#one piece fantasy au
abysscronica · 5 months
Feel free to answer 1, 2 or all three \o/
11. Post something from a current wip or concept 12. The funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours? 13. Inspiration for Captive? I know it's been complete for a while now, but I'm just curious what kicked it off. (Captive played an inspirational role in my first Eustass Kid fic, so I'm curious <3 )
Thank you Quin and sorry for the late reply! Since the answer to no.11 is quite long, I'll reply to the others in another post (here).
From this ask game. (I have some other asks for it, will get to them later)
11. Post something from a current wip or concept
This is from a One Piece fantasy AU that I'm probably never going to work on fully, so it's a good chance to share it. It's just a draft and it's a OP x reader story, even if it doesn't look like it.
Koby held his breath in the humid darkness of the inn. Or what was left of it, anyway.
The stench of death impregnated the air, stale, heavy. It was hard to make out the details of the dining hall in the moonless night, although the young commander was partially grateful for that. He could see the outlines of the corpses, maimed, men and women alike, but not their horrified faces. He could see limbs, feel the mush of their organs under his boots. The wooden beams of the floor were probably covered in dry blood.
He could hear the buzzing of the mosquitos, always preceding them at the crime scene.
His blond companion, beside him, pressed a handkerchief to his mouth, desperately trying not to puke.
“How many?”
“Eleven, that we know of,” Helmeppo grunted, his voice sounding more like a whimper.
No wonder, Koby thought, with his heightened half-elf senses, the blonde was surely worse off than him.
“Bring the torches down, get the men to collect samples and sketch out the crime scene.”
“What for? The murderer is already in our custody,” Helmeppo said from behind the cloth.
 Koby frowned at the floor. A delicate hand lay at his feet, a feminine one, severed below the wrist by jagged teeth.
“It’s the third case in two moons. We need to reopen the investigation,”
“Fine. Ugh, I need to get out of here,”
 Helmeppo rushed up the few stairs that led outside. The faint light of the stars cast clearer shadows in the inn for a moment, allowing Koby a better view of the massacre.
He looked, trying to imprint to his memory as many details as possible. Not that he could ever forget. Then he turned and followed the comrade outside.
It was a relief when the fresh air of the night greeted him, even there in the Rats Heap, where the air always carried a lingering smell of human and animal ejections.
“Commander Koby.”
 Out of the three soldiers composing his inner squad, only Hibari saluted him as he stepped in the small clearing among the buildings. Koby nodded to her and looked at Grus.
The tall man was leaning against the tumbleweed wagon, arms crossed on his broad chest, serious eyes glued to him.
“Is the prisoner secured?”
“Yeah.” Grus banged the wagon with his fist “Chained up like a damn sausage. Not that it matters, given his state,”
“His conditions are pretty bad,” Hibari confirmed “He’s burning up, even for a half-titan. We tried talking to him, but he doesn’t seem present at all,”
“We should just kill him,” Helmeppo shrugged.
 Koby shook his head.
“What? No. We need to find out what happened.”
“With all due respect, Koby, this looks just like another case of half-titans going mad,” Grus sighed “They do that, you know.”
“It’s been too many cases in such a short time. Also, they usually don’t just fall sick and die immediately after, and yet this is the only one we managed to capture alive so far,”
“So? Maybe it’s something with the stars, the seasons, the year. These guys have demon blood in their veins, who knows what’s up with them,” Grus said.
“Even so, I’m worried,” Hibari admitted “These cases will strain the situation with the half-titans in the city… they don’t do well when they feel threatened. We risk an escalation.”
“And so close to the First Blood Tournament! I hate this job,” Helmeppo groaned.
“We need to find out what’s going on,” Koby concluded “Helmeppo, call the other squads and have them analyze the scene, like I asked you. Grus, bring the prisoner to the headquarter and give him to the healers.”
 Grus blinked.
“The headquarter? I thought we were sending him to Impel Down. They have a lot of titans working there. If anyone knows how to make him talk, it’s them.”
“We’ll keep it as last resource.”
 The soldier shrugged, then mounted on the wagon and spurred the horses down the street.
Koby took a deep breath and glanced back at the inn.
“We need to keep the capital safe.”
Three days had passed since the massacre. No progress had been made in the half-titan case, and the rest of the population was growing listless. Two teenage half-titans had been killed in the Rat’s Heap, the poorest district of Sabaody. The militia presence was very scarce there, and daily disorders were the norm, but not at this rate. They were receiving frequent reports of aggressive half-titans from other districts too.
