#older brother behavior fr
dykelizard · 1 year
hobie is actually so bad influence older brother coded… he saw this gang of baby spiders and immediately went Oh I Can Make These Little Dudes Into The Best Damn Anarchists The Multiverse Has Ever Seen…….. it was fr on SIGHT with miles bro zeroed in and added him to his band of mini punk spiders within five seconds of meeting him my guy literally never stood a chance
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lydiimae · 2 months
The stars, the moon
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Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
18+ MDI!
Warnings: Talk of drinking, sexist old ideas about women, talk of sex, Anthony being a cutie shhh, oral sex, penetrative sex, dirty talk, body worship (f receiving), heavy praise, lovemaking more than hardcore sex oopsies
A.N: YOU GUYS ARE SO SWEET TO ME ISTG T-T the love on my first two fics is so heartwarming. i'm so very glad you liked them both so much ^-^ Benny and Bridgerton as a whole are both so very important to me so i'm glad i did them both well. anyways my loves, this is an Anthony fic that i hope i can do as well as i did Ben. i was listening to Cosmic Love by Florence and The Machine and it gave me this idea! soooo here is an incredibly fluffy, (and smutty hehe) love filled Ant fic hehe<3 enjoy and thank you again <3 p.s that scene the gif is from sends my mind into a spiral CONSTANTLY my roman empire fr p.p.s I FINALLY GOT DIVIDERS, so now my fics will look a little cleaner i hope hehe >_<
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Growing up next to the Bridgertons had been fun and eventful, to say the very least. You were there through every trial and tribulation their family had gone through, and them with yours.
You and your three sisters had always gotten along with the seven siblings. Being the youngest and most... rambunctious of them you had gotten along with Eloise and Benedict the most. They had views of marriage and duty that were similar to yours, and when you were younger you and Benedict would spend hours making doodles on the walls of the gardens at your estate.
Your sisters, who were much more of the traditional women you would often find in the ton, tended to be more akin to the eldest Bridgerton brother and sister. Daphne and Anthony, however kind and loving they both were, were always too strict or, in Daphne's case, too proper for your liking.
You had always thought of Anthony as the moon. He thrived in darkness and was often gone before you even noticed he was there. You never knew why he left balls early, or why you spotted him with that opera singer in the deepest corners of gardens or tucked away in libraries.
Until you grew up, that is. The first time you snuck out of the confines of your room was when you were ten and eight, right after the first ball of your first social season. Benedict had insisted on you sneaking out the window of your bedroom so you could tag along with him to a party a fellow artist was throwing, and you, out of pure curiosity, obliged.
You got there and had your first everything while Benedict was painting, or so he claimed, in another room. You kissed the lord, whose name you cannot remember to this day, and then you went beyond that. Sex. It was wonderful, you decided, and from then on you had much more of it.
Anthony was perceptive, he noticed the change in your behavior and one night even decided to ask Benedict about it. Benedict being Benedict told him everything in his usual carefree manner, not thinking twice about it. Anthony reacted quite strangely however, he just... turned on his heel and walked into his study, locking himself in for hours.
He avoided you at all costs from then on. It was strange, but then again, he was the moon. The moon cannot be out forever.
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Anthony had always thought of you as the stars, a happy, mischievous young woman who thrived in the dark. You provided a light to every room you walked into that was too great for anyone to look away from. You were intricate, difficult to read and figure out, and yet you were also so intriguing that every man wanted to do just that.
You were also incredibly mischievous, he knew that from the moment you were born. Being eight years older, and a close family friend, Anthony was one of the first who got to meet you. You had always had that sparkle in your eye, like you were in on this grand plan that no one else was.
When you got older, it only got worse. You were constantly getting in trouble, whether that be drawing on your garden's brick walls with his brother or reading books about math or, fittingly, astronomy. Your father always described you as boyish, to which he would have to agree. You got into fencing when you were ten and two and immediately had a knack for it. When you were six and ten, you snuck off with Benedict and got taught how to hunt.
He was never attracted to your sisters as they were too... boring for his taste. They had interests in things like the latest fashion trends, or hairstyles, and he was sure that none of them had ever glanced at a book. It was quite comforting to know, that because of your foolish ways and thinking, he would never be attracted to you either. Or so he thought.
You were wearing a light blue dress when you entered your first ball, your arm tucked snugly with your father's. Your hair was pinned up more elegantly than he had ever seen it, a few of the still unruly, wavy strands fluttering in the breeze that your white fan made. Stunningly gorgeous in every way, and so ladylike. It was strange.
He had almost assured himself that he would never feel this way towards any woman like you, after all, his list of requirements for the next Viscountess was long and specific, to say the least. Yet there you were, walking towards his family, and he was very much sure he was attracted to you.
So when he noticed the jewelry you started using to hide the dark marks on your neck and the silly excuses you would use to leave balls early, it was worrying. He asked Benedict and his worst fears were made a reality, your innocence was gone. You were loose, in his mind. He could not, no would not, be attracted to a woman without her maidenhead. He refused.
The only way he could avoid that attraction was to avoid you at all costs, which is exactly what he did. He excused himself from every room you walked into, and every conversation. On the rare occasion that you somehow managed to worm yourself into a conversation with him, however, he gave short answers and cold glares.
His heart ached when he noticed your light dim after he left, but then again you were the stars. All stars have to burn out someday.
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You found his insistence on completely avoiding you to be quite tiresome, after all, you considered him to be like a brother. An annoying, headstrong, arrogant, prick of a brother but a brother nonetheless.
You look over your shoulder to where he is talking to a young debutante, wishing that he would at least glance over. You would never admit it to yourself, but after his company waned you missed it quite a lot. You could talk to Benedict or Eloise, sure, but there was something about annoying Anthony that made your heart flutter and your cheeks flush.
"Miss L/N, are you listening?" The lord, who you were supposed to be listening to, asks. You quickly turn back to him and part your lips to make an excuse, but quickly think better of it. "No, my lord. I apologize, my mind seems to be running from me tonight." You mutter with a soft smile. He nods in turn before continuing to speak about his latest hunting trip, in which you have absolutely no interest.
You excuse yourself when he is done rambling and make your way toward the Viscount, wanting to finally know the real reason why he has made it his life's mission to avoid you. You wish, so desperately, to see the moon again.
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He sees you coming and his heart tightens, you look as beautiful as always. You are wearing dark blue, a gorgeous dress he thinks, and your hair is done up just how he likes it. You have on gold jewelry, which sparkles in the low candlelight with every step you take.
He should talk to you, he really should, and yet he cannot bring himself to. You are not the kind of woman he wishes to make the next Viscountess, not even close to checking off any of the boxes he has on his long list for what a woman should be.
So, instead, he settles for leading the young woman he is speaking with to the dance floor. He passes you without a word but falters momentarily when he catches a whiff of your perfume. Your scent, even.
You had always smelled, however strange it might sound, so comforting. Your family's colors were a light purple, the crest having two bunches of lavender flowers on it. You smelled the part, always having some semblance of lavender to you that wafted through the room whenever you entered. It wasn't strong, no, but it was just enough to get his heart racing. It wasn't just lavender that made it so intoxicating, there was something else there. Something that he could only describe as just... you. He smiles to himself at the many fond memories that come with it.
He catches the young woman looking at him in confusion and quickly puts on a straight face, continuing to walk her to the dance floor, but not before noticing the look of despondency on your face. His heart aches, but it must be done. He could not let himself fall for you, no matter how much he longed to see the brightness of the stars again.
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Your heart breaks when he walks past you with nothing but a faint semblance of a smile, and for whatever reason, you feel yourself tear up. You wonder if you had done something wrong, or said something in a passing conversation that had rubbed him the wrong way. Perhaps even entertained a man he had trouble with. Whatever it was, you did not like the unfamiliar feeling his avoidance brought.
Something that you had always hidden from everyone, including yourself, was your feelings. You felt no need to be a woman who expressed love openly, nor a woman who got teary at the slightest inconvenience. It is why you liked the parties you went to, sex and alcohol were wonderful to drown out feelings that you would rather not feel. Something else you had always hidden or shoved down, was your feelings for Anthony.
He was gorgeous, that much was obvious, what with his grey eyes and his thick brown hair. The things that you didn't like, such as his ignorant views of women, or his want to always be the best, were often drowned out by the fact that the man was extremely loving and protective of those he cared about. Not only that, but he was like you in that he was truly sensitive when he did not try and shove it down. He made you want to sing his praises from every balcony in London, to profess your love in front of all of the ton so everyone could see that he was yours.
You realize you have been standing in the same spot for what has to be at least five minutes now, and that a tear that had escaped in your reminiscing has now made it down your cheek. You quickly walk out to a balcony and lean on the railing, and for once, you allow yourself to cry.
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He finds you after his dance with the incredibly boring debutante he decided to occupy himself with. He didn't want to find you, but his feet automatically found themselves to you. As if something deep inside him was naturally drawn to you and your stupid free-spirited nature.
He crowds around your back. "Is everything alright?" He whispers and is completely taken aback when he sees your face. You look up at him with tears rolling down your cheeks. It was surprising to say the very least as he cannot remember the last time he saw you cry. "My God, Y/N, what happened?" He asks, placing a hesitant hand on your shoulder.
"Why do you hate me?" You whisper back, and he is even more surprised than before. Hate? God he could never hate you, sure he avoided you, but he could never truly hate anything about you. No matter how much he tried.
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He was just standing there like he had not been avoiding you for the past two months. Like he had not ignored your every attempt to speak with him, like he had not completely shattered your soul. It made you so angry that you could not stop the foolish words slipping past your lips.
"It is as if I have committed a cardinal sin, as if I am some heathen you cannot stand to be around and not a woman you grew up with." You say, taking a deep breath as heartbreak shifts to anger. "It is not fair. I have wracked every corner of my memory trying to figure out what I have done wrong and still, I turn up with nothing. I..." You falter and turn to look up at the stars. "You are so distant. I find myself aching without you, Anthony. Like a piece of my soul has broken off with your disappearance and is with you for eternity." You whisper, closing your eyes briefly before turning back to him.
