#otp sick prompts
thelonelyempath · 1 year
Sick Prompts III
"You feeling okay?"
2. "I literally never get sick. Why is this happening?"
3. "Relax, babe. It's just a cold."
4. "It tastes terrible, I know. But it'll make your fever go down."
5. "I don't think I've ever seen somebody pass out so hard while taking a nap."
6. "Why are your hands so cold?"
7. "You okay? You're never this quiet."
8. "Weren't you sick just last month?"
9. "Come on, baby. It's time to wake up."
10. "Just let me take care of you, okay?"
11. "Your face is white and your hair is a mess, but it's actually pretty cute."
12. "I poked your nose once and it made you sneeze. That's not normal."
13. "This is what happens when you don't sleep."
14. "Bless you."
15. "Do you know where you are and what time it is?"
16. "I made you tea."
17. "I just can't get warm."
18. "Stay here. I'll go get you a blanket."
19. "You look like death."
20. "Can you stay awake for me?"
21. "Is it okay if I touch you?"
22. "You're sick. If you overexert yourself, you're gonna get sicker."
23. "Go back to sleep, honey."
24. "Lightheaded, huh? Perhaps I should carry you to bed."
25. "I don't need to have the heater on when I can just cuddle with you, you human fireplace."
26. "Don't feel bad if you puke this up. At least you tried to keep it down."
27. "I don't care if I get sick. Give me a kiss."
28. "I'll try my best to not sneeze on you."
29. "You have a fever, sweetheart. Of course I'm not going anywhere."
30. "I'm right here if you need anything."
31. "Feeling any better?"
32. "I wish I could make your sick go away."
33. "Here's some medicine, love."
34. "Let me just swim through this ocean of tissues first."
35. "Sit up for me, baby. Just for a second so you can take your medicine."
36. "Don't push yourself so hard. Let me help you."
37. "Go lie down before you pass out."
38. "When were you planning to tell me you were sick?"
39. "Follow my finger."
40. "Sick cuddles are the best."
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writersloveroe · 1 year
sickfic romantic prompts
•whispering sweet nothings as they fall asleep
•placing a hand on their forehead to check their temperature
•placing a blanket over them
•cooking their favorite soup
•running a finger through their hair while they sleep
•finding something to distract them from pain (ex: movies, video-games, etc)
•convincing them that the medicine’s taste isn’t that bad
•trying (or not trying) to refrain from giving them kisses in order to not get sick
•rubbing their stomach
•”you’ll feel better in no time, i promise,”
•”geez, you’re burning up,”
•”my grandma swears by this chicken noodle soup recipe, i’m sure you’ll love it,”
•”i knew i should’ve made you wear a coat,”
•”can you kiss me? i’m sure i’ll feel wayy better if you do,”
•”i won’t get sick i promise, just let me kiss you!”
•”stop being dramatic the medicine flavor can’t be that bad,”
•”you’re shaking, if you needed a blanket just say so next time,”
•”i hate being sick, but i love when you take care of me,”
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scealaiscoite · 1 year
vacation prompts: otp edition ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱
-ˏˋ. dialogue ˊˎ-
— “you have a whole suitcase full of your own clothes, and you still insist on wearing mine?”
— “hey, you slept on my shoulder for the entire flight! it’s only fair that you let me sleep on you for a little now.”
— “come on, you’ve seen me in this a million times - there’s no reason to start staring at me now.”
— “if i find out you wanted to come here just to get me in swimwear for a week, i’ll never let you forget it.”
— “i’m game for a night of room service and subtitled tv if you are.”
— “i’m not sure what the point was in us booking a king bed if you’re going to insist on laying directly on top of me every night.”
— “it’s our last night here. we’re going dancing, whether you like it or not.”
— “next year, we’re roadtripping. or staying in, or literally anything else in the world.”
