#platonic danganronpa x reader
dragondemoness · 2 years
Lol whoops I think my wording was off. I wanted Junko and Mukuro as the over protective siblings to the ditzy little brother with the girls he has a crush on being Celestia and Kyoko~ with him already going out on a few outings with them and given how both girls are they wanna make sure hes treated right and not neglected or treated wrongly. so I'm just re inputting the request,I gotta say I do love how the first one came out though it was an unexpected treat
Lol yeah, sorry about that 😅 That wasn't my first time misinterpreting a request
Hope this one is to your liking, though
Junko and Mukuro Finding out their Ditzy Younger Brother has a Crush on Kyoko and Celeste (separate)
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Dealing with Celeste 
Oh hell no
They hate Celeste
You having a crush on a girl was concerning enough, but it had to be her?
They always thought she was a stuck-up bitch
Plus, Junko thinks her makeup and outfit is trashy
Sorry, but she thinks you have no taste
You'll often hear her call her "vampire girl"
So finding out Celeste managed to draw you to her was deeply disturbing
They're on that immediately
They'll both spy on you when you're with her, making sure she's not manipulating you or ordering you around or whatever
Or Mukuro is watching while Junko whispers to her about how cringe is to watch
Celeste smiles at you a lot, and both girls can see that you've got it bad for her
This ain't good
The second you leave, they confront you
Mukuro tries to rationally explain her concerns while Junko just trashes Celeste
"Ugh, that was so cringe! C'mon (Name), out of all the girls you can crush on, it had to be vampire girl?! What do you see in her?!"
"Erm... I think what Junko means is that we're both concerned that Celestia doesn't return your fondness towards her. At all, actually."
This doesn't go very well, and you run back home and lock yourself in your room
Mukuro feels pretty bad about it, but Junko just tells her that you'll get over it
Except you don't
You still hang out with Celeste whenever you get the chance 
Mukuro can't take you ignoring her anymore, so she convinces Junko to at least give Celeste a chance
"Ugh, fine! But this doesn't mean I have to like her, okay?!"
So they have a talk with you and you make up
Once you confess, they'll both talk to Celeste
She simply smiles at them, unfazed by their threatening demeanors
"Oh, you needn't worry. I have nothing but (Name)'s best interest at heart. He deserve nothing but the best, and I can promise that I will treat him as such. So you can wipe those scary looks off your faces now."
They're still not a fan of her attitude, but as long as she means what she says, they can handle it
Dealing with Kyoko
They don't have as much of an issue with Kyoko, but they're still not big on the idea of you dating her
Junko thinks she's weird, and Mukuro just doesn't trust her very much
So what do they do?
The two girls watch you as you're hanging out with her
Kyoko still kept her stoic expression, but she smiled a lot more when she was with you
She even took your hand and held it
When you parted ways, your sisters confronted her
"What problem could you two possibly have with Kyoko?"
"Umm, she's weird and clearly suspicious as hell!"
"Junko, please. (Name), we're just concerned that you may not get the attention you deserve from Kyoko. After all, as a detective, she's fairly busy."
And you didn't take that shit and booked it straight home
Despite your sisters' worries, they could both agree that Kyoko was genuine about her feelings
Even if she did have a tight schedule, she at least means what she says
So they talk to you and make things right
You'll confess your feelings to Kyoko, and your sisters have a little chat with her
Or rather, Kyoko did most of the talking
"I already guessed that neither of you trust me. You're right to worry. As the Ultimate Detective, I can be rather busy. But I can promise that I will never make (Name) feel neglected or unloved. He is my number one priority, and he will always come before my work."
Junko and Mukuro exchanged a look before finally accepting her
They're still leery about her, but they'll learn to trust her soon enough 
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frickingnerd · 16 days
kyoko making you a birthday present
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pairing: kyoko kirigiri x gn!reader
tags: romantic/platonic implications, wholesome fluff
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while all of your other classmates were eager to know what you wanted for your birthday, kyoko never asked you if you had anything you wanted
you had thought she just forgot about your birthday or didn't care to make you a present…
but when your birthday came around, kyoko pulled you aside, to hand you a small present from her
she was ready to leave as quickly as she came, but you insisted she'd stick around while you opened the present
you were surprised that when you opened the present, it was something you hadn't asked for, but had wanted for quite a while now
you almost asked kyoko how she knew this was what you wanted. but then you remembered: she's the ultimate detective! of course she'd know!
kyoko had quietly tried to hunt down that item you wished for so much, without ever telling you
and despite acting like that present wasn't a big deal, you know it must've taken her quite some time and money to get one of those for you…
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alluring-eclipse · 6 months
Hiii! Could you write headcanons of the dr2 characters (you can choose whichever ones if you don't want to write all of them) with a reader (platonic) who is very realistic, and expresses it in funny/sarcastic remarks about the others and their island situation?
