#oc: Troy
ricochete29 · 5 months
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uwhwuwhu made a quick guy hi
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simiaysa · 7 months
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Troy Harvey: 26 (He/Him) Professional Football Player , Plays for the San Myshuno Suns
I created him off a whim lol.
Troy is Paris on/off again boyfriend. They been dating since college but always break up mostly during the season because Paris is clingy and needy.
Troy is really a good guy, just doesn’t always have the time to give Paris what she wants. Which is why Paris has a side boo at the hospital (you aint hear that from me). I really do hope that they stay together because Troy sees himself marrying Paris someday, and having a beautiful family together. He hopes Paris is hoping the same thing.
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bonesrbleaching · 6 months
i am so sleep deprived: who of your ocs would you ship me with (and why?) fxhfjzjgjjf
OHOH!! okayes i think.... dina or troy.
dina is from my self indulgent superpower universe... shes a blues singer that has a voice loud and strong enough to turn you to liquid and bones. she loves adventure and travel, but also can spend a weekend curled up under a blanket binging movies with you. shes not a great cook, but she'll always pay for takeout.
first date ideas: hot air balloon, concert, horror movie night in
why?: awh i just think youd be cute. shes ace as well, and shes got a bunch of cool piercings....
troy is a humanoid robot created by my oc elliot as a lab companion. his programming is a modified 50's housewife processor, so hes content to cook and clean and set out your clothes and do the dishes and sew and plant flowers, but hes also a bit of a tease and loves to mess around. the only thing he cant do is go in water, but he'll lovingly set up a bath for you if you ever ask.
first date ideas: gardening, evening stroll, helping to build t.v. (his small robot daughter who is currently just an animatronic skeleton and voicebox).
why?: you and elliot (his canon husband) are pretty similar i think! troy is all about cheering people up too, so he's not just a fair weather boyfriend. plus his little robot children. theyre like real kids but not as messy and they only want to bake cookies with you and get their hair braided (in dolly's case, anyways. tv doesnt have hair. or hands . shes a work in progress.)
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duckdotimg · 11 days
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Accumulated VtMB doodles so far
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jackyfaber23 · 2 months
Hector of Troy…
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Im rereading the Iliad so I drew my buddy Hector. HE DESERVED BETTER, FOREVER A HECTOR APOLOGIST
@kebriones thank you for awakening my Hector obsession
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spencerslover-blog · 2 months
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Sometimes, I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me but you told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave and I had said that to Jack about you, so I felt seen. Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be, oh, 'cause we're crazy so tell me, who else is gonna know me? and who's gonna know you? (Who?) Me. Who's gonna hold you? (Who?) Me.
—From the desk of the tortured poets department intern.
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rainboopz · 3 months
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The Main Cast + Minor Cast together for my little concept "Happy Asian Market" 🛒🦀💛
For those who are new, it's about Hughie, an ex-gangster, stumbling upon a job at an Asian supermarket that includes beating up demons with Buddhist magic. Right up the lug's alley!
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maria-ruta · 8 months
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#WODtober day 19 - Companion
this day I decidided to do something different and new and it's - to finally draw somewhat ref of Veronica's van! Her van has been her loyal companion for many years - she came to New Orleans in 80s with this exact van and stayed. It's not alive or magical, it's just good ol van but among all her things it's probably the most dear possesion for Veronica
If you wonder, this is something Troy had in mind, before Veronica stopped him
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im soooooper bad at drawing cars and etc so I mostly just doodled on top of photos but I'm still happy with the results - that I can finally see and show others Veronica's van! maybe someday I will also draw what the driver's seat and cabin around it looks like lol (there are a lot of rock posters and etc)
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igotanidea · 1 year
Quiet: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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Stubborn like a mule, Dick would never admit he fell for a teammate. Of course everybody knows and with the amount of teasing it won't take much to push him over the edge.
Inspired by Charlie Puth;s song Charlie be quiet.
Warning: it's long :D (20.971 words!) - that part was not planned :D
Seven years ago
„Stop staring.”
„You heard me. Stop ogling her.”
“I am not….”