"I ask you again, why do you hate me? What have I done?" You plead, searching his eyes for any semblance of his old self. His eyes widen in response and he takes one of your hands. "I do not hate you. God Y/N, how could I ever hate you?" He breathes and your heart flutters at the look in his eyes. As if you are the only woman on earth. He has returned back to you. The moon has risen again.
"I... I have tried to hate you, yes, but every time you are near something in me longs to touch you in ways that would make any lady blush. I hate that you make me feel this way, so foolishly in love that I can barely form a coherent thought, that the Viscount I am becomes but a memory, but I could never hate you." He confesses, bringing his hands to your waist.
Your eyes water as he continues. "You are a loose woman, or so I so foolishly tried to make myself believe. I ignorantly put that label upon you so I could have a reason to not profess from every rooftop in London how much I adore you and I can never forgive myself for it." He whispers, wiping the tears that have somehow escaped your eyes without your knowledge. "I will never be able to profess how sorry I am, but I can hope that in time you can forgive me for how foolish I have been." He whispers, pressing his forehead to yours.
"How long?" Is all you can manage to croak out in return to his beautiful confession, resting your hands atop his shoulders as your eyes flutter shut. "Since I was a young man, darling. Far too long I have kept it from you." He whispers back as your heart flutters at the title he has given you. "I have loved you since I was a girl." You whisper back. "So I suppose we are both fools." You grin.
He chuckles at that, his hands rubbing small patterns into the small of your back. "Always the witty one, hm? You are truly as bright and as mischievous as the stars, my love." Your heart hammers in the stars, at the way he calls you his love but even more than that, he thinks you to be the stars. "You and I have similar minds, Ant. I always thought you were like the moon, so serious and so attuned to darkness. Yet, so beautiful." You confess, opening your eyes to look into his own. Your cheeks flush at the sight that lies before you.
He is grinning, as if you had just given him the world. He leans in and presses a sweet kiss to your lips, to which you eagerly return as your eyes close and one of your gloved hands cups his cheeks. He pulls away after a moment. "The moon is nothing without the stars." He whispers, and you smile softly. "I shall ask your father for your hand come tomorrow if you let me." He murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your brow.
Your heart flutters and you cup his cheeks. "I would love nothing more than to marry you, Anthony Bridgerton." You whisper and he grins, pressing his lips to yours once more. This kiss is more intense than the first, more confident as he knows that you are now officially his. You wish for nothing more than to melt into him, become his both body and mind for the rest of your days. The thought sends shivers down your spine, making your core heat up at the thought of finally sharing your most intimate self with the man who has plagued your thoughts for years.
As if reading your mind he pulls back, but only just. "Might I invite you back to my bedroom, my star?" He whispers, dipping his head down to press a kiss to your neck. You let out a shaky breath at the feeling and nod eagerly. "Please do." You whisper back and he grins, straightening back up and grabbing your hand before pulling you out to where the carriages are. Not before muttering something to Benedict, who smirks playfully and winks at the two of you in return.
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One carriage ride full of open-mouthed kisses and love marks later and you are getting lifted out of the carriage and carried into the Bridgerton estate. You had so many fond memories here, you are elated that you would have the privilege of raising a family in the big estate. The thought of a family with Anthony makes your chest feel tight with emotion and you bury your face in the crook of his neck to calm yourself.
He notices the change of emotion as he carries you through the front door, ignoring the many questioning glances the both of you receive from the servants who still linger in the hallways, and kisses the top of your head. "What is it, darling?" He murmurs in your ear as he walks up the stairs, toward his bedroom.
"I am only being sensitive as I envision our future that I have for so long ached for." You whisper back, pressing a kiss to his neck to assure him that nothing is truly wrong. He groans a bit and smiles down at you as he ducks into his bedroom and places you on the bed. "It shall be a grand one. One filled with happiness and light, I assure you." He hums as he locks the door before climbing over you and peppering your face with kisses, which makes you giggle softly.
He moves his hands to your hair, taking out all of the intricately placed pins so he can see it in the state he loves the most, untamed and unruly, just like you. He runs his hands through your hair once he has it down, pressing kisses down your neck and to your collarbone which he bites. You whine softly at the feeling, but more so at the fact that you know he is going to leave marks. The thought of parading around a ball with his lovebites on your skin makes your cunt dampen and your thighs rub together in an attempt to relieve the ache that settles in your core.
He feels the movements of your body below him and groans as your knee brushes against his clothed cock accidentally, making him harden further than he already has. He continues to suck on the sensitive skin of your neck as his hands move under you. He pulls you up to a sitting position and presses his lips to yours, reveling in the soft noises he draws from you as his hands move to your back to work on the buttons that hold your dress up.
His tongue slides into your mouth and he lets out a groan as he exposes your bare back, the choice you made to forgo any undergarments becoming the smartest one you made all day. He makes quick work of your dress, parting from your lips as he throws it across the room. "Christ." He growls when he sits back and gazes at your naked body.
Your nipples are peaked from both the cold air of the room and the arousal caused by the way he is gazing down at you. The look of pure desire in his eyes makes you flood down your thighs, which he picks up on instantly. He grins, almost a cocky grin, before removing his clothes from the upper half of his body.
He bends down when he is bare-chested and kisses from your collarbone, down to your right breast. He sucks on the soft skin just to the side of your hardened nipple, making your hips cant up and into his, a whine escaping your lips. He chuckles deeply and moves a hand to yours, so you can have something to hang onto, the other moving to hold your hip down.
He pulls up briefly and rests his chin on your chest, gazing up at you adoringly. "You are perfect, Y/N. Every mark, every blemish, every imperfection is so gorgeous. So perfect for me." He murmurs and you flush, squeezing his hand in yours as a silent thank you as you are unsure if you could even form a sentence now. "Mine." He murmurs with a soft smile before returning his attention to your breasts.
He takes your nipple into his mouth and you cry out at the feeling of his tongue swirling around the bud. You squeeze his hand and your back arches up into him, making him groan. He pushes you back down, all while his mouth sucks and swirls at your sensitive nipple, and rubs soothing circles on your hip with his thumb.
After a moment, he moves to your other breast, giving that one just as much attention. You whine as he bites down softly before pulling up and beginning to mark each of your breasts. He lets go of your hip and smears his hand down your thigh, gently parting your legs as he kisses down your stomach.
You gasp as he gives a kiss to your naval and look down just as he flashes a cheeky grin. He continues his trail of kisses right down to your patch of hair, your free hand grasping at the sheets while the other squeezes his. You cry out when he licks a stripe up your slit, his tongue pressing onto your swollen clit.
He takes the sensitive bud into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it slowly, his hand moving back to your hips when you whine and try to grind against him. You roll your head back, pressing it into the pillow. You get a whiff of his scent and it sends a zing of pleasure to your abused clit just as he moves his mouth down to your swollen hole to drink from you like a man starved.
You moan into his pillow, taking the fabric into your mouth and sucking as pleasure ripples through your entire body. He moves his mouth back to your clit as he pushes one of his fingers into your body, groaning at how tight you are. You cry out, the sound still muffled by his pillow, at the feeling of his finger and the vibrations his noises send through your body.
He adds another finger and begins to curl them into your walls, hitting that spongey spot that makes you scream. Your toes curl as he pumps his fingers in and out of your body in tune with the swirling of his tongue against your clit. You finally take your face out of his pillow. "Close... Fuck please please please, Anthony." You babble as you begin to see stars. You come screaming his name, his fingers gripping your hip so hard you're sure you will be marked there too.
He cleans you up with his tongue before returning to your lips and giving you a swift, but sweet, kiss on your lips. He sits up and slowly rids himself of his trousers, his cock standing proud against his stomach. The sight makes you mewl and spread your legs even wider in anticipation of him filling you until his tip meets your womb.
He settles between your legs and takes both of your hands in his, pressing his forehead to yours. "I love you, Y/N." He murmurs. "I love you, Anthony." You return, and his lips are on yours. He slowly pushes his cock into your body, groaning into your mouth as you moan into his. He bottoms out and lets you adjust, kissing down your neck to your shoulder.
You gently push your hips down as a signal that he can move, and he grins against your skin. He begins to slowly rock in and out of your body, groaning at the noises he draws from your cunt. "Faster, Ant. Please." You gust into his hair, squeezing his hands tight in your own.
He does not need to be told twice. He begins to slam into your body, making your toes curl as you scream out. He continues his brutal pace, the sound of body meeting body filling the bedroom. He presses his forehead to yours just as your eyes shut. "Look at me." He whispers, stalling for a moment. "I want to see how good I make you feel. I've waited far too long for you to hide, my love." He breathes, and you open your eyes.
He gives that stupid arrogant smirk before beginning to thrust into you just as hard as before as if he never stopped. Your mouth hangs ajar, your mind too focused on the feeling of his cock to even try and stop the moans that flow freely from your mouth.
He moves a hand down your stomach, his thumb finding your clit and circling to the rhythm of his thrusts. He growls when you clench around his length and moan his name. He tucks his head into the crook of your neck. "Come with me." He whispers, biting down on the skin.
The action sends you over the edge. You come for the second time, screaming his name and he follows soon after, painting your insides with his seed. He works you through your orgasm before pulling out and nuzzling your neck.
After a moment he climbs off of you and saunters to his bathroom, leaving you dazed on the bed. You turn your head and press your face into his pillow once more, letting his scent calm you down. He returns a moment later and laughs warmly at the sight. You blush at the noise and look up at him. "Funny that," He says, gesturing to his pillow as he cleans your thighs with the washcloth he brought out. "I did the same thing today." He grins.
"Mmm. When was that, hm? Did you sneak into my bedroom?" You tease and he grins, shaking his head as he places the washcloth on the bedside and crawls into bed. "No, though I am flattered you would think I would be so bold." He hums, pulling you under the covers with him and taking you into his arms.
You smile softly and bury your face into his neck, closing your eyes. "I did it when I walked past you at the ball. The young woman I was talking to thought I went mad. I had to stop and think of all of the fond memories I have of you." He murmurs as he rests his head atop yours, kissing it softly before closing his eyes as well.
You smile softly at the thought of him stopping mid-step just to think of you. It warms your soul. "I love you." You whisper, slowly nodding off to the sound of his heartbeat.
