#pro birth
avesblues2 · 2 years
Current medical system: yeah we can kill babies FOR FREE! We will even pay for all your travel expenses!!!
Feminists and leftists: wow so progressive!!! This is REAL feminism and woman's rights.
Also current medical system: infertility treatments aren't covered by insurance, little to no funding and research when it comes to reproductive disorders, no cures or safe solutions for endometriosis, PCOS, ovarian cancer, literally erasing the biological word female and woman, rampant abuse in the OBGYN world, belittling of period pains, not being diagnosed properly, given experimental birth control pills as the "magic" solution to every problem instead of listening and finding the root cause, rampant abuse and trauma when it comes to delivering a baby, medical malpractice for pregnant women, outdated birthing practices and myths that continue to exist because it gives doctors and hospitals more profit, almost zero maternity care/postpartum solutions, no paid maternity leave for most women..
Should I go on?
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silverfox66 · 2 years
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"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed....
That's not "pro-life." That's "pro birth.""
- Joan Chittister
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 month
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daakureisaiko · 7 months
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cookthepenguin · 6 months
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these comments are literally disgusting like i feel sick now
how can they speak of babies with such hatred? it’s so disheartening and disturbing
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thisistherealme-12 · 2 years
Pro birthers are whack. I saw this one blog that was like “whether you’re born from consent, rape, or incest, you are loved 😇❤️✨.” But then a couple scrolls down and there’s a post that says “if you have premarital sex and got pregnant, you deserved it and you should be ashamed of yourself.” They really hate women 🥴
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opinetheshrine · 2 years
If you’re pro-birth and your argument is:
“ If you consent to sex, you consent to pregnancy.”
Before you run with it, know that this statement is a concept that invalidates your entire argument.
Your argument is inconceivable.
If it’s consent that you’re reducing pregnancy down to, I’d hope you’re of the logic that a pregnancy, as the result of non-consensual sex, aka rape, wasn’t consented to. Therefore, they should have the option to terminate.
Go back to sex-ed, read a biology book, and re-assess the legal system. And how society operates under a law that can ban someone’s right to govern their own body.
And hopefully that will make you question the overturn of Roe v Wade.
There is no consent to biological processes.
Especially pregnancy.
Pregnancy, as a consequence to sex(protected or not), or rape, is not something you choose to go to bed with.
Carrying and birthing a human has a profound effect on women, trans men, and non binary persons-with uteruses. Even if they decide not to become a parent or be pregnant.
There are no preventative measures for pregnancy that are 100% absolute in their efficacy. Hysterectomies, depending on location, expenses, and doctors, can be inaccessible.
And, not every one with a uterus wants to be cut open to have it removed.
Some people also have no choice but to consent to hysterectomies stemming from other health issues. Menstrual concerns, Ovarian cancer, ovarian cyst, vaginal haemorrhaging, even childbirth…etc.
Birth control pills are prescribed and not over the counter. Condoms, however, are situated right next to the shower gel, at my local Coles.
Birth control devices may even not be entirely effective. Nor, are they permanent. Some people’s bodies have, or may, reject/ed them and will result in a surgical removal of the BC device
Birth control can induce illness, physical and mental. The side effects can be so life altering that they have no choice but to go off of it. Suicide, self-harm, depression…etc.
Then of course, pro-lifers will use the argument for vaccine mandates. Which is a separate issue, but if you want some thoughts, here are mine.
I am pro-vax. Although, I have people in my life who aren’t. And, I respect their choice because I understand their reasons. It’s their body to govern and their health.
But, unlike Pregnancy, Vaccines-even when mandated- are a choice.
You’ll possibly be a carrier of a sickness that you’re asymptomatic to and believe your clean bill of health is a right to enter public spaces with vulnerable persons who may be immunocompromised…
But hey, that’s your choice. And I’ll respect that as your individual choice. I only hope you’ll be accountable for the implications it may have on others.
And some sacrifices will need to be made.
But don’t worry, you won’t be forced to give birth to a human being against your own will.
Think about this:
A government, of predominantly men, should never feel compelled to insert themselves into the Bodily autonomy of Civilians! They should exercise their power and authority to help improve healthcare, cost of living, and the judicial system…
Whether it’s vaccines, abortions, pregnancy, or healthcare in general.
