#other countries
useless-catalanfacts · 7 months
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Barcelona, Catalonia. October 21st 2023.
Demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people, against genocide and apartheid. 🇵🇸
Photos from the newspaper La Directa.
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
☃️Brazilian traditional looks☃️
A slice of an introdution
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Art by unknown, if you who it is from, please warn me and I'll give the proper credit
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This outfit featured in the drawing is traditional from the North East region, which is the one I'll be rambling about since is the one I know the most
This outfit isn't used for day-to-day and casual ativities, but mostly for special events.
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The dress' name is baianinha
Before going into more details, it is important to highlight how the country, and specially the North East part of it were influenced by african culture.
The Africa is a wide and huge continent, full of the most diverse cultures, some of which, due to the diaspora, were bought here.
The Brazilian culture is, fundamentally, a mix of indigen, african and portuguese culture. Our language was a contribuition of the Portugueses, and many of it was also influenced by the Tupi (one of the most spoken indigen languages in the territorry), from which we have many many many words. The enslaved black people bought here also bought their cultures, and that was a big influence for the cuisine, the dances, the kid games and the clothes. We all know what Europe looks like and their culture doesn't differ much so we know what portugueses bought (some influence in the cuisine, the clothes ofc, the dances and stuff).
Dependong of the area of the country you're in, some specifics aspects of the culture may stand out. For some historical reasons (I won't be explaining here becaude it would make this way longer), the european imigrants from Modern Era went mostly to the South, and the black enslaved and no-more-enlaved were concentrated in the North East; the native people (indigenous brazilians) managed to stay in the North, and as so you can see a larger influence of White Culture in South and South East, a larger influence of Black Culture in the North-East, and a larger influence of Indigenous Culture in North.
The baianinha outfit has its roots bonded to afro-origined not only culture, but religions, like the candomblé and ubanda, in which the praticers use similar clothing. In Bahia (North-east), one of the most black influenced states of Brazil, this one is quite of a symbol.
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bruce-morrow · 5 months
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Other Countries celebrates Sojourner: Black Gay Voiced in the Age of AIDS @ CUNY Grad Center, 2023
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finntheehumaneater · 8 months
I’m going to leave this here for people because it is such an amazing and interesting video to watch, and I feel like it really helps to explain some things about people who don’t identify as a boy or a girl in a way that most people can understand.
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useless-moroccofacts · 9 months
Tw: Transphobia, queerphobia
The worst thing about the ongoing intensification of queerphobia in Morocco is its futility. We're talking about a country where homosexuality is already criminalized, so what's this about?
Moroccan men live in constant delusion to prove that they deserve to dominate the world. They've always had this imaginary one-sided competition with white men which makes them desperately want to weigh in and replicate western patriarchal trends and ideologies. The current trans panic is one of the biggest propaganda narratives in the West right now, so what do Moroccan men do? Try to add their two cents by commenting on how "there are more and more trans people in this country" when this nation has been regressing in every aspect for the past 15 years. 
So, realistically, what can they really do? A few months ago, Algerian politicians successfully called for a ban on "gay rainbow symbolism" from all kinds of products. I wouldn't be surprised if our parrots start pushing for something similar. Cis women will also be more and more scrutinized and I'm sure there will be a rise in sexual harassment and assault against all types of women under the guise of anti-trans suspicion. 
Moroccan men are the literal scum of the Earth. They're convinced if they just throw enough of us under the bus, they'll magically gain white approval and ascend to the top of the patriarchy. They won't stop at anything to pursue this mirage, so I'm sure they'll get more and more audacious in their pursuit by overturning the few feminist and child protection laws we have in the future.
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raygunofsunshine · 2 years
If you ever want to have fun, explain American Geography to someone who’s not from America. These are some quotes from my conversation with my Canadian friend:
I thought the Erie Canal was in Canada?
Is Egypt in Africa or something? I thought it was American.
