y meto a la casa. Con evidente confusión, Jeno lo toma como una invitación a un abrazo. Por lo que se abalanza a mi mucho menor figura a estrujarme. - Pero yo te amo TN, te lo dije en serio. No puedo vivir una vida sin tu presencia... sin tu risa, tu olor, tus ojos, tu sonrisa, todo de ti. Es un maldito infierno no poder buscarte y aun más ni verte. No creas que no me he dado cuenta que no has ido a clases tampoco. Parece que huyes de mi por igual, ¿Qué he hecho? Te rogué que te quedaras conmigo. -
- No has hecho nada malo. No te confundas, es que ha sido un periodo de cambio para mi, cariño. - reacciona como si de un shock de electricidad se tratara, intenso y sin espera. Las ventanas de su alma, sus ojos, se iluminan en añoranza. Añoranza a la costumbre de nunca llamarlo por su nombre sino por apodos tiernos.
- Soy demasiado egoísta TN. Demasiado para dejarte ir y sanar. Porque temo que puedas enterrarme a mi junto a su recuerdo. Que para dejarlo atrás, tengas que dejarme a mi y nuestra historia. No tolero más. Te necesito, soy un dependiente de ti. Soy egoísta porque no quiero que hagas tu vida sin mi, así como yo no puedo hacerla sin ti. Quiero que me necesites tanto como yo a todo tu ser. -
- No digas eso, jamás te dejaría atrás... -
- ¡Pero es que lo estabas haciendo! - responde en un rugido
Por fin que ha soltado su agarre despiadado, logro separarnos. Tomo de sus manos para que no sienta la severidad de mi alejamiento.
- Perdóname. De corazón. Efectivamente no cumplí a mi promesa. Independiente a que te hayas alejado cuando estabas en tu relación, eso es punto y aparte. No pienses que es algún tipo de retribución. Tu no eras ni eres culpable de nada relacionado con Jaehyun, y por eso quiero disculparme por desquitarme de alguna forma contigo. No es excusa, pero necesitaba llevarlo sola. Tu revelación fue una sorpresa para mí, y estaba abrumada. Lo sigo un poco pero también te he extrañado como loca. -
Y cada palabra que salía de mi boca era verdad. En las noches de insomnio y sobrepensar, no podía evitar recordar los días que vivimos juntos. Los pequeños detalles que tomas por cotidianos pero demuestran cariño. Tener la opción de compañía siempre. Poder tocar su puerta en total confianza cuando sintiera soledad o aburrimiento. Tener un plan fijo entre semana o un amigo que finja ser cliente en el trabajo para no pasarme sola los turnos.
'Buenos días, preparé el desayuno pero no calculé las cantidades correctas, ¿Quieres un poco?'
Era una mentira, conocía la receta de huevos y papas a la perfección, desde que era un pequeño tenía que valerse por si mismo si quería comer. Ambos sabíamos que ha hecho la cantidad ideal para los dos, incluso un poquito extra si quedaba un hueco en el estómago.
'Buenos días, con mucho gusto NoNo, dame cinco minutos para salir de la cama'
'¿Te desperté?'
'Algo así, te veo fuera'
Tendría ese tipo de detalles todo el tiempo conmigo. Hacer actos de servicio, detalles o regalos solo porque se cruzaron en su camino o por casualidad. Aunque no fueran así nunca, diría que lo son debido a su timidez.
Al tomar asiento, podría ver una pequeña cantidad extra de comida todavía en la barra. Correría de su lugar para ayudarme a sentar y recorrer la silla a su lugar para mi comodidad. Su estado físico o actualizaciones en sus deportes favoritos serían el tema de plática, pero no me molestaba, tomé cierto gusto por cómo va el Tottenham en la liga inglesa o si su entrenador le ha colocado parches térmicos porque son mejores. También era lo menos que podía hacer si me alimentaba de su bolsillo por lo menos 3 días a la semana.
Si, lo extraño. Pero extraño más aún como me hace sentir y lo feliz que es con solo el hecho de complacerme. ¿Egoísta? Claro que no, Jeno es la persona menos egoísta en todo esto.
- Quiero estar para ti, ayudarte. No me importa ser el clavo que saca a otro. -
- ¡Cállate! No digas eso, no lo repitas jamás. -
- Por ti lo sería. -
- Jeno tu jamás serias un clavo, eres la persona la unica persona que podria comprender realmente lo que pasó en ese departamento. Me llena de vergüenza pensar todo lo que te hice vivir con nosotros dos y nuestra aventura. - me arden las mejillas y orejas en señal de deshonra - Jamás tuve la consideración de pensar en como eso te haría sentir. -
- Eran paredes algo delgadas. No te lo negaré. Pero yo sabía que el no te hacía tan genuinamente feliz como yo, sobrellevé todo eso porque sabía que podría hacerte sonreír de maneras que él no. Nunca perdí la esperanza de que lo vieras. -
- Si podía notarlo... -
- No, que había quedado estúpida y perdidamente enamorado de ti. Nunca tuve el valor de decirlo, y me culpo por eso. De haber tenido el valor de expresarte mis sentimientos, estoy segura que jamás habrías visto a Jae más que como un amigo. Él se adelantó, y de cierta forma, es también mi culpa que hayas pasado por esos meses de mierda. -
- Ninguno podría haber visto eso venir. Ni el cómo se comportaría. Fui yo la estúpida idiota imbecil sin dignidad... -
- Shhh no, no digas nada de esas mentiras. Le entregaste un cariño que no se merecía porque tu pulcro corazón esperaba un cambio. Créeme que comprendo eso, yo más que nadie. - la melancolía es evidente hasta en su tono al hablar, esos ojitos brillantes se apagan al terminar de hablar. Son como una daga directo al corazón, duele más cada segundo que observo su rostro. - Pero ya no estoy dispuesto a rendirme, a dejarme llevar por las reglas de este jueguito de hermandad entre hombres. Él fue una basura contigo, mereces un verdadero hombre. Uno que te ame, perdone, ayude a salir adelante, no te esconda, que te respete y te haga sentir como una verdadera mujer en cada sentido de la palabra. -
El calor corporal aumenta tras terminar de hablar. Luce con una seguridad que jamás había visto. Sólo pequeños atisbos de ese carácter fuerte y dominante que se ven únicamente en sus partidos. Decisión inquebrantable. Roba mi respiración ese inesperado cambio de corderito en preocupación a un hombre sin miedo y listo para luchar a puño y garra por lo que desea. Puedo ver un matiz perfecto y hermoso de una personalidad tan versátil. Un hombre sin limitaciones o miedos a mostrar sus matices.
- No voy a irme sin ti, así tenga que quedarme hasta la madrugada para convencerte. No está en mis convicciones el seder. Así que si fallaste a tu promesa es el momento de que las cumplas, comprendo que necesitabas tiempo, pero no permitiré que te hundas en tu tristeza. Eres mucho mejor que eso y lo sé... o te convertirás en una mentirosa, ¿Acaso lo eres? -
Con cada palabra me confronta y pone la espalda contra la pared. No deja espacio a pensamientos de otro tipo más que confrontación con la realidad. Estoy contra las cuerdas ahora mismo.
- No lo soy. -
- Bien, ¿Y estas dispuesta a seguir hundida por una basura como el? -
- No... - titubeo al responder, lo irrita
- ¿Seguirás llorando por un tipejo que entregó anillo de promesa a Mercedes a los pocos días de tu partida? -
Algo se rompe en mi interior tras terminar. Caigo de esa frágil cubierta de cristal donde me encontraba,la cubierta de la autocompasión, y caigo brutalmente contra el fondo. Lo último a lo que tenemos que llegar antes de sentar cabeza, un golpe tan doloroso que pierdo el aire como si de un golpe físico se tratara.
El gran hijo de puta quería que siguiera siendo su amante... su puta a domicilio..
- No seguiré hundiéndome. Tienes razón, he sido una gran estúpida. Pero bajo ninguna circunstancia en esta tierra volveré al mismo lugar, prefiero vivir en la basura o debajo de un puente antes que ahí. -
- Me encargué de ese hijo de puta. Le dije que se fuera el y su prometida al infierno, si tanto la amaba, podría largarse de una vez a vivir con ella. -
- ¿Se fue? - contento espero que el atisbo de tristeza pase sin ser visto
- Lo vi largarse con sus cosas antes de venir. -
- ok, me iré contigo. Pero necesito un poco de ayuda con mis maletas. Siguen en mi cuarto de allá, están casi intactas, no las toqué casi en lo absoluto, pero son muy pesadas para mi ahora que... - cayo
- No te preocupes, también te regresaré a tu peso y belleza usual. Me encargaré de ti de ahora en adelante en todo aspecto. Lo juro. -
Nos perdemos en las miradas por instantes. Noto su deseo y contención por besarme. Una lucha real contra sus impulsos que no oculta. Instantes que son eternidades. Pero no hace nada, es demasiado caballero para besarme si lograba ver mi duda ante un beso de cualquier tipo.
- Espera en lo que guardo y traigo todo. Llama un transporte mientras tanto. Por fin regresarás a tu casa. -
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sexygrass · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬. | NCT
synopsis: When Samantha goes back to her hometown to collect the necessary ingredients to break a curse placed on her. only to meet the person who she witnessed him dying over and over for the past 10 centuries due to another curse - a soulmate curse -. many things happen, new feelings bloom and many die. death looms around her, but would she, the villainess find her once epic love at last? would she finally breaks the curse and cut the damn loop and have her happy ending or would she fail in saving him from her and her family's history?
genre: smut, supernatural AU, soulmate au, vampires au, werewolf au, Sub/Dom dynamics, angst, mention of traumas, mention of torture, deaths of some characters, and blood, explicit language, fluff, mature content, sadism, lots of killing, and many plot twists.
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A/N: this book is inspired by the series of 
<The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.>
Guide to the Werewolves' Abilities and Weaknesses:
Guide to the Vampires' Abilities and Weaknesses:
Guide to The Originals' Abilities and Weaknesses:
Guide to The Hybrids' Abilities and Weaknesses:
1|2 |3 |4 |5 |6| 7|8 | 9 | 10
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toothfa-1-ry · 2 years
°•°(๑˙❥2ND CHANCE ROMANCES❥˙๑)°•°
where, the pink haired boy and the sad girl, Find comfort in eachothers broken hearts and find themselves giving a 2nd chance to romance after swearing off it.
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When you realise that the person you were inlove with never loved you back, you were broken but your heart broke even more by the fact that he was inlove with your bestfriend and that he never moved on like he said he did.
So, you go out and study abroad in excuse of trying to move on from him knowing that it was impossible for you however you find yourself getting acquainted with a boy pink hair. The pink haired boy seemed to have gone through the same thing as you. He understood you, you both understood eachother and found solace in eachothers stories. You both saved eachother.
But when you receive and invitation to your bestfriend and brothers wedding you are compelled to go back to your hometown. The scar in your heart still not fully healed seemed to re open again by the incident that happened months ago. That's when the pink haired boy steps in and saves your life again. By pretending to be your new lover
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PAIRINGS: Non Idol Jaemin x fem reader
FEAT: Txt Yeonjun (depicted in a neg light)
GENRE: Angst, fluff included, friends to lovers, fake dating, love triangle (sort of)
A little inspired by "The Spanish Love Deception" by Elena Armas
Chapter's released : None
Taglist: Currently closed :(
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phoxphenex · 6 months
hello can we get a sicheng love triangle texts,, love ur blog tho <3
i actually did some winwin love triangle texts here!! it was winwin x y/n x jaehyun tho so if you’d prefer y/n x winwin x a random person LET ME KNOWWWW
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justwritedreams · 1 year
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Just me wondering if I should write a series about fencing (that I know absolutely nothing about) where Jeno or Mark would fight for the reader at the same time as Wooyoung
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cinnajun · 1 year
hard to let go did irreversible mental damage to me i think u have to pay my therapy bills now 🙄🙄 /lh but it was so good and i loved it so much i would sacrifice a town to read it for the first time again :’)
im starting to think i should part 2 it LOL but im so glad u came away from it with damage 🤭 it caused me mental damage too
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ohhmydyosfics · 1 year
(Jaemin-centric) yours for the taking
He starts small. Candy bars from the convenience store. Unattended belongings in the school library. By the time he’s twenty, Jaemin is swiping wallets directly off people just for the fun of it.
The only thing he never succeeds at stealing is his best friend Renjun's heart. So instead, Jaemin sets his sights on Lee Donghyuck, Renjun’s crush.
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tihgnari · 2 years
OK MVM I SAA YOUR POSSIVLE LIST FOR SMAUS AND LIKE??? WHY DI UOU HAVE TO HAVE US PICK!! :(( I find the scara one so interesting.. and also the love triangle one.. :( I want them both aah scskdhf whyyy
ngl i like the scara one and love triangle the most too!!! i kinda wanna do scara first HAHAHA that'll be fun and a way to keep me motivated and focused on not using my guaranteed on anyone but him 🤣
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luvhaos · 2 years
elevator pitch | ml
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pairing: frat boy! mark lee x f! reader genre: college! au, frat! au, fluff, angst word count: 9.1k summary: you hardly talk to any of the members of nu kappa tau until you go to one party and now, all of a sudden, they’re all so eager to chat with you and tell you all about their “brother,” mark lee. (alternatively: four times mark’s friends tell you about him and one time you ask them about him). warning(s): alcohol use and underage drinking, cursing, backstabbing, sort of but not really love triangle author’s note: the handful of frat parties that i’ve gone to inspired this but unfortunately, no cute frat boys like the ones here. also this is not proofread so please forgive any mistakes  playlist: crash landing by nct 127 • nonsense by sabrina carpenter • disaster by conan gray •  be by my side by crush
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You and Yuqi glance at each other and then back to Minjung and her pleading puppy dog eyes. “Please,” she says again, pouting for extra effect.
Yuqi asks, “What’s the real reason you want to go to the NKT party?”
“I told you!” Minjung says, “I want to get a feel for the party scene here! And aren’t you two supposed to want to show me all the university has to offer? You’re being bad upperclassmen!”
You squint at her and ask, “It wouldn’t be because of that guy you told us you met on orientation, would it? What’s his name? Jimin?”
“Jisung,” Minjung corrects too quickly. “And no, that’s not the reason. I really, really just want to go to a party! Come on! Please!”
You sigh, “Okay, okay. You know that we need to know a brother to get into this party, right?”
Minjung frowns and asks, “Do you know any?”
You shake your head but Yuqi, begrudgingly, replies, “A friend of mine is in NKT.”
Minjung perks up and you sigh again. It’s not that you hate frats or going to frat parties or even frat guys. You enjoy a good party with free booze, though you could do without the sweaty basements and red and blue lights, and you even have some friends in other frats. It’s just that NKT leaves a sour taste in your mouth when you recall that your sister got her heart broken by one of the members. To add insult to injury, she was a senior and a member of NKT’s sister sorority while he was a sophomore at the time, so it was embarrassing to her as well. You don’t remember his name but you’re sure that if you hear it, you’ll know who it is.
“Ground rules,” Yuqi tells Minjung, “first of all, we all stay together. No wandering off with people you don’t know. Second, don’t take a drink from a stranger and steer clear of the jungle juice, just covered drinks. Lastly, we’re out of there by midnight because you—” Yuqi pointed at Minjung, “—have an eight AM tomorrow.” Minjung makes a whiny sound at the back of her throat and Yuqi glares, which makes her quiet down. “Got it?”
“I got it, I got it,” Minjung says, nodding emphatically. She hugs you both quickly and asks, “Can we get ready together?”
“Of course,” you reply. “Doors usually open at ten, so we’ll head over a few minutes after.”
The evening rolls around quickly, and you’re standing in your dorm with Yuqi and Minjung. You’re pretty sure you heard your roommate, Sihyun, talking about going as well but you assume that she’s primping in another dorm.
You and Yuqi patiently wait for Minjung to finish tapping glittery eyeshadow to the corners of her eyes. You glance at yourself in the mirror on the back of your door and adjust the strappy top you have on. Yuqi smooths her hair down in the mirror as Minjung chirps, “All ready to go!”
The three of you make your way to Greek Row, where there’s already a small line outside the NKT frat. You already recognize one of the bros on screening duty — Johnny Suh, vice president of NKT. He’s in your leadership seminar and he’s pretty friendly, though he perpetually seems to forget pencils and pens. He is a very good public speaker, though.
As you shuffle forward in line, you take a look at the second member, holding the door open for people to stream in. You think he’s far too pretty to be a frat bro, all delicate features and lithe limbs. He offers sweet smiles at those who pass, giving you one when you and your friends make it to the front.
Johnny recognizes you and gives you a grin. “I didn’t know you partied.”
“Just don’t come here,” you say and you expect him to be offended but Johnny just laughs good-naturedly.
“Hope we don’t disappoint,” he says.
Yuqi’s friend, Yukhei, pops his head out from inside and calls out, “They’re cool to come in, Johnny.”
“Don’t worry, I already know,” Johnny says with a conspiratorial wink at you. “Jungwoo, you can let them in.”
The pretty one, Jungwoo, nods and says, “Have fun!” as the three of you pass.
Okay, so maybe NKT isn’t as bad as your sister made it out to be; the saying goes that one bad apple ruins the batch.
Minjung immediately tugs you and Yuqi over to the bar station, where you recognize two other upperclassmen, Doyoung and Kun, serving drinks. Kun’s the one who comes over to the three of you and he asks, “What are we having tonight?”
“Beers,” Yuqi says, “if you have any.”
Kun taps a finger against his chin in mock contemplation and turns to the fridge behind him. “I think we’ve got something like that.” He hands you three cans of Coors, and you thank him before wading through the crush of warm bodies to a space where the three of you can stand comfortably. You and Yuqi share a look when you see Minjung peering through the crowd, standing on her toes.
