#pixel art is kinda complicated
thenastyotherblog · 1 year
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Between being sad and having a burnout, I remember OFF is a game that exists and one thing came to another and now Four as a mini-boss comes to be.
Have the non-pixel sprite too 
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minteetho · 2 months
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ART COLLAB WITH KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!!! @xxn00bpwn3rxx he did the sketch and the lineart and i did the everything else :3c
he posted this on twitter so uhh go like and repost or whatever over there. BUT NOT BEFORE LIKING AND REBLOGGING MY POST!!!!!!
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reallyghostlypost · 1 year
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I started working on my Joja AU! Unfortunately I have no writing experience and while I like to doodle occasionally I don't have a tablet and I can't draw with a mouse to save my ass. So you all get pixel art! Which is really really time consuming 🥲
This is my first big pixel drawing so there are probably lots of mistakes (if anyone has any criticism/advice please let me know). Especially the shading, spent lots of time on it but I'm still not sure if I got it right. I'm also not sure about the skin tone. Thad was supposed to be really pale, like unhealthily so, and no Stardew character had the colors I wanted so I used a lighter color than Abigail, but now my farmer looks kinda... unfinished? Anyway, I wanted to draw my farmer in Stardew's style and then decided that using his portrait for a Joja ID is an interesting idea.
Originally I wanted to put the ID on a table, but the angle I started to draw it wouldn't fit. So instead of redrawing the whole thing I just let it without a background :D Also, I'm really proud of that safety pin ❤️ It took me four days to make it look like an actual safety pin.
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vaspider · 2 years
re the ai art thing: there are absolutely some shitty things going on with ai art at the moment, but i feel like this whole thing would benefit from more clarity on the bad actors involved so that arguments could be meaningfully directed at them instead of the nebulous concept of "ai art". i suspect elon musk's name is being used as a buzzword here - while he was one of many founders of openai, he resigned from the company before things like gpt and dall-e even came into existence, so i find posts that talk as though he's still actively involved to be suspect. second, it's entirely possible for an ai art generator to create something thats no more derivative of existing work than a human using it as inspiration. i agree it's still not 100% ethically pure, but at that point it sort of becomes a philosophical debate, not a practical one. a lot of ai art bots DO use significant parts of work, though, and the medical photo story would be horrifying even if ai art wasn't involved - these are specific bad actors, specific people who put private photos into the public domain, specific people who don't do the due diligence in making sure their model doesn't violate the copyright and forgery boundaries we already have in place, specific users who choose to generate derivative art for unethical purposes, and aiming this very justified anger at them is likely to bring about a lot more positive change.
No, Elon Musk's name is being used because he has a very long and very loud history of thinking he shouldn't need to credit artists or writers and that he should be able to use anything in any way he wants and people should be grateful that he did. That context is very important when talking about the intention behind the Tech Bro Collage Machine.
Second, no. It is not possible for an AI to create anything that isn't 100% derivative. There are a few reasons for this:
"AI," that is, actual artificial intelligence, does not exist. This is not nitpicking terminology, this is extremely important and crucial. What we are talking about isn't a brain. It doesn't think. It doesn't create. It cannot create. We may wish to think that it can create - humans love to wonder and we love to anthropomorphize everything, but no. Calling it "AI" is a branding decision, and propaganda. It isn't fact. AI doesn't create anything, first of all, because AI doesn't exist.
Tech-Bros Discover Collages™️ is a program. An algorithm. It does not create any more than a paint mixer creates purple paint when the Home Depot worker puts red and blue paint into a can and loads it into the paint mixer. All it can do it take what it is given and smash it together over and over and over again. And that is - in a very simplistic but also very real way - all that TBDCs do.
I'm very sorry, but androids do not yet dream of electric sheep, computers don't think, and comparing the pixel output of a machine that's just as likely to barf put a man with three fingers growing out of his cheek as it is a "masterpiece" that, if you unfocus your eyes and ignore the watermark artifacts and look past the weird smeary edges and all of the other tells, almost looks kinda like it's not AI art to the output of an actual working artist is absolutely facile. I genuinely cannot believe that people are actually making this argument. Like, I really can't. No, the computer isn't thinking and it can't actually create anything. You're playing with an extremely complicated kaleidoscope loaded with millions of dollars worth of stolen art, intended to help billionaires further defraud everyone else by replacing artists with digital garbage. That's it. That's all. It is nothing more. It cannot be anything more.
