#raihan is a gentle giant
silly-l1ttle-guy · 5 months
and the reasons why i like them
Noriaki Kakyoin - I just think he's neat
Risotto Nero - he's emo
Kars - HE'S HOT!!!!
Joseph Joestar - goofy as fuck
Josuke Higashikata - he's so silly it's unreal
Leone Abbacchio - depressed alcoholic? that's a favourite character right there
Caesar Zeppeli - I like him :]
Pannacotta Fugo - I think he's an interesting character (also because of phf)
Robert E.O Speedwagon - waifu
Diavolo - pathetic little bitch
Vinegar Doppio - pathetic little meow meow
Guido Mista - he's pretty chill, I like him
Ghiaccio - fuck dude why do I like all the angry ones
N'doul - i saw him and immediately liked him
Narciso Anasui - i could fix him.
Enrico Pucci - birthing hips
Okuyasu Nijimura - love me a dumb bitch
Rohan Kishibe - cunty
Foo Fighters - water
Hot Pants - please step on me
Diego Brando - DINOSAUR!!!
Johnny Joestar - he was really well written! also he looks like a twink
Yasuho Hirose - silly!!!
Josuke Higashikata8 - silly!!!
Santana - silly!!!
Wamuu - big man tits
Matthew Patel - pathetic little emo (my favourite breed of man)
Scott Pilgrim - pathetic simp (me too)
Ramona Flowers - please step on me
Lucas Lee - himbo
Knives Chau - Silly!!!
Wallace Wells - he's an icon
Young Neil - Silly!!!
Sebastian - emo
Elliot - he has nice hair
Abigail - slay queen
Sam - silly!!!
Shane - depressed alcoholic
Krobus - silly!!!
Tamaki Suoh - stupid blond bitch
Haruhi Fujioka - you go girl
Honey - cutie patootie
Mori - love me a good silent type
Denji - he's so relatable (i want to touch tits too)
Kris - non binary icon
Suzie - lesbian icon
Ralsei - icon
sans - haha funny skeleton guy
Papyrus - autistic icon
Flower - the flower
Toriel - love her
Alphys - lesbian icon
Undyne - lesbian icon
Mettaton - gay icon
Grillby - he's HOT (get it?)
Queen - feel like a fem queen
Lancer - an icon
Ingo - haha funny train man with no memories
Emmet - haha funny train man
Pierce - emo
Raihan - silly!!!
Leon - silly!!!
Hop - silly!!!
Arven - :(
Melli - stuck up bitch
Adaman - "bisexuals are gonna love this guy"
Irida - silly!!!
Brock - simp
Allister - silly!!!
Jessie - girlboss
James - crossdressing icon
N - long hair
Volo - i HATED this guy at first, then thought "nvm he's cool"
Kel - silly!!!
Aubrey - auby
Hero - slay king
Mari - yippee!!!
Randy Jade - pathetic
Dave - vegas
Jack - i like him
Dee - you go girl
Roger - baby
Harry - i like him
Glamrock freddy - way to go superstar
Funtime Freddy - same va as diavolo
Michael Afton - Michael Afton
Alice Asmodeus - gay icon
Clara Valac - silly!!!
Ameri Azazel - girlboss
Opera - non binary icon
Kalego Naberius - emo
Lied Shax - silly!!!
Shichiro Balam - gentle giant
General Furfur - same english va as diavolo
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alolanrain · 1 year
I think we can all agree that once Raihan comes to visit Ash in Alola in the TA!AU, there are going to be a lot of casualties.
The majority of casualties are gonna be before Raihan comes to Alola. Raihans a gentle giant outside of working hours so he can take a lot of shit, it’s Ash who’s ready to knock someone’s head off.
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Dragon's Treasure Ch11 Invitation
(Everyone's in for a treat after this chapter! I'm working on 3 of them at the same time so expect chapters 12-14 to be posted at once. Reference to Twilight Wings towards the end.)
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"I'm aware, but first I want to be sure you're not a hurt girl in pain."
No matter how much you struggled and pushed against him, it was no use. Raihan was bigger and stronger and was able to carry you with ease in his arms and practically ran with you back towards the town of Hammerlocke. Through the woods, through the grassy field, and right through the entrance to the town. Silver chattering at Raihan and running trying to keep up behind the man but wasn't fairing too well, trailing a few feet behind. Well you couldn't blame him. For someone who was known to run three laps around Hammerlocke a day and constantly doing intense training, it was no surprise Raihan could easily sprint to Hammerlocke carrying another full grown human. Your face was still beat red and you were still mumbling cursing at him as you clung onto him, ankle throbbing. Many people stared at you both as you ran past them all, probably wondering what the world was going on with yet another thing happening to their town, but he didn't care. Didn't stop. Just went barreling onwards until you noticed him heading towards a certain pink building. So imagine everyone's surprise when their gym leader literally kicked the door to the center hard enough to make the doors slam against the walls and come walking in panting like a man denied of oxygen, and there you were helpless in his arms as he just walked right up to the stunned Nurse Joy standing behind the counter and managed to ask between gasps for air.
"H-Hey. *huff* Her a-ankle's b-busted." Gave a half sigh half gasp leaning half forward half sideways to lean his tired hip against the counter in order to gain some kind of relief from his sore lungs. "M-M-Mind ta-taking a look? *sigh*"
The older pink haired woman just stared for a moment at the two of you looking between his exhausted face and your red embarrassed one, before smiling at the gym leader. "Oh of course! Take a chair and have a seat."
And you were thankfully freed from Raihan's grasp when a chair was pushed over towards you both by a kind bystander and Raihan was careful to place you down in it, taking care to mind your left ankle where the pain most throbbed from. In the meantime, Nurse Joy disappeared and came from behind the counter in order to see you. While this was happening Silver finally caught up to the two of you, panting and eventually faceplanting himself onto the ground next to you with a long groan-...But you chuckled a bit when one of his cute pink hands weakly reached up to insist on grabbing your pants leg. Nurse Joy was careful when kneeling down and grabbing your ankle and almost immediately pain throbbed from where her hands gentle grabbed your sore ankle, her hands slowly moving any fabric covering the sore skin and hummed seeing your slightly swollen ankle.
"This might hurt a bit," she warned before she lightly pressed down on your ankle making you flinch and hiss but she just lightly pressed against a different spot on your foot that didn't hurt as much before looking back at you. "Well it doesn't seem too serious, but may I ask how this happened?"
"Yeah." You flinched snapping back up to Raihan who had the most serious look you had ever seen him have on his face look at you with a scowl, although the scowl was certainly NOT directed at you. "What DID happen back there? It looked like a giant flamethrower was just shot all around by a one legged blind grookey!"
Of course he knew was happened but not all the fine details, which could only be filled in by you. But to his dumbfounding brain you could only shrug at him looking lost yourself. "I literally have no idea! There I was just stepping outside and then next thing I knew all these magnetons come flying out of nowhere chasing this giant regi!"
And...It was as simple as that. You were just stepping out of your house, Silver clinging behind you, when the first hyper beam boom passed across your lawn scorching the ground and knocking over trees behind it. The shaking from the heated beam knocking the two of you to the ground as the orb pokemon appeared followed by a hoard of floating electric shooting magnetons. There must've been at least twenty or thirty of them at most all flying around in different directions to swarm the legendary they were chasing and you by proxy forcing Silver to use his water gun against them in order to defend the two of you. Regidrago, that by that point, had just started shooting at everything that moved around you. And you said so much to the horrified looks of both Nurse Joy and Raihan.
"I must've slipped and hurt my ankle in the fight. I couldn't run so I did the only thing I could do with them all firing at one another. I played dead."
"You just played dead!?," Raihan asked still half horrified half dumbstruck. "Wouldn't it accure to you to run away?!"
"Hey! It worked didn't it? Besides, I have you to thank for saving me from that regi."
He froze. Wait. YOU SAW THAT-
A small clearing of a throat caught the both of your attentions back to Nurse Joy who slowly loosened her grip on your ankle. "Well, on the bright side nothing's broken. You just sprained your ankle a bit, it shouldn't take too long to heal either. All you need is to put an ice pack on it and stay off it for about a week."
"Oh, thank Arceus," Raihan sighed in relief. Thank Arceus it wasn't anything serious. He's gotten a sprained ankle once or twice as well so he knew how to handle this.
You however gave her a look. "A week!? What am I supposed to do for a week if I can't even walk? I have work to do and pokemon to take care of-"
"You can stay with me." You head snapped back up to Raihan who gave you a serious look. "I have a spare guest room I use for Lee whenever he comes to visit for a while. Helps to ensure I know he won't get lost in Hammerlocke. You could totally use it for a few days. I-I wouldn't mind."
"Raihan, that's very nice of you but I have my own place."
"Yeah? Which was just attacked by a swarm of flying steel type and a literal legendary pokemon!," he snapped back crossing his arms, "And there's a chance they could come back! Or another dangerous pokemon could show up in the mean time! Plus, you're home is kinda out of town and you're there without a rotomi phone. How can you not see the conflicts here?"
"I'd feel comfortable in my own house!," you insisted. "Besides you chased the legendary off didn't you? It's totally safe now."
"Ok! Even if it's completely safe to go back, how do you nothing else is going to happen? What if you hurt yourself more? Or fall down the stairs?"
"Then I'll send Silver for help!", you huffed crossing your own arms, "Besides, I'd like to see you try and stop me!"
He stared at you deadpanned before shrugging. "Ok then." Without saying another word he leaned down again and you gave a small squeal when you were yet again grabbed and lifted into the air and against him bridal style. Then he turned and began to casually walked back off towards the exit. 
Silver sighed as Raihan effortlessly picked you up again and walked out of the center with you kicking and demanding he put you down THIS instant! The tired pokemon only hobbled on tired legs after you both all the way back towards the gym and into Raihan's apartment where you found yourself placed down on his sofa despite your red faced scowl and only pouted as you watched him disappear into the kitchen area only to come back with an ice pack and gently strapped it to your elevated leg. This was the start of a very long week, and I wasn't wrong. Raihan did indeed make sure you were comfortable and safe-...And bunking in his spare bedroom for the week and a half it took for your ankle to fully heal. Which in total was about nine days and in those nine days you were bored out of your mind mostly. I mean all you were able to do was sit down with limited movement except when you had to limp around and you'd either have Raihan mother henning after you or if he wasn't around have one of the triplets help you with anything you needed. They didn't seem to mind and you were happy to chat with them but you had to admit it..You didn't expect Dragon Boy to literally pick you up and literally nurse you back to health. And you weren't expecting him to go out and return with the essentials you'd be needing for such a long stay or explaining to your boss about what happened and getting you paid leave until you could return. Which honestly was nice of him, but he didn't have to go through so much trouble and you did tell him so but-
"You honestly think I'm going to let you risk getting more hurt after what you just went through? No way! Not happening! I'd sooner turn my gym into a food court before I let the love of my life get hurt again! Besides it's my duty as Gym Leader to take care of the people of Hammerlocke, which includes you!"