“Looking for someone?” you tease, taking a sip of your beer.
She flushes a little but it seems she’s found Jisung. She waves and he notices immediately, straightening and heading toward your little group, another three brothers in tow. “Hi,” Minjung says coyly.
Jisung returns her grin and then introduces himself. He lets his upperclassmen introduce themselves as Ten, Jaemin, and Mark.
You find yourself staring at Mark. He’s cute, with his backwards baseball cap and doe-eyes and high cheekbones. He meets your eyes and you look away, out into the crowd. You take in the writhing bodies and the thumping beat of the bass-boosted Waka Flocka Flame song blaring over the speakers that threatens to blow out your eardrums. You see your roommate, Sihyun, in the crowd and she sees you too. You raise your hand in a wave and it seems like she’s about to return the gesture but then, suddenly, she looks just to your left and frowns. Her gaze narrows and she turns abruptly from you.
What the hell was that?
Minjung nudges you and interrupts your train of thought. “Sorry, what was the question?”
“Can you be Mark’s partner for beer pong against me and Jisung?” You open your mouth to say no but you can’t resist the second round of Minjung’s puppy eyes and you know Yuqi sucks at pong, so you agree and let Mark lead your group to the table, where red solo cups are set in triangular configurations at each end.
You and Mark take one side while Minjung and Jisung take the other. You play rock-paper-scissors to determine who goes first, with Mark suffering a stunning loss against Minjung in the game. As Jisung lines up a shot, Johnny comes up next to you, off door duty now. He asks, “What do you think? You going to come to more parties now?”
“Depends on how this round goes,” you say.
“Well, then fair warning,” Johnny snickers, “Mark sucks at this.”
“I do not!” Mark huffs but all Johnny offers is a conciliatory pat on the back before leaving to mingle with other guests. Mark looks a little panicked while he assures you, “I’m not bad, I promise.”
You laugh and pat him on the arm. “We’ll see, Mark. We’ll see.”
As the game progresses you see that Mark is not… bad, per se, but he’s definitely not the best player. Neither is Minjung but Jisung, on the other hand, is a monster at the game, getting four consecutive ping pong balls into your cups and one plops into a corner cup. You return the favor, sinking five balls in a row. “Whoa,” Mark says, eyes wide and delighted. “Nice job!”
Minjung misses on her turn and Mark misses on his. Jisung sinks two more and you get one more in. You both sink some more shots, leaving both your teams at one cup. Mark’s getting in position to take his shot and you grab his elbow. “Here,” you say and you reposition him. “And just a gentle flick of the wrist. It’ll go in. Promise.”
Mark gazes at you for a second longer than you expect him too before he gulps heavily and nods. He follows your instructions perfectly, just flicking his wrist. The ball bounces and bounces and bounces right into the last cup.
You and Mark cheer and onlookers applaud you two while Minjung and Jisung groan. You raise your hand for a high-five before you see that Mark was readying himself to hug you. You lower your hand and pull him into a hug, patting his back. He smells surprisingly nice — clean and a little citrusy.
When you two part, there’s a bit of an awkward silence that falls between you as the crowd disperses and Yuqi makes small talk with Ten and Jaemin. Mark lifts the baseball cap off his head, ruffling and smoothing out his dark hair before sliding the hat back on. He finally says, “I’ve, uh, never seen you at one of our parties.”
You hum, “Yeah, that’s why Johnny’s on top of me about if I like the party.”
Mark nods. “Then, how’d you get so good at pong if you don’t go to frat parties and stuff?”
“Frat parties aren’t the only place to play beer pong,” you say, finishing the beer you had placed down at the start of the game. “And I never said I didn’t go to frat parties, just not to NKT ones.”
Mark scratches the back of his neck. “Right, right. Uh, can I ask why?”
You shrug. It’s not like you’re going to tell him the real reason, so you just reply, “Didn’t really have a reason.”
“Aren’t you friends with Johnny?”
“I’d say we’re more good acquaintances. Besides, he’s older anyways so I don’t see him outside of, like, one class we share.”
“So, you’re a…”
“Really?” Mark lights up and you can’t say you don’t like the way he lights up. “So am I!”
“That’s cool. Have you picked a major yet?”
“I think I’m going with English. What about you?”
“Probably polisci,” you say.
You and Mark make a little more small talk before Yuqi’s tapping your shoulder, looking a little apologetic, though you don’t understand why. “We’ve got to go,” she says, but she’s more telling Mark than you. “Minjung’s got a morning class tomorrow so we need to get her back.”
“Yeah, totally get it,” Mark says. Yuqi nods and moves a few feet over to pull Minjung away from flirting with Jisung. “Let me walk you guys out.”
As the three of you set down Greek Row, Mark calls your name and you turn. “Yeah?”
“Uh… just… I’ll see you around.”
You wave. “See you around.”
(You don’t look back, but Mark stands in the doorway until he can’t see you anymore).
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Your alarm jolts you out of a dreamless sleep. You flail for your phone, frantically tapping the screen to shut it off. Sihyun’s already dressed but she’s gazing at you in a way that you’ve never seen before. She says, “I didn’t know you were close with Mark Lee.”
“Who?” you ask. Your mind is still half-asleep, and you’re honestly not in the mood for whatever tone she’s giving you right now.
“Mark Lee. You talked with him the whole time at the party.”
“Oh.” You slide off your bed and slide on your hall slippers, grabbing the small bag filled with your morning routine things. “I just met him last night.”
She squints at you but only gives you a terse “Okay” before she’s leaving for her classes. You roll your eyes at her retreating back.
You go through your morning routine, still rubbing sleep out of your eyes. You don’t have class until nine-thirty, so you figure you can go take a walk off-campus to grab a cup of coffee. As you get dressed, your phone buzzes on your desk and you check the text.
Yunho: Caffeine**
Yunho: And yes, please let’s get something to drink
You: yes please you two read my mind
You’ve been friends with Mingi and Yunho since orientation since you were all part of the same group. They had known each other since they were kids but you all immediately bonded the moment you met them. You’re in a couple of classes together but unfortunately, your leadership seminar today is not one of them.  They’re also in Alpha Tau Zeta, which is the frat you frequent the most because of them.
You meet the two of them in your dorm lobby and Mingi immediately throws an arm around your shoulder. “Finally! I’m starving, let’s go!”
He doesn’t give you a chance to say anything as he rushes you out of the dorm and in the direction of your trio’s favorite cafe. “Did you see that picture from the NKT party last night?” Yunho asks you.
“No, I was there with Yuqi and Minjung yesterday but we left early,” you respond as Yunho whips out his phone to show you Jungwoo’s — the pretty one’s — Instagram, where there’s a picture of Yuqi’s friend Yukhei on top of the roof with two other guys, all with a can of beer in hand.
“I can’t believe you went to a party not at ATZ or SΛT.” Mingi clutches a hand to his chest. “Are you cheating on us?”
You give him a playfully apologetic stare and say, “Please forgive me, Mingi. I lost focus.”
Mingi clicks his tongue and sighs, glancing at Yunho. “What do you think?”
“I think we can overlook this transgression,” Yunho says but he narrows his eyes at you and adds, “Once.”
“My heroes.”
You make it to the cafe in record time, unsurprising given that Mingi had you all basically power walking to the place. You’re slightly out of breath as you order, and you glare at your friends when they snicker about it a little.
“How was it though?” asks Yunho as you wait for your orders.
You tilt your head at him. “How was what?”
“NKT’s party.”
“It was cool,” you say. “Not super different from Alpha Tau’s,”
Your friends give you fake offended glares so you add, “ATZ’s are better because you two are there, though.” Once their egos are sufficiently stroked, you say, “Met some cool people. Do you guys know Mark Lee?”
“Yeah!” Mingi’s so enthusiastic that you jump a little at the volume of his voice. “Really nice guy and super chill.”
“Are you close with him?” Yunho asks.
You shake your head and say, “You know, Sihyun asked me that this morning but no, I just met him yesterday.”
Mingi and Yunho frown at the mention of Sihyun and share some unreadable glances with one another. You’re about to ask about what sort of telepathic conversation they’re having but the barista calls your name and you let it go as you pick up your bagel and iced latte.
You part ways with your friends when you get back to campus, since they’re both heading to the Science Center. You’re walking over to your class in Jeong Hall, when you hear someone call your name. Johnny strides over to you, only needing a few steps to reach you. “How’re you feeling?” he asks.
“I’m fine. Honestly, I should be asking you that. Looked like the party got crazier after we left.”
“I’m all good,” he says, shoving his hands in his pocket as you both make your way over to Jeong Hall. “Can’t say the same for some of the others. I think Mark’s incapacitated in bed today.”
“Yeah, he drank a lot during pong and I’m sure after too.”
Johnny nods and holds the door open as you go to your class. You thank him and, in a surprise turn of events, Johnny takes his seat next to you in your seminar classroom. He says, “I know Mark kind of sucks at beer pong but he’s really good at ping pong.”
You blink at him. “That’s pretty random.”
Johnny shrugs. “Just saying that he’s not always bad at games.”
“Noted?” Johnny just smiles at you and you turn to the front as Professor Lim enters the classroom.
“Good morning, everyone! Did you all have a good weekend?” There are indistinct mumbles and Professor Lim moves on. “I’m glad. I know I mentioned it last week, but you were all supposed to prepare elevator pitches for today as if you’re recommending a friend be hired for a position. Remember, you have about thirty seconds to convey the most vital information to the other person. Pair up with whoever’s next to you and then I’ll call on each pair to come to the front of the class where you’ll present your pitch to your partner. Does that make sense?”
“Yes, Professor.”
She claps her hands. “Perfect!”
“Guess it’s you and me,” Johnny says cheerfully. You smile at him and reply, “Guess so. Did you prepare a pitch?”
You probably shouldn’t have expected something else.
“So you’re just winging it?”
“Flying by the seat of my pants,” Johnny hums.
“I’m jealous,” you sigh. “I don’t think I’d be able to pull that off.”
Professor Lim calls pairs up to the front of the class. Namjoon and Jongin go. Joohyun and Chan. Then, it’s you and Johnny.
“I can start,” Johnny says.
Johnny rolls his neck and stretches before he nods at your professor. She gives him a thumbs-up and starts the thirty-five second timer — thirty seconds to give your pitch with a five second grace period.
“I know that you’re hiring,” Johnny begins, “and I have a friend of mine who would be perfect for the position.”
“Tell me about them.”
“His name’s Mark Lee and he’s one of the most well-rounded people that I know. He’s an excellent writer, a good multi-tasker, and he’s bilingual with Korean and English. He’s a responsible leader but also a really good team player. Not to mention, Mark can sing, dance, and rap too, and he’s also pretty handsome. He’s five-foot-nine so he’s not too tall but also the perfect height for hugs. And while he may be lacking in some skill areas like beer pong and alcohol tolerance, he makes up for it with his skill in table tennis as well as his enthusiasm and dedication.”
Johnny finishes his pitch right at the thirty second mark. Peeking over your shoulder, you meet Professor Lim’s eyes and clearly, you’re both equally perplexed. The rest of the class is also confused but Chan starts the polite applause and the rest of your seminar class follows.
“Thank you, Johnny,” Professor Lim finally says. “That was… interesting, to say the least. But I will say you had some persuasive points. However, the pitch was unfocused towards the end.”
Johnny nods, unbothered, and thanks your professor for her feedback. You’re trying to go over the basic points of your own pitch of Yuqi for whatever imaginary position there is, but all you can really focus on is wondering just why Johnny’s giving you all these random facts about Mark Lee.
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“You’re a lifesaver, you know that?” Hongjoong says as you climb into the passenger seat of his car.
“No problem,” you say. “I will say though that I’ve participated in more Greek life events this week than I have in my entire college career.” Hongjoong chuckles at this as he pulls onto the street.
A few weeks ago, through Mingi and Yunho, Hongjoong begged you to go with him to some Greek event for board members of each frat and sorority at your university. You’re not a hundred percent sure what it is and it doesn’t really matter given that you’re just there to ward off Hongjoong’s ex-girlfriend, who was the head of one of the sororities. You don’t know Hongjoong as well as you know other members of his frat, but he’s been pretty nice in all your interactions together.
The event is hosted in an upscale hotel downtown in one of their event halls. Hongjoong helps you out of his car like a gentleman and shows the invitation to the event to the bouncer, who lets the two of you in and directs you down the hall.
“This is the fanciest place I think I’ve ever been,” you say.
“Me too,” Hongjoong says. He leads the two of you into the room, where there are already a bunch of people mingling in semi-formal attire. You see a few familiar faces: Joohyun from your leadership class is a sorority president, and everyone on campus knows Jackson Wang, the recruitment officer for Gamma Omega Tau. You also spot Johnny with some of his frat brothers in a small circle, talking conspiratorially in their huddle.
Then, you see Mark across the room, talking to a group of people. You can hear his laugh across the room and you wonder why he’s not with the other NKT members.
Hongjoong taps you gently and you snap to attention, sheepishly saying, “Sorry, sorry, zoned out for a minute.”
“No worries.” He nods at the waiter in front of you, patiently holding a tray of hors d’oeuvres out to the two of you. “Want anything to eat?”  You take a piece of toasted bread with some high-end cheese spread on it and thank the waiter.
You and Hongjoong make your way into the crowd. He introduces you to some people but their names are a little jumbled in your head. You forget how many frats and sororities there are on campus.
You’re at the drink station, waiting for the bartender to finish with the group of sorority sisters in front of you. You catch a glimpse of someone who you swear looks just like Sihyun. Someone comes up next to you and you look over at him. He’s unbelievably handsome, his face all sharp lines and angles but somehow, there’s a softness to him too. He smiles warmly and says your name. You stare at him, shocked and he just giggles, “Sorry, I know you don’t know me. I’m Taeyong, the president of NKT.”
You almost choke on your saliva. First Jungwoo, then Taeyong… were frat boys just getting prettier nowadays? He leans against the bar. “It’s nice to finally put a name to a face. You’ve been a topic of discussion lately.”
You chuckle nervously, “Only good things, I hope?”
“Nothing but,” Taeyong replies. He glances at your dress and says, “I like your dress. It’s a nice shade of blue.”
He adds, “Mark’s favorite color’s blue.”
Just when you thought you met a normal member of NKT, he starts talking about Mark again. Then, Taeyong says, “I think his tie is that color, actually.”
All you can do is offer a small hum of acknowledgement. What are you going to do with that information? The bartender finally takes your order and when you get your drinks, you make a bee-line for Hongjoong.
“Here.” You hand him the drink. I’m going to use the bathroom,” you tell Hongjoong. He nods at you and you ask a waiter directions to the restroom.
When you get inside, you lock the door behind you. This bathroom is nicer than your room back at him.
You look at yourself in the mirror and at your dress. Mark’s favorite shade of blue. You smooth the skirt down before unlocking the door and stepping out of the bathroom.
You crash right into someone.
“Shit!” You both say at the same time and you immediately know the voice. “Sorry, Mark.”
“No, no, I’m sorry! I should have been paying attention,” he says and he helps you up. His touch is warm and sturdy. When you stand, Mark gives you a once over that makes you feel a little warmer than usual and he says, “You look great!”
“Thanks, so do you.”
“That, uh, that color looks good on you.”
“Thanks. It looks good on you too.” Mark glances down at himself, as if he’s just realizing that he’s wearing a tie the same color as your dress. He looks at you again and you both laugh a little.
“That’s a crazy coincidence,” Mark says.
“Yeah, it is.” You pause and wait a few moments before saying, “I won’t keep you from your business any longer.”
Mark’s quick to wave your concerns off. “No, I just had to take a break. Events like this are kind of tiring.” He then raises an eyebrow at you. “You’re not on the board of a sorority, are you?”
You shake your head. “I came as Hongjoong’s date.”
Mark frowns and his shoulders slump a little. “Oh.”
You don’t know why, but you hastily add, “We’re not dating or anything. I’m here to scare off some ex-girlfriend who is on a sorority board.”
Mark straightens up again. “Got it. That’s cool of you.”
“I guess so. But these heels are killing my feet.”
“You should take them off.”
You snort, “And have a bunch of judgy sisters and brothers look at my feet? No thanks.”
Mark laughs. He laughs loudly at that and you find that you really, really like making Mark Lee laugh. The two of you make your way back to the main room and you can’t find Hongjoong. Mark gets swept up in a conversation with a few friends from another frat, disappointingly enough.
You wander over to a less crowded corner where a few friendly sorority girls are standing a few feet away. They include you in their conversation, introducing themselves as Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jiwoo, and Heejin. You make small talk with them and they’re all super sweet, asking to exchange Instagrams with you and telling you that you should all hang out sometime. As the five of you talk, you see that there are people making their way to the dancefloor at the center of the room. The music starts to pick up into something more catchy. The girls ask you if you want to dance with them but you decline, content with watching from the sidelines and waiting for Hongjoong to find you again.
It’s Taeyong that comes over to you again. “Not a dancer?” he asks, motion to the crowd.
“Just not into right now.”
“Mark’s a really good dancer, you know.”
“I know, Johnny already told me.”
“Johnny told you what about me already?” Mark comes to stand next to you and your bare shoulder brushes against his suit jacket briefly, but it’s enough to send some shock down your spine.
“That you’re a good dancer.” Taeyong’s giving Mark a look that you can’t decipher but Mark seems to understand it, turning to you and asking, “Do you want to—”
Hongjoong rushes over to you, whisper-shouting your name. His and Mark’s voices overlap and you’re left to wonder what Mark was about to say. You definitely know what Hongjoong’s scrambling to you about. Taeyong and Mark watch on as Hongjoong sidles up to you and slides an arm around your waist.
