#percival graves insert reader
hannya-writes · 8 months
Masterlist II
Harry Potter Universe
Something Wicked this way comes (Percival Graves x reader)
Something Wicked this Way Comes (Part II) (Percival Graves x reader)
Deleramentum (Sirius Black x reader)
Chapter I
Chapter II
• • •
Once Upon a Time
Your home Is Were I am (Jefferson x Reader)
Almost Magical. (Jefferson x Reader)
Jefferson’s Happy Ending (Jefferson x Reader)
• • •
Star Wars
Obi Wan Kenobi
Only you
A White Demon Love Song
The Promise
Why would you ask that?
Melting Waltz
By Her Side
I’ve Always known
Before Our Masters Found us
Is this a Dream?
You are my friend, right?
Even in Death...
• • •
It’s Our Daughter, Cas (Castiel x Reader)
Gone Angel (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Summon the Father (Dean Winchester x Reader)
• • •
Teen Wolf
Your Kind (Part I) (Derek Hale x reader)
I like you the way you are (Derek Hale x Reader)
• • •
Law and Order SVU/Marvel Multiverse
Wanna see a trick?
Don´t Tell Anyone (Requested) (Carisi x Reader)
Supernatural/The Walking Dead
Stop coming by (Negan x Reader)
Genshin Impact
The Broken Contract (Morax x Reader)
Sandbearer (Morax x Reader)
Continue to Masterlist I
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preseriesdean · 1 year
many days ago i was tagged by the lovely @twochildreninamoteldemo to share the first lines of ten of my most recent fanfics and after overcoming a brief period of imposter’s syndrome i finally got around to it!! thank you josiah for thinking of me 💕
ao3 link ❤️
cabin fever (sam/dean, 500 words, g)
With a low fire crackling in the hearth, the interior of their cabin in the middle of the woods is tinged orange, light flickering across the wood paneling and dozens of picture frames hung along the walls.
across state lines (femsam/dean, 13k, e)
Dean always thought Sam was still too young the first time she asked to join him and Dad on a hunt, still all bony knees and cheeks soft like dough.
a round trip journey in your head (sam/dean, 7k, m)
Imagine this: You’ve been in love with the same person for your whole life, but you haven’t seen them in two years.
coda (credence barebone/percival graves, 10k, m)
Numbing pain spreads through his veins, writhing around tendons and sinews and brittle bones until it’s as if his fingertips are on fire, until every muscle is tense to the point of bursting.
miles to go before i sleep (gravebone, 3k, t)
It’s when darkness descends that he comes.
encore (gravebone, 8k, m) - probably my favorite work
It’s two weeks later that they see each other again.
i did decide to skip my tainted past as a star wars reader insert/ofc writer 😮‍💨 gonna share the first lines (or what are currently the first lines) of my main wips instead, in the hope that it motivates me to open gdocs again. they may or may not see the light of day at some point. 🤔
buried above ground (femsam/dean)
Sweat runs down from Sam’s temple to her chin, leaving behind a streak of clean in the layer of sweat, dirt and grass, residue of the soccer field.
blood drops and cheeto dust (sam/dean)
Sam has heard bones break before, but now, in the crypt-like basement dwelling of the djinn they’ve been tracking for days, the cracks of Dean’s fingers being crushed beneath the djinn’s feet resound across bare concrete walls in a way that Sam feels right in the marrow of his own bones.
not like this (sam/dean)
The air is clean. It’s a wood cabin, paneled orange floor to ceiling, deer heads on the walls, and somewhere in the one bedroom off the hallway a stuffed-full duffle bag sits at the foot of a made bed.
topography of secrets (sam/dean)
“Fucking hate witches,” says Dean, and Sam looks over at his brother, at the dusk-orange tint to his skin, at the disgusted little frown distorting his face, at the rays of the setting sun that breach through the thicket of the treetops making his hair appear light blond. He looks away.
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
Percival Graves x Reader: Found
Summary: Prior to and during the events of FBAWTFT. The Reader returns to their Auror position in the MACUSA. They were on assignment elsewhere in the Wizarding World and had missed Percival Graves being taken hostage by Gellert Grindelwald.
Word Count: 4,459
Warnings: Angst, wizarding world drama and spells, and Percival Graves being captured and injured...I think that’s all of them...
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
There was a certain kind of spring in your step as your morning route took you through the chilled air of New York. As soon as the Woolworth building was in sight, you felt a flutter in your stomach. It had been well over three months since you had been at Headquarters, and going back into your usual place of work gave you a sense of excitement. Sure, you would have to likely spend the day, if not longer, making reports on your previous assignment, but you were not worried about that.
As you approached the entry door, you had to hold yourself back from running through it. Not that it would have helped. It was revolving at its own pace.
While leaving New York was exiting to help another division, you were glad to be back. Especially so to finally resume contact with your boyfriend, Percival Graves.
Back in routine, your legs walked you into the building and guided you up the stairs while your eyes drank in the familiar shine of the floor and enormous Magical Exposure Threat Level dial suspended above in the main lobby.
Nothing seemed to have changed during your absence. With the exception of the threat level, however. You were sure that Percival was going to catch you up on all of the happenings as well as he could.
You paired rather well together, in your opinion. If you did not, the two of you would not have been dating for the past few months prior to your departure. Most discreetly, of course. It was such a quiet relationship that you were positive that no one knew. Well, with the exclusion of maybe one other member of MACUSA.
As you made your way to your office, the flutter in your stomach ignited again with anticipation and hope of your reunion with Percival. What you did not expect, however, was to round a corner a little too fast and tightly that you accidentally ran into another well-suited figure.
The initial impact had you stumble for a brief moment. Collecting yourself quickly of course, you regained your balance with your footing and a hand to the wall.
A laugh escaped your lips as your eyes met the other wizard’s. “I’m so sorry.”
“Think nothing of it. It appears you’re very eager to get back to work,” Percival Graves smiled in amusement. “Welcome back.” With a nod, he excused himself as he stepped around you and went on his way.
Staring after him for a moment, you blinked. It was not quite the reunion that you had in mind.
It was a short walk to reach your office from that point. Walking through the threshold and closing the door, you were met with such a familiar space that it gave you a sense of security. However, the thought crept up again, and this time you held onto it. As happy as you were to have interacted, even briefly, with Percival, you were disheartened with the lack of intimacy to it. Even a whispered ‘I missed you,’ would have done wonders to your heart. It was not as if either of you had never whispered a few short words like that before.
As dismayed as you were, you thought you may have over-read the interaction. Then again, perhaps it was through distance and time that had taken its toll on what was a blooming relationship. It was still your first day back after all, and you did not want to bring up the matter with him just yet. It was Percival you were thinking about. Your Percival. He would discuss it whenever he was ready.
A week later and you found yourself heading down to the Major Investigation Department. It was nothing unusual. It was a part of your job as an Auror on the Investigative Team.
You were early as you would typically be. Your punctuality never went unnoticed by the Madame President and the Director of Magical Security. However, having the head of MACUSA’s Department of Magical Law Enforcement as a now silent-in-the-romance-department-boyfriend made you feel more uncomfortable as the days passed. That is not to say that you were thinking about him at all times of the day. No, you were a professional and career oriented Auror and you were not about to have a little repairable bump in your personal life interfere with your job.
As you stepped into the room and around a storage compartment, you found Percival Graves leant over a table. His dark slicked back hair was one of his features that you were able to identify without a second’s hesitation.
Circling around him, you saw as he laid out the day’s newspaper; The New York Ghost. You were about to get a look at the stack of files when he acknowledged your presence.
“Afternoon,” he smiled gently.
“Afternoon,” you nodded with a small smile of your own. If he was not going to use your name, then neither were you.
“Your punctuality is impeccable.”
“So I’ve been told—sir.”
He smirked slightly, but did not comment on it.
“If the magical disturbances continue at this pace, will we be raising the threat level to severe within the month, if not sooner?”
“It appears so. Hopefully we can find what is causing these disturbances and put a stop to it.”
“Or who,” you added.
A smile tugged at his lips as your reply made an impression on him. “You’re very quick. Madame President should be very glad to have you as one of our highest-level Aurors.”
“Thank you, sir,” your voice lower than intended.
It was something that he had said to you before. This time, however, it felt different. As if he were saying it for the first time. Maybe this was his way of reconciliation. To start over. But there was something off. There was a lack of connection when you looked into his eyes. The want was not there. There was no depth of knowing more that you would usually see. You felt so lost.
Graves’s eyebrows knit together momentarily. “You need not be so modest, it’s true. I’ve read your latest reports. The other divisions were lucky to have you assist them.”
“I was only doing what was expected of me.” As you said this, your courage earlier in the day had diminished. It was the first time that you actually felt a nervous hesitation to ask him, even quietly, about what had transpired between the two of you while you were gone. For some odd reason, it now felt as if that would be overstepping some invisible barrier that the pair of you had swept away so many months ago. And as you heard the heels of the President’s shoes approach, you knew that another opportunity had passed you by.
Another day at the office turned into another week, and still Percival had yet to speak with you privately. Interactions between you felt as they did well over a year ago. Then again, even before you had begun to feel anything other than professionalism towards him, there was always this extra care in his eyes. But those eyes, when you looked into them now, that care was no where to be seen.
A total of three months had passed since your return, and things were still…different. You were occupying your office as per usual when a gentle knock came to your door. When you gave them permission to enter, you found yourself almost relieved at who it was.
