#xavier thorpe reader insert
vgilantee · 1 year
dear devoted delicate {xavier thorpe}
xavier thorpe x reader
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requested: by my beloved julie @websterss <3
words: 2.2k
a/n: the reader is an outcast of an unknown type, but not a werewolf. i love werewolves, but because of some of the setup, it's gotta be a non-werewolf reader. also i went a little off-prompt but it's still the same in essence, and all the important bits are included, just shuffled up a little. oh and yes the title is a line from the song older, but i used it mostly because dear is a sweet petname, and butterflies have delicate wings. i think i'm clever. oh and if you're new here, i hate writing dialogue and it shows in this also if you want to see some really cool drawings of poisonous plants, send me an ask (please) because one of my favourite things ever are vintage botanical drawings (this will make sense in a minute dw)
warnings: n/a. just some sweetness. there is swearing though so idk if that counts as a warning
pronouns: she/her (maybe she/they? i can't remember if i threw in a 'they' lmao)
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Once a month - sometimes twice if you were incredibly unlucky - you were kicked out of your room for two days while your roommate had a handful of her younger cousins over. 
Before Nevermore, you loved the full moon. Now you had a love-hate relationship. You still loved the moon itself, but you never enjoyed showing up at your friend’s dorm, backpack over your shoulder and sleeping bag tucked under your arm, sheepishly asking if you could once again sleep on their floor. You could, in theory, go back to your room to sleep as your roommate and cousins wouldn’t be there, instead transformed into wolves and galavanting around the woods. But in your second month at Nevermore, you did that, and woke up to a room full of the less-than-dressed human werewolves, some of whom had chosen your bed to curl up on, with you still in it. Never again. 
Full moons on the weekend were the worst. With no classes to occupy your time, you often found yourself moving from place to place around campus to find somewhere you could hide out before getting bored and moving on. 
Xavier watched as you jogged past the archery field, headphones in and running shoes muddied. It wasn’t unusual to see you go past during club practice, though you tended to avoid it after a downpour. He’d asked you about it once, after seeing you in the library one rainy Saturday afternoon.
“My room already smells like wet dog at the best of times, I’m not going to add to that.” Your voice was light with humour; you adored Sofi and she always made sure to not bring in any smells with her. But the comment stuck with Xavier and the next time you were sat next to each other in Torture through History, he sketched out a wolf before moving his hand to bring it out of the page. You giggled quietly as the ashen wolf shook itself, small flecks mimicking water coming off, then curled up next to your hand. You had smiled down at it fondly as it fell asleep before dissolving into charcoal dust, leaving a light smudge on your hand. Xavier watched you and pretended not to notice the warmth that came to his face as you looked up at him, the fond look still in your eyes. 
“Xavier, are you going to take your shot? Or you just going to keep staring at ‘em?” He shot up a middle finger over his shoulder before turning to follow its movement to see his club mates smirking over at him. 
After ducking into Ash’s room to change into more comfortable clothes, you make your way down to the library. Ash was generally the most reliable for having space on their floor for you to crash, the thin roll-out mattress a permanent feature in the beanbag corner of the dorm. 
On your way, you detour to your room to kick your muddy runners under your bed, though not before making an ‘I’m watching you’ motion toward a curled-up Sofi with a smile. 
It wasn’t uncommon for couples to be hidden away in the library, especially not on an overcast weekend. But the Grimmstone library was the only library on campus that held an original copy of an 1800s toxic botany encyclopaedia. 
After a few false turns with quick apologies to the interrupted couples, you finally found the right - and luckily empty - aisle. With your forefinger running gently along the worn spines, you made your way down the rows of books, glancing at the names of authors until you found the one you were looking for. 
After carefully sliding the hardcover book off the shelf - nearly dropping it as the loose plastic dust cover slipped - you sat down at one of the desks lining the centre of the room and began flicking through. You flicked the book to the back, finger running down the yellowed page until you reached the name you were looking for: aconitum.
“Big scary werewolf and you’re afraid of a little butterfly?” You laughed as you wandered into Plant Toxicology with Sofi. 
“It flew right into my face!” She waved her free hand in front of her, mimicking the butterfly’s movements. 
“And you squealed!” As you laughed, Sofi gently hip-checked you, nudging you toward your usual desk, before laughing with a shake of her head and walking toward her own. You nodded hello to Yoko as you sat beside her. 
“Alight, class. Group paper time.” The sounds of groans and heads hitting tables bounced around the room. “I know, I know. Now, rows one and three, turn around and give a little wave to your partner.”
You were hours early to meet your study buddy, but it was a non-issue. The time alone allowed you to make meticulous notes on the plant before worrying about formatting them into a presentable paper. 
The notes you made were messy, quick dot points from the encyclopaedia that could make into a decent assessment. The paper was only short anyway, the first report of the semester that was more of a benchmark than a large percentage of your grade. 
Headphones in, it wasn’t long until you found yourself with your feet up on the seat and book resting open on your thighs, reaching around your bent knees to occasionally take notes. 
You were in the middle of triple-checking the spelling of a latin nomenclature when a flit of grey out the corner of your eye caught your attention. But as you turned your head to see what it was, all you could see was another couple darting down an aisle, whispering to each other. You shook your head with an amused exhale before turning back to your note-taking. 
Just as you leaned forward to take a note, you saw the grey again. But this time, instead of a moment at the side of your vision, the grey moved in front of you just long enough to make out the shape of a butterfly before it landed on the tip of your nose. 
Cross-eyed to stare at the charcoal insect, you pulled out the headphones slowly, trying not to disturb it. You knew it wasn’t real, recognising the trademark sketch lines of Xavier’s art. 
Another pair of butterflies began to flutter in front of you, bouncing off of each other with tiny plumes of dust. You let out a small giggle and the bug on your nose darted away, flying right into the other two where all three of them exploded into a shower of dark powder onto the desk. Once the last of the dust landed, you turned quickly to look over your shoulders, dropping your feet to the floor, trying to find the artist.
You met Xavier’s eye as he folded his sketchbook closed in his right hand. His head was tilted with a smile as he made his way toward you, backpack slung over his shoulder. 
“Howdy, howdy partner.” You wriggled your fingers to wave as he pulled out the chair beside you, dropping down and letting his bag fall to the floor. As he did, you noticed that Xavier’s pulled-back hair was a messy damp, the kind that comes with being caught in the rain. 
“Started the fun without me.” He gestured lazily to your notebook and the two thick library books in front of you (at some point during your research you wandered back to the shelf and found a second book with information on the deadly plant).
“Wanted to make you jealous, of course.” You shot him a wink with a small giggle, turning back to your book just in time to miss the tips of Xavier’s ears go pink. “The butterflies were definitely a welcome distraction though,” you thanked, turning in your chair to face him fully, “I felt like I was going cross-eyed staring at these pages.” 
“I’m happy to distract.” Xavier sent you a dopey smile and raised one hand to flatten down flyaways, and you bit the inside of your lip while ignoring the warmth that grew on your face. In your attempt to break eye-contact and hopefully get rid of the blush, your gaze flicked down to his mouth and caught him licking his lips. 
Almost in sync, you and Xavier looked away from each other and as you looked over at the textbook, you heard him clear his throat. 
“Okay, so,” Xavier broke the silence after a moment, “what have you got so far?”
You quickly delved into giving him a rundown of the notes you had made so far, explaining ideas you had come up with for it. However, you made a point of not looking up at him. It was a little awkward at times, where you would catch yourself beginning to look at him but quickly found a drawing of the purple flower far too important to not look over at. 
Neither of you noticed that the sun had set until the howls of classmates made their way from this distance, the sound causing both of you to turn and look out the window. 
“Shit, I didn’t realise how late it had gotten.” During the week, there was an 8pm curfew, but over the weekend library hours were extended and they were a little more lenient with the time you had to be back at your dorm giving you until midnight to be back. There was just one downside to being in the library late.
“Oh my god we missed dinner.” Xavier sounded devastated at the realisation, and you looked over to see him with the back of his hand pressed dramatically to his forehead. 
“You hungry?” It wasn’t long past dinnertime, but because of the routine that came with living at Nevermore, you knew the answer would be yes. “I may or may not have some snacks hidden in my dorm.” He perked up, and though he would never tell, he was more than a little excited to be spending more time alone with you.
Xavier sat awkwardly on your bed as you kicked off your shoes and began to pull a box out from under your bed. Pushing some heavy clothing out of the way, you pulled out a bag of chips and a couple of packets of sweets. 
“It’s not really a dinner, but it’s food.” You showed him the food you had stashed, offering it weakly. Xavier scooched himself onto the floor, patting the space beside him and you sat yourself down cross-legged. 
As Xavier pulled open the chip bag, you sent Ash a message saying you might be over late, but would try to be as quiet as possible. They sent back a thumbs up, and you shoved away your phone just in time for the chips to be held out in front of you.
Between the sweets and bag of chips, you and Xavier managed to talk about anything that came to mind as time quickly moved by. During your time, both of you got more relaxed, losing any vague semblance of good posture and leaned against the side of your bed. And maybe closer to each other, but only maybe. 
Xavier pulled his sketchbook out of his backpack and leaned forward, listening to you talk as he drew. He hid his sketchbook from you as you tried leaning over him, giggling into his ear as you did. 
You let your body flop onto the ground beside him, staring up leaning on your hand as he readjusted how he was sitting to keep hiding what he was drawing from you. Then he tucked his pencil behind his ear and held his hand above the page. 
Lifting up with a rain of dust, a dozen small butterflies began to flit around your room. They bounced off each other, spinning in circles as they danced.
Much like the interruption of howls earlier in the evening, you are brought back into reality by the buzzing of your phone against the hardwood floor. 
“I don’t mean to stop you from whatever you’re doing,” Ash skipped the greeting as you answer the call, “but if you’re sleeping here tonight you might want to think about showing up soon.” 
“Hello to you too.” Sitting up properly, you watched Xavier as he turned on his phone screen and showed you the time, and you widened your eyes. “Oh fuck. Okay, thanks, Ash. Be there soon.” Xavier stood first, offering you a hand to pull you up which you happily took pretending not to notice the way he squeezed your hand shortly when you stood.
“I can walk you over if you want.” You were already shaking your head at the offer, knowing that you would be cutting it thin getting to Ash’s dorm and Xavier’s dorm house was in the opposite direction.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want to be the reason you get in trouble.” He held the door open for you, leaning on the outer frame. As he pulled it shut his arm brushed your side. 
There was a beat of silence as neither of you wanted to move. Although you had spent the night hanging out, the softness in that moment was different and not something you wanted to break.
Steeling yourself for a moment, you darted forward and kissed Xavier on the cheek, turning and beginning to walk away before you could see how he reacted. 
Xavier watched as you moved quickly away, his cheeks and ears pink, He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times trying to figure out how to react. Once you disappeared around the corner, he let out a breath and sheepishly smiled to himself.
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comments and reblogs are appreciated! as are asks about the fic!
rambles, feel free to ignore: this fic isn't… okay so i hold myself to very high standards which is a problem with my brain and things, and i need to stop doing that because i end up giving up on things that aren't perfect instead of appreciating that i have made something and it's mine and from my brain. again, a problem i need to sort out. but all this being said!! by my self-imposed standards this isn't amazing, and really i'm posting it as a "here! it's done! take it before i take it back and destroy it!" and that's only happening because it was a request from a mutual.
tl;dr: these rambles are more to say that i like this fic, and i'm happy enough with it, but my standards are so high that i don't think it's good enough. which is a common thing with creatives and just know that what you make is good because it's yours and you made it, and that's all that matters!
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lynderman · 2 years
𝘼 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙀𝙛𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩 (Xavier Thorpe)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!Addams!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k+
Date Published: 12/9/22
Synopsis: You’ve always been 2nd place. First place for losers. Attending Nevermore was supposed to change that.
A/N: (I was so confident writing this, and I feel like I went down a rabbit hole because some shit doesn't even make sense. So idk if it’s good or not. It also isn’t proofread 💀)
Part 2
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“Vi, are you still free after fencing today? I thought I’d take you up on that offer and go down to Jericho to get-“
“Sorry. I told Wednesday I’d meet her in the nightshades library to look for a certain book.” My smile instantly vanished as he said her name. It’s not that I hate her, no. I could never. We’re best friends! Well, as close as best friends could be to Wednesday Addams. I didn’t have a reason to hate her; But I did have more than enough to be jealous. Ever since we were kids she’s always been able to one-up me.
It started with small things like getting better grades in school. Then to committing higher and bigger crimes. And it eventually reached the point where I felt like everyone in the family preferred her to me. Even my own dad! Her precious ‘Uncle Fester’, the only one who made her smile. He made everyone smile though. Every time he came home from one of his jobs, I’d get a pat on the head and Wednesday would get a hug. His niece got more love and affection from him than his own daughter did.
I thought maybe, just maybe when I came to Nevermore I’d be able to fit in. Be my own person! Make my own friends, be someone who I wanted to be. Not living in the shadows of my cousin; Being known as ‘The other Addams?’ Or ‘Wednesdays’ Cousin!’ And I was for a while. For a whole year I was just known as Me. I wasn’t compared to anyone or told to be better. In fact I was great! Fantastic, even.
I’d made captain of the fencing team, like aunt Morticia. I was first chair in almost all my classes. I had friends of my own and was always asked to hang out. People were interested in me. They wanted me for me. Especially Xavier. God, Xavier. He was drop dead gorgeous. His long hair that framed his face so perfectly. His hazel eyes so full of hope and warmth. The smile that was always on his face when I walked up to him or when we hung out. He made me feel so happy and appreciated. Just loved and seen. I would do anything for him because I know he’d do the same for me!
Or so I thought.
The second that Wednesday showed up to Nevermore, any hopes I had of asking him out or just anything suddenly vanished. Like everyone else in my life, I was soon replaced by her darkening and compelling image. He became so infatuated with her. Our afternoon runs were taken away and replaced with him hanging out with her. He sat through and listened to her crazy theories all day and looked at her like she hung the stars herself. The same way he looked at me once.
My fists clenched my bag and I held back the urge to scream on the spot. Now the one time we were both free was taken away by her again? She wasn’t even a nightshade so that isn’t fair. “Have fun with that. I’ll be by the lake if you feel like I’m worth your time today.” My words seemed to get his attention because he finally looked up from his sketchbook. I caught a glimpse and saw it was an another drawing of Wednesday. He opened his mouth to say something but I walked off before he got the chance to. Or cry. Whichever came first at this point.
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The sun shone directly onto my face as I continued to write down the finishing lyrics to my song. My plan for the day was to hang out with Xavier and show him my new music for my violin. He knew I played an instrument but he didn’t know what it was or that I sang. So I thought it’d be a good time to surprise him! But of course my plans were ruined thanks to Wednesday. Again.
Letting out a grunt of frustration, I threw my pen into the lake. “What’d the pen ever do to you?” My attention turned to Xavier’s voice behind me. I listened to the sound of the leaves crunch and stop before he sat down on my blanket beside me. I didn’t ask him to, but I always found it hard to be upset or angry with him. Peering over my shoulder he asked what I’d been writing. “Just some music. I was gonna go back to my dorm and see how it turned out.” He didn’t need to know I wanted him to go back with me.
“Really? Can I see it?” Hesitation filled my body but I still gave him the notebook. His hands flipped through my pages and the words. I prayed to god he didn’t under Latin. “You never told me you write music.” I shrugged and turned back to the lake. “You never bothered to ask.”
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We sat at the lake for a while and just talked. It was nice; Feeling like I got my old friend back. The way he laughed at each joke I made and seemed to be genuinely interested in my topics made me realize how hard I’d fallen for him again. “Speaking of hair-“ He reached out to twirl the white strand in my black head of hair between his fingers. “Did you just decide it was a cool fashion statement or something?” I laughed lightly and shook my head.
“No, no. Back in 6th grade I was doing a science experiment, Y’know the one where you dissect frogs right? I was cutting him open and i just electrocuted myself without realizing it. That’s when I found out I’m like my dad. The whole lightning and shit. But I can do this weird thing with weather too where-“ I paused when I realized I was getting off track. “Anyways. I zapped myself and some shit happened with my hair when I did. It was only this piece though.” Laughing I turned the other way and buried my head into my knees. “I’ve tried to dye it back but it never works. All the other kids would make fun of me and say I’d get cancer or go bald. I dunno why though, that doesn’t make sense.”
What didn’t make sense was that I was basically Trauma dumping on Xavier for no reason. All he asked about was my hair and got some sob story in return. There was silence for a moment. I knew I overshared and he’d think I’m just some attention whore. It took me by surprise when he put his hand on mine, making me turn to face him. “I think it’s cool. Makes you stand out.” The blush that spread across my face was inevitable. Like an idiot I asked: “Really?”
A smile broke out in his face as he nodded. “Do you still wanna go to Jericho? The shuttle leaves in about 20 minuets? We can go to the weathervane and maybe check out that new music store?” My stomach was filled to the brim with butterfly’s, warmth spreading throughout it. Play it cool, play it cool. Don’t freak out. Just say that sounds fun. “Yes! Of course. I’d love to.” I mentally face palmed myself with the joy in my voice. It felt like a movie moment. Was this him asking me out on a date? Xavier finally got the balls to be the one to initiate it? No thoughts were going through my mind as my body leaned closer to his, him doing the same.
I could smell his cologne and feel his breath on my face; A mere 6 inches between my lips and his. Just as mine were to meet his, a phone rang. His phone. He blinked and apologized before picking it up.
“Hello? Enid? Since when did you call me? No, I’m not. She was busy so I’m at the lake, hanging out with-“ Xavier paused as Enid’s voice rose over the line, his brows furrowing as she spoke. I couldn’t hear what was going on. “Yeah, sure. Give me 7-8 minuets and I can. The quad or the courtyard? Mhm, sure.” He lowered his phone and hung up. “What’d Enid call about?” Standing up he began to brush himself off. “Wednesday asked her to call me since she doesn’t ‘want to be a slave to technology’. Said something about her finding a new lead on the monster and to meet her in the nightshades library.”
“But didn’t you earlier?” He shook his head. “No, she needed to do something else and talk to someone.” My lips pursed and watched as he grabbed his sketchbook from beside my bag. “Can we uh- rain check on Jericho?” All the butterflies and warmth my stomach were replaced with dread and insect repellent. “Again?” I muttered. “It’s nothing personal, I just need to-“
“No it never is with you is it? I mean do you even care about anyone or anything other than Wednesday?” The words left my mouth before I could process what I said. “Sorry?” Now I was standing up, arms crossed as I spoke. “Sorry? Oh shut up; Stop playing dumb. We both know you’re not so don’t try to bullshit your way out of this.” He took a step closer to me and looked down, irritation and confusion clouding his eyes. “What’re you talking about? What’s this even coming from? Why’re you getting so worked up about us hanging out?” Scoffing I took a step back from him.
“I’m getting worked up about this because you hang out with her all the time and not me! I’m constantly being ditched and put to the side cause you wanna go waste your time who doesn’t give a single fuck about you!”
“Don’t say that. She does but just act-“
“Acts distant and cold? Stand-offish and uninterested? She’s like that with everyone. What makes you think you’re any different to her? Do you think you’re special or some shit? Wednesday’s been like this her entire life and she’s certainly not going to change for some moron of a dude.” Xavier’s face only showed confusion as I spoke. “Oh come on. Don’t tell me you can’t put two and two together? Wednesday Addams; (Y/n) Addams? How many Addams’s in this school do you know? If you named more, I wouldn’t be surprised since you seem to pay attention to everyone else other than me.” “Not everything is about you (Y/n).” He snapped.