A minute later, his ex-girlfriend comes sauntering over, eyes narrowing immediately when she sees you. “Who’s this?” she asks Hongjoong, pointedly ignoring you. You let Hongjoong spin whatever story he concocted. You’re more concerned with the evil eye Sihyun is giving in your direction.
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A week passes and you’ve a) gotten zero new anecdotes about Mark and b) not spoken to Sihyun at all, not for a lack of trying though. She’s icing you out, that much is obvious but you don’t know what you’ve done wrong.
You’re sitting in the library, trying to write a paper for your comparative politics class but your phone has taken up most of your attention for the better part of an hour. As you mindlessly click on your friends’ Snapchat stories, your screen shifts and a picture of Mark lights up your screen. He’s handing his card over to a cashier at what seems like the convenience store on campus, and there are five guys standing behind him, clearly unaware of the camera. You recognize Jisung and Jaemin in the photo.
What the fuck?
You reopen Snapchat. A few seconds later, another photo of Mark drops. This time, he’s got a guitar on his lap but instead of playing it, one of his arms is outstretched, clearly trying to take the camera from the photographer.
You just put your phone screen-up on the table and lo and behold, another AirDropped photo comes through. This time, Mark’s sitting beside one of the boys from the first photo, pointing at something in a book opened between them with a pencil.
You peer around the library. It’s massive, and people are on all sorts of devices so it’s impossible to discern who’s sending you photos of Mark.
Then, a notification banner drops. donghyuck ☀️(@haechannie) has requested to follow you.
You rub your eyes with the heel of your palms before letting out deep sigh. You open your app and tap on the follow request, surveying the profile. Your eyes land on the bio and it makes sense because Donghyuck has “NKT” in it.
That explains it all. You accept the request and ask to follow him back, which he accepts seconds later. His profile opens to you and you see various photos of NKT brothers. Mark appears in most of them, along with one, some, or all of the boys from the first photo. You tap on the most recent photo, dated to the NKT party you were at. Mark is passed out on the couch and Donghyuck took a selfie with his sleeping form. You have to suppress a snicker.
There’s an alert about a DM from Donghyuck and you go to your Instagram DMs.
donghyuck ☀️: hi :)
you: hi you: were you the one airdropping those pics?
donghyuck ☀️: yeah that was me donghyuck ☀️: just wanted to show you some of the sides of mark donghyuck ☀️sent a photo donghyuck ☀️: leader mark donghyuck ☀️sent a photo donghyuck ☀️: musician mark donghyuck ☀️sent a photo donghyuck ☀️: tutor mark
you: whats your angle here?
donghyuck ☀️:  🤷that’s for us to know and u to find out
you: do you mean us as in you, taeyong, and johnny or us as in your entire frat?
donghyuck ☀️: 🤷 donghyuck ☀️: did you know that mark can skateboard? donghyuck ☀️sent a photo
You massage your temples and exit out of Instagram, turning your notifications off. What were they playing at?
“That’s kind of rude of you.” You jolt when someone speaks from behind you. You whirl around in your chair and Donghyuck has his hands crossed over his chest, phone in hand. “I’m just trying to give you high quality Mark Lee photos.”
“What is with you and your frat’s obsession with Mark? Are you secretly a cult to him or something?”
“I’ll never reveal our secrets.”
You roll your eyes and start packing up your stuff. There’s no point in staying here if you can’t focus. Donghyuck doesn’t make a move to stop you but he says, “I’m serious though. Mark’s a really good guy, even if he’s annoying too.”
The last part makes the corners of your lips twitch upwards. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
As you leave the library, you nearly run into Mark a second time. You just manage to stop before you do but Mark just laughs, “We need to stop meeting like this.”
“We do.” You open your mouth to ask Mark something. You’re not sure what you want to say really, you just know that you don’t really want the conversation to end there.
But Mark says, “I’d love to stay and talk but I’m actually meeting up with a classmate for coffee and I’ve already kept her waiting.”
Something in your stomach plummets. “Ah, sorry, don’t mean to keep you.”
“You’re not!” Mark is quick to say but you shake your head and say to him, “I’ll see you around.”
“We’re throwing another party this week,” he says quickly. “If you’re interested.”
You give him a small smile and walk away with a knot in your stomach.
Later that night, as you lay in bed, reading, your phone buzzes with a bunch of notifications. You flip your phone over.
JOHNNY (@.johnsuh) has requested to follow you. Taeyong (@.tytrack) has requested to follow you. Lucas (@.wongyukhei) has requested to follow you. Ten (@.perfectten) has requested to follow you. Jisung (@.pwarkjisung) has requested to follow you. Jaemin (@.najaemin0813) has requested to follow you. jungwoo (@.jungwoogie) has requested to follow you.
There are fifteen other follow requests, you guess they’re all from all the NKT brothers. But two names stand out to you.
MARK (@.marklee99) has requested to follow you. YUTA (@.nakamotoyuta95) has requested to follow you.
You sit up in your bed abruptly and shoot a message to your sister.
You: sorry to bother you but what was the name of that frat guy in nkt that you hate?
She answers you pretty quickly. Yuta. Why??? DId you meet him?
You sigh and you’re about to press ‘decline’ to Yuta’s request, but instead your finger hovers over Mark’s request.
He just met a classmate for coffee, that doesn’t mean anything. Guys and girls were allowed to be friends. And besides, he’s not your boyfriend. He’s not your anything. You don’t know him, despite the fact that all the factoids from his frat brothers make you feel like you do.
You hit ‘accept.’
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You bring Yuqi and Minjung to the party Mark told you about. You had already asked Yuqi to do you a giant favor and keep an eye on Minjung while you went to hang out with Mark and she agreed emphatically.
As you enter the frat house, Yuqi pushes you a little. “Go get your man!” Minjung shoots you a thumbs-up.
You stumble around the frat a little, bumping through the mass of people jumping and grinding to whatever rap track is playing. You spot familiar faces but only give them small waves if they see you. You’re on a mission to see Mark Lee.
Taeyong and Ten are on bar duties tonight, and you catch Taeyong’s eye immediately. “What can I get you?”
“Just two beers.”
“Two?” he asks with a raised eyebrow as he turns to the fridge. He pulls out two cans and asks, “Who’s this one for?”
“Take your best guess.”
Taeyong grins at you and nods approvingly, saying, “Mark’s either out back or still in his room, so I’d check either one of those places.”
“Where’s his room?”
“Upstairs, down the hall and it’s the second door on the left. You can’t miss it, it has a big sign that says ‘Keep out, Lee Donghyuck.’ He’s one of our—”
“I’m familiar with him,” you say. Taeyong gives you a look that’s half-curious, half-worried and you just say, “I’ll explain another time.”
You decide to head to the yard first, where Yukhei is doing a kegstand aided by Johnny. You scan the crowd for Mark, but only see his friends. You’re about to head back inside when the door swings open behind you and you knock into someone.
“Sorry,” he says and when you look up, you see the face of Nakamoto Yuta. You two stare at each other for a few seconds before he says, “You remind me of someone.”
You bite back some scathing remark and coolly ask, “Do I? Who?”
“Some girl I knew a few years back.”
You say your sister’s name and Yuta only looks mildly surprised and replies, “Yeah, that’s her. Sisters?”
You cross your arms and nod. “We are. I know what you did to her.”
Then it’s your turn to be surprised when Yuta looks perplexed by your statement. “What I did to her?”
“Do you really screw so many girls over that you can’t even remember what I’m talking about?”
Yuta’s eyes narrow at you. “Don’t make assumptions, you don’t know me. I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. If anything, she fucked me over.”
“That’s ludicrous.”
Yuta rolls his eyes. “If you don’t want to believe me, you don’t have to, but I’m not going to stand here and argue with you about this.” He gives you another once over and says, “You’re the girl Mark likes, aren’t you?”
Despite your simmering anger, your heart skips a beat at the mention of Mark. You nod and Yuta says, “Johnny, Taeyong, and Donghyuck spoke pretty highly of you, but I’m finding all of it hard to believe right now.”
All you can do is scowl at him. Yuta sighs and says, “Look, Mark really, really likes you. It’s been kind of annoying, honestly, to hear about you twenty-four-seven in the house. My friends all said you were a good fit for Mark, and I trust their judgments given that this shitty interaction between us is from some misconception you have about what happened between me and your sister.”
“Where is this going, Yuta?”
“Mark’s one of my best friends. I don’t want whatever you think of me to color that.”
“It hasn’t.”
Yuta nods and motions back at the house. “Mark should be in his room. When you’re done making out with him or whatever, come find me and I’ll tell you what really happened between me and your sister.” He brushes past you, going to where there’s a crowd gathered around Johnny and Yukhei.
You go back inside. You’re unsettled by what Yuta told you. What could your sister have lied about and why would she? You walk up the stairs to the second floor of the frat, trying your best to remember Taeyong’s directions. A big sign that says, ‘Keep out, Lee Donghyuck.’
Mark’s door is open when you get there. Mark’s sitting on his bed and in his lap is your roommate, Sihyun.
As fucking cliché as it sounds, you drop the cans of beer. Mark’s head whips over at the sound and his eyes grow huge. He calls your name but you’re already bolting downstairs, cans forgotten. You pass Taeyong and Ten at the bar and don’t see the worried look they share with one another.
You find Yuqi and Minjung coming out of the bathroom together and you tell them, “I’m going to head back.”
“What? Why?” Minjung asks. “Did you talk to Mark?”
“No,” you say tersely. “He was preoccupied.”
Even over the music, you hear Mark yell your name again. Yuqi takes Minjung’s hand in hers and places her other one on your shoulder, navigating the three of you to the door.
You feel sick. You’re physically nauseous. You want to throw up.
Yuqi leads your trio in a power-walk-worthy pace, getting you back on campus in no time.
The back of your eyes are starting to sting with tears and your head is spinning. You ask Yuqi, “Can I crash at your dorm?”
Yuqi agrees without question and ushers you up to her dorm. She sits you down on her bed as the tears start to gather on your waterline.
“What happened?” Minjung asks softly. You tell them everything and as you do, it all makes sense to you now. This must have been some fucking sick, drawn-out joke planned by their frat — have one of the NKT brothers flirt with some unsuspecting girl and then crush her heart. There was probably a bet on it. Mark’s probably cashing in whatever reward he won, laughing with Sihyun as she sits on his lap.
Sihyun. You understand now why she was so nasty for the past week or so.
You wonder if Johnny, Taeyong, Donghyuck, and Yuta are all having some big fucking laugh with Mark and Sihyun at the frat.
Minjung looks as distressed as you feel and Yuqi looks like she’s about to punch the wall.
“This is what I get,” you say, “for trusting an NKT brother.”
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You reject all the NKT brothers’ follow requests on Instagram. You block Mark on the app and when you go to block his number, you realize that you don’t have it, which somehow makes you sadder.
You feel stupid, both for trusting the NKT frat and falling for their fake-nice bullshit but also for falling for a guy you barely knew anything about. Maybe you felt like you knew him because of all the things his friends told you about him. Maybe you just convinced yourself that you did because you wanted to.
Maybe you were just a fool.
Two weeks later, Mingi and Yunho try to get you to come to an ATZ frat party as a way of detoxing from the NKT one, but you decline. You don’t want to risk seeing any of them and you think that you’re done with Greek life forever.
You’re basically living at Yuqi’s dorm, ever so grateful that her roommate, Miyeon, is one of the loveliest people you’ve ever met and letting you invade their space for the time being until your room swap request is approved. You put it in two days after the incident after hearing Sihyun, very loudly, brag to her friend about what a good kisser Mark Lee is. She also kept giving you smug, self-satisfied looks that made you yearn for the days of her chilling glares.
You hated to admit how much you missed Mark. Despite your limited interactions, he wormed his way into your heart. You thought you had something, something that would lead somewhere. You thought you were special but now, you scoff at the thought.
It’s kind of awkward in your leadership seminar class, given that Johnny’s in it. He tried to talk to you the week following the party but gave up after you iced him out. He respected your personal space as well, sitting as far from you as he could. At least he looks somewhat guilty — maybe there is a conscious in his icy frat boy heart after all.
You’re taking a walk in the park by campus, headphones on and music blasting. Midterms season hit you like a truck and it’s been a constant slog of work. On top of the residual effects of the incident, your mind needs a break.
You don’t hear who’s calling your name until someone grabs your shoulder and slides your headphones off. You scream as your fight-or-flight instinct kicks in, your arm shooting forward to punch whoever hit you. You knock them squarely in their own shoulder and when you get a good look at your assailant, you practically growl, “What the fucking hell?”
“Okay, I admit, not the smartest thing to do. Sorry.”
Fucking Nakamoto Yuta.
You don’t answer him and snatch your headphones from his hand, going to put them back on when he shouts, “Wait!”
“Christ, what do you want?”
“I want to talk.”
“Not happening.”
“You’re talking to me right now.”
You glare at him but you don’t leave. Yuta says, “I know you’re probably thinking this was some cruel prank or something like that. But I just want to let you know that it wasn’t.” When you don’t say anything, he continues, “After that night that first time you came to one of our parties, Mark couldn’t stop talking about his really pretty beer pong partner and how stupid he was for not getting your number or asking you out right there. He honestly wasn’t even sure if you liked him too, so some of us came up with a plan that, whenever we had the chance, we’d tell you about Mark and try to gauge how you felt about him. He didn’t know about it and, in hindsight, it was kind of dumb but we were just trying to help him go out with someone he genuinely really liked.”
You stare at your shoes and Yuta says, “None of that was fake. And I still don’t know what the fuck happened with Mark and that other girl but I know that he sure as hell doesn’t like her.”
Your next question throws Yuta off. “Can you tell me what actually happened between you and my sister?”
“Did you listen to anything I said before?”
“I did, but I need to know about what happened with her in order to decide if I trust you on this.”
He sighs, “Fair enough. The long and short of it is that I was a new pledge in NKT when I was a freshman and your sister was a junior in Kappa Delta. We talked a couple of times at parties, I thought she was nice but I wasn’t looking for anything serious since I had just broken up with my high school girlfriend before coming to college but I guess she read more into it. When I turned her down, she got really upset and said that I led her on and gaslit her and spread all these rumors about me being emotionally manipulative.” Yuta runs a hand down his face. “It was a hard freshman year for me and if it weren’t for the guys, I don’t think I would have gotten through it as successfully as I did. So that’s the story. Do you believe me?”
You consider what he said for a moment. Now that you think about it, your sister’s story always did seem to have gaping holes in it. Moreover, she was never really good at taking rejection, given that she was the favored child between the two of you.
“I do.”
Yuta looks a little shocked but he nods, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Okay.”
You stand there in silence for a beat longer and he says, “Will you go talk to Mark now? He’s kind of a wreck right now.”
“Right now?”
“If that works for you.”
You nod and you and Yuta walk out of the park and down towards Greek row. He lets you both into the NKT house. It’s weird to see it in the daytime but— “It’s much cleaner than I thought it would be.” There are even nice paintings and artwork hung up on the walls that seemed to have been hidden under the red and blue lights NKT lit their house in during parties.
Yuta snickers, “Yeah, Taeyong and Kun are kind of neat freaks so they make sure we clean after all parties.” He has you go ahead of him upstairs and you’re standing in front of Mark’s door.
You turn to Yuta. “I’m not sure—”
“Mark!” He bangs on the door.
“Yuta, go away! I’m not in the mood to cuddle.”
You shoot a glance at Yuta, who’s unbothered and undeterred and he says, “There’s a visitor for you.”
More quietly, Mark grumbles, “I swear, if it’s Sihyun again, I’m actually going to kill you for letting her in.”
“As if I would do that.” Yuta opens Mark’s door before Mark can and shoves you inside, slamming it behind him. Now, Mark’s room is what you think of when you think of a frat house. There’s clothes slung all over the furniture, shoes in weird places, and take-out containers covering the desk. And Mark looks… rough. He’s still in his pajamas and it seems like hasn’t shaved in the past two weeks, if the five-o’clock shadow was anything to go off of.
Mark stares at you, as if he can’t believe you’re there and the rawness of his expression breaks your heart a little. He notices you looking around the room and says weakly, “I would have tidied up if I knew I had a guest. Not that I think you’re judging me or anything. And not that I have a ton of guests that need me to tidy up, it’s mostly just friends of mine who know how messy frat houses can get and—”
“It’s okay, Mark.”
His mouth snaps shut and he says, “I’m so sorry about the party a few weeks ago.”
You lean against his door and cross your arms. “I just need to know, Mark. All your friends kept hyping you up to me, Yuta even told me flat out that you liked me. I need to know if that was real, if any of it was real.”
“It was all real,” Mark says. “Everything I felt—feel—for you is real. I’ve honestly never felt this way since, well, this is the first time, really. I know we don’t know each other well, but I know there’s something here. A connection.” He looks at you with those dark, doe-eyes and says, “I really like you.”
You bite your lip. “And what about Sihyun? What was that about?”
“Jeez,” Mark groans, dragging a hand through his hair. “I’ve met her a few times at parties, she was always kind of touchy but I guess… I didn’t really think it would go anywhere. Then, she invited me to coffee with her — that’s the friend I was meeting when I ran into you — and I think she read into it a lot. And there was the party and I was in my room getting ready to— well, it doesn’t matter — but I was in my room and she comes in and tell me that someone spilled their drink on her dress and because I was the only one she really knew well at the party, she wanted to know if she could borrow something and when I said yes, she sort of climbed on top of me and told me she liked me and then you walked in and… and you ran off and I pushed her off and tried to go after you—”
“Right,” you say. You know the rest of the story. “So, you’re not into Sihyun.”
