#poly!demon slayer
xcalciumx · 1 year
Family | Mitsuri Kanroji x Reader x Obanai Iguro
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Word Count | 5.5k
Warnings | we good.
Summary | Weeks after your near-death experience, you are slowly recovering when you run into Iguro and Mitsuri. Will you finally realise your true feelings? Or in which you stop being a goofy ass.
a/n | ya'll thought I wouldn't do it. but here i am. i posted it. I'M SO SORRY.
part one | part two
“Come on, princesses. My grandma can run faster than that – and she’s dead!”
Shinobu shot you an amused glance from across the room as you sat in your wheelchair, watching as the three boys ran their seventy-fifth lap. You grinned, averting your gaze as the blondie ran past, wide circle eyes staring at you desperately.
“Pleaseee, I can’t take – “
“Agatsuma!” Shinobu barked, “Thirty more laps and you’re done for today. Now shut up and get running!” 
You giggled behind your hand. Ever since the incident, you had become prone to spending your days either sitting aimlessly in your room or watching the younger members of the corps train. Clearly, with both of your legs in casts and your torso swallowed in bandages, there weren't a whole lot of options. Because of this, you had been begging Shinobu to give you a couple of wood crutches; that way you could at least get around the mansion a bit easier. Alas, she had refused your request every time. 
The woman in question made her way across the training space towards you, lips quirked up mischievously. As she came to a stop beside you, one of her hands came down to clasp your shoulder .
“Honestly, do you have anything better to do than distract these three?” she said, watching the boys. You cast her a long look, eyes narrowing. 
“Don’t know if you noticed, Kocho…but I'm kind of crippled here. Not much else I can do.” 
The insect hashira laughed at that, waving you off.
“How many times have I told you that your legs will be healed and fine in no time, hm? Trust me, you’ll be off fighting upper moons again before you know it.” 
You grumbled at that, reclining further back in the wooden wheelchair. 
“No thanks.”
At your words, Shinobu quirked a brow, turning to face you fully. “No? You’re not thinking of retiring are you?” The both of you sat in silence for a moment, her brows furrowing further as you refused to answer. “Hey…I mean I know you nearly died and all that, but it’s just a little hiccup in the road – like I said, you’ll be fine in a couple of weeks; it’ll be like nothing ever happened.” 
You let her assurance hang for a moment, a sigh leaving your lips as you thought about your reply. 
“I’m tired, Shinobu. This life, this…” you struggled to voice your feelings. “Women our age are married. They have families. We’re out here cutting the heads off of demons and watching as ambitious teenagers are sent off to be killed on missions. And - and to what end, really?” 
She pondered your words, a frown now tugging her lips downwards. When she finally spoke, she had averted her gaze to the jogging boys.
“Since the accident…sometimes you don’t sound like yourself.” she shot you a quick look, trying to gauge your reaction. “You know why we fight. You know why we lay down our lives. We save people. We work endlessly towards stopping Muzan. That’s the end goal and you know it.” Her words trailed off. On the other side of the matts, the trio began slowing down.  “You know what Kanae told me, when she was still alive? She said that just because we’re demon slayers - just because we’re cursed with this miserable life, it doesn’t mean we can’t love. It doesn’t mean we can’t have a family.” A large crease appeared in her forehead. She turned her stare back to you, determination prominent in her eyes. “So, you need to stop acting sorry for yourself. People die, people get hurt. Tough luck, suck it up. I don’t know what happened that day or what went down between the three of you, but sitting here, acting like you’re gonna quit the corps? It’s dumb. You can be happy. You can be that woman who’s married and has a family - but you’re just choosing not to, you’re scared.” 
A heavy feeling gurgled in your gut. You didn’t want to admit it, but Shinobu was right. You were scared, and you were acting pathetic because of it. The thought was confronting.
All the words that you had exchanged with Iguro and Mitsuri rushed back to you. The fear of death - the pain of never having lived a fulfilling, happy life…it had overwhelmed you. And as a result, you had pushed away some of the only people who truly cared for you. The people you loved. 
It made you want to crawl into a dark cave and never come out. 
Maybe that had been your last chance. Your only chance. Iguro and Mitsuri probably thought you were a big tantrum-throwing baby who couldn’t handle her emotions. They probably thought you hated them. And if there was one thing you knew for sure in this  terrible world - it was that you definitely did not hate them. Not a single piece of your broken, banged up body hated them. Lord, even when Iguro had made you turn red from anger - you didn’t hate him. And Mitsuri, who could ever hate her? She was the sweetest, love stricken person you had ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on. Now though…now they probably hate you, if anything.
The thought had you clenching your fists tightly on the arms of your chair. 
Shinobu looked at you with a knowing smile, opening her mouth to speak. Before she could, three panting boys stumbled up to the pair of you, tongues lolling out of mouths and sweat sticking their hair to their heads like a second skin. 
Quickly, you righted the frown on your face.
“Done for today?” you asked. It was Tanjiro who answered, a beaming grin on his face despite the harrowing breaths leaving his lips. 
“Yup, all done! Thank you for today's training, Kocho-Sama!” he directed his next words at you. “Would you like to go back to your room? I can take you!”
You contemplated for a second, eyes glancing between the three demon slayers in front of you. 
“Actually, I was going to go out to the garden for a while. Get some fresh air. Thank you though, Tanjiro.” The maroon-haired boy smiled in response. On his left, Inosuke was rocking impatiently on his feet, whilst Zenitsu practically fell asleep standing up. Next to you, Shinobu shook her head at the younger boys with raised brows. 
“Same time tomorrow, don’t be late.” Her command was met with instant agreement. Zenitsu even stopped blowing snot bubbles for a second to answer. Your laughter was cut short when she turned her gaze to you. “And you, we’re gonna have a real long chat tomorrow, so I better see your ass here as well.” she regarded you with a stern look. “Maybe I can even get you to start exercising your legs a little so you’re not so useless…”
Your offended look did not go unnoticed as she sauntered out of the room, waggling her fingers goodbye. You couldn’t help but mutter to yourself angrily.
“I’m still a Hashira too, y’know.”
A couple minutes later you found yourself being pushed down a long hallway. Despite your insistence to Tanjiro that you could make your way to the garden by yourself, he wouldn’t let up. So now, to your absolute chagrin, you were being accompanied by a boar who was jumping off the walls, a babbling baby who was trying to fall asleep in your lap and a kind, but obsessive boy who was pushing your wheelchair like his life depended on it. 
For the eighth time, you pushed Zenitsu’s wobbling form away from you. 
“You’re not sleeping on me, Agatsuma. Don’t even try.” He whined but backed off a little, stomping grumpily down the hall next to you. Behind you, Tanjiro was humming something to himself cheerily. A little ways ahead, Inosuke was trying to fight with a random Kakushi. 
You had little doubt that the look on your face was pure exhaustion. 
The Kakushi currently getting harassed began sprinting down the hall past the rest of you, Inosuke hot on his tail. You rolled your eyes, opening your mouth to say something but deciding against it. As they passed, at the last minute you decided to stick your arm out. The Kakushi bypassed it unscathed, but Inosuke, with no awareness of his surroundings, ran right into your protruding limb, the force of the impact sending him sprawling backwards. In an instant, the Kakushi disappeared around the corner. The edges of your lips tilted up. Before you could blink, Inosuke was back up on his feet; boar eyes seemingly piercing into your soul and nostrils flaring with misty breath. You rubbed at the fading pain in your arm and stared back at him blankly. The entrance to the garden was only ten or so metres away, but Tanjiro tastefully chose this time to stop pushing you.
“Why’d you do that?” The feral boy growled out behind his mask, slinking closer. It was almost as if he was…trying to intimidate you? Tanjiro’s voice came over the top of your head.
“Um, Inosuke…she was just trying to help.” 
He ignored that, coming right up to your prone form and leaning down into your personal bubble. The ends of his mask tickled your face. You coughed in response, trying to hide the fact you were about to burst out laughing. 
“Inosuke!” Tanjiro admonished like a mother.
Before you could make a snarky remark at the animal-esque boy, two scrawny arms were pulling Inosuke away from you. You watched in confusion as Zenitsu restrained the trembling boar for a moment, his chin wiggling in fear. 
“Stop!” Zenitsu cried out. “She did nothing wrong, you crazy buffoon!” Inosuke roared, shoving an elbow into his friend's face and breaking free from his grip. Red instantly began to stream from the lightning user’s nose like a broken faucet. 
“Eh!? The hell you think you’re doing, Monitsu?!” 
You nearly smiled at the defiant look in Zenitsu’s eyes as Inosuke set his sights on him. Key word being nearly. What he said next diminished any admiration you held for him. 
“You can’t hit a girl, you psycho! Especially not one of my future wives!” your gaze narrowed instantly. “You’ll marr her lovely skin!”
“You’re a literal child,” you grumbled to yourself, going unheard by the rest of the boys. As you watched them bicker, all you could do was groan, leaning your head back to look at Tanjiro. He seemed to read something on your face as he stepped out from behind you to interfere. As he did so, you slapped a hand to your head in exasperation. You had wanted him to get you out of there, not make you stay around to watch these two bicker and fight. 
As Tanjiro began trying to deescalate the situation, the hallway somehow became louder with more shouting and arguing. Now, the hall was consumed by yelling teenage boys threatening to beat eachother up. And here you thought you were having a good day. 
You peered at the three, wondering if you should stop them as they began to tussle. 
It only took you a second to decide. Nah, not your problem. 
Reaching for your wheels, you began trying to navigate around the boys to get to the door. The wood of your wheelchair groaned as it slowly made its way across the floor towards the threshold. You passed the fighting group without a glance, readjusting your uniform nonchalantly. Your feet were practically in the sun as you reached the outside door. A gentle draft was coming in from the patio and you let yourself smile a little, rearing to get across the door frame. 
Right before you could pop a wheelie and haul yourself across the little cylinder trimming blocking the entrance, a low voice echoed down the hall behind you.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Your spine instantly tensed, and you paused mid-action to whip your head around. Your heart freaked for a moment, thinking the voice was directed at you. Though when you assessed the sight behind you, you realised that - that wasn’t the case. 
At the end of the hallway, where the four of you had come from, stood Iguro. His steely eyes were trained on Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu. At the Serpent Hashira’s question, the hall became deathly silent in a second. 
You kept very quiet; he hadn’t noticed you there yet. Your eyes darted between the garden and the three boys who looked like they had been caught stealing. Breath caught in your throat, you were about to make a sneaky exit when Iguro began talking again.
“Seriously. How old are you? What’re your names? I’ll report you for insolence in a Hashira’s residence.” He scoffed, eyes roving the boys in boredom. You pursed your lips, looking once more at the boys who had grown extremely still. Reflexively, your gaze wandered back to Iguro. 
When no one responded, the raven-haired male began stalking forward, his checkered haori swaying around him.
“Hm, so? Don’t wanna talk?” he cracked his knuckles creepily, Kabumararu coiling over his shoulders. “That’s fine. I'll make you talk.” 
You had to forcibly stop yourself from rolling your eyes at his stupid threat. However, when you looked back to the boys, you realised they didn’t share quite the same amusement as you.
