#pip/gregory talks
gregorybacon · 3 months
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mcdonald tile
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naskaolgia · 27 days
Opinion on foreign kids?
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Just.. yes.
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pocketslook · 5 months
Smashing my head into a brick because holy fucking shit
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zoot-marimba · 3 months
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For the first crack at South Park fan art, I decided to do the Foreign Kids as 80s King Crimson!
Since Adrian Belew is the one in red and is often noted for his bouncy, cheerful persona onstage, how could I not put Pip in that role?
For Robert Fripp, the man in a black suit who’s notorious for being intense, grumpy, moody, and not much of a people person with a stage presence consisting entirely of him sitting down to play in a way that just screams STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. This one was naturally Damien.
For Bill Bruford, I decided it should be Gregory of Yardale. The refined intellectual with blonde hair wearing a button down, all while showing a face that screams “what have I gotten myself into?” I normally wouldn’t cast Gregory as the drummer, but seriously, look at Bill Bruford there and tell me that’s not Gregory?
For Tony Levin, I went with ze Mole. At least partly by default, but also because as the bass man, Tony digs into the roots just as a mole would. Also, to master a Chapman Stick, much less be able to sing while playing that thing, you clearly have to be a few screws loose, so yeah, Christophe was a given.
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the1bidding · 2 months
need to sleep but also need to tell everyone the kind of pets everyone would like:
Damien: he loves loves cats and he would own so many of them if they loved him back. It’s like he naturally repels them it’s really awful for him
Red: loves big dogs because they’re adorable and cool as fuck. Also they scare people she doesn’t like away and she can name it Lucy :)
Christophe: fucks heavily with small animals. He loves hedgehogs and rabbits and whenever he gets the opportunity to take care of some he’ll jump at it
Estella: she doesn’t really care for animals or having pets, but she likes bats well enough. They’re nocturnal and don’t bother her
Cosette: has a strange connection with armadillos. She also likes possums and used to take care of one named Babe before she had to let her go
Gregory: he likes small dogs and is super afraid of big ones. Smaller ones are just cuter and more cuddly to him but he’s got a lot of those scars for a reason unfortunately
Jimmy: he likes snakes!!! they’ve just got so much variety and they’re so mysterious and cool looking that he just wants one (or a lot of possible)
Mark: he’s more partial to smaller animals as well, as he isn’t well experienced in taking care of anything bigger than a squirrel. Squirrels are literally his best friend
Rebecca: she loves lizards and turtles. They’re just the littlest guys to her and they’re trying to make it in this tough world just like she is
Phillip: doesn’t care for animals too much at all. It could even be said that they get in his way considering his living situation, so he generally thinks of them as a nuisance
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t4tclip · 11 months
Pip's hair is messy pretty often because he barely/pretty much poorly brushes it because he doesn't like to look at himself in the mirror, Gregory or Clyde often brushes it for him
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Fun fact they are secretly holding hands behind there
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kaleeatinghoe · 2 months
southpark kids musical headcanons woohoo
(just the ones I have thought about)
gregory plays clarinet + musical theater. he prefers musical theater but also just likes doing plays. as you may expect, he practices incessantly and as a result is the best in his band class, (which may have also had something to do with his prior musical experience at yardale.) whenever there is a solo to be gotten, the teacher makes it out to be a huge surprise whenever they select the soloist, but nobody is ever surprised and likely groan when gregory is selected.
wendy plays clarinet too, also playing it quite well, although not as excessively as gregory does. same with musical theater. she’s fairly good at singing in the sense of being in key nearly all the time, and having a strong voice, and competent on stage. she has a lot of interest in common with gregory in the music field, hence their friendship. (I’ve had an idea floating around in my brain of wendy auditioning for belle and grwgory gaston in beauty and the beast xDD) shes also one of the best in the band room and practices frequently.
christophe likely would never want to do any kind of musical anything on his own, although gregory would convince him to join band eventually. he would either join clarinet with gregory, or bassoon. he isn’t particularly good, but not completely lost. he’s maybe at the upper lower end of the”where he needs to be” in band class. I think that grwgory would slowly convince him to join musical theater with him,, but christophe being christophe he would never act on stage, so he would opt for backstage crew.