“Good afternoon,” Queenie Goldstein chimed sweetly as she walked in, a small tray of food in her hands.
“Afternoon,” you smiled, leaning away from the files splayed out over your desk. “I guess time got away from me.”
“It certainly did,” she gave a laugh.
You noticed as her eyes traced over the papers before you pushed them aside, taking the tray from her as she handed it to you.
“You’re usually good at keeping track of time,” she acknowledged. Then she blinked, and her head made a small tilt in thought.
At first, you thought nothing of it as you took a sip of your drink.
“You’re busying yourself with more work to keep your mind off of him.”
You paused. Being away for so long, you had forgotten about blocking your mind. Not that you had anything to worry about with Queenie. She was good. One of your favorite co-workers, though you did not work closely with her.
“Aw, that’s sweet,” she said, responding to your quick thought. “Oh, Mister Graves taught you how to block your mind? He was so patient with you.”
You could not help the flood of memories racing through your mind as one thing reminded you of another. At least it was far better than your interactions with him, or lack there of, now.
“You’re afraid to ask him what’s changed. I’m so sorry—Oh, no, sweetie, I don’t think you did anything wrong.”
“Distance,” you shook your head, trying to at least converse consciously out loud with her. “And time, I suppose.”
“But he was such a gentleman with you. He—aw, he used to walk you home from work. Surely he has a good explanation.”
“He better,” you grumbled into a bite of your food.
Queenie put a reassuring hand to your shoulder as you consciously allowed the memory of your last visit with Percival before your assignment to play out it your mind. It was comforting at the time, but now with the present circumstances, it hurt.
“Perhaps, you both can start anew. Start over. I remember catching those looks you gave each other. Hearing your thoughts as he held your hand in the elevator,” she smiled, coaxing your own lips to curve up.
Maybe with time and courage, you could find the right moment to speak with Percival. Especially since it seemed as though he was not going to utter a single word to you first about it.
Time continued to pass. An unseen threat to the wizarding community was literally wrecking havoc through New York. As the Magical Exposure Threat Level rose, so did tensions and anxiety of the inevitable and unforeseen future.
Nearly six months later, and you were down in the subway tunnel with the other top Aurors accompanying President Picquery when you all came upon the scene. Now you had seen some interesting scenes in your line of work, but never one that made you feel so uneasy and confused.
It had been quite an interesting past few days at MACUSA.
There was the British wizard, Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein, fellow co-worker of MACUSA yet ex-Auror, who appeared to be talking gently with the large smokey black mass suspended near the ceiling. The Obscurial.
“Shhh! Don’t, you’ll frighten him.” Tina instructed of your group whose wands were raised.
The Obscurus made the most awful sounds, as if moaning when it began to grow in size. The intensity was greater than you could have imagined. The creature, or being, for which you were not certain, began to affect the tunnel around it; collapsing it steadily.
You were always one to take orders, but you were not expecting Scamander and Goldstein to stand in front of the Obscurus so protectively. The entire day had been a cluster of panic swirled with confusion.
Why would they want to protect something that had been raging through the city, killing, and by the scene of No-Majs outside, exposed the wizarding community.
It was then that Graves finally faced the Aurors. His wand was raised, and you were even more alarmed. What on Earth had gotten into him?
“Wands down! Anyone harms him—they’ll answer to me—” he called out before looking back at the swirling mass. “Credence!”
Following your orders to protect against a possible war with the No-Majs, you did what was expected of you. What you believed was right. You did as what your companions also sworn to do.
Spells flew out of each Auror’s wand as the group shot upon the Obscurus.
“NO!” Graves cried out between the crackles and numerous sounds of the spells being cast.
The single word hurt you and for a moment you thought the screaming of pain from the Obscurus was coming from your own heart. However dreadful, the spells continued with unrelenting determination.
But just as quickly as the wands of your fellow Aurors fired upon the swirling mass, it changed. The suddenness of its burst forcing all present to push back from the unseen wave of power. Then, there were only a few fluttering traces left. It truly appeared to have been destroyed.
Regaining your footing, you eyed the other Aurors around you. With a few nods here and there, your attention went back onto the platform, seeing movement.
It was Graves. He looked as though he was inspecting the leftover fragments from the Obscurus. And when you looked at him, you no longer saw your Percival. This was Mister Graves. A far different Graves than you had remembered. And it was when the closest of the Aurors advanced toward him, that so did you.
“You fools,” Graves began, his face twisted with anger. “Do you realize what you’ve done?”
It was the President who walked out from amidst the ranks to question him as the rest of you looked on.
“The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr. Graves.”
“Yes. And history will surely note that, Madam President.” Such a dark tone that laced his words. Still up on the platform, he stalked closer. “What was done here tonight was not right!”
“He was responsible for the death of a No-Maj.” She reasoned. “He risked the exposure of our community. He has broken one of our most sacred laws—“
What struck at your heart with such a pain was the words that came from Percival’s mouth so scornfully. That, and the bitter laughter that rang out of his mouth.
“A law that has us scuttling like rats in the gutter! A law that demands that we conceal our true nature! A law that directs those under its dominion to cower in fear lest we risk discovery! I ask you, Madam President—” His dark eyes glimmered with something that you dare not read as he looked over the individuals within the tunnel. “—I ask all of you—who does this law protect? Us? Or them?” He asked, indicating to the No-Majs outside.
Your grip tightened on your wand, your chest nearly heaving with your intake of controlled breaths. What has he become?
“I refuse to bow down any longer,” Graves smiled resentfully at the President. With his angered confidence, he turned away, leaving the scene.
“Aurors,” Madam Picquery declared of the group beside her, “I’d like you to relieve Mr. Graves of his wand and escort him back to—”
An Auror was all too ready. With a quick spell they blocked Graves path with a wall of white light. The very same barrier that was keeping all No-Majs out of the subway station.
After a moment’s thought, Graves pivoted and strode back. Arm raised, he aimed spells at both your group and the other set of Aurors. And yet no matter how many of you there were, or how many spells you yourself cast, he parried them all.
It was unbelievable, and yet it was happening right in front of your eyes. Who was once your kind Percival was now raining down upon MACUSA’s top Aurors. Quite a number flew off of the tracks and against the Art Deco walls.
Then, within a breath’s time, a colorful creature swooped over Graves. In doing so, yourself and the other Aurors were shielded from Graves’s battering spells. It was peculiar and in a way, beautiful. However, your thoughts on the creature were swept away as a spell from Scamander wrapped around Graves. The white strand coiled tighter around him as he tried to fight it off, struggling until his knees hit the floor; his wand falling from his grasp.
“Accio,” Tina Goldstein called upon Graves’s wand and into her hand.
The man you had once knew now held such a darkness in his eyes. The hatred etched on his face made him look like a completely different person to you. It made you wonder if this was the man truly behind the one that you had once shared time with. Or, did something happen during your absence.
Both Scamander and Goldstein approached him slowly, as one might with such a dangerous being.
“Revelio.” Uttered Mister Scamander as he stepped around Graves carefully.
A spell to reveal. One that would be used to reveal the true appearance of something or someone who would transfigure—
Your jaw dropped.
His physical appearance did in fact begin to change. The once dark hair on his head became white and all that you once knew fell apart.
There was a stunned silence as you all stared at Gellert Grindelwald.
He was Graves? You thought. He…that explains the difference in our interactions.
Your astonishment morphed back to one of anger and worry. Grindelwald. Graves. Where’s my Percival, you foul wizard?
President Picquery approached him.
“Do you think you can hold me?” Grindelwald peered at her scornfully.
“We’ll do our best, Mr. Grindelwald.”
You could not properly see his expression from where you stood, but appeared as if he was smiling. Even as two Aurors forced him upright and toward the entrance, ready to imprison him in the depths of MACUSA.
A rage like you’ve never felt consumed your senses as you glared at the wizard when other Aurors took him away. Thankfully, it embed when he was out of your sight.
Soon after, the other Goldstein, Queenie and a No-Maj that you had heard about, worked their way past the group of Aurors to get to her sister and Mister Scamander.
You could not watch the exchange as you and other Aurors were overlooking the scene of destruction.
With all that had happened this night, all that the No-Majs had seen, how could the secrecy of the magical world possibly remain hidden? Or be restored, for that matter.
Madam Picquery then took to the group of four. “We owe you an apology, Mr. Scamander. But the magical community is exposed! We cannot Obliviate an entire city.”
That much was true. And you were not willing to let in another disturbing amount of stress into your system on that note.
“Actually,” Mister Scamander replied after a few moments, “I think we can.”
The next thing you knew, Mister Scamander was opening his case of magical creatures just under the broken opening of the subway roof. He had a plan to use the venom of a Swooping Evil to Obliviate the No-Majs around the city. You supposed it was one of those occurrences that you had to see to believe.
A large feathery creature, one that looked like a four-winged golden eagle, flew out of the case. It was impossibly large for that case, but that was magic. It was magnificent, and yet completely abrupt; yourself and the rest of the Aurors backing away. It was not every day that you got the chance to see such a magical creature.
The creature flapped its wings to remain in front of Mister Scamander. The words uttered from his mouth were that for the magical bird, and unreachable to your ears.
You were not alone in your awe. The two exchanged a sort of nuzzle of affection, a clear sign of trust and an established friendship. It was sweet. It also made you wonder of what other magical creatures were in that case of his.
Mister Scamander then threw the vial of what you supposed was Swooping Evil venom up above the bird who caught it in its beak easily, crying out. Within the same moment, it flew up out of the subway tunnel.
