#oc; tempest miller
trashland-llamas · 7 months
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- Spidersona suit as made w/ this picrew -
Was trying to make the suit emulate one of those poisonous dart frogs. As in it’s very colorful to warn people away. Has mixed results.
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natypinkns · 10 months
Number 4 and 30 for the ask game please
4. What kind of music do your OCs listen to?
i think ive mentioned this on my main blog before but the gameshow album from two door cinema club has many songs i associate with tempest (to name a few: ordinary, gameshow, good morning, gasoline), and i also feel like she'd enjoy the music. other albums she'd listen to: the 1975 by the 1975, swimming by mac miller, olhar pra trás by terraplana
i imagine dawn listening to musicians like chvrches, magdalena bay and willow.
and jamie would listen to something like the dreamland album by glass animals, cura by viratempo, anything from men i trust and maybe some carly rae jepsen
30. How are you doing?
honestly not good but we are trying to get through it ! yesterday was awful but today is A New Day so lets see how it goes (anxiety pls leave me alone)
ask game
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bugsontoastt · 2 years
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Nobody knows what Joanne is talking about most of the time
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alienwoohooer · 3 years
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laugh until we think we’ll die
barefoot on a summer night
never could be sweeter than with you
*honk honk smooch* that’s the sound of two clowns in love shout out to @scared-moodlet for knocking out tempest’s front teeth for me in post
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rysingsun-art · 2 years
So, Nine Realms isn’t my only paracosm with characters that look like this. The other (the original actually) universe is called Moose & Dolphin’s Roleplay (MDRP— M-derp— or simply The RP for short). It was (is? i guess?) a shared universe with an old friend. I splintered off into a solo universe to be able to worldbuild to my heart’s content, but Nine Realms does not overwrite The RP. They share some of my characters, but each has unique stories to tell. Jordan (any pronouns) for example, and the family he ends up forming (families if we include found families lol) are specific to The RP.
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Jordan and Tempest (she/her) were my two of the five main characters of The RP. Jordan is best described as a little shit. Tempest is an emotionally volatile airhead. She also exists in the Nine Realms paracosm, but her story is different there due to none of the other main characters existing to rescue her.
I love them both dearly. I made them when I was 14, and because of Jordan I’ve learned a lot about DID from researching the trope I initially wrote them as, and from Tempest… I’m drawing a blank but I’ve done a bit of research for her and will do more in the future as well. Nothing compares to the research I did into DID in high school for Jordan though lol. Still don’t consider myself ready and confident to depict it in writing, let alone in a child, but I at least know baseline stuff and his system has been planned for years now. It was very harmful trope-y in the original roleplay (though it wasn’t called DID then, it was still a Jekyll and Hyde situation) but I changed that about the character years ago.
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Angel (she/her), Jordan’s partner. Jordan took on her surname when they married, and so did their kids. They were childhood friends and started dating in college. I was overdue to draw them looking lovey-dovey.
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Jordan and Angel’s kids. Echo (any pronouns), Bell (he/they at this age), and Carol (she/her). Carol is the eldest. I love Bell’s hand-me-downs because it’s always obvious which pieces were Echo’s and which were Carol’s
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power-house-fan12 · 2 years
My Oc’s Voice actors Vol 1
After researching different female voices actress on who would voice act my oc’s because I need to pick the right person for them and I have pick them before but I needed new ideas so I pick through video games and other animes to find the right one. I’ll update them another day for fun and all
Tempest Storm- Japanese Asami Tan- English Kristi kang
Noir- Japanese- Miyuki Sawaashiro- English Lisle Wilkerson
Gizpunk- Japanese- Saeko Kamijo- English Celine miller
Daybreak- Japanese- Yuriko yamaguchi   English K.T. gray
Widow-Japanese-Yuu Kobayashi- English luci Christian 
Miss Shard- Japanese- Ryoka Yuzuki- English Laura post
Smokey- Japanese- Ayahi Takagaki- English Bonnie gordon
Miki Fujikawa-Japanese Maki kawase-English Jessica Straus
Namine Shozo-Japanese Rika Kinugawa- English Erika Haracher
Hotaru Kazami- Japanese- Minami Tanaka-English Carrie savage   
Taira Kojika- Japanese- Atsumi Tanezaki  English- Kausar Mohammed
I will add more later on and be sure to give this a like.