Zenitsu was sporting the typical deer-caught-in-headlights look, with big, wet tears starting to form. Instead of hitting Inosuke, he was now clutching onto him tightly, using him as a meatshield from the imposing Hashira. Inosuke himself had completely tensed up and you couldn’t quite tell if he was getting ready to try to fight Iguro or run away from him. Besides them, Tanjiro was looking awfully guilty. He, at least, seemed sort of alright with the confrontation. 
You were now faced with a choice: slip out the door and leave these three to their possible demise or step in and tell Iguro to relax…One of the options was certainly looking better than the other. 
Even so, you weren’t completely cruel and you were kind of the reason that this had happened in the first place.
You sighed, slowly pushing yourself backwards into the hall. The rolling of your wheelchair instantly caught everyone's attention and you cleared your throat awkwardly. As you came to a slow stop, you raised your gaze to meet Iguro’s. Before you could say anything, Zenitsu called out to you in what he must have thought was a quiet voice, his form trembling now. 
“Hey, hey! Help us, please. Please!” 
Now it was him everyone was looking at. His throat bobbed as he gulped deeply, shrinking under the scrutinising glare of the older man in the room. He shot one last desperate look in your direction. 
You couldn’t help but sigh once again, cracking your neck and squaring your shoulders. 
“Alright, Obanai. I think you’ve scared them enough.” 
The boys sagged in relief. Iguro averted his stare back to you and you witnessed how his eyes seemed to soften as they took you in. Though it was totally a trick of the light, you told yourself. Surely you didn’t look very pretty, all dinged up and useless in a wheelchair. Despite this, Iguro changed his course of trajectory, walking towards you. The boys watched on fearfully, thinking you had pissed him off. You didn’t blame them, because you also thought you had pissed him off.
It wouldn’t be the first time. 
As he came closer, you noticed the slight limp in his step and the numerous cuts torn across his face. There were some rips in his haori and a stain on his bandages that resembled blood. You raised an eyebrow. Before you could remark on it, he had stopped a few feet in front of you, eyes devoid of any emotion.
“You look better.”
There was an awkward silence. You glanced behind Iguro to where the trio seemed to contemplate their escape. Something that felt awfully similar to sweat pooled in your palms. You should say thanks, right? Right. What came out though was definitely not a thanks. 
“You look like shit.” Instantly, you clapped a hand over your mouth, eyes widening. That was not what you meant to say. What the hell was wrong with you? Quickly, you held up your hands placatingly, “No, no - I didn’t mean. I mean - you look fine. You must have just got back from a mission? Yeah, you did…it’s uh. It’s fine. Wait, I mean - “ you tripped over your words, only to stop when a low chuckle reached your ears. You went completely silent when you looked up to see Iguro regarding you fondly, a warmness starting to blossom in your cheeks.
“Mitsuri and I just got done with a mission. We, “ he glanced back at the eavesdropping boys, “We were going after it. The upper moon.” 
Your eyes widened slightly at his words, a heavy silence now basking the hall.
Iguro laughed again, shoulders shrugging.
“It was a trap though. We barely made it out…” his words trailed off. Your heart hammered so hard, you thought it might re-break your ribs.
“But - but you’re okay, right? I mean, where’s Mitsuri? She’s alright?” It was hard to hide the nervousness in your voice. Iguro seemed surprised but he quickly hid it, nodding his head. 
“She’s fine. A little battered up as well, but fine. She should - ”
As if she was summoned, Mitsuri pranced around the corner, her pink locks flying behind her. She came to a stop as she regarded the crowded hall curiously.
“Oh! Hi everybody?” If the boys weren’t relaxed before, they certainly were now. With two other Hashiras around, they were decidedly protected from Iguro’s wrath. It was Tanjiro who greeted her back, waving a hand. She smiled sweetly, eyes wandering towards Iguro and ultimately landing on you. Her smile flickered for a second, shoulders seeming to curl the slightest bit. 
“Oh,” she whispered this time. “Hi.” Unsure of what her body language meant, you smiled hesitantly back at her.
“Hey, Suri’...”
At the nickname, something in her eyes flared and suddenly she was skipping down the hall towards you and Iguro. As she passed by the boys, one of her hands reached out to pat Zenitsu on the head. Lovehearts literally shone in his eyes.
“Honey!” she cooed as she reached you. It was as if nothing had happened between you two as she grabbed your face with one hand, angling it up and down. She hummed under her breath. “Well, you’ve certainly healed well!” she stared at you with a soft, simpering smile - almost as if begging you not to push her away again. You didn’t. Rather, you laughed quietly, cupping the hand that was now resting on your cheek. 
“Yeah…we all know Shinobu’s medicine works wonders. Don’t tell her I said that, though.” Mitsuri grinned at that, taking a step back. As she did, your eyes were drawn to the bandages peeking out from beneath her uniform. “Are you alright?” you asked her without missing a beat. She followed your gaze, then looked at Iguro sceptically. He nodded back at her.
“I’m okay, it’s just a cut. Um…” she looked at Iguro a second time, displeasure now causing her nose to scrunch. When she looked back at you, it became glaringly obvious that she was nervous. 
“What, Suri’?” you asked. Her cheeks grew a little bit pink.
“It’s just that…I’m sorry. We went on that mission to take down the upper moon and failed. I - I know it meant a lot to you.” The smile on your face quickly vanished, but not for the reason Mitsuri seemed to think. As she raised her hands to apologise again, you interrupted.
“You’re sorry? Mitsuri no, you don’t need to apologise to me. I know how I reacted a couple weeks ago but I don’t - y’know, I don’t actually care. I mean, you don’t owe me anything…” 
Her head tilted to the side, a pout coming onto her face. Iguro spoke up.
“You don’t…care? We’ve been away for weeks hunting that demon for you because we thought…we - “ Iguro paused, looking over at the trio of boys still listening to your conversation. “Maybe we should go somewhere a little more private.” Mitsuri nodded her agreement. 
“No.” You all paused, staring at Zenitsu as he announced himself in a meek voice. Iguro in particular, stared hauntingly at him. This was enough for the blonde to cower back, looking to his friends for help. Indeed, Tanjiro came to his aid.
“No, he’s right. We were taking her to the garden before you interrupted. You can’t just take her away when she doesn’t wanna go!”
You blinked at Tanjiro repeatedly, trying to process his words. When you did, you nearly cried in exasperation. These kids were crazy. You went to explain, but was stopped by Iguro as he took a step towards the boys. 
“Are you trying to say we can’t talk to our girl in private?” he asked darkly. Tanjiro paled but didn’t back down. Zenitsu, on the other hand, completely hid himself behind Inosuke. (Though you were pretty sure that Inosuke had fallen asleep at some point in all of this). 
Mitsuri and you exchanged a look.
“Stop it, Iguro.” you groaned. “And Zenitsu, Tanjiro - for god's sake, I am going on my own free will. No one is making me do anything. Just go back to your room or something!” you snapped at them. For the first time since you had met, the boys seemed to remember that you were a Hashira, which meant you could look after yourself. It also meant that you were undoubtedly capable of dismembering them if they got on your nerves…which they had, many times before this. Their eyes widened but they nodded, scurrying off down the hall. You watched them go, casting a look at the now snoring Inosuke still standing there. 
“Should we wake him?” Mitsuri pondered.
“No.” Iguro retorted, reaching towards you.
“What’re you doin - Yah!” All of a sudden you had left the discomforts of your wheelchair and were dangling idly in the air.  With your legs useless, you couldn’t do much but glare at the Serpent Hashira. He peered down at you, shrugging.
“Easier to move you around this way.” he said simply. Next to you, Mitsuri giggled. 
You had no choice but to accept it, grumbling to yourself as you tried to hide the slight flush creeping up your neck. 
Outside, the sun was high in the sky. The sound of birds and running water echoed from the forest beyond the garden walls. 
Mitsuri had directed the three of you towards a large oak, where you now sat in the cool shade. You had propped yourself up against the trunk, Iguro to your right and Mitsuri laying on her tummy in front of you two. 
You all sat in silence, watching the calm scenery pass you by. Iguro’s head flopped back against the bark, a quiet sigh leaving his lips. Mitsuri yawned, legs kicking up behind her as she stretched out her arms. You just sat and watched, eyebrows drawn as you thought about what to say. Were you supposed to ignore what had happened three weeks ago? Were you guys just hanging out as friends now? Iguro had started saying something back inside but maybe he didn’t want to talk about it…
Your lips pursed.
 Before you could dive deeper into your lair of doubt and confusion, a loud chatter caught your attention. All of you watched as a small group of demon slayers stumbled through the garden gates and made their way toward the mansion. As they joked around with each other, your eyes caught on their nichirin blades, shimmering like glitter in the sun. Your finger twitched beside you. 
Your katana was long gone. After it had snapped into two on the mountain, it served you no purpose. Because of this, you had been blade-less ever since you woke up. Though Shinobu promised you that your swordsmith would bring you a new blade any day now, you were beginning to think she was lying to you to keep your spirits high. If you had it your way, you would’ve gone to the swordsmith village by now and re-equipped yourself; but no, apparently that wasn’t an option according to the Insect Hashira. Despite your argument that you could heal fine at the village and not have to worry about demons, you were ‘not permitted to leave the butterfly mansion until approved by a senior doctor.’ AKA, until Shinobu Kocho stopped being the bane of your existence.
Mitsuri followed your gaze, looking back at you with a small smile.
“You must really wanna get back out there after being cooped up in here the last couple’a weeks, huh?” 
You shrugged noncommittally, eyes falling away from the blade as the slayers made their way inside. 
“I suppose so,” you hummed, fingers tugging at the grass absentmindedly. Iguro grumbled from your right.
“Well I don’t want to fight another demon for the next fifty years after that last fight. Fuckin’ hell.”
MItsuri laughed, swatting at his leg playfully. At the same time, she nodded her head. 
“It was…” she chuckled softly. “It was a lot.”
As you observed her a bit closer, you saw the dark shadows under her eyes and the purplish-blue where a bruise was beginning to form on her cheek. The numerous cuts littering her face was giving way to the warm swelling beneath. Glancing besides you, you noted that the same could be said for Iguro. Hot glue stuck your throat closed as you shut your eyes briefly. This was your fault. 
“I’m sorry.” You spoke quietly. “You didn’t have to…I mean, you didn’t need to go after the upper moon. I - I’m sorry.” You couldn’t think of what else to say but apologise. You were the reason they had come home looking like crap. You were the reason they were probably aching all over right now. You. It was you.
“Shuddup,” Iguro suddenly barked, peering over at you. You stopped yourself from jolting at his unexpected demand. 
“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but we went after that upper moon on Ubayashiki’s orders. It had nothin’ to do with you.”
Your eyes widened, lips opening and closing as you tried to find the words to respond.
“Iguro!” Mitsuri groaned, one hand slapping her forehead. Like you, she gaped for a second as she tried to find the right words to say.
“What? I’m just telling the truth.” He said calmly. Mitsuri glowered at him, one finger rising up to point at him menacingly.
“That is not the tru-” her eyes lit up with a sudden realisation. “You’re just grumpy because that demon called you ugly!” she accused.
Both you and Iguro spoke at the time, although Iguro was sounding a little more outraged at her words.
“The demon what?” your question fell on deaf ears.
“I am not grumpy about that!” Iguro defended himself instantly. Mitsuri responded back with equal fervour.  
