#ot4 junior quartet
baxiabells · 3 months
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for the mdzs juniors bingo..! more loosely followed admittedly - the prompt is valentine! ft juniors ot4 kiss configurations
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Sex knowledge (nsfw-ish)]
Junior Quartet | Mo Dao Zu Shi 29-03-2021
[#mdzsjuniors - nsfw-ish]  
Somehow got this from another thread yesterday: oyz is the most "knowledgeable" about sex and romance. Then it made me wanna rank them:
1- OYZ: a romantic who reads a lot of romance novels, which some do get rather graphic and are even illustrated. He theoretically knows more than the basics, despite having never done anything himself. He would totally be the one his bf turns to they want to know what to do so they do it correctly.  
2- LSZ: this sweet and seemingly innocent bean always surprise them when he knows about such things. None of his bf are sure /where/ he learned all this (probably asked wwx, lwj or with some books), he simply tells them he wanted to make sure that he would never hurt his partner in the future because he didn't know how to do it well.  
3- LJY: knows some things out of just being told how babies are made (for real, no metaphor!) And by very unfortunately stumbling onto interesting documents wwx had left all messed up with his other documents. There are things he also wishes he had never heard or noticed.  
4- JL: never really had the time nor the interest to learn more than just how baby a really made. Jgy was often too busy to ever even think of having such a talk, where jc had his own problems and had never thought to talk about such thing with him, probably assuming jgy did. He tries to hide his lack of knowledge until he realises none of his bf will mock him for not knowing, they will learn with him as it goes.
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But why do Junior Quartet Poly OT4 fics always make Sizhui the possessive and obstinate one when Jingyi is right there being all bratty and aggressive and biologically Lan? This boy has a genetic predisposition to go Diet Yandere and I for one think he deserves to go a little feral over his boyfriends. As a treat.
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smartzelda · 4 years
I love ot4 junior quartet like it's just so great
Because you have zhuiyi which is like childhood best friends to lovers, "i cause problems" and "i fix the problems", soft mom friend + chaotic stupid. Their relationship naturally progresses from best friends to lovers, but they're both stupid in love matters, so they don't realize they're basically dating for a while
Then you have zhuiling which is like soft boy + tsundere who is struggling to tsundere because soft boy is so soft he forgets to be tsundere sometimes. It's also extra rich boy x (idk?) boy, so you have one constantly finding reasons to dote on the other, and the other not realizing it means that the rich boy got a crush
Then you have zhuizhen which is like sticking the soft boy mom friend together with the half time mom friend half time chaotic stupid (jingyi level) and sometimes both at once. Their relationship is all levels of soft, and sometimes they're the only voices of reason
Then there's lingyi which sticks together tsundere boy and chaotic stupid boy and slaps on a love-hate relationship and turns chaotic stupid boy tsundere only for tsundere boy. They thrive off insulting each other, but if someone else insulted or hurt the other they would go ham like "I'M THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO INSULT HIM LIKE THAT". Both would go crazy in rage if the other was hurt, but they also wouldn't admit it. They play pranks on each other all the time. They heavily deny having crushes on each other, and sometimes Jin Ling buys Lan Jingyi stuff but won't admit he was the one who bought it. Jingyi is half "Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad" and "who would kiss you?", and Jin Ling is just "Who would kiss you?"
Then zhenling which is tsundere boy + half mom friend half chaotic stupid, so sometimes they're like zhuiling and have such a sweet relationship where Jin Ling forgets he's a tsundere, sometimes they have a bit of that love-hate double tsundere thing going on, sometimes Zhizhen acts like his mom, and other times they team up to prank Jingyi
Then there's zhenyi which is chaotic stupid soft boy + half mom friend half chaotic stupid, so half the time Zizhen is the voice of reason and they have a zhuiyi like relationship, and half the time they're like chaotic stupid bros who pull pranks on each other in good fun or team up to prank Jin Ling. They can be very ride or die at times, and they can also be really soft
So then you stick zhuilingyizhen together and you have this best friend group formed under interesting circumstances that became ride or die pretty fast with multiple different dynamics, but it's filled with so much love and chaos. It's romantic time with the boys and despite the different dynamics they all love each other
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geeeniaz94 · 3 years
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1 1 . 5 0 PM
MDZS final season Ep 28
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blenderfullasarcasm · 4 years
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day 11: disgusting
love me some wholesome mdzs juniors
“what is this?”
