#overcast wings
silvaerial · 2 years
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We all have answers to find
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saelyyia92 · 1 year
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We have had quite a bit of rain lately which is rare. Reminds me of this beautiful rainy day out in my garden. Wings by @fancyfairywings
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wornlilac · 2 years
rolls around in the grass
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wingedjewels · 2 years
Ruby-throated Hummingbird -m-Archilochus colubris
Ruby-throated Hummingbird -m-Archilochus colubris by Neal Kupferschmid Via Flickr: After the Rain..Hovering in front of a flower to sip nectar, it beats its wings more than 50 times per second. Impressive migrants despite their small size, some Ruby-throats may travel from Canada to Costa Rica. Audubon
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thorsenmark · 7 days
Flying the Friendly Skies on Another Vacation!
Flying the Friendly Skies on Another Vacation! by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While on a flight from Austin to Washington Dulles Airport with an airplane window view to the northwest. The GPS location had me over West Virginia with the golden glow of sunset light off in the distance and slightly behind my window view. While I did angle my Nikon Z8 camera slightly downward, bringing the horizon a little higher into the image, my thought with the composition was to have a more or less balanced view with the overcast skies below and the blues of the skies above.
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How to react to you longtime girlfriend regaining her angelic wings: a guide by Charlie Morningstar, proud girlfriend of said girlfriend.
Things you SHOULD do with her new wings!
Notice them! (this is easy bc they are BIG and BEAUTIFUL with the soft grey faded colors of an overcast sky right before it rains and gives you an excuse to stay indoors snuggled in soft blankets drinking hot coco together back when everything was simpler and safe which is exactly what getting folded up in them will feel like later and- what? oh right! The list thing, um-)
Complement your girlfriend's wings! Maybe don't overwhelm her with a whole paragraph just yet though. Saying "They look nice!" works perfectly good. (waxing poetic can wait until Alone Time)
GENTLY touch the wings. But not too gently!!! Maybe hold the upper joint place, like a little handshake hello. (the feathers are attached to very VERY sensitive bundles of nerves for feeling out air pressure and drafts and stuff, Vaggie says, but they are TOTALLY NOT TICKLISH supposedly and the reason you shouldn't run your hands across them all nilly-willy whenever you get caught up in how pretty and soft they are is it messes them up and means they need preening again to make flying work right, and THAT'S why she jumps and squeaks about it. She likes keeping things tidy! That's all! No other reason. Noooope)
Things you should NOT do with her new wings!!!!!
Blow a giant raspberry right between them, where the feathers get all small and super extra downy soft, just to see what will happen.
Do the above in the middle of maybe KINDA making out....?
Tell absolutely everyone in the hotel about it directly afterwards.
Thing you WILL end up doing if you complete the above list
Spend the night on the bedroom couch: because you keep remembering the noise she made during the raspberry blowing incident, and giggling yourself and her awake about it.
Wake up in bed anyway: snuggled in your girlfriend's arms the same way you do any time you fall asleep in the wrong place and she has to come find you and carry you back with her so SHE can get some sleep too- only this time she also has WINGS!!! And her wings tuck around you so warm and strong, you'd swear you've felt this every time waking up with her before- only now the feeling is all around you, instead of just wrapped around your heart <3
You're still sleeping on the couch tomorrow though: At LEAST for the first part of the night. Or however long it takes before you stop giggling over hearing your totally an angel very serious former solider and absolutely Not a BIRD girlfriend Squawk.
Things to KEEP doing now your girlfriend has wings again!
Try better next time with the rule following??
Hope you're doing okay so far????
Help her with the preening!!
Stop giggling. Somehow.
Staring at them and spacing out is also okay as long as you say you're "acclimating" yourself to the "sudden change in a core aspect" of your life when someone catches you at it. They won't believe you- But! They'll probably just roll their eyes and let you get back to the staring. Acclimating. Whatever!
Anyway, good luck to whoever needs this! Hope this helps things go smoothly for you, Cherri Bomb!!
Also- Angel Dust, if you've read this far, then PLEASE don't tell Husk. Me and Vaggie PROMISED him not to give you ideas, and we don't wanna get banned from the bar again :(
Sincerely, Charlie Morningstar, princess of Hell, Vaggie's girlfriend (!!!)
Note from Vaggie: You're doing great sweetie. And you're lucky you're cute when you laugh, even in your sleep. P.S. There's no 'supposedly' about it, my wings are NOT ticklshkSkk .... P.P.S. from Charlie: are you suuuure? <3 <3 <3
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When The World Is Crashing Down [Chapter 11: I Know This Hurts, It Was Meant To]
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Series summary: Your family is House Celtigar, one of Rhaenyra’s wealthiest allies. In the aftermath of Rook’s Rest, Aemond unknowingly conscripts you to save his brother’s life. Now you are in the liar of the enemy, but your loyalties are quickly shifting…
Chapter warnings: Language, warfare, violence, serious injury, alcoholism/addiction, sexual content (18+), lots and lots of death and destruction, literally nothing good happens in this chapter don't even read it, a Wolfman sighting, a wild Alys-Whent theory appears, more witchcraft! 🔮
Series title is a lyrics from: “7 Minutes In Heaven” by Fall Out Boy.
Chapter title is a lyric from: “Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying” by Fall Out Boy.
Word count: 6.2k.
Link to chapter list: HERE.
Taglist (more in comments): @tinykryptonitewerewolf @lauraneedstochill @not-a-glad-gladiator @daenysx @babyblue711 @arcielee @at-a-rax-ia @bhanclegane @jvpit3rs @padfooteyes @marvelescvpe @travelingmypassion @darkenchantress @yeahright0h @poohxlove @trifoliumviridi @bloodyflowerrr @fan-goddess @devynsficrecs @flowerpotmage @thelittleswanao3 @seabasscevans @hiraethrhapsody @libroparaiso @echos-muses @st-eve-barnes @chattylurker @lm-txles @vagharnaur @moonlightfoxx @storiumemporium @insabecs @heliosscribbles @beautifulsweetschaos @namelesslosers @partnerincrime0 @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics @yawneneytiri @marbles-posts @imsolence @maidmerrymint @backyardfolklore @nimaharchive @anxiousdaemon @under-the-aspen-tree @amiraisgoingthruit @dd122004dd @randomdragonfires @jetblack4real @joliettes
Only 2 chapters left! 🥰💜
“Why isn’t Aemond back yet?”
You’re standing in the Dragonstone rookery with your arms crossed, brow furrowed, ravens pacing through straw and flapping their dark captive wings inside the cages. Through the window, you are watching the waves break against rocks where the Narrow Sea meets the shoreline. Outside it is overcast, misty, grey, cold. When you stepped into the gardens this morning—while Aegon was still sleeping, something he does with ever-increasing frequency, though you aren’t sure if it is more of a physical necessity or mental escape—frost crunched beneath your boots. Lord Larys Strong has shuffled into the room, his cane tapping on the stone floor; that is why you have spoken.
“Perhaps my sister was wrong about Daemon being at the Gods Eye,” he offers demurely. He is trying to be helpful; he is trying to comfort you. But you remember how vividly Alys showed you Everett being murdered by a mob in King’s Landing. You remember his screams, his flailing arms, men ripping the rings off his fingers and women stabbing the blades of their rusty kitchen knives into his eyes. Alys has never met Everett; she could not possibly have known what he looked like, what his voice sounded like, without gifts beyond what you once believed to be possible. Her sight is true and terrible.
“No,” you reply softly, still gazing at the iron-grey ocean. Any minute I’ll hear Vhagar flying over again. I’ll see her vast, reptilian shadow and know that Aemond has won and the war is all but over.
“Perhaps Aemond felt compelled to go south immediately after defeating Daemon and Caraxes. Perhaps he’s with Prince Daeron now, and they’re burning Northmen in the Reach. Perhaps he wants to return with Cregan Stark’s severed head.”
There’s no logical reason why this can’t be the case; but in place of relief, what you feel instead is a heaviness like stones being piled up, like ships filling with seawater. You turn to Larys. “If the king asks about Aemond, I want you to reassure him the same way you’re speaking to me right now.”
He bows his head. “Of course.”
“But I want you to do it more convincingly.”
Larys startles a bit, then regains his composure. “Yes, Your Grace.”
“Is Aegon awake yet?”
“He was just getting out of bed when I checked on him.”
And that’s what you’re always doing now, you and Larys and the maesters and the guards: always looking in on Aegon, always making sure he’s not in too much pain, reminding him to eat, distracting him, soothing him, lifting his spirits. “Good. Have the cooks make something that will give him strength.”
“Not crab?”
“No. Something heavier. Beef, venison.” You recall the feast in King’s Landing to celebrate Rhaenyra’s taking of the city, slabs of rare meat glistening with blooddrops like rubies. Red like war, red like the banner of the house you were born to. “Boar, if the kitchens have any.”
In his bedchamber, the king is gazing out of his own window, but slumped in a velvet-cushioned chair instead of standing. He’s sipping a cup of red wine languidly, glazed eyes and slow blinks. There’s a dagger on the table beside him, the one he uses to cut his hair when it starts to grow too long. There are locks of white-blond hair scattered around him on the floor like a thin dusting of snow. Outside, grey clouds churn and waves shatter when they meet jagged boulders and cliffsides, the earth’s own bones.
