#now you’re enemies
thedustybunny · 9 months
Chamomile kisses - Chapter 4
Viktor Arcane x Fem!Reader
You can find this series under the #chamomilekisses tag
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As he entered his lab, the heart of his revolutionary research, he couldn't shake the lingering thought of you. He settled into his routine, slipping on his goggles, his focus on the complex equipment and intricate hex crystals that lay before him. He was driven by a vision of changing the world, of proving that science had the power to transform lives and offer tangible solutions to those who believed.
Just as he was about to lose himself in his work, the door swung open, and Jayce walked in – his one and only companion, the unwavering supporter of Viktor's ambitious endeavors. However, today Jayce's expression was far from pleased. "What is your deal, Viktor?" he demanded, his frustration evident.
Viktor huffed, readying himself for the impending conversation. "She's done nothing to you, and you're treating her like-… like she's some kind of a puppy-killer! What's your problem?"
"She might as well be," Viktor retorted, his voice carrying a mix of annoyance and conviction. "All that herbal nonsense, it's a waste of time and a mockery of real science."
Jayce's brows furrowed in disbelief. "Viktor, she's tried to be friendly, and you're shutting her down at every turn. The incident with the basket? That was completely uncalled for."
Viktor's gaze turned cold. "She's a purveyor of false hope. I don't need her sympathy, and I certainly don't need her so-called remedies."
Jayce's frustration reached its peak as he locked eyes with his stubborn friend. They argued back and forth, with Jayce attempting to reason and Viktor standing his ground with unwavering determination. "You're pushing people away, Viktor. You're doing yourself a disservice by isolating yourself like this."
"I don't need her. " Viktor snapped, his tone icy. "Now, if you're quite finished, I have actual work to do."
Defeated, Jayce sighed heavily, a sense of hopelessness washing over him. He had tried to bridge the gap, to get through to Viktor, but it seemed impossible. With a final, resigned "fine," Jayce took a seat nearby and picked up his own tools. The sound of soldering irons and machinery filled the lab, a stark contrast to the underlying tension that remained.
In the midst of their separate pursuits, Viktor buried himself in his research, fueled by a need to prove himself right and change the world. Jayce, on the other hand, worked beside him, torn between loyalty to his friend and a growing sense of frustration. The chapter of understanding and reconciliation had closed abruptly, leaving a rift that seemed impossible to mend.
A week had passed since your futile attempt at reconciliation with Viktor. As you walked by him in the hallway, you couldn't bring yourself to glance his way anymore. The polite nods and exchanges you once shared had vanished, replaced by an icy silence that seemed to be your new norm.
Then, the unexpected happened – the box full of papers he was struggling to carry slipped from his grasp, scattering its contents across the floor. Normally, you would rush to help, especially given that he was visibly struggling right in front of you. But this time, you held back a snicker, a small act of defiance that betrayed the frustration and hurt you felt.
His glare shot daggers your way, and he scoffed. "So mature of you to help me."
With a mixture of anger and bitterness, you shot back, "I'm useless, remember?" Without another word, you walked ahead of him, your footsteps carrying you toward your clinic.
Guilt tugged at you, a reminder that this wasn't who you were. You had never been one to be mean or callous, but the walls you had built were strong, fueled by the hurt he had caused. Why should you waste your love and kindness on someone so resistant to it?
You reached your clinic, where eager customers were already lined up outside. As you opened your doors, a wave of satisfaction washed over you. Today was about something positive – introducing your new line of herbal goat milk soaps. With a genuine smile, you greeted each customer, explaining the benefits of your products, and basking in the warmth of their enthusiasm.
You reveled in this new chapter of your life, one that was defined by your own pursuits and passions. As you stood behind the counter, engaging with customers who appreciated your work, the echoes of Viktor's muttered curses behind you served as a reminder that you were on the right path. You wouldn't allow his negativity to dampen your spirit any longer.
With every smile you exchanged and every product you introduced, you found a sense of fulfillment you hadn't known before. The cloud that had hung over you in recent times was lifting, and you were determined to let the light in. As your clinic thrived and your new line of herbal goat milk soaps gained popularity, you couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph over the negativity that had once weighed you down. The journey ahead was uncertain, but you were more than ready to face it head-on, leaving behind the memory of the man who had only served to sow discord in your life.
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undercoverpena · 26 days
tell me why I can’t stop thinking of post colombia!javi being in love with his childhood best friend—and why I’m reopening a wip oneshot of him going to her city to surprise her. only to fall more in love with her. tell me why. tell me.