-ˏˋ. actions / scenarios ˊˎ-
— discarding the plans they’d made in favour of staying in bed together all day
— being especially protective of their s/o in their new surroundings
— surprising their partner with a date night they’d planned without their knowledge
— admiring their partner whilst they sunbathe
— one of them being fluent in the language of the country they’re in, and the other surprising them by having learned it too
— treating their s/o to something they’ve had their eye on for the whole trip
— the grumpier of the two being the one to propose the funnest activities
— becoming more outwardly affectionate with one another, given no-one knows them here
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novelbear · 1 year
"not too close!" - some sickfic scenarios for your otp
prompt list by @novelbear
gently placing a hand on their forehead periodically throughout the day to check for fever.
falling asleep almost everywhere because they're just so exhausted
"can i have another blanket?" "do you really think that's a good idea, love?"
remembering little details when shopping for them (certain brands of tissues that don't irritate their nose, flavors of cough drops/lozenges they prefer, etc.)
wincing when they speak for the first time after a while and their voice is so hoarse/rough
"what are you doing out of bed?" "for the love of god, i need to pee."
sacrificing their own comfort for the one that's unwell (ex: they usually need the a.c on at night, but they sleep without it to keep the other warm)
"if you're like this tomorrow, i'm calling the doctor."
massaging their head/stomach when in pain
protecting their peace when friends and family are around ("no, don't wake them! they're sick.")
giving in to anything they want because they feel terrible for how they're feeling
^ "can i have a popsicle?" "you really shouldn't..." "please?" "ugh fine.."
not letting the sick one move an inch.
"you're going to get sick if you keep coddling me." "and you're just going to get worse if i don't..."
"i don't deserve you." "yes you do, now go to sleep hon'."
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euthymiaaa · 7 months
— a lover who is sick prompt *:・゚✧*:・゚
im sick & delirious, so i am inspired, enjoy!
❥ getting a text that your partner is just a bit under the weather
❥ them warning you not to see them because they don’t want to get you sick
❥ “i’m swinging by your house no matter what, i don’t care the slightest if i get ill”
❥ preparing them soup and buying them medicine
❥ rushing to their house as fast as possible to be able to take care of them
❥ them being so delirious that they can’t tell if seeing you at their front door is a dream or not
❥ “is this a fever dream? i thought i told you not to come darling?”
❥ pushing them under the covers of their bed; encouraging them to rest since you’re here
❥ “how do you feel? how can i make you feel better?”
❥ wiping all the sweat off their forehead with a cold towel
❥ letting their head rest against your chest
❥ “you’re burning up, are you sure this is just a small cold?”
❥ giving them medicine by putting it in your mouth first, then passing it through a tender kiss
❥ personally feeding them the soup, not allowing them lift a finger
❥ “should i warm up the soup a bit more? it got cold, even if i tried coming here as fast as possible”
❥ softly reading their favorite book out-loud to put them at ease
❥ humming gently while playing with their hair
❥ “is the medicine making you drowsy? you can sleep you know”
❥ holding hands and delicately stroking their hand with your thumb
❥ peppering kisses to their cheek, forehead and temple
❥ whispering sincere words of affection, anything sweet to take their mind off of being sick
❥ “i hope you get well as soon as possible love, it hurts to see you suffering like this”
❥ not leaving their side until they fall asleep and you accidentally let slumber take over as well
❥ waking up with a sore throat, but it doesn’t matter as long as you’re with them
❥ “who’s going to take care of both of us now silly?”
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me-writes-prompts · 11 months
“I’m sick but at least I have you”:))))
(soft, soft, soft. I am soft. All of these are lovely, tag me!)
By @me-writes-prompts
Kissing them on their head while they are sleeping
Making them warm soup
Watching their favorite movie together
Singing them a lullaby
Checking their temperature repeatedly to ensure they are okay.
"Are you sure you're okay? We can to go the hospital." "I'm sure I'm very okay."
"You're hot." "I know, love. But this is not the time." "I'm talking about your temperature omg!!!"
"You look cute, all bundled in the blankets." "Hehe, yeah." *coughs*
"Sorry, what did you say?" "I said, do you need water?" "NO, I said I don't need a doctor. God, so persistent, you are." (lmaoo, this is so random but I'm gonna keep it :)
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urfriendlywriter · 2 years
taking care of your sick lover prompts:
(feel free to use <3)
letting your sick lover sleep on your shoulders
feeding them soup while they're half asleep
"tell me where it hurts, love"
when A has to tuck B in bed because B fell asleep with their clothes, on top of the blankets
A giggling when they see B shivering and tugging them closer to keep them warm
reading to them and finding them asleep halfway through
"you need to drink the tonic, love. how else will your cold go away??"
when you're sick and you wake up to find your lover asleep by your feet, like they've stayed awake the whole night by your side to make sure you slept well :(♡
massaging their head in bed as they tell you about how often they used to get sick as a kid
"this is embarrassing.." "you don't have to shy away from me! you can always call me for help"
they get grumpy when they're sick "oh, you need help with that?" "shut up." lmaoo
*tastes the porridge made by their lover* "....this- *laughs hysterically* this is awful!"