It was dawn as the thunderbird flew up to the sky and created a storm. Yourself and the rest of the Aurors were tasked with repairing the city from the destruction caused by the Obscurus.
You marveled at the genius of giving the magical creature the vial to Obliviate the No-Majs of the past magical occurrences; to which all were terrifying to them.
So as you passed by the No-Majs and onto empty streets, you felt a sense of freedom in using your magic to fix the torn cityscape. It hardly took long at all using Repairing Charms, at least with the added benefit of the number of Aurors present.
You stood on the roof of one building, overlooking the city. The rain continued to fall and trail down your coat. It was like a moment of clarity that you had not felt for quite some time.
Taking a breath, you turned to an Auror as they walked up beside you.
“Maybe there are some good things that can come from these beasts,” they said.
“Yes, but for now I have something else that I must do,” you said conclusively.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to Mister Graves’ home. Hopefully, he is there.”
“All right,” they nodded. “I’ll take a team with me to meet you there. Let me check over this area first.”
“See you then.” You nodded and Disapparated in the next moment.
The next thing you saw was the front of Graves’s apartment building. The sheer sight of the familiar structure nearly overwhelmed you, but you kept your calm. You hurried up the stairs, your wand still in hand as you quickly and accurately checked for unseen traps as you entered the building and quietly went into Graves’s home.
It was dark, and you dared not touch a single item. With a flick of your wrist, you drew open the curtains to better light your way, though the clouds in the sky dampened the light. Thankfully, to the best of your ability, you did not find a single trap.
Then you stood motionless, observing the living space. It had been a long while since you were last there. With your magic and your own eyes you searched for anything out of the ordinary. There were shoe-prints and traces of the past hours of Grindelwald that you dispersed away, not wanting to see that horrid wizard.
“Percival,” you breathed out, your voice coming out a lot quieter than you initially thought.
You did not know if he would even be there, much less alive.
Walking deeper into the apartment, you called out a little louder, nearly at an average talking voice level.
You were hoping that your senses would not play tricks on you, especially when you swore you heard a faint voice from the other room.
Slowly, you wrapped your hand around the knob of the closed door. You hesitated. Something you only ever done on your first assignment. Gripping the metal much more tightly, you turned the fixture and opened the door.
“Lumos.” The word softly filled the small space.
There, curled up in the far end of the room was the true Percival Graves.
He shielded his eyes from the bright light as you gawked at the sight of him.
“Percival!” You called out to him. Your heart leap and fell all at once.
Your name hardly reached your ears as he dared look beyond his hand.
“I’ll get you out in just a moment!”
Scrambling over to him, you knelt by his side. You were about to use your wand to rid him of his shackles, but his voice stopped you.
“Don’t. He’s spelled them much too greatly,” he warned, trying to prop himself up on the cold floor. “You must leave here.”
Frowning, it was obvious from what you had witnessed of Grindelwald earlier that he would not let such a simple spell undo his wickedness. But perhaps, just maybe, a No-Maj trick might.
“I will be right back, I promise,” you whispered, running back out of the room.
You tore through his house toward the closet in his bedroom. There, you threw open the doors and filed through his clothes on the rack until you came upon an empty hanger. As you grabbed it, you held an eye roll. You could have just as easily took a shirt off of a hanger.
With your wand, you broke off a few pieces bits of the wire hanger and ran back to Percival.
“What are you doing?” He asked as you poked the wires into the keyhole of his bindings.
“Getting you out of this,” you said, scowling at the metal with all of your focus.
A low and sharp click sounded and Percival sighed as the shackles fell off of his wrists.
Finally out of his entrapment, he gently rubbed his wrists while his eyes darted around the room. His hair was disheveled and what clothes he wore were well-worn from who knows how long of a time. It was even the first time that you had seen him unshaven.
Brushing aside his hair from his forehead, you coaxed him to relax.
“No,” he pushed to get himself off of the floor, his feet squeaking on the wood. “We have to leave. He’ll return. And he’s too powerful for us to take on.”
“Shh, shh. It’s all right. We’ve got him. Grindelwald’s been caught. It was Newt Scamander who found him out. Some Aurors took him back to MACUSA.”
Those dark eyebrows struggled to knit together. “What?”
“The point is, you’re safe now,” you said, letting yourself smile.
Finally, you were reunited with your Percival. As battered as he was, you were all too glad to see him.
“You’re sure?” He asked, tired eyes looking into yours.
He stared at you for a moment and then off elsewhere in thought. Finally, he sighed and allowed himself to slump against the wall behind him.
“Are you injured?”
“Nothing too terrible, as strange as that sounds,” he said, failing to hide a wince as you touched his shoulder.
“And by terrible, I suppose you mean, life-threatening?”
Percival let out a laugh, but his body jerked in an opposing direction before settling back down. “I really did miss you.” His watery eyes held your gaze.
“Hmm, to think all this time that I’ve been back at Headquarters I thought you were upset with me.”
His hand reached up to caress your face. The touch was delicate and sincere. “I would not be upset with you. I was waiting for your return.”
Holding his hand against your cheek, you leant closer. “And you, sir, need to check into a hospital.”
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abysstrap-ran · 2 years
❖ Farewell Gift
(Percival Graves x Reader)
Angst warning coming through~
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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And now is the part where we say goodbye. 
The soft crackling of the fireplace filled the air as you struggled to finish up the stack of papers you had. 
Paperwork, what a dreadful task it was. 
Left alone to your own devices for the night and had expected it to remain as such, you were surprised when a sudden crack sounded in the otherwise silent area.
"(Y/n.)" A familiar voice called out.
"I wish there was another way around this and that I don't have enough to do this but trust me..." 
A flurry of robes entered your vision as a familiar face stood before you. Percival. 
He seemed rather worn out, as he always was these few days. Although he'd never tell you the reason behind it.
"It's for your own safety. Please understand that this is for the best." He held his hands up, in an attempt to placate you when he dropped the bomb. 
"We'll have to stop seeing each other, this is goodbye."
You looked up at him from the paperwork you had been burning through with wide eyes, unable to process what he had just told you. Or rather, your brain had refused to cooperate with you when faced with emotional turmoil as it came.
"I'll leave for both our sakes and you'll never breathe or hear a word of me ever again." 
You heard the plea in his voice as it shook ever so slightly, hoping that you'd listen to him and let him go without a fight.
Your eyes snapped upwards to meet his brown ones and you could see the storm of emotions he was fighting to keep under wraps. He was trying...Trying to keep things professional. You could tell that much at least.
Percival Graves was a man who could take things as seriously as they came, dealing with them with professionalism, no matter how hard they were on him as a person. He'd just have to deal with the aftermath later when he was alone with no eyes watching his every move as someone of a higher standing. And judging from his clenched fists and the way he had firmly set his jaw, it seemed that the matter on hand at this current moment was something out of his field.
"They've caught wind of us. No one can run from the MACUSA..." 
He looked tired, almost torn that he was being forced to do this when he clearly didn't want to. 
Wizard-Muggle relationships were prohibited and he was clearly running a great risk by being in one despite his position as the head of MACUSA's Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He moved to draw his wand. No use in prolonging the inevitable, after all.
"Percival— Wait! Can't you do anything about this? Bend the rules, anything?"
Dropping the paperwork, you reached out to grasp him but he had already edged backwards, indeed expecting that you'd move to make a grab for him. A sad smile laid upon his lips as he slowly shook his head. 
"You know I can't do that, (y/n)." 
A dry lump formed in your throat as the reality of his words sunk in. 
"Is it...Really over for us now?" Your voice started wavering as you trembled.
You knew that you had to let go of him before the MACUSA sent people to erase your memories now that they knew. Of magic. Of their world. Of him. You stifle a sob at the thought of forgetting, despite knowing that it was something you couldn't do anything against.
Strong arms wrapped around you as you were pulled flush into his warm embrace, a soft blue scarf winding around your shoulders. 
"This will be the last. I'm sorry." 
He nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent for a final time, committing it to memory. You had a few moments more before you felt the cold tip of a wand touching your temple. A choked sob ripped itself from your lips and he breathed. 
"Shh... It'll all be over in a moment." 
Sounding equally pained, he quietly muttered the spell before apparating away with a muted crack and a faint whisper of his last words.
"I love you (y/n). And here now, is where we part..." "Obliviate."
It took a while before your eyelids fluttered open once more to face the world.
A flash of white light was all you remembered, along with a scarf that fell neatly around your shoulders. 
Blue...you found it to be a nostalgic color for some reason. You didn't really have any preferences when it came to colors...But why...Why did it bring with it such a feeling of emptiness? Something tugged faintly at the back of your mind, nagging at you but a white haze blocked it off before you could react.
You reached up to touch the scarf, it was soft and smooth, almost finery. Must have been expensive...You couldn't possibly have afforded something so exquisite. And it smelled like sandalwood, something that unexpectedly brought tears springing to your eyes, leaving you confused for a moment.
Why? Why were you shedding tears? And why were you feeling as if a part of you had been ripped away?
What was this feeling of loss? This deep, dark empty hole that ached and groaned?
A tear slid down your cheek before you quietly shook your head, dismissing it all as a mere delusion and returning back to your work. Perhaps it was an emotional day at work, you never knew.
...For ignorance was bliss...
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Promptober Day 13
Turns out the monster in your closet has been protecting you.