Aegon glances over at you and says thoughtfully: “Where’s Aemond?”
“He’ll be back soon. I know he will.” He has to be. We can’t win without him. You go to Aegon and kneel down on the floor beside his chair. You lay a palm on his thigh, light as a feather, like you’re just a ghost or a memory. He places a hand over yours. Seconds tick by, late-autumn wind rattles the glass of the window.
“Aemond used to talk about us not being real Targaryens,” Aegon tells you. His voice is faint and dreamy. His eyes are still cast outside—miles away, years away—where he is willing Vhagar’s monstrous shadow to appear. “When we were very young. The Hightowers don’t have any Valyrian blood, they’ve been here in Westeros forever, since men lived in caves and worshiped…” He gestures flippantly with his wine cup, rolls his eyes. “I don’t know, I don’t care, sticks or rocks or whatever. That bothered Aemond. He felt that made us less than Rhaenyra and Daemon. Our father rejected us, he ignored us, he broke every precedent to keep us from the throne. Being a Targaryen…it didn’t matter to me.” He smirks wryly and looks down at the flurry of silver hair around his chair. “I didn’t want it anyway. Sunfyre was the only part of my inheritance I didn’t think was a curse. But Aemond needed that legacy. He always wanted to be a hero. He was willing to put in the work, he had the discipline, he had the skill. It meant so much to him, and I…” Aegon shakes his head, his voice breaking. “I shouldn’t have said those things before he left.”
“He didn’t think you meant it. He knew you were speaking out of pain and frustration.”
“I have to be able to apologize to him.”
“You’ll get the chance. He’ll be back soon.”
And Aegon’s eyes—huge and shimmering and a tumultuous blue like the ocean—drift to yours. The words are there, though you don’t hear them aloud: Will he really?
You have to divert him. You have to make him smile. “And don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll bring your favorite swamp witch with him.”
Aegon laughs; crinkles spring up around his eyes, pink rushes into his pale cheeks. “Oh, seven hells. He better not expect us to host her here while he flies south to roast the Stark men.”
“You don’t enjoy her company?” you tease.
“I’d throw crab shells at her. I’d make her sleep in a tree.” He sighs. “Borros Baratheon is going to be furious.”
“I suppose we don’t always get much of a choice in who we fall in love with.”
“No,” Aegon agrees. “We certainly don’t.” He sets his wine cup on the table, leans down to cradle your face with both hands, draws you in close to him and kisses you, deep and tender and slow. He tastes like wine, and weakness, and heat that he is fighting desperately to keep kindling. Everything he does now is full of effort, even just speaking, even just love. He moves like his arms weigh a thousand pounds, like his jaw is iron and his spine is lead. But he lifts it all for you, for you.
Your palm skates to the apex of his thighs. He is hard, he is hungry for you; but he breaks the kiss and covers his face with both hands, moaning. “Aegon?” You thread your fingers through his choppy hair, tuck his braid behind his ear, bring your lips to his forehead. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
He chokes out: “I’m so fucking pathetic.”
“You’re not.”
“I am. I’m just this scarred, crippled, useless man. And everyone I touch is ruined by me. I can’t let anything bad happen to you. I don’t understand how you could still want me.”
“I do want you,” you swear, taking his hands from his face: the tears glistening there, the rough red burn on his right cheek. “You and no one else.”
Aegon stares at you with his wet, wounded eyes. “You can’t just give in because you think it’s something you owe me. We can’t allow this to become something that’s poisoned.”
Poison. You think of the tea you brewed Baela, of the milk of the poppy in the glass bottle on Aegon’s bedside table across the room. You think of the night you surrendered to Aemond for nothing, no gain, no strategy, no heir, just treason that grows heavy and unmistakable within you like a child would. “It’s not poison with you, Aegon. It’s the only time I feel pure.”
Aegon staggers to his feet and kisses you again as the wind howls outside. His tongue darts between your lips; his arms circle around your waist to help him keep his balance. He follows you to the bed, a moon chasing its planet, and helps you shed your gown of emerald green velvet, just one of your many skins. He’s lying beside you, he’s touching you everywhere, he’s nipping ravenously at your throat, your breasts, down to your belly, your hips. He’s parting your thighs like pages in a book. He’s dragging his tongue through your drenched folds. And then it flashes in your skull like lightning: memories of Aemond, of betrayal, shame and nausea and scalding blood rushing into your face.
“Come back,” you murmur, and Aegon obeys. But then he does something strange. He heaves himself up with great effort, repositions himself behind you, kisses the bumps of vertebrae down the back of your neck as the scars that riddle his chest scratch against your shoulder blades. When you try to roll towards him again, Aegon stops you.
“No,” he pleads in a whisper, hushed and desperate through your hair. “Don’t turn around. Don’t look at me.”
And before you can protest, his fingertips have skimmed over your hip to stroke you where you are warm and slick and aching, and you are gasping helplessly, begging for more, and his cock slips into you with slow, powerful thrusts that he battles not to break the rhythm of until you’ve come. But in the midst of the pleasure, you are aware that just like the moon in its withering phases, Aegon is somehow less, and so are you, and so is everyone, and so is the world itself.
When it’s over, Aegon doesn’t hold you like he usually does. He doesn’t sink into sleep like deep water. He rolls over, fumbles for his bedside table, pours himself a cup of milk of the poppy with shaking hands.
You sit on the bottom steps of the stone staircase, your bare feet in cool wet sand. Your gown is scarlet velvet, a bear fur cloak clutched around your shoulders. You are reading a book from the castle library about the medicinal uses of berries. Across the beach, Aegon is trying to coax Sunfyre into eating a goat that the guards have brought for him. The dragon is sluggish and flightless, and his own blood stains his muzzle; but he peers at Aegon with pained golden eyes like he wants so desperately to please him. And for the first time, you are at last able to see dragons as something more than animate destruction. You see intelligence in them; you see what might even be love.
There are distinct footsteps approaching as Larys descends the staircase, his cane tapping ever-closer. News of Aemond? News of his victory? You twist around to greet the Master of Whisperers. “Do you bring something to lift our spirts, Lord Larys…?”
But no; his face is grim, and he’s holding a bundle of fabric under one arm. He lowers himself down onto the step where you are perched, sets his cane aside, and grasps the bundle with both hands. He stalls for a moment before he speaks. He is in shock, he is terrified. “I’m afraid, Your Grace, that I must inflict great heartache upon the king.” His eyes flick to you. “Perhaps you could help me. I don’t even know how to begin.”
Your veins feel icy; your pulse is thundering in your ears. Aemond? Vhagar? “What’s happened? Is it…about the Gods Eye…?”
“No.” Larys gives you the fabric, folded into a neat square. You pull it apart to examine it.
“What is this…?” But then you know. It is a cape. It is not a regal emerald color, nor a deep envious viridescence; it is a vibrant seafoam green, bright and bold and showy. The clasp is still attached, a gold that glints like the dragon ring on Aegon’s left hand. And the cape is riddled with dark maroon smudges and places where the fabric was singed away, leaving only a gash like the puncture mark of a fang. It smells like smoke and the coppery sickness of blood. Soot rubs off on your palms. “Daeron,” you breathe.
Larys nods gravely. “Yes, Your Grace.”
“How? How did you get this?”
“I have informants in the Reach. After the battle, one ensured that this made its way to me. It should be preserved. It should be given to his mother when we are reunited with her, I believe. Perhaps it will bring her some small consolation. It is the only relic of him she will have to bury.”
“Daeron,” you say again, and you can see him like he’s standing in front of you: daring, arrogant, brave, capable far beyond his years, cunning blue eyes, a shock of silver hair that he was so proud of. Alicent has lost two children. Can she survive this? Will she want to? “I don’t understand, what battle…?”
“Cregan Stark and his men met the Hightower army at Tumbleton,” Larys explains. “Addam Velaryon returned on Seasmoke to join the Blacks and prove his enduring loyalty to Rhaenyra. Perhaps the bastard was genuine, perhaps he only wanted to convince Rhaenyra to free poor Corlys from the Red Keep’s dungeons. It doesn’t matter which now. The boy is dead.”
“Dead,” you repeat. Addam Velaryon may have been a boy, but he fought for Rhaenyra. He fought for Cregan Stark. And you say before you can stop yourself: “Good.”
“Daeron on Tessarion, Hugh Hammer on Vermithor, and the Velaryon bastard on Seasmoke tangled in the sky above the battle. Vermithor was killed by a scorpion bolt fired by the Northmen. Seasmoke was killed by Tessarion. Daeron fell from his dragon in the midst of the clash. Once the Blacks emerged victorious, Tessarion was found alive but mortally injured, and she was shot to death by Stark’s archers.”
“And Cregan Stark, he’s…he survived?”
“Yes. He is unharmed. But the Hightower army was devastated.”
“What about the other Betrayer? Ulf the White? Could he and Silverwing—?”
“Ulf slept through the battle. Drunk to the point of unconsciousness, I’ve heard. He was slain afterwards. The riderless Silverwing has vanished.”
No Tessarion. No Vermithor or Silverwing. Sunfyre is dying. The only Green dragon left is Vhagar. You can’t believe it. You won’t believe it. “But…but Aemond was supposed to fly south after the Gods Eye, he and Daeron were supposed to fight together, and if Vhagar was there this never would have happened—”
“No, it wouldn’t have,” Larys concurs somberly. “But evidently, Aemond has not yet left the Riverlands.”
