#on the dancefloor doing head spins
eggnogtoast · 5 months
albert wesker was 49? he should've been at the club
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Strictly Come Dancing
Leah Williamson x Reader
Summary: The final of Strictly Come Dancing
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"Dancing the Argentine Tango, Leah Williamson and her partner y/n l/n!"
There had always been something about the tango that drew you in. Maybe it was the way the dancers moved. Maybe it was the outfits or the sensuality or something of the like.
Either way, it had always been your favourite dance.
It had always been special.
But now, it was even more special.
It was the dance you and Leah were performing for your last dance on Strictly and you were determined to give it your all.
The music began. The lights rose.
You'd practised this until even your feet hurt, a rare feat for a professional dancer. You'd practised this until even Leah with her infinite stamina had to call it quits.
She looked good enough to eat in the suit she was wearing. One hand clamped around your own and the other curled around to lay on your shoulder blade.
You nudged her arm up a tad higher before you truly began.
You were chest to chest for most of the dance and you refused to let her look away from you even as you knew she could hear the crowd cheering when she pulled off an impressive dip that had you almost kissing.
You used all of the dancefloor as you kept your eyes on her.
You studied her face. The shape of her eyes. The arch of her brows. The slope of her nose. Her perfect, perfect lips.
She didn't look like she was struggling and you were glad for that.
You saw her draw in a big lungful of breath before she lifted you, spinning you around right as you passed the judges.
You smirked at her as she steadied you both, drawing your face closer to hers with a hand on her cheek as she leant over you.
The crowd erupted into cheers as the music stopped and regular lights returned.
You grinned as Leah righted you, hands on your waist as you greeted Tess.
"I mean," Tess said," It is the final and, wow, that was certainly a final level performance. Craig, what did you think?"
"Well," Craig said," Leah, I have to say, I...Loved it! When you think of a tango, you think intimacy, sensuality and I must say, you have done that tonight. My only critique? There should have been more! I wanted to watch you two forever!"
Motsi fanned herself. "You two..." She said, shaking her head," You two...I don't think I have ever seen such a consistent duo. Week in, week out, you put out some of the best dancing I've ever seen! This is how you win a final! Footwork! Eye contact! I felt like I was intruding on a personal moment and that's exactly how a tango should feel! I agree with Craig!" She slammed her hand onto the desk. "I wanted more!"
"I mean, there's not much new to say. You hit your footwork. You hit your lifts. You were so close you were practically kissing. The Argentine Tango is about chemistry and partnership, something you have shown you two have in droves. There's nothing to say but I hope you consider a dance career when you're finished with football, Leah!"
Leah laughed next to you.
"Everyone keeps taking what I want to say!" He complained," There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. It was the epitome of a tango. Everything was right. The costumes. The music. The partnership! There is nothing I can add that will change anyone's mind. That is the best tango we've seen on this show in years!"
At his declaration, the crowd cheered and you leaned into Leah's side.
"I mean," Tess said, noisily blowing out air," The judges are nothing but complimentary. This is a final. Leah, I have to know, how have you found your Strictly experience?"
"I mean," Leah said," Nothing short of amazing. And I've done some pretty amazing things in my career. But this is certainly one of the hardest. Obviously, I stepped out of my comfort zone agreeing to do this but I'm glad I did." She nudged you. "Plus this one would never let it go if I didn't."
Tess laughed. "We've had previous partners tell us she's a bit of a slave driver."
"She's certainly intense," Leah agreed, winking when you slapped her on the chest," Nah, but it's good. I wouldn't be nearly as comfortable as I am without her. She really pushes me to be my best every day so, yeah, I'm glad I've got her."
It felt all too soon that you were standing back on the dancefloor with the other couple that made it to the final two and Tess was reading out the results.
You stayed pressed into Leah's side, one hand resting on the one she had clamped around your hip. It was a familiar pressure and you leaned into her.
You don't know why you felt so worried. You had won this trophy four time all ready, all in a row.
"The votes have been counted and independently verified," Tess said solemnly," And the winner of this year's Strictly Come Dancing is..."
Leah squeezed you tight.
"Leah and y/n!"
You leapt into Leah's arms and she held you securely at the waist, spinning you around. You'd been trying to keep the PDA to a minimum but you'd just won and you decided that all kind of decorum was out of the window.
You crashed your lips against Leah's and she reciprocated immediately.
"Leah and y/n, you are our winners," Tess said," How does it feel?"
"Er..." Leah looked to still be in shock. "Yeah, I mean..." Her face split into a massive grin. "There's no better feeling really."
"Better than the Euro's final?"
Leah pretended to think. "Well, I got to do this one with my wife, so, yeah, maybe. I mean, I feel great! It's this one's fifth trophy in a row so I'm just glad I didn't mess up her streak."
"You wouldn't have, baby," You said, pressing a firm kiss to her cheek," I had faith in you."
Tess laughed. "Of course, winning the glitterball trophy isn't an unusual feat for you, y/n. Does it ever get old?"
"No," You said," It's made even sweeter that I've got my last glitterball trophy in a while with my wife."
Leah grinned wolfishly at you.
This announcement was a long time coming.
"Oh?" Tess asked," You don't think you'll win next year?"
"I think I'll be too busy taking care of the baby to compete."
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igotanidea · 1 year
My eleven : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Request: Can you do a Jason Todd x reader where the reader doesn’t think she has a chance with Jason because “he’s a 10” and the reader has low self esteem.
Warining: all the typical that comes with Jay: swearing, teasing, bickering, slight innuendo in one sentence
„How the hell did I even get here?!”
“Are you having fun, Y/N?!” Steph yelled to her from the other side of the dancefloor. It was Brown’s birthday party and of course all of her friends and family were invited. Poor, shy, introverted Y/N being no exception to that even though she was trying her hardest to come up with any pathetic excuse that ever existed.
But Stephanie was not known for letting people off easily.
And that is how Y/N got here.
Here being the middle of the crowded club, filled with people, most of whom she did not even know. It was like suffocating, but she just put a thumb up and smiled at Stephanie, cause was else was left to do? She was practically dragged here to have fun and enjoy Friday night, damn it.
And more to that, she was forced to wear a dress.
A dress for God’s sake! Most of the time she felt insecure in pants and simple T-shirt so getting dolled up was just too much. Very much too much.
She had to get out. To find just  a little bit of peace and air to breathe, being it in the bathroom or outside or wherever else far from the people.
It took a lot of effort to squeeze between the moving bodies, unnoticed by any of the family members, but Y/N was fast, flexible and extremely sneaky when situation called for so she made it out to the door safely, nearly tripping over her own feet at the very end.
“Damn it!” she hissed exhaling deeply and letting all the frustration out.
“I take it you don’t like it here either?” a deep male voice, seasoned with mockery came from the right side and at first she almost expired, but quickly realized it was just Jason.
Just Jason.
Not that she was having a massive crush on him, for months now.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack you idiot!?”
“Is it working?” he raised an eyebrow at her puffing on the cigarette.
Oh damn it’s working. My heart is definitely beating faster than it’s supposed to.
“NO!” she scoffed
“Whatever you say, princess“ Jason smirked  “but I don’t think you were expecting to see me here”
‘You mean outside or at Steph b-day party?”
“Let’s say both”
“Well, I never took you for a party animal Jace, so….”
“I’ll tell you a secret” he pushed himself off the wall and came closer to Y/N. too close! “I didn’t really come for Brown…..” his gaze focused on her , eyeing her from head to toe and ended flickering between her lips and eyes making the girl choke down. “That;s a really nice outfit, princess….” He muttered and she was suddenly extremely aware of every nerve ending in her body “I guess I’ll see you inside” before she could gasp a single word Jason trampled the butt, smirked at her and disappeared inside.
What the hell just happened?!
Her head was spinning, heart jumping out of her chest, breath becoming uneven
Jason fucking Todd.
Of course he was just making fun of her. There was not a chance he meant what he said as a complement. Not an option that he was interested in her.  He was a  freaking edgelord, trained at intimidating people and bickering.
So why were her cheeks burning like that? Why was there a smile lingering on her lips, wondering that maybe…. Maybe …..
“Hey you!” this time it was female voice throwing her back to reality
“Yes, you.” a tall girl stepped into the light and Y/N could see her face. The other girl was just beautiful.  Her every step showed the confidence and determination. Oh, that one knew what she wanted and how to get it. And y/n had a feeling why she took interest in her.  “How do you know the 10”
“the 10?”
“That guy you were talking to. Don’t you know the scale?”
“Oh, no, please” Y/N whined “why do people feel the urge to judge each other like this? This is just …. Humiliating and freaking objectifying!”
“sorry to break it to you, sunshine, but that’s how the world works. People judge each other. How else would they get together? There are some rules to maintain, and social status is the barrier. Simple as it. Your… friend is a total 10. And so am I.”
“Right…..” as if Y/N didn’t know that. Of course she knew that was how it worked. She was actually painfully aware of that. And familiar with the fact that Jace was most definitely a 10. His ripped body was speaking for itself, and the little scars on his face, including that hated J was only adding to the flame. He was perfect image of a bad boy and it’s no news that most of the girls fall for that. To add to that, Jason was also a perfect mix of many different traits. Rough and sarcastic, but deeply caring. Harsh and violent when it came to enemies, but loving and longing for the one that were close to him. He was keeping his walls up and was wary, but once you gained his trust you get to know him on so many different levels. Y/N knew all that. And it was not easy to see herself in comparison. Boring, average, ordinary girl. She didn’t stand a chance.
“Listen, pidgeon. “ the blonde said, running fingers through her hair, fixing them to look sexier “I’m just saving you heartbreak. Stay in your line. Go back home, change into sweatpants and chat with someone online. That’s more of a place for someone like you. Do you understand me?’
“Oh, fuck you.” y/n muttered  
“Mhm. Someone definitely will do that tonight….” The girl grinned like a predator and followed  Jason inside.  
Y/N had enough. No matter how much this would break Steph heart, no matter how much of a cowardly behavior it was, she was going home. But that meant getting back to the club, grabbing her coat and perhaps seeing something her poor heart could not take.
“Oh fuck it!” she hissed to herself again. “just get yourself together, girl. You knew that one day, sooner or later, he was going to get a hot girl. Just get that shit inside your brain and keep smiling for him. If anyone deserve happiness it definitely Jace.”
If only that little pep talk worked. But no matter how much Y/n tried, her emotions were stronger than her brain. And unfortunately she saw exactly what she was fearing so much. The blonde had already approached Jason, smiling at him innocently, fluttering her eyelashes and talking, talking and talking while he was just listening. After a couple minutes of that show, his face expression changed from curiosity through amusement and then to taunting. And then he laughed at her face.
He laughed at the hot girl.
And then he turned around spotting Y/N with tears in her eyes and became concerned in a blink of an eye, ditching the blonde and rushing towards his friend.
“Let’s get the hell out of here” he mumbled grabbing her small hand, enveloping it in his and simply leading her out.
Y/N should not have felt so good having his attention and care. She shouldn’t have let him do all that. She shouldn't have enjoyed his warm hand holding her and sending heat waves all over her. She should have told him to stay and relax and have fun, to forget about her, but she just couldn’t do any of that. She wanted him. She needed him to ease her pain and soothe her and hold her and to be with her and never, never, never let go. Stupid, selfish silly girl.
“Y/N.” Jason grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him the second they were back outside.
“Please, don’t ask me who hurt me. Please, don’t use that words ‘cause I will break under the weight of your care.” She thought “care that is not mine for the taking….”
“Who hurt you?” he asked exactly what she was fearing.  And then she truly could not hold it back any longer as her body started shaking and she found herself in his warm, calming, protective embrace, sobbing desperately, unable to form any coherent words, just crying into his chest. “Shhhh. Just tell me. I will make it right, I promise.”
“No….” she sobbed and it made him pull away and look at her.
“What do you mean ‘no’? Y/n/n? What is going on? Whoever made you sad does not deserve to breathe.”
“Jason, please just let go off me. Please, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t let you do this anymore.”
“Do what, love?”
“Stop calling me that” she struggled against him, but he was too strong and kept her close. “Why can’t you see? You’re a 10! I don’t even reach within the scale! You should find yourself the girl in your league! Why can’t you just stick to the rules!”
‘You’re unbelievable.” He chuckled shaking his head “truly unbelievable.”
“Stop making fun out of me! You shouldn’t…. You can’t …..” she hiccupped
“That is really bold of you to start a sentence like this. Telling me what do. But go on, I'm listening carefully.”
“I’m not good enough for you! I’m no one! And you…. you’re you! We’re not supposed to even be seen together! It will ruin your reputation and ….”
“My reputation….” He almost laughed “dammit, love. Are you done?” he locked his hands on her waist and it made her eyes grow wide. Something was terribly wrong here.
“No, I ….”
“Too bad.” He interrupted her, pulling her closer and she immediately put hands on his toned chest to separate their bodies. Grave mistake since feeling all that muscles only made her want him more. Again. “Cause now I will speak and you will listen, baby.”
“You’re gullible. Self-conscious. Oblivious as fuck. Why? Why can’t you see that I don’t give a damn about should, could, must or mustn’t. I do what I want. Screw the rules, which are fucking stupid by the way. Me being a 10, shit!” now he laughed for real and that wonderful, rare sound made her close her eyes, indulging in this.  “Like I care!”
“But you are! For me!’ it just slipped through her mouth without her thinking “shit, did I say that out loud?”
“I’m glad you did.” He leaned forward a bit, testing the waters, and when she did not pull he back just put his lips onto hers, his grip on her tightening, her hands tangling in his hair. She was making out with him. In front of a public premise. Where everyone could see.
“No…” she pulled back upon realizing what was happening “this is wrong….”
“Stop being stubborn” he muttered resuming kissing her, this time harder, more intensely, that sudden craving of her taking over him. He finally had her without all her inhibitions and doubts. He had her in his arms.