You rolled your eyes at the 'love of my life' bit but you guessed you couldn't blame him for wanting to help people since technically this would be the third time a legendary pokemon's been causing trouble for him and his town. Soon after though your ankle was better to the point you could walk again and you planned on going right back home. Even if Raihan had some reservations about it.
"You wanna go back!?"
"Yes," you informed him in a firm tone leaving no room for argument. "Nurse Joy said I was fine and to just take it easy for a couple days."
"But what if you get hurt again?!," he asked worried look on his face. "Or that thing comes back? Or I'm not there to help you- HMPH!?"
You stopped his rambling by putting a hand over his mouth effectively making him be quiet and you gave him the deadest of deadpanned looks. "Look. I know you're concerned, and I don't blame you, but I'm not going to stop living my life just because I've had to face danger." You removed your hand as he stared at you. "And I'm going to live it how I want to. I've had too many people try to tell me how to live my life and I'm not going to start here either. Besides, you've practically swept all through those woods and you said the thing's long gone so it's safe for me to go home."
"*sigh* Fine. How about this? If you're so worried about me then you can walk me home so you can see yourself. Alright?"
Well that seemed to perk him right up and he was happy to escort you back home. Everything seemed to be intact in your little cottage, other than a few toppled trees around the clearing and the blackened parts of the earth but you were sure when spring came next year the grass would grow back. But what you weren't expecting was to wake up the very next day to someone knocking at your door. Who the heck would be out here this early? Well your question was answered when you groggily stumbled out of your bed and answered the door, only to blink in surprise when you saw none other than a cheery gym leader right there smiling at you.
"Hey, Y/n!," he greeted with a smile, "That's some wild bed head you got there."
.....You blinked slowly, tired brain catching up to your eyesight. "....Raihan? What are you doing here? *yyyyaaaawwwnn* It's literally seven in the morning."
"Well it was your idea to start walking you to and from home remember?"
.....You...S L O W L Y blinked again as you stared at him. "...I'm pretty sure I just meant that-.." You shook your head. "Y'know what. Nevermind. Just wait for a second"
And so it started. He started walking you home to and from work early in the mornings and when you got off work which when he had time ...Honestly you didn't mind. You kinda liked being able to see him...Though you'd never admit it to him and give him an ego boost. Of course he couldn't always do it. He still had responsibilities as a gym leader, public figure, and guardian to the triplets of course which you understood, and he still often took trips which you also understood. It was good to have a couple days to yourselves too. It was a bit of a hassle for him to explain to the Chairwoman and Sonia what had happened between you, him, and that legendary and Sonia's ancient dragon type project had to be pushed back until further notice in favor of another BIGGER project Chairwoman Dahlia had planned. The Galarian Star Tournament. ...He had no idea of what that was and when he asked her, she merely waved him off.
"You'll know soon enough when Leon goes to fetch you."
He wasn't sure what to think of that considering Leon had been working left and right to try and help things get back to a somewhat working order, but he shrugged and let it slide for now. He had a busy enough life as it was for now. Fall slowly became colder and colder as the days began getting cloudy until there was no mistaking it when Hammerlocke woke one day to find the fluffy weather that was snow started to fall from the skies. Winter had arrived and was welcome by the Hammerlocke citizens as days continued to pass by and a certain holiday began crawling closer and closer as the long year started to come to an end. CHRISTMAS!! The most wonderful time of the year, and he was totally planning on spending it with the Triplets!..In Wyndon. Without you. After he promised to take them to see the annual Wyndon Christmas festival and parade. UGH!! He'd already made plans and promised to spend some well deserved time with his crew but that didn't mean he still couldn't feel guilty about not being able to spend it with you which he expressed expecting you to be angry with him, but to his surprise you were very, very understanding.
"Hey. It's perfectly ok."
....he blinked. "What? R-Really? You're not upset?"
"Why would I be? You haven't been able to have a break in forever, and the festival sounds fun. I'm still not up for traveling anywhere for a long while anyways, so it's fine." And then you reached over to squeeze his hand in reassurance with an adorable smile. "You should relax and worry about yourself for once, ok? You deserve to have a fun time after everything you've done for all of us."
If his red face had allowed him to form words, he would've told you right then and there how much you made his heart beat. He couldn't just NOT do something for you for Christmas! Not after how nice you were to him. He had to at least get you a gift! But what? No one was really a bit help. Anyone he asked for advice suggested he just take you out for dinner again or get you something really nice like a necklace or one of those festive scarves she'd seen Nessa wear. Which sounded nice, don't get him wrong, but none of those would fit. For one you guys shared so much dinner dates by now already it would just be like every other time and he knew by now you weren't the materialistic kind of lady. So...what would be something you'd like? Like REALLY, REALLY like? Something special. So unique there was little chance there was anything else so like it you'd be awestruck! So what could he get you? And then it hit him one day when the two of you were getting hot chocolate together and he watched you affectionately buy your drizzlie a warm cinnamon roll and gave it to him, smiling as the little guy gobbled it up. Then everything clicked! Eureka! THAT WAS IT!! He knew what to get you finally! And all it would take was one call to Sonia to get her to send it through a rotomi box!
So it was just the week before Christmas and two days before Raihan would be taking his crew to Wyndon and you had been sitting there behind the counter one afternoon with your customer service smile waving goodbye to a lovely lady couple and their three children after handing over their order.
"Thank you! Come again! And Happy Holidays!," you called after them with a wave.
Someone else opened the door just as the family got there, the much taller man stood aside holding the door open with a smile sent their way as the small family walked on through with their orders or hot drinks and cakes. The ladies thanking him and the small children staring up at him with wide eyed wonder being shooed forward at by their mothers. 
"Look, Mama!," one of the little children exclaimed pointing a small hand at the Gym Leader smiling at her. She couldn't be much older than four or five. "It Raihun!"
That adorable reaction got a small chuckle out of the gym leader before he walked on into the cafe and his smile became even wider when he locked eyes with you. "Sassy! I thought I'd find you here!"
And you smiled wider. "Ah, right on time as always. You're getting a lot better at showing up when I just get off work."
He just casually shrugged hands in his pockets. "Well, I did have plenty of practice. Are you ready to go?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I just have to help close up. But are you sure you have time you walk me home tonight?," you asked with a raised brow, "You leave for your trip soon so don't you need the time to pack?"
"I've gotten mostly everything packed already so it shouldn't take me too long to finish up. Besides I have a surprise for you!" A surprise? Your brow rose even further at him in question and even though you didn't notice, his foot was tapping pretty nervously as he stood there. His heart was hammering in his chest and butterfrees flying about in his stomach, one hand coming up to nervously rub the back of his neck. "I- Um...D-D-Do you gotta moment?"
You blinked but nodded. "Yeah. Just give me a second."
He waited patiently as you helped your boss close up and threw on your coat before the two of you exited the cafe and as many times before made your way back towards your cottage. Through the snow and woods that was now decorated in ice and snow to look like an actual winter wonderland with footsteps of you two and lots of different pokemon scattered around the place. It was..nice. Beautiful even. And every step he could feel himself get more and more nervous, stealing glances at you every so while. You were wrapped up as cute as a button, with your nose and cheeks a cute rosey pink from the cold weather. Arceus it made his heart race with something he hadn't felt this strongly before. Unconsciously his hand gripped the round object in his pocket and gulped down the lump in his throat. Keep your cool. Just keep it together Raihan. You're the gym leader of Hammerlocke! You've tamed ferocious dragon type pokemon twice your size and battled Leon in front of millions of people tons of times! You could do this! You just had to remain calm. Soon enough the both of you came to that clearing and your cabin came into view, a few dim lights on helping you two to spot in and finding your way in the near dark of the setting sun as the both of you approached, stopping just in front of the lit up cozy looking building.
Smiling, you turned to him with your eyes perfectly reflecting the cottage's light making it look like your eyes were literally sparkling. Absolutely beautiful- "Thank you for walking me home." You thanked snapping him out of his stupor and pointed towards your home. "It's pretty cold out. Do you wanna come in and warm up before you go back?"
He blinked before shaking his head and coughing. "N-No, I can't. I-I should get home as soon as possible since there's still some stuff to handle concerning the gym before I leave.." His hand again tightened around the ball in his pocket. C'mon! Don't back out now! "Um..B-But before I go I want too..W-What I mean is that I uh...u-um.." You blinked tilting your head like a confused rockruff pup making yourself look even more adorable. "I-I...Hmm. H-HERE!!" Something was thrusted towards you and you leaned back on instinct as his hand was shoved in front of you as Raihan looked at the snow on the ground feeling his face burn, his hoodie hiding most of the side of his red face. "T-T-This is for you!!"
And there was silence. Silently you blinked and looked down to his hand which was still held out to you and you noticed he was holding something round. ...A ball? Maybe a Christmas ornament? You slowly reached up to take it from him and he dropped it in your hands. The metal felt cold gainst your hands and you instantly recgonized it from it's familiar colors. A..pokeball? You stared at the small pokeball in your hands, then at Raihan who still wouldn't look at you too nervous to see your face, and then back to the pokeball.
"....What is it?"
"I-I-It's a pokemon of course!," he stammered out.
"Well yeah. I can see that but what kind of pokemon? You didn't go out and catch that legendary did you?"
He didn't answer you for a long moment, hands gripping the felt insides of his coat as he still refused to look at you, before he gulped and stuttered out, "I-I-It's a g-goodra."
"A...goodra?," you asked blinking back to the pokeball.
He nodded. "T-T-They're the friendliest dragon type in t-t-the world. I-I-I just.." COME ON!! Say it. You can do this! "I-I...I just-...I wanted to share my life with you a-a-and I figured the b-best way to do that was t-to literally share the pokemon I specialize in. I-I thought long a-and hard about this.."  A shaking hand pulled itself from the pocket and pointed in the direction of the ball. "T-That one you're h-holding is actually re-really special."
Your eyes had already widened to the size of plates hearing his words and your face had gotten redder and redder with each word he spoke. Only giving out a, "W-What?"
He nodded sucking in a shaking breath. "I-I caught her a l-little while back since she's really special. I-I was debating about giving her to a b-breeder b-but after I saw how much you care about your pokemon I-...I t-thought you'd give her a loving home she deserves. I-I-...*sigh* I'm sorry if my gift to you isn't perfect. I understand if you wouldn't want another pokemon to take care of-"
"Y-Y'know. Y-You're really cute when you're trying to be honest." He froze and a small sniffle was heard. "Haven't I-I already told you n-not to apologize to me?"
