#original gavan
cyber gavan
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name: cyber gavan.
appearance color: silver with red/blue/light blue/yellow/orange/green part line cyber cyborg knight armor, yellow eye, silver with blue/red part line long cyber headphone ear, silver with blue/red ling cyber wing, silver with yellow part line robe.
model based: ichijouji/original uchuu keiji/space sheriff gavan & cyber & cyborg & spaceship & knight.
weapons: original weapons & cyber lazer/laser blade saber sword & giant cyber lazer/laser blade saber sword & cyber drone & cyber arm cannon.
note: this is a first metal hero gavan have the silver with yellow part line robe like their human ichijouji family.
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fallen-beelzebub · 23 days
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Here's a little something I did for ZoraMay 2024. I finally gave my boy, Gavan, a basic ref sheet.
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kattahj · 1 year
It cracks me up when people complain that the new Willow TV series is "anachronistic". This isn't Game of Thrones with its pseudohistorical aspirations. It's WILLOW. It has no chronos to ana. If there are characters wearing jeans and every episode ends with a rock song, that's as on brand as everything else.
"Why do some of them speak with American accents?" Because Galladorn is in California, as evidenced by the original film starring Val Kilmer and Gavan O'Herlihy.
The real question is, why does it bother you that Willow is what it always was?
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the-far-one · 8 months
Just a reminder, this man was originally named
Gwalchmei. He's also known as Galvaginus, Gualgunus (Gualguanus, Gualguinus), Gualgwinus, Walwanus (Walwanius), Waluanus, Walwen, etc.; in Old French (and sometimes English) primarily as Gavain (Gavaine) and also as Gauvain (Gauvaine), Gauvan (Gauvayn), Gauven (Gauvein/Gauveyn), Gavan (Gavane) or Gavayn(Gavayne); in Middle High German as Gâwein or Gâwân; in Italian dialects as Galvagin or Galvano; in Old Spanish as Galván; in Old Portuguese as Galvam or Galvão; and in Middle English also as Gawaine, Gawan(Gawane), Gawayn (Gawayne), Gawein (Gaweine), Gaweyn (Gaweyne), Gauwein (Gauweine), Gauweyn(Gauweyne) or Wawen (Wowen) Just for anyone who wishes to find more stories of him but cannot find them under his most well known name.
Oh ya, and he wasn't as murderous, that is a much later retcon, he was actually known as a courteous and compassionate warrior and Arthur's closest friend. He was also the original guy to complete the grail quest (The Crown). The later French just had something against him, or favored Lancelot and Galahad more. (P.S one of the things I love most about arthurian legend is that it's mostly just a choose your own adventure thing, where, because of all the very different variations on the stories, and just how many stories (a lot of which can be very inconsistent), you can just pick and choose what you consider canon to you. It's very fun.)
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erictmason · 2 months
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March (Tokusatsu) Week Four (Final): “The Original Robocop”
Gavan! Overflowing tears! Gavan! Bring on the courage! Space Sheriff Gavan!
And so we wrap up our Tokusatsu Month with a little love for the Metal Hero subgenre and arguably its most iconic hero (and the stated inspiration behind the design of Robocop!), Space Sheriff Gavan!
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asknarashikari · 1 year
So in Kyuranger vs Gavan... various sentai villains were revived. How would the sentai heroes who fought those villains have reacted upon learning that the kyurangers fought them and was barely able to defeat them?
Like I dont think Kotaro and Spada were able to dedeat Bosco, or Stinger and Raptor unable to defeat Escape, or Champ and Garu unable to defeat Juzo.
I think it'd be kinda understandable since even those villains' original Sentai opponents had a hard time defeating them, and they were the ones who faced off against them multiple times and were familiar with their powers, tactics and such. Criticizing them would be kinda hypocritical, don't you think?