They will basically say things like, "Okay, so a magical bunny just freaking teleported us to God-knows-where, and now we're all living in 'Death in Paradise'... Gotcha... Perfectly normal..."
Or, will witness Nagito's behavior in the first trial and say something at that moment, literally right there in the trial room, like, "Alright, so we're stuck with a psychotic control freak who's most likely gonna kill us all 'cause of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm swimming back to Japan, peace! ✌️"
Or at some point will say, "Why are there so many crazy ppl in this class!? Damn, y'all got issues! Y'all need Jesus!" 😭
Of course love, here you go, tell me if I missed anyone please ☺
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**Hajime Hinata:**
Your dry humor catches Hajime off guard, making him appreciate the unexpected wit. He often finds himself smirking at your comments, secretly enjoying the realism you bring to their surreal situation.
**Nagito Komaeda:**
During the first trial, you can't help but blurt out your unfiltered thoughts. "Ok, so we're stuck with a psychotic freak who's most likely gonna kill us all because of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm gonna swim back to Japan, peace!" Nagito, oddly unfazed, just smiles, "I'm sure Hope will guide you back."
**Chiaki Nanami:**
Chiaki finds your remarks refreshing, a nice break from the tension. She secretly appreciates your realistic perspective but doesn't express it openly. You become her go-to for a good laugh amidst the chaos.
**Gundham Tanaka:**
Your sarcasm amuses Gundham, and he starts including you in his grandiose speeches. "Ah, the realist amongst mortals! Even in the face of doom, your spirit remains unbroken." You roll your eyes, but it's hard not to smile.
**Mikan Tsumiki:**
Mikan is both fascinated and intimidated by your blunt remarks. She often stammers when you're around, unsure how to respond to your straightforward commentary. Despite this, she secretly admires your confidence.
**Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:**
Fuyuhiko initially brushes off your remarks, but deep down, he appreciates your no-nonsense attitude. When things get tough, he finds himself seeking out your presence for a dose of reality.
**Akane Owari:**
Akane enjoys your humor and often challenges you to participate in her antics. She appreciates your straightforwardness, seeing it as a refreshing change in a sea of eccentric personalities.
**Sonia Nevermind:**
Sonia is intrigued by your realism, finding it a stark contrast to her royal upbringing. She subtly seeks your company, enjoying the down-to-earth perspective you bring to the group.
**Byakuya Togami:**
Your remarks manage to make even Byakuya crack a small smirk occasionally. While he won't openly admit it, he respects your practical outlook and occasionally seeks your opinion on matters.
**Ibuki Mioda:**
Ibuki adores your sarcastic humor, often incorporating it into her wild antics. The two of you make an unexpectedly entertaining duo, bringing a unique dynamic to the group.
**Teruteru Hanamura:**
Teruteru attempts to flirt with you, thinking your realism is just a façade. You shut him down with a dry comment, and he's left both impressed and slightly intimidated by your unyielding attitude.
**Mahiru Koizumi:**
Mahiru appreciates your realistic perspective, especially when it comes to organizing and planning. She often relies on your input, secretly finding comfort in your practical approach to the challenges they face.
**Nekomaru Nidai:**
-the Reader sarcastically comments on Nekomaru's intense training routines, "Oh great, the human bulldozer is here. Just what we need to survive on a deserted island – someone to clear a path to the buffet."
**Hiyoko Saionji:**
- When Hiyoko insults others,the reader fires back, "Wow, such cutting remarks. I hope you use those razor-sharp insults to build us a shelter or something equally useful."
**Kazuichi Soda:**
- Observing Kazuichi's obsession with Sonia, the reader quips, "Dude, if you put half as much effort into fixing things as you do chasing Sonia, we'd have a functional way off this island by now."
**Peko Pekoyama:**
- Seeing Peko's loyalty to Fuyuhiko, the reader deadpans, "Ah, the devoted swordswoman. Remind me to hire you for my next bodyguard gig... if we make it off this island alive, that is."
Hope you enjoyed dear, feel free to make more requests and I'll finish them as soon as I can😇
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danganronpafan777 · 6 months
Hi, I saw your post asking for Christmas prompts. May I suggest doing Kanade and Hibiki building a snowman with a younger sibling reader?
“Kanade! You made the head crooked!” Hibiki scolded her, to which her sister frantically apologized.
“Ah! I’m sorry!”