I really do wonder what people think is going to happen, here. Do y'all really think this is going to do anything but make it impossible for small artists to make money?
People are already selling "prompts lists" on Etsy as if that is original art, which it is not. People who have gotten really good at playing with the kaleidoscope have gone on long huffy rants about how they shouldn't have to reveal their prompts because they put work into coming up with that specific prompts list... all written without a shred of self-awareness or realization of irony.
I genuinely don't want the answer, here, because as a working artist, I am really exhausted of people trying to defend the destruction of the livelihood I've poured myself into, and the destruction of my friends' livelihoods, too, but I want you to ask yourself (quietly, in your head, and if you want to post about it, do it on your blog, don't put it here) what you think the end result of all of this is going to be.
Do you think this is going to result in some grand new wave of art democratization? It will not. Do you think computers can really create? They cannot. Or do you think instead this is going to lead to a lot of artists no longer being able to find sufficient work as the Fiverr/Uber/Amazonification of everything combined with AI art means that a lot of the meat-and-potatoes commissions and art jobs dry up, because why would you pay someone $100 to draw you a really original picture of your OC with their hours of labor and years of experience when you can get Midjourney to make you one in minutes ✨️for free✨️?
While y'all are busy talking about how computers are doing something not at all different from the human mind (lol), you're hammering the livelihood of a lot of people into the ground, duped by the same people currently burning Twitter to the ground, lighting piles of money on fire as crypto, and minting NFTs. This is just the next thing in a long line of tech bro scams.
Stop falling for it. You're fucking shit up and I'm tired.
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99999-damage · 1 year
fun fact to those who don’t know! agnea’s outfit is actually what some female flamenco dances wear while performing:
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of course there are variations with the way to dress (some garments are like agnea’s some are more “casual”) because that’s just how the dance arts are. there is no definitive way to dress in a dance style. but i find it really really cool that a JRPG protagonist makes use of a mixture of Romani cultural expression with musical influences from Andalucía in Spain, a region that also has, to this day, a lot of Arab and Muslim influences.
she is wearing a shawl or mantón too, which some bailaoras also use:
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according to wikipedia (i love wikipedia <3) the most traditional/frequent shawls used in flamenco are mantones de Manila which are originally chinese but came to Spain through the Philippines’ capital during spanish conquest period. they are also not exclusive to Andalucía, as it spread through Latin America too. mantones de Manila are made of silk and have colorful patterns, but i assume the artist rather chose a simpler design in order for more clarity when sprite work came, because this is how they look:
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pretty complicated to portray through pixels! also they aren’t typically wrapped to the waist but are rather worn over the shoulders. honestly i kinda wish we could get some sort of animation where agnea dances flamenco, since the movements are pretty understandably complicated to capture in the octopath pixel style.
some more wikipedia links, if you wanna read more about the topic:
flamenco as a musical genre
general information about Andalucía (from history to political order)
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heraldofcrow · 2 months
Okay for something less chaotic: select 5 Dark Souls 2 blorbos! Except for Aldia and Lucatiel because they're self-explanatory and will only rig the list xD I mean the less obvious blorbos!
P.S.: Turns out that Navlaan is Shabriri at home and idk how to feel about it
Ok yes, my DS2 blorbos, FINALLY!
Shanalotte 🍀
My girl comes first because she is the most well known character, but she is MORE than just the level up girl that says “Bear seek seek lest” and all that lmao.
Shan was the original Melina, in that she was waaaayyy deeper and more mysterious that one would initially think, which is actually kinda sad because all of the Soulsborne level-up girls are considered the heroines of the story and usually are more complicated than they seem.
But anyway, Shan is by far one of the most developed, to the point where she even got a really unique CG model in the DS2 trailers.
(Seen here. Thank Fromsfotware Hoarder once again).
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She also has some really cool unused concept art and LOOK AT HER. She has a very Druidian look that gives off a “traditional fantasy” vibe that Dark Souls usually tends to warp with other designs. Also, the pic where she’s T-posing….I will never shut up about her ornaments and that big-ass dagger. Melina vibes for sure.