“You’re right. It’s not! It’s always about Wednesday. Everything is. It’s always ‘Oh, have you seen Wednesday? I’m looking for her.’ Or ‘Do you wanna see this new drawing of her? It looks better than the last!’ Anything that comes out of your mouth is about her! Have you ever noticed how you put me next to her? Below, If you will. She plays cello and you draw her. I play violin, but you never bothered to ask because you’re too busy talking about how good she sounds. You go with her to Jericho to get coffee while I’m left behind doing schoolwork. Everywhere I go I’m beneath her. I’m compared to her, I’m belittled because I’m not as edgy or mysterious as she is. My family seems to like her more too. My own father loves her more than me! Can you imagine that, Xavier? Having to live in the shadow of your little cousin because she’s so much better than you at everything? I thought the name I made for myself at Nevermore would stick! I’d have my own friends and interests and not be known as the other Addams girl. I thought that I could get away and have shit of my own! BUT NO. I CAN’T.”
The air around me felt chilly and vast, a small breeze inclining as my voice got louder. “But it’s never going to happen. Everyone will always choose her over me. I’ll always be second to her. And it’s not fair. It’s not. I try to hard at everything. Especially when making friends. I’m almost on my knees trying to get people to approach me but she just has to stand and glare at people and suddenly they’re wrapped around her finger. Like you. You’re just another string waiting to be pulled by her; Following and doing what she says like a lost puppy. You look at her with such admiration and longing in your eyes. Maybe if you turned your head the other way and fixed your eyesight, you’d see that’s how I look at you! If you weren’t so fucking blinded by her borderline manipulative tendencies you’d notice I’m the way with you you are with her.”
My hands were moving with immense exaggeration as I spoke. The feeling of static shooting through my veins when I threw them down to my sides in anger. “Look, I’m sorry. Why don’t we talk about this and-“ A short circuit of lighting extended from my fingers when I held my hand up to him. “This isn’t a two way conversation right now. It’s one where you listen to every word I say because that’s all I’ve ever done for you, especially ever since Wednesday’s gotten here-“
Speak of the devil, and she’ll arrive. Looking to my left I could see her standing a few feet away from us. “I think your feelings for Xavier are getting in the way of our goal, (Y/n).” I deadpanned. “Our goal?” She didn’t answer my question, only asking another one in its place.
“How would your father feel if he knew you were letting your emotions get the better of you?”
“Gee, I dunno. Why don’t you ask him since he was with you early in the nightshade’s library!” She said nothing. “He finally shows up after being on the run again and stops to say hi! Not to his daughter, but his niece.”
“It’s not my fault if Fester approached me and not you.”
“It’s never your fault is it? Nothing ever is. You’re just perfect Wednesday who’s above all others. Especially her cousin who’s done everything in her power to help her with her bullshit conspiracies. I’ve been on your side since day one. Believing in your shit when no one else would. And how do you thank me? By stealing the few people I have In my life away from me. Again and again. It’s a never ending cycle. And I never bother to break it because we’re family, Wednesday.” The overwhelming emotion of anger and hatred died down, the slight breeze fading completely. Now it was just cold and quiet. Water began to drop onto my clothes and belongings. When I looked up I realized It was raining; But only on me. As cliché as it sounds, there was a small storm cloud hovering above my head. Hence the weather thing I was telling Xavier about earlier.
“Do you know what you struggle with, (Y/n?).” Laughing, I faced Wednesday again. “No, but I’d love to hear your piercing insight on it!” “You don’t know when to turn your emotions on and off. You let them consume and confuse you. How you’re just a fool with a slow heart; Putting out love for others only to never get any back.” The rain became heavier as she spoke, each drop hitting harder against my face. “I understand that emotions are a foreign concept for you, Wednesday, but you don’t have a right to talk about mine if you don’t have any.” Is what I’d like to have said. But it isn’t. It was more along the lines of:
“Maybe you’re right. I do love too much because no one has ever given me any. I hope that one day you’ll think about all of the love I’ve given you, and maybe feel generous to reciprocate it.” Turning from her I grabbed my bag off the now drenched blanket and sling it over my bag. “The same goes for you, Vi. When you come to your senses and realize that I have and will still do anything to get a small sliver of your validation or time, my dorm room door will be open.” I meant to passive aggressively hand him his sketchbook back, but it was really just me shoving it into his chest. I didn’t dare look back at the two as I literally stormed off into the forest.
The sun still was shining around me even as I made my way back to the courtyard, through the quad, and up to my dorm. The cloud only got bigger when I was alone in my dorm room. Sitting in my shower I thought. Thought about how Wednesdays’ right. Despite ending up with nothing, I’ll still give everyone else everything I’ve never gotten in hopes someone will one day do the same.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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ornii · 10 months
Who Broke it?
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Wednesday and Company stand over the body of her Brother (Y/n), with a knife in his chest. Wednesday, as calm as ever, starts.
Wednesday: So… who broke it? I’m not mad, I just want to know.
Enid: … I Did, I Broke—
Wednesday: No, no you didn’t... Ajax?
Ajax: Don’t look at me, look at Eugene.
Eugene: What? I didnt break it.
Ajax: Huh, that’s weird, how’d you even know it was broken?
Eugene: Because it’s sitting right in front of us, and it’s broken.
Ajax: ..Suspicious.
Eugene: No It’s not—
Xavier: if it matters, probably not but.. Yoko was the last one near the cafeteria—
Yoko: Xavier i don’t Even eat food!
Xavier: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Yoko: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles everyone knows that XAVIER—
Enid: Okay- Okay, let’s not fight I broke it let me fix it Wednesday—
Wednesday: No, Who broke it?
Silence falls, until Ajax speaks up near Wednesday.
Ajax: Wedensday… Bianca has been awfully quiet—
Bianca: WOW, REALLY?!
The group burst into an argument, outside the room Wednesday leaves.
Wednesday: I broke it, he annoyed me so I stabbed him. I predict ten minutes from now they’ll be at each others throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.. Good, it was getting a little chummy around here…
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Wednesday: “You sicken me, Y/N.”
Y/N: “Why’s that?”
Wednesday: “You have allowed yourself to be a pawn in the inconsequential high school social click. And it’s weakened you to show any affection to those great abominations over there. They’re an insult to abominations.” *looks at Tyler and Xavier*
Y/N: “Umm.... Wednesday? You’re literally holding Enid’s hand right now.”
Wednesday: “That is different.”
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wandasallerdyce · 2 years
Xavier Thorpe x Addams M!Reader Incorrect Quotes
a/n: tried to make a mix of the family’s personalities, don’t know if i succeeded. also filler until i finish my Xavier x Addams m! reader HC’s. None of the quotes are mine btw, credit goes to their respective owners
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Xavier: If I died, how much would you miss me?
(y/n): It's cute how you think death can get you out of this relationship.
(y/n): Dating tip: Hold the door open for your date. Rip the door off it's hinges. Use the door as a weapon to fight off other people. Establish dominance.
Enid: How did you even get into a relationship?
(y/n): I broke my hand on mine and Xavier’s first date. At this point I firmly believe he's just afraid to leave me unsupervised.
Xavier: Wanna go for a jog together?
(y/n): Sorry, but that might consume my time of lying on my bed and contemplating our meaningless lives and inevitable doom.
Xavier: Could have just said no.
Ajax: Hey Xavier, why are you holding (y/n)’s hand?
Xavier: holding hands relieves stress and anxiety
Ajax: oh I thought you guys might be dating or something
(y/n): no we are, I just also happen to be constantly anxious and stressed
(y/n): I've been dropping subtle hints that I like him.
(y/n): *walks over to Xavier*
(y/n): I can't stand you.
Enid: What's it like being in a relationship with (y/n)?
Xavier: Well, I asked him for a glass of water when he was pissed at me, and he brought me a glass full of ice and said, "Wait."
(y/n): *applying chapstick*
Xavier: what flavour is that?
(y/n): oh it's *some chapstick flavor*
Xavier: can I try some?
(y/n): sure *hands over the chapstick*
Xavier: *kisses (y/n)* holy shit, it tastes like *that flavour*
(y/n): *has stopped functioning*
Enid: ooh, what's that you've got?
(y/n): *raising his apple* a snack?
Wednesday: in your other hand, she means
(y/n): *clutching onto a pic of Xavier*
(y/n): another snack?
(y/n): I'd love a guy who's sensitive and caring, manly but with a loving side, you know?
Xavier: *drops a bunch of paint along with a canvas*
(y/n): I want that one.
Xavier: I made tea.
(y/n): I don't want tea.
Xavier: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea.
(y/n): Then why did you tell me?
Xavier: It's a conversation starter.
(y/n): It's a horrible conversation starter.
Xavier: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.
Xavier: You are...a painting.
(y/n): Explain.
Xavier: Makes me happy.
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Xavier Thorpe x Male Reader Headcannons
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A/N  - sup my dudes, chicks and everything in between. I have risen from the dead aka depression and i decided to give y’all something i haven’t seen YET - a Xavier Thorpe x male reader ( cuz i’m a simp for dudes who look healf dead and tired as hell lmao) so enjoy :)) (if yall want me to write sum u can try submitting it but like i can’t promise that i will write it cuz im lazy af, but u can try ur luck lmao
First of all, I would like to imagine you’d be an Addams
And alternative like the rest of your family
When you run into him after you finished unpacking and left to find your sister, he wouldn’t give you much thought
And the fact that after running into him and falling down you curse, A LOT
‘‘Aw fucking hell man, watch where you’re going!’‘
And speed walking away after getting up
After that, he’d definitely be intrigued
Xavier is a sucker for alternative people let’s be honest
You would catch him staring when you’re reading and listening to The Cure or System of a Down
But then again, he’s probably staring at someone behind you or something, no way he’d be into you, a dude, right? And no way you’d be into him, out of all people.
That all changes after you keep seeing him in the hallways, you both are whipped for each other.
One day, you were walking to class and there were no seats left, except for the one next to him
Just your luck! ( Don’t lie, you’d be happy)
‘‘Hey, uhh, is this seat taken?’‘
‘‘Is it?’‘
‘‘Uh no yeah no it’s not’‘, he stumbles over his words while moving his bag away so you can sit.
‘‘Cool, thanks, man.’‘
After that, you start to greet him when you see him, which is quite often since you both go to Nevermore.
Sometimes, you even start a conversation about art and other things, like teasing him about being in a secret club, which you definitely didn’t hear from your sister Wednesday.
Those little hi’s and hello’s turn into something else at the Rave’N.
Xavier is left stunned and speechless after your entrance. You were wearing combat boots, a beautiful black suit, and a fancy black dress shirt.
At first, you didn’t get along with Bianca, but after a heartwarming conversation about things you hate, you find out you actually have a lot in common, and she definitely notices your and Xavier’s mutual pinning, so she basically pushes him out of his seat to go talk to you.
‘‘Wow, Y’N, uh you look amazing, just, wow’‘
He stutters out.
‘‘Thanks, you look great too, can’t say that white is my favorite color but it suits you. Wanna dance?’’
‘‘Yes, yeah, definitely.’’
After dancing the night away, you decide it’s too stuffed inside so you leave to get some air. The cold night air never felt better. That’s not the only thing you wanted, you pull out a pack of cigarettes and light one. Ah nicotine, my beloved.
Of course, Xavier finds you and joins you on the cold ground after a few minutes, when your cigarette is smoked only halfway.
‘‘Since when do you smoke?’‘ He questions you.
‘‘Since I don’t know, it just happened. Uncle Fester offered me a cigar once and it kind of went on from there.’‘ You say smiling at him, which is quite rare.
Both of you sit in comfortable silence for a while, watching the stars and enjoying each other’s company.
‘‘Hey, may I ask you something?’‘
Xavier asks, clearly nervous about something. Without thinking, you put one of your hands over his, thinking it would comfort him, but it only makes him freeze.
‘‘Oh shit, sorry, my bad.’‘ You utter, sad when he pulls his hand away.
‘‘Oh no, it’s not that I don’t like it, you know, it’s not that I don’t like you, no I like you, uhm’‘ Xavier rambles on trying to find the right words.
‘‘What I’m trying to say is that I like you, I don’t know if I only like guys or girls or both but I know that I definitely like you, like I like guys, more specifically you.’‘
That wasn’t anything you were planning on hearing from him. You’re frozen in place, mouth agape just staring at him.
‘‘If it makes you uncomfortable I’ll if you don’t want to talk to me again and..’‘
You cut him off mid-sentence, pulling him by his tie into a kiss. At first, he doesn’t kiss you back, but after a short while, you can feel him ease into it.
When you pull back you can hear him utter a small whoa, which makes you slightly laugh.
Xavier is definitely smiling at you, admiring how beautiful you are.
‘‘Oh fuck off Thorpe.’‘ You scoff at him, slightly elbowing him in the shoulder.
‘‘You like me, you, Y/N Addams, like me.’‘ He retorts, grinning at you.
‘‘Yes, I like you, you idiot. Now come here, I want another kiss.’‘
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Bloodied petals - Xavier Thorpe x reader | Part.6
Summary: It’s time for you to disclose the truth about your condition to Principal Weems…and Xavier. But how much of that are you willing to share? Parents’ week-end brings a surprising new meeting. 
Warnings: angst, mentions of blood, swearing; mention of cancer and incurable diseases. 
A/N: it almost has fluff parts if you squint. Also there’s a lot of dialogues in there fsjbfhbs
[Masterlist] [Part.1] [Part.2] [Part.3] [Part.4] [Part.5]
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Silence weighed heavy in the small hospital room. No one uttered a word, waiting for the other to speak first. Unfortunately for you, Principal Weems had a lot less patience than you. 
Before your stubborn silence she let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine,” she said dryly, “if you don’t want to talk, then I will. Your fellow students found you passed out in the woods, allegedly coughing blood and flowers. We brought you to the ICU, and doctors performed a scan, because heart massages weren’t enough.”
Weem’s words made you gulp slowly, as they reminded you how far the disease had already spread. Although her tone was very serious, the principal couldn’t deny the evident worry in her voice. 
“You almost died, miss L/N,” she said in a softer, yet very much serious voice. “Doctors had to put you under respiratory support for half an hour before you could breathe on your own.” 
A shiver ran down your spine. Shit, this was way, way more concerning that you had thought. The principal seemed to notice the level of distress it put you in, and softened. 
“According to Mr Thorpe, you had experienced a panic attack earlier in the evening, is that true?”
You could only nod slowly, throat tight with emotions. 
“Doctors think it’s what caused momentary heart failure,” she carried on. “But the scan results certainly intrigued them.” 
Your eyes unwillingly glanced down the x-rays on your lap, showing large flowers on the inside of your lungs quite clearly. This time you wouldn’t be able to hide the truth. 
“I’ve managed to convince them it was a very specific condition due to some family history,” she said casually, trying to sound as calm as possible. “Not that it had been easy.” 
“Thank you,” you muttered, still not meeting her gaze. 
The unexpected sound of your voice made her look at least slightly pleased. This was a good start. 
“It’s my job as Nevermore’s Principal,” she said pointedly. “But there’s no need trying to play games with me, miss L/N, and I will not leave this room before I get some answers.”
Ah, there was the accusatory tone again. But you couldn’t tell Weems anything, what if she told everyone the truth? What if Xavier became ridden with guilt? Oh god, what if he shut you out again? 
“I can’t,” you muttered, hands slightly trembling. “I can’t tell you.” 
At your distressed state, Weems’ behavior changed to a mothering one in the blink of an eye and she reached out to put one of her hands on yours. 
“You have to, Y/N,” she said softly but firmly, “according to those scans flowers are growing inside of your lungs, this is very concerning!” 
“I can’t,” you cried, breaking down under the overwhelming emotions rising in your throat, “I can’t tell you, please.”
This time, her tone became more insistent, “I need to know, so I can call your aunt and inform her of the situation.” 
The mention of your aunt made your blood freeze in your veins and you whipped your head so fast you thought your neck would break. Eyes wide open, you stared at Weems like a deer stuck in headlights. 
When Weems called your name worriedly, the shivers that had momentarily stopped rocked your whole body once again. 
“No, no no no no you can’t call my aunt, you can’t!” you whimpered, tears flowing down your cheeks uncontrollably. Nerves wrecked, you were beginning to sound straight up hysteric.  
“She’s your legal guardian, I have to keep her informed,” she insisted, trying to calm you down, but nothing seemed to work. 
You shook your head frantically, “Please,” you begged her, “please don’t tell her, I…you can’t tell her please.” 
The cries turned into pathetic whimpers, until all you could do was to sob quietly, not caring if the Principal of the school were here to witness all of this. You were so tired. 
“She will know eventually,” said Weems softly, trying to not trigger another tearful setback. “She’s your guardian, and we need to tell her what’s going on.” 
Sniffling loudly, you let her words sink into your mind, the raging tempest within gradually calming down. Deep down, you knew that Weems was right. Your aunt was bound to find out one way or another, whether from the principal or yourself. So you whipped your nose and tentatively looked up to the Principal with puffy red eyes. 
“I…I can’t tell you everything…but let me be the one telling my aunt,” you mumbled weakly. “Please…it’ll be easier for everyone…”
For a brief moment, Weems wanted to object to your demand. But the sight of your tear-stained face and pleading eyes refrained her. Seeing one of her usually strongest and most composed students having an heartbreaking emotional breakdown…she just knew she didn’t have to make things more difficult. 
So she pursed her lips, and sighed heavily, “Fine. You can be the one informing your aunt.”
“Thank you,” you whispered faintly. “I…this means a lot to me.”
She sat deeper in her chair, eyeing the x-rays sheets once again, “I suppose you know what’s all about?”
You nodded slowly, and your following silence was enough sign for her to understand you wouldn’t divulge much more about it. “It’s spreading day by day,” you said in a small voice, “this…there’s no cure for this.” 
She could only offer you a sorry look, darkened by the weight of those news. You and Principal Weems hadn’t always seen eye-to-eye, but she had been kind. She wanted to keep Nevermore students safe; and despite her efforts, you were going to die. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, miss L/N,” she muttered quietly. “Is there anything we can do to ease this…cancer?” 
Again, you shook your head. “Not really…I just want all of this to go smoothly, without too much damage…”
She nodded in understanding, raising slowly from her seat, “I see. If there’s anything you need to ease your struggle…do not hesitate to reach me.” 
You let out a small thanks. Just as she was about to open the door, Principal Weems turned to you once more. 
“I’m truly sorry for you, Y/N. I hope all of this will go smoothly for you.” 
Even through blurry eyes, you forced a weak smile on your face, “Thank you ma’am.” 
As soon as Weems exited your room, you let tears fall down your face. God, if you were getting this emotional just by getting a goodbye from the principal, then the evening of the Rave’n had weakened you more than you had thought. 
A soft knock on the door pulled you out of your thoughts and you managed to whip away the corner of your eyes just in time before a familiar face stepped into the room. 
“Hey,” greeted Xavier softly. 
“Hey,” you said with a weak smile, heart soaring at his appearance. 
No matter what happened before, you were so relieved to see him. You had almost died the previous night, and you remembered him running to your help before you blacked out. Disease or not, you loved Xavier and he was still your best friend; no matter how awkward things had been between you two the days before. 