“But… I kinda like it crooked…” You muttered. At those words, both sisters immediately stopped, Kanade even trying to make it more crooked. You continued picking out sticks for arms, the cold air causing you to shiver, despite Hibiki’s constant insistence that you wear multiple layers. 
Hibiki helped you put the arms into place, even moving them around a bit to make you laugh.
“Hey! Look at me! I’m snowman Kanade!” 
Kanade seemed to giggle a bit at that, knowing Hibiki’s words held little malice. Setsuka telling her to be kinder to Kanade, especially around you, seemed to be sinking in like an early Christmas present. 
Kanade picked you up, allowing you to give the snowman a smily face. Both of your sisters complimented the snowman, Kanade giving it her scarf before Hibiki starting throwing snowballs at her. 
It was rare for you to be able to spend time with your sisters all alone, given their lives as idols and being very particular about the people they let watch you. With a large grin, you threw a snowball back at Hibiki. 
She immediately squealed at the cold, “Oh it’s on now!!”
Kanade tried her best to shield you, but you told her to have fun too. Hesitantly, with aim rivaling one of Santa’s elves, she completely obliterated both of you, only pausing when you hid behind the snowman. 
Cause just like you, she’d protect it with her life.
You and Hibiki had to team up to take Kanade down, but even then, you could tell she let you win. By the time it was all over, the three of you were soaked to the bone.
Even with your teeth chattering and hands being frozen, you couldn’t be happier. Hibiki helped you set up a fort while Kanade made you both some hot chocolate. Cuddling with your two beloved sisters, you admired the snowman once again.
Maybe you’d make him some siblings too.
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Hc: the reason Korekiyo wraps his hands is because he had a habit of biting his nails, so when they come off after a while his long nails make for a really deadly tickle weapon :3 could I make the lee the reader please?
KOREKIYO! *claps excitedly* YESH! Oh my god I'm so hyped! I haven't written for my noodle man in awhile! I've gotcha covered, anon!
“Wow…” You blinked, strangely entranced.
“I suppose the sight is…odd.” Korekiyo remarked as he pulled off the last of his tape. Bare hands on full display, they…were hands. No markings, no scars, nothing you’d imagine he’d want to hide with that much tape. The only interesting thing about them were his nails- a smidge too long and coated with chipped nail polish. “I need to redo them.”
“Let me!” You blurted before he could speak again. “I mean…if you’d let me.”
Korekiyo blinked at you, taking in your request. Then, slowly, he pushed the small bottle of nail polish to you, holding out his hands. “Interesting…very well.”
“Great! Hm…maybe we should reshape them too…” You hummed as you took one, noting the frailed edges. “They look…bitten?” To your surprise, Korekiyo flushed beneath his mask. “Kiyo?”
“I have…a bad habit of biting them.” He confessed, shrinking some in his seat. “Hence why I tape them.”
“Hm.” You nodded, digging into the pouch he brought until you found a nail filer. “That’s okay. We all have our ticks.” The next few minutes you spent cleaning and painting his nails, shaping them so they were all matching in style. The discomfort in Korekiyo’s frame began to fade as he watched you work, and it wasn’t long before he was blinking at his new nails, pleased. “There! Like them?”
“I do. They look lovely. Thank you, (Y/N).” His eyes were warm when he looked at you, and while you couldn’t see it, you could tell he was smiling. Feeling proud, you raised your chin.
“Your welcome-”
“Mind if I take them on a test run?”
“A test what?” You blinked, and suddenly he was no longer in his seat before you. “Where are-Ehehehehehhehe!”
“Yes, these prove to be quite nice.” Korekiyo hummed as his hands found your collarbone, gently tapping along your neck as you squirmed and giggled in your seat. “Thank you, (Y/N)- I just might keep them unwrapped today.”
“Ahehahhahahahha! Yoohohoohu sohohohn of a-heeeeehehehehehehhe!” You lunged forward, jumping out of your seat and twisting so you could glare at him. “Come here, you extended green bean-”
The rest of the afternoon was you chasing him down, bandages forgotten as you seeked your revenge.
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a dabble for it!
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apollowhoo · 11 months
Greetingsssssssssssss!! I was wondering if I could some headcanons for (Dangan) Kazuichi, Leon and Kaito with a little brother reader? I kinda just wanted reader to be going through one of *those* days, and the boys are just trying to make then feel better. (It'd nice if you could include cuddling and use he/him Pronouns ^^)
(Like…I didn’t understand if you wanted them together or separate. So i just wrote them all separately, i really hope i got it right, if i didn’t PLEASE tell me)
Male!Little Brother!Reader x Kazuichi Soda, Leon Kuwata, Kaito Momota (SEPARATE)
Kazuichi Soda
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Ngl i feel like he wouldn’t notice your gloomy mood immediately but when Kazuichi does notices it, he would IMMEDIATELY go into action.