as for pip, he plays flute and sings in choir. he isn’t amazing at flute, but he’s overall pretty solid. I think he would just be absolutely overjoyed by being able to play that he doesn’t even care if he isn’t very good. he just genuinely likes to play flute, which is why he practices quite frequently. (although not very effectively.) same applies for choir, he just genuinely enjoys singing even though he isn’t THAT good at it. like he isnt bad at it, but his singing isn’t what you would call good either. little fella just having the time of his life in there:DD
i honestly think that estella probably wouldn’t do anything musical at all, but if she did it would be cello. she just seems like a cello kind of person idk. she can play it pretty up to speed. like not incredible but like to the point where she can get irritated whenever people are struggling real bad, which is very common in their orchestra class. she has like six packs on her eyeballs from rolling her eyes at this point. (i feel like all the strings would also be atrocious)
damien would go with alto sax (the one i play :D) or viola. he would also do piano but most schools don’t have piano :’) (atleast mine doesn’t.) his dad wanted him to have some form of extracurriculars but he is too antisocial for sports so his dad insisted on an instrument. whenever guests come over damien is hoping and praying that his dad doesn’t remember he can play an instrument :’) (“did you know that damien is learning an instrument at school? oh my gosh!! he’s gotten so good!!! damien, you should play something for them!!” “*whisper yelling after damien refuses* damien! show our guests your skills!”)
rebecca would do piano, (if it’s available) or violin. she already took violin lessons so she chose that one so she was less lost when she joined mid way through the year. (not that she couldn’t learn it in her own really fadt, bc she totally could, but she has social anxiety.) in the off chance that her parents make her try something new, she would play oboe. Idk her personality js seems like an oboe idk how to describe it :’) she would be really good at it and one of the better players in the room.
mark would also opt for piano if the school offers it, but if not he would go for the French horn because he thinks it’s cool. also he really likes the way it looks, and also he didn’t want to do one of the instruments he already knew because that’s boring. he would get up to speed pretty fast and end up one of the best in the french horn section, which pisses a lot of people off who couldn’t even get that good in the time before mark& rebecca came to the school.
so like these are just the characters who i rlly thought about whenever the hell i came up with the musical idea,, so I might make more. js lmk if you want any particular character/ hc or anything abt the characters in music
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silver--scar · 2 months
Something I don't think I've seen people talk about but I'm not actively searching for it so it might've already been discussed but-
The foreign kids.
Pip hates French people.
Christophe is French.
And since I've seen many works of Christophe and Gregory being frenemies (most times because Christophe hates British people, but I don't think that's actually canon), I've come to a conclusion.
Make Pip and Christophe absolutely hate each other.
I want Pip to hate Christophe for being French and his 'stupid smoking habits' and his 'stupid accent' (or whatever people complain about French people idfk) and I want Christophe to hate Pip for somehow being more British than Gregory could ever be. I want to see the prim and proper Pip and the god-hating and foul-mouthed Christophe argue, bicker, fight with a burning passion. I want them to insult each other in the most creative ways. I want them to duel in a battle of fisticuffs. It'd be SUPER funny guys like COME ON!!
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They are each other's #1 haters
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sundaepoppy · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could write romantic yandere hcs with Thomas tweek pip and Gregory with a gn! Imp! Reader? Sorry if this request was not specific enough!
Yandere Thomas, Tweek, Pip, and Gregory with an Imp s/o❤️‍🔥💖❤️‍🩹
Warnings: obsessive behavior, punishments, humiliation, murder, bite marks.
Genre: Romantic
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Thomas Lacey 🩸
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Even though he is a yandere, he's still practically a sweetheart.
But more sweet towards you than anybody else in this scenario.
He often pukes blood whenever he is around you, how can he not resist how adorable you are?
He always gives you sweet kisses whenever you both are cuddling and he whispers sweet stuff into your ears while he strokes your wings. <3
He is sweet, but he's capable of hurting somebody whenever they try hitting on you or stealing you away from him.
He won't hurt you, only if you don't try escaping him. If you don't try to escape, then Thomas is a happy boi •v•
His punishments aren't that cruel since he is still a sweetheart towards you so you don't have to worry.
He may also cook for you if you been a good girl/boy.💛💛💛💛💛
💛 Tweek Tweak ☕
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You both grew up together and had always been friends ever since.