“Jace….?” She asked hesitantly when he cut the kiss and leaned his forehead on hers.    
“You’re right y/n. You don’t fit the scale. Cause sure as fuck you are my 11.”
“Oh, no, baby, forget it. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that to you, but I’m not letting you go away from me now that I have you.”
“Is this real?” she mumbled.
“Let’s see about that.” He smirked and kissed her again. And again. And again. Proving that this was not just a crazy dream of a delusional girl, but deep honest feelings on his part.  
He loved her.
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bigbabycry · 7 months
omg, i loveeee all your drew fics, and i was wondering if you could write a smut about drew wanting to go down on you in the bathroom while they’re at a restaurant? 🤭
Thank you baby, this is for you 🤍
Warnings: smut!
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Drew has had to hold himself back as you subtly beg him for attention on the uber ride to the restaurant. Brooke is seated next to the two of you, taking photos and videos of all of her already drunk friends in the car. With three tequila shots down, your hands instinctively slide up and down Drew’s thighs as you lean in and whisper dirty things into his ear, telling him how badly you want him, how badly you want him to do things to you.
He can’t help but smile to himself at each dirty comment and the way you touch him so confidently. As the car full of people arrive at the restaurant, Drew takes your hands in his and pulls your body against his to keep you steady.
“You know how much I love you, baby…” He says with an innocent smile as his eyes trail down the front of your dress, gaze lingering on your cleavage for a moment.
Your breath is slightly heavy as you look up at him through your mascara coated eyelashes, “I do know that.” your gaze already drunk with desire as you wet your lips with your tongue, leaning further into Drews side as the group walks into the restaurant.
His lips press against your cheek as he smiles lovingly at you. You can feel the heat in your body as Drew holds onto your waist with his large hands, making sure you don’t stumble over your own feet as he leads you into the secluded area of the restaurant for the party.
The night had only just begun, and majority of the party were already in drinking mode, downing shots, or casually sipping on a cocktail. But you’re beginning to feel extremely clingy and needy when it comes to Drew, dragging him onto the dancefloor that’s filled with your mutual friends. Drew’s holding you close as you dance with him, your hands in the air as you smile and sing along to the various songs playing.
“holy shit, I’m feeling it babe!” you yell out to Drew, your head feeling dizzy from the alcohol but your body feeling very hot for Drew, craving him more as the night goes on.
Drew takes your hand and spins you around, grabbing your hips and bringing your ass against his crotch. “You are just so perfect.” He whispers into your ear, his soft lips brushing against your neck as he breathes against you.
You feel that familiar desire pool in your panties as you grind against Drew, desperately needing him in this moment as you dance together. “I need you so fucking badly… can’t wait…” Your head leans back onto his chest and you moan out, loudly enough for him to hear just how desperate you are.
You slowly pull away from Drew and begin walking in the direction of the bathroom, subtly looking back to your boyfriend and smirking at him, hoping he gets the hint.
Once you’ve been out of sight for a while, Drew makes his way to the bathroom, feeling pleased when he finds it empty. He spots you standing in front of the mirror and closes the door behind him, locking it before launching himself towards you, his lips instantly on your neck and you moan out.
His lips suck onto the warm skin of your neck, his teeth beginning to nibble at it as you grind your hips against his hardening cock, finding the friction you’ve been needing all night. Drew’s fingers find their way underneath your dress, kneading at your ass before pulling your panties down to your ankles and hoisting you up onto the sink. Almost instantly he’s on his knees and has his face buried in between your thighs, sucking against your sensitive clit.
His skilled movements send pleasurable jolts up your body, making you gasp and moan his name. Your legs and raised over his shoulders to give him better access to your dripping pussy.
“Oh god…” You moan out as his tongue trails up and down your wetness, teasing you with each kiss to your sensitive core. You harshly bite your lip as your head tips to the side to try and quiet yourself.
Drew was hungry. You could tell by the way his tongue would slide up and down in between your folds and the tip of his tongue would circle your clit before bringing his whole mouth down onto the sensitive bud, sucking you so severely that your hips buck up into his face, covering him in more of your slick.
Your moans echo through the small bathroom, bouncing off the tiled walls and filling Drews ears with your sweet sounds.
“Quiet, baby.” He growls, hot breath on your thigh, tongue immediately darting into your entrance after his warning.
You feel it. You feel that warm, bubbly feeling boiling in your stomach, that coil bending, ready to snap and bring you so much needed pleasure. “I’m so close… Holy shit.” You whisper, bringing one hand up to cover your mouth as the pleasure becomes almost unbearable.
Drew moans against you, his tongue slowing down and driving you insane from the slow pace.
“Don’t stop.” You whimper out harshly, dropping your hand from your face down to his head, lacing your fingers through his hair to keep his face in between your thighs. He loves the feeling of your hands in his hair, pulling him deeper into your heat. He can’t get enough of you and the way you taste.
“Come on, baby,” he groans, feeling his pants tighten just from this risky act, loving the way you moan and shake against him as his tongue pleasures you.
The sensation overloads you, your stomach tighten before you release. Your whole-body jerks, hips rolling up onto his face, his nose nudging your stimulated clit as you reach your climax. Your chest rises and falls as you try to catch your breath, head spinning while you come down from your high. You can feel Drews large hands caressing your thighs, pressing soft kisses to your skin as he eases you into a calm state.  
“That’s it, baby.” He coos as he watches you try to calm your heavy and labored breathing. Your head rests against the cool bathroom tiles as Drew cleans you up and helping you come down from that immense finish.
You blink up at your boyfriend as his hands trail down your bare legs to your ankles, pulling your panties back up and helping you off of the sink.
“Felt so fucking good.” You murmur, leaning up and kissing Drew on the lips. Tasting your own finish on his tongue. Drew returns the kiss, tongues dancing as he relishes in the taste of you. His other hand slides up her pine, tracing softly over her clothed skin.
“I’m glad you enjoyed that, baby.” He smiles and kisses you again.
Your senses come back to you, and the loud music from outside the bathroom walls pumps back through your ears, reminding you of the party happening. You slide your hand down Drews bicep and lean into his ear, “I’ll make it up to you at home.” Your whispers have a teasing tone, finishing it off with a kiss and lick to his neck before you sneakily exit the bathroom.
“Better believe you will.” Drew growls as he watches you leave, eyes following your every move with a mix of desire and amusement playing on his face.
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rindough · 13 days
cw. i rllllly recommend listening to 'illusion' by dua lipa, i hope i did boothill justice here!! 🥹🥹
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OMG imagine dancing with Boothill in the middle of a mission to hunt down Acheron. The disco ball shines through the dark room, bodies of the dreamscape residents bump against one another to the beat of the music and to be honest, the quest has come to its moment of being at a constant, of being at a... perfect standstill.
"We better make this quick, been waitin' for so fudgin' long it's getting borin' in here!"
He pauses at the hand that has reached out for him, holding him in place to prevent him from taking his gun out. "Oi!"
"Don't 'Oi' me." You groaned, your colleague rolls his eyes at you. "Control yourself."
"You... Then how are we gonna make sum' progress with this task?"
Hm? He thinks, watching as you've pushed yourself off from leaning against the counter, yourself being a step ahead of him causing him to stand straight too.
"Care to have a dance with me?" He blinks, he breath now hitched at the way your question was thrown at him, words that slipped through your plush lips? Eyes luring him in with your request through the strands of your hair?
Hell yeah he's in.
Without hesitation he drags you to the middle of the dancefloor, with how fast he's moving, it's no doubt he's skilled or he's done this before... in his bedroom you guess, from the way he mutters a few "Hm. Like this." and some "Okay, okay, okay." It was a teeny bit messy but honestly? You found some cuteness to it.
It took him less than a minute's time to have you be pressed so close to him, body swaying oh so sexily with your face inches apart. The hold of his hand on yours, fingers intertwining as he lifts it up with eyes not leaving yours.
You spin, catching that shark teeth beaming right back at you when your body comes back to face his.
Man, you swear you found the cyborg attractive and at times his actions have caused your heart to do summersaults but... this? What even can beat to this moment right now?
The beat, the smiles exchanged between you, it all leaves him giddy, that eat-shitting grin breaks when his laughter fills your ears. His automatic heart swirling all around just like the way these colorful dots dance across your face. It's intoxicating, really. He wants to lean in, perhaps this is the right time-
No... no, he shouldn't.
Without a word he whips your figure out by the arm in the small dance circle the crowd had given you. One second he's chuckling at the sound of your gasp leaving your lips, the next you're both in a giggling fit when you come right back in his arms. Boothill, no matter how many times he had contemplated this thing he's dealing, will bet an arm, or his whole body that he is NOT (Read: crazily, deeply) into you.
It was baffling really, how the both of you could follow up and be in sync to the invisible rhythm you have in that pulsing minds of you two. Body pressed and swaying to the rhythm, a hand or two on his shoulder, his two metal limps holding firmly to your hips. The view of the background swiftly changes depending who's on who's side of the room now.
The glimmer in his eyes were telling, you both knew this was something... deeper. A new side of each other the two of you are finally discovering after years of working together. And that glimmer in his eyes, though somewhat unfamiliar, was telling you something, and with the slow, yet daring grin playing on your lips, he takes that as a yes.
As the music comes to hit you again with its drop, he subsequently directs your bodies the other way and you hung your head back, eyes closing when his hand stays by the low of your waist, feeling the cold metal of his palm slipping to the back of your knee while you hung low from his dip.
"Atta, baby."
His words, his hold on you, this... it all brings you a sense of security and comfort, as if you're both just regular folks coming to Penacony for a trip together. Bubbles of laughter escapes your lips, especially with the way his strands of hair tickle your torso. He peers down at you across the valley of your chest, grinning at what your mission has come to.
He pulls you up quickly.
Your laughter dies down and you open your eyes, your hair guaranteed a slight mess but that's not of concern right now. Because who you both expect to find is right there staring back at you, amused.
"Great dance, you two."
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want more? check out my master list!
©  2024 rindough, do not repost or plagiarize.
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jayybugg · 5 months
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Lorenzo Berkshire x Reader Based on the song Church by Chase Atlantic
Summary: You and Enzo are in an endless, toxic cycle.
Warnings: Language, Slight Time Skips, Jealous, Toxic Enzo, Smut (18+), No specific house mentioned, Cheating, Use of Y/N.
Word Count: 2.6K
Note: HI soooo here's another fic based on a song. Hope you guys enjoy it! Again, thank you @pizzaapeteer for proofreading and @cafekitsune for the banner. ENJOY!
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You’re wearing nothing but my t-shirt,
Call me shallow but I’m only getting deeper, yeah
Stay on the ground until your knees hurt
No more praying, baby, I’ma be your preacher
You stood in front of Enzo’s mirror, fixing your hair and make-up. You wore only his quidditch jumper, completely bare underneath. Not even underwear. Enzo watched you intensely as you dolled yourself up.
“What are you doing?” Enzo asked. Your eyes met his in the mirror, a smirk curving  onto your lips. “I’m getting ready for my date, of course.”
Enzo’s eyes narrowed, searching your face for any bluff. He didn’t see any, just confidence and determination. He stood up and walked over  to you, standing behind you in the mirror. He twirled a piece of your hair around his finger before sliding his hand up to your roots. Before you could react, Enzo was gripping your hair and yanking your head back to look at him.
“Going on a date? After I just railed you into my mattress for the last hour? Are you that desperate for attention?” Enzo said, his voice dripping with insult, he frowns at the smile growing on your face.
“Last time I checked, I was single.” You laughed, “Shouldn’t you be cleaning up your dorm before your girlfriend gets here?”
Enzo releases your hair, spinning you around to look at him. His hands cup the sides of your face, clasping your jaw. “Is that what this is about? Are you jealous, Y/N?”
You scoffed at Enzo’s question. Of course, you were jealous. You were the “other woman”, and you hated it. You were possessive and wanted him to yourself, but his stupid girlfriend was always there. Were you going to tell Enzo that? Absolutely not. He didn’t need his ego inflated more than it already was.
“Get over yourself, Berkshire.” You rolled your eyes. You attempted to pull away from him, but he wrapped his right hand around your neck, keeping you close. “Don’t fuck with me, sweetheart. You’re mine and you know that.”
“I’m not-”
Enzo pushed you to your knees, keeping his grip on your neck. “Shut the fuck up. You want to go on a date? Fine, but I’m going to keep that pretty mouth of yours occupied until it’s time for you to leave.” Enzo muttered, “Open your mouth.”
You looked up at Enzo, squeezing your thighs together. You opened your mouth slowly as Enzo pulled down his boxers. He wasted no time shoving himself into your mouth. He held your head in place, gripping your hair as he used your throat as he pleased. Your knees dug deep into the floor as tears flooded your eyes, but you cared little about the pain.
And I’ll keep leading you on
If you keep leading me into your room
The drinks are all gone
But that’s fine, baby, so am I
Your blood boiled as you watched Enzo whisper into his girlfriend’s ear. It pissed you off how she giggled and clung to him. Your heart was pounding louder in your chest than the music that boomed through the Slytherin common room. The party was in full swing, but you stood in a corner, too occupied with your anger to enjoy it. Maybe your anger came from your own stupidity. Maybe you weren’t angry at Enzo or his girlfriend, maybe you were truly angry at yourself.
You scoff as you watch Enzo's hands roam the girl’s body. That was all you needed to see before you downed the rest of your drink and marched over to the dancefloor. You didn’t need Enzo. You could get any boy at this party because you were fucking hot. You knew that, Enzo knew that, everyone knew that.
This included Enzo’s friends.
You spotted Draco’s blonde hair easily as you weaved through the crowd. You knew Draco had a small crush on you. He was a little too prideful and shy to ever actually admit it, but it was obvious from the way he stared at you whenever you came around him.
“Malfoy.” You called for him. Draco turned, his eyes low and red. He must've just got back from a “walk” with Mattheo and Theo. “Y/N.” His eyes scanned your body before finding their way back to your face. “You look good.”