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Kenji Ohba appears nonetheless with his trademark sadboy face. You know I recently found out he was also a suit actor in the original Kamen Rider?? I mostly knew him as the Gavan guy who also happened to be in a couple Sentai but he has such a huge repertoire 
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talesgolden · 2 years
Character Outline
tagged: stole it from myself ! tagging: i support theft, this time largely because I don’t know who has/hasn’t done this one
Full Name:  Mahetabel “Hetty” MacPhaiden
Date of Birth:  15 April
Age: verse dependent, typically early twenties
Social Class: Working; but also, despite the fact that her family does not actively sail or raid, etc., she would be viewed as a pirate and, beyond this, as a result of having a racially mixed family, excluded from many ‘accepted’ social establishments.
Parents: Gavan & Irie MacPhaiden
Siblings: two younger sisters, Ferelith & Eilidh 
Height:  5′6″
Weight: no; Her build is average, a bit on the curvy side, and she is stronger than she looks, used to moving furniture around and lifting heavy objects
Distinguishing Features: The freckles & red curly hair single her out right away, and after that her accent (primarily Scottish with influence from her Jamaican mother) is pretty unique as well
Hair Color: Rich ruby red
Eye Color: Warm brown
What do they consider their best feature?: Her favorite feature is her hair for sure; she tends to leave it natural and sometimes ties away from her face or wrapped for protection, but mostly wears it loose and free because she likes the way it catches the light and bounces around when she moves and really loves the way it frames her face. She also really loves the way it reflects both her parents and in generally she just adores being fairly unique in terms of appearance. She and her sisters are recognizable and actually she quite likes that.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Mostly functional, an acceptable for a person of her age in her time. She has no desire to break from traditional norms here, and in fact quite likes being dressed Right for a setting/occasion. She doesn’t have a super wide closet (clothes are expensive) and she doesn’t have a lot of very fine fabrics/textiles (it just wouldn’t be practical, they’d get damaged) but she does aim to be put-together and wants to be viewed as a Lady, you know? She has a couple of nicer dresses for special occasions, but generally is going to be in well-tended working clothes.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Light on the jewelry, maybe a necklace or a bracelet, the occasional ring. She has some pieces she rotates through but they aren’t flashy, and mostly she saves them for special occasions. She has her ears pierced once, just traditional lobe piercings. She does not have any tattoos and isn’t likely to get any I don’t think.
Do they work out/exercise?: Nope. Her occupation is somewhat physically taxing, though, so she’s stronger than people might expect. She's no sword fighter, if you start trouble she can certainly hand it right back to you.
Level of Self Esteem: Moderate. She has her little world in her tavern, on Shipwreck, where she is self-assured. She knows her home and her community, the strengths and weaknesses, the accolades and dangers, and she moves through it with confidence. She’s comfortable fussing at pirate captains who start shit in her tavern, even throwing them out (with backup from her father (or Henry) of course.) If you were to take her out of her familiar surroundings, though, she’d second guess herself a lot more.
Known Languages: English, some Scots-Gaelic and Jamaican. Probably also the pidgin language common around Shipwreck.
How do they deal with stress?: Methodically. She might be having a meltdown internally, but externally she is very level-headed and steady, and good at compartmentalizing. Keeping focus and taking care of things one step at a time, as she can.
What do they do when upset?: She tends to get defensive and bossy, and very focused on being “right” instead of being kind or compassionate.
Do they believe in happy endings?: Yes. Tentatively, in a mildly guarded and realistic “they take work” way, but yes.
How do they feel about asking for help?: Accepting of it, generally. She doesn’t mind needing help with things in the least. Some things you only ask trusted people, though.
Optimist or Pessimist: Realist, she insists. (She quietly leans for optimism.)
Extrovert or Introvert: Introvert in the sense that people, eventually, wear her out, but she’s very friendly and likes creating social spaces for herself and others to enjoy.
Leader or Follower: Is there an option that’s like..... curator? Comforter? Home-base-runner?? I’m so stupid her like, official unofficial title is: Hearthkeeper. She’s not in any direct chain of command anywhere per se but she’s keeping things together, making sure there’s somewhere for the leader and the followers to land.
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: She likes to claim that it’s logic, because she takes her time to think things through, but ultimately still tends to let her feelings lead her around.