Softthing soft grabbed his hand and he froze still staring at the snowy ground beneath his feet. A sight he was hesitant to leave when he turned back to look at you again. Huh. And you were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the lights of your cabin. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. Barely anyone was outside now, or pokemon for that matter. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away. He stared at the woman in front of him, this sassy woman with the beautifully flowing hair and the cute smile. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. The wind blew some more rustling the snowflakes and blowing some of that pretty hair into his face, which he immediately reached to pull away and Y/n made no move to stop him from doing that. Or removing the hand that now cupped her cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
They kissed.
-Small Time Skip To A Few Months Into Spring-
The singing of some bird pokemon had filled most of the air as the small buds of spring started to push through the branches of the trees and the smells of fresh grass and flowers were filling the air waving away the old smells of holiday evergreens and hot chocolates. Holiday trips come and gone and memories of ferris wheels and parades made only to come home to settle in for a well deserved rest from traveling around the country side. Back to the same routines and same life as the one he left behind but with a few new differences. More smiles shared between the two of you, more time spent given loving looks, more heartbeats filled with what must've been love, and more happiness than he's ever felt before in a long time. He was happy. And his performances showed that. It was one day he was practicing his weather attacks in his gym, flygon was there with him too, practicing the sand storm attack they were all too familiar with. When they both spotted it in the middle of their training. 
A shadow casted over them. He hummed and looked at the ground as a big shadow moved across the ground and then the loud sound of flapping. His eyes looked up at the shadow caster as it roared-cawed out it's welcome as the giant bird like pokemon slowly descended with each loud flap of it's wings. A metal like carriage in it's mighty claws. The wind made from the corviknight's wings blew the sand around wildly and his jacket swayed in the breeze before with a giant thud, the unmistakable flying taxi landed in the middle of his gym with the giant corviknight giving off one last roar.  A flying taxi huh? Must mean a visitor. But who could be so bold as so interrupt him in the middle of his training? The answer came in the form of long purple hair and a cape, both of which blew about in the wind as the man exited the taxi, one hand on his cap to keep the hat from being blown away in the wind, and a smile on his face.
Raihan blinked through the remaining sandstorm before smiling with a soft huff. "Well, it must be my lucky day. It's not everyone who gets graced by your presence, Lee. Come to finally have that rematch?"
The champion himself gave a smirk back to his longtime rival. "Long time no see, Raihan. Wish that was the case but I'm afraid I can't stay too long." Raihan's smile disappeared and he rose a brow watching as Leon reached into the folds of his cape to pull out two small envelopes, and held them up to his rival with a smile. "There's still too much to help plan for, so today I'm just the delivery man."
The envelopes were white in color and sealed shut by a wax seal with the Galar League's official seal etched into it. He took them from Lee with a hum examining the two letters, looked like they were sent straight from the Chairwoman. "Now this wouldn't be about that tournament I heard about would it?"
Leon laughed. "As observant as ever, Rai!" He nodded his head of purple hair towards them. "Everything you need to know should written down in there!"
"Ha. I guess you couldn't have this party without me huh?"..His eyes flickered back to Leon before holding the two envelopes in his hands. "Hey. Of course a certain someone will be there too right?"
Leon only nodded turning back towards the taxi. "Of course she's invited. But I'll leave it to you to hand her the invite for me since I'm in kinda a hurry. Don't worry. I'll be seeing you both soon enough. After all, I doubt anyone would want to miss this."
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Dragon’s Treasure Ch11 Invitation
(Reference to Twilight Wings towards the end.)
"I'm aware, but first I want to be sure you're not a hurt girl in pain."
No matter how much you struggled and pushed against him, it was no use. Raihan was bigger and stronger and was able to carry you with ease in his arms and practically ran with you back towards the town of Hammerlocke. Through the woods, through the grassy field, and right through the entrance to the town. Silver chattering at Raihan and running trying to keep up behind the man but wasn't fairing too well, trailing a few feet behind. Well you couldn't blame him. For someone who was known to run three laps around Hammerlocke a day and constantly doing intense training, it was no surprise Raihan could easily sprint to Hammerlocke carrying another full grown human. Your face was still beat red and you were still mumbling cursing at him as you clung onto him, ankle throbbing. Many people stared at you both as you ran past them all, probably wondering what the world was going on with yet another thing happening to their town, but he didn't care. Didn't stop. Just went barreling onwards until you noticed him heading towards a certain pink building. So imagine everyone's surprise when their gym leader literally kicked the door to the center hard enough to make the doors slam against the walls and come walking in panting like a man denied of oxygen, and there you were helpless in his arms as he just walked right up to the stunned Nurse Joy standing behind the counter and managed to ask between gasps for air.
"H-Hey. *huff* Her a-ankle's b-busted." Gave a half sigh half gasp leaning half forward half sideways to lean his tired hip against the counter in order to gain some kind of relief from his sore lungs. "M-M-Mind ta-taking a look? *sigh*"
The older pink haired woman just stared for a moment at the two of you looking between his exhausted face and your red embarrassed one, before smiling at the gym leader. "Oh of course! Take a chair and have a seat."
And you were thankfully freed from Raihan's grasp when a chair was pushed over towards you both by a kind bystander and Raihan was careful to place you down in it, taking care to mind your left ankle where the pain most throbbed from. In the meantime, Nurse Joy disappeared and came from behind the counter in order to see you. While this was happening Silver finally caught up to the two of you, panting and eventually faceplanting himself onto the ground next to you with a long groan-...But you chuckled a bit when one of his cute pink hands weakly reached up to insist on grabbing your pants leg. Nurse Joy was careful when kneeling down and grabbing your ankle and almost immediately pain throbbed from where her hands gentle grabbed your sore ankle, her hands slowly moving any fabric covering the sore skin and hummed seeing your slightly swollen ankle.
"This might hurt a bit," she warned before she lightly pressed down on your ankle making you flinch and hiss but she just lightly pressed against a different spot on your foot that didn't hurt as much before looking back at you. "Well it doesn't seem too serious, but may I ask how this happened?"
"Yeah." You flinched snapping back up to Raihan who had the most serious look you had ever seen him have on his face look at you with a scowl, although the scowl was certainly NOT directed at you. "What DID happen back there? It looked like a giant flamethrower was just shot all around by a one legged blind grookey!"
Of course he knew was happened but not all the fine details, which could only be filled in by you. But to his dumbfounding brain you could only shrug at him looking lost yourself. "I literally have no idea! There I was just stepping outside and then next thing I knew all these magnetons come flying out of nowhere chasing this giant regi!"
And...It was as simple as that. You were just stepping out of your house, Silver clinging behind you, when the first hyper beam boom passed across your lawn scorching the ground and knocking over trees behind it. The shaking from the heated beam knocking the two of you to the ground as the orb pokemon appeared followed by a hoard of floating electric shooting magnetons. There must've been at least twenty or thirty of them at most all flying around in different directions to swarm the legendary they were chasing and you by proxy forcing Silver to use his water gun against them in order to defend the two of you. Regidrago, that by that point, had just started shooting at everything that moved around you. And you said so much to the horrified looks of both Nurse Joy and Raihan.
"I must've slipped and hurt my ankle in the fight. I couldn't run so I did the only thing I could do with them all firing at one another. I played dead."
"You just played dead!?," Raihan asked still half horrified half dumbstruck. "Wouldn't it accure to you to run away?!"
"Hey! It worked didn't it? Besides, I have you to thank for saving me from that regi."
He froze. Wait. YOU SAW THAT-
A small clearing of a throat caught the both of your attentions back to Nurse Joy who slowly loosened her grip on your ankle. "Well, on the bright side nothing's broken. You just sprained your ankle a bit, it shouldn't take too long to heal either. All you need is to put an ice pack on it and stay off it for about a week."
"Oh, thank Arceus," Raihan sighed in relief. Thank Arceus it wasn't anything serious. He's gotten a sprained ankle once or twice as well so he knew how to handle this.
You however gave her a look. "A week!? What am I supposed to do for a week if I can't even walk? I have work to do and pokemon to take care of-"
"You can stay with me." You head snapped back up to Raihan who gave you a serious look. "I have a spare guest room I use for Lee whenever he comes to visit for a while. Helps to ensure I know he won't get lost in Hammerlocke. You could totally use it for a few days. I-I wouldn't mind."
"Raihan, that's very nice of you but I have my own place."
"Yeah? Which was just attacked by a swarm of flying steel type and a literal legendary pokemon!," he snapped back crossing his arms, "And there's a chance they could come back! Or another dangerous pokemon could show up in the mean time! Plus, you're home is kinda out of town and you're there without a rotomi phone. How can you not see the conflicts here?"
"I'd feel comfortable in my own house!," you insisted. "Besides you chased the legendary off didn't you? It's totally safe now."
"Ok! Even if it's completely safe to go back, how do you nothing else is going to happen? What if you hurt yourself more? Or fall down the stairs?"
"Then I'll send Silver for help!", you huffed crossing your own arms, "Besides, I'd like to see you try and stop me!"
He stared at you deadpanned before shrugging. "Ok then." Without saying another word he leaned down again and you gave a small squeal when you were yet again grabbed and lifted into the air and against him bridal style. Then he turned and began to casually walked back off towards the exit.
Silver sighed as Raihan effortlessly picked you up again and walked out of the center with you kicking and demanding he put you down THIS instant! The tired pokemon only hobbled on tired legs after you both all the way back towards the gym and into Raihan's apartment where you found yourself placed down on his sofa despite your red faced scowl and only pouted as you watched him disappear into the kitchen area only to come back with an ice pack and gently strapped it to your elevated leg. This was the start of a very long week, and I wasn't wrong. Raihan did indeed make sure you were comfortable and safe-...And bunking in his spare bedroom for the week and a half it took for your ankle to fully heal. Which in total was about nine days and in those nine days you were bored out of your mind mostly. I mean all you were able to do was sit down with limited movement except when you had to limp around and you'd either have Raihan mother henning after you or if he wasn't around have one of the triplets help you with anything you needed. They didn't seem to mind and you were happy to chat with them but you had to admit it..You didn't expect Dragon Boy to literally pick you up and literally nurse you back to health. And you weren't expecting him to go out and return with the essentials you'd be needing for such a long stay or explaining to your boss about what happened and getting you paid leave until you could return. Which honestly was nice of him, but he didn't have to go through so much trouble and you did tell him so but-
"You honestly think I'm going to let you risk getting more hurt after what you just went through? No way! Not happening! I'd sooner turn my gym into a food court before I let the love of my life get hurt again! Besides it's my duty as Gym Leader to take care of the people of Hammerlocke, which includes you!"