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josephtrohman · 1 year
mcr fans talk about fob the way that dog ppl talk about cats, and fob fans talk about mcr the way that cat ppl talk about dogs. and what i mean by that is that mcr fans have to be like “fall out boy sucks and they’re evil and have never had a good song and their singer isn’t talented and the lyrics don’t make sense” and fob fans are like “idk mcr has just never been my thing :)”
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welleducatedinfant · 1 month
calling it now it’s gonna be a conan gray summer
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jounosparticles · 8 months
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they have never been serious.
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proffesionalalpaca · 2 years
With Eman Esfandi being cast as the Live Action Ezra Bridger, it got me thinking.
In my mind Ezra is with the Chiss Ascendancy in their war against the Grysks, and Ezra’s most iconic force ability is beast taming so my brain naturally concluded:
Csillan War-Mount Creature!
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So yeah here’s Ezra’s pet/war mount, a gigantic 4-eyed stoat combined with a snow leopard/ sabertooth cat/ polar bear. A Snow Stoat-Leopard… A Stoatpard.
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Until a canon word appears her name will be Sh’uaks’ha, aka ‘White’ in Cheunh according to me. (Kit Sh’uaks’ha - top right)
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Okay so ok there’s the whole demons speaking every language automatically so you can’t insult them in like Spanish or anything BUT I only see white languages present would they understand like French creole or know the differences between Trinidadian patois and Jamaican patois?👀 or would they be completely stumped bc I really doubt satan would understand what my grandma is saying and even then a heavy accent? Yeah no google translate ain’t saving them😂
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butchmartyr · 2 years
Ok but then why do people keep saying tme people need to stop talking about the transphobia we face, because it’s not as important as transmisogyny?
And don’t act like it never happens, it does.
(Also, even if it isn’t as big or important, why does that mean we can’t talk about it?)
i actually in fact am going to act like that never happens because it doesn’t. nobody says that. and here’s another bombshell, if they did, the vast majority of transfems (myself included) would disagree with that, because it’s insane! that call is coming from inside the house anon, you just THINK that’s what’s happening. there’s a lotta really obvious bias here that you should be working against
you don’t need to have a scarcity mindset here man we can care about multiple things! when someone says “hey, we should talk about transmisogyny because nobody talks about it and nobody seems to give a fuck”, that’s not saying “the transphobia you face is meaningless compared to us and shouldn’t be bothered with because we’re more important than you”, it’s saying that we’re hurting and dying and in the best case interpretation nobody cares and the worst case we’re being actively silenced; you need to stand with your transfem siblings. seeing women talk about their problems and ask for support should not make you think we want you to shut up forever or that your experiences don’t matter. trans women don’t want to fuck you over or silence you, we just want to be actually heard rather than just paid lip service to
edit: i and the tme people i know have never seen this (wrt to telling tme ppl not to talk abt transphobia) happen, i was exaggerating. i still think that’s fucked and shouldn’t happen, like i literally already said
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bagadew · 6 months
I genuinely do not know if Google is actually getting more and more unhelpful, or if there’s some secret hidden way of using it everyone knows but me.
Like, verbatim either doesn’t work or gives me results that are even less relevant. Putting - in front of a word doesn’t actually exclude anything. I have to try and type in at least 10 different ways of phrasing the same simple question, just for it to give me something even vaguely on topic.
At this point I genuinely feel more autistic trying to deal with this site than I do in 99% of social interactions. It feels like the damn thing’s operating on its own set of rules that it won’t let me know. Google is free but it won’t tell me shit. It nitpicks through the words I type just to grab hold of the thing that will let it make a planet sized leap away from where I’m trying to get to.
Today I wanted to find out if the snowfall in the UK is slowly getting later. It feels like it hasn’t happened in December for a long time, but my memory’s unreliable so I want to check. I know the information I want is out there. It should be really easy! I’m asking for the history of snowfall from a country I know for a fact documents this stuff!
But I have been here for almost two and a half hours now and I have turned up NOTHING! This browser is convinced I only want to talk about a White Christmas, and if I try to widen the scope to the rest of the month it springs off on a tangent where the most relevant result is an American article for holiday makers claiming that it only snows in the UK between December and February. My memory may be bad but even I know this is a lie. The best I could get was when I went fuck it and tried to go to the records directly, and that was an article where the latest date mentioned was 2010, which wasn’t useful when I’m looking for the weather statistics from within my adult life.
Like, I have to be doing something wrong right??? I swear I didn’t used to spend this much time doing research only to turn up nothing. Surely it can’t be this frustrating and useless for everyone, right???