"don't come near me, *sneezes* god, yeah you can see why."
your lover gets clingy when sick so now you've to deal with their adorable, bubbly but sick, half dozing version. you love them, so no complaints
"is the water too hot?" "no, it's perfect"
your lover's sick habits is being too emotional, so they start dozing and telling you how, why, where, when exactly they fell in love with you with every minute detail.
or your lover's sick habit is being too stubborn to let someone else help
"if you don't stop and let me help, I'll never come to your doorstep again." ".. okay.."
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corvase · 2 years
taking care of sick character prompts
feel free to use :)
“is this cloth too hot or cold?” “it’s perfect.”
“sit up.”
“hi. i am here to be your nurse.”
character a is sick and helped by character b; near the end of the book, character b is sick and a helps them and it’s a full circle
“this is humiliating.” “there’s nothing humiliating about needing help once in a while, my love.”
character a and b having a date and one being late/not showing up because they came down with something; the other one comes to their house and helps them
they go out on a date and one gets sick (say it’s raining or something) then you can decide what happens
character a going “you’re not mad at me?” and character b being so baffled and not being able to fathom how character a would think they’d be mad for being sick when it’s out of their control
“don’t touch me, i’m all sick.” “it’s okay.”
“hi. you alive over there?” “is that a trick question?”
workaholic characters that refuse to be taken care of <3333
not even romance but friends who are willing to take care of each other <333333
character a and b sick together at home <33333
“i got you sick.” “better you than anyone else.”
“let me take care of you.”
character a refusing to admit they’re sick and character b going like “you look like you just got ran over. twice. please just rest.”
“when did you last take some meds?”
“you must love me a lot.” “obviously, you idiot.” “so now you’re insulting a sick person?”
“i’m here because i love you.” “even when i’m sick?” “especially when you’re sick. sick people need even more love than usual, you know.” “……….. i love you immeasurably.”
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promptful · 2 years
how about sick and care taker quotes/propmts?
Caretaker/Sick Prompts
Hi! Here you go.
WARNINGS: Vomit. Hospital. Disease.
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1) “You’re burning up.” 
2) “Here’s some medicine.” 
3) “You’re not ‘fine.’”
4) “Let me draw you a bath.” 
5) “Try and get some food down. Anything.” 
6) “How about some Ice chips?” 
7) “I know it’s nasty, but I need you to take it anyway.” 
8) “Can I get you water? Food? Medicine?” 
9) “Are you dizzy?” 
10) “If you even slightly lose consciousness, I’m taking you to the hospital.” 
11) “I don’t care if I get sick. Move over.” 
12) “What better way to spend a sick day than movie night and snacks?” 
13) “Ohmygod, I just kissed you.” 
14) “I got your hair, it’s okay.” 
15) “Were you able to eat anything?” 
16) “Ice pack?” 
17) “I’m staying home today. I don’t want to leave knowing you’re feeling this bad.” 
18) “Stop. I can handle everything else.” 
19) “Stay in bed, for me?” 
20) “I will pick you up, dammit. Lay down.” 
21) “I even contacted my mom/dad for this soup. Eat.” 
22) “No matter what you look like, or how you feel, I’ll always love you.” 
23) “In sickness and in health, right?” 
24) “If I get sick, you’ll take care of me, right?” 
25) “You’re like a little furnace.” 
26) “Sleep, I’ll be right here.” 
27) “Let me call into work for you.” 
28) “I—I’m not going to tell you what you can and cannot do. But please. Don’t go out like this.” 
29) “Don’t feel bad if you vomit this up later.” 
30) “I got you, I got you.” 
31) “Hey! Are you still with me?” 
32) “Fever dreams, huh?” 
33) “I know you feel horrible, but just a few more days and you’ll be right as rain.” 
34) “You won’t get me sick. Well. You might, but I don’t mind.” 
35) “Can I hold you?” 
36) “Even if you’re sick, you’re still the prettiest girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse in the world.” 
37) “Let me take care of you.” 