You study the cape, this ash-and-blood tapestry of the youngest Targaryen brother’s demise, the fifteen-year-old boy who was so much like Aegon. Where is Aemond? Still waiting for Daemon and Caraxes? Holed up inside the crumbling towers of Harrenhal with Alys? Where the hell is he? We need him. We need him. We can’t win without him.
“Your Grace,” Larys says gingerly, like trying not to creak floorboards. “I think it’s time for you to consider what your options are if a Green victory no longer appears to be viable.”
If the Greens lose, Aegon will be executed. You shake your head. “No.”
“I don’t say this to cause you distress. I do it to save your life if that time ever comes. The king would want you to survive, and so would Alicent.”
You hug the mangled cape to your chest, your throat full of embers and your eyes blurring with tears. “There’s nowhere else for me to go.”
“To Claw Isle?” Larys suggests. “The Blacks believe you to be innocent. Your family would take you back.”
“Clement is the head of my house now. He idolizes Cregan Stark, I think he loves him more than he ever loved me. If Cregan is still alive when the war is over, Clement will give me to him. How can I marry a man who fought against Aegon’s cause? Who murdered Greens?” Who is, at least in part, responsible for his death?
Larys scrambles for another solution. “I could try to send you somewhere far away. Dorne, Essos.”
“And then what?” you demand; and Larys cannot answer. You do it for him. “I’d be a woman alone in the world. I would be vulnerable and friendless. I have no idea how to fend for myself. Autumn knew it.” And you remember what she told you before she accompanied you to Dragonstone, a journey that feels like a lifetime ago: I mean no offense, my lady, but you know nothing of the world beyond your castles and gardens and books full of naked men drawings. You would not last a day on your own.
“You read, you write, you study medicine,” Larys says, rather frantic now. “Perhaps I could arrange to have you taken to the Citadel and you could train under the maesters there…I could try to contact some who are sympathetic to the Greens, and if they agree you should depart immediately—”
“I won’t leave Aegon.”
“Your Grace, if the Greens lose this war…I fear the king will not survive. He is already weak. He is already ailing. There is very little you can do for him now.”
“I won’t leave him,” you hiss fiercely. “As long as he breathes, I belong where he is.” He’s risked his life to save mine. He’s taught me the joy that can be found in marriage. I will never stop repaying that debt.
“Yes, Your Grace,” Larys concedes. Then you refold the cape and walk barefoot across the beach to meet Aegon.
Sunfyre has at last appeased the king by setting the goat ablaze with a sickly gasp of flames. Now he is gnawing listlessly at the corpse. His golden eyes catch on you and track your steps as you approach, dully curiosity but with no malice. Aegon takes his leave of the dragon with a gentle pat of his angular face, struggles to his feet, and joins you under the bleak grey sky. Once he could not step into the sunlight without it burning him; now the sun rarely shines at all. He knows there’s something wrong. He can read it on you like clandestine letters.
“Angel?” Then he sees the cape that you’re holding. “What is that, a banner? A blanket? My bitch half-sister’s funeral shroud, I hope.”
You give it to him. Aegon shakes the cape open, surveys it, then gasps, a sharp inhale like the whistle of a blade through the air. His knees buckle; the fabric flutters to the wet sand. You drop down beside Aegon and embrace him, shelter him, shield him. He grabs at you desperately, like a drowning man clawing for scraps of buoyant wreckage in the waves.
“It was quick,” you murmur as you hold him. “He fell from Tessarion. He didn’t suffer.” You don’t know that, you have no idea what Daeron’s final moments were like. “The battle happened at Tumbleton. The Northmen are in the Reach.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” Aegon rasps. “I don’t want to be the king. I never wanted it. I want to go back to before everything happened. I want to give Rhaenyra the throne. She can have it, I don’t want it, I don’t want it. Can we go back to when my father died? I’ll let Rhaenyra have the Seven Kingdoms. I don’t care what Otto and Mother and Criston say. They wouldn’t fight for it either if they knew what would happen. All of us are dead or broken. It’s not worth it. Nothing could be worth it. I don’t want to be the king. I don’t need the Iron Throne. I need everyone I’ve lost back. And I need you.”
“I’m so sorry, Aegon.” Your fingers are snared in his windswept silver hair; your heartbeat is thudding against his. There’s salt on your cheeks: his tears, your tears, the spray of the ocean. “It’s not your fault. Rhaenyra had the chance to end the war. She was offered terms and she refused them over and over again. Daeron’s blood is on her hands. She will pay the debt.”
And a tiny voice inside you says: Hasn’t she already lost four children? Hasn’t she paid enough?
The answer is dark and resounding. No. Nothing will ever be enough. But her life is a start.
“Where was Aemond?” Aegon sobs. “Where the fuck was he? Daeron wasn’t supposed to face the Northmen without him. He was a kid…just a goddamn kid…”
“I don’t know.”
“Are Daemon and Caraxes still alive? Is Aemond at Harrenhal?”
“I don’t know, Aegon. We haven’t heard anything.”
“I should have been there.”
“You would have been if it was possible. But you’re not able to fight. Sunfyre isn’t either.”
“I’m useless,” he weeps bitterly. “I can’t win the war. I can’t save anyone.”
And you brush his hair back from his face and feel his forehead for fever as you say: “You saved me.”
“What’s she like?” Lord Bolton asks as he and Cregan Stark warm their large, weathered hands by the fire, their breath foggy in the wind and the stars glimmering in a cold cloudless sky.
The Northmen are still clearing dead and wounded from the battlefield at Tumbleton. Split bones must be forced back into place, infected limbs amputated, gouges scrubbed and stitched, burns treated, corpses buried, soldiers who cannot continue evacuated back to Winterfell via the Kingsroad. All of this must be attended to; Cregan Stark is a man of honor, and honor demands that he care for those who have pledged their lives to him. When the task is done, the Northmen will begin their assault on King’s Landing. The riots must be put down, the rightful queen must be protected, the succession must be secured. And Cregan must find and claim the woman he has been promised and yet denied by the wickedness of the grotesque, amoral, soulless Usurper.
“She’s beautiful, of course,” Cregan says. He speaks in subterranean rumbles, dark and rolling like thunder, booms and quakes, always a little louder than he means to be. He takes up space; he bends the light and gulps down the air. He smiles wistfully, remembering. “But that’s not the important thing. She’s clever, she’s tough. She’s not afraid of gore. I’ve seen her help set a compound fracture that pierced straight through the skin. She had blood all over her hands.” He grins and holds up his own, stained with earth and ash and half-dried maroon that looks as black as ink in the firelight. “We are made for each other.”
Lord Bolton whistles admiringly, his breath like mist. “She is a rarity.”
“Like treasure, like gemstones.” Cregan lays his blade across his knees, a longsword taller than some men and with a hilt carved in the shape of a wolf’s head. He cleans it, he tends to it, it is a part of him as immutable as his spine or his heart. “But she is not prideful. She behaves like a true noblewoman. She is quiet and modest. She defers to her father, to her brother, to me. She obeys.”
“That is essential,” Lord Bolton notes. “Nothing breeds discontentment like a willful wife.”
“She will give me sons with Valyrian blood. She is fertile, surely. Her mother bore six children.” Cregan polishes his blade, his unruly dark hair blowing in the night wind. Now he is pensive. “Her maidenhood was entrusted to me. It was a great honor, a great responsibility. It was something only I ever should have had. It is not her error, but she is less now.”
“You are a good man to still take her, the way she is now. The very best of men.”
“I cannot seem to forget her,” Cregan muses, quiet in a way that is rare for him. “I dream of when I first met her at Winterfell, snow in her hair and pages of books rustling beneath her fingers.”
“What will you do when you capture the Usurper?” Lord Bolton asks; this is the part that most interests him. “Burn him? Gut him? My men have brought their flaying knifes with them from the Dreadfort. They are eager to use them.”
“No,” Cregan says firmly. “No flaying. It is against the laws of war.”
“What use are laws to animals like Alicent Hightower’s children?”
“They preserve us. They safeguard our own humanity, our own honor.” Cregan holds his longsword aloft and scrutinizes it, gazing at his own reflection in the glinting blade. “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.”
“So you will do it yourself,” Lord Bolton says with grudging awe. His own flaying knives are suddenly very heavy in his pockets; his fingers itch to use them.
Cregan Stark—the Warden of the North, the new Kingmaker—nods under the starlight. “Yes. I will end the Usurper. It can’t be anyone but me.” He sheaths his longsword, gliding it into its leather scabbard, thinking of his long-awaited wedding night with the woman whose purity was stolen from him like pieces of gold thieved from a vault. “And I will enjoy it.”
In bed, surrounded by candles that flicker when cold drafts blow in through the crevices of the castle, you read to Aegon from a book cataloging all the bones of the human body. He doesn’t care about the content, you know that; he just likes to hear your voice. As you read, Aegon—his arms linked around your waist, his chin resting in the dip of your clavicle—interjects with drowsy commentary. “I’ve broken that bone,” he says. “Oh yeah. That one too.” “Grandsire almost cracked my radius in half when I was ten and I replaced his beard cream with cake frosting. He put it on just before going to sleep and woke up assailed by stray cats.”