“You totally are! I told you you’re not ugly! Why are you still mad?!” 
“I’m not!”
“You are!”
It took you a second to process the words being exchanged but once you did you could do nothing but clasp a hand over your mouth and stifle your giggles. Kaburamaru slithers over from Iguro’s shaking shoulders to perch on you grumpily. You reached your free hand up to stroke along his head gently, watching the two bicker. 
It was only when Mitsuri’s wild eyes turned to you, did you realise that you should say something. 
“You’re not ugly, Iguro.” You said, nudging the hashira next to you. The stream of words falling from his lips paused as he turned to look at you. “The demon was probably just trying to rile you up. In fact, you’re the least ugly guy I know.” you grinned easily at him and he seemed stunned for words. Mitsuri sighed dramatically, plopping back down into the grass with a huff. You bit your tongue to stop from laughing.
“That’s not true,” Iguro mumbled, head turning away from you. As you lose sight of his face, your face falls flat. Who knew that the Snake Hashira of all people would be so vain? Seeing the expression you bore, Mitsuri shook her hands at you, urging you to continue. You stuck your tongue out at her. 
“Oh, Iguro ~ “ you murmur, hair falling in your face as you shake your head conspiratorially. “Really, you’re the most handsome guy I know. Don’t be such a baby about it, okay? It almost takes away from how stunning you are.”
You grin like a vixen when his head whips back towards you. With his face right in front of you, you can see the light dusting of red covering his cheeks. 
“But I -”
“Oh good lord, Iguro!” you snapped playfully. “What is this? One of those cheesy love stories Mitsuri likes to read?” you ignore the yelped ‘hey’ from the bubblegum haired girl. “Don’t give me that bullcrap! I’ve literally seen you without your bandages and I still love you so what's the problem!?” 
Your breath leaves you in pants as you contain a laugh. Iguro continues to stare at you, his pupils dilating. It isn’t until you turn to look at Mitsuri that you realise something is wrong. She’s gone silent, mouth dropped open. 
“What? What did I say?” you ask hesitantly, glancing back at Iguro. 
The squeals are all the warning you get before a solid force smashes into you. Slightly disoriented, you barely register Mitsuri wrapping around you like a toddler.
“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” 
You groan, peeking one eye open to look at the Love Hashira. She’s already beaming down at you, hands cupping your face.
“I knew you loved us!” She rotates to talk to Iguro. “I told you she was just overwhelmed! I did!”
He goes to say something back at her but ends up just shaking his head. His bandages shift slightly upwards.
Listening to Mitsuri, what you just said dawns on you. Your face pales, lips parting slightly. Mitsuri catches the look on your face and jumps, about to clamber off of you. Before she can, you wrap a hand around her arm softly. Her face flushes but she stays where she is.
You wet your lips, trying to make sense of all the thoughts in your head. 
“Hey,” Mitsuri whispers. “You know it’s okay if you didn’t mean to say that…I’m not trying to force you to confess your undying love for us if you don’t actually love us, y’know?”
You shoot a surprised look at her. “Huh? No! No that’s not it. I just…how? Why?”
“You're gonna have to be a bit more specific than that,” she giggles. The hold you have on her loosens slightly, your eyes casting towards the ground. 
“How can you still love me? After what I said? How I pushed you away?” Tears hide behind your eyelids. “I was a total bitch. I mean, I thought you would never even talk to me again! I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
Mitsuri looks away and you realise that she’s mouthing something at Iguro. Suddenly, there’s a hand gripping onto yours tightly.
“Stop apologising,” Iguro’s gruff voice comes from beside you. You realise it’s his hand that you’re holding. “Suri’ kept saying that you were just overwhelmed, that you didn’t mean what you said. I realise now that she was right.” You can’t stop the tears that dribble down your cheeks. Mitsuri’s hold on you tightens. “I mean, you nearly died that day and here we were announcing our love for you? What the hell is up with that?”
You choke on a laugh, fingers curling into the palm of his hand.
“What I’m trying to say,” Iguro mutters, somewhat embarrassed. “Is that if anyone should be sorry, it’s us. We pushed you too far and didn’t stop to consider how you may have felt. So…we’re sorry.” 
Everything goes quiet, your quiet sniffling slowing down. Mitsuri leans back to smile at you.
“Can we just stop all this sad shit?” she laughs. You echo her, reaching up to wipe away the remaining water in your eyes. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I think so.” You.
“Please. No more of this emotional crap.” Iguro.
All three of you begin laughing in earnest now. All the drama and tears getting carried away by the gentle breeze that sweeps through the garden. 
As you calm down, you notice the soft look on Mitsuri’s face. Her eyes dart down for a second, a pinkish hue colouring her cheeks.
Before you can question it, she’s pressing her lips to yours, hands gripping at your shirt tightly. It starts as quickly as it ends as she pulls back, eyes twinkling with stars.
“Too soon?” she giggles.
“Not soon enough,” you murmur, tugging her back towards you. Iguro’s firm grip on your hand keeps you safe and warm, reminding you that they were your family - your priority. 
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circusmantis · 1 year
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Back again with these 4! Repost cus of minor tweaks
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
HELL YEA! The DS Entertainment Distract arc is SO GOOD AH! I am in love with Tengen and his stunning gorgeous wives, they’re all so cute! I would let them do so many unspeakable things to me in the bedroom OMG—and can you imagine them as yanderes??? I am in paradise (a paradise I can’t escape from even if I wanted to hehe) 💖
Tengen would be so protective over you and his wives after all the shit they just went through. He barely lets Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru leave the house, so a delicate (whether your truly delicate or not isn’t the concern; to him, you’ll always be delicate) flower like you out there in the scary, demon-filled, terrifying world where he can’t always keep an eye on you to make sure you’re safe? Yeah, over his dead body are you leaving his sight or his tight hold ever again.
It’s even easier to imagine now that Tengen decided to retire! Now, he can really appreciate the time all of you can spend together~. Plus, his girls would be heartbroken without you! They’ve become so clingy over you since you’ve returned, you practically can’t even breathe without them hovering over you to make sure you’re alright…yeah, it’s no good. You’re trapped in the Tengen estate from now until the rest of eternity~
The possessive sex from all of them would be UNFATHOMABLY amazing 😈
They'd all be so filthy during sex. Makio and Hinatsuru would love to be dominant in a sense, toying with you and making you climax while cooing in your ear about how cute you are, while Suma urges you to relax and is more docile, wanting to make you feel praised and beloved as they take you apart.
When Tengen joins in, he's like a triumphant cat with weakened prey. He could choose to tease you, make you beg for him and his wives, or he can be a little more mean and not touch you at all until you tell him how badly you want to cum.
When he finally decides to fuck you, it's dominating as all hell, no room to breathe almost as he holds you against him and makes you take every inch, stretching you open and filling you deep with every brutal thrust, all while he kisses you breathless and makes you squeal.
You'll be covered in sweat, cum, and other fluids by the end of the fun, but of course everyone makes sure to help clean up and recover. Tengen especially loves to clean up with his tongue if you'd be so kind to allow him.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
— Rely on us, it’s all you need
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Pairing: Yandere Uzui Tengen x his wives x female-hashira! Reader
Summary: getting hurt on a mission, you get saved by a specific hashira who's a tad bit obsessed with you.
Warnings: yandere behavior, blood mention/description, demon mention/description(?), delusional states.
Author Note: There also may be some spelling mistakes, please excuse me.
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“Come on, darlin', I know you have it within you,” Twigs and fast wind-speed snapped around you.
“Don't you dare fucking die on me, please.”
As you opened and closed your eyes, retrying to refocus your vision and the now-throbbing sharp-pain on the side of your head; the familiar scent of copper and rain came to you, causing you to gag quietly.
“Please. Fuck – I should've came with you, damn'it.”
Blood was dripping down steadily from your forehead and ears, as you moved to wipe it away; you groaned in pain, a type of pain that had electricity racing all through you.
“Hun! Fuck. Okay, keep your eyes open for me sweetheart. Please — shit.”
You heard it; smelled it really, the powerful smell of incense and the eeriness in his voice. You immediately knew who it was.
“U–zui...? I–”
“Don't waste your voice, fuck — we're close to the Butterfly Mansion. Don't you dare fucking shut your eyes, okay?”
All the energy you had was forced into a weak-like nod.
You barely remember using your breathing style to defeat a demon, yet you recall the painful cuts and electricity going through you; using all your strength to defeat the demon, yet it wasn't enough.
You swong your katana, using the rest of your energy; seeing the demon's head cut off along with a smirk on their face.
You remember thinking you won, that you dropped your katana in exhaustion; yet, a single red string grabbed you and threw you straight... what? A few meters away? You didn't remember nor did you want to.
It was a hard throw, breaking the tree in half behind you as painful agony went through you; specifically your back and ribs, sending your head to the ground; making your vision blurry and head bleeding from the trauma.
It let you think you won, and for some strange reason, you believed you had won.
Then you recall hearing the demon scream, a herd of angry yelling towards your name, then... Everything went black.
As the sharp and heavy drumming brings you out of your thoughts; you tried to look around you, yet, everything was a blur, seeing that around you was going very quickly; like you’re running in a flower field with no fear whatsoever.
You inhale loudly, trying to catch oxygen but your lungs burn. You clench your teeth and sluggishly nudge your head further into Uzui's neck in pain. Slowly, you find Uzui's eyes darting towards you and in front of him— light worries in his eyes, a type of worry that he showed many times with you, sometimes the anger he showed whenever he saw a single cut on your delicate skin.
Your brain told you he was nice, someone you could trust when you first came to the top of being a Hashira; yet, everytime you were around him, you felt goosebumps on your skin, feeling the need to escape like a prey from his maroon eyes that always stared into the back of your skull.
He, however, was always sweet — in some way, he always offered help; walking towards you while putting his hands on your shoulder to let you know he’s there to help you and that, a pretty woman like you, deserves to be pampered.
His wives… were different; not that it was bad, but it was a weird difference. They were almost — obsessed with you; inviting you over for meals, pampering you in the most expensive clothing, and offering you to stay the night at their house if it was too late to walk home.
It made you embarrassed, not receiving much as a kid, and still not used to it — even as an adult.
You did your best to never get along with them — seeing a type of look in their eyes that scared you, intimidated you; yet, as a Hashira, you five (5) would meet quite often. Uzui, he would always try to go on missions with you, stating that ‘you need someone, as flamboyant and strong like him–to protect you’. Many would be grateful to have the fastest Hashira to tag along with you, but you didn’t; you were annoyed and angry, not wanting to tag along with anyone, especially with Tengen.
Though, the more he saw how he annoyed you, the more his wives and he wanted to hang out with you, dragging you by your wrist with an iron grip along the ‘fun’ festivals that were planned or going out to eat.
However, his flirty behavior got the best of you; slowly falling for him, even though you knew he wouldn't fall for someone like you.
Yet—here he was, carrying you to help, losing his mind, while you were on the verge of death.
“Shit, sugar — listen, don't you dare close your eyes. please, I can't lose you — none of us can lose you.”
All you remember was the voice of Uzui yelling your name, the calming smell of incense when everything went black again and the painful headache that didn’t go away.
You woke up to a hell of a headache, along with the smell of wood, cleaned sheets, and the noise of bird chirping, along with small snores — that were somewhat comforting.