Percival Graves x reader
Word Count: 277
You’d always suspected that the ‘monster’ was something more, something other. You knew, beyond the fact that it was a monster which, by its very nature’ is other. It could be heard rustling around every now and then, and you’d notice it in the way that sometimes the spare blankets were moved around like something was using them.
Even when you moved suites, it followed, making itself at home in your new space. Well, you supposed that the closet was more its space than anything else.
Then one day, it just disappeared, and you didn’t hear its soft shuffling when you were quietly reading in your room for a week. That was when the nightmares started. They were something you experienced all through your childhood; you thought you’d outgrown them. But that was what the ‘monster’ was protecting you from. Your own mind.
As soon as the quiet noises of it scraping around in the little room returned, you found yourself rushing over to the closet and ripping the door open. The thing inside was a spectral panther, a form you knew quite well considering that the same form shot out of your own wand if you cast a patronus.
“Percival . . .” you whispered.
It slowly, fondly blinked its eyes at you.
Within moments, you were stepping through the fireplace in your room to arrive in your New York home’s library. “It was you the whole time,” you breathed when you saw him sitting, startled by your sudden appearance, in his usual chair. “Why?”
He was up and kissing you sweetly in the time it took you to take a single breath. “Do you really have to ask?”
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knightsimp · 3 years
Just a Little Bit of Blood
Pairing: Vampire!Percival Graves x Reader
Summery: Percival comes home late at night, injured. He needs a little blood to be able to heal.
Genre: Tooth-rotting Fluff, but spicy tooth-rotting fluff.
Word Count: 1600+
Date Posted: February 22, 2021
Warning: Definitely spicy (no actual smut in this, but it alludes to it and is still pretty suggestive), blood talk
Note: Oh god I have never posted any of my suggestive pieces. We were talking about Colin Farrell in Fright Night (2011) and this happened.  
Requested by: @sugarbloomart​
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Percival landed in his apartment, apparating from the MACUSA building. It was late at night, around an hour past midnight. The bustling city was starting to go quiet, though New York never seems to go completely quiet. Percival took off his coat, hanging on the coat hanger near the front door. He pulled off his tie and waistcoat and placed them on the dining table. He did the same thing with his belt.
The blood from the injury on his side had stained his white dress shirt. When he moved, it felt like pins and needles. The man had gotten injured during a mission with a trainee. This trainee had a lot of promise but clearly needed more experience. Unfortunately, Percival paid the price of that inexperience with getting injured.
Percival getting hurt was always a concern. He did not heal like any other human wizard. 
“Percival?” Percival looked towards the bedroom door, where (Y/N) was standing. Clearly, his return had woken her up.
Her hair was tossed from whatever sleeping she had already done. She was only wearing a pair of underwear and one of Percival’s dress shirts. Simply said, she was not put together in the slightest.
But to him, she was quite the sight.
(Y/N)’s bare feet did not make a sound on the dark, hardwood floor as she approached him. 
“You’re late.” She stated, putting two hands on his chest and dragging them to his shoulders. 
“I know, darling.” He gently held her left wrist. He watched as her eyes slowly wandered to his injury. 
“Percival!” She gave light pressure to the wound, making him hiss from the sharp pain. “Is this why you are so late to come home?”
“Yes.” He grumbled, running his hand through his hair. “The boy has potential, but...” Percival rubbed her arms, up and down. “I must ask something of you.” (Y/N) is quick to agree, knowing what he is asking of her. 
“You need blood, right?” She asked, clarifying.
“Yes.” Percival brushed a little bit of her hair out of her face. “The blood supplements won’t help here.” The blood supplements were just that; they were what Percival can take instead of hunting and taking blood from humans and survive off of that. However, they were not enough for him to heal. While he can heal rapidly, he could not heal at all without real blood. If he were to let an injury go unattended long enough, he would bleed out, regardless of any medical treatment. There was already an anti-wizard growing sentiment growing and a vampire getting spotted would not make matters better. 
She sat on the kitchen island, pushing her hair away from the left side of her neck. 
“Come on.” She encouraged. Percival smiled, seeing how ready she was for him to take blood from her when he needed it. He stood in between her legs, hands instinctively on her waist.
“As much as I appreciate your kindness, my dear, taking from your neck will be too visible. We both must go into work tomorrow.” (Y/N) hummed, looking off to the side.
“I guess you’re right.” Percival took her left wrist, gently rubbing his thumb over the visible veins. She looked back at him, staring into his dark eyes. 
“You’re wrist is another viable area for taking blood.” He suggested. “Not an area you are used to but would make for another spot.” (Y/N) shook her head.
“If secrecy is your concern, my wrists will seem even more suspicious if someone notices. The neck is something more explainable, but the wrist would asking to be found out.” She thought for a moment. “My thigh is always an option.”
“As much as I do love getting in between your legs like that, you don’t need to be limping or in any pain when you go to work.” Now, this was getting frustrating. What would be an area that Percival can take from that would not hinder her as an auror or risk Percival’s true nature as a vampire from being found out? 
“What about my chest?” She inquired. “It would be under my clothes and it is not an area that is very mobile during the day.”
“It is not an area that will produce a lot of blood, nor will it be comfortable for you.” Percival gently held onto (Y/N) arm, sliding his hand down to meet hers. 
“Well, how much blood do you need for an injury like that?” She gestured to his injured waist.
“Not a lot.”
“Then, let’s do it!” Percival seemed hesitant. “Percival, it is our best option right now.” He takes her cheek in her hand, lips close, and his other hand holding her thigh.
“Are you sure?” He whispered. “This will not be pleasant and I will need to expose you for a moment.” She nodded, still sleepy.
“We’re both adults. It’s not anything you haven’t seen before.”
He popped a couple of buttons on the shirt and pushed the left side of the shirt down her shoulder, just exposing the top of her breast. Of course, she was not wearing a bra underneath.  His hands slithered on her body; one on the side of her neck, his thumb under her ear, and the other holding her ribs, just under the breast he was about to take blood from, thumb massaging the side of her breast. His lips were so close to her body.
“Are you ready, darling?” She nodded, biting her lip to prepare for the pinch. When he went in just above her breast, she realized what he meant when he said this was not going to be pleasant. The muscle in the chest is tight, making it painful. The puncture was not pleasant, but otherwise doable given the circumstance.
Oh, but the sounds Percival was making. 
To get whatever blood he could from the area, he was sucking on her skin hard. The sounds he was making were absolutely sinful. Not only were the sounds slightly wet, but he was also panting slightly. And the occasional grumble from his throat came through. If he was not trying to get blood to heal his wound, this moment would have taken a very different turn. It was enough for (Y/N) to make a couple of noises of her own which were not from the pain. 
Once he was done, he pulled away. Both of them were breathing heavily. Blood had dripped from the wound on her chest to the once-pristine dress shirt she wore. 
“Percy, you’re shirt.” She whined, feeling a little lightheaded.
“It’s okay.” He went to her chest once more, licking off the dripping blood from her skin using the flat of his tongue. He put the hand which was sitting on her side on the side of her neck with his other hand. She leaned in, letting her forehead rest on his. The red around his mouth did not scare her in the slightest. No one spoke, but it was very clear how thankful Percival was.
He wrapped her legs around his waist before picking her up. She loosely put her arms around his shoulders, unable to cling on harder. Percival carried her to their bathroom, setting her in the bathtub and sitting on the closed toilet seat. He took his time when stripping her of her chosen nightwear, gingerly unbuttoning the shirt completely and pulling her panties off from under her. 
When she was completely naked, he took the time to strip himself. In all honesty, he was ready for the shower after a long day. When he shrugged off his shirt, he saw the tail-end of his injury rapidly healing. He looked down to (Y/N) only to see her smiling up at him, eyes on the verge of closing. She was happy that he was no longer injured and that was all that mattered. 
He held her up as warm water from the showerhead poured onto them, each movement of his hands so gentle and full of adoration. One hand rested on her back and the other held her head to his chest, keeping her upright. The blood on both of them was washed off and went down the drain. As much as they both wanted to stay in the moment, (Y/N) was slowly falling back asleep and the slight loss of blood was not helping. 
Percival sat her on the bed, putting a cut-out J&J band-aid onto her chest before dressing her in one of her more comfortable nightgowns. It was not until she was lying comfortably on her side of the bed, duvet over her, when he started getting dressed for bed.
He dragged his feet back to the bathroom to freshen up before joining her. 
As he was brushing his teeth, he caught a glimpse of those slightly elongated teeth of his. The red had slightly stained his teeth, but a quick brushing washed it away rather quickly. 
He rinsed his mouth out completely before looking at his reflection in the mirror. 
For years, Percival thought of himself as a monster. He never found someone, in all his years, who was as accepting as the beautiful woman currently in his bedroom. Sure, he should have told her earlier than he did in their relationship, but even then she was so accepting of him. 
He pursed his lips, still tasting her blood in the back of his throat. Like her, it was sweet. 
Before returning to the bedroom, he drank a glass of water to wash down anything that was left. (Y/N) was already fast asleep when he laid down on the plush mattress. Facing her and entangling his legs with hers, he gently slid his knuckles over her cheek before pulling her into his chest. 
Moments like this, he almost felt human again.