You rolled your eyes at the 'love of my life' bit but you guessed you couldn't blame him for wanting to help people since technically this would be the third time a legendary pokemon's been causing trouble for him and his town. Soon after though your ankle was better to the point you could walk again and you planned on going right back home. Even if Raihan had some reservations about it.
"You wanna go back!?"
"Yes," you informed him in a firm tone leaving no room for argument. "Nurse Joy said I was fine and to just take it easy for a couple days."
"But what if you get hurt again?!," he asked worried look on his face. "Or that thing comes back? Or I'm not there to help you- HMPH!?"
You stopped his rambling by putting a hand over his mouth effectively making him be quiet and you gave him the deadest of deadpanned looks. "Look. I know you're concerned, and I don't blame you, but I'm not going to stop living my life just because I've had to face danger." You removed your hand as he stared at you. "And I'm going to live it how I want to. I've had too many people try to tell me how to live my life and I'm not going to start here either. Besides, you've practically swept all through those woods and you said the thing's long gone so it's safe for me to go home."
"*sigh* Fine. How about this? If you're so worried about me then you can walk me home so you can see yourself. Alright?"
Well that seemed to perk him right up and he was happy to escort you back home. Everything seemed to be intact in your little cottage, other than a few toppled trees around the clearing and the blackened parts of the earth but you were sure when spring came next year the grass would grow back. But what you weren't expecting was to wake up the very next day to someone knocking at your door. Who the heck would be out here this early? Well your question was answered when you groggily stumbled out of your bed and answered the door, only to blink in surprise when you saw none other than a cheery gym leader right there smiling at you.
"Hey, Y/n!," he greeted with a smile, "That's some wild bed head you got there."
.....You blinked slowly, tired brain catching up to your eyesight. "....Raihan? What are you doing here? *yyyyaaaawwwnn* It's literally seven in the morning."
"Well it was your idea to start walking you to and from home remember?"
.....You...S L O W L Y blinked again as you stared at him. "...I'm pretty sure I just meant that-.." You shook your head. "Y'know what. Nevermind. Just wait for a second"
And so it started. He started walking you home to and from work early in the mornings and when you got off work which when he had time ...Honestly you didn't mind. You kinda liked being able to see him...Though you'd never admit it to him and give him an ego boost. Of course he couldn't always do it. He still had responsibilities as a gym leader, public figure, and guardian to the triplets of course which you understood, and he still often took trips which you also understood. It was good to have a couple days to yourselves too. It was a bit of a hassle for him to explain to the Chairwoman and Sonia what had happened between you, him, and that legendary and Sonia's ancient dragon type project had to be pushed back until further notice in favor of another BIGGER project Chairwoman Dahlia had planned. The Galarian Star Tournament. ...He had no idea of what that was and when he asked her, she merely waved him off.
"You'll know soon enough when Leon goes to fetch you."
He wasn't sure what to think of that considering Leon had been working left and right to try and help things get back to a somewhat working order, but he shrugged and let it slide for now. He had a busy enough life as it was for now. Fall slowly became colder and colder as the days began getting cloudy until there was no mistaking it when Hammerlocke woke one day to find the fluffy weather that was snow started to fall from the skies. Winter had arrived and was welcome by the Hammerlocke citizens as days continued to pass by and a certain holiday began crawling closer and closer as the long year started to come to an end. CHRISTMAS!! The most wonderful time of the year, and he was totally planning on spending it with the Triplets!..In Wyndon. Without you. After he promised to take them to see the annual Wyndon Christmas festival and parade. UGH!! He'd already made plans and promised to spend some well deserved time with his crew but that didn't mean he still couldn't feel guilty about not being able to spend it with you which he expressed expecting you to be angry with him, but to his surprise you were very, very understanding.
"Hey. It's perfectly ok."
....he blinked. "What? R-Really? You're not upset?"
"Why would I be? You haven't been able to have a break in forever, and the festival sounds fun. I'm still not up for traveling anywhere for a long while anyways, so it's fine." And then you reached over to squeeze his hand in reassurance with an adorable smile. "You should relax and worry about yourself for once, ok? You deserve to have a fun time after everything you've done for all of us."
If his red face had allowed him to form words, he would've told you right then and there how much you made his heart beat. He couldn't just NOT do something for you for Christmas! Not after how nice you were to him. He had to at least get you a gift! But what? No one was really a bit help. Anyone he asked for advice suggested he just take you out for dinner again or get you something really nice like a necklace or one of those festive scarves she'd seen Nessa wear. Which sounded nice, don't get him wrong, but none of those would fit. For one you guys shared so much dinner dates by now already it would just be like every other time and he knew by now you weren't the materialistic kind of lady. So...what would be something you'd like? Like REALLY, REALLY like? Something special. So unique there was little chance there was anything else so like it you'd be awestruck! So what could he get you? And then it hit him one day when the two of you were getting hot chocolate together and he watched you affectionately buy your drizzlie a warm cinnamon roll and gave it to him, smiling as the little guy gobbled it up. Then everything clicked! Eureka! THAT WAS IT!! He knew what to get you finally! And all it would take was one call to Sonia to get her to send it through a rotomi box!
So it was just the week before Christmas and two days before Raihan would be taking his crew to Wyndon and you had been sitting there behind the counter one afternoon with your customer service smile waving goodbye to a lovely lady couple and their three children after handing over their order.
"Thank you! Come again! And Happy Holidays!," you called after them with a wave.
Someone else opened the door just as the family got there, the much taller man stood aside holding the door open with a smile sent their way as the small family walked on through with their orders or hot drinks and cakes. The ladies thanking him and the small children staring up at him with wide eyed wonder being shooed forward at by their mothers.
"Look, Mama!," one of the little children exclaimed pointing a small hand at the Gym Leader smiling at her. She couldn't be much older than four or five. "It Raihun!"
That adorable reaction got a small chuckle out of the gym leader before he walked on into the cafe and his smile became even wider when he locked eyes with you. "Sassy! I thought I'd find you here!"
And you smiled wider. "Ah, right on time as always. You're getting a lot better at showing up when I just get off work."
He just casually shrugged hands in his pockets. "Well, I did have plenty of practice. Are you ready to go?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I just have to help close up. But are you sure you have time you walk me home tonight?," you asked with a raised brow, "You leave for your trip soon so don't you need the time to pack?"
"I've gotten mostly everything packed already so it shouldn't take me too long to finish up. Besides I have a surprise for you!" A surprise? Your brow rose even further at him in question and even though you didn't notice, his foot was tapping pretty nervously as he stood there. His heart was hammering in his chest and butterfrees flying about in his stomach, one hand coming up to nervously rub the back of his neck. "I- Um...D-D-Do you gotta moment?"
You blinked but nodded. "Yeah. Just give me a second."
He waited patiently as you helped your boss close up and threw on your coat before the two of you exited the cafe and as many times before made your way back towards your cottage. Through the snow and woods that was now decorated in ice and snow to look like an actual winter wonderland with footsteps of you two and lots of different pokemon scattered around the place. It was..nice. Beautiful even. And every step he could feel himself get more and more nervous, stealing glances at you every so while. You were wrapped up as cute as a button, with your nose and cheeks a cute rosey pink from the cold weather. Arceus it made his heart race with something he hadn't felt this strongly before. Unconsciously his hand gripped the round object in his pocket and gulped down the lump in his throat. Keep your cool. Just keep it together Raihan. You're the gym leader of Hammerlocke! You've tamed ferocious dragon type pokemon twice your size and battled Leon in front of millions of people tons of times! You could do this! You just had to remain calm. Soon enough the both of you came to that clearing and your cabin came into view, a few dim lights on helping you two to spot in and finding your way in the near dark of the setting sun as the both of you approached, stopping just in front of the lit up cozy looking building.
Smiling, you turned to him with your eyes perfectly reflecting the cottage's light making it look like your eyes were literally sparkling. Absolutely beautiful- "Thank you for walking me home." You thanked snapping him out of his stupor and pointed towards your home. "It's pretty cold out. Do you wanna come in and warm up before you go back?"
He blinked before shaking his head and coughing. "N-No, I can't. I-I should get home as soon as possible since there's still some stuff to handle concerning the gym before I leave.." His hand again tightened around the ball in his pocket. C'mon! Don't back out now! "Um..B-But before I go I want too..W-What I mean is that I uh...u-um.." You blinked tilting your head like a confused rockruff pup making yourself look even more adorable. "I-I...Hmm. H-HERE!!" Something was thrusted towards you and you leaned back on instinct as his hand was shoved in front of you as Raihan looked at the snow on the ground feeling his face burn, his hoodie hiding most of the side of his red face. "T-T-This is for you!!"
And there was silence. Silently you blinked and looked down to his hand which was still held out to you and you noticed he was holding something round. ...A ball? Maybe a Christmas ornament? You slowly reached up to take it from him and he dropped it in your hands. The metal felt cold gainst your hands and you instantly recgonized it from it's familiar colors. A..pokeball? You stared at the small pokeball in your hands, then at Raihan who still wouldn't look at you too nervous to see your face, and then back to the pokeball.
"....What is it?"
"I-I-It's a pokemon of course!," he stammered out.
"Well yeah. I can see that but what kind of pokemon? You didn't go out and catch that legendary did you?"
He didn't answer you for a long moment, hands gripping the felt insides of his coat as he still refused to look at you, before he gulped and stuttered out, "I-I-It's a g-goodra."
"A...goodra?," you asked blinking back to the pokeball.
He nodded. "T-T-They're the friendliest dragon type in t-t-the world. I-I-I just.." COME ON!! Say it. You can do this! "I-I...I just-...I wanted to share my life with you a-a-and I figured the b-best way to do that was t-to literally share the pokemon I specialize in. I-I thought long a-and hard about this.." A shaking hand pulled itself from the pocket and pointed in the direction of the ball. "T-That one you're h-holding is actually re-really special."
Your eyes had already widened to the size of plates hearing his words and your face had gotten redder and redder with each word he spoke. Only giving out a, "W-What?"
He nodded sucking in a shaking breath. "I-I caught her a l-little while back since she's really special. I-I was debating about giving her to a b-breeder b-but after I saw how much you care about your pokemon I-...I t-thought you'd give her a loving home she deserves. I-I-...*sigh* I'm sorry if my gift to you isn't perfect. I understand if you wouldn't want another pokemon to take care of-"
"Y-Y'know. Y-You're really cute when you're trying to be honest." He froze and a small sniffle was heard. "Haven't I-I already told you n-not to apologize to me?"
