#noone accompanies me to anything ever
larapaulussen · 7 months
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roosterforme · 10 months
Always Ever Only You Part 3 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley just wants to make you as happy as you make him, and he hates it when you won't even let him try. But when your frustration boils over, you snap at the person you believe deserves it the most.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, swearing
Length: 4200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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You had been foolishly holding out hope. Until your period actually began, you'd been telling yourself that maybe there was still a chance. Maybe you had just taken the pregnancy test too early. Maybe you got a false negative.
So when you woke up for work on Monday and needed a tampon, you scolded yourself for your optimism. There was no point in it, because it only made you feel worse in the long-run. 
Bradley rubbed your shoulders and kissed your neck as you put your contacts in at the bathroom vanity. You looked gross. You were bloated, and your face was broken out. You vowed to stick to a better diet until you lost some weight. 
"Morning, Baby Girl," he murmured against your ear. It wasn't even fair. You wanted him all the time. He was perfect all the time. His voice gave you chills. 
"Morning," you whispered. "My period started." Your voice shook pathetically. 
"It's okay," he promised. "It's going to be okay." 
But you really felt like it wasn't. And work was pissing you off. When you got to your lab, you remembered that you and Cat were going to be spending the day working on proposals together. Great. 
"Did you have fun at the Hard Deck?" you asked her, practically throwing your computer onto the counter next to hers. 
She looked up at you, and you could tell she wanted to roll her eyes. "It was fun," she replied. "Not really my scene, but I can see where it would be yours."
You wanted to ask her what that was supposed to mean, but you bit your tongue. You wouldn't give her the satisfaction of thinking you cared about her opinion of you. And you were definitely going to have to tell Jake to get a crush on a hot looking woman who was actually nice, because you'd had just about enough of this. He had bugged you all night at the bar to introduce him to Cat again. He asked you about her all the time, but there was nothing to tell.
You took a seat and pounded away at your keyboard, working all morning while trying to ignore your cramps and your irritation with the woman next to you. Neither of you spoke a word about anything personal. It was all professional. When you noticed that it was noon, you said, "Let's take a break," in as bright a voice as you could.
Jake was waiting in the doorway for you. Or maybe he was just trying to catch a glimpse of Cat. But regardless, when you approached him, he smiled and handed you a container of soup from the cafeteria. "Angel. Let's eat in your office," he drawled. And when Cat breezed past him, he murmured, "Hi, Lieutenant Coleman."
She smirked in response, and Jake turned to watch her walk the entire way down the hall. "You're such a dog," you told him, inspecting the soup and finding it was chicken noodle. "You just need to get laid. Go to the bar tonight. There'll be a line of girls waiting for you."
He met your eyes and shook his head. "I'm not really doing that anymore."
You snorted as he followed you to your office. "Could you imagine if I agreed to go out with you? Bradley and I would have never happened after that."
Jake kicked his booted foot along your office floor before he plopped down into your extra chair. "Yeah, well... he'd have likely killed me if we went out. But, hey, you're not listening to me, Angel. Tell me more about Cat Coleman."
You sighed and ate some soup. "She's mean to me, okay? She doesn't like me."
"I don't believe you."
"It's true. She's so bitchy to me but nice to everyone else. She makes fun of the way I work. She won't eat lunch with me. She avoids me all the time. She hates me."
You swallowed another spoonful of soup, and tears immediately sprung to your eyes. You looked up at Jake, and you knew he could tell something was wrong immediately. When he jumped to his feet, you tried to wave him off, but he was kneeling next to your chair and rubbing your hand before you knew it. 
"What happened?" he asked softly. When you didn't respond, he gave you a few seconds before asking, "Do you want me to go get Rooster?"
"No," you croaked, your throat burning with the effort to talk. "I'm fine."
"You do not sound fine. You can talk to me about anything, right?"
"Well, I'm all ears."
And he just knelt there next to you while you told him how much you hated going to your lab now. And you told him that you had your period. And then you said, "Bradley and I are trying to start a family, but it's just not happening."
"Hey," he said, letting you cry it out. "You and Bradley are already a family. Plus, you've got Tramp. And Nat and I are like siblings you guys never even wanted."
You kind of shrugged at him. "It's not the same thing."
"I know that, but sometimes it takes time," he told you.
"It's been four months," you whispered. 
Jake stood up and pulled you to your feet, and then he wrapped you in a hug so tight, his name tag was digging into your collarbone. "Just give it some time. You want me to talk to Rooster?"
"No. Let's just finish eating lunch."
Bradley had been trying all week. Kissing along your neck and rubbing your hips through your khakis while you made dinner. But you finally snapped at him on Wednesday night when you were trying to cut up some sun dried tomatoes for the Marry Me Rooster he had requested. 
"I'm trying to cook dinner, Bradley. Yes, I realize you're trying to get me in the mood. Yes, I can feel your erection. No, I don't want to have sex. I look gross, and I feel gross." You set down your knife and turned to face him. He had taken one huge step away from you, and now he was looking at you with the saddest brown eyes. 
"I'm sorry," he muttered, running his fingers through his hair as he walked down the hallway toward your bedroom. 
"Shit," you whispered as you rushed after him. "I'm sorry."
He was standing next to the bed unbuttoning his uniform shirt when you walked in and headed right for him. But he didn't say anything, just yanked his shirt off and tossed it onto the bed. The sight of him in his khaki pants and black undershirt had you sucking in a deep breath. It wasn't that you didn't want him. You just didn't even want yourself right now.
"Bradley," you whispered. 
"Nah. I'm going to go workout in the garage," he told you, stripping out of his pants and digging in a drawer for some gym shorts. "I'll eat later. Don't wait for me."
You watched him walk back out of the room. Then he called for Tramp, and you heard the sliding glass door open and then close. You went back to the kitchen and finished making dinner. You had to fight the urge to go out to the garage and get Bradley, because somehow you knew you'd just end up making things worse. You made him a beautiful plate of dinner and left it on the island. And then you got yourself ready for bed. You were no longer hungry. 
Bradley was stressing out. He could feel his composure crumbling as every maneuver he performed in the air was wrong. Everything felt wrong. It was like he and his Super Hornet were out of sync. Like he couldn't trust himself. 
"What are you doing, Rooster?" Phoenix asked him through the comms. But Bradley didn't even know how to respond, because he hadn't been paying attention. He was distracted. He was never like this in the air. 
And then he heard Maverick call his team back to the ground, and he knew it was his fault. He wished he could take all of the pushups for Phoenix and Bob as well, but it was a team effort after all. So Bradley had to try to keep calm while he could feel them glaring at him through all two hundred pushups.
He had been like this all week. Nothing made as much sense to him as flying did. Well, other than you. But things had been a little rough and unpredictable at home. He wasn't really trying to do it, but he had begun to memorize when you were ovulating and when your period was due. Fucking you was no chore, but he was absolutely ready for you to miss a period. He was obsessed with the idea of you showing him a positive pregnancy test. But it just... wasn't happening yet.
And now he was putting pressure on himself. Because he knew he was a ticking time bomb. He felt it in his bones. Any day now, he would be getting deployment papers. And then you would be alone for who knows how long. Weeks or months. Bradley would be on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean, and you would be at home, worrying about him. And the mission to make a baby would be put on hold, replaced by a different kind of mission.
The thing was, all of this was bothering him a hell of a lot more now, because it was bothering you so much. 
Bradley slammed his locker closed only to find Jake standing there. "You better pull it together, Bradshaw," he said so calmly that it pissed Bradley off even more. "Or you're going to get grounded."
"Do you think I don't know that?" Bradley asked, getting in his face. "Do you think I don't know I'm flying like shit right now?"
But Jake didn't move an inch, and his expression didn't change. "I think whatever is bothering you... well, you should take it home to your wife. Angel will help you feel better."
Bradley took a deep breath and let it out slowly, leaning against his locker with his fist clenched. "She's part of the fucking problem," Bradley growled, and he watched Jake's eyes grow wide. 
Jake gaped at him before he said, "I can't think of a single time you've ever said something like that about her." His feelings seemed to be hurt on your behalf, but Bradley didn't know how to explain how he felt. 
"When she puts pressure on herself, all I want is to relieve it for her," he told Jake softly, trying to unclench his fist. "But I can't. She won't let me."
Jake sighed. "I think I know what it's about. She's been pretty upset. Tried to tell her it's not her fault, but I can tell she's blaming herself."
Bradley could feel his cheeks flushing. You and Jake were close. The other man probably did know some details about your intimate moments with Bradley which was kind of mortifying. However, Bradley would never want you to feel like you couldn't confide in someone you trusted. It was just hard to gasp that Jake was oftentimes that person for you. 
"We just want to have a baby," Bradley growled. 
"It's only been a few months," Jake reminded him. "Deep down, Angel knows it takes time."
Bradley looked up at the flickering fluorescent bulb. "Sometimes I feel like I'm never doing enough for her," he whispered, grabbing his bag and brushing past Jake. 
But he almost ran into Payback on his way out. "What are you still doing here, man?" he asked with a grin. "If I had a girl as hot as your wife, I'd be home by now, pumping her full of babies."
The urge to punch his friend directly in the face was so strong, Bradley had to bite his lip and keep moving. He needed to get home to you but not take this out on you. That would be unacceptable. Because while you were adding to his stress, he would never tell you that. 
You were already home when he walked inside, and Bradley had to try to fight for composure. "Hi," he managed to say. Of course you looked impossibly cute, laying with Tramp on the couch in Bradley's oversized UVA tee and a pair of his boxer briefs. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to keep his hands off you right now, but you'd been distant with him for more than a week. 
"How was your day?" you asked him softly.
Somehow your sweet voice just made him angry. Your voice and your gorgeous face and the way he could see your nipples through the shirt. And Bradley couldn't help himself. His voice was rough to his own ears, and he sounded mad. "My day fucking sucked. It was terrible," he growled. "I flew like an asshole. I got everyone assigned to pushups. I was so distracted from work, thinking about you."
Your eyes were wide as you sat up. "Thinking about me?" Tramp jumped to the floor and ran over to sniff at Bradley's boots as he untied them. 
"Yeah," he grunted, wrestling out of his flight suit and tossing it to a heap on the floor. His skin felt too hot. He needed to go for a run or lift weights. "I told you I think about you all the damn time. And today, trust me, I wish I hadn't been."
"What does that mean?" you asked him, standing up between the couch and the coffee table, your lips forming a little pout. 
Bradley yanked his undershirt off as well, standing just inside the front door in only his compression shorts and his socks. "It means I'm mad because you won't let me try to make you feel better! You don't even want to talk to me, but you'll talk to Jake! I'm fucking pissed that you're skipping meals and ditching me for lunch every day!"
Bradley took off toward the bedroom, leaving you behind. He was afraid of what else he was going to say if he didn't get some space to himself right now. And the last thing he wanted to do was make you cry. But when he got into the bedroom to get some workout clothes, you followed him. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered, biting your lip and looking at him with wide eyes.
"What are you sorry for?" he asked loudly, slamming his drawer shut instead of actually pulling anything out of it. "Tell me."
"I'm sorry I've been shutting you out, Roo." You took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry I haven't been eating lunch with you. I know we can keep trying, but when I get my period now, I panic."
"You panic and talk to Jake," Bradley growled. When you simply nodded, his blood boiled. He knew he was red in the face as he closed the distance to you. The words were there before he could take them back. "If you want to talk to Jake all the time, maybe you should have married him."
Your lips parted soundlessly, and then you moaned. A needy sound, from the back of your throat. One that had Bradley's cock stirring immediately. 
"I don't want him. I've never wanted him. I just want you."
"Do you want me right now, Baby Girl? Because I wanna fuck you right here," he said as calmly as he could, but his voice was still gruff and unsteady. "You're going to have to tell me to go out back to the garage if you want me to keep my hands to myself. Okay? Because I want my wife. But I will settle for my hand and then the bench press if you don't want me back."
You whimpered, reaching for the hem of the tee shirt and guiding it up over your hips. "I am so turned on," you whispered. "Please."
"Please what?" Bradley demanded, running his hand along his cock through his shorts. 
"Daddy," you gasped in shock. Like you couldn't even believe you said it to him. Like you needed him as badly as he needed you. "Fuck me."
"Baby Girl," he whispered harshly as he pressed himself against you.
You yanked the shirt over your head and pulled his boxer briefs down over your delicious hips as you moaned, "I want my husband."
His cock was fully at attention now as he stroked your dainty Rooster tattoo with his fingertips. "I'm right here," he growled, watching you step out of his underwear and kick them aside. Your eyes were wide and fixed on his as you stood naked before him. "You gonna let me take care of you?"
"Yes," you gasped when he moved his hand to your pussy. "Are you still angry, Daddy? From your bad day?"
Bradley raised one eyebrow. He knew how he sounded. He knew he was breathing heavily. He also felt how fucking wet you were as he slid his middle finger along your slit. 
"Do you want me to be?" he asked before placing a rough kiss to your lips. 
"Yes," you moaned, and in one swift movement, Bradley had the front of your body pressed up against the wall next to the bedroom door. You squealed and braced yourself with both hands as he gently kicked your legs a little further apart. 
"You like making me this way?" he growled next to your ear before sucking hard on your neck. "I think you do."
Bradley reached his hands up to squeeze your tits as you whined his name. He stroked your nipples softly with his thumbs while he sucked on your neck some more. 
Then he took his cock in his right hand and guided himself to your opening. He filled you in one swift motion, and started fucking you so hard, your face almost hit the wall. He caught you with his hand on your jaw as you whimpered for him. 
"You think it's fun to get me all pissed off at work?" he asked, low and soft. "You love having so much control over me, don't you?"
"I do," you whispered as he turned your face so you were looking at him over your shoulder. 
"You love knowing I think about your voice during lectures. Think about your body when I'm flying. I can't stop thinking about how much I love fucking you," he said, his voice getting louder as he pressed his forehead against your perfect cheek and brushed his fingers over your tattoo before stroking your clit.
You cried out for him. "I do, Daddy! I love it!"
Bradley was determined to get you off. He wouldn't have a repeat of the dining room floor. Not today. He went a little harder, a little deeper. He listened to the incoherent words tumbling out of your mouth. And then he said, "Try and find someone better than me. Someone else who can fuck you this good. You can't."
"No!" you grunted, your fingers bending, nails digging into the wall. You were struggling to look at him as your eyes fluttered closed. 
He kissed along your jaw before ending at your ear and whispering, "I love you." And then he felt it. That beautiful clench of your pussy as you came for him. He knew the feel of you so well. He wanted to take care of everything for you. He needed to give you everything you wanted. Be everything you needed. 
He came for you too, hands drifting to your hips as his movements slowed. You were unsteady on your feet as you turned to face him. Bradley's cum was dripping down your legs and onto the floor as you reached for him. Then you were in his arms, kissing him just right with your fingers in his hair. And he couldn't remember why he'd been upset in the first place. 
"I love you," you whispered against his lips. Bradley stumbled back onto the bed with you wrapped up with him. When he fell back with you on top of him, you laughed. 
"Come here," he coaxed, and you straddled his waist and kissed him until your lips were puffy. When he tried to move, you held him down and kissed him some more. He felt himself relax completely with every little sound you made and every swipe of your tongue against his. 
"Roo," you crooned, your lips moving to his neck and kissing him softly there.
He groaned and started to sit up. "What's it called when the foreplay comes after sex?"
You giggled. "Post play?"
"Shit, Sweetheart," he said, letting you keep going with your lips. "You want more?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed against his skin, setting his nerve endings ablaze. 
"Give me a minute, and I'll take care of you again."
You were sore on Monday morning. In the best kind of way. You and Bradley had spent the weekend talking and having sex. And then having more sex. Only taking a break to go grocery shopping and swing by the Hard Deck. Jake knew right away that you were both feeling much better. He was always so patient with you that you found it hard not to smile when he bought you and Bradley beers. 
You needed to be more open with Bradley. And you would be. And starting today, you'd meet him and Nat in the cafeteria unless you really were honestly working through lunch instead of hiding in your office. You just needed to get through your morning with Cat. Which was easier said than done.
She gave you short answers to every question. When you asked her to type up some of the notes you wrote, she looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "Shouldn't you have typed this up yourself?"
You sighed. "I worked it up over the weekend. In my free time. I read it to my husband as I wrote it, and it seemed to flow easier when I wrote it."
She scrutinized your notebook. "Well I can barely read it. I'll work in the code while you type it up. I'm better at the code anyway."
Was she implying she was better at coding than typing? Or that she was better at coding than you were? She made you so mad. The next time Jake mentioned how beautiful her eyes were, you were going to pummel him. 
Everyone else had already deserted the lab when you realized what time it was. "Should we take a lunch break?" you asked, scrambling to lock up your computer. Bradley and the others were probably waiting for you already. You did not want to disappoint him today. Not after such a perfect weekend. 
"Fine," Cat agreed. Her tone was short, like you were throwing off her entire day by deciding to take lunch at lunchtime. 
You squared your shoulders and turned to face her as she stood up. Then you blurted out, "I don't understand what I did to make you dislike me."
Cat froze in place, her eyes appraising your face. You felt the prickle of embarrassment along your skin, and you were afraid she was going to laugh in your face. But she just shook her head slowly. "I don't dislike you."
"Yes, you do," you scoffed, your embarrassment swiftly replaced with annoyance. 