“disgusting...do it again.”
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
Lan Sizhui: Did you know that apparently when you get a song stuck in your head, it’s because your soulmate is singing it?
Ouyang Zizhen: Oh? That’s cool!
Lan Jingyi: [panics]
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wifiwuxians · 3 years
On the scale of "basic" to "tasteless", where do you put me for shipping Zhuilingyizhen (aka the juniors OT4)
Perfect middle. I'd rather split them up into 2 bc otherwise it's like... Eehhghh... But hey they're a great quartet in general
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candicewright · 4 years
Hello <3 How are you (and your mom) today? And for the get to know me game: Story - If you could make one major story change, what change would you make? Why? Ships - Platonic OTPs/BROTPs? Rarepairs? OT3+s?
Hey! We are great now that I'm back home :D Let's see!
If you could make one major story change, what change would you make?
I would make it so that Lan Xichen didn't end up killing Jin Guangyao at the end because he doesn't deserve all that pain (I still want Jin Guangyao to die though). I just want him to be happy and not go into seclusion.
I would make the time between We Wuxian's death and his resurrection shorter (maybe 13 years like in the novel or maybe less) to not make Lan Wangji suffer that much and I would change the order of the ending scenes of the show so that the waterfall scene is the last one.
Platonic OTPs/BROTPs? Rarepairs? OT3+s?
I love the Nie bros, Yunmeng siblings, Gusu trio, and the Junior Quartet. My favorite rarepair that I would die for is yanqing. And for the OT3, 3zun in a happier AU.
I like Lan Sizhui & Lan Jingyi or the Junior Quartet. A-Qing/Jin Ling for the rarepair (WHAT IS THIS MOTHER. I AM WHEEZING). Songxuexiao for the OT3 or Su She/Jin Zuxun/Sect Leader Yao/Madame Yu + zidian as an OT4 (AKAJSFSHSHSJSFHJSGSFSF. THANK YOU FOR THE CRACKSHIP. I SHALL NAME THIS THE HELL SHIP).
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mdzsartreblogs · 4 years
3000 Posts!
We’re at 3000 posts, which means it’s time for me to do another of my periodic updates!
The blog is now at 134 followers, up 30 in the 2 and a half weeks since the 2k post update. It makes me happy every time someone else decides to give us a follow - please do help spread the word, if you find this blog useful and nice!
If you’re an artist and you want to be sure I add your work to the queue, feel free to ping me! Otherwise…well, I’m sure I’ll get it eventually.
I maintain a 50 post a day queue, and can queue up to 300 posts at a time. I store everything else I find in my likes...and that’s currently more than 10,500. Hot damn ya’ll. That’s a ton of art.
In light of some drama that rained down on my main blog as a result of my liking things, lemme just make it clear that if you’re seeing this and you don’t want me to reblog your stuff, all you gotta do is ask.
If there’s something specific you’d like to see more of, feel free to let me know - drop me an ask, like, “hey I’d love some more yanqing art!” and I can always go through my huge backlog of likes and specifically queue the things you’ve requested. (It won’t actually post for another six days or so, but it’ll show up eventually, lol)
If there’s anything you need or want tagged, lemme know and I’ll do my best!
Thanks, ya’ll! Hope you’ve been enjoying the art - the amount of talent in this fandom is beyond incredible, right??
And now for the fun part - I love data, and I maintain some statistics on tag usage. This blog has a whopping 1627 unique tags (mostly individual artists) and here’s some data on the most commonly used tags! (you can see all the data on my personal spreadsheet here)
(read more)
Top Characters by reblogs: amazingly there are still multiple characters for whom I have zero works, including Wen Xu, Madam Jin, all the Mos except MXY… fewer, than there were, though! And I’ve got some works for these characters in my likes so they’ll be up eventually...Sect Leader Ouyang finally got his first work, though!