“Dick.” Donna’s voice was as stern as it possibly could. Despite her best effort she was slowly losing patience with Robin’s childish play of cat and mouse. Everyone, literally everyone, team or not could say he was head over heels in love with his teammate, Y/N Y/L/N, who also happened to posses the power of blue lantern. She was the third one to join the Titans, after the corps decided that the girl, born human, had to be near Earth’s green lantern to get access to her full power. Hal, who was supposed to be her mentor trained her well for a couple of years and despite their differences they become friends. So when the green one left her at the tower, arguing that she needed friends at the same age and with similar capabilities and assuring that she could always reach him if need arises, her heart broke a little. At first she was withdrawn, intimidating and hard to understand but soon her other, lighter side emerged. One thing everyone noticed about the girl was that everytime she was indulged in things that gave her sense of fulfillment the lantern’s blue light surrounded her, making her look ethereal and beautiful. Perhaps that was the thing that quickly caught Dick’s attention. Despite their initial fights and a lot of misunderstandings and communications problem they worked through it. Of course, only for the sake of the team, nothing else. Both Dick and Y/N were individuals who hated being told what, how and when to do, but also knew when to step down. She was the one to make him stop, think and analyze the situation before acting, he helped her in developing her intuition. In no time, he found himself falling for that introverted analyst who always, always had  a plan and was way too much in her own head.
“She’s gonna figure it out. Is that what you want?” Wondergirl mocked, knowing well enough that for the last couple of years Dick was doing everything in his power to keep this infatuation a secret. In his own words, it was not wise to get into relationship with someone who could be called into space at every second. And definitely stupid to love a teammate, which may cause a distraction and damage while fighting. He just kept coming with so many dumb excuses to adore her from the distance. At this point he didn’t even bother to answer Donna’s question since it was obvious Y/N realization of the situation would be the end of him. So he kept it quiet. Y/N was that kind of person who preferred to keep the emotions at bay as well, never giving him any sign she was interested in forming a relationship, more often than not pushing people away when she was scared and worried and stressed and vulnerable. Not really talking about it but separating to gather back her strength and balance. Well, she was the blue lantern, who got power from hope, so what else could you expect.
“Did you guys want something?” said blue one turned around towards her friends “you’ve been standing there for like a quarter now and it’s getting suspicious” she mocked
“it’s fine. We were just trash-talking you” Donna smirked
“Oh thank god, I was getting worried you were saying some good stuff about me. Such a relief” she fake-brushed her forehead. “Anyway, is anyone up for some sparring? I need to keep my spark up.”
“I thought you were  supposed to recharge? I mean… meet with Hal?” Dick frowned and a shadow of disappointment crossed the girl’s face as she shook her head.
“He was called on Oa. Apparently some threat appeared in the north side of the galaxy and Green Corp needs his immediate help. Nothing new, so yeah, I’m gonna go workout. Want to join me, Grayson.”
“Nope.” He felt his heartbeat fasten. Shit, it was getting harder and harder to be around her.
“ Ok. Donna?”
“Sure. I’m game. You can never count on the boys, right.”
“Hear, hear, sister.”
Just as Donna and Y/N left, heading towards the training room, Hank appeared on the other side.
“You did it again, didn’t you?” he let out a laugh “I would love to see you breaking one day.”
“Not a chance.”
Four years ago
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Y/N eyes went wide the second she entered the lab at the precinct. “it’s all for me?” it took a lot of strength not to jump out in joy. When, after the Jericho incident, the Titans fell apart and everyone went their own ways, she put all her intellectual efforts into science, biology and chemistry, taking first steps on a path to become a Forensic Scientist. With her stubbornness, passion and insight she soon got to be the best in the field. Last year was spend on working with the best detectives and investigators (including detective Chloe Decker from LAPD), getting hell of a knowledge and experience. And now, she moved to new city and easily scored a job at the best precinct in the whole country.
“Yep. All yours. Take your time and when you are ready, come meet the team. It’s quite big if you ask me, may be a bit overwhelming, so at first you’ll only meet with the best of the best. Those will be your regulars.”
“Good. I’m not exactly good with people.”
Half an hour later, the girl finally left the lab equipment, the books and agents and came down to the main office of detectives. With every step the feeling of something strangely familiar of this place was consuming her more and more and that hope of good things to come made her hand glow blue. A single raise of an eyebrow of one the officers was enough to snuff it.
“Y/N! Oh, you decided to grace us with your presence.” Her boss was talking to some man, whose back was turned to her so she did not see his face. “good timing. I would like to present to you our top investigator. Meet detective Richard Grayson.”
“Wha.. what?” she stuttered a little bit, pure shock reflecting in her eyes as the man turned around his expression being a mirror reflection of hers. “Dick?”