The only information they gathered on the murderer was his name, Gin, and that he was a hunter in the marshes at the Southeast rim of the capital. Like most titans, he was on a watchlist, but his past before arriving at Sabaody was a mystery.
 Koby walked through the crowded streets of the Sunlight Market, staying large of the people swarming around the news boys.
 Like he needed someone to remind him that.
Humans and half-elves were throwing coins at the boys, papers were being handed over in all directions.
 Some loud gasps rose from the crowd. Koby winched lightly.
 They knew how to sell their paper, Koby would give them that. Those boys were certainly trained by the Lord of Whispers, Morgans himself.
 The commander took a hard turn and put some distance between him and the busiest square of the market.
He had ditched the silver cape of the ground Militia for a casual outfit, a linen scarf wrapped around his chin not to be recognized. He walked for the best part of an hour to a small park by the river. There were very few people around, mostly homeless men hanging in the shadow of the trees. One of them, a blind one, was throwing crumbles at the ducks by the bank.
 Koby opted for a bench right behind him and sat.
“Has the mist dissipated yet?” he asked.
“The fog is all I see.”
 The homeless was wrapped in a ragged cloak, but his frame was still impressive. He didn’t turn nor greeted the visitor.
“I hope you know how great of a risk it is to meet you,” he said, offering some seeds to the closest duck.
“I know. I’m sorry, but I need to know if you have any information on the mad titans’ cases. We are grasping at straws here, and we are expecting the first delegations to arrive in less than a week.”
“I’m working to make sure we don’t get spies from Kaido or Big Mom in the city amid this new influx. Public security is your job.”
“I’m sorry, Sir Diez, but you are the only one that can get me real intel from the streets.”
“Don’t use my name.”
“Sorry. But it’s true. I need… to talk to someone. Someone that can help.”
 The other paused for a moment.
“I heard you apprehended the last titan alive.”
“Barely, yes. He’s in our custody now but he’s mostly unconscious, and when he does wake up he’s hardly more than a vegetable. They’re feeding him through nectar and blood injections, but I’m afraid he’ll die soon.”
“So what are you asking me? I know nothing of this titan madness. Unless you came to me because I’m a half-titan myself?”
“Absolutely not!” Koby yelped, pressing a hand to his mouth immediately after “S-Sorry, I mean, no. What I want is… I’m looking for someone that can get the information out of the prisoner before it’s too late.
“You want someone who practices witchcraft.”
 Koby hesitated.
 Diez remained silent for a while. Of course they both knew that witchcraft was forbidden in the capital, but they also knew that the lower belly of society harbored many sorcerers.
“I could give you some names,” Diez said, rubbing his chin “But there’s no guarantee that you’ll get what you want. These people are criminals, they can be deceiving.”
“Well, at least it would be a start.”
“No.” Diez threw the rest of the feed in the water, and the ducks around him stormed in the river “It’s not a witch that you seek. What you need is a Mind Whisperer.”
 Koby’s eyes widened.
“Wait… we have someone like that in the capital? They’re so rare, I thought they could only be found at the Tree of Knowledge, in Ohara. I put in a request days ago but by the time the crow comes back, the prisoner will be dead.”
“There are illegal Mind Whisperers of course, albeit not many. Usually they are swindlers, or hold very scarce power.”
“I caught wind of someone. Not here – in Water Seven. I’ve only heard of them once, so I don’t know how accurate the intel is. But they say this one is the real deal.”
 Koby’s heart pounded. The free city of Water Seven was just a half-day away by horse from Sabaody.
“Where can I find them?”
“I only know they work as a healer in the Cherry Blossom clinic.”
“Cherry Blossom clinic. Got it.”
 Koby rose and bowed imperceptibly.
“Thank you, sir.”
 As he moved to leave, Diez called him back.
“I don’t know much about this person’s background, but I do know they are discreet and have high profile clients. People that can tamper with others’ minds are dangerous. Be on your guard, boy.”
 Koby looked at the half-titan’s back, then nodded.
“I will.”
[reader is of course the Mind Whisperer]
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one-piece-aus · 2 years
Since I have the invitation to ask again, may I ask for Whumptober No. 31 “Light At the End of the Tunnel” with Law? There’s something beautifully somber, yet sanctuary-like with the concepts and I know you’ll do a great job playing on the heartstrings! Thank you in advance again & take care! 💙💙💙🌹
(Also there should have been certain anon asks for Rosi & Barto previously 😉)
Ahoy again Michelle! I hope you enjoy the final piece of this year's collection!
Whumptober Day 31
Law x Reader
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"Your majesty, are you sure about this?" Law asked you again, pulling his horse next to yours.