Wei Wuxian (1641 works) (no change)
Lan Wangji (1330 works) (no change)
Jiang Cheng (394 works) (no change)
A Yuan (269 works) (no change)
Lan Xichen (206 works) (+1 from the 2k post)
Jin Ling (203 works) (-1 from the 2k post)
Wen Ning (194 works) (no change)
Nie Huaisang (194 works) (no change)
Xiao Xingchen (156 works) (no change)
Jin Guangyao (141 works) (no change)
Top Ships and Platonic Relationships by reblogs: got some new ships, including xisang, sanghui, and zhenling! I also broke out the ship of the Junior Trio from platonic works featuring the Junior Trio, which caused them to drop out of the top 10. (the ship is labeled “Junior OT3;” I also separated the Quartet into Junior OT4 and Junior Quartet and 3zun into the ship - 3zun - and the friendship - Venetrated Triad)
Wangxian (985 works) (no change)
Twin Prides of Yunmeng (106 works) (no change)
Songxiao (61 works) (+1 from 2k post)
Wangxian are Dads (60 works) (+1 from 2k post)
Grape Uncle (57 works) (-2 from 2k post)
Xuexiao (45 works) (+1 from 2k post)
Sangcheng (45 works) (new!)
Yunmeng Siblings (44 works) (-1 from 2k post)
Twin Jades of Gusu (40 works) (no change)
Wei Wuxian is a Dad (37 works) (no change)
Artists with the most works reblogged: A total of 1050 artists have had at least one work reblogged here! 
Bees0are0awesome (59 works) (no change)
official art (37 works) (new!)
curiositykilled (31 works) (-1 from 2k post)
modao18 (29 works) (+6 from 2k post)
iouii (29 works) (+2 from 2k post)
bi-the-wei (26 works) (new!)
zeldacw (25 works) (+1 from 2k post)
simgrimart (25 works) (-5 from 2k post)
littlesmartart (24 works) (+2 from 2k post)
gusurabbit (23 works) (-6 from 2k post)
Other Top Tags:
laughs (380 works) (no change)
comic (375 works) (no change)
flowers (312 works) (no change)
Chenqing (245 works) (no change)
Modern AU (231 works) (+1 from 2k post)
Chibi (221 works) (-1 from 2k post)
Lan Sizhui (versions of A-Yuan where he’s a Lan) (218 works) (new!)
Yiling Laozu (dark Wei Wuxian) (183 works) (no change)
Cloud Recesses (169 works) (+1 from 2k post)
Blood TW (164 works) (-3 from 2k post)
Fierce Corpse (150 works) (+3 from 2k post)
Bunnies (150 works) (-3 from 2k post)
Fan (134 works) (-1 from 2k post)
Bichen (131 works) (-3 from 2k post)
Fierce Corpse Wen Ning (123 works) (-1 from 2k post)
Alcohol (119 works) (-1 from 2k post)
Wangji (116 works) (-4 from 2k post)
Blind Xiao Xingchen (104 works) (-2 from 2k post)
Lotus Pier (102 works) (-2 from 2k post)
Lotuses (101 works) (no change)
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[OT4, Juniors all getting together]
Junior Quartet | Mo Dao Zu Shi 23-03-2021
[#mdzsjuniors - ot4]
What if Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui started dating post-canon after some nervous pining, keeping their relationship a secret from the other half of the quartet.
Then, after some time, jl ends up asking lsz if he really loves him, because of the way he looks at ljy he has this something in his eyes. After some nervous turning around the subject, lsz finally admits he does /also/ love ljy, the same way he does jl. but lsz doesn't dare tell him, because he's sure ljy doesn't feel the same.
jl ends up telling him he doesn't mind sharing if it make him happier. Especially since it is clear ljy is also pining for lsz, but had noticed their little "secret" relationship and didn't dare step in. Turns out lsz is happily surprised and gets himself a second boyfriend, jl and ljy slowly develop their own brand of love.
So they now start this new poly couple, rather happy with how thing seems to work. But now that they are often only the three of them most of the time, they feel like they are missing someone all the time.
Then they realise that maybe, they didn't see oyzz as just a friend. They also feel a bit guilty for having left him so much to the side as they were trying to make this whole new thing work. lsz is the one to come up to oyzz to talk about it to him, as the two others didn't know how to bring it up to him. 
oyzz doesn't really know what to answer to this, as he never really thought about it in the past. He /does/ have a little something for lsz tho "now that he's thinking about it", but doesn't know if he should join them. He does, and things turn out even better than before. 
They are back to being the juniors quartet, but this time as lovers, even though most obviously don't know. Some days a more difficult, sometimes communication is hard, but they would rather not give it up for anything in the world, they absolutely like it the way it is. 
I also wonder how the parents would all react.