You blinked a few times, eyes straining in pain by the brightness and soreness. As you stare at the ceiling, the familiar scent of incense and extreme perfume was all around you; lingering around you like a snake.
Realizing that you were in the Recovery Room and surrounded by them, you go to sit up, but as expected: your body retracts in pain; immediately causing you to groan out loudly by the immediate pounding in your ribs.
Surely, you had broken some, if not shattered them.
Quickly shuffling was heard beside you, as you looked; you connected eyes with dear violet ones who were quick to fill with tears.
“Oh! Baby!” Hinatsuru wrapped her arms around you as she nudged her head towards your neck, almost crushing you.
As you look behind her, you see Suma and Makio slowly rising in shock and tears falling down from their eyes as well. However, Tengen was nowhere to be seen, causing your anxiety to spike.
“Ah! Cookie!!, we all thought you’d never wake up again!!” Suma cried, launching herself towards you and causing you to fall back whilst pushing out a loud ‘ouch’.
Makio, of course, started yelling at Suma while Hinatsuru tried to calm them both down but to no avail: they all just started getting louder and louder, causing your ears to ring and make your headache worse; all you could was listen to their yelling.
“Stupid!! You don’t run around and hug people who are hurt!”
“I’m sorry!! I-I… was—”
“Guys! Please. Stop yelling, your stressing them out,”
“Oh, shut it!—”
All the sudden, the sound of doors sliding open loudly was heard behind them.
As you and the others looked; you realized it was the ‘God’ himself: Uzui Tengen.
“Tengen!!” Suma cried towards the tall man, running at him as a way to be protected by Makio.
As Suma and Tengen were hugging, he couldn’t stop looking at you; smiling proudly that his other wife is alive and awake.
Hina tried to hold your hand, which was quickly slapped away along with a scoff by you.
“H-how… long have I been out?” You asked bluntly, staring right at Tengen.
Hina looked at you with a puzzled look, before smiling softly, “You’ve been out for a week and a half, Tengen carried you here. Shinobu explained that you lost a pint of blood. You scared us… Pretty bad.” Hinatsuru explained.
Your eyes widened as you focused your gaze on Hina, trying to comprehend the loss of time.
Before you could speak, Tengen appears and gently pushes Hinatsuru out of the way; grasping both of your hands into his as his smile brightens more.
“Darling! I’m so glad you woke up dear,” He brightened, “Just like Hina said — you scared us pretty badly. Though, I have some very good news to tell you!” Tengen expressed into the air in a tone that would make anybody kneel before him.
You raised an eyebrow, “So what is it? And… Can you please let go of my hands?” You said as you felt your face grew uncomfortable.
Tengen’s face grew into a sly grin as his headpiece beads rested against his jawline; he dropped gently, letting go of your hands with a lingering iron grip.
“I spoke to the Head-Master, and explained what happened. He and I decided that it would be best for you to retire —” He expressed happily.
You looked at him stunned, everything stopped; static forming into your head as your ears grew louder than ever, focusing on your thoughts.
All you could remember was how hard the training was, how weak you felt.
“Hon, look at me.”
Your instructor was a nice person, took you in when you were at your lowest and trained you to be as strong as a Hahsira; which you glady and happily obtained.
Finally you shook out of it, staring right into his maroon’s eyes, with an unknown feeling. You started to tear up; feeling weak but angered. A type of anger you haven’t felt in a long time.
“What’s wrong, darling?” Hina asked stupidly, giving you a look of sympathy
“Why… why would you come up with that?” You demanded, voice growing louder. “Why did you think that was something I wanted?”
“Please don’t care hun, it’s for the best! Plus, you get to spend more time with us!” Tengen added, completely ignoring the fact that your fists were clenched tightly.
Tengen wipes your tears, gently caressing your cheeks “Don't worry — you’re gonna be safe with us, darling.”
All the girls nodded, Suma speaking up: “Don’t cry! We’re right here for you!”
Hinatsuru kneeled beside the bed, guiding her hand onto your chin as Tengen stood by, all of them really; observing you, like you were their prey.
You shook your head, feeling sick to your stomach. This was a sick joke, right? It had to be. You really wanted it to be.
“Aren’t you happy darl’? Come’on, we all know you love us,” Tengen looked at you, crouching down as he forced you to change your eyes towards him, “You’re not leaving us, or getting hurt again. You deserve to be pampered, we all love you.”
You widened at hearing his words, heartbeat quickly rising.
“A~nd, you won’t be needing this anymore,” He grabbed your katana, who was resting against the wall. All the girls smiled brightly as he nodded towards them.
He stood up, gently grabbing your forearm before you threw his hands off; you stood up and pointed your fingers towards his chest, like it was gonna change anything; maybe wishing this was a type of dream.
“This isn’t your choice! Please – Please tell me this is some type of joke—” You exclaimed; not wanting to feel weak again. He wasn’t listening to you, walking towards a cabinet, grabbing the medications he needed for whatever reason.
“You… can’t be ser–”
Makio grasped your shoulder, kissing your cheek while Hina and Suma all smiled gently, before nodding at Makio.
Tengen walked over, leaning over to tower you, intimating you. “I do this because I– we love you.”
Before you could argue back, you felt something nic in the back of your neck; causing you to pass out.
It didn’t matter anymore, Uzui made a promise to protect you and he was gonna keep that; whether he would have to use force.
Masterlist | Requests closed! (7/16/2022)
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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Would it be possible to see a Part 2 of the Tengen x Male Reader?
Yandere Uzui Tengen & his wives Pt.2
Part 1
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“Is this the darling you spoke about in your letter?”
“He really is a weakling! No worries, we can fix that up right away!” 
“Oh no!!! They can’t even withstand that?! They would have been a goner if it weren’t for you Tengen-sama!” 
Immediately Makio and Suma are the ones to smother you right away
Already falling in love from the various letters Tengen sent your arms act as the rope they play tug-of-war with
Hina is slower to fall
She’s hesitant at first, acting as a mediator for her other squabbling wives
But as she watches you try to escape when either Suma or Makio chase each other off or fall asleep she starts to realize something 
You were so helpless 
Completely unable to sense her as she followed you from the treeline
You didn’t even notice that she was the one who shucked a shuriken into your leg
So she sat in the tree watching you writhe in pain before attempting to limp a little while more
She’ll eventually scold herself before flinging a rock at one of your pressure points
She’ll bridal style carry you back to the house 
Back to the crying and frantic Suma and Makio
“Oh we were just playing! Poor (Y/n) didn’t realize how much rougher I play, though.”
They’ll accept that going right back to smothering you aggressively as before
When you finally get some time alone with Hina you hesitantly ask:
You were laid on an elevated bed surrounded by pillows with your leg raised. Moments ago you were juggling Makio and Suma’s attention as they each tried to play nurse as it was only an hour since you awoke. It was alarming to wake up to a bunch of women holding you down as they pulled a ninja star out of your calf. The attention, if you could call relentlessly whining that, afterwards was less than wanted. Thankfully at Hinatsuru’s suggestion Makio and Suma fought with each other to get out the door to fetch some herbs for your soup. 
“W-why didn’t you tell them?”
“I think you’re just a little…confused. Tengen mentioned you’d make concerning choices.” 
She poured a kettle of tea with a chuckle; sighing in the scent of the herbs before coming closer to your nightstand. 
“Hehe, I almost didn’t believe what made Uzui attracted to you…but now I can see–”
Placing the tea on the nightstand while she talked she paused to cup your jaw in her soft but firm grip. Tilting you towards her face as she leaned in towards you smiling all the while.
“-why Tengen-sama chose you.” *Chu*
Pulling away to see you fluster at the simple peck completely unprepared for the absolute devouring of your mouth that would follow. Taking advantage of your shock she pressed harder against your jaw opening it wide enough to let her shove as much of her mouth on yours. Sucking on your tongue and licking your teeth; tasting as much of your mouth as possible before running out of breath. Finally she pulled away.
You could see the red flush dance across Hina’s lovesick face only emphasized by the connecting thread of spit hanging on her pink lips. It is then that you register the labored shuffling that was made by Makio and Suma as they fought to deliver their herb first. Before they could come trampling into the room Hina tucks a strand of hair behind her ear walking back into the kitchen leaving you embarrassed and left to regain your composure as they latched onto you again. You sighed before thanking them both by patting their heads which saved you from their nails digging into your arms as they excitedly brought their finds to Hinatsuru. 
“Tengen-sama will be so happy that we helped!”
“Y-yeah and t-then I can sing (Y/n) to sleep!”
“You can't sing! If you mean whining then sure.”
“Hey! Yes I can!!!”
“No you can’t!”
As Makio’s volume increased and Suma’s defense turned into crying, you found yourself drifting to meet the still smiling eyes of Hinatsuru. You wonder if this is what Tengen meant when they were ‘taking it easy’.
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theextratreefairy · 1 year
Do you think you could write something about yandere tengen from demon slayer? I’m obsessed with him!
Same, honestly he and his wives can step on me and I would apologize, I would basically write anything for him. Since it was unclear if you also wanted the wives, I chose to write a meeting scene with yandere tengen Warnings: yandere, kidnapping, reader is weak compared Tengen, Reader curses like a sailor. Reader is fembodied but uses they/them pronoun. It's the first time I'm writing tengen, so please excuse my writing, gimme some advice and if you want some more. I headcannon that everybody in Tengen relathionship love each other, because thats how I view healthy poly relathionships. (All partners love each other and chose to be together)
A destined meeting
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"You dropped this, my dear lady." Reader turned around as they were tapped on their shoulder. A man was holding out a packet of dried flowers that were wrapped in their handkerchief. "Thank you." Reader said curtly as the man looked hungerly at Reader. "My name is Uzui Tengen, what's yours?" Tengen questioned trying to engage in a conversation, Reader not wanting to be rude they answered: "My name is Reader, I use gender neutral terms."
"Oh my, I apologize." Reader took the dried flowers back and gave a polite smile. "It's quite alright, you didn't know." Tengen smiled brightly at Reader. "Could I perhaps treat you to a meal to make up for it?"
"Ah, it's really not a big deal, it's not like I am walking around with a sign saying I'm gender neutral." Reader tried as they waved their hands infront of them defensively. Tengen grabbed their hands and smiled brightly once again. "It's quite alright! To be honest, I hate eating alone, it would be a favor towards me really."
"Alright then." Reader relented, they couldn't say no to such a confession. "Arigato!" Tengen shouted happily and guided them to a small pop-up restuarant.
And with that Reader was now in a restuarant with Tengen. The two were eating in silence, Tengen asked a lot of personal questioned and they answered them honestly. But for some reason, it seemed like Tengen already knew those answers. "I got three wives." Tengen told Reader when Reader asked him about his family. "Wow, that's wow, how would they feel about you eating with me?"
"They wouldn't mind." Tengen answered. "They would most likely be excited."
"How come?"
"They want a new friend and a new added one to our relathionship." Tengen answered. "Ahh." Reader replied nodding, trying to shake the creepy feeling coming up. "Would you perhaps feel more comfortable meeting my wives?"
"I suppose, but it's not like we'll meet often, since you just wanted someone to eat food with." Reader rambled trying to get out of that.
"But my dearest Reader, this was a destined meeting."