"And I love you, my star." He whispers before following you into a deep slumber.
The moon truly cannot thrive without the stars.
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mazeofyeni · 1 year
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♡. BANG CHAN (seobang) !
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when 16 year old chan met 12 year old kaia, the only thing on his mind was to protect the girl from anything harmful.
he packed her lunches for school; he walked her to school, he brought her food, and came to all the showcased she was in , people thought they were really brother and sister.
when jyp came to him about forming a group; she was the first person to come to mind, he went to her one day and the rest was history.
he's helped her a lot throughout the years, and he's always there for her when she needs it and is struggling.
♡. LEE KNOW (kaiho) !
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wasn't too keen on a girl joining the group, but the second he met kaia all the discomfort went away.
something about the girl made him draw closer to her. the heartbreak she felt when he was eliminated was unreal.
he was more pissed off when she was eliminated than when he was eliminated.
a popular ship because of how much he takes care of her on and off camera, people who've met them says that minho always has kaia close by to make sure she doesn't get hurt.
♡. CHANGBIN (changa) !
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sunshine and sunshine protector duo fr.
changbin has and will call out someone's weird behavior if he even senses that she is uncomfortable in any situation.
knows that she has a lot of stress of being the only girl and he tries to understand her when she's going through something and gives her the best advice that he could give.
and older brother figure, she probably has a better relationship with him than what she does with her own step-brother because she doesn't have any blood siblings.
♡. HYUNJIN (hyuna) !
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the most dramatic duo you'd ever meet in your life.
lowkey didn't like each other during predebut days, he didn't understand why chan was so keen on her joining, he felt like adding a girl was unnecessary, and she didn't like the shade he was throwing so she kept away from him.
when they debuted, they were close, but not to the point where they rest were. they really connected during his hiatus.
they actually talked out their problems and they began to spend a lot of time together working through their issues, now they're bond has never been stronger.
♡. HAN JISUNG (kaisung) !
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the only one jisung didn't have beef with when they were trainees.
because she'd come right back with the comments she wouldn't let win a single argument.
now they argue, but it's mostly for fun, he makes a smart comment and she gives him a kiss on the cheek just to annoy her, it's her way of letting him know that she isn't upset with him.
besides that, they understand each other on a level that maybe none of the other members do.
♡. FELIX (yonga) !
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two babes with a lot of love to give. as
much as he wanted to get to know her, the poor baby didn't know how to communicate with her when they first met, due to his lack of confidence.
but it didn't stop her, she'd always come up to him and offer him food. she always spoke in english to make him more comfortable when he was still having trouble with it.
her personal moodmaker, she claims when he hugs her, it makes her mood go up 1000x more.
♡. SEUNGMIN (kaimin) !
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a pain in her ass part 1, oh he knows how to get under skin, more than han does.
at first she thought he was making fun her her for real, so it made her upset, but then she realized the only way to beat him was to beat him at his own game.
so then it became this never ending thing, he annoys her and she annoys him.
but it's completely out of love, because then they also like to make fun of chan together (help him plz).
♡. JEONGIN (jeonga) !
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a pain in her ass part 2, except she'll put him in a head lock if needed.
these two show love by physical touch, and i mean throwing hands with each other. regardless what they show on the camera,
people who went to the same school they did said that they spent most of their time together and were extremely friendly around each other.
except the three times she put him in a headlock and he dragged her by the ear down the hall.
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juyeonszn · 9 months
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES literally just fluff
WARNINGS no 18+ warning this time 🙀, despite it being KIND OF suggestive at one point, it really isn’t anything that constitutes a warning, brother’s best friend trope, (fr)enemies to lovers trope, good ol’ fashioned sneaking around, mild swearing, tbh this is really cute and like i wanna throw up bc when is it my turn </3
SUMMARY despite keeping your relationship restricted to the confines of these four walls, you would always be his.
MORE LOLLL IM INSANE I KNOW U CAN ALL THROW TOMATOES AT ME 😍😍🙏i literally wrote this in 2 hours call me william shakespeare :P um anyway here u go anon! here’s your request from my 100 followers event <3 prompts used are: 1, 15 🙌
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs
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“What’s the purpose of that top if it barely covers anything?”
You glance over at Hyunjae with a scowl, crossing your arms over your chest. “First of all, who the hell are you to judge what I’m wearing? Second of all, why are you looking?”
“Okay, gross, I would never look at you like that. You’re a child.” He gags, his lips curling downward into a grimace. You roll your eyes.
“And you’re old. Find a new comeback, Jaehyun.”
“Here they go again. And with the government name, too, that’s crazy.” Juyeon snorts from his spot on the floor. Eric bursts into an unnecessary amount of laughter, slapping his shoulder aggressively. The older male winces, muttering a small ‘Ow’.
Sangyeon sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and pausing the movie that you were currently watching. He deadpans at the two of you. “Do I really have to play referee right now? In the middle of movie night?”
You both send puppy dog eyes and big smiles his way, because no matter how fun it was going at each other’s throats, it was never worth the scolding from your older brother. Sometimes you feared his wrath more than your own parents, and that’s considering the fact that you were a grown adult. He gives you a warning look before resuming the film.
The funny thing about being four years younger than your brother was the way you shared a friend group. Upon entering university, you befriended two rambunctious boys who happened to be on the baseball team with Sangyeon. Thankfully, you’d been close your whole life, so it wasn’t too big a deal when you all started hanging out. It was kind of convenient since you lived in the same house.
As the movie continues, you glance over at Hyunjae, whose chin is resting on his palm. God, his stupid face pissed you off so easily. Just looking at it riled you up unprovoked. He was lucky he was best friends with your brother (and also all of your friends), or else you might’ve killed him at this point. To be completely honest, there were a couple times you almost did.
Towards the end of the night, everyone started settling down and getting ready to go to bed. A couple of the guys usually slept in the living room, there were a couple in the guest room, and then whoever else was left crashed in your brother’s room with a futon or air mattress. Being the only girl had its special perks— i.e., you got to have your bedroom all to yourself.
It’s about an hour and a half after you’ve parted ways with the boys that you hear the familiar creak of your door opening. A warm body sneaks under the covers behind you, wrapping their arms around your torso and pressing their lips to the shell of your ear.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
“Took you long enough, Lee Jaehyun,” you murmur, side eyeing him while you shut your phone off and place it on your nightstand. “I almost fell asleep.”
“Stop calling me that,” he pouts, groaning into the crook of your neck when you giggle at his childish behavior. “You sound like my mom getting mad at me when I was a kid.”
Okay; silly story time. Hyunjae and yourself truly started off hating each other. He was a pretentious know-it-all and he despised being wrong. He always had to get the last word and he argued with you like his life depended on it. To you, he was your older brother’s insufferable best friend and you wanted nothing more than to strangle the living daylights out of him.
His first impression of you wasn’t that much different. He thought you were an over-confident spoiled brat who had zero filter. You enjoyed picking fights with him just because you knew it irritated him like nothing else. To him, you were his best friend’s annoying younger sister and he wanted to put a muzzle on you so he could shut you up for once.
The pair of you were like fire and gasoline, a deadly combination that the universe made a mistake putting together. Your friends were amused by your constant bickering, but it drove your brother insane.
One day, in an attempt to get you to bond, Sangyeon had sent Hyunjae to pick you up from a friend’s apartment after working on a project. The entire car ride was filled with insults left and right, neither of you paying attention to the angry grey cloud in the sky above you. Before you knew it, it was pouring down so hard that Hyunjae could hardly see through the windshield.
He pulled over into an empty lot to wait it out, but even that storm wasn’t enough to quell the rage warring in both of you. Your fight started back up, this time more heated than the previous.
You liked to think you weren’t a woman of many flaws. However, you proved yourself incorrect this go around. Your single flaw was your inability to bite your tongue and keep your thoughts to yourself. So, when Hyunjae told you to ‘Shut the Fuck Up’, your response wasn’t what it should’ve been.
Instead you said; ���Make me.”
And well, make you he did.
He kissed you with such force, the back of your head almost collided with the car window. You pulled away from each other to process exactly what had just transpired, realizing that all this detestation, all this animosity and rival shit had just been poorly disguised lust. All that tension was because you loathed the other and wanted them to die a slow painful death, it was because you wanted to go at it like jackrabbits.
After another few minutes of making out and waiting for the rain to subside, you both noticed that it wasn’t stopping anytime soon. Hyunjae licked his lips and traced your own with the tip of his finger, grinning. “We won’t be missed for a couple hours, we should take advantage of that.”
In your head, that was a completely logical conclusion that you quickly agreed with. And so, that was the beginning of your secret relationship with Lee Hyunjae, your brother’s best friend and your supposed enemy.
“You and your bed are so much more comfy than the pull out in your living room. I kinda feel bad for Juyeon and Changmin.” He rubs circles into your waist with his thumb, wrapping his arms tighter around your middle.
“Hey, I’m not opposed to kicking you out and making you sleep in a sleeping bag like Sunwoo and Eric.” You tsk, turning in his embrace to face him.
He gasps in feign offense. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you shrug, sighing dramatically. “Apparently, I’m a child and you would never look at me a certain way.”
“I was just joking, baby,” he laughs and good God, you’re down bad if just the sound of his laugh has butterflies erupting in your stomach. “I gotta make sure everyone thinks I still find you aggravating. You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, you know.”
You bat your eyelashes at him exaggeratedly. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Hyunjae smiles at you, differently than all the others he’s shown you before. It’s tender, gentler than what you’re used to from the brunette. His eyes are a softer shade of brown, mocha colored irises that stare at you with so much admiration that even the darkness of your room couldn’t overshadow. The moonlight peeking in from your curtains illuminates his features perfectly.
“I know I don’t tell you that often, but you mean a lot to me, Y/N,” he suddenly confesses. “Sneaking around and not being able to show the world that you’re mine is so fucking difficult, but if you’re not ready, then I’m okay with it. I want you to be happy when you’re with me, all the time. You make it all worth it.”
“Hyunjae…” Your bottom lip juts out, your heart swelling with so many emotions. His eyes flicker down to your mouth and he closes the gap between you, leaving a sweet kiss that manages to knock out all the air from your lungs.