38) “If you even say ‘I’m sorry’ once, I’m going to be extra caring until you can’t stand me.” 
39) “Tea?” 
40) “Sick snuggles?” 
41) “My throat feels like it’s on fire.” 
42) “Why is everything so hot?” 
43) “Why is everything so cold?” 
44)“I… really don’t feel good.” 
45)“You’re brave being in vomiting distance.” 
46) “I’m fine. It’s fine. Stop—stop fussing over me.” 
47) “It’s like there’s a weight on my chest.” 
48) “Let me sleep. Please.” 
49) “Sorry, I’m… I’m really dizzy.” 
50) “That felt so real.” 
51) “Stop, I don’t want to get you sick!” 
52) “Hold me?” 
53) “I feel like I’m half-way to Hell and Heaven all at the same time.” 
54) “‘Think I got one foot in the grave.” 
55) “Gonna vomit.” 
56) “Don’t let me fall.” 
57) “Is my skin on fire?” 
58) “You’re so cold.” 
59) “Don’t know if I wanna eat or cry.” 
60) “Please, don’t get sick because of me.” 
61) “Did you just kiss me?” 
62) “Gotta—gotta go to work.” 
63) “Bathroom. Now.” 
64) “Thanks…” 
65) “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
66) “Come on. There’s no need to overreact over this.” “You are literally passing out.” 
67) “I feel terrible.” 
68) “Did Hell warm over?” 
69) “Love you.” 
70) “Is this a good enough excuse for you to make me cake/cupcakes/chocolate?” 
71) “No hospital.” 
72) “Did I swallow sandpaper?”
73) “What about—what about work?” 
74) “You’re too good to me.” 
75) “It’s just a little cold.” 
76) “I’m gonna… gonna sleep this off.” 
77) “I’ll freeze to death if this doesn’t stop.” 
78) “Why are you so warm?” 
79) “I’m shivering…” 
80) “Feel like shit.”
81) I’m holding your hair as you're vomiting into the toilet. You keep apologizing, but I seriously don’t mind. 
82) I made you a bowl of soup? I hope you like it. 
83) Without thinking about it, I press my lips to yours and… oh. This is going to bite me later, isn’t it. 
84) You’re trying to leave for work, and I keep telling you please no. I can’t imagine what I’d do if someone called me saying that you passed out. 
85) Laying on my lap, you’re watching television, and I’m running my fingers through your hair. 
86) I made you a list to convince you why you’re still pretty/handsome despite being sick, no matter how hard you’re trying to convince me otherwise.
87) We were just conversing and suddenly your eyes fluttered shut. Ohmygod. 
88) This… we’re really close, but you asked me to help you bathe and I can’t just say no.
89) We’ve been arguing about taking some disgusting cherry tasting medicine. Come on. Take the medicine, and then I promise you, I’ll get you some ice cream.
90) I offer some of my clothing after your own get soaked in sweat. I don’t think the red on your cheeks is related to how you’re feeling. 
91) While this distance does leave me at risk for getting sick, you’re lying your head on my chest and all I can think about is your soft breathing and hair on my face. 
92) After a fever dream wakes you up, I roll over and hold you close, your head underneath my chin.
93) Delirious, you just confessed your love, and I tell you it back immediately, even if you may not remember. 
94) Even if my boss may not be happy with me, I called into work to take care of you regardless. 
95) You’re underneath ten different quilts and there’s nothing I can do but try to feed the gremlin underneath there. Even if you’re slightly scary. 
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star-vibing-prompts · 10 months
"You good? You're shivering a lot today [Name]." He asked, staring at his friend that was on the couch with her jacket zipped, practically buried herself with two or three blankets.
"No shit Sherlock! I'm sick!" She snapped.
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thelonelyempath · 2 years
Sick Prompts II
1. “If you even so much as look like you’re about to pass out, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
2. “You don’t have to pretend you’re fine for me.”
3. “You were so sound asleep you would’ve missed the fire alarm going off if I didn’t wake you.”
4. “I’ll bring you some food.  It’s almost time to take your meds anyway.”
5. “If I see you leave that bed even once, I’m going to physically manhandle you back into it.”
6. “No kisses until you’re better!”
7. “Baby, it’s just a stomach ache.  You’ll be fine.”
8. “I told you eating that would make you sick.”