“Y/N?” he hadn’t seen her for two freaking years. Hell, he did not contact her in any way, despite a bit of stalking to make sure she was doing fine. And after all this time his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the girl he was still in love with. Time did nothing. And she was going to work with him, again.
“Hi.” She tilted her head and smiled lightly as the first surprise passed
“You know each other?” the captain caught up on the scene happening in front of his eyes
“From the previous life.” Dick said without looking away from her. It was real, she was real and here. He got her back.
“Should I be worried then? Will your past cause any problems in professional relationship?”
“No, sir. Not at all.”
Dick Grayson was always a good liar.
She wasn’t even doing anything, just sitting at the desk, covered with document and samples collected from the crime scene. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red,  clear sign she did not sleep much in the last days, her thick h/c hair a perfect mess. Lack of makeup and lab’s soft light mixed with her blue aura made her look young, fragile and innocent. All those adjectives far from truth given her secret identity.
“Hey Dick.” She smiled softly, yawning and stretching “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“You are?” that was surprising. Maybe she did change during the last time he saw her. There was something more gentle in her action.
“Mhm.” She rubbed her eyes in child-like manner “I need to stand from behind this desk like now. I’m way too sore. I’m going to grab some coffee. Would you mind staying here and watching the documents? Can’t risk anyone getting the confidential information about the investigation. And since it’s yours….”
“Sure.” His heart dropped a little but he did not let it show.
“Thank you.” She hopped down from the chair and suddenly lost her balance. Dick’s instincts kicked in and he was quick to catch and hold her before she fell to the ground. For the first time since the Titans she was so close to him, yet not close enough. He wanted to embrace her fully, stroke her hair, feel her heartbeat next to his, feel her. Sad thing he couldn’t.
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked instead, unwillingly letting go.
“Not sure. I took a nap yesterday, but…”
“What?” she scoffed “to much to do. You know…. the other job…. And it’s not like you are not running around the streets dressed in red and green.”
“Yeah, of course I know. I observe. And did you really think I bought that story about your injuries being the effect of the latest work action? Please, I know you better than that.”
“And I know you. How’s your light doing? Hope still up?”
“Never dying. But I’m not going to lie. Given the condition of the world last two years was a rough ride. I was even summoned by the Blues.”
“You were in space, huh? Why?”
“They thought I was getting weak. Wondered if I deserve the power of the lantern. But you know, the ring know what it does. I was just cut from using it for a bit. Last week of my suspension and then I’m back at my full capabilities.”
“I’m sorry about it.” He took a step closer and grabbed her hand. She didn’t even flinch when he started caressing her palm. It was nice and comforting and moving something inside her.
“It’s fine. We learn from mistakes, right? At least some of us” she shoved him playfully killing the atmosphere in effect.
“Sit down, Y/N. I’ll fetch you coffee and then we’ll talk about my case.”
“Ok, thanks. I want…..”
“Black, no sugar. I remember.”
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Dick and Y/N were standing at the crime scene. Or rather a battlefield scene. Blood and dead bodies were everywhere reminding of horror movies, especially those where the chainsaw was used.
“I’m not an amateur, Dick and this is not my first rodeo so stop it. I’ve seen worse. In both lifes.”
“Right. Sorry.”
“It’s ok. That little protectiveness of ours is touching. And gives me a reason to mock you freely.”
“Don’t you dare” he hissed grabbing her by the waist “I can always go full Robin on you” he whispered his face centimeters from her, unwillingly leaning in, forgetting where he was, who he was and what he was doing.
“Well than, I’ll go full blue lantern on you” she smirked and wriggled from his arms “but now, I have work to do. Genetic material, my favorite kind”.
As Y/N came closer to the one of the bodies Dick was completely consumed by his own thoughts. He loved her even more now and it was getting impossible to hide it.
Two years ago
Two years of working together did not bring him any closer to confessing his feelings. Even when after night patrol he showed at her apartment to get patched up and stayed the night watching her sleep on the other side of the same bed, unable to even close an eye. Her obliviousness was no help, since she was always calling him a friend, a coworker, a team member, even a mate. It was killing him. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she muttered shifting her position  a bit. She knew he was awake and there was no point denying “how are your injuries?” she reached towards his arm covered with fresh cuts almost touching it, but stopping a few millimeters away from the skin. Luckily for him, since he knew her single touch would make him burn. He wanted to kiss her, to do more – to make her feel good, to make her his and only his…….. Dirty thought and images was now creeping in his mind “Dick?” she frowned “you are distracted, officer”. That last word and her body so close made him jump out of the bed immediately, terrified his self-control was failing him.