Approaching you carefully, he fidgeted nervously with a small bag which made you smile softly. At his awkward hesitation, eyes glancing to the chair next to the bed, you chuckled softly and shifted a little. 
“C’mon don’t play coy,” you breathed out, patting the spot next to you on the bed. “You’re missing the sleepover.” 
The joke made him break into a small laugh, easing the awkward tension and he indulged, sitting on the edge of the bed. He gave the small bag he was holding, unsure of where to begin. 
“Here, it’s for you,” he said, “a get-well soon gift.”
Opening the bag to retrieve what was inside, you smiled softly at the cute pumpkin plushie. At the familiar let long-gone spark of fondness and genuine happiness in your eyes, Xavier felt his heart soar. He had missed this. 
“This is super cute, thank you,” you smiled at him.
“Anytime,” he said before a weird silence took place again. Slightly shifting on his seat, he finally managed to ask you, “How are you feeling?”
As if echoing his question, your whole body whined in pain, “Feeble,” you rasped, “tired. Nothing a good night of sleep won’t fix I guess,” you told him, with what you hoped was a reassuring smile. 
But the deep concerned look on Xavier’s face didn’t fade. “Except it won’t, will it?” 
You casted your eyes down. No need to play dumb any longer; Xavier must’ve suspected something for a long time, but after what happened the night before, there was no need in lying. 
“No it won’t,” you whispered. 
He had probably seen Weems exiting your room with a dreadful expression. Given that and what he had seen in the woods…the image of your sprawled body, chest struggling to rise through the wheezes, the white outfit stained with red paint and blood burned his mind like hot iron. The way your eyes were clouded by the unconsciousness creeping, unable to focus as he had shouted your name, begging you to say something but your mouth unmoving and only drooling droplets of blood…little did the both of you know, this would haunt him for the longest time.
Leaning forward, Xavier took your hand in his. They were bigger than yours and calloused from his hours spent painting. Even if it wasn’t the first time the two of you held hands, it felt highly intimate. 
“How bad?” he asked in a small voice, throat tight with emotion. He couldn’t even look at you, instead focusing on your intertwined hands; he feared that if he did, the tears already gathering at the corner of his eyes would spill. He had to be strong for his best friend. 
“Pretty much shitty bad,” you mumbled. 
“How bad?” he insisted, and you could swear you heard his voice break a little. 
You gulped slowly, close to crying again, “Incurable kind of bad,” you finally managed to breath out after agonizing long seconds of silence. 
Despite his best efforts to keep composure, Xavier choked on a broken sob. Maybe he had been in denial about this the whole time, maybe you were just very good at hiding it; no matter, hearing the truth was like a punch in the gut. Looking up at you with eyes full of tears, he looked completely broken. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he whispered in disbelief. 
Despite the tears tickling your eyes, you tried to smile, “I couldn’t burden you with that, Xav. It’s…this is not an ordinary disease.”
He frowned slightly mouth agape, not quite understanding what it was all about. Picking up the x-ray sheets you silently handed them to him. The crease between his brows only deepened in confusion the more he looked at them, eyes flickering back to you with a silent question, like he didn’t dare to ask. You could only nod slowly, confirming the terrible fate those sheets already predicted. Xavier swore under his breath. 
“Shit, it’s growing in your lungs?”. At your nod he swore again, “That’s why you’ve been coughing flowers…”
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise, “You noticed?”
“Been picking up some details since the Poe cup, yeah…” he trailed, “but I wish I'd figured things out sooner.” 
You squeezed his hand, the one still gripping yours, “You couldn’t know,” you tried to reassure him. “Even I had a hard time finding out what it is.” 
“Yes I could have known,” he whispered looking deep into your eyes, “you’ve tried to tell me so many times, and I…I was an idiot. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.” 
His words made your lips wobble and your eyes fuelling with tears once again. This sight was all it took for him for muttering a “c’me here” and tugging you into a hug. His contact made you break into tears, ugly sobbing on his shoulder. God, you were so not ready to say goodbye to him.
Your hands gripped on his back, like it could allow you to cling onto life a little longer. No matter how much all of this was because of him, you couldn’t wrap your mind around the idea of losing him forever. Xavier had always been your anchor, your best friend through everything no matter who his feelings had been directed to. And now…now you have cornered yourself to the point where even his presence wouldn’t be enough to save you from drowning. 
“I’m scared Xav,” you sobbed against his neck, “I’m so fucking scared of dying.” 
His hand drew soft circles on your back, trying to soothe you the best he could; but also to remind him that you were still here. “I know sweetheart,” he whispered, head buried against yours. 
The truth was he had no idea what to say to you to make you feel better; if you weren’t shaking, you could have felt him trembling too. Tears rolled on his cheeks in silence; he was so scared of losing you too. So he did the only thing he could do for now; he cradled you in his arms, occasionally pressing soft kisses on your hair, hoping this would ease you at least a little bit. In all of his life, Xavier had never felt so helpless. 
As your sobs continued, a part of you started to be plagued with guilt for not telling Xavier what was exactly going on. The perspective of an upcoming death and the inevitable loss it would entail was painful enough, the last thing you wished for was for him to be guilt ridden. 
When you seemed to calm down a little, Xavier swallowed thickly, voice full of tears, “Is there anything we can do?”
Despite the guilt, you shook your head and his heart broke a little more. 
It wasn’t his fault you thought, no one could decide their feelings; the gradual decay of your own body would be dreadful enough for Xavier, there was no need of making him think it was actually his fault. You would take this secret with you in the tomb, that you swore to yourself. 
“I’ve tried to curb it with a potion but it didn’t work,” you admitted weakly. “I thought that weed killer would work.”
His eyes widened, “Weed ki– Y/N that shit’s toxic as fuck!” 
Ashamed, you cast your eyes down, “I just tried to fix this.”
Xavier squeezed your hands, “This isn’t fixing anything, you’ve basically been poisoning yourself!” 
“And what was I supposed to do?” you snapped back, eyes full of tears. “Waiting patiently for this to kill me? Stay here and do nothing? Fuck Xavier, do you have any idea of how painful this is?”
The gradation in your voice’s volume made your body tremble like a leaf. The anger and bitter sadness had risen up so suddenly, you hadn’t noticed your knuckle turning white as you gripped Xavier’s hand tightly. Realizing how much he had upset you Xavier quickly brought you into another hug, whispering apologies and shushing sounds into your ear. The angry bubbling turned into sobs, and soon you ended up whimpering in Xavier’s arms again. 
After a few moments, you sniffled. “Just…can you stay by my side?” you asked with a small voice. “I don’t want to be alone before…before it ends.”
Xavier lifted your chin, making you look up at his glossy hazel eyes. The emotions they held seemed enough to bring a man to his knees. “Of course,” he breathed out softly, “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” 
Despite the hot tears starting to flow again a relieved smile stretched your trembling lips. “Thank you,” you whispered, and hugged him again. 
For now, all you wanted was to spend as much time as you could with Xavier. Even if it was only as his best friend, it was already enough for you. The time you had spent together had always been your oxygen, something that got you through the days. It could help to push away the crushing fear of dying long enough. It had to. 
Gently tugging you from the hug, Xavier pressed his forehead against yours, “You’re my girl, remember? There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” 
You tried to smile weakly, “Thank you…”
He kissed your forehead so softly, like you were made of glass. His own selfish behavior from the previous weeks taunted him at the back of his mind, plaguing him with guilt. Why didn’t he pay more attention? Why has he let himself be blinded by some weird fascination for a girl who clearly didn’t give shit about him, while his own best friend was fighting for her life? 
Tightly gripping one of your hands, he almost wanted to cry. He had been such a fool. 
“Hey,” you said, gently tugging his hand to make him look at you, “it’s gonna be okay, alright?”
He shook his head in defeat, “It’s not fair,” he mumbled to try to hide his broken voice, “I wish we had more time.” 
Smiling weakly, you intertwined your fingers together, “We had plenty already. I don’t regret anything.” 
Xavier looked up at you; behind the crestfallen look in your eyes, he knew that you were, among other things, referring to your kiss. 
“But I do,” he said softly. 
Suddenly your heart dropped in your stomach, and for the briefest moment you felt like the world had stopped. Seeing your frozen state, Xavier quickly took your other hand with him in a comforting manner. 
“I regret not having given more time to think about us,” he clarified. 
Eyes widening, you could only gap at him in disbelief. “You thought about us?” you whispered. He nodded. After how the previous discussion about this topic had ended and his rejection after you kissed…you didn’t believe you’ll talk about this ever again. 
“But I thought…you said…”
“Yeah,” he croaked awkwardly, “I know what I said, I’ve been a jerk. And I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you sweetheart, I truly am.” 
Casting your eyes down, you didn’t have the heart to tell him that he hadn’t. He definitely had. 
“I can’t force you to love me that way if you don’t,” you said feebly. One of his hands came to cradle your cheek, turning your face to him once again. 
“But what if I want to?” he said, eyes almost pleading. “What if I want to give it a shot? To give us a chance?” 
This took you off-balance for a second. At first you gasped at his words, then frowned slightly. 
“I don’t want to force your hand on your feelings for a charity case Xavier,” you warned with a trembling voice. “I don’t need pity-feed love, please.”
His eyes widened, “What? No! Y/N I promise, it’s not that,” he assured, softly stroking his thumb over your cheekbone in an attempt of a soothing gesture. “I know the timing isn’t the best, but I promise you that I’m honest with you.” 
Looking at him with big watery eyes, you still quite couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “You really want to try this?” you whispered as he nodded with a faint smile. “But…I mean after we kissed…”
Once again, his own previous actions seemed to embarrass him, “I know, I– I didn’t really think then, I’ve been dumb. But after that I started to…to think about this more and more.” 
���Then why…why did you invite Bianca?” you asked, still dumbfounded. 
“I didn’t want to be the guy playing with your heart,” he said with sad eyes, “not after you had admitted that- that you loved me.” 
Hearing him saying it out loud, for the first time ever, made your heart swell and you couldn’t help but smile softly at him, which made him smile too. 
“I’ve come to realize that, maybe…maybe I could love you too.” 
His words made you frown once again, “I don’t want you to force yourself.”
“I’m not I promise,” he insisted, mentally cursing at himself for his poor choice of words. “I care about you Y/N, a lot. And,” he added with an almost shy smile, “I’ve thought about you as more than a friend before. Often.”
Tears came to your eyes; this time, with joy. “You did?”
“Yeah,” he smiled, “I’ve been wondering recently…why I hadn’t let you in that way.” 
That brought an almost sorry look in your eyes. Xavier had the tendency to torture himself – must be his artistic side. No doubt he was giving himself as much hard time as he could about this. 
“What changed your mind about this?” you asked softly, curious. 
Xavier nervously rubbed his neck, “Well, I had the thought hidden at the back of my mind for a long time but…I guess getting a little push helped.”
Your eyebrows rose, “A push?”
He let out an awkward chuckle, “More like life advice laced with threats from Enid, then Wednesday…definitely more threats on her side.”
That made you laugh a little, picturing the scene in your mind. You could definitely imagine them roasting Xavier to politeness’ limits. 
“Bianca spoke to me about this too,” he added. 
“She did?” you asked in surprise, “what did she say?”
“Something along the lines of me being an idiot,” he grinned shyly. A laugh escaped your throat, soon followed by Xavier’s. 
“Yeah that sounds like something she would say,” you agreed between light laughs. “But seriously,” you added more quietly after a few moments of guiltless euphoria, “why now?”
He hesitated, almost looking ashamed of himself. 
“I guess it just started to make sense recently.”
“How so?” you frowned. 
“I think the best friend tag put me in more denial than I thought,” he shrugged. “But ever since you asked me about us, you know, in my room that other night…it kept turning in my mind.”. His eyes bore into yours, burning with heavy remorses and unspoken things, “I… I just don’t know when I could return your feelings.”
Unable to contain your smile, you squeezed the hand that was still holding your face. Xavier had feelings for you; he could love you. All he needed was time to figure out his emotions. Maybe there was hope for you after all. 
Hugging him tightly, you closed your eyes, hopeful tears escaping them. 
“Don’t worry,” you whispered, “I’ll wait for you. I always will.” 
Xavier smiled, and pressed a long, soft kiss to your forehead. 
He had unknowingly lightened a spark of hope in you. You just hoped that his heart would win this race against time in which your own body was trapped, or else you would be lying to him once again. Even if you had promised you would wait for him, you weren’t so sure that the sickness would. 
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The doctors signed off your release forms the next day. You had just changed from the hospital gown to your casual clothes when someone knocked on your door. 
“Come in,” you called out while putting on your shoes. 
The door opened on your monochrome roommate. 
“Wednesday,” you said surprised, “what are you doing here?”
“I was visiting Eugene,” she said flatly, “I heard you had woken up.”
Despite your initial surprise you nodded, “Yeah, the doctors gave me authorization to go back to school. Not that they can do anything for me anyway, “ you muttered the last part. 
“Do they know about your condition?” she asked. 
You shook your head, “So far, you’re the only one knowing everything. Weems knows parts of it; so does Xavier.” 
“You told him?” she raised her eyebrow. 
Almost shyly you cast your eyes down, “Not everything. He doesn’t know he’s…that he has something to do with it.” 
After a pause, Wednesday spoke again, “This is a rather strategic decision. If you’re dying, there’s no reason to burden yourself with more guilt from him. You’re probably in enough pain, lucky you.”
It almost made you chuckle, “I’m surprised you actually agree with my feelings.”
“I’m not,” she denied sharply, “like I said, it’s only a strategic move.”
You only shrugged in response. 
“How’s Eugene?” you asked in a small voice. 
Wednesday’s harsh expression softened a little, “He’s okay. Still unconscious, but okay.”
This news saddened you a little. Sure, Eugene was out of danger, but he didn’t deserve to end up in a hospital bed. 
“His mothers asked me to thank you by the way,” she added, and you lifted your head in surprise. “They learned that you had gone to his rescue.”
“Yeah, except I couldn’t help him,” you mumbled bitterly. 
She shrugged, “Still, they are passing you their thanks.” 
Pulling your jacket, you swallowed your shame. Eugene didn’t owe you anything, you hadn’t been able to help him; you didn’t deserve his mums’ thanks. 
“I wished to thank you too,” added Wednesday quietly. At your once again shocked expression she continued, “You didn’t have to run to his aid, yet you didn’t hesitate to. So, thank you.”
Once the initial surprise wore off you smiled slightly, “Is that compassion I heard from you, Wednesday Addams?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” she deadpanned. 
“I’m not talking about me though, I’m talking about Eugene. You have a soft spot for that kid.” 
She narrowed her eyes at you but said nothing. You chuckled, knowing you were right. 
“Well you’re welcome,” you said grabbing your bag – in which the pumpkin plushie Xavier gifted you laid carefully, “Always a pleasure to prove a point.”
“Which point?” she frowned. 
“That no matter how much you despise them, you do have feelings Wednesday.” 
With that, you left the room and quietly made your way to the entrance where Principal Weems waited for you to bring you back to Nevermore. Even if she looked the same as usual, elegant as ever, you didn’t miss the pitiful look in her eyes everytime she looked at you. The looming figure of upcoming death above you was something she couldn’t ignore; you guessed that it was going to be like this, now. 
“Your aunt called,” she told you as the both of you were seated in her car, driving away from the hospital. “She can’t make it to the parents’ week-end.” 
This made your heart squeeze a little, but you weren’t exactly surprised, “Oh,” you said simply, “guess I should’ve seen that coming.”
In the corner of your eye you could see the sorry look of Principal Weems. After a few moments of silence, she said, “I didn’t tell her about your condition.” 
“Thank you,” you muttered, glad the principal actually kept her word. “I’ll call her this week-end.” 
Maybe in the meantime things would change; but you doubted it. 
When you reached Nevermore the first place you went to was your room, only to be trapped in a bone-crushing hug by Enid. The werewolf didn’t sound like she was aware of the extent of the disease, because she rambled about the importance of good sleep and healthy feeding in a very cute and concerned way. Apparently, she still thought you had passed out from exhaustion, meaning she hadn’t seen your body the night of the Rave’n. Which was good; with the upcoming arrival of her parents the day after, you knew you couldn’t tell her everything now. Her relationship with her mother had its lots of complications, your health would wait. 
Then after reassuring Enid that you were now fine, you grabbed a few of your belongings and made your way to the boys’ dormitory. Xavier opened his door after the first knock. 
“Hey,” you said quietly, “can I stay here tonight?”
He smiled softly at you, before letting you in, “Of course.” 
His room hadn’t changed much since the last time you had come. It felt oddly comforting, like a safe space. Carefully taking your hands in his, Xavier slowly guided you to his bed. He laid down on his back and you snuggled on his side, head against his chest. One of his hands naturally found its way to your hair, getting lost in your locks. The soothing beating of his heart against your ear seemed enough to keep the both of you alive. 
“Does it still hurt?” he mumbled against your hairline. 
You nodded, unable to tell him how much pain you were in. “Sometimes it calms down,” you tried to reassure him. 
Still, he winced at your words. “I’m not letting you down this time,” he whispered, throat tight, “I promise.” 
Craning your head up to look at him, you smiled softly, “I know, Xav. You and me against the world, right?”
The words the both of you had kept saying through your childhood brought a small smile on his face. “Yeah,” he kissed your forehead, “you and me against the world, sweetheart.” 
That night, despite the dreadful and irksome sensation of the flowers clawing in your throat, you slept peacefully. No matter how your lungs ached, the only thing that mattered was Xavier’s arms wrapped safely around you. 
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When the first day of parent’s week-end rolled by the morning after, you knew that it was going to be a long day for both Xavier and you. Even your mutual soothing presences couldn’t tune down the anxiety that grew as the morning went on. From one of the passageways above the quad, Xavier was glancing either to his phone or to the school gates every ten seconds. Waiting for his father to either make an appearance, or a call. Leaning on the balcony next to him you nudged his shoulder with your in a silent gesture of support. He flashed a small smile for reassurance, but you knew the absence of his father hurt him. 
“He’s not coming,” he said bitterly. 
“There’s still people arriving, maybe he will show up,” you tried. 
He tsked, “You know him Y/N. Mighty Vincent Thorpe doesn’t have time for his unworthy son.” 
“Hey,” you insisted, putting a hand on his, “don’t say that. You’re kind and talented, no matter what he says.”
Xavier smiled softly at your words, but his eyes were still tainted with sorrow. Cradling his cheek you brushed your thumb over his cheekbones, “You’re worthy to me, Xav. You’re already twice the man your father will ever be.” 
His smile broadened and he kissed your palm, muttering a thanks. He shouldn’t dwell on his father's antics; you were there, and that was all that mattered. 
“Your aunt’s coming?” he asked quietly, lifting his face from your hand to instead take it in his. 
“No,” you said sadly, “she’s busy too. But I’ll call her later.” 
This time, it was his turn to frown, “Does she know yet?”
You shook your head, “This isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation.” 
“Do you want me to be here when you’ll call her?” he suggested softly. 
His support offer touched you, but your heart clenched anyway, “No I…this is something I need to do on my own.”
Xavier nodded in understanding. He didn’t want to press the issue further, this was your call to make. 