He peppers kisses to your cheeks, nose, and the crown of your head until your breathing has evened and you’ve fallen asleep. His favorite part of sleeping over was getting to see this, you laying in his arms peacefully. It served as a reminder for him that despite keeping your relationship restricted to the confines of these four walls, you would always be his. He whispers one last thing to you before calling it a night himself, though he’s sure your sleep is too deep to register it.
“I love you.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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pandoramyst · 1 year
what wasn’t there before II ✩ Jake sully
contents. 18+ g!reader, dbf!jake, cute names, fluff, adult behavior, age gap
summary. Jake was your father’s best friend but to him, he was like his brother. When you entered puberty, you started to feel foreign feelings about him that certainly, you shouldn’t have been having. When you got a bit older, you grew closer to him and you noticed that he acted the same way toward you.
notes. the love yall give me makes me wanna tear up fr :( also its not edited so sorry for typos and mistakes :/
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The last couple of weeks were a rush of adrenaline. The sneaky touching and pecking when your father had his back turned was thrilling but it only pushed you to do it more. Jake had shown you depths of Pandora you never even knew existed and it made you more grateful for his presence in your life.
Not one day went by without him sneaking into your room when he visited to shower you with love. He would do anything just to see your face, even if it was just for a moment. You two grew closer than you had thought was right. Despite the good moments, the doubt you felt never escaped you. Your relationship was obviously dangerous considering Jake was much older than you. However, at his maturity was when your doubt halted. He respected every boundary you had vocally expressed to him and moved completely at your pace.
You wouldn't be shy in saying that your boundaries were certainly strict. But that only lasted until today. Your dad was still asleep as the sun still hurried to rise when you heard the main curtains of your hub shuffle. You were still in bed, appreciating the warm sun on your cheek. The sun shined from the big opening above your bed that worked as a window.
Your head turned when you saw Jake’s big figure walk through the curtains. He removed his bandolier, letting the arrows fall on the floor. His hair was still down from the night before when you used some of your mother’s oil on his hair as hair therapy.
He smiled at you and fell right on top of your body, his arms slowly lowering his torso on top of yours. “Morning, soldier” you chuckled and pressed your lips on his head, giving him tiny kisses.
“you look like an angel in the morning,” he lifted his head up, staring at your face which had started to become red. You pressed his head back into your neck, smelling his coconut-scented hair. This was typical of you two. He would welcome you in the morning in bed, typically before your father woke up, and you would lay there with him, brushing your fingers through his hair.
“What are we doing today?” He asked, his voice muffled.
“My dad will force me to go to the blue petal festival. It’s an annual tradition for us. He wants to take my mom out so he said he needs to get rid of me somehow,” Jake’s body shook as he laughed at your sarcasm.
“Well, lucky you. You’re gonna get more Jake time,” He looked at you and scrunched his nose with a smile. You squished his cheeks together and pouted at his cuteness. “Wanna come with me?”
He raised his eyebrows, “To the festival?”
“Yes dummy,” You said flicking his forehead.
“Are you sure? It isn’t really my setting?”
“Oh wow, is that your excuse for not wanting to hang out with me?” You rolled your eyes at him playfully and pushed him off of you.
“How dare you,” He gasped and tried to reach out for you as you walked towards your wooden wardrobe. You opened the doors and pulled out a white sleeveless tank top with a long blue loincloth to match it.
You placed it in front of your body and smirked at him, “You like it?” His elbow rested on the bed and he stared at you with half-closed eyes, lip between his teeth. “Come here and let me show you how much I like it,” You dropped the outfit on the floor and slowly walked towards him. 
He reached out a hand to you and when you grabbed it, he pulled you down on top of him. His arm was secured on your waist as he kissed your face. His lips inched closer to your lips but he avoided them, showing you once again how committed he was to respect you.
You placed each of your arms next to his head on the bed, and you lowered your face to his. His eyes went to your lips and then looked up into your own. “Want me to come to the fest, baby?” he whispered a breathy “hm”.
You breathed on his lips, closing your eyes as you synched your breathing. His hands went down to your lower back, caressing it with his thumbs. You could sense he felt uncertain about whether to make the first move or not so you just initiated it. 
“Please, come..” your voice became deeper
You pressed your lips on him, savoring the moment. He moved his lips with yours, slowly and deeply. His hands went on your bum, rubbing it up and down as he found new confidence in being bold with you. His fingers hooked around your shorts, pulling them down to reveal the floral print underwear that he had gifted you.
Underneath, you were clearly wet, the dark, wet patch on your undies making it apparent. Your underwear was creating friction as it was rubbing against his thigh. “you're wet, pretty girl?”
“Jake..” his name rolled off your tongue and with a whiney voice you begged him. He kissed your lips sweetly, sucking them with his so that he can pull you more towards him. When he backed off, he used his finger to pull up a hair strand that had fallen on your nose.
“Your dad should be awake now, don’t want him to catch us, do we bun?” Jake raised his eyebrows and your face relaxed. But it wasn't the calm kind of relaxed. It was the face you made when you were pissed. Your eyebrows and eyes were relaxed and your lips were slightly pushed forward. Jake had spent many days with you to know what you looked like when pissed.
You pushed yourself up from the bed and looked down at him, before walking towards the curtain that separated your bedroom from the kitchen.
“Oh, bunny” he rubbed his nose with his fingers and his head fell back on the bed. Despite you not wanting to admit it, he was right. Your father was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. His back was turned to you. Jake had already made it out the window in your room and to the front curtain of the hub.
“Your late, partner” Jake had walked through the opening, holding the curtain above his head. Your dad walked towards him, giving him his hand to do their typical handshake. You walked out to the balcony and saw your mother sitting on the swinging wooden bench, a mug in her hand.
“Mama,” you sat next to her and she placed her hand in your hair, pushing it out of the way. “Haven't seen you in a while, my sun” your mother had been stuck in bed as she was carrying your baby brother in her belly. This pregnancy was far more tiring than the last one and you had witnessed it. Helping her stand up from low platforms and making sure when she wakes up at night to empty her bladder, that she is safe.
“How do you feel?”
“Ready to see this fussy boy already,” she said while rubbing her belly. You chuckled and watched her proudly stare at the bump as if your brother was physically here with you.
“Shouldn't you be getting ready for the festival?” she raised her eyebrows
You groaned, “Mama, I don't wanna gooo. It's so boring” She held her belly and laughed at your whining. “Come on, it's not so bad. Get your butt up and go get ready, I'm sure Neïtan will be waiting for you,” she nudged your shoulder.
Neïtan and you had a bit of a difficult relationship to describe. He wasn’t exactly your friend, more so your friend’s friend but regardless he always hung around you. Occasionally, when you were hanging out he would shoot you glances and winks, making it obvious that he was into you.
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artsybug0 · 10 months
So to explain, the ai Actor Millie offered to ask Eddie to babysit my kid, and she called him her older brother but used quotations so like, 'older brother'. so that leads me to think she just means like they friends but have a sibling like relationship so i wanna ask, what is Actor Millie & Eddie's relationship like? Friends? Sibling? Sorry to bother but i just got curious, sorry! - V
Yes yes yes!! I’m so glad that worked!
Millie has a family like relationship with Eddie and Barnaby no matter the Au!!
Eddie is always an older brother figure to Millie
And Barnaby is like a father figure for her too!
Ofc Millie has a dad already (adopted) but Barnaby reminds her so much of him and because she no longer lives with her family she feels home sick but Barnaby helps with that so much!
Millie also is the eldest daughter so she didn’t really have an older sibling to take care of her like she took care of her younger brothers!
(Actor Au)
Millie is a little antisocial. Just a little! She often isolates herself and purposely sits away from people and read on her phone!
If you pay attention to her outside of “she’s hot” you’ll notice that she actually seems very lonely. Before and early in her acting career(?) she didn’t have much time to even make friends. She’s always running around working too many jobs not to mention she used to be in college (she barely graduated-)
Have you guys seen Frills video that shows Wally being tired and stressed from his job? And their post explaining how all of them worked their butts off only to barely make enough for rent and food?
So she didn’t have time to make many friends and the people that do interact with her usually are just because she’s “a pretty little thing”
Eddie took notice of this. Eddie is the most observant after all. He felt sad and guilty about how lonely Millie seems. Even though she denies and try’s to not act like it.
So Eddie decided to start inviting Millie to join them when they hang out (probably against Wally’s wishes lol. At this time he would of been still cold and distant from her because he doesn’t know her true intentions. He’s super protective over his friends so when she did start to hang out with them he kept an eye on her just in case. Millie was no exception to his cold behavior lol) and eventually they did become her actual friends. And she loves them all dearly and would do anything to keep them happy, healthy, and safe. (I really do mean anything- she’ll murder for them fr)
Also! Millie hates being picked up. She only tolerates it when it comes to people she cares about or a bodyguard she trusts (like Max!) it makes her feel vulnerable and not in control of the situation. But she actually genuinely loves being held by Barnaby. When she gets home sick she’ll ask him to hold her and he does! He holds her in his arms and she takes a nap. When hugging or cuddling for too long she’ll fall asleep haha! So she keeps hugs short usually.
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silveeee · 1 year
more Idia headcanons !!! (because he's still just like me fr) except i'm adding in some Ortho ones as well !!!!
- Idia, when walking anywhere that's not inside his room or any space he's familiar with, usually looks directly at the ground.
- Idia will wear socks basically everywhere BUT NOT UNDER THE COVERS. when he goes to sleep, or decides to just lay in bed, they need to be OFF !!!!!!
- Idia knows all the 'hacks' to those claw machines at arcades and stuff and makes full use of them.
- he doesn't actually go to arcades or so often bc he's a student and a social wreck but the few times he does manage to go he gets his prizes !!!