"No, Lieutenant Commander. I do not," she said, firmly closing her computer. Then she went off, and you didn't stop her. "But your life is so perfect, it's honestly hard for me to relate to you. Even at work. Your husband dotes on you. He's always in the lab, bringing you snacks and asking you about your day. You've got Seresin in here all the time, too. And you're the golden child. Bickel sings your praises at the meetings every week."
Your eyes were bugging out. "But, that's not-"
She cut you off and kept going. "You and I both have the same master's degree, but I'm a year older than you, and you outrank me." Her voice sounded bitter as she said, "I'm a single mom. My life is a mess. I'm broke. We live with my uncle. I feel like a joke all the time. But your life is perfect. And trust me, I wish more than anyone else that I wasn't jealous of you." 
You stood completely still and watched her walk out of the lab and disappear down the hallway. Your life was not perfect. The fact that it maybe looked that way to someone else shocked you. Cat thought she was a mess. Well, you were a mess, too. But she was a mom. 
A moment later, you followed her down the hallway toward the cafeteria where Bradley was waiting for you with a smile on his face and a bottle of your favorite hot sauce on his tray.
Oh. Cat's a little jelly of BG. Well, Cat... BG just might be a little jelly of you. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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hubbvrd · 2 months
Crush | Joe Burrow
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In which Joe asks you how to know if you're in love with someone
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The fresh smell of coffee and sweet pastries hit Joe's nose as he pushed open the woodsy door of his favorite coffee shop.
He quickly slipped into the air-conditioned interior and took a quick but searching look around.
His gaze stopped at his regular table, where he did not discover the person he had hoped for.
For at his regular place sat a mother with her little son, who could not have been more than two years old.
The little boy was sitting in a high chair eating his cake while his mother sat next to him, proudly watching her son as he clumsily shoved his fork into his mouth.
"Excuse me young man, may I?" , an older voice snapped Joe out of his daydreams, bringing Joe back to the here and now.
"Yes, please?" Joe asked kindly as he looked to the older lady who was balancing several coffee mugs on her hand while holding a large café bag in the other.
"Could you maybe..." , she began the sentence, but Joe knew directly what she wanted from him and opened the door for the elderly lady, who thanked the quarterback.
"Do you want me to take something from them and accompany them?" , he asked her politely as he followed her a step outside, but the elderly lady shook her head.
"Oh, thank you very much, but my car is right over there."
Awkwardly, the older lady tried to balance the coffee mugs, which were in a designated position, as she began to rummage in her bag - possibly looking for her car keys.
Without thinking twice, Joe took a step towards the elderly lady to take the coffee mugs from her, so that the lady could look for her keys in peace.
She gave him a quick look of thanks before digging her key out of her pocket and holding it up in the air.
"Found it," she said with a smile, taking the coffee mugs back. "Your girlfriend must be very lucky to have such an attentive man in her life."
Joe raised one eyebrow in confusion, while his gaze continued to rest calmly on the old woman, who put the coffee mugs, which had slipped slightly, back down neatly.
"In fact, there is no one at my side" , Joe said.
"Oh, but then your future girlfriend will have it especially good with you."
The older lady patted Joe's hand briefly as she thanked him again and headed across the street to her car.
If she ever becomes my girlfriend, Joe thought to himself as he turned and made his way back inside the café.
"Can I get you anything yet, Joe?" Maxime, the waitress, asked him after he had sat down on one of the tables at the end of the café, where he hopefully remained undiscovered as much as possible.
But he was not too worried about that right now, because it was just early noon and therefore the rush in the café was not too big, so he had to fear that he would not be able to get out of taking pictures and signing autographs.
Because there were actually often one or the other day, on which it remained impossible for him to remain unrecognized.
"Uhm" , he said, pausing as he considered whether he should really order already.
After all, there was still nothing to be seen of y/n far and wide. Probably one of her university classes went on a bit longer again or she was delayed by one of her lecturers.
"I'll wait", he said after a short consideration, because he decided to order only when y/n would be with him.
For he knew how much she hated cold tea. In fact, y/n preferred tea, which Joe could not understand.
After all, how could anyone perk up without coffee?
"Alright. Just let me know if you want to order." , she let him know before turning away and then beginning to attend to other guests.
Joe sat back and reached for his cell phone, which he had placed next to him on the table, to see if y/n might have texted him that she was running late.
But nothing.
Briefly, the quarterback considered calling her. But he decided against it, because he knew that y/n had always kept her appointments and if something had come up, she had canceled.
While Joe waited, he glanced through the large window, which revealed a view of the adjacent park, where all the blooming flowers and shrubs could be seen up to here, bathing the park in a beautiful colorful blob.
Shortly after, his cell phone rang, causing him to wince in shock before he answered without looking to see who was calling him.
"Hello my favorite quarterback! I hope you're not waiting too long for me at the coffee shop. I've been delayed by my annoying lecturer! I just got out of college..." , y/n began and Joe listened to her get upset with her lecturer, which made Joe smile.
"Oh man, I think this calls for a large coffee and a raspberry muffin now?" , Joe asked, knowing he had hit the mark.
"Yeah, did you order already?"
Joe heard y/n cross the street as the traffic noise suddenly doubled.
"No not yet, I was going to wait for you. Do you want me to order takeout and meet you there? I think after this stressful college day you could use some fresh air" , as Joe spoke he had gotten up and walked over to the counter, in front of which he joined the small line.
"How do you always know exactly what I need right now?" , he heard y/n sigh contentedly at the other end.
"Um, I guess I'm a good best friend and listener?"
"Okay, okay, okay. Now don't praise yourself too much. I'll see you at the bench in the park in five minutes!"
Before Joe could say anything else back, y/n had already hung up and Joe looked at his lock screen for a few seconds, which showed himself as the background, before it was his turn to order.
Searching, Joe looked around again while holding the two mugs in one hand and a small bag containing a raspberry and a blueberry muffin in the other.
Unlike the café, the park was quite crowded, so he let his gaze wander more slowly through the surroundings in order to be able to discover y/n.
Around him, a few people were walking their dogs, and on the small playground that was a bit away from him, a kindergarten group was playing, which seemed to be on an outing.
But he couldn't spot y/n among all the people, so he let out a light sigh and kept his eyes on the path.
With quick steps y/n entered the park and dodged the one or other dog, which romped across the path without a leash.
Her eyes searched the park for Joe, whom she spotted shortly after, standing with his back to her.
She was quite sorry that Joe had been waiting in vain at the café for the last few minutes.
But even though she couldn't help it, since her lecturer, who had gone through the homework assignments with her, had held her up, she felt guilty.
And that's why she hurried to get to her best friend, which is why she almost ran over to him and then snuck the last few feet towards him and covered his eyes.
Joe flinched in fright as it suddenly went dark in front of his eyes and he felt cold hands on his eyes.
But he relaxed immediately as he caught the all-too-familiar scent he had smelled countless times before and given away himself.
"Y/n!" , he said directly and within seconds his hands were removed from his eyes.
"How did you know?" , y/n asked sulkily as Joe turned to face her.
"I smelled your perfume. Maybe next time you should wear something more inconspicuous."
Joe handed y/n her coffee mug, which contained her favorite tea, from which y/n took a big gulp and sighed with pleasure.
This was exactly what she had brought now.
"Hm..." , she murmured as she pressed the still lukewarm cup against her palm and then dropped onto the bench behind her.
"You're unfair, Burrow..." , she mumbled as she reached into the bag and then bit into the raspberry muffin.
"What did I do now?" , Joe asked, eyebrows raised in confusion as he also reached for his muffin and bit into it as well.
"Oh, nothing."
The muffins were still warm, just the way the two liked it best, which is why they hurried to eat the muffins as quickly as possible.
"How was your day?" , she asked Joe and he began to tell her about the elderly lady at the café.
Attentively y/n listened to him while she kept breaking off a piece of the muffin and then shoving it into her mouth.
"And then she said: but then your future girlfriend will have it especially good with you". , Joe finished his narrative, eliciting a giggle from y/n.
"How sweet" , she said, dragging out the word 'sweet' impossibly, causing Joe to roll his eyes.
"But while we're at it, how are things with the women?" , y/n inquired as she wiped the crumbs off her pants and then sat down cross-legged, looking curiously at her best friend.
In doing so, however, she concealed from Joe the fact that she was incredibly fond of the quarterback. If 'fond' wasn't a bit of an understatement, she had actually fallen a little in love with Joe.
But she would never tell him that openly, because she didn't have a good feeling about it.
After all, the two of them were friends and that could or would ever become more, could not happen.
Because that's exactly what the two had sworn to each other a few years ago, so that in the end, in the worst case scenario, their friendship wouldn't break up exactly because of that.
"Uh..." Joe began the sentence, but left it hanging in the air, unfinished.
Joe thought about how he could best get around this answer. But he might not have had a chance with y/n to avoid this question so easily.
Because y/n was a person who didn't make it too easy for other people to simply dodge questions, which is why Joe decided on a counter question.
"How do I know if I have a crush on someone?"
Joe slowly sat back as he buried his trembling fingers in the pocket of his hoodie, swallowed briefly, and then looked everywhere but at y/n.
He tried to ignore his heart, which slowly began to snake faster against his ribs, as best he could.
Stay cool, Burrow, he told himself quietly in his mind, trying to relax a little.
But the fact that y/n next to him remained silent didn't ensure that he succeeded in doing so right now.
So he loosened his gaze from the point he had fixed until just now and looked over at y/n.
Y/n thought for a few seconds about Joe's question and how she could best answer him.
"Well, you can't stop thinking about them, you feel strange when they're around and you want to -" Y/n broke off the sentence when she noticed that Joe was looking at her strangely. Almost staring at her strangely.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" The question slipped quietly from her lips as Joe had come dangerously close to her, so she could hear her heart hammering almost continuously against her ribs, and she suddenly felt quite warm.
"Because...Because I have a crush on you..."
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tonkatsubowl · 2 months
separation anxiety.
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▼ caelus x fem!reader
▼ nsfw themes. mdni.
your separation anxiety starts to make you panic while caelus was out on a mission.
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caelus was well known to be handling tasks at the station, as well as throughout the cosmos. during your guys' relationship, you often accompanied him on missions, like jarilo iv, xianzhou luofu, and now... penacony. but one night, caelus had a mission he had to urgently be present for. you were half asleep when he woke you up to notify you that he would be gone for the rest of the morning until he had returned.
so, you went back to sleep, hoping that by the time you woke up, caelus was already on his way back... or even better, he was home.
but it was past noon.
you were known to have a form of separation anxiety whenever he was gone, and he always did his best to stay around or inform you he had to leave soon for a mission. and you trusted him—for you always had his location and he texted you whenever he could.
but for some reason... he hasn't texted you all morning, and it was already three in the afternoon, and he hasn't responded to you. you sent a few texts to him here and there, to which he didn't respond.
so, you began to worry.
himeko had stayed behind while welt and the others accompanied caelus on this mission. you decided to approach himeko for some sort of reassurance... but to your dismay, she goes,
"i'm not sure why they're taking so long either. i'm not getting any response from welt."
so, you began to panic. but you nodded in understanding, giving himeko the false illusion that you were okay.
"i wouldn't worry too much about it. i'm sure they will return soon."
you went back to you and caelus' room, but you were panicking now. you began to blow up his phone, asking if he was okay, if he was hurt, if he was coming home soon. but everything was hitting you all at once. your body began to shake, your vision began to blur, and you began to hyperventilate.
is he dead? what happened? why hasn't he been responding? did the planet blow up?
all these possibilities of the worst outcome ever began to flood your mind as you began to sob quietly. you paced around the room, but your legs gave up, trembling like a cold pup, and you felt yourself fall to the floor. you breathed, trying to stabilize yourself as you attempted to get up, only to fall.
you were panicking. and you couldn't calm down.
it was like your world went dark, and you were desperate to see the light. you were losing feelings in your body and you felt like you were going to die at this rate.
but unbeknownst to your episode, warm arms immediately wrap themselves around you. your eyes wide, familiarized by the sensation of these limbs. your body didn't calm down, yet, but your mind had realized who it was.
you sobbed quietly as the male pulled your trembling figure close. he breathed, unhurt as you can see, and he buried his face into the back of your neck.
"sorry i'm late. i knew this was going to happen. we were in an area with no reception and we were lost." caelus explained, before scooping your figure up before wandering towards the bed you both shared. "i'm sorry, (y/n). are you feeling alright? i should've brought you with me, but you were too exhausted."
"n-no... don't apologize. i'm.. okay now." your voice slurred as your visage tingled. panic attacks tend to paralyze your skin and body movements, numbing everything for you. you couldn't even feel your face. but you could feel the warmth that radiated from the stellaron-infused man.
"do you want me to grab you anything for you to eat or drink?" caelus asked in a soft whisper.
"...in a bit. i want you to be with me."
caelus formed a soft smile across his lips as he sat on top of the mattress, watching as your body began to calm itself.
"you don't need to ask me to do that. i'll always be here for you."
you faintly smile, before slowly and weakly brushing yourself against his side, where he began to gently move your hair out of your face.
"did you sleep well, at least?" he asked.
you nodded, "i did, but it would've been better if you were here."
caelus smiled, "sorry. listen, i even got stuck in a trash can. i dropped my phone in there by accident and it turned out to be a cosmic entity... so it took me a bit to grab it back."
"... what's with you and trash cans?"
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sailor-aviator · 5 months
Hanging By a Moment: Chapter One
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Hanging By a Moment: Chapter One
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Taking place directly after the events of "Don't Hang'em Til Noon," this series follows more of Jake and Scout as they traverse life in the New Mexico territories. Isaac Cassidy's gang is still hanging about, stirring up trouble in the name of their fallen leader. Additionally, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and your brother, Benjamin, have established rights to a gold mine that's now drawing in more and more unsavory characters. Will you have what it takes to survive the growing danger?
Content Warning: Mentions of hangings, Swearing, Hangout being domestic, Fluff, Kissing. I think that's it? Please let me know if I've missed anything.
Word Count: 2.65k
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist 1 || Playlist 2 || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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It was the rooster crowing that awoke you, or perhaps it was the tendrils of sunlight that crept through the curtains to caress your cheeks. Either way, consciousness had now made its presence known and once you were up, you were up. With a groan, you stretched your legs out, relishing in the tender feeling of the muscles in your lower back ridding themselves of their stiffness and aches.
You let your eyes stay closed, the soft lowing of the cattle out in pasture alerting you to the fact that you would have to get up sooner than you would like as the rest of the world stirred around you. You heard the telltale sound of your brother, Benjamin, moving around in his room, and with a heavy sigh, you finally pried your eyes open, taking in the blue rays of the morning sun as they slowly changed to gold. Flipping the blanket down, you let out a small shudder as the cool air caressed your skin, the last remnants of winter still clinging to the world as spring wormed its way in.
Dressing quickly, you made your way downstairs, starting the stove and preparing breakfast for the ranch hands that would walk through the door at any moment. Things had settled nicely since the incident a month prior with Isaac Cassidy, the looming sense of dread that had often filled you giving way to a tender calm ever since the man had hanged at the gallows in place of Jake. Your heart clenched at the memory that you almost hadn’t made it in time to save him.
The front door opened, the sound of heavy footsteps echoing throughout the house, a small smile playing at your lips at the familiar sound. The sound of humming accompanied the footsteps as they grew louder, and you turned from the pot in front of you just as Jake Seresin, former outlaw turned honest man, rounded the corner. He held a small bouquet of golden flowers, marigolds, in one of his hands, his hat clutched in the other. His green eyes lit up as they landed on you, lips splitting into a giant grin. Tossing his hat onto the table, he crossed the room quickly to wrap you up in his arms, careful not to crush the flowers in his hand as he did so. He gazed down at you, cupping your jaw with his free hand and running his thumb along your bottom lip. Leaning down, he captured your mouth with his in a kiss which you gladly returned. His lips were surprisingly soft against yours, and all too soon he pulled away, placing a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Good morning, honey girl,” he murmured, offering you the marigolds. “Did you sleep well?”
You hummed, a dazed look on your face as you smiled softly up at him.
“Jake,” you sighed, eyes darting down to the flowers he was holding up for you. Your happy expression morphed quickly into one of suspicion as you glanced from the flowers to him. “Are those my marigolds that I’ve been waiting all week to bloom?”
He let out a loud scoff, but the smile was still in his eyes as he turned the scoff back down to you.
“Are you accusing me of stealing?” he teased, leaning in so that your noses were practically touching. You arched an eyebrow at him with an unimpressed frown.
“Answer the question.”
“No, Scout,” he replied, feigning hurt. You waited for him to provide an explanation, scowling when he pulled away to grab a vase from the china hutch by the back door. You watched as he plucked one of the vases from the top shelf, walking over to water bucket to fill it. With a sigh, you leaned against the counter, crossing your arms as you waited for him to give you an answer.
“Jake,” you grumbled, a hint of warning in your tone. The blond hummed, raising his brow at you innocently as he placed the vase of flowers in the center of the table.
“What’s that, sweet girl?”
“Where did you get the flowers from?” You asked him again, watching as he mirrored your stance against the table. You could see him trying to fight off the smile that threatened to overtake him as he shifted his gaze down to the floor.
“I grabbed’em from Mrs. Wymer’s garden,” he admitted, a blush blooming on his cheeks as he snuck a glance back up at you.
“Jake!” You cried out, eyes growing wide as you gaped at him in disbelief. “You stole that old woman’s flowers right from out of her garden?”
