zi0jyzp3l · 1 year
Girl streamer showing ass Family strokes thanksgiving full first time Sneaky And Sleepy Step Sex Blonde granny double penetration on the beach Hot Masturbation Session By A Busty Tranny Gay anal jock sex while asleep and free young nudist stories first Blond pornstar likes when her wet cunt gets penetrated by a thick cock Mature German slut is covered in cum during gangbang Shemale Jhoany Wilker Blowjob and Fuck PAWG POV doggy and Cum on Belly asian thot gets her ass pounded while playing with dildo
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ccarrot · 5 months
bungo stray fandom literally letting me down with the shortage of content exploring the fact that chuuya's prone to hallucinations. or chuuya remembering his time in the lab. or just the lab in general. content involving professor N.
not enough of the Horrors here,, how sad
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auteurdelabre · 5 months
Palpation - RMTJoel!Miller x f!Reader - 18+
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Rating: 18+
Summary: You need a massage and thankfully a new place opened up a few blocks away… There you’re introduced to the deliciously professional RMTJoel!Miller. He makes you feel good… maybe too good?  (AU - NO OUTBREAK)
Words: 6.8k
Tags: RMTJoel!, unprofessionalism in the workplace, power imbalance (kinda?), consent king, massage (external and internal heh heh I'm so dang funny), soft!Joel, public sex, fingering, handjob. 
a/n: Went for a massage at the spa (thanks to a thoughtful xmas gift!) and came up with this idea. I wanna make it REAL clear that this is FANTASY. Meaning RMT’s ain’t there to be sexualized. It’s all for the sensual fun of this story, but in no way should this EVER happen in real life. Alright, onto the smut.  
"You need to see a massage therapist."
"No I don't," you insist scowling at your roommate Pam as you come hobbling across the room to sit next to her, pizza box in hand.  
"It's been a week of you complaining about a sore back you got... How again?"
"Sneezing," you mumble with a frown. Pam opens the pizza box and you two grab a slice. Nothing to remind you of your age like pulling a muscle sneezing. 
"A massage place just opened up a few blocks away last month. I saw it when I was getting groceries," Pam says pulling up her phone and typing quickly. "It's called ... Mill."
"Sounds pretentious." 
"Looks gorgeous."
"Any reviews?"
"Yeah like sixty," Pam says sounding impressed. "Place has a 4.9 out of 5 on Google."
"Probably paid for them," you murmur, wiping your greasy fingers on your napkin. 
"There are photos," Pam says. "This place looks stunning."
She holds up her phone and you swipe through several images of beautiful pristine rooms with the luscious looking massage tables. It's like through the phone you can smell lavender and hear gentle wind chimes playing. 
"I've never been for a massage before," you say with a nervous glance back at her face. "Laying naked on scratchy sheets while some random person is touching me all over gives me the creeps."
"They're professionals," Pam says rolling her eyes and smirking. "They change sheets between clients and you wear as many clothes as you feel comfortable in."
Hmm. You didn't know that. 
You consider this proposition as you flip through what to watch on Netflix. You have to admit that the idea of a massage sounds appealing after a solid week of being in pain and hunching when you walk. Pamela gloms onto the fact that you're being swayed. 
"Okay I'm booking you in with the person all the reviews recommend" Pam says typing away. 
"Guy or girl?"
You wince. "Isn't it weird for a guy to massage a girl?" 
"I get massages from guy massage therapists all the time," Pam says rolling her eyes at you. "It's
only weird if you make it weird." 
This was a terrible fucking idea. 
As soon as you walk through doors of "Mill" a week later you feel out of place. Beautifully carved doors and sumptuous looking couches decorate the front room. It smells like heaven in here, warm and fresh. Everything is so fancy.
You are not fancy. 
You are anxious. 
You've shaved every part of your body in a panic that morning, unsure if this is the correct protocol. What if they get grossed out by massaging body hair? What if your skin is too dry? What if your back is disgusting? You've never really looked at it that closely. 
Pam told you they don't care, that they see actually gross shit every day and that your body will be a welcome change of pace. But you don't trust her because Pam also told you that you could pull off red leather pants in college.
She was definitely wrong about that.
A pleasant woman of about fifty sits at the front desk typing away. When you approach she smiles brightly at you.
"Hello welcome to Mill. Do you have an appointment?"
"Yeah, hi, I'm here for the four pm," you say softly. This place is so serene it feels weird to speak louder than a whisper.
"And with which massage therapist?"
"Uh, I'm not sure, my friend booked it." 
"Not a problem," the receptionist says with a bright smile as she passes you over a clipboard with a sheet and pencil attached to the clasp. "Just fill this in."