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There are some miiild downgrades for her actual in-game model IN MY OPINION, but nothing too drastic. I just wish they had kept her little forehead gem, but she looks great otherwise.
Beyond design, she is also just a fascinating character. I love that she was…created? She is like the Doll in that sense, but she wasn’t a memory ornament. She was an attempt to achieve immortality, which actually isn’t an unintelligent idea on humanity’s part. Dragons are eternal after all, but uhh…it’s unethical of course. (Idk why I am very drawn to characters that were born from human experimentation but I just love them okay).
Shan being part dragon is bizarre and I love it. She also has her own motivations in trying to break the human curse. Part of me thinks it’s because she wants to avoid any more children being used for grotesque creations like she was. Just that touch of agency and personal interest makes her appealing to me. I could go on about her all day and I’m sure you now see that I’m not very normal about her. Lowkey been simping since I first played DS2 in late 2014 or whatever.
I even wrote her a little story with the DS2 protag back in the day. I’d like to rewrite it and publish maybe. Anyway yeah, Shanalotte is my DS2 beloved besides Lucatiel.
Alsanna ❄️
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“ALSANNAAAAAA”—Ivory King. Maybe.
You may not know of the DS2 “It-couple” yet, but they are like the Ciaran and Artorias in the game. They are the epitome of “I can fix her” and “I can make him worse,” which is, funnily enough, exactly how I see Ciaran and Artorias lmao. I’m admittedly soft for the trope of “black cat and golden retriever” type pairs if they are written well.
But Alsanna is more than just one half of a romantic plot. She is the fourth daughter of Manus and the “redeemed one,” if you will. She is her father’s fear, which basically meant she herself was the personification of anxiety lol. She says it herself in the game.
She went looking for a king to corrupt in order to feel stronger and gain power, but she ended up with the Ivory King…who was like…a pretty cool guy. He knew what she was trying to do and didn’t care. Her dark powers even corrupted parts of his kingdom, but he was just kind to her and treated her with dignity. This changed her heart eventually and she ended up devoting herself to protecting the kingdom with him. I won’t say what happens, but it’s a really bittersweet story that Alsanna gladly shares. I love her. She’s a good bean.
AND HER DESIGN. I swear, she’s one of the big reasons why I’d want a Remaster of DS2, because my poor girl is tormented by gritty pixels, but she has a lovely look. Here’s what she is SUPPOSED to look like to us:
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Cosplay by harridana
Girl is slaying ngl. My fav redeemed Manus daughter fr.
Fume Knight Raime 🐦‍⬛
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Me??? Having the knight with a raven aesthetic as a blorbo? Naaahhhh.
This is SO unexpected.
Anyway, Raime is mah boi. This gothy edgelord saw right through Nashandra and Vendrick’s doomed marriage and got kicked out for being loud about it. Basically.
He also lost a fight to his golden boi rival, Velstadt, who was a Vendrick SIMP. Although, technically they probably both were at first, but Raime was too alt. He had to be exiled.
Then he latched on to Nadalia instead…Manus’ most lonely daughter. Raime is infatuated with her in the game, and I kinda interpret it as a mother-son thing. Basically, Raime had an Oedipus complex lmao. Reject the father (Vendrick) and embrace the mother (Nadalia).
I could be wrong, but that’s how it comes off. It’s also totally ironic how Raime knew Nashandra was sus but fell for Nadalia anyway. He’s a hypocrite, but he’s MY hypocrite and I love him. His story and design are great.
Nashandra ♠️
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Nashandra…I’m so normal. She was the original Marika fr. I love evil blonde queens <3
I don’t wanna spoil the whole damn plot of DS2, so I’ll just say….I love how this literal fragment of dark became so politically savvy and cunning that she basically toppled a kingdom. I like to imagine some more complicated feelings between Vendrick and Shandra than ‘guy simps and takes massive L.”
Yeah, that IS what happened, but Shandra fooled him for years. How? HOW? A literal manifestation of Manus’ “want” could not have been that believable…unless? I’ll leave it to your imagination.