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museswcrm · 5 years
⇋  tumblr roleplaying history!
The rules are simple! Post the characters you currently roleplay as, want to roleplay, and have roleplayed in the past. Then tag people to do the same! Please repost and don’t reblog!
Currently Playing: (I’m just sticking with the ones I play here on Tumblr for all of these, okay? Okay.)
Garnet (Steven Universe)
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Greg Universe (Steven Universe)
Yellow Pearl (Steven Universe)
Jasper (Steven Universe)
Carnelian (Steven Universe)
Ruby (Steven Universe)
Sapphire (Steven Universe)
Cat Steven (Steven Universe)
Sadie Miller (Steven Universe)
Bismuth (Steven Universe)
Rutile Twins (Steven Universe)
Topaz (Steven Universe)
Leggy Ruby (Steven Universe)
Chloe Park (We Bare Bears)
Patch (101 Dalmatians 2: Patch’s London Adventure)
Vanellope von Schweets (Wreck-it Ralph)
Blossom Utonium (The Powerpuff Girls)
Scootaloo (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Jasiri (The Lion Guard)
Rudolph (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie)
Kovu (Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride/The Lion Guard)
Rebecca (101 Dalmatians: The Series)
Gatomon (Digimon Adventure)
Experiment 624/Angel (Lilo & Stitch: The Series)
Princess Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)
Spyro (Spyro Reignited Trilogy)
Professor Toren (Pokemon: The Power of Us)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Dolly (101 Dalmatian Street)
Want to Play: (hahaha I don’t need more muses)
Tempest Shadow (My Little Pony: The Movie)
Dug (Up)
Notch (Pokemon OC)
Repede (Tales of Vesperia)
Derpy Hooves (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
Have Played: 
Lightning (Teen Titans)
tagged by: @jabbers-wild-world tagging: Anyone who wants to.
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residentcannibal · 7 years
Tagged by @rlc19
Pearl: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Ireland, because I’ve always felt a really strong connection to Irish culture and heritage
Sails: Describe your perfect partner. Someone intelligent and sensitive who’s not overly clingy and understands my need for introverting time
Lighthouse: How much makeup do you wear? Hella
Shells: Would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf? Can I choose to be Blade specifically, because if so, that
Mermaid: Most embarrassing moment? When my mother discovered my sex toy stash and then tried to start up a conversation with me about how it’s a natural part of life and GOD MOM STOP TALKING RN AND DON’T EVER BRING THIS UP AGAIN
Turquoise: Weirdest dream you’ve ever had? Probably the one where my mom sold our cat to some place that was gonna kill her and turn her into food. Both weird and massively upsetting (and made me irrationally angry at my mom the next day)
Waves: Favorite season and why. Autumn. Chilly and overcast enough to break out the sweaters, but not cold enough to kill me.
Breakers: Would you ever consider getting married? Possibly
Seafoam: Describe your ideal summer vacation. A road trip with the amoeba
Rain: If it were possible, what exotic animals would you keep as a pet? An owl
Sunlight: Least favorite song? Take the Money and Run by Steve Miller. MOTHERFUCKER RHYMED EL PASO WITH HASSLE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
Marine: Would you ever consider plastic surgery? Not now, but ask me again in 20+ years?