I'd see jc going "Really jl, /another/ boyfriend? I suppose at least this time he's not a plan, shouldn't be too troublesome". Yet he doesn't try to break them off anyway, as he would rather see his nephew happy than sad because he tried to break them off.
wn is over the moon that lsz is surrounded by so many people who love him that much. Although even this sweet cinnamon bun has warned one time that they shouldn't dare to break his heart. All three hurriedly agreed. 
lwj would be the silently supportive dad, ready to listen and give advice despite easy relationships not being his department. All he can wish for is for none of them to suddenly disappear on him for 13 years.
wwx isn't sure at first how come baby a-yuan is collecting this many boyfriends, but is just as supportive, ready to help them out. He's the dad ready to bring up the most embarrassing thing simply because he's trying his best to help his son out. If he can make sure lsz is not as lost as he was, then it would be this already won. 
I cannot tell what oyzz dad would say, but if he were to not be supportive of his son, oyzz is made quickly aware that he already has a new family ready to support him whatever happens with him (my hurt/comfort ass don't like oyzz dad, so it would probably not be a good react) but oyzz is better off with all these other cultivators ready to support him than him anyway.
They lived happily ever after and we forget that jl is the jll sect leader (am not thinking angst tonight okay, shoo shoo).
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[First time (18+)]
Junior Quartet | Mo Dao Zu Shi 22-04-2021
[#mdzsjuniors - first time] (nsfw)
where the junior's polycul is going smoothly, but they want to try doing more than just chaste kissing and hand-holding without being interrupted. It was as if the universe was against them succeeding in that, someone was always there to interrupt. so they decide that an inn while on a night hunt would be a good idea, but it must be the only, not with lwj, wwx or jc. So they try convincing them that they /are/ old enough (and strong enough) to go on a night hunt with only the four of them. Jc sounds like the most against (read worried) about jl going “alone" without someone older to save their asses. They argue until wwx says “wn as to come then, you will make sure nothing happens to them". 
Wn gives one look at jl and jc, both clearly not finding it to be the best idea, but they all really seem to want to go alone so he accepts. (Of course, before going jc pull him to the side to warn him to do his job well or /else/). 
So they are on their way, actually enjoying travelling around “only" the 4 of them (wn pretty much stay at a safe distance so jl feels more conformable). When they settle to an inn lsz simply sends wn to guard out and make sure to tell them if he finds anything about the ghost they were looking for. 
Only then are the juniors finally alone, able to do what they had planned. There's a lot of kissing and caressing to get in the mood, until lsz is the one on the bed, robes already half taken off of him. 
They had somewhat already decided who didn't mind being on the receiving ends and lsz simply figured they could switch it up if he wanted to. But the question now was who would go first with him. Lsz is just trying to calm his nerves down, looking at his three boyfriends. 
Then ljy and jl both turn to oyz, who jumps a bit at all the sudden attention. “me first?!”. He thought maybe the two others would want to go first since they were the ones to get into this relationship first while he joined last. 
“you are the most experienced” ljy answer “I saw the book you have in your room". 
“They are not THAT kind of book, its /romance/” he retorts while blushing, ljy arching a brow, because they both know there are more steamy parts in these books. 
He instead turns to jl, only to have the young sect leader turn his head to the side with a slight blush. “like ljy said... I don't want to hurt a-yuan". Oyz jumps a bit when he feels a hand grab his, turning to lsz who was half naked on the bed, offering him a reassuring smile. He relaxes a bit, supposing if everyone is good with it he can. 
So he joins lsz on the bed, getting out the oil he had prepared for this to make sure they wouldn't hurt each other. He help lsz out of his robes, quickly taking his off too so his lover wasn't alone in his nudity. 
He then coated his finger in oil, looking up at lsz to make sure he was good with this, before starting with one finger. Ljy ended up joining them in the bed, looking at what oyz was doing. “a-Yi, don’t stare” lsz said, blushing at how the two of them seemed to focus on oyz finger entering him. 
Ljy then instead looked up, asking how it was, only getting a complaint for jl saying he can’t just ask it like that. “A bit easier than I thought, I was able to add a second one quickly” he says, looking up at lsz with a small knowing smile. This one made the young man blush even more, trying to hide his face. 
He /may or may not/ have tried a bit all by himself before they were supposed to go on their night hunt, just to see how it might actually be (he ended up finding how to enjoy it after a couple of hit-and-miss). 