Softthing soft grabbed his hand and he froze still staring at the snowy ground beneath his feet. A sight he was hesitant to leave when he turned back to look at you again. Huh. And you were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the lights of your cabin. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. Barely anyone was outside now, or pokemon for that matter. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away. He stared at the woman in front of him, this sassy woman with the beautifully flowing hair and the cute smile. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. The wind blew some more rustling the snowflakes and blowing some of that pretty hair into his face, which he immediately reached to pull away and Y/n made no move to stop him from doing that. Or removing the hand that now cupped her cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
They kissed.
-Small Time Skip To A Few Months Into Spring-
The singing of some bird pokemon had filled most of the air as the small buds of spring started to push through the branches of the trees and the smells of fresh grass and flowers were filling the air waving away the old smells of holiday evergreens and hot chocolates. Holiday trips come and gone and memories of ferris wheels and parades made only to come home to settle in for a well deserved rest from traveling around the country side. Back to the same routines and same life as the one he left behind but with a few new differences. More smiles shared between the two of you, more time spent given loving looks, more heartbeats filled with what must've been love, and more happiness than he's ever felt before in a long time. He was happy. And his performances showed that. It was one day he was practicing his weather attacks in his gym, flygon was there with him too, practicing the sand storm attack they were all too familiar with. When they both spotted it in the middle of their training.
A shadow casted over them. He hummed and looked at the ground as a big shadow moved across the ground and then the loud sound of flapping. His eyes looked up at the shadow caster as it roared-cawed out it's welcome as the giant bird like pokemon slowly descended with each loud flap of it's wings. A metal like carriage in it's mighty claws. The wind made from the corviknight's wings blew the sand around wildly and his jacket swayed in the breeze before with a giant thud, the unmistakable flying taxi landed in the middle of his gym with the giant corviknight giving off one last roar. A flying taxi huh? Must mean a visitor. But who could be so bold as so interrupt him in the middle of his training? The answer came in the form of long purple hair and a cape, both of which blew about in the wind as the man exited the taxi, one hand on his cap to keep the hat from being blown away in the wind, and a smile on his face.
Raihan blinked through the remaining sandstorm before smiling with a soft huff. "Well, it must be my lucky day. It's not everyone who gets graced by your presence, Lee. Come to finally have that rematch?"
The champion himself gave a smirk back to his longtime rival. "Long time no see, Raihan. Wish that was the case but I'm afraid I can't stay too long." Raihan's smile disappeared and he rose a brow watching as Leon reached into the folds of his cape to pull out two small envelopes, and held them up to his rival with a smile. "There's still too much to help plan for, so today I'm just the delivery man."
The envelopes were white in color and sealed shut by a wax seal with the Galar League's official seal etched into it. He took them from Lee with a hum examining the two letters, looked like they were sent straight from the Chairwoman. "Now this wouldn't be about that tournament I heard about would it?"
Leon laughed. "As observant as ever, Rai!" He nodded his head of purple hair towards them. "Everything you need to know should written down in there!"
"Ha. I guess you couldn't have this party without me huh?"..His eyes flickered back to Leon before holding the two envelopes in his hands. "Hey. Of course a certain someone will be there too right?"
Leon only nodded turning back towards the taxi. "Of course she's invited. But I'll leave it to you to hand her the invite for me since I'm in kinda a hurry. Don't worry. I'll be seeing you both soon enough. After all, I doubt anyone would want to miss this."
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m4rkiza · 4 years
raihan rarely got angry,he only gots angry 1-2 time a year,and its not even infront of other people
One time.he got angry bc this one particular businessmen decide that its okay to breed dragon pokemon for clothes and bags
all he did was to dismiss the meeting and shoo the businessmen away,saying that he wont do it
no one really knows how raihan express his anger,but next day his knuckles are somewhat red
leon doesnt like this
He tried to talk about it to raihan,telling him that its okay to relieve is anger by telling it to someone else,but raihan doesnt want too, that hes okay and its nothing to worry about,but leon,being a stubborn person that he is,kept pushing raihan to express his anger, raihan tries to stop leon and soothing him but leon doesnt stop.
“i dont like this”
“i feel like youre going over the line and it makes me uncomfortable”
“wait rai-”
“ill talk to you again after i clear my head okay? see you soon leon,ill call you when ive cooled down”
and then he comes up to leon,kisses his forehead,gave him a bitter smile and then he walks away, exitting leons office
the second time raihan got angry is because of leon
and leon is terrified
leon is worried that raihan will not talk to him for a long period of time,,since he cross raihans boundaries,even if theyre lovers,they still need to respect each others private space
the next day,leon cant do his work the way he usually does,his mind is occupied with negative thoughts
its lunch time,leon sat there,hoping raihan will come bringing him lunch like he usually does,but raihan didnt.theres nothing, no text,no calls,no dumb selfies,no random heart and kissy face emojis
leon felt...somewhat empty
evening comes,its time for him to pack up and go home from the tower,and theres no raihan,waiting for him to pick him up and fly with him home
leon decides to just hop on charizard and fly home,alone
when he arrives,he showered,and sat on the edge of his bed,dwelling with his thoughts
should he text raihan?
should he at least sent a voice message that he is sorry? that he wont do this again?
he stares on his phone,debating with his own thoughts,until his phone buzzed continuously
its raihan
raihan is calling him 
“hey le-”
“raihan,im so sorry ive crossed your boundaries” leon blurts out
his cheek feels wet
is he crying? it doesnt matter
“i was wrong by pressing you to express your anger,you have your own way and i have my own way, i- i shouldve understand that,im sorry that i didnt understand you well,i shouldve pay attention to you more- but i was worried! your knuckles are red, and i assume you express your anger by hurting yourself and i dont like that,i dont want you to get hurt-”
“-because i care about you raihan,and-”
“and- yes..?”
“first,i forgive you,i understand why you kept pressing me,so dont worry bub,about the way i express my anger..well,you do notice its hard for me to get angry,correct?”
“now,let me explain why my knuckles are red,im a dragon tamer,who also breeds,to increase the dragon population so that itll balance out the ecosystem, then i met a businessman who ask me to breed rare dragons, for purses and useless items,of course id be furious”
leon hums in agreement
“now you know why i express my anger quite, violently,but dont worry,it rarely happens”
“again love,its really hard for me to get angry,and even if seeing your smile already soothe all my negative emotions,thats why i put your smile as my lock screen”
leon smiles
“let me repeat this,i forgive you,so dont worry baby,i love you okay?”
“now,can i come to your place? im pretty sure you miss me,i miss you too,shouldnt leave you for more than 8 hours’
raihan chuckles,end the call,and fly his way to wyndon.
he arrives on leons apartment balcony,only to be greeted by violently crying purple haired meat cake,raihan smiles,then proceed to shut the other man with a kiss,he picks leon up,carrying him inside while peppering him with kisses.
then they fuck
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drakrite · 3 years
One thing Raihan never says is that he would love to have a family of his own one day
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veetroglycerin · 4 years
I’ve known Raihan for about a day and a half but if anything happens to him I’ll kill everyone in Galar and then myself
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ragin-wavez · 4 years
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epicspheal · 3 years
I think the main reason people call characters like Peony, Leon, and Raihan himbos is because we forgot the term “Gentle giant”. This term would probably define them better because they’re all kind and are either tall, beefy, or both. In this essay I will- P.B. Anon
Hi there P.B. Anon You're right! I think himbo's rise in defining a safe non-threatening man (to oppose the at one point media's obsession of smartasses who will never fail to put others down and gloat about their intelligence) has meant many men get labelled himbo even though they don't actually fit. I pull out the trust Venn diagram of himbo as reference:
Tumblr media
So yeah Leon, Peony and Raihan fit everything but the dumb part. So gentle giant works for them (Peony and Raihan especially, but Leon is pretty big too). Also Hunk if we go by the Venn diagram.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Wallflower: Chapter 18 - “ba-woon”
Raihan x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Summary: You’re an unassuming Pokemon breeder who works at the nursery in the Wild Area and he’s Raihan, the fearsome gym leader of Hammerlocke who has more than a million followers. You don’t want anything to do with him but he’s…persistent.
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Lemon, smut, violence, language.
Extra note: this chapter is messed up tbh.
ba-woon ... ...
Some time ago, Galar.
What a fucking mess.
Rose's party was a complete disaster. She honestly thinks everything in Galar is so messed up and backwards, compared to Unova anyway. She can't wait to leave and return to Nimbasa City - she doesn't remember enjoying Galar, and don't think she ever will.
And now she's visiting someone in prison. Never in a million years would Raihan's ex-girlfriend imagine that she would step one foot here.
It's Raihan's stalker, whom she knew about when she was still dating Raihan but never really bothered to do anything about nor take any action, because she believed the stalker was just a harmless fangirl. The stalker had now reached out to her online, regarding something to do with Raihan and his current girlfriend. Something that would ruin them both.
Naturally, being his ex-girlfriend, she was very intrigued but not entirely believing. To conceal her identity, she comes in wearing sunglasses and a large sunhat and baggy clothes, terrified that someone would recognise her. As if she would risk wanting to be seen here; the number of followers would rapidly go down the drain.
She goes to the counter and gives the name, informing the attendant that she's here to see an inmate. Then she's shown to the visitor's room and she sits down in the empty booth, waiting.
Soon, a girl in a jumpsuit arrives; she's very young and average. One would wonder what she did to land herself in a place like this but one can't judge a book by its cover. Once the girl in the jumpsuits seats herself down, she picks up the phone receiver and instructs the ex to do the same.
"How did you even get my contact details?" She barks. Truthfully, she would've ignored the message.
"I used to work in Macro Cosmos."
"And what's the thing you wanted to tell me about?" Raihan's ex adds, crossing her arms. This better be good, it better be worth her time.
The stalker says, "I still have a copy. It's the last one. Banette helped me hide it before they came. It's the video I took of Raihan and that girl he's with, when they were in the hotel room. I'll tell you where it is."
Raihan's ex raises a brow in response. "....Excuse me?" She says, clearly not impressed. "Are you serious? That's the reason why you called me here? So....what? What exactly am I supposed to do with it? Why are you even telling me this?"
"Because you could do anything." The girl says, "You could do anything with it. As long as it's in your hands."
Present, Johto.
You go through the rest of the form: it says you have the right to cancel at any time and there is fine print which Looker encourages you to read, with one paragraph in particular that dictates something called a 'Faller'. What that means exactly, you're not sure but Looker explains.
