#oc: Celis
if-one-of-us-falls · 1 year
i have been meaning to ask you about your ocs as you talk about them but i don't really know much about them if you feel like give me an introduction to them
Hi! Sure :)
I have a lot of OCs so I'm just going to cover the ones I mention here a lot, and group them by story/project. The titles are not final. Tbh I haven't written in a while and some of these I haven't worked on in a few years, but they're always in heart anyway!
CW: mentions of child abuse, murder, violence
Thunderbride (AKA the pirate novel)
A pirate! In fact, she's the captain of her own ship, and known for being dangerous and ruthless.
She is holding a lot of anger about the way she was brought up
She's very abrasive, bossy, unpredictable and outright violent... But she's also very very intelligent and has a protective streak that she won't admit
I would say the thing that drives her the most is the need for control
Which is unfortunate because the story starts with her being betrayed by her crew, thrown in a cell, completely out of her depth and forced to rely on a bunch of nerds people who are not her first choice for a crew to get her ship back
One of said nerds
A blood witch. Also part of a marginalized community of magic users in this world
It's a family business and her mom and grandma are A Lot
Twenty-something year old living at home syndrome (so going insane) (or at least feels suffocated and confused)
Very talented but also very insecure. She's slowly learning not to take shit from others
Recently she realised her family's tactics of playing the tame and obedient minority will not protect her from harm
When her childhood... friend? weird mean kid who was her neighbor for a summer and disappeared without a trace? crush? shows up in her room half dead and asks her to come with her on a crazy adventure. Well. She just goes for it
Brazen Palace (series of spy/ gang novellas)
(but really they're about my girls and their relationship) (also there's some diplomacy going on)
A spy? Information thief? Secret operations doer? Occasional thug? Basically she made a career out of being good at climbing and shooting and sneaking places
Immigrated as a child to the country where the story takes place and lost her mother. She ended up under the wing of a gang leader who taught her everything she knows but also had a freakish amount of control over her life and eventually discarded her for money :/
She ends up working for another, very different boss. Suddenly she has more freedom than ever, but her jobs become more dangerous, her new gang hates her, and she accidentally killed her new roommate's best friend. oops
But really despite her bleak circumstances she's a huge goof ball and a very kind and loving (if cynical at first) person. She shows affection by being annoying and once she decides she likes you she will go very far to serve you
more things you should know about her: very nosey, always sleepy, and super tall
Anika's new roommate, who is very upset and angry about having to share a room with the killer of her best friend. But their boss is adamant about it for some reason (spoiler: the reason is emotional manipulation)
Her job in the gang is unclear at first. She is very good at costume making, makeup, disguises and acting, if that gives you a clue. (it doesn't give Anika a clue because she's a dummy (affectionate) ).
Her mother left and her father is a disaster, so she left home young and started fending for herself. She's extremely secretive about her past and gets furious when others try to meddle. She's hurting and keeping it to herself, but it's getting harder now that she's dealing with more grief
She's so clever but also so jaded. She's the opposite of naive, but also very young and inexperienced and on the brink of an emotional breakdown
underneath it all she has a sense of humor and playfulness, if only there was a giant goofy snooping asshole in her room to help uncover it 😈
Tajan shows up later on in the story, and even gets his own novella because I like him so much. He is a member of Anika and Henlie's gang and has been away on a mission for a while.
He is a huge language nerd and speaks five languages
Generally a very nice and charming guy. He can be physically dangerous, but his strength lies in his charisma and ability to connect with people. He also flirts for fun all the time
He was born in a relatively poor country. His parents thought they were sending him to get an education abroad, but it turned out to be a child labor scam. He is still dealing with the trauma from that.
He owes a lot to his current boss for helping him get out of that situation, and is very loyal and grateful to him. He might have to deal with some conflicting loyalties in the future
The Eye of Truth (epic fantasy coming of age with a cult element)
At 16, after her older sister is murdered by invaders one town over, Tena's parents arrange a marriage for her to keep her safely away from the border (and her notions of becoming a soldier). She used to be vibrant and rebellious, but the grief has numbed her. She's trapped.