Down in the quad, you noticed that Enid’s family had finally arrived. Even from up here you could practically hear Enid’s anxiety. As you looked back to Xavier to speak, you noticed the lonely figure of Bianca a few feet away from the both of you, hesitant to approach. Xavier followed your eyes and glanced behind his shoulder to the siren. 
“I’m going to give Enid some emotional support,” you said softly, squeezing his hand. “We’ll see each other when the buffet starts, okay?”
He nodded, kissing your knuckles as a goodbye. Before you walked away you nodded in Bianca’s direction, “Go talk to her.”
He frowned, slightly surprised by your words, “You’re sure?”
You nodded. Him and Bianca weren’t together anymore, but that didn’t change the fact that they were friends. And after the little heart-to-heart you had with her at the party…you knew she needed her friend. 
“She’s alone too, today,” you said, noticing the absence of her mother. 
“I don’t want to leave you,” he whispered.
You smiled at him. “You’re not, I promise. Go, I’m going to Enid and I’ll find you later.” 
Passing next to Bianca, you mirrored her unusual kind smile. It seemed that your heart-to-heart had unlocked a strange form of compassion. Maybe if you had more time, you could be friends with her, you thought as you went down to the quad. 
Crossing the crowded space to get to your blonde roommate, you didn’t expect to run into Wednesday and a handful of black-claded people accompanying her. 
“Y/N,” she greeted sharply, “if you’re trying to flee this gruesome social obligation, I must ask you to consider helping me on this matter.” 
The plump man behind her let out a rich laugh. “Ah, did our little nightmare finally make a friend, then?” 
Wednesday glared at him. But that didn’t seem to disencourage the man who nudged her, “Well, why don’t you introduce us to your friend, my little death trap?”
She rolled her eyes so you took the initiative, extending your hand, “I’m Y/N L/N, Wednesday’s roommate. Pleasure meeting you, sir.”
He shook your hand before bowing his head slightly yet in a very theatrical gesture, “I’m Gomez Addams, Wednesday’s father. Thank you for having welcomed our daughter with open arms.”
You heard Wednesday snort, but you put on a polite smile, “Wednesday’s a very considerate roommate, sir. We get along fine.” 
On the corner of your eyes you could notice the way her eyebrows slightly rose up in surprise. Surely, she didn’t expect such compliments; but you had to give it to her, she had been respectful of your boundaries the best she could, no matter how nosy she might have been. Plus, you probably owed her your life for having found you in the woods after the Rave’n. 
“Whatever,” she huffed, starting to walk away with her father following her with playful pleas. 
“It’s a true delight to see Wednesday getting along with someone,” said a feminine voice from behind you. 
You turned around to face a raven-haired woman dressed in a long dramatic dress, hands elegantly crossed in front of her. Despite her rather gloomy appearance, she had kind eyes and a soft smile. 
“Thank you for indulging my daughter's behavior, miss L/N,” she said with a smile. “Wednesday has a lot of qualities, but her social skills aren’t of those.”
That made you smile a little, extending your hand to her, “You must be Wednesday’s mother. A pleasure ma’am.” 
She came to reach your outreached hand, “My name’s Morticia. A witch, aren’t you Miss L/N? I’ve heard about your aunt’s reputation before.”
You were about to confirm her words, but as soon as her hand touched yours for a handshake, Morticia froze, eyes widening. It was only for a brief moment, a breath really, but once she seemed to regain her spirits the previously kind expression on her face turned into despair. 
“Oh poor child,” she whispered, mouth agape. “What a dreadful path you’re on.”
Morticia’s reaction troubled you; what had happened? “Excuse me?”
Her eyes bore into yours, and what you saw surprised you even more: they were glossy with tears. 
“I saw what’s plaguing you. You’re cursed with Hanahaki disease, aren’t you?”
Her words stunned you right on the spot. How was this possible? How could she possibly know? 
As panic started to overflow your mind, the familiar tickling urge and taste of blood rushed in your throat.  
“How?...” you whispered, chest tight and burning under the flower’s pressure. 
Her tearful eyes turned into a sympathetic expression, “I am gifted with visions, and I saw what looms over you.”
No matter how hard you tried to restrain them, tears were already gathering in your eyes and you nodded painfully. “You know about the disease? But how? It has been so difficult to learn anything about it.”
She smiled sadly at you, “I know many things about love, dear child. Especially cursed ones.” 
As on cue, you coughed a handful of bloodied petals in your hand. Morticia Addams winced at the pitiful sight. Immediately, your eyes flickered to the higher passageway as you felt Xavier’s eyes on you. He must have heard you cough somehow, because even from where you stood, you could see his panicked eyes. He looked ready to jump over the balcony in the blink of an eye, worry consuming him. But you slightly shook your head, mouthing that you were fine. That didn’t erase his discomfort, but at least he started to make his way hurriedly to the stairs instead of rushing down in the dumbest way possible. Morticia didn’t miss any of this. 
“Is that him?” asked Wednesday’s mother softly. 
You nodded slowly. This was strange, you knew this woman for less than five minutes but her motherly aura somehow made you at ease. 
“Does he know?” she pressed carefully, and the negative shake of your head made her heart fill with sadness for you. 
“He can never know,” you whispered, casting your eyes down to hide your tears. “It would break him to know it’s somehow his fault.” 
She lifted your chin gently, with one finger. The sorrowful, yet kind look she was giving you made your heart swell. 
“But he cares about you. I can see that.”
You could only shrug in defeat, “What if it can’t save me?”
She smiled softly at you, “I didn’t see your end, dear child. Only great pain, the one going through. But if that boy is close to you, maybe that’s why my vision didn’t show me your demise.”
That made your eyes widen. Could there still be a chance, like you had hoped? 
“Does that mean…do you think there’s still a chance for me to heal, then?” you whispered in disbelief. 
Letting go of your chin, she nodded, “My visions are often incomplete, but rarely wrong. And my sight does not fool me, young Y/N. I saw the look you both shared.”. Replacing a strand of hair behind your ear in a mothering care, she smiled, “There is hope, as long as there is love.” 
Noticing the upcoming figure of a very concerned Xavier behind you, Morticia smiled one last time. 
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Y/N. I sincerely hope we’ll run into each other again.”
Through your blurry eyes, you offered her a weak but sincere smile. “Me too, Mrs.Addams. And…thank you.”
With one last enigmatic smile, she walked away gracefully to rejoin her family, just as Xavier reached you. 
“Hey,” he whispered, “you’re alright?”
Whipping the gathering tears with the back of your hand, you nodded, “Yeah…I made a surprising encounter that’s all.”
He looked over at the dark yet classy figure of Morticia Addams on the other side of the quad and frowned. “Isn’t that Wednesday’s mum?”
Looking at this reassuring mother figure, you smiled softly, “Yeah, she is. She’s great.”
About half an hour later it turned out that no matter how kind your roommate’s mom was, karma had a strange sense of humor. That’s what you thought when the police arrested Gomez Addams for a murder aged 20 years. This definitely put a stain on the joyful ambience of parents’ weekend, but the festivities resumed soon after. As the night started to roll by, you knew that you ultimately had to call your aunt. 
“You’re sure you don’t want me to be here for support?” asked Xavier, hand in yours before your room’s door. 
“I’ll be fine,” you reassured him, still thankful he offered. “Aunt Cordelia and I will have a lot of things to talk about, it won’t be a fun conversation.” 
At his still worried look, you suddenly felt bolder and kissed his cheek, nearly on the corner of his mouth. This wasn’t unusual for the both of you, but it was the first time since you had actually kissed. His eyes widened slightly, but it was soon replaced by a soft smile. 
“I’ll text you when it’s over, okay?” you promised him. 
“Okay,” he finally admitted, “if anything’s wrong, just text me I’ll be there in a minute.” 
His devotion made you smile. Xavier had always been protective of you when you were kids, but since you had confessed your love to him, this was a whole new level, even if he didn’t return your romantic feelings yet. 
Reluctantly letting go of his hand, you pushed open your door, catching one last glance before closing it behind you. The silence and emptiness of the room made you let out a long sigh. Enid was sleeping outside with her family, and Wednesday must have been visiting her father in detention. This was the perfect moment to make that phone call. 
Grabbing your phone and composing your aunt’s number before courage wore off of you, you stepped on the balcony behind the large web-shaped window. The cool air of the night felt nice against the skin of your sore throat; you had thrown up again quite a lot today, much to Xavier’s worry. 
Your aunt picked up at the last ringtone, “Good to know you’re still alive, Y/N,” she said as a greeting. 
Her choice of words almost made you choke on your own breath. She had no idea. “Yeah…hi aunt Cordelia…”
On the other side of the phone, you could picture her frowning, “Oooh, what’s with that sad voice, pumpkin? Is something wrong?”
You tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out; instead a wave of emotion rushed in your throat, tightening it so hard it made tears come out of your eyes. 
“Y/N? Are you alright?” called out your aunt. 
And then you broke down in tears, “I’m dying,” you cried out. Here, you said it. Blurted it because every emotion you had repressed recently for the sake of Xavier or anyone else had overwhelmed you, crashing into you like a high wave. And now the tears wouldn't stop. 
“Wait, wait, slow down Y/N, slow down,” said the worried voice on the phone, “Take a deep breath, okay?”
“I can’t,” you whimpered in between tears, “it hurts too much. I- I have flowers growing in my lungs and I c-can’t breathe,” you hiccuped. A long, dreadful silence echoed your sobs; so long you thought your aunt had dropped her phone. “Aunt Cordelia?...”
Her rasping voice answered you at last, “You have Hanahaki disease?”
“Yes,” you hiccuped in surprise, “how do you…”
“I just know. It’s Xavier isn’t it?” she cut you off, voice trembling because of the shock. 
Trembling, you nodded. She couldn’t see that, but you knew she understood. 
“I’m taking the first flight to Nevermore tomorrow morning,” she said curtly, “I’m picking you up.”
“What?” you blurted; the tears had gradually stopped flowing, “why?”
“So we can get you fixed, Y/N,” she said in a harsh tone. But you knew her; the truth was that behind that tone, she was terrified. Still, it didn’t stop you from starting to cry again. 
“Please don’t,” you begged, “please. I don’t want to leave Nevermore, not now!”
Your aunt let out a frustrated sigh, “There’s nothing for you here anymore! You need to come back home, so we can start to cure this.” 
Her words caught your breath. 
“There’s a cure?” you whispered in disbelief. “But I thought…I’ve read nothing about it.” 
Suddenly, the tone in your aunt’s voice changed to something softer. And tainted with regrets. “It’s not a pretty thing to do, pumpkin,” she admitted. “It requires making difficult decisions.” 
“But…but the disease will disappear if Xavier actually loves me back, isn’t it?” you stuttered frantically. “He’s trying, I promise we have a chance.” 
“Oh Y/N…” sighed your aunt, “This isn’t how it works love…”
“We have a chance!” you repeated, starting to cry again, “Please aunt Cordelia, we only need a little more time, don’t make me leave…please…”
“You’re dying, Y/N,” she snapped, “time is a luxury you don’t have!” 
The way she had snapped at you startled you; even if she hadn’t always been the most present parent, aunt Cordelia had never screamed or scolded you. 
After a brief moment of silence, where she realized her mistake, Cordelia sighed again. 
“Listen pumpkin…I’ve already lost your mother, I can’t lose you too…”
Tears continued to roll down your cheeks. You didn’t dare to speak, afraid that your voice would break under the weight of emotions.
“I want to believe in Xavier and you, I really do okay? He’s a good man, and I’m sure he might love you someday.”
“But?” you asked with a trembling voice. 
“But…Hanahaki disease never ends well darling,” she said in a sorry tone. “Trust me, I’ve seen people trying to fight it, but no matter how hard they tried they never survived.” 
All the hopes that the encounter with Morticia Addams had awakened in your heart suddenly crumbled to ashes. 
“So…I’m doomed?” you cried. 
The silence that answered you was worth a thousand words. Your back hit the stone wall and you let your whole body slump against it; your legs couldn’t hold you up any longer. 
“I’m sorry pumpkin,” muttered your aunt. 
Biting your lips not to scream, you managed to let out the words you never thought you’d say, “What is this cure…the one you were talking about?”
Surprisingly, she sounded hesitant now. “It’s a surgical operation,” she explained slowly, “it gets the flowers and roots completely removed. But it comes with a price.”
“Which price?” you whispered between trembling lips. 
“You…” she hesitated, “you would forget all memories of Xavier. And it’s highly likely you’ll never get to love again.” 
Choking on air, you let out a small strangled cry. 
“I can’t,” you croaked, “you can’t ask me to do this.” 
“Y/N darling, I understand,” she begged, “but you must if you want to live.” 
You squeezed your eyes tight, like you could suddenly wake up from this nightmare, leaving it all behind with the retiring night. 
“I understand he’s important to you,” she conceded gently, “are you really willing to die for him though?” 
Your answer was instantaneous, “I have faith in him. I can- we can do this, I know it.”
She remained silent. Maybe you were already too deep into denial for her to change your mind. So she sighed in defeat. 
“You’re as stubborn as your mother,” she said quietly, “if I let you stay at Nevermore, would you promise me that if he can’t save you on time you would consider getting the flowers removed?”
The hesitation was what betrayed you, “I…I can’t promise you that.”. But she already knew the answer. 
“I know. But I also know that you won’t completely push away the possibility. I love you, pumpkin.” 
Before you could add anything, she hung up. Shoulders slumping you buried your face in your hands, letting tears down. 
How did the hope that had been building up over the last two days become so fragile? You wanted to believe in Xavier, with all of your heart you truly did. It just was beginning to be incredibly harder that you had thought. 
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A/N: yes hello, in this house we worship Morticia Addams like the queen she is in every single one of her adaptations, thank you So yeah, not much action in that chapter ksjfbkbgk but I loved writing soft Xavier with reader QwQ
Also, a lot of you asked how many chapters this fic would be! I don’t know for sure, but given how I write, I think it’ll be around 10 chapters! 
Thanks everyone for your incredible support, I hope you enjoyed this part ♥ Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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dr0wning-in-hell · 1 year
One Of a Kind- Xavier Thorpe
Summary: Y/N is a rare creature, something that’s thought to be extinct. She’s hated by all Normies, and maybe even some Outcasts, but one Outcast in particular thinks differently of her.
Warnings: a bit of angst, some fluff, probably some cursing,
Word Count: 2.9k+
Characters/Pairing: Faye!Reader x Xavier Thorpe, Mentions of Principal Weems, mentions of Tyler
Prompt: simply that Y/N feels like the biggest Outsider amongst Outsider, but Xavier is there to prove her wrong and let her know that she’s just a one of a kind.
A/N: Reader is similar to Maleficent, but without the horns. :) Has magic and those giant wings that I freaking adore
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Y/N had been found on the outskirts of the forests in Europe before she was sent to Nevermore. Principal Weems was the one who originally found her anyways, so she thought it was her duty to take care of her and give her shelter, not just because she was an Outsider who was hated by half of humanity, but because she was one of the rarest creatures she had ever laid her eyes upon. 
That was when Y/N was 12, until she was brought to Nevermore she had spent her time as a child hiding in dense forest areas that no one could possibly get to, secret caves that held her own hideaways far from the Normies of the world. When she was brought to the school for Outcasts, she felt like a freak. Everyone at the school was pretty, popular, they all looked semi-normal, but not Y/N.
No, Y/N had to have fangs, longer and sharper than any vampire’s, naturally long nails that should have counted as talons, and ginormous black wings that shrouded her body. Y/N was, in her eyes, a human bird. 
From the moment she stepped foot onto campus all eyes were on her. At that young of an age she was scared, she scared herself and everyone else, but as she grew up she turned that frightened little girl into a power to be reckoned with. As everyone at school watched her grow into this confident young lady, they also became less scared of her. She had her times where she’d lose her temper and lash out, her magic uncontrollable as she’d stomp away and wreck everything in her path, but they knew she was just like them in that sense. Unable to control how they felt because there was not a single person in the world that understood what it was like to be an Outcast. 
By the time Y/N was 16 she had learned that it was just better for her to stay on campus at all times than to go into town and try to be normal with everyone else. The Normies may be able to hide their hatred for the Outcasts at least somewhat decently with the others, but with Y/N she could always see the look of disgust on their faces from a mile away. Every time she’d try to go into town with a few people from school she was always picked on, bullied, and it wasn’t even just the Normies who did it. She’d be invited out as a joke several times, it wasn’t until the third time she was made fun of and abandoned in town that she realized no one would ever truly except her for what she was. 
Outreach day was approaching and Y/N was dreading going, but Principal Weems was making Y/N volunteer this year by having her paint a mural of Nevermore and the town of Jericho together in harmony. The thought made Y/N gag. Why would she want to celebrate such a stupid day that obviously had no meaning to anyone in the long run?
If this wasn’t mandatory then Y/N wouldn’t be going and setting herself up for embarrassment. Rude comments ran wild in her head as she mocked what some people in town were going to say as she showed up to celebration. 
She packed up her painting materials in a duffel bag and then headed to the Quad, where all the other students would be getting their assignments. When she walked into the Quad everyone had already begun hoarding together in their cliques, so Y/N just stood next to the wall and waited till they were all dismissed. One thing about having these giant wings was that she couldn’t ride on the bus with everyone else, instead she was going to have to fly herself down the town. 
Y/N’s eyes scanned the crowd of students, watching as they opened their assignment letters. Some students were happy but others seemed upset about what they got. One of those people was Xavier, someone that Y/N admired from a far but would never confront face-to-face. He must’ve been upset about what he got, the same going for his friend Ajax.
Feeling as though she had intruded on people’s private conversations, Y/N picked up her duffel bag and headed towards the front of the school. Little did she know that as soon as she walked away from the bustling students who were rushing towards the busses, Xavier had looked up from his assignment card and watched as the black winged beauty turned away and walked away. 
Xavier didn’t see Y/N again until everyone was in the town square to listen to Principal Weems and Mayor Walker go on about how important the day was and how they created a new statue in honor of the town embracing the Outcasts. 
It was complete bullshit and everyone knew it. Y/N must’ve gotten bored listening to their speech, because once they were all dismissed to go to their jobs for the day, the Faye was no where in sight. Xavier sighed as he trudged over to the Weathervane for his assignment. Working in the same café as Tyler, his tormenter, was not how he wanted to spend the day. 
When he walked into the café his eyes landed directly on the winged beauty. She stood in the corner awkwardly looking down at her phone as she waited for her order name to be called. Once she heard her name called out she went to grab her drink quickly and bolt from the small building. Y/N didn’t even look up as she brushed past Xavier and out into the open. 
The taller boy watched as she walked with her head low, going to the designated area for the portrait she was to draw. It was the same wall that Xavier had painted on last year, on this exact day. The thought of her putting all this effort into a portrait and then possibly having it destroyed just like he had done to him, angered him more than it should have. Taking in a deep breathe he walked over to Tyler, who also didn’t looked too amused that he was in this situation as well.  
An hour, maybe two at most had gone by before he saw what Y/N’s painting looked like. It was amazing, to say the least. The wall Y/N was using as a canvas was a mirror image of the town on that exact day. Both the town and it’s people joining together with the students of Nevermore in celebration of Outreach Day. The thing that pulled it all together? The heavily detailed painting of Joseph Crackstone in the center of the town. It was perfect for that day, and exactly what Principal Weems wanted out of the feather winged girl. 
As Y/N stood a few feet away from her painting, admiring it and criticizing it, she could hear the words that the towns folk were saying. 