You look over the intake form, blown away by all the questions asking about everything from allergies to if diabetes runs in the family. You fill this in swiftly; your eyes darting to the clock over the door leading to what you assume are massage rooms. You've got ten minutes. You lick your lips nervously and go back to the form. You turn the page over, circling on the diagram of the human body where your pain is. 
The last part is a yes or no checkbox. 
1. I bruise easily
2. I sleep 8+ hours a night
Fuck I  wish. Nope. 
3. I have back problems
Seems like a stupid question on a massage form. But yes, obviously. 
4. I am satisfied sexually 
Your pencil hovers over that question as your cheek heats up. You know it's asking you this for medical reasons but it still makes you feel embarrassed when you tick off: "No". 
You finish the rest of the check boxes and then return the sheet and clipboard back to the woman. She gives you a smile and indicates behind you. 
"Take a seat and he'll call you in."
You slip back into one of the oversized chairs as a beautiful black woman with heels walks in. She swishes by you with a smile before turning her attention to the receptionist. 
"Hi, I have a four o'clock with Tommy."
"Perfect, I'll let him know." 
The woman takes a seat next to you in one of the chairs typing. She's stunning with long legs and glossy black braids. Her large almond eyes drift over to you. 
"Have you been here before?"
You shake your head. "No, have you?"
"No but my co-workers wouldn't stop talking about it," she says with a laugh. "I figured what the hell, ya know?"
"My roommate booked the appointment for me," you tell her grinning. "The thought of-"
Before you can finish your thoughts a voice reaches out. 
A handsome man pops out from around the door, glancing to the other woman and you're struck by how muscular he is. How glossy his dark hair is and how his pants fit him just right. 
Thank Christ he's not my massage therapist. I would not be able to have his hands on me. 
"Hi," the girl says and you can see she has been similarly affected. If she was a cartoon there would have been steam coming out of her ears. 
"Hi, I'm Tommy," the man says with a charming smile as Maria pulls her purse to her shoulder. "Follow me to room 1."
Maria stumbles after Tommy's disappearing figure but not before shooting you a look over her shoulder and mouthing "What the fuck?" 
You hold in a giggle as the door closes. You pull out your phone hurriedly composing a text to Pam. 
[3:58pm] You need a massage with a guy named Tommy here. Definitely your type. 
You scroll back through a few work emails distracted until the door to the hallway opens with a creak. 
A deep voice says your name and your glance up from your phone just in time to see a tall man with the sweetest smile you've ever seen standing in the doorway holding a clipboard. His dark curls are brushed back, threaded with silver. 
Please no. He can’t be for me. He’s even hotter than the other one!
"Hi I'm Joel," he says extending a hand out to you as you stand and approach him. "I'll be your therapist today." 
Shocked, you just stare at how long the fingers are, how broad the palm is that leads up to forearms and biceps just meant to squeeze. The white t-shirt he wears literally strains over his broad shoulders and biceps. And then you see it, the small dimple in his right cheek over a neatly trimmed beard. Your heart actually flutters at the sight of it. 
He's fucking gorgeous. 
And just as that thought registers with you, a dawning horror begins to flood your senses. 
There's no way you're getting a massage from him. He's going to touch your almost naked body? He's going to be so... Close? Rubbing?! Just looking at him is causing a heartbeat to begin between your legs. 
You still haven't reached out to shake his hand and Joel takes it back quickly, looking embarrassed. 
"Follow me to room four."
On shaky legs you stumble after him in much the same way Maria did after Tommy. You watch the way his body moves so languidly, graceful despite his size. You try to ignore the twitch of his tight ass as he moves, willing yourself to focus on the artwork gracing the walls or observing how clean everything is.
Once inside the small space you take a chance to look around. It's simple, pristine white with dark grey floors. The walls hold pictures of nature, a horse walking through the forest. It's very calming to look at.  It also smells divine in here, like a spring meadow. But you're not sure if it's the room or the man in the room with you. 
You stroke the soft blanket overtop the expensive looking massage table, stilling in surprise as you feel its warmth. Joel is seated on a small rolling stool and he grabs a pen from behind his ear. 
"So what brings you in today?" 
"Is this blanket heated?"
"Uh," Joel looks confused at your response. "Yes."
"Jesus," you whistle impressed before you realize he's asked a question "Oh, I, uh, I've been having some back stuff lately."
"Work related injury?" He asks, pencil poised above your intake form on his clipboard. 
"Did it come on suddenly?"
Do not tell him the truth. 
"I was playing basketball and I wrenched it," you tell him airily as if innate athleticism is just one of your many gifts. 
"Where exactly?" Joel asks coming to a stand and walking over to you. You try not to shake as he approaches. He tucks the pencil behind his ear and the clipboard under his arm. 