Tweek soon has started to develop feelings for you. The only difference is that those feelings has become quite obsessive.
Tweek's eyes are always on you and only you so he ends up zoning out quite often.
Everyone was concerned on the way Tweek was acting until they figured out that he was high heels over you.
Tweek always gets jealous and quite angry whenever he sees you talking to someone. It makes him twitch more violently in frustration than it already is.
Tweek then kidnapped you so he could have you all to himself. Nobody is allowed to touch what is his.
If you ever try to escape, punishments will be served. More like bruise marks on your body.
If you try to escape again. Tweek might just tie your hands together with cuffs as a form of humiliation.
He is still sweet though! when you aren't being naughty of course.💛💛💛💛💛
💛 Pip Pirrup 🌠
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You'll definitely be covered in bite marks. All over your body.
Pip bites gently though! He would never hurt his precious s/o. Unless he has to....
But don't worry dear, it only happens when you have been naughty. Don't be naughty and Pip won't hurt you! <3
He is so sweet and clingy! He'd be clingy to you very often ♥️ he likes the feeling of his s/o in his arms...
He peppers your face with kisses while biting you in the progress.
His victims....his killings are a bit messy if I do say so.
He definitely didn't bite the face off of his victims or stab them. He definitely didn't do that because they were messing with him and his s/o.
Pip is just protecting his s/o <3
If you make him jealous though....he might give you more bite marks than usual to show you that you belong to him and only him.💛💛💛💛
💛 Gregory Bellarose ♣️
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Gregory as a yandere? My! how rare....
Gregory must've taken a liking into you for him to be your yandere.
He is sweet, but also flirty as well. He makes flirty comments in your ear just so he could see your adorable face blush bright red.
Escaping him would be hard, he can just easily grab you and pull you back towards him with his Ink goo hands.
Humiliation is one of Gregory's ways of punishing you. He'd make you wear a collar that has "Gregory's Bitch" carved on it.
He can just hold you in place with the ink hands, allowing him to do whatever he wants with for your punishments.
His killings, well I won't go in exact details. But they aren't really quite pleasant to see dear.
Probably something far worse then what Pip does.
But that's okay! He isn't that cruel to make you watch him murder his victim in a not too horrible fashion way. 💛💛💛💛💛💛
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Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop Bleep bloop
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angel-gone-south · 8 months
Oh dearest writer I am requesting (again) what do YOU think tweek, clyde, kyle, jimmy and pip would call the reader (if that makes any sense 😅) like ig "petnames" but I hate that word more then anything (even more then my mom 🤭)
🖌 anon (as always)
Nicknames for the Reader!
i did romantic AND platonic if that’s okay
Drug mention
Stan Marsh
Platonic: Dude, Bro, “Lil Homie” or “Big Guy” depending on your height
Romantic: Darling, Honey, Baby. Typical shit unless he’s in a goofy mood, then it’s something stupid like “booboo bear”
Kyle Broflovski
Platonic: Dude, Bro. Classic.
Romantic: Babe, Dear, Honeybun. He never calls you Honeybun in public though, that one is for him only.
Kenny McCormick
Platonic: Babes, among other things that are probably not normally platonic (doll, pretty, etc)
Romantic: Doll, Prince/Princess, Hot stuff (or hotcock/pusspuss when he’s stoned out of his gourd)
Eric Cartman
Platonic: This is Cartman we’re talking about. He calls you derogatory things based on your appearance and background no matter what.
Romantic: Same thing, mostly. But alone he’s much sweeter, or he just adds “my” to the beginning of whatever slur he calls you. He’s not used to love.
Butters/Marjorine Stotch
Platonic: Fella, Buddy, Bubba, etc.
Romantic: Baby, sweetheart, darling, etc. Constantly giving you the sweetest compliments too. “Handsome boy” or “pretty girl” or simply just “gorgeous”
Craig Tucker
Platonic: Dude. Bro sometimes but he’s a very Dude guy.
Romantic: We all know he calls his partners honey, but also I think he would call you cupcake or love. Maybe even just baby.
Tweek Tweak
Platonic: Bro, my guy. Uses your name a lot.
Romantic: Hun, Cutie, just the most sickeningly sweet shit. He’s smitten.