- a kid once approached him after seeing him win those games so easily and asked him if he could get them a reward. the kid handed him their coins and he won one for them ! but after that he had to take a breather because he hadn't expected anyone to just walk up to him
- Idia has a love/hate relationship with earbuds/earplugs/earphones, so he usually resorts to headphones
- Idia has played a wide variety of games due to boredom, depression, recommendations and also Ortho ! (Ortho will occasionally point out a game that looks interesting to him and then Idia checks it out)
- Idia got Ortho a sheep plush to match his own (Ortho wanted to match so bad bc he thought the sheep was adorable)
- Ortho often just stares at people, analyzing their behavior
- he doesn't really understand feelings in practice, he's got them down in theory though (just like his brother fr)
- Ortho LOVES animal videos, just put them on and he'll be watching for HOURS on end
- it doesn't even matter what kind, he just thinks animals are cool and neat
- Ortho once saw two sheep that looked like his and Idia's sheep plushies and he just RUSHED to show Idia (it cost Idia a win but he didn't really care in the end because, oh wow, those sheep do look like their plushies)
- Ortho knows he's not in a human body but sometimes he forgets and like... flops down on things. he has broken things before on complete accident. (i know he shouldn't be that heavy but still)
- the aforementioned things include; two chairs, an older bench on campus and a bed
- Ortho is very curious and often replicates people's behaviors to understand a bit more about what those people are like
- Ortho easily blocks out background noise and only really notices the background noise when Idia (or someone else) comments on it
- Ortho is absolutely terrible at naming things, Idia is as well. yet they both do it differently.
- Ortho initially wanted to name his sheep plush "Sheep," Idia initially wanted to name his sheep plush after multiple video game characters
ok that's it for today I LOVE THE SHROUD BROTHERS SO MUCH they are my floopies fr
ty for reading and have a nice day !!!!!!!!!!
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spacenintendogs · 8 months
Your modern AU with Ruffnut being pre-med really reminds me of the Free Scauldy episode!! Also, where do you think Gustauv would fit into this?
AAAH YES!! that's where i got the idea from for her to be pre-med!! also her general love of science & with how hands on it is. plus it's a great way to shock ppl with how much she knows bc they always underestimate her!!!
gustav's mom (mrs. larson) is valka & snotlout's mom's sister!! gustav is hiccup & snotlout's cousin!! he's 12 when they're abt 15 years old so they tend to find him annoying. snotlout enjoys making him do stuff for him & bc gustav craves attention, he looks up to snotlout a lot (like riders of berk)
he rlly wants to help at the sanctuary but the gang feel like 12 is a little young to be around dragons all the time. but gustav does help in his own way!! his class was one of the first ever to have a field trip & get a show abt each of the dragons the gang works with!! it's SO amazing. changes gustav fr fr.
when he's 16 the gang are 18-19, out of high school & off at college once summer is out. snotlout is there full time, so with permission he lets gustav help as a paid intern. gustav has already bonded with fanghook by this point & kinda wants to be the stoker class expert (not on snotlout's watch tho 😤)
gustav is their annoying little brother but i think they'd overall be kinder to him, esp with the added thing of me making him hiccup & snotlout's first cousins. at family events they'll sometimes let him join them in hiccup's basement & try to play video games with them. once he's older it's that, and a lot more deep talks. advice talks.
when hiccup & snotlout go through their lowest points (snotlout after everyone leaves for uni, hiccup after his father's death) u better believe gustav is one of the first ppl there. he finds them annoying too, tbh. but it breaks him seeing them in such states bc he puts them on pedestals when he rlly shouldn't.
gustav is also rlly close with snotlout's little sister, adelaide, who's originally from the books!! i like to bring her into the dreamworks franchise bc i think snotlout deserves a little sister. gustav & adelaide are besties tho. they're sibling like in their behavior & it even extends to snotlout when it comes to gustav.
he'll eventually work at the sanctuary full time, but for what's currently in my head, he's an intern & their annoying little brother they love :)
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callmejudgement · 30 days
UA University Script
About Me
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Name: Mako 魔子
Trickmaster hero – Miss.Magician
Age: 18
Birthday: ??? Letting fate decide fr.
Height: 5ft 7in
Quirk: Magician - which provides me with 8 tricks to fool reality. Flame jumping,illusions, historical projections, damage transfer, steel card, air bullets, paper figurine substitutes, underwater breathing trick (more on my quirk here)
Physical abilities: incredible balance, coordination, flexibility and agility. Danger intuition.
Backstory: I literally just grew up in a happy family. Living rich and lavish. My dad is a retired top pro hero and my mom is an underground hero that works for the government. I have an older sister following in my mom’s footsteps and older brother whom is a researcher. My family often trains together and we do a lot of family activities together. I’ve been friends with Shinso since middle school and I was close with Shotō for like a year in elementary school. We’re literally twins with our heterophobia and dual color hair 👁️👅👁️.
My goal in this reality it literally to be my silliest, most autistic self. Literally me if I never started masking so people wouldn’t call me weird.
Plot (or the lack there of)
The war arc doesn’t happen. I’m not dealing with allat.
Bakugou doesn’t get kidnapped and faces appropriate consequences for his actions and behavior (I’m talking about him being a bully).
The other students quirks are stronger (I hate that Bakugou had it easy. I’m a purebred hater).
Momo was trained and is more skilled at using her quirk (she’s rich why didn’t her parents hire a trainer for her canonically?)
Tenko’s mom leaves with the grandparents and his sister before he loses control. He now attends UA.
OFA is still out there plotting I guess.
Fusions (borrowed idea from priicklleshifts on tiktok).
Overhaul is good and works at UA in support heroes/medical.
Eri is not abused and has a decent relationship with Chisaki even though he is an overworking germaphobe.
Events like the sports festival only starts to happen at the second trimester (bc why tf did it happen on like the 2nd week of school?)
Due to its high safety and previously low birth rate, Japan now has many immigrants from all over
Super high tech I’m talking holographic screens, robots in the streets, virtual reality, etc
There’s a National and international tournament where schools compete to see who has the best upcoming heroes.
UA is a university because why are them kids fighting?
Along with what appears in the anime there is:
A spa on campus that is free for hero course students. They offer normal and medical massages, mud baths, meditation, sauna, steam room, lounge, ice fountain, treatment rooms and other beauty and wellness services (yes, I'm going to abuse this).
There is practically an extra little town on the mountain with the school due to all the school amenities and staff.
Massive library with study rooms n stuff.
Lots of school festivals, dances and other events.
UA Departments: Hero, Support (fashion, tech, etc), Business, Gen Ed.
There’s home room which is where you spend most of your time. We do gen Ed and hero law stuff with our home room.
Students can take any electives ranging from costume design to home ec, Solo training to costume engineering.
Students are encouraged to try out things through electives and clubs.
There are free lifestyle classes on weekends so you can take a quick class on cooking, sewing, gardening, first aid without the commitment or worry of grades.
Everyone gets a free holographic tablet thing for the schedule, note taking and to access the school app thing.
The app lets us access the dorms if we don’t have a physical I’d on us, order at the school restaurants with free delivery from the campus delivery bots. It’s just has a bunch of handy features.
Class 1A
Shinso replaces mineta.
There are also 5 exchange/international students in our class.
We go on a few international field trips throughout the year.
There’s a pool table and conversation pit in the dorm.
Mina is blasian, Midoriya is half Yemeni and Sero is Latino because I said so.
School spirit became a big thing with the influence of American immigrants and exchange students (America ya! :D).
UA has school jackets, shirts, jerseys, etc.
The gym uniforms come in different styles and lengths to suit the wearer.
Instead of one lunchroom there are many dining halls around campus. If you’re a boarding student then food is free.
The restaurants have a certain numbers of items you can pick from to create a reasonable meal. Anything extra you have to pay for.
Some of the halls have larger portions or all-you-can-eat to accommodate for stunner quirks and different bodies.
Diverse food culture. (Indian, American, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and other style foods)
There are mini break rooms around campus for students to relax,study or mingle between classes. They have free snacks (onigiri, chips, fruit, juice,etc).
There are self driving busses that drive students to the area in 10min max.
There’s also food trucks on campus (I am not being greedy. This is 100% necessary).
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Sister's Keeper pt 6
***I have been WAITING for this one! Oh I am so excited. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I do! Thank you all for your patience and support of this series! I love you guys ❤️***
Summary: MC wasn’t pleased about being forced out of their home and into the Devildom for this so-called exchange program, however, they were pissed that their little sister Harper was brought with them. MC wants nothing more than to make sure their sister stays alive and safe while in the Devildom, but first they need to figure out why these Demon bastards won’t stop gawking at her.
Previous Part, Series Masterlist, Next Part
Amber eyes glared straight into yours from under a deep purple fringe.
Thin lips pulled back into a snarl revealing sharp, pointed fangs.
You could feel your palms line with sweat even as you glared back at him.
"Let the show begin!" Asmodeus cheered as he pranced between the two of you in mini denim shorts and tied-up, plaid blouse, as though this was a car drag race and not a competition to see who the biggest nerd was.
You allowed your eyes to skim across the crowd. Mammon and Satan were standing by Harper's side — forcibly equipped with glowsticks and cheer signs that she and Luke had made the night before. Neither of them looked particularly overjoyed about being there, but you had given neither of them a choice.
"Oh, so you finally came crawling back to us," Mammon pouted as you stepped into his room that morning.
You rolled your eyes. "I told you, it was a sleepover. Now, we don't have much time before RAD, so I need you to listen. Harper wants to go to the competition. She won't listen to me saying otherwise."
"You mean the competition that you definitely shouldn't be competing in?" You and Mammon jumped as a scowling Satan suddenly appeared at the door. "You're just going to get yourself hurt. Call it off."
You crossed your arms over your chest as you rose an eyebrow at him. "I already told you, I can't do that," not when your hands trembled just from being in a room alone with two of these demons — and these were the ones you reluctantly trusted. "I'm going to be competing. What I need you to do Mammon, is get Harper out of there the second things start to go south, and especially if Leviathan gets violent."
Mammon's head whipped over to look at you with wide blue eyes. "What!? No! I ain't just leavin' ya if Levi goes all crazy otaku!"
You narrowed your eyebrows at the behavior — For a second, you could almost believe he cared. "It wasn't a question."
Mammon growled as Satan observed you coldly. "And what about me? I assume you have plans for me in this death-wish as well, Master," he practically spat the word.
A shiver ran through him as your two gazes locked.