The fact we have to pay thousands of dollars for medicine to be “healed”
The fact It costs hundreds and thousands of dollars to raise a family and sustain a livelihood.
The fact the US healthcare system is so fucked that you HAVE to pay thousands of dollars just to birth a baby, in an environment where medical assistance may be required!
The fact a young girl going through puberty can be impregnated by her Rapist…
A child will be forced to birth their sibling, cousin, aunt/uncle…
We don’t consent to pregnancy, because we cannot control whether we become pregnant or not.
And if we choose to permanently relinquish the possibility of pregnancy, it can be a laborious process involving many probable denials by healthcare professionals.
We don’t consent to miscarriage, stillbirth, illness, or other possible life-threatening effects from the cause of painful pregnancies.
We don’t consent to carrying foetuses with developed deformities that can kill them, and potentially us, to full term.
We don’t consent to facing heart failure, having doctors perform invasive and painful surgeries to open our vagina’s for the “crowning”, having our stomach cut open and our uterus aggressively tugged to remove a human;
Heart burn. Nausea. Vacuuming. Hair loss. Neuropathy. Vaginal tearing…I could go on. But I won’t.
I’m not a fear monger. I see the truth and I say it.
Pregnancy can’t be reduced down to an argument. It’s a reproductive process that involves creating, carrying, and delivery.
It’s an impressively massive biological process that we cannot control and we cannot consent to.
Although, one of the things we CAN consent to, that may result in pregnancy , you will weaponise against us. And it began when girls are told to dress a certain way, behave a certain way. They’re told not to chase boys and then in the same breath told “ say yes, it won’t hurt. He seems like a nice guy.”…
Say it: “Abortions are for sluts. Only sluts get abortions.”
“We shouldn’t be raising our daughters to be sluts.”
A ten year old girl, from Ohio, is not a slut because she had to travel to another state to legally terminate a pregnancy as the result of a rape…
She’s a child. She’s scared. She’s traumatised. She’s an innocent. She’s a victim. She’s a survivor. She did not deserve this…
And I hope the perpetrator is held in contempt with a fury, from the court, that they will exercise in a manner which will make them reconsider the entire fuckery of the other possible tragedies that could’ve followed had that girl’s guardians not taken drastic measures to seek a safe abortion for her.
There are laws of consent here in Australia.
Laws that will protect people in retracting consent, or giving consent if they were intoxicated or drugged…
“ No means No.”
So, if it’s consent you’re arguing…
Maybe you need to direct your attention to Rape culture. That’s something that needs your attention and energy, regarding consent, not pregnancy!!!!
So, I’ll respect your right to choose whether or not to be vaccinated. If you choose to respect that uteruses belong to people, and those people have the right to decide whether or not they want to pro-create with it.
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timbermeshivers · 2 years
There’s so many pro birthers outside the restaurant protesting 😑
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emperornorton47 · 8 months
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avesblues2 · 2 years
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"Conventional tampons include ingredients like crude oil and microplastics that accumulate during production. These chemicals permeate the skin, make their way to your organs and can cause serious health issues. The tampons themselves are manufactured using even more microplastics, synthetic fibers, dioxins, bleaching agents and pesticides." Also, they are NOT regulated by the FDA.
"Also note on menstrual cups and pads. Not all brands are created equal either. Some reports for cheap and popular silicone has shown lead - make sure if you chose this option you're using a High quality medical grade silicone, same goes for pads."
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anamericangirl · 2 years
I love the people saying "you're not pro-life, you're forced birth!"
Like yeah. And those who say that are anti-life. Now which sounds worse?
Yeah calling people pro-birth and acting like that's a bad thing implies that you're anti-birth, which is anti-life so yeah. I'm pro-life. I'm pro-birth. It's not good to be against those things.
And I'm not even pro forced birth, I'm pro birth taking place naturally. Pro-choicers are pro forced birth because once a woman is pregnant she is going to have to birth that baby one way or another because it's going to have to come out of her body. Abortion forces birth to occur before it's supposed to. I'm pro birth of a living baby. Pro choicers are pro birth of a dead baby.
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its-all-down-hill · 2 years
Me reading comments made by pro birthers on Roe V. Wade articles knowing damn well they are perfectly okay with mass school shootings…
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deepbreakfast · 5 months
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
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