Spontaneous or Planner: Planner, definitely. Capable of adapting, generally, but going to be cross about that her plans were dashed.
Thinker or Doer: I think...more of a doer? In every area except her romantic inclinations. She’s pretty practical, as a person.
Organized or Messy: Organized. Neat, even! (Neater than Henry, anyway.)
Worrier or Carefree: ....Planner? She isn’t carefree in the sense of not caring but she’s very prepared, and ready, and grounded. She doesn’t worry about things, per se, she prepares for what she thinks she needs to and then just. What comes, comes.
Artistic?: In a hands-on sort of way! She’s good at interior design, a decent seamstress, and good at hands-on crafts. No one in particular comes to mind but if it’s a like.... home-making sort of craft? She’s probably pretty good at it. She likes to decorate her spaces as her means of artistic expression.
Mathematical?: Not in an approach-to-life way, but in the sense that she’s good with numbers, yes! Very good at sums and book balancing and cost-tracking, etc. Her mental math skills are very good. She mostly applies it to maintaining the tavern, but if pressed could definitely apply it to like, general mathematics, etc.
Current marital/relationship/sexual status: Single. A bit cross about it.
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): I don’t know if it’s me or her who hasn’t figured this one out, actually, but... good question. I am almost certain she is some sort of sapphic but I’m not sure if that’s like, exclusive or not.
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): She is somewhat sheltered. Not exceptionally so, she knows the general functionality of things, but has no experience and a somewhat romanticized view of sex. She doesn’t have a strictly negative view of promiscuity, but it’s not something she wants for herself. She thinks sex should be saved for strong relationships you intend to keep, not as something flippant. 
Ever been in love?: Only with the idea of being in Love™
Do they fall in love easily?: No. She tends to romanticize people easily, but when it comes to actually building a bond and a relationship, it takes a lot.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future?: Yes to both... I think? To marriage, anyway. Children is a little more of a grey area.
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: She doesn’t mind them, but particularly gratuitous displays make her uncomfortable. She doesn’t like it when people in the tavern get handsy and wouldn’t like it at all if a partner did that kind of thing in public.
How do they show affection/love to their partner?: You know I’m really not sure. She’s never really had a romantic relationship.
Social Habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): She tends to make a handful of close friends and keep to that circle. She isn’t likely to branch out without encouragement from one of those pre-existing connections. She likes her world and the order its in.
How do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?:  She is very warm and friendly, as a general rule! Most people aren’t going to get very super close to her, but that’s not a cold barrier, just a slow build. She is somewhat quiet and keeps herself for herself and her friends, but she’s not shy or aloof. She’s good at listening and people often open up to her before she opens up to them; she’ll let them know when they’re trying to hard to get her to, as well.
Argue or avoid conflict?: She is more likely to mediate and see multiple views than to argue, but she’s perfectly comfortable speaking her mind. She prefers peace to conflict but don’t for a second think that means she’ll tolerate bullshit.
Dreams: So many romantic daydreams, but her practical (and generally known one) is to run the tavern, elevating and expanding it.
Greatest Fears: Being separated away from her family; in a similar vein, their home being destroyed. That whole the-eitc-might-end-everything from her youth left some concerns in her. Her family is vulnerable in any world but this one, with its defenses and intentional division from most of Western society.
Biggest Regret: .... get back to me some time? I’m not sure.
What they most want  to change about their current life?: Absolutely nothing except maybe we’re back to that romantic daydream. It would be nice to be In Love™, ok?
Hobbies: Reading, building her library, a little bit of sewing/seamstressing, cooking to a certain extent (it is, technically, an aspect of her job, but she enjoys it as well)
Indoors or Outdoors?: Indoors
Favorite Color: I don’t know if it’s an IC thing but I definitely associate her with peachy oranges and pinks, some soft yellows
Favorite Smell: Woodsmoke
Favorite and least favorite food: I’m not sure yet
Coffee or Tea?: Tea
Favorite type of weather: Rain, but the gentle kind. The storm in the distance, not right overhead.
Favorite form of entertainment: Books. Maybe Henry being stupid.