“I’m fine. I’m gonna get some water. Go back to sleep, you need to rest.”
“No buts. Sleep. I’m taking the couch.”
He did not get any rest that night. Crazy dreams that could never happen were enough to keep him up.
She got hurt. Because of him. Because of his recklessness and distraction. He shouldn’t have left her alone. Y/N was just doing her job, securing the evidences. Every other detective was in the other room of the house when shooters came through the door, firing their guns in every possible direction. Before anyone could react three policemen where bleeding, and one was dead.
“Shit! Y/N!” Dick hissed and rushed to the place where she was hoping nothing happened. He managed to disarm three of the attackers on the way, but judging from the sound she was dealing with the fourth, doing pretty good job. Even if blue lanterns were never considered the fighters, she was an exception, years in Titans and Hal’s upraise giving her exceptional skills in hand-to-hand fight, blue constructs adding to that. She was spinning, ducking and sliding, creating blue daggers and blades, going for the win when she saw him. A second of hesitation was enough for the opponent and she ended up with a knife in her stomach and  blood flowing everywhere. The last thing she felt was a pair of strong arms embracing her and lifting her up, holding close to wide chest whispering the most cliché words – it’s gonna be ok.
And now she was on the ICU, looking small and pale in hospital bed with Dick sitting on the uncomfortable chair holding her cold hands.
“Detective Grayson?” doctor’s voice made him stand up immediately “she’s going to be fine. No serious damage was done, luckily the blade missed the organs by an inch. And this girl, she’s strong, a fighter.”
“You have no idea, doctor. Thank you.”
“Just doing my job.” The MD shrugged but smiled happily “you got couple minutes left, and then she’ll need rest.”
“Ok.” When the doctor disappeared he leaned over girl’s sleeping figure and lovingly kissed her forehead “I’ll take care of you.”
Year ago.
 “I need your help.”
“My help of Blue’s help?” she asked “wait, don’t answer. I know what it will be.”
“Of course you do.” she could tell he rolled her eyes on the other side of the phone line.
“So? what’s the case? Go on. I got work.”
“There’s this girl. Her name is Rachel…..”
“Wait, are you talking about the teenager that run away from the house? The one, whose mother was shot straight in the head?” Y/N voice came up an octave.
“Yes. Wait, how do you…..?”
“So it happens I’m at the crime scene, detective.”
“Right.” Of course, he should have known she would be called there right away. And he did not like the fact that he wasn’t there with her to keep her safe. He didn’t trust anyone else with that.
“Relax, Dick. Everyone’s safe and I know how to protect myself. I can’t understand why do I have to assure you of it every time you are not around. I thought you knew my killer skills.”
“I know, but remember what happened last time?”
“It was a year ago, you fool! And it was your fault.” He went quiet for a bit too long “Dick? Are you still there?”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty.”
“I know.”
“But you’re sulking. We’ve been through this. All is forgiven and forgotten. Now, what about this Rachel girl?”
“She’s like you. She has powers. And she’s terrified.”
“she just lost her mother, no surprise with that.”
“Not only about that. There’s something dark about her. Can you come?”
“Give me an hour.”
“Hey, you must be Rachel? I’m  a friend of Dick.”
“Where is he?” the girl truly was terrified
“Dealing with paperwork. He asked me to watch over you.”
“I don’t think it’s safe to be around me.”
“I can handle myself. Now, since I work on the case of …. Nevermind. Can you tell me what happened?” Y/N held Rachel’s hand trying to reach for the hope inside the girl.
“I…. I……”
“I won’t push you. But I know Dick promised to help you and I’m going to make sure he keeps that promise, all right?”
“Ok. I need help…..”
“What exactly is the case of Dick and Y/N?”  Gar could not hold back the question
“Are you asking me?” Donna raised an eyebrow at the green haired boy.
“Well you are the only one here who knows about their past.”
“Yeah, everyone can tell he’s in love with her.” Rachel added “so why does she keep pushing his limits?”
“Well it’s not my story to tell” Donna scoffed “if you want to know anything you may as well go the subject of this discussion and …..”
“So you are now talking shit about me behind my back?” Y/N leaned on the doorframe and crossed he arms “come on, I;m a big girl I can handle anything. Donna?”
