dax-enfinity · 2 years
Good Morning, a few days ago I found a crossover ship fanfiction that I never though would be real
Dick Grayson/Percy Jackson
Yep Nightwing x Percy
In short I was browsing on AO3 and found this fic called “Making Waves” and it’s on AO3, Wattpad, and Fanfiction.net
Link on AO3:
Surprisingly it’s actually REALLY well-written, the fic is kind of like adult! Percy quit his job after graduating from New Rome with Annabeth and he’s living in Blüdhaven currently
Then due to mundane life being boring and missing his monster slaying days he decides to become a vigilante named Perseus yep I’m serious
Then he meets Nightwing who for is also a cop outside of being the main protector of Blüdhaven and a love square starts
And there are other characters such as: Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Brenda Miller, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Yes the other important PJO characters appear too: Annabeth, Jason (Grace) Nico, and Leo along with Paul, Sally and Estelle too
As if I am writing this there are currently around 12 chapters out of 20
The crossover between PJO and DC actually feels natural somehow
Also for some reason Percy is female, which is don’t understand why but it’s acceptable in my opinion
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viridousl · 1 year
no because my mom told me that my older siblings are soooo immature and how she cant trust them to look after themselves but she can trust me to always try my hardest even at my own expense and how she trusts me to ask her for help when im struggling like i havent asked for her help when ive strugglefd and she told me no?????? so anyway i decided my response to that was to get fucking plastered and do a dance battle and like it would be spoo sick if i were to like. make a percyw easley flashback in my eldestdaughter syndrome fic to be like "percy recalls his mom saying something similar" because that would slap and add another layer of like. why tf hes not getting more help from bill and charlie. hell yeash.!!
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Imagine pranking Percy Weasley with Howlers.
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“Who on Earth is sending you a Howler, Percy?” Molly asked, seeing the name on the top of the envelope. Percy squinted at Pigwidgeon, wincing at what was going to happen. Ginny, who was just walking into the room picked up the letter to see who it was for, and it came to life in your hands.
“PERCY WEASLEY!” Your voice burst out, making the twins snicker behind their hands. Percy leaned his head back and groaned, while the rest of them tried to appear like they weren’t listening in. “HOW DARE YOU?”
“What do you think he did?” George whispered to Fred.
“Started talking about being a prefect and bored y/n to sleep I imagine,” Fred retorted.
“YOU SERIOUSLY SENT A LETTER TO THAT PREFECT TART PENELOPE CLEARWATER WISHING HER A HAPPY SUMMER? DISGRACEFUL! AFTER YOU TOLD ME THAT SHE’S NOT WORTH THE COST OF PARCHMENT? I CAN’T BELIEVE -” Your laugh started to come out of the Howler, making Mr. Weasley shake his head. “I’m just fooling around, I’ve never done a Howler before and you’re the first one I thought of once I got the paper from Flourish and Blotts. Hey twins, write me and tell me what his face looked like! Have a great day!”
The paper stuck it’s tongue out, then ate itself, and little pieces of scrap fell onto the floor near the window. The owl ruffled it’s feathers and looked displeased while the Weasleys came to terms with what just happened.
“I love y/n.” George laughed out loud, nearly falling off his chair.
“Yeah, too good for you Perce, how’d you land that?”