He's determined to cheer you up and tries doing anything he can to distract you from your troubles.
Kazuichi is a great listener, so firstly if you feel like talking about what's bothering you, he’d listen to you for hours and he would give you a word of advise.
Then he’d offer you to to fix or build something together. It’s his passion and he thinks that you would enjoy it or better, it would help take your mind off things. If you get bored or get tired of making repairs, he’d suggest a cozy movie night!! He would set up a blanket fort and cuddles with you while watching terribly made movies that are somehow funny. His purpose is to make you laugh though:)
Leon Kuwata
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Leon will notices your mood immediately and just takes you outside to play some sports. He’d encourages you to let loose and have fun. Leon wouldn’t care if you're not good at sports; he just wants you to cheer up a little.
Afterward, Leon would take you for ice cream. Both of you would walk around the park and then Leon would finally would ask you what was bothering you.
Back at home, you’d be exhausted from being outside all day! Leon does understand this and allows you to rest.
Kaito Momota
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Kaito's first instinct is to give you a big, warm hug. He wraps his arms around you, assuring you that everything will be alright.
To lighten your mood, he would suggests a game night! He can’t think of any other way to make a child feel better. You two play video games together, and Kaito makes silly little jokes creating a lighthearted atmosphere.
Kaito would also tells his own failure stories in attempt to make you laugh. Which doesn’t really work out so he just apologizes.😭
As the day comes to an end, Kaito would offer to stargaze with you!! He brings blankets outside and shows you the constellations, sharing their stories and encouraging you to dream big. You lie down with Kaito, feeling comforted by the peacefulness of the night sky.
That’s all sooooo byeeeee:>>
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lousypotatoes · 1 month
heyy! just wanted to say ive read your mukuroxreader n i love it :DD im not really sure if an ultimate!reader would count as an oc, but would it be alright if i request a gundham/gonta with an ultimate florist!femreader platonic imagine where theyre classmates? id also like to request one for hiyoko, mahiru n celestia but if its too much then gundham n gonta will be enough!
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Friendship In Bloom - Platonic! Gundham/Gonta/Hiyoko x Female! Reader
Gundham Tanaka
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Song Recommendation:
Zombie - The Cranberries
Y/N was in the school garden, looking for some flowers to put in a bouquet. While students were allowed to sit in the garden, her being the Ultimate Florist, she was one of the only people actually allowed to use it.
"What mysterious endeavor doth thou undertake amidst this verdant realm?" said a deep voice from behind her.
She turned around and saw none other than Gundham Tanaka, one of her classmates. She hung around him enough to understand the strange way he talked.
"Hi Gundham," she said brightly. I'm just picking some flowers to put in a bouquet. What are you doing here?"
"I am merely seeking solace before I embark to my next class," he said, sitting on one of the benches. "What mortal being is this bouquet for?"
"No one," she replied. "I'm just making it to pass the time, I might put it in my dorm."
"May I beseech thee with a question, Y/N?" he asked.
"Yeah, sure," she answered. "Ask away."
"Might I implore upon thee, to craft me a bouquet?" he asked, blushing slightly. "'Tis intended as a gift for a soul dear to my heart."
"I'm guessing it's for Sonia?" she asked, smirking slightly.
"Maybe," he muttered, pulling his scarf up.
"Sure, I'd be happy to make you one!" she said. "Any flowers you have in mind?"
"Any blossoms in the hues of white or yellow shall suffice for this noble endeavor." Gundham said.
"Hmm alright," Y/N said. "I'll have it to you by Tuesday at the latest."
"I extend my deepest gratitude to you, Y/N!" he exclaimed, getting up. "Reveal to me the sum of currency that you require."
"You don't have to pay me, Gundham," she waved off. "I'm more than happy to do it for free."
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"Of course, anything for a friend!"
Gonta Gokuhara
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Song Recommendation:
august - Taylor Swift
"I'm gonna punch Kokichi in his smug little face, I swear," Y/N muttered as she walked through the busy hallway.
She was forced to partner up with him for a chemistry project, and all he did was goof off, making Y/N do the whole thing be herself.
She needed to clear her head, and the only place to do that was the school garden.
As she entered, she was surprised to see that someone was already in it, sitting down in the dirt.
Hearing the footsteps behind him, Gonta turned around, a smile lighting up on his face once she saw Y/N.
"Hi Y/N!" he said.
"Hi Gonta," she smiled, setting down her bag. "What are you doing in here?"
"Gonta just here, looking at all the bugs in garden!" he exclaimed, showing her a butterfly on is finger. "So many, like little friends!"