Mark shakes his head. “I never was and especially not now.” He makes a face and you laugh a little. Mark relaxes and laughs with you too, and you remember how much you like his laugh.
“What were you getting ready to do in your room?” you ask.
“You said that you were still in your room, getting ready to do something, when Sihyun walked in. What was it?”
“Oh.” Mark blushes a little. “I was going to ask you on a date. I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the restaurant a few blocks from here.”
“The one with the really good burgers?”
“Yeah, that one.”
You check your phone time and say, “I could go for a burger now.”
Mark perks up. “Seriously?”
You smile at him. “Yeah.”
“Okay! Cool! Yeah, um—” Mark glances down at himself. “Let me just put on some real clothes and shave and then we can go?”
“Sounds perfect.” As you turn to wait outside the door, you say, “Mark?”
“I really like you too.”
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“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve called you all here,” you say, eyeing the five men at the table.
“I’m on the edge of my seat,” Johnny says, sliding forward on his chair. You roll your eyes and Donghyuck and Taeyong laugh.
Yuta says, “I assume it has something to do with Mark.”
“Correct. Points to Yuta.”
“Hey! You didn’t say we were getting points,” Donghyuck says, pouting.
“Is it about him winning that writing competition?” Jaehyun asks.
“Exactly. See, Jaehyun, this is why you’re my favorite.” Jaehyun chuckles, the dimples in his cheeks deepening. Mark introduced you to Jaehyun a couple of weeks after you started dating and it’s safe to say that you became fast friends. Along with the other men in the room, Jaehyun is a self-proclaimed Mark expert, hence the group meeting.
“What present would he like?” you ask. “I’m trying to convey ‘Congrats on winning this competition’ and also ‘I love you.’”
The five of them stare at you and Taeyong grin, barely hiding the giddiness in his voice. “You’re going to tell him you love him?”
You nod and your friends cheer. Donghyuck says, “You could give Mark a rock and he’d love it because it’s you.”
“I’m not giving him a rock, Donghyuck.”
“What about a nice journal or something like that?” Johnny suggests.
“That’s an idea, but I want to make it special.”
Everyone is quiet for a minute but then Yuta says, “I have the perfect idea.”
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Mark holds your hand as you stroll through the park after having a nice dinner at the same restaurant you had your first date. “Can we sit?” you ask him, pointing at the bench.
The two of you take a seat and you turn to him, saying, “I want to say again how proud of you I am for winning that competition.”
Mark waves you off. “Babe, I already told you it’s not that big a deal.”
“Baby, it’s one of the most competitive competitions out there!” Mark flushes with embarrassment and you laugh, leaning over to kiss him. He cups your cheek and pulls you closer, and you want to stay like that forever but you reluctantly pull away to continue speaking. “I got you something.”
Mark’s eyes widen. “You didn’t have to!”
“I wanted to.” You reach into your bag and pull out his present, wrapped into brown paper and tried neatly with string.
Mark gingerly unties it and gawks at the notebook. “This is real leather,” he says, running his hand over the cover. He looks at you worriedly. “This must have cost you so much! You really didn’t have to—”
“I told you that I wanted to and you deserve it. Open it up.”
Mark opens it and reads the inscription you got printed inside.
My dearest, Mark, Congratulations on winning the writing competition! After many sleepless nights, your hard work paid and I’m so proud of you. You work hard every day to do your best every day, whether it be at school or at work or for us, you do everything with all of yourself and it’s one of the many, many things that I love about you.
Our start was definitely unconventional but even through that, the connection we felt was still stronger than whatever threatened to sever it. It’s been six months since we started dating and I couldn’t be happier. Every day, I wake up and am thankful for you.
I’ll write it here first before I say it: I love you, Mark Lee.
His mouth lifts into a grin and he looks up at you with sparkling eyes. You say to him, “I love you, Mark Lee.”
He ghosts his fingers over the same words in print. Then, he leans close to you and softly and shyly murmurs, “I love you too.”
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honeyydrunk · 25 days
the nct fuckboy/fratboy agenda has me weakkkk omg give us more whenever u have the time ur so good!!!
ofc thank u !! they have me going delusional feral crazy barking and meowing !! let me do it for you let me write it out ANY MORE REQUESTS LEMME KNOW !!
part 1 link NCT COLLEGE FUCKBOYS PART 2 ten jeno jungwoo hendery yangyang renjun xiaojun winwin
ten lee chittaphon leechaiyapornkul is a whore. absolute whore. he's raising those neos into SLUTS. his reputation precedes him bc he is so pretty, so flexible, so ughhhhhhhhhhh !!!! like you see him for the first time and you know why people say he's got a body count bigger than his age. everyone wants to fuck himmm. he's so pretty, and even even prettier fucked out. messy hair and everything.
he's always flirting with someone new in the hallway when you see him. and like taeyong, his sex tapes get sent AROUND. people come up to him at school randomly and beg for 1 night w him. he's slept w all the neos at one point im sure about that.
you knew about how much of a SLUT bro was. but once you saw one of his sex tapes w johnny, you found yourself showed up outside of his class and begged for him. he responded that you should dm him w your application and he might get back to you about it. lee jeno 💪 bro is ur average athlete player fuckboy. THE cliche. smokes behind the benches, rich family, somehow top of the class. the one that everyone swears they won't fall for but they all want. you see a new girl on his arm each week and it hurts. but you've already fallen, it's just a matter of time. he'll start wearing you down and he didn't even know he did it. but you did. pulling the triangle technique when you lock eyes, catching you when you fall. and eventually he'll be right behind you when you shamefully admit to your friend that you want him. when he fucks you gone in his car? you know you need to get him to stay with you. you couldn't live without this. like you need his dick to even function. you've given up your life for him, just so that when he asks you're available to suck his dick.
JUNGWOO,,,, oh my god. he's so crazy. y'all remember the 2 baddies fuckboy jungwoo era. imagine that, but that's his default setting. man's still sugaring candy, but it's ur candy this time. he's sucking ur pussy if u didn't understand what doja said. he's the quiet slut. the whole school doesn't talk about him like they do mark, ten, taeyong and jeno. but when you see him? you're done for. batshit crazy delusional. his whole demeanour and personality is straight flirting, pulling his shirt up at every opportunity. the way he walks around the school with his sweet perfume trailing, he gets people going feral over him. people will just walk up and beg for him to fuck him, and ofc jungwoo obliges if they're hot enough.
he's so sweet when you taste him, like his cum is sweeter than sugar. his perfume too. everything about him is like a candy drug. a pretty moan when you suck him dry. he's so pretty and sweet that makes you cum too. genuinely, you start following him around school just so you can smell him. you don't even care it's creepy.
H E N D E R Y is the epitome of "so weird you forget he's hot." he's actually extremely popular. genuinely friends with everyone. people are a little hesitant because they know he's part of the neo slut gang, and they see him acting a little unusual special crazy. but they actually have a conversation with him and suddenly they realise, bro this guy is amazing. and jus like that he's friends with everyone.
but then, uh well here comes a strange phenomenon. you've only seen him being silly, a little whimsical even. but when you see him zoned out, or concentrating for once? ..... "oh". because you finally realise how beautiful he is. an actual prince. it's not exaggerated to say he's taken your breath away. you're in love. imagine how much it hurts to go to a party and realise that you're not the only one in the room that is. so many people had that exact experience as you. learning how beautiful he truly is, falling in love, and begging for him. you see him in the corner, zoned out from the loud music and watch one of the guys you're mutually friends with have that phenomenon right there and then, pulling him away to a cupboard.
the same thing happened 3 times that night. liu yangyang international exchange fuckboy. he doesn't realise he's a fuckboy though. with the whole funny and cute personality going on, he thinks he's just got an amazing ability to pull people. sleeping with a different person or multiple people at a party, to seeing someone new every day and asking for their instagram. bro doesn't even know about the horrendous reputation he's got. "dude people say i'm a slut? nahhh that's crazy."
yangyang is of the opinion he's just a funny chill guy. down for anything, including a little fun fuck times whenever someone asks. and while that's his reasoning, he doesn't quite understand how it looks to everyone else. a rich guy coming back from germany, taiwan, and wherever else for weekend getaway bender and driving to school in a luxury car with a new girl in it almost every day.
when he fucks? it's just like his personality. fun and hyper. bros fucking for a good time and with him it's definitely a good time. spilling cum on the luxury leather seats, tinted windows and a surround sound system. yeah,,,,, you see why he does this so often. it's genuinely so much fun. better make sure you give him a really good time though, so he invites you to his apartment next time.
renjunnie the most smug class president for some, and nct's little plaything to others. it really depends on who you ask. for people in his class, he is the most obnoxious, smug, annoying ahh know it all, with the biggest dick. (a stick up his ass which is obviously jenos). genuinely, every person he's tutored has ended up unfortunately eyeing him instead of the book. how did that end? with him being just as rude and bitchy as he fucks you. measuring how much he pleases you by how much you can answer while fucked out.
but for the ones that know of the dreamies having their way with him can't possibly see him as anything other than a little toy. the way the other six just devour that man is actually quite shocking. lowkey surprised bro can even walk.
xiaojun oh my lord. this man's moans are heavenly. you actually cum when you hear them. (lowkey think some czennie do when he hits those notes). he's part of the nct moaner gets passed around line with renjun, haechan, taeyong, and ten. horrid sex tapes.
he looks so beautiful. standing in front of the school performance during an assembly, halting everyone with his voice. if you could look around, you'd see everyone frozen. haunted by his siren song and face that launched a thousands wars. everyone in that room was looking at him, and only him. in that room, no one was in a relationship. how could they love anyone else except him.
countless marriage proposals, dowrys of billions. everyone in that room would give xiaojun the world in exchange for a sliver of his love. no joke someone has given him a car in exchange for his private instagram account. winwin bros got the cha eunwoo effect. the campus crush. he hangs out with the china line horrid fuckboys , yangyang hendery chenle. but who cares? that actually elevates his status. literally a rose in a garden of slutty ahh thorns. that's not to say he's not a giant fuckboy. he's just quieter about it.
with his quiet excuses, sneak dates an hour away, his subtle ways of affection. he says he doesn't want attention, so you can't publicly date. but that's just so the other girls won't find out. he doesn't even think he's dating you, just seeing where it goes. eventually you'll call it off, "making it easier on your friendship" you say. that's how he goes through so many girls.
taking you to a beautiful garden several hours out of the city, you think it's romantic. he uses a different phone to text with you, 'so the guys don't go through my regular one and tease you'.
enjoying the sunlight he's slowly fingering you so you're focused on his love, and not seeing what's right in front of you
tags: @stanskzorillkickyou you asked for yangyang bbg !!
prev: haechan, mark, johnny, yuta, jaemin, kun, chenle, jisung next: jaehyun doyoung taeil lucas
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multyeverything · 2 years
Roomates are not boyfriend material
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Autor: multyeverything
TW: Amor/atracción no correspondido, groserías e insultos leves, angustia, sexualidad, uso de sustancias nocivas, comportanmiento infantil, sin final feliz.
Rating: 18+
Sinopsis: La universidad es una etapa de aprendizaje, tanto profesional como emocional. El estudio va a ser la menor de tus preocupaciones si vives con personas que están dispuestas a romper o reparar tu corazón. Desiciones, la vida está llena de ellas... ¿Pero cuál es la correcta? ¿Aventura y pasión o dulzura y amor?
Au: Roomates / Universidad
Emparejando: Lee Jeno X T/N X Jeong Jaehyun
Conteo: 4.2K palabras
¿Cómo describir la situación con Jaehyun en este momento?
Todo se ha tornado demasiado incómodo para continuar viviendo bajo el mismo techo, hasta preferir quedarme tiempos extras en la cafetería donde me explotan laboralmente o tener interminables trabajos de la universidad, así de incómodo me es vivir en las mismas cuatro paredes que él. Es fácil pensarían, "solo vete de ahí", pero la despedida será demasiado dolorosa es por eso que la he evitado lo más posible. Lo sigo queriendo de cierta forma e irme significaría romperle el corazón a mi otro compañero.
En puntitas salgo directo a la puerta del departamento para ir a mis clases, he pasado demasiado tiempo esperando oír algún sonido que confirme que ya se ha ido o sigue aquí. Si no salgo pronto llegaré tarde. Dando la vuelta por el pasillo que bifurca en la sala de estar y la entrada, lo encuentro parado esperando mi aparición.
- Hice el desayuno, esperaba que pudiéramos comer juntos antes de que te fueras. -
Sin otra opción me siento en la pequeña barra de la cocina que la conecta a la ya mencionada sala, frente a él. Me tiento el corazón a rechazar su comida, no sé decirle no. Aceptando otra falta en mi boleta.
- He querido hablar contigo desde hace varios días t/n, pero nunca coincidimos en la universidad y pareciera que me ignoras en casa. Ya no ves películas con nosotros, estudias todo el día si no trabajas o estás en casa de alguien más, ya ni siquiera dormimos juntos cuando hace frío. Y déjame decirte que el calefactor ha fallado en los últimos días, he pasado una helada pero no puedo estar contigo porque corres el seguro en tu puerta. Dime, ¿Hice algo malo? - Una mueca de preocupación perturba su bellísimo rostro, que ahora cuenta con unas notables ojeras. Mastico rápidamente el waffle con fruta que ha puesto.
- Jae, no te negaré nada de lo que me has dicho. Tampoco trataré de justificarlo, pero... No me parece que sea correcto hacer todo eso, esa es la razón de evitarte. -
- Pero... Es lo que hacemos. -
- No es correcto. -
- Entonces te hice enojar para que cambies de opinión. Dime y lo cambiaré, pediré disculpas. Dime qué hice y no se repetirá.-
- No hiciste nada. -
- ¿Es por Jeno? -
- ¿Qué tiene que ver él con esto? -
- Nada, pensé que pudo haber hablado mal de mí contigo. Últimamente actúa raro también. -
- ¿Por qué hablaría mal de ti? -
- No lo sé. -
- Jae olvídalo, debo irme. -
- No has terminado tu desayuno. -
- Lo llevaré para el camino. -
- Lo guardo por ti y te llevo a tu edificio. -
- No tienes qué. -
- Pero quiero, ve el clima. Puedes caerte. -
Solo le doy por su lado y acepto todo lo que quiera hacer. Incluso de camino a clases tomo su brazo para no resbalar en el congelado camino; los días de invierno son terribles en este lado del país y la gélidas noches lo son aún peor para quienes duermen sin quién los caliente. Tiene razón, desde que lo veté de mi compañía me ha costado conciliar el sueño con tanto temblor a causa de la baja temperatura.
Me aferro a su musculoso brazo hasta casi hundir la cara en su chamarra, extraño tanto de sus abrazos que el corazón físicamente me duele. Quisiera que las cosas volvieran a ser lo de antes. Volver a vivir en esa bendita ignorancia que antes me hacía tan feliz.
Pero no, no es posible. Y ver a Mercedes correr a nosotros es un recordatorio del porqué mi distanciamiento con Jaehyun. Ella es la que debería dormir en su cama, comer a su lado y hacer el amor cada noche hasta desfallecer; no yo, no su simple compañera de departamento y ligue fallido.
- Gracias, mi salón es este. Pasa un buen día compañero. -
- t/n... -
- Adiós Jae. Saluda a tu novia de mi parte. -
¿Me adelanté demasiado a la historia?
Claro que lo hice, siempre me apresuro, retrocedamos unos años a mi relato para ponerlos en contexto.
La NCIT es la universidad más prestigiosa para carreras de ingeniería e informatica del país, la mejor sin duda. A la cual tengo la suerte de ser aceptada, así que me dedico a encontrar un departamento cómodo y económico para vivir los próximos 5 años de mi vida, por suerte aparece una muy buena opción con los mínimos inconvenientes para mis padres. Dos inconvenientes más bien, los cuales se llaman Jeno Lee y Jaehyun Jeong. Mis padres odiaron la idea de dos hombres conviviendo tan de cerca con una mujer.
No tienen respeto
Todos los hombres son iguales
Se aprovecharán de ti
No es de damas
Verás cosas que no debes ver
Son sucios
Bla bla bla, lo que dicen todos los padres. Que ahora desearía haber escuchado.
Al principio me pareció incómodo igualmente pero tras la convivencia tan cercana pude darme cuenta que jamás habría mejores y más respetuosos roommates que ellos. Jeno tenía una hermana con la que se crío para ser respetuoso y Jaehyun cómo hijo único se le prestó toda la atención para enseñarle modales.
La química entre nosotros tres fue inmediata, era improbable por la diferencia de edades, pero hecha realidad por la buena vibra y disposición que tuvimos cada uno. Si bien los hombres tienen que ser hombres, el lugar siempre estaba limpio (excepto por el ocasional desorden) y se mantenían vestidos en mi presencia. El que trajeran chicas me era irrelevante siempre y cuando mantuvieran el ruido al mínimo y sus amiguitas no estuvieran al día siguiente, cosa que creo que cumplieron porque nunca me enteré de la presencia de alguna, hasta puedo asegurar que nunca las hubo.
Cómo sea, nos volvimos muy cercanos antes de acabar mi primer semestre de universidad: preparábamos y comíamos juntos, íbamos al gimnasio, salíamos de fiesta a las fraternidades e incluso conocimos a la familia de cada uno.
Increíble ¿Cierto?
Casi al final del segundo semestre, Jeno conoció a una chica con la que comenzó a salir apenas pasada una semana de verse por primera vez. Se alejó de nosotros de golpe y las únicas veces en las que coincidíamos eran en las fiestas (si es que no nos ignoraba) fuera de nuestro hogar. Una época muy oscura la verdad.