"Uh, here," you say turning from him and pointing to your lower back. You face the wall surprised to see a mirror there. You see Joel in the reflection and watch his face turn studious as he stares at your lower back. 
"Is it alright if I touch you for the assessment?" Joel says, eyes scanning down your back. You swallow. 
Please touch me everywhere. 
Wait. When did that happen? When did the thought of Joel touching you go from terrifying to enticing? 
You feel his large forefinger skate down your spine and dip to the dimple at your lower back. You inhale sharply, thighs pressing together tightly trying to tamp down the pleasured shiver that wants to take you over. 
You see Joel's dark eyes dart to the mirror looking concerned as he meets your gaze in the reflection.  
"You okay? That hurt?"
"No," you reply confused. "Why?"
"You're tremblin'." 
He pulls back obviously concerned he's pressing too hard and you pray he doesn't notice your cheeks heating. 
"No uh, just a little cold." You give a shaky laugh. "Good thing you have a heated blanket."
Joel gives a little half smirk and turns, pulling the pencil from behind his ear once more. 
"Psoas major," he murmurs, making a note on his clipboard. "Pretty common for low back pain. Gonna start in the mid back and work my way down. Then I like to end with you facing up so i can get at those neck muscles. That work for you?"
"Great, just need you to sign this consent form."
He holds it out to you and you give it a cursory glance before scrawling your signature at the bottom. At this point you're willing to sign your voice away to a sea witch if it means getting Joel's hands on you quicker. 
"Alright now, I'm gonna step out for a few so you can undress and get up on the table under the sheet. I'll knock before I come in. Alright?"
He gives a small smile before moving past you out the door, closing it behind him. He smells amazing. It's not the room smell. You can't place it but its warm and masculine and... 
Oh fuck you're supposed to be getting undressed. 
You hurriedly strip until you're in nothing but your underwear. You place all your things on the chair near the door. After a pause you move your bra underneath the pile. 
You pull yourself up on the massage table maneuvering yourself until you're breast and belly down with your head nestled in the tufted face hole of the table.  
You pull the warmed top sheet up to your neck and are amazed at how relaxed you already are. Maybe Pam was right maybe you have needed a massage all this time. You could drift off right here. 
Tap tap.
"You ready?"
Your heart slams against your ribcage. That beautiful man is going to touch you. Rub you with oil with those big delicious looking hands of his. 
"Uh, yeah ready," you call out in a strangled voice. 
Calm the fuck down. 
You hear the door open and close. All you can see face down is the hardwood floor. The lights dim and your straining ears hear the sound of Joel tapping on his phone. Soft meditation -like music fills the room and you take a deep breath as his voice murmurs next to you. 
"That okay?"
He could play Scottish fucking bagpipes for all you care. You just want him to touch you.
"Your form says you've never had a massage before," Joel says quietly and you see his shoes underneath the table. Basic white Tom's should not turn you on the way that they do right now. 
"Alright well just so you know, the next part is I'm gonna lower the sheet to your comfort level and then we can start. Yeah?"
The shoes are gone from your vision and you feel him drag down the blanket over your naked back until it rests low on your spine, just at the start of the swell of your ass. You suddenly wish you had cuter underpants on. 
"This alright?"
Your eyes blow wide when he tucks it lightly in around your hips. 
"Let's get started."
At the first touch of his hand on your spine, you twitch, your nervous body over stimulated by the situation alone. Joel's hands are off you completely, his voice concerned. 
"Whoa, you okay?"
"Yeah sorry," you say with a breathless laugh. "Wasn't ready I guess."
Joel chuckles and it's a rich, delicious sound that makes your stomach flip.
 "That's okay, shoulda gave warnin'. Startin now."
His hands alight to your midback pressing lightly. He does this down your spine to warm you up, he tells you. You don't care what he does. You'd happily become a human pretzel if it meant having Joel's hands on you. 
The hands retreat and then there's the sound of lotion being squeezed and Joel rubbing his hands together. Those big, broad hands. You're so thankful he can't see how red your face is. 
Joel begins between your scapula, his wide hands smoothing over your muscles with expert care. At first you're nervous when his hands touch places that have been overlooked for months by previous partners, but soon you allow your eyes to shut and your breathing to even out. 
His hands go to your spine before Fanning out over your shoulder blades. The sensation is so fucking good, so tender. He rubs a knot there and you hiss with pleasure at the feeling of it being worked. 
"Tell me if the pressure is too hard," he breathes. 
"I actually like it hard."
The minute you say it you cringe. Why did that sound sexual? Because Joel is hot ? Because you're horny? Pamela's words float through your consciousness. 
It's only weird if you make it weird.
Just relax. Ignore it. He's not saying anything. You try to pretend you didn't say something asinine and just close your eyes. 