“Nope. I’m out. You can talk to the kids, they seem very interested about your past.”
“Really? Why? Rachel? Gar?”
“Y/N, I love you, but I need to speak with Dick. Gar can explain. Right, Gar?” she eyed him suggestively.
“What?” he frowned but soon the realization dawned on him “oh, yeah, right, sure. I’ll explain.” Rachel and Donna nodded and left leaving Y/N with the boy.
“So, what’s up shifter?”
“Why don’t you love Dick back?” Gar blurted before realizing his words
“What?” she was taken aback “what are you talking about?”
“Nothing.” He tried to escape but she was quick to pin him back to the chair
“Oh, no, no, no, no. You are not running away from me. Talk. Now.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” Gar raised both his hands in surrender “but how can you be so oblivious? Everyone knows he loves you and you miss all the signs!”
“that’s absurd! He’s just a friend. Which is a progress, since we were more like enemies at the beginning. And who’s everyone? And since when you are so gossiping?”
“Donna. Rachel. Kori. Me. Everyone! From what I can tell even Hank and Dawn get the message. And I’m not gossiping.” He sighed “Look Y/N, you are my best friend, you know it, right?” the girl nodded “and that’s why I care about your happiness.”
“No, no buts. You are making two people unhappy. Three if you count me. Do you love him?”
“Do you?” he studied her face carefully, his tone now gentle. They only knew each other for a while but he already knew talking about and expressing emotions was not her stronger suit.
“I do….” She whispered looking down.
“Well I can assure you he loves you to. Why do you think Rachel went to talk to him?”
“You two are unbelievable.”
“And that’s why you love us” he grinned “now go talk to him.”
“Dick? Can we…. Can we talk?”
“I’m actually a bit busy.” He was tensed so his conversation with Rachel must have been emotional
“Come on, Dickie, I bet you have five minutes for me.” She came closer and put an hand on his arm from behind gently stroking his shoulder. Out of instinct he leaned more into her touch wanting more. “So, Gar talked to me.”
“About what?” he turned around making her hand drop and immediately missing the contact.
“You. And well.. um.. me being blind.”
“How so?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“You know what!”
“Well maybe I’m tired of guessing!”
“Putting the pieces of information together is your job! So quit playing!”
Instead of soft conversation they were now yelling at each other. Not how it supposed to go.
“I hate you! All those years I held it back but I hate you!”
“Really?” She mocked “what do you hate about me the most?” she started circling him like a predator
“don’t do this.” He warned, his eyes glistening
“my blue light?” she took a step letting some of the aura out “or maybe my hands?” she brushed her fingertips on his arm causing him to close his eyes
“You’re walking down a dangerous path….”
“Sure, what’s new. Oh,I know” she faked surprise “I know what you hate about me the most.” She leaned close to him “I bet it’s my lips, right?”
He didn’t answer as he could not hold back anymore and closed the distance between them crashing his lips on hers. She was right. He hated those soft pink, plump and kissable lips he was dreaming about for so long. He hated her aura, full of hope. He hated her hands that patched him up so many times and that brought him comfort and sense of safety everytime she touched him. He hated what she was doing to him, how she was messing with his head, how vulnerable she was making him, he hated…..
“I love you” he whispered pulling away, letting his arms sneak around her waist, holding her tight, not wanting to let go. “I loved you since the day you showed at the tower. I wanted you for so long.”
“Why did you hold it back? I really thought we were just friends. You were withdrawing every time I tried to…."
“Stop talking.” He pressed their lips together again, drunk on the feeling of her, craving her, tightening the embrace trying to get her closer than it was physically possible.
“Ouch, not that I’m complaining, but Dick that hurts. You’re strong, remember?” she whined as he started to crush her.
“Sorry. But I love you so fucking much. Feels good to say it.”
“Why don’t you let me try then?” she smirked locking hands on his neck and looking him straight into the eyes “Richard Grayson, I love you too. But you are an idiot! Why the hell didn’t you tell me?!”
“I was scared you would run away. You always displaced the emotions, so….”
“Dick, you dumbass. I am a lantern, I thrive on emotions, I just can’t let it consume me. Don’t want to turn into the red lantern, or worse – a black one. Do you know the latter drive on death?”
“Is that possible? For you to change color?"
“Don’t know, but I can’t risk it.”
“Well, I’ll make sure to provide you with hope if that’s what you need. Hope for us, for starters.”