"What?" Reader now couldn't shake this feeling. It was a feeling of danger. Tengen engulfed Reader in a hug and they felt a prick in their neck. They tried to push away but felt numb, their body was weaker then before. "Don't worry, me and my wifes will take care of you my dear."
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classywitchunknown · 1 month
If tengen uzui asked me to be his 4th wife
Me is also you
Rando: WHY JUST WHY????
Me: Because he asked and I said yes
Rando: I get that, but why would you say yes
Me: Well, have you seen him and the 3 wives he has? Even apart, their attractiveness ultimately defeats the temperature of the damn sun 🌞. Not to mention how well they treat each other.
Note: The rando could be another character from the same show or one from a different show
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manilamanilal · 1 year
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Uzuiren Thread 🔆
this artwork is a thread so you guys might wanna wait for the next panels hahaha
(can anyone from @ufotable make them canon already like - crumbs aren’t enough kinda… but still we want more! HAHAHA)
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nakimesbiwa · 9 months
Kanroij Mitsuri
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-Mitsuri def wants more attention out of you. Obanai kinda of hates that.
-Mitsuri buys you a lot of gifts, kisses, and hugs
-She fell in love with you first because of your kindness and your funny personality. EVERYTHING she thought…
Does PDA She doesn't care if someone thinks wrong or right She loves you and, she wants to tell the whole world.
-She saved you once when you had a hard question on your exam. She let you cheat off of her answer! Liver-Saver!
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Iguro Obanai!
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-Opposite of Mitsuri a LITTLE of PDA. But at home is different The moment you step at the moment he hugs you like crazy…
-Gives Everyone the side-eyes of everyone. (Why are they looking at you? You're his… Why?)
Almost everyone fears him because his arua is dark… Very. (But he's just a sweet pie!!)
-Gives you a gift too tries to outdo Mitsuri but fails.
-Is so kind and sweet to the both of you (and if you give him love back. He blushes like a mess.)
-Because of that people get jealous of the both of you a lot…
-Just that Obanai and you are just the GREAT pair same humor…(dark lmao) Both of you are too scared to tell Mitsuri what it is thought (She finds it out. She worried about the both of you..)
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-She can switch for you sub-to-dom!
She a messy when you are both alone in the dorm (Def a dom when alone)
Pussy eater mother fucker. Loves when you hump on her leg and all of that come comes out of you. (Makes you lick it off of he leg
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-God… So many pussy eaters… Eates the shit out of you. Plus fingering is something he's best at.
At this point… Dom Sorry but that's what I believe… He calls you; Slut, cum whore, and dolly/doll.
-Can go soft-rough (Not THAT rough lmao) Prob fucks you outside on a tree. Solo; Goes to TOWNNNNN…
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xcalciumx · 1 year
Priority | Mitsuri Kanroji x Reader x Obanai Iguro
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Word Count | 4.0k
Warnings | Mentions of blood ig. No spoilers. Mentions of Doma (ew.) ANGST i didn’t mean for it to be, but it is what it is. Tears. Drama.
Summary |  After a mission goes wrong, you’re left to battle with something far worse than a demon: your emotions. Or in which Mitsuri and Obanai are kinda in love with you but you’re kinda broken. 
part one | part two
Your ribs trembled as you struggled to stay upright, each inhale more painful than the last. The wracking pain in your lungs gave way to the harrowing coughs leaving your lips as you wobbled precariously on your feet. The coppery tang of blood invaded your nose, ears ringing. 
In front of you, the demon pranced about with his golden fans. 
A particularly harsh cough burst forth from your throat, your hand gripping the nichirin sword in your grasp tighter as you propelled your feet forwards. Gotta keep moving. Can’t stop moving. The dewy grass beneath you turned to dust as you narrowly avoided another one of the demon’s attacks. You took a wide berth around the demon's form, trying to allow time for you to control your breathing. It became glaringly clear that this was no inconvenience for the monster.
“Now, now. Why put up such a fight?” The white-haired beast crooned, his eyes tracking your every move as you came to a stop, legs no longer able to fully support you. “If it’s any consolation, you’re not the first hashira I’ve killed. Oh no, far from the first. You know, you’re very pretty. It would be an honour to carry you with me for eternity…”
A crazed look crept onto the demon's face as you ground your teeth together, shaking your head to clear away the dark vignette bordering your vision. You ignored the throbbing pain in your ankle, forcing yourself not to stop. Every inch of you screamed for reprieve - begged for mercy. But you could not give in. 
You had long since discarded your blood soaked haori, your sword was one strong blow from breaking and your vision was swimming with big black, ink-like blots. 
You knew that one wrong move would spell the end. 
Under the moon's guidance, you sought far into your soul, searching for a way to get out of this alive. Anything. From the deep nothingness of your mind popped a face, much like your own. 
“My darling baby. Don’t stop. Never stop.” You blinked blearily at the person in front of you. Were you hallucinating? Is this what death felt like? Two warm hands cupped your cheeks, and suddenly you felt four years old again. “You need to snap out of it. You’re not going to die - not my girl. Not today.” 
Your mothers voice was ringing in your ears. But as you went to grab for her, she vanished, leaving only the forest and carnage behind. A sob bubbled out of your mouth, wet tears dripping down your cheeks and mixing with your blood like some twisted painting. It had been too long since you had seen your family. Since they had…you vanquished the thought. You must have looked like a wreck as your gaze pinned onto the demon. His eyes widened in a childlike wonderment, his lips curling into a soft frown. 
“Tears? Human emotion -” 
You didn’t let him finish his monologue. Mustering all the strength left in your body, you darted forward, hair whipping everywhere as you recited the forms that you had said a thousand times before. A slicing pain came from your abdomen but you paid it no mind, just like the rest of the cuts and bruises now littering your body. You got closer and closer, each breath hurting like a jagged knife to the heart. But you didn’t stop, couldn’t stop. The final words of your twelfth form ripped from your lips and you barely registered as you swung your sword in an arc above your head. You were so close. The demon's neck was so close. From here, it would be like cutting cheese. It should’ve been like cutting cheese. 
Solid force bashed against your sword, a loud metal THWANG echoing through the silent woods. Blood rained over you like a shower, hands shaking as you severed through the demon’s neck. The momentum drove you forward, and you were left stumbling onto your knees, head smashing against a rocky outcrop. Screaming was impossible, your throat felt so raw and stripped of skin that even muttering became impossible. Your body was on fire, burning you apart from your toes to your scalp. You couldn’t keep up your constant breathing anymore, lungs constricting rapidly inside your shuddering form. Something sharp poked inside of you. Maybe a broken rib or two or six. You could feel that your ankles were both broken, and your arms were like cooked ramen, floppy and useless. 
The stars in the sky dimmed, or maybe that was just your vision slowly fading. Whatever it was, you welcomed the darkness. With the upper moon dead, you could resign yourself to death peacefully, knowing that you’d contributed to the efforts to defeat Muzan Kibitsuji. Or that’s what you thought.
“Oh my, you sure are stubborn.” Said a voice, breaking through the hazy cloud that had settled over your mind. “You nearly got me, you know? Pity that your sword couldn’t keep it up any longer.” 
Terror hugged you like a ghost. He wasn’t dead. You hadn’t killed him. That sound…it had been your sword breaking. It didn’t make sense. You had felt the blood spraying your skin, had felt the sword cutting through his flesh. How…? 
“Don’t be afraid, little one. You will live on through me. Or well, in me.” The demon was giggling to himself, his pants brushing against your corp uniform as you lay broken on the ground. You had lost. This was the end. All your efforts had been null. You should’ve known that you would never truly make it as a demon slayer. The only reason you had made it this far was luck. If the universe hadn’t been playing its stupid tricks, then you would have been massacred like the rest of your family. 
Yeah, so much for being a Hashira. 
Laying on the cold grass, you questioned how you had ever been strong enough to qualify as a pillar. To be considered ‘the best of the best’. What a load of crap. 
You couldn’t feel your legs, or your arms. Something heavy was pressing against your back and suddenly your body was forced to its feet. The arms looped under yours were the only thing keeping you standing. As much as you wanted to fight, you physically couldn’t. Hours had already passed since the upper moon first arrived. What you first thought was a simple mission had escalated far more than you could ever imagine. It was only you and him; everyone else was dead or well on their way. Your heart cried for the junior members of the corps. They hadn’t stood a chance. 
Dark. Everything was so dark. Sharp tingles of pain were creeping up your neck, your body felt like it was being moulded into something else. 
Dark. The dark was here. 
You couldn’t die like this. 
Tears were streaming down your face. Were they? Maybe you were just imagining it.
You needed to fight. You needed to fight. You needed to fight.
The most you could do was pry a single eye open. 
Through your squinting vision, you saw the large white moon, so far away up in the sky. The trees whistled with the wind, swaying gently in your peripheral. The demon was elsewhere. Behind you? Was that what the pain radiating from your back was? Maybe. Maybe not. You didn’t know. Everything was numb. A voice whispered into the shell of your ear.
“I can hear your heart slowing down…you sure don’t wanna die, huh?” 
You stared forwards, towards the trees. Was there someone there? What was that sound? 
A warm hand clasped yours. You couldn’t see her, but you knew your mum had come back. And she was tugging, tugging. Tugging you away somewhere. You let your eye fall shut again, just wanting this to be over. Your mum was taking you home, everything would be okay. 
No. Something muttered deep in the black depths of your mind. Look. 
“I just want this to stop,” you tried to say back, but your vocal strings were fried, your life was slowly slipping from your grasp. 
The voice came again, this time with a fiery barrage of anger.
So you did. 
Your gaze narrow and shaky, you watched as a roaring snake blocked out the moon. And there was pink, pink everywhere. The pressure on your back suddenly disappeared and your body was left to tumble to the ground. This time, nothing could stop your descent into darkness. 
“Mmh,” a groan rumbled in your chest. The ground was rapidly moving beneath you, your arms deadweight on your chest. You were floating - no, someone was carrying you. You tried to move your body, but the flaring pain immediately stopped you.
“We’re nearly there,” a quiet voice mumbled somewhere above you. If you weren’t in so much pain, you would have flinched at the sudden noise. Where were you? What was happening?
Peeking your eyes open, you managed to make out the mismatched coloured eyes of the man carrying you. Something silky slid along your neck. 
You tried to say his name but failed, eyes blinking once, twice and then falling shut again as the darkness returned. 
The next time you woke up, it was to a dimly lit room. A plush pillow was situated under your head and a soft blanket was draped loosely over your lower half. Your whole body ached like a buttcheek on a stick, that was for sure. When you tried to move your legs, nothing happened. Your eyes grew wide, but you winced, your skin feeling tender around your left eye. Huffing a breath, you wiggled your way so that you could sit upright, staring in horror at your legs. Were you…?
“Don't get ahead of yourself. Your legs are in casts for now, they’re just broken.” 
Head whipping to the side, you saw Shinobu situated off to the side of your bed. You gaped like a fish, eyes darting between her and your unresponsive legs. A small smile covered her lips. 
When you tried to speak, your mouth was too dry. You only managed to cough.