9. “Darling, look at me.  How many fingers am I holding up?”
10. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
11. “Don’t even think about going to work/class today.”
12. “After all of the times I’ve told you it’s a bad idea, you still insist on going out to play in the rain.”
13. “You know I love you more than anything else in the world, but please cover your mouth when you sneeze.”
14. “We’re almost there, love.  Just stay with me a little bit longer.”
15. “Nightmare, huh?  Must’ve been a fever dream.”
16. “Scoot over.  It’s cuddle time.”
17. “Would you rather go to work/class and suffer because you obviously don’t feel well or stay in bed and get cuddles and forehead kisses and watch movies?”
18. “You can’t say the words vomit and okay in the same sentence.”
19. “You’re sick.  Let me baby you.”
20. “No one is expecting you to get over this immediately.”
21. “Why are you so dramatic whenever you get sick?”
22. “Can you even keep water down right now?”
23. “I know you hate hospitals and all, but I’m taking you to one.  Get in the car.”
24. “Okay Ms./Mr. I’m-not-sick, tell me why you sneezed five times in the span of an hour.”
25. “Please take your medicine, love.  It’ll help you get better.”
“26. “Well considering the fact that you’re shivering, the circles under your eyes are five times darker than they were two days ago, and your forehead feels like it’s on fire, yeah I’d say there’s a pretty good chance you’re sick.”
27. “I love you.  I really do.  But your immune system is shit.”
28. “Go to bed, darling.  You need to be resting.”
29. “You’ll live.”
30. “Oh my, 103.  That’s not good.”
31. “When we get home, I’m gonna wrap you like a burrito in my thickest blanket and put on your favorite movie.”
32. “I’ll be honest, babe.  You’re kinda cute when you’re all cranky.”
33. “You need to eat, love.  Just a little bit for me.”
34. “You look absolutely miserable.”
35. “Ooh.  That cough sounded like it hurt.”
36. “How bad is the pain right now from 0 to 10?”
37. “Aw, poor thing.”
38. “How’s your head feeling?”
39. “Would it make you feel better if I put a warm towel on your head played with your hair?”
40. “Don’t just stand around doing nothing!  Get him/her some water for god’s sake!”
41. “We’re not gonna watch a sad movie.  If you cry, you’ll get more congested.”
42. “As adorable as you look in my hoodie, I’m gonna ask that you please wash it before giving it back.”
43. “Come to bed, love.  I’d be kind of a terrible boyfriend/girlfriend/partner if I just let you sleep on the bathroom floor.”
44. “I find it really odd that you act all big and tough, but become a baby when you’re sick.  But that’s okay.  You’re my baby.”
45. “Don’t even try and tell me you’re not delirious.  You have spent all day mumbling abstract nonsense to yourself.”
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justiceforfoxface · 10 months
OTP Prompts-Sickness
-Normally A would enjoy the feeling of B’s fingers in their hair, but now A was just focusing on not throwing up again and failing every time they looked down at the puke-filled bucket.
-Character B, not knowing Character A is sick, takes them on a walk, and A is too tired to even stand and passes out on the sidewalk halfway through the walk.
-Character B is very sick, so Character A goes out and buys medicine. A gives B the medicine and B instantly spits it up all over A’s shirt. B apologizes at least ten times after that and A has to assure them that it’s no big deal.
-A has a really bad headache and feels like passing out. B doesn’t know what to do and is frantically calling doctors and friends and getting medicine.
-B is so sleep-deprived that they collapse on the floor and A has a massive panic attack. When B wakes up, A has food and water ready and is incredibly nervous.
-A has to go to work/school but threw up last night and still isn’t feeling their best. But A’s a people pleaser and doesn’t want to tell their boss/teacher they can’t come in. So B makes breakfast for A and calls their boss/teacher for them.
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otpcompendium · 2 years
A has been incredibly sick for some time, but keeps hiding their symptoms from B because they don't want to ask for help or make them worry. But B isn't stupid - they know something's up, they just aren't sure what it is yet. But with A getting more and more tired and always changing the subject of conversation away from themself, it shouldn't be hard to figure out.
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deity-prompts · 2 years
Heya! Can i request sickfic prompts where the caregiver A is like really worried and insists on taking care of B who just insists they're fine?
Ooo yes, this situation sounds so much fun.