“Don’t I always look good?” You teased, pushing your body up against him. Draco’s eyes traveled to your breast before chuckling. “You do.”
You could feel eyes burning into your back as you talked to Draco. It was a no-brainer as to who it was. Smirking, you grabbed Draco’s hand. “Dance with me.”
Draco didn’t protest. He downed the rest of his drink, throwing the cup away before following you to the floor. You grinded against him as his hands roamed your body. His hands found their way to your ass, giving it a light squeeze.
Your eyes found Enzo again. His gaze was focused on you, ignoring whatever his girlfriend was saying in his ear. “Bathroom. Now.” He mouthed to you.
You clenched your thighs together, taking a deep breath. “I’ll be right back, Dray.”
You didn’t wait for his response as you rushed to the bathroom. You shut the bathroom door, locking it swiftly. It didn’t take long for you to hear three rapid knocks; you unlocked the door and Enzo slid in, locking the door behind him. His eyes were ablaze as he glared down at you.
“What the fuck was that?” He asked.
“What are you talking about?” You tilted your head in fake confusion. Enzo scoffed, walking closer to you. You took a step back, your back hitting the wall.
“Don’t act stupid, love.” He growled, “Is this because I was spending time with my girlfriend? Are you angry?”
Enzo’s voice was mocking. He was belittling you.
“You know what? Yes, I am angry. I’m angry because you treat me like shit. Like I don’t matter but then you do shit like this. You’re possessive and overprotective, you’re leading me on.” You sneered at him, fed up. The liquor in your body was spilling the feelings that you so desperately were trying to keep back.
“Of course, I’m leading you on. As long as I get to have you, I’ll do anything to keep you.”
Enzo’s lips pressed against yours before you could think about anything to say. Your mind blanked as he slipped, his tongue passed your lips and his hand slid up your dress.
Pulling away slightly, he mumbled against your lips, “You’re mine, Y/N. Don’t ever forget that.”
I’m about to take you back to church (back to church, baby)
Well, tell me your confessions, baby, what’s the worst? (yeah, what’s the worst?)
Baptize in your thighs ‘til it hurts (you know it hurts)
‘Cause I’m about to take you back to church (oh, yeah)
You were tucked away in the corner of the library, reading a book. The library was empty as you had skipped your last two classes to go to your hideaway spot. Your legs were tucked under you, causing your skirt to rise as you immersed yourself in your book.
The book had captivated your attention, the world uned out to you. So tuned out that you didn’t hear the heavy footsteps that approached your corner. 
Enzo leaned against a bookshelf, eyeing you.“So, this is what you’re doing instead of attending class.”
You jumped, looking up frantically. You clutched your chest, glaring at Enzo while he smirked at you. “What the hell is wrong with you?! You scared the shit out of me.” You said breathlessly.
“Maybe if you weren’t so absorbed in that book, you would’ve heard me coming.” Enzo shrugged. “Why are you skipping class?”
“Why does it matter?” You snapped at him, “You’re not my keeper.”
Enzo raised his eyebrow at you, walking closer. “Cut the attitude, Y/N.”
“Or what? Who are you going to run and tell on me to? Snape? McGonagall? Oh, oh, oh! Maybe your girlfriend?” You smile sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his threat. 
Was it petty of you to keep bringing up his relationship? Yes, but you didn’t care. Pettiness was the least of your worries.
“What did I tell you about mentioning her?” Enzo muttered, standing in front of you.
“I don’t care. I’m not going to stop bringing her up just because you can’t handle reality.”
Enzo huffed, bending down to your level. His hands ran up your bare legs until they hit the hem of your skirt. Your breath hitched as the movement stopped there, but his fingers fiddled with the skirt. “Maybe I need to give you a reminder.”
“A reminder?” You whispered.
“Yeah. A reminder that she doesn’t matter.” Enzo pushed your skirt back. “A reminder that you belong to me.” He rubbed his thumb across your clothed clit. “A reminder for you to remember your place.” He blew softly on your pussy, grinning at the wetness forming.
Enzo shushed you, pushing your underwear aside. His arms hooked around your thighs, pulling your pussy closer to his face. Enzo took one long lick, his eyes focused on you. He watched as your eyes fluttered closed and your breaths became quicker.
“You should…We should really stop this.” You struggled to get the sentence out as you looked down at him.
Enzo kept his eyes on you, taking another long lick before sucking softly at your clit. You let out a strangled moan, your hand flying to your mouth to conceal what was happening.
“Tell me to stop and I will, sweetheart.” Enzo said, “Or tell me how much you want me to keep going, and I’ll make you cum right here, right now.”
You cursed yourself internally for being so weak. So pathetic.
“Please…... Make me cum, Enzo.”
He grinned, diving straight into your pussy. He was sucking and licking you like a starved man. His arms pinned your bottom half down, holding you in place. Slipping two fingers in as he sucks your clit sends waves through your body. You threw your head  back, your skirt  scrunching at your waist. Your eyes were closed with your lips parted slightly. Lines formed on your forehead as you desperately tried to conceal and control your moans. A sense of pride surged through him. He was the only one that got to see you like this. He was the only one who could make you feel this good.
Only him. And he planned on keeping it that way.
Even if that means fighting every guy you talk to or repeatedly having to pull you into broom closets whenever your jealousy of his girlfriend takes over. He was willing to do that.
I’ll keep you open until the sunset
Speaking in tongues, yeah, we ain’t done yet, yeah
Don’t take my verses out of context (yeah)
I know it’s weighing on your conscience
You sat in the back of Potions, your head angled down to your table. Memories of you and Enzo flooded your mind as if someone was performing legilimency on you.
You were avoiding Enzo. Anything that you thought he might attend, you avoided.
Eating in the Great Hall? You ate in your dorm.
Going to quidditch games? You spent time in the library.
Hanging out in the hallways? You took shortcuts.
You weren't doing this because you felt guilty about his girlfriend. You didn’t care about her. You were tired of feeling as if you weren’t enough. Tired of feeling like you were just some toy to him.
You had successfully avoided him for another day. You stepped out of the shower, wrapping your towel around your body. Stepping out of the bathroom, you made your way to your closet. You were too busy digging around for your pajamas to notice Enzo’s tall frame staring at you from your desk.
 “Have you lost your mind?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin as you turned around at his voice. “Oh, for Merlin’s sake! What the hell are you doing in here?” You asked, eyeing him.
“Where the hell have you been?”
You rolled your eyes, fixing your posture. “I’ve been around. Why?”
“I’ve been looking for you.”
You hated the way your heart soared hearing that. He was looking for you? Did that mean that he cared?
“Well, you’ve found me so you can leave now.” You said, tightening the towel around yourself.
You looked at Enzo, tilting your head. “Why what?”
“Y/N. Don’t act stupid with me.” Enzo glared, “Why have you been avoiding me?”
You took a deep breath as you looked at Enzo. “I’m done, Enzo.”
“You heard me.” You said, “I’m done with the sneaking around. I’m done with the secrets. I’m done with not being enough.”
Enzo stood up, his jaw clenched as he took long strides towards you. You took a step back, your eyes tracing every part of his face. He looked angry as if he was only seeing red at this very moment.
“You aren’t done. We aren’t done.” Enzo gritted out.
His hand found its way around your neck, pushing you into the wall behind you. His mouth was on yours, keeping you close as he controlled the kiss. He squeezed your neck lightly causing a gasp to slip out of you. Enzo used that to slip his tongue in your mouth.
The kiss was filled with desperation, lust, and need. His tongue was exploring you as if he had never tasted you before. As if he was scared that he was about to lose you. Enzo’s free hand tugged at your towel. Your grip tightened on it causing Enzo to grunt in disapproval.
He pulled away, his eyes dark with lust. “Drop the fucking towel, Y/N.”
You felt need and want grow in you as you clenched your thighs together at the command. The lack of response seems to send Enzo over the edge.
“So, you want to be a brat, huh?” He said, his grip on your neck getting tighter.
“No, I-”
Enzo yanked the towel out of your grip. The piece of fabric hit the ground leaving you exposed to Enzo. You whimpered at the cold air that hit your body. Enzo cupped one of your breasts, rolling your hardened nipple between his fingers.
“You’re not done. We will never be done, Y/N. Get that through your fucking head.” Enzo said, “You’re mine. Not anyone else’s, do you understand me?”
You nodded gingerly but Enzo narrowed his eyes at you. “Use your words, baby girl. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” You said, “I understand.”
Enzo grabbed your hand, placing it on the dent in his pants. “Do you see what you do to me? Nobody and I mean, nobody can do that.”
“Not even your girlfriend?” You quipped, almost regretting your question.
Enzo smirked at the question, “Not even her.”
Enzo pulled you towards your window, yanking your curtains open. You raised your eyebrows, looking over at him. “What are you doing?”
Enzo didn’t answer the question, picking you up and pushing your back up against the cold glass. You yelped at the feeling of his hands spreading your legs and dipping two fingers into your pussy.
“If anyone looks up, Enzo, they can see fully what we’re doing.”
“That’s the point. Let everyone, including my girlfriend, see. Let them all know that you’re mine.”
You heard the sound of his pants hitting the ground. Enzo teased your entrance with his tip, smirking at the small whimpers that fell from your mouth.
“Please.” You pleaded. Enzo continued to tease you, slicking his dick with your wetness. “Please what? Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Please fuck me against this window. I’m begging.”
Enzo chuckled, sliding into you slowly. You both moaned at the feeling, Enzo’s hands gripped your hips. “So good. You take me so well, baby.” Enzo whispered in your ear.
Enzo started thrusting at a relentless pace, holding you up so he could dive into you however he wanted. “Fuck, Enzo…. Oh fuck.” You moaned, your hand gripping your back. Your nails were digging into his back, the harder he fucked you.
It didn’t take long for that feeling to well up deep within you. Your legs were shaking, and tears were pricking your eyes. “I-I’m about to cum. Enzo!”
“You wanna cum, baby?” He whispered in your ear, “Be a good girl and cum all over me.”
You let out a strangled moan as your legs tightened around him. “I’m about to cum, too. Deep inside you. Come on, let it all out for me.”
Enzo’s thrusts became sloppier and slower as you both came together. Enzo let you down slowly, chuckling at your inability to walk. He bent down to your level, pressing a kiss to your collarbone.
“You’re mine. Forever.”
You nodded slowly, a smile finding its way to your face. “Forever.”
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hexgaywire · 10 months
Request fill for this ask
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I simply couldn't just ignore this I eat this stuff up man
Shout out to @mystaposts for Ike's setting idea bc I genuinely got stuck, they are the best!
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Luxiem Boys "S/o getting hit on while being clearly taken"
Ft. Vox, Luca, Shu, Ike, and Mysta
Rating: SFWish, Suggestive
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of pda, mentions of marking, violence (with a happy ending), mentions of weapons, being in uncomfortable situations, general possessiveness
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Your out at a fairly nice club with Vox for date night. Normally he'd splurge for a vip booth for the two of you but tonight you really just wanted to dance your heart out. Leaving vox at the bar, a few fruity cocktails in you head to your target. The dj was playing all the right stuff and you sway your body to the music. You turn to vox flashing him the biggest smile from across the dancefloor and you can tell he's enjoying himself as well.
You dance by yourself for a bit eventually doing what drunk people do best making friends with the drunk girl group dancing next to you and you all dance together. Then the next trun of events happen that typically happen whena lone group is minding there own business. A group of guy's approach trying to dance up on y'all. You visible tense for a moment. Scooting away from the taller figure, who wasn't your partner, trying to grab your waist.
You flash another look, this time a more desperate one, to Vox at the bar who is seething. You can tell by his posture and the way his eyes darken, locked in on the stranger dancing on you. You lean in as a courtesy to warn the stranger for what's about to come. You shout over the loud music. "Hey man, my boyfriend is over the bar glaring at you right now. I'm gunna be honest I'm just here to dance so if you'd kindl-" the asshole cuts you off. "Honestly a pretty thing like you should be alone on the dance floor. He whisper shouts in your ear in the least sexy way possible.
You sigh and look over your shoulder to Vox again who is already making his way toward you. You can feel the anger radiating off him and into the crowd. He reaches you and possessively wraps his arms around you. "Hey babe." He smiles and looks up at the jerk with a shit eating grin on his face. "I was just talking about you." You smile as he places kisses all over the top of your head, while you back is pressed against his front swaying with you to the music.
The guy from earlier audible scoffs and walks away at the pda happening in front of him. "Easy enough, I was 2 seconds away from punching him square in the jaw I swear." Vox mumbles in your ear, sending shivers down your spin. "I've seen you possessive before, but this is a whole new level Vox." You smile. "I'm sorry... I just couldn't watch some guy grind up on you while I just fucking sat there." He mumbles pulling you to face him.
He places a possessive kiss on your lips trailing down to your neck. You bit back a moan as he sinks his teeth into your neck leaving a nice bruise for you to admire later. He pulls away to inspect his handy work. "There now you're marked as mine." He smiles triumphantly. " Always have been always will be." You smile back.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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You were getting some shopping done downtown. Luca was working but texted you letting you know he'd pick you up. I was getting later and the street lights had just turned on. It was the weekend so the sidewalk was decently filled with people either meeting up with friends, doing some shopping, coming home from work. You name it, it was probably happening. You didn't mind the crowd though, it was kind of fun to people watch.
You get a text from Luca saying he was about 5 minutes out, just trying desperately to find some parking. You make a mental note to thank him later generously for picking you up at such a busy time. "Hey." You head whips up from your phone to be met with a group of well... thuggish looking men. "H.. hello?" You say back confused. "What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" "I-" "You should come drink with us!" The men surround you. You panic slightly glancing at the brutish looking men all around you." I'm actually waiting for someone! " You yelp." Great, your friends are our friends now. " One of them smirks.