You chuckle, a lightness that lasts mere seconds. Now Lord Larys Strong has appeared in the doorway, the orange-gold glow like dusk on his face. He rests both hands on the handle of his cane like he often does, but his expression is one you have never seen before. He is not just mournful. He is paralyzed, he is shattered. His eyes are wide, bloodshot, blank. He swallows noisily. He opens his mouth, but no words escape. He closes it again.
“Don’t tell me that,” Aegon says, deathly quiet, winter still. He pulls away from you. You shut the book and place it on the bedside table beside his glass bottle of pearlescent milk of the poppy. Then you watch Larys.
The Master of Whisperers takes a deep, tremulous breath. “I have received word that both dragons disappeared into the skies above the Gods Eye, and then—”
“No,” Aegon whispers. “No, he’s coming back.”
“Your Grace…”
“No, he’s coming back!” the king roars. “He has to, he has to, you know we can’t win without him!”
Aemond? you think, terror-stricken.
“I have three separate reports. They all agree. Caraxes and Vhagar destroyed each other. They plummeted into the lake and sank, along with their riders.”
“Both of their riders,” Larys says.
“The reports are wrong,” Aegon counters. “They have to be.”
You can picture Aemond: smirking, teasing, bitter, brilliant, thoughtful, visionary, blind. How can he be at the bottom of the Gods Eye, eternally chained to Vhagar’s saddle, fish nibbling at his fingers and lips and the gristle between his ribs? “Aegon,” you begin, reaching for his hands; but he flinches away from you.
“No, no, he’s coming back!”
Larys says gently: “Your Grace, I am so profoundly sorry for your loss.” But of course, it is every Green’s loss. Who is left to stand between them and Cregan Stark’s army of archers, cavalry, Boltons with their flaying knives? The Baratheon men? And does anyone truly believe they can defeat the Northmen, assuming they arrive to wage war at all?
“He’s coming back.” Aegon is hysterical. His murky blue eyes stream like riptides. “He has to. We need him, Larys, you know how much we need him. It’s a mistake. Aemond is okay, he’s coming back, he’s coming back, we can’t win without him!”
You try to take his hands again. “Aegon, it’s not over yet, we’ll—”
“Don’t touch me!” he cries, breaking down in breathless sobs. Then he covers his face, ashamed, broken. “Everyone I touch dies. I’m a curse, I’m a monster. I ruin people.”
Larys rushes to comfort the king. You retreat from the bed, watching Aegon as he howls and moans, feeling that although there is one of Alicent’s children left alive, all of them have already been taken from you.
The witch, you think, poisonous, venomous, bloodthirsty. She led Aemond to the Gods Eye, and now he’s gone. He’s dead, he’s nowhere, he’s doomed us all.
What had Alys said before she returned with Aemond to Harrenhal? I can appear and speak to you briefly, perhaps for five or ten minutes. I will be like a mirage, a ghost. Find a closed door and write my name upon it in blood. Then knock three times and open the door. I will be there.
You dart to the table beside Aegon’s favorite chair, cushioned with deep red velvet, and snatch the dagger he uses to cut his hair. Clutching the hilt of the weapon, tears searing in your eyes, you bolt from the room and out into hallway. Dragons of stone and steel, fire crackling in their gaping jaws, watch as you flee past them towards the bedchamber Aemond always used when he visited the castle. You can’t fathom that you will never see him again. He was a weed that grew into you and put down roots, he became a part of your landscape. He was dandelions, he was clovers, he was ivy, and now he is earth scorched to ash.
I’ll never speak to him again. I’ll never see him again. How is that possible?
Blood. You need blood. Would there be any in the kitchens? Should you have a goat or a boar butchered?
No, no. Your mind is a maelstrom of storms and rage, fire and blood. I can’t wait.
You go to the closed door of the room that was once claimed by Aemond. He never owned anything; he only took things and penned his name to them in void-black ink. You take the blade of the dagger and rip it down the length of your left palm. Then you write on the wood of the door two words in a rust-colored scrawl, one on top of the other: Alys Rivers.
You ball up your bloodied fist and knock on the door three times. Then you throw it open. And in a black mist, there she stands: onyx gown, obsidian hair, black moonstone eyes, tears of blood that fall in a torrent down her alabaster cheeks. She is grief-stricken. But you have no compassion left for her; your mercy was once an ocean and has now receded to a creek, a puddle, sparse raindrops that people pray for during droughts.
“You told Aemond that Daemon and Caraxes would be waiting for him at the Gods Eye. You encouraged him to go.”
Alys shakes her head, an inhumanly slow motion. Her voice is deep and echoing, like a shout through a long tunnel. “I didn’t know this would happen.”
“You see things, don’t you?!”
“Not everything,” Alys sobs. “I saw him take flight. I didn’t see the rest of it. I didn’t know. I never would have let him go if I’d known.”
“And you killed him. You murdered him, you ruined him, you might as well have driven a blade into his heart.”
“Aemond went of his own volition,” Alys says. “I told him the truth of what I saw. He was certain that Caraxes could not meet Vhagar in battle and emerge unbroken. And he was right. Caraxes did not survive. But neither did Vhagar.” Her blood-streaked face crumbles again. “He was stabbed through the eye. His beautiful sapphire eye…”
“You’ve doomed us. Vhagar was our last adult dragon, Aemond was our best warrior after Criston died. You’re a murderer. You’ve killed us.”
Her glare turns hateful. “You are not such a stranger to killing.”
“Careful, witch,” you warn. “Or when Aegon sits the Iron Throne, we will send men to the rubble of Harrenhal to burn you alive.”
“No. My son and I will live. And I’ve seen your children, too,” Alys says, and for all the times she did not intend to be cruel, now she is grinning with savage madness.
Panic rises in you; you try to conceal it. “I don’t believe I’ll ever have children.”
“Oh, you will,” Alys insists gleefully. “You will. I’ve seen it. Snow in your hair, furs around your shoulders, children who are dark and rugged, wolf pups with dirt and ash on their faces.”
The North. The Starks. “No,” you say, horrified. I can’t marry Cregan Stark. If I’m given to him, that means Aegon is dead. “No, no, you’re lying. You’re lying!”
“You are not a woman who motherhood will come easily to. It will take time to conceive, but you will give the Warden of the North heirs. He will enjoy putting them in you. He will have to try often.”
Your voice is hoarse and helpless. “You’re just trying to hurt me, it’s not real—”
“Wolf pups,” she says again, insistent. “After Aemond died, I saw them all in a row. And my son,” Alys continues dreamily, tracing her belly with one palm, not showing yet but full of potential like blue-white lightning flashing from inside a storm cloud. “My son will be a knight of House Whent.”
“There is no House Whent, you lunatic.”
“No.” Alys smiles, leers, gloats. “But there will be. I will be driven from Harrenhal, but they will reclaim it. And a Whent will marry into Tully, and a Tully will marry into Stark, and your blood will mix with Aemond’s after all. Isn’t there a certain poetry in that?”
Your hands have flown up to cover your ears. Aegon can’t die. I won’t survive it. “No, no, no!”
“The blood of wolves will always sing to dragons. And that is because of you, I think. The mind forgets, if it ever knew at all…but the bones remember. Pieces of you threaded into the marrow. Murmurs of your voice in their dreams. Do not attempt to resist it. This is your fate, and it could be far worse. The wheel goes around and around, and we all take our turn being crushed. Be grateful you’ll still be alive. Be thankful you had the time you did with your broken king.”
“No!” You slam the door shut. The blood on your palm is drying; the slit you cut there burns.
She’s lying. She’s mistaken. She’s a witch and a madwoman and I don’t believe a word she says.
And before you can dwell on how little comfort this brings you, you hurry to return to Aegon’s bedchamber.
“Borros Baratheon will expect you to take his daughter as your wife,” Larys is telling Aegon. “He was promised a royal marriage. With Aemond and Daeron both gone, you are the only suitable Targaryen left.”
“I won’t do it,” Aegon says quietly. He looks bloodless and haunted; he looks half-dead.
“Your Grace…please…failure to appease him might inspire Borros to withhold his military support from us. His army is the only substantial force the Greens still possess. It is not a personal decision. It is a strategic one. And without having an heir with the queen, her political utility is minimal…”
“No,” Aegon snaps. “I will not be parted from her. Do not ask me again.”
“Yes, Your Grace,” Larys yields, bowing deeply. You know he does not act out of ill-will towards you. He is an advisor, and he is trying to advise. You are not the logical choice. And if Aegon loses, you will reap no rewards because he chose to call you his queen. The world will end for you as well.
“What is that?” you ask, and they both jolt to see you in the doorway; but you aren’t looking at Aegon or Larys. You are peering out the nearest window at pinpricks of firelight that dance over the waves. Larys shuffles to the window, his cane rapping against the floor. With agonizing effort—though he refuses your help—Aegon crawls out of bed and stumbles across the bedchamber to join you and Larys.
“It’s her,” Aegon says; and you can hear the vicious satisfaction in his voice like glistening strands of saliva dripping from the jaws of a ravenous animal, a wolf or a bear or a dragon. The fire is from the glass lanterns they carry. There are no signs of Syrax or Sheepstealer, not even little Tyraxes, no squeals or shrieks or shadows that pass over the moonlight.