“What a freak.” Some mumbled. 
“Who let the little birdy out of her cage?” Some would tease menacingly. 
“If there were a contest for being the biggest freak of all the freaks, she’d for sure win.” 
One would think that on a day like today, these small minded people would put their snide comments to the side and at least pretend to be decent, but no, in fact they were even worse. Usually she could handle those harsh words, but for some reason today was just the day for her to snap.
Bawling her fists she began to pack up her painting supplies, anger consuming her as she thought about all the horrible curses and spells she could use on these lesser people. Y/N was so overwhelmed with anger that she began to shake which caused her to drop some spay paint. 
Before she could reach over and grab some asshole had to kick it so hard that the can busted open, spraying Y/N and ruining the bottom half of her painting. With tears blurring her vision and anger blurring her judgment, she stood up quickly, her hands glowing a bright green as she threw the Normie against the wall opposite of her. She growled lowly, her eyes glowing the same green as she began to close off the person’s airway with her magic. If it weren’t Xavier to snap her out of her trance, Y/N for sure would have murdered the man. 
Y/N’s eyes stopped glowing, along with her hands, her gaze moving from the man she was choking to Xavier who was standing in front of her with a very concerned look. For a split second Y/N’s eyes looked at the man, her growl scary enough to send him hurling around the corner and down the sidewalk. 
Without a word she took a step away from Xavier and turned back to her supplies. She through the busted can into her bag, zipped it up, and then tried to walk away. As she was a few steps away from the tall blonde, he reached out and gently grabbed her wrist. Y/N stopped and turned to look at the boy, confusion grazing across her face. 
“What? You gonna make fun of me too?” Y/N’s words were harsh, but Xavier knew that she was still angry. 
Letting go of her wrist he lets out a soft sigh, “I was going to ask if you were okay.” He said looking at her and watching her expressions. 
Y/N looked taken back at his question, as if no one had ever asked her that before. “I’m fine,” Y/N huffed. She was clearly lying, but why on Earth would she open up to someone she barely knew, so easily? Xavier’s look on his face was basically saying, ‘really?’ He knew she was lying and was hoping she would just talk to him a little bit, even if this was their first time really talking. 
Letting out a huff of frustration, Y/N let her walls fall down as she looked away from the boy. “Fine, no, I’m not okay. I’m pissed.” She paused and waited for a response but only got a nod telling her to continue. “This is all just so stupid, it bullshit. No one cares about today, they just care about the money they get from this stupid day.” Y/N rolled her eyes as she looked up at Xavier. “No one actually cares, they never will. We will always be the freaks and outcasts to them, they will never see us as equals.” 
Xavier could practically see the steam rolling off her skin, seeing how angry she still was. He knew there was nothing he could say that would make her feel better, so instead he gently took her duffel bag from her and offered to take her to the Weathervane.  It took a moment for  Y/N to consider the offer, thinking that this was just going to be another joke, but once she realized that Xavier meant no harm she agreed and the two began the short walk to the coffee shop. 
It was a good thing that the café was slow that day, or else Y/N and Xavier probably wouldn’t have been able to talk as much as they wanted to. The other great thing about it being slow was the fact that wasn’t a lot of people around to gawk at Y/N and make rude remarks about her looks. The only other person in the building was Tyler, but he could care less what the Nevermore students were doing, especially Xavier. 
Xavier and Y/N sat at a booth close to the counter, both of them feeling the tension as they squeezed into their seats. Well, Y/N squeezed into her seat because of her wings, Xavier was fine. 
It was quiet at first, the two just looking around and avoiding each other’s gaze for the first few minutes before Xavier decided to speak up. 
“Your painting looks great, by the way.” He smiled softly, hoping that she’d realize he was here to talk to her and not belittle her. “The detail in it is amazing.”
Y/N was a bit taken back by the compliment. She wasn’t used to people saying nice things to her, let along talking to her at all. “Thanks, though I’d rather see that stupid statue burn than to paint it, thanks.” Anyone who was listening to their conversation would know that she was joking, she was being serious. 
Xavier chuckled a bit and nodded in agreement, “Trust me, I know how you feel.”
Y/N snorted at his response. How could someone like him? Someone who looks normal, understand how she felt? The only odd thing about him was his father, and the face that he could make his artwork move or come to life. Xavier looked confused at Y/N’s slight harshness and watched as tried to lean back a bit in the booth, crossing her arms as she looked at the wall.
“Hate to break it to you, pretty boy, but you most definitely don’t know how I feel.” Her words were harsh, and completely true. While Xavier could have anything he wanted and grew up only being know as the son of a famous Outcast, he would never really know what it’s like to feel like Y/N. To be tormented for how he looked. It’s never a problem that he has ever had to deal with.  
Silence filled the space between them once more, both of them unsure of what to say next. Xavier studied Y/N’s face, memorizing every curve, mark, and point there was. To him, someone she barely knew, he thought she was the most beautiful and unique person on this planet. Even though he didn’t really know her all that well, his heart wanted to know more so he could get closer to her and learn to understand her. 
Y/N’s eyes unfortunately wandered over to the window where she could see the townsfolk pointing and gawking at her. The anger that had slowly started to subside started to come back stronger than before, her eyes starting to glow that vivid green color. Xavier’s eyes followed hers and once he noticed what, well who, she was staring at, he immediately when to  calm her down. Without thinking or hesitation, his hands grabbed hers softly, like she was made of the finest porcelain and he didn’t want to break her. 
“Don’t worry about them,” he said softly, his thumbs rubbing small circles into the backs of her hands. The action startled her at first, but then she found it calming. Her eyes stopped glowing, her heart went back to normal and she no longer felt like ripping out those peoples throats.
“Why do you care so much?” Y/N asked with a tilted head, “You don’t know me, so why do you care so much?” It was a genuine question she wanted the answer to, but Xavier wasn’t sure if he could really tell her why he cared.’
The boy gulped, trying to find a way to word his thoughts in a way that didn’t sound creepy or stalker like. There was a long pause before he said anything, it was when she went to pull her hands away from him that he sputtered out the truth. “I’ve always liked you, thought you were the most mesmerizing being to ever lay my eyes upon. I’ve watched you, since the moment I started going to Nevermore, I- I just didn’t know how to approach you. I was nervous.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow at him, thinking he was joking and was put up to this as a joke. “You’re only saying that to say it, you don’t mean it.” Her eyes averted downwards towards her lap, trying desperately to focus on anything but the feeling of her hands still holding his. “No one thinks that of me, I’m a monster.”
Xavier’s gentle squeeze on her hands was enough to pull her Y/E/C eyes back up to his blue eyes. “I don’t think that.” The warry look on Y/N’s face was enough to tell him that she really had never been told that in her life, “I promise, if I truly didn’t think that, then I wouldn’t have said it in the first place.”
The shaky sigh that Y/N let out worried him. Had he gone too far? Did she find him repulsive now? Was this all too creepy?  
“I don’t think you understand how much that means to me,” When their eyes met he finally saw the tears that brimmed her waterline. Carefully, he reached up and swiped away the stray tears that managed to slip down her flushed cheeks. The soft smile that Y/N let Xavier see was something he’d remember forever. He’s the only one who’s seen her cry, who’s seen her smile, who’s been so kind and genuine to her. 
This was the beginning of something new, for the both of them. It would be rocky in the beginning for sure, but both teens could tell that they’d let out the best of each other in the long run.
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by-seven · 2 years
Pretty please I was thinking Xavier Thorpe x Reader sort of based off ‘You Belong With Me’ By Taylor Swift and it’s basically just Xavier’s best friend pinning to him their entire lives and has to suffer in the side lines of him and Bianca’s relationship while their friendship slowly dies only to be reignited after Xay and Bianca break up and maybe ‘prom’ could be the Rave’N dance?
think i know it's with me (oneshot)
resp : this trope be hitting like a brick. idk if i can write it as good as it's supposed to feel but here's my take on it!!
word count: 3, 169 (what the actual fuck)
angst, fluff, Bianca is only mentioned
(i forgot about the prom thing oh my god)
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
"Oh please, it wasn't even that bad. Your humor's not that great, Principal Weems could probably make me laugh faster than you ever could." you say in between bites of the pizza you were sharing with Xavier in the quad.
"I don't know, man. Principal Weems can't do the griddy as good as I can." he supplied, trying to sound present but you know from the slight scrunch of his eyebrows that he's thinking of something else.
Xavier Thorpe has been your friend ever since you were both still in your diapers. You could say best friend and it wouldn't be wrong but he'd probably disagree and call you his glorified armrest (given the fact that he could very easily rest his arm on the top of your head) to annoy you.
Right as you were about to do another dig at his (not-really-dry) sense of humor, his phone started ringing.
You rolled your eyes and looked away after Xavier gave you a look that spelled out i'm sorry i have to take this call and also help me i think i'm fucked.
He was right, he was incredibly fucked. That one annoying ringtone has served as an omen of an impending argument with his oh so perfect siren goddess girlfriend, Bianca Barclay.
Looking back at him and finding him still looking at you, you raise your brows in question, "Go ahead, Xavier. Answer the call of the hell-bringer."
Breathing in and doing a heavy sigh, Xavier answered the call. The phone wasn't even on speaker but Bianca's voice sounded like it came out of a megaphone.
"That was way out of line, Xavier! You may be my boyfriend but it doesn't give you the right to make fun of my appearance."
"Bianca, I literally only said that your eyes looked like that one Miley Cyrus meme. It's not that deep." You had to hold in a laugh as you heard the incredibly shallow reason that sparked the argument.
"But if it made you feel bad, then I'm sorry. I..." you turn to him with a look of confusion, after all why is he apologizing when he did nothing wrong? But Xavier just met your gaze and then looked away. "I apologize."
"This is the second time this week that you've made me feel bad, Xavier."
Getting frustrated you stand up and fix your uniform, getting ready to leave your best friend to talk with Bianca. Xavier notices, looks up at you and grabs you by the wrist. He mouths, 'please stay.'
Taken back by the sudden touch of his hand on yours, you froze where you stood.
"I know, I'm really sorry. Let's meet at the Weathervane tomorrow? Grab some coffee and talk about it."
You harshly forced your hand out of his and walk away, heading to your room. Upon reaching the doors to the dormitories, you hear footsteps behind you. Turning around, you were faced with Xavier.
Panting and standing right in front of you closely (too fucking close), he opens his mouth to speak. Before he could, though, you turned back around and made your way up the stairs.
"Hey, hey." He calls after you but you just continued to go up the stairs.
He calls your name and grabs your hand, and that made you stop. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? What's wrong is you forgetting about our plans for tomorrow, Xavier. We were gonna celebrate my debate win, remember?" You wince, realizing how bad your words sound. They sound so desperate, so trivial.
"I promise I'll make it up to you. I just.. I really need to fix this stuff with Bianca."
You hummed in response, but nodded anyway. After all, you didn't have the right to be mad.
Xavier lets you go, sensing that you need some time alone to process your emotions. You make your way to your room, thankful that Yoko wasn't there to witness the emotions you let out.
The friend can't compete with the lover after all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do
The day after, Xavier got back from the Weathervane exhausted. The remnants of his date making their presence known with the way he speaks during your phone call.
Not wanting to tire him further, you settled for a Spotify session instead. You two take turns showing each other songs that the other might like and adding them to a collab playlist. It's become a habit of yours to sketch while on Spotify sessions with Xavier, so along with the music came the faint scratching of your pencil on paper.
You had to listen with your headphones though, as Yoko was also doing something on her side of the room and you don't want to disturb her.
"Okay, okay but listen to this one by Matt Maltese." You say as you changed the song from Fallen Star by The NBHD to Everyone Adores You.
Everybody thinks of you when they sleep at night
When I say 'everybody', I'm actually referring to me
As you hum along, a faint echo of the song plays from the room in front of yours. Across your window, Xavier was listening along.
"That was another good one. I have one that I think you'll like up next but don't look at the queue."
"Hmm? Okay, if you say so."
The song you played comes to an end and a song by Cigarettes After Sex starts to play. Your sketching stopped, seemingly in sync with the increase of your heartbeat.
Opera House was playing as you placed you pencil down and closed you eyes.
"So, do you like it or...?" Xavier asks after the obnoxious loss of your rambling.
He calls your name out again, and you notice how it sounds so different coming from him. How it sounded so divine, like it was a sound made just for him to speak.
"Ah, um. Yeah, I love it, actually. I didn't know you listened to Cigarettes After Sex?" you ask, trying to fill in the silence on your part.
"I've just started listening to them. Noticed you liked them a lot so I decided to give them a try."
You hum in response, unable to focus as you process the lyrics of the song.
I was meant to love you and always keep you in my life I was meant to love you, I knew I loved you at first sight
Did he listen to the lyrics before? Or did he just send you this because he liked the way it sounds? So many questions popping up, one after another. You snapped out of it when you heard him calling your name again.
"Bianca's calling me.." He says reluctantly, waiting for your reply.
"Oh, okay. Um, it's fine. It's getting late anyway. Have a good talk. Good night, Xavier."
"Thanks for tonight. Bye." The end-tone plays momentarily. You take off your headphones and tidy up your table.
"Are you sure you two are not dating?" "HOLY FUCK!" "Cause like, that's definitely not just-friends behavior." Yoko blurted out of nowhere, startling you.
"NO! No, definitely not. He's dating Bianca." You say as you make your way to your bed.
"Oh, shame. You two would've made a better couple."
We would've. We could've. But I just didn't have the guts to tell him how I feel.
"Hmm." You hummed in reply. "Good night, Yoko."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself Hey, isn't this easy?
"Anyways, I just feel like Miss Thornhill's too stressed about the RaveN. She's been dropping things a lot during class right?" You say as you kick the poor lonesome pebble you found on the pavement along with you as you walk on the campus paths.
"Dude, I got startled when she dropped that pot with the black dahlia. Heard she was taking good care of it too." Xavier replies, to which you chuckled because to say he was startled is an understatement.
"Startled? You literally kissed the table when it happened, that's what you get for dozing off."
"The table was lucky that day then."
"Oh please, you think too highly of yourself."
"The truth is the truth."
"And all you've been saying are lies. Anyway, we're here. Let's sit down before we miss it!" You say as you approach the bench facing away from the main building. The sky was clear and there were no obstructions blocking your view of it. You both sat on the bench and looked up, waiting for the meteor shower.
You take your earphones and plug it in your phone. You look to your side and see Xavier holding out his hand, asking for the other earbud.
"Oh my fucking god. The Xavier Thorpe asking to share earphones with a girl that's not his girlfriend? I can imagine Sinclair's face if she finds out. And Bianca's too." You exclaim jokingly as you hand him an earbud.
"Everyone knows we're close friends, so it doesn't really matter."
friends. doesn't really matter.
"Oh, yeah." You hope you didn't sound disappointed. " Of course."
You put your playlist on shuffle and look up at the sky as Affection by Cigarettes After Sex plays.
It's affection always, You're gonna see it someday My attention's on you Even if it's not what you need
I think of you, I want you too, I'd fall for you
The universe is cruel, you concluded. Why would this song play, out of all the songs in your playlist, right now? At this very moment, when you're alone with your best friend whom you've liked for years now. it's like a forceful confession brewed by the universe.
"Look! It's so pretty." You exclaim, pointing to the first glimmer of light from the sky.
"I know, it really is pretty."
You look at Xavier, finding him not looking up at the sky but at you. He quickly looks up though, but you still caught the way his eyes lingered just a bit too long on yours.
Maybe the universe isn't that cruel after all.
"By the way..." "Hmm?" "I know I promised you that we'd go to the RaveN together this year, but.."
And there it is, but. You didn't have to guess to know why.
"Bianca wanted to be my date for this year. I hope you understand."
You look away, trying to make the sting from your eyes go away. It was expected, how could you be so dumb to even think that he'd go with you?
"Yeah, it's fine. I figured you'd go with her. Have fun at the party then." You looked back at him after wiping your eyes, hoping that the tears weren't obvious.
"Tha- wait. What do you mean 'have fun at the party'? Your'e not going?" He asks, his face and voice laced with confusion (and disappointment, but maybe you'd imagined it).
"No, I'd look so miserable going alone. Plus, I have to finish my book." You give him a smile, hoping that it looks genuine.
"Are you sure? I can ask Ajax to take you-"
"God no, Enid would claw my eyes out." You laugh, but it sounded dry. "I promise, it's fine."
"Nothing I can do to change your mind? I can ask Bianca if I can go with you."
"No, Xavier. You have to go with her, she's your girlfriend after all. I'm just your friend, you should go together."
You tried not to take notice of the way your own words stung. (And how it seems to have hurt Xavier too, the way his brow scrunched when you said just friends was not exactly subtle)
"Oh, okay. Yeah, you're probably right." He sighs and looks up at the sky. You look up too.
"Fuck, clouds covered our view."
"We should probably get inside, it's 3am. And it's starting to drizzle." You say, standing up. The drizzle was staring to get heavier and your clothes were getting wet. you were pretty sure you were gonna get a cold.
You noticed Xavier taking off his coat and before you could protest, he's already put it over your head to shield you form the rain.
"But what about you?" You ask him, worried.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." He assured you. You then made your way back to the dormitories.
Xavier insisted on dropping you off right at your door, so that's what he ended up doing.
"Thanks for the botched meteor shower observation, idiot. And thanks for letting me borrow your coat."
"Wow, some actual kind words from you? The world must be in trouble." He says sarcastically.
"Oh, shut up Thorpe. You should get going now, we have a 7am period tomorrow."
"Oh fuck you're right! Bye."
"Night." You say as he turns to leave. You close the door gently, so as not to wake Yoko.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
And you've got a smile That can light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while Since she brought you down You say you're fine, I know you better than that Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?
"Hey, you okay?" You ask Xavier. You're getting worried, he' s been in a sour mood all day. Not even bothering to talk to you, or to anyone at all. You knew it had something to do with Bianca, as you heard them screaming at each other in his room.
"Yeah, 'm fine."
"You sure?"
"Like, really sure?"
"Damn it, I said I'm fine okay?! Why can't you understand that? You're getting so annoying, it's so infuriating. Why can't you understand that not everyone wants your sunshine personality all the time? You are so irritating."
Frozen in your seat, you look at him with wide eyes. Xavier has never lashed out on anyone, especially at you. So this caught you by surprise.
You didn't even notice you were crying until he looked at you. His face was a mixture of shock and disbelief (you hope it was aimed at himself).
He says your name, but it didn't sound nice anymore. It sounded like a bad omen, like a dark cloud that promises a storm and you were a girl with a body made of paper.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"I didn't mean to annoy you. I'm sorry, I'll leave." You say, frantically walking to your own room. You were walking too fast, your eyes blurred by your tears that you tripped on the stairs. You had a cut on your forehead, but the physical pain couldn't combat the pain you felt inside you.
As you curled up in your bed, missing your classes for the rest of the day, you hoped that Xavier would show up at your door. Knowing him, he'd probably apologize a thousand times.
You waited hours, the mid-afternoon light fading into the bluish glow that 6pm brings but Xavier still hasn't knocked.
Maybe you never really knew him after all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You were looking at the sky from the rooftop of the academy, watching the sunset paint the sky with different shades of love.
Purple. Blue. Red. Orange. Pink
You feel the presence of another coming up from behind you, making you turn around and whip your arm out as a defense mechanism.