Y/N giggled, sitting on the dirt next to Gonta.
"I didn't know that you came here, Gonta," she said, picking a tulip. "I've never seen you here before."
"Sometimes, Gonta come here to clear mind," he said quietly. "Nature good for thinking, make mind feel calm."
Y/N hummed in agreement.
"Gonta also come here to look at all bugs." he said.
"That's nice," she said, letting a ladybug land on her finger. "I didn't know anyone else came here but me."
"Gonta started coming here few weeks ago," he said.
"That explains why I haven't seen you then,"
The two of them stayed quiet, listening to the sounds of nature.
"What is that flower called?" Gonta asked, pointing at an Iris.
"Oh, that's an Iris," she said.
"What about that one?"
"That's a hydrangea,"
"And that one?"
"That's a Sakura tree," she said, smiling. "That's what our national flower grows on."
"Gonta didn't know you knew so much about flowers." he said.
"I am the Ultimate Florist after all," she laughed.
"Do you think you could teach Gonta more about flowers?" he asked, his eyes lighting up.
A small smile graced Y/N's face.
"Of course, Gonta. You see that one there? That's a Sumire..."
Hiyoko Saionji
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Song Recommendation:
Speed Drive - Charli XCX
"Hey! Y/N!"
Y/N lifted her head up from her desk and saw tiny little Hiyoko walking towards her.
"What do you want, Hiyoko?"
"I need you to pick me some flowers," Hiyoko answered.
"Why can't you do it yourself?" Y/N asked.
"'Cause you're the Ultimate Florist and I know nothing about flowers," she said. "Pretty please?"
"Fine," Y/N said. "What are the flowers for?"
"None of your business," she said, sticking out her tongue.
"Fine, don't tell me," Y/N said, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "What kind of flowers do you want?"
"Anything that's pretty and red,"
"That's not much of an answer but okay," Y/N muttered. "When do you need them by?"
"Tomorrow," Hiyoko simply said.
"Tomorrow!? I won't be able to-" Y/N cut herself off. "You know, fine. I'll get them to you tomorrow."
"Oh yay!" Hiyoko exclaimed. "I knew you'd be able to do it! Bye Y/N!" she said, as she ran out of the classroom.
"Wait! Hiyoko! You owe me-" she yelled, trying to get Hiyoko's attention, but Hiyoko was already down the hallway.
"Five dollars.." Y/N grumbled. "I am way too nice for my own good."
sorry it took me so long to upload this anon
i was planning on doing mahiru and celestia as well, but it was too much different scenarios to think of
i'm sorry 😭
stay safe and drinks lot's of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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m1sa-w1sa · 3 days
Can I request a plotonic Junko enoshima and Mukuro with an g!n reader sibling who had their mind transferred to a Monokuma body by Junko and reader hates it being smaller now?
Our Mini sister!
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•So lets say that your body is still intact, and its strapped to a seat with a VR like headset on, when you first saw your body you had a heart attack, you were FREAKING OUT were you dead? A ghost? Well those thought went out of the window when you saw yourself, you saw a bear..a monokuma bear you were split into your two favorite colors as you heard the door knob rattle
• You quickly hid anywhere since you can hide in tight spaces It was Junko that came in, if she purposely put you in this situation then she would quickly find you, picking you up and laughing about it, if she didnt you did this to yourself she would laugh her ass off both ending with her showing Murkuro, and her being much more concerned for you
•I really dont think junko would give you your body back if it brings you ‘ despair ‘ but if you ACTUALLY like being a monkuma then she would most likely would
• Another way is, if you died, someone killed you, a sickness, or just a acident, then you would wake up in a monokuma body, first one greeting you is Murkuro hugging you asking if your ok, still Junko would laugh her ass off but keeping a eye on you liking you more than murkuro
•But they still love you, maybe Junko insults you on how squeaky your voice sounds or if you look stupid, But if ANYONE else does that? There in a punishment, NO OTHER OPTIONS, ultimate or not they are dead on the spot
(finished~! Sorry if i messed up on names english isnt my first language but please reiqest more if you like!!)
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emzbeez · 18 days
Rules and get to know the writer!
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Here’s a quick get to know me first!
My name is emz (not really just a nickname but shhh).
I love cats!!
My pronouns are she/they
I’m bi (meaning I write for wlw too!)
That’s all I will bore you with for now next up are my will write and won’t write rules
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What I will and won’t write
Will not write for child x reader obviously!
No nsfw sorry!But I think tumblr lacks non sexual stuff I will provide for it!
No mlm sorry I am a female bisexual who is clueless on mlm I fear I would make a hash of it and I never want to offend anyone!