On the way to the place where she's supposed to get married, she and her traveling companions (including her uncle/ bestie Will and the son of the local nobles, who is also being sent away) get attacked and taken captive by a revolutionary group seeking to upend the government and spread a new religion. And they are very interested in some of Tena's abilities (magic! plant magic even!)
She becomes the liaison between her friends and the captors. She resents the things they do, but they start drawing her in, and their teachings make more and more sense. Their leader, Safan, is extremely charismatic - and he can teach her about the powers she didn't know she had. And maybe she doesn't want things to go back to normal after all.
Her inner conflict is all about craving independence vs. being afraid to have it
She's kind of a tomboy, very headstrong and determined (once she starts feeling like herself again). Kind of naive but very resourceful and brave. She deals with a lot of anger and feelings of helplessness.
Ropes (more epic fantasy! Filled with the power of unlikely friendships)
one of my oldest OCs. I think I made her when I was 11.
She was abandoned (kind of) as an infant and raised by a traveling circus/ artist troop. She became a very talented acrobat. Despite being so appreciated, she’s convinced that her only worth to the others comes from the money she earns for the camp with her performances.
She is extremely harsh with herself and others. She holds herself to a nearly impossible standard and will not admit that she is exhausted.
She’s socially anxious and avoids the other members of the camp as much as she can. Her status as a high earner means people generally leave her be. She tells herself this is how she likes it, but she’s actually so lonely. The one time she made a friend outside of the camp, he disappeared when she came back from tour. So she’s quite distrusting.
also she’s been having some very strange (prophetic?) dreams
A disaster forces her to run away with the two other protagonists of this story (maybe I’ll talk about them another time) and it starts out as a miserable road trip and evolves into the most beautiful found family situation ever. Like seriously I care about them so much
That’s it for now! Thank you so much for sending this ask, it was so fun to remember all my children OCs again 🥹 As I said I have a bunch more but this is already super long hehe
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flowerpatch-artist · 5 months
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💜💙💚 Looks like Donnie found someone :3 The disaster twins meeting a new friend or foe? though he seems friendly at first... Let's hope things don't change anything once they know who he truly is...
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The Reference Sheet of the new character (ROTTMNT OC: Kiro Kazumi [The green]) will be uploaded either tomorrow or later hehe-- ALSO don't mind me enjoying myself (Persona/Light purple) with Donnie and Leo
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estrelladeishtar · 27 days
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More reposting ayyy
Anyway- This was the result of a friend & I headcanoning some stuff concerning how our OCs woulda looked like years ago in Vinyl City, so it led to me deciding to draw out Ishtar's past self & what they woulda been wearing! I also added a few minor notes on the first image on what woulda changed which... Not much honestly, BUT still. & ...As we can see, they cannot dress casually for shit as this is meant to be "more casual" for them /lh I stated this is about... close to 5 ish years ago since that's close sorta to timeframe that we were headcanoning for stuff? At least this applies to rp verse stuff for sure too, but... I'll elaborate one day what this is for in writing/posts s it deals w their backstory.
Not seen also is the fact that they got a lower back marking/tattoo (?) in present day self vs their past self. Of which they are reasons BUT regardless!
I'm still keeping the outfit for their present day self too to use (...we'll just say they got a newer version lmao) so yeah.
Also... for one of the little things that changed from then til now, up close: past self vs present day self, that I mentioned in the notes
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ganonfan1995 · 2 years
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Go into the garden Go under the ivy Under the leaves Away from the party Go right to the rose Go right to the white rose
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ebthestarryknight · 24 days
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The mermaid that fell in love with an alien 💜
The alien is (almost graduated) Biologist Extraordinaire Zenna Mek-ell, and the affectionate charismatic and overall chill little mermaid is Celi
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czernyss · 2 years
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⤨ celys saintmont
Atop the grassy knolls of Saint’s Hall at the edge of the Stormlands, Celys of House Saintmont grows up with muddied knees and hands callused from the weight of both a sword and sewing needle. Her father names her wayfarer, feet straying across the fields and forests, but she can never seem to go too far before the pull of home calls her back.