Stepping off a tiny boat moored at the end of the pier—attended by only a handful of servants and tugging her white-haired son along behind her—is Rhaenyra Targaryen.
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homunculus-argument · 5 months
A sparrow on christmas morning
A coat of snow has swallowed up flowers of the valleys Frozen still are waves of lakes, frozen closed are galleys A sparrow of summer past flies across the overcast Frozen still are waves of lakes, frozen closed are galleys
At the door of one small hut stands a girl with wheat "Come on over, little bird, come on over, eat! After all it's Christmas, you should not go hungry thus Come on over, little bird, come on over, eat!"
Gladly the swallow swooped in to the girl with wheat "Gladly I will take your gift, and gladly I will eat God forgets not those who will not forget the poor Gladly I will take your gift, and gladly I will eat"
"I am not what you believe, not a bird of this Earth I am your small brother who died soon after birth Seed that you offered me, a beggar with feathered wing Was given to your brother, who died in late last spring"
Zacharias Topelius, 1859, translated to english by yours truly (partially from the finnish translation by Konrad Alexis Waaranen)
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silvaerial · 2 years
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An experimental piece i drew today
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carionto · 6 months
Space suits have come a long way - near 1 to 1 articulation and haptic feedback, intuitive zero-g booster based movement, nano-clamps for spiderman-like grip in low/no gravity, and of course dozens of micro layers of protection against all know space radiation and other hazards. Plus a centimeter thick composite armor against sentient threats, with a "cocoon" mode to fully cover all joints and other normally more exposed parts, that renders the Human inside near impervious to most small arms, and even some heavier impacts.
To fully test the limits of protection you don't actually need to have a person inside, just plenty of sensors and a good understanding Human physiology and anatomy. The military, of course, does things a bit differently, as their suits are even tougher. They do have this half-half mode where you are mostly armor, but can still move, but more like the Terminator. Given it also boasts a powered exoskeleton between the armor and hazardous protection layers, soldiers can wield weapons other militaries typically mount on vehicles, so the metaphor is almost just a straight factual comparison.
Some, however, are still not satisfied, and are always seeking to extend the durability of their suits to beyond the extremes.
Hilda Lavre was standing on the edge of the ship in low orbit. One hand gripping an outer handle while engaged in final diagnostics.
"Alright, Hilda, everything looks green on our end, how 'bout you?"
"Same green green. I'm good."
"Whenever you're ready then. There's some clouds in the way of the predicted path, might slow you down a bit. Wanna wait?"
"Nah, nah. I'll wing it."
After a seconds pause, Hilda let go of the handle and gently kicked off the side of the ship. She was now on a direct collision course with the Atlantic Ocean.
(Thermals should start going up soon. I'm gonna turn on the external mic just a tad. There's just something about how the heat sounds scraping against the metal.
Oh, there it goes. Yellow, slowly getting to orange. Good.
Yea, that's a nice screech - burn that paint!
Halfway to red, altitude check. Already this close? Guess it'll be just shy of 80% tolerance.
Hehehehe, that means we can go for a bit faster next time. Cool.
Eh... wind without the heat just doesn't sound right, I'll turn it down to just barely audible. Something to keep me company.
Aaaand three.
(It's dark. But I guess it was dark before...
before what though?
Well, that's okay.
This feels like a new kind of dark though.
There's the dark when you're alone in your room at night, all the lights are out.
Another kind is when you decide to get inside your brothers closet to scare him when he comes back from the kitchen. That's a fun kind of dark. (it's getting cold)
There's also the dark of being in an underground bunker during a storm. Then the power gets cut and all the exits are sealed. That's a... lonely kind of dark.
One time I was wandering the woods, and before I knew it, it was the middle of a moonless night, overcast too. Hiding out in an abandoned shed, without even the wind or animal sounds to let you know anything is out there. I didn't like that kind of dark at all. (It's really cold)
This dark though... I dunno. It's like I'm hiding out in my own closet. My shoulder is up against my winter jacket, feet are grazing those old sandals I swore to throw out two summers ago. But also, it's not my room. Or even my house. Why am I in my closet? How did it get here? Where even is here?
I feel sleepy.
"Hey, hey! Hilda! Wake up!"
*grunting* "Ugh... shut, shut up Barry..."
"Gods, don't freak us out like that. You okay?"
"Depends. How high did it go go?"
*laughter* "Okay, [She's fine everyone] yeah, you're fine. 87 meters, new record."
"Hmm, I was aiming to to break 90."
"Well, those clouds nudged you a little off, you hit it at a 83 degree angle. Still, those other readings are nice. I'm pretty sure we can do a boosted fall next time."
"Yeah, I I think so too. I feel a little little cold, did something break on hit hit?"
"Not break, but the impact did jolt the subsystems a bit. Activated one of the sedative shots. I manually made your suit give you a wake up shot right as I noticed. You should be feeling the effects right about now."
"Mmhhmmm, oh yea. I'm feeling the kick kick now. We need to improve the kinetic tic dampeners. No good if if it puts you to sleep upon any hard enough nough impact."
"Yup. We're suspending any other jumps for the week until we get that fixed and implement some minor tweaks based on your jump once we analyze the telemetry further.
Okay, everyone! Good job today! Let's meet up next weekend and test these bad boys out. Let's aim for a 100 meter splash by the end of the year!"
*cheers and yeahs as Barry opens a mini fridge and everyone cracks open a cold one*
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diodellet · 10 months
walking lie detector (platonic hcs ft. the angels)
Summary: "It's no use trying to lie to an angel, we see right through it." (Luke, Ruri Tunes 8-4). This is what lying to the angels looks like and how it makes them feel. content warnings: -the relationship depicted for all three angels in this set of hcs is platonic -implied threats of physical violence towards you, the reader. word count: 1.08k words
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When you lie to him, his face scrunches up immediately. Like he tasted something sour or smelled something bad.
Insert 🎶Why the fuck you lyin’, Why you always lyin’🎶 Kidz Bop Ver. here
Which causes two reactions in you: 1) it makes your heart squeeze from how adorable it makes him look and 2) it makes your stomach sink in guilt
Because he was the first one who told you that lying to an angel is pointless.
To Luke, hearing you lie feels like a sunny day suddenly becoming overcast. It feels like unfurling a piece of fabric and immediately spotting a dark stain on it. Either the fact that he’s a young angel or the fact that he used to work directly under Michael could be the reason why his lie detector senses are so strong.
More than that, it feels sort of like tinnitus, a ringing in his ears that tells him what you were saying was wrong. 
Not that it physically hurts, but for an angel as transparent as Luke, his reaction to the sensation would immediately show on his face.
No matter who’s around, he’ll immediately call you out.
If you double down on your fib, he’ll get annoyed and tell you off (🎶Hmmm oh my god, Stop fuckin lyin’!🎶)
To the others (especially the demon brothers), it’s kind of funny seeing you being lectured by a young angel.
(But what really hurts is afterwards, when he sulks and ignores you for lying to him. Or worse, when he talks to a third person in the room to pass messages to you even if you’re right there.)
“Solomon, could you ask them to pass me the TV remote?” “Simeon, will you tell them that we’ll be dismissed late tomorrow?”
—and so on, all while sending huffy glances in your direction. (No! He doesn’t feel guilty about getting angry, he’s waiting for you to apologize and own up to your mistake.)
If you backtrack and admit the truth (the correct decision), he’ll still admonish you for still lying in the first place but he’ll bounce back to his usual excitable self.
His face doesn’t show it, but he knows.
(If he had his wings out, it’s a whole different story. They’re the best mood/reaction guide.)
(Correction: If you are a soul brave enough to stare at Raphael’s resting bitch face while lying to him, you can see his brows furrow juuust a teensy bit more than usual.)
Lying is futile. Give it up, you amateur fibber.
He’s just like Luke lmao, #2 in Immediately Calling You Out™️
But the interesting part for Raphael is that the sensation depends on the degree of the lie you told.
If it’s a little white lie or if you’re gently skirting around the subject, then it feels like a faint shiver down his back. Similar to the slight chill from a nighttime breeze, the brief moment before you get static shock. It is a slightly bothersome sensation, but one that isn’t a complete hindrance.
“Why did you say that? You’re completely free for the entire weekend.” “Hm? Then just say that you want to rest at home, it’s not that difficult.”
(Being honest and dealing with the consequences is fucking hard, Raphael!)
However, if it’s an outright denial of the truth, then it feels like a hollow pang in his chest. It’s similar to the scent of ozone right before lightning strikes.
Except there’s no lightning, just his nerves standing on edge, that moment of complete vigilance stretching on and on until Raphael knows for sure that he’s facing the complete truth.
And Raphael will get the truth out of you.
Either by pestering you repeatedly or threatening you, you don’t get to choose. The correct answer was that you shouldn’t have lied to Michael’s errand boy in the first place.
Not that he’ll run you through with a spear, he’s working to fix his use of violence as a crutch.
It’s just that divine beings as a whole have either remained pitifully gullible or developed unhealthy coping methods in response to being taken advantage of.
And Raphael refuses to have the wool pulled over his eyes again.
Maybe it’s because he’s been around Lucifer and the other demons for longer, but he’s pretty unbothered at being lied to.
Don’t worry, he won’t call you out for it. A part of him is aware that you don’t have to bare all your intentions, and additionally, different factors can affect how much you’d want to share with him. It’s as simple as that.