His oiled hands move down your spine, coming to press at your lower back, the problem area. Joel applies pressure gingerly before his thumbs begin to knead into the deep muscles there. 
At first it hurts but you remain silent, needing it to continue. After the initial throbbing ebbs you relax into it, feeling the muscle relent under his talented fingers. The release feels so good that you actually sigh out loud. 
"Ah, there we go," Joel purrs in a voice so husky you feel your panties physically dampen. 
His hands move lower, fingers grazing just under the waistband of your panties as he massages your lower back, taking his time on the problem areas you mentioned.
It feels like heaven. 
Somewhere around the midway mark you feel so relaxed that you actually drift off, carried away by Joel’s touch amongst the scent of sandalwood and the sound of flutes. 
You shift awake when you hear Joel's raspy voice in your ear. You have no idea how much time has passed. 
"Alright, gonna get you to turn over onto your back for me. I'll turn around." 
You do as he says still partly drowsy, your whole body feeling warm and boneless. You roll over, sliding down the table a bit and tugging the blanket up until it covers your breasts. You secure it under your arms. 
Your eyes crack open to see Joel turned away from you. His broad back is smooth under his shirt and from this angle you see his tight ass through his pants. He's like a Greek god in a white cotton t-shirt. 
You hope you don't have ugly lines on your face from the hole but you accept that you probably do. Oh well. Not like Joel was gonna ask you out anyway. You close your eyes again. 
"Okay. Ready."
You hear Joel place himself on the rolling stool. He slides behind you at the top of the massage table and you hold in a shudder as he moves your hair up out of his way, his fingertips grazing your neck. Immediately you feel your nipples tighten and you pray they can't be seen through the sheet. 
His hands are oiled up and then move to your neck once more. His fingers glide along your collarbone before dragging over the muscles there. The sensation is incredible, the overlooked and overworked muscle celebration with the release of tension. 
"Feels so nice," you mutter without thinking.  
"Then I'm doing my job right," Joel says and you hear the smile in it. You can feel the warm huff of his minty breath fall over your cheek.
You realize belatedly that his face must be near yours and you feel your heartbeat quicken. Your thighs press together tightly and you're shocked at how turned on you are. Joel's touch, this room, this comfort has all conspired to get you to the edge of arousal. 
His wide hands squeeze your neck muscles, gently vibrating. Something releases and your head swims warmly. 
You wriggle slightly and Joel shifts his hands to the back of your skull. His thumbs press and begin to circle there, digging pleasantly. 
"Your form says you get headaches."
"Mhmmm. Sometimes."
"Alright, might do some work on your head if that's okay."
"Lotta my patients like when I end with a head massage," he tells you, his voice tinged with pride. “Think you’ll enjoy it.”
You don't know how to tell him that his patients probably just like anything he does because he's the most beautiful man you've seen outside a movie screen. 
When his thumbs get to your temples you should have told him to stop. Because the thudding between your legs is increasing. With every swipe you feel your core tightening. 
Calm down. Calm down. 
His thumbs retreat and you feel a stab of relief go through you. That is until his fingers slide up the back of your neck through your hair... 
And he tugs. 
A simple motion, just a grab of your hair in his fists and a gentle tug to release the tension in your skull. Except it releases the tension.... Everywhere.  
Pleasure overwhelms you, warm and flooding your entire body like sweet golden light. Your hands grip the sheets as your back arches unexpectedly, hips digging back against the table. 
The sound of your shuddered cry hits the air sharply, like cool water thrown over the both of you. 
And then silence. 
You're tense. 
That much was clear when Joel saw you in the waiting room. When he touched your tight back and saw the pinched way your face looked in the mirror. 
He was determined to get you to relax. To give you what he knew you needed: release from pain. He'd read your intake form, saw where the pain was, saw you were getting shitty sleep, the headaches. It makes sense that you were wound up.
And you'd nearly jolted off the table at his first touch of you. He hadn't been expecting that reaction. You were like a skittish horse, wild and needing desperately to be tamed. 
And soon enough you'd calmed under his light touches. And now you seem pretty relaxed as the massage continues, Joel smiles when he thinks he hears you snoring quietly. He works away at the stubborn knots in your back. 
He moves down your arm, hearing you give soft little whimpers in your sleep and noting when he gets to your hand that there's no wedding band there. He doesn't understand why that sticks out to him but it does. He works down your other arm doing the same. 
He lets a hand drift along your spine, watching as you curve up for him like a cat. It's hypnotizing how his little grazes affect you so deeply. His eyes drift to the clock in the corner. Twenty minutes left. 
His mouth goes to your ear. 
"Alright, gonna get you to turn over for me. I'll turn around."
He turns, listening to the rustling sheets as you scoot down the table a bit, pulling the sheets up over you. 