Until the family with a name as old as its land is widdled down to nothing. 
It starts with her uncles on their journey back from Dorne, necks snapped during a nasty fall. Then her cousins and their children, slain on rumours of infedelity. Day by day, word arrives on sorry lips. Day by day, the looks shared between her parents grow more grave. She’s fourteen now, and forbidden to go past the rickety old bridge at the edge of their keep. Her father’s rages grow like wildfire, and the warning in her mother’s eyes –usually so warm, so free–, are foreign to Celys. 
It’s only until trouble from the stepstones reaches Lord Saintmont that Celys gets her first taste of blood. On the day her father and brother’s bodies return from the fighting –one missing his legs, the other his head– red is all she can see. The rest pass in a blur, until death becomes a passing shadow, a glimpse instead of the full truth. From the corpses comes a sickness, and for weeks Celys lays rotting beside her mother and sister, tended to by only the strongest and most loyal that remain. When the last of their sworn swords, the bastard knight Qoren Sand pulls Celys and her baby brother off the day-old corpses, the Triarchy invade her lands. 
With no other choice, Celys flees the only home she’s ever known, journeying to King’s Landing to beg for the King’s aide in claiming back Saint’s Hall. But even in the light of the Red Keep, Celys is hunted by wandering eyes and selfish intent, her grief shackling her to a life where she must decide whether to continue standing her ground, or to let all the devastation wash her away.
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sagedumortain · 1 year
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Favourite James & Celestine moments in The Fernweh Saga Book One: saying hello & saying goodbye ♡
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daywalkers-fic · 10 months
08. meet the cast (pt. 2)
yeehawgust day 1: gather the posse
To kick off the first day of Yeehawgust (THAT I HAD MISSED AHHH I AM CATCHING UP), I will be introducing the first cohort of characters I had originally drafted for this storyworld. What’s a western without a rag-tag team of outlaws!
“Teddy” Lee Valentine, an ex-military scout and veteran outlaw. He had an early start to the life of crime at thirteen, when he helped a local gang kidnap a wealthy banker. His face may be lined with the harsh years of his past, but his eyes still hold a bright curiosity and wonder for the world.
Célie Blais, a sharpshooter with wit as quick as her draw, and a tongue as deadly as her aim. Not the type to start fights, but will not hesitate to finish them. Tailors her own clothes to make secret pockets and holsters for extra guns.
Frances Ashley, a con-artist with a disarming smile. Having been raised in a bordello by working women, they learned how to use their charm for profit and protection. They have a catalogue of characters they use in rotation on jobs, each with their own elaborate backstories.
Rio Miranda, the resident Horse Girl with everything and anything you need in his saddle bag. Vaquero blood runs in his family, along with strong arms, an impeccable knowledge of the frontiers, and competitive riding skills. Helped to name everyone’s horses.
Birdie, a trader of secrets, favours, and the occasional shiny thing. If you need something, he probably has a guy, who knows a guy that can help you. His eye for DIY makes anything he can get his hands on a dangerous weapon.
Aquiles Nevarro, the drifter with a colourful resume of crime: from robbery, to gambling, to manslaughter, and fraud. Rumour has it they used to ride with the notorious Del Lobo gang out of Mexico, but was left for dead after a job gone wrong took their right eye and nearly their life. Since joining Teddy, they have opted to work behind the scenes rather than out in the field.
Meet some of the other characters here!
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obscuremechala · 9 months
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OC doodling that i may have gone a little overboard for
My boy Meo!!! his design is pretty much mostly done/finalized now so ill probably be drawing him a lot, posting is entirely debatable tbh
closeups under the cut
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if-one-of-us-falls · 2 years
Could you tell us about Thunderbride?
Hi! 💮
Thunderbride is a novel I'm writing about pirates! The main plot follows Rahlen, a fearsome pirate captain betrayed by her crew who wants to get her revenge and steal back her ship, the Thunderbride. She puts together a ragtag crew made of Celis, a blood witch growing into her power, and Einir and Melvas, a young boy and an old man forced to share a body. They are chasing the ship as well as a pair of runaway kids who might hold the power to control the most important resource in all the islands. Angst, violence and some crazy shenanigans ensue.