Anyway, she is too spoilerly to talk about, but I love Nashandra both design-wise and story-wise. AND HER MUSIC IS SO GOOD.
Zullie + Alva 🪻
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These two come as a package and count as one blorbo, I will not be taking criticisms. I was gonna put Creighton here, but guess who gets less screwed over in DS3? THESE TWO.
Their story is so good. Idk what it is about FromSoft’s love of “problematic female character meets chill guy and starts to hang out with him instead of murdering his ass,” but it’s…a thing lol.
Zullie, (not the YouTuber sdfgh), is such an iconic DS2 character that stole the show with her design and history while Alva has one of the best armor sets in the game. He’s also just a cool fella overall. I used to like to read about and imagine their shenanigans as a duo, and in fact, they subtly inspired my take on Leo and Ursula in Bloodborne. Noble knight and shady witch duos are fun as hell. Love these two.
Creighton still counts, but some of these characters got better treatment and writing in the end, sadly.
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journalsouppe · 19 days
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My spread for To The Moon! A friend recommended me this game and although there were a lot of things I really liked about this game, I really really don't like sad stories so this particular game just wasn't for me. The storytelling and art and music was all super well done!! I just hate reading or watching something that will leave me depressed afterwards.
So I do recommend this game if you like sad stories and my score is very subjective to my personal tastes, so don't let that deter you if you are interested in this game. I also gave Celeste a low score even though if I had watched a playthrough instead of playing it, it would've been way higher (I hated the mechanics but loved the art and storytelling). It's just not for me and that's totally okay!
Writing typed below! + extra blurb
rating: 7 played: su 2023 port: pc (steam) fave? N replayable? N recommend? Y
"he likes cats" "why does the world have to be so complicated"
i'm worried this will turn into a horror game lol. the art reminds me of the witch
so many rabbits
"you neurotypicals" i... don't think this convo has anything to do with neurodivergency
the environments are so gorgeous
repetitive gameplay- slows down storytelling
i like river's expressive eyes
cute lighthouse scene
if i had known the gameplay was this simple i prob wouldve watched keith or a similar lets player
aww pretty horse
oo it's getting creepy
why is neil missing
fucked they made him forget his own brother
damn i do not like the mom
the fair is really cute
the river name scene is pissing me off (as someone who has such a rare name ive never met another person with my name irl or online, river is not that uncommon of a name T_T_T_T_TT_T)
awww his brother's back
the memory tech stuff is very confusing
idk why eva was so sketch i think neil wouldve agreed to it
why was the pill addiction relevant?? did i miss something??
Game notes:
beautiful music and pixel art
point and click walking
collect orbs to unlock memories
puzzle grid for memories
whac-a-mole with pretty janky controls
apparently you can move with arrow keys T_T
"combat" scene with dodging and shooting
Although I liked the story and thought the thing was very wellmade, this game just wasn't my particular cup of tea. Similar to Celeste, I prob would've liked it if I had watched it instead. It's a depressing tale esp after realizing all the work you do is just some simulation and joey still died and river still died heartbroken. It's absolutely a game I'd recommend for people who like sad/sappy stories but it's not something I'd personally replay. Idk if I'll watch or play through the extra content, again this story just made me kinda depressed and i don't enjoy this feeling. I'm also confused why they acted like river's diagnosis was taboo or smth, she had smth like autism right? Why did they say so... The art style is very cute and the animations were done incredibly well. The environments were especially superbly made. The controls were a little odd esp for the mini games. A little disappointed I didn't learn to use the arrow keys until the last ten minutes of the game. Eva and Neil were fun characters, i liked their dynamic. I understand the structure of the story and finding key pieces of their life, but the gameplay got pretty repetitive and tedious until the switch in act 2/3. Overall, a good game with beautiful designs and simple mechanics. If you like sad/tragic stories then I def recommend. This game reminds me a lot of UP (the movie) so I think MC would really like this game (an old teacher of mine).
Also a little note on my comments for autism, I also have autism so it just felt a little weird playing this game. I'm sure the attitudes around autism were much different in the time they were depicting (probably around the mid to late 20th century) but it still rubbed me the wrong way that it seemed everyone treated river poorly, especially her husband. And I also just hate miscommunication tropes so bad so part of that really played into some of the diagnosis and storytelling. Again, not a game for me personally and these were just my critiques but I'm not actually or seriously offended by this game, I just hate sad shit!!!!!!