“No!” He exclaimed, pausing as if thinking over his next words. He grimaced and your shoulders slumped as you could already feel the annoyance pass over you. He gave you a sheepish smile. “Well, yes. But it’s not what you think!”
“Oh,” you scowled, rolling your eyes, “please do tell me how it’s not what I think.”
“Well, you see,” he began, his sheepish smile turning devious. He pushed off from the table, sauntering slowly over to where you stood, still scowling at him. “It just so happens that Mrs. Wymer insisted that I take the flowers. Said that she thought I could put them to good use, and so I did just that.”
He stopped back in front of you, a smirk plain as day on his face. You raised an eyebrow at him, the two of you standing in silence as he waited for you to respond.
“You’re a loon,” you mumbled, feeling heat rise to your cheeks as he gazed down at you, those green eyes holding so much adoration as they beheld you.
“Only for you,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss you once again. You leaned into him, wrapping an arm around his neck as he pulled you closer by the waist, deepening the kiss as his other hand stroked your side.
“Scout have you seen me-”
The two of you sprang apart as Benjamin sauntered into the room. He stopped short as he looked up from buttoning his suit jacket, seeing the position you two were in. He let out a long sigh as he dropped his hands to his sides, giving the both of you a once over and a look of chagrin.
“Must you?” He asked to neither of you in particular.
“Apologies, Benjamin,” Jake snickered, leaning against the counter as you turned your attention back to the pot on the stove. You heard Benjamin scoff as he walked over towards the table, plopping down into one of the many seats surrounding it.
“What was it you were saying, Benji?” You asked him, chancing a glance back at him. He was still scowling, eyes darting between you and the blond at your side. His gaze fixed back on you as he sat up straighter.
“I was asking if you had seen my briefcase,” he said slowly, watching as you scooped a ladle full of oatmeal into a bowl for him. You walked over, placing it gently in front of him as he continued to eye you up and down with an indiscernible expression.
“I’m sure it’s in your study where you left it last night,” you told him, giving him a scowl of your own. “Now stop staring at me. It’s rude.”
He grumbled something under his breath, but turned his attention to his food just as the other ranch hands started filing through the door.
“You better go grab a seat,” you told Jake, grabbing four more bowls from the cupboard. He brushed his hand against yours as he pushed off from the counter to join the others.
You joined them at the table once everyone was served, taking your seat in between Benjamin and Jake, both of whom were nearly finished. Benjamin shoveled the last little bit of his food into his mouth, scrambling to his feet as he glanced up at the clock on the mantle.
“Blast it, the time,” he mumbled, rushing towards the front door. He stopped as he crossed the threshold from the kitchen into the hallway, catching your eye as he did so.
“Scout,” he said, pointing a finger at you, “I’ll see you tonight at the town hall meeting, right? It’s important that you come, and be there by seven.”
“Where’s my invite, Benji?” Jake asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Benjamin spared him a look, jaw twitching at the mischievous expression on the blond’s face.
“Quite frankly, Mr. Seresin,” your brother said evenly, “I don’t give a damn what you do or say until there’s a ring on my sister’s finger.”
Before Jake could respond, Benjamin turned on his heal and walked out. Seconds later, you all heard the sound of the front door opening and then slamming shut, and you let out a sigh. A moment of awkward silence swallowed the room before the other ranch hands thanked you for the meal and made themselves scarce. Jake glanced at you from the corner of his eye as he finished his food.
“He does know we’re practically engaged already, right?” He asked you, shifting slightly in his seat. You snickered, grabbing your bowl and his as you headed towards the sink. Jake’s mischievous look was long gone as he rose to his feet, walking after you. “Scout?”
“Mr. Seresin,” you began, clasping your hands in front of you as you turned to look at him, “unfortunately for you, my brother raises an important matter. Until I receive a proper proposal, I’m afraid your word doesn’t carry very much weight in this house.”
Jake gaped at you, green eyes wide as they took you in.
You held up your hand to stop him, nearly laughing at the state of him as he stood there in the middle of your kitchen, eyes wide and mouth ajar as he scrambled for something to say. Fighting back a smile, you walked over so that you were standing right in front of him, placing your hands on his chest and gently brushed out the wrinkles in his shirt, peering up at him through your lashes.
“You better get going,” you told him, leaning up to peck him on the cheek. “You have work to do.”
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The town hall was filled with the deafening roar of the townsfolk gathered in the assembly hall. It was so crowded, in fact, that you felt immense gratitude towards your past self for thinking to pack your fan in your clutch. You fanned yourself lightly, watching the older women of the community congregate together to discuss town gossip in hushed whispers while their husbands gathered on the opposite side of the room to discuss business. The women your age were gathered in the seats to your left, and you wondered how they kept themselves busy considering that every time you saw them they were gracing the modiste with their presence.
“I heard she stabbed him.”
That caught your attention, and you shifted in your seat subtly to better hear the conversation to your left.
“I heard she lured him into the bedroom and then seduced him before handing him over to the marshal.”
That made you frown. Your actions regarding Isaac Cassidy’s arrest and then subsequent execution had been the talk of the town for a couple of weeks now, and it appeared the rumor mill had run wild. You supposed you would have to do something about that.
“Look at her,” one of the older girls said, and you felt four pairs of eyes land on your profile. You remained stoic, not showing them that you could hear every single word of what they were saying. “She’s a proper lady, you know. From out back east. I doubt she’d be capable of much else other than simple household chores.”
That made you snicker. You attempted to cover it up with a cough, but you were unable to see if your efforts worked because Birdie and Bunny came walking down the aisle towards you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen everyone gathered in one place before,” Birdie said excitedly, taking the seat next to yours on your left. Bunny smiled softly in your direction before sitting on the opposite side of the young schoolteacher, leaning forward so that she could still hear the two of you over the still growing crowd.
“It is a bit exciting, I suppose,” you smiled. You hadn’t been sure about holding the town hall meeting in the actual town hall versus the church. You had raised the concern to your brother early on that the town hall might be too large a space for the people who regularly showed their faces in town.
“Don’t you worry a thing, Scout,” he had grinned, excitement evident on his face. “People are going to come from all over to hear what we have to say. The farmers and ranchers who almost never make it into town are even coming! I’m worried we might not even have enough space for all of them.”
Glancing around, you were beginning to think his worries might be justified. The room was growing more and more crowded as the minutes stretched on.
“You’re coming to the play next week, right?” Birdie asked you. You turned your attention back to her, giving her a nod as you smiled.
“Yes, of course!” You told her. “I wouldn’t miss it!”
“Who could turn down the opportunity to see Bradley up on that stage acting all heroic?” Bunny teased, nudging Birdie good-naturedly. You saw a tinge of pink creep onto her face as you and Bunny giggled. It was no secret that Birdie and the outlaw had feelings for one another, but getting the schoolteacher to admit that was a feat in and of itself.
“A prince and his princess,” you added, earning a rare scowl from the girl beside you.
“I told you already,” she grumbled, “I want to establish myself as an individual first. I have a career to think about.”
“Yes, of course,” you nodded. “I think it’s very noble of you to do so, actually. But that doesn’t mean you can’t play the field while you’re establishing your career.”
Bunny nodded in agreement, and Birdie turned back to you.
“And what of you and Jake Seresin?” She asked, eyes flaring in intrigue. “Any word of an official proposal yet?”
Before you could answer, the group of girls to your left burst into a fit of giggles, grabbing your attention. Their eyes darted to the back of the room, and your gaze followed, instantly connecting with a pair of green eyes that were already on you.
Jake was leaning against the back wall next to the rest of the Daggers, Bradley standing directly to his left as the brunette laughed at something Reuben had said. Jake shot you a wink, and you felt your cheeks instantly warm. Biting back a smile, you turned your attention back ahead of you, fanning yourself a bit faster.
“The boys are here,” you told Bunny and Birdie as nonchalantly as possible. Both of them turned their attention to the back of the room, instantly turning back around to mirror you as you sat with your back straight and staring pointedly ahead at the stage.
“Damn them,” Birdie murmured, her cheeks as red as rubies now. You let out a chuckle, nodding in agreement.
Just then, Maverick, Benjamin, and a third man you had seen in passing at the law firm stepped onto the stage, and the conversations around the room died down as attention turned to the three men standing in front of everyone. Maverick cleared his throat as the last of the chatter stopped, stepping forward to address all who had gathered. He smiled warmly, gaze traveling across the room as he clapped his hands together.
“Let’s get started, shall we?”
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A/N: Here she is! A Christmas surprise for all of you, even if she is a little late. Friendly reminder that I am redoing my tag lists! If you haven't already entered your username into the new one, please do so!! As always, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. You can also find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator where I post these updates as well!
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Tag List: @jakeseresinlover @haley-hotchner @queerqueenlynn @dempy @fanficfandomlove @aworldwideapart @stoptaking-the-good-names @maximus890 @sky2nd @devil-angel-winchester @hopip99 @hookslove1592 @lemmons1998 @yuckosworld @uniquedreamlandcheesecake @imamomof8 @pietrothemovie @kmc1989 @mamachasesmayhem @hangmansgbaby @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @deliriousfangirl61 @hangmandruigandmav @na-ta-sh-aa @witchybabel @keyrani @i-wanna-be-your-muse @buckysteveloki-me @clancycucumber230 @dreamlandcreations @emotionallysalty @fandom-life-12 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @nouis-bum @topherwrites @squeaky-bumblbee22 @hangmansgbaby @goldenseresinretriever @bobgasm @linkpk88 @number-0-iz @xl-pr @stillreadingfantasy @shibble @horseshoegirl
@nerdytreeflower @roostersforevergirl @bucky-sdoll @alldaysdreamer @piceous21 @ziuridian @princessofglitterland @agentorange9595 @reidshearts @lynnevanss @pittbull-enthusiast @mrsevans90 @powellssugarbaby @amortentiadrops @redbarn1995 @queenies1x1 @craftytrashprincess @owenniasstars @els-marvelvsp @blue-aconite @mycobrakai1972 @callsigncurse @ellavm @luversgirl @shotgunhallelujah @jupitercomet @waltermis @eloquentdreamer-blog1 @seresinslady @the-house-of-rose-and-ember @jessicab1991 @princess76179 @maydayfigment @sgt-barnesveins
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thedoctorsthings · 19 days
Power to the king | final chapter
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Here she finally is, the final chapter. This concludes Yoongi's part of the story, but don't fret, Power to the king is not done yet. The next member I will write is Seokjin. However don't expect a peep out of me until at least the end of June because I have finals. Enjoy!
WC: About 2k
Warnings: minor character death, angst, smut but it's only vaguely described not explicitly detailed because I'm a big wuss, good ending don't worry
You had visited the princess, but not much had come out of it. After you told her what you heard she had looked at you quizzically and told you that Frida had always accompanied her brother on his trips. She also said that she never thought anything of it until now. The discovery that Yoongi’s relationship with this maid dated back years was a blow to your stomach, but at least the princess was honest with you. You had formed an ally in this castle.
On the morning of your husband’s return you feel more confident than ever.  On your wedding night he had made you promise to never let your emotions run amok again, and today you would show him you remembered. You had no idea if Yoongi knew how you felt. There was a chance he didn’t even know you knew about them.
It’s almost noon and you’re waiting for his arrival in the great hall with the rest of the family. It was customary for the person who had been away to give a report on the situation to the council. First, he would be welcomed back by his entire family. Jungkook, who was standing next to you, whispered: "I promised him a huge favour if he stopped shaving while travelling”. ‘What did he say?”, you asked. “He agreed, but I’d rather not discuss what he made me do. He better walk through that door with a beard”. You barely had time to answer, or the doors flew open revealing Yoongi, without beard, and his entourage.
With a forced smile and a hushed: “You bastard”, under his breath, Jungkook approached his brother and shook his hand. The minute you saw your husband appear all the confidence left your body. How could you tell this beautiful, intimidating man that you hated him. All you were left with was sadness about the progress you had made that was now lost. After greeting the king your husband came up to you and ceremoniously pressed his and your cheeks together, as was customary. You barely reacted, no eye contact, no smile. There was some visible confusion on his face, but he didn’t say anything about it.
That evening, at dinner, you went back to your old, quiet self. You had no idea why because you had promised yourself you would be strong and tell him he had to stop seeing her. Instead, you had deflated in on yourself upon seeing him.
Yoongi’s eyes were boring holes into your skull. He was seated opposite of you, and spent the entire night staring, no glaring, at you. After the meal you wasted no time fleeing to your rooms. What was wrong with you? Why couldn’t you just talk to him and tell him off like you had before? Suddenly there’s an aggressive sounding knock on your door. “Come in”. You’ve barely uttered, or he’s already inside. He stands tall in front of your door, about two meters from you. “What’s wrong with you?” You’re shocked. What’s wrong with you? You’re not the one sleeping with some maid. “What do you mean?”, you bite back while folding your arms. “You embarrassed me in front of my family, I thought we had made progress. I thought we could be civil to each other now”. He’s pointing accusingly at you now, clear anger on his face. You bite the inside of your lip. “Well, I thought so too, but I should have realised it was only about civility for you”. He’s stands quiet for a moment, face riddled with angry confusion. “What are you talking about?” You take a step closer to him and gather all your courage. “You’re sleeping with Frida. I saw you together some time ago, and now you took her on your trip. I should have known you only visited me every night to keep me content, so you could keep sneaking around with your favourite maids”.
His face contorts in a snarl: “You have no right to accuse me of anything”, he spits. You laugh: “Is it not true then?” your voice overshoots slightly at this last question. He stays quiet. Your eyes begin to tear, but he doesn’t see, he never does. “Are there more? Are you in love with her? God Yoongi, why did you do this?” He stays quiet, and you almost lose your mind. You start yelling as tears well up in your eyes for real now: “Answer me, Yoongi! How could you do this to me? How come you can barely look at me or spend time with me, but you can sneak around sleeping with her without even paying attention who sees?” “Because!” he yells, “I feel sorry, when I look at you, I feel sorry! I trapped you in a marriage with the most loveless man in the kingdom. I can’t stand to be around you because you remind me of how horrible I am. I felt like pushing you away from me would free you”.
It's your turn to be silent now. Anger is coursing through your entire body. How dare he act as if he was helping you by setting you aside as a wife. “If you feel so guilty why not be better?” Your question is almost immediately followed by an answer.  “Because I’m not good! I can never give you what you want. I’m not a husband, I wasn’t ready”. He says while finally looking you in the eye. “Neither was I” you cry, “But you don’t see me running of with someone else. I’ve been trying so hard to make something of this!” Yoongi scoffs. He had been standing in the same spot this whole time, but now he moves closer. “Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it”, he spits. “I’ve seen the way you behave around me brother”.
You’re standing face to face now, closer than you’ve ever been. You’re white hot with anger. “You are a coward”. You can feel his breath on your face. He bends down. Heath is radiating off him. One moment you’re glaring at your husband, the next, you throw yourself in his arms as he engulfs you, and almost lifts you off the floor. His mouth is on yours and he kisses you as if there’s something he desperately needs from you. Both your hands roam everywhere, pulling at hair, undoing buttons, scratching over bare skin. You stumble on the bed. It marks the start of a long night full of passion and anger. He’s a man starved and you’re willing to give him everything your body has to give.
The next morning Yoongi is gone. You had slept tangled up together, but you hadn’t noticed him getting up. The maid, who you know is here to get you dressed, knocks on your door. Low and behold there she’s standing, Frida. You let her dress you as if nothing is wrong. It’s not that you don’t want to confront her. You just don’t know how you would go about it. At breakfast he doesn’t say a word to you, doesn’t even make eye contact. The only thing you get out of him is a slight smirk to himself when he sees you having trouble standing up on your sore legs.
That day the princess takes you on a walk around the castle. You’re chattering away when you cross the big courtyard. It’s the third day of the week, a little past noon. This means it’s the moment of the weekly delivery of vegetables at the castle. You get your greens from the same farmer every week. The farm is owned by Harald Park. After you saw the man named Jimin almost light his hair on fire at the festival, you had asked Jungkook about him, and he had told you he was Harald’s son. Recently, however, Harald had fallen ill and Jimin took over the deliveries for the palace. When you walk past him, he’s tossing a bag of grain off the carriage, but he stops to make some of the most intense eye contact with the princess you’ve ever seen. You suppress a smile and wait until you’re out of earshot to ask her: “What was that?” The princess blushes and says: “It’s nothing”, while hiding her face from you. It’s nothing yet, you add in your mind.
For the entire rest of the week Yoongi doesn’t make any contact with you. He only says something to you when it’s absolutely necessary, and he doesn’t come to visit you in the evening. Every day Frida helps you dress and every day you almost say something. By the end of the week, you can’t take it anymore, and after dinner you decide to take matters into your own hands. You march towards his room and knock on his door. He opens the door and looks at you with one eyebrow lifted. For some reason that face makes you angrier than ever. “Why won’t you talk to me?”, if the simple question you ask, but it leads to another heated argument, and another passionate night.
Over the course of the next weeks, you notice that You and Yoongi look for little reasons to get angry about so that you can march into each other’s rooms, have a screaming match and then spend the night together. During those nights he discovers parts of your body which you had no idea even existed. You draw an animal out of him, and no matter how much you’ve come to hate him, you long for these nights. When you fall asleep next to him, you sleep better than you have in months. You’re more energetic during the day, and Yoongi too, seems to be doing better than ever. How come you can’t share this newfound bliss with each other. Outside of the occasional fight in the evening you barely talk to him.