"It's not safe out there. And you're still recovering. "
Tavia smirked. "I can handle myself. "
"Like you handled that stab wound?"
The smirk twisted into a growl. "If you think that wasn't pretty, you should see what I did to the other guy. "
Celis cringed back. "That's not the point."
"Oh, he deserved it. "
"So that's what you do now? Hunt the evil?"
Tavia shook her head. "Evil is a stupid word. I'm on a hunt for the treacherous."
"Rahlen is a stupid name, " Celis said.
"No." She brushed the dust off her jacket, a faraway look in her eyes. "It's the old name that's stupid. Too soft. "
"I think it's a beautiful name. 'Alive'. It's like a blessing."
She considered this for a moment before shaking her head. "Tavia is dead. Rahlen can keep herself afloat."
"You are still you," Celis said quietly.
She didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes made her intentions clear. She was Rahlen, and that was that.
"Did you really captain a ship?" Celis asked. She didn't dare specify crook ship.
"The Thunderbride," Rahlen said, grinning again. "It's marvelous. You should see it."
Celis shrugged.
"Right. I forgot you never poke your nose out of this shit hole."
"It's not safe for us out there."
"It's not safe outside, it's not safe in the Landslides. Nowhere is safe until you're strong enough to watch out for yourself." Rahlen glanced at Celis's wrist. "Now you're stuck inside and damaged."
"Clean up, " Celis said, swallowing back the lump in her throat. "And maybe my mother will let you stay for the night. "
"Don't you get a say in the matter?"
Celis made her way to the door. Rahlen grabbed her arm, and she flinched away.
"Celis, wait. " Rahlen relieved the pressure but did not let go. "What you've done to my wound was good. Hurt like hell, but still good."
"Is that your way of saying thank you?"
"I have a plan in mind," Rahlen said. "It's still new, but I think you could come in handy."
Celis pulled her arm away. It smelled like a suggestion. Like the outside. And Celis was too tired to grasp what she was asked to consider. "Good night, Rahlen."
"Drown that. That's your room, Celis. You should be the one kicking me out."
"Nice try. You can either wash these sheets or sleep in them as they are."
WIP Ask game
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flowerpatch-artist · 4 months
"As requested from mama, I might as well introduce myself… I'm Kiro Kazumi, just call me Kiro.."
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Hi! Here's a reference sheet of Kiro Kazumi and a short description about him. Quick note, Kiro got adopted by Big Mama from Draxum's grasp and he was relieved from his suffering… Though, let's hope he doesn't meet him again.
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What does Kiro mean by "No more Playtime?"
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estrelladeishtar · 12 days
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Stargazing shenanigans with the Neon Starchasers duo
Two short mothefuckers stacked on one another in the second doodle, not pictured is Ishtar probably tumbling off if they run forward /J
Little work doodles I decided to digitalize, ft KK, @breadbox-draws's OC o/
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ganonfan1995 · 2 years
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Hi. I haven't posted in a while because I got covid. remember my asoiaf au, because I did....
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dreildream · 1 year
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Team 2
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czernyss · 2 years
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⤨ celys saintmont
from flames of ruin she emerged, bearing the strength of the gods and a determination wrought from the lives that had been taken from her. celys saintmont may have been young, and perhaps a little naive, but through her grief she had fashioned herself a plate of armour. they could try and defeat her (and oh they would try), but the last heir of saint’s hall would emerge victorious no matter what, because she had something that the rest did not: nothing left to lose. 
coming soon
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princeoftrashy · 1 year
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I drew Araceli as a young adult. She's Equinox's and Sol's future daughter. I'm actually really pleased with this drawing because I feel like I've finally got a handle on her design.
Also, she has her dad's nose! It's more noticeable here than in other drawings where she's a little kid lol
The outfit is referenced from one of ummmmandy's dress-up games.
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