"Yes, I'm sure Law," you nodded, petting your stead. "It's for the best."
You knew Law's concern, a royal has never travelled outside the palace, and you were abandoning everything you've ever known. Nervousness did follow the further you ventured away from your home, yet you didn't mind since you no longer had pressure and stress hovering over you.
"Also, you may stop calling me that from now on, I no longer bare that title," you reminded Law, looking over at him.
"My apologies your-... then how will you like me to address you?" Law inquired.
"Hmmm..." You haven't thought about it beforehand, though it would be good for you to come up with a name so you wouldn't be recognized in foreign lands. Minutes passed as you tried to think yet your mind remained blank. Glancing at Law, you smile. "How 'bout you give me a name."
Law nodded, now going into thought himself. Silence walked with you as your minds were away. Your train of thought went through your hall of memory, seeing all the pain you went through as the seventh child of a royal family. Years of strict rules and lessons with no recognition, you were only mocked by your elder siblings. Your only safe haven had been the doctor your parents assigned to you, and him being the same age as you let you grow closer as you made witty flirtations with each other, he was the only one who let you be at ease. That's why you proposed to run away with him after releasing your life in the palace was meaningless.
"I think I can see the end!" Law announced, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"I'll race you." You laughed as your horse took off.
"Wait-" Law shook his head and gave into your silliness, this is what he signed up for.
"Law, I feel trapped here..." you confess, placing your hand on the glass pane window. "No matter what I do, I will never mean anything to them. I don't..." Tears fell from your eyes and your knees felt weak, you crumbled but Law caught you in his arms.
"Your majesty, don't worry about what they think," he told you, bringing you closer to his chest as he sat the both of you on the medical bed. "I know you are a brilliant and beautiful lady, it's their loss they can't recognize that."
"You're the only one who's there for me, Law." Your tears stopped as you held on to his fabrics. "I just wish I could only be with you, I want to go far from here with you by my side."
"Then why don't we?" Law suggested, smiling as he saw how your eyes lit up brighter than the Northern Lights. "We'll go somewhere far away, where no one knows your name, and there you can finally rest."
"Yes...  yes!" You hug Law, feeling a warmth you've never experienced before.
Is this what happiness is?
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8balldoodles · 7 months
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Medieval au where sanji is a prince and zoro is the assassin hired to kill him except they fall in love
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artofalassa · 4 months
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The Earring
the missing piece from my Zack Lives AU set in post AC
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tzitzimitl-eztli · 15 days
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a silly couple but I love them lately I draw a lot of clowns (ponmi and steve)
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fujimousee · 3 months
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@sanusoweek sanuso week day 2 : fairy tale ..
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thecaffeinatedcryptid · 3 months
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Some One Piece fantasy AU fanart
Do you ever just have a tiny egg of an idea and then look up one day having created an entire complex of lore???
Yeah me neither!!!
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sassypantsjaxon · 14 days
Nobody asked about my soulmate's scar au that I'm bringing back for one piece, but I'm telling you anyway. Like any good soulmate au, there's an identifier to let people know who their soulmate is. In this case, it's the first time someone touches their soulmate it causes a scar. So casual touch is little more taboo, and sometimes people will wear gloves if they're not ready to meet their soulmate. Other than that, things are pretty much the same.
Luffy is still the same overly excited, physically affectionate idiot. He has no concept of personal space and often forgets other people might not want to be touched.
It's just another thing that Dadan and Makino and the Mayor get to scold Luffy for as he's growing up. Shanks probably thinks it's hilarious
Zoro's the same old Zoro. He doesn't care. If he meets his soulmate, it's fine. If he doesn't, that's fine too
Nami wears gloves and gets kinda weird about people touching her
Usopp has his soulmate by the time he sets out to sea. Everything's fine with her, but he regrets leaving before realizing they were soulmates
Sanji wears gloves. Constantly. While he's working. Fighting. Eating. He has a pair he wears while he's sleeping. He never bathes with the other guys but there's a (mostly) joking bet about if he even undresses for that
Nami still dresses in her t shirts and shorts, so the gloves are really the only signifier that she doesn't want any physical contact, whereas Sanji is fully covered in his three piece suits. He is not taking any chances.
After Arlong Park, once Nami realizes that having friends and letting people care about her is a thing she's allowed to do, she stops wearing her gloves.