“Ok, Mr. Grayson, so why don’t you kiss me again?”
“Gladly.” He would never get tired of holding, touching and having her. He was dead set on making up for the lost seven years.  
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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sweetbonemarrow · 2 years
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sayijo-draws · 6 months
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kbthebearcat · 6 months
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A sweet moment with Wild!Troy and VenomFan17’s Erica! I had wanted to draw these two again and she suggested this scene from our RP.
Troy has never had someone fall asleep in his hand… he is shocked and in awe!
I went for monochrome with this (besides Troy’s glow) because it’s easier and I admittedly like the look because it makes it look like an old movie or show, but I’m thinking about coloring it some time in the future if possible!
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hollymacycomic · 1 year
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Holly & Macy and Everyone Else
Chapter 4: Page 12
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The Lies We Tell.
Troy Otto x wife Trimbol reader
Summary: Y/N confronts Troy about their shared and complicated past, yes they're in love, yes he killed her whole family no this man can do no wrong. Don't come at me. Martha is a made up camp doctor.
Warnings: toxic, mentions of pregnancy, death, canon typical violence. Arguments, swearing and if you find anything else please lmk.
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Troy couldn't remember how they'd got here, the back and fourth bickering had turned into a full blown argument. Y/N stomped into the tent Troy hot on her heels "because it's none of your business Troy." she shouted stopping in the middle huffing out a breath as she blew a stray hair out of her face.
God she was beautiful.
"none of my business? You're my wife." he spat "I deserve to know." she scoffed rolling her eyes.
"no you don't." she threw back balling her fists chest heaving from the intensity of their argument. "if you don't tell me I'll go find Martha and force her to tell me." Y/N scanned his face to see if he was serious, he was.
"cause that's your answer to everything isn't it, brute force. Tell me Troy, how well did that work out at the ranch?" Troy's face hardened.
"I'm not like that anymore, that was a mistake."
"all of it?"
"all of it." he repeated.
She shook her head "if you needed to know I would tell you." her voice was quiter. "you don't need to know not yet."
"I don't want you to leave me I wouldn't survive it not now. You have no idea how much power you have over me." he sounded pathetic but he didn't care.
"The feelings mutual believe me." Troy moved closer fingers dancing up her arm.
"You can always talk to me Y/N, always be honest."
She searched his gaze, face unreadable. "and you've always been honest with me? About everything?" she was digging, tone in her voice shifting suggesting she knew more than she let on.
He'd be a fool to lie now, but he did it anyway.
"Of course." Troy swallowed breaking under her scrutiny as the guilt weighed his eyes to the floor.
"Even what happened with Mike, Gretchen, my mom and dad." she knew. He dropped his arms from her skin but she didn't move away.
"How long?" he tried to speak but couldn't get out the words. I mean what would he say? 'Hey, How long have you known that I'm the reason you're an orphan.?' yeah no.
"Long enough." she whispered eyes dancing over his features, his eyes stayed down.
"I'm sorry." he started "I know." she didn't sound as upset as he'd thought.
"If I could go back-" she didn't let him finish that thought.
Carrying on speaking as if she hadn't heard him.
“I remember sitting there waiting, just waiting for this hate to take over and it just didn't. I still loved you, you killed my family and I married you, doesn't that tell you everything? And then it hit me there was nothing.”
Troy dared to look at her, she looked calm albeit slightly sweaty, her hair clung to her forehead stray curls framed her features.
"Nothing that you could ever do that could ever make me stop loving you.” she was crying now. He pulled her into his arms, relief flooding his system when she clung tighter to him.
"I didn't bring all this up as a guilt trip, I need you to understand that things are different now, I forgave you a long time ago. There are more important things to worry about now."
More important? What could possibly be bigger than this?
He didn't care.
He was too selfish to let her go. As long as she was willing he was going to try and if she wasn't maybe even then.
"I wish I could go back and change things I'd be different, be a better man for you. I need you, everyday you make me better."
He heard her sniffle, her shaky hands wiped her face as she took a step back to properly look him in the face.
"I'm pregnant."
Well shit.
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duckdotimg · 22 days
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If a Gangrel had the spirit of a very enthusiastic husky it would be Temerice and she is extremely enthusiastic about everything
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jackyfaber23 · 1 month
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Helen because she’s been on my mind lately….. they did you so dirty.
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Also Paris. I FEEL SO BAD FOR THEM BOTH. Aphrodite why.
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