Another thing you’ve noticed is that you haven’t seen Yoongi around Frida since that first night you slept together. Maybe he’s just more secretive or careful about it now. One morning you wake up to the knock of the maid on your door. However, when she comes in it’s not Frida. It’s Gertrud again. “Good morning, your highness”. “Good morning”, you greet. You get up to stand in front of the mirror and stare out the window puzzled. When Gertrud is adjusting your corset, you ask: “Where is Frida?” Gertrud seems to have to think for a second before she says: “She got sent away to one of the properties of some rich lord. I think as some sort of diplomatic gesture. Before she left, she said it was your husband’s decision”. “Will she be coming back?” Gertrud pulls on the strings of your corset and says: “They usually don’t, your highness”. “oh”, is all you can muster. After she leaves you stand in front of the mirror for a minute longer. Guess you won’t have to confront Frida after all.
That night, after dinner, you decide to visit the queen again. It had been quite some time since your last visit, and you liked spending time with her. Right when you reach her rooms the doors are slammed open. It’s the younger druid, Taehyung. He looks more serious than ever. “Oh good, your highness, you’re here. Go get your husband. It’s the queen”. After this he rushes towards the king’s quarters without giving you time to answer. You rush to Yoongi’s chambers. While you’re almost running through the dark hallways, tears start welling up in your eyes. You loved the queen so much; she had been such good support for you. You couldn’t lose her. You knock on Yoongi’s door frantically. He opens the door looking distraught: “By Odin, what’s wrong with you?” “Yoongi, it’s your mother”.
Yoongi had held her hand as she went. The princess had lied next to her, and Jungkook sat at the foot of her bed. You stayed seated in the chair next to the bed. While all his children were shedding tears for their dear mother and saying goodbye to her, the king had simply walked in, asked the druid how long she had and left again. The queen had smiled one last time at her children and closed her eyes for good. Yoongi hadn’t cried a single tear. He just looked utterly defeated. After Jungkook left the room, you helped the princess into her own bed. She had asked you to stay with her, and of course you did. After you were sure she had fallen asleep, you decided to check on your husband. Not before placing the princess’ little sleeping dog next to her on the bed to replace your warmth.
You knocked softly and after hearing a hum you slowly opened the door. The room was lit by one single candle and Yoongi was standing by the window looking out at the darkness. You had no idea what to say so you just walked over to him and placed your hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at you and for a moment nothing happened. Then he broke down. This was the first time you had seen him cry, and it wouldn’t surprise you if this was the first time in years that he had. All you knew to do was take him into your arms. He let you. That night, after he calmed down, you washed your husband’s face and helped him into his night shirt. Both of your eyes had been bloodshot, because of the many tears, by the time you got into bed. You let him rest his head on your chest. Right before you fell asleep, you thought about how it took the queen dying for you to finally treat each other lovingly.
It had been three weeks since the queen passed, and Yoongi finally felt like he was getting a hold of himself again. You had been incredibly understanding and warm towards him for these three weeks, and he had no idea how to thank you or how to reciprocate. He was sitting in at his desk right before dinner. For the first time he thought back to that night. For the past three weeks his memory had blocked everything that had happened the night of his mother’s passing. It was finally coming back to him. The way you had been so soft, the way you had kissed his tears away and washed his face. He hadn’t said anything that entire night except right after he had broken down in your arms. He mumbled: “He didn’t even look at her”. You had simply nodded. You stayed so strong for him even though he had seen the tears in your eyes multiple times that night. Is this what it meant to be supported? When he entered the dining hall you were already sitting there. You were so impossibly beautiful. To everyone who saw you, you looked so delicate, but he knew the fire under your skin. He loved you, and he had to figure out how to tell you before you started to hate him again.
You’re sitting in your room, writing a letter to your mother. The queen’s passing had made you realize that if you didn’t try to make it right with her now, you might never have the chance. You’re dipping your feather in the ink when you hear something small and hard hit the window. You look up for a second, but then go back to writing. Then it happens again. This time you get up and open your window. You look down, and there is your husband, with a little stone in his hand, ready to throw again. “You know some people knock on doors. It’s much easier; you can use your hands”, you remark dryly. “I have to tell you something, but I can’t do it when you’re close to me. Y/N when I look into your eyes, I get lost. Every time I try to talk to you, I lose all words, which is horrible because you deserve so many. I’m hoping that if I do it from down here, I’ll actually get out what I’ve been trying to express for so long. Y/N, my wife, I love you”. He’s rambling now: “I know it might be hard to believe, but when I’m around you I’m softer than ever. I can’t sleep when you’re not near. I am so incredibly sorry for how I’ve treated you. I thought I was helping you by staying distant. I thought that I could make you hate me by sleeping with a maid, or by never talking to you. That I could somehow save you from the horror that is me, but you’ve made me realize that I can be better. From now on there will be only you, and if you’ll let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life thanking you”.
You stay quiet for a moment. He mutters: “Please say something”. You break into a teary smile: “Come up here, you idiot”.
@lifeless-firefly @viankiss @emerald-notes @daisies-and-dandelionpuffs @jjkwifestyle @nansasa
thank you so much for all the love
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fangirlies · 1 year
Look after you- (x.t)
Pairing: xavier thorpe x gn!reader
Request: Hey I was wondering if ur requests are open for Xavier? If so will u please write fluff Xavier Thorpe taking care of sick reader
Warnings: sick reader. fluff. fluff. fluff. (Please let me know if I should be aware of anything else)
you’ve begun to feel like homeee
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It had been a few days since you had gotten a good night's rest. Constantly waking up in the middle of the night in a pool of your own sweat, being unable to breathe through your nose, and coughing fits had become the new normal for the past three days. The lack of movement caused your bones to ache. You had begged your boyfriend, Xavier, not to come visit you because you looked like you had just returned from a brutal war. You were afraid you'd scare him away with your puffy, bloodshot eyes, which were accompanied by eye bags from lack of sleep.
When you first started feeling ill, you told him it might be a good idea if you stayed away until you felt better. He passed by your dorm after class and slid a drawing of you beneath your door in hopes of making you smile. It’s safe to say his drawings always did. The second day, he said he missed your voice and sat outside in the hall until curfew, talking to you through the door.
The third day was a little quieter. You hadn't heard anything from him all day. He usually texts you throughout the day, and since you've been sick, he's been quick to respond. However, not today. You found it odd, but figured he was occupied with classes.
At noon, there was a knock on your door. You wondered who it could be since classes would continue for another three hours. With two blankets wrapped around your shivering body, you managed to make it to the door. The dark, wooden door swung open, revealing a tall and lanky figure in front of you. “Hi pumpkin,” a huge smile plastered on his handsome face. You let out a loud yelp and began to close the door. To your dismay, Xavier instantly swung his foot forward to prevent you from slamming it in his face. Mentally cursing yourself for being twice as slow as you normally would be.
"Xavier, I look like shit!" Shame had led you to shield your face with one of your blankets.
"I highly doubt that," Xavier’s voice now coming from inside your room. "I brought you some stuff," he said before dumping the contents that were in a paper bag onto your bed. You stood at one end of the room, face hidden, keeping your distance from him.
"Medicine, ice cream, tissues, and those little candies that relieve your sore throat"
He quickly glanced over at your hidden figure and chuckled before approaching you.
"Babe, thank you for the stuff, but please leave," you whined, taking a step back as he got closer. “I don't want to get you sick."
“That’s no way to thank me” Xavier caressed both of your cheeks and pressed his plump, pink lips against yours. "Now let's go run you a bath," he said as he spun on his heels and made his way into your bathroom.
"Aren't you supposed to be in class? You don't have to do this, baby," a pouty lip visible on your sick and pale face, assuring him that you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself.
Before filling the bathtub to the brim, Xavier turned on the water and checked it’s temperature “Would you relax? I want to look after you, angel." Again, he presses his lips against yours, this time you give in and kiss him back. His lips began looking irresistible after three days of being unable to see him.
"Hands up," he instructed as he removed the pajamas you had been wearing the last few days, folded them neatly, and set them aside on your bathroom sink. He examined your body for a minute in awe. Even with your hair in a messy bun and snot threatening to drip from your nose, he looked at you as if you were the most expensive diamond he'd ever laid eyes on.
While you relaxed in the bathtub to some of your favorite songs, he filled you in on the gossip you've missed the past few days. You swore he was the cure you were looking for when he wrapped you in a towel and put you in a clean set of pajamas. Xavier ultimately persuaded you to blow dry your hair so you wouldn't feel sicker, and the two of you nestled up in bed. One of his hands snaked beneath your head and wrapped itself around your body as you lay on his chest. Captivated with whatever it was on television that managed to catch your attention.
“Thank you for taking care of me, xavi” you uttered as you turned to look up at him.
"Pumpkin, you don't have to thank me,” He gave your nose a tiny boop as he remarked, "I do it because I love you.” Your focus returned to the t.v and you wondered how you managed to get so lucky to be with such a caring and loving boyfriend. He constantly reminded you that you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, regardless of how crazy you looked. He didn't seem to care that your bed wasn't made and that your room was littered with used tissues. He didn't mind skipping his final two class periods to come see you. He simply wanted to make sure you were doing okay and would do whatever it took to make you feel better.
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A.N: it’s the “hands up” for me :((
for the bestie that sent in this request- this was a cute one! i hope it was more or less what you were hoping for. thank you for requesting 🤍🦋🪴🧚🏼‍♀️
As always— requests are always open! Share your thoughts! Talk to me! Get something off your mind! ✨
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razorblade180 · 7 months
Navia:Aether? I’m sorry in advance but can I trouble you with something?
Aether:It’s you asking so no trouble at all. What’s wrong.
Navia:It’s just…there’s a really important meeting I have with some other business individuals in Fontaine in order to Poisson. It’s pretty normal for the heads of the business to take a guard with them for protection. Not only that but because of the state of Spina Di Rosula is in…I fear people may think now is the time to walk all over us.
Aether:So showing up with a guard isn’t just for security, but a display that you’re still going strong? I’ll be honest, sounds like you should be hiring Clorinde more than me.
Navia:She has her own job to deal with. Being a champion duelist means someone wants to hire you for one reason or another. I’d rather not bother her with this. Not to say I’m okay bothering you! It’s just…
Aether:I get it. No offense taken. So I’m being a bodyguard? Sounds easy enough. Of course I’ll help.
Navia:Thank you. I’ll be sure to pay you accordingly…
Aether:Hmm? Why would you pay me? It’s just a favor between friends. If I’m gonna ask for anything, then it would be for more macarons when you get the chance. Paimon still talks about them.
Navia:Heh, alright then. I’ll be sure to make an entire batch afterwards. The meeting is tomorrow at noon.
Aether:I’ll be at Poisson to escort you a couple hours early then!
Navia:Sounds like a plan. See you then, and thank you again. Seriously. *walks away*
Aether:….(Alright, guess I should take this seriously.)
Tomorrow comes in a blink of an eye. Not gaining much sleep, Navia does her best to appear well rested. It’s not that she didn’t try to, but moments like these were never her strongest. And now that she was doing it without… No, she mustn’t think about that right now. Right now her efforts need to be on rebuilding what’s left and not missing all that was lost.
A knock on her door came the moment she put on her out. Talk about punctual. Maybe Aether didn’t get much rest either? There was plenty of time before departure. Navia walked to the door and opened it so he wouldn’t have to wait in the dreary atmosphere. She didn’t expect what waited on the other side. Sleepiness was pushed away from her gaze as her friend stood before her in a black suit, gloves, and fedora just like her men.
Navia:How did you…?
Aether:I asked around a bit yesterday and got myself fitted. I don’t think Melus and Silver would ever forgive me if I didn’t try my absolute best. So- Navia?
The girl had the biggest, warmest smile on her face, but it eas accompanied by a well of tears. Even she didn’t know if she going to laugh or cry.
Aether:H-Hey!? I’m sorry. Was this too much?
Navia:Hehe..no, Goodness, no. I’m just a little overwhelmed is all, but so happy too. *sniffles*
Aether:..*bows head* I’m ready when you are.
Navia:I’m curious, do you plan on calling me Demoiselle as well?
Aether:My pronunciation is not up to par with all that, hehe. Sorry.
Navia:It was just a joke. Even I might find that a little much. Please, raise your head. There’s something I want to give you.
Aether looks up to see her run towards her vanity mirror and run back holding two pairs of shades. She opens up one and slides them onto his face.
Aether:Now I’m really part of the group.
Navia:Haha, what are you going on about? You’ve always been one of us. *puts shades on* And don’t you forget it.
Aether:*smiles* Well then, ahem! Shall we go get breakfast before we start today’s affairs.
Navia:Hehe, I believe we shall.
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Elvis or Austin walks in on reader fully naked
Thanks for the request! ❤️
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The Golden Globes were coming up in two days and Austin still didn't have a anyone to bring with him since his sister was unable to make it. He had thought about asking if you'd wanna accompany him since you were his best friend and there wasn't anyone else besides you or his sister that he'd want to bring. But he wasn't sure how'd you respond since you were never one for that kind of attention and you saw firsthand how crazy his life had gotten since Elvis, it was overwhelming for you. But he figured that he'd ask anyway so he quickly grabbed his phone and called you. You could feel your phone vibrating in your back pocket as you were getting some coffee at a local coffee shop, you slid it from your back pocket and smiled when you saw it was Austin. You wouldn't ever admit this to anyone not even him, but you had always had the biggest crush on him. But he never seemed to take any interest in you the same way which kinda led to you being friend zoned.
You slide your thumb across the screen to answer it and held it to your ear. "Hey, what's up?" you said softly as you paid for your coffee. "Y/N, hey, I had a question and you can say no if you want. But just know I'd truly appreciate it if you didn't." he said with a soft chuckle. You raised an eyebrow at his words. "Uh, okay.. What did you do?" you laughed. "I didn't do anything. It's nothing bad!" he said rolling his eyes playfully. "I was just wondering if you'd be my plus one to the Golden Globes?" he said hesitantly. You nearly spat out your coffee at his words. "Me?!" you exclaimed. He laughed at your reaction. "What about Ashley?? I thought you were taking her." you said still in shock. "She can't make it. I'd really like for someone who's like family to join me." he said. You were a bit apprehensive about the whole thing because that was not your world and you certainly didn't have anything that would be able to even walk down the red carpet in. But you didn't want to let him down because this was a huge night for him especially if he wins. "Soooo... Will you?" he questions. You cleared your throat and exhaled softly. "Okay, yeah, I'll go. But I have nothing suitable to wear to this." you teased. "Don't worry about that. You know when it is right?" he asked. You furrowed your brow at him telling you not to worry when that's the biggest thing to worry about. "Mhm, I do. I'll come over to your place that day." you said. "Okay, sounds good. Thank you for this." he said softly. You smiled to yourself as the both of you hung up.
Two days later and it was the big day. You were a nervous wreck as you got to Austin's house a little after noon. He welcomed you inside and you were greeted by a few other people that looked like they were in the process of getting him ready for tonight. He pulled you into a hug the moment you walked in his house and you smiled hugging him back and capturing your bottom lip between your teeth as you got a hint of his cologne before he pulled away. "I'm so happy you are doing this." he beamed. "Well, that's what friends are for." you smiled. "Uh, Aus.. I don't have anything to wear. I know you said don't worry but-" he cut you off and grinned cutely before he grabbed a hold of your hand and led you over to the living room where the dress he gotten for you was hanging. You were in awe of the beautiful backless red dress. "I-Is that for me?" you say softly. "Of course. I picked it out myself." he smiled. You had never seen anything more beautiful let alone wore something this beautiful. He grabbed the dress from where it was hanging and handed it to you. "Go try it on." he said happily. You took it into your hands, running your fingers over the soft silk of the dress. "Austin.. You didn't have to do this." you said shyly. "Stop it, I wanted to. Now go try it on. I want to see what it looks like on you." he smiled gesturing for you to go to his room.
You smiled and nodded at him. "Okay, I will." you beamed and began to make your way into his room, shutting the door closed and laying the beautiful dress onto his bed so you could undress, taking everything off wanting to see how it would feel if you went commando under the soft silk. You stood there for a moment in your nakedness just still in awe of this dress. While Austin waited for you he realized he forgot to give you the shoes that went with it and he quickly grabbed them and not even thinking that you may have already started getting undressed but it was too late at that point because he had already burst through the door with the shoes in hand. "You forgot the-" but he suddenly forgot how to speak when he was face to face with you and his eyes widen at the sight of you naked. You gasped when you saw him and quickly grabbed your shirt to drape it over the front of your body to cover what you could. "Austin!" you shrieked. He swallowed harshly as his eyes wandered over every inch, every curve, every line, everything and since your shirt didn't cover much but your breasts he got an eyeful of your pussy. He didn't say a word it was as if he was frozen in place. He'd never really thought of you in such a sexual way, he did have a bit of a crush on you when you first met, but you didn't seem too interested in him or you didn't let it show that you did. So he pushed those thoughts from his mind about you. But now they were all coming back.