Clyde Donovan
Platonic: Dude, bro, guy. Regardless of gender.
Romantic: Something stupid. Little lady/baby boy/my darling when he wants to embarrass you. Bae in front of his friends.
Tolkien Black
Platonic: Simple and straight to the point, he uses your name. Occasionally dude.
Romantic: I’m sorry he’s the guy to say pookie unironically 💀 he also calls you “little bug” though which is honestly adorable
Jimmy Valmer
Platonic: My man/Little Dude/Miss lady. He’s a jokester, whaddya want?
Romantic: Sweetums, cutie patootie, lovebug.
Scott Malkinson
Platonic: Dude, your name. Very simple.
Romantic: He’s probably so nervous but I think he would call you sugar, hon, and babe. He’s also definitely fond of dear and darling.
Pip Pirrup
Platonic: Friend, Chap, other British things.
Romantic: Love, sweetie, baby, missus/mister/mx. He adores you to the bone.
Damien Thorn
Platonic: Puny, worm, other such insults.
Romantic: Mortal. Also refers to you as “the Tolerable One” and “Mine.” Sometimes, when he’s feeling extra sappy, he calls you his little angel or firestarter.
Gregory (of Yardale)
Platonic: He does NOT know what that means so prepare for a litany of Prince/Princess, My Liege, etc.
Romantic: Others include: My sweet, love, sunshine, baby, little flower, beautiful, gorgeous, etc.
Christophe “The Mole” DeLorne
Platonic: “Friend” is the best thing you could squeeze out of him.
Romantic: lots of French. “Papillon” (butterfly), “Mon cher/Ma chérie” (my dear/my darling), “Amour” (love). He prays you don’t understand. Never point them out he WILL stop.
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gregorybacon · 9 days
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My bday its my bday :3 yay! With my frostless cake (I dont like frosting thumbs down) I will be honest Ive looked at every birthday comments and wishes and its so!! cool!!! I could cry!!! u guys are so cool auguhrghh!! As much as Im so conflicted of turning 18 at least everyone has been so nice to me and thats so epic... and shoutout to my 2 bfs i love you two tyy <333 hooray!!
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jackblackhotelmirror · 4 months
rating the south park kids because i'm bored
Kyle: 9/10, he is my GUY. i LOVE KYLE. he's just a little ginger ball of fury and well-grounded logic, he's just a little dude. every time he's on screen, i get so excited.
Stan: 8/10, i'm just like him fr (always emotional, attached to everyone, depressed) but i wish he had more personality development through the seasons :(
Kenny: 10/10, he is my child. nobody will ever take kenny's place. he is KENNY. little dirty minded bastard.
Cartman: 8/10, look i hate him as much as the next person but oh my god there has never been a funnier character on any TV show i've seen. i hate him so much but something about him that tickles my fancy.
Butters: 6/10, i wish i could get attached to him but i literally cannot. he's so sweet and i enjoy every single second he's on screen but i also wouldn't care if he didn't show up again.
Wendy: 2/10, i cannot stand this bitch omg she's so self-righteous and annoying
Craig: 9/10, also my baby. my dude. he's probably one of the funniest characters on the show who has been consistently funny the entire show.
Tweek: 7/10: I LOVE tweek but i need to see him more. i wish his old voice would come back too. he's such a cutie patootie but i need more episodes with him that aren't focused on craig.
Clyde: 7/10, he's so boycoded. i loved seeing him in the latest special.
Nathan: 7/10 he is such a little shit but it makes me maternal for him. i love the episodes with him and Jimmy.
Ze Mole: 10/10, probably my favorite character tied with Kenny. he was on screen for all of five minutes but every single thing that came out of his mouth was gold. so much personality in his character.
Gregory: 2/10 I hate him.
Pip: 8/10, i actually love Pip... he was so sweet and I wished they'd kept him instead of killing him for Butters :(
Damien: 9/10, absolutely adored his redemption arc. he was so cute too when talking to Mr Mackey.
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pocketslook · 6 months
Exposing myself no1
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Scrapped project — December first.
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madhattersez · 1 year
I finally got my hands on something I've been looking for (for a reasonable price) since I was just a lowly little level 12 hornball - A "Marvel Swimsuit Special!"
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This is the second issue in the series (though the third book of its kind), and it was released in 1993 when... times were different.