El encontrarlo por el angostísimo pasillo del departamento era casi tan terrible que caminar por vidrios; un "buenos días" sin mirarte a la cara y con suerte se quedaba a desayunar, sino, aveces ni tocaba el plato que habíamos hecho para él. Cero contacto amistoso con nosotros durante casi tres meses, que se sintieron una eternidad.
Más tarde que temprano terminaron su relación por los altos niveles de celos de ella y lo "mucho que nos había extrañado".
Al no ser rencorosos, lo aceptamos a la manda de nuevo en seguida.
Después de eso es donde todo empezó a irse al carajo lentamente: No soy fea, para nada, de hecho consideraría mi atractivo visual excelente. Solo que nunca me ha agradado ir de cama en cama o de relaciones fallidas a otra nueva destinada al fracaso. Hubieron varios chicos: Yuta, Johnny, Chris... Todos en buenos términos en la actualidad pero siempre había esa cosa que evitaba que formalizaramos algo más que una amistad. Al vernos solos por tanto tiempo y "teniendo las bases de una amistad", Jaehyun propuso salir en citas de vez en cuando. MALA IDEA... TERRIBLE.
Si bien es todo un caballero, le es muy difícil cumplir la labor de fidelidad. En pequeños aspectos como intercambiar mensajes casuales con chicas que sabes que están flechadas por ti, hasta coquetear descaradamente en tu cara. Su gran defecto opacaba las muchas virtudes que tenía; era una gran mancha roja difícil de ignorar. El tratar de compensarlo con regalos o tiempo de calidad conmigo lo volvía más tedioso. No duró mucho esa etapa nuestra, además de frustrarnos por no ser lo que esperabamos, Jeno se vió extrañamente afectado por eso. Poniéndome en sus zapatos, lo comprendo al 100%; él acababa de salir de una relación toxica que lo alejaba de nosotros para que ahora nosotros seamos quienes lo alejan.
No le tomó mucho a Jae para seguir con su vida amorosa, no esperaba que me guardara cierto "luto" tras nuestro fracaso (porque nunca se alejó del mercado de citas estando conmigo) pero fue hiriente hasta cierto punto que la presencia de las chicas comenzara a notarse tan descaradamente. Como si intentar algo conmigo hubiese despertado algo o quedase tan inconforme que necesita alguien con quién olvidarlo.
¿Qué hice al respecto? Nada. Nunca le hice una escena, comenté al respecto o quejé por mis pertenencias que desaparecían cada vez que venía con alguna de ellas. Sería darle una importancia que definitivamente no quería darle. Me dediqué a ser una mejor estudiante y ahorrar el dinero que ganaba vendiendo café los fines de semana. Con todo mi tiempo repartido en éstas actividades, no podría ni pensar en él.
Cerré mi corazón por un tiempo a posibles romances, apesar de que los chicos no dejaban de buscarme, entre ellos Yuta. Quién parecía ser el mejor de todos, con su sonrisa coqueta y frialdad ante todos los que no fuéramos cercanos a él, lo admito, me gustaba presumir que formaba parte de su grupo especial. Que pudiera ver esa perfecta sonrisa sin intentarlo demasiado y que él sin mayor problema iba a buscarme al trabajo para que no caminara sola o compraba cada clase de tontería que creía me gustaría, esas y más cosas que enamorarían a cualquiera. Varios meses de intentos fallidos lo llevaron a ver la difícl verdad: No importa cuan duro tratara, no me enamoraría.
- Sé que sientes algo por mí, muy profundo en ese pequeño corazón, sé que nos hacemos bien mutuamente, que cuando salimos el tiempo parece nunca ser suficiente. Pero también sé que lo que sientes por mí no es lo mismo que yo, está bien, no tienes que amarme. -
- Suena como si fuera la peor persona del mundo. - Tomo su mano fuerte, él la acerca sin soltarnos a mi cara para acariciarme.
- No es mi intención t/n, en verdad, sólo quiero aclararlo. También quiero hacerte saber que lo entiendo, no te presionaré a que me correspondas como yo quisiera. -
- En un futuro tal vez podríamos ser algo más... Pero ahora por alguna razón mi corazón no está listo. -
- ¿Te hirieron? ¿Sientes algo por alguien más? -
- No no, Yuta no es eso... Es que yo... -
- ¿Sin palabras? No te presiones linda, la razón por la que te estoy siendo directo no es para cargarte con otro peso, esperaba que si era directo contigo las cosas tomarían otro rumbo. -
- Eso no me suena a libre de presiones. -
- Tienes razón, que tonto soy. -
- Tal vez si. - Nos reímos ante la situación
- Pero por más que me duela, soy consciente que no podré dejar que desearte como lo hago ahora... Espero y algún día podamos estar juntos, cuando tú corazón esté listo ¿Si? -
Y continuamos nuestra amistad como si nada; con mensajes constantes y visitas en mi trabajo para acompañarme en mi hora de comida, ya que Yuta es mayor que yo y no estudia en NCIT.
Volviendo al tema central, se preguntarán cómo es que llegué a compartir cama con Jaehyun. Bien, tras sentirme culpable por rechazar al mejor chico que había conocido en mucho tiempo, necesitaba distraerme urgentemente de la culpa que tenía. Las chicas y yo iniciamos con un precopeo a las 6 PM, llegamos al sitio de la fiesta a las 9 PM y terminamos en un after-party a las 3 del día siguiente en una locación desconocida. Tenía tanto alcohol en mi sistema que pensé caería en coma por ello, porque después de todos somos jóvenes ¿No? Esto no es diario ¿No? TENGO DERECHO A DIVERTIRME CARAJO.
Lo peor que podía ocurrir fue exactamente lo que pasó, alguien puso algo en mi bebida y el poco conocimiento que me quedaba terminó por irse a la mierda. Como un milagro, Jaehyun estaría en el mismo lugar para sacarme de inmediato y llevarme a nuestro departamento; entre él y Jeno me limpiaron de todo vestigio de vómito, sudor o lágrimas dando uso únicamente a toallitas húmedas para no desvestirme.
Me cuidó el resto de la madrugada (muy en contra de la voluntad de Jeno) aún cuando apestaba a inmundicia, me abrazó y dió calor cuando la calentura empezó, fue mi almohada, al despertar no me juzgó o regañó por mi mis actos. Ambos me llevaron a un chequeo al hospital privado que pagaron con sus ahorros y mi salario juntos para que no tuviera que enterarse nadie. 
Las siguientes noches volvería conmigo a la cama con la excusa de cuidarme si quedaba alguna secuela. De ahí, no se separaría de mi por el resto de las noches, siempre se escabulliría conmigo o yo con él utilizado cualquier mentira para ocultar el simple hecho que disfrutábamos hacerlo. Ya sea dormir, tener charlas hasta muy tarde, estudiar, juegar juegos, tener sexo, etc. Creímos que nuestro amigo no se enteraría pero estábamos tan equivocados, ¿Cómo diablos no se enteraría si eramos tan ruidosos como gata en celo? Y me refiero en todo aspecto, maldita sea su manera de llevarme al cielo con su boca, la perfecta sinfonía de sus caderas al embestirme o lo bien que conocen sus dedos mi cuerpo.
Ya sea que no quería molestarnos con eso o que no le importaba, jamás trajo el tema a la mesa de todas maneras y agaradecí por ello. Para repararlo, sería la mejor amiga que alguna vez tuvo:
Maratones de sus aburridas series, dalo por hecho.
Acompañarlo a hacer las minimas tareas, claro.
Ir sin falta a sus competencias de atletismo, por supuesto.
Masajear sus cansadas piernas después de correr más kilometros en una hora que yo en un día, con gusto.
Religiosamente contestar sus mensajes sin sentido, sin mayor problema.
Haría lo que fuera para compensar nuestra aventurilla y mantenerlo feliz. Parecía estar funcionando, logramos crear cierta dinámica que hacía funcionar las cosas en casa, ambos parecían estar conformes y hasta más felices que al inicio, si eso fuera posible.                                                                               Pero nuestra felicidad no podía durar por siempre, los hombres son unos desgraciados que no pueden mantener su miembro o corazón en un mismo sitio. Jae formalizó una relación (o eso decían las malas lenguas) con una de primer año llamada Mercedes, encantadora si no fuera la autora intelectual de mis desgracias; al principio dejó de tener relaciones sexuales conmigo o besarme, cortó todo contacto con sus demás amigas/exes, no me llamaba por apodos, no le importaba que Jeno aveces bromeara con que soy el amor de su vida, y más cosas que se habían vuelto nuestra rutina. Pretendió ser el mejor hombre en la faz de la tierra por unos buenos malditos 5 meses hasta que vio que la pristina Mercedes no se acostaría con él si no existía una relación formal de por medio. Después de eso, volvió al juego conmigo.
La chica es encantadora, lo digo en serio, es tan amigable que me sentía culpable cada vez que venía a cenar con nosotros al departamento o me pedía ayuda con una de sus materias ya que "soy la chica más inteligente que conoce", ¡carajo! es tan amable que cualquier vez que quise ser mala con ella terminé llorando de culpa en mi cama. Eso nos trae aquí ahora; no puedo verla a la cara sin querer confesarle las porquerías que he hecho con su novio a sus espaldas. Me he convertido en la amante que disfruta del lado más carnal de su pareja y lo envía fresco cada mañana para que sea ella quien escuche los te quieros. Me doy asco la mayoría del tiempo, y es esa sensación de repudio conmigo misma la que me ha alejado de todos los que solía frecuentar. Esta mañana fue la gota que derramó el vaso, la insistencia de Jaehyun en volver a nuestros hábitos pero su nulo interés en asentarse conmigo. Él no me ama como yo desearía ni ve como una chica digna para tener una relación más allá de lo sexual, porque como una vez lo dijo Eres diferente a ella, más... Sensual, me inspiras pasión... Y nada más, lo sé por fin. Todos mis intentos fallidos por demostrar que soy suficiente han sido en vano, y sinceramente estoy cansada. Estoy agotada de vivir compensando a todo mundo pero seguir sintiendo pena de mí misma, peor aún, tener que actuar como si nada.
Hoy llegando a casa hice mis maletas con lo más importante que tenía, el resto lo recogería en los siguientes días o puedo enviar por ellas. Como en piloto automático y sin percepción real del tiempo, ya estoy por irme de la casa pero soy detenida por la suave mano de alguien en mi hombro.
- ¿A dónde vas? - Pregunta tartamudo
- Me voy Jeno. -
- ¿De vacaciones? No me contaste nada...-
- No, me voy de aquí. No puedo seguir viviendo aquí, no con él. - Me da la vuelta para atrincherarse en la puerta, saca su teléfono temblando y marca un número.
- Tienes que venir, hay problemas. - Se escucha la respuesta pero no distingo lo que dice - Es sobre T/N, sí, ahora. -
- ¿Qué estás haciendo? ¿Lo llamaste? Dime, ¿Llamaste para pedir su ayuda? ¿A él que es la razón por la que me estoy llendo? -
- No puedes irte T/N, no puedes dejarnos, somos un equipo. -
- ¿Quieres verme hacerlo? - Lanzo mi maleta pesada a sus piernas para que se quite o trate de esquivarlas y poder salir, pero sus musculosas piernas no se mueven un centímetro, reciben el golpe como si nada. Ahora soy yo quien trata de lanzarse a el para tratar de correr, dándole la oportunidad ideal de atraparme en la cárcel de su cuerpo. - ¡¿Qué haces?! ¡Sueltame animal! -
- Deja de arañarme T/N, por favor, hablemos los tres y tratemos de encontrar una solución. -
- No hay nada que solucionar Jeno, si quiero largarme de aquí lo haré. No me importa si lo aprueban o no. - Ya estamos colocados en el sofá, con sus piernas y brazos bloquea cualquier movimiento que pueda hacer, mi cara hundida en su hombro.
Tras un rato de lucha, me rindo ante su incomparable fuerza. La frustración de nunca conseguir lo que quiero a pesar de mi esfuerzo me hace estallar en llanto (moco y todo), ya no es necesario que me sostenga para no escapar, ahora quiero que me sostenga como consuelo. Lo hace, acaricia mi hombro delicadamente con su mano derecha y con la otra limpia sus propias lágrimas, se le han contagiado las ganas de llorar. Unos pasos ruidosos por el pasillo nos avisan de la llegada del tercer individuo.
- ¿Cuál es el problema? - Nos encuentra de esa manera al azotar la puerta en su brusca entrada. Por sus expresiones puedo ver que toda clase de pensamientos pasan por su cabeza. Con lentitud me levanto de mi posición anterior, no sin antes palmear el hombro de mi amigo como gesto de agradecimiento.
- Me voy. Me mudo de este lugar porque ya no puedo vivir aquí un día más. - Digo aún con las lágrimas corriendo por mis mejillas.
- No no no... - Es notable su shock a pesar de que está casi murmurando, más como para sí mismo.
- Sí, y como le decía a él, no espero su permiso para hacerlo, de ninguno de los dos. -
- ¿Esperas que nos crucemos de brazos a ver cómo nos dejás? Así como si no nos importaras en lo absoluto. -
- Espero que respeten una desición, una que ya tomé. -
- Por lo de esta mañana, pensé que... Bueno, creí que todo volvería a la normalidad. Me abrazaste T/N. -
- Cómo siempre, entendiste lo que quisiste. Yo fui bastante clara al decirte que lo nuestro no era correcto y que no estaba cómoda con seguir siendo tu... Zorra. No seré objeto de tu diversión. Ya no más. Durante mucho tiempo he querido hacer algo al respecto y por fin tengo el valor, no como tú, que no tienes el valor para un compromiso real con nadie más que contigo mismo y tu satisfacción. - El otro habiéndose convertido en un espectador en el sofá que no para de sollozar.
- No eres una zorra, por dios. Qué necesidad de intensificar la conversación. -
- No desvíes el tema. -
- Ok ok, no te enojes cariño, ¿Mi satisfacción? ¿De qué hablas? -
- No me llames así, y deja de actuar como si Jeno fuera un idiota que no sabe la razón REAL del porque me voy, como si no comprendiera lo que está ocurriendo. - Se queda mucho, su cara de angustia muta a una de creciente molestia.
- Con que la razón real eh... ¿Quién te metió esa idea a la cabeza? Nunca antes eso fue un impedimento para nosotros, por qué casualmente ahora me pides algo que aclaramos al inicio. - Voltea hacia mis espaldas para acusar con la mirada a nuestro amigo.
- ¿Qué no lo ves? Esta peor que tú ante la situación, no implantó ideas ni habló mal de ti si es lo que insinúas. -
- No estoy insinuando nada, solo digo que parece sospechoso que lo involucras demasiado en un asunto que es de los dos, y sólo de los dos. -
- Suenas como un idiota, hablando mal de la persona que te llamó para pedir tu ayuda al enterarse que me iba, en vez de agradecerle lo estás acusando de culpas que no tiene. Y si lo involucro es porque tú lo hiciste primero. - Cierta lucidez llega a su mente tras decir esto.
- Ok, tienes razón, fui demasiado duro con él. Es que yo... - Se queda sin palabras - Ahora tú estás siendo dura conmigo, sugiriendo que soy de lo peor. -
- Oh no, no digo que seas de lo peor; pero en efecto eres un maldito mujeriego, un infiel, inmaduro,  convenenciero y me tratas como a una propiedad. - flaqueo, mis lágrimas salen de nuevo sin control - Y se que no cambiarás, sin importar cuanto me lo prometas, y yo no podré decirte que no, sin importar cuanto trate. Me voy porque esto a la larga nos hará más daño. -
- No quiero que te vayas. -
- Pero yo no quiero quedarme. - Y aprovechando que he quebrantado su voluntad, recojo mis regadas maletas. Jaehyun no dice una sola palabra después ni separa sus ojos del suelo, creo que es mejor.
- Yo no he hablado. -
- Nono, por favor no hagas esto. -
- T/N, por favor no me dejes, no puedes dejarme solo. -
- No te dejaré solo, seguiremos siendo buenos amigos, iré a tus competencias siempre y todo lo que sea posible para seguir siendo buenos amigos. -
- Pero ya no desayunarás conmigo, no estarás para ver películas, no jugaremos a las luchas, ni beberemos vino barato en el balcón. -
- Tal vez no, pero de esa forma los momentos serán más especiales aún. -
- No quiero que sean especiales entonces, quiero que sean a diario. -
- Mi querido y necio Nono. Algunas cosas cambiarán pero nosotros permaneceremos iguales. - acorto nuestra distancia para apretar sus mejillas - Te seguiré queriendo como siempre lo he hecho, no tienes nada de qué preocuparte... -
- Te amo. - me calla antes de terminar, ahí Jaehyun abandona la sala y se dirige a su habitación - Te amo T/N, no me importa lo que hayas hecho o no con Jaehyun, no me importa en lo más mínimo, te amo y estoy seguro que eres el amor de mi vida, jamás había conocido a una chica como tú, así que por favor no te vayas. No me dejes. -
- ¿Por qué esperaste tanto para decirlo? -
- No tenía el valor. - Besa las palmas de mi mano que están cerca de sus labios
- ¿Y solo lo tuviste cuando parecía todo perdido?-
- Sé que eso no me hace mejor que Jaehyun, pero la manera en que yo te amaré será la que mereces, no tendrás que volver a sentirte usada o ocultar algo tan natural como un beso. -
- Aunque aprecio que te abras a mí, tu confesión no cambia mi desición. Si me quedara en este lugar, la poca dignidad que tengo se iría al demonio. -
- Entonces vámonos los dos. Mudemonos tan lejos como gustes, ganaré todas mis competencias para tener los premios económicos y pagar la renta. -
- Eres un verdadero obstinado. -
- No quiero perderte, no ahora que por fin te declaré mis sentimientos. -
- ¿Y mis sentimientos? - A través de sus ojos puedo ver cómo una fracción de su corazón se rompe. La realidad golpea tan duro que su respiración se corta brevemente y la resignación se asienta.