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xestuck · 5 months
the real basic review of art programs for sprite making (my opinion )
so tha main programs i use for art are KRITA, FIREALPACA, and PAINT TOOL SAI. im still tryin to figure out sai2. they all have pros and cons but this will specifically be abt how they handle ALIASED LINES!! aka "pixel" brushes, aka not anti-aliasing.
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Krita has a few, but focusing on Pixel Art and Pixel Art Fill Firealpaca has Dot Tool (can be 1-3 pixels big) and the basic Pen brush with AA turned off PTSai has Binary Pen (or Legacy Pen)
PTSai easily has the smoothest binary pen out of these when the algorithm setting is on accurate!! unfortunately the pen has barely any settings compared to other brush types in PTSai.
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and when using pixel textures in regular brushes, unless theres a setting im missing, they still act like AA brushes and dont colour evenly.
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Otherwise PTSai has a really easy compact UI and easy clipping layers
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so its good for basic pixelly art without using fancy brushes.
FIREALPACA Dot Tool is kinda rough, and when the aliased regular brush is too small then the lines break up and leave gaps. but at bigger sizes its pretty smooth. and a lot of firealpacas brushes can be pixel-ized in a single click!!!!
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when this box is unticked then most brushes will no longer anti-alias and will become pixelly!! (the following images are zoomed to 200% to better see the effects)
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while the effect shows on basically all brushes, not all are strictly pixelly and still have anti-aliasing pixels on the edges.
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but still! a lot of the brushes do become truly pixel brushes, and brushes like the Edge Brush can be really useful for making sprites.
also Firealpaca has easy clipping layers too.
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KRITA Pixel Art brush is pretty smooth, and Pixel Art Fill is probably smoother for ppl with more steady hands lol. and while its ui is a Lot More complicated than the prev two programs (usually requiring a few more steps to do similar things), it has A SHITTON OF BRUSH SETTINGS!! and in those brush settings is the Sharpness setting, which can be used to achieve a similar effect to Firealpacas' Anti-Aliasing box being unticked.
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but in my experience it can basically guarantee pixel-ized brushes!!! OBSERVE (again, images are zoomed to 200% to better see the effects):
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(there might be a way to have sharpness up but still keep the fish texture. im not sure yet)
this also means pixel texture brushes can apply evenly too
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but alas. clipping is a bit more annoying to do in Krita. u gotta rightclick on a layer then select Group > Quick Clipping Group for the easiest clipping layer (maybe theres a better way but idk it yet.)
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ok this is more of a comparison rather than a review. but still. i personally prefer Firealpaca for spriting homestuck style sprites, it just feels tha most natural for me
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miyakuli · 6 months
To the Moon
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Fly Me to the Moon
To the Moon is a narrative point & click game in which you follow Eva and Neil, two scientists who, with the help of a rather special machine, delve into the memories of a dying old man in an attempt to fulfill his last wish. Although the gameplay is almost non-existent, the strength of this game's writing makes it a very touching experience, and will definitely bring tears to your eyes.
❤ A very well-constructed scenario that could have lapsed into cheesy and sappy simplicity, but which, instead, gradually distills poetic and moving moments in an intelligent and relevant way. And it works excellently: the emotion is strong and touching. ❤ The scientist duo have great chemistry; they're sometimes funny, sometimes touching, and even surprise us at times, because at first you might think that their personalities would just be linear and "cliché", but that's not the case at all. A great dynamic duo! ❤ Obviously, the music. The various themes perfectly accompany the scenes, from the most goofy to the most moving, and are quite memorable. The closing song is equally beautiful. ❤ I expected to cry but not to laugh. The humor is very well balanced and the various references hit the mark every time.
+/- The graphics are a little dated, although I love the pixel art style. On the other hand, the art direction ideas coupled with the little animations make the whole thing very dynamic and expressive. Just goes to show that even simplicity is enough to bring a game to life.