(But he will take note and remember this for later. And it’s only fair that he uses his own methods in revealing the truth, is it not?)
Just like Raphael, he’s a pro at hiding the fact that he knows.
He could just go, “Oh, okay!” and pair it with an innocent smile. And if you’re easily affected by your guilty conscience like me, that simple acceptance is enough to push you into admitting the truth.
(And oh how he loves catching you red-handed.)
“So, would you mind telling me why you were at Madam Devian’s with Beelzebub? I seem to recall that you had remedial lessons.” “Oh, I won’t tell Lucifer, I can imagine how that would turn out. Just… try not to hide that from me next time, alright?”
Also, depending on how big of a lie you’re telling him, the sensations also differ for Simeon.
White lies feel ticklish, that’s why they’re so amusing to Simeon. That’s why his first reaction is to fucking smile in the face of a lie. Like, he knows Luke told you that angels can see through dishonesty but you’re still trying and it’s so endearing.
Sidenote: for some reason, Simeon tends to feel them along his upper arms and shoulder area. 
More serious falsehoods feel worse. Sort of like a hot itch under his skin. Something vile and gross bubbling under the surface. Something threatening to claw itself out.
But he could count the number of times that has happened to him on one hand and he plans on keeping it that way.
All in all, the occasional white lie to Simeon isn’t a big deal so long as the truth eventually comes out. He trusts you, after all.
If anyone would have told him how horrible it was to lie to a loved one, it still wouldn’t be enough to prepare him for the burden of hiding his sins.
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A/N: I'd first like to thank @jessamine-rose for betaing this short spontaneous draft😭thanks girl ur dabest betareader😭as someone who's too weak to progress through the main story of obey me and as someone who knows 0% of raphael's charac litrally everyth i know is from ms. maam jessamine, i wasn't able to do my usual amount of research. but as long as the writing's bearable enough to read then thats good enough for me ig huhuhuu in other news, im thinking of writing a 2nd part to this but in a romantic💕💕 context with simeon and raphael (because OF COURSE my brain would have taken this revelation in That™️ direction) but it won't be posted any time soon, i only have scraps of a scene in mind so far, soo ig this won't be the end-end of me milking this wonderful angel lorebit
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vsnyarbll · 1 year
the wound on his hand
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
summary: Prince Aemond got hard as Y/N checked the wound on his hand.
warnings: NSFW (not smut, just sexual thoughts), targcest.
words: 1.260
a/n: Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language. MDNI
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People in King’s Landing woke up to a warm day after several cold and overcast days. Queen Alicent wanted to take full advantage of the sunny day, so she organized a tea party in the garden.
The ladies divided themselves into their usual group of friends and settled down at the tables. The Queen was sitting with her daughter Princess Helaena. Since she became queen, she had lost her friends one by one.
Unlike the Queen, Princess Rhaenyra's table was quite crowded. Her return from Dragon Stone after a long absence had brought her into the limelight.
Princess Y/N, the daughter of Princess Rhaenyra, tried to ignore her mother's glare as she entered the garden. She was late again, but this time it wasn't out of absent-mindedness. She was particularly late to avoid the ladies and their endless questions.
While looking for a table to sit at, she immediately skipped the table where her mother was sitting. She wanted to sit next to her cousins Baela and Rhaena, but the ladies' daughters had already occupied their table. Jacaerys and Lucerys were seated at another table with their father, the king, and Daemon.
She was about to head for the exit when someone waved at him. She walked towards his uncle. The table he sat at was in the far corner of the garden. There was a single chair and a loveseat right across from it. Y/N stood at the end of the table and looked at Aegon. “What do you want, uncle?”
Aegon put what he thought was a sweet smile on his face. "The idea of you leaving while we suffer here disturbed me."
Y/N studied the faces of her childhood friends. They had both changed a lot. But Aemond seemed like a completely different person. “Don't you have any friends other than me?”
Aegon laughed nervously. “We have lots of friends. We just wanted to sit alone today.”
“Name one of your friends.”
“Well, Aemond has Criston.”
“I hope you’re not talking about Ser Criston Cole.”
He fixed his fainting gaze on her face and said, “I don't know why I'm trying to prove myself to you. I don't care if I have friends or not.”
She was happy to have her friend back.
“Have fun, uncles.” She turned around and heard Aegon say "fuck" under his breath.
“Would you like to join us?”
Y/N nodded her head and took the only empty seat at the table. Aemond was sitting in the single chair. Aegon was on the far side of the loveseat from Aemond. So, Y/N was sitting between them. Aegon had probably done something to piss Aemond off again. She thought to herself. That's why he was sitting far away.
By order of the queen, servants served tea to all the tables. There were also a variety of cakes on the table. Aegon and Y/N started chatting after their tea arrived. They were talking fast as if they wanted to close the time they had been away for years.
Aemond listened to their conversation, if watching Y/N's facial expressions counts as listening. He missed her more than he could admit or imagine.
After a short time for Aemond, Aegon showed Y/N a ring he had found in one of the rooms in the castle. Of course, the ring had dragon wings on it. And a red stone in the center.
“Whose ring do you think it could be?”
“It's definitely Aegon the Conqueror’s ring.”
“Only in your dreams.”
“Take a closer look, it says 'Aegon' on it.”
“It's a shame that your hands are so soft.” Y/N said as she held Aegon's hand to get a better look at the ring.
Aegon quickly withdrew his hand. “Why is that?”
“How many times in your life have you held a sword? You don't even ride your dragon?”
“We didn't all grow up savage like you. I grew up in a castle. As a prince.” He said with a fake offense.
Y/N smiled. Aegon was Aegon.
“And would you prefer my hands to be like Aemond's anyway?”
Aemond took his last sip of tea and put his cup down on the table. “It's better than being useless.”
“Aha!” Aegon seemed prouder to be offended.
“Show us your hand.” said Aegon.
Aemond held out his hand, sighing. Aegon just watched as Y/N held his brother’s hand from below. His hands were rough from years of sword practice.
“It would hurt if he grabbed your tit.”
“Aegon.” Aemond said in a warning tone.
Y/N blushed at the thought of him doing it. Aemond looked at the princess out of the corner of his eye.
The topic of conversation at the table was the same image that had occupied the prince's mind for several nights, or rather, several years. She is in his bed. Her long silver hair is messy on his pillows. Y/N tired of his teasing. She is too stubborn to say the words herself, but her eyes beg him to give her more. Her naked figure.
He didn't dare to think more in front of so many people. He wanted to shake his head to clear his thoughts. Instead, he locked eyes with his brother. He was looking at him with a knowing smile. Aegon was drunk but not stupid. He knew what was going on between them. Maybe love was not his specialty, but the desire was.
Then they both saw the princess squeeze her thighs when they looked at her. Apparently, Y/N’s mind was in the same place as Aemond’s. Aegon smirked at his niece's action.
When she realized Aemond was looking at her, she turned the back of his hand to change the subject to prince’s hand. There was a fresh wound.
“Aemond! What happened to your hand? Why didn't you get help?”
Y/N ran her fingers gently around the wound. He clenched his jaw at her action.
“It happened at the practice. It's nothing important.”
“It seemed important to me. You should see a maester.”
Y/N started stroking Aemond's wrist with her thumb without realizing it. Aemond felt himself melting into Y/N’s touch. But at the same time he was getting harder.
Y/N reached for the ribbon in her hair and untied it. She carefully wrapped it around Aemond’s hand. She covered the wound completely. Y/N had never bandaged before and didn't know if what's she had just done would help. But she couldn't stand by and do nothing because she knew Aemond would get no help.
"Thank you.” he said quietly. He liked that she was trying to help him, but he was also surprised. Aemond was not used to people paying attention to him.
"You're welcome, my prince."
Then the queen called Y/N to her side. She said, "Excuse me" and got up.
“Come back to us.” said Aegon.
“I will.” She said with a smile.
When Y/N walked away, Aemond carefully adjusted his pants.
Aegon burst into laughter. “You're pathetic. She just touched your hand and you got hard.”
"I wondered what would happen if she touched any other part of your body," he said as he reached for the bottle of wine on the table.
Aemond felt embarrassed for the first time in a long time. He felt like he was becoming like his brother. Getting hard in public was not something that could happen to Prince Aemond. But then he reminded himself that he was in love with Y/N. So, what happened to him was not because of lust but because of his love for the princess. Wait. He… he was in love with Y/N?
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tracybirds · 3 days
A little offering for FishTank Week 2024 :D This is to fill the prompt "wingman" in hopefully a fun and unique way haha
Thank you to @whatgaviiformes and helpers for putting together the prompts, and thank you @gumnut-logic for the readthrough <33
[Wandering Albatross deets here]
“Holy crap, Virg – come see!”
Virgil’s ears pricked up at the excitement that coloured his brother’s voice, and he leapt up with a grin.
Without a second glance, Gordon passed the binoculars to him, pointing out the speck hovering over the horizon.
“It’s an albatross! Keep your eyes on it, I’m gonna grab the gear.”
The albatross’ wingspan filled Virgil’s field of vision and he watched it intently, breathless, as it glided over the shimmering sea. The speckles of black deepened as his eyes followed its feathers from shoulder to wing and with a jolt, he saw the beak and knew what he was looking at.