- Supongo que tienes con quién pasar la noche. -
- No tienes que preocuparte por eso. -
- Siempre me preocuparé por ti, somos los mejores amigos después de todo. -
- Claro que sí. Bueno, nos vemos mañana ¿Tienes práctica verdad? -
- Sí. - responde casi inaudible
- Ahí estaré, puntual como siempre. Descansa Nono. - planto un dulce beso de despedida en su mejilla y cierro la puerta a mis espaldas, dando por oficial mi partida. Sus sollozos se pueden escuchar tras de ésta y hasta unos metros de distancia, llora como un niño que ha perdido su posesión más preciada, con pesar incontrolable. Aún así no desatiende mi desición de irme, con todo el dolor de su corazón planta sus pies en el alfombrado para no salir corriendo en mi búsqueda.
Si bien su declaración de amor cambia mi panorama, mi determinación es infranqueable. Él sabe cómo soy, no hay caso en luchar una batalla perdida.
En la entrada del edificio se encuentra estacionado el auto de mi amiga Linda, esperando para irnos.
- Hiciste lo correcto. -
- Lo sé. -
Arranca en dirección a mi nueva residencia temporalmente, donde mi nueva lucha comienza. Sin un Jaehyun o Jeno en mi vida. Por ahora...
Parte 2
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
bound by the rules masterlist smau
pairing/s: lesserafim huh yunjin x txt's sixth member! gp! oc x aespa yoo jimin
summary: txt's oldest member, oh hyunseol just want a peaceful life after pandemic with her members, but it seems like fate wants to shake things up.
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tags... crack, fluff; angst; hurt(?); suggestive/smut (not all time); kinda slow burn (not the do i like her slow burn, but those longer than a min touches and longing gazes kind of slow burn); no beta we die like men; love at first sight; friends to lovers
warning/s... love triangle; angst; too many things going on; an ungodly amount of time skips; suggestive/smut themes; dark jokes; toxic staffs and management; scandals; dark themes & graphic content: strong language, bullying (affectionately); multiple mentions of alcohol and its consumption; many more to be added
setting... story will start in 2022
featuring... txt, lesserafim, aespa, itzy (mostly ryujin), ive (mostly annyeongz), choi yena, skz bangchan, nct jaehyun, g-idle yuqi, enhypen heeseung, some bts members, and many more that often pops up in just one of the chapters.
status... CONTINUING (surprisingly)
profiles. bighit's baby giants, too pretty to be ais, not-so-fearless with bugs, the seven avengers
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chapters (number of chapters & some titles still unidentified)
⭐ - fav chap
01 | happy birthday to you⭐
02 | new bestie unlocked
03 | birth month twinnie (half written)
04 | pretty elevator girl (kinda half written)
05 | tagged along
06 | birthday money
07 | meeting for what?! (mostly written)
09 | minjeong's research
10 | lee fcking soo-man (written) ⭐
11 | give me your bets
12 | field day (pt.1)⭐
13 | the claw machine⭐
14 | party party yeah
15 | alexa, play drama by txt (written)⭐
16 | she is like dramama ramama
17 | #prayforheeseung
18 | gay panic-ese⭐
19 | txt's first 2022 vlive (written)⭐
20 | lord me when⭐
21 | be careful what you wish for (written) ⭐
22 | something bad just happened ⭐
23 | perfect friends ⭐
24 | matchz? it's a matchz! ⭐
bonus... matchmaker episodes
25 | 0 7 . 3 0
26 | seol & umji?? seolji?
27 | haters gonna hate
28 | wee-woo 🚨🚨
29 | a house of cards (written)
30 | us against the world
31 | through the cracks
32 | without the foundation
bbtr plot timeline
taglist: @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @kimsgayness , @jeindall777 , @notodayeli , @mah4u
misc hyunseol - kprofile | articles | spotify playlist | youtube compilations | fem idols crushing on her | matchz playlist | oddz playlist
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a/n: seol can be interpreted as the reader or whole other person. it was supposed to be y/n, not seol but i find it hard to imagine if i pair yunjin and karina to someone i can't imagine, so that's where seol is born.
disclaimer all images and pictures used in this story are not all mine. they belong to their rightful owners and i therefore give credits to their edits. since this is a smau, all of the happenings and events within are made up and the product of my imagination. any similarity to real-life occurrences or individuals, whether alive or deceased, is entirely coincidental. SEPARATE FICTION FROM REALITY.
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@ eventuallyaugust 2024 | navi
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flwoie · 1 year
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cover designed by the lovely @giantkeroppi
・❥・ SYNOPSIS ➸ Prom is one of the best events of the year, especially when you have someone to go with. After getting ditched at the last minute on the night, you have two choices for your date: your ex or your enemy.
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PAIRING ➸ ex! jake x f! reader x second-lead! enemy! heeseung
GENRE ➸ smau, crack, fluff, angst if u look closely, enemies to friends, exes to lovers, love triangle, highschool au (00s, 01s & 02s are portrayed as juniors) (reader is an 02), one-sided pining (heeseung), mutual pining (reader & jake)
WARNINGS ➸ profanity, just bomin getting kicked out of the gc every chapter (yes that’s a warning bc it’s an unfunny joke 😭) each chap has its warning
FEATURING ➸ enhypen jaemin of nct shuhua of gidle bomin of golcha mentions of tbz (changmin, sunwoo & hyunjae) but portrayed as a hs band
STATUS ➸ discontinued :(
╰┈➤ START 03/26/23
╰┈➤ END …
SONATA SPEAKING ➸ so i got inspo from an instagram post so why not make this a series, this would’ve been great as a written series but yk how i am with written series 🤥🤥 (sorry mr puddles) BUT who wouldn’t love heejake smaus (sorry heeseung…)🔥🔥 and yes the og title was this or that but i hated it so…
☆ playlist — «on days like this, i miss you»
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DATES ❥ interlocking toes club 💐 bonk playerzzz
ONE — no date 🤣🤣
TWO — got a date
THREE — super cool prom night > written
FOUR — raging 😹😹
FIVE — doing my job, trust the process
SEVEN — everyone loves tbz 😊
EIGHT — e etb. rjur. a.
NINE — i can;,;t,ttt,\ttttt,
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enhypen masterlist
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astroyongie · 1 month
one like this but for nct127?
NCT 127 As Romantic Tropes
Taeyong: Rags to Riches
Johnny: Slow Burn
Taeil: Soulmates
Yuta: Fake Relationship
Doyoung: Second Chance at Love
Jaehyun: Forbidden Love
Jungwoo: Love at First Sight
Mark: Amnesia
Heachan: Love Triangle
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smileyerim · 11 months
episode one: champagne problems
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summer of love: an interactive nct series
Welcome to Villa Rosa, the home for this summer’s hottest singles to come together to compete to find their true love. Through a series of compatibility competitions and tempting newcomers joining the mix, our couples will be put to the test to evaluate if they really belong together. Join us in the summer of love, where anything could happen. (reality show concept based off of perfect match)
chapter content:
(bold indicates a major pairing with the reader in this chapter)
the boys: mark lee, jung jaehyun, na jaemin, lee haechan, kim jungwoo, kim doyoung (the host)
the girls: model!reader, huh yunjin, karina, shin ryujin
genre: fluff, sorta angsty
word count: 9.9k
warnings: love triangle, adults drinking, dialogue about sex, dialogue about heartbreak, SHIT MOVES FAAAAST (comes with the territory tbh), visual and personality comparisons between all the boys (this is a major theme, so if it offends you please don’t read further)
net tags: @kflixnet @k-labels
for information on the full series, check out the series masterlist linked below the title!
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“On my cue.” The producer dressed in black says next to you. You give him a nod and a smile before quickly readjusting your bikini top for the millionth time today.
Your nerves are starting to build in an exciting way, you swipe your sweaty palms on your sheer wrap that’s covering truly nothing on your body.
My reality television debut, you ponder the event as you stand silently. You can hear the roar of laughter and the telltale squeal of a girl that just got cheekily flirted with from down the hallway. You will join the bunch next.
“Go.” The producer says and you let out a final sigh before strutting with as much confidence and power that you can muster down the hallway. The only noise is your heels clicking the marble, the group outside clearly having been told to anticipate your arrival.
The moment you spot the group, they all erupt in enthusiastic hellos, even earning you a wolf whistle from a tall man in tropical print shorts. You’re the second girl here, with only two more to follow after you. There’s three boys already waiting. The one girl, Karina, runs up to you first, complimenting your outfit and makeup. You’re too smart to fall for it, knowing that she’s only doing so to scope you out quickly. Hell, you’ll be doing the same thing once more girls join in.
This is a competition, after all.
“Wow, it’s lovely to meet you.” A shorter guy with a sexy undercut approaches you with a shy side hug. He’s handsome and youthful, you note.
Your eyes meet once you exchange names. Mark, he had said. His name doesn’t match how sexy he is, but you bite your tongue on telling him that. He’s staring pretty intensely into your eyes and you feel locked in, but you remind yourself of the circumstance you’re in and hesitantly break away to meet the other guys.
They all greet you with hugs, but none of them leave an impression quite like Mark does. You learn that the man who gave you a wolf whistle is a tall man named Jungwoo. He interests you right off the bat, but the moment you’re done saying hello he’s back to talking to Karina.
He seems to be hitching his wagon early, so you do the same and travel back over to Mark’s side.
“Can I get you a drink?” He says, hand already reaching for the champagne bottle in the ice bucket. You laugh at his initiative, finding him quite endearing and nod your head yes.
“Where are you from?” He says as he fills the flute with with the bubbles.
“Take a guess,” you tease him with a smile on your face, leaning your elbows onto the high top table between you two. Your cleavage is certainly on display, an intentional move on your part.
“Aw, dude, don’t do that to me!” He whines cutely with animated eyes. You laugh again and answer him.
“Fine, fine. I’m from New York. Well, not originally but that’s where I live now.” You answer him as he hands you your flute. You want to tease him again for his heavy pour, but you bite your tongue.
“Oh, cool! I’m from Toronto originally but I’ve been living in Seoul for a few years to work on music.” You nod, eye being caught by the producers shushing you all in anticipation of a new person.
It’s a girl dressed in a neon green bikini, and Jungwoo graces her with the same wolf whistle he did for you. You mentally note his affinity for pulling the same moves on different women and join Karina in greeting her with over the top enthusiasm.
She introduces herself as Ryujin. You observe Mark give her the same awkward side hug that he did you, but just as quickly as he’s greeting her he’s back at your side. You smile, noting his apparent loyalty to you already.
“So, what do you do?” Mark asks you. You typically hate small talk, but appreciate that he’s keeping the conversation PG unlike the group adjacent to you two.
(“What’s your body count?” A loud, young guy asks Ryujin, and she gasps, slapping his shoulder in an obvious flirt.)
“I’m a stylist. I do freelance work for magazines and things like that.” You explain, and it’s cute how he pretends to find it interesting.
“Rate my outfit then.” He asks with a smirk. You take the opportunity to scan his body down to the shorts he’s wearing, but letting your eyes linger on his toned skin. He’s not muscular by any means, potentially skinny even, but the muscle definition that he does have suits him well.
You smile, about to answer them when Ryujin approaches the table again, “Care to pour me a drink, Mark?” She says and you smile politely at her as he sends you a quick glance before reaching for the bottle.
Ouch, but you get it. There’s a lot of people to get to know here, and Mark is currently only one of three guys. There’s still two more to arrive, and if Mark is the only one that’s interesting to her from the selection then so be it.
Thankfully, Mark doesn’t allow you to third wheel for long as he includes you in the conversation quickly.
“Y/N is from New York, too!” Mark exclaims and you smile in her direction to nod in confirmation. You have to remind yourself to stay calm as you speak to them. Two more boys are coming, and loyalties are as strong as tissue paper in the wind on shows like these.
You have to remember to stay focused and open minded. Thankfully, Mark and Ryujin are both exciting conversationalists so you’re able to stay engaged in the conversation until the producers quiet you all down again.
Ryujin leans over to whisper in your ear, “Do you think it’s a girl or a guy?” She asks excitedly. You giggle at her and shrug, squinting your eyes to attempt to spot the next figure through the palm tree leaves blocking a clear view of the door.
It’s a girl this time wearing a cut out one piece. It’s in a deep fuchsia to compliment her skin tone and light brown hair and you nearly gasp at her beauty once she smiles excitedly as she approaches.
She’s the last in and for good reason, she’s gorgeous. You’re the first to move in to introduce yourself.
“Hello, beautiful!” You announce and pull her into a hug. It’s a little difficult as she’s significantly taller than you, but you manage. She smiles genuinely as she returns your compliment, nearly forcing a blush on your cheeks. Her name is Yunjin, she shares with the girls.
Just like before, Mark gives her a side hug. It’s much more awkward and surely embarrassing on his part as she’s slightly taller than him with the help of her stilettos.
In fact, the only person tall enough for Yunjin is Jungwoo, so they quickly begin chatting, leaving you to Mark and Ryujin.
“Where’s the rest of the eye candy, huh?” Ryujin jokes and knocks your shoulder softly.
Ah, you think, she’s not into Mark. You smile at the realization and stare him right in the eye when you jokingly respond.
“Shit, I don’t know. It’s getting a little boring.” You challenge him silently and he raises one eyebrow while maintaining eye contact with you. You say nothing, only breaking the eye contact to bring your champagne flute back to your lips.
You had planned to play the field a bit more, but the pickings are slim with 4 girls and 3 boys so far, and Mark is far more interesting than Jungwoo and Haechan.
That is, until the producers quiet you once more to introduce the last 2 attendees. Ryujin perks up, standing on her tippy toes and leaning her body to try and sneak a glance. You’re hopeful for her sake, these are the last two guys who will be joining you for quite some time. For you, though, you feel as if you could hold your own with Mark, but the inkling curiosity still strikes as you wait for the last two boys.
Your jaw drops once you spot them. You have to blink your eyes once to clear your vision to absorb every detail.
Two men with bodies to die for and faces that seem painted by God himself emerge from the entrance.
One of them is a certified pretty boy, you can say that much, with his big eyes and charming smile. His blonde hair is styled perfectly and if he couldn’t get any hotter, he goofily greets the group with a squeal and wide arms. He seems young, but in all fairness most of the guys here are, too. He begins by greeting the table adjacent to yours, naturally so as they reacted just as enthusiastically as he had.
The other boy, though, is making a beeline for your table.
Wait, not just your table. He’s making his way towards you.
His lipped smile grows as he approaches slowly, dimples peeking out in his cheeks. You’re enraptured by his visuals immediately, meeting his eyes as he walks up to wrap both arms around you in a hug.
It takes you by surprise, but just as quickly as it’s begun it’s ended.
“My name is Jaehyun.” He introduces himself after he lets go, sticking his hand out for you to shake. You giggle and tilt your head at his hand, finding it odd that he’s choosing to give you a handshake after he’s already hugged you, but he’s so hot that you barely can think.
You shake his hand back, noting how big his is compared to yours as you give him your name.
“Mm,” he hums in satisfaction, “pretty name for a pretty girl.” he winks down at you and you genuinely giggle at that, turning your head bashfully to look at the ice bucket in the center of your table.
It’s nothing spectacular to look at, unlike Jaehyun, but it’s the ending the moment needed so he could go and make his rounds.
You watch him as he approaches the other table of people. He doesn’t give any other girls the same encapsulating hug that he gave you, it’s intentional and you know it. He makes it all the more obvious as he catches your eye after side hugging the two girls, clearly watching for your reaction.
Unsure of how you feel about the silent message, you turn back to Mark and Ryujin who have now begun talking about the villa.
“I’m really excited to see what the bedroom situation will be like.” You chime in, and Mark enthusiastically agrees and steps closer to you. He isn’t showing any signs that the greeting with Jaehyun irked him, which you find unbelievably sexy of him.
“I bet the bathroom is plush.” A voice from behind you says and you jump, turning to see Jaehyun cheekily smile down at you.
“You did that on purpose!” You hit his shoulder and he just laughs and stands in the empty spot opposite to Mark at the high top.
He shrugs, smirking, “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You’ll just have to get to know me better to see.” He flirts and you smile back.
“I guess so.” You trail off, returning your attention to Mark and Ryujin. Now Mark is showing his true feelings, but only slightly with his attentive eyes already on you when you look at him.
He was watching you and Jaehyun. Interesting.
“Alright, lovers! How’re we feeling?” A voice over a megaphone startles you once more to steal your attention.
Your brain short circuits as you’re slightly star struck by the host in view. Doyoung, a jazz singer known for meeting his wife on the Bachelor, stands proudly on a small stage before you as the group whoops and hollers. You were warned that he’d be here, but seeing him in person makes it all the more real.
“Let me be the first to say welcome to the Summer of Love villa!” He lowers the megaphone this time, much to your gratitude, and you applaud with the rest.
“You’re all here because you have one thing in common— you’re too hot to be single!” The group erupts in laughter at that and Jaehyun sneakily leans in to your side to whisper,
“Especially you.”
You blush and turn your gaze back to Doyoung, doing your best to keep your cool. It’s already hot outside, but you feel yourself warming up a few extra degrees at his forwardness.
“Hey, you’ll have enough time to flirt later.” Doyoung teases Jaehyun and points his finger, and Jaehyun brings his arms up in surrender much to the amusement of the others. You blush even harder, staring straight ahead at Doyoung. Looking at either Jaehyun or Mark could be dangerous for you right now.