Vivi is wearing gloves when they meet her, because if she's going to find her soulmate, she doesn't want it to be while she's working for Baroque Works
She joins the Straw Hats, and she still wears them usually, but she's not quite as rigid as Nami was with hers
Chopper is a reindeer and animals don't have soulmates like that, but with the human human fruit, he really has no idea if that's changed anything for him? he's not really interested in having a soulmate anyway, so he'll cross that bridge if it ever comes up
Robin doesn't really like being touched, but there's no point in her wearing gloves when they wouldn't carry over to all the extra hands she can grow. She doesn't even know if touching her soulmate with her extra hands would be able to create a scar
She doesn't really believe she has a soulmate anyway, so...
Franky also doesn't know how finding his soulmate will work since so much of his body is artificial. Can his prosthetics leave a scar? Can his skin be scarred? He has no idea
Brook doesn't need to worry about finding his soulmate since he doesn't even have skin to scar (skeleton joke!)
For real though, he never talks about if he found his soulmate in his first life, and they don't ask him about it
Jimbei also doesn't talk about soulmates and, again, the rest of them don't pry
They meet Law at Punk Hazard and he is just as serious about keeping himself covered as Sanji is.
Somewhere between Punk Haz and Dressrosa someone asks them if this is some North Blue thing. They both immediately say yes. They are both lying through their teeth and are now wondering what the other one gains from covering for them
Neither of them are gaining anything, they're just both really weird about the idea of meeting their soulmates
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beaulesbian · 20 days
I need to talk about zolu in the terms of dnd because I can't get this idea out of my head!
Zoro who starts as a fighter class - a swordsman through and through - that's all he's ever know since childhood. He fights to become the best, the strongest, to keep his promise to Kuina.
But then, an impossible guy saves him from a certain death. A guy who becomes his captain, his guiding light. And Zoro becomes his, his pirate despite never wanting to have anything to do with them before.
Zoro has never believed in any gods or higher power or miracles, it's just not who he is - to depend on something or someone intangible.
But he believes in Luffy, because he's seen what he can do and knows what Luffy wants. Their goals allign.
He believes in Luffy so much that he saw him as a god before anyone else did. And that's where it changes - when he's faced with his biggest rival whom he wants to beat, defeated, and swears to Luffy an oath to stand by his side to reach their dreams together. Calls him the Pirate King.
He believes in Luffy so much, that he would swap their places in facing death just so Luffy could take another breath, pain-free. He believes in him with absolute certainty, even to become the King of Hell for him, and to defy Death time and time again, with absolute faith that he would keep standing and breathing, to stay by his captain and crew's side.
(Luffy believes in Zoro, too, in his strength and his words, that's why he can always trust and lean on him.)
With Luffy behind him, Zoro becomes his champion, his paladin, not only to the alternation of the Sun God Nika, but most importantly to Luffy as a person and what he represent - freedom, joy, infinite possibilites; and then he can show this trust to all the other people they're helping along their journey. It changes his whole world, but in a way he might not even notice- in the small every day things, like not traveling alone and knowing his crew has his back. Their bond - the oath, the promise - re-affirms the powers Zoro can wield (*cough* unlocking Concqueror's Haki), he's much more stronger now than he could ever be as a fighter with no other purpose except to fight. He no longer fights for the sake of fighting, but for the sake of protecting.
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(Official art from here X)
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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His bullfighting days aren't over quite yet.
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#GET IT??? HIS *BULL*FIGHTING DAYS....hahah yeahhhh im so clever.....#suddenly had the urge to draw old man version matador nando bcs DC randomly called him a matador during quali#and im like oh my god....dc....youre so right....#hoping this piece works as some kind of blood sacrifice for his performance in about 7 hrs :)#get it blood sacrifice??? and hes cutting his hand in this piece???#thats supposed to represent two things.#1. hes doing a blood pact/sacrifice so his performance goes well#2. hes testing the sharpness so he can slay the bull!(and the...horse? 🤭🤭)#had a very interesting convo w Suzuki abt the implications of matador nando#based on a meme i made 😭 abt how our fantasy is that hes gonna be the bullfighter. hes gonna slay the bull#but the reality will be that he looks upon the bull from a distance#hes meant to kill the bull to overcome it. but he just ends up longing to be the bull. he fails.. hahaha get it....#lmao angst aside i think its kinda funny how i can have this reasoning for the matador au in two eras#thats long the old man has been here. has had two distinct periods of challenging the (red) bull#ANYWAYS!!!! hope ya like!!!!!! i think this is pretty relevant hopefully 🤭🤭#quite happy w this one even if it was less of an ordeal than most of my drawings#waaaahahhh hes so handsome!!!!! handsomest guy!!!!!!!#lol scheduling this like an hr before the race cause as i said. its an offering. its a sacrifice. i pray to the racing gods#tw blood#<- just a bit 🥰 he was originally just gonna be holding the sword but i realized ouch! sharp!!!#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#f1 art#f1 fanart#matador au
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abysscronica · 4 months
May I ask what role does Bartolomeo have in your fantasy au?