"Then I'm doing my job right," Joel says with a smile. 
Everything is going well; you're going boneless in his hands again. So pliant and willing. Joel finds deep satisfaction in this. Like he's won your body over somehow, told it there's no reason for fear. He thinks it’s because you seemed so unimpressed with him at first, so dismissive. You wouldn’t even shake his hand. But now you seem like you’ve warmed up to him and this pleases him.
He sees the crease between your brows and smoothes over it with his thumb. He smiles when it disappears under his touch. 
"Your form says you get headaches," he says remembering what he read earlier. 
"Mhmmm. Sometimes."
"Alright, might do some work on your head if that's okay."
"Lotta my patients like when I end with a head massage," Joel says, proudly. He's never heard a bad word about his head massages. Hell, some people come in just for that. “Think you’ll enjoy it.”
His thumbs move to your temple and that's when he first notices the shifting of your thighs. He assumes it's an itch and ignores it. Looking back that should have been his first indication. 
When your breathing began to pick up he assumed he was just hitting a good spot. Mistake number two. 
One of Joel's favorite things about massage is that as well as healing it can bring deep relaxation and even pleasure. When he gathers the hair at the back of your neck and tugs he does so in the hopes that it will work on releasing some of that headache tension you were talking about. 
And then Joel hears it. 
The shuddering gasp accompanied by the arch of your spine and twitch of your lower half. He sees your hands curl into the sheet on either side of you. If he'd been working anywhere near your lower back he would have brushed it off as a sore muscle. But as it is he knows what just happened. 
You just came. 
He sees it in the shuddering intake of breath you take now, the flush over your cheeks and what he can see of your chest. And the way your legs relax under the sheet. 
It's not the first time a woman or man has been aroused on his table. He's had his fair share of tented blankets with the men and squirming women biting their bottom lips. The only difference is he's never made one come on his table before. 
And they've never made him hard. 
His cock is lengthening in his pants and he's so thankful that your eyes are closed. He momentarily panics, this has never happened before and the professionalism he strives for is rapidly escaping him. 
He can see your face is screwed up in anxiety and a wave of pity mixed with shame goes through him. He knows what happened with you was completely involuntary.  
And you were doing so well right before, totally limp in his grasp. You were relaxed and he'd given that to you but now you're entire body is turning in on itself, tight. All the good work you both did today leaving. 
Just get over it. Do your job. 
Joel's a professional and he knows how to handle these situations. The best course of action is to pretend like nothing is wrong. 
"The pressure okay?"
"Yep," you say tightly, your entire body tensing up under his hands. He moves his hands back to your neck and rubs gently. 
"Just relax," he whispers huskily. "We're finishing up."
This seems to relax you more, the thought that soon you'll be gone from this table. 
He needs you gone from the table, from the room, from his practice. The more he touches you and looks at you, knowing how naked you are under that sheet, the more he feels that coiled sensation in his belly. He tries to ignore that ache in his cock. But the more he tries to ignore it the more it seems to pulse. 
Your head shifts slightly, showing him more of your neck and suddenly he can't help himself. His face drifts slowly towards it, so close he can smell your perfume or your shampoo or lotion. Whatever it is, it’s fucking delicious. It makes him want to run his tongue along your neck.  
His eyes drift to your ear with its simple stud and Joel knows he’s in trouble because your fucking ear is turning him on. He clears his throat, voice rumbling from the base of his chest.  
"Need it harder?"
He watches you shiver, sees the goosebumps rise all along your body and now he notices the tiny buds of your nipples through the top sheet. He holds in a growl as you give a small whimper. 
"Uh... Yes, thank you."
Your breathy voice is so tentative and he loathes that it makes his cock twitch. He glances down to see his erection tents his pants almost comically now. 
That's enough. This is a fucking patient, Miller. 
He briefly removes his hands from you and stands, planning on flipping his aching cock up in the waistband of his boxers. 
There's a sharp ring from inside your purse across the room that startles you both. 
"Oh, shit, sorry," you say automatically lifting your head from the table and opening your eyes. "I thought I turned the ringer off-"
You've stopped talking and Joel realizes it's because his hard cock is almost at your eye level and you're staring directly at it. Joel's hands are hung at his sides, uselessly. 
Your eyes drag to his, wide and unreadable and they stay fixed there for what feels like forever. The sound of the phone ringing grows dim and then finally silences. 
He's going to be fucking arrested. You're going to leave a scathing review on Google. You're going to start screaming any second. 
Joel feels like his entire world is being tilted on its axis the more your eyes drift between him and his still hard cock. 
"I've... I don't..... I've never," Joel fumbles, trying to come up with the right words. "No ones ... No patients ever done this before... To me, I mean."