“You also all share another attribute, you all want something real.” Doyoung says and the crowd nods in agreement. Admittedly, you had no idea that was a part of the criteria to join the show, but you nod along with them anyways. It’s true, you suppose.
“To create an environment for real connections, at the end of each week you will pair up with another person here to dedicate your attention towards.”
“As you know, though, not all that glitters is gold. To put your relationships to the test, each week a new man or woman will join you here to search for their own perfect pair.” The group oohs and feigns shock. That, at least, you know is an act as you were told about the scope of the show before you even signed on.
“At the end of each coupling, anyone without a match will leave here alone. As you’ve already noticed, there’s four girls and five guys. So gentlemen, be aware that one of you will be the first to go home.” You glance around the group, looking for any obvious pairings forming already. There are none, which excites you. It’s open season, and there’s five cute guys here all needing to find a girl for tonight.
“To really bring up the heat in the summer of love, our first coupling will be tonight.” You gasp at that announcement, looking over to Mark and Jaehyun who are both already looking at you. Your palms begin sweating again.
“Now, are you ready to begin the Summer Of Love?” Doyoung says, speaking into the megaphone again. The group erupts in cheers, although you’re sure the rest of the group is feeling the same anxiety that you are.
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After Doyoung released the group to go inside and explore the villa, the producers instruct you to gather by gender to discuss the others. The girls have gathered, much to your gratitude, at the infinity pool at the edge of the property. The heat is oppressive, so you stand near the edge of the pool where Yunjin has her feet dipped.
“He’s pretty cute and was flirting with me really hard,” Yunjin shares, “but Jaemin is really cute too and much more my type.”
You nod adding, “Jungwoo is from the same city as you, though.”
She pouts in consideration before nodding herself.
“Good point. I don’t know who I’m most interested in, then. Karina you go.” Yunjin passes the torch with a fake frustrated sigh. You laugh at her antics, scrunching your nose and directing your attention to the blonde lounging out on the tanning chair.
She looks as if she’s posing with the way her arms and legs are positioned, but you can’t blame her. The producers constantly meddling and the right black band around your waist make it impossible to forget that you’re on camera.
“I don’t know, honestly. Jaemin is cute, but we look too similar.” You and Yunjin share a look of confusion before she giggles in realization.
“Wait, because you’re both tall, hot blondes?” Yunjin giggles and Karina swipes the sunglasses off of her face.
“Well, yeah!” She says like it’s obvious and the three of you erupt in laughter at her statement.
“I’m not too sure that any of that matters.” Ryujin reassures her, to which you vocalize your agreement.
“Whatever. What I’m most interested in is Y/N’s thoughts.” Karina eyes you with a smirk and you look down at your intertwined hands leaning on the pool’s edge as the girls excitedly agree with her and urge you to speak up.
When you take too long to answer, Yunjin kicks your side and Ryujin tacks on to your other, smiling at you in anticipation.
“Okay, fine!” You cave in and the girls lean in, Karina moving to lay on her stomach backwards on the chair to be closer to you all.
“I honestly don’t know what to think.” You say with honesty. You truly do not know who you are more interested in.
“Oh, come on, Jaehyun had you blushing like a little schoolgirl!” Yunjin teases to attempt to get a confession out of you. Before you can say anything else, though, Ryujin pipes up.
“Yes, but did you see her and Mark? She was obviously feeling him, too.” You groan, head falling into your hands in embarrassment.
“Haechan wouldn’t stop checking her out either…” Karina adds.
“Oh, Jaemin too!” Yunjin piles on and you cringe at yourself. You had known about Mark and Jaehyun, but Haechan and Jaemin too?
You’ll admit, you’ve always known that you’re beautiful, but this is a whole new level of attention.
“There’s no way.” You say with your head still hidden.
“Damn, girl, you’re popular.” Ryujin says next to you and you roll your eyes.
“Helpful.” You snark at her and she wraps a sympathetic arm around you to pull you in to a fake hug.
“Champagne problems.” She coos and pets your hair teasingly, to which you playfully wiggle her off of you. The girls laugh and you sigh, settling down a bit to give them a true answer.
“It’s still early days, so I don’t know yet. I like that Mark is boyish, but Jaehyun is really charming.”
“Really charming.” Ryujin adds and you nod at her.
“Yeah, sure, he had me blushing, but cockiness can be disguised by confidence and I don’t know if that’s a risk I want to take.” The girls nod in understanding, and before Ryujin can share her answer, a voice booms out from the house.
“Round up!” An unfamiliar voice calls, most likely another producer, and you roll your eyes at the intrusion. It’s going to be hard to get used to.
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The boys are the last to arrive to the patio where you’re sat with the girls. The cameras are blocking a clear view, but you can see Jaehyun and Mark chatting away as they approach. You smile, thankful that the competition over you didn’t place any walls between them.
“This seat taken?” Mark says and you smile, shaking your head no to allow him to sit on the loveseat with you. There’s barely enough room for you both, not that you’re complaining. To make more room, Mark leans his arm on the back of the loveseat and pulls you back to lean into his chest a bit.
Under other circumstances you’d push him off, but time moves quickly in the villa, especially for the boys who risk going home after tonight. Plus, you really really want to be here against him right now, so you’ll take the justifications.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, is sitting next to Jungwoo on the sofa. You know that the only girl that he spoke to earlier was you, but you’re still surprised to see him single.
“Are you ready for your first challenge?” Doyoung says once he’s found his spot standing before you all. You all cheer in response, and once Mark’s done clapping, his free hand finds your knee. You blush even deeper, the butterflies in your belly erupting at the contact.
“In your first challenge, we will put your discernment abilities to the test in a game of first impressions.” The crowd oohs, Mark included, but you wait and listen.
“Each of you will be faced with real secrets about other people in this villa. You will then have to match the secret with the person that you think it belongs to.” You gulp, adjusting nervously. You didn’t know that this would come up so early in the show.
“You ok?” Mark whispers in your ear which startles you, but you quickly nod with a curt smile. He’s going to find out soon anyways.
“The person who guesses the most secrets correctly will be rewarded with a date with any other person of their choosing.” You’d have it in you to be excited along with the rest of the group if you weren’t so nervous.
You seriously weren’t expecting it to come up, not so soon at least. Not without you sharing it first. You feel as if the rug has been ripped out from underneath you, as if your story is no longer your own.
“Ladies first, Yunjin.” Doyoung calls her up dismiss her to the selection room. She gasps and shoots up quickly, blowing you all kisses goodbye as she retreats. The producers have instructed you all to stay silent to avoid cheating, so all you can do is sit with your thoughts as Mark’s thumb slowly rubs circles into your knee. It’s a comforting move, one that you’re needing quite a bit right now.
If you weren’t so preoccupied with your own thoughts, you’d notice Jaehyun staring daggers into Mark’s hand on your leg. You don’t, though, but Mark certainly does.
Mark had picked up on what was going on during the introductions earlier, but his fears were made real when Jaehyun expressed his interest in you to the guys as they all sat in the bedroom earlier that day. Mark felt small in that moment when faced with the reality of his competition, but he did his best to not let it get to him.
The mindset shift worked in his favor, clearly, as you were now here sitting with him, not Jaehyun.
All of the girls had left and returned by the time it was your turn. You sighed once your name was called, using Mark’s leg as a rest to help you up. Unlike the others, you don’t give any dramatic or cute goodbyes and simply walk to the room.
It’s exactly as you expected with the white walls lit up by LED lights displaying a wave of sunset colors. In the center of the room is a large touchscreen table currently displaying five photos and five digital envelopes to open.
You sigh as you approach, expressing your nerves to the camera up above the table. Hesitantly, you tap the first envelope to spark an animation of it opening to reveal the first secret.
Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven.
You scoff a laughter, shaking your head and clicking on the next. You want all of your options before you make pairings.
Said “I love you” 4 days in
You cringe at that one, but move on quickly so as to not embarrass the boy this secret belongs to.
Said the wrong name during sex.
You roll your eyes at that one. It’s clear what type of show the producers are trying to make. Too bad your secret doesn’t fit into the mold. You tap the next.
Got left at the altar.
Your heart drops to your stomach when you read that one. You tap on the card a few times to see if it’s real, and it is. You pause for a few seconds, but will yourself to move on. You’re wasting too much time.
Has moved in with 4 out of 5 of his past girlfriends.
With all the secrets revealed, you take a deep breath and laugh to yourself.
“These boys are such a mess.” You say half to yourself, half to the camera.
Your first instinct is to match Haechan with “said the wrong name during sex”, so you do just that.
Your eye is caught on “has moved in with 4 out of 5 past girlfriends” as another easy match. Jaehyun, obviously. Not only does he have the charisma to make 4 girls fall in love with him, he’s also the oldest boy which makes for more time in adulthood than the rest.
“Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven” is given to Jungwoo.
Purposefully avoiding the most intense secret, you pair Mark with “Said ‘I love you’ after four days”.
By default, you match Jaemin with “Got left at the altar.” You know your guess is wrong, but you’re not attracted to the idea of winning. If you win you then have to choose, which is the last thing you want to do right now.
Once you return happily to the waiting crew, you swap glances with Yunjin who has to look away quickly before bursting into giggles. Clearly, she found the challenge to be more amusing than you had.
The boys are called up next, and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t bounce your leg in anxiety when both Mark and Jaehyun left and returned respectively. Neither of them seem affected, so they clearly didn’t match you correctly.
“Results are in.” Doyoung emerges and you all burst in scandalous “ooh”‘s.
“Before we reveal the true answers, we must crown our winner.” Doyoung announces and the group leans in in excited anticipation.
“Jungwoo, you have won our first challenge.” Doyoung can barely finish his sentence over the loud cheers of the group congratulating him. He celebrates himself, but ends his celebration by grabbing Yunjin’s hand and kissing the back. She giggles bashfully and smiles ahead of her.
Well, you think, that’s that. With a proud smile for your new friend.
“Do you all want to know the true matches?” Doyoung eggs you all on, earning exasperated ‘yes’’s from the group.
Uh oh, here we go.
The boys go first, much to the excitement of the girls, you included. First, Doyoung reveals your score as a 1, much to your disappointment. Mark laughs at you and offers you a comforting shoulder pat which you accept happily. Whatever you have to do to get him to keep touching you, you think.
The rest of the girls didn’t do much better, with Karina scoring the highest at a pathetic 2.
Doyoung first reveals that Jungwoo is the one who has moved in with four girlfriends before. The group, although surprised, aren’t too shocked by the news. He even earned a few remarks of how that fits him. All that you care about, though, is that Jaehyun could now be any of the other four secrets.
Next Jaemin is exposed for having said the wrong name during sex, which earns him a chorus of boos that he humbly accepts with his head hung low. It’s all in lighthearted fun, though, as laughter soon follows and excited requests for the story. Jaemin declines to your collective dissatisfaction, and Doyoung moves on.
The only answer you got correct was Mark, expectedly. Oddly enough, though, what you found cringey in the selection room is now endearing when paired with the boy sitting next to you. He buries his head in embarrassment at the teasing coo’s of the group, groaning through his smile.
“I think it’s cute.” You whisper into his hair to attempt to force him out of hiding.
“Really?” His shining eyes meet yours and your heart glows at his hopeful look. You nod with a soft smile on your face before drawing attention back to Doyoung to break the moment. You don’t want to put all your eggs into one basket just yet.
Mark’s secret had distracted you, but now the reality of what’s left has hit you like a ton of bricks.
The only two boys left are Haechan and Jaehyun, two boys who couldn’t be any more different. The only two secrets couldn’t be any more opposite either.
The answer is obvious, right in front of your nose, but you want to make sure before you allow yourself to freak out. You stiffen against Mark’s chest again, and you pray that he doesn’t comment on it.
With sweaty palms, you pretend to be intrigued when Haechan is revealed to have lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven. You even put on a pretend entertained face when he proudly tells the play by play — entirely unprompted.
The moment Haechan sits down, you allow yourself to stare Jaehyun down. He looks calm, but he can’t possibly be. Not when you know what you know and the entire world is about to, too. He must be feeling exactly as you are.
“That means that our poor Jaehyun here was left at the altar.” Doyoung announces and the crowd falls eerily solemn for a moment to read his response to the announcement.
But he shrugs. He just… shrugs? It lightens the mood enough to let the crowd offer half sincere condolences to him as he pretends as if it’s not a big deal. You’re flabbergasted, choosing to look onward at him blankly until he looks at you. He doesn’t.
The girls are due to be announced next, and you choose acceptance. It’s all coming out anyways.
Firstly, Karina is exposed to have split custody over a dog with her ex. You giggle at her reveal, seeing it as absolutely fitting.
Next, it’s revealed that Ryujin once went on three dates with a guy without knowing his name. That one surprises you, but you can’t say you don’t sympathize.
“Y/N,” Doyoung pauses and the group begins slapping their knees and cushions in a drumroll. All participate except Jaehyun, who just looks on with an odd warmness behind his eyes. You maintain your stare with him for a second or so before Doyoung speaks again.
“was left stranded on her honeymoon.” You sigh, the nerves settling now that your secret has been revealed. You don’t move a muscle until the girls begin to shout out confused exclaims.
“Wait, girl, seriously?” Yunjin asks and you meet her eyes with a sad look that confirms it all.
The girls then shout in unison again, but this time with dumbfounded half-compliments. The only one you catch is Ryujin’s, “He left a girl like you?”
You scoff, laughing a bit and looking at her, “Well, yeah.” with gentle eyes.
You refuse to turn to look at Mark, but you can feel his hand grip your leg tighter from beside you. Still, your head remains forward when Doyoung moves on.
Through the laughter at Yunjin’s secret revealed, you spot another blank face. Jaehyun, and he’s staring right at you.
Once the director calls cut on the cameras brought in specifically for the challenge, Jaehyun is up and making a beeline towards where you’re sitting with Mark.
“Let’s talk.” He says, hand extending out to you to grab.
“Hold on a sec,” Mark says, not letting go of your leg. You meet his eyes for the first time since before your secret was revealed and find nothing but concern on his face.
Great, you think, exactly what I didn’t want.
You look up at Jaehyun and see no panic, confusion, or concern. He looks… neutral.
“I’ll talk to you before the party, okay?” You say to Mark and he sighs, letting go of your leg to allow you to stand. You don’t take Jaehyun’s hand out of respect for Mark.
That is, until you’re out of Mark’s sight.
“Let’s go to the daybed.” Jaehyun says, moving your grasped hands to intertwine your fingers. You smile down at your feet at the gesture.
Once you’re settled, you sitting criss crossed and Jaehyun laying on his side in a relaxed lounge, he breaks the silence.
“Welcome to pathetic losers anonymous, my name is Jaehyun.” He says and urges you with his hand to continue the act. His attempt to lighten the situation makes you smile, a charmed look on your face when you reply, “Hi Jaehyun.” in a drawn out bored voice.
He cracks a genuine smile at that before he continues, “Two years ago my fiancée—ex fiancée— ran away with her ex boyfriend the night before our wedding.”
The gasp you let out at his confession makes you embarrassed, so you quickly apologize for your reaction. He smiles, shaking his head in a graceful dismissal of your apology as he continues, “They got married on April 6th and on April 8th, I accepted the offer to be on this show.” You nod in understanding. He doesn’t break eye contact with you as you look between his two eyes. Is this what you look like? Do you also look this unamused when talking about what happened to you?
“Unfortunately due to shrinking populations during the apocalypse,” you laugh at his joke, lightening the mood just a bit.
“there are only two members of Pathetic Losers Anonymous so participation is mandatory if you want to enjoy the amenities.” You choose to play along to his game once more, but with some snark.
“What amenities?” You ask with sass and he just smirks.
“Well, we have the lounge area,” he says while rubbing his hand on the daybed cushion between you. You nod and let out a false interested tone, urging him on with a smile.
“State of the art soundproofing,” he says while cheekily drawing the sheer curtain closed behind him. You cock your head with a suspicious smile on your face and he continues.
“Last but not least,” he grabs blindly behind the back board of the bed, “the pool!” He throws a chilled water bottle in your direction. You squeal, barely catching the flying object before it hits your face.
He breaks character for a moment to apologize, clearly not indenting to throw the bottle that hard. You can’t stop laughing, even when you meet his half concerned, half amused look.
“You dick.” You tease between giggles and he rolls his eyes playfully, laying back down and grabbing your arm to pull you down with him.
You don’t give in, still feeling the pressure.
“I’m scared for everyone to know.” You admit quietly, drawing meaningless patterns in the condensation that’s collected on the bottle in your hands.
“Duh, that’s why we have the state of the art soundproofing!” He jokes, although he knows exactly what you meant.
You meet his eyes before lying down on your back with your hands folded over your stomach.
“We got into a fight on our wedding night because he—“ you stop, reminding yourself that this is on camera.
“It doesn’t matter what we fought about, but we did.” You finally say and Jaehyun nods from where he’s sitting up on his elbow looking down at you. There’s a considerable ten inches between your bodies, but he feels uncomfortably close still.
“When we landed in Cancun I thought we were fine, but he had booked himself a different hotel.” Jaehyun sits patiently for you to reveal the last part of your story.
“I thought he just wanted some time to cool off, so I let him have it. I thought he would check in on me, or call me, or something but he didn’t for that entire week. I spent my honeymoon alone.” You sigh and close your eyes, refusing to let your emotions bubble.
“When I got to the airport at the end of the trip I found out he had gone home the same day that we got there. He left me all alone in Cancun by myself for a week waiting for him.” You pause once again.
“He put his wedding band and annulment papers into an envelope and slid it under my office door for me to find a week later.” You finish your story, looking over at Jaehyun.
He’s unreadable, which is frustrating, but almost welcomed with how overwhelming your own feelings are.