Hi anon, sure. Bartolomeo is the leader of a pack of werewolves that terrorizes the forests around Sabaody. It's another issue for the city guards, but it's mostly Smoker that's trying to deal with it before the start of the First Blood Tournament. Bartolomeo is considered a total wild card: he can't be reasoned with and he loves to attack caravans and transports of nobles especially, although no one is safe from his pack. The idea was to have him and his antics only mentioned at first, but reader and Bonney will have a close-up encounter after escaping a kidnapping attempt (Bonney was mistaken for Uta) that brought them outside the capital. Bartolomeo was delighted at the idea of eating the two pretty ladies, but reader's desperate negotiation power helped striking a deal with him. He and the pack will guide them safely back into Sabaody in exchange of access to the city.
[OP fantasy AU setting here; excerpt here]
note: Bonney is officially 21 in this AU.
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one-piece-aus · 2 years
Hi! Can I have whump no. 27 with Bartolomeo please? Thank you!
Of course! I hope you enjoy the story ^-^
Whumptober Day 27
Bartolomeo x Reader
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"This doesn't look good, Meo," you said checking your inventory for another health potion, you were down to the last one. "I don't think we can defeat the boss at this rate."
"We made it this far, Ms. [Y/n]," Bartolomeo reminded you, shielding the two of you with his magic shield. "And his HP is just past the halfway point, if we back out now, we'd have to start over again."
"We can go up level doing some side quests then rematch the boss later," you tried to reason with him, placing the potion back into your inventory. "But we can't take him down in our current state."
Barto frowned and popped open his spell window, all the spell slots were used up. Barto sighed, closing the window and turned to you. "Alright, let's book it, Ms. [Y/n]."
He grabbed your hand and took a running dash to the exit of the dungeon's boss room. You stumbled, not expecting the swift action, though you picked up the pace quickly knowing death will pounce if you don't haul ass.
You looked ahead, you could see the tall steel doors. Almost free, you could feel the handle in your hand. With all your strength, you pull the door. It would've easily opened if you didn't freeze up, but how else would respond to seeing your companion being impaled by the beast?
"Hey, you're pretty good with that sword," a green-haired man complimented you. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and tilted his head. "How come you're out here fighting monsters all by yourself?"
"No one wants woman front fighter," you simply stated, cleaning the blood off your sword. "Whether they think women are too weak or they should do something with more grace, parties only want females playing healers or sharpshooters on their team."
"They're a bunch of stupid jackasses then," he scoffed, one of his hands leaving his pocket. "Their loss but I'm not going to miss an opportunity." He held out his hand to you. "The name's Bartolomeo."
"[Y/n]." You smiled, warmth blooming in your chest as you shook his hand.
"MEO!" All instincts of survival abandoned you as you cried. 
You retracted your hand from the handle and swung your sword down on the monster's arm. Blood splashed on your face and the part of the arm that penetrated Barto fell to the ground. You strike your blade at the beast once again, soul focused on taking him down. You didn't care if you were already pushed to the limit. 
Bartolomeo was the only one who treated you as human. He let you fight however you wanted to and he shared rewards equally with you, even if he made a lame excuse of why he did it. How dare this monster take him from you.
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mmukagen · 2 months
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fictionadventurer · 4 months
Have I mentioned lately that creating AUs is the most fun thing ever? You get to take a story you love and then mash it against another type of story you love and fit all their pieces together like they're a jigsaw puzzle. You get to find all the unexpected points of similarity where the stories fit together really well, and see the places where their differences change and make commentary on the original stories/genres in really interesting ways.
And then once you fit the pieces together, you get to look at the new world you've made and see how these characters in this specific world have different conflicts and explore new themes, and you get to play with another level of puzzles as you figure out what this means for this story.
It's the most fun ever. It's my favorite game.
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tzitzimitl-eztli · 20 days
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I imagine that Shanks likes to make mischief and although Buggy is his prank partner, I think that not even he is safe around him.
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nightmaremonarch · 9 days
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happy pride here’s a doodle of fantasy au loof!!!! id like to think he was born a reincarnation of nika.. and like. maybe meeting shanks activated his rubbery-ness!! idk!! will try and make the rest of the strawhats at some point.. <3
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