Sea Glass: What do you consider to be your best physical feature? Probs my complexion
Storm: Do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not? Yes, I love them both aesthetically
Boardwalk: Who is your favorite fictional couple? I don’t get into shipping all that much tbh. Because I’m on a Twin Peaks kick rn I’ll say currently Ed and Norma from that
Coral: If you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why? Salt and vinegar chips, because I’m harsh and unpleasant and make people wince but it is possible to acquire a taste for my presence
Nymph: Old-fashioned or modern decor? No strong preference generally; if I’m feeling my Victorian aesthetic that day then old-fashioned
Seawater: Scariest movie you’ve ever watched? Not a movie, but that episode of the old Twilight Zone with the six year old boy who was basically a god. Small children scare me anyway; small children who can whisk me away into the existential void for all eternity on a whim are literally the most terrifying idea ever
Siren: In a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue, or mage? Rogue
Tempest: Your favorite pokemon? Cubone and Umbreon
Tropic: What is your least favorite thing about your appearance? My jawline (more specifically how friggin square it is)
Aquamarine: Describe your dream date. Having a very bizarre conversation over coffee for several hours
Brine: Gold or silver? Silver
Tidal: What is a color that best describes your personality? Black, in that I am either v fashionable or v depressing depending on the circumstances
Azure: What is something that you do that makes you happy? Shutting out the world with my earphones whilst knitting
Fog: Describe where you think you’ll be in five years. Idk bruh, thinking about where I’ll be in a month is too much anxiety
Coastline: What is your favorite flower? Roses because I’m basic like that
Shallows: What is your typical Starbucks order? Americano with cream for everyday coffee; vanilla latte or white mocha for sweet things
Voyage: What are your favorite names? Django, Victoria, Magnus, Vincent
Shipwreck: Do you have an OC? If so, describe them. Nope
Cerulean: Do you believe in true love? Depends on the definition
Shoreline: If you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why? German, so I can shout mundane things at people and terrify them while doing so
Tsunami: Describe a dream outfit of yours. Victorian corset dress in blood of my enemies red with black lace trim and black boots
Riptide: Are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this? Introverted; yes
Hurricane: Describe a strange habit of yours. Counting things in increments of four
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trashland-llamas · 3 days
My Oc Tempest + Casual outfit
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trashland-llamas · 6 months
Shared Mannerisms
Mannerisms that Tempest & Webslinger share
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the pointer finger in their dominant hand twitches when they get the spidey-tingles, as if they're about to quick-draw
both smoke tobacco out of a pipe when stressed, blowing the smoke away if in conversation with another spider society member
when focused on walking somewhere specific, they'll both be hunched over with their hand in their pockets
if bored, they'll both do spin tricks with toy guns as Miguel took their actual ones after a certain paintball incident
they'll roll a coin over their knuckles when deep in thought, only shooting it a perplexed look as neither were successful when it came to the gold rush
both tend to think aloud, their speech is rather slow and cautious, taking their time to show their hand
neither trust the quality of modern/future leather and will go on long rants about it if asked. Miles learned that the hard way
both have an odd thousand yard stare, almost as if they're not looking at you when speaking to you but rather past you
if they don't trust someone, they'll stand with their arms crossed over their chest
"You sure that Tempest wasn't Patrick's kid?"
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trashland-llamas · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes w/ me Oc;
Webslinger; Tempe, I never said—
Tempest; No, no, it’s okay. I understand. I’m the second, you’re the principal.
— — —
Noir to Tempest; dude, don’t make me feel bad for not being able to read my own room
— — —
Tempest; I don’t get sick, I stay sick
Lyla; I love that you’re like I don’t get sick. Meanwhile me and Miguel are like how many times have you called in sick?
Tempest; I love to confess something. May I, please?
Lyla; sure
Tempest; every single time I have ever called in sick has been a lie. I have never been sick. If I can’t work, you will know. There will be no doubt because I’ll either be in the sewer or in the cemetery
— — —
Miguel; you mustn’t tell anyone, not even your closest friends and family
Tempest; Sir, I won’t tell a soul
Tempest *running up the street to their shared house*; Noir! Noir, noir, noir! I got to tell you a secret! Noir!
— — —
Tempest; wait, how old are you?
Patrick; wait, guess
Tempest; 36
Patrick; WHAT!?
Tempest; you said guess
Tempest; why are you yelling at me?
Tempest; why are you yelling—
Patrick; —like normally when people play that game they’re like…oh they guess a bit younger. Was that the little bit younger guess?
Tempest; yeah…are you like 39? Are you—
Patrick; WHAT?! I’m 25!!
— — —
Tempest to Hobie; nobody is entitled to anything other than a knuckle sandwich if you start calling me short
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trashland-llamas · 3 months
Canon Event
Tempest had been snippy towards everyone zhey interacted with, finally deciding to go search for zheir mentor zhemself after not receiving any further telegrams. Worried that Patrick had another run-in with the supposed Phantom Rider or Doc Ock Holiday. One that possibly turned fatal. Shaking zheir head, zhey squeezed zheir legs. Getting zheir horse to go as fast as it could. Tempest needed to get to him before any of the authorities could.