Caregiver Taking Care of Someone Who Insists They’re Fine Prompts
A pretends to be sick to get B to stay home and take care of them, using it as a subtle way to take care of B.
B goes to work despite being sick so A follows them and nurses them to health while B does their job.
B has a lively social life that includes going to every party they come across. A ends up finding them with a fever on the bathroom floor of a party, insisting that they’re okay.
B doesn’t have a comfort movie to watch when they’re not feeling good, so they do a marathon with A to find the perfect comfort movie.
B can’t afford to be sick because they have a million things to do. A agrees to do the things for them, but B is a micro-managing perfectionist who insists on being on the phone with A the whole time, giving instructions for every little thing.
“I didn’t know which soup is your favourite so I made all of them.”
“Headaches are normal, I get them all the time!” “. . . you get constant headaches and you didn’t tell me?!”
“When I was sick as a kid, no one really took care of me. I learned to take care of myself.”
“You’ve worn those clothes for the last week, you’ve got to change.” “You just want to see me naked, don’t you?”
“I hid your car keys, you’re going nowhere until you’re better.”
Also see:
Sick OTP oneliners
Trope prompts masterlist
Prompts masterlist
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allylikethecat · 5 months
January OTP Prompts
Fun fact! I live in a place that is not cold. However, it has been absolutely freezing the last week to the point where I am currently looking at a North Face puffer coat on the internet and trying to figure out if I order it, if I will still be cold in the 3-5 business days it says it will take to arrive. I have decided to inflict this misery upon Fictional!Matty, however, he at least has a warm coat. I have a denim jacket and a Noah Kahan hoodie.
10. Bundled up
Matty shivered, and wrapped his arms tighter around himself, as he trailed after George. He sniffled and reached up to wipe his runny nose with the sleeve of his parka. He adjusted his scarf to cover more of his face, his fingers feeling clumsy in his mittens. He was bundled up in a long sleeve tee shirt, a heavy sweater, the parka, a heavy knit scarf, and a beanie and he was still freezing. He halted, wincing as a gust of wind tore down the street, sending another shiver up his spine. He didn’t even remember what being warm felt like as they made their way through the snow covered street. 
Jamie had bought him the warmest winter parka he could find in apology when he realized the tour schedule was going to take them to Canada during the winter. Matty was very adamant that he did not do weather colder than London. Even London was too cold for him in the winter. Despite wearing multiple pairs of socks and an extremely unstylish pair of Sorel boots, Matty still couldn’t feel his toes. He would have started crying ages ago if he wasn’t worried that his tears would literally freeze to his face and cause some kind of permanent damage. The strip of skin around his eyes was stinging from the wind and he wondered if it was possible to have already developed frostbite. He wasn’t sure how anyone even lived here, people weren’t meant to be out in these kinds of conditions! He was glad that even their most loyal fans had realized that camping for the concert in this weather was a bad fucking idea. He didn’t even want to be walking down the street, their destination hopefully ahead, he couldn’t imagine them sleeping in tents to see his sniffly ass up close. 
Yet, George was happily plowing ahead, looking at directions on his phone, dragging Matty to some underground used record shop he had seen on instagram that was supposed to be the place to find obscure vinyl. If Matty had realized that around the corner from their hotel meant, around the corner and then straight on a mile and a half he would have insisted on Ubering, or staying behind in the warmth of the hotel room, wearing the complementary slippers and a bathrobe as he made use of the steam shower to try and loosen some of the mucus in his chest. 
“You coming?” George called over his shoulder, his warm breath visible in the cold air. Matty wanted a cigarette but there was absolutely no way he could light it, let alone hold it with how bundled up he was, and he was not sacrificing wearing a mitten even for a fag. He’d also have to pull down his scarf, exposing his face to the elements which was another nope. 
“I think I’ve frozen to the sidewalk,” Matty complained which just made George grin wider, amused by his misery. 
“That just means you need to walk faster,” he teased, picking up his pace as Matty groaned. 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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onerandomtrope · 3 months
It's March, and the first round of One Random Trope has officially started. The first prompt is Make-Out Point and you can check the official post here.
Just remember to tag your creations with #ort2024 and #ortwriting so we can reblog it. You're also free to tag us on your work. And in case you aren't aware, you can also add your work to our collection on AO3.
As always, remember to have fun! We're excited to see what you'll come up with! See ya!
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