“Gordon, it’s a wanderer!” he yelled, not daring to pull his face away from the magnificent, magnified view.
“What?!!” Gordon’s response could only be described as a shriek, as he clattered back down the stairs, dragging the tripod with him.
The salmon-pink beak was one Virgil would know anywhere, years of pouring over photos and videos with Gordon at his side and he could identify this bird in a heartbeat. The wandering albatross, the largest wingspan of any bird, had flown over them in delighted dreams and childhood stories, ever since Gordon first saw a model of one at some seaside museum when they were small.
It was the viewing of a lifetime, a bird that had been on both of their dream lists ever since they had known what birding was.
And now it was here.
Wings outstretched, the albatross flew, snow and charcoal against an overcast sky.
Time stood still, marked only by the quiet ‘click’ of Gordon’s camera beside him, as Virgil committed the ebb and flow of circling flight to memory. His fingers itched for graphite, but the sight held him captive, rooted to the spot as the two stood shoulder to shoulder in awed silence.
When the lonely seabird slipped over the horizon in search for other shores, Virgil at last dropped the binoculars to his chest and turned to Gordon.
His eyes were bright, his smile alive.
“I’m so glad we were both here for this,” said Gordon in a rush, and Virgil felt the familiar warm glow in his chest, as the chatter sprang forth from his brother, a running commentary of facts and observations and wonderings alike.
“Gordon,” he gently interrupted, and Gordon stopped talking mid-sentence. “I’m glad we were both here too.”
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vgilantee · 1 year
dear devoted delicate {xavier thorpe}
xavier thorpe x reader
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requested: by my beloved julie @websterss <3
words: 2.2k
a/n: the reader is an outcast of an unknown type, but not a werewolf. i love werewolves, but because of some of the setup, it's gotta be a non-werewolf reader. also i went a little off-prompt but it's still the same in essence, and all the important bits are included, just shuffled up a little. oh and yes the title is a line from the song older, but i used it mostly because dear is a sweet petname, and butterflies have delicate wings. i think i'm clever. oh and if you're new here, i hate writing dialogue and it shows in this also if you want to see some really cool drawings of poisonous plants, send me an ask (please) because one of my favourite things ever are vintage botanical drawings (this will make sense in a minute dw)
warnings: n/a. just some sweetness. there is swearing though so idk if that counts as a warning
pronouns: she/her (maybe she/they? i can't remember if i threw in a 'they' lmao)
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Once a month - sometimes twice if you were incredibly unlucky - you were kicked out of your room for two days while your roommate had a handful of her younger cousins over. 
Before Nevermore, you loved the full moon. Now you had a love-hate relationship. You still loved the moon itself, but you never enjoyed showing up at your friend’s dorm, backpack over your shoulder and sleeping bag tucked under your arm, sheepishly asking if you could once again sleep on their floor. You could, in theory, go back to your room to sleep as your roommate and cousins wouldn’t be there, instead transformed into wolves and galavanting around the woods. But in your second month at Nevermore, you did that, and woke up to a room full of the less-than-dressed human werewolves, some of whom had chosen your bed to curl up on, with you still in it. Never again. 
Full moons on the weekend were the worst. With no classes to occupy your time, you often found yourself moving from place to place around campus to find somewhere you could hide out before getting bored and moving on. 
Xavier watched as you jogged past the archery field, headphones in and running shoes muddied. It wasn’t unusual to see you go past during club practice, though you tended to avoid it after a downpour. He’d asked you about it once, after seeing you in the library one rainy Saturday afternoon.
“My room already smells like wet dog at the best of times, I’m not going to add to that.” Your voice was light with humour; you adored Sofi and she always made sure to not bring in any smells with her. But the comment stuck with Xavier and the next time you were sat next to each other in Torture through History, he sketched out a wolf before moving his hand to bring it out of the page. You giggled quietly as the ashen wolf shook itself, small flecks mimicking water coming off, then curled up next to your hand. You had smiled down at it fondly as it fell asleep before dissolving into charcoal dust, leaving a light smudge on your hand. Xavier watched you and pretended not to notice the warmth that came to his face as you looked up at him, the fond look still in your eyes. 
“Xavier, are you going to take your shot? Or you just going to keep staring at ‘em?” He shot up a middle finger over his shoulder before turning to follow its movement to see his club mates smirking over at him. 
After ducking into Ash’s room to change into more comfortable clothes, you make your way down to the library. Ash was generally the most reliable for having space on their floor for you to crash, the thin roll-out mattress a permanent feature in the beanbag corner of the dorm. 
On your way, you detour to your room to kick your muddy runners under your bed, though not before making an ‘I’m watching you’ motion toward a curled-up Sofi with a smile. 
It wasn’t uncommon for couples to be hidden away in the library, especially not on an overcast weekend. But the Grimmstone library was the only library on campus that held an original copy of an 1800s toxic botany encyclopaedia. 
After a few false turns with quick apologies to the interrupted couples, you finally found the right - and luckily empty - aisle. With your forefinger running gently along the worn spines, you made your way down the rows of books, glancing at the names of authors until you found the one you were looking for. 
After carefully sliding the hardcover book off the shelf - nearly dropping it as the loose plastic dust cover slipped - you sat down at one of the desks lining the centre of the room and began flicking through. You flicked the book to the back, finger running down the yellowed page until you reached the name you were looking for: aconitum.
“Big scary werewolf and you’re afraid of a little butterfly?” You laughed as you wandered into Plant Toxicology with Sofi. 
“It flew right into my face!” She waved her free hand in front of her, mimicking the butterfly’s movements. 
“And you squealed!” As you laughed, Sofi gently hip-checked you, nudging you toward your usual desk, before laughing with a shake of her head and walking toward her own. You nodded hello to Yoko as you sat beside her. 
“Alight, class. Group paper time.” The sounds of groans and heads hitting tables bounced around the room. “I know, I know. Now, rows one and three, turn around and give a little wave to your partner.”
You were hours early to meet your study buddy, but it was a non-issue. The time alone allowed you to make meticulous notes on the plant before worrying about formatting them into a presentable paper. 
The notes you made were messy, quick dot points from the encyclopaedia that could make into a decent assessment. The paper was only short anyway, the first report of the semester that was more of a benchmark than a large percentage of your grade. 
Headphones in, it wasn’t long until you found yourself with your feet up on the seat and book resting open on your thighs, reaching around your bent knees to occasionally take notes. 
You were in the middle of triple-checking the spelling of a latin nomenclature when a flit of grey out the corner of your eye caught your attention. But as you turned your head to see what it was, all you could see was another couple darting down an aisle, whispering to each other. You shook your head with an amused exhale before turning back to your note-taking. 
Just as you leaned forward to take a note, you saw the grey again. But this time, instead of a moment at the side of your vision, the grey moved in front of you just long enough to make out the shape of a butterfly before it landed on the tip of your nose. 
Cross-eyed to stare at the charcoal insect, you pulled out the headphones slowly, trying not to disturb it. You knew it wasn’t real, recognising the trademark sketch lines of Xavier’s art. 
Another pair of butterflies began to flutter in front of you, bouncing off of each other with tiny plumes of dust. You let out a small giggle and the bug on your nose darted away, flying right into the other two where all three of them exploded into a shower of dark powder onto the desk. Once the last of the dust landed, you turned quickly to look over your shoulders, dropping your feet to the floor, trying to find the artist.
You met Xavier’s eye as he folded his sketchbook closed in his right hand. His head was tilted with a smile as he made his way toward you, backpack slung over his shoulder. 
“Howdy, howdy partner.” You wriggled your fingers to wave as he pulled out the chair beside you, dropping down and letting his bag fall to the floor. As he did, you noticed that Xavier’s pulled-back hair was a messy damp, the kind that comes with being caught in the rain. 
“Started the fun without me.” He gestured lazily to your notebook and the two thick library books in front of you (at some point during your research you wandered back to the shelf and found a second book with information on the deadly plant).
“Wanted to make you jealous, of course.” You shot him a wink with a small giggle, turning back to your book just in time to miss the tips of Xavier’s ears go pink. “The butterflies were definitely a welcome distraction though,” you thanked, turning in your chair to face him fully, “I felt like I was going cross-eyed staring at these pages.” 
“I’m happy to distract.” Xavier sent you a dopey smile and raised one hand to flatten down flyaways, and you bit the inside of your lip while ignoring the warmth that grew on your face. In your attempt to break eye-contact and hopefully get rid of the blush, your gaze flicked down to his mouth and caught him licking his lips. 
Almost in sync, you and Xavier looked away from each other and as you looked over at the textbook, you heard him clear his throat. 
“Okay, so,” Xavier broke the silence after a moment, “what have you got so far?”
You quickly delved into giving him a rundown of the notes you had made so far, explaining ideas you had come up with for it. However, you made a point of not looking up at him. It was a little awkward at times, where you would catch yourself beginning to look at him but quickly found a drawing of the purple flower far too important to not look over at. 
Neither of you noticed that the sun had set until the howls of classmates made their way from this distance, the sound causing both of you to turn and look out the window. 
“Shit, I didn’t realise how late it had gotten.” During the week, there was an 8pm curfew, but over the weekend library hours were extended and they were a little more lenient with the time you had to be back at your dorm giving you until midnight to be back. There was just one downside to being in the library late.