You flush so prettily at that, your smile is shy and crooked. You look at the table, embarrassed before your face is turned up to face him again. 
"Would you..." You trail off licking your lips nervously. Joel feels his cock pulsing when you do.  "Would it be okay if... If I.. Or you...?"
Joel watches your fingers reaching for his zipper before stopping, waiting for him to give the go ahead. 
I should leave. Tell her it's inappropriate and go. 
Joel ignores this thought entirely, instead he nods in understanding as he pops open the top button of his pants and slides the zipper down the teeth. Your eyes watch its descent with eager anticipation. 
His cock is stiff in his boxers and he shyly covers the thick shaft and head poking aggressively from the slit in the middle. He expects that this will turn you off, his obvious arousal. But your eyes have grown glazed, mouth parted. 
"Can I…touch?"
Joel sees your hand going towards the hand covering his cock. He swallows nervously. This is crossing all ethical and moral boundaries.
And yet ...
Joel nods, dropping his hand and you hesitate for a only a moment before your eyes drift to the belt at his hip. He realizes you've spotted the lotion bottle inside. Joel says nothing as you pump a few dabs of the massage oil into your palm before rubbing your hands together. 
He feels his heart begin to hammer as your hand reaches between the two of you to grip the head of his cock lightly. Barely a touch and Joel feels a groan pulled from his chest. 
His gaze is on your hand, watching as you begin to stroke, squeezing along the head. The lotion makes your hand glide perfectly, your grip strong and tight. 
He lets his eyes drift over to your face and a new surge of arousal goes through him. Your face is fixed in concentration, cheeks flushed so fucking pretty. You give a twist of your wrist that has Joel's legs about to buckle. 
"Oh fuck," Joel moans, head tilting forward. "So....Tha- that's so fucking good, baby." 
Your thighs press together almost painfully at his husky voice calling you that. 
You cannot believe what's happening. An hour ago you were terrified to have a stranger touch you and now you're jerking off your masseur's deliciously thick cock as he calls you baby. 
He's so beautiful, eyes closed, hands braced against the table as you stroke him. He thrusts shallowly into your hand, wanting you to take the lead. 
Everything about him is sexy to you. His tall frame arching over the table for you, the way you can see his ass clench in his pants when he moves against your palm. The little groans you're pulling from him, sailing past his teeth almost shyly. 
Your own breathing is staggered because you can't stop looking at his mouth. It's parted, his breath coming out in long shudders. You want to kiss him so fucking badly but you're lying back on the table and he's standing. You wish you could see more of him, not just the cock pulled from the slit of his boxers.
"I don't deserve this," Joel groans, his shoulders rolling as he arches into your pumping hand. 
"You do. You made me feel so good," you say softly. "I just wanna do the same."
His dark eyes open, glazed and fixed on you. His eyes dart everywhere, from your eyes to your mouth to your eyes and back down to your mouth. 
You flinch when you feel his fingers slip under the sheet and begin to trail along your inner thigh. 
"Wanna do it again," he rumbles. "Properly if that's okay."  
You can only breathe shallowly as you force a nod. It's barely more than a twitch but it's all he needs. His fingers slide between your thighs, dancing there. He groans as he does this, your hand working him well. 
He licks his lower lip, eyes never leaving your face as his fingers glide over your clothed pussy. You instinctively tilting into his touch, cheeks flaming. Joel runs a forefinger between your slit, feeling the soaking fabric of your panties there. You give a whimper as his eyelids shutter. 
"I made you this wet?"
His voice is low, awed. 
Again you give the smallest nod, feeling warm when Joel smiles at you. He looks so pleased with himself. 
You dip your eyes down your body, unable to see anything other than movement of his hand under the sheet. For some reason that makes it even hotter. 
Your eyes go back to his face just in time for his finger to slip under your panties and begin to tease your entrance. At this your body jerks and the sheet falls slightly, showing you left breast and very erect nipple. You watch his eyes greedily drink in the sight. 
Joel's hips begin to stutter and you feel his hand come to rest overtop yours. His hand is large and warm and he holds you gently, stilling your movements. 
"Slower," he tells you in a rasp. "Want us to get there together."
Fuck. Could this guy get any sexier?
At this his finger enters you, joined quickly by a second at your whispered insistence. You struggle to maintain a slow speed over his slippery cock because of it. He begins to slowly work his way deep, curling delicately. You give a shuddering inhale, eyes at half mast. 
"You want it harder?" Joel murmurs and from your position you can see his eyes are nearly black with desire as he looks down at your face. "Seem to remember you sayin' that's how you liked it." 
You can only whimper as you nod. His palm grinds against your clit sending sparks of fire up your body. 