How do they feel about traveling?: ...Not.... particularly favorable? It takes a lot of on-the-fly energy and that’s not... really her thing. She likes building her nest, and decorating it, and maybe has a little bit of a hoarding tendency. Maybe in theory there are some places that sound lovely and interesting but home is here and safe and fulfilling, why leave it?
What sort of gifts do they like?: You mostly can’t go wrong, but bring her a book and she will fawn about it forever. Little books, big books, poetry books, fiction books, nonfiction histories. Books! Also traditional like. Flowers. She wouldn’t be mad about jewelry, dresses, etc.
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: No particularly strong feelings on either. She’s been known to drink a bit, but typically keeps her wits. Seeing her drunk would be really rare; she deals with a lot of people who drink to excess and become some variety of nuisance in the process, and doesn’t love the idea of becoming that kind of presence to others.
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: She does not
Have they ever tried other drug? (which, what happened, consequences):  She never has but may have... sort of a passive interest? A background curiosity? A part of her that wonders very badly what it’s like, and could be persuaded to even if she also knows they’re generally not good for you and can be dangerous to explore.
Do they have any addictions?: Nope
Most important/defining event in life to date: I’m. unsure on this. A soft answer of when her father sort of... made an official show of bringing her into the fold of running the tavern?
Daily routine: Lots of work for the tavern, I really don’t think it would be interesting to list it tbh. She enjoys the work though! Likes being busy and keeping things in order, making this warm space for her family and others’ benefit. She also reguarly has errands to run around Shipwreck City, so she gets to go through the city and stuff, too.
Typical Saturday night: She is a reading-in-bed type, sorry. Every now and then Henry will convince her to go get into trouble, but mostly she has indoor activities she invests in. She is a simple girl (warm, complementary)
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): Organized! The tavern is kept pretty neat (as neat as she can manage, given the regular clientele) and her space tends to be neat as well, though sometimes her projects-in-process get a little explosive, as she tends to leave things out in close reach when something is still going. Her family is not excessively wealthy, so they don’t have a lot in terms of finery and ornamental objects, but they’ve accumulated things living in one place and working to build it, so Hetty has begun to collect things.
Pets? if not, do they want any?: No pets I don’t think? though I think about there being a Tavern Dog sometimes. Relaxed and sleepy, but who also serves as a night time guard. That sort. She’s neither here nor there about pets.
Can they hold their breath for a long time?: She changes other peoples bedding as part of her occupation. (Yes.)
Do they know how to swim?: ..I........ Maybe not? She’s never really had a reason to learn, but also I feel like being so close to Henry might have introduced it? I dunno. Maybe a little but it’s not in her regular wheelhouse.
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: She can! She’s good at it, and frequently balances cooking with other tasks. When given the chance to slow down a bit, she likes to bake for fun as well.
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nico-meridius · 2 years
Sylum Inspiration: Ernest Henry Shackleton
Sylum Inspiration: Ernest Henry Shackleton
Camelot: Member   Ernest Shackleton was born on 15th February, 1874AD, in Kilkea near Athy, County Kildare, Ireland, about 46 miles (74 km) from Dublin. Ernest’s father was Henry Shackleton, and his mother was Henrietta Letitia Sophia Gavan.  His father’s family was Anglo-Irish, originally from Yorkshire, England.  His mother’s family was Irish, from Counties Cork and Kerry. Ernest was the second…
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sketchytea · 5 years
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Character design of Gavan from the old Scottish fairy tale The Sea Maiden.
Gavan is gifted to a fisherman by the Sea Maiden and meant to be returned to her once he turned twenty. He leaves and takes his own path, picking up a job as a cowherd under a king, which sets of a chain of events that would dramatically change his life.
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shylax · 5 years
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That’s a 15 yard penalty!
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fallen-beelzebub · 1 year
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Gavan and Irys for Zora May. Opted for the meme prompt!
Gavan belongs to me while Irys belongs to @etherluna.