'Patrick! What happened?' It had zhem a few days, just to find him trapped under a pile of splintered wood. A whole saloon had crashed on top of him. It obviously wasn't an accident. 'Was one of Holiday's inventions...Hey, we both know this work is risky.' Even though he was close to taking his dying breath, Patrick tried to assure that Tempest wouldn't blame zhemself. Especially as he chose to take zhem under his wing when he found zhem all alone. Training zhem to be his successor. 'But I didn't think it would actually happen.'
'I know, but you're stronger than you look, Tempe. You'll be okay.' His breathing turned wheezy. The ground around the duo was extremely cracked from the recent drought. Critters using it as a refuge from the sun. Tempest riddled with oncoming grief that zhey could only watch as a lizards start skittering towards Patrick. 'I don't want to be alone again, Patrick.' He was the only constant in zheir life for the last 8 years. A stable piece in all the chaos and turmoil. 'You won't be alone. At least, not forever. You'll find another group to call home.'
Grabbing Tempest's arm to interrupt, 'Please, if anything. Continue living.' Patrick O'Hara would still die that day, not by the weight baring down on his torso but by the lizard biting down hard on his wrist. Venom injecting into his veins, his head falling to the side. The wind echoing Tempest's horrified screams.
[Universes away, an unknown voyeur adds the footage as another data point to his catalog]
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trashland-llamas · 9 months
Tempest's intro post
In this Patrick looks like a carbon copy of Miguel
Zhe/zhem pronouns used for Tempest
-- -- --
Tempest is one of the few who saw what Patrick looked like without his mask on. There's times when zhey look at Miguel and can't help but confuse him for zheir lovable coward. It being so soon after zheir canon event. Tempest still remembers seeing the life drain from zheir mentor's eyes. No more shooting practice. No more drinking together in the saloon. No more running from pesky Doc Ock. Miguel catches zhem staring but oddly enough, he doesn't have the heart to call zhem out on it. Having experienced the same thing when he saw his daughter alive and well again.
'Tell me about him.' Miguel demands, sliding a shot of whiskey towards zhem. The bottle on the table between 'em. His actions surprise him just as much as it does Tempest. But when he was grieving, all he wanted was for someone to ask him about her. About his dear Gabriella so he could gush about all the soccer games. All the memories of being a father. Miguel preferred it over the asinine 'I'm sorry for your loss.'
Over the course of that one single night, Miguel earned a little bit of Tempest's trust. Drink by drink.
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trashland-llamas · 11 months
Me Spidersona: Tempest Miller
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Outlaw - (1) person declared as outside the protection of the law (2) person who systematically avoids capture by evasion & violence
Wild West era; 1865-1895
Face claim; Natasha Lyonne
Age; early 40s - late 50s
Pronouns; zhe/zher/zhem
From Louisiana
Billy the Kid fanatic
Switches b/t a gun that shoots webs and a paintball gun
Very much similar vibes to Mike Teevee from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
Webslinger (Patrick O'Hara); met when zhe was 13, him in his mid-20s (platonic)
mentor/mentee akin to that of Nimona & Ballister
Miguel; met when zhe was 26, a few weeks after zheir canon event (Webslinger dying in zheir arms; Webslinger's zheir Uncle Ben)
mostly plays pranks/practical jokes on him. while zhey understand his frustration & not wanting people to make the same mistakes he did towards the spiderverse, zhey loathe the way he goes about communicating it. (platonic)
Hobie; become friends after Tempest asks for him to help zhem hide, not knowing the layout of HQ well enough. Miguel chasing zhem after zhey made his suit glitch
Hobie helps zhem grieve the lost of Patrick, takes zhem to an aquarium
Is 20-30yrs older than him (platonic)
Spider-Noir; bond over being from the past - Noir from the 1930s, Tempest from the 1880s (romantic)
their dynamic is very much akin to Captain America understanding the one Wizard of Oz reference where Thor didn't
constantly comparing notes when it comes to catching up on the times
'The fuck is a rubrik's cube?'
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rysingsun-art · 2 years
sketches from last December
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Pluto (he/him) — Laki (she/her) and friends Dahla (she/her) and Faye (they/them)
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Laki as adult — Jordan (any pronouns)
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Tempest (she/her) MDRP ver — Anubis (he/they)
These are probably some of my favorite colored sketches of Jordan and Tempest <3
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