Satan shifted as he noticed your attention, and nodded his head in affirmation. Unconsciously, you felt your shoulders relax.
"Rules are simple!" Asmodeus continued. "The two of you will answer my wonderful questions on the series The Tale of the Seven Lords and whoever answers the most questions win! Should Leviathan win, MC will be required to attend and do all his weird nerd things for him so he doesn't have to pull all-nighters or wait in huge lineups," the demon sighed. "What a waste of a prize."
"Hey!" Levi snapped from his side of the room.
"And MC, you minx, if you win, Leviathan will form a pact with you," Asmo smirked and looked over shoulder at Levi as hushed whispers spread across the room. "See Levi? That's how you properly use bets to your advantage."
Great. The competition hadn't even started, and Asmo already had Leviathan looking like he wanted to rip someone's head off.
The strawberry blonde giggled. "Well then, we'll start with you, MC! Get ready for TSL Quiz question number one!" You held your breath, as he pulled a sleeve of cue cards out from his back pocket. "The seven lords are all brothers, and each has a specific name that people know them by. In birth order, name the older, second-oldest, and third-oldest."
A frown dug at you lips. Was ... Was he serious? That's it? Your eyes flickered over to Solomon, who had taken a seat near the back of the room and was smirking like an asshole in delighted glee.
"Corruption, then Fools, then Shadow," you answered easily. "Easy."
Leviathan rolled his eyes as his hands curled into fists by his side. "Any normie could've got that!"
Asmo squealed and threw his hands in the air. "You're absolutely correct! Way to start off the game on the right foot, MC!"
You raised an eyebrow at the excitable host. "Aren't emcees supposed to be unbiased?"
The demon giggled and blew a kiss towards you. "Oh, but I can't help being biased towards you when you're so cute!"
You nearly gagged.
Asmodeus either didn't notice or paid it no mind as he turned to Leviathan. "Alright Levi, it's your turn! Here comes question number one!" Leviathan's gaze hardened as he sharply nodded his head. "In what year did the Lord of Shadow build the Blue Palace for his imaginary mistress?"
"Year 693 of the ancient era," the otaku answered without hesitation.
But you weren't so sold. "Wait," you demanded with a clipped voice. Leviathan's stare was once again locked on you. "Why is his question so much harder than mine? That's not fair."
The room went silent — so quiet the only things you could hear were your own jack-rabbit heartbeat and your breaths. You swallowed thickly as you lifted your chin. "I ... I mean. This is a competition to see who knows the most about TSL If you're asking us questions at different levels, it proves nothing and you might as well be giving Leviathan the win now."
The Avatar of Envy smirked as he tilted his head. "Is that your way of giving up? Tossing in the towel already normie?"
You scoffed, "Hardly. I don't want your pact through a stupid trick like you made me do to Mammon before I knew any better," said demon blushed in recollection. "I want to earn it," it was your turn to smirk this time. "Unless you're scared that I'll beat you if put at the same level?"
Maybe Satan was right. Maybe you did have a death wish. It certainly felt like it as Leviathan growled and whipped around to Asmodeus. "ASK THEM BETTER QUESTIONS!"
Asmodeus shrugged as he peered over at you with what could almost be described as respect glittering through his eyes. "You're funeral," oh, it certainly felt like it.
He cleared his throat as he looked back down at the cue cards. "Okay, MC. You said that last round was too easy for you, so let's try something new! Question two! The Lord of Flies loves to eat cursed goat tartare sandwiches with cheese," you could hear someone's stomach growl in the audience. "But there is one, and only one, instance where he doesn't eat it. Why?"
You took a deep breath as you racked your brain — doing your best to ignore Leviathan's smug expression across the room. The now-familiar buzz of magic spread across your skull.
"So what is this again?" you asked Solomon as you frowned at the pale green vial he handed you.
The wizard grinned while arranging pillows in front of the television. "It's a memory retention potion! If you drink it now, it'll ensure that you will remember everything that we're about to watch plus anything that Simeon will tell you."
Your frown deepened. "Isn't that cheating?"
Solomon paused for a moment before glancing back you with a curious expression. "Would that be a problem?"
You huffed and tossed the vial back to him. "I'm a lot things, but I'm not a cheater. I like to do things on my own."
A bubble of irritation swelled within you as the wizard cackled. "Oh, believe me dear, I've noticed," he took your hands into his own and pressed the vial into your palm. "You're indepent. You don't trust others. You're used to only working alone because you've never had anyone else," your breath hitched as he leaned in close to you. "This isn't cheating. It's putting you at an equal playing field. It's not you asking for help. It's me giving it to you."
You ripped your hands from his, the vial still in your grasp, even as a faint blush dusted your cheeks. "Don't act like you know me."
Solomon chuckled, his silver eyes flashing victoriously as you downed the potion. "As you wish."
"He didn't eat it because the Grand King's mage, who is well known for inedible cooking, made it. Even he couldn't stomach the taste," you answered confidently and took exceptional glee as Leviathan's jaw dropped.
Asmodeus let out a genuine laugh — his entire being lighting up with pure amusement. "That's correct! Very impressive," he purred. "That was a tough one. You really know your stuff, don't you?"
Your scrunched up your nose and instinctively took a step back. "Just move onto the next question."
He let out a small sigh, now looking at you with more interest and intent than you had ever seen from him. "So demanding," with a flick of his hair, he turned back to Leviathan. "Now back to Mr. Reliable himself, Leviathan! Here comes question number two! In the Tale of the Seven Lords, volume 3, page 724, what does the Lord of Fools say in the fifth line from the top?"
You couldn't help but be irritated by the difficulty of the question in comparison to yours. They still weren't taking you seriously.
Leviathan gained an almost whimsy look on his face, as his entire demeanor changed. You made a mental note of his ability to shift so drastically. "Money is my dearest friend and closest companion. It's everything to me. The blood bonds I share with my brothers are like the weak, wispy threads of a spider in comparison."
You gritted your teeth as Asmodeus cheered him on. Of course, it was an exact match. You needed to step up your game.
The demon of lust turned to with that ever-present, stupid smile on his face. "Final round, babe. You think you got this?" He loudly laughed as you glared at him. "Alright, alright. Calm down, tiger. Question three. Regarding the fifth brother, Lord of Lechery, who does he love more than anyone else?"
To most the answer would seem obvious. But after a conversation with Simeon about some of the flaws you had noticed in the characters, you knew better.
"Most would say, himself," you began, catching everyone's attention. "But the truth is that he loves no one. He loves his appearance, but the Lord of Lechery doesn't even know who he is until he meets Henry. And that's when he finally begins to experience true love for the first time. So the real answer, is Henry."
Something in Asmodeus's flawless expression cracked, if only for second, at your words. His glossed lips were parted, but no words came from them.
An impatient grumble of frustration came from the other side of the room. "Come on!" Levi whined. "Hurry up, it's my turn!"
Asmodeus shook his head, a faint blush painting his cheeks as he looked at you and cleared his throat. "A beautiful interpretation and one that is correct," he finished softly. He peered at you deeply, as though you were a creature he was trying to dissect before turning his attention back to Leviathan. "Final question Levi, if you get this, we'll have to go into final death and pull out the big guns to see who really is the biggest nerd," he looked down at the cards once more. "Why did the Lord of Emptiness try to kill Henry even after all the other lords befriended him?"
Your blood froze as Leviathan let out a near-psychopathic cackle - his orange eyes alight with mania. This was it. "That's your big tough question?! HA! This is easy! Everyone knows that he killed Henry because he hated people like him and wanted to slaughter all of them!"
Your heart stopped as you stared at Levi with wide eyes.
That ...
"That's wrong," you whispered.
The crazed laughter suddenly stopped. The air felt heavy around you with the pressure of a thousand stares. Leviathan took two steps towards you. "What did you say?" He hissed — phantom pains shot through your wrist once more.
You felt your legs tremble lightly beneath you, even as you stood your ground. "You're wrong," you spoke firmly. "He didn't kill Henry because he hated him or because he wanted them all gone. He's the Lord of Emptiness," you emphasized. "He's been empty since the death of his sister. He didn't hate Henry or people like them, he used to love them. But because of his sister's death, he couldn't process that. The real reason why he tried to kill Henry is that he wanted revenge for his sister and to fill the emptiness inside him."
Not a word was spoken. Not breath taken.
Amber eyes glared straight into yours from under a deep purple fringe.
Thin lips pulled back into a snarl revealing sharp, pointed fangs.
You felt like you were going to be sick.
"They're telling the truth!" Diavolo spoke with pride from the audience. "MC is correct! What a twist!"
Silently, everyone's faze turned back to you. You gulped nervously as you widened your stance and readied yourself for the inevitable.
Asmodeus's stunned expression slowly shifted into a radiant smile. "That settles it then! The person with the most TSL knowledge is -"
"I won't stand for this!" Leviathan growled. The shadows of the room almost seemed to cling to him as his chest heaved in pure rage. He slowly began stalking towards you. "All you did was stay up one night and marathon the DVDs! You haven't even read the books! The idea that YOU could be a bigger TSL fan than ME, is ... it's..." he frantically looked around, searching for the answer.
Mammon held tightly onto a shaking Harper. "Woah, calm down there, Levi," he called out nervously — cautiously eyeing the tension between the two of you. Satan pressed his lips into tight line.
"NO!" The otaku shrieked — a sound like nails on a chalkboard that you couldn't help but wince at. "I WON'T STAND FOR THIS!"
You couldn't help but gasp in fear as Leviathan split into his demon form and began to charge toward you. "Mammon! GO!" You called out as you held up your arms in defense, doing your best to ignore the sounds of your sister screaming as the white-haired demon dragged her away.
That was all you managed to get out before you were tackled to the ground, your head bouncing pathetically off the solid marble with a loud CRACK. You let out a sharp cry as you felt the gangly demon latch himself on top of you — his claws sinking into your shoulders.
But just as fast as he was on you, a loud roar ripped through the air and he was torn off of you.
You opened your eyes to see Satan snarling over you as Lucifer restrained the struggling Leviathan. You winced as you sat up and felt something warm trickle down the back of your neck. "Thanks," you grunted.