The Insect Hashira got the hint, picking up a glass of water from the bedside table. You took it graciously in trembling hands, gulping down the liquid like a dry sponge. It became clear that you were about to choke, and Shinobu did nothing as you did just that, water sputtering from your lips as you hacked up your lungs. When your coughing fit finally ended, you handed the glass back, slumping unceremoniously back onto the pillows. The room stayed silent for a moment, your heavy breathing occupying the space. You were in the Butterfly mansion, that much was clear. However, you didn't know how. The last thing you remember, you were on the cusp of death and hallucinating some wacky-ass snake covered in love hearts. 
“How…” you rasped, making eye contact with Shinobu. “How’d I get here? Am I dead?” 
Shinobu stifled a giggle into her haori, magenta hair flying around as she shook her head no. She smiled at you, getting up from her seated position. 
“Well, Obanai and Mitsuri brought you back here. Poor girl was crying too much to explain what happened and you know how that damn Snake Hashira is.” 
You narrowed your eyes, trying hard to remember the past events. As you did, Shinobu made her way to the door. You raised a brow in question, but she only smiled again and slipped out of the room, silence following in her wake. You groaned. So much for asking questions.
For the next couple of minutes, you dwelled on your thoughts, eyes slowly drooping shut. Just when you thought you would fall back asleep, the door to the room burst open. Loud yelling instantly invaded your ears. 
“Yahhh! You’re awake, oh, you’re awake! Do you know how scared I was? Oh! You were bleeding everywhere and you wouldn’t respond when we were saying your name! I thought you were dead. I thought you…” You could only blink in shock at the love hashira. Her yelling quickly quieted down to sobs as she ran over to wrap her arms around your neck. Gargantuan tears rolled off her face and onto your prone form. “Never do that again, okay! When Obanai and I found you, we thought we were too late. Nyahh, why would you fight an upper moon demon alone you dummy!” The crying girl reached a new crescendo as she started yelling again, her voice causing a new throbbing to start up in the back of your head. 
“Okay, ‘Suri. I’m alright,” you whispered, hoping to soothe her screaming. Two big green eyes stared at you for a moment, a steady stream of tears still rolling from them. She went to open her mouth again but you sighed, reaching a hand to stroke her bubblegum hair back from her face. A red tint now accompanied the wet stains on her cheeks. She bit her lip hard, eyes darting all over your face before she wailed one last time and slumped over you like a cat. 
Internally, you cried at the pressure that she put on your ribs, but covered it with a small smile on your face. 
“Oi, you’re hurting her.” 
Mitsuri leaped off of you in an instant, hands covering her mouth. With her no longer obscuring your view of the room, you could see Obanai stood motionless in the doorway. He quietly entered, closing the door behind him. His dull eyes roved your form for a second, before settling on your face. 
“How do you feel?” 
You bit your lip to stop from saying how you really felt. That was, complete and utter shit. Instead, you managed a small grin, watching as he came to sit on the edge of the bed. Mitsuri followed, climbing up onto the sheets and snuggling up close. 
“Fine. How long have I been out?” 
Mitsuri hung onto your arm for dear life, and you watched as her bottom lip wobbled. 
“Two weeks now. I didn’t know if you were ever gonna wake up.” She said sadly, burrowing her head into the nook of your neck. From the side of your eye, you watched as Obanai rolled his eyes at the girl's words. With your free hand, you patted the love hashira on the back, hoping it gave her some sense of comfort. Craning your neck to the side, you averted your stare back to the Serpent Hashira, knowing he’d at least answer some of your questions without bursting into tears.
“What happened back there? I mean, I thought I was dead for sure.” You ended your words with a small laugh, but he didn’t seem to find them very funny. 
“When Kanroji and I arrived, that demon was absorbing you from behind.” That explained the numbness in your back. “You looked as good as dead, hell you were dead. But somehow we managed to ward him off long enough to grab you and get you back here.” 
He stopped talking, gaze assessing the look on your face. At your prolonged silence, Mitsuri popped her head up to look at your expression. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“You didn’t kill it?” you asked slowly. Next to you, Mitsuri gulped. Obanai just looked at you. “You let it get away?” You insisted, neck cracking as you raised up onto your weak forearms. Mitsuri uttered words of warning but you ignored them, brows pulled tightly together. Your eyes flew between your fellow hashira, lips opening and closing in disbelief. 
“That wasn’t the priority.” Obanai said simply. Your eyes focused on him. Besides you, Mitsuri hummed her agreement. 
“Why?” you growled. “How was that not the priority? I fought that damn demon for hours. Okay? Hours. The two of you together could have beat him no problem, upper moon or not. And what, you just let it get away? This is our job! This is what we do! If we don’t kill these demons when we get the chance, how the hell are we supposed to ever stop Muzan, huh? Ubayashiki won’t be happy to hear this. I’m not happy to hear this!” 
Mitsuri ducked her head, but Obanai’s gaze didn’t waver. 
“Ubayashiki knows.” 
You grit your teeth. “‘He knows’, that’s all you're gonna say? Why not explain your actions then! Explain why you let an upper moon get away when you were in the prime position to kill it!”
The raven haired man stayed silent this time, eyes finally falling to his lap. 
But you weren’t done with this, no way. A heavy pressure bared down on your chest, stopping you from getting full lungfuls of air. All the pain did was remind you of what happened. Remind you that you nearly died. And for what? What did you almost die for, if the demon got away in the end? You said exactly this, watching as the two avoided meeting your eye. 
“I swear to god,” you seethed. “You better tell me that you know where that demon went, or so help me…” 
The silence gave you your answer. 
Mitsuri sat up fully, eyes brimming with fresh tears. She took hold of your hand, bringing it close to her chest.
“We did it for you,” she babbled, tugging on the sleeve of your hospital jacket. “Please don’t be angry.” 
You wrenched your hand away.
“Well I am! I am angry! How can you say -”
“Stop it,” Obanai suddenly snapped. Both Mitsuri and you shot your eyes to where he was now standing up. His gaze had hardened, fists clenched by his side. “Don’t get mad at her. She did nothing wrong. We had two options: kill the demon or save your life. Now, I don’t know if you have some suicidal tendencies or something but we made our decision and we chose you. It’s up to you if you can accept that or not, but there’s no going back, so just stop.”
“Obanai…” Mitsuri whispered but he kept his steely glare directed at you. 
“That’s the problem,” you hissed, recovering from your initial shock. Out of all the hashira, Iguro was one of the quietest - rarely did he raise his voice or get angry like this. Nevermind that though, the beating in your head and the irritation you felt urged you on. “You made a dumb choice. That demon is gonna go and he’s gonna kill hundreds of more people. Why? Because you had a severe lapse in judgement? Is that why, Obanai?” 
Obanai met your words head on, his eyes narrowing. 
“Maybe it was a dumb decision,” he growled. “But it was our decision. Mitsuri and I. We chose you. You were more important in that moment. What about that can’t you understand?” 
“Oh, I understand perfectly fine! I understand that there are two incompetent hashira among us that don’t understand where their priorities should lay. How's that for understanding?” 
Mitsuri gasped quietly next to you but you didn’t dare tear your gaze away from the serpent hashira. If you could have seen his mouth, you swore he’d have been sneering at you in this moment. You watched as he took a few deep breaths, eyes shutting in what looked like exasperation.
“You.” He declared lowly. “You are our priority. And I am not going to apologise for saving you. Nor is Mitsuri. So, get. over. it.” The last words sounded like they were spoken through gritted teeth. Your nostrils flared. 
“I am not your priority.” You argued, eyes blazing. 
“That is not up to you to decide.”
“No? Well I just did! If you think… “ you started, voice beginning to rise. “If you think that my life is more important than taking down Muzan, then you're delusional. You’re crazy!” 
“Do not put words in my mouth!” Obanai hissed back, Kaburamaru copying this sentiment. 
Your eyes shot open as you laughed mockingly. “I’m not putting anything but the truth in your mouth!” 
“Stop it!” Mitsuri cried, now standing as well. “Stop it, the both of you!” 
Both your heads whipped towards the pink haired girl, who now had her hands clasped together as if she were about to get on her knees and beg. 
“Mitsuri,” Obanai said softly, his tone doing a complete 180. “It’s her, not me.” 
It’s a miracle your neck didn’t break at the speed in which you turned to glower at him. Your throat, still not completely healed, scratched with every word. 
“Me? Are you kidding? It’s ME?” You were hysterical at this point.
Obanai didn’t concede. 
“I don’t understand what your problem is. Really. This is pointless. What you’re saying is pointless!”
You were going to murder this man. You were going to have to commit seppuku for the war crimes that you were about to commit against him.
“Why!” You finally exploded. “I just want to know why you think saving me was your priority! Especially, when we both know that the right thing to do would’ve been to ditch me and kill that son-of-a bitch!”
This time, Obanai didn’t respond. You were panting, glare prominent on your face. Your ribs were hurting and all the shouting hadn’t helped the headache you were sporting. Off to the side, Mitsuri whimpered.
“Tell her, Obanai,” she murmured. He glared at her, then at you.
“No.” He said.
“Tell her,” she urged again. 
You could quickly feel the rage swelling in your belly.
“Tell me what?” you croaked, voice ran raw. You wanted to shout and scream and demand answers, but you were so tired. 
Obanai stayed quiet. Your eyes darted to Mitsuri now, who squeaked at whatever she saw in your gaze. Her hands fumbled nervously with the front of her uniform, teeth gnawing on her bottom lip. She shot a look at Obanai.
“We, um…” she started. On your other side, Obanai said something quietly. You didn’t hear, but Mitsuri clearly did as she grew a determined look on her face. 
“‘Suri…”  You warned.
No one spoke for a moment, before…
“We love you!” Mitsuri wailed, volume going unchecked as her face turned as red as hot coal. 
You blinked, suddenly stumped for words. “Huh, you mean…Huh?” 
Mitsuri started to cry again for whatever reason. You could only stare dumbly.
“I love you,” Mitsuri babbled between sobs. “He loves you too but he won’t say it!” She continued to cry. 
When you looked back at Obanai, he refused to meet your eye. 
A sudden knock on the door shocked you out of your stupor. Shinobu peeked her head inside, but immediately stopped as she took in all of your faces. Without a word, she quickly retreated, door slamming shut.
The room went dead silent, aside from Mitsuri’s quiet sniffles as she tried to gain control over her emotions. 
Slowly, you started to speak, directing your words at Obanai as you did.
“Tell me that’s not true. It’s just Mitsuri being Mitsuri, right? Right.” He still didn’t look at you, silently shaking his head. You felt your chin wobble. “Don’t say that,” you protested. “Don’t say that!” You grew angry again, poking a finger into the snake pillar's chest. Your body turned to Mitsuri. “‘Suri you don’t mean that. Don’t say that, please. Please.” 
She only smiled sadly. One of her hands reached out as if to comfort you, but you backed away into the pillow behind you. Your eyes widened in horror. 
“Get out,” you crowed. “Get out, now!” 
“What?” Mitsuri whispered.
“Get out of my room.” You stated, curling in on yourself. Mitsuri stepped forward, looking as though she didn’t know what to do with herself. Her eyes stared into yours, but it was like she wasn’t actually seeing you. 
“You don’t mean that. You’re just tired, you need time to recover. You don’t… After everything, you can’t possibly mean to say…” 
You choked on a sob, pulling the blankets higher over you. Bound by the cast, you did what you could to turn away from the both of them. Mitsuri said your name one last time but you covered your ears, tears finally springing into your eyes. 