Gore im Fine with a little blood and certain topics that will appear in my will write list but I just hate writing most gore
Age play I will never fucking write for
What I will write for
Adult x child read ONLY IF PLATONIC!!
Plus size readers though all my fics will never have a physical description I will write for specifically plus size reader if requested
Autistic readers!I am autistic myself and know the lack of autistic rep for x readers on this app
Depressed reader again I have depression and am always up to write some comfort!
Alternative reader of any style!You do not understand how much I love alt reader please request this!!
If you are unsure if I will write something as long as it as not been stated give it a shot there’s a good chance I’m fine with it!!
Bottoms (hazel only sorry!)
Metal lords
I’m always watching new shit so just request anyone and I will try watch it to write it for you!
Have a amazing night/day stay safe -emz🖤
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noted-aj · 2 months
since ive gotten a few requests ALREADY, im making a list of what i will and won’t write!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.・。.・
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Murder Drones (fav!!)
The Amazing Digital Circus
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.・。.・
- Angst
- Comfort
- Platonic (fav)
- Romantic
- Fluff
- Horror
- Yandere
- Oneshots
- Headcanons
(I MIGHT do fics in the future)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.・。.・
- Smut (i am a MINOR)
- Intense gore/fighting
- Problematic media
- Inappropriate age gaps
- IRL people (i’m sure it’s uncomfortable for them.)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.・。.・
Anon list: nothing here yet..
Masterlist: (coming soon!) nothing here yet..
enjoy my page! 💗💗 i dont know what im doing :,)
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jardin-de-limaginaire · 10 months
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Do you have an idea for a fanfic but don't know how to execute it? Do you perhaps want to see more fanfics in your fandom yet you have no one who's open enough to accept your idea and develop it? Well, don't worry anymore! Your friendly neighborhood writer Luce is here to save the day!
The rules are on my pinned post, and the fandoms I write for are right here! ( I am up to write for any fandom, even ones that aren't on the list)
Now, if you want me to write for another fandom, please recommend me a fandom you'd like me to write for. I'm up to write quite about anything as long as the source doesn't contain disgusting fetishy things.
I'll also make fanfics with original characters if you have an idea for a fanfic that doesn't contain a character from a particular source.
The sky is the limit! Request me anything, and I'll probably write a fanfic that's well over 1k-2k words (if I decide to post them quickly) (if I take my time, I could write a fanfic well over 10k words)
(I also accept writing dark fanfics, as long as it doesn't romanticize a toxic relationship)
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dragondemoness · 1 year
Miu iruma who has a brother who is dating Kaede/Maki but personality wise they're almost the opposite of miu. They're kind and can be bubbly but unlike miu who is loud they're on the shy side unless provoked but are unaffected by Miu's loud mouth and vulgar comments and are usually around Miu. Miu also teases her brother about kaede/Maki and of coarse asks vulgar questions(she is weirdly obessed with kaedes chest) Thing is everyone just thought he was friends with Miu but they're shocked to find out they're sibling cause their last names are different. They find out cause Miu and her brother were acting close and they misinterpreted it as flirting but are dead wrong since Miu is like wtf he's my brother you weirdos and now all the interactions make sense.
Kaede and Maki with Miu Iruma’s Brother
Let us begin with you and Miu’s relationship
She’s very fond of you
You’re the only person she trusts enough to be vulnerable with
You know her weaknesses and she knows yours
You’ll tell people to be gentle and not to raise their voices at her, even if she deserved it
And as her sweet, innocent, precious bro, she ain’t letting nobody lay a finger on you
She’ll give your bullies a good talking-to and pull you away from the scene
And you can trust her to be vulnerable with her too
When you’re upset, she’ll wave you over to her and let you lean against her shoulder
You’ve done this ever since you were kids, and it’s just a really nice, warm feeling
And of course, Miu teases the shit out of you
She might pamper you, but you’re not safe from her teasing
Of course, you’re her sibling, so she’s a lot less weird about it
Imagine how ruthless she would be if she found out you were dating someone
Especially one of your classmates
Kaede Akamatsu 🎹
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She was so shocked to find out you were her brother
You were literally nothing like her
She was loud, bold, perverted
While you were kind, shy and gentlemanly 
She honestly thought you two were dating and Miu was so disgusted
“S-Sorry! It’s just that you two spend a lot of time together and-“
“Ew, what the hell?! He’s my brother, you sick bitch! We popped out of the same fuckin’ womb! Do you think Tenko and that weird magician girl are dating because Tenko’s a weird fuckin’ stalker?! Look up from your piano for once and get a fuckin’ life!”