Satan didn't dare glance back at you. "Just following orders. Sorry I wasn't fast enough."
Your breath caught as you finally realized that Lucifer and Satan were in their own demon forms as well. "You're out of control, Levi," Lucifer scolded as he held the demon by the scruff of his neck. "Go back to your room and cool off."
The envious demon's deadly gaze flickered between you and his elder brother and he found himself once more. 
Diavolo stood from his throne in the back of the room. "Levithan? You heard what he said. Enough," you couldn't help but shiver at the utter power in his voice alone. Lucifer set Leviathan back on his feet as the younger demon nodded. 
"Wait," you croaked as you stumbled back on your own two feet. "We ... We had a deal," you spat as you began to slowly walk towards him. 
Satan reached out to grab your arm, "MC-" you weakly slapped away his hands and continued forward. 
Lucifer held his own arm out in front of his brother — ready to interfere if needed as you approached. 
You had never fallen victim to such hatred as you had looking into Leviathan's eyes in that moment. 
"As per the deal, you lost," you snatched his hand into your own trembling grip and clung onto it with all your might as you pulled him closer to you. "I bind thee to myself and my command, you, Leviathan, third born of the Seven Lords, Avatar of Envy," the second you felt his magic course you — a disgusting sludge that burned slowly like magma across your skin before searing into your inner wrist — you dropped his hand. Cold relief finally washed over you.
Lucifer lowered his arm, cautiously eyeing the two of you. 
He gave you an opening. 
You reared your fist back and relished in the feeling of your knuckles colliding with the demon's nose. You bared your teeth in a bloody, feral grin as he went tumbling to the ground. "Leviathan, you sore losing bastard, you will not ever hurt me again." 
Lucifer scowled at you as he crossed his arms over his chest. "That was unnecessary."
Feeling particularly done with the day, you spat a mouth full of blood onto his shoes and flipped him off. 
Without another word, you turned on your heel, facing a wide-eyed Satan and began to walk away.
Or tried. 
You made it two steps before your legs gave out beneath you. The last thing you heard before the world turned black was someone calling out your name.
You awoke to warmth. To sniffles. To a weight curled up into your side.
It was all so achingly familiar that, for a second, you were able to ignore the splitting migraine you had, and just turned over to curl up around Harper.
"MC?!" Harper cried you hugged her tightly. "Y-You're awake! I was so scared! Satan said you needed to sleep, but your clothes were all red a-and you wouldn't wake up, a-a-and-"
You didn't say anything in response. There wasn't much you could say. Instead, you just held your sister as close as you could and buried your face in her hair. 
Each of her sobs felt like a knife straight through your heart knowing that you were the cause of them this time and not -
You shook you head, wincing as you did, to brush off the ghosts of your past.
"I'm here," you murmured quietly. Harper only held you tighter. "I'm not going anywhere. I promised, remember?" You smiled lightly as you felt a faint nod against your chest. You lightly kissed the top of her head. "You remember what I told you the day that social worker tried to take you when Mom and Dad left?"
Harper sniffled as she finally pulled away and wiped at her tear-filled eyes. "Y-You said that even if we're split apart a-a-and you weren't around that you would be f-fighting to get back to me. That we- we would always find our way back to each other."
"Exactly," you whispered. "I'm sorry I scared you, cupcake. But I'm okay. Just a little hurt. And even if I was taken away, or needed to go somewhere for a bit, I will always, always, come back to you. Okay?"
Harper nodded as she launched herself against your chest once more. You did everything you could to hold back a yelp from the flare of pain that shot through you. 
You took a moment to glance around the room and finally noticed that you were alone. "Where's Mammon and Satan?"
Tiny fists curled tightly against your uniform in response. "No more demons allowed in our room. They hurt you."
You smiled as you ran a hand through Harper's hair, wondering what kind of hell she must have given them to actually get them to leave. "That sounds like a good plan to me," as you lifted your hand to caress her head once more, a brilliant orange mark now branded into your wrist caught your eye. 
A stone sunk into your stomach as you sighed. 
Three down. Three to go. 
This better be fucking worth it.
*** This ended up MUCH longer than I anticipated but MAN did it feel good to finally get this out! Thank you all so much for the love and support and just being here. You're all amazing and I can't wait to hear your guys' thoughts on this one! ***
@thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @poly-bi-mf @burrixino @rul-of-demise @pumpkins-mainside-blog @acousticpen @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @itskrispy @10paradox10 @vallison-rea @ivoryclive @newfangled-artistry @pumpkinpatchkid @chirikoheina @sailboat21 @theother4 @todoroses @circus-of-freaks @greenlit-mess @k1ngan0n @chirikoheina @tanspostsblog @kadythethief @fun-ghoul-neela @l0v3r666 @siniy606 @porgs-are-space-puffins @nebulosalumine @attackonhoseok @darkfaethedestroyer @amaya-writes @nexxy-is-lonely @sutsuxan @hobin-gnoblin @idiotic-canadian @cubandevil04 @dweeb-central @keqingsfavbestie @marvelous-maniac @stupidwingboy @bestblob @gallantys
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acoraxia · 1 year
Mk and Wukong: * swear and fight over a pack of chips*
Wukong: nope~, I'm older, so this is mine
Mk: ..........*loudly * PIGSY!!
Wukun: * gives the pack to Wukun with lightning speed and hides behind the sofa* \___( _"•-•)|
As a result, Pigsy took the chips because they are harmful and he has already prepared soup for them
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g0ttal0ve101 · 7 months
🎶💯💤🎄😖🎮 for any of ur little shits :3
they are little shits………my little shits 🫶
TW: obsessive behavior, a lil suggestive, and implications of trauma.
🎶 - what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Sam: weezer/the front bottoms….like. mentally ill homosexuality shit. yes he listens to this shit 24/7….(he j like me fr.)
Evelyn: Beethoven? i mean what else do British people listen to? IM PLAYING-uhh probably shit like the cardigans/cults. and yes, she listens to music when cleaning :)
Thomas: Nirvana/Radiohead. yeah. it’s sickening. no, he doesn’t listen to music often unless it’s on in a party……
Lucian: he listens to literally anything. he doesn’t care. i mean like he doesnt really wanna listen to WAP or something but-yeah no he listens to whatever’s on the radio (he’s fucking weird.) and he doesn’t go out of his way to listen to music.
💯 - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
1. ALWAYS wants to be riley’s type. so whenever she was dating jordan, HE WOULD DRESS LIKE JORDAN. if he saw riley spare a glance over at some girl, HE WOULD DRESS LIKE THAT GIRL THE VERY NEXT DAY. in other words he has no sense of style himself.
2. he didn’t ALWAYS have his stutter. it developed by the time he was six. also it’s genetic, not any sort of brain trauma or anything - his dad had a stutter when he was young too, but went to speech therapy and eventually fixed it.
3. speaking of which HE DOES HAVE A DAD YALL!!! HE’S ALWAYS OVERSEAS FOR WORK!! VEGA DADDY FOR THE WIN!! and no he’s not abusive or anything either lmao he’s just a busy man.
1. yes she lived in the UK up until she was fourteen. she’s sixteen now. so she’s only been in the USA for about two years and she regrets coming.
2. she lives with her uncle alfie after the passing of her parents. he’s very distant and barely associates himself with her, but makes sure she’s well taken care of before she turns eighteen and gains all the money her parents left behind. so yeah he’s aight ig
3. she’s very good at horseback riding. (she took lessons from the time she was a kid.) however, she never puts any of that talent to use considering she HATES TOUCHING ANIMALS so yeah that ended quick.
1. had a prosthetic arm (left side) since the time he was nine. how did he lose the first arm? that’s a good question you should ask him!! sometimes it’s because of self harm and losing all circulation after trying to commit, other times it’s because he was kidnapped and the joker himself sawed it off. (he will never tell anyone)
2. he has his own band and plays at parties sometimes. the cooler thing is that david nixon is the drum player even though he despises thomas <3 but a deal’s a deal right? also it works out in the end for both of them bc thomas gets all the chics after singing and david gets all the dudes after playing.
3. a bit of common knowledge but - he has three siblings. an older brother, a younger sister, and a little brother. he hates them all equally. however, they aren’t actually full siblings. they’re all half. Adrian (their father) had babies with FOUR DIFFERENT WOMEN!! role model, am i right? also thomas hates every member of his family lmao.
1. LUCIAN WILLIAMS HAS A TYPE!!! fluffy hair, freckles, a grunge/gothic style, and FUCKED UP TEETH!!!!! GAAAAH!!! both his exes had fucked up teeth (aka sophia had braces and david was missing a lot of his), and now his current boyfriend does. (bitch is a shark.) like shit. he loves those fucked up teeth. <3
2. he has tons of scars. like. tons. and you might be thinking TRAUMA!!!!! bc yes. trauma. however, a lot of them are from him being a dumbass as a kid. he would climb the top of a tree and fall off it. he would swing on his neighbor’s tire swing and fall into a pile of hoarded trash with glass in it. he would try to pull a root out of the concrete stairs and slice his shins after he fell. he is clumsy.
3. it’s time fess up….he’s not a total skinny legend no mo. he works out and is actually PRETTY BUILT. he ain’t got no six pack or nothing but he has nice ass triceps tbh……..and that’s on having an axe as a go-to weapon <3
💤 - is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Sam: pretty light sleeper. he’ll wake up whenever he hears footsteps, or when his curtains blow in the wind, or when the fridge turns on. he usually peeks under his eyelashes and then just goes back to sleep.
Evelyn: light sleeper. any little noise makes her sit up and check her surroundings, even if it’s just her furnace turning on. she’s still half asleep when this happens though, so she goes back to sleep pretty easily too.
Thomas: DEEP FUCKING SLEEPER LMAO. you think he cares if there’s a nuclear war outside his window? bro as long as it don’t make one side of his pillow hot…
Lucian: deep sleeper when it comes to noise, light sleeper when it comes to any movement in the room. if anyone touches him, he’s up. if anyone applies pressure to the mattress, he’s up. if any footsteps are in the room, he’s up. you get the point. he will jerk awake if he feels someone else is there with him. (trauma) it’s not so easy for him to lay back down either. depending on what happened, he usually stays up for the rest of night. (this improves if kai’s sleeping with him bc he feels safe.)