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Preference: Fantastic Beasts
— showing them your magic for the first time
Characters: Credence Barebone, Jacob Kowalski, Leta Lestrange, Newt Scamander, Percival Graces, Queenie Goldstein, Tina Goldstein
Warnings: —
Requester: anonymous
Request: “Could I please request a preference for Fantastic Beasts: When You Show Them Your Magic For The First Time (Newt, Tina, Queenie, Jacob, Credence, Leta, Percival)”
A/N: hope it’s okay! i’m gonna assume that the characters don’t know the reader is a witch/wizard so yea
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Credence would immediately feel closer to you, almost feeling some sort of solidarity. He’s had to hide his magic for most of his life, and to find out that you’re similar to him in more ways than he realises is almost comforting for him. He’d feel like he can confide in you, asking you questions he’s never been able to ask anyone else, and he feels like you understand him better than anyone.
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Jacob would be absolutely bewildered. Even after already having some experience in the wizarding world, he still gets surprised learning about magic, and he certainly didn’t expect for you to be a wizard. After getting over his initial shock, he’d be excited, wanting to learn about what you can do and trying to talk to you with the limited knowledge that he has.
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Leta would be fascinated by you and your magic, finding it rather unexpected. She’d be pretty composed when seeing your magic for the first time, despite her initial surprise. Afterwards she’d want to know more about what you’re capable of, and overall just want to get to know you more, and she’d listen intently to the details of your story.
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Newt would be touched that you trust him enough to show him your magic, and he’d really value that trust you have in him. He’d be super supportive of your magic, and would want to offer any help that he can, even though Newt doesn’t feel like a particularly good mentor. Nonetheless, he’d want to be there for you,  and help you in your magical journey.
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Percival would almost feel a responsibility for you, and would want to take you under his wing. He’d want to help train you, help you hone your magic more, and to see what you’re fully capable of. He’d ask you lots of questions, trying to get a feel for your abilities and how he can help, and he’d put himself in a sort of mentor position for you.
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Queenie would be super excited when you show her your magic for the first time. She’d be super supportive too, encouraging you to show off your magic, even if you feel insecure about your abilities, and she’d reassure you that everyone has to start somewhere. She’d even offer to teach you a few of her favorite spells and practice with you so you can feel more confident. 
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Tina, like Percival, will find herself becoming like a mentor for you. She’d initially be concerned, especially if you’ve been hiding your magic for a long time, and she’d want to help you practice responsibly. She knows how exciting magic can be, but she wants to make sure you do it properly and safely, and she wants to help teach you in any way she can.
tag list: @myfriendmagislit​​ / @real-fbi​​ / @beautifulbows924​​ / @musicallisto​​ / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @hauntedpocdreamer / @ten-tenya-iida​​ / @fangirlsarah16​​ / @cnco-babes​​ / @doot-doot-danvers​​ / @batfam16​​ / @marvelismylifffe​​ / @locke-writes​​ / @ruvaakke​​ / @911buttercup​​ / @cryinqxlouds​​ / @lovinghufflepuffgirl​​ / @lxncelot​​ / @ofthedewthesunlight​​ / @bravelittlesunflower​​ / @captainshazamerica​​
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swanimagines · 4 years
Harry Potter Preference: Them Being Possessive Over You
Can I please request a Harry Potter preference with Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix and Percival Graves where they are being possessive over you? Just if this is okay with you😊 -anon
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange and Percival Graves
A/N: I hope you like it!
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Lucius Malfoy
- When you grow to be important to him, he starts to fear for your safety - because well, he’s at the saner side of the Death Eaters and he wants to protect you. So seeing that you’re talking with another Death Eater and he has the slightest doubt of the nature of your discussion, he pulls you to the side and tells that other Death Eater that you don’t wanna talk with them. But if this makes you uncomfortable, please tell him that. He listens if you tell that you feel that he’s too possessive and it makes you uncomfortable.
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Narcissa Malfoy
- Narcissa won’t show her will to stop others from flirting to you as clearly even though her mind tells her to. She’s glaring daggers at them though and she wants to grab you and take you away from others, but fortunately she trusts you and knows you’ll make then stop if they made you uncomfortable. And if they still didn’t, that’s when she’d step in and tell them to stay away from you.
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Bellatrix Lestrange
- She’s obsessed with you, she has been obsessed with you ever since she first took a liking to you. So it’s needless to say that she’s super possessive of you and she might not get it if you try to tell her that she’s making you uncomfortable - the way she sees it, you’re hers and only hers and. So if you two date, be sure you’re okay with her being possessive. She’s threatening everyone who looks at you in the wrong way, accidentally or not, and might even throw a few Crucios at her fellow Death Eaters for that. So you’d better be crazy too if you wanna date her.
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Percival Graves
- He’s not possessive over you at first, but he’s turning out to be like that, but mainly because he’s afraid for your safety. Grindelwald being on loose and everything - one wrong move could result in you getting hurt or worse, dead. So every new face he has the slightest tingle of doubt? He’s pulling you away from them and telling them that you two are dating, just to make sure they know they’d be messing with him if they tried anything. That worries you at first because Percival usually isn’t like that, but after you talk about it, you understand and promise him to keep your guard up. After that he’s still possessive of you, but not as much as before your talk.
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts 1 Pairing: Percival Graves x Reader Rating: T Summary: You were brought out of your musings when a presence sat next to you, and you heard a glass being placed near you, great. “I’m not interested, thank you.” You said without thinking, but truly, you were not in the mood to deal with would-be lovers or drunken idiots who wanted an easy lay. A chuckle, “I was going to offer you a drink, because clearly, you need one.” Percival Graves. Oh fuck.  Words: 1052 Warnings: Language - The words Fuck is used. Notes: Written for Fictober-Event, prompt #15.- Not interested, thank you.
Read @ AO3
Your head was against the bar while you contemplated your life choices. They were all not too bad, but some were questionable (trying to catch lightening in a bottle was beyond questionable). And right now, you were questioning the biggest problem in your life: How to tell Percival Graves that you were in love with him.
Oh he was perfect – how dare the bastard! - and you were lost. You were a newly appointed senator to MACUSA, coming from the West Coast, and while it’s true that you had heard of him, nothing had prepared you for the Head of the DMLE to be… well, that.
Tall and handsome, warm chocolate eyes, perfect hair and always, always well dressed. He obviously cared for the people under his command, had an easy rapport with them and he was charismatic. Serious and solemn when he needed to, he walked a fine line that many tried and failed. And you had fallen heads over heals in love with him.
You were brought out of your musings when a presence sat next to you, and you heard a glass being placed near you, great. “I’m not interested, thank you.” You said without thinking, but truly, you were not in the mood to deal with would-be lovers or drunken idiots who wanted an easy lay.
A chuckle, “I was going to offer you a drink, because clearly, you need one.”
Percival Graves. Oh fuck. Go you and your damned luck. Of all the people! You didn’t bolted upright, you already had some drinks in your system and would be a terrible idea. “Percival.” You managed to sound calm. “How are you?”
Percival’s face was full of amusement, “Clearly better than you. Come now, tell me what’s wrong. I’ll help.”
Oh no. You simply couldn’t say it. “Too personal,” you opted. “And not that I don’t appreciate it, but, this is something I’d rather not talk about.”
Percival looked at you for a while, as if he were trying to read your mind. He didn’t know legimens, did he? Lucky for you, he nodded in understanding. “You should tell him though.”
You nearly chocked, how in the hell?! “Beg pardon?” Was the only thing that came out, and it came out as a squeak, great.
Percival raised a brow, drank a gulp of his glass and nodded. “Listen, we have known each other for a small while, but clearly, whatever is bothering you is love, you’re in love with someone and have not told them, because if you did either you’d be moping or in absolute bliss. But no, you’re troubled, as if you couldn’t decide if you’re going to kiss them or run away.”
Well damn. Of course the man could read you like a book, how did he managed to get such a good read of the situation in so short a time? I mean, it’s not like you were in love with the man from the moment he walked into your office, no, you fell in love slowly. “Ah,” you looked down. “Excellent read.”
“Well, I’m pretty good at my job.” Percival shrugged, took another sip of his drink, then pointed at the one he’d placed in front of you. “You really should drink that, it’ll calm you down.”
“Thanks.” You did, you needed to keep your head clear, but at the same time, your throat was parched and you really needed to drink. You should order a glass of water, maybe that’ll help? But you’re in a bar and you wanted to relax and alcohol is a magic all on its own. “Think I should tell him?”
Percival nodded, “It’s better to say it and know where you both stand, than keep silent and them watch them find a home elsewhere while you didn’t say a thing.”
“Sounds like you speaks of experience.”
“I am,” Percival gave you a rueful smile. “There was a girl in Ilvermony that I fell in love with, and for all my bravery, I never did summon the courage to tell her. She met a wizard from France during summer, married him four years after graduation.”
“Ouch, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s been a while. The wound has closed.”
You knew the man was right, Percival had even spoken of his own loss. But it was hard, it was difficult to put your feelings and your heart on the line. It was never something that you quite managed to do well, your friends and family were one thing, but lovers? That you failed spectacularly. It was never quite right and now, you were afraid to mess up the easy friendship and camaradery that you and Percival had. But, as the saying went, he who hesitates, is lost. “You’re right of course, it’s just… hard, I guess.”
Percival nods. “Feelings can be.”
You take a deep breath and exhale, order another firewhiskey and drink it in two big gulps. Dutch courage, here goes nothing. “It’s your Percival.”
Percival blinks.
“I fell in love with you. I’m sorry for dumping this on you now, it’s not probably what you expected to hear, but, well. You’re right. I’d rather deal with rejection – as as it can be – than keep wondering.” You take a deep breath and exhale once more. Stop yourself from rambling. “So, there it is. Would you consider going out on a date with me?”