“Oh my god we missed dinner.” Xavier sounded devastated at the realisation, and you looked over to see him with the back of his hand pressed dramatically to his forehead. 
“You hungry?” It wasn’t long past dinnertime, but because of the routine that came with living at Nevermore, you knew the answer would be yes. “I may or may not have some snacks hidden in my dorm.” He perked up, and though he would never tell, he was more than a little excited to be spending more time alone with you.
Xavier sat awkwardly on your bed as you kicked off your shoes and began to pull a box out from under your bed. Pushing some heavy clothing out of the way, you pulled out a bag of chips and a couple of packets of sweets. 
“It’s not really a dinner, but it’s food.” You showed him the food you had stashed, offering it weakly. Xavier scooched himself onto the floor, patting the space beside him and you sat yourself down cross-legged. 
As Xavier pulled open the chip bag, you sent Ash a message saying you might be over late, but would try to be as quiet as possible. They sent back a thumbs up, and you shoved away your phone just in time for the chips to be held out in front of you.
Between the sweets and bag of chips, you and Xavier managed to talk about anything that came to mind as time quickly moved by. During your time, both of you got more relaxed, losing any vague semblance of good posture and leaned against the side of your bed. And maybe closer to each other, but only maybe. 
Xavier pulled his sketchbook out of his backpack and leaned forward, listening to you talk as he drew. He hid his sketchbook from you as you tried leaning over him, giggling into his ear as you did. 
You let your body flop onto the ground beside him, staring up leaning on your hand as he readjusted how he was sitting to keep hiding what he was drawing from you. Then he tucked his pencil behind his ear and held his hand above the page. 
Lifting up with a rain of dust, a dozen small butterflies began to flit around your room. They bounced off each other, spinning in circles as they danced.
Much like the interruption of howls earlier in the evening, you are brought back into reality by the buzzing of your phone against the hardwood floor. 
“I don’t mean to stop you from whatever you’re doing,” Ash skipped the greeting as you answer the call, “but if you’re sleeping here tonight you might want to think about showing up soon.” 
“Hello to you too.” Sitting up properly, you watched Xavier as he turned on his phone screen and showed you the time, and you widened your eyes. “Oh fuck. Okay, thanks, Ash. Be there soon.” Xavier stood first, offering you a hand to pull you up which you happily took pretending not to notice the way he squeezed your hand shortly when you stood.
“I can walk you over if you want.” You were already shaking your head at the offer, knowing that you would be cutting it thin getting to Ash’s dorm and Xavier’s dorm house was in the opposite direction.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want to be the reason you get in trouble.” He held the door open for you, leaning on the outer frame. As he pulled it shut his arm brushed your side. 
There was a beat of silence as neither of you wanted to move. Although you had spent the night hanging out, the softness in that moment was different and not something you wanted to break.
Steeling yourself for a moment, you darted forward and kissed Xavier on the cheek, turning and beginning to walk away before you could see how he reacted. 
Xavier watched as you moved quickly away, his cheeks and ears pink, He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times trying to figure out how to react. Once you disappeared around the corner, he let out a breath and sheepishly smiled to himself.
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comments and reblogs are appreciated! as are asks about the fic!
rambles, feel free to ignore: this fic isn't… okay so i hold myself to very high standards which is a problem with my brain and things, and i need to stop doing that because i end up giving up on things that aren't perfect instead of appreciating that i have made something and it's mine and from my brain. again, a problem i need to sort out. but all this being said!! by my self-imposed standards this isn't amazing, and really i'm posting it as a "here! it's done! take it before i take it back and destroy it!" and that's only happening because it was a request from a mutual.
tl;dr: these rambles are more to say that i like this fic, and i'm happy enough with it, but my standards are so high that i don't think it's good enough. which is a common thing with creatives and just know that what you make is good because it's yours and you made it, and that's all that matters!
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edosianorchids901 · 1 month
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The Swiftness of Time
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "watching birds"
Cw: depression, mentions of violence/murder
Paris, 1314
Aziraphale noticed almost immediately that something was wrong. He had known Crowley for over five thousand years, after all. At this point, he recognized most moods.
“What’s wrong?” he finally asked, sliding a cup of wine to Crowley. It was a very nice Burgundy, much better than the local wine that had been available over the summer.
“Hmm?” Crowley pulled his gaze away from the hunk of bread in his hand. He’d been staring at it rather than eating it for the past few minutes. “Sorry, what?”
“I asked what’s wrong.”
Immediate resistance crossed Crowley’s face, and he shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong. What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“Well, a number of things.” Among them, his unusual quiet, the fact that he wasn’t eating or drinking, the furrows in his brow. But there was one clue far more notable than that. “Namely, there’s four ducks not ten feet away, splashing in the puddles, and you haven’t mentioned them at all.”
A different sort of furrow carved through Crowley’s brow. “Do I normally?”
“Always. If there’s ducks, you always say so.” Aziraphale gave a worried pout. “You haven’t even been watching these ones. It’s not like you.”
“I was busy.”
“Watching bread instead of watching birds?”
Crowley opened his mouth again, as if to protest that such a thing was perfectly normal. Then he closed it, looking entirely out of sorts. Perhaps at the realization that his behavior was so easily readable.
He sighed and turned to the ducks. For a moment, he just watched them as they splashed in the puddle. They quacked happily, scooped up water in their bills, stretched their wings.
“Sorry,” Crowley said again. “I really didn’t mean to worry you.”
“That’s hardly my concern, dear boy.” Aziraphale tilted his head. “Do you not wish to talk about it? If it’s something too upsetting…”
“Nah, it’s not actually anything specific. I’m just tired, s’ all.”
“Have you considered taking a nap?”
That earned a quick smile, although Crowley didn’t take his gaze off the ducks. “I tried a week ago, yeah. While you were out in the countryside.”
“And how did that go?”
“Not well. Just endless dreams about everything going wrong.” Crowley’s nose wrinkled with distaste. “Getting lost on the way to assignments, blessings for you going wrong and turning into murder, losing my sunglasses…”
As if the thought had distressed him, he reached up and pushed his sunglasses higher. Or perhaps he just wished to better conceal his eyes.
“That sounds very stressful.” Aziraphale tore off a piece of bread and dipped it in sauce, one with vinegar and a delightful array of spices. “Do you think it’s the cold weather?”
“Nah, it’s not actually that cold yet.” Crowley glanced up at the clouds. It was an overcast day, slightly breeze, but only a bit chilly in truth. “I think it’s more… time goes by really fast. And lately, it just feels like it’s rushing from one bad thing to the next.”
“Ah.” Now Aziraphale understood. “Is this about that Templar business?”
“Not specifically. I mean, I got commendation for them being burned at the stake and everything, but that’s not all. This has just been a bad year, before and after that.” Crowley scuffed at the ground with his shoe, frowning. “Bad… decade. Century. Millennia. Existence.”
“Oh dear.” Alarmed, Aziraphale miracled a bowl of grain and pushed it to him. “Here. You need this.”
Crowley stared at it. “Does eating raw grain have some sort of antidepressant effect?”
“No, but ducks do.” Aziraphale put on an encouraging smile, although his chest was tight with worry. “Go on. You ought to feed them for a bit.”
Lips pursed, Crowley took the grain. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s gonna miraculously cure my case of ‘humans are really bloody awful to each other.’”
“No, I don’t suppose it shall. But perhaps it will remind you of happier times?”
“Like what?” Crowley asked glumly, hurling a handful of grain at the ground. The ducks rushed over, quacking with glee over the snack.
“Oh. You know. All the birdwatching we’ve done over the years.”
Crowley glanced at him. “Humans have been killing each other for those years, too.”
“I’m aware of that. But ducks are nice! You like ducks. And you like watching them.” Aziraphale was starting to run out of ideas, which was really quite pitiful. After five thousand years of knowing Crowley, he ought to be able to do more. “And, I hope, you like watching and feeding ducks with me?”
At that, Crowley’s expression softened. He nodded, tossing down more grain. “I do. Sorry I’m such awful company today, angel. I guess I just got kinda beaten down by it all.”
“I quite understand.” Aziraphale held out a hand, smiling, and Crowley took it. “Oh.”
Crowley raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Well, it-it’s just…” Aziraphale’s cheeks flushed, and he shook his head at himself. “I was actually requesting some of the grain to feed the ducks.”
“Oh.” Crowley chuckled, shaking his head. “‘Course you were.”
He tried to let go. Aziraphale held on tighter. “This is nice, though. Do you think it would help you at all, if we did it a while longer?”
Crowley hesitated, then gave a slow nod. “Yeah. I think it might.”
“Well, then.” Aziraphale moved his chair closer, to make it more comfortable to hold Crowley’s hand, and settled in. “We shall watch the ducks together, then.”
Aziraphale couldn’t do anything about humans being awful, or about the effects of time’s relentless onslaught. But he could certainly offer his company and his hand. And hopefully, between that and the cheerful company of ducks, Crowley would bounce back soon.
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poppiesandpromises · 5 days
A wet sock sort of
Morning, of overcast
Imaginings like crow feathers
Smothering the sun
I have an itch well beneath
My skin melding to my bones
I am covered in catastrophe
Cacophony of notes gone flat
There is no singing, only
Angels screaming of their
Bloody wings while they're
Staring at the knife
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