"Earth to Austin! Hello?? Can you get out!?" you yelled. He snapped out of his dirty thoughts about you and cleared his throat nervously, his cheeks becoming a bit flushed. "Uh... I-Uh... Here's the shoes.." he put them down frantically and he quickly made his exit almost slamming the door how fast he closed it. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously the image of your naked body replaying in his head. You didn't even know what to do after what just happened you felt so embarrassed having him walk in on you like that. You didn't know how you were going to possibly face him now without being awkward and shy and he felt the same way. You eventually got the dress on and smoothing it over your body and checking yourself out in his mirror and staring at how the dress clung to your body and you really liked how beautiful it looked and how great you felt in it. You slipped on the heels which went so well with the dress and you took a deep breathing still needing to show Austin what it all looked like but you were so nervous. You slowly opened the door, peering out of the small crack to see him pacing back and forth with such a nervousness to him.
What the hell is he nervous about? He walked in on ME naked. You opened the door more and slipped out of his room slowly approaching him and everyone else. He turned to face you as he heard the sounds of your heels and his eyes lit up when he saw you in the dress his jaw practically on the floor seeing how the dress hugged every bit of your curves so perfectly, he couldn't understand the feelings that he was beginning to feel so strongly. But one thing was for sure he wouldn't be able to keep his eyes off you. You cleared your throat a bit afraid to even look at him as you mumbled, "How do I look?" in a soft tone, turning a bit give him a view of the backless part. "Perfect.." Austin murmured. You furrowed your brow catching a bit of what he said but not really. "What?" you asked softly. "Uh, I mean.. You look beautiful. I knew that dress was perfect for you." he smiled, rubbing at his face shyly. You tried your best not to blush as you still wouldn't make eye contact with him. "Thank you and thank you for the dress. "No need to thank me." he smiled. "I guess I'll get ready now.." he mumbled as he began to walk past you to get to his room the two of you making eye contact as he passed and quickly looking away from one another. Tonight is going to be awkward.
Once he went off to get dressed you were being brought over to get your hair and makeup done. It was all so very strange being pampered this way, being dressed this way and going to the Golden Globes, that you told them not to go to heavy with the makeup. You were already nervous about going there and now you're doubly nervous because things were going to be super awkward between you and Austin you could just feel the tension in the air between the two of you. Moments later Austin came out in the most beautiful tux that you tried not to stare too hard at him but he looked so handsome. "How do I look?" he beamed. "You look very handsome." you said softly, nodding your head. He smiled at your words and he still was completely in awe of you that he knew you'd be a distraction for him the whole night especially after knowing how you look under that dress. You were finished with your hair and makeup and you stood up now soothing out your dress and you watched as Austin went to get his hair done and you were being handed a purse that went along with your dress, clutching it in your hands as you stared at Austin. You kept giving each other quick glances and then looking away.
You both were ready now and by the time you both got ready it was almost time to start heading to the show to walk the red carpet. Your nerves kicking in full force and Austin reached out his hand to you and you hesitantly took his hand in yours. You tried to hide your slight blush. "Don't want you falling down the stairs with those heels." he chuckled. You rolled your eyes at him as he you held onto his hand a bit tighter as the two of you made your way out with a few of his people following behind as you got into the huge suv that was there to pick him up. He helped you inside of the car and he stepped in right after, sliding over next to you. He could tell you were nervous because your hand was shaking in your lap and he gently placed his hand over yours. "You'll be okay, I get nervous too." he smiled. You nodded with a small smile as you stared out the window as you begun your journey there and you noticed that he had not removed his hand from yours which only made you smile widely to yourself. Things seemed to be going okay only a bit of awkwardness not what you expected but you did catch him staring down at your body a few times and he assumed that you didn't catch him. But you did.
Once you got to the Golden Globes the crowd of people was insane and the amount of celebrities that were there made you feel out of place. Austin tightened his hand around yours and intertwined his fingers between yours slowly. "Ready? You're my hot date tonight!" he grinned. You blushed for the thousand time tonight and followed him out of the car, he helped you down and let go of your hand to slip around your waist, keeping you close by him wanting to help you feel as comfortable as possible. You were trying not to faint at the feeling of his strong arm around your waist and just being this close to him. He was being so different with you now and treating you not just as his friend, but as if he had actual interest in you. You held onto your dress a bit as to not step on it as you two walked down the red carpet together, the cameras snapping away and the people screaming. You stared up at him. "What if they think I'm your girlfriend?" you whispered to him. "Would that bother you?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. "Oh.. Uh.. I-I don't think so..." you said shyly. "Then who cares what they think." He said with a shrug as he squeezed at your waist a bit tighter.
Now it was time to pose for pictures and you were not excited about that but Austin wasn't letting you leave his side especially not in that dress even as the photographers had yelled for him to get pictures on his own he refused because he didn't want to let you go. You felt less nervous since he did everything to make you feel comfortable and you opened up a bit more and started posing a bit with him for the pictures. But it was needed for him to take a few alone and you didn't mind so you wiggled from his grip and stood to the side as he took his solo pictures reluctantly. You smiled warmly as you watched him and if you didn't already have the biggest crush on him it grew even more just standing there. "Let's get a few of your girlfriend!" one photographer shouted. Austin smiled to himself and you shook your head with a smile because you knew they would assume you were dating. Austin gestured you over to him and you walked over and then he moved out of the frame of the cameras so they could get solo shoots of you. You thought it was strange they wanted photos of someone that wasn't famous, but you played along with it and after a while Austin grabbed your hand again and waving to the photographers as he whisked you away.
"That wasn't too bad, huh?" he grinned. "I guess not." you smiled. The two of you eventually headed inside after Austin did a few interviews that now had not only questions about his feelings if he wins or Elvis, but who you were and if you were his girlfriend. He couldn't help but blush and you caught him a few times and the whole thing just had you confused. He friend zoned you this whole time and now he suddenly acting like the two of you were together. But you kept those thoughts to yourself. This night was about him and as you took your seats beside Baz, Priscilla, Lisa Marie and Jerry; you beamed happily never imaging being at something like this in person. As the night went on Austin was holding your hand most of the night under the table and you could feel him trembling he was nervous. You looked over at him with a smile and you leaned over towards him. "I just know you're going to win.." you whispered. He smiled at your words and leaned over to kiss your cheek. "Thank you.. We'll see." he mumbled. You tried your best to hide your face because you were blushing so hard from his kiss. Why he is doing this to me.. He doesn't even like me like that..
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts when the award for 'Best Actor' was being presented and he began to squeeze your hand so tight now and you did your best to soothe him as they ran down the list of names and you smiled so big when they listed him. The two of you so nervous and you weren't even the one nominated as they went to open the envelope and you heard the words, "Austin Butler" utter from their lips and you nearly squealed from excitement and he was in complete shock as he hopped out of his seat, his hand slipping from yours and you stood up with the rest of your table and right before he went to walk to the stage he leaned over toward you and planted a kiss to your lips purely out of sheer impulse and excitement that he didn't even realize what he had done as he went running up to the stage after. You were now the one frozen touching your lips with your fingertips gently thinking you were in a dream.. A dream where Austin just kissed you. You slowly sat back down in your seat in a complete daze unable to stop touching your lips as you watched him up on that stage accepting the award he and Elvis rightfully deserve. You left your daze for a moment just to hear his adorable and beautiful speech that almost had you close to tears as you clapped happily for him. Once he got backstage he finally realize what he did before he went to accept his award and now he felt so stupid for doing that only furthering whatever awkwardness had faded throughout the night.
Once he returned to the table you gave him the biggest hug, but neither you or him spoke of what happened and continued on with the night as usual. The night was finally winding down and the ceremony was coming to a close and the two of you made your way back to the suv that had taken you here earlier and Austin clutched his Golden Globe in his hand as he slipped the other around you. You smiled proudly as the two of you got into the car. "I knew it. I knew you'd win!" you said happily. "Thank you, Y/N. Seriously, thank you for coming with me tonight. I needed it." he smiled. "Of course. You know I'm always here for you and here to support you." you said softly. "I know.." he mumbled, patting your hand gently. The ride back to his place was a quiet one. The both of you with some much on your mind about one another and so confused. You knew how you felt about him, but you were unsure now of how he felt about you. He too was unsure because he had suppressed these feelings for so long because he assumed you weren't interested in him. But now he was getting the feeling that he was completely wrong. But he didn't want you to feel like seeing you naked earlier is the reason he likes you. It certainly was not. That was just an added bonus for him.
You got back to his place and once you got out front you ripped the heels off your feet and letting out a exhaled. "Finally." you laughed. He chuckled softly as he reached over for your hand and lead the two of you back inside. Once inside of his house things seemed more awkward now that it was just the two of you alone. You fumbled with your hands nervously as you stared at him and he stared at you, setting down his award as he moved closer to you. You swallowed harshly as he moved toward you until he towered over you. "We should probably talk about the uh.." you interrupted him. "The kiss.." you mumbled. "Yeah... That.." he uttered as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Aus, listen.. I'm going to say something because I need to get it off my chest." you said softly. "O-Okay.." he mumbled. You took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "I've had a crush on you for a very long time. But it seemed like you never felt the same and you kinda friend zoned me.. Which crushed me a bit. But it never stopped how I felt about you. Now tonight.. I don't know.. You confused me.. Do you like me? Or is it because you saw me naked and you're doing all this to try to sleep with me?" you said hesitantly.
His eyes widen for a moment when he heard you had feelings for him but then immediately furrowed his brow at the last thing you said. "Y/N, do you truly believe I would use you in that way just to get in your pants?" he questioned. You shrugged. "I don't know.. It's just all sudden that you're acting this way." you whispered. "Can I get something off my chest now?" he chimed. You nodded slowly. "The first time we met I had a crush on you, but you didn't seem that interested in me and obviously I know I was so wrong now. I don't know why I couldn't see it. I'll be honest seeing you naked did bring all those feelings back. But I would never use you, flirt with you the way I did tonight and play with your feelings just to sleep with you. I kissed you because I like you.. I've always liked you." he confessed. You tried to hide your smile and you let out a relieved sigh and you knew in the back of your mind that Austin would never do something so cruel like that. But you needed to hear him say it.
You tried to hide your smile as you stared up at him and you moved yourself close to him until your body was up against his. He brought his hands up to brush them over your arms slowly and that brought a shiver down your spine and the two of you just stared silently at one another. You didn't know what to say or that words even needed to be said as your faces moved closer. Your heart racing as your lips met for the second time tonight and he slipped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his broad shoulders, kissing each other deeply. You felt his hands moving up and down the silk of your dress and squeezing at every curve of your body. His hands slipping back around your arms and sliding them up to your shoulders, hooking his fingers beneath the small straps of your dress and tugging them down your shoulders slowly. "Did I mention how perfect you look in this dress?" he mumbled on your lips. "Mm.. I think you may have let it slip earlier..." you hummed. He grinned on your lips stealing another kiss and capturing your bottom lip between his teeth. "So you did hear that.." he chuckled.
"Mhm.. Also know you've been dying to see what's underneath this dress again.." you smirked. You pulled away from him and tugged your arms out of the delicate straps and you shimmered out of the tight little number and his eyes widen with a smile. "You weren't wearing any panties this whole damn time??" he said practically foaming at the mouth from the very sight of you. "Nope.." you giggled. All of a sudden he grabbed you by your waist and threw your naked body over his shoulder and you squealed softly, playfully hitting him. "Austin!" you exclaimed as you squirmed. He grinned as he tried to keep you still as he dragged you to his bedroom, giving your bare ass a hard slap which caused another squeal to escape you and he threw you onto his bed and you giggled softly as you rolled over onto your stomach and swinging your legs in the air back and forth as you stared up at him. "Come here.." you whispered, reaching over to grab him by his belt and tugging him forward. He licked over his lips as he stared down at you. "I wanna reward you.." you cooed.
He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Oh? For what?" he teased. "For winning tonight and for being honest with me.." you smiled and now both hands were holding onto his belt and then you ran your fingers slowly across the hard leather before you began to unbuckle it and undoing his pants. You bit down on your bottom lip so giggly and blushing a bit as you tugged his pants down along with his underwear and he already had a semi when his cock had sprang out right in your face. You blushed so hard staring head on at his cock and licking over your lips as he stepped out of his pants and underwear, kicking them to the side. You wrapped your right hand around his cock as he slowly began to slip off his tuxedo jacket and undo his bowtie and unbuttoning his shirt watching you as began to stroke his cock slowly and he choked back a groan. You watched his cock grew to it's full size in your hand and you leaned forward pressing your soft lips against his swollen leaking tip and coating your lips with his precum until your lips were glossy from it and you licked the taste of him right off your lips.
He watched in amazement and his eyes slightly rolled back. "Damn.." he mewled. You smirked and pressed a soft loving kiss to his leaky tip and then slowly parted your lips and took him into your watering mouth, sucking just on the tip for a moment and making soft suckling sounds just to tease him, your legs still swinging back and forth happily. He placed his hands on your shoulders as he let out a soft exhale from the feeling of your mouth around him and now his groans escaped him as much as he tried to fight them back. You placed your hand at the base of his cock as you slid more of him into your mouth and began to suck at a steady and slow pace, bobbing your head on him as your innocent doe eyes stared up at him. "Oh fuck." he moaned, squeezing tight at your shoulders. You loved the sound of his moans and decided to drive him a little wild and you placed your hands on his thighs and pushed your face down further against his pelvis and swallowing his cock down your throat, gagging and choking around him quietly, as you reach one of your hands down to squeeze and grope at his balls that hit up against your chin as your other hand squeezed hard at his thigh. "H-Holy shit.. Y/N..." he whimpered as he stared at you having a mouth full of him.
You slowly pulled your head back and his cock popping out of your mouth with strings of your saliva stuck to it and dripping down your chin, giggling to yourself. "D-Do it again.. Please baby..." he begged as he hands rested on the back of your head. You nodded at his begging and happily wrapped your mouth back around him and swallowed his cock down once again and playing with his balls and now you felt his hands tightening around your head and forcing you to keep him down your throat a bit longer, your gags becoming louder around him and your eyes welling up with tears as you tried to keep staring up at him, swinging your legs faster. Globs of your saliva gathering around your mouth and dripping down his cock, your chin and onto his floor as you whimpered and moaned around him. "Ah.. Oh my god... Your throat feels so damn good.. I wanna cum down it. But not yet.." he moaned as he tugged at your hair and pulled his cock out of your mouth and you gasped softly and letting out a quiet cough as your saliva poured out of you and making a mess and that wasn't the only mess, your pussy was completely soaked from how turned on you were.
He smirked and leaned down taking your messy face into his hands and kissing you deeply, forcing his tongue into your mouth and you whimpered into his mouth kissing him back and then he pulled away. You ran your hand up and down his thigh gently before you got up and laid on your back and turned so that your head was facing the other side of the bed and slowly parting your legs before him as he continued to stand above you, he grinned and grabbed a hold of your thighs and roughly pulling you toward him. You squealed softly as you cupped your breasts in your hands and squeezing at them gently as you watched him move between your legs and wrapping them around his waist as he lifted your hips just slightly off the bed and he licked his lips at the sight of your soppy pussy that ached something fierce for him and only him. He grabbed a hold of his saliva covered cock and he ran his tip right between your soft wet folds and teased your clit with the head of his cock and you let out a soft cute moan. "Oh god.. So fucking wet.. I've been thinking about this pussy all night since I seen it." he chuckled. You giggled at his words and shook your head. "Well are you gonna get keep staring at it or fuck it?" you teased.
"So needy for me, huh?" he hummed. "Mhm.. You've no idea how much I've wanted this.." you cooed. His expression was warm and happy as he slide his cock up and down your slit one more time and emitting a low groan before he teased your tight entrance with his cock and then plunging himself deep inside of you, grabbing ahold of your hips as he moaned shakily. "Goddamn.. So fucking tight.. " he moaned out loudly. You moaned and whimpered loudly as you tilted your head back against the mattress feeling his cock stretching you and forcing you to adjust to his size as he slammed his hips into yours until you could feel his balls slapping against you as he began to thrust into you so rough and hard causing your body to jolt and move up and down against his bed, you clutched onto his bed sheets. "Fuck.. Austin.. Oh.." you nearly screamed. As he plowed deep inside of you he watched your gorgeous breasts bounce with his every movement.
The sounds of his balls slapping against you growing louder with each forceful thrust of his as he was slamming against your cervix and his hands dug into your hips as he grasped them tighter, his moans loud and long as his breathing grew heavier. You moaned his name repeatedly the words leaving your pretty little mouth like honey as he had your body moving so hard against his bed that he nearly had the bed moving beneath. You weren't expecting him to be so rough the first time you had sex together but his sexual desire for you had been so built up just like yours that he couldn't help but lose control. Your chest heaving as you moans and words came out almost inaudible from how crazy he was driving you into pure bliss. "A-Austin.. You're gonna me fucking cum!" you screamed between your moans. He smirked at your words and he grabbed your legs closing them around his cock as he held them against his chest and he plowed deeper, harder and faster and you cried out his name, literal tears leaving your eyes. He kissed lightly over your feet as he watched you convulse against his bed and feeling your body shaking against him.
Your orgasm was building so quick that you could feel the pain within your belly as it rose so fast to the surface and when he slammed against you one more time your orgasm came out loudly in droves as your body grew numb and your toes curled against his chest and your head buried against his bed as your cum made a complete mess on his cock and leaked out of you. He groaned louder than he had before. "Fuck!" he barked as he pulled his cock out of you his orgasm seconds away from hitting. "Get up and let me have that throat of yours again, baby." he growled. Your body felt so numb and wobbly but you managed to get back in position again and laying on your stomach and switching back over to the side he was standing at and opening your mouth for him and he shoved his cock into your mouth and forced you to swallow his cock down, tasting your sweet nectar on his cock and he whimpered so loud between his moan. "G-Good.. Girl.." he said between heavy breaths as his orgasm hit the moment you throated him and he emptied his balls in your mouth and you felt the thick warm liquid slide down your throat forcing you to swallow it all.
