#network business
twilightau · 1 year
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@alohajun and i are looking for welcome committee members for our network KFLIXNET. both adult or minor applicants are fine!
you will need to:
have a discord account
be assertive when needed
be able to navigate our discord server's channels
have knowledge on our guidelines and how to apply them
have spare time to welcome newly joined members into the server and moderate the main chatrooms occasionally
any help is highly appreciated!
— love from loki and maks.
interested? dm me for more info 💗 apply here
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designmax777 · 1 year
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🖐 Доброго времени суток, друзья и гости моей страницы❗️
 🚀 Тариф Ультра даёт  возможность за 40 рублей - зарабатывать многократно по 1 343 520 рублей❗️      
🖐 Друзья, не упускайте эту возможность❗️
🚀 Тариф УЛЬТРА имеет замечательный маркетинг,  свою стратегию и  финансовую поддержку команды❗️
💰Всем партнёрам даёт на продвижение по 12 840 рублей❗️
💥В команде нет ни  первых и ни не последних, все выходят на выплаты❗️
✅ Главная цель нашей стратегии, сделать каждого партнёра рублевым миллионером!!!
✅ Работаем под командным  аккаунтом, нет спонсора, как в других проектах и компаниях, что позволяет зарабатывать всем партнёрам!!!
✅ Мы не работаем по принципу скинул ролик с Ютуба и ссылку на регистрацию, а дальше сам по себе!!!
✅Все заработанные деньги от командного аккаунта, (а это на минуточку - 1 343 520 рублей)  идут на продвижение всех без исключения партнёров!!!
✅Мы не работаем по одной ссылке, у каждого партнёра есть своя реферальная ссылка для регистрации!!! Хотите приглашайте, хотите не приглашайте - дело ваше, вы все равно будете  продвигаться  с  уровня на уровень выше  и  выше, и зарабатываете - 1 343 520 рублей и так многократно!!!
✅Заходим по стратегии:
     🔺Сразу на 3 уровня - 520 рублей
     🔺Сразу на 4 уровня - 1600 рублей
     🔺Сразу на 5 уровней - 4840 рублей
     🔺Сразу на 6 уровней - 12840 рублей
     🔺Сразу на 7 уровней - 27840 рублей
     🔺Сразу на 8 уровней - 53840 рублей
✅ Распределение денег от командного аккаунта:
        1. Командный аккаунт на 5 уровне зарабатывает - 1520 рублей, мы всем партнёрам скидываем по 40 рублей на закрытие 1 уровня с одним пустым местом!
        2. Командный аккаунт на 7 уровне зарабатывает - 4000 рублей, мы всем партнёрам скидываем по 120 рублей на закрытие 2 уровня с одним пустым местом!
       3. Командный аккаунт на 9 уровне зарабатывает - 20 000 рублей, мы всем партнёрам скидываем по 360 рублей на закрытие 3 уровня с одним пустым местом!
       4. Командный аккаунт на 11 уровне зарабатывает - 36 000 рублей, мы всем партнёрам скидываем по 1080 рублей на закрытие 4 уровня с одним пустым местом!
        5. Командный аккаунт на 13 уровне зарабатывает - 202 000 рублей, мы всем партнёрам скидываем по 3240 рублей на закрытие 5 уровня с одним пустым местом!
         6. Командный аккаунт на 14 уровне зарабатывает - 1 080 000 рублей, мы всем партнёрам скидываем по 8 000 рублей на закрытие 6 уровня с одним пустым местом! Присоединяйтесь: https://nerabota.center/p/Tanya85/
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Atomy Colombia atomy.com/co
Atomy Mexico atomy.com/mx
Anyone DM Me to more info and register to your purchase
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one of the last barriers keeping jester from sending ludinus da'leth the most threatening four part save the date to her wedding has finally been removed. only the cage surrounding the moon still protects him.
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financeprincess · 9 months
I love Tumblr and Pinterest and YouTube but you seriously need to get off your phone as much as possible if you want to make actual changes. Stop the doom scrolling. Turn off notifications. Turn on DND. Log off. Delete apps. Delete accounts altogether. Unsubscribe from texts and emails. Put time limits on the apps on your phone. Unless social media is making you money, limit it as much as possible. Overloading yourself with information is just another form of procrastination. At some point you actually have to take action. Less consumption, more creation.
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horseshoemybeloved · 5 months
Another resurfaced clip from da lost media fob show
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
How To Network 🤝📱💬
Have a Plan: Because everyone is important, it's really important to know what you're good at. Before you go to any networking event, figure out what you're good at – like things you can do well, what you know, and the people you know. Plan what you want to talk about, especially how you can help others, either now or later on.
Start with Who You Know: Talk to people you already know, like friends and colleagues. Ask if they can introduce you to others.
Go to Events: Attend conferences, seminars, workshops, industry meetups, and social gatherings related to your field of interest.
Use Social Media: Make profiles on websites like LinkedIn or Instagram to meet people in your niche online.
Elevator Pitch: Create a concise and engaging intro that highlights who you are, what you do, and what you're seeking. This way you can make a strong first impression.
Ask Good Questions: When you talk to someone, ask questions that show you're interested in what they're saying.