Percival is staring, and it near makes you fidget in your seat. The urge to flee rises, and you’re about to slap some money in the bar and run, when a hand stops your movement. “Well,” Percival speaks slowly. “I was not expecting that.”
“No, I supposed not. I’m sorry.”
“And as to your question, sure.”
It’s your turn to blink. Did he just accepted a date? “Uh… to the date?” Smooth, really smooth.
“Oh.” Oh sweet merciful magic, he said yes! “Well, there’s this spot that makes the most amazing Italian, are you free on Friday?”
“Barring an emergency, I am.”
“Well then, how about after work?”
“That sounds good to me.”
You fight the urge to fist pump. You order another firewhiskey and one for him. You touch his glass with yours. “It’s a date.”
Percival gives a tiny smile, inclines his head, touches his glass to yours and says, “It’s a date.”
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thebitchywitchyone · 3 years
Ok listen. I dont really do this, but I'm a sucker for feedback and I'm actually pretty proud of this? So I'm dropping the link, hope y'all like it.
You were both painfully aware of how it looked; the pretty omega and their alpha boss. If you hadn't spread your legs for your promotions then clearly he was taking advantage of his position. Even with the careful dance you did in public the accusations cropped up from time to time. 
You were careful, always so careful, not to allow any kind of scandal or impropriety to occur. Percy was the Director of the DMLE for MACUSA, he upheld the laws of the nation. It was a sorely needed pillar of stability in the years after The Great War, especially with the no-maj making so many technological leaps forward that they could all of a sudden pose an actual threat to magical society. Any hint of misconduct would threaten that stability, possibly calling into question his judgement as Head Auror. Because of that he was careful not to show you even the hint of favoritism, and you never went looking for it.
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hannya-exists · 5 years
Haven't happened to you that while reading a Reader Insert you got this nervous smile and start to blush?
I confess I do, I'm not living the situation but damn! I got nervous! I'm like: what are you gonna do? What am I gonna do? Don't do anything stupid!!
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ironarrow87 · 5 years
Cuddles / Graves x reader?
“You’re going to be late for work.”
You rub your eyes. “So, you work in a very important position.”
“So?” Graves tightens his hold on you as he speaks.
You wiggle a bit. “So, you gotta go and get to it or you’ll be late.”
You huff. “How old are you?”
“Old enough to make my own decisions.”
“And your decision is to be late for work?”
“Cause why?”
“Cause nothing is more important than cuddling you right now.”
You decide it's okay for him to be a few minutes late today.
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annuities · 5 years
Schilderwald ; eight
pairing: theseus scamander x reader
notes: click here for previous chapters. also, sorry for the shorter chapter!
“Please, Mister Graves,” Newt pleads as if he’s trying to appeal to a stubborn mule. “You need to eat.”
Percival Graves raises his chin (indignantly?) and offers Newt a glare that says clearly he can shove the soup up you know where. “I won’t be, thank you very, Mr Newton.”
Well, now it’s just a petty between two cats — Graves had taken to calling New ‘Newton’ because Scamander is Theseus — there’s still an ache at your chest that doesn’t go away.
“Mister Graves, please,” Tina intervenes, sounding displeased and exasperate.
“No, I won’t be.” The displeasure quickly turns to hurt as Tina leaves with the air of a kicked puppy at Graves (understandable but still) petty behaviour.
You roll your eyes. “Eat,” you say sweetly. “Or I’ll freaking shove the entire thing down your throat, spoon and all.”
He takes it. “Fine.”
Newt gapes and you beam. “I had no idea you liked me so much, Perce!” You can sort of see why Theseus likes nicknames now. 
Graves finishes his sludge with a somewhat dignified annoyance before setting it down with an unexpected grace but still with a loud clang. You snicker, he gives you a glare, brows furrowing. “Am I correct to assume that you’re acting on your own accord, [Surname]?”
Way to spread salt on the wound. You shrug. “Well, you don’t see Theseus around, do you?”
He sighs. “Isn’t that a miracle. Before you... Made a nest in the archives, I always thought he wouldn’t let you out of his sight because he would combust without you. Or is it the other way around?”
Your affections for Theseus wasn’t exactly hidden... And you had met him before Leta. But then Leta came along and you quit. You raise an eyebrow. “Are you trying to say something?”
You wave your arm. “Stop calling me that!” you wail in agony. “That’s my mother. You know, I’m pretty sure you have to call her madame or dame now? Gah.”
His mouth drops open. He stabs a finger in your direction. “You—Madame [Surname]? You’re her daughter?”
You swallow a smug grin and instead cocks your head innocently. “Uh, yeah. You know her?”
Graves’ mouth drops open in offence. “Know her?” he demands. “She’s one of the greatest strategists and Auror’s to have ever lived! One of the youngest to be promoted and to date, one of the few women to have that position! Hundreds of cold cases were solved in her direction and thousands of national security threats were handled by her.”
Despite everything, the warmth of pride flushes through you. You had been five when she became Head of DMLE and you remember those late nights and the relentless ranting about those men. And you’re genuinely so, so proud of your mother’s achievements. If not for—
“Well,” you say. “Any idea on how to get her off of my track momentarily?”
We need to talk.
“Talk?” her fiancee echoes. “About what, Leta?” 
She steels herself and walks toward his desk. “I know you’re already filing stuff that’s due next week. We really need to talk. About...” She sighs. “About this, about us, about [Name].”
To his credit, Theseus doesn’t try to insult her intelligence by asking her what she means. “Have a seat,” he nods and crosses his hands in front of him. 
“Has anything ever happened?” she asks.
He looks at her, something contemplating in his expression. He’s trying to decide on what he wants to tell her— If she’s worth fighting for. And Leta has to try to shove down the grief, has to try to force down the anger. 
He finally decides on something. “Once,” he says and Leta has her mouth opened. Her stomach drops. “A kiss. We were drunk.”
It should be a reassurance— They haven’t done anything, Theseus hadn’t felt compelled to chase you. But somehow, before, before. It feels like an admission Leta has already lost. Because there was something someone once told her, something that determined Theseus’ life: pre-[Name], [Name], and post [Name]. 
Theseus sighs and gets out of the chair, skirting around the desk, before approaching Leta like she was a wounded animal. “If this is about her, I— Nothing happened, Leta. Nothing ever happened.”
“Cut the bullshit, Theseus!” He jerks back.
She hadn’t meant for it to sound like that, but there’s a bitterness in the back of her throat— Ostracised in Hogwarts, she found Newt, only to have him leave her— And then Theseus, when he proposed—
It’s then that she realizes she’s crying, there are tears streaking down her cheeks. She looks at the pictures on his desk. Her and him, Newt and him, Percival Graves and him, his family and you— A sly smile and intelligent eyes. Clearly candid because you aren’t looking at the lens and Leta never gave it much though — because the two of you were friends, that you had your own frame when Theseus had been in all of the rest.  Distance yourself from this, she thinks, this isn’t about you. This isn’t a fight you can win— 
“Leta,” he says, something that sounds like goodbye in his voice. He isn’t her, he never was. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you— I, I—”
She sniffles, feeling frightfully small. “You’re a real piece of work, yes, Theseus,” but she looks up at him. “But... I think what we had is real and I think that you tried your best, but—”
Theseus pulls her into a hug and when they pull back, she slips off her wedding band with trembling fingers and set it down on her desk. “You can’t continue like this,” she says. “You can’t keep ignoring this, you can’t keep indulging yourself because [Name]’s flighty. You care about each other, and you need to talk it out. For both of you and me,” she says firmly. 
“Leta—” he reaches for her.
“No,” she turns and musters as much dignity as she can. “You need to work this out yourself. And, I think we should spend some time apart.”
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
Percival Graves x Reader: Back to Business
Word Count: 1,013
A/N: After the events of FBAWTFT and FBCG. After Graves was found, received medical attention, and rest, he is finally back working at MACUSA. This is likely about six months of so after finding him.
Also! This can be read with my previous two Percival Graves insert readers.
Warnings: A little angst and fluff?
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
“Grindelwald may be the Ministry’s job now, but it is up to all of us to ensure the safety and secrecy of the magical world,” President Seraphina Picquery stated, concluding the day’s meeting. “Let’s get to work,” she said with a final nod.
All present Aurors of the Investigative Team acknowledged in their own ways with nods and other such gestures before continuing on with their duties.
“Mister Graves,” the president turned her attention toward him for a moment. “We’re glad to have you back with us.”
“I’m glad to finally be back, Madame President,” Percival Graves nodded.
She left shortly after, a multitude of responsibilities likely to accomplish before the end of the day.
As the area around the table in the Major Investigation Department emptied out, Graves visibly sighed and turned to you. “Would you mind walking with me to my office?” He asked quietly.
“Not at all, Mister Graves.”
He smiled, and an unheard laugh shook his shoulders for a moment.
The day prior you had made it clear to Percival that you were going to do your best to keep his first day back at MACUSA as normal as possible. Or as close as you could get, knowing the circumstances.
It had been six months since Grindelwald’s disguise as Director Percival Graves had been discovered by Newt Scamander. Since then, Graves had received medical attention and the rest he deserved after nearly a year’s worth of being Grindelwald’s captive.
Nodding toward the exit, together the two of you made your way toward the elevator.
“I can’t believe all that’s happened, even recently in Paris,” you stated quietly.
“It’s dangerous work going after someone like Grindelwald,” his voice firm in knowing first hand.