✖ Although the storyline is the game's main asset, I just wish that at least the memento puzzles had been a little more complicated, at least to exercise our neurons :p Also, some of the other puzzles weren't very mouse friendly. ✖ No settings for graphics or volume… (✖ On Steam, a glitch to get the end-game achievement, which has to be unlocked manually. I'm kinda lazy xD)
Now that I've finally played it, I understand its reputation as a "game that makes you cry", because I myself let myself be carried away by this beautiful story and all its emotions, and like John, I'll keep very fond memories of it.
➡ My Steam page
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criminal-sen · 7 months
Omfg digital art is so goddamn complicated... was wracking my BRAIN why one art of mine has the same amount of pixels but, when converted to inches, is only 8x5" whereas the other one is like 17x24". It's the fucking ppi🤦‍♂️ (pixel per inch) which makes complete sense - the smaller one is 300 ppi and the bigger is only 100 - but absolutely never would've figured it out without looking it up online.
Anyway... smfh... I am fuming a bit from this information bc it means a lot of the arts I want made into posters are Too Fucking Small and might look kinda shitty blown up to full poster size. Not the end of the world but I wish my brain was just SLIGHTLY more organized so I could've figured this shit out like. years ago
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dragon-fan · 3 days
Dev Log - Making My Own Art
As many people can tell, I'm not a professional artist. I only started my journey with pixel art some time ago. I started doing it mostly because I thought I needed to be independent and be able to make my own graphics.
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Honestly, at first I was a bit afraid since I never tried art, and thought it be complicated... it still kinda is, but it's just so fun to see something I made be manifested in reality (also by me)
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And hey, since this is my art, I can do whatever the hell I goddamn want.
Lesson from game dev - making things is fun.
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fae-iii · 3 months
Pixel Art 03-09-24 - Gengar
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Hello! This is Gengar, I originally wanted to draw Gastly again, to commemorate ahead of time the first piece of pixel art I made, but the face I drew reminded me of Gengar too much and I decided I would draw Haunter instead... :3
That idea didn't last long, so I just defaulted back to drawing Gengar and I think the piece is all the better for it. Gengar's hasn't really been my favorite in it's line, but I gotta admit now that they're a real goofy kinda charmer. I like that about drawing these guys, I get a new appreciation for the designs.
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It's Fate from @harmonyfriends! It was a little more complicated to make with the swirl of hair and wings of a Clefable and I wasn't quite sure for a lot of making it that I could actually pull it off. I think I drew her pretty well in the end, though! I accidentally had the color palette of my display template still set to pink from my Ditto piece, so it was a happy accident that I noticed that palette worked well here, too!
Also, again: Consider using Cohost.org!!! I'm there and people who are a lot better at art than me are too!!! It's kinda similar to Tumblr in format except the management is maybe less bad possibly and your're gonna think "this site has no number go up; it sucks X(" and you'd be kinda right, but you'd get used to it and actually it's good. :3 I'm still there as @childebert, but I might be changing it soon as I am getting very slow, maybe painful brain surgery to become a real, imaginary cat just like in my pfp, possibly. xoxo hope this helps!!!
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15 questions for 15 mutuals
i got tagged by @jellymoo !! thank you ur amazing <3
are you named after anyone? there's a restaurant named after me that my parents used to own but that was opened before i was born so kinda? but kinda not? . it's complicated.
when was the last time you cried? a few days ago...... i smashed a place and got a super small shard in my leg that hurt like a BYOTCH. i'm ok btw
do you have kids? do not!
do you use sarcasm a lot? i use it sometimes but like not all the time
what sports do you play/have you played? i've tried everything atleast once, fav is bowling, volley and idk if it counts it ballet also (i'm taking classes rn!)
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? smell.
scary movies or happy endings? also both
any special talents? i'm very very flexible, i literally can roll around like a wheel for miles and miles baby! you haven't know fear since you rolled like this down a hill it's so fucking scary it's such an adrenaline rush.
where were you born? Romania.
what are your hobbies? drawing, watching films, simming, , writing in my diary, general gaming and knick-knack collecting
do you have any pets? cat owner 4ever!! i used to have a rabbit that my sister wanted and i hated and one day he dug a hole in your backyard and escaped and we don't now what happened to him.
how tall are you? 6'2
fave subject in school? it's currently foreign art analysis (i got to an arts specific highschool). we only have to hand-in a paper about whatever artist were talking about that month otherwise it's all wasting time doing whatever (i like to do hw and read) and the teacher is an absolute sweetheart
dream job? film director.
eye colour? dark brown.
i'm tagging: @nonsensical-pixels @boolpropper @oceansmotion @xwhitepolar @patchystraw @jsasimmer @gaypleasantview @obsoletepixels @nappe-plays-the-sims @smallcatsims @thisfoxplaythesims @katsurinssims @sicksadsim @alanna-goth <3
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mrtodd · 1 year
Some (semi-old) ClanGen Drawings!!