Your hand is slick with oil and you can hear your dual breathing and the wet sound of your hand working his cock mixing with the harmonious strings and wood flutes being played over the speaker. 
You don't even know you're whining until Joel's free hand presses a finger to your lips, gently shushing you. 
"They're gonna hear us," he tells you, voice rough and pupils dilated so much his eyes look black. You nod and he removes his finger from against your lips, much to your dismay. 
Joel watches as your eyes roll back when he begins to move his fingers within you in earnest. Hitting deep and then retreating, pulsing there, curling and rubbing perfectly. Your hips begin to thrust in time with your strokes along his cock and Joel's eyes go from his cock to the blanket where his fingers work you so well. 
Your eyes travel to where your hand works him. Holding him twitching in your palm, watching the head weep with precome makes you feel powerful. Taking down this broad, masculine form with no more than gentle tugs to his cock. 
Joel-" you whisper, trying to be quiet but you're struggling. It feels so good. He feels so good. His eyes move to your face, his neck and cheeks flushed. 
"Gonna come for me right here," Joel tells you in that low, syrupy way he speaks. The one that says relax, tell me if it's too hard. "Aren't you?"
"Y-yes," you huff, your entire body going rigid. "Yes, gonna come for you, Joel."
Joel feels his stomach tighten at the way you whimper his name. Your back arches, your hand is a blur along his cock. And then suddenly his fingers hit that sweet spot deep inside, the one that has everything in your body coming to life and your eyes roll back. 
"Oh there she goes," Joel marvels. "There she fuckin' goes."
Joel's words curl down your body like his hands have done the last hour. They smooth and they press and they make you feel fucking amazing. 
"Gonna... " is all you can get before your pleasure overtakes you. You’re body jolts once more and your head slopes back as you snap your free hand over your mouth to keep your moans contained. 
"Uh huh, yeah baby, just like that," Joel urges you in heady whispers as you begin to climax. "You look so fucking good coming for me lik-- So fuck... Oh fuck... Makin' me-"
Joel slaps his free hand over his mouth seconds after over you. You let out a ragged moan at precisely the same time, the two of you climaxing with your hands over your mouths so as not to be heard.
His fingers work within you, pumping even as Joel releases himself in thick spurts over your stuttering hand. You soak his fingers under the sheet, body twisting with greedy desire as he stares at your face. 
The soft glow of sex fades quickly when the gentle chime of Joel's phone goes off seconds later. Suddenly reality makes itself known, cold and unpleasant as Joel’s cock grows limp in your hand.
What the fuck just happened?
Joel reaches behind him to the shelf and turns back, taking your hand in his and wiping his spend from your palm, between your knuckles, down your wrist. He does this with a red face, not once looking at you. That's for the best because you're so mortified you want to shrivel up under the blanket. 
When he's finished he runs a thumb over your knuckles, eyes darting to your face briefly before he drops your hand. He turns from you and tidies himself up, tucking himself away back in his boxers and zipping up his pants. 
"That's uh... That's all we have time for today," Joel croaks from over his shoulder. 
"Thanks," you say breathily, trying to regain your composure. You stare at his broad shoulders and tapered waist. The firm ass that you want to reach out a grab. 
"How do you feel?"
He still hasn't turned around and you wonder what he's thinking. His eyes are so expressive and to have them hidden from you seems a shame because you can't gauge how he feels about what just happened.
 "Uh ... Really good... You're very... Good."
At this Joel swallows and you feel like you're face must be on fire. You want to say something, anything to end this awkward exchange but Joel is already striding to the door. 
"I'll leave you to get dressed, then."
The door giving a snick closed behind him leaving you to shakily get up from the table. You don't even look to see the evidence of your arousal; you just bunch the sheets up in a pile with shame creeping down your neck. 
You don't even know if Joel is married or dating. Just because you're not doesn't mean he doesn't have a very fulfilling relationship outside these four walls. Guilt now takes you over to go along with the shame, like longtime friends holding hands and skipping. 
The worst part of all of this was how much you liked it. The needing to be quiet, the rush of doing something forbidden, the feeling of his cock growing harder and harder in your grip. Making a man like that groan and moan for you. You wish you'd tasted him, even just a lick. You also wish he'd talked more. That deep voice of his is more potent than any aphrodisiac you know of. 
What the fuck is wrong with me? This is a business. I just jerked a stranger off! This shouldn't turn me on. 
You pull on your clothes in haste, tugging the purse over your shoulder and jerking open the door in a rush to leave. To your horror Joel stands just outside in the hallway, eyes on the ground. He looks like an admonished schoolboy forced to make an apology and the sight of it makes you wince. 
You don't wait for him to finish the sentence. You want to get away from this place as soon as possible. You give a mumbling goodbye and move past him out the door, just as quiet and detached as when he first met you. 