Soon lsz was ready and hard, panting and squirming a bit from oyz touch, trying to move so he could hit that funny spot inside him. Oyz was also pretty worked up, pulling his finger out when he felt like the young man was prepared enough, spreading his legs a bit more so he could put himself between them, lining himself up. “Can I?” he ask, wanting to make sure lsz was still alright with this. 
The young man simply nodded, a bit nervous now that the real thing was going to be in him. Oyz cock was obviously bigger than his fingers, but the oil help him a lot as he was slowly sliding in. Jl on the side gently tried to distract him from the discomfort, stealing kisses. 
Ljy ended up joining jl on his side of the bed, shedding off his robes, apparently deciding they too could have some fun while lsz and oyz were going at it first. He stole him away from lsz, oyz instead taking his place as he slowly started to move his hips. Lsz was rather happy to see them doing so well together, as things had been a bit rocky at first. Soon he could only focus on oyz who had found a good rhythm and angle, sending sparks of pleasure in him. 
When they both finally come lsz is panting heavily, oyz softly kissing his face as he pulls out of him. This finally caught the attention of both jl and ljy who were having their own fun on the side. 
The four of them exchange a look, before jl bends down to kiss lsz, asking how he's doing. “good" he smiles as he loops his arms around him, pulling him back down for more kisses. The ljy carefully asks if he wants to keep going, to which he nods, saying he wants to keep going if they want to. There is a small awkward silence as ljy and jl look at each other, only for jl to tell him he can go, looking a bit nervous. 
So ljy did, sliding in easily since lsz was already used to having someone in him. Oyz decided he would take care of jl, bending down to suck him off, which surprised him but he didn’t push away, so he most likely liked it. Things went like this until jl also had his turn (not without making sure lsz would be alright) and they were all even more tired than they might have been from the night hunt and the travelling around. They still made sure to help lsz clean up, cuddling him well when everyone went to sleep. 
The following day lsz was back to blushing violently when wn asked if he was alright, since he was walking a bit funny. He truly didn’t know what to answer to this. “We were playing around a bit and lsz ended up falling on the floor, he is alright” replied ljy to try and reassure him, which lead wn to be a bit more worried, wanting to check on him. 
Despite the slight embarrassment of the moment, every one of them was already ready to plan another night like this.
(I might just write it as a full-on one-shot, there's stuff I wanted to write more but I lost the energy for it and it is easier when I post a longer story on ao3 rather than the ideas here)
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
Lan Jingyi: Alright, so I was thinking-
Jin Ling: [punches him]
Lan Jingyi:
Lan Sizhui: Don’t say it.
Ouyang Zizhen, mouthing behind him: SAY IT.
Lan Jingyi:
Lan Jingyi: Ah fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this.
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
Lan Jingyi: Sizhui makes me feel weird inside...
Ouyang Zizhen: Do you have a crush on him?
Lan Jingyi: I don’t think so. But every time I see him, I just wanna kiss him.
Ouyang Zizhen:
Lan Sizhui:
Jin Ling: You’re dumb.
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
Lan Sizhui: I think we’re done playing uno for tonight...
Zizhen, in the background: [laughs and cries in gay]
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
Incorrect MDZS Juniors as Texts My Friends & I Have Sent During Quarantine:
Inspo from @ryvelle
Ouyang Zizhen: [doing his hair]
Jin Ling, staring: You look like you have a bunch of tiny Barbie wigs in your hair.
Lan Sizhui: [chokes on his tea]
Jin Ling: Imagine being gay.
Ouyang Zizhen: ...you don’t have to?
Lan Jingyi: So, I break out of jail and run away to a cave.
Lan Jingyi: But it’s like, really cold, so I break back into jail...?
Ouyang Zizhen: [nods furiously]
Lan Jingyi: So, today I learned passing out? Turns out it’s not good.
Lan Sizhui: I- are you okay?!
Ouyang Zizhen: Gassy unicorns or vampire bunnies?
Ouyang Zizhen: This is important.
Lan Sizhui:
Lan Sizhui: Vampire bunnies.
Ouyang Zizhen: I just saw a ginormous dead frog. And now I’m sad.
Lan Jingyi: so sad.
Lan Jingyi, screeching: Alexa, play deSpaCitO.
Lan Jingyi, staring at Jin Ling: Can you have daddy/mommy issues if you’re an orphan?
Ouyang Zizhen: The best kind of straight ships are the ones with a female top.
Lan Jingyi: You’re not wrong.
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