He slowly pulled his cock out of your mouth completely out of breath and you licked the rest of the cum that leaked out of him and then he moved to collapse on the bed right beside you. "Holy fuck.. You're amazing.." he chuckled tiredly. You smirked and got up to lay on top of him, brushing your fingertips against his chest and he leaned up to devour your lips in messy kiss. "It was worth the wait.." you hummed on his lips. "Certainly was.." he cooed. "So, uh.. Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" he asked shyly. You giggled softly as you continued to caress your fingers against his chest. "Well, since everyone in Hollywood is already whispering that I am.. I guess I will." you teased, pecking his lips. "Of course I will, it's all I've wanted.." you whispered. He pulled you into his tight embrace vowing to never let you go.
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
i hit the floor like a sack of bricks.
toriel lifted me up and set me back on the couch i'd just been accidentally tossed from.
pulling a blanket over me, she whispered sorry.
still not entirely sure what was happening, a few pieces clicked into place when i heard frisk's voice from the entrance of the house.
some things were said back and forth before i heard frisk clomp loudly down the hall to their room.
not thinking to see who else tori was still at the door with, i slipped behind her to see what frisk was up to.
a dinosaur-printed notebook tucked under their arm, still searching around the room for something.
they pulled open a drawer and found a pack of colored pencils.
something like a squeak came from their mouth when they spun around and saw me in the doorway.
their eyebrows furrowed at me slightly.
"You look like you just woke up."
"astute observation."
"You having just woken up and also being here aren't lining-"
their brows furrowed further.
"You slept here."
"again, you are ever so astute."
"Why did-"
"hey. hold on."
"i'm not orderin' you another apology pizza for something that didn't happen."
"What, me walking in on it?"
"𝘪𝘵. at all."
"you've probably gotten word of my bro's plans for my magic whatever, right?"
"Something about magic demonstrations."
"well, undyne's was on wednesday."
"tori's; yesterday."
"undyne's was... exhausting, to say the least."
"so, sometime during yesterday's, i ended up crashing on the couch in there."
conceding easier than i figured they would, frisk brushed past me to exit the room.
i accompanied them to the front door, taking notice of who the other individual was that they'd arrived with a bit too late.
couldn't tell what the expression on his face meant, seeing me here so casually.
surprise was part of it, for sure.
"Good morning."
"Or, I suppose it is getting a tad bit later in the day... Perhaps deeming it noon is more appropriate."
he expected me to say something else, but i didn't have any other input.
"..Well then."
we spoke at the same time.
"Have you gotten everything you were going to grab, Frisk?"
"got everything you came for, kiddo?"
turning between me and asgore for a moment, they picked looking at the items in their hands as a good enough middle point.
speaking before any more silences began, tori knelt to hug frisk.
"I will see you again soon, my child."
"When he wakes up, do tell Flowey hello for me."
"Will do."
shrugging my shoulders, i opened my arms to offer a hug as well.
"Will I see you soon too?"
"won't turn you away if you show up."
"Even if you did, Papyrus would let me in."
"and you'd come bug me anyway."
"Of course."
asgore directed his attention towards tori.
"It was nice to see you."
"Not much time was had."
"That is true."
"Then, sometime, would you like-"
"I am quite a bit busier recently."
"As are we all, it seems."
he chuckled, but seemed a bit deflated.
"Have a good day, Asgore."
"The same to you."
he nodded towards me.
"Both of you."
with the clunk of the door shutting, tori pat my shoulder.
"Would you like anything in particular for breakfast?"
"whatever's good to me."
" 'Whatever?' "
"That recipe is unknown to me."
"it's a local snowdin dish."
"Hmmm... I will have to look into it."
"In the meantime, how do pancakes sound?'
so carefully placing chocolate chips on her pancake, i couldn't help but glance over at her arrangement.
i started laughing stupidly.
she looked over at mine.
she slapped her hand over her mouth.
it bore an identical phallic shape.
we both began cackling terribly in our immaturity.
likely 'cause i haven't had them in a hot minute, but pancakes taste ten times better than i remember.
"tv programs aren't all that interesting around this time, huh?"
"What, do you not enjoy the weather channel?"
"you underestimate my love for relative humidity."
"Ahh. Opaque Cloud Coverage, my favorite!"
"really a good one."
"...so, you wanna watch a movie or somethin'?"
fake gasp.
"I cannot believe you would suggest changing from such an interesting watch."
with having already changed the channel herself.
don't know how it was decided that i was staying the weekend, but papyrus seemed to pick up on this occurrence faster than i did.
"Good afternoon, Papyrus."
"Are you taking him home...?"
the disappointment in her voice was noticable.
he peeked inside. i waved, and he waved back.
i then shrugged, quickly switching to shaking my head "no" before realizing i even did.
"explains the lack of messages. don't know how i didn't notice sooner. sorry, bro."
"Sorry. Your brother is quite the distraction."
"got told that when i was younger a lot."
"Were you such a troublemaker?"
leaning into it, i made a 'honk-honk' gesture where a clown's nose would be. (or anyone's nose who has a nose.)
his reaction was completely ignoring me. tori enjoyed it.
when he handed my phone to her, it looked like a toy in size.
papyrus is naturally big-handed as well, though unburdened by having fur making the screen even harder to use; a normal-sized phone works just fine for him.
neither use them as much more than messaging devices.
"i'm good."
"Of course not."
i sloshed a water bottle sat beside me loudly in response.
"all good."
he said, deeming his mental checklist complete.
"As always, it is more than a pleasure to have him over."
"no promises."
"I will annoy him just as much, do not worry."
he waved, and soon the door clunked shut after another unexpected arrival today.
it was already getting dark, but it felt like the rest of the night slipped away from us so quickly over silly conversations and random banter that i soaked in every minute of.
yesterday night's happening didn't repeat itself.
something felt missing when she bid me goodnight, and she left for her own bed.
there's no reason to feel like anything was missing; yesterday was brand new. hasn't happened before.
when i sleep over, this is always how it is.
it's not that i'm uncomfortable. this is a nice couch, and i've got enough blanketing and pillows at my disposal that i could have a cushiony body double if i wanted.
didn't have anything i needed to do today; papyrus would definitely have reminded me if that were the case.
is it that i'm not in my own bed that feels strange? not the type of guy to get homesick so easily; can't say i really prefer either my bed or here more.
or maybe it doesn't matter at all, and i should just roll over and forget it.
don't know why my soul raced when i heard the quiet creak of a door, followed by footsteps making their way into the room.
she spoke softly.
"..Sans, are you awake?"
don't know why the racing got faster.
"what's up?"
"other than both of us, apparently."
she giggled, and stepped a bit closer so we could properly see one another.
her fur, slightly messy, reminded me of a certain video call we'd had.
tori appeared to consider something.
"..Nothing in particular, but..."
"It does feel a bit odd, does it not?"
"i think i agree, but... what feels odd?"
"We are the only two in the house,"
leaning closer.
"But we are sleeping in different rooms."
my soul felt ready to throw itself across 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 room.
"so let's not."
"we can be in the same room all you want."
"your house, right?"
getting on the couch, she crawled so that she was at my side, looking down at me.
"If it being mine is all you care about..."
"Then I hope you do not mind sharing a-"
i looked at the screen on my ulna.
"damn it."
𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘪𝘵.
"Is that not a watch?"
"it's a meter."
"s'posed to tell me if this overflow stuff's getting too overflow-ey."
"alphys made it."
"How does it work?"
"there's a thing attached to my sternum too. got cords and whatnot. reads my soul that way, i guess."
"Can I see the device?"
"on my... sternum?"
"If you are comfortable with it."
a lot of things bounced around in my skull at that moment, one of them being the probably wrong choice i made.
"...sure. why not?"
"you've seen my ribs before."
"what's one more time?"
"but, let's..."
noticing my glance at our position, she quickly sat up.
"reposition elsewhere for this."
so we turned on a lamp, and sat in the middle of the floor.
no chickening out now, i lifted my shirt and pointed to the monitoring device.
she looked at it, getting closer as she did so.
"That cord."
"Is that one not a bit loose?"
"Allow me to-"
i'm not sure her hand even brushed my soul before i flew backwards, books thumping to the floor around me as i crashed against the shelf.
"better to do it myself."
whatever i actually mumbled was certainly less coherent than that.
under her shock, she almost seemed slightly amused.
though, embarrassment might have warped my interpretation of her expression.
something about this lady makes me weak to proximity all of a sudden.
"Sorry, Sans."
"I did not mean to startle you in any way."
"it's late; i'm jumpy anyway."
"don't blame yourself."
toriel watched with interest as i refastened the cord.
letting my shirt fall, i sighed.
taking a look at the meter, it unfortunately didn't magically un-become red on its own.
"you wanna sit here and watch me summon bones for thirty minutes, or go back to bed?"
"I've already made it this far, it would be pointless to leave you now."
"far into what?"
"some plan i don't know about?"
"A plan to have a hug buddy through this cold weather."
"simple plan."
pulling me to her with an amount of ease that will never not surprise me, she wrapped her arms around me.
"Is that as large as they are?"
i summoned a longer bone to the floor.
"Is that more effective than the small ones?"
"more about the damage output than size when it comes to how much magic is used for bone attacks."
"So it is not size that matters after all."
"all this dick humor in one day? where'd your maturity go, old lady?"
"There are no children around."
"only one man-child."
"We are both immature."
"i get worse around you."
"And I around you."
"equally terrible influence on each other."
"Couldn't have it any other way."
"eugh. finally."
giving up on caring about anything at this point, i sunk the rest of my weight into toriel, who gently lifted my arm to look at the monitor screen.
"Should it be yellow?"
"that's the middle ground."
"gonna be riding that for a while."
"I see."
"...Let us get to sleep before we end up awake the whole night."
something similar to yesterday was resumed without much thought behind it.
neither of us cared anymore how we laid, or how we looked.
just nestling into however was most comfortable, we slept like two very tired, but happy logs.
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zweetpea · 7 months
The blue roses adorning his eyes (TBRAHE) Chapter 1 The Anniversary 
Content warning: pg13 Swear words, talking about groping (once), infidelity, arranged marriages, read at your own risk
Let me know if I missed anything
The sun shone brightly through your window, as a knock on the door sounds throughout the room. “Your highness! Are you up? You have a lot of work to do today!” 
“Come in Addie!” You shout. A nice lady about 18 or so comes in. She has short blonde curly bob, parted at her left, and dark blue eyes. 
“How are you today your highness?” Addison smiled at you, as she brought you a tray of tarts. 
“You can be casual with me Addie. The past 2 decades haven’t changed; we’re still friends and we always will be.” You snack on the tarts. 
“I know, it’s just a bit awkward to call you by your nickname ever since you became queen.” 
“That was two years ago. If the others in the palace can’t get it through their thick skulls that you’re special to me then they’re not worth the effort to explain it.” 
“What if the king says something?” 
“Then I’ll pick him up and throw him into the wall with my cursed technique.” 
“What?! You can’t do that! He’ll have your head on a platter if you do that!” 
“He’d have to get a blade through my neck to do that though.” You smirk knowingly at her. “So, what should I wear today, Addie?” 
“How about the dress your father bought you recently?” 
“The blue one?” You grimaced. 
“Well, it is your 2 year anniversary; and it would match your husband.” 
“That’s what I’m apprehensive about.” You said as you grabbed the dress from your wardrobe and walked into the bathroom to get ready. 
After a bath and Addison helping to tie up your hair in a bun you exited your room in your new dress. White sleeves, a sapphire blue low cut bodice corset, a white skirt and a matching blue waist cape belt. “Y/n, wait! You forgot your jewelry.” Addison clipped a sapphire necklace, with silver flowers, on you; and finally placed a gold crown embedded with rows of sapphires throughout. “Cheer up, Y/n. I hear your husband has a surprise in the works for today.” 
“If he has a surprise ready, it can’t be anything good.” 
“I know that he’s a bit of an… eccentric man, but please, for the sake of the whole kingdom, try to trust him.” 
“Okay.” You wouldn’t admit it to Addison but you’d try to get along with the boar that was your husband if it’s for her happiness. 
You walked through the halls to your office and did some paperwork until noon. Noon was tea time and that’s when you’d be hosting a party for your anniversary. All of your and Satoru’s friends would be there. 
“Y/n, It’s nearly time to go.” Addison reminded you. 
“Addie… would you do me a huge favor?” 
“Of course, your highness.”
“No, not as an order. I’m asking as a friend.” 
“What do you need of me?” 
“Could you accompany me to the party?” 
“But, there’ll be so many nobles there! I’m just a simple maid, I can’t be a guest at your party! Plus I don’t have anything to wear, and I won’t know what to do or say.” 
“I won’t know anyone else, there. You don’t have to dress up, but please come with me.” 
“What if I embarrass you?” 
“You could never embarrass me. You’re the most wonderful person in the entire palace. If I had you there it’d be a lot more fun.” 
“Okay, if it makes you happy, I’ll go.” You smiled, hugging her while squealing your thanks to her over and over.
The garden was beautiful. A floral arch opened the garden, fountains on all four corners, every kind of rose lined the wall (a personal touch of your), and in the middle was several circular tables. At the table in the middle sat Shoko and Suguru. You and Addison walked over. “Is this where the king and queen plus company sits?” You asked. Shoko nodded inwhile Suguru rolled his eyes. You smiled politely at the two and sat down with Addison next to you. There was one more open chair next to her and you were grateful you wouldn’t have to sit next to your husband. Honestly if he didn’t insist on bringing his two lackeys everywhere then you probably wouldn’t even remember their names. 
A little while into the party a woman came over to the table. She was in a short cyan mermaid dress with poofy sleeves. She had long blonde hair and gray eyes. “Excuse me, you’re in my seat.” She said to Addison. 
“Huh?” Addison asked. 
“This is my spot, it’s next to the king. Move. Now.” 
You shot out of your seat. “Excuse me? How dare you speak to Addie like that!” 
“Why is a stupid maid even at this party? It’s for important people… oh yeah, and the queen.” 
“You insolent tramp! Don’t you insult the queen!” Addison spoke up. 
“Do not raise your voice against me! Do you know who I am? I can have you drawn and quartered for your disrespect.” 
“Have you gone mad? I am the queen and Addie here is my honored guest. Guards! Take this wench to the dungeon!” 
“Hah! Like they’ll listen to you!” She mocked. 
“Sorry ma’am but we can’t do that.” 
“Why not? I am the queen!” 
“Why is the harpy shouting?” The king entered the garden and several of the nobles snickered at his comment about you. 
“Babe!” The floozy ran over to the king, jumped into his arms and kissed him right on the lips. “The queen is being so mean to me.” She pouted faking distress. 
“Satoru, what is this?” 
“She is my lover Marrisa. How could you be so heartless as to hurt her?” 
“How could I? HOW COULD I?! YOU BROUGHT HOME A WHORE ON OUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!! Do you have any idea how humiliating this is for me?! Here! Take the stupid seat! Take mine too! Addie and I aren’t going to watch two sluts grope each other while the rest of us try to eat!” 
“Your majesty, you disgust me. I hope and pray that these buffoons come to their senses and leave as well.” Addison remarks to everyone around and wrapped a protective arm around your shoulder. 
Back inside your bedroom you sobbed into your pillow. “What am I going to do now Addie?” 
“I don’t know; but I know that whatever happens I’ll be right next to you. We’ll get through this together.” 
“Thank you for always being there for me. That’s one of the many things I love about you, Addie.” 
“Thank you, your highness. I care very deeply for you and your wellbeing.” 
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kahlanmars · 1 year
Hello! The first part is here ⬇️
As usual, english is not my first language so please be merciful and tell me if you want to be tagged!
part 2
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You don’t realise at first, the Peacekeepers pushing you to the stage where Effie is paler than ever. You search Holly with your eyes, dazzled and confused, and you see she is crouched down crying. Maybe you should cry, but you can’t.
Katniss and Peeta are there, beautiful, holding hands, but when you see Haymitch you jump into his arms, just like the day before. It’s almost crazy that you do it, it’s not part of a strategy or anything, but Haymitch is firm, is there, an anchor. You hide in his solid chest in a way that, you know, will make you ashamed of yourself later.
He holds you, visibly drunk, however he whispers in your ear «Don’t cry, stay there, stay still. You are looking weak.»
You turn to Katniss, who’s looking at you with fear. Peeta, always better at faking, greets you with a handshake and accompanies you where you are supposed to be. Thanks, Peeta. The true mastermind.
Effie is smiling, fooling nearly noone, when she announces the male participant.
Oh c’mon. You know that name, and you barely contain yourself not to roll your eyes. Clark Undersee, a boring name for a vile man.
He stands up, more confident than you, more handsome than you, and he shoots a glare at you. You return it. It’s clear to everyone that you two are not allies and you perfectly know why.
The peacekeepers escort you in two private rooms, where Holly enters immediately. You watch her brown eyes and white hair, the wrinkles around her face as you’ll never see her again.
«My dear…» She doesn’t know what to say, her voice is cracked by the tears. You try to console her, to pat your hand on her shoulder, but your voice doesn’t want to collaborate.
«At least it’s not a child.» You find yourself thinking. Holly doesn’t share your thoughts, you can see it in her expression.