You burst into the waiting room, the door main closing behind you. It's empty save for the receptionist who looks over at you in surprise. 
"I'm just here to pay," you tell her, hoping she can't see the shame in your eyes. You go to bring out your wallet from your purse. 
"It's already been paid," The receptionist says cheerfully typing on her laptop. 
Pam. Of course you're roommate paid for it. You flush as you consider what she actually paid for. 
"Would you like to make another appointment?" The receptionist asks cheerfully. "Joel's schedule tends to fill up fast."
You swallow, fingers hovering over the counter. The question is so simple but the answer is anything but obvious.
Yes or No?
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wherethematchisheld · 25 days
Me: “oh haha Boothill is so silly lol he can’t swear and he’s-“
*Finds out the IPC nuked his planet and killed his baby daughter who barely knew how to walk*
“I suddenly have the undeniable urge to massacre the IPC.”
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guineapiggies · 4 months
Via macntoshi_
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shoutout to andrew joseph white for consistently writing settings that are my own personal hell
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rosematafeo · 6 months
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Rose Matafeo for Ensemble Magazine
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suncaptor · 4 months
I really really do not understand how Jared is a bad actor. I understand these things are not objective. It's just that his range and his ability to display reactions in intense scenarios and consistently display PTSD from that is like. so core to my ability to even enjoy most of latter supernatural. I am not good at judging actors I think Jensen and Misha are so so, and I very rarely pay attention to the skills of acting. But Jared like. specifically stands out to me as an extremely good actor?
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
nsfw link ⬇️
oh bitchhhh, it’s them hours!! 🥴🥴🥴🥴
cw: freaky deaky thoughts because I’m a whore and so is Eren.
yeah, y’all know my nigga is a CERTIFIED munch. He definitely eats it through the panties, (cannot stress this enough) with the grills on and until he feels like it. Like you can be full blown crying and this man would still be sucking the clit like a neckbone. I told y’all, he has to do something with all that pent up energy throughout the day. I also imagine he tells (y/n) to spit in his mouth to make it even wetter. Or grab him by his hair and fuck his face..yeah, a nasty man.
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vagueriddles · 2 years
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Oh... hello?
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
Thr thing abt me is that I want to know exactly how psychiatric medications work. I don't want the simplified version. Dont give me the "I'm talking to the public" answers. I want the specific mechanisms and how exactly it causes its side effects.
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realscreaminggoat · 24 days
The only reason people headcannon cuddy as a lesbian is because us girls desperately want her to be one for the sake of our sanity
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marie-viola · 1 month
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Okok: Doodles of the Phantom kids. WILL color it. (i'll color everything fr.)
But OH MY GÖD. 200 likes- I usually get like 5. Thanks a bunch. Makin my heart go bonkers.
(*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*
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yk, its weird being Way Too Aware & In Control of yourself bc technically i believe im having a panic attack. but somehow i am Very Unbothered by this, bc i know whats happening and its illogical. my body's having an overreaction and i couldn't be fucked to join in
#im sitting here casually looking up symptoms to make sure this is a Panic attack and not a Heart attack#got those heart palpies got that chest pain got that sense of Derealization got that shortness of breath#i even feel a lil faint! ive even got a hot flash goin on! tightness in the throat! the whole enchilada#and yet! im somehow vibing...#my body's throwing a fit smh calm down bro its not that bad...#maybe you'll calm down if i drink some water and eat some fruit <3#shoulda known this was coming... was lying awake at 4 am with really bad palpatations s. m. h.#honestly! this is very annoying!#my vision tried to tunnel exactly Once but i fought it off. idiot meatsuit....#breathing exercises and internal mantras babeyyyyyy i got this shit on Lock#oh! and look at that! my heart is finally chilling out#still gonna eat water and drink fruit#yall should do that too. at least the water part#go drink water! go! shoo!#hydrate or diedrate! always pick hydrate!#absolutely unprompted#alright well that was fun. only lasted for about *checks nonexistent watch* over an hour#i dont think ive had one that bad before! it really tried to Get Me!#had to fight off the deep sense of dread and rising panic with a mental broom!!#finishing my rebels rewatch helped but still. damn. these demons have hands#my brain: OH WE'RE DYING WE'RE DYING ITS A HEART ATTACK WE'RE GONNA DIE AND ROT FOR DAYS BEFORE OUR BODY IS FOUND OH GOD ITS HAPPENING#hard cut to me vibing with a martini.... wii music on blast... hawaiian shirt On and Unbuttoned...#anyway. drink some water. get some fruit. Thrive!
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doctorjockguy · 2 months
New Patient Physical Exam - Abdominal Palpation with a drape
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steth1ove · 1 year
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