The coolest thing about them (other than the totally radical '90s hunkeroos and baberinos in general) is the amount of really talented artists that submitted pieces - So many industry-leading folks putting their spin on the self-aware, low-brow, tongue-in-cheek project.
This first image was by Joe Jusko, a super popular cover artist at the time. I remember his Conan covers the most.
I'll eventually scan the whole thing in high quality, but for now, I'll take some preview pics to show you some of my favorite and/or goofiest pages:
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Here is Domino, looking like we might need to race her to a Dermatology appointment. She's apparently tacky enough to wear a swimsuit with a domino print on it.
And check out Cable in the back - Sun's out, cyberbun out! He's ready to catch some waves on a totally-worth-the-money-and-production-time rocket-powered machine gun surfboard.
I really appreciate this artist's commitment to all the "Liefeld pouches" here. I hope they're waterproof, or all those Tic Tacs inside 'em are gonna get ruined. :(
Penciling by Chris Batista, ink by Hector Collazo, coloring by Mark McNaab.
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Let's kick off the "after the jump" part properly with this glorious image of Pip. Because this is certainly what people bought this book for.
It just so happens that this fuzzy little asshole narrates the entire issue, so he's to blame for the inherently sexist captions on all the pictures.
Jesus Christ, he's got two big toes on each foot.
Pencilking by Darick Robertson, ink by Andrew Pepoy, coloring by Tom Smith.
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I love me some Cloak and Dagger.
Tandy looks as gorgeous as ever. Surely she owns stock in boobie tape by now.
Tyrone, however, is getting so much sand stuck to him right now... I don't think he digs being used as a beach blanket. I'm... not even sure he's ever had to wash his cloak before today! Yikes. He's all like:
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Penciling by Joe Madureira, ink by Terry Austin, and coloring by Gregory Wright.
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I can't stop laughing at how much Thunderstrike looks exactly like the Genetic Freak, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner in this picture:
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The work is entirely by Lou Harrison. It may not surprise you to learn he's also a Fantasy artist.
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I've always had a thing for Silver Sable, and this page is just fantastic.
That being said, my favorite part is Sandman sitting there, looking like a dope, shaped like a sand castle. Which, while it seems silly, was probably the most challenging and detailed thing I've ever seen him do with his powers. Worth it for the shot, I suppose!
Line work and ink by Steven Butler, a favorite of mine. He did penciling for the "Silver Sable and the Wild Pack" series (which got me attached), but he's also known for designing the Scarlet Spider suit. Coloring by Gregory Wright.
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If you thought I wasn't going to Morb out on this post, you were undead wrong.
Just look at that ridiculous batpackage. Also... Is he really serving a cape over a leather jacket, but with absolutely no pants? Damn, dude.
Penciling by Gary Barker, ink by Jimmy Palmiotti, coloring by Tom Smith.
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I can spot Adam Hughes' work a mile away, wow. I guess I didn't realize he was doing work for Marvel this far back.
A fierce-as-ever, short-haired Natasha who looks like she got slammed so hard against a rocky wall that it cracked, got up, emptied out the rest of her clip, and still had enough time and energy to pose during a reload.
Black Widow, bay-bayyy. ♫
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Oh my god, Ghost Rider is just so naughty. Wearing nothing but his birthday bones.
This scene just looks like it smells awful.
Artwork by Tristan Shane.
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Shulkie in a metal bikini (function over fashion?), bursting out of the lava from an active volcano. You wanna talk "hot tub?" Sure, this gets a feature.
Penciling and ink by cover artist Steve Geiger, coloring by Paul... Mounts.
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Deezamn, Bishop. Never seen guy looking so buff before.
Instead of just Bishop, this looks like Hank McCoy and Bishop had a child together. Does he have any other mode than "arm vein p-pop?"
Penciling by Dwayne Turner, ink by Mark Farmer, coloring by Gregory Wright.
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Ah, one of the more famous '90s Psylocke images that wasn't done by Jim Lee.
This centerfold was used in lots of comic store ads for several years after this issue came out. I remember seeing posters in the shops themselves. Trading cards of this picture are one of the most costly to collect.
It's beautiful, and the colors/lighting/shading are all fantastic.