"I'm actually not so friendly." A familiar voice rings out pushing past the ring of men. "Nor ' just a friend', thank you." Luca, your savior, plants a kiss on your forehead. This throws the group of men into a frenzy. One of them gets upset by this and throws a haphazard punch at your mafia boss boyfriend who easily doges it and plants one on just as rough right in the man's face. "I suggest you scram, fucking with me or them isn't a smart idea." Luca spits out.
The men scatter and you're left with Luca who is now dottingly inspecting you to make sure you're unharmed. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner. Are you okay? They didn't touch you did they? If they did so help me god I will-" "Luca! I'm fine you got here just in time." You smile at him and he lets out a sigh of relief. "I have to give you a handgun to carry in your bag." He muses. "LUCA! You're too overprotective, you taught me how to throw a punch or two if needed." You place a kiss on his check. "I'm okay, I promise." He smiles down at you. "Well, when we get home I promise I'll make it to you."
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Shu left to go buy movie tickets. You've been wanting to see this movie for a while and you finally convinced Shu to come with you. You went to go buy snacks but finished before he was done. So you waited. A group of boys, probably no older than high school age exit a theater. They stand around talking about what they just watched and you laugh lightly recalling the days you went to the theater with a group of your friends.
One of the boys takes notice of you and suddenly you have a bunch of eyes on you. You pull out your phone to try to blend back into the background but you can tell they're still staring. Husher whispers and murmurs come from the gaggle of boys one of them is pushed forward and begins approaching you.
"hello, sorry if this is... Awkward? I noticed your really pretty and." He pulls out a slip of paper he was hiding behind his back. "I wanted to give you my number... Maybe we can see a movie sometime?" He smiles. You feel bad for the next words that are about to come out of your mouth. "I'm so so-"
"Got the ticket!" Shu sprints over to you. "Sorry it took me so long" he stops in his tracks. "A friend of yours? " He asks. you to shake your head. Shus eyes fall on the slip of paper "Ah... I see..." Shu takes your hand and walks away. " Shu!" You protest! "Listen I'm saving you the trouble of having to reject the poor guy, he'll live." Shu chuckles. "you huff but are definitely relieved you don't have to reject him yourself. Leave it to your partner to read to you better than you can.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Ike really wanted to go to a new book cafe that opened up in town. He was excited and frankly you were excited for the cafe part. You walk hand in hand down the street as Ike excitedly rambles on about all the details
. "... And there's reading books you can rent out, which is super exciting because, come on it's a reading nook. " He giggles giddily. " I wonder if the lattes are any good." You ponder." I heard the food and the drinks are amazing too! A famous barista personally trained the entire staff! " He explains. This perks you up immediately.
You listen to Ike a bit more before finally reaching your distanation. "I'm gunna check out reserved area and get settled. Order me a something sweet?" He asks. "You bet!" You smile lovingly at your very excited boyfriend who dashes off to down the very quiet hall. You wonder over to the pastries cases where a young barista is working hard crafting the most delicious looking latte. Your mouth waters.
The barista notices you. "Hello! Is there anything I can get you?" You point at a few pastries Ike will definitely enjoy with you and then you order yourself you favorite flavor of latte. "Coming right up." He says with a wink. You find this odd but nevertheless wait patiently for your items.
Once your items are ready the barista calls out your name and you go to pay but they stop you. "It's on the house." You stare dumbfounded."I can't do that" "please I'm just pleased that someone as pretty as you can enjoy my work." They flash a smile at you and you feel uncomfortable. Ike shows up just in time. "Here's the pay for the items. I appreciate the sentiment but they're taken." He smiles sickly sweet taking your latte from you as well as the pastries. Ike leans on for a kiss. "Exactly what I wanted something sweet. " He smiles at the barista before whisking you off to your private room leaving the barista dumbfounded.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Grocery shopping with Mysta is fun. He's easily distractible though, constantly putting items into the cart that don't necessarily need to be there. It's like grocery shopping with a small child minus all the screaming... Sometimes...
On this particular day you sent Mysta to the produce section in hopes he could help cut down on shopping time. You gave him the list of produce you needed and sent him on his way. Unsurprisingly you finished your half of the grocery shopping before he did. So you shot him a text letting him know you'd be getting in line.
You settle into a short line and wait for your turn. A young man a little younger than you was handling the register. He greeted you warmly as your turn approached. "Having a good day so far?" He asked with the beeps of your purchases in the background. "Pretty good." You respond politely. "A lot of groceries for a person all alone." He smiles at you. You cringe. Was that supposed to be a line or an insult. Regardless, you laugh politely and slightly awkwardly.
As if he could sense your awkwardness, Mysta comes to the rescue, hand full of produce and planting a kiss on the top of your hand. "Sorry for the wait! I keep going to the organic section and forgetting that all produce is organic." You sigh, you'll definitely talk about this later... The clerk looks taken a back by your boyfriend and backs off a little.
The two of you pay and walk out to get your groceries home. "Hun you know not all produce is organic right?" You question softy. "I know that." He sneers. "I just had to come up with a good excuse to get that guy to stop hitting on you!" He wails. " He was just being friendly. " Mysta shakes his head in defiance. " Nah men are just like that. You have to be careful otherwise I'll get jealous. " He pouts. You laugh, knowing full well he was jealous that whole time.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
Shout out Tumblr for not saving this as a draft this has been a post for over a day bc I didn't wanna lose all my work 🧍🏻‍♂️
Btw my requests are open so if you have one send it my way!
997 notes · View notes
Runaway Fiancé Part 1
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Summary: You find out about J.J's love confession to Spencer, one month before your wedding. Why didn't Spencer tell you? Does he love her too? Can you get past this or will J.J come between you?
Word Count: 2,295
A/N: This was another work with an OC character but I really wanted to do it again with Reader. Also. I'm sorry. But J.J sucks. (I'll be honest I've never seen this episode because I refuse but like... bitch, you better be joking)
Yours and Spencer’s wedding day was coming up fast.  
The happiest day of your lives was only a month away. 
That’s when J.J and Spencer got caught up in a life-threatening situation and flipped everything on its head. 
You could tell that something changed with Spencer after the ordeal. 
He pulled away from you almost completely, he barely listened to any of your wedding plans and yous hadn’t spoken properly in two days. 
Now, being held at gun point isn’t something you can just walk away from, everyone on the team knows that but that’s not what’s wrong here. 
There was something else. You were sure of it. 
And it all decided to come to blows on Rossi’s wedding night. 
Spencer wasn’t himself. He isn’t spinning you around on the dancefloor like he usually did or doing magic with Henry or even laughing with the team. 
Instead, the love of your life was sitting at the table alone, drinking and thinking. 
You watched him stare into space and decided to ask Penelope about it. She would know if something was going on.  
You made your way over to the dancefloor where Luke was spinning Penelope around. 
You felt bad to interrupt them, but you needed to know if Penelope knew anything. 
Narrowly avoiding their waving hands, you tapped Penelope on the shoulder, “I’m so sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you for a minute, P?” 
Penelope grinned and linked arms with you, “Of course!” before they walked off, she waved her finger seriously at Luke, “Do not move.” to which Luke only laughed. 
You led her over to the corner and subtly gestured to Spencer who was sitting with his back to you, “Has he said anything to you about the other day?” 
Penelope thought for a moment before shaking her head, “No, honey, why do you ask?” 
“He’s barely spoken to me, danced or even talked to Henry. He’s been sitting there drinking quietly almost all night and I’m worried that whatever happened in that shop really got to him.” 
Penelope looked over sadly, “He hasn’t said anything to me. But I’m sure he’s alright, just a bit shaken up. He just needs some of your good lovin and he will be our regular boy wonder again.” She nudged you knowingly, “And it’s probably this reception is making him think of his own big day in a few weeks.” 
“Yeah.” You smiled at the thought of your wedding being so close, “You’re probably right. I’m feeling it myself. This will be me soon.” 
Penelope grinned and gave her a hug, “And it will be perfect. I’ll make sure of it.” 
You giggled and gave her a big hug, “Thanks, P.” 
With Penelope’s words fresh in your brain, you decided to just make Spencer feel as loved and cared for as possible, letting him know you were here when he felt ready to come to you. You grabbed two fresh drinks from the bar and made your way over to the table Spencer was sitting at. 
You slowed down and couldn’t stop the small frown appearing on your face when you noticed that J.J was now sitting beside him and the two were talking quietly.  
When you had found out that Spencer used to have a crush on J.J it really twisted your view of her. Not that it was her fault of course. But since they were such good friends, you just couldn’t help the insecurity that bubbled within you when they spent time together. Not that you’d ever say anything to anyone about it. 
Taking a deep breath, you shook off any of the negative feelings. You were just going to walk up and join them; you didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation. 
“What I said… I said to throw the unsub off. Nothing more.” J.J’s voice wavered. 
Spencer sighed, “Truth or dare?” 
J.J turned to him, her eyes were shining with tears, “Truth.” 
“Did you mean it?” Spencer turned his head to look at her as well, “Do you love me?” 
Your blood ran cold. 
Your heart thundered in your chest as the fog cleared and you now understood why Spencer had been acting so distant all day. 
J.J told Spencer she loved him. 
Your fiancé. 
Your brain began to shut down and go ninety miles per hour all at the same time. You couldn’t process what just happened. 
Spencer nodded, the look on J.J’s face told him more than words ever could. He pushed his chair back and moved to turn away from the table which, unfortunately for you, meant that he was now frozen in place and staring right at you. J.J noticed Spencer freeze and turned in the seat also stiffening when she saw you there. 
You were just standing there like an idiot with a glass in each hand. 
“Y/n?" Spencer called softly.  
Your eyes darted between the two, before your flight response kicked in and you placed the two drinks quickly on the table, blurting out an, “Excuse me.” and rushing away from the table. 
You were not going to make a scene on Rossi's wedding day. Absolutely not. 
“Wait!” Spencer rushed after you before you made it outside and grabbed your wrist, “Y/n, please, this isn’t-” 
J.J had also followed the couple and interrupted Spencer, “Y/n it isn’t what you think.” 
“I really don’t want to hear anything from you right now. Okay?” You kept your voice low, “Your husband is looking for you.” 
J.J nodded, knowing she was not wanted here and quickly vacated the area before it got worse.  
You were so furious as you turned on your heel and walked away, forcing a smile to anyone you passed before finally making it outside. 
You knew Spencer was following you, so you walked around the house until you were far enough away from everyone else. 
You rounded on him immediately, “What is going on? And I’m not stupid Spencer so don’t even think of lying to me or try to run me in circles.” It was freezing outside but you couldn’t feel it as the anger inside you was keeping you warm. 
Spencer just stared at you with wide eyes. 
“Spencer Reid, so help me. I’m not angry often but you’ve seen it and I am two seconds away from combustion. Now, I don’t like jumping to conclusions, but this situation isn’t looking good, for either of you.” 
“We are not sleeping together. I would never do that to you.” Spencer rushed out quickly, he knows where your mind was headed and he needed to get the truth out as fast as possible, “When, uh, when we were tied up, he ordered J.J to tell a secret she’s been too afraid to say, or he was going to shoot her. So, she- she told me that she has always loved me.” 
She told me that she has always loved me. 
You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh, cry or scream at this point.  
This entire situation was ridiculous! 
J.J has always loved him? Since when?! Where? In which universe? Because it certainly wasn’t this one. 
You couldn’t wrap your head around this. 
So, you inhaled and said the only thing you could, “And you?” 
“And me what?” he frowned at you in confusion. 
“Do you love her, Spencer?” You knew that there was a history there, years ago. He asked her on a date which J.J then brought Penelope to, and nothing ever came out of it. You thought it was over. 
But apparently having kids and marrying another man still doesn’t mean you don’t love someone else! 
Spencer was silent for a moment and then he took a step towards you, “I love you, Y/n.” 
You could feel the tears welling up as Spencer deflected, “That’s not what I asked, Spencer.” 
Spencer walked towards you, but you stepped back with each step he took, “Y/n...” he pleaded. 
You couldn’t do this. You can’t process all this information. 
You waved your hands at him, pleading him to stay back, “I need to think about this.” You rushed past him as fast as your heels would carry you. Making your way back inside and over to the table, grabbing your bag and shawl from the chair as quickly and as quietly as possible. 
You could feel the tears threatening to spill over. You kept breathing deeply to try and keep them at bay until you were out of here. 
You took one last glance around, watching the team all laughing, dancing and chatting happily, completely unaware of the breakdown that was crashing over you. You spotted J.J across the room dancing happily with Will.  
Anger boiled inside you and turned and left the room before you trailed her by her hair. 
You haven’t felt this petty since high school but that’s what you wanted to do. 
You sniffed and rustled through your bag to find your phone and calling a cab company. Looking around you decided to hide behind the large tree in Rossi’s front garden and wait. Praying that no one saw you. 
You cursed heavily and stepped back into the light and watched Emily making her way towards you. 
“Hey, what are you doing out here?” she smiled. 
You forced a smile back and clutched your shawl tighter around your shoulders, “I’m leaving.” 
“What? Leaving?” Emily’s jaw was on the floor in shock. “Why?” 
“I can’t be here. I need to leave, and I need to go right now. I don’t want to ruin Rossi’s big day.” 
“Okay, woah.” Emily stepped closer and raised your hands to stop you, “Slow down and take a deep breath.” 
You nodded and followed your boss’s instructions. 
“Now, what’s going on?” 
You didn’t even really know what was going on yourself. One second you were excited for your wedding and the next your fiancé was held at gun point and his old crush-slash-best friend told him she has always loved him and there was a possibility that he also loved her too. 
Huh, maybe you could explain what was going on. 
You opened your mouth to explain but the beeping of the taxi behind you stopped you and you sighed in relief, “I’ll explain later but, please, don’t say to anyone, not even Spencer. I’ll text you. I will.” She talked as she opened the door of the cab and slid in and gave the driver her address. 