“Get out…” you murmured, too tired to do anything. Too tired to beg or yell or cry. 
You heard as Obanai moved, saying something quietly to Mitsuri. Footsteps, then the door to your room closed and you were left all alone again. 
Maybe that’s all you’d ever be. 
Do we want a part two to this? I kinda do lol
part two is out!!
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mysticlovendeath · 15 days
This edit was so ass, I gotta redo everything. Even the drawing. (I still love them tho)
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painedpen · 8 months
Does anyone else ship polyamorous ships purely because they hate cheating and love triangle tropes? It’s so annoying to me when fic writers incorporate that in.
I saw a fic where Kaede cheated on Shuichi with Miu, and Shuichi got together with Kiibo, and that’s how I started shipping all four of them together. Polyamory and spite fixes everything and I will die standing by that.
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aroace-madness · 9 months
You know what screw the ship wars from now on everyone is in one big polycule
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n0n-sen-se · 9 months
𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲! 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧'𝐬!
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includes ;; kyojuro x gn!reader x tengen synopsis ;; these hc's basically assume the reader is just a civilian, but there's also a demonslayer!reader bonus ;) content ;; fluff. a/n ;; this prompt was recommended to me :) and by god I did it
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☆☆☆ # general relationship !
days can switch between domestic bliss to overtly interesting dates. tengen always comes up with the initial idea for a date (like dinner or going to a festival) and kyojuro naturally likes to expand on it and plan accordingly. setting up times and places.
tengen loves the sounds of your combined laughter, it melts his heart when he realizes its happening. as the sound hashira it quickly become his favorite.
they're both very spontaneous and heart-led people, sometimes they need a reminder to slow down and think things through. . . and on the other hand its good for you to be dragged along into their antics!
whenever tengen sees you throughout the day he's always gonna give you a kiss or a hug / kyojuro will sort of linger to you, managing to rest his head on your shoulder and/or bury his face in your neck
kyojuro is the person you both kind of look to for support, he's a bit wiser and emotionally inept as a partner. In fact its easy for him to pick up on everyone's off days. the biggest supporter for you both!
speaking of which, these tall boys usually don't bend down to kiss you, they'll scoop you up right off your feet for one
when tengen cooks for you two he likes to do so alone, he's very capable of managing a fiery kitchen alone, you two would just get in the way so "sit down and wait until its done"
always communicating with you, about their schedules/work, just to talk in general or make plans. even with both of them are away at night or on missions
i also feel if you guys were ever cuddled together on a bed or a couch you'd be squished in the middle, back against tengen's broad chest and your legs being rubbed by kyojuro
there both always warm too (maybe too warm)
both tengen and kyojuro are relieved to have each other and you, having such strong partners puts their minds at ease.
tengen doing that thing where he fixes your outfits/appearances if a little thing is out of place.
tengen also brags about you two to anyone who's interested in listening to him / kyojuro's face turning bright red in embarrassment
kyojuro loves surprises! especially small ones like hugs (and it's pretty easy to sneak up on him too since his hearing is kinda shot)
kyojuro is very open about everything. doesn't hide much and tells you both how he feels / tengen keeps to himself a little more, at least the personal stuff (he thinks he can handle it on his own)
jealousy levels: tengen doesn't get too jealous, maybe frustrated is a better word. would definitely just drag you away and keep you to himself for a bit
as for kyojuro, he gets quiet and a little sulky (puts distance between himself and everything else) and would never question either of you of cheating
☆☆☆ # w/ a demonslayer!reader !
when you all train together tengen doesn't seem to take it all that seriously (just tries to show off his physique) and kyojuro likes advice on his form
massages for everyone after a hard day
honestly, they respect your decision to join the corps. sure. . . but they'll always worry for you.
the pride they'd feel if/when they witness you pass the final selection or become a hashira unto your own (it's immeasurable)
them just being stunned. absolutely gob-smacked at your abilities
or taking them down in training
overpowering tengen or outmaneuvering kyojuro would probably have their skin burning from the neck up. (its like the feeling of falling in love all over again)
them lowkey betting on which color nichirin blade you'll get
and they wouldn't fight over who would take you as a tsugoku (but then again . . . maybe) even which breathing-style is best for you
of course everythings your say in the end. . . but they're still gonna help
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Yandere Pomefiore x reader AU |Discovery for the Queen
Okay so context is here but you don't need it if you don't want to
I felt like I didn't communicate this idea clearly enough so I change some things
Mostly Rook and Vil but I'll elaborate if you ask me Btw⚠️things get pretty dark⚠️
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“(Y/n)?! From highschool!!??” 
You turned to see the nicely aged Silk, a semi-popular kid you shared multiple classes with. You were surprised to see him in Pomefiore, nonetheless you let him hug you even with all the groceries you had. You had left your little cottage in order to gather ingredients for a family recipe. While excitingly sharing some tales with the visiting children you were overheard and asked to make it. And since you were watching the kids anyway you figured you might as well. 
“H-hi I’m surprised to see you out here. I always took you for someone who loved city life.”
“Yeah well things have been a little hectic lately…” 
He spoke of his typical sub-celebrity status coming under fire for some false claims about being racist. He continued to talk, not noticing or rather ignoring your uncomfortable darting eyes. You worriedly checked on the prespirating milk jug and you absent-mindedly nodded in hopes he’d wrap things up. 
“--and they just kept making a big deal over one word I said like five weeks ago. So judgemental.”
“Well that's great but I have to go. I bought some milk and I really need to get this in the fridge soo..”
“That's cool I’ll just follow you around then.”
“E-excuse me?” You missed the part where you invited him to do such a thing.
“Yeah I mean who better to show me around then my old buddy?!”
“But I have to-”
”Great, now let's go before that spoils.”
You rolled your eyes as he walked to his car, waiting for you to go to yours. As you drove you kept an eye on him in the rear view mirror internally cursing him when he turned when you did. Slamming your door as you dragged your groceries towards your cottage you grumbled as he moved as he fell in line with your steps all the while ranting about whatever. He only stopped when the sound of a car pulling into your driveway made him slow and you internally thank whoever it was that was being the perfect distraction.
“Bonjour mon chér! I noticed you struggling!” 
“Ah thanks Rook.” You let the sheriff take the remaining bags from your arms as you reached for your keys and let everyone in. Immediately you began putting the groceries away with Rook helping on the side. While leaving out some ingredients that you need to cook with he looked at Silk from the corner of his eye, opening his mouth to ask but was stopped by the man in question himself.”
“O. M. G. Rook? Like Rook Hunt, the former animal kid? Man, did everyone from school move here?” 
“W-wait what? He went to Night Raven too?!” 
You looked at the sheriff who was still smiling but his eyes looked annoyed as he nodded his head in greeting. 
“Well it's nice to see you too, monsieur peu profond, taking a vacation from your career?” 
“Finally,” he patted the sheriff’s back, “someone who knows who I am! I can’t tell you how many people I come across in this podunk small town–”
He droned on and on letting you look on at the occasionally nodding Rook. You were trying to recall where in school you might’ve seen someone that resembled the man you knew today. All you could think of was the…different blond kid that was often mocked and feared by everyone. But that couldn’t have been him because his hair was long and unruly; he was rumored to have ridiculous stats on people and he was notorious for his…creepy green eyes. 
Maybe he did actually go to your highschool.
You pushed the thought aside offering them some tea as you began prepping to make your soup. Perhaps the mayor could be of assistance, after all he did say that they met in highschool…
“Whoa you can’t tell me this place is literally a part of this dump-town.”
You swallowed the urge to yell at him as you and Rook entered the mayor's office. The sheriff said he had to complete some business anyway so he came with, enduring Silk’s insults. You could tell that he felt the same way as his smile dropped and for a moment you were worried he was going to go full on hunter on this man but thankfully the mayor intervened. 
“Perhaps you meant to say rustic, potato.” 
In all his glory, was Vil Schoenheit walking into the lobby with his secretary and some other townsfolk exiting that room. You went to greet him raising your hand to wave but the following words were stopped once again by the oblivious Silk. 
“WHAT!? Is this where you’ve been hiding all these years!? The internet’s going to blow up with this-Hey!”
Before he could even press on the app Vil snapped his fingers and his secretary snatched the phone out of his hand. Stepping in between Silk who was reaching desperately for the device Rook continued to smile. 
“As the sheriff I’m going to ask that you refrain from recording our mayor. And on that note aren’t you supposed to be taking a break off of the internet.”
“Ugh fine..I guess.” 
You abandoned greeting your friend and instead tried to talk to him again only for Silk to once again interrupt. 
“So Vil-”
“SO LIKE How’ve you been? It's been ages since highschool and you’ve gotta be pounding some serious p-”
You were done. While he was distracted with Vil you silently dismissed yourself to your car, hurriedly trying to start your car. You blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Why were you crying? Why were you being so sensitive? It's not like you weren’t used to being pushed aside…being ignored…You did a quick swipe at your eyes and took the car out of park and into reverse only to be stopped by Vil who just seemed to appear at the window. 
“You wanted to talk to me?”
“...I did but I’ll just text you later.”
Wordlessly the former model reached over you and put the car in park once again. Stopping to let his hand rest on your seat buckle effectively caging you to give you that look.
“..You’re giving me that look again…”
“Because I know you want to say something and as…your friend I don’t want you to suffer like that.” He seemed to choke on the words at somepoint but maintained the eye contact you dreaded. You tried to look deeper into his violet eyes and you found yourself relenting when you saw that commanding determination.
“D-did you know we went to the same highschool, Night Raven?”
He didn’t immediately answer, flickering to the building almost accussingly before dipping his head.
“I did..I assume the Silkworm said something.”
“H-he did,” something in you felt wrong confirming  but you pressed on. “Why didn’t you say something, unless you were mad I wouldn’t remember or something?”
Vil once again flickered his eyes to the building before laying it all out for you.
“I’m sure all caterpillars are embarrassed to be seen as the inching, ugly thing that they are. Until their final transformation to the glorious creature you see today. I needed some time to get there and I didn’t want to disgust you.” 
“Ah Vil, you could never.” You brought your hand to rest on top of Vil’s manicured own, looking into his eyes once more as he stared back with wide-eyes.”I would’ve loved you no matter what you were like. That's part of the beauty of knowing someone for so long, I can see more than anyone how far you’ve come. From learning your own mistakes and setting a different course for your life.” 
You exhaled, tired and proud that you were totally able to protagonist your way into your friend's heart who had begun to smile at you. He crossed his arms to lean himself on your open window, still smiling with what looked to be giddy. 
“Loving, huh?” 
“Sorry if that was cheesy, but I meant it.”
He chuckled and looked like he wanted to say something only to hear the slam of his mayor’s office door open. It was Silk, storming out with his hair in disarray and angrily clutching onto his phone. Spotting you he slotted himself in the same window Vil was just leaning into. 
“We have to go! These nut jobs are out of control and you know what, I’m done with this internet ban! I am going to record! I am going to post! I’ll need an internet connection…”
“W-well it was…great to see you again but I have to go” You tried to leave him hoping he’d finally go on his way.
“It’s cool I’ll see you back at the house.” “What?!”
“Sacre bleu!” 
You, Vil, and Rook seemed to be on the same page about this man fighting it within you to not let out a frustrated scream. 