So I drew some of my ClanGen cats a while ago, but I hadn't really been on Tumblr back then. But now that I am here, I thought it would be fun to share them! Just keep i mind these are all a few months old. I also don't remember a lot about these cats because I never write anything down about them... hmmm.. Maybe I should do that lol
First off, the one i put actual effort into: Gravewanderer & Voiddive!
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(Gravewanderer is the cream & white one while Voiddive is the black & white tabby one)
Just to be completely honest w/ you, I only drew this couple because I liked their names lmao. Though I don't remember their clan (I've had like, a thousand clans, so no chance on that honestly) I do remember that Gravewanderer was one of the medicine cats & Voiddive was just a regular warrior. But I thought they were cute, & so decided to draw them. :)
These ones are much simpler (& i actually included their sprites!):
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...Yes, Blightbright's name was entirely randomly generated (So were all the others. but yknow. Blightbright.) Again, I don't rmemeber their clan, but I am fairly certain it was the same as Grave and Void's. Anyways, like the others, I don't have much to say about these cats... Uh, they're cute right? Lol.
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Riftpelt & Roughsun. Again, not much to say abut these guys other than, they're cute, right ?!?!
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Just a solo cat this time. Venomtide! Still not much to say about them. I know for a fact they're from the same clan as Nutmeg/Blight, & I do know that I liked them a lot despite not giving them any sort of story or whatnot... But yknow. They're pretty! Lol!
& now, a couple headshots in a slightly different style (AKA more complicated faces).
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She was the deputy of a clan I am still yet to remember. She actually has a personality this time: She was quite a bossy & stoic cat, often not taking shit from any other cat, but deep down, she did genuinely care about her clanmates & wished them the best - she was only bossy to make sure they got themselves out of trouble. She kinda acted like the mother to her clanmates.
I also drew this bonus shitpost of her:
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Next, here's Icicleshard:
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As you can see, Icicleshard is EEVVIIILLLL. Though she never actually did anything. She's the only one here who's name wasn't randomly generated - I didn't like her original suffix, so I changed to shard, as I felt it fit her better. Despite the fact she likes acting like she's all tough & is gonna destroy the clan, you could probably knock her over w/ a slightly strong sneeze. Oh, & also, I actually remember her clan: FeralClan!
I also made this bonus pixel art of her:
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& Finally:
Barleysmoke of ScorchClan. The only one I gave an actually cool design to. Need I say more?
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Yeah, that's it. I hope you enjoyed the silly kitties <3
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iztopher · 2 years
For the RPG Maker Dev ask, 8 - 13, 17, 18 and 20 - 30!! (but also, since this is I think Most of the questions, feel free to answer all of them!!)
XZONI!!! THANK U SO MUCH FOR ASKING ME THIS, im sorry it took me so long to answer haha i had to be on my laptop instead of mobile for it
8. What is your opinion of RPG Maker? Answered here!
9. If you could change something about the RPG Maker engine, what would it be? Answered here!
10. What is your stance on RTP and custom assets? The short answer is "I don't think we'd have this discussion if more people used XP". TLDR everyone who acts like they make a game less valuable and you should never use them pisses me off, but also I think they get uglier with every installment
11. What kind of art style do you prefer for graphic assets? 2D. Love stuff in the XP style! I really enjoy blends of pixel art and painting, like Aveyond 1. I want to make a game like that eventually.
12. What kind of sound profile do you prefer for music and sound assets? haha. I don't know enough about music to answer this honestly
13. What kind of fonts do you prefer to read game text in? Something simple and easy to read, otherwise I'm not picky. Usually the default fonts suffice just fine for me.