"Fallers are individuals who have passed through Ultra Wormholes." He says, "This is probably a bit too much information for you at the moment so I won’t indulge too much right now. The existence of Wormholes isn't exactly top secret information. There was an incident in Alola not too long ago where a couple of Wormholes opened up and several Ultra Beasts slipped through and it became headline news. Myself and my superior - who is also a Faller - were handling this case. However, let's not jump to conclusions right now. We could just proceed with the Hypnosis session first, see how it goes and then take it from there."
"Have you had any out-of-body experiences before?" He says. It's so blunt and to the point, you can only nod.
"Yeah, during Rose's party." You reply, "We were trying to stop Team Rocket and Eli in the energy plant, Leon and I closed the generator and then something happened and I was in this weird place where I saw Giratina."
Looker soaks it all in. "I see. That would be the Distortion World."
He doesn't ask you anything else nor does he want to take up more of your time any longer so he leaves you and Raihan with more documents to read over once you're home and also to give you some time to discuss with mom and Glenn. Should you want to go ahead, you must sign and return the form to him. He gives you his number so you can contact him when ready. Then he thanks you for your time and departs; you will see him soon, probably when you return to Galar. You put away the remaining documents Looker enclosed with the folder into your backpack.
For a few seconds or so, you and Raihan merely stare at each other as you sit in your booth until you bite down on your lip, brows furrowing. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"You can't seem to catch a break?" Raihan suggests.
"Exactly!" You exclaim, "Where is all this coming from? Fallers, Ultra Wormholes? What's next? I've just about had it."
Getting up from your seats, you promptly leave the cafe and head towards the direction of the Dragon's Den, following the tourist signs once you pass Blackthorn Gym. It's pretty easy to get to regardless and there are plenty of gift shops around which you will tour with Raihan later.
"I trust Looker; you'll be in good hands." Raihan reassures you with a smile as you hold hands along the way. "You've nothing to worry about. Do you want to go back and talk to your family about it?"
You shake your head, "No, no, it's okay, we're already here; let's just head to the Dragon's Den."
It's best not to think about it any longer...plus the caffeine is kicking in so you feel renewed with energy.
Raihan gives your hand a tight squeeze and together, you arrive at the giant lake which must be crossed in order to reach the den - you take Lapras' pokeball and release the ferry Pokemon into the water. You scramble onto Lapras' back and Raihan climbs on after you, glancing right and left. "Ready?"
You pat Lapras gently and she begins gliding over the water and towards the large cave up ahead. Along the way, you see Magikarps swimming in the tranquil lake below and a few Woopers slinking around. The weather is perfect - it’s not cold but not too hot either - and the breeze is gentle and cool.
"We really should do this more often." Raihan mutters, and you agree with a smile.
Once you arrive, Raihan hops off Lapras and helps you down; you recall mom's pokemon and begin the trek over the harsh and rocky path with the dragon tamer into the cave. The den used to be off-limits - they would only let people who earned the Rising badge to enter but now they allow tourists and visitors. It looks different too, mainly due to the inclusion of two newly built paths leading inside, spiralling left and right - the lake outside narrows into a deep stream but you're aware it leads to a further, massive lake inside the den itself where all the Dratini and Dragonairs are. It's dark and damp and you and Raihan pass a shrine that stands in the middle of the water where an elderly man dressed in traditional garb is praying.
You excitedly point to a small Dratini that is draped around the old man's neck, snoozing. It's so adorable! You can't wait - you want to catch a Dratini badly. Raihan grins and you both up your speed without further ado, heading into the den and occasionally being challenged by trainers and defeating them along the way until you reach the opening. It's a massive cave with rocky walls that stretch up high and wide and the only source of light are the scattered torches which the dragon elders have lit up for trainers and visitors alike.
It's a lot busier inside, with a few Ace Trainers and Dragon Tamers inside with their dragon pokemon. A tamer flies around on his Dragonite, ducking and diving over sharp rocks, controlling it's speed and momentum, whilst an Ace Trainer trains her Dragonair in the water with a whistle and some strange device. Meanwhile, a pool to the left reveals a small group of wild Dratini snoozing over the rocks whilst another shakes itself under the waterfall, enjoying the rush of water.
Raihan abruptly clamps a hand over his chest in reaction to the most beautiful sight that is taking place before his very eyes.
"Are you okay?" You ask, though you don't think he is. You feel he has died and gone to heaven.  
Raihan turns to you, a wide grin appearing on his face. "I'm fine," He exclaims happily, "Let's go."
Fumbling for your pokemon, you both release your dragon pokemon by tossing your capsules into the air and an extravagant display of lights subsequently follows; the pokemon appear before you, emitting loud growls and waving their tails, wings and claws. Raihan takes a headcount whilst you do the same - he's brought Duraludon, Flygon, Goodra, Turtonator, Axew and Bagon. You count Chompy, Salamence, Haxorus, Dreepy and Deino, whom you have taken along on Raihan's behalf. Goomy and Applin are the only pokemon not present but never mind; you have quite a lot on your plate already.
"Alright! Everyone's here!" You cheer. It's a Dragon Pokemon Field Trip!
"Let's take a group photo first." Raihan says eagerly, and Rotom comes flying out just in time.
"Bzzz, I got ya covered, champ! On the count of three?"
"Thanks, Rotom!"
Everyone proceeds to move into position a short distance away from Rotom, though much allocation is needed. All the large pokemon move to stand behind yourself and Raihan; though Raihan's height forces him to kneel on one leg beside you, clutching Axew and Deino in his arms whilst you sit with Bagon and Dreepy nestles on your shoulder.
"One...two...three...Everyone zzay 'GROOOOOOOOWL'!!!" Rotom yells, and all the pokemon unleashes the fiercest growls they can muster that the walls tremble and shake and Rotom snaps away. “Yay! Good job everyone!”
Rotom returns to you both so you can check out the photos and you both peer at the screen, swiping through at least five. There's one where Rotom caught all the pokemon growling and their jaws are open. There's one with Garchomp, Goodra and Duraludon waving their arms in the air. Wow, these photos look amazing! Except from the one where you blinked. Damn.
The itinerary for today is simple - Raihan will carry out the training and you will follow up with an examination. Raihan's provided you with his Pokemon's previous assessments, so you can use them to compare.
Therefore, the next thing you do is take all the pokemon to the dragon shrine first so they can soak up all the powerful dragon energy in the den. Your group bumbles behind you, the dragon pokemon looking up and around in awe. No doubt, they are experiencing some special feels for this place. Chompy, Salamence and Haxorus are the only pokemon familiar with this place since you've brought them here before. Once you reach the shrine, you tell Raihan this is where trainers and their pokemon pray for strength and courage in battle and also to pay their respects.
There's a way to do it, so you prompt Raihan to follow your lead - you take some loose cash from your pockets and drop it into the offering box and Raihan does the same. Then you bow deeply twice, clap your hands twice, bow deeply once more and take a few steps backwards.
You clasp your hands together and close your eyes in prayer and everyone follows you. Your group grows silent as you pray; you're pretty sure Chompy and Haxorus are praying for a nice meal at the end of this whilst Salamence is probably praying for more opportunities to fly.
"That'll do. Let's go." You say, when they are finished.
The training promptly begins; you're hoping to spend half a day here and hopefully catch a Dratini at the same time if possible. You find a good spot where there's enough space for all the pokemon to move and run around - and Raihan begins with a warm up and here is where you see a different side to your dragon tamer boyfriend - this must be what he is like when he is at Hammerlocke stadium.
You see him instructing the pokemon fluidly and with the sophistication of a seasoned professional drill sergeant (but he doesn't bark orders no, he's the opposite; he's highly encouraging and gentle) and you watch as your pokemon immerse themselves fully into the experience, though the smaller pokemon are struggling slightly.
You watch as the pokemon begin doing some laps around the den whilst some do sits up and push ups. Raihan observes with Rotom hovering beside him and taking photos and videos, whilst you go to help the smaller pokemon with lighter workouts. To finish up, Raihan pairs the pokemon and let them battle each other but not to the brink where they are knocked out. There's no winner or loser. Your EV trained pokemon fight each other, with Haxorus, Salamence and Garchomp engaging in a three-way battle. Raihan passes each team, making assessments.
When it's your turn to take over, you become nervous because no-one's really watched you on the job before so with Raihan grinning in one corner actually makes you anxious. Nevertheless, you pull yourself together and begin the check up, pulling out your tools which include a stethoscope, ophthalmoscope and otoscope. They look highly technical but these are the three main tools you utilise and they’re easy to use. You get the pokemon to line up and begin the examination one by one which only takes two to three minutes per Pokemon. You hastily scribble down some notes in your pad which you will look at in more detail when you get home.
When it's getting late and the pokemon have gone through a tough day of training, you return them all after feeding them and giving them treats for all their hard work and finally, Raihan turns to you. "We still got a Dratini to catch."
You're kind of beat but you nod, hopping off the rock you were sitting on. "Let's do this."
Since you spotted wild Dratini lounging in the pond near the entrance, you head over to see two of the shed skin pokemon basking over the rocks. Raihan is quick to approach, releasing Goodra. One of the Dratini rears its head up, ready to fight, whilst the other begins to squirm away. Oh no, it's trying to run away! Without thinking twice, you throw Lapras' capsule because she's roughly the same level as these Dratini and would fare a better chance compared to your EV trained pokemon who would destroy it in one move. Raihan commands Goodra to use Dragon Breath and then throws an Ultra Ball at the severely weakened pokemon.
"Lapras, use Ice Beam!" You yell, and the wild Dratini is smacked with a blast of ice which hits it's belly. Aha, now's your chance! You pull out a spare Ultra Ball, tossing it at the pokemon.
Raihan's ultra ball wiggles three times and clicks shut with the green light, indicating Dratini has been successfully captured - however, yours wiggles twice and then abruptly explodes in a burst of bright light. Dratini reappears, blinks for a brief second then promptly dives underwater, having successfully run away.
"Motherfurret!" You shout with frustration before you can help yourself, "Not again!"
Raihan picks up his caught pokemon and returns to your side.
You look up at him with a sigh. "....Guess it isn't meant to be." You mumble dejectedly.
"Take mine." He says, attempting to press the capsule into your hand for your taking.
You shake your head at once. "No, it's fine, Rai. You caught it."
"But I want you to keep it."
"I'll catch another one."
You cross your arms, unwilling to accept. "It's fine, I can get one from the Gamecorner in Goldenrod."
He gives you a testing look but you nod firmly. "Are you sure?"
"Alright...." Raihan slips the capsule into his bag but you feel he isn't convinced.
You leave the den to grab dinner, opting to have a nice meal at a restaurant in Goldenrod which Raihan chose because he looked it up and it's received raving reviews online and five stars. Then you and Raihan do some shopping at the Department Store although Raihan is more into this than you are. Generally, Goldenrod is quite pricey and it has designers you have not heard of and can't really afford but to Raihan, you swear he has died and gone to heaven again. 