«You can win.» Your mother is delusional. You know it’s the pain, but you can’t help feeling a little frustrated.
«Holly…» There’s no possibility you win. You don’t have any survival skills, you never hunted or fought. If they were the “Kinder Games”, or the “Be Nice To Strangers Games”, then maybe. The Hunger Games? You are already dead.
«You have Katniss, and Peeta. And Haymitch. They can help you.» They can’t help me in the arena, you think but decide to keep it to yourself.
«I really hope I’ll see you again.» Haymitch was right, you don’t need to appear weaker than you already are, and tears are the last thing you want. You hug her, trembling in the great effort of not crying.
«I’ll see you.»
The peacekeepers escort her out, but before she leaves the room you jump into her arms again.
«I love you, mama.» You rarely call her mom, but this is the last time you see her.
The next to enter is Prim. You don’t have many friends, but Primrose Everdeen is a face you didn’t expect to see, especially because she is so much younger than you and you two aren’t close friends.
«Prim?» You ask, carefully. The Peacekeepers are not in the room, but you never know with the Capitol, you wouldn’t be surprised if they placed cameras in there.
She smiles, and you have to admit she is adorable, blonde hair in pigtails and a grey dress.
«Daisy! I’m really sorry for you.» She hugs you, which you don’t mind. You wanted to be a teacher, after all, you like children.
«There there, sweet child. Someone had to go.» It’s odd how you have to comfort the people who came to comfort you. «I’m glad it’s a grown up like me and not a kid like you.» You wipe a tear out of her cheek, and you manage to wink at her.
«L-like uncle Haymitch always says, try to hold on as much as you can.»
That’s weird. Haymitch never said that, at least not to you. And uncle Haymitch? Your boss is not exactly a child person. Or a people person. Or a creature person. She never calls him “Uncle”.
You raise your eyebrows, but before you could ask her something she is accompanied out of the room.
You can’t believe the last person from the District you got to say goodbye to is Primrose Everdeen.
You get to be alone for a moment, then you are conveyed to the train with Clark.
Clark is better looking than you, you hate to admit it but it’s as clear as the sun. He has short, blonde hair, sparkling green eyes and a chiselled jaw with a short beard, and at the age of twentynine he is tall, muscular, he looks like one of the careers.
The train is marvellous, faster and larger than anything you’ve ever seen. If it wasn’t for the You-Are-Gonna-Die part, you’d be excited.
In the train there’s Effie Trinket. Away from the cameras you only last three seconds before you jump into her arms.
You are a hug person. It’s not a crime. And you are not crying, actually it’s like you are on the cloud, everybody is looking at you like you are going on a death sentence - and you are, but after Holly and the weird digression with Prim, you don’t really sense where you are. It’s like you disconnected.
Your escort, with her peculiar outfits and wigs you could say she is a product of Panem, and she is, but she is also a grown woman of forty who has always been great to you, kind and patient.
Effie knows you, and she is crying right now so you think she… cares for you, in a twisted way that makes her job tolerable. People forget that a mentor has to see their tributes die every year, but she also has to. It must not be easy for her either.
«I'm sorry, dear girl.» She caresses your hair, while Clarke is just there, looking awkward. You hate him, but you get it. Must be embarrassing.
«It's not your fault» You murmur to the escort. You have to live with her, there is no need to be harsh.
«Actually it is» Says Haymitch. He appeared out of nowhere, not saying hi, and you notice he already has a drink in his hands.
«Is she President Snow on a wig and I don't know it?» You snap, before you realise that 1) Your boss, although you think it’s kinda sexy, is not the nicest person ever, 2) You don’t say President Snow’s name in a Capitol train and 3) You never said anything back literally ever and now it’s not the time to start. «Sorry, Haymitch.»
He is smirking, tho. «Don't be! We can work on that.» You think you passed, but he holds your wrist in a second, which is actually impressive for a drunk. «But before you want to use that tone with me again, sweetheart, remember who gives you sponsors.»
You look at your wrist, then at your boss. Late boss. At your mentor. «I’m really sorry.»
You are not, to be honest. Effie needed to be defended. But then again you want to have sponsors.
«Come, come, there are your rooms. You want to… clean yourself before dinner, don’t you?» Your escort suggests, and you are very keen to try a shower for the first time. You practically run into your room, and it’s the most luscious thing ever. It really has a shower! On a train! And a thing, you don’t really know what, that gives you sweet if you ask it.
You are going to die in two weeks. You are going to enjoy every second from now on.
You take a long shower, and it feels amazing. You now get how the Capitals are so dumb and superficial, if they give you hot water on your skin everyday and sweets from a button you’ll become dumb too.
You even get to choose clean dresses. You pick a simple blue dress with a round neckline and white embroideries, who you think it’s really cute and matches the daisies you have on your hair. There’s no need to die ugly.
At dinner there are Effie, who smiles at you like you are a princess when she sees the dress, Clark, who rolls his eyes when he sees you, and Haymitch, who’s barely awake.
You begin to eat, and every bite of every meal tastes like paradise. You are well-mannered - Clark eats like he’ve never seen food in his life, which is kinda true, but if Holly could have seen him she would have shouted so loud the train would’ve stopped. Holly is rigid in these things, you always have to be kind, gentle, polite. Even when you are starving. All it takes is small bites.
«Thanks for everything.» You say to the avox who serves you dinner.
Effie shots a glare at you. «You don’t need to talk to the avox, dear.» She reminds you.
«No.» She repeats. «But I compliment you for choosing the dress. It really suits you.»
«Thank you for saying that. I liked the embroideries.»
You are aware it’s an awkward conversation, you two chatting like old friends as you are not sent to die in a bloody arena, but it’s your way of rationalising it and you are very thankful to the woman for being there.
«You’ll be a beautiful corpse.» Clark responds.
«You’ll be a really ugly one.» You say to him in a light tone.
Haymitch finally opens his eyes. «I don’t think we have lovebirds this year.»
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mathiwrites · 2 months
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Wildflowers, a Tamlin x Rhysand prequel fic
Note: Is this the title drop chapter???
Chapter 8
During the days in Adriata, the war doesn’t exist. No one is dying; everyone is free. It’s a selfish feeling, one that Rhysand reprimands himself over and over again, but it’s true . His father wants nothing to do with him, especially not in peace talks, so he spends his days waiting for Tamlin to (inevitably) make his early exit from the war room. 
“Bored, already? It’s barely noon.”
“They’re breaking for lunch.” 
Whenever he leaves the High Lords, Tamlin seems heavier. Sombre. As if he’s carrying an unseen weight on his shoulders. Rhysand had thought it was the pressure of becoming the Heir, but as far as his conversations have revealed, Tamlin maintains no interest in power. 
Ah, so just the pressures of being a warhead, Rhysand had mused to himself upon that realization. 
“Are you bored? It’s barely noon,” Tamlin adds, a small smile dancing on his lips. 
“Thought you might need some rescuing.”
They’ve spent too much time together. In just a handful of interactions—two days, to be exact—Rhysand can see the way Tamlin lights up with curiosity about the new adventures they’ll get up to together. Yesterday, they’d walked around the market midday, and Tamlin taught him the meaning of the flowers for sale. He’d bought some seeds that the Spring Prince promised would thrive in the Night Court’s climate and sent them back to his mother and his sister.
“My father is going to establish his terms today; I need to be back for… posturing. So, no rescuing possible. Not today, unfortunately.”
“Ah, so the big bad wolf must be in attendance.”
“Mhm,” Tamlin nods. He would rather be anywhere else, honestly. His father would be terribly disappointed to know he hasn’t been listening for the past few days. Before going to the market, Rhysand had stood beneath the window, distracting him like an immature child. Tamlin, being the mature one of the two, did not laugh. He coughed into his hand. Several times, like a grown Faerie.
“Maybe you can rescue me .”
Tamlin’s blonde brow arches in curiosity. There isn’t anything he’s aware of that Rhysand couldn’t get himself out of; he’s seen him talk. That tongue is made of silver. “Go on?”
“Tarquin caught me. I can only avoid him for so long, and since you’re the one who’s been taking up most of my time—”
“You’re the one who won’t leave me alone.”
Rhysand smiles, sucking air through his teeth feigning annoyance. “Since you’re the only one I have patience for these days, perhaps you could attend his party with me tonight. Technically, it’s still the same party that Lucien invited us to. These things tend to go on for days,” he waves his hand lazily.
“Oh… I… I don’t go to parties.”
“It’s never too late to start.”
“My brothers will be there.”
“We can meet there.”
“I don’t drink.”
“You had mead.”
Pale brows furrows. Tamlin has never learned to say ‘no’, so he dances around the subject, hoping Rhysand will get the message. It clearly isn’t working. So, he tries again. “I’m not allowed.”
“You’re not a child, Little Lord. You can do whatever you please. If you want to go to the party, go. If you don’t, then say so.”
“I don’t want to go,” Tamlin says almost immediately, frowning at the pet name.
“May I ask why?”
It feels like a trap, but all Tamlin can do is sigh and acquiesce. “You may.”
“Are you really going to make me ask?”
“Oh,” he says softly. Tamlin was just being polite. “I don’t feel comfortable. Ever since the war started, I was to stay home and train. If I was strong enough, I could accompany my mother if she chose to leave our Court. She never risked it.” It was the smart choice. “I wouldn’t know what to do.”
“I could teach you. It’s about enjoying yourself.”
All the support in the world won’t change Tamlin’s mind. He simply isn’t ready to go that far. Instead, he makes a face which tells Rhysand all he needs to know. He doesn’t push; he just puts his arm around his friend’s shoulder and makes a counter-offer. “Let’s go forage for some lunch for you, then?” And hey, it gets Tamlin to laugh. Bully for Rhysand.
An hour later, Tamlin is deposited at the meeting room doors safe and full of veggies, as he should be.
Tarquin’s home is a mansion on a different cliff face. The walls are non-existent, and the marble roof is held up by ornate Corinthian columns, like an open-faced temple to hedonism and pleasure. One thing Rhysand cannot fault the Summer Court for—they are a people of culture and arts. As hard as they work, they play even harder. He admires the architecture, respecting its human origins augmented by Faerie opulence.
Rhysand arrives fashionably late, a habit he indulges when seeking to leave an impression. He cares little for the people here, even if half of them cause him no issue. They are not friends nor foes, not even Lucien who is a social butterfly. (A nagging thought in the back of his mind suggests: he would make a good spy , but Rhysand trusts few outside of his circle… unless they’ve done something to earn his trust.) After all, he has an image to uphold: the Night Court, a place as vicious, if not more so, than the Autumn and Spring Courts combined.
“Rhys! You made it. You’re late, but you’re here,” Tarquin, the younger cousin of the High Lord, skips over. At seventeen, just two years younger than Tamlin, he has yet to have his growth spurt. His flowing white hair is stark against his ebony skin, but his features complement his pale blue eyes. He thrusts a goblet of wine into Rhysand’s hands and encourages him to down it with him, which he obliges. Age is but a number when it comes to Tarquin and his parties, as long as everyone’s having fun.
“If the party never stops, is there such a thing as being late? I’m from the Night Court, and I don’t go out in the sun. It gives me such an unfortunate sense of time.” 
Tarquin laughs, a light chiming sound. He bids the son of the Night Court farewell and twirls enough to get his aquamarine robes to glitter from the motion. A little bit of errant magic after too much wine never hurt anyone.
Guests are scattered all over the place, from the crystalline pool that overlooks the cliff’s edge to the flaming hearth surrounded by luxurious violet velvet chairs or the three-tiered fountain with live fish and fresh fruit floating in it. Rhysand plucks a floating fig out of the fountain and takes a bite out of it. The sweetness of its flesh is elevated by the drops of seawater still on its skin.
Tamlin would like this , he thinks.
This would taste even better with wine, he amends. He can’t explain why his thoughts immediately went to the other lord. He’s not around; he won’t be. Out of sight, out of mind, Rhysand.
“Look who decided to show up,” Morrigan slides up next to Rhysand, brushing shoulders with her. Perfect as ever, not even a single blonde hair out of place. 
“I thought you said I wasn’t missing much.”
“About that,” she hesitates. There’s a crash of something expensive breaking, laughter and a snarl. Rhysand’s attention wavers, and she turns him to face her. “Rhysand, you need to control yourself. Remember where you are and who you are surrounded by.”
“What are you talking about?” More sounds of chaos, yet every time he tries to follow it, Morrigan demands that he focus on her. “If there’s something interesting going on, why wouldn’t I ogle?” Rhysand grew up surrounded by these High Fae, most of whom are older than him, but he likes to think he knows them well enough that they cannot surprise him anymore.
Morrigan sighs and lets him go. She doesn’t even bother to follow. There are some headaches that can be prevented. Not this one, but she would like to finish her wine and enjoy the buzz before it’s effectively shat on.
Time seems to slow from the moment Rhysand steps into the lounge room. A sitting area has been carved into the marble floor, filled with more of the plush velvet cushions Tarquin seems to enjoy. Sitting in it is half the Autumn Court—Beron has way too many sons—and only two sons of the Spring Court. Rhysand’s eyes narrow at them.
“Up, boy! Come on, up, up!” One of the red-headed Fae pats his lap, trying to coax Tamlin like a dog. “Roll over, Lordling. Stick your tongue out. That’s what the humans teach their filthy mutts, don’t they? You think you can get a human to fuck you in your beast form? Bet you could.”
“Why don’t we try it? Look at him; he probably would enjoy it, too.” Another of Beron’s sons adds. They all share the same shit temper and auburn hair. As for telling them apart, Rhysand never cared to put in the effort.
“A leash would be more suitable,” says another. “Fits his role in this battle better than any armour.”
Tamlin growls, but there’s an uncharacteristic slur to it. Rhysand can’t get a good look at him but catches the loll of his head against his seat. His blood turns to ice. He doesn’t think. Anything Morrigan said to him might as well be non-existent. He has the mind to maintain his cold and calculating demeanour, which his father raised him to have as a guise (that he should one day adopt as his true self). 
“Pathetic,” he sneers at them, schooling his expression to be mocking.
Several heads whip in his direction, none of them welcoming. 
“Halfbreed, don’t you have somewhere to be? Somewhere where you’re wanted? Oh wait, you don’t,” says Tamlin’s oldest brother and the future Heir to the Spring Court, Enfys. “Why else would he sack you with a shitty little frontline legion? He doesn’t care if you live or die?”
“You can’t even get a seat in the war room. Did you think we’d pity you?”
“At least I can hold my own in battle. I don’t have to resort to poison,” Rhysand folds his arms and looks pointedly at Tamlin. “You know that’s a coward’s tool.”
“You sure of that? I’ll duel you here and now,” offers another Autumn son. They’re rather chatty tonight.
Tamlin tries to get up and fails miserably. He’s drunk off his ass. How much did they give him? By his size, they would have had to feed him barrels of wine. Most of them laugh. Rhysand doesn’t. He simply cocks a brow.
Rhysand could kill them all. (Slowly. Artfully.) He doesn’t, though. He just plucks a goblet of wine and hops down to sit with them. The room grows darker, ever so slightly, the night containing all his rage. “That’s faebane, right? I’ve never seen it work up close.” He has. On the battlefield, but only in the shape of physical weaponry. Maybe if they’re stupid enough, they’ll tell him all the important details without him even asking.
“The Little Prince won’t die. It’s a low dosage; it’ll wear off in a couple of hours.” The wine births loose tongues, especially from the Autumn Court. 
Rhysand brings the goblet to his lips and only lets the wine touch it. His throat bobs with the feigned motion of drinking. Violet eyes hone in on Tamlin, but flit immediately to Enfys whenever anyone looks at him. “You could at least try to hide your fear of your baby brother .” His sharpened words cut are aimed straight for his core.
Enfys snorts. “He hasn’t been a baby in a long time. He needs to learn to hold his alcohol and his own.” The dark blonde High Fae shares similar features to Tamlin, but sharper and lined with bitterness. 
Eris, High Lord Berdon’s oldest son, is more than happy to chime in. “You expect us to believe this is what we have to work with in our alliance? C’mon, Tammy, time for you to find a maiden to take as spoils of war.”
“We’re in a ceasefire,” Rhys snaps, taking another casual false sip. “There is no war, and there are no spoils.”
“You really think that? While the Prythian High Lords waste their time holding hands, the war continues, and you lose a little more.” Eris counters. 
“We’re just teaching Tammy how to celebrate,” an unimportant Autumn son adds. “Shouldn’t he already know how to fuck? Leading the Calanmai is Prythian’s greatest honour. You won’t get very far like that, Little Cub.”
“Calanmai,” mumbles the youngest Spring son.
The Calanmai is an important tradition in the Prythian, and it is the Spring Court’s responsibility to uphold it. It signals the start of spring for the Continent, and the celebration itself is a ritual meant to gather magic and release it once more back into the land. All the High Lords participate, but it is the Spring Court that leads. Of course, Tamlin would want that honour. Not for the sex, which is essentially what the great ritual is, but to make his father proud and to give back all that he has taken from nature in the name of his war.
Of course, Rhysand sighs to himself.
Morrigan stumbles into the room, barely staying atop her crimson heels. “I’ll take him,” she grins, falling to her knees and cupping Tamlin’s cheeks. She tilts his head backwards and whispers something in his ear. The growl that rumbles in his throat is loud enough to vibrate in the chests of those around. Everyone watches them, even Rhysand’s eyes narrow, as she takes his hand and pulls him up.