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percyw34-blog · 6 years
To sum everything in one word "Pura Vida" #beach #sunset #fatherdaughtertime #goodfriday #costarica #iPhone #timelapse #percyw (at Somewhere in Costa Rica)
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percywings-blog · 6 years
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chaos-crews · 2 years
Monsterhearts II:
Timothy Joshua Amber (he/him, ghost)
Tag: Timmy
Ship tag(s): Timmy/Peter, Timmy/Meyer
Nora Cynthia Harrowood (she/her, werewolf)
Tag: Nora
Ship tag(s): N/A
Dorothea Augusta Finlay (she/her, vampire)
Tag: Dorothea
Ship tag(s): Dorothea/Ivy
Dungeons & Dragons:
Midra Ianessa (she/her, half-elf)
Tag: Nessa
Ship tag(s): Nessa/Eira
Raven Elaren (she/her, elf)
Tag: Raven
Ship tag(s): N/A
Figogran Pytrand Myrdel Ashblight (he/him, dwarf)
Tag: Figo
Ship tag(s): N/A
Dragon Age:
Freya Eleanor Haelia Cousland-Theirin (she/her, human)
Tag: Freya
Ship tag(s): Freya/Max, Freya/Alistair
Ronya Adaia Tabris (any pronouns, elf)
Tag: Ronya
Ship tag(s): Ronya/Zevran
Lowren Endrin Aeducan (he/him, dwarf)
Tag: Lowren
Ship tag(s): N/A
Tarenan Mahariel (he/him, elf)
Tag: Tarenan
Ship tag(s:) Tarenan/Morrigan
Corin Moira Amell (she/her, human)
Tag: Corin
Ship tag(s:) Corin/Leliana
Satine Leandra Hawke (she/they, human)
Tag: Satine
Ship tag(s): Satine/Isabela/Merrill
Achilles Carver Hawke (he/him, human)
Tag: Achilles
Ship tag(s): Achilles/Fenris
Aslan Malcolm Hawke (he/they, elf)
Tag: Aslan
Ship tag(s): Aslan/Anders
Katla Rosetta Cadash (she/her, vashoth)
Tag: Katla
Ship tag(s): Katla/Sera
Percywal Brett Oswald Trevelyan (he/him, human)
Tag: Percywal
Ship tag(s): Percywal/Cassandra
Elgaravel Lavellan (she/her, elf)
Tag: Gara
Ship tag(s): Gara/Solas
Mind Blind (@mindblindbard):
Sydney Amethyst Wiseman (she/they, human)
Tag: Syd
Ship tag(s): Syd/Rosy
Lost Lambs (@lostlambs-ifgame):
Alice Sunder (any pronouns, human)
Tag: Magpie
Ship tag(s): N/A
Our Life: Beginnings & Always:
Tyler Sylvester (he/him, human)
Tag: Tyler
Ship tag(s): Tyler/Derek
Maya Kyra Holden (née Flynn) (She/her, human)
Tag: Maya
Ship tag(s): Maya/Cove
The X-Files:
Elizabeth Campbell (she/her, human)
Tag: Liz
Ship tag(s): Fox/Liz
Jaqueline Amelia Waterston (she/her, human)
Tag: Jackie
Ship tag(s): Jackie/Dana, Jackie/Jed, Jackie/Nancy
Fox William Mulder-Scully (he/him, human)
Please note: He is not to be confused with Fox Mulder™️ as owned and written by series creator Chris Carter (Derogatory) this Fox is quite different, as is his occupation and his traumas!
Tag: Fox
Ship tag(s): Fox/Liz, Fox/Dana
OCs without their own tag:
Peter Marsh, Monsterhearts II (ship tag)
Ivy Young, Monsterhearts II (ship tag)
Maxine Gilmore, Dragon Age (ship tag)
Jediaha Willis, The X-Files (ship tag)
Nancy Reed, The X-Files (ship tag)
Posts that apply to/mention all characters are tagged as: Everyone
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topi-virag · 2 years
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She is my DnD character. She's a Tabaxi Bard. She has a really big family (she has 7 siblings, 5 brothers and 2 sisters (Winny is the fourth eldest sibling)). She lost his eldest brother in a fire-accident when she was younger (she’s family think he died, but Winny knows he was just dissapeared), and that's why she scares from the fire. She is the musicion and the entertainer of the village. He's favorite sibling's Percywal (the third oldest brother), who's genious. She learned a lot of things from him.
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With You By My Side - Eight
A/N: Closing in on the end here people. Just two more parts after this. Betaed by the wonderful @thorne93.
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Jared
Warnings: Fluff with a side of angst. 