You trail after him, watching him as he goes through racks and shelves and aisles filled to the brim with clothes, shoes and accessories. Occasionally, he'll pull something out and ask you for your opinion. Sometimes you split up so you can buy some gear and treats for your pokemon before you regroup with him.
It's interesting shopping with a guy; Raihan has good fashion sense because he picks out staple items and then he also pulls out items which are in season and are sure to last for a long time. He also picks out some interesting items which are a variety of colours and it makes you think who on earth could pull it off but you're sure Raihan can since he's so tall and skinny and can make anything look good. 
His total bill comes to a six figure number, which has your eyes bulging to the size of plates but apparently, that's nothing to him. Then he nonchalantly asks you if you want anything but you politely decline.
When you wait for Raihan to finish paying, you're looking through photos on Rotom which you took when you were training at the den and you're wondering what's taking him so long until a pair of hands suddenly clamp over your eyes and you squeak in fright until the hands lower from your eyes and you see Raihan who presses a deep kiss on your cheek. Phew, you breathe a sigh of relief.
He has a wide smile playing on his lips. "Hold your arms out."
"What is it?" You lift your arms as requested and he brings out a pink plushie from behind his back and plops it into your hands. Your eyes grow wide - it's a Skitty doll. You look at him, then at the doll with your mouth agape. "...For me?"
"It reminded me of you."
You gush, clutching it firmly to your chest. "It's so cute!! Thanks!"
His grin widens. "I knew you'd like it."
You go on tiptoe and Raihan takes this as a cue to lean forwards and your lips meet.
With the Skitty doll and many bags hanging off your arms, you head to the Gamecorner next, playing a few games such as UFO catcher and Whack-a-Drilbur and you take a quick look at the prize station but seeing various pokemon up for sale as prizes turns you off and you're not sure whether to get the Dratini; instead, you decide to call it a day and go back to Ecruteak. You had wanted to pay Glenn a visit but maybe tomorrow when you have more free time. Besides, you want to discuss with mom about the meeting with Looker. It's actually been on your mind all day. You managed to push it to the depths of your mind somehow, unwilling for it to ruin your day.
When you arrive home, mom is already preparing dinner and when you open the door to the lounge, you see Glenn sitting on one of the plushy cushions whilst the TV blares on in the background.
"Glenn, you're here!"
"Yeah," He greets you casually; there's a pink goo slithering over his head and shoulders - it's a Ditto. "How was the Dragon's Den?"
"It was really good."
"Awesome. Did you guys catch a Dratini?"
"Raihan did but I didn't...and er...I'm glad you're here, I need to talk to you and mom."
"Hm? About what?"
Firstly, you need to put your shopping away so you head to your room to get changed into comfier clothes and return to the lounge with Raihan; Glenn recalls Ditto and you pull out the folder Looker had given you and you ask him to take a look.
"A detective has asked me if I can help him with a case."
Glenn blinks blankly. "That's so random."
"We know him. He helped us before." You mutter, and Glenn takes the folder off you and sticks his hand inside, pulling out a few files. He chooses one to read and has a quick skim through until his brows furrow slightly; you and Raihan glance at each other from the corner of your eyes and you don't think this bodes too well.
However, the lounge door slides opens and mom enters with Blissey. "Phew! Almost done. Dinner's nearly ready."
"Hey mom, take a look at this." Glenn says, handing her the paper.
"What is it?" Mom plops herself beside Glenn and dons her reading glasses, scanning the paper. She's smiling but you watch as the smile slowly disappears. It grows silent as they both read the contents. Raihan reaches for your hand and holds you tightly, threading your fingers together and after a short while, mom settles the file down and turns to you. "So this detective named Looker is working on a case regarding a missing child....and he thinks you're the missing child?"
"And he wants you to undergo Hypnosis in order to confirm the theory, to extract memories..." Glenn mutters, rubbing his chin. He continues reading the file out loud: "A Hypnosis session is used to extract missing memories and concise testimony from the subject. Usually the subject is an individual who suffers from retrograde or psychogenic amnesia. Subjects will undergo a session in an effort to recall their missing memories under the guidance of a trained professional and a Hypno allocated by the Bureau. The session can last up to three to five hours maximum, depending on the severity of the amnesia."
Mom looks at the photograph of the couple and the little girl next. "This is the missing child, right? You don't look anything like her at all." She says.
Glenn pulls out another file except there's a few photos that were lodged within and they drop out and over the table. "Whoa, that's a Buzzwole." He points out, as he picks up the photo of the beefy red bug. He moves to a second photo and raises a brow, "Huh, don't think I've seen this one before..."
"I think that's a Xurkitree, dear."
"I've never seen anything like it." Glenn puts down the photos and begins reading the next file: "Operation f....um, faller, spelled with blanks in between...interesting, Operation Faller is the top secret - haha, not so top secret now - Operation Faller is the top secret operation conducted by the Bureau in an effort to identify, track down and locate fallers, individuals who have passed through Ultra Wormholes; the operation came into existence after the Alola incident where Ultra Wormholes opened and several entities known as Ultra Beasts entered Alola."
Glenn abruptly stops.
"Um...what exactly am I reading or looking for here?" He says, confused.
"It's the Alola incident, dear, it made headlines a while ago - the existence of parallel worlds." Mom says. "Remember?"
"Oh, yeah! People went mental! Er...this is getting weird...they even said they found a world where pokemon don't even exist! Can you believe that?" Glenn mutters before he moves onto the next file. It's a file that's got your name on it. "Subject was discovered in Ilex Forest with blunt force head trauma. Subject could not recall her identity, where she came from or how old she was at that time.... That sounds like retrograde or psychogenic amnesia to me."
You bite down on your bottom lip; this is making you uncomfortable...
He flips to the next page. "Drifloon. Subject was found with a Drifloon - Drifloon are not native to Johto, or Ilex Forest so it was theoreticized to have been responsible for subject's accident but no proof has been found. Drifloon is known to have spirited people away, in particular, children. The expression 'spirit away' is used to refer to the mysterious disappearance or death of a person, or humans who have been abducted to the spirit world. The term is loosely utilised in Drifloon's pokedex entry - for this case, the balloon Pokemon may have transported subject either to a new region... or a parallel dimension, or Ultra Space."
Glenn stops again and looks at you like a Stantler caught in headlights.
Gulping, he continues. "...The pokemon was allowed to stay with subject after displaying no malicious intent towards subject. Instead, pokemon demonstrated protective behaviour over subject and listened to subject's commands."
You force out a weak laugh. "It wasn't Driffie. It can't be, it's not. He wouldn't...he wouldn't do that to me. This is ridiculous and if I was...whatever, I'd remember for sure."
The lounge goes silent as all eyes fall on you.
Mom nods and says, "There was no proof, dear. Driffie is harmless. And you love Driffie."
"Yeah." You mutter weakly as you absent-mindedly squeeze Raihan's hand under the table.
Glenn puts down the documents and lets out a quiet groan, rubbing his temples. ".....Basically, there's three things going on here: number one, Looker wants you to remember your missing memories to find out if you're the missing child of the case he's working on. Two, he wants to find out if there's the possibility of you being a Faller and three, the file says that Driffie could've been the one responsible for your accident."
You don't like the direction where this is going to at all. "I don't care; I have you and mom and Raihan and it won't change anything; I'm perfectly happy where I am."
"What are you gonna do, sis?"
"....I dunno."
"It's okay, dear, I think you should go ahead and sign it. There's no harm in wanting to help someone out and finding out more about yourself." Mom replies; she moves to stand, bringing you into a tight hug and pecking you on the cheek. "You'll still be my daughter and we'll still be your family."
After dinner, Glenn and mom ask if you're okay again but you lie and tell them you're fine. They reassure you that you're doing the right thing for yourself and whatever happens, they'll still be there for you. Whilst Raihan remains in the lounge to chat with mom and Glenn, you decided to take a bath but when you see the full moon hanging in the night sky, you end up sitting outside in the back porch with the folder; you didn't want to look at it any longer but since you still had some documents to go through for yourself, curiosity killed the Delcatty so you grab it and take out the contents again. Indeed, the folder contains a myriad of documents about Fallers and photos of Ultra Beasts and Ultra Wormholes. But it's then you come across Driffie's file and you hesitate.
Nausea overwhelms you. Driffie....no way. It can't be. You put the folder down, then pull out Driffie's capsule and release him; he emerges in a brief burst of red light in the garden.
"Flooo...." He blinks, letting out a gentle wheeze.
You can't bring yourself to ask. Hell, how are you supposed to ask? Did you spirit me away? Did you take me away from my family? Did you try to kill me? Did you try to hurt me...did you want to hurt me?
Didn't Allister once say to you...
”It wants to say... ‘I’m sorry’.”
Oh shit. Oh fuck. It can't be...
"Hey, um....Driffie?"
He looks at you, tilting his head curiously. "Floo...?"
"Was it....was it you?"
Again, he merely tilts his head to the side.
You sigh loudly. Oh Arceus, how could you think Driffie would do this to you? He is your sweet Drifloon who you've had since....ever. He's never hurt you. "Never mind. Forget it. I'm sorry, Driffie."
"Floo..." He floats over and nestles on top of your head, wrapping his arms around you just as the rest of your capsules suddenly burst open at once and all your Pokemon appear - Espie, Poliwag, Metagross, Salamence, Chompy, Haxorus, Dreepy and Tyranitar. The smaller pokemon jump into your lap whilst Dreepy slinks over your shoulders.
Your stare, blinking blankly as your pokemon begin to idly gather round and sit around you with what little space there is. Tyranitar and Haxorus sit beside you on the porch and Chompy and Metagross move to sit in front of you - Metagross has to tuck his legs in - whilst Salamence curls behind you, propping you up. You glance at each and every one of them before you smile at them warmly. You know the reason why they've appeared - they can sense your sorrow and fear.
"Did you guys hear what happened?"
Metagross turns to you and nods. Chompy growls and so does Haxorus and Salamence. Espie purrs loudly. Exhaling shakily, you watch as she puts her paw over your hand and Poliwag puts his tail over her paw. Your Pokemon look up at you and you smile at them.
"You got my back, right?"
Everyone nods.
You feel the corner of your eyes prickling with tears and you quickly dab at your eyes, hoping they hadn't seen. You've had them since they were babies - or at least since they were very young - and you took them under your wing, fed them, trained them. They're strong all because of you. You need to remind yourself about that more often and also give yourself more credit. As much as you were there for your pokemon, they are here for you, too. With those thoughts in mind, you watch your pokemon settle themselves around you protectively and you reach over, patting them fondly.