🎄 - what’s your oc’s favorite holiday?
Evelyn: EASTER! 🐣
Thomas: HALLOWEEN! 👻
Lucian: CHRISTMAS! 🎄
😖 - is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved?
Sam: not even a question lmao. INTROVERT. and he does NOT let people in easily. only if it’s a pretty young woman named riley morg-
Evelyn: honestly i’d say she’s an ambivert solely because she doesn’t care about being out in public. (she cares about the GERMS.) she doesn’t avoid talking to anyone but she doesn’t go out of her WAY to do it either.
Thomas: EXTROVERT? HELLO? HE’S THE LIFE OF THE PARTY. Thomas knows everyone and their mamas atp. he’s so extroverted that he would commit a crime in the middle of the street and no one would give a fuck because he’s Thomas Hall. and if someone has a problem with him, they’ll just be gone in like 2.0 seconds lmao.
Lucian: this might be a shocker but…introvert. yes lucian is definitely an introvert. he avoids crowds, he doesn’t like talking in front of people, and he definitely doesn’t like people acknowledging him. when he doesn’t know someone, he’s not all bubbles and flowers like he is usually - he’s on high alert. Lucian only shows his true colors around his friends!!
🎮 - what are your oc’s favorite hobbies?
Sam: Reading, mostly. His favorite genre is romance and horror so he can take notes lmao……….
Evelyn: idk what British people do to pass the time…..JK!!! Evelyn loves crocheting and sewing, and designs clothes for her gf a lot <3
Thomas: this man is so talented and yet his favorite hobby is having sex 💀-no but seriously. he can play piano, guitar, and drums. he can sing. he can draw photo realism. he can skateboard. etc. etc. etc. and yet he spends all his free time partying………
Lucian: everyone knows he loves gardening, but he also likes skating and coloring too. :33
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justlarkin · 1 year
Yoritomo is so goofy fr. "What does Yoshitsune want from me??" Bro, he wants his family. Yoshitsune was a baby when the Heiji Rebellion happened and his family was separated. His father and two older brothers died during the rebellion, his other brothers were exiled to different places, and his mother fled with him and two of his brothers. He wants his family to be in his life!!! Stop being mean, bro!!!
I can only assume the boys depicted fleeing with Lady Tokiwa and baby Yoshitsune were Ano Zenjō and Gien since they're both consistently noted to be her sons, but I haven't seen anything confirming that yet because all descriptions of the event focus on Yoshitsune. The first time he ever met Yoritomo and Noriyori was during Yoritomo's rebellion. And I've seen nothing talking about his relationship with Yoshikado and Mareyoshi or anything stating that they met.
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Also, I'll say it again, I hope they add Noriyori because he's the GOAT. He refused to betray Yoshitsune when Yoritomo wanted Noriyori to kill him because of their friendship and then he tried to rizz up Yoritomo's girl when it was believed that Yoritomo died during a hunting trip or whatever. Chad behavior honestly.
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winns-stuff · 2 years
Okay this is petty to say, but it’s late and I was thinking about Lore Olympus heading into it’s new episodes and I just… I don’t get it. All the plots are kinda done and over with if you think about it, toxic girlfriend is gone, kronos is dead, no more college, no more TGEOM, no more controlling mom, and no AOW storyline. What will be left is Apollo, marriage, babies and you can easily just give that one or a few episodes because let’s be fr, Rachel did that with the whole 10 year thing. Everything is gonna be dealt with without any character development or any real message. This is supposedly a feminist story yet it depicts the story of a young girl falling for an older much richer and powerful man and the young girl leaving everything she loves and everyone she loves to be with this man after three weeks just to marry and have kids. I don’t know about you guys but I just don’t want to see Persephone become a housewife, I don’t want her to be just a baby maker for Hades and before you even say anything let’s be real that’s where this story is going you may not like how I say it but I’m saying this in the nicest way I possibly can. Persephone is literally just there to “fix Hades”, give him kids, and be with him so he won’t be lonely. He’s so dependent on her emotionally that he physically doesn’t know what to do with himself, a lot of people mistake that for love but in the context of their relationship I see it as desperation.
Hades has always been desperate. Desperate to be like his brothers, to have a queen, to have a wife, to not be lonely. He’d literally pick anyone to be his wife at this point if he hadn’t met Persephone because we’ve seen him trying to flirt with women before, it’s always giving escort and no I don’t mean to sound like I’m shaming escorts or anything that’s pretty dumb seeming as they’re literally doing a job but in this context the women he’s choosing aren’t escorts they’re just unlucky women who have to deal with him. He pays them and buys them gifts and everything and gives them everything they have just so they’ll stay with him. I’ve been noticing that, and then once he finds another young woman he does the same thing. That man is so utterly pathetic it’s scary, if you’re ever going to get into a relationship you should at the very least deal with very huge behavioral problems, for example Hades’ temper, something doesn’t go his way he riots like a child or you disagree with him and he’s upset, you give him criticism and he’s rushing out in the rain. You see what I’m getting at? Hades isn’t a very suitable person because he expects the woman in the relationship to be able to fix himself for him, to make all his problems go away, to deal with him at his ugliest and everything when he can’t even comfort and help Persephone when she confessed to him, or Minthe when she was getting insulted (badly might I add) by his own family to his face. He doesn’t even try being there yet those women are gonna have to bend over backwards to please him or he’ll go find someone else to whine to. Hades is pathetic and I despise him immensely, I hate him with the passion of a thousand suns and I wanna make that intensely clear to anyone who comes across this page for the first time. He was never a good person and he can’t even better his ways for Persephone.
Anyways, that’s the end of this rant. I’m a little eager for Saturday since I have a few things I wanna say about the episode but yeah, school is back in session as most of you know and I am running out of rants and even some appreciations. I believe I was going to appreciate Artemis next though so I’ll just use this post to remind me whenever I get the chance. But as I always say these are completely meaningless I don’t want anyone taking this seriously, I’m just stating my thoughts and opinions and if you agree with it that’s great and if you don’t that’s great too. By the way, this isn’t to bash Hades Lovers or anything if you like the man I don’t want you to back down from him just because I, a random teen on the internet, said something about it. If he’s your type he’s your type and this wasn’t a bash or anything so hopefully it doesn’t seem like it if it does I’m very sorry.
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toadstool32 · 1 year
its the sextuplets birthday! in celebration im ranking them based on personal preference <3
karamatsu < i like him
osomatsu < i like shitty older brothers when theyre not my own
jyuushimatsu < i dont even think he knows how baseball works
todomatsu < hes such a bitch i love him
ichimatsu < cat
choromatsu < at his best when insane
the nature making numbered list make it so that they all have a rank but if anything it would be like > 1 karamatsu >2 osomatsu / jyuushimatsu >4 todomatsu / ichimatsu > 6 choromatsu
now im gonna proceed to rank them as combinations <- insane behavior
i got the names from this list!
im mostly ranking them by how funny they are but comedy is subjective feel free to send me anon hate ovr this i dont care
doing this in a five star format! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
choukeimatsu: starting out strong! i love shitty older brothers! they suck <3 five stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
sokudomatsu: its ok, i like they more when they act out as other characters than themselves, they either do a funny skit or their manzai act, this one is a toss up for me! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖
parkamatsu: their shittyness and cuteness level gets balanced so evenly... its precious to see truly..... however!!! its cute to see oso treat ichi like a cat / a future ward of the state but alas its not tickling my funny bone as much ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖➖
bakamatsu: i like stupid idiots, i want more of them ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
benimatsu: oso n todo are such shitheads fr, they enable eachother to be the worst version of themselves, which is both cute AND fun ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
suirikumatsu: i read this one comic where they both get bullied by everyone else and then get revenge at the beach, (ill find and reblog later) other than that i dont think they really have that many skits together? booo. its rough out there ➖➖➖➖➖
iromatsu: its mid, it makes me cringe more than laugh, well, thats a lie sometimes i do laugh, its a toss up really, (i do like the bazooka scene tho) ⭐⭐⭐➖ I
musclematsu: while iromatsu its ichi using kara as a chew toy karamatsu is like, a chew toy with spikes, and fire and hurtful things, so ichimatsu receives psychic damage by that. Yeah that does not happen with jyuushimatsu this is like a uno reverse, these two are made or way harder stuff, and way dumber too, five stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
woodmatsu: theyre sweet :3 its a good balance between karamatsu being a chewtoy and todomatsu being the tsukkomi fishing with love letters and falling in love with the same cashier? pretty solid gags ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
middlematsu: funniest gag they ever did was the fact that they never talk to eachother, nobody has a good time here, four stars only bc its a rare one ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
wakabamatsu: are u fucking kidding me ok this one is interesting bc when jyuushi is the boke i feel like the skits run way to long, i still laugh but whatever not the point. but when they make jyushimatsu choros tsukkomi??? insane behavior honestly. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖ ➖
cybermatsu: funniest shit ever, choromatsu shines with todomatsu as his pair truly, funniest shit ive ever seen ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
numbermatsu: top tier! what do i ever have to say here they just work ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
110matsu: catty bitches, ichimatsu gets to be weird in new ways here such is the curse of being a good straight man! hang in there todomatsu!! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
youngestmatsu: they r so fucking cute, cant remeber any skits with them tho, oh well ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖
ok now im gonna do groups!! but not really just the ones i care about, fuck the list im doing numbers now:
125- i like idiots, i want more of them, jyuushimatsus fun day with his big brothers (goes wrong) <3
456- shitty little brothers represent! u cant be mad at them theyre just little guys and its their birthday :3
346- catty bitches but more toxic, this one rulez, the self awareness has left the room
146- i think theyre neat
126- this is just my dream blunt rotation lets move on
246- i thought abt girlymatsu for a bit and passed out for a sec imagine this with me
thats all!!! get out of my post!!!
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mpregspn · 6 months
jdm is 16 years older than jared iirc, so technically yeah some people started having kids at that age. but i always remember him saying that jensen and jared felt more like brothers to him. weird men with matching tattoos and their weird public behavior.
they were the moment fr fr
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