You heard someone yell after you as the taxi began driving away, turning around to look out the back window you saw Spencer panting and standing in the garden beside Emily, looking as though he had just run around the building to find you.  
Your eyes locked and neither of you broke it until the driver was outside the property and your fiancé was no longer in sight. 
Spencer had gotten the next cab as quickly as he could. Ignoring all of Emily’s questions as he began calling and calling and calling you. He told the driver to go to his apartment, hoping you would be there, but it was empty. 
He sprinted back down to the cab driver to give him your address. 
He threw the money at the driver; more than the fare even cost as he got out of the cab and glad of his long legs as he took the stairs two at a time until he made it to your door; he couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes behind you. 
“Y/n!?” he yelled as he searched all the rooms, “Baby, please.” He ran into your bedroom and saw the closet open, and a few clothes were taken. He looked under your bed and saw your go bag missing, “No, no, no, no.” 
He felt the tears forming in his eyes as he stumbled back into main area. Beginning to hyperventilate and glancing around the room until his eyes fell on an envelope. 
An envelope with his name on it.  
Empty apartments and letters with names on them are never good.  
This just reminds him of when Gideon left him, and everyone knew how much that devastated him. 
He ran his hands through his hair and down his face before walking over to the counter and picking up the letter.  
He let out a sigh of relief as the envelope wasn’t weighted which meant that meant her engagement ring wasn’t in it which filled Spencer with a little hope. 
He ripped open the envelope and read over the letter five times before the words sank in. 
My love, I’m sorry I left without telling you why in person. I know what that did to you when Gideon left, but I just couldn’t bring myself to talk about it at Rossi’s wedding. 
I needed to get away from the situation. 
I don’t know how to process this and being around J.J will only make it worse.  
So, I’m going away for a few days. I need to think this through, and I hope you do as well. 
You are the greatest thing in my life, and I hope that you never doubt that. 
You may say you didn’t, but you hesitated when I asked you if you love her and then you didn’t say yes or no. 
I can’t marry someone who is in love with someone else and I’m sure you can’t either. 
Please think about what and who you want to be with. 
Please, don’t try to find me. I’m safe and I’m checking in with Emily. 
I’ll see you soon and I love you so much, 
Y/n x
Spencer fell to his knees when he finished reading the letter. 
You were gone, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to get you back. 
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jeysbvck · 3 months
you made a mark on me (a golden tattoo)
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welp, here it is! cody has been my favourite wrestler since 2007/2008, and i NEVER thought i'd write a fic about him, but here we are! after mondays segment, i couldn't get this out of my mind and i hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!! please reblog & comment, they are really helpful & motivating to fic writers!
taglist; @nightmare-viper @harmshake @wrestlezaynia @alyyaanna @xtripleiiix @afterdarkprincess @courtninacole @crxssjae @wrestlingprincess80 🫶🏻 (if u wanna be taken off the list or added, lemme know!!)
warnings; teasing in public, f receiving, m receiving, slight praise kink, p in v penetration, slight exhibitionism, jealous!cody (if i've missed anything please let me know!)
word count; 2.7k
summary; once again, teasing Cody works wonders.
Even from the other side of the room, you could feel those blue eyes on you, staring so hard you were sure you'd find a burn mark on your cheek when you looked in a mirror. You leaned your elbow on the bar, twirling a piece of hair around your finger as you half listened to Damian; giggling and playfully slapping his arm or chest at the right times. You could barely pay attention to Damian. All you could think about was Cody and how he was reacting to the very obvious flirting happening. You could picture his face clearly in your mind; the way his usually soft gaze would be hardened watching the scene play out, the way he'd be clenching his jaw or biting the inside of his cheek; waiting for the moment he could drag you away without causing suspicion.
The moment came sooner than anticipated when Dom dragged Damian away to rejoin the rest of The Judgement Day in the booth they'd occupied all night. You looked around the room, searching for Cody, but when you couldn't find him, you opted to join Sami and Jey, who were waving at you wildly. Before you could, someone came up behind you, and their hand gripped your bicep tightly.
"I know what you're doing," Cody said, his voice low in your ear.
You craned your neck so you could smile up at Cody. "What? I was just having a very lovely conversation with Damian." You said innocently.
Cody spun you around and glared down at you, his eyes looking brighter under the dim lights. "It won't work." He told you, and you tilted your head, pouting slightly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied, batting your eyelashes, making Cody roll his neck. "You wanna dance?" You quickly asked before he could say anything else.
He glanced at the mass of people dancing and pulled a face. "We really shouldn't..."
"Come on, I was dancing with Jey earlier. It doesn't -"
"You were dancing with Jey?" He asked, his nostrils flaring as he narrowed his eyes. "Fine, let's dance." He conceded, unable to hide his jealousy as he pulled you to the dancefloor as you giggled.
You took advantage of the number of people on the dancefloor and pressed your body up against Cody while snaking your arms around his neck. His hands rested on your waist, and he raised his eyebrow, to which you shrugged, a smile dancing on your lips. "Sorry." You mouthed, and he shook his head, unable to hide the smile. "You're terrible." He replied, making you grin.
"Oh, you know you love it." You said, massaging the back of his neck with your fingertips, just like you did when you were curled up in bed together. Being this close to him was driving you wild, and if you couldn't touch him the way you truly wanted to, you'd revel in driving him just as wild.
You pushed your pussy into Cody's bulge as you danced, and his grip on your hips tightened. "Don't tease me," He warned, his voice almost a growl. "I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself."
You lifted yourself onto your toes and whispered in Codys' ear, your breasts pushing against his chest. "Who's asking you to control yourself? You could just let go."
Your breath on his neck and your scent in his nostrils was intoxicating. It sent a shiver down his spine, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled through his nose; a futile attempt to control the effect you were having on him. His hands made the journey from your hips to your ass and you glanced around the room, thankful that nobody was paying any attention to the two of you. Considering neither of you was ready for people to know about the two of you, you were playing a very dangerous game. Teasing each other and flirting around other people, stealing kisses and secret moments in crowded rooms, sneaking into each other's hotel rooms or onto Cody's bus; it was all so thrilling, and it was a miracle nobody had caught onto the two of you.
"Baby, you gotta stop." He groaned, squeezing your ass. "You're killing me."
Your eyebrow arched upwards, followed by a smirk. "You want me to stop?" You questioned, slipping your hand in between your bodies, sliding your hand down his shirt until you stopped at his belt buckle. "Just say the word, and I'll do whatever you want."
Cody dropped his head onto your shoulder, a low, almost animalistic sound emitting from his throat. He rutted against you, nipping at your neck as he did, the action making your pussy throb as you caught a moan in your throat. Before you could move your hand lower, Cody promptly grabbed your wrist.
"How about we continue this somewhere more private?" Cody said into your ear. He'd posed it as a question, but it wasn't intended as one— which was apparent when he didn't wait for your answer and practically dragged you out of the main party room and through the hotel lobby.
With his hand on the small of your back, he pushed you through the doors, the cold night air pinching your naked arms. Cody guided you around the corner, and before you knew it, you were up against the wall, his lips attaching to yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth. You reciprocated the kiss, tongues wrapping around each other; both moaning in harmony as he fondled your breasts over your dress. You unbuckled the belt and popped the button open, and when he bit down on your lip, you grinned. You tried to slip your hand into his boxers, ready to feel his cock in your hand, but Cody pulled away, breathless.
"Not here." He said, lacing his fingers around yours. You walked hand in hand across the parking lot, towards where trees lined the edge of the lot. The closer you got, the more you noticed the large outline of Codys' bus, hidden in the shadows of the trees, tucked away from the moonlight. 
"You brought your bus here?" You laughed. "You couldn't use the car?"
Cody unlocked the door and ushered you up the steps. "It's a good thing I didn't, isn't it? I knew you'd try something." He teased, slapping your ass lightly. You turned to face him.
"I knew it'd work." You said, reciprocating the soft smile he sent your way as the lock clicked. He took a few steps towards you, his eyes boring into your soul. They were mesmerising, like two oceans you were certain to drown in, and you wouldn't mind a single bit if you did.
"Of course, it worked," Cody said softly. "It'll always work."
You couldn't wait any longer. You pulled Cody towards you by his tie, your lips smashing together forcefully, his fingers tangled in your hair as he tugged slightly, deepening the kiss. He was like a drug you were addicted to, one that you'd never want to give up.
Cody spun you around and slowly unzipped your dress, peppering your naked back with kisses. The black, velvet number fell to the floor, and you turned to face him, standing in just your heels and black panties. He took a step back and carefully studied you like he was looking at his favourite work of art. He grinned and licked his lips as he arched his eyebrow.
"Get on the bed." He ordered. You stepped backwards until your legs hit the edge of the small bed, and you lowered yourself down, the mattress dipping under your weight. Cody pulled at his tie until it loosened and unbuttoned his shirt, smirking at you as he did.
He stood in front of you, his trousers still open from the make-out session outside, and you maintained eye contact as you pushed them and his boxers down his thighs, freeing his cock from its restraints. Cody's tongue poked out of between his teeth as he smirked, his eyes dark as he flicked his thumb across your bottom lip before he lined his cock up against your mouth.
You stuck your tongue out just enough for it to brush the tip, the simple action making Cody buck his hips. You opened your mouth wider, taking as much of Cody's cock as you could. His hand bundled your hair into a ponytail and as you closed your mouth around him, a groan left his lips as he pulled on your hair, throwing his head back. You dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock, the sensation making it twitch in your mouth. You flicked the tip before curling your tongue around it,and you grasped the base of him, taking a moment to look up at him while you pleasured him.
Cody's eyes were glazed over, profanities spilling from him while he guided your head and fucked your mouth. You loved the noises he made, loved the look on his face whenever you were together. He was usually so calm and collected, so to be the one who made him lose control, to fall apart because of you, it made you feel incredibly powerful and confident; something you didn't have much experience with until you met Cody.
He found himself in a rhythm— one that you wanted to disrupt and so you rolled his balls in your hands, massaging them gently as you took the rest of his cock, choking slightly as the tip hit the back of your throat. The noise Cody made was sinful, and you weren't sure you could be any more turned on until you looked up at him through teary eyes. The sweat was beading around his hairline, his teeth almost biting through his lip as he grunted and thrust into your face.
You wrapped your tongue around his cock and he forcefully pushed your head into him before he couldn't take anymore. He tugged you off by your hair, a Pop! echoing out around the bus. You watched him lean towards you and you crawled up the bed slightly, until Cody was leering over you, his eyes full of lust. He wiped your wet cheeks with his thumbs and kissed you; so much passion in the soft and tender embrace. The longer the kiss went on, the more fierce it became, and your back hit the soft sheets, bringing Cody down with you. His mouth followed a path, planting little butterfly kisses down your jawline, your neck, down to your cleavage  — where he latched onto your breast, sucking and biting as your hands ran down his shoulders, fingertips scratching his back. His mouth then continued its journey down your sternum to your stomach while his hand caressed your breast and rolled your nipple with his fingers. 
Cody hooked his thumbs under your underwear line and ripped them clean from your body. He threw them over his shoulder and held your hips down with one arm, his other hand snaking back up to your throat. He flattened his tongue against your slit and slowly dragged it up your cunt, beginning his feast.
Your hands grabbed the back of his head, and you attempted to buck your hips, but his arm wouldn't let you. "Ohhhh, Cody," you whimpered through little gasps, "feels so fucking good!"
You felt him smile against your thigh as he kissed along the insides before burying his face back into you. "You're such a good girl." He said. "You're my good girl." He said, before flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your hips bucked again, and his grip on your throat tightened as did the grip on your hips. Cody was great at everything he did, he had that Midas touch, but he was incredible at making you feel amazing.
You squeaked as he pushed his tongue into your entrance, releasing your throat so he could caress your clit with his thumb as he fucked you with his tongue. You writhed underneath him as much as he'd allow, pushing his head deeper into your cunt, gripping your thighs against his head, unintelligible sounds leaving your throat as your toes curled.
"Co-Cody, please! I'm gonna cum!" You gasped. He chuckled, picking up the pace and your moans got louder. You were certain that everyone in the hotel would be able to hear you, and that the bus would no longer be hidden from everyone— but you didn't care one bit.
You came undone in seconds, and Cody released your hips from his grasp so you could ride his face, his name spilling out of your mouth. His kept working as you rode the wave of your orgasm and when he came up for air, you giggled breathlessly.
Cody climbed up your body like a lion hunting its prey. He needed to be inside you, to feel your walls clench tight around him as he fucked you hard. He rubbed his cock against your slit, sliding it between your lips, without penetrating. You wrapped your legs around him, attempting to pull him closer to you, trying to force him to give you what you craved. He laughed, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth and rubbed your entrance with the tip of his cock.
"Cody, please -" You whined, your heels digging into his ass cheeks.
"Use your words, baby."
"Cody- I want your-" His tip teased your cunt again and you groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. "Cody, please fu-fuck m- ohhh ffuck!"
He slammed into you, guttural groans passing through his lips at the euphoric sensation. He would never tire of any of this— of being inside you, making you scream his name and lose control at the slightest touch. He loved feeling your body underneath him or on top of him. Even the smallest of gestures; the slightest touch of your pinky fingers secretly interlocking around people and his favourite— when you placed your palm on his cheek before a match, a little good luck ritual you'd implemented long ago. He would never get enough of the sparks that coursed through his veins when you touched.
His pace quickened when your walls clenched around him. Your moans echoed around the room, in harmony once again, and as another orgasm reached its peak, your arms reached around Cody's neck and pulled toward you, pressing your lips together. The kiss was messy and toothy, and he interlaced your fingers together, sending his free hand between your bodies, his finger circling your clit. You quickly became unglued and your head thrashed against the bed, screaming Cody's name, just the way he liked; as Cody reached his own orgasm, his mouth found your neck, biting down hard before he lapped at the skin with his tongue.