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corinnetheanime · 11 months
How to sum up Danny Phantom in one image.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
there’s no better feeling than having spent a year with a novel and planning and trying to figure out the bigger picture than to be hit with the most simple solution and go “oh that’s the one”
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gggoldfinch · 25 days
holding myself back by the throat from making a pro vaultghoul rant post bc I keep getting recommended anti posts
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 2 months
Do you think there’s w reason shanks doesn’t want to met luffy or does he actually believe in that stupid promise from years ago 😭 And why is he always so melancholic
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the thing about shanks is that he prioritizes other peoples’ desires over his own. to an unhealthy extent. like, to the extent that he may have sacrificed his own dreams in order to fulfill a final request from his captain.
so, if luffy says the next time he sees shanks, he’s going to be the captain of his own crew, and a crew much better than shanks’ at that? shanks will do whatever he can to make that happen, even if all he can do is delay their next meeting.
if oden says he doesn’t want shanks involved in saving wano, shanks will stay uninvolved. once wano’s been saved, though, he’s free to interfere—if just to keep the navy from interfering.
if buggy leaves, saying they’ll be enemies the next time they see each other… well, probably best not to see each other, then, if shanks doesn’t want to treat buggy as an enemy.
i think it’s pretty clear shanks doesn’t want to do any of this. he wants to see luffy, he wants to see buggy, he wants to help wano and see momo and hiyori… but what he wants doesn’t matter to him.
#asked and answered#one piece#shanks#*shanks hides his feelings#*shanks has a savior complex#as to why he’s so melancholic… just look at his life man#you were found in a treasure chest. no idea why. but that’s ok! you were raised by the greatest pirate crew there ever was!#then your captain becomes terminally ill. you spend four crazy years fulfilling his wish to see the last island & having adventures!#but your friend gets sick and you don’t get to see that island. and your captain has something to say to you after that makes you cry.#then the crew disbands. it’s just you and your friend now. and then your captain is arrested.#and then your captain is executed. you see it happen. and on the same day your friend tells you you’re enemies and he leaves you.#your life isn’t over—you make other friends; you form another crew. but the only time you hear about your old crew it’s lies or executions.#you adopt a kid—you can’t *not* after finding her in a treasure chest—and you find her a friend. and he gives you hope for the future.#then you fuck up and she’s gone. she hates you. and that kid’s on his own path. you get to hear about it but you don’t get to be part of it#(you’re the destination so you don’t get to be part of the journey)#and all the while the wg’s getting more oppressive & people you love are dying & all you can do is hold the line. maintain the status quo.#because you’re not the one who can change things. you’re waiting for him to come find you. that’s all you can do: wait.#i’d be pretty sad too ijs
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chimaerabutt · 1 month
If you’re afraid of reading anything written by anyone with conflicting views to you because you think consuming media of “the enemy” will lead to thoughtcrime, you should perhaps do some deep thinking on the religious trauma you still need to deconstruct, and examine why you have replaced religious dogmatism with an ideological dogmatism your belief in is somehow so fragile that simply reading the wrong thing could shatter it.
It is important to read things, even doctrine heavy manifestos, by those ideologically opposed to you. It is important to understand their viewpoint and the people that wrote them.
Understanding is NOT agreeing with. Reading is NOT agreeing with. If you do not understand, do you even know what you are opposing? If you do not understand what you oppose, do you even know what YOU believe?
The less you understand those you are against, the less you understand about their beliefs, the shakier your own arguments, the more susceptible you are to propaganda, and moreover, the more likely you are to Other them. Normal human beings are capable of absolutely terrible things. YOU are no less capable of absolutely terrible things because you think the Right Thoughts ™️
Your enemy is still human.
Your enemy is still human.
Your enemy is still human.
Do not cling to political ideology as though it is a new religious doctrine with its own forms of “Sin”.
Important and Good are not synonyms. Many important things are terrible.
They are still important.
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sorryiwasasleep · 11 months
Rewatched Spies are Forever and I am once again emotional over the gay spies Curt Mega and Owen Carvour. The fact that they are gay spies is enough, but the fact that they’re fucking lovers to enemies? Nobody does it like them.
Gonna read a fuck load of fix it fics where owen doesn’t die now, but also you know what he did it once he can do it again, pry the hc that he somehow lives still at the end from my cold dead hands until there’s ever a follow-up.
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transmechanicus · 2 years
Gave Dying Light a try and holy fuck does the game ever become unplayably difficult at night.
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