“When did this happen?” He asks.
“A year ago.”
He sighs, not too sure what to say to you. You can’t blame him, you didn’t know what to say to him either.
After a few more uncomfortable moments, you lift your hand up in a fist leaned slightly towards him.
“We’re even now.” You say, inviting him to fist bump you. He chuckles through his nose and fist bumps you.
You sit there for a few more moments just staring at each other basking in the intimacy.
Then you remember the last time you felt this way and turn your logical brain back on.
“I don’t even know where you live.” You say flatly and he laughs at that.
“I guess you don’t, huh?” He says through a smile and you shake your head with a neutral expression.
“I guess you should since you know everything else.” He says before telling you about how he was born in South Korea but moved to London as a kid. More questions down the line and you discover that he’s a doctor, an optometrist to be exact, and ‘That’s how I know you have pretty eyes, I see them all day long.’
Once you share your own lot of fun facts, you decide it’s finally time to join the group again, much to Jaehyun’s disappointment.
“Can you just promise me that you’ll consider me to couple with tonight?” He asks before you round the corner back to the main living space and back to the group.
You smile and with the assistance of your intertwined hands, elevate to your tippy toes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek.
It’s all the answers he needed.
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Mark finds you while you’re washing your hands in the plush bathroom.
“Hey, can we talk?” He says with the same concerned eyes as before. You look at him through the mirror and sigh, taking your time turning off the faucet and drying your hands. You turn on your heel to rest your ass against the counter and extend your arms out to Mark, he quickly obliges and steps into your space where you wrap your arms around his shoulders. His hands find your hips easily.
“Can I be honest?” You ask and he nods quickly.
“Of course.”
You pout and shake your head, “I don’t really want to talk about it anymore, if that’s alright.”
Mark’s face falls a bit but he nods in understanding, repeating the same sentiment from before.
“It just worried me and—“ He begins to ramble but you cut him off.
“Mark, I’ve only know you for a day. I want to know your favorite color first before you know all the skeletons in my closet.” You attempt to reason, but he replies quickly,
“Mark,” you drag out his name in a whine and his brain seems to catch up to his mouth as he giggles at himself and apologizes, a faint tint of pink rising on his cheeks.
“Can we go swimming or something?” You ask after a moment of laughter.
He nods with a smile, stepping away from you to allow you to stand.
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The pool is even nicer now that the sun has nearly set, falling behind the house to give you some much needed shade. The sky is a beautiful orange, and in the moments that both you and Mark are still enough, you can hear the rolling waves from the beach.
Mark is an even nicer view from where you are with your head half dipped in the water as you float on your back. He’s looking down at you with those boyish eyes with a soft smile.
“What?” You ask after a long moment of his stare.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “nothing,”
You groan, breaking your float to stand and look up from Mark’s seated position on the thin infinity edge of the pool.
“Mark,” you say bluntly.
“Nothing!” He giggles out a whine, the same pink blush from before sitting on his cheeks.
You don’t let up though, and he just sighs and laughs before admitting, “I was just thinking how I’m really enjoying getting to know you.”
You almost aww at him, your heart melting at the comment. He’s special, you think. Gentle spirited, sweet, and genuine.
“I’m having fun getting to know you, too.”
You hadn’t realized what you said before he asked you, “Does that mean we’re coupling up tonight?”
You can feel your heart wrench at the hope in his voice. You hadn’t decided yet, you couldn’t tell him yes.
“Mark, I just meant… I don’t know what I meant.” You admit and he dejects a little.
“I want to get to know you, but I also want to get to know someone else. I need time to figure out what I’ll decide.” You say finally and he nods in understanding.
“Can I enjoy getting to know you right now, then?” He asks with the same boyish smile from before and you giggle at him, grabbing his arms and tugging as hard as you can to hopefully send him barreling towards the water.
“Amateur.” He playfully scoffs before jumping in himself, grabbing your legs from underwater and quickly flipping you around to pull you in by your waist to his back and hoist you up. Before you knew it, you were midair about to splash into the water below you.
Once you emerge from the warm water, the first sound you hear is Mark’s bellowing cackle in your direction. You find it just as hilarious, but choose to take the game further instead.
“You dick!” You squeal when you jump in his direction, barely grabbing onto his shoulders as you push down with all your weight to attempt to force him underwater.
When he doesn’t budge you exclaim, “Oh, come on!” which makes him laugh out again. In a moment of boldness, he turns around to face you from where you stand unbelievably close.
“I’ll go under if, and only if,” he pauses and you roll your eyes, poking his shoulder to push him back to swivel a bit.
“Dumbass,” you mutter under your breath and his eyes widen as well as his smile.
“Hey, be nice!” He giggles out and you playfully roll your eyes once more, waving him to continue his sentence.
“I’ll go under if you kiss me.”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his boldness, searching for anything but sincerity between his two eyes. You see nothing of the sort, in fact, you see only desire.
Glancing down at his lips once, you find his proposition all the more tempting. When you place your hands back on his shoulders, no push to send him down this time, he takes it as all the sign he needs to grab you by the hips and place his lips on yours.
He’s gentle for a moment, but picks up the pace a bit once he feels you respond. You smile into the kiss, pulling him closer by the neck as he kisses you harder, his hands gripping the skin at your waist roughly. You grab the back of his head when you switch positions and he hums gratefully into the softness of your lips together. It’s passionate, that’s for damn sure, and you’re loving every moment.
When you feel his tongue prod at your lips, you detach from him and stare up at him with a bashful smile. He looks down at you wonderstruck, but his face morphs quickly after into a devious smirk.
The moment that connect the dots between his face and his hands current position on your body, he’s jumping into the air as you squeal, flopping you both down into the water to make do on his side of the deal.
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Thank God for separate dressing rooms. There’s a lot of pressure on you tonight, and both Jaehyun and Mark are distracting as hell. You had read about the crazy time warp you go into when you’re filming a reality show, but you hadn’t believed it until now. Today has felt like a lifetime and it’s not even over yet. On top of that, you still have to break someone’s heart tonight.
You groan at the thought, head thumping down on the table in front of you in frustration. You’ve been doing that a lot recently.
“What did I tell you? Champagne problems.” Ryujin sing songs from her spot at the vanity next to yours.
“My brain can’t work if all you’re doing is telling it that it can’t work!” You exclaim and she laughs sympathetically.
“Well, tell me about it then.” She urges and you huff while you pump your foundation onto the back of your hand.
“Jaehyun is mature, goofy, and confident as all hell. He is also hot as fuck with those cute ass dimples. He’s tall, and he’s got a fucking six pack dude,” she laughs in disbelief and you continue.
“And he gets me, you know?” Ryujin listens with an attentive nod.
“He knows what to say because he gets it. He just… he gets me.” You finish off.
“What about Mark?” She asks and you scoff.
“What not about Mark, you mean? He’s just this precious little thing. He’s genuinely sweet and super open hearted. He’s being nice without even realizing that he’s being nice.” You say finally.
“Wow, girl.” Ryujin says after you have a moment in silence.
“What do I do?” You ask her, genuinely seeking an answer.
“I dunno, flip a coin, I guess.” She suggests and you roll your eyes and let out an exasperated laugh.
You sigh as you return to doing your makeup, you’ll just have to figure this out on your own.
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The party is, as you find out, an open bar with restaurant volume royalty free hip hop music playing from a speaker behind the bar.
“Impressive set up, huh?” Jaehyun says from over your shoulder. He’s cleaned up nicely in an all black outfit, jeans on bottom and a satin dress shirt up top. He’s refreshed his cologne as well, and the warm and woodsy scent is almost as intoxicating as your drink is.
“Get 3 more of these in me and I’ll turn it into Vegas.” You joke and he laughs genuinely, hand coming into contact with the exposed skin of your lower back as he steps closer to you.
“I love this song.” He says as he bounces to the beat. You laugh at his nerdy attempt to mouth the lyrics he most certainly does not know.
“Oh, do you now?” You call him out with a teasing lilt in his voice and he stops dancing.
“No, of course not, does anyone for that matter?” He jokes and you laugh again with a shrug. After a moment he excuses himself to grab his own drink and you promise to hold his spot on your dance card.
You know Mark’s watching you because before Jaehyun came up to you, you were watching him. All you can do is pray that he doesn’t approach you now as you wait for Jaehyun to come back.
You want to see Mark tonight too, but not now. You need to figure your shit out about Jaehyun first.
Thankfully, Mark stays in his place standing with Jungwoo and Yunjin who had just returned from their date with stories to share. Mark’s not mad to see you with Jaehyun. Jealous, maybe, but he understands the process.
“God, you’re seriously the most beautiful girl.” Jaehyun says after he’s by you again, hand coming back to your lower back.
“There’s only four girls here.” You tease and take another sip. He responds by stepping in closer to you with a soft smile on his face. You can feel his palm press into your back to pull you closer. It’s so gentle that you aren’t sure that he even knows that he’s doing it.
“I wasn’t talking about the other girls here.” He says softly and you can feel his whisper breath on your face.
He’s so close he could kiss you right now, but you’re reminded of your audience out near the crowded bar and decide to take a small step back from him. Just enough to kill the moment, but not enough to draw his hands off of you.
He notices your retreat but doesn’t say anything, which you’re grateful for.
The moment is over as soon as it began when the producers usher you all to the same covered patio as earlier in the day. This time, though, you’re sat next to Jaehyun on the sofa. His hands don’t wander like Mark’s do.
“Okay, lovers!” Doyoung shouts out as he walks up to where you’re waiting for him. You applaud entirely out of obligation.
“How was your first day?” He asks and the group whoops and hollers in response. You don’t share the same excitement after your first day. You feel like you need another drink.
“Now, as you all know, at the end of the night, one of you will be leaving the villa.” You want to roll your eyes, he keeps on rubbing it in. You get it.
“You have four hours to couple up and make your way inside.” He says with a nod before walking off. You heave out a sigh when he disappears. You’re annoyed that he brought you all the way over here for such an unnecessary announcement. You have decisions to make, dammit! You’re already completely over this reality TV thing.
“Try not to look so discouraged, Twitter might actually see you as a person.” Jaehyun jokes from beside you, earning him a giggle and a nudge on the shoulder.
“Twitter already knows my deepest darkest secret.” You reply and he hums with a knowing smile.
“Can we get away from here?” He says gesturing to the overwhelming amount of cameras observing you.
They’re everywhere, you’ve discovered, and typically expertly hidden. Regardless of where you go the cameras will follow, but there’s something intimidating about seeing them so explicitly.
“Sure.” You reply and allow him to help you stand, not letting go of your hand once you’re stable.
Jaehyun leads you to the fire pit on the side of the house. It’s not lit, but the edison bulbs strung above your heads make for a cozy environment regardless. You adjacent to one another in the beach chairs set to surround the circle.
Once settled, you lean your head into the palm of your hand as you watch him closely. He’s manspreading in an attractive way, limbs stretched out and loose. His head resting against the back of the chair with his eyes closed tell you that he’s completely relaxed.
One of us should be, you figure.
“I’m really sorry about what happened to you.” He says quietly, eyes open but not looking at you.
You sigh, slouching your shoulders forward a bit, “I’m sorry about what happened to you, too.”
This time he does look over to you with a gentle smile and a look of fondness in his eyes.
“We didn’t deserve that, did we?” He asks, and you hope it’s rhetorical. You answer anyways.
“Not at all.”
He hums, taking a moment to pause and take you all in. After a long quiet moment, he speaks, “I like you.”
A smile spreads across your lips in tandem with the butterflies in your belly rising up your chest to make your heart beat faster.
You pause for a moment, scanning your brain for any reason why this may be wrong, but you find nothing.
“Thank you.” Is all you say and he scoffs out a disbelieving chuckle.
“You’re welcome, I guess… Weirdo.” He teases you with the insult and his over exaggerated side eye. You laugh at his faux offended attitude, a common pattern for you today.
“I want to play fair.” You say, feeling quite swayed.
He shrugs, pout coming onto his face when he protests, “Be a little naughty.”
You gasp and he looks over to you with a flirty smirk on his face, the same that he first approached you with. It makes you blush embarrassingly quickly.
“I will do no such thing!” You exclaim and he laughs at you this time, flirting back easily.
“Yawn, but okay.” He sighs before standing, lifting the chair by the armrests behind his back to sit his chair right next to yours, the arm of his chair nearly overlapping yours.
Once he’s sat again, he grabs your hand and, without breaking eye contact, kisses the back of your hand from where it’s intertwined with his.
You feel far too shy to say anything about the contact, so he speaks again.
“I meant it, though.” He says with a serious look behind his eyes. You’ve had enough of the intensity today, so you detour the conversation.
“Which part? The part where you called me a weirdo, or when you called me boring for not wanting to be, quote, naughty?” By the end of your exaggerated recollection of events, Jaehyun is shaking with laughter from the seat next to you, urging on your own fit of giggles.
It takes a while, but you two finally settle down after your laughter fit. He’s still smiling wide when he shares what he truly meant.
“I like you.”
You gulp, nodding in understanding and looking down at your intertwined hands.
“The only way I’m staying here is if I’m here with you.” He says after a moment of silence. You had figured as much, but it feels even more real once he says it out loud. You aren’t quite sure what to say, you don’t have an answer for him. You’re still deeply invested in Mark, too.
“You don’t need to have an answer for me now, I know you have other stuff going on,” you relax a bit once he sympathetically lifts the pressure off of you.
“There’s no other girl for me here, I’m all in to see where this can go.” He admits and your heart jumps up to your throat. His understanding makes him all the more attractive to you.
“I won’t leave you hanging, that’s all I can promise you.” You say, looking up at him meekly. From how close he’s sitting, you can see the tiniest reflection of the lights above in his dark eyes.
He doesn’t respond verbally, having said all that he could, instead choosing to grab your jaw to pull you closer to him.
You gasp and squint your eyes shut, but nothing happens for a moment. Only once you’re noticed this you begin to feel his lips make gentle contact with your forehead.
Your heart lurches. Fuck.
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Mark greets you with a bear hug once you’re back in the lounge having left Jaehyun at the fire pit.
(“You coming?”
“I’ll wait for you here.”)
“Don’t scare me like that again!” He let’s out into your hair, squeezing you to emphasize his words.
“What did I do?” You whine, acting very poorly to hide that you love the moment.
“I thought you were going to couple up with him.” He admits and the pieces finally fall into place.
He lets you go then to pull back and look at you, his hands on your biceps to keep you in place.
“Thank you for not doing that to me.” He says and you giggle, nodding politely.
“Let’s talk?” You say after a moment and he nods with enthusiasm. It seems as if one couple has already gone to bed as well as a few members of the camera crew.
He leads you further down the path than you thought he would, stopping to sit on the wooden stairs leading down to the beach. It’s dark out, but you can make out his features well still.
“Gonna murder me, Mark?” You joke with a fake uncomfortable laughter and he chuckles and grabs your thigh.
“I like the sound of the ocean.” He answers truthfully without being asked. You nod, resting your head on his shoulder. There’s something about physical intimacy with this boy that you just can’t get enough.
“Tell me about the girl.” You prompt him without much hesitation. You’re not known for being nosy, but something about imagining Mark telling a girl he loves her irks you slightly. So you dig.
He groans, leaning his head to rest on top of yours, “Nah,” he shuts you down.
“Did you mean it at least?” You ask, still not relenting.
“Oh, absolutely.” He affirms and you hum.
“How long ago?” You ask, treading very lightly.
“About a year ago.” He answers. He’s being extremely cautious, which you understand.
“Do you still love her?” You boldly ask and he shakes his head against yours.
“Would I be here with you if I did?”
You scoff out a laugh, “I would hope not!”
He just chuckles in response and leaves a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m really glad I met you.” He says after a quiet moment. You smile, a warm feeling spreading across your chest.
“Stop,” you whine in embarrassment and sit up, turning your back to him and he giggles.
“It’s true!” He exclaims and pulls your shoulder back to face front once more.
“You just,” you hang your head low to try and conceal your blush, “you keep on saying all these sweet things to me.”
He smiles at that, grabbing your chin to make you face up and look at him. His soft eyes shining in the moonlight stare deep into yours.
He kisses you, just a simple peck, but it affects you all the same.
“There’s nobody else here for me.” He says and you’re immediately reminded of how Jaehyun just shared the same sentiment with you only a few minutes ago.
You nod in response. When you first signed up for this show you hadn’t anticipated so much pressure lying on your shoulders.
“I need some time to think.” You say and he nods in agreement and understanding, but there’s a disappointed look in his eye.
“I know.” He smiles at you, and this time you make the first move.
The stubble on his jaw is rough beneath your fingertips when you gently grab him to pull him in for a kiss. It’s gentle, slow, and beautifully intimate. He kisses you on the forehead once you’ve pulled away.
“Do you want me to go?” He asks and the true answer is no, but you know that you need some alone time to make up your mind.
“Want isn’t the word I would use.” You say and he chuckles and nods in understanding.
“I’ll be inside. Come find me once you’re ready.” He says with one final squeeze to your thigh before standing and retreating back indoors.
Once you can no longer hear the sound of his feet on the rickety boardwalk, you heave out a breath, head falling into your hands.
You haven’t been this conflicted since, well, ever, and it’s tearing you apart inside.
Your desire for both is shocking to you, especially how you’ve managed to become so connected to both of them in such a short period of time. It’s devastating to imagine losing either of them. Your mind is perfectly split down the middle for both.
The crashing waves in the distance do little to calm your wild heart. In 30 minutes you’ll need to make your decision and send one of them home.
Who will you choose?
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Ok, your turn!
vote for which boy to couple with!
voting ENDS 7/5
@rum-gone-why @asteriaskingdom @feltednettles
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