Provide Value: Networking is a two-way street. Offer your expertise, assistance, or connections to others whenever possible. When you start paying attention to what people can do, you might see that one person could help another person. Try to introduce people who you think have something valuable to share. When you make these good connections, you're helping the networking event go well. This will help you establish a good reputation and create strong relationships.
Say Thank You: After meeting, send a message to say you enjoyed the talk.
Follow up & Follow Through: If you said you would talk to someone later, make sure you actually do it and let them know you're still happy to help. If you promised to introduce one person to another, take a moment to make that introduction.These small things really matter to people, and just one introduction could make someone's life better.
Meet Different People: Don't just talk to the same kind of people. Meet people from different jobs and places.
Never dismiss anyone as unimportant: Don't think someone is not important just because of their job title. They could know important things or have helpful friends you wouldn't know about if you didn't give them a chance.
Join Groups: Be part of clubs or groups related to your work. You can meet more people there.
Be Yourself: Just be you. Don't pretend to be someone else.
Learn New Things: Keep learning about your interests. It helps you have better conversations.
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bigfatbreak · 3 months
Never thought I’d see Gabriel being a semi-reasonable parent. Cool comic!
it's only because at that point he didn't have memories from the last timeline. the moment the old timeline memories boot in, gabe becomes an insufferable asshat lmao
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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How To Make Full Use of Networking Events
Networking events and conferences are great because you get to meet and learn from experts but also connect with peers. I recently attended one and I wanted to share things I wish I had done before and what I learned.
1. Define an Objective
You have to determine why exactly you want to go to the event. Are you looking for a career change? A job? Advice on how to be better at your current job? How to tackle some issues in your start up? Networking? Make a list of the reasons.
2. Research
You need to research the speakers extensively. Go over their Wikipedias, LinkedIns and other social medias. Read their company websites from top to bottom. If they’ve released a book, take a look at the summary and read the reviews. Read some of their published articles.
Take this time to prepare at least 3 questions per speaker. Try to make at unique and interesting as possible, don’t ask the usual generic ones.
3. Business Cards
Definitely carry business cards. Make sure that your email, LinkedIn is mentioned clearly. Even if you work at a different company, that doesn’t matter- show your job title on the business card. Better yet, ask your HR if they can give you business cards as you would be promoting their company through your event. If you’re a student, I’d recommend you make a portfolio website of your internships/ project/ past work/ volunteer work/ hobbies/ interests.
4. Actually Talking
During the event, don’t be shy to ask questions. It doesn’t matter whether the rest of the audience thinks they’re stupid. You have spent your money to come there for your gain. Make full use of it. Ask questions. Meet the speaker after the event. Thank them for the insight, introduce yourself, ask them questions related to your objective of coming to the conference. Exchange business cards.
5. Utilising Coffee Breaks
Coffee and lunch breaks are a great way to talk to people. You may feel shy or awkward to talk to new people, but there’s very high chances that they feel the same way. You can start off by asking someone how they heard about the event, what they thought of the speaker, or pass a remark on the question they asked the speaker. Keep in mind that if the event has multiple speakers, there could be a chance that you’re talking to a speaker, even if you don’t recognise them… so be on your best behaviour.
6. Questions
Ask questions that are beneficial to you. During my conference, we had a women-leaders panel. An audience member asked the speakers how they divided their work between family and work. The speakers looked visibly annoyed at the question - because how generic is that?
Ask questions that could help you grow. If you’re in marketing, ask about their tried and tested marketing strategies. If you’re an early stage founder, ask them how they sourced their VC. If you’re struggling with time management, ask the speakers how they manage. Ask the questions for YOUR own benefit.
You can ask difficult questions but make sure you do it respectfully and tactfully. Best to start with a compliment and then ease into the question.
7. Dressing
Business casual, unless mentioned otherwise. What this means: blazer/ jackets/ trousers/ pencil skirts/ shirt/ co-ord sets/ no sneakers.
It doesn’t matter what other people wear. The way you present yourself is your brand. It also shows the respect you have for the other person - you respect them enough to not come shabbily dressed.
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bunneis · 7 months
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Over the Garden Wall Chapter 8 - Babes in the Wood
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twilightau · 1 year
regarding issues (non)members of KFLIXNET want me to solve for them, please do realize that i'd like to speak through dms and exponentially prefer that over a singular ask on anon that doesn't even allow me to reply to your requests. there are always questions i'd like to ask, so no, even if your message is long, you might still miss information i'd like to know. so, i want you to know that despite my responsibilities (which i will take care of), i am not obligated to comply with the requirements you've dropped on me with no further explanation.
thank you anon
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preordainedplace · 3 months
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what if the world was made of catboys
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fuzzyghost · 26 days
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Apparently every day at the Roman Senate was "take your child to work day." I want to see a drama of the Catilinarian orations from the point of view of the 7-year-olds sticking gum on the curia doors and dropping mice down each other's shirts.
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From around the age of seven boys began to spend more time with their fathers, accompanying them about the business. At the same stage a girl would watch her mother as she ran the household, overseeing the slaves and, at least in traditional households, weaving clothes for the family. Boys saw their fathers meet and greet other senators, and were permitted to sit outside the open doors of the Senate's meeting place and listen to the debates.
Adrian Goldsworthy, Caesar: Life of a Colossus, trans. Teresa Martín Lorenzo
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slcepily · 3 months
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