Xavier catches your hand, lowers it but never letting you go. His hold loosening but his touch never leaving.
You look at him properly, his eyes heavy with tiredness. It's been a week after he lashed out on you. A week of no contact. A week of pure torture. Within a week, the cut on your forehead has now turned from red to a dark brown. The cut on your heart hasn't healed as fast the the one on your forehead.
"Let go." You ask him but he doesn't budge.
"Xavier, let go. Please." And then he did. Your arms now hung uselessly beside your body, and you hate the way they crave the warmth of his hands.
He says your name, it feels like a trigger as been pulled and the gun was pointed at your chest.
"I heard about what happened. If you're here to blame me for your breakup with Bianca, then leave. She's already done that, I don't need you to repeat the shit she said."
"Listen, I'm sorry. Yes, we broke up but this is not about that."
"Then what is this about?"
"Us. About me and you. I'm sorry I said all those hurtful things to you. I didn't mean to hurt you, I wouldn't dare to hurt you. I was just so stressed, with Bianca and the truth."
"What do you mean, Xavier? Stop speaking in riddles."
"Bianca. I think she used her abilities on me. I saw her siren song one of her friends to do what she wants and I realized that what if she did it to me? It all makes sense, when I'm with her it's like my body is on autopilot. Like, I can't control the things I do. But when I'm with you it's like I'm myself, you know? I was so fucking confused, but now I see the truth."
You couldn't speak. Couldn't even utter a single word. To say you were speechless is an understatement.
Xavier steps closer to you, the tips of your shoes touching. He holds your arm with one hand gently and tips your head up to meet his gaze with the other.
"It's you. It's always been you. Whenever I wanted to draw or paint, I'd find myself making portraits of you. I started listening to the songs you liked. I turn around when I hear your name. God, it was so fucking obvious. It's you."
His hand slides down from your arm to your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"I think I know where I belong, now." He says, smiling. The most genuine smile you've even seen him give. And as you stare into his eyes, they seemed to pull you in.
You never learned how to swim but you wouldn't mind drowning in his eyes. You never liked to drink but you wouldn't mind getting intoxicated by his presence.
Xavier Thorpe, the man you've pined for. The man you've watched from the sidelines. The man you love, now finally yours.
You stared at his eyes, then at his lips. Before you could move, his lips meet yours and it's like an explosion of colors and all things nice. You bring your hands up to his hair, burying your fingers in the softness of them.
Breathless and lovesick, you break away from him and smile. Blissfully, you say:
"Think I know it's with me."
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Requested:Xavier Thorpe x Male Addams reader
ask: Xavier Thorpe x male Addams reader? The reader is as tall as Xavier, if not taller, and unlike Wednesday, he smiles all the time like Morticia even when being dark and sadistic. But like Morticia with Gomez, he treats Xavier very well and is very affectionate when in private.
You sat next to your boyfriend, Xavier, your pen in one hand scribbling down some poetry. Xavier read the words over your shoulder causing him to shudder. A smile played over your lips, at his reaction. "Y/n, what the fuck" you laughed at the reaction now, before moving to kiss his cheek. "Mi Amore, it's just poetry." A smile still on your lips, as he shook his head while laughing, "mhm totally just poetry about murder."
You smiled at him again pulling him into a hug, "yes it's normal poetry, mi Amore." Your smile faltered when Wednesday and Enid walked by, they sat at the table you were both at.
"You're becoming our parents, it's disgusting." You rolled your eyes at your sister before responding, "and you're becoming a homicidal maniac, it's impressive." Your smile grew at the words. Your hand was interlaced with Xavier's, your thumb rubbing over his hand.
"I think it's cute!" She blushed for a minute, "I mean how y/n is with Xavier, not the Wednesday being homicidal" her face turned a deep pink. "what do you think mi Amore, is it cute?" You turned to look at your boyfriend whose head was resting on your shoulder. His face flushed red while he muttered a small 'yeah'.
Wednesday gagged audibly, "I'd rather eat my own fingers, than watch this display." You laughed, "you'd probably enjoy that, besides you've seemed awfully friendly with Enid lately. I don't see why you should be commenting on my behavior." Enid flushed a rosy pink before answering "we're not- we aren't- we didn't" Wednesday covered Enid's mouth before she could say anything else.
"Say another word, and I'll cut out your tongue" prompting Enid to nod and sit there quietly. "Threatening your girlfriend? How cute, personally I like taking a gentler approach but you've never been known to be nice." You got up before you could become your sister's first known victim, Xavier following behind you. His hand was still interlaced with yours as he watched you in awe.
He'd never really seen anyone carry themselves the way you do, the way you weren't afraid of your sister and would challenge her. Or the way you could be so loving towards him, and treated him so well while also being one of the coldest people he knew. You were magnificent, it was odd but welcoming. One time you were both cuddling, and you had talked about a crime scene you saw with Wednesday. You didn't talk about it in detail, but that didn't make it less gruesome. But the whole time you placed kisses on his face, and cuddled him while smiling.
You were different that's what he loved so much, you weren't Wednesday, and you weren't like any other people at nevermore, you truly were an outcast, but you were his favorite outcast. And you were his, he was yours.
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shewrites444 · 1 year
visitation [xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[a/n - so in my attempt to make up for my horrible posting rates lately, here is a pretty dirty plot i came up with.]
word count - 2.5k
summary - following xavier’s false arrest, the reader visits him to see if she can help in any way. of course, she can.
warnings - dirty talk, unprotected oral (m receiving), 69, unprotected sex in diff. positions
xavier looked pathetic behind bars, with the way his head hung low, no matter who he was speaking to, or if he was eating, humming, drawing on the walls - he always looked so glum. despite my bias opinion due to our friendship, i didn’t think he was the monster. he really wasn’t capable of that kind of sin, despite the edgy persona he put on during the day.
while xavier and i weren’t the best of friends, we had an understood connection since we met a few years back through nevermore. our parents treated us in similar ways, and while xavier radiated huge daddy issues, i was on the opposite end of the spectrum. my mom and i weren’t very close due to how consumed she was in her work, and the fact that my dad passed on the genes of an outcast to me was something she seemed to resent heavily. hence, her practically shipping me off to boarding school 9 months out of the year.
due to these similarities, we grew close, and soon, after about a year or so, we ended up sleeping together after a party. yes, we were nearly blacked out, but it happened, and there was no coming back from that type of thing. when he was with bianca we never did anything, and when he was infatuated with wednesday i stayed clear of that, too. we had boundaries, of course, and that was made clear from the beginning. no strings attached wasn’t so bad, except when my causal hook up was now being accused of ripping apart a handfuls of citizens in our area. so, while visiting xavier wasn’t the best idea at the moment, i knew he needed a friend, or at least someone to talk to that wasn’t the cops.
after the last employee walked out of the police department, i grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder, skipping over the dark road before closing my eyes and teleporting into the front office. yep, that was my thing. not very common at nevermore, but nevertheless, had its perks. i’ve avoided many situations, and people, believe me.
i walked down the blacked out hallway until i reached a room that was filled with a small amount of noise, in which seemed to be pure exhaustion. i leaned against the wall in a bit of confusion, listening quietly through the opened door. a belt was unbuckled, pants unzipped.. good god.
i roll my eyes with a smirk, walking into the room to see xavier spitting on his hand, but quickly jolting back into his bed with red cheeks and wide, embarrassed eyes.
“jesus, [y/n]! a knock could have been nice!” xavier shouts in frustration, wiping his hand off on his black pants, zipping them back up immediately after.
i shrug my shoulders and set my bag on the desk aside the wall, before walking over to the cell. “i wasn’t aware you spent your nights wacking right after the police leave. tell me, are you imaging the detective girl that turned you into here?”
“are you jealous?” he teases, looking up to meet my eyes with a light grin on his lips. “i’ve gotta find some ways to distract myself from my current situation.”
“i could never be jealous of something i already have.” i snap, passing him a wink before walking in front of the silver bars. i sigh, insisting for him to walk towards me, which he does instantly. i watch him lean down to lightly peck my lips between the bars, which only makes me laugh.
“so romantic. i love fucking a criminal.” i joke, sliding my jacket off and onto the floor. “but i don’t know if it’s worth it to bring myself into that cell, xavier.”
“oh, it is.” he moans into my mouth, kissing me once more. “why don’t you get on your knees and give me a taste before you make your decision?”
i pull away, glancing down to the erection that was already pushing against the fabric of his cargos, which only made me blush. “try to command me again and i won’t even lay a finger on you. you’re lucky i feel moderate pity for you.”
“noted.” xavier nods, unzipping his pants before sliding them down with his boxers. he watches me sink to the floor after kicking my shoes off, taking his cock into my hand through the bars as i begin to pump it, spitting on his tip as well to increase my rhythm.
he moans loudly as his length encompasses my mouth, pushing towards me and pressing against my throat while i suck him off, jerking off his length and the other hand moving to play with his balls. i look up to meet his eyes, his expression nothing but lust, mouth open and eyes subtly rolling back.
“god, i’ve missed this.. you’re always so good at sucking my cock, [y/n]…” xavier groans, holding one bar with his hand while the other reaches through to hold the back of my head, and a good grip on my loose hair. “why don’t you come in here, baby? please. you’ve got my dick so hard. you always do.”
i ignore his words and continue what i’m doing, pushing my head forward to deep throat his tip into my throat, earning a gag from my full mouth, which only makes xavier harder, and far more turned on. i keep myself in place, closing my eyes as i practically face fuck him, given his frozen movements while i stuff his cock down my throat. my hands trail away to rest against the bars while i suck, up and down, back into a rhythm to give my throat a break. i could feel his eyes on me, and i knew he wasn’t going to take them away from me until i got into his cell.
i pull away, taking a breath, and a moment, before i stand up and brush my hair out of my face, walking over to the desk to grab the key to unlock his chains. i then close my eyes, and bring myself into the small space within a second.
i look to xavier, who walked towards my figure and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a passionate kiss, which i return while taking my top off. after i toss the white shirt onto the floor, i take the key and unlock his shackles, watching the hard, cold metal drop the floor.
“we’re gonna have to unfortunately put these back on you when i leave, you know.” i say, setting the key on the ground before wrapping my arms around his neck. “can’t have anyone know i was here.”
“okay, okay, come here.” he mutters into my mouth, basically ignoring my serious statement, and instead dragging me to the bed, where he lays me down on my back. “i’m gonna fuck you so good. i’m gonna make you cum so much, baby.”
“we’ll see.” i tease, watching him pull my pants off. he kneels before the bed and pulls me closer to him, one hand holding my left leg up as his fingers trail to my entrance, pressing his thumb against my clit.
i moan softly, looking up to meet his eyes while he rubs the sensitive bud and sits up, aligning himself with me before slowly pushing the tip in, and quickly working himself into a rhythm.
“you’re so tight around me, fuck..” xavier moans, releasing his finger before leaning above me, thrusting inside of me still as he presses his lips against my own. “you know i’m not the monster, [y/n], but god, if i was, i wouldn’t lay a finger on you.. you’re so fucking hot, you’re the only one i’ve ever truly wanted to be inside of.. i wanna fill you up, baby.. make you mine…”
my eyes widen as i look up him, watching his lips trail down to my breasts, as he pecks them and kisses at the erect buds. i knew xavier wasn’t the monster, of course, but being in here with so much spare time must’ve sure brought in some creative dirty talk. i never knew he wanted me like that. he was always so into wednesday lately, that i figured i wasn’t even a thought. we hadn’t slept together, or done anything, really, in a month or so. basically since she showed up.
while i wasn’t the jealous type, xavier had been feeding me attention for awhile now, and to have it taken from me so suddenly, it was more annoying than anything. despite how much i liked being single, i did like to feel claimed, and i know he liked to feel that way, too. so the more i thought about his words, it wasn’t much of a surprise. if anything, it was just fucking hot.
“you really want me? only me?” i blush and bite on my lower lip, glancing down to him as he sucks at my right nipple while cupping the breast up. i shake my head though, taking my words back, after quickly thinking over how sensual that sounded. i hated how he made me feel so good, no matter what he said, or did. fuck.
he looks up to me and pulls off my breast with a smirk. he could definitely tell i regretted that actual expression of normal affection.
he sits up, holding both my legs above my head before pushing himself deeper inside of me. “can’t take that back, [y/n].” he winks, watching my mouth drop open while he pushes his cock fully inside of me, thrusting lightly, but just enough for me to feel him pressing into my belly. god, it hurt, but it felt so fucking good. he was so big. he knew it.
“well, i take it back. fuck whoever you want.” i say with a blank face, gulping as he began to pick up the pace, but stopped abruptly at my words.
he pulled out of me, standing up and lightly holding me up before helping me onto my knees, turning me the other way to press against the cold tile walls, my legs spread underneath me. he comes up behind me, pushing his cock back inside of me, which only pressed my body more against the wall.
“well, i chose to fuck you.” he expresses, wrapping his arms around me, cupping each breast in one hand. he pecks the crane of my neck, holding me tightly. “i chose you over anyone, [y/n]. you know how to make me feel good, even in here.. you know how to take my dick, baby.. you’re such a good girl, you know.. pressed up against this wall letting me fuck you so good.. there’s no fight tonight, baby. i love when you just let me control you..”
“hm.. well, there’s about to be… if you don’t make me cum… as promised...” i say in between moans, turning my head just enough to meet his eyes, watching him smirk while he releases one hand from my breast and down to my clit, which he harshly presses against, causing my back to contort backwards, pressing my ass against his lower abdomen.
“god, you’re so sensitive tonight..” xavier coos, holding me tightly against him. “you gonna cum all over my cock? i bet you taste so good, love. you’re gonna taste so good mixed with me.”
i press the side of my face against the wall, both hands against the bricks as i sigh heavily, biting my lower lip in order to keep my mouth. i hated letting him have the upper hand at times, he got so cocky. he knew he was making me feel good, and terribly wet, so it tended to get to his head. i didn’t like to give him what he wanted immediately. he had to work for it.
i began to move my body backwards, almost grinding from behind him to stimulate him further, which only made him moan in pleasure, throwing off the rhythm he had going.
“lay down.” i say firmly, feeling his hands release from my body and onto the bed. i move myself on top of him, where my pussy then hovers before his lips, and i’m aligned with his hard cock, which i leaned down to take into my mouth almost immediately.
“f-fuck…” xavier stammers, reaching up to hold my ass as he pulls me down to meet his lips. as he licks my folds, twisting his tongue into the flesh and gently pressing against my clit, i feel two fingers push inside of me, which only catches me by surprise as well, my moans muffling through my busy lips.
he pushes another finger inside, stretching me out as i moan loudly, pulling myself away from his dick and beginning to grind my pussy on his lips, until he pulls his fingers out and focuses his mouth on me.
i close my eyes and sink myself into the moment, one hand on the wall while the other pumps his cock, which was coming closer and closer to finishing.
“i-i’m gonna cum, baby.. please fuck me..” xavier moans, lightly moving me out of his face and nudging me towards the lower part of his body.
i nod, moving myself down his figure to align with his dick, pushing myself back onto him. i hear him moan behind me, almost whining at the amount of stimulation i put him through already.
i move my fingers to my clit, rubbing the bud in order to increase my upcoming orgasm, bouncing on his dick while his hands held my waist, guiding me up and down.
my mind was at a blank, genuinely focused on the pure pleasure this brought the both of us, and nothing else. just the moment that i was so terribly engrossed in, and not the fact it was all in a cell. i was with xavier, and this was the release we both so desperately needed.
and fuck, we got it.
our moans synced together as we gasped throughout the stimulation both our organisms brought us, our juices intertwining as i rode out the high of our climaxes, up until the moment his body went numb beneath me. i got off of him, my weak legs moving to grab my underwear off the floor, and slowly began to get dressed as he watched me from behind.
"you're going leave already, [y/n]?" he asked, leaning up to grab his clothes. "what happened to all that talk?"
"ignore that until you're let out of prison, xavier." i turn around, zipping my pants up. i lean down to grab the handcuffs and the key again, putting them back on him after he got dressed, and pushing him back to the bed.
he purses his lips together and sighs, cupping my cheeks before kissing me softly. "fine. but you need to come here again. no one's ever gonna make me feel as good as you do - i mean that."
"i'm flattered. maybe i will." i tease, pecking his cheek before leaving the cell in a blink. i grab my purse and glance to him before walking out and into the dim hallway.
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Here, Boy ~ X.T.
A/n: I didn’t know exactly how to end this. Hope it landed well :)
Request: “Xavier Thrope x werewolf!male reader where Xavier is crushing on a golden retriever sporty reader...” by anon
Word Count: 2,000+
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Being friends with Wednesday hadn't been Xavier's first intention, but after bonding over their mutual gloominess and like for quiet and space, it really was inevitable. It had started mostly because she'd thought he was the Hyde, but when that theory was debunked and it was revealed who the real Hyde was their friendship got to form outside of that. Now they both had the habit of tucking themselves away in Xavier's shed - which had at this point become both of their space. Wednesday was allowed to chase any theory and put whatever pictures she wanted up, Xavier didn't mind. He was used to the gore and horror she was so enthralled by, having been plagued by dreams the same way Wednesday had been haunted by visions.
There were a lot of cons to being friends with Wednesday, but the biggest pro was that it came with a bonus friendship with Enid. Enid hated coming to the shed, but as Wednesday and Xavier started to hang out at lunch, during class, and in their free time, Enid started to tag along. By herself she was pleasant enough and Xavier liked having someone a little bit more positive and light in his life. She helped him out of his head, and out of shell, much more. He didn't just hang around Wednesday or his stuffy secret society friends - he branched out a lot more.
That was how he met Y/n.
Officially at least.
Nevermore was a small school, and one couldn't go far without running into at least half the student body in some passive way. Y/n and xavier had shared a class or a friend or a space several dozen times, but they'd never had much reason to talk to each other. The few times they had, left Xavier with a deep appreciation for Y/n though. Like Enid, he was a breath of fresh air to be around. His smile was contagious, and he found joy in the simplest of things. He was a sporty person, and had found his way onto every single team he could, but he wasn't obsessive about it. Sports wasn't the draw; being part of a team was. As a werewolf, he was already strong and had impressive stamina, but he also had a craving for that pack dynamic. He loved being apart of something.
Everyone pleasant loved Y/n. That was why he was friends with Enid.
Everyone unpleasant hated him. No surprise that he was being tormented by Syl then.
Syl was the kind of asshole that liked quiet, but in a way that rather than finding a peaceful moment or creating a space for herself, she tried to make everyone else calm down instead. She made any public space the worst to be in; her looks wiped off smiles and her biting comments soured sweet moments. She was a vampire who apparently came from a really old family, and it reflected in her beliefs. In the way she avoided Wednesday and Enid because of something about the "appearance of evil" even though Enid was dating Ajax, and Wednesday was openly aromantic and intensely uninterested in any kind of romantic relationship.
In the past, Enid and Syl had clashed a lot, because Enid hadn't wolfed out fully yet. Then Wednesday and Enid had become friends, and Syl learned very quickly to keep her distance. And then immediately moved onto Y/n.
Y/n wasn't an idiot. He knew she was being mean, but just didn't care. He knew that when she threw a ball and yelled for him to fetch, or that when she scratched behind his ear and called him a good boy, it wasn't actually a game or a show of kindness or affection. he always let it happen though, and the most he ever did was roll his eyes good naturally and laugh it off. It genuinely didn't bother him.