Reaching the elevator, there was a pause in the conversation as you both waited for it to descend.
Gently, you nudged your hand over to his; your knuckles sliding against the back of his hand. A warmth filled your chest when you felt Percival’s hand press towards yours as well. Just as his index finger wrapped around yours, the elevator came to the Department level, and he pulled away.
As the door to the elevator opened up, he did not make a move until you entered the contraption first. He stepped in closely after you, instructing the elf to the desired floor.
The ride up in the elevator was quiet, the two of you waiting to continue your conversations elsewhere and away from other ears.
When you did exit the elevator, you were closely followed by Graves as you walked side by side to his office. The hallway was rather quiet. The only sound within the vicinity was that of your shoes making contact with the floor.
Reaching Graves’s office, he unlocked it magically, smiling to himself as he opened the door for you. Upon entering, you both seemed to visibly relax from the privacy and being with the other.
“Are you ready to start your less than eventful day back, Mister Graves?”
He chuckled to himself as he sat down behind his desk, taking in the feeling of the furniture under his fingers. “How long is it going to take for you to just call me, Percival here?”
“I’d rather not slip up on my professionalism during work hours.” A small smirk played at your lips as you said so.
“I call you by your first name.”
“You’re also my superior. So you sort of have a—an unwritten authorization to do so.”
He sighed, shaking his head as he did so. A smile still etched on his face.
“Now, back to business, Mister Graves,” you began, pacing slowly along the side of his desk. “Going back to the beginning, roughly. After Grindelwald’s initial capture and arrest, he had managed to persuade Abernathy. Even locked up, magically shielded, guarded, and a list of all other procedures, and he still managed to escape. So—I don’t know what will actually work at this point.”
“Not to mention his transfiguration abilities.”
You paused your pacing, and looked an an uninteresting speck on the floor. “Yes, but from what we heard from the incident in France, I don’t think he is even bothering to hide. That is confidence. That is someone who knows they are powerful and is afraid of no one.”
“He may still transfigure himself to better conceal his identity if he wants to hide out for a while. He’s gathering more followers, he may still be doing so, or is lying low.”
“Where do you think he might’ve headed to next?”
“Anywhere he wants, honestly,” he said, rubbing his temples. “I cannot say. He could be literally anywhere.”
“We know that there are no new reports or sightings, but it’s possible that he could go back to any country that he was in previously. Unless he is going from country to country to attain followers or—prepare—for something.”
“As President Picquery had said, we’ll stay alert. It’s in the Ministry’s hands now.”
“Because of what he did to you, I should just find him myself,” you grumbled offhandedly.
“No,” he said firmly, “under no circumstances will you venture off against Grindelwald. Much less by yourself. He’s far too dangerous.”
You were sure that Graves knew that you were not one-hundred percent serious, but he wanted to acknowledge that he did not approve of such an idea.
He watched as you stepped over to him, reaching out to run your fingers through some of his dark hair. Eyelids drooping closed, he sighed, leaning into your touch.
“We’ll get him. There’s always a way to get a witch or wizard. He has a weakness. We just need to find it,” you stated softly.
“Hopefully sooner than later,” he breathed.
Carefully, he pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist.
Draping your arms around his shoulders, you nudged your nose to his. “I should really be getting to my work, you know.”
“Stay with me for a little longer please,” he whispered, nuzzling your neck and pulling you close to him.
“Of course, Percival.”
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whysofandom-blog · 6 years
“Little Lady” Part 5 [Percival Graves x Reader]
Word count: 2k
Warnings: None I can think of
Apology: It’s been almost a year since I wrote something so I’m trying to finish my unfinished projects at first. I’m sorry if you were reading this series and suddenly I wasn’t updating anymore.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
Tumblr media
Magical abilities and skills:
                  Auror Training- Completed
                  Non verbal magic- Registrated Level B2
                  Apparition Training- Completed
Magical characteristics:
                 Wand- 11", core: tail hair of a Thestral, material: cherry wood
                 Patrons- previously panther, currently facing
                 Bogart- unknown
After reading the file Percival was even more puzzled. There was nothing that he didn't already know, but he had hoped to get a clearer picture of what was going on. Just as his informator had told him Y/N had been an auror, just as her brother. She had arrested Grindelwald. Her brother had been sent to Azkaban and she had fought her free. She had been one of the many aurors who made it their personal goal to catch Gellert Grindelwald. Around the time Grindelwald disappeared from Europe, Y/N's brother was announced missing and Y/N gave up her job in the ministry. That was about all that was written there. Absolutely no news.
Percival decided to head home for the night, it was already past midnight. The next morning he decided to go and talk to Madame President about her. The more he thought about it the more he wanted to believe she was innocent.
The next morning Percival headed straight to Madame President's office. The problem of Y/N Y/L/N had kept him up all night. It all started making sense to him. That girl had lost her family or at least her brother to Grindelwald and was trying to do anything she could to bring him to justice. From what Percival had heard last night it seemed like Grindelwald had at one point captured her. That would also explain why she got scared so easily when Graves touched her shoulder unexpectedly. After all he had done it without a warning and from behind, so there was no way she had seen it coming. There were a lot of questions to be answered.
"She is alone," said Madame President's secretary when she saw Percival coming in.
"Thank you," he replied and walked into the President's office.
"Good morning Graves, on the rare occasion when I didn't have the need to see you in the morning you find your own way here," she said jokingly when she saw Percival.
"It is about Miss Y/N."
Madame President's face fell visibly. "It was an unfortunate event indeed."
"Madam, I was present almost every training she conducted with the new recruits. There was no harassment. Unless we'd count the way that Hallenby kid was acting harassment. "
"I know, I had no other choice than to arrest her for 24 hours, Mr. Hallenby filed a report on her. In these cases the least we can do is arrest the person for a day and conduct an investigation. I had 5 students write their statement in the event that had occurred and single-handedly decided that she is not to be blamed. Her arrest ends in," Madam Picquery looked at the clock on the wall," 37 minutes. Then she is free to go." She didn't look to pleased with the situation.
"And that is it? She should be getting a compensation for that night," Graves said with a furious undertone.
"Indeed, but that is her's to ask. Would you have time to go free her?" Madam Picquery asked.
"I will."
"Not earlier than in 36 minutes, thank you," the woman finished and handed Percival the same keys she had handed him last night.
These 36 minutes were the longest Percival can remember  any 36 minute period to have ever been. He was sitting in his office and preparing a form for Y/N. His mind was filled with questions. He wasn't sure if Y/N was in the right mindset to be asked about her past right after being stuck overnight in the company of the other inmates. When he had just 7 minutes until her release Graves decided to leave his office and head downstairs. As was bound to happen, he reached the corridor leading to the cells in a minute or two and had an extra 5 minutes now. He tried to open the lock as silently as he could and entered the corridor, he was greeted with a chilly badly lit part of the building. He stopped and tried to hear anything that the inmates were saying.
"Hmmm... more or less?" a man asked.
"Less," a woman answered.
"I went easy on a pretty thing like you," the same man answered.
"Sure," the same woman answered shortly.
"Oh come on answer me now," the man said almost flirtatiously.
"No, you can guess."
"Less than 50 but more than 25 hmm... 32!" the man guessed.
The woman didn't reply for a long time. "No."
There was a long pause once again. "Yes."
"43 scars is not a lot, you should be more hostile with me!" the man flirted again.
"One day I'll decorate you with 43 scars and then we can debate over it," the woman replied coldly. Graves wasn't sure but it could have been Y/N.
"Y/N, Y/N, we had a good time together, no need to get mean," the man and his friends laughed. The conversation died cause Y/N stopped answering completely. Graves decided to finally go in. He walked to Y/N's cell and opened the door of it.
"Follow me," he said to Y/N. He did only get a glimpse of her but it seemed like she didn't look too good. She was curled up in the far right corner of the cell. She stood up and silently walked to the door. Graves locked the now empty cell after her and started leading her out from between the cells.
"We'll meet sooner than you think, doll!" the same man shouted after her.
When Graves and Y/N closed to corridor's door behind them and walked into the more lit part of the building, he finally looked at Y/N. The woman had dark circles around her eyes and her hair was messy. Otherwise she looked fine.
"You have to sign a few papers in my office, is that okay?" Graves asked looking at her.
"Yes," she answered and nodded lazily. The reached the elevator and the both of them reached to the button to call for it at the same time. Their hands touched for a brief second before Y/N quickly pulled her hand away. Graves noticed that her hand was very cold. The more he looked at her the more clear it became that the poor woman was freezing. She was shaking slightly and her lips had an almost blue touch to them. Without asking Percival took his jacket off and offered it to her.
"I'm fine, thank you," Y/N replied and looked down.
"You're clearly freezing. Who's gonna train the aurors if you get sick?" Percival said and was almost surprised by his own words, they sounded childish. The elevator arrived and opened it's doors.
"If I will get sick, then I will. I doubt your coat will undo the whole night," she replied and stepped into the elevator.
Graves couldn't argue with that, she did have a good point. That didn't mean that he didn't feel like he wanted to help her. They stood by each other in silence, Graves was awkwardly holding his jacket in his hands. When the elevator stopped Graves decided to put his jacket around Y/N shoulders anyway. He made sure she saw what he was doing (not like the last time) and placed the jacket on the woman's shoulders. It was stupidly big for her and made her seem even smaller than she was. In that moment the doors opened but neither of them moved for a brief second. Finally Graves gestured to Y/N  to stepped out first. As soon as they started heading to Percival's office, Y/N felt many pairs of eyes on her. Percival noticed that too but didn't give it too much thought. Once they reached the office Percival opened the door for her and told her to wait for a minute.