Wordcount: 1842
Catch up HERE
*not my Gif*
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Because Jensen had to go back to Vancouver just a week after your wedding, you didn't get a chance to go on a honeymoon. Not that you minded, it was nice just to be able to be with each other, to enjoy each other’s company for as long as you could before he was going back to work. You had also made a deal not to talk about your cancer until you got the results back from Germany, which would happen two weeks after filming started back up. Jensen had already arranged it so he could come with you.
“I want to ask you something,” Jensen said as the two of you lay in bed, stalling for as long as possible before you had to get up. “You can say no if you want.”
“You know I can't say no to you,” you teased. “Shoot.”
“Do you want to maybe come with me to Vancouver? I just hate the thought of being without you.”
“Of course I'll come. I'll start packing when I get home tonight,” you said excitedly. You had wanted to go with him, but you knew how busy he was when filming and you didn't want to impose.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked as you made to get out of bed.
“I have that date with Jared today,” you reminded.
“I really thought we’d be married longer than five days before you started having an affair,” he joked.
“You've seen his puppy dog eyes, there's no saying no to that guy.”
“You’re right. Hop in the shower and get ready, I'll start breakfast.”
Catching up with Jared was amazing, you had almost forgotten how much fun he was to be around. Everything was an adventure with him, and he got these crazy childish urges, like ice cream for lunch and a water balloon fight in the park.
“You ready for dinner?” Jared asked as you were walking through the park, heading back to his car.
“Yeah, I'm starving,” you said. “Can we just sit for a moment?”
“Of course. Are you okay?” he asked with a worried expression as he lead you over to a bench.
“I'm fine, just easily exhausted these days,” you tried to reassure him.
“How are you dealing with everything?” he tried carefully.
“Honestly? I'm okay. I feel less energized, but other than that there are no physical signs that I'm sick.”
The two of you sat on that bench for a while and talked, interrupted a few times by fans wanting to say hi and get a picture taken with Jared. It was truly amazing to watch him interact with his fans, same thing with Jensen, they were always so genuine, which was probably just one of the many reasons why they had such a huge fanbase.
It was almost eleven when Jared dropped you off back home, thanking you for spending the day with him.
“So, you crazy kids have a good time today?” Jensen asked as he came out to join the two of you.
“Yeah, we had a blast. Thanks again, Jared,” you said warmly.
“No need to thank me, I had a great time too,” he confirmed. “And thanks, Jay, for lending me your wife for the day,” he said, giving Jensen a quick hug.
“You up for watching a movie with me before bed?” Jensen asked as the two of you were heading back inside the house, his arm securely wrapped around your waist.
“I would love that. Just let me get changed out of these clothes and I'll come join you.”
About twenty minutes into the movie you had fallen fast asleep, your head resting comfortably on Jensen's chest. A part of him wanted to wake you up and get you to bed, but then again, he loved the feeling of having you so close. He continued to watch the movie as he listened to your steady breath, his mind wondering how many more night's like these you had left. He had promised you that there would be no more worrying about the future until the next visit to Germany, but he couldn't help it, the fact that everything was so uncertain right now was always spinning in the back of his head. He caught himself wondering how many Christmases, birthdays and wedding anniversaries you had left, he wondered how he would cope with losing you. As much as he loved living in the now with you, his mind would not stop traveling to the future the two of you might not have.
“Honey I'm home,” Jensen sing songed as he got back from a day of filming, smiling widely as the smell of your lasagna hit his nose.
“In the kitchen,” you shouted back. “Dinner will be ready in five.”
Jensen walked up behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder as he asked if you were ready for tomorrow.
“All packed and good to go,” you answered. You were hopping on a plane first thing tomorrow morning to go to Germany and get the results from your treatment. Last week you were in Austin to get your MRI and pet scan done, which Dr. Hansen would send to Dr. Bauer. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” Jensen lied. He wasn't ready at all, he was scared of what news you would get, that this was it.
It was a long flight and an even longer cab ride it seemed, before the two of you once again sat in front of Dr. Bauers desk.