He dropped his body onto you, and you wrapped your arms around his back, enjoying the weight of him on top of you. He nuzzled his head into your neck, pulling the sheets over the both of you, and you closed your eyes, feeling content. With his chest on yours, your heartbeats combined, like your two hearts were one. There were so many reasons for you to go public with your relationship, to let people in on your secret. You wanted to scream from the rooftops about how lucky you were to be the one Cody Rhodes wanted to be with. But you also wanted to stay in your bubble, in your own world where it was just the two of you, nobody else mattered, or even existed.
Cody lifted his head off your chest and leaned onto his elbow, tilting his head as he grinned at you. "You okay?" He asked and you turned to face him, reaching your hand up and placing your palm on his cheek, smiling at the beautiful man with the hearts in his eyes that were for you, and only you.
"I'm starving." You whispered, grinning at him. He rolled onto his back, reaching for a phone that was on the bedside cabinet. He settled back onto the bed, and you found your usual space on his chest. "What do you fancy?"
"Apart from you?" You asked, tracing circles around his chest. Cody laughed loudly, and you grinned wider. "Chinese."
"Whatever you want, you shall receive." Cody replied, making you blush. "Yeah?" You asked, and he nodded, planting his lips on your forehead softly.
"Of course. Always."
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handmade-witch · 3 months
Is it over now...? Part 1
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Pairing: Toxic!Mattheo x fem!Reader
Hogwarts University!AU
Warnings: cheating/toxic relationships, gaslighting kinda?, suggestive content, cursing, substance use (alcohol and marijuana) [if I missed any please lmk]
[[AN: hello dear readers! This is going to be my first attempt at doing a multi-part series. Feedback is so very appreciated!! I would love to hear what people think! 💜]]
 🎶 Once the flight had flown
 With the wilt of the rose 🎶
      Your head pounded. From the alcohol or the loud music, you weren't sure, but it felt as if both were coursing in your veins. House parties were, like every other event at the school, viewed as a competition. Each weekend, one house tried to outdo the previous. For most students, it was less about the competition, but more an excuse to get wasted with your friends. Which is how you found yourself in the Gryffindor club house that night: drunk, sweaty, and packed claustrophobically close with other bodies on a makeshift dancing floor.
      Social inhibitions long gone, you stood in a circle with several of your female friends, seductively moving your body to the beat of the music. You playfully wrapped your arm around your best friend Pansy as the two of you shouted the lyrics to the song booming through the speakers. You go to take another sip from your plastic cup, only to find it empty. So you detach yourself from the group, pushing through moving bodies in search of more. 
      Finding a table littered with half-empty liquor bottles, you pour yourself a drink. Taking a sip, a thought enters your head: 'Where's Mattheo?' You had last seen your boyfriend before Pansy had dragged you to dance, but you had no idea how long ago that had been. Instead of returning to the dancefloor, you set off to look for him, weaving through crowds of drunk bodies as you went.
      You spotted Theodore and Lorenzo and were easily distracted from your original mission. Lorenzo waved you over to the folding table where cups were arranged in a game of beer pong. "Come play with us [Y/N]!" He grins at you. 
      You size up your competition. From the obnoxious red and yellow colored varsity jacket one wore, you made the astute observation that the other boys were Gryffindors. Theo pressed the ping pong ball into your hand. "C'mon [Y/L/N], show us what you got." 
       You focused on the red plastic cups in front of you, trying to make your vision stop spinning. You aim, releasing the ball from your grip. It bounces against the rim of a cup and off the table. You burst into a fit of giggles. Theo's hand claps your shoulder. "Nice try." He says with a small snort. 
       The memory of your original task floated back into your hazy consciousness. "Have you guys seen Matt?" 
      Theodore shrugs in response, and Lorenzo shakes his head.
      "See you guys later."
      Thoroughly searching the bottom floor of the house, you climb the stairs to the upper level. Maybe he had found some people to smoke with up there; you thought, away from the loud music and crowds. The upper floor looked very similar to the downstairs, except instead of loud music and dancing, these people lounged on couches. A layer of smoke hung in the air, making the room seem hazy. Your eyes scanned the room, searching for the familiar mop of dark brown curls. 
      It was the sight in front of you- not the amount of alcohol you had consumed- that made you sick to your stomach. Mattheo stood leaning over a girl you didn't recognize. He had one hand braced on the wall above her head, and the other rested on her exposed outer thigh. His lips were connected with hers.
     You felt your blood boil as you stalked across the room. Placing your hand on his shoulder, you yanked him backward with all your strength, causing him to stumble. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You demand. 
     Mattheo eyes widen when they register you standing in front of him. "[Y/N]? Shit.." His eyes darted back and forth between you and the girl still standing against the wall. She crossed her arms, a look of confusion and annoyance apparent in her features.
     You turn on her, eyes narrowing as you cross your own arms. "Get lost," you growl. She rolls her eyes at you but walks off, leaving you with Mattheo. Not caring that the two of you were not the only people in the room, you shouted at him. "What the fuck, Mattheo?" 
     Mattheo frowns, his eyebrows drawing together. "Baby, it's not what it looks like." He says. 
     "Oh, so you weren't just sucking face with some other girl?" Your fists clenched at your sides as you resisted the urge to punch him. 
     He reaches for you. "[Y/N] you're drunk." He says it simply as if that explained your anger. "Let me take you home, and we can talk about this tomorrow." He tries to grab your hand, but you yank it from his grasp. 
     "I'm not going anywhere with you asshole." You slur, turning on your feet to head towards the stairs.
     "[Y/N] wait.." He follows after you. 
    You're down the stairs, pushing through bodies with Mattheo trailing behind you. Outside on the front porch of the house, the night air cools the angry fire that's heating you from the inside out. 
     Fingers enclose around your wrist, pulling you back. "I said wait [Y/N]." He pulls you towards him, until you're so closed that you have no choice but to look at him. His voice turns quickly from gruff to soothing. "This isn't what it looks like. Just please, let me explain." 
     You struggle in his grip, unable to break his hold in your current state. "Leave me alone, Matt. Let me go." You try to pry his fingers off of your wrist. 
     "Let her go, Matt." The voice comes from back towards the house, and you see Theo appear over Matt's shoulder. His hand claps Mattheo's shoulder, but it's harsher now than when he had done it to you earlier at the beer pong table.
      "She's drunk. I need to take her home." Mattheo growls, throwing a look over his shoulder at Theo. Theo didn't flinch, digging his fingers into Matt's shoulder.
      "Let go of her." Theo's demeanor was strangely calm, but the way he punctuated each word revealed how serious he was. 
      You vaguely registered Mattheo releasing your wrist from his grasp. You shoot Theo a look that you hope expresses gratitude before turning and stumbling down the steps of the house. The two boys watch from the porch as you walk off into the night. Mattheo shrugs off Theo's hand and pulls a cigarette from his pocket. Theo watches him with a steely glare as he lights it and brings it to his lips. 
     It only takes a few minutes for you to walk back to your dorm. You have no idea what time it was, but you knew it was late as you entered your room and collapsed onto your bed. Only then did your emotions seem to hit you like a ton of bricks, and tears started flowing down your cheeks. 'How dare he?' You thought bitterly. You rubbed your eye, trying to wipe away the tears but likely only succeeding in smudging your makeup. Your head felt heavy and pressed deeper into your pillow. You tried to take a deep breath, but Mattheo's smell surrounded you. It was woven into the fabric of your sheets from the nights he spent next to you. Usually, it was a comfort, but now it made bile rise in your throat. You felt small and alone as you curled into the covers, and your drunken haze lulled you to sleep. 
🎶 I slept all alone
 You still wouldn't go 🎶
     The sunlight streams through your window, signaling it was time to get up, but the raging headache you had desperately tried to coax you back to sleep. You blindly searched the nightstand for your phone. 3 Missed Calls from Mattheo, your screen read. You rolled your eyes and opened a text from Pansy:
     💬: 'Qhere did u gp?'
     💬: 'Dud u leabe?'
     💬: 'Hwllo?'
     💬: 'R u ok?'
     💬: 'Theo said u ent hme. Wake mr ip 4 breskfasy.'
     With an immense amount of effort, you dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom. The figure looking back at you from the mirror resembled a depressed raccoon. Make-up smeared around your eye and mascara running down your cheeks. You washed your face and brushed your teeth, trying to ignore the pit in your stomach about the night before. You knew you would have to confront Mattheo about it at some point. But right now, you just wanted to survive your wicked hangover.
     When you open your door to head to Pansy's room, you almost trip over the sleeping figure lying in the hallway. 
     "Mattheo, what the fuck are you doing out here?" You ask incredulously. You placed your hands on your hips and stared down at him.
     At the sound of your voice, Mattheo awoke with a start. "[Y/N]?" he mumbled, voice clouded by sleep and his own hangover. 
     "I'm not doing this right now." You grumbled, holding your hands in front of yourself defensively.
     Reaching for your hand, Mattheo sat up. You jerked your arm away, crossing them over your chest. "Please, sweetheart, just.. just hear me out." He looked up at you with those brown eyes that made your stomach do backflips. You averted your gaze, knowing that looking into his eyes made you weak-- vulnerable-- to his every whim. "We were all drunk, okay? And she... she came out of nowhere and kissed me." 
     "That's not what it looked like from where I was standing." You furrowed your eyebrow, glaring at him. The memory of last night was fuzzy and muddled, but the picture of Mattheo kissing someone else was burned into your mind.
     He got to his feet, trying to reach for you and take you in his arms. "You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you baby." The way his eyes softened and the pleading tone of his voice made your heart ache and your knees feel weak. "You're the only girl for me."
     And when Mattheo wrapped his arms around you, you thought that if he hadn't, you might have collapsed. He bent his head, using his finger to tilt your chin up towards him. His lips were only inches from your own. "It was a mistake," he whispered, "please forgive me." And with a passionate kiss, he sealed your forgiveness of him. 
    Mattheo pulled you flush against him. His hands trailed down your back, sending shivers down your spine as his mouth moves against yours. You gasp as he grips the back of your thighs, lifting you up. Your legs automatically wrap around his waist, and his tongue delves into your mouth. The anger that you felt in your gut morphed into hot, burning desire as he kissed you. He steps further into your dorm room. When his knees hit the edge of your bed, he drops you onto the mattress. Its just second before he's on you again, lips moving from yours across your jaw and down your throat.  
      His hands are all over your body, lighting your skin ablaze with their touch. The trail down your sides, coming to rest at your hips, where his fingers danced against the waistband of your pants. He was captivating, addictive, and now you were beneath him like a junkie searching for his next high. He sucks and bites at the sweet spot on your throat, causing you to let out a moan. His breath is hot against your skin as he whispers,
      "Let me show you how much you mean to me."
Read Part 2 here
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theunderestimator-3 · 4 months
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The Underestimator Mixtapes - Post Punk Dancefloor
Two hours of mostly-'80s post punk, new wave & funk/disco/jazz-related sounds guaranteed to spin you round like a record.
Available for online streaming on Mixcloud:
Download as separate mp3 tracks in a zip file on Mediafire or Mega:
[Don’t be alarmed if you are denied access: In case you get the error message “Permission Denied” prompting you to download a copyrighted song via Amazon or sth, you should be aware that this is a Mediafire trick to discourage you from downloading when the uploaded file includes copyrighted material, so they can appear legit in the eyes of the copyright holders. If you close the tab and try a couple of times or more, the link will eventually appear (don’t refresh the mediafire page, it doesn’t work that way, just open the link from the underestimator post to a new tab, then close it and re-open it in a new tab a couple of times or more).]
Download some more playlists posted on The Underestimator Mixtapes series, here.
Lost In Music (Sister Sledge cover) – The Fall (1993)
Adolescent Sex – Japan (1978)
Heart Of Song – Josef K (1981)
Do The Du (Casse) – A Certain Ratio (1980)
We Got Soul - Big Boys (1982)
Shoot You Down – APB (1981)
Tear You Apart – She Wants Revenge (2005)
OBCT –Sleaford Mods (2020)
Heart & Soul - Joy Division (1980)
Optimo – Liquid Liquid (1983)
Same Beat – Marine (1982)
(secret track)
UFO – ESG (1981)
Wipeout Beat – Alan Vega (1983)
Nerve – Shriekback (1984)
Funky Stuff (Kool & The Gang cover) – Lizzy Mercier Descloux (1982)
The Comb – The Waitresses (1978)
You Fascinate Me – The Offs (1980)
Crosseyed & Painless – Talking Heads (1980)
Overpowered By Funk – The Clash (1982)
Black Arabs – Black Arabs (1979)
You’Re My Kind Of Climate – Rig Rig & Panic (1982)
Black Leather - Nightmares In Wax (1985)
Love Song – Simple Minds (1981)
Bostich – Yello (1981)
Der Mussolini – DAF (1981)
Some Aspects – Chain Of Command (1983)
The Night Watch – The Bellewether Syndicate (2012)
50:50 – Sad Lovers & Giants (1984)
I Found That Essence Rare – Gang Of Four (1979)
Super – NEU! (1973)
(Cover photo: dancing in the early-'80s at Duke’s in Austin, Texas, by Ben Desoto).
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gavisfanta · 3 months
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summary: pedri has things to hide
warnings: cursing, tiny bit of smut
[PEDRI:] I love you 02.27 am
[PRINCESA:] Pedri? 09.29 am
"What are you doing?" Pedri asked just as you wanted to stand up and go upstairs.
"I wanna go to bed, I'm tired." You hummed and he pulled you back onto the couch. He then pulled you on top of his leg so that your legs were sideways over his.
"Or we could go to a party, Balde's friend owns a nightclub and me and the boys planned to go there, I'd like you to come too." Pedri put his hands onto your hips and you groaned.
"I'm so tired tho,"
"It's okay, I'll stay at home too then." He mumbled but you shook your head while you yawned.