“What does the Morrigan want with my brother? You don’t expect us to let him leave with you?” Enfys asks, guarded. 
“I want to know if he can fuck like a bull. Cauldron knows none of you can get a female off. Is that not what you wanted for him?” She sticks a manicured finger up in their direction. Not the thumb, the ring or the pinky. The one meant to offend the delicate senses of proper lordlings. “You can try to stop me.” She glances at the dark cushions. “The blood won’t even show,” she sneers at them.
Her departure pulls the tension between the young lords even more taut. Rhysand has been left alone with a room of wolves, but no matter. Wolves always yield to the night.
“Mor! What the hell were you thinking,” Rhysand growls, barrelling down their guest quarters in Nostrus’ home. The fae lights have been dimmed, adding an intimacy to the atmosphere. Over the sound of his raging heart, he can still pick up the soothing hush of waves.
“Thank you, Mor. You’re Mother sent, Mor. I owe you everything , Mor.” The High Faerie leans against her door, arms crossed and looking perfectly unimpressed. (Also, without a hint of inebriation.) 
“I had it under control! You think I needed you to put yourself in that position for me?”
Morrigan rolls her hazel eyes. “You lost control the second you realized it was Tamlin. You can lie to Sieffre and the idiots of the Autumn and Spring Courts, but I’ve known you your whole life. Cut the shit. You should have put me in that position if it was going to achieve your goals.” She sighs. While she doesn’t agree with his father’s calculating methods, she firmly believes that Rhysand can stand to learn from the High Lord of the Night Court. The dynamics in place between Courts have existed for millenia, as well as each of their reputations. He could at least learn to fake it. 
Rhysand sucks in a breath through his teeth, a sharp, irritated sound. She’s right. He knows she is. 
“And stop treating him like he’s a child. He’s not you and he’s not your responsibility. With the way these talks are going, we’ll be back on opposite sides soon enough.” And I don’t want to see you get hurt, remains unspoken. Morrigan turns her head and cups her ear, waiting expectantly for what she wants to hear.
“You deserve better. I’m sorry and thank you .”
“Cauldron knows I do.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“Oh, I know you will.” 
The door rattles behind Morrigan, and it's coupled with the crash of furniture. She smiles and kisses Rhysand’s cheek. “The faebane and the wine are wearing off. He’s a bit angry. Rightfully so. Good luck! Love you!” She escapes before Rhysand can try to coax her for more help. She’s done enough.
No one knows how much work it takes for Rhysand to wear his mask. He’s a bundle of nerves, full of an anxiety he was never allowed to feel. Rhysand takes time to breathe. Never mind the sounds of Tamlin’s rage, he will deal with it in due time. He just needs to compartmentalize until he’s sure Tamlin is okay. When he’s ready, he enters and is greeted by a dresser narrowly missing his head.
“Hello to you, too, Little Prince.” The smile he wears is easy. Comfortable. Like nothing happened, like he would let Tamlin walk out the door without a single word exchanged. (He would, but not without being sure he’s alright.) That same smile is wiped off his face in an instant. Along with it, his breath is stolen from him, and all thoughts are replaced with splintering pain shooting up his spine as he’s slammed against the wall.
“You’re mocking me.” Tamlin’s words are low and vicious. His strong fingers clench around Rhysand’s pale throat. Nostrils flare as if scenting the danger he presents. 
Rhysand stares into those green eyes, and what he finds there, beneath the storming rage, is… pain. Tamlin was betrayed by a brother he loved and made a fool by his peers. Rhysand places his hand gently atop Tamlin's, exerting no force and only trying to free himself enough to talk. “I would never,” he wheezes.
It takes a monumental effort to fight the instinct to fight back; Rhysand is a warrior, first and foremost. His mind flits towards the different methods of escape with varying ranges of violence. While he understands, his body is taut with loathing for being forced into this position.
“Then why do you call me that?”
“Call you what?” Rhysand keeps trying to wriggle free of the hold on his neck. Every instinct in him demands that he fight back, but there’s a bigger play at hand. He wants to show Tamlin that he can be trusted—that he’s not here to fight. When he stops fussing, it finally clicks. Lordling. Little Prince. Little Cub. Those were the type of names that the others called him. They were diminutive, making him seem smaller than the great High Faerie he has grown to be in the last decade. 
“I-I didn’t know.” Rhysand finally says. “That they called you that, or how they treat you.” He drops his hands to his side in surrender. Tamlin releases him just as soon, willing to hear him out. “I won’t call you that anymore.” He rubs his throat, knowing there will be a bruise there in the morning. “Anything you do want me to call you?”
He’s suddenly aware of the space between them. (He’s always aware of Tamlin, especially when he pulls away and shuts the world out.) Violet gaze follows the large frame of the Spring faerie.
“I have a name.”
“Well, I want to be special.”
Rhysand manages, by the Mother’s grace, to somehow make Tamlin laugh. The sound is tense and bitter, an antithesis of the wild freedom he’d grown accustomed to in the past week. 
“I don’t,” comes Tamlin’s whisper. 
This time, when Tamlin pulls away, Rhysand closes the distance. It’s a silent promise he made himself when he decided he wanted to know him; he wants to make sure that Tamlin knows he isn’t alone. If he is, then it’s by his own choice, not Rhysand’s. He rests his slender hands on those broad shoulders that have carried far too much at such a young age. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”
A snort. “And how do you see me?”
“You’re a wildflower in a marble jungle. When the rest of us are stuck up and whining about our luxurious yet fulfilling lives, you do what you want. Specifically, licking walls and asking the good questions.”
The laugh that follows is bitter, now. “Never in my life have I been free.”
“Yet, you still hope for it.”
To that, Tamlin has nothing to say. He lifts his head, shifting his gaze away from a distant point out the window to look at Rhysand—to really look at him. (And Rhysand is happy to find that the pain has dulled in those emerald eyes, replaced with something much brighter.) “That’s what you can call me, if you want.”
“What’s that?”
Rhysand grins. He feels happy down to his very toes, like the first warm sun after winter. (Like basking in spring .) Yet, no tender moment goes unpunished in Prythian. Tamlin turns to the side and violently vomits the content of his belly, most of it wine, faebane and dinner. Rhysand pulls his friend’s blonde hair into his hands and rubs his back soothingly. There, there.
(In the back of his mind, Rhysand makes a note of all the ways he will punish the Autumn sons and Enfys for their cruelty. All in due time.)
“One last thing, wildflower. Put your hands on me again and we’re going to have a problem,” Rhysand grins and he means every word. His friendship is not without accountability.
Before the sun creeps into the sky, Rhysand heads to the market to fetch fresh bread for Tamlin. By the time he returns, his friend is gone. 
The negotiations have fallen apart.
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tuzesdays · 1 year
15 sounds fun!
i couldn't agree more
Prompt: "you must be pretty down if me juggling your oranges doesn't even get a laugh out of you :( should I light them on fire?"
WORDCOUNT: 1274 | Domestic, Post-Fic | Spoilers for the (still being workshopped lol) end of Dayshift Go Figure
You wake up alone, without your alarm, knowing in your bones that you’ve somehow slept in. All other days this happens, you’re able to ride a wave of panic into wakefulness and get ready for the day in record (though some would call it inhumane) time – cold showers that last the five minutes it takes for the water to heat and only taking the paltry breakfast that’s shoved at you on your way out, then forgetting to eat it, much to the frustration of your housemates.
Today though, something’s different. You lay in bed trying to puzzle it out.
… What day is it? Yesterday was… ah.
It’s the anniversary.
That explains why the alarm was turned off.
You groan and hoist yourself out of bed. You’ve got some sort of itinerary today, but nothing truly starts until noon when you can go and pick up the resident child without sacrificing his education – guh, coparenting. Damn your soft heart for volunteering for that responsibility, there’s no way to feasibly take it back now.
(As if you’d ever want to; Gregory is a little terror of a child with a mean streak that reminds you of yourself. But, far from being put off by these… tendencies… most of the humans and animatronics that make up your inner circle find it either charming or insightful. Except Sun and Moon. They’re sane and you love them for it.)
(Doesn’t stop all three of you from getting attached, however.)
The day won’t wait for noon, so you drag yourself through a morning routine anyway. It’s winter, so warm clothes are your friend even if you’re only throwing on one layer for going around the house. Jeans and an undershirt. You hum at your bathroom mirror as you pass by, looking over the form that makes up you. You didn’t have mirrors in the old apartment – or, well, you did, but you barely used them for anything other than fixing your hair in the mornings – but over the last few months you’ve found yourself taking a moment in front of one.
It's odd. Every time, it’s so odd to look in a mirror and think that not only does it reflect you (asshole, murderous, grit your teeth and don’t let go you) but the reflection looks… normal. Clean, sometimes tired but never weary. You don’t meet your own eyes with distaste anymore.
After a few seconds you continue on. It’s too fucking early for digging into that feeling, you haven’t even seen your boys yet.
Into the hall, seeing all the bedroom doors open, then down the stairs. Sun’s voice drifts through the air as he hums the morning away, likely in the kitchen by the accompanying sounds of washing dishes.
You tread into his domain carefully and take a seat at the table, where your favorite mug is already waiting. “Morning.”
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” Sun keeps his voice down out of respect for your notoriously low patience this time of day, but he’s still chipper as ever. “I didn’t think we’d be seeing you for at least another thirty minutes!”
“Wonder why that is,” you say blandly, sipping at the tea in your mug. Mmm, earl gray. “My alarm didn’t go off. Should probably look it over, see if it’s glitching out.”
“Very serious, alarm glitches,” he nods understandingly, both of you fully aware that either he or Moon turned off your alarms for the day. “But it’ll have to wait until tomorrow! We’ll be very busy today.”
You set your mug down. “How are you feeling?”
Though his back is still turned to you, you can tell when his faceplate twists. “I feel like I’m washing dishes!”
“And Moon?” You ask, letting the distraction slide.
“Not washing dishes!”
He stops to turn and look at you, expression soft and off-white eyes glinting in the early morning sunlight.
(Riley is truly a miracle worker. Living legend Riley Greene.)
“We’re perfectly alright, dear,” he assures you. “Today’s a day for celebration! There’s no need to get caught on silly things like details when it’s so beautiful outside.”
There’s an unspoken, gentle reminder there: this is also the anniversary of their first foray into the outside world, after all. You’ll never be able to forget the picture they made, the first time Sun was able to truly see the sunrise through the window of a vehicle speeding down the interstate, still covered in soot and ash, eyes fixed on the horizon. You didn’t have it in you to cry for him in that moment, but you’ve taken plenty of opportunities since. It never fails to make both of them sappy.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I slept in,” you mutter, taking another sip of tea. “I don’t know. Mood’s around a five or six, I’d say.”
“Five!” He immediately turns away from his busywork to face you fully. “Five out of ten? No no, that’s far too low for how well this day is going to be. We need to get that number up to a seven, at least! What can I get you for breakfast? Pancakes? Waffles? Maybe a fruit bowl?”
“Didn’t you buy all that fruit for baking?”
“Yes, but it’s our fruit so we can decide what it contributes to,” he wags a finger at you, “and we’re perfectly alright with it being used for breakfast. So, what’ll it be?”
You make a face at him. “I’m not hungry.”
His smile stretches. “That’s not what I asked. How about we start out with some orange slices?”
“You’re an absolute tyrant.”
“You decided to come into my kitchen to visit me,” he muses, picking up an orange from the nearby bowl of fruit when you don’t object, then picking up three more and tossing them in a simple arc between his hands, juggling them effortlessly. “How’s your coordination this morning?”
“Not good enough for juggling.” You hold out a hand to catch an orange, however, and he tosses you the beginnings of breakfast without so much as a stutter in his movements. “Thanks.”
“Anytime, dear.” The arc of oranges shifts so one falls behind his head – again, easily caught by practiced hands. You arch an eyebrow at him as you peel your snack and he hums, thinking. “Not even a laugh for juggling, hm? Should I light them on fire next?”
That gets a snort out of you. Sun’s rays spin in victory, insufferably pleased with himself. You’re so fed up with this boy. “I don’t think setting off the fire alarm today is a good plan.”
“Implying you’re perfectly alright with some pyrotechnics tomorrow.” He shakes his head at you. “You, Sunbite, are my favorite menace.”
“I’m overcome with gratefulness.” Your tone may be flat, but Sun knows you well enough by now to know you never lie about your feelings toward him. So much time in denial has warded you away from stupidly wasting that time with untruths ever again.
In fact, laying it on thick has become a favorite pastime of yours ever since you realized cute petnames made them flustered.
“Poppy,” you begin, and he immediately rolls his eyes at your antics. “Sunnypop, Pumpkin, darling dearest, light of my life, half of my heart. My love. My loves,” you say, knowing double the names means double the boys getting so very fond and so very, very put up with you. “Sweetness, Sugar, Starstuff. Sunny, Moon.”
Sun turns away with a giddy smile, shaking his head before meeting your eyes again. “Yes, Sunbite?”
“You two are also my favorites,” you say primly. “Also I would like pancakes for breakfast after this.”
“Of course, love.”
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loaflovesdoodling · 9 months
Since I can't really draw anything today, but I don't really wanna have the day off either, here's a little fic I wrote for @george228732's Fylass in Wonderland :D
(Well, it's not really a fic, per say, more like a oneshot, but, anyway)
(Context; this happens right after the finale, Ades asks for a couple minutes of alone time before joining the others downstairs to make dinner.)
"what if all that stuff the kid's saying is... even partially true...?"
-Pleiades closed the door behind him, staring into the mirror, muttering to himself.-
"is there actually another me? A soul almost identical to mine? Does he feel the same emotions I feel? Does he feel anger, remorse, madness, pride? And..."
-His gaze temporarily avoided the mirror before him, as he stared at his hands and paws.-
"...does that mean I'm a so-called 'symbol bearer'...? Is he immortal like me...?" -he wondered, seemingly hallucinating as if a diamond-shaped hole had perforated his right hand.-
" ...so if he's exactly like me, then.... his parents..? And... Dulciana...?? No... no.... I must not call her name in vain. Noone must ever hear about her." -he scolded himself, looking away and clenching his fists.-
"even then..." -he walked closer and closer to the mirror, facing it once again.-
"if that Pleiades were to 'shatter'... what would be of......"
-he gazed into his reflection wide-eyed as the mirror suddenly shattered, glass shards flying everywhere. That ruckus echoed throughout young Fylass' house, accompanied by a loud and distinct groan, then being followed by utter silence and the sound of blood dripping-
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paleparearchive · 19 hours
Kindness Isn't for The Benefit of Others
Bazille's Birthday 4★ story (1/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: atelier 2 (night) ; city (morning) | Characters: Bazille, Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet
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Van Gogh: Hey, have you guys heard anything?
Renoir: No… Unfortunately, I haven't.
Monet: I wonder where Bazille has gone… I can't believe he didn't even show up at the party.
Van Gogh: Even though it's his birthday today… Could it be that something happened to him!?
Monet: Come to think of it, I think he went out 'round noon!
Renoir: So you believe he was involved in an incident outside?
Monet: B-But I mean, it's Bazille, right? He's always calm, he wouldn't get involved unless somethin' really bad happened…
Van Gogh: Maybe that "something really bad" is what happened!
Monet: On his birthday, of all days!?
Renoir: … Hmmm, I don't know what's happening, but I wonder, what is really going on…?
Bazille: (–Alright, I should go back for tonight's party… I believe Monet ran out of paint. I think Sisley said something too…)
(... Those guys have been too fidgety every day just because my birthday was coming up.)
… Heh.
(Should I go back a little earlier? They're probably waiting for me–)
Old woman: Uuuh…
Bazille: ! Are you alright!?
Old woman: Yes… I just fell down– ouch! My leg…
Bazille: Let me see.
Old woman: O-Owww…
Bazille: (Doesn't look like it's broken. Perhaps a slight twist…)
From the looks of it, there are no major injuries, but it would be better for you to go to the hospital just in case. I'll give you a hand. Please hold onto it.
Old woman: Yes, thank you very much. That's very helpful.
Bazille: Don't mention it.
(Should I stay with her for a while? I hope it's nothing too serious…)
Old woman: Oh well, sorry for the trouble I have caused you.
Bazille: I'm glad that it was nothing too serious. Come to think of it, were you on your way somewhere?
Old woman: No, I was on my way back home.
Bazille: Is that so? I can take you home if you want.
Old woman: No no, don't worry! You have plans too, don't you? You already accompanied me to the hospital, I can't cause you any more trouble.
Bazille: But…
Old woman: Once I get home, all I have to do is sit still.
Bazille: (The test results showed no problems, and she was told that as long as she rested, she would be fine…)
… Do you have any family at home?
Old woman: My son and his wife are out of town. I think he said they would be back soon.
Bazille: If so, I will stay with you until your family returns. I can't leave an injured person alone.
Old woman: You're very kind. Then let me take your word for it. And while we're at it, let me treat you to a cup of tea as a thank you for today. I'll brew you the best cup of tea ever.
Bazille: You can't move around.
Old woman: Fufu, you're right.
Bazille: (Maybe it's a good thing I offered to accompany her…)
Old woman: Well, if that's the case, let's leave quickly. Sorry, could you give me a hand again?
Bazille: Yes, of course.
(If I take her home, will I get there on time? I'll save the shopping for another time, but I think I'll be able to attend the party at the last minute.)
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