When Wednesday asked about  it, Enid was the only one who could come up with any explanation. "When you're high energy and good natured, and a werewolf, it just... is a pretty direct comparison," she offered half heartedly. "You already act like a dog - you're friendly and bring little presents and need a lot of affection and can get carried away with playing. They see him rolling around on that field and everyone just sees a house pet most of the time. Not like - like he's less for that. But, a lot of people scratch werewolves behind the ears and give them "treats" instead of "food" or play fetch or platonically cuddle or call us good boys or girls or even use baby voices - just like they would an actual job. I only experience it as little as I do because I go out of my way to do my hair, and my nails, and I put a lot of effort into my clothes and make up, so at a very young age I didn't want people touching me and I didn't play with everyone else." She shrugged. "Y/n doesn't have that luxury. He's just used to it."
Well that bothered Xavier. Used to it or not, he could see the shame and embarrassment Y/n felt every single time Syl made a big deal out of treating him like some common house pet. Like more of an animal than a person. And he could see the way that the more Syl got away with it, the more other people started to do it too. Not always with Y/n, and rarely with any malice, but...
It was still demeaning.
One day they were all at lunch and in the middle of their conversation, Syl called, "Come here, Boy! Come here Y/n!" She pat her thighs, bending her knees a little. Y/n froze mid laugh, his smile wiping off of his face as he cringed into his seat. A sheepish look crossed his face as he went to get up and go over to Syl.
Xavier had had enough. "Would you stop doing that?"
Syl smirked as she looked at the irritated artist, her shades lowering so her eyes could look directly into Xavier's. "What's the matter Thorpe? Claimed this one or something?"
Xavier's face twists with irritation. "I didn't claim him - what the hell is wrong with you? He's not an animal, he's a person."
"Half person," Syl shrugged. The courtyard was suddenly very tense and quiet, half shocked and the other half incredibly uncomfortable. "He's half dog, I'm not wrong."
Wednesday stood from the table, her eyes narrowed. "He's not half-anything, you small minded waste of shadow. He's part wolf and part human, and that's only because he can shift between either of his forms. That doesn't mean that when he's a wolf he loses his ability to think and feel like a human."
Syl's lips pulled back into a snarl as she went to snap something back to Wednesday, but Y/n suddenly stood to his feet to catch everyone's attention. "Guys, it's fine." He laughed off the awkwardness he felt, waving his hand through the air as if to dismiss all the negativity circling him. "I like when she scratches behind my ear, and fetch is actually super fun."
"Of course," Wednesday agreed. "But she's taking advantage of your enjoyment and is using it in a very mean way. She's twisting all the good things you'd usually allow and making them something not good." Her dagger throwing glare turned to Y/n, and then softened. Just a little. “Do you understand?”
Y/n nodded. “I’ll stop letting it slide.”
“That’s a great place to start,” Enid encouraged, and Y/n’s smile was back again. For now that would be enough.
The next time Syl tried to pull something, neither Wednesday nor Enid were around. Xavier knew it had been on purpose when she approached, eyes ignoring him completely as if he wasn’t even there. “There’s my favorite boy,” she cooed, reaching up to scratch behind Y/n’s ear.
Y/n leaned away. He frowned at her, not in the mood for this but not totally good at confrontation still. He had gotten a little better when Xavier had sat down and talked boundaries, agreeing that he would be more affectionate with Y/n to show him how it could be done well and not as a cruelty. Now Y/n knew the difference and he didn’t like Syl anymore. “Dont do that.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a drama queen. Come here-“
“He said stop,” Xavier piped in. Y/n looked relieved to have been backed up.
Syl slowly looked at Xavier. “God with how often you little twerps defend this weirdo you’d think he was sucking your dick or something.”
Something set ablaze inside of Xavier in a very ugly way. She thought the only reason anyone would be friends with Y/n was if they were having sex? “What is wrong with you?” He snapped. “You know why we defend Y/n? Because he’s a good person! I know that’s a really fucking foreign concept to you, because when he’s a little slow or misses little details or doesn’t click with the joke that was made or misinterprets tone or whatever - you just think he’s an idiot. That’s a bad thing to you. But it’s not bad, or especially good, it’s just a thing. That’s just how he is and the fact that in a school of freaks you decided that him being different than you was a bad thing? I don’t get it! We were killed in the last for being different, how do you not know that? How is it not ingrained in your blood? How do you not know that you’re just as bad all those people in the past? Like Crackstone.”
Syl hissed, like a mix between spitting and growling. “Jesus maybe I was wrong. Maybe you’re sucking his dick.”
Xavier lashed out without thinking. He shoved her. “What we do behind closed doors is none of your business, you bitch, but just so it can sync really deep in your impossibly thick skull - no, we don’t have any kind of sexual shit. That doesn’t mean I don’t like him though! It’s almost like people have worth just by being people.” He took Y/n’s hand and gently tugged him away. Y/n followed the prompt. “Come on,” Xavier growled. “Let’s get out of here.”
They had gone down several halls and had completely lost Syl before either of them spoke. “You... like me?”
Xavier froze, finally processing all of the things he had said. In front of Y/n. Oh shit. “Uh-“ He turned to look at Y/n and something warm spread through his blood, comforting him but cooling down the raging storm from before. Y/n was smiling. “Maybe.”
Y/n stepped closer to Xavier, changing the palm-to-palm hand hold into a finger laced hold. “I think I maybe like you too. But I’m... slow, with stuff like this.”
Xavier eased, relaxing now that Syl was gone and Y/n was talking about something that he had wanted so badly for so long. “I would be okay, figuring it out. Taking as long as you need.”
Y/n nodded, then rested his head on Xavier’s shoulder. “Is this okay?”
Completely forgetting about Syl now, Xavier chuckled. His smile was shy and small but bright. “That’s more than okay.” He turned his head, leaving a kiss on the top of Y/n’s head. “Is that okay?”
Y/n closed his eyes, sighing contentedly. “That’s okay.” They fell into quiet, but this time it was comfortable and familiar. Like falling into bed after a long day. “If Syl ever tries anything again, I’m going to go to staff. I don’t want to deal with it anymore, and neither should any of my friends. Or you.”
Xavier liked that idea very much. He also very much liked being excluded from ‘friends’. “That’s a good idea. I can go with you.”
“I’d like that,” Y/n whispered. “I’d like that a lot.” The bell rang and they moved off of the wall to head to class. When they had to delegate ways, their hands lingered, fingers still holding onto each other. Then their hands fell away but they still smiled. It wouldn’t be the last time they did that, and until they could come back later they were both just fine waiting until then.
Male readers tag: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
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kawaii-angelanne · 1 year
shot to the heart | xavier thorpe x reader
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CW/TW: none i can think of!
KEY TAGS: spoiler-free (can be interpreted as pre-canon), gender neutral reader, second/third pov (told in xavier's perspective), strangers to ???, flustered xavier <3
OPENING NOTE: thanks for clicking on this! please do not repost, copy, modify, or overall plagiarize this work anywhere else please. plagiarism is never acceptable, both in mla 8 format and in fanfiction! for translations, message me, and we can talk about it! reblogs, comments, and likes are super appreciated :>
SUMMARY: "The moment the words leave your lips, he lets go along with a breath he wasn’t even aware he was holding in. In the blink of an eye, the arrow shoots no more than an inch above the target’s red center. That was the closest he’s ever been to bullseye, and his heart pounds from both the achievement and how your body is still pressing against his."
Or where you teach Xavier how to properly shoot a bow and arrow, landing an arrow straight into the target and into his heart.
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“So, are you the only member of the Archery Club?” 
Xavier Thorpe, caught-off guard by your unexpected entry, prematurely lets go of the recurve bow’s string. The arrow sails weakly in the air before sinking sadly into the leaf-covered grass and not into the target. 
“Uh, yeah,” he awkwardly lowers his bow and turns to look at you, confusion coloring his features, “Are you…interested in joining?” 
“Maybe,” you shoot him a playful, close-lipped smile before launching yourself off of the small pyramid of hay you were sitting on, “How long have you been doing archery for? A few weeks?” 
“More or less,” he returns to shooting arrows while paying you no mind, “What about you? Ever shot a bow and arrow before?” 
“I have,” you answer just as ambiguously, whistling as his last arrow lands on the blue outer ring, “For the two arrows that are on there, you don’t have terrible grouping. At least they’re all in the same ring! What’s the distance? Fifteen to twenty yards?” 
“...Fifteen,” his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, slightly irritated that you’re acting like you’re the member of the Archery Club, not him. 
“Can I see your stance again, please?” you move closer to him with your hands behind your back.
His brows furrow with an unwelcome sense of inferiority, “Why?” 
Your lips curve into another impish grin, eyes gleaming with unknown intent, “You’ll see.”
With a grievous sigh, he follows your request, placing his feet apart and standing perpendicular to you. He adjusts his posture, squaring his shoulders.
“Okay, so far so good.… Now, pull back on the bow, please.” 
What are you, an archery instructor or something? 
Still, he does as you ask. After slotting an arrow below the nocking point and above the arrow rest, his three fingers grip the bowstring. He pulls back on the string. With minimal struggle, he tries to remain as still as possible, refusing the bow to lean one way or the other. His expression pulls into itself, brows furrowed even more for better concentration. 
“I see, I see…” you merely mutter to yourself, leaning in closer to further observe his archery ability, “Now, release.” 
At your command, he wastes no time shooting the arrow, relieved after having to pull back for so long. Due to the prolonged drawback, Xavier’s accuracy severely declined, the arrow plunging its tip into the upper-left corner of the target. 
“Your problem,” you point a finger up, as if you solved the mystery, “is that you seem to have a little difficulty maintaining a stable posture when pulling back on your bow and when releasing the arrow. Not enough to be concerning, but enough to affect your performance. Do you know how much your drawback is?” 
“Uh,” he searches the bow for an answer but to no avail, finding only plain wood, “This is just the bow the school has. I have no idea.” 
“You’d think the school would offer better recurve bows then, with the money we pay them,” you crack a joke, lightly jabbing him in the ribs, and then extend a hand out, “May I?” 
Xavier just stares blankly at you and then your outstretched hand, confused as to what exactly you’re asking for. With an urgent wave of your fingers towards the bow, he finally understands and quickly hands it over, slightly embarrassed that he didn’t understand you at first. 
You get into position and pull back on the bowstring with ease, soon letting it go and returning the bow to him, “Yeah, this bow’s drawback is a few pounds outside of your range. You should be handling a bow with a drawback of forty to fifty-five pounds. For today, you can use that bow, but let’s see if we can ask Weems for another bow.” 
“…Okay…” he replies, uncertain as to how to respond to such a level of authority from someone he’s never even met before.
Really, he’s grateful for all your help, but, as a member of the severely underpopulated Archery Club, he feels as if he should be the one telling you this. However, he will admit, even though he has no idea as to what your skill level actually is, you do sound like you know what you’re talking about. So, he supposes he can play along for now. 
“I have to go to the Weathervane soon to meet up with some friends, but let’s improve your shot first,” you now move behind his back, “Reload your arrow, please.” 
With a resounding click against the taut string, he sets the arrow in place and pulls back. He adjusts his posture and is ready to release before a set of palms suddenly rests on his shoulders, your chest brushing against his back. He flinches greatly at the surprise contact but not enough where he would have to reset his posture entirely. His eyes saccade rapidly between you and the target, unsure as to where he should be focusing on. 
With a hard swallow, he tries his best to form a coherent thought before speaking, “What…what’re you—?”
“Relax your shoulders,” you’re practically whispering in his ears due to your close proximity, which sends his heart beating so fast, he’s afraid you can hear it, “Lower your aim a little to the right…. Now down…. Perfect. Steady your breathing, remain calm…”
How is he supposed to “remain calm” with you so close to him!?
You remove your hands from his shoulders but still stay right behind him, your voice prickling his skin, “Now…let it fly.”
The moment the words leave your lips, he lets go along with a breath he wasn’t even aware he was holding in. In the blink of an eye, the arrow shoots no more than an inch above the target’s red center. That was the closest he’s ever been to bullseye, and his heart pounds from both the achievement and how your body is still pressing against his. 
“Great job!” you cheer and step away, picking up your bag that was slumped against the haystack you were sitting on before, “Well, I got to go now, but I’ll see you next time! Toodles!” 
Too overwhelmed from what just happened, he watches your retreating form become smaller and smaller. Unlike him, you weren’t fazed at all, even bobbing your head to whatever music you were listening to with your headphones. 
Just who are you? He never even got your name! Are you in the same year as him? How come he’s never seen you? 
Questions flood his mind, and, before he ends up drowning in them, he decides to end the day and packs away the bow and arrows. He feels his cheeks heat up remembering how your body felt against his and how your instructive tone, distinctly different from your lighthearted one, sent shivers down his spine. 
Run. He needs a run before his memory of you, albeit brief, consumes him entirely. 
Zipping his bag, he slings it over his shoulder and heads straight to his dorm to change into more comfortable wear, hasteful to try to forget about you until the next Archery Club meeting. 
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ENDING POST: xavier thorpe is my everything. i eat, breathe, and sleep xavier thorpe.
no, seriously, this is the product when you multiply my hyperfixation of xavier thorpe, my toxic trait of "i can shoot a bow and arrow better than xavier thorpe can even though i have not touched a bow in years," and my procrastination of homework.
and i have just been so inspired by the fanfiction everyone is making for this man! seriously, i have not found a greater treasure trove of fanfiction for a character in so long (the jealousy and friends to lovers trope <33) ; amazing kudos to the talented authors of this fanbase! i hope i contributed to such an incredible collection of stories for xavier thorpe just as much as everyone else has <3
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The Real Reason Xavier Can’t Sleep
here is part 1
pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader, really angsty Tyler Galpin x reader if you like that
summary: in which Xavier has visions about you and can’t get you out of his head, this sparks arguments with your boyfriend.
warning: Tyler and reader are in a toxic relationship, nsfw content, swearing- lots of it, insomnia
tags: more pining, all the tags from part 1, slight smut
word count: 4.5K
au where Rowan never died and is still with the Nightshades cause the character has potential and the writers wasted it
you can asks in the notes if you wanna be tagged in part 3, it’s coming soon
Xavier could feel (Y/N)’s hands running through his hair, scratching at his scalp as a cold shiver run through his body. He could feel her hot skin pressed flush against his.
As she was lying on her back in the bed, eyes half closed and arms crossed around her chest to hide it Xavier wanted to tell her how beautiful she was. How there was no reason to be embarrassed because he loved every part of her body. How much he wanted to worship every inch of her for the rest of the night. But he stayed silent. Like something heavy in his chest was preventing him from talking.
His hands instinctively found hers, gently pinning them against the bed sheets, exposing her chest to him. He wasn’t really in control of himself, feeling almost like a remote control puppet.
Xavier held his breath as he pushed himself inside of her, whimpering at the familiar sensation of her hot walls clenching around him. Like they’re done this a thousand times.
“Tyler, take it slow for me baby,” the girl winced.
Not again.
The clock read 01:30. Xavier woke up in his room, shirtless and covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
“Fucking hell,” he murmured under his breath, careful not to wake up his roommate.
Between the vision he had of a mysterious creature and this weird psychic link he had with Tyler Galpin of all people, he couldn’t remember the last full night of sleep he had in the past few months.
He knew they weren’t dreams. He was sure because of that one time he was out with his friends in the town, they were mostly window shopping then suddenly he was in the Weathervane, making out with (Y/N) at the back of the shop. Shaky hands grabbing at each other’s clothes, desperately trying to peel them off, needy mouths crashing against each other. Then the girl’s mouth started going lower and lower along his jaw to his neck. She gave him a gentle bite, probing him then she sunk her teeth in that one spot that made his knees weak. He started grinding against her desperate for some form of release, mind foggy with lust. Then he was back on the street with his friends surrounding him and looking extremely worried.
Xavier has had visions like this one in the past usually at night, waking him up from his slumber. He tried to write them off as some sort of weird wet dream of this girl he had a crush on.
But this time it was different. He was awake, it was the middle of the day. And as they were walking through the center of the town, he saw the girl who has been plaguing his mind leaving the café looking disheveled and flushed. And then he saw her boyfriend lean in to give her a kiss goodbye, the hickey she just left on him still visible. Xavier ran a hand over the base of his neck where he could still feel the ghost of her teeth like it happened to him. But it was Tyler. He was Tyler for a few moments; he saw the world through his eyes.
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There was no going back to sleep no matter how hard Xavier tried tossing and turning. The bed was too hard, the sheets were too scratchy, and the cover was too warm.
He sneaked outside through a window and went to the shed he’s been working on restoring. Weems said if he did a good job she’d let him use it as an art studio. Since he’s having trouble sleeping he’s been going there more and more often. He even got a small mattress in the corner, covered in a sage green sheet. He liked that color a lot.
Xavier’s biggest problem was that his connection to Tyler seemed to activate whenever he was having strong emotions like when he was having sex with his girlfriend in the middle of the night. But not only that. He also saw them going on dates and having late-night chats about their lives and dreams. Xavier hated himself but he ended up falling in love with this woman he barely knew.
Without really having a plan in mind he grabbed a clean canvas and started painting her. The curvature of her neck, the valley of her breasts, the plumpness of her lips.
“I’m just doing this to get it out of my system,” he excused himself to no one in particular.
He felt dirty drawing the naked figure of someone who never undressed in front of him, who never gave him permission to, who probably barely remembers him.
Ever since that day when she drove him back to school and he snapped at her, they haven’t spoken much. They acknowledge each other on the street when they pass by one another, they exchange polite smiles and waves from a distance, sometimes a courteous ‘hi’ and ‘how are you’ followed by ‘nothing much, you?’ and a shrug. The conversations never last as much as Xavier wishes they did. He even tried apologizing for the way he acted the last time they talked but she just brushed it off as if it was nothing.
Xavier lost count of the hours he spent perfecting the painting he made, but it was light outside by the time Bianca opened the door and let herself in.
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you. Are we still going to the Fair?”
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 “Morning, sleeping beauty!” Bianca cheered sarcastically. “You’ve been drooling on my shoulder.”
Xavier assessed the situation. He was in the car with the Nightshades. Rowan was driving. Bianca was right next to him in the backseat, mushed between him and Ajax.
“Sorry, I haven’t been sleeping well recently,” he excused himself and then lowered his voice so that only Bianca could hear it. “You know, you could help me with that.”
“For the last fucking time, Xavier, I’m not using my siren song on you. Ask again and I’ll never speak to you.”
“Please, I’m going insane, you have to help me!”
“You guys don’t have to whisper,” Rowan chimed from behind the wheel. “We know about Xavier’s obsession with the normie girl.”
“Not as obsessed as you are with Wednesday!”
The car shook violently as Rowan parked it with a little too much force next to the forest that lead to Nevermore. A howl was heard in the distance as the group walked out of the car still arguing. They had to speak louder to cover the music and everyone else at the Fair talking.
“My mom had a vision about her, you know that. I have to figure out what it meant.”
“Well, I have visions, too. And I need them to stop.”
He even told his therapist about this girl (sparing her some of the raunchier details) and started taking medication that’s supposed to suppress his visions. They haven’t been very effective. At this point he was so desperate he was willing to ask his dad for help.
“Was it her you were painting the other morning?” Bianca asked after the rest of the group was far enough for them not to hear.