Why are there people in Egypt? I thought that was just for the pyramids.
Where’s the Amazon Rainforest? Isn’t it in Arizona?
I thought Chicago was by Florida?
Isn’t Tampa in Idaho?
I thought Philadelphia was an underwater city?
Venezuela isn’t American?
Aren’t Las Vegas and Los Angeles the same thing?
I thought London was in France? Not America?
The Bahamas are islands?
And my personal favorite:
I thought Cuba was a part of America?
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Do you know how to find resources about programming outside of the US?
Yes, which country?
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redvelvetwishtree · 4 months
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butchspace · 4 months
BDS has updated their calls for consumer boycotts to include: Chevron (and Texaco and Caltex by extension). Here is their most current boycott list.
They have also officially called for a boycott of McDonald’s. Here is their Instagram post on McDonald’s.
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
Earlier this month, and given the ongoing massacres and genocide in Gaza, the dock workers in Barcelona (Catalonia) declared that they won't allow ships with weapons in the Barcelona port. Barcelona's port is the 5th busiest container port in the Mediterranean.
It's not the first time that the Barcelona dock workers have refused to serve ships that carry war material, but this time they have created a more stable way to proceed. The union representative has said that they will "act automatically when we detect the presence of a ship with war load".
This was their statement, which I translate to English below:
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We, the dock workers of Barcelona's port, from our free and independent organization (OEPB), want to reiterate our most absolute rejection of any form of violence.
As a workers' collective, it is our duty and commitment to respect and vehemently defend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights that seem to have been forgotten by the same countries that signed the Carta Magna and which nowadays are being violated in Ukraine, Israel or the Palestinian territory, among other places in the world.
This is why we have decided in assembly to not allow in our port the activity of any ships that carry war material, with the only purpose of protecting the civilian population, wherever they are from. No cause justifies killing civilians.
We demand an immediate ceasefire and to proceed searching for peaceful resolutions of the different conflicts. We also ask the UN to stop its complicity by inaction or negligence of its functions, and [the UN] to take back the spirits and motive for which it was founded:
• Keeping the peace and safety around the world
• Protecting human rights
• Distributing humanitarian help
• Supporting sustainable development and climate action
• Defending international law.
Barcelona, November 6th 2023
Dock workers in Belgium, Italy and the USA have already blocked ships that were suspicious of carrying weapons for Israel, and activists in other places like Kent (England) have blocked factories that make weapons.
Does your workplace contribute to killing civilians and genocide? How does your city, town or area contribute to sending military equipment to Israel? Do your buying habits send money to support the displacement or killing of Palestinian people?
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There are many changes that need to be done to stop contributing and to leave Israel alone and unable to continue its massacres.
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fallen-red-bird · 1 month
Having mutuals in a different country is so weird. Like what do you mean your laws are restricting you?? Put me on the phone with the Head Guy. I'll talk to him for you
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chloeworships · 1 month
Have we been distracted?
Let’s just say, “hypothetically speaking”, if this country is Iran, this would be an embarrassment to Western nations.
The LORD told me that what happened in Israel was a catalyst to expose corruption and at the highest levels including “organizations” like the UN and those linked with terrorist. And when it is discovered, when it all comes to pass (again) remember the LORD had a larger plan.
More on this soon.
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elainiisms · 8 months
it's almost like... if you play a movie in 10 cinemas worldwide, it doesn't do as well as it could 🤯🤯
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boot2004 · 10 months
Reblog to blow up a cop
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1929crash · 5 months
Meeting Timothy Leary
Timothy Leary was libertarian before Reason and the LP even existed Leary was in Austin debating one of Nixon’s jackbooted minions. I missed the debate but went to Book People where he was hanging out by a picnic table outside. I’d just turned down a job at HL&P advertising for the South Texas Nuclear Project and was packing for Boulder to work for Petr Beckmann at Access to Energy. I wore my…
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