17. Which game mechanic do you think devs could do less of? Personally I despise chase scenes and they will 9/10 prevent me from playing a game but also I get why people make them. I also don't like super complicated battle systems.
18. Which game mechanic do you think more devs should add to their own projects? Answered here!
20. What is your current project about? Answered here!
21. Why did you start this project? Answered here!
22. What or who are your inspirations for this project?
Gonna answer this one for away in the woods! Biggest inspiration is without a doubt the Hermit ending of Aveyond 1. Other inspirations include the poem "If No One Ever Marries Me'", the song "I Stand Alone" from Quest for Camelot, and what I described as "every NPC old lady tucked away in the woods in an RPG", so essentially the old, single woman who may or may not be a witch archetype.
23. How well do you do with project conceptualization?
I am absolutely horrible at coming up with ideas to begin with - it's a good thing that I take as long to make a game as I do, or else I'd be out of ideas - but once I've figured out an idea I like, I think I'm pretty good at nailing it down and conceptualizing it into something I can actually make. I like to think I'm especially good at conceptualizing maps and how the game actually comes together.
24. How well do you do with project implementation?
Er, not good. You know the idea "slow and steady wins the race"? Yeah I'm slow but not steady. I'm really trying to find a workflow where I make more consistent progress.
25. Aside from playing your game, how can other people support you and your project? If I share stuff about it, I love hearing feedback!
26. Why do you want to make a game? Literally just because I like using RPG Maker. It makes my brain go brrrr.
27. Who are you making a game for? Myself first and foremost, other than that it depends on the game. seaglass was kinda internally dedicated to all my internet friendships; Inn Need was of course for Tei & Ji as collaborators (and the IGMC judges, lol), and away in the woods was conceptualized as for me, Ishti, and Moonie, and... I'm self conscious and embarrassed saying this, but like, aromantic people in general? And of course, all of them are for anyone who would enjoy them <3
28. What do you want your players to think/feel after playing your game? All of them: I want them to have a good time! Anything more specific depends on the game.
29. What is the most memorable feedback you got for any of your projects (whether its status is conceptual, in the works, or finished)? I am so sorry I do not have an answer to this one LOL
30. What kind of feedback is most helpful for you? Answered here!
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amiryllisthorn · 1 year
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lil mechs, me and a few friends of mine were talking about trying to salvage whats left of my original mech game because I killed the original narrative  and so started working on translating this design in to pixels the idea for this one was kinda like a cross between a mad dog and a catapult from battletech. the second version however has much less influence in its ideas and is a more medium version of the first.
 Think I might have lost some of the original technical info from the setting, but its supposed to function as a fire support/command mech, featuring a pair of heavy caliber autocannons for long range, and rapid fire smaller caliber for lighter targets/closer engagements.
The Farlar like to make robust equipment  with robust but cutting edge tech. Like extra viewing cameras or built in laser range finders to better hit targets from longer range, or linking pilots to their machines for better reaction etc.
But they wont go as far as to design very complicated mechs that are more people like in their design, like with fully functioning arms and such, the current Federated Republics of Farlar are more than happy to keep up this standard of mech design.
The medium version sheds a lot of the heavier guns, machine guns, and missiles for lasers and twin 40 mm gun mounts. They are meant to close the distance and overwhelm their opponents with overwhelming firepower and often run very hot due to the sheer amount of weapons on their frame.
I might try and dig up some of the Skattari Collective mech designs because those are a bit more fun and interesting, but other Factions Like The Imperial Vestige just use old Farlar mechs that they made off with, and anything they can capture or salvage
Whereas Ostilyia will just make whatever designs they can buy or whatever they make for export and have fewer domestic models because a significant part of their economy revolves around making weapons for other people.
These are some of the main factions in the current game I am working on, their importance in the mech game was mostly filtered down to what kind of mechs they made, but it is obs much more important in the current one as you are in the FRF specifically.
I dont want to say toooooooooooooooo much to give too much away, but the FRF is just trying to keep everything together after taking power back from the Imperials (now the Vestige who are trying to retake power and sabotage the new democratic government).
also these are def not finished and still need a bunch of work, but not bad translating some older drawings into pixel art in like 2 hours ^^
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