Xavier was really hoping Bianca didn’t see his drawing when she came by his shed. It was too embarrassing to explain himself and anything he’d say tasted like a lie on his lips.
It’s just a painting, it doesn’t mean anything.
I draw naked people all the time.
I just wanted to get it out of my system.
“You really need to talk this out with her. Maybe she knows something about why you’re having these visions.”
“I wouldn’t even know where to begin-“
“You’ll think of something.”
Bianca gave a wide smile and a dramatic wave to someone to their right and Xavier turned in that direction. (Y/N) was leaning on her arm next to an archery booth looking around as if she was waiting for someone. When her eyes landed on the two of them she gave them a salute.
“It’s not polite to let her wait for you. You’ve got this.”
Bianca gave her friend a little shove in the right direction and he stumbled. The girl of his dreams (visions?) wasn’t far away and he was headed right in her direction whether he wanted to or not. Xavier tried to fight the stupid smile that was spreading across his face as he was approaching her. He lost.
“Haven’t seen you in a long time,” the girl observed.
“Yeah, I haven’t gone out in the town lately.”
The girl furrowed her brows with concern as she leaned in, giving Xavier a closer inspection. It made him inhale a sharp breath. She smelled like cotton candy and the earth after it rained. He closed his eyes for just a second, enjoying her smell and her presence. When he opened them again, the girl was still studying him so carefully, the same way you may study a puzzle you're trying to solve.
“Did you sleep well last night?”
Did she know? Could she tell that she was the reason he hasn’t slept a wink last night? Or barely at all for the past month? Could she read his mind?
He was becoming paranoid.
“I look that bad, huh?”
A shy smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “Not at all. Just tired. I could make you a tea for insomnia, it does wonders.”
There she goes again. No one in Xavier’s life treats him like this. Like he deserves to be fawned over, protected, taken care of. He was always the strong one in his family, the emotional pillar for his parents, the one his mom would go to for advice or when she needed a shoulder to cry on. All of his girlfriends and even his friends say he’s a good listener, that it’s easy to open up to him but very rarely do they ask about his feelings. And no one tries to make it better the way (Y/N) does.
It’s like she’s the only one who sees how broken he is and knows how to fix him.
“I’ve been taking some meds, they haven’t kicked in yet. But thanks anyway, it’s nice that you offered.”
“It can’t hurt to try. Come by the Weathervane on Monday? I work there now. I’ll make you a tea free of charge,” she points her last words on his shoulder.
Xavier grabs at his shoulder and makes a grimace as if it hurt, but really it didn’t. He just likes the way the girl looks at him when she worries about him.
“Wouldn’t that get you in trouble?”
“I like trouble,” she winks. “Usually my dashing smile and smooth talking get me out of pretty much anything. I got the boss wrapped around my finger.”
He could see that. She was hard to stay mad at. Hard to say no to. If there was someone who could get away with murder simply by being charming it would be her.
“I didn’t mean with your boss.”
Xavier regretted his words almost instantly. The change on the girl's face was almost imperceptible. He might have missed it if he wasn’t paying close attention to her. The amused spark in her eyes, the one he was so enamored with, died. It made him shiver.
He shouldn't have brought it up.
“Tyler doesn’t have to know. Plus, he has nothing to hold against you. He’s the one in the wrong. By the way, I’m still sorry for what happened that day. I can’t help but feel guilty, like if I hadn’t talked to you none of it would’ve happened.”
Xavier couldn’t imagine a world where he didn’t know (Y/N). He didn’t even want to think of a different universe where he was so engrossed in his work he didn’t notice the girl with stars in her eyes preparing her concert, didn’t hear her playing. A world where they both pass right by each other like ships in the night, neither ever truly seeing the other. What a nightmare.
Sure, slowly falling in love with her through another man’s eyes hurt. But never knowing her would be worse.
But he couldn’t say that, could he?
“You couldn’t have known. And if anything, I should be apologizing, I came to you first... to move the piano.”
And he’d do it again, a thousand times.
“Right,” the girl smiled wistfully as if reliving a happy memory. “Thanks again for that.”
“By the way, are you still playing on this year’s Outreach day?”
She shook her head in disappointment.
“No, this Nevermore girl– Wednesday, she’s playing a cello solo this year. She’s new and struggling to fit in, at least it’s what the mayor told me.”
“It’s a shame. I was looking forward to listening to you again. You really have a gift.”
The girl looked down bashfully and Xavier felt a rush of pride. It was usually her who made him blush. He almost wanted to gently grab her chin and make her look up at him. He’s gotten even taller than he was when they met. He wondered if she noticed that.
He leaned back into the archery booth that was behind him, trying to look casual. He realized he’s been beating around the bush and completely forgot why he was there talking to her in the first place. How was he going to break this to her lightly?
“You know how I said I was a seer, right?”
The girl nodded diligently.
“Yes, like your father.”
Xavier tried not to make a face at the mention of his father. They weren’t exactly on the best of terms. He gulped, doing his best to pick the next words that came out of his mouth.
“Tyler,” the girl chimed suddenly.
Xavier’s blood ran cold at the sight of Tyler coming towards them holding a water bottle that he handed to his girlfriend. He then gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Do you mind?” he asked Xavier tauntingly. “We’re on a date.” He then turned around to his girlfriend. “Do you want me to win something for you babe?”
Xavier crossed his arms trying to look unbothered although the sight in front of him hurt more than a hundred needles poking his heart at once. It was different seeing them together like this than when he had the visions. In those Tyler wasn’t really visible, since he was seeing everything through his eyes. In those visions, he could pretend he was the one (Y/N) was kissing.
Tyler went to pay the guy behind the counter at the archery booth some money and the guy handed him a plastic bow and arrow and explained to him how to win. Xavier couldn’t help but snicker watching Tyler fail miserably at the game. There was something vindictive about the sight.
“Shut up! What are you doing here anyway?” he asked annoyed. “Don’t you have some kinda restraining order against me?”
He shot his target and missed again. His hands were gripping the object so tightly his knuckles turned white.
I could easily win a toy for her, Xavier thought.
Actually, he just might.
“As long as you can be civil for one night, I’m not gonna go to the police.”
Xavier tried to remain calm and composed in order to not betray how much his heart was beating in his chest. He wasn’t even sure if the cause was the beautiful girl standing close to him or the stress of facing his attacker for the first time in almost a year. He wasn’t afraid of Tyler, per se, but he made him uneasy. Like the feeling you get when you watch a horror movie and foreboding music starts playing.
Without breaking eye contact with Tyler Xavier threw some money on the counter and reached his hand out towards him waiting to be handed the bow. Tyler pushed it in his hands a little more forceful than needed.
“I’m not gonna hide from you forever, dude. Until I finish school, we have to share this town. Get used to it.”
Xavier moved his attention to the target and shot his first arrow. He needed to hit the bull three times to get the big frog plushy the girl seemed to be eyeing that night. He could do it.
“It’s not the town I have a problem sharing,” Tyler muttered.
Xavier told himself to relax before releasing the arrow and hitting his target perfectly. Bull’s eye. Two more.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You just love playing stupid, huh Thorpe? I’m not blind, I know what you’re after,” he leaned towards Xavier so close he could see his freckles. “At least you healed surprisingly well, I was sure my shoe was gonna leave a scar on your forehead. I was going to make you the next Harry Potter.”
“Maybe you’re not as strong as you think you are,” Xavier commented, his eyes still on the target.
“Cut it out, both of you!”
Xavier could hear the anger and fear in (Y/N)'s voice and he hated himself for being partially the cause of that. What made him feel even more guilty was how his body reacted to hearing her enraged and commanding voice. It reminded him of a dream - or a vision? he wasn't sure - he had not so long ago. In which she was yelling at him for something he'd done that upset her and somehow in the middle of the argument her hands took a hold of his hair and pulled his face close to hers. She started kissing him feverishly.
He visibly gulped as he tried to suppress the memory. He almost lost focus, but he still managed to hit the target. Not dead center, but close enough to still get the prize. One more.
It seemed Tyler noticed the effect his girlfriend had on the tall boy he hated so much. He tried to bite down a smirk.
“You’re right babe, I’m sorry,” he said turning towards his girlfriend, burying his head in the crook of her neck. “Did I tell you how sexy you look in that dress? Are you wearing it all for me?”
He didn’t need to say it as loud as he did, but Xavier knew it was intentional, to make him lose concentration. And it worked. For a fraction of a second, his eyes slid from his target to (Y/N) and the pretty black dress covering her body, then to Tyler’s hand gripping her hips so tight like he was afraid she was gonna fall. Or run away. Xavier took the last shot with shaky hands and failed.
“Too bad,” Tyler coed mockingly reaching out his hand. “You shot your shot and you missed. It’s mine now.”
Xavier had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the game.
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The two boys were staring at each other, neither wanting to back down. Xavier realized just how stupid he was for being there just to poke Tyler further. He didn’t know what he expected to happen. That the girl of his dreams was just going to fall in his arms, begging him to save her from evil Tyler? Yeah, sure.
Maybe he wanted revenge on Tyler for what he did to him. To show him up and humiliate him. Maybe he just wanted to spend a little more time with her. To see her up close a little more. Hear her voice a little more. Stare into her eyes. He didn’t realize how much he missed her presence till he got it back. That asshole was so lucky that he got to have her all to himself and he didn’t even appreciate it. He should be worshiping the ground she walks on. Like he would.
“Stop ogling her,” Tyler pushed him against the archery stand. “She wouldn’t fuck a freak like you.”
Xavier stood up straight, reminding Tyler that he was much taller than him. A scared look surfaced on his face for just a second before it was replaced with an angry scowl. It gave Xavier a rush of confidence.
“Careful now,” he egged him on. “You don’t have your buddies with you anymore to help.”
“That’s enough. I don’t want any of you hurt again."
(Y/N) put her hands on both of the guys’ chests and pushed them apart forcefully. The same warm almost electric feeling passed through Xavier’s body as it did every time she touched him.
“Don’t cream your pants, Thorpe. She barely grazed you.”
“What is your problem, teddy?” the girl questioned her boyfriend.
Xavier knew that nickname. Teddy. Teddy bear. It’s what she usually called him in the sweet moments when they got along. When they were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie, having morning coffee together. In his delusion, Xavier almost convinced himself that she was calling him that.
“No, don’t teddy bear me! He is the problem! Why do you insist on taking his side? Do you have a thing for outcasts all of a sudden? You think his dick glows in the dark or some shit?”
“You’re being paranoid, just because I don’t want you going to jail doesn’t mean I wanna fuck the guy!”
The guy. This girl was everything to Xavier and he was just some guy to her. Some guy ruining her relationship with her boyfriend of many years.
“I’m not going to jail. Ever since last year, you’ve been acting like I’m some kind of ticking bomb always on the verge of exploding. Even right now you look at me like I’m a monster. Hell, do you even love me anymore?”
Tyler started walking away from both of them. “I’m done. Your new boyfriend can drive you home tonight.”
With his hands in his pockets, Tyler marched toward his car while his girlfriend (ex?) watched him leave with tears in her eyes. She seemed frozen for a few moments but right before Xavier could tell her anything, or apologize, she took off into the forest without a single word.
Xavier looked for a second at his friends who were watching the whole thing unfold from a safe distance. He found Bianca’s eyes and she gave him a subtle nod.
He took off towards where the girl was headed. She couldn’t let her wander off into the forest alone. Especially not at night. There was a monster in those woods and if something were to happen to her Xavier would never forgive himself.
“(Y/N), wait,” he gasped for air. “You’re really fast.”
The girl didn’t really stop but slowed down the pace for him to catch up with her.
“Only when I’m sad,” she sobbed. “I like to walk in the woods to clear my head. I’ve been doing that a lot lately.”
“I’m sorry I’ve riled up your boyfriend. I should’ve known he’d react this way.”
“It’s not your fault, Xavier, he’s been like this for a while now. Getting angry, breaking up with me before inevitably coming back to beg for forgiveness promising he’ll never do it again. He tells me he can’t live without me only to repeat the cycle at the slightest inconvenience.”
A familiar feeling was forming in Xavier’s stomach. Helplessness. This is what he felt like every time he saw them fight through the psychic link, which was often. Tyler would get jealous over something and throw a fit. (Y/N) would bring up a complaint she had and all hell broke loose. Lately, they’ve been fighting a lot about the new girl at Nevermore, Wednesday. It seemed like Tyler was harboring a crush on her, but every time the girl brought it up Tyler would get angry and defensive.
There were so many times when Xavier wanted to crawl out of Tyler’s mind and comfort the girl in front of him. Now was his chance. This girl was crying in front of him and he wasn’t trapped behind Tyler’s eyes anymore.
His trembling hands found their way to the small of her back, arms wrapping around the girl’s shoulders protectively like he could shield her from her own feelings. Or the people who caused them. He wanted to tell her she was safe in his arms.
She responded to the hug by pulling him closer, flushed against her body, and letting out a sob. It seemed she was starving for comfort as if no one has given her that in a long time.
“You don’t deserve this,” the words left Xavier’s mouth on their own.
She was too kind to ever suffer like that for anyone. He remembered how she treated his wounds and made sure he got home safe without even knowing him. Someone like her deserved only happiness and love.
Tyler however, deserved to have his ass handed to him a couple times. Xavier would do it gladly but he wouldn’t be able to stand how (Y/N) would look at him after that.
“He made his choice,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re just trying to protect him but he won’t listen.”
He couldn’t remember a time when any of his girlfriends were that protective of him. One of them actually was encouraging him to get into fights. But she never took care of him afterward, especially not after he lost. The closest he ever came to someone like that was Bianca who clearly had a crush on him and was very watchful of him but he never felt the same way about her. She couldn’t hold a candle to the girl crying on Xavier’s shoulder right now.
“I know what you want to say. I should just end it cause this relationship is going nowhere but… It’s not that simple. I’ve known him all my life, I don’t even have an idea as to what a life without Tyler would look like. And I just can’t say no to him when he’s crying. You don’t know how heartbroken he looks when he comes back.”
She let out another heart-wrenching sob. Xavier’s arms instinctively tightened around her, as if they could forcefully glue back the pieces of her broken heart. If only he were strong enough to do that.
He felt the girl shivering in his arms. He let her go for a second to take off his jacket and place it across her shoulders. Her dress was pretty but it didn’t do much to keep her warm. And his uniform jacket looked good on her.
“Looks to me like he doesn’t have a problem making you cry. You deserve better.”
The boy’s thumb wiped away a tear from her cheek. Gingerly, as if he was afraid she’d dissipate like a mirage the second he would touch her. Because a girl like her couldn’t be real. And if she was he could never have her.
“Thank you,” her words came out merely a whisper.
Her gaze traveled north to meet his eyes and Xavier forgot how to breathe. He could feel his own pulse in his thumb which was still resting on the girl’s face. How did she manage to become more beautiful every time his eyes laid on her? He’s never wanted to kiss anyone more in his life. He knew it was wrong but doing the wrong thing has never felt so enticing.
He was holding on to his morals by a hair strand and he knew that if she made the first step; if she leaned in and closed her eyes he wouldn’t make the smallest effort to stop her. He wasn’t strong enough. If she wanted to kiss him he would let her. So they could be wrong together.
@helluvafire​ you said you wanted part two.
sorry it took so long for this to arrive. i’ve been writing on it for two weeks cause i didn’t like it, i had to rewrite a lot. then i realized it was closing in on 6k words and i still wasn’t done so i decided i’ll just chop this part in two. that’s why it ends kinda abruptly.
 so i’m already 1.5k words into part 3. hopefully it’s not gonna take me another two weeks to finish.
also this whole thing was written exclusively between 12pm and 4 am. i can’t seem to be able to write at normal hours.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Y/N: “So, that guy in the courtyard. The one with the hair cut short and platinum blonde, who knocked down those two students. You know him?”
Xavier: “Actually, I know him quite well.”
Y/N: *Raises an eyebrow* “Really? How?”
Xavier: *Looks at him* “Because he’s my brother. My older twin brother. Andy Thorpe.”
Y/N: *Shocked* “You have a brother?!”
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I saw ur Xavier x make reader and I loved it so so so much and litch can't get the idea of braiding his hair out of my head like the reader braiding his hair while Xavier is drawing in his sketch book litch pure fluff
Xavier Thorpe X Male Reader - Braids
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A/N - You're already in a relationship with him. Sorry that it’s kinda short. I’m definitely gonna write more about him, since I have inspiration lol, enjoy :)))
''Hey, wanna come by my dorm later''? is how it all started. Now you're at your boyfriend's, Xavier's, dorm, bored out of your mind while watching him sketch his back against the bed frame while you’re laying in the unmade bed. ''I'm bored, come on, let's do something interesting,'' you whine, rolling over in the bed. ''Just give me a second, I wanna finish this sketch.'' He retorts, without lifting his eyes away from his work. At first, you contemplate getting up and going through everything in his room, but then a brilliant idea strikes you. ''Hey, love, can I braid your hair?'' His movements stop, and he finally looks at you, '' Do you promise not to completely mess up my hair and tangle it?'' ‘‘Yes, I do. I promise I'll be super careful with your precious hair.’‘ You put your fist on your heart, trying to be super serious. ‘‘Then fine, yes, you can braid it,’‘ He agrees with a sigh. ''Awh fuck yeah!'' You raise your fist in the air as a sign of winning and excitement. You sit up right behind him and let your legs dangle over his shoulders, so you are comfortable in the messy bed. At first, you run your fingers through his hair, which makes Xavier hum softly and smile. You carefully take three strands of his hair from the front, having decided on a french braid. You sit with your boyfriend in comfortable silence, the only noise being a Green Day song playing in the background. Xavier continues sketching in his book while you braid his soft hair. Carefully, to not induce any pain to your boyfriend. When you're halfway done, you notice that a part of his hair is slightly tangled, so being the good boyfriend that you are, you decide to try and untwist it. You try to carefully work your fingers through it but accidentally pull on it a bit harshly. ''Ow ow ow,'' Xavier voices, slightly glaring at you since you promised to be careful. ''Oh shut up, you're not in a hair salon, now sit still and let me work.'' You tell him and push his head a little bit so he's looking straight ahead. ''I'm done!'' you announce, proud of your work since it looks decent. ''How bad is it? Is it terrible?'' He asks you, gazing up at you, not sure if he wants to know how horrific it turned out. ''Shut up, it looks good, look,'' you point at the full-body mirror in the corner of his room. ''Hey, it actually looks decent,'' he laughs, running a hand over the braid, feeling how neat it is. ''See you had nothing to worry about sweetheart,'' you grin at the mirror. You notice he's not even looking at your work, he's admiring your smile, which is a thing you don't do often. Xavier gives your reflection one last look and goes back to sketching who knows what. ''Oh fuck off, I braided your hair, give me some attention baby,'' you whine. He ignores you, focused on the lines the pencil in his hand is making. You scoff at your boyfriend, but a devious smirk is playing on your lips. You lay down, so you can sneak a peak at what he's drawing, but that's not the only reason. Your fingers curl around the end of the braid, and you softly yank it back. ''Ouch, why did you do that'' Xavier asks you, annoyed that you're distracting him from his very ''important'' task. ''Nothing, nothing at all,'' you whisper before planting your lips on his. He kisses you back instantly, it's pleasant, it's wonderful, it's a kiss full of love and appreciation.
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