Needless to say, Kaede was embarrassed 
But you were still really kind to her
She actually liked you a lot
When you told your sister that you were dating, she laughed so hard
“Hah! You actually landed that bitch?! Man, that’s fucking hilarious!”
“Miu, I didn’t sleep with her-“
“So tell me, how big are those jugs of hers? Are they real? Is she chubby? And I bet she’s got a fat ass too-“
Yeah, she’s gonna tease the shit out of you
And she’s gonna threaten Kaede and tell her to treat you good
Even though your sister is a lot to deal with, Kaede still loves you 
And your sister will come to respect her eventually
Maki Harukawa 🔪
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She doesn’t know why you would wanna hang around someone like Miu, but oh well
I mean, she’s so loud, and you’re so sweet and bubbly 
One time, you happened to be in the same room, and she asked it
“Hey. Why do you and that Miu spend so much time together?”
“We’re siblings.”
She was not expecting to hear that
She honestly thought it was something completely different
“Something wrong?”
“No, it’s just… I had no idea. You have different last names and you’re nothing like her.”
“You thought we were dating, didn’t you? It’s okay, we get that surprisingly often.”
You chuckled and it made her blush
She was starting to like you
And eventually, she liked you so much that she decided to date you
When you told Miu, she kind of just gave you a weird look
“You mean that creepy chick with the pigtails? Damn, didn’t know she was your type!”
“Miu, please don’t call her creepy. She’s a great person and I love spending time with her.”
“Okay, okay, geez. Don’t get your dick in a twist, buddy. Now, I gotta know, is she buff? Like she does a ton of workouts and whatnot, so she’s gotta be fuckin’ ripped, right?! And how’s her ass? Big? Small? And I bet her chest is-“
“Okay, that’s enough!”
Maki finds her kind of annoying, and Miu thinks she’s a weird bitch, so there’s some awkwardness for a little while
Miu wants to make sure you have a partner who treats you right, and Maki doesn’t like that she scrutinizes her every move
But they’ll learn to tolerate each other in time
“Hey, funny thing, Miu. She thought we were dating at first!”
“Ewwww! He’s my brother, you fuckin’ sicko!”
“Do you wanna die?!”
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granolawriting · 9 months
Welcome to my request forum!
Status: OPEN!
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What I WONT write:
incestous relationships (includes characters that are like family; I.E obikin)
underaged characters in anything other than platonic
however, if anything requested comes about and i'm uncomfortable, I can still reject it on those grounds. obviously.
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Characters I currently / can write for:
the mandelorian
anakin skywalker / darth vader
Joel miller
ellie TLOU
kylo ren
technically, I can write for anyone listed on my fandoms list. However, these are the ones I write best :). Though dont be afraid to request otherwise, I will gladly write whomever.
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Fandoms I can write for / will post about:
the last of us
Harry potter
percy jackson
star wars (mostly prequels)
most popular anime titles
any fandom I am apart of with real people and actors, remember they are the CHARACTER! I would not like to write anything about the real actors :)
⋆┆ ┆ ┆ ┆⋆
How to request!:
you can always shoot a message into my inbox, or you can DM and talk to me about it there! Please just use these specifications;
which character(s)
smut, fluff, angst, platonic, etc. (can be multiple)
one shot, headcanon, or imagines
general outline/setting (when, where, so on)
with who! it can be x reader, character x character, or it can be an alt ending fic
and remember if you want something very specific, consider checking out my comissions instead so I can make your visions come to life :)!
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alluring-eclipse · 6 months
Ayy! Can I have hc of Celestia, Togami (not imposter), Junko, Nagito, Gundham, and Ibuki (I'm sorry if that's too many characters. If it is, then just Celestia, Nagito, and Ibuki.) with a reader (it can be platonic or romantic it doesn't matter) who has the same clothing style as them? They basically wear similar types of clothes, makeup, and accessories. Thank you! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Eek!! When I read this I got so excited! Of course I can do this for you love!
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**Celestia Ludenberg:**
The reader, with an elegant and mysterious style, often engages in high-stakes games of chess with Celestia. They share a mutual respect for each other's cunning minds and enjoy exchanging cryptic messages over afternoon tea.
**Byakuya Togami:**
The reader, possessing a sharp and business-like attire, frequently engages in intense debates on various topics with Byakuya. Their intellectual sparring matches are legendary, and despite the outward coldness, Byakuya secretly appreciates the challenge the reader presents,and if you wear glasses as well,cherry on top fr.
**Junko Enoshima:**
The reader, with an eclectic and ever-changing style, is Junko's partner in crime when it comes to creating chaos. They collaborate on fashion experiments and unpredictable pranks, reveling in the unpredictable nature of their friendship,you two constantly trade accessories and other clothing.