"No, you can go, it's okay. I won't wait until you get home tho." You told him and he gave you a look.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be mad after." He raised his eyebrows at you as you smiled.
"No, its okay, you can go, have fun. Don't drink too much tho." You kissed his lips and then got off his lap again.
"I love you, have a goodnight." He told you and you just gave him a smile while walking up the stairs.
"Come on, don't be a loser." Balde pushed another glass towards Pedri but he just shook his head.
"Nah, I won't." He laughed but then everyone started saying his name in sync.
"Pedri! Pedri! Pedri! Pedri! Pedri!"
So in the end he took the shot glass and downed the hard liquid in a matter of three seconds. His throat burned not only with the alcohol but with regret too. He shouldn't have drank that, he shouldn't push his limits because of others.
Not even 10 minutes later he was drunk, so drunk that he for sure didn't know what he was doing.
He was sitting in bar because he ordered himself some water when a girl walked up to him and stood next to him.
"What are you doing here? So alone? Girlfriend didn't wanna come?" Pedri scanned her with his eyes. Long black hair, a shit amount of make up and very revealing dress. The black dress wasn't even reaching the middle of her thigh, if she would have leaned over, her ass would have probably been seen.
"Yeah, she was tired" Pedri smiled a little and the girls expression changed. She nodded her head as she held her hand out for Pedri to shake.
"I'm Lorena, nice to meet you" Pedri shook her head and just nodded his head.
"Pedri" He informed her and then she nodded her head as she tilted her head to the right.
"Do you wanna come to the dancefloor? I'm alone and I have no one to dance with." She made a bit of a sad face and Pedri groaned as he stood up and nodded his head.
"So you have a girlfriend?" The girl asked him as she stood in front of him, holding him by his bicep.
"Mhm" He nodded his head and then put his hands on the shoulders of the woman in front of him. She grabbed his ankles and moved down his hands to her own waist.
"You know what, let's just sit down." Pedri nodded his head towards the bar again. Lorena gave him the fakest smile she could have ever imagined to make and followed him.
As he sat down he groaned, his head was spinning and he could already feel the headache coming in.
"Come on, lets go and drink some water, I can see that your head's hurting" She jumped off the stool again and started walking away. Lorena stopped however as soon as she realized Pedri was still sitting down. He took another shot and downed it pretty quickly.
Maybe the pain would dissappear then.
However, Lorenas cheeks rises up as Pedri then jumped off the stool too. At this point the alcohol was too much for him.
The way he couldn't think clearly and everything was spinning. He managed to walk to the single use bathroom with Lorena and she pushed him inside.
He watched as she looked the door, not thinking much of it he also watched her walk over to the counter and sit down on top of it.
She invited him closer by waving her hands. Pedri stepped closer to her and she pulled him into a kiss.
A kiss at first, it quickly turned into a make out session, it became very dangerous tho when Lorena pushed up her dress so that her black thing was revealed to Pedri.
He looked down for a second, her hand sliding down his abs and pressing onto his semi hard dick.
Sooner than he knew, his dick was in her hand, pushing it inside of herself. He was silent as he watched her.
'Is this rape? I'm in control tho, I could just pull away, run outside, before it's too late, it probably is too late already, let's just get the job done, my head hurts too much for this'
Pedri's head was full, but still so empty. He then started moving his hips back and fourth as he couldn't help but get an erection which he would gladly get rid of.
So he thrusted into her, pushing her back on the counter, her moans filling the bathroom as Pedri's expression was emotionless. He furrowed his brows, looking almost angrily at himself while he pushed inside of her again.
Then he finished, his head sunk as he breathed heavily. "I'm sorry" He muttered under his breath and Lorena then caressed his cheek with her thumb.
His head shot up as soon as she touched his skin. He hit away her hand and pulled his pants back up and then stormed out the bathroom.
He walked towards Gavi who was talking to a blonde girl. "Gavi, I need help, I fucked up bad." Pedri immediately told Gavi, grabbing his shirt.
"Dude, I'm kind of in the middle of something-" He pointed at the girl in front of him but Pedri shook his head.
"No, I fucked up, I need help." Pedri said, his eyes almost watering. Gavi looked at him for a couple of seconds and then nodded a goodbye to the girl.
Pedri then began to push Gavi outside of the club. "You need to drive me home. Please- no actually, let me stay at your house." Pedri was talking way too fast as Gavi and him sat inside the car.
Luckily Gavi didn't frink anything so he was able to drive. "Dude, shut up for a second. What happened?" he buckled in his seatbelt and then looked at Pedri to his right.
"Fuck, FUCK," Pedri yelled and hit the seat. Gavi then looked at him while he raised his eyebrows. "She's gonna kill me." Pedri burried his face in his hands.
Gavi suddenly realized. "Don't tell me you fucked that girl" Gavi mumbled and looked at Pedri brush his hair back with his fingers.
"I didn't want to, I swear, I love her. My god she's never gonna forgive me." Pedri mumbled while rubbing his eyes.
"Look, I'll let you sleep at my house, then you'll go and talk to her." Gavi tried to remain calm. Pedri nodded his head and after he calmed down a bit, gavi started to drive to his own house.
Pedri's thoughts were racing, suddenly he didn't feel drunk anymore. He just felt sick, he wanted to throw up, he wasn't the cheating kind of type.
So he pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked onto your contact. He texted you the only thing he coukd think of.
[PEDRI:] I love you.
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biteofcherry · 2 years
but mafia!steve PLS 🫠🔥🫠🔥😌
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mafia!Steve Rogers x female reader
warnings: soft!dark Steve Rogers; mafia!Steve Rogers; possessive behavior; forced relationship; unplanned pregnancy; 
~ * ~
With a smile on your face, you tucked the envelope inside your handbag. A precious picture you were so scared to see at first, but now it filled you with warmth and love. 
Well, your morning sickness definitely didn’t fill you with any positive feelings, but the doctor said they should lessen in a few weeks, once you start your second trimester. It was all still so new, so fragile to consider its development. But you already hoped for the best. 
You tossed into the bin the paper towels with which you wiped the ultrasound gel off your belly and put your jacket on. The nurse waiting outside smiled at you, gave you a stack of leaflets and a list of necessary appointments.
She directed you to the main reception, so you could book the next needed one. 
Just as you were writing down in your calendar the date of the next ultrasound, the lady behind the desk remembered something and said to you:
“Oh, I almost forgot! Your husband is waiting for you outside.”
You stared at her, confused. She had to mistake you for someone else, clearly.
“Husband? I don’t-”
“Yes.” She beamed. “Handsome fellow, but it seems he’s just as scared of clinics as the rest of men.” She laughed.
“You sure he’s here for me?” You asked hesitantly, an idea of who might it be already forming in your head. Terrifying you. 
“I’m sure. He gave all the information on you.” The woman’s face flashed solemn, her tone professional as she assured you of the thorough check. “I admit, even my own mom sometimes forgets what year I was born in.” 
“Thank you.” You forced out a smile, but your heart was hammering in fear.
You have no idea how he found you. Even less how he got so much detailed information about you. But then again, you shouldn’t be surprised now that you knew who he was.
Steven Grant Rogers. 
The ruthless head of the New York mafia who was more lethal than a viper already sinking its teeth in your ankle. 
And who, to you, was just a very hot man you hooked up with a month and half ago. 
You met Steve in a fancy club your friends booked a booth at - apparently it was a club so exclusive getting a booth in it was nearly impossible. Now you understood why. 
You’re not sure why you caught his attention when there were so many beautiful women in the place that night. But three flutes of Prosecco in and you were bolder than usual. You agreed to accompany him in his VIP booth while your friends went crazy on the dancefloor.
He disarmed you with his focus on you, his eyes never straying to any other woman. A charming gentleman who made you melt with the few moments of movie-like fairytale feeling. 
And when he whispered into your ear how he wants to eat you out until you pass out from pleasure, you almost spread your legs for him right there in the club.
Steve took you to his place - an elegant penthouse, in a building you later learned belonged to him. A one night stand turned into whole weekend of him fucking you senseless and spoiling you with fancy food delivered to his apartment. 
He also made you do the most depraved things; no one else has ever made you come just from fingering your ass and talking dirty to you. 
Like he promised each time he was buried in your cunt, Steve filled you to the brim. 
You leaked his cum even as you got home late on a Sunday afternoon - Steve’s driver dropping you off in front of your modest flat. 
The result of his filling woke you up a few weeks later, making you vomit your guts out each morning. With your period being unusually late there was only one explanation. 
At first, after you confirmed the pregnancy with your doctor, you planned on telling Steve. One night or not, he had a right to know. But you didn’t have his number, nor did you remember the exact address where he lived. So you googled him.
And the articles made your head spin. 
You thought it’s a misunderstanding. Just a coincidence, but then one of your friends complained to you about her boyfriend - a cop - being angry that you went to a mob-owned club. 
Further prodding revealed that The Shield club belonged to Steven Rogers himself.
You could no longer fool yourself with coincidences and similar names. In an instant you made a decision to never put your foot anywhere near the club and to hide from everyone who exactly was your baby’s co-creator. 
So as you kept it to yourself, building a lie (not so far from the truth) about it being a result of a reckless one night stand, you started to forget about the real father. Sometimes you even calmed yourself by repeating he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with it anyway. 
But there couldn’t be anyone else claiming to come for you by posing as your husband. And Steve had the influence to learn all the details about you, if he wished. 
You cast a glance at the main entrance. He was waiting for you there. To do who knows what to you. 
If he didn’t want the baby being born and you refused to get rid of it… a man like him would simply get rid of you to erase the problem.
Perhaps you didn’t stand a chance against the power of someone like Steve Rogers, but you could try saving yourself and postponing the inevitable. For a little while, at least.
Pivoting on your heel, you went in the opposite direction. You didn’t know if there’s a back exit and you feared asking anyone, but the restroom you used earlier had a window facing the park and it was only on the high ground floor, so the risk was minimal.  
You smiled at a woman who was washing her hands when you entered and pretended to lock yourself in the stall. When you heard the door closing after her, you left the stall and opened the window. 
You dropped your bag first, then sat on the windowsill and swung your legs over it. Carefully, you lowered yourself down, hands clutching onto the edge. You took a deep breath and let go, landing softly on your feet without much trouble. 
“Shouldn’t be doing that in your state, sweetheart.” 
A smooth voice startled you. 
A familiar voice.  
You could still recall the praises he moaned in your ear when you trembled beneath him. 
You turned around sharply, heart jumping to your throat as you faced him. 
Steve stood a few steps away from you, his back resting against the side of the sleek, black car parked on the sidewalk. Dark aviators shaded his blue eyes, but you knew he was watching you like a hawk, ready to react if you fled. 
You frowned, surprised to see him here, considering the receptionist told you your husband was waiting at the front. 
You looked in the direction where he was supposed to be. Steve’s chuckle drew your attention back to him.
“Fawns like you are predictable.” He said with a smirk. 
“Now, come on,” he called your name as he moved to the side, opening the car door, “get inside.”
You didn’t even stir. You simply couldn’t, frozen in place out of fear and shock. A thought of running passed through your mind, but you were never a fast runner and you predicted Steve would be more pissed if he had to chase you. 
That he would catch you was undeniable. With his long legs and stamina that drove you into almost passing out a few times.
Steve sighed when you didn’t follow his order. 
Unhurriedly, he walked over to where you trembled, plastered against the coarse, concrete siding of the building. He crouched down to pick your bag then slowly straightened. 
Fuck, you didn’t remember him being this tall and broad. 
Steve slid his aviators down to the tip of his nose, his icy blue eyes piercing through you. He traced the shell of your ear with a single digit, then trailed it along your jaw. He pinched your chin between his thumb and forefinger before saying firmly:
“Get in the fucking car, sweetheart.” 
This time you obeyed. He gave you no other choice as he guided you with his hand pressed against the small of your back. 
You slid onto the backseat, curling in the corner against the opposite door. Steve got in right behind you. The moment he closed the door on his side the locks clicked in, trapping you inside with him. 
The partition between you and the driver was pulled up, though you assumed Steve’s men were loyal to him enough not to react to a woman screaming for help. 
“How do you find this clinic?” Steve simply asked, dropping your handbag on the seat on his other side. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to reach it without having to pass him. 
“What?” You stared up at him, confused. 
“I’ve heard it’s good, but I can get you into a top-shelf place.” While you were tense and strung up, Steve sat next to you completely relaxed. He took his sunglasses of, spread his legs wider.
You wrapped your arms protectively around your midsection, tears stung beneath your eyelids as you considered the potential meaning of his words.
“I’m keeping the baby!” you blurted out. Right that instant you knew you were ready to fight till your last breath to save your child.
Steve cocked his head to the side as he looked at you, a twisted warmth filling his eyes and making his smile even more charming.
“As you should.” He praised you. 
He reached for you, wrapping an arm around your back and pulling you to his side. With his other hand he swatted your arms away from your belly and spread his fingers over the curve that would soon start swelling.
“You’ll give me more, too.” Steve hummed, his eyes glued to where his hand laid. 
You were speechless. Initial fear of being forced to lose the baby turned into a completely new terror. 
Steve’s words didn’t cut your life short, but they built a long, gilded-cage waiting for you.   
“It’s about time I started nesting.” Steve chuckled, his hand moving to cup your chin and tilt your head back. “I don’t mind doing it with a sweet, little bird like you.” 
He pressed his lips against yours gently, almost sweetly, as if he was a tender lover doting on his beloved. Then his tongue teased the seam of your mouth. When you didn’t open right away he bit your bottom lip, making you gasp and forcing his tongue inside. 
You told yourself it was fear and adrenaline, but your nipples hardened and your pulse quickened. 
“First things first-” Steve pulled away. 
He took one of your hands and brought it to his lips, peppering kisses on each of your knuckles.
“We have to get you an engagement ring and order wedding bands as well.” 
“Steve, I don’t understand-” your heart pounded so fast it rushed blood to your head and made you dizzy. 