“We have evaluated the images that were sent to us as well as your blood test, and I'm sorry to tell you that there has been no progress regarding your cancer cells” he informed professionally.
Well… there it was. “So what now?” you questioned, a firm grip on Jensen's hand.
“There is nothing more we can do for you, and I believe that was the same thing Dr. Hansen told you back in Austin?”
“Yes,” you confirmed. You could feel Jensen's eyes on you, but you didn't dare meet his gaze, worried that the pain in his emerald orbs would be to much to handle, that that was the thing that would make you break down.
“I do believe he will provide you with pain relief and professional health care when the time comes for that, but until then, I suggest you go get as much joy out of life as possible.”
“How long do I have?”
“Hard to say exactly, perhaps eight months. I'm really sorry we didn't have better news for you,” he said apologetically.
There wasn't much conversation between you and Jensen on the flight back to Austin, neither of you knowing what to say or how to comfort the other.
It wasn't until you were back home you finally spoke up. “I need you to talk to me, Jay,” you said in a soft voice, placing a hand on his back as he was leaning over the kitchen counter.
“I don't know what to say,” he admitted, running a hand over his face. “This is so unfair.”
“We knew that this was a long shot,” you tried.
“You realize what this means right? You won't even live to see our first wedding anniversary,” he choked out, his voice strained and his eyes swimming with tears.
“I know,” you said as you reached out for him. “I'm sorry that I have put you in this situation.” You wrapped your arms around him and hugged yourself tightly to his body.
Jensen wrapped his hands around you and burried his face in your neck. “You didn't put me in this situation (YN). None of this is your fault,” he stressed. Yes, this was hurting him, in fact it was pain that he had never experienced before, but you needed to know that he didn't blame you for it.
The two of you stood there, in the kitchen, wrapped up in each other’s arms for god knows how long, silent tears escaping both of you. This was a lot to wrap your mind around, even if you had known this was a possibility, you had held out hope that somehow you would survive this, now it was a reality. You were dying. Soon. The two of you were pulled away from each other by Jensen's phone ringing.
“Who can it possibly be this late?” you wondered out loud.
“Hey, Jared. What's up?” Jensen said as he answered the phone, trying to compose himself. You watched as he talked to his best friend, wiping away at his tears while watching you intently. He worried that if he took his eyes off of you, you would somehow disappear.
“What did he want?” you questioned as Jensen hung up the phone.
“Apparently, some rumors has hit the media that you and I got married.”
“How?” The two of you had tried to keep it away from the press because you wanted this time to yourselves. The only people who knew was Jensen's family, a handful of his friends and his colleagues. But these things had a tendency to come out, it was really just a matter of time.
“What do you say we make it official?” he asked with a smile, walking up to you and linking his arms around your waist.
“What do you have in mind Mr. Ackles?”
“One little tweet and the whole world will know,” he suggested.
You mulled it over for a moment. On one side it was nice that the two of you could enjoy this for yourselves, but on the other hand, you married the man of your dreams, why wouldn't you wanna share it with the world. “Let's do it.”
Jensen wrapped you in his one arm, hugging you to his body as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips while snapping a picture. He showed it to you for your approval before he wrote a quick caption and posted it to his twitter.
Spending some quality time at home with the missus, @Y/T/N. #marriedlife.     
You both left your phones in the kitchen as you headed up to bed, both of you exhausted from the day you had. Within minutes you fell asleep in Jensen's comforting embrace.
Overnight you phone had blown up with tweets. Some were sweet messages and well wishes, some were a little harsher and some were downright cruel. You tried your best not to take any of them to heart, but it was really difficult not to be affected by the hateful words. At least the reason you got married in such a hurry was still a secret and you were thankful for that.  
“The most important thing is that we’re together,” Jensen said as he brought you a cup of coffee out in your backyard.
“You make a compelling point,” you agreed, leaning in to kiss him.
Jensen was right. The most important thing was that you had each other, and that you spent as much time together as you possibly could.