**Ibuki Mioda:**
The reader, embracing a wild and vibrant style, becomes Ibuki's partner in creating unique music and organizing impromptu jam sessions. Their friendship is a colorful explosion of creativity, with both enjoying the spontaneity of their shared artistic endeavors.
**Nagito Komaeda:**
The reader, with a peculiar style, unknowingly becomes the source of Nagito's good fortune. Despite the chaos that follows them, Nagito finds solace in the unpredictable nature of the reader's luck and believes it brings balance to his own twisted world.
**Gundham Tanaka:**
The reader, with a mystical style, forms a unique bond with Gundham. They often accompany him in caring for his "Four Dark Devas of Destruction" and share an unspoken understanding of the supernatural, finding comfort in each other's enigmatic presence.
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Fandoms I'll Write For: LEGO MONKIE KID,My Next Life As A Villainess, Danganronpa, Undertale(ALL THE AU), Welcome home, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Helluverse, FNAF, Harry Potter, Theorist (AKA MATPAT AND THE NEWS HOST FANDOM), Kaiju, The Monsterverse, Poppy Playtime, Witchcraft SMP, TADC, and maybe I will add more later.
I will probably be writing more of yandere(Both platonic and romantic) because I like some bittersweet:)
I will not write unless it's has good reason to: Mindbreak(Depends), Dumbification(Depends), Abortions, Necrophilia, Character Death (Depends), Bad Ending (Depends), Rape/noncon(Depends), I will add later.
I will make some AU, it's would probably be cringe but you know what, I don't care.
Feel free to send in a request or ask me a question!
And also:
Gender neutral, Male and Female Reader's are welcomed!
Please don't expect an perfect character personality when it's come to AU and fanfic/headcanon as I have often make AU that sometimes mess up with the character.
I will not involve real life illnesses like cancer, if its something made up like Hanahaki for example I'll allow it.
I have the right to deny a requests, Nothing out of spite or hatred but some subjects are uncomfortable for me.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
AAA CANDY HEARTS!! i’m so excited! :3
could i request “Be Mine” with Byakuya Togami x Platonic!Reader? i requested something similar last year, and i’m admittedly a bit nervous to ask it again, so i hope this is alright!
(p.s. everything you write is always so incredible hhsnishdmjdj)
Oh my goodness HI! :D I remember you anon! Thank you for the kind words! :) This is beyond alright; I loved writing your request last year, and I loved writing this one! :D I decided to go with Lee!Togami hehehe :P I hope you like it!
Be Mine: "Oh that is IT! Come here!"
“Byakuya…” You drawled, spreading yourself over the back of the library sofa as your friend carried on reading. “Can’t you put down that book for five minutes to entertain me? I’m bored!”
“No. If you’re bored, go find a book to read.” He carried on, unmoved as you climbed over the couch entirely, settling in beside him. “I’m sure there’s something even your small brain can comprehend.”
“Small-” You gaped, sitting back dramatically as you clutched your pearls. “Are you calling me stupid? Byakuya Togami, my good friend! What do you have to say for yourself?”
Instead of apologizing, he flipped a page, lips twitching into a smile. “The children’s books are over there. Careful- you might miss something.”
“Oh that is IT! COME HERE!” You roared, grabbing his legs and yanking. Togami barely had time to yelp as his book went flying, replaced with your mischievous glare. “Take it back!”
“Ne-eheheheehhhever!” You were tickling before he could speak, going straight for his lower set of ribs before he could shut himself up. “(Y/N)!”
“Take it back! Take it back right now!” You taunted, motivated when you saw him try to suppress his giggles. “Don’t fight it- just say it! You know you don’t really mean it, Kuya~”
“D-Don’t you st-art with the ni-ihihcknames!” He wheezed, arching when you moved to his mid-set of ribs. “(Y/N)-ahehehahahahhahahha!”
“You know the magic words~” You sang in a sing-song voice, easily evading his flailing limbs and vengeful fingers. “Come on, come on~”
“Pffft- aheahhahahaha fihihiihihiine! Yohoohohohu’re nohohohohot duhuuhuhhmb! Yohohohoohohu’re nohohohohohohot!” He cried out,cheeks pink and glasses askew.
“Do you mean it?” You raised a brow, pausing your fingers but keeping them hovering above his ribs.”Really mean it?”
“Yehehehes..yehehehs. Nohohohow geheheht!” Togami lightly shoved you off him, shaking his head with a hint of fondness as you giggled. “I hahahte you.”
“No you don’t.” You grinned, beaming when he merely huffed, failing to hide his smile.
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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