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veeranger · 3 years
what is a virtual hero?
in tokusatsu a lot of shows and franchises use a two word descriptor followed by the actual relevant show character. thinks like Space Sheriff Gavan, Kamen Rider Kuuga, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, Denkou Choujin Gridman, Madan Senki Ryukendo, to name a few.
so for me, as a toku themed vtuber, i decided to call myself Virtual Hero V-Ranger to fit with that sort of genre spanning cadence. in this case the word virtual is simply a reference to being a "virtual youtuber" aka a vtuber. originally and basically up to the very last minute i was originally going to call myself Virtual Sentai V-Ranger, i dropped it because i didnt want to be explicitly tied to a toei property.
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akirakan · 3 years
I wanted to do a list of everything non-Sentai Hasbro has access to, and apparently they could potentially use everything from Metal Heroes until B-Fighter Kabuto at least???
There was this interview with a VR Troopers producer who said that the show wasn't canceled for running out of footage, as many thought, but because of low toy sales, hence why they restarted fresh with Beetleborgs. In true Saban fashion, the original plan was to keep Frankesteining the show with all available footage they had from previous MH shows, regardless of how old the footage looked. And he heavily implies they had access to EVERYTHING, from Gavan to Kabuto.
We do know that Hasbro fully owns everything that made VRT (Metalder, Spielban, and Shaider) and BBB (Juukou B-Fighter, Kabuto, and Janperson for the use of footage in a single episode) as well as the characters of Gavan and Jiraiya, but if even unused footage that Saban did hold the rights to also transferred that would mean Hasbro could use the costumes and concepts, either showing up in comics or even original footage if they make their own props and costumes.
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autoacafiles · 2 years
How many franchises have you crossovered to make this universe,as a list please
I've gotten a lot of questions along these lines so here's the list.
Transformers is the main base, mixed in with the basic story concept of a hero school seen in shows like My Hero Academia.
The first and most prominent crossover is the Ben 10 franchise, with the Galvan Alliance and its many many worlds. This universe's Sari Sumdac is a result of Galvan experiments creating a line of negotiation mechanoids each armed with an Omnitrix.
Many heroes of the Cybertronian Commonwealth draw inspiration from several pieces of superpowered human media, with a few of the Axellerators drawing inspiration from the RWBY series and some of the pro heroes drawing from My Hero Academia and similar anime. In addition, several recent profiles of both Autobot and Decepticon flavoring drew inspiration from the short lived Hero Factory series.
There’s also a smaller faction of racer-bots taking inspiration from the Accelerators series from Hot Wheels known as the TEKU. (though oddly, nobody from Robo Wheels as of yet.)
Doctor Who's 10th incarnation made an appearance during a major story arc but not as a major player. The Shadow Proclamation hails from the same series.
Bionicle is a story told on two planets near the main planet of the story.
There is a planet full of Toho and Tsubarya monsters, carefully maintained by a selection of Ultramen, who for efficiency's sake have been made into members of the TokuStar species from Ben 10.
The Galactic Council draws inspiration from several "Galactic Federations" shown in series like Metroid and its contemporaries in other media.
The Solstar Order is present as the origin world of one student, Stardrive, but draws further inspiration from Rom the Spaceknight, and Space Policeman Gavan.
The Irken Empire is a minor power in the story, though oddly focused on by many fans.
The Yautja are bounty hunters, and the Xenomorphs are animals.
And there are other powers hiding in the darkness, watching the world with necronic eyes.
I think that I've covered about everything in the main canon. If I add something new after this list... I'm not editing it.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Voltes V isn't the first toku series that GMA has adapted, I remember there being Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan. its a spin off of the metal heroes series.
Oh. Damn, I actually remember this, albeit very vaguely. I think I saw a few episodes of it when it was on air, but because it was on during weeknights I wouldn't have much of a chance to see it- I'd be holed up in my room studying or doing homework (judging from the air dates I'd been in grade six then).
And it's a spinoff of Shaider of all things? I would've thought they'd go for Gavan, though I guess TV-5 had that one locked down since forever.
And apparently Shaider's original actor was the grandson of the creator of Ultraman... huh. The more you know.
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