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All things spn: @frenchybell @itseverythingilike @percywinchester27 @feelmyroarrrr @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @mrswhozeewhatsis @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @drbagels123 @sandlee44 @buckysmetallicstump @torn-and-frayed @thereisnolumos @tia58 @charliebradbury1104 @devilgirlsarah @shadowexorsist009 @bea789 @supernatural-jackles @mariairwin666 @madamelibrarian @atc74 @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @hanny-writes-spn @livelylaynie @therewillbeblood @ruprecht0420 @samgirlforeverandalways @youremycrimsonpain @melonberri @iamnotsaneatall @donnaintx @fangirlextraordinaire @fernandasvaldi @moonstar86 @deanwinchesters-67impala @aquabrie @mcdaring
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wawintoyz-blog · 7 years
Tomica Long Type Tomica No.138 Kikan-sha Percy
Tomica Long Type Tomica No.138 Kikan-sha Percy
[ad_1] Tomica Long Type Tomica No.138 Kikansha Percyw/tracking by JP post Tomica Long Type Tomica No.138 Kikansha Percy [ad_2]
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Imagine Percy Weasley coming across your dying body during the Battle of Hogwarts.
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The Killing Curse would have been kinder than the hell that the spell was putting you through. Cuts covered your body, and as you lay on the familiar floors of the Hogwarts halls, your blood was sinking into the stone in a large puddle. Your wand had been kicked during the chaos, and you could hardly see a thing. The edges of your vision were blurring as the warmth of your body was leaving you, causing you to die on the ground.
You at least were able to roll over to lie on your back so you could see the ceiling. During the war, it had been damaged, and you were able to see the stars and the sky beyond. Not a bad view, you thought, accepting the fate that had befallen you.
Your name was called out in an agonizing tone. Percy Weasley, the man that you loved, ran up to your side, an older man behind him. His father. At least he wasn’t going to be alone through this experience, though you did wish neither of them had to see you this way. Arthur gasped and looked away while Percy fell to his kees as if he had just received a bad blow to the stomach.
“You must heal yourself, where’s your wand-” Percy said, looking around you, having lost his own wand in the process. You raised your pale arm to take hold of his hand and bring his attention back to you.
“Go - on - I don’t want you to see-”
Those words had taken the last of your effort, and as the last word escaped your lips, so did your last breath. Your grip on him, already loose to begin with, dissipated and your arm fell onto your side. Percy’s lower lip trembled. He thought he had shed all of the tears that he had for his brother, but for you, there were some left. Arthur put his hand on his boy’s shoulder, tugged him up and pulled him into a hug. Percy pushed away from him and went to the nearby wall and cried against it, hitting it. Letting his son get his emotions out, Arthur crouched down next to you and lowered your eyelids so you were at peace.
Luke Newberry as Percy Weasley Requested by: @space-ace420​
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percyw34-blog · 7 years
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It's steaming this morning. This cooled me down a bit #copos #granizados #hotday #costarica #photographynoob #percyw (at Alajuela)
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percyw34-blog · 6 years
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Yes, I still hate selfies. So here's a pic of me taking a selfie. #tbt #awesometrip #outatsea #sealegs #hateselfies #costarica #percyw (at Somewhere on Earth)
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percyw34-blog · 6 years
To sum up in two words "PURA VIDA!!" #fatherdaughtertime #beach #sunset #timelapse #iphone #willdobetternexttime #goodfriday #costarica #percyw (at Somewhere in Costa Rica)
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percyw34-blog · 6 years
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A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and hope and promise of the future. #fatherdaughtertime #beach #semanasanta #model #loveyou #sony #costarica #percyw (at Somewhere in Costa Rica)
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percyw34-blog · 6 years
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To live is to experience things, not sit around pondering the meaning of life #horse #horsebackriding #beach #costarica #semanasanta #sunset #life #sony #percyw (at Somewhere in Costa Rica)
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percyw34-blog · 6 years
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The City by Ponch #sanfrancisco #goodtimes #trip #percyw (at San Francisco, California)
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