Penciling and ink by the wonderful Art Thibert, creator of the Raft max security prison and inker of some of the most iconic X-title covers.
Coloring by Paul Mounts, who did the coloring in hundreds and hundreds of just Marvel comics alone - I didn't mention that earlier because I was snickering at his name earlier in the She-Hulk feature. My bad.
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Well, this wouldn't be Tumblr without a cat picture, yeah? Or a catgirl picture, I suppose.
This is the most adorable scene in the book. Just Tigra innocently taking a cuddle nap with some... um... wow, I don't know what the fuck those things are. Snuggle up anyway!
Penciling and ink by Amanda Conner, coloring by Gregory Wright.
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Huh. Of all the characters in this book, I really didn't expect to see Dr. Cooper... Either which way, the swimsuit under the detective get-up is pretty choice, honestly.
This is, of course, another Adam Hughes line art joint. Ink by Mark Farmer, coloring by Gregory Wright (who did a lot of these, huh?).
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What's this? A parody ad that you'd more expect to see in an issue of "What The--?!" that only '80s kids will understand? Yup, totally.
This was in the back of the book and doesn't fit the theme at all, but it gets a mention because of the weird inclusion and also to stall time until I had the final image ready, because I needed time to prepare...
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This is the one.
How could I not end this little "show and tell" without this beauty right here?
Here, we have remorseless killer Frank Castle flexing his best end-of-catwalk pose in front of a... wrestling match between a bunch of lady demon dinosaurs battling... for his affection? To tip him American cash? Or maybe all those hearts come from their love of beating each other up? I'm not here to judge.
And then there's a sign for 75 cent hotdogs, but it's been covered with another sign for... $20 tooth brushes? What in the shit is going on here?
There is one thing I do know, though. The artist wants you to think that The Punisher has at least $2.75 worth of hotdog under that massive crotch skull.
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megistusmona-mp4 · 2 years
random south park x gn!reader incorrect quotes
these are probably ooc (out of character)
gif by ﹫///jenoevil on twt.
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Y/N: Favorite horror movie?
Christopher: It
Gregory: Saw
Damien: Annabelle
Pip: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Y/N: Nothing in life is free.
Christopher: Love is free!
Gregory: Adventure is free.
Damien: Knowledge is free.
Pip: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Y/N: Anyone d-
Craig: Depressed?
Tweek: Drained?
Clyde: Dumb?
Butters: Disliked?
Y/N: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
Y/N: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Craig: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Tweek: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Clyde: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Butters: My moral code, is that you?
Y/N: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Y/N: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Craig: Several traffic violations.
Tweek: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Clyde: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Butters: Also, that’s not our car.
Y/N: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Kenny: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Y/N: Three of us saw it, Kenny. How do you explain that?
Kenny: *points at Cartman* Sleep deprivation. *points at Kyle* Paranoia. *points at Stan* Delusional personality disorder.
Y/N: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Kenny: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies
Stan: Socks are Feetie Heaties
Kyle: Forks are Stabby Grabbies
Kenny: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties
Stan: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies
Kyle: Stamps are Lickie Stickies
Cartman, annoyed: You are disappointments
Y/N: You're a loose cannon, Kenny.
Kenny: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Cartman: I think you play by your own rules.
Kyle: No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Y/N: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Kenny: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Stan is a loose cannon.
Stan: *smashes a chair*
Y/N: Dammit, Wendy!
Wendy: What?! It wasn’t me!
Y/N: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Bebe!
Bebe: Not me either.
Y/N: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Heidi: *whistles*
Y/N: Hah! 69! You know what that means?
Wendy: What?
Bebe: That you're a child.
Y/N, to Stan: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Stan, motioning to themself and Kyle: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
Y/N: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Stan: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Kyle: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Stan: Good thinking.
Y/N: WHY. why did you give Kyle a KNIFE?!
Stan: I’m sorry. They said they felt unsafe.
Y/N: Now I feel unsafe!
Stan: I’m sorry.
Stan: ... would you like a knife?
Y/N: Pip, can I talk to you for a second?
Pip: Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Damien are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Y/N: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Y/N: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited
Damien: If?
Pip: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and they might not even die.
Y/N: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it
Damien: Just rip the bandage off.
Y/N: It’s Pip.
Damien: Put the bandage back on.
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