“Don’t you all look so surprised, I need an internet connection to do this.” He walked off going into his car skirting away before any of you could protest. A groan of silence fell over you three before Vil spoke.
“I think he should be invited to the town-hall meeting. Rook could you?”
“Already did, Roi du Poison. (Y/n) will you be willing I wouldn’t mind coming over to ‘surveil for vermin.’”
You got what he was trying to say and at this rate you would need him and the whole town to get Silk off your back.
“Thanks Rook, I’d appreciate it.”
Once again your precession left the mayor’s estate in hopes of getting to your house before Silk destroyed it. 
This had been going on for too long without a sign of stopping watching this grown man stomp around your house as he shared way too much of his life. You tried to keep your especially personal effects out of his way and even with Rook’s help you just couldn’t keep up.
So you just resigned to sitting at the counter wistfully sighing as you and Rook enjoyed some (f/d). You were just going to ignore him before feeling the tug of Silk's arm pulling you close to his chest in the light of the camera with words that made your heart sink.
“I know what you all have been saying. ‘Ah~he’s a racist.’ but think about it, how can I be when one of them is my friend. See? Say hello to everyone (Y/n)!”
You felt like throwing up. You shoved the man, ignoring his whines as he continued to perform for the camera. Running through your house you finally let go, allowing yourself to sob into the field that leads beyond your porch, where you felt truly released from the presence of the man’s proverbial stench. You let your frustration out with your own weak exterior that let this fool into your house. Cursing the part of you that couldn’t seem to remove him yourself. 
You failed to realize that Rook had come from within the house to hold you tightly from behind. When you felt his presence at your back and the comforting scent of pine you turned into his chest to cry. He held you tight as you sobbed into his uniform clutching onto him like he was your lifeline. Rook let himself lean into you, sending a glance at Silk who was still inside your house fussing about how bad the internet connection was. The only comfort he got from the image was the fact that the town meeting was today and that Silk happily accepted the invitation. 
Holding onto you even as you began to doze off, you sleepily asked Rook to stay longer and on any other day he would have happily agreed but, “There’s a town meeting, I have to mon chéri.” 
When you protest, hazy and not fully aware he lovingly gives a peck to your unattended forehead.  
“Don’t fret, I'll see you soon. Sleep, so you’ll have enough energy when the children come.” With such little coaxing you were dozing away for your late evening nap completely unaware as the sheriff’s whole visage of soothing became one of malice as he stalked to the living room where Silk was still complaining about Wifi. 
“Finally, so are we going to this party or not?” 
Silk spoke so nonchalantly as if he hadn’t just made his darling cry themselves to sleep. Slapping on an artificial smile, Rook Hunt directed him to his car insisting he let Silk relax as he chauffeured the brat, the former classmate of his to the town hall. 
“Alright and where does this puzzle piece go?”
Finally the children were here, happily entertaining themselves all around your house having ate your family dish and preparing to head to bed. Despite outnumbering you twelve to one they were all quite well behaved but there was a hint of disorganization seeing as someone was missing.
“Oh Miss/Mister (Y/n), I miss Humphrey…I know it's his first town meeting but I just miss him.”
“Awww me too, (Y/n)!” 
“Yeah, I miss him too.”
Suddenly everyone was overcome with a bout of sadness and you were only able to calm one. So you chose itty-bitty baby Rew rocking her as she scrunched up her face in preparation to ball. Soothing her amidst the noise you missed the previous action of one of the children climbing up on the mahogony coffee table to regain order. 
“Then let's go see him, right now!” 
The cheers and stampeding feet out your door had you running right after them as they quite easily navigated themselves to town hall. What did you expect? They had lived here all their lives mastering the ins and outs of this place better than you of course still having moved here just a short while ago. So you only expected to be scolded when they ran to the basement of the building flinging it open and running in. What you weren’t ready for was the grandiose structure beneath this building. That acted as a nosebleed section for the ones committing to something you would imagine to be revealed in books you’ve read long ago. 
“T-this is quite the weird p-party Rook…D-did y-you f-forget to bring a robe for me?” 
“Nope, it's all part of the routine! No worries you won’t be cold much longer, monsieur peu profond.” 
Silk was naked, told to strip for what he assumed to be easier access among a crowd of people from the town doing exactly the same. He expected this to be a frenzy of some kind, an all out fest since everyone in the town seemed to be a swinger. But no one reached for him instead moving around him as they each went to mannequins of their matching size with robes on them. 
Now everyone had a robe except for him, suddenly bashful he went to cover himself while listening to Rook guide him through this dungeon-like area. 
Perhaps this was a bit of foreplay? He had a growing discomfort in his chest as he felt the need to hide his phone. He couldn’t hide it well but it didn’t seem like anyone noticed as he crossed his arms and held the object to his torso. 
Arriving in an elaborate room decorated in indigo tapestries with a crown-like emblem with a golden finish. He couldn’t help but gasp in awe at the regal-feel the space had. Not to mention on a throne sat Vil Schoenheit dressed in a similar robe with more golden accents and with his hood pulled down. There was someone next to him, a shorter girl with light hair and big blue eyes. He swooned a little but shook it off to maintain his composure
He had to capture it. 
Pulling out his phone to snap a picture or two. Everything that he, for whatever reason, feared went down. The first picture flash and sound went off but it illuminated the balconied seats that were empty but there. The second picture directed at the glitzed out duo on a stand had its subjects and everyone around them glaring. Wordlessly his phone was snatched away by a short cloaked person who defected from the group to hand it to the pretty girl beside Vil. Silk felt the pull of other cloaked persons hold him back, dragging him away from his phone that was being inspected in the gloved hands of this seemingly bored girl. 
Finally being let go he was launched into an ashy stage that immediately covered his knees, feet, and hands in disgusting soot. Standing up to avoid touching anymore of it he stood up to see some device being hooked up to his phone before watching its illuminated screen light up in the face of this girl, who grimaced as the videos loudly played. Everything he had said just hours before was being replayed for everyone and as Silk stood there in the nude he thought that perhaps he might have annoyed some if not all the people there. Different cloaked figures were gasping, sneering, and cursing at the content on his phone. Especially the girl, Vil, and Rook who were respectfully glaring at the video, glaring at his podium, and glaring at Silk with an unforgiving scowl. 
“Alright, for once I’m not stalling this ceremony let's begin.” The girl–boy? spoke with disgust as he finally looked at Silk
“I agree.” The former model’s tone was certain and commanding, as he simply nodded his head for the cloaked figures to begin pulling things from a storage bin nearby. Dawning shiny elbow-reaching gloves the locals began pulling out their tools of choice.
Whips?! Paddles?!
So maybe a little BDSM?!
No, that wasn’t it. 
Fire pokers, being heated up?!
One fellow had a bucket that he dipped a cloth in it no sooner dissolved with a fizzle and thats when he tried screaming. 
“Ugh this one’s so unruly.” 
“Yeah hey Sister ya brought a needle with ya didn’t ya?”
“Actually crochet pins.”
“That’ll work.” 
A lot of them held him in the soot while this ‘sister’ forced his mouth shut before stabbing them into his lips effectively pinning it close and forcing Silk to swallow his screams and his own blood as Rook went to speak. 
“Gather around the Plumes of Pomefiore and gaze upon the wicked waste of the clueless others. An outsider, corrupted without the blessing of your queen.”
“Burn ‘m!”
“Tear him apart!”
“Peel his skin off!” 
Vil stood tall on his podium before booming out once more. 
They listened, bowing their heads for the speech to continue.
“As is tradition, anyone your queen refuses to accept, you have every right to exterminate them but remember this! The power of their life force must be given to your queen dedicated and devoted to your practice for this to be true! Will you do this?”
The echoed chambers roared with a resounding cry of ”Yes.” As the final chant was made by Rook, Vil, and Epel who somehow incited the kindling of a purple flame to erupt on the mini stage that Silk was writhing. Immediately he tore his mouth from the pins and had begun to screech as he felt his soul and body being drained away.  
Standing he went to run off the stage only for him to be sliced at by an elongated blade. Chanting on their own with every attempt to leave the stage he was slapped, whipped, sliced to let his flesh melt within the purple flames. This cycle continued for the better half of an hour where every new attempt to leave the heated pain was met with a cloaked one’s weapon. Finally the screeching human shape began to thin and buckle, crumpling into a mishapened heap onto the stage. 
The fire eventually wisped away and the people cheered as a stone being held by Vil glowed an array of colors to a halfway point before once again fading to its original color. The three on the stand took note that it was only a matter of time before they could properly harness the power of the queen, smiling to themselves when they thought of the vessel that was going to inherit the power alongside them. Their thoughts were interrupted by the silence of the crowd and the faraway children that were cheering their parents and families from above. The cloaked group below waved and hollered in tandem with their children who were steadily making their way down a flight of steps. The atmosphere was joyful even as they gathered once more to allow the shortest cloaked one pour the acid over the mishapen corpse. Cheering and praising they missed your horrified face flash in the darkness of the upper level before handing off a bundle and running away.
Before Vil could say anything Rook was in pursuit, easily snatching your trembling form as you tried to run away. Noting that the townspeople would be exiting soon he continued to hold you, completely unphased as he sat you within his car. Laying you in the backseat before climbing on top of you holding down your arms with one of his hands while the other held your mouth closed. 
“Oh ma lumière, hush hush! I’m sorry you had to find out this way.” He realeased his hand resting it on your cheek as you cried hysterically
“NO!Agh! No you all just sat there and-Oh my gosh-he’s dead!” 
His eyes glinted joyfully in the moonlight as he watched you once again become so exasperated and exhausted with stress you had fallen limp no longer fighting him. You let him cradle you as he kissed you along your cheeks, your lips, your eyes, your neck. It escalated to licking then, sucking, to full on marking all along your neck and chest leaving you out of breath to question:
He chuckled, continuing his unraveling of your garments as he spoke smoothly between his ministrations. 
“It's for our future mon amour, for you to finally be a part of Roi du Poison’s plan.”
You had begun to cry again, moving your arms out from under Rook to wipe your tears away “T-to k-kill all your-your outsiders?”
“Non non to rule the world.” He spoke so plainly and so happily. It caught you off guard. 
“Rook you couldn’t even change out of your townmeeting garbs before you ran off!” 
“Désolé Roi du Posion, they were just so distraught. I felt compelled to attend to notre reine!” 
The mayor sighed, flipping his hair out of the way before leaning over you to whisper deeply into Rook’s ear. Emerald eyes were on you as he smiled wider, if that was possible. 
With a blush and a metaphorical tail wagging he removed himself from you, cordially handing his keys to Vil before darting back into the town hall. Vil watched him run off with a smile on his face before turning back to you, looking disheveled and confused. 
“Wh-what did you say?”
“That we’d meet him at home,” reaching into the glove box before pulling out a needle filled with a mysterious indigo liquid. 
“And that we’d be ready.” Holding your jaw he shoved the end of this needle to the back of your throat pushing in this liquid. And as you coughed and tried to spit it back up he held you down by your jaw, waiting until your movements became less focused. He waited until your eyes were nearly rolling to the back of your head to kiss your lips gently before standing up to go and drive. 
“Oh darling, we have so much to talk about.”
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skullywullypully · 1 month
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