Y/N walked in and sat down on a wooden chair with a leather seat, identical to the one on the other side of the table. She let her eyes wander over the cabinet. It looked more like a fancy interrogation room. There were no pictures on the walls or on the desk, no plants, the room was depressingly dark and the light there was cold. Y/N took the jacket she had been given off and walked over to Percival's chair, she placed the jacket on the chair and took her seat again. Before she could investigate the decor more Graves was back.
He sat down on his seat and sighed. "Sign this, I'll fill the rest out myself," he said and handed Y/N the form. Y/N read through the paper fast, signed it and handed it back.
"You can write a complaint on Hallenby for all this," Graves said while filling out the rest of the paper.
"I'd rather not, it would give him even more reason to hate me," she replied.
" Are you sure?" Percival asked.
" Yes."
" Well here is the signed return permit for your wand," he took it from the  top drawer of his desk.
An awkward silence took over .
"When can I teach again?" Y/N asked and stood up.
"I doubt you want to do it today but tomorrow is fine, if it's fine by you."
"I won't cancel my today's class," she said and walked out. No one had ever walked out from Percival's office in the middle of the conversation before. He was both agitated and impressed.
Almost without having noticed Percival found himself walking into the training hall of the aurors when he knew the class was about to start. He went and sat down in the back of the room in his usual seat.
"I wonder if Miss Y/L/N will be here?" a girl who Percival thinks was in his office the day before asked from another girl.
"No idea," the girl replied.
"Of course she won't, she was thrown to jail! I hope we'll get a proper teacher finally!" David Hallenby, the spoiled kid, said.
"And I hoped I'd have normal students but I guess life is not what we expect or hope," Y/N who had entered the room without anyone noticing said, "today we'll go through the most common dirty moves when it comes to hand combat but first, run for 7 minutes."
The pupils stared running but Y/N walked to Percival instead. " Can you help me today?" she asked.
"In what way?" Percival asked back a bit surprised by the unusual warmness in her voice.
"I need to show them the moves but I don't want be accused of fighting with the students," she said matter-of-factly.
"Good idea," Percival said and followed Y/N to the middle part of the hall. He took of his jacket and vest, loosened his tie a bit, unbuttoned the upper button on his shirt and rolled up his sleeves.
"7 minutes is up!" Y/N shouted in a bit and everyone in the room gathered together.
"Today we have Mr. Graves taking part of our training class more physically than before. So before we start what were the most important things you learned last time? Let's go over them quickly..."
When the class ended and everyone had left the hall Y/N noticed that Percival was still in the room.
"Thank you for helping me out today," she smiled and told him.
"It was no problem," Graves replied.
"I didn't want to be completely alone in front of them today," she admitted.
"It is completely understandable," Percival replied and walked out of the door, Y/N followed him and locked the door after herself. Percival found himself thinking that she looked good even when she had been through so much in the last few days. " Can I walk you home?" Percival asked without even thinking.
"Thank you but there is no need for that, see you tomorrow," Y/N smiled and walked away. She left Percival standing in the hallway of MACUSA, wondering if any woman has ever declined that offer from him before.
Part 6
My biggest “Thank you!” goes out to anyone reading this poor part that was posted a year after starting the series. I promise to finish this series this time!
If you want a tag let me know, also sorry if I did tag you and now you don’t remember what the hell even is this story about (probably). If you’re tagged then it means you had let me know you wanted a tag ages ago. Let me know and I’ll take you off the list, no hard feelings :)
Tag-list :  @wintersdoll @weasleywickedwarlock @queenie-k0walski @srirachasluts @thenerdinyourclass @geeky-girl-394 @readermultifandem @credencedeservedbetter @aislinsekhem  
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Missing Chapter 4
Percival Graves x reader
Summary: He’s back, and he’s pissed. Where are you?
Word Count: 1148
“Seraphina!” Percival shouted as soon as he and Newt were rounding the door into the president’s office.
Maybe it was a mistake to give him his wand back so quickly, Newt mused as he tried to keep pace with the man. Then again he probably didn’t need it if those rumors were true. For years, he’d heard tale of the Director of MACUSA’s aurors and how capable he was even without a wand. The fact that Grindelwald was able to do all the wandless magic he wanted without anyone questioning it gave more than a little weight to the truth of those rumors.
“Percival!” she exclaimed, shocked to see the beaten-looking man alive let alone standing in her office and yelling at her. “What are you doing here? You should be in the hospital.”
“Should? Yes. But I’m not going anywhere until I get answers.”
Newt could hear the usually unflappable woman swallow nervously from where he was standing across the room. “Answers?”
“I’m not even going to think about the implication that none of you realized that wasn’t me.” Newt could see how Percival’s fingers tightened around his wand. He wasn’t sure if it was pain or anger that controlled the way that that hand was shaking; right now though, he’d wager his money on anger. “Where is she, Sera?”
“Well . . .”
“Don’t lie to me. I know that tone, and I know she’s here at Headquarters.”
Newt’s eyebrows scrunched up thoughtfully. “Wait, how do you know that? You just woke up.” His question was seemingly ignored by the others. Percival was seemingly too fixated on the piercing glare he was leveling on Seraphina as if she wasn’t the President, and the woman herself was trying not to meet those burning amber eyes by toying with her wand.
It took several tense, silent moments for Seraphina to collect herself for the hard explanation she had to give. “As soon as we realized that the you we’d been around was an imposter, we went looking for her. He’d been claiming that you two had a spat, and that she’d been staying at the school.”
During a pause in her words, Newt’s eyes flashed over to Percival just in time to see the man clench his jaw. 
The President continued, “The school was the first place we looked. The headmaster hasn’t seen her since All Hallows Eve when she came with you to the ball. Allegedly she filed the paperwork for a sabbatical to go to Africa and do some work against a rising dark wizard there. They had no idea where she could be.”
Newt was starting to worry about the way Percival’s hand just kept tightening around his wand; burns from the magical discharge of breaking a wand were the last thing the man needed to add to his already extensive list of injuries. Carefully, he reached over to pry the man’s fingers off of it, and Graves fortunately realized what he was doing and allowed it.
“That’s the night we were attacked.” Graves pinched the bridge of his nose in thought.
How did I not realize he was an imposter? Piquery wondered at the sight of that little tick. Grindelwald never did that.
“We came home from that ball and had a few drinks.” His brows furrowed as he dug his palms into his eyes. It was looking more and more like he was getting lost in the memory of what happened. “We were going to see her family the next day, so we went to bed early. Someone knocked on the door.” Graves moved so that he was crouching on the floor, completely absorbed in his thoughts. “I went to answer it; I remember thinking it was probably just some of the neighborhood kids. He got past our wards. I--I--I couldn’t--I couldn’t--” Newt’s hand on his shoulder pulled him out of the memory.
The Brit was surprised to see the tears in those amber eyes, especially after how well he seemed since finding him. “It’s alright,” Newt soothed. “What else do you remember?”
“She heard the noise and came down fighting, but we were both too slow to react correctly. I’m never drinking again . . .” he muttered that last bit. “He knocked her out and threatened to kill her if I didn’t obey. After that he dragged her into the office. That was the last I saw of her.”
“But how do you know she’s here, Percival?” Seraphina asked quietly. “If you were at your home, wouldn’t it be more likely that she’d be there?”
The man just seemed to have a knack for surprising even Newt since his next action was to remove the button-down, formerly-white dress shirt and reveal arms that were absolutely covered with a patchwork collection of tattoos. The magizoologist could do nothing but stare. He hadn’t figured Percival for the type. Normally, he would have caved to his curiosity and asked, but this wasn’t the time.
“Polyjuice doesn’t copy tattoos, Sera,” Percival was smirking even if there was an edge of anger to his eyes, “and no one but Y/N knew about them. Would have been a lot easier if she hadn’t been home, honestly,” he mused. “She’d have caught him off-guard and would have realized they were missing.”
“All of yours are covered by your shirt. How could I possibly have known?”
His response to that was to hold up his left hand. There, the other two noticed, was a razor-thin line around his wedding finger where a ring would normally sit. “Rings are too in the way,” was the simple explanation.
“What does this do with how you know where she is?”
That prompted Percival to remove the somehow-more-stained undershirt that was covering his torso. Under it were even more splotches of black ink in designs etched permanently into his skin. His hand settled over one in particular. It was a wampus, and elegant creature that seemed to rub against the touch. It didn’t escape Newt’s attention that that was the only tattoo that looked to be of wizarding origins. The rest were still and looked faded like muggle works. 
“A year after we got married, Y/N was kidnapped,” Percival was explaining.
“She was barely eighteen,” Sera breathed, remembering. “She was missing for weeks.”
“After I found her, I vowed it would never happen again. We went to a wizard that specialized in tracking spells, and got these done. It allows us to feel the general location of where the other is.” A small, fond smile pulled at his lips. “She didn’t want it too specific since that would be a violation of our privacy.” The warmth steadily drained from his expression as he returned to the reason he’d stormed into this office with the force of a tsunami. “I know she’s in  this building. I want the records of everywhere that bastard went the day after Halloween.”
A/N: That’s all I’ve got for now on this, folks. The well runith dry. As usual, come back after a while if you’re curious if there’s more. The masterlist is almost always right, but as of 8/6/2019 that’s all I have written.
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