He intertwined your fingers and brought your clasped hands to his chest, just as he slipped his other hand to grip the back of your neck firmly.
“You’re mine.” He announced without remorse. “You became mine the moment I took you home. Now you’re going to be mine in every other way.”
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spiderlilydreams · 5 months
Meeting Some Phantom Troupe Men At a Party
(Part 1)
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Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, drugs, sexual themes but no full on smut, and suicide mention that goes along with one of the short fics
Feitan -
You go out onto the balcony of the large penthouse for some fresh air. Feitan has been out there the whole time by himself, just overlooking the city. You both can hear the faint music and the sounds of the city. It's dark, but you're both illuminated by neon lights from inside the party every so often. Feitan was messing around with his umbrella, just waiting for the night to be over. You walked to look over the balconies railing, but you looked a little too far off the edge. Feitan came closer to you, interested in what you might do. You both just stared at each other for a while, not really talking. Then you spoke up, trying to explain the reason why you were looking over the edge, and Feitan listened to you, interested a bit as you spoke. The rest of the night, you did most of the talking, and Feitan listened, not speaking once. Surprisingly, Feitan didn't leave or tell you to leave. He just quietly listened to you. It was just you and him, the cool breeze, bustling city, and lights around you both, sharing a moment with just the two of you. You both were thankful to be outside the party together.
Phinks -
Phinks was at the bar, sipping on some hard liquor, egging on arm wrestling, and fights going on around him. You were the bartender for the night, refilling his drink as he yelled at the guy's, the music loud and pounding. He stared at you a lot, and you stared back. Every once in a while, you served him free booze. He caught on and tried flirting with you, but you both could not hear each other. After a while of the frustration, you both met up in one of the random bedrooms, a steamy make-out session erupting. The room felt private, and cozy, dim modern lighting around you both, the faint sound of music in the background, penthouse window illuminating you both by the city lights dazzling outside. Phinks tasted of hard liquor and was a rough kisser, but somehow gentle and almost sweet in the session.
Hisoka -
Hisoka was the host of the party. He has a couple of penthouses he owns. You met him in a game of spin the bottle. He looked at you seductively as he went to spin the bottle for his turn. It landed on you. Hisoka initiated, standing up and walking towards you as you sat on the rug. He was smiling devilishly. He bent down, putting his finger under your chin and tilting your head upwards. The kiss was intense, and the other people playing the game didn't notice because they were drunk and high off their asses. You melted into the kiss, hungry tongues fighting for dominance. Hisoka picked you up and called you the "lucky princess~" of the night, carrying you into his master bedroom. After your intense time together, he drew a bath in his large jacuzzi, and you both shared a intimate moment washing each other, laughing, sipping on wine, candles lit, the crazy party just right outside the master bathroom. It was just you two in your own bubbly world. The rest of the night, if any drunk person accidently opened the door, Hisoka teased them by offering them to join the both of you.
Chrollo -
Chrollo was in the corner of the dancefloor, sipping expensive liquor, observing. He saw you dancing with your friends, rocking your hips seductively, not a care in the world. You did not notice him watching you. He gained more interest in your carefree, lighthearted seeming nature and approached you. You were a bit surprised, but then before you could say anything, he stole you away from your friends, dancing with you where your bodies were close to one another. You felt nervous but excited because he's so charming and mysterious. As you both danced a few more songs, the music shaking the dancefloor, blinding lights flashing erratically, he picked you up, wanting to give you a more intimate experience. Your friends giggled as they watched him pick you up and then carry you off like he was a prince. When you both arrived in what looked to be an office, Chrollo hoisted you up on the desk, kissing you passionately. Then, after kissing for a bit, he asked you about something he had been wanting to try. You eagerly agreed, and he lifted you up again, asking if you trust him. When you said you did, he pushed your back up against the large window of the office that elongated to the floor, still carrying you in his arms. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. The tall skyscraper had a beautiful view of the whole neon city behind you, the office lighting moody, as you kissed Chrollo passionately in his arms, holding onto him tightly as he did the same to you. It was just him and you against the world.
Illumi -
Illumi was observing the city from a large window in the main area of the penthouse. Lots of people were around him, but he zoned them out, just zoning in on the view. You stumbled over to him, a bit drunk and also crying, accidentally almost falling onto him. Illumi caught you almost robotically, shocked by the situation. You hugged his arm, sobbing over something in your life, and Illumi just pet you like you were a strange creature. After a while of crying onto Illumi's arm, you sat next to him, apologizing and thanking him. You both picked up conversation, which consisted mostly of you just venting about your life and Illumi listening. You drank more alcohol much to Illumi's dismay, but he secretly enjoyed the company and entertainment. After drinking far too much, you fell asleep on Illumi, a huge smile on your face. Illumi petted you as you slept like you were a cat, looking out at the bustling city through the window again, this time a faint smile tugging on his lips.
Uvo -
You attempted a drinking game with Uvo, you both yelling for more beer as you both chugged away. Uvo complimented you by yelling, "strong little lady!" He then punched you softly on your shoulder as you kept up pace with him. A crowd gathered, and you both enjoyed the attention. Uvo noticed that the crowd was beginning to seem to suffocate you, you getting lost in the sea of bodies. Uvo picked you up with one arm, putting you on his beefy shoulder, offering you another mug of beer. You smiled widely, thanking him profusely, as he smiled ear to ear. You could see over the crowd, having the time of your life as Uvo supported you perfectly on his body. Eventually, you could no longer handle the liquor, clinging onto Uvo as you tried to not hurl. Uvo patted your head, messing up your hair, saying, "I'm proud of you, little lady!" And then you passed out with a beaming smile.
Shalnark -
Shalnark and you were going against one another in Just Dance. Shalnark was surprisingly good. He looked goofy, shaking his hips. Even though he looked so goofy, he still was teasing you about if you could beat him, all cocky like. You gave him the middle finger, making him laugh. After you beat him the first round, you both made a bet that the winner gets to ask for one thing from the other. Shalnark got competitive with the high stake at hand, already knowing what he wanted to ask. He beat you best of three by going ham the last two rounds, you both sweating profusely. He then asked you for a kiss, blushing and awkwardly putting his hand behind his head. You teased him but still approached him for a kiss. You both kissed each other furiously. The game caused a lot of sexual tension between you both. You both didn't care as you brought it over to the couch, you straddling his lap in the firey kiss. Shalnark was blushing from head to toe, gripping onto your hips, moaning, and all. People stared at you both, but you both were lost in your own little world, competing for each other's tongues and moans.
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poppy-metal · 12 days
young girlfriend and patrick go clubbing together. i feel like he'd be the type to love clubbing. getting to go out, have some drinks, grab whatever pretty girl or guy he sees, and grind against them. he'd let you get all tipsy before dragging him onto to the dancefloor. spin you around to the music until you're dizzy and then let you lean against him. shamelessly grinding against you in the dark club before slipping his hand up your skirt. head too fuzzy to realize until his fingers slip inside you and he starts to finger you while you're still in the crowd.
im in love with the fact that you care for exactly one millisecond before you're arching back into it. spreading your legs for his hand to cram down your skirt as wide as you can while still grinding back against it. the heat of his palm cupping your cunt and you cant even hear him over the pounding bass but you dont need to. know what he'd be saying anyway.
you're so warm and fucking wet, always so fucking wet like a fucking swimming pool between your legs, just ready for him to be inside you no matter where you are or what you're doing. you cant help yourself. eyes fluttering when he slips a thick finger in, pumping it in and out. your pussy sucking on it like it never wants him to leave. he imagines that warm sucking around his cock later and grins against your ear, letting you feel the hard press of his cock against your ass.
someone probably sees you two. but they dont go get a bouncer. because you're a hot fucking couple. a pretty face all slack jawed and washed in pleasure as her much older partner fingers her cunt on the dancefloor. its intoxicating to witness. they imagine being able to hear the wet squelch of your pussy through the pulse pounding music of the club. imagine being able to hear your little whimpers.
who knows. maybe some rich old pervert will pay you both to come back to their place, just so they can watch your bodies work with no clothes on. just so they can see your little cunt as its broken open on patricks thick beautiful cock.
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silkscream · 1 year
could you do a soft fluffy smut with peter in his suit. reader and peter have discussed that hes super hot in it lol. with fingering, reader receiving oral, maybe thigh riding. no p in v. just super cute and soft?
nsfw ahead. 18+ only.
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"you're so pretty," you pout out of nowhere. the dreamy tone of your voice almost makes it sound like you didn't mean to say the thought out loud, but when your hazy gaze reaches peter's brown eyes, you giggle when you see his raised eyebrows.
"shouldn't i be saying that about you?" he whispers into your ear, holding you closer by the waist.
"mm. you might be prettier, pete."
you grin, playing with the tuft of hair at the base of his neck while your other hand stays planted on his right shoulder. you sway gracefully while he follows you, stepping gently forward and to the side as he dances to the rhythm of your leading movements.
"you're doing a pretty good job at this. i thought you said you didn't get to go to prom because of your duties. and then that one homecoming dance in high school got fuckin', you know--"
"may refreshed some steps with me before the gala," peter chuckles lowly in your ear. it shouldn't make you shiver this much, the warmth of his breath on your jaw, but his proximity makes your lust difficult to ignore. it wasn't just the subtle touches or the way he clearly started using the cologne you'd gotten him for his birthday last year -- no, it was the fact that peter was dancing with you right now in a suit at all. maybe it was the wine, but he looked so... edible. but that wasn't something you wanted to disclose during the avengers charity gala, where you and peter had promised to be on your best behavior.
he was making it too fucking hard.
"you look too damn good, parker."
"i should be saying that to you."
"you could be saying that and a lot more to me if we were home."
he snorts, raising your arm above your head so that you can spin around during your slow dance. he marvels at the way your hair falls against your bare shoulders.
"how much wine did you have to drink?"
"enough," you breathe against his face. "my dress feels like it's about to fall off, would you mind helping me tie the strings in the back somewhere more private?"
he raises a brow. "i know what you're doing."
"so let me do it," you whisper, grinning. peter's eyes are nearly bugged out in response, looking at you eagerly. he says nothing, only holds your hand as you lead him from the dancefloor to a separate room.
"should we just leave?" he asks.
"no, let's go outside! it's so pretty out."
the two of you end up in a courtyard, eventually delving deeper into the gardens as you get closer to the lake. it's nearly pitch-black if wasn't for the lanterns outside of the exit, along with the bright full moon shining over the hotel.
eventually, the two of you stumble upon a bench that's more than secluded from the venue. you fall into peter's lap and his hands are already all over you.
"this was your master plan all along, wasn't it," he coos into your ear.
"no," you shake your head, though you know he's right. "you know how i get when i see you in a suit.
"what else was i supposed to wear to a gala, baby?"
"i wish you were in your fucking birthday suit right now."
he smirks at you, narrowing his eyes in a way that matches the mischievous look on your own face. instead of responding, he locks his lips with yours shamelessly, grabbing you by the hips so that you fall onto his lap.
it's all teeth and tongue once he nearly licks off your lip gloss. you cup his sharp jaw with your hands, but he grabs your wrists just to place them behind your back, clasped by his one large hand. your dress is pooled around your hips while you grind on him, which causes him to groan.
his other one searches for your skin under your dress until he can feel the slickness of your cunt through your thong.
"someone's excited," peter muses.
"uh huh," you exhale. "like i don't feel a raging boner against me."
he chuckles breathily, which quickly turns into a husk groan once his fingers actually touch the wetness in between your lips. you give a strangled cry once you feel him rub against your swollen clit.
"fuck," you whimper. the sweet sound from your mouth only eggs him on.
"you want more?"
"please, oh, oh my god. just like that." you feel him stretch out your pussy with two fingers immediately, sliding in and out of you with ease from your slick. you can't even begin to steady your heart and your gasps of breath, not from how good it feels to have his fingers inside of you. you need more.
"i want you to fuck me."
"i don't have a condom, baby," he whispers. "we can do it later. let me make you cum right now, first."
you whine as you feel him curl his fingers into you, deep towards your cervix. you had almost forgotten how big his hands were considering how deep he's getting, just brushing right where your g-spot is.
"oh my god."
"yeah? right here?" he coos, nibbling on your ear.
you can't get out words. at least not any coherent ones. your high-pitched whimpers are enough for peter to know that you're close.
"oh my god," you moan. "i'm... i'm gonna--"
the feeling of his fingers making you full suddenly disappears. you whine loudly, opening your eyes to see him smirking and licking your juices off of his fingers.
"petey, i was so close!" you whine. he can't bear to leave you so upset, so whiny like a little baby. but goddamn, does he love to tease you and how desperate you are, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he kisses you right underneath your jaw.
"and you're gonna finish, honey. i promise."
his movements are sudden, though maybe it's just you being surprised by the effortlessness of his super strength. within a blink of an eye, you're sitting on the bench now, your dress hiked up to your hips while peter kneels in the sand beneath you.
you barely get to respond to him before he latches his mouth onto your clit, his tongue massaging you while his fingers soak up your wetness. if the feeling of him sucking on your clit isn't enough, you certainly feel full once you feel his fingers back in the depth of your cunt the way they'd been moments before. he digs into you, reaching the walnut cavern of your sweet spot while his tongue edges you to the precipice of paradise.
the stars come quickly. it feels like a threshold that explodes completely, the bliss of it hitting your neurons harder than you'd expected.
"you cumming for me, baby?" peter taunts.
"y-yes, i-- oh my god, i--"
you can't even form words. the only thing that falls from your mouth is the slight mewl of his name, like a love letter. you whimper as you ride out your high, your head falling onto the shoulder of his suit jacket.
"you might be the prettiest thing i've ever seen," peter murmurs. he smiles softly, pressing his lips to your hairline sweetly.
you let out a breathy laugh. "do you think anyone's noticed we're gone?"
"oh, absolutely. and we aren't gonna hear the end of it when we get back."
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