"Thanks, everyone." You utter under your breath. "Thank you for being there for me."
Metagross emits a low screech whilst Salamence, Tyranitar, Chompy and Haxorus growl loudly in response. Your smile grows wider as you pat them again. Espie purrs and Dreepy and Poliwag rub their cheeks against yours.
"If anything happens to me....I....oh, I don't know, I never thought about it."
Your pokemon look at you in bewilderment but you don't follow up. They sit with you, staring up at the moon until a while later, you hear the door to the lounge opening and Raihan passes you on the porch; you and your pokemon all turn to him and he freezes.
"Hm?" He exchanges glances between you and your pokemon and grins, "What's up? What are you doing? I thought you were sleeping."
You shake your head as you pat the space beside you, "Wanna join us?"
"Sure." He says, and he manages to squeeze himself beside you and Haxorus. Your pokemon don't mind, and Raihan reaches for you automatically with his arms out and you put down the documents. Espie and Poliwag hop off your lap and jump on top of Metagross' head so you can climb into Raihan's awaiting lap where he wraps his arms around you firmly and you rest your chin on his shoulder, closing your eyes. He envelopes you all over with his warmth, his arms holding you securely. "...You'll be okay, princess." Raihan mutters, pressing his lips against the curve of your cheek.
"Looker has really bad timing." You reply, as he peppers you with kisses. It's true, you feel the entire vacation is ruined because of this. You don't blame him but you kind of wish you hadn't met up. "I don't mind helping out but I don't know what I'll find out."
Raihan tightens his grip on you, stroking your hair affectionately and tucking some loose strands behind your ear with his long fingers. "I'll still be here. And if you are a 'faller', that's kinda cool." He says, and you chuckle under your breath. "Don't worry. I'll protect you. The Great Raihan will protect his princess, always."
You chuckle louder until you gradually dissolve into silence where you are just holding onto him and sitting in his lap.
"Have you decided what to do?"
"...Yeah. I'm gonna sign it."
"You sure?"
You nod. "I'll just...give it a shot. There's no harm, I guess. But I wish I could catch a break though...I'm really tired."
"I know you are, princess."
Leaning against him, you close your eyes and give him an affectionate squeeze.
"...You're the best thing to happen to me." You mutter quietly and he emits a gentle sigh, wrapping his arms even firmly around you.
"I know."
You can't help but smile and as you pull away from him, he grins and leans forwards, your lips pressing briefly before you throw your arms around him again. Raihan hugs you close, rubbing small, soothing circles on your back whilst you rest your cheek against his shoulder until you glance over and pick up a photo, inspecting it. It's a white jellyfish creature and the longer you stare at it, the more it looks familiar to you.
You feel like you've seen it before.
Days later.
Life returns to normal, or what is defined as normal in your books.
You leave Johto, return to work and so does Raihan. Your new boss is difficult to get along with; she's far more strict and doesn't seem to get your sarcasm or humour. You don't seem to be able to build up the same rapport you had with your previous boss. Your days are often spent in silence but you reckon work is just work and it cannot be helped. Not everyone likes their jobs - such as your friend, for example. You're left wondering when your next holiday is because your trip to Johto has now come to an end; the days had flown by just like that and it was over way too soon, way too quick.
And when you returned to your cottage in Ballonlea, you realised you've become way more accustomed to Galar than you had thought but after the meeting with Looker, things seem....different now.
You've told Raihan that you've already set up a time and date for the hypnosis session with Looker and although he says he wants to come with you, it will clash with his work so you tell him you can do this on your own.
Emitting a gentle sigh under your breath, you get ready, heading to Hammerlocke police station where you ask for Looker at the counter and a few minutes later, he emerges from a room and into the waiting area to retrieve you.
"Thanks for coming." Looker says, as you hand him the signed form.
"No problem."
"Are you ready?"
And you follow him into a small room with a sign that says 'Interrogation Room 2'....as if that wasn't intimidating enough. He closes the door behind you and it grows quiet as he sits at the desk, scribbling something down on the notepad in front of him. There's a hypnotherapy chair in the corner and a Hypno sits on its haunches on a stool, looking at you with its beady eyes. You stare at it in return, feeling slightly nauseous.
"Have a seat." Looker mutters, gesturing to the chair. "And grab a drink if you want."
You head over to the chair before you glance at the water machine nearby so you help yourself to a drink by reaching over and filling up a plastic cup, downing a few sips. It's silent in the room except from Looker's pen squeaking over the paper, the clock ticking on the wall and Hypno's shallow breathing as it stares at you relentlessly.
Looker finally finishes writing his notes and averts his attention to a case he's kept propped up against the desk, lifting it up. Unclipping it, he pulls out several strange devices which he lays carefully on the desk, then he pulls out a tape recorder from a cupboard underneath the desk which he also neatly sets on the table.
"Put this on." He hands you one of the weird contraptions, which is a bracelet that resembles a Dynamax band.
"What is this?" You ask, as you strap it on, pulling the fabric and tugging it around the width of your wrist and pushing the snap fasten into place.
"It's to read your energy levels during the hypnosis session." Looker mutters, "It works similar to a polygraph."
You didn't quite understand and Looker continues setting up some random machinery around you.
"Are you ready?" He says, when he's finished.
"Yeah." You put down the cup on the table provided beside you and take a deep breath.
Looker nods stiffly and pulls his seat over to you, dragging it on its wheels. "Let's begin. Lie down, please. Come on, Hypno. We're starting now."
As you lie over the chair properly, Looker presses on the tape recorder and he says out loud that he's recording 'Subject Sixteen, Initial Hypnotherapy Session'. Hypno moves in front of you with a shiny white pendant that dangles from his claws. Looker instructs you to tell him your name, age, where you come from and your occupation, which you do.
"When you're under," Looker adds, "Focus on the sound of my voice: I'll be guiding you along the way. I'll ask you to describe what you see and I'll tell you what to do next. I want you to remember that there is nothing there that will hurt you so you do not have to be scared. However, should you feel threatened, you can stop the session and we'll bring you back. Just tell us to stop."
You nod weakly. "Understood."
"Good. Let's begin then."
Glancing at Hypno, Looker nods and it begins swinging the pendant in front of your eyes in a smooth fashion.
“I want you to think about your childhood,” Looker says, “We’ll start from there.”
You honestly wonder how this will work.
You've seen hypnosis work on a pokemon but not on a human...
You keep your eyes trained on the pendulum.
Nothing so far.
It goes right.
Then goes left.
And back again.
Your eyes follow the motion, back and forth...
...and forth...
You're still in the room with Looker.
You're still...conscious.
Is this supposed to work?
How does it work?
The pendulum keeps swinging, Hypno keeps its eyes on you. It's mouth moves, whispering.
Opening your eyes, you sit up.
When did you even close your eyes?
Where the hell are you?
"What do you see?"
It's Looker's voice.
You glance around.
You're...in a field.
A field full of beautiful flowers of red, blue and yellow...
The Wild Area?
No, it's...it's not. It's not the Wild Area. It's not even... Galar. Your gut just tells you it's not Galar.
"What do you hear?"
You hear giggling. Laughter. Voices.
They sound happy.
"Where's it coming from?"
You spot a small group up ahead and you wade through the field of flowers towards the source. A short distance away, you can see the woods. They're dark and foreboding.
"Who is it?"
Heading over, you see a couple sitting together on a red and white checkered picnic blanket surrounded by an abundance of food and a hamper whilst a little girl stares at a Butterfree fluttering around her. You realise you cannot see their faces; a messy, gaping black scribble erases any distinguishable feature.
Confused, you begin to step backwards.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't...I can't see their faces." You reply, swallowing down.
"Can you go closer?"
"I think so."
The couple are too busy getting the food ready to notice that the child gets up, having spotted something in the woods.
"Ba-woon." She says.
"Ba-woon." The little girl says again.
Their voices are an echo.
Suddenly, a small swarm of Beedrill comes, attracted by the food - noticeably, the sticky jam sandwiches. The couple stand up to fend them off. They don't notice the child leaving the picnic mat, wandering further and further towards the woods.
There's something there.
"Ba-woon." The little girl says, giggling.
She stops in front of a small and cute, purple pokemon. Having lured her to the woods, it begins to float further inside.
"Ba-woon, come back! Where are you going?"
It reaches for her and takes her hand and in a split second, just like that, they both disappear into nothingness.
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pikachu78109 · 5 years
This might be a bit of a sore subject, so feel free to not answer this if you don't want to. But... How would Hop, Leon, Piers, Milo, Raihan, and Bede interact with a s/o that does not have the best people skills? And by that I mean, they are terrified of talking with people and will avoid talking with new people as much as they possibly can.
Honestly, I can relate to this too well, so of course I will answer this!
As we all know, Hop has a lot of energy that can be matched up to Barry’s. His energy has always been a factor that his s/o avoided so much when they first met. It’s not that they are being rude, it’s just whenever there is so much energy from another person, it tends to wear them down and causes them to not want to approach them. In Hop’s case, he was one of those people that they could not approach at first. Hop notices this and tries to tone his energy down to a more mellow, almost gentle level. He doesn’t mean to be so extroverted, but he will tone it tone down to make sure his partner does not feel overwhelmed. In any given social situation where there are a lot of people, Hop will do his best to guide his s/o away from the commotion and towards somewhere less populated. Still, Hop does encourge his s/o to try new things, like meeting new people. He does not force them to do anything they are not comfortable with, so Hop must exhibit extra patience with his s/o. All in all, Hop is still young so he must be mindful and very understanding. But above all else, he must be very patient with his s/o.
Being the s/o of the Galar Champion isn’t easy, especially with the amount of media constantly peppering you two with questions that are...personal, to say the least. It makes them wonder how in the world they ended up in a relationship with Leon, whose no stranger to being recognized in public or when thousands of fans are watching him battle. There’s absolutely something strange about this pairing that somehow it has managed to work. Leon is fully aware of his s/o’s social anxiety and ever since the two of you started dating, the media has been going nonstop with the questions, wanting every single detail about the relationship. This does not bode well at all. At times like this, Leon will find ways to avoid the media, such as taking his s/o somewhere that isn’t crawling with a lot of people. There are moments where Leon encourages his s/o to meet new people, which has been slowly building over time, yet there are instances where they end up shaking or have a slight panic attack. Leon is extremely protective of his s/o and wants to help and support them.
To be honest, Piers himself doesn’t have very good people skills either. Being an ex-Gym Leader and the supposed leader of Team Yell, Piers doesn’t really put himself out there much when it comes to his image and his music. So, it’s incredibly easy to understand how his s/o feels. The relationship actually has helped a bit in being more open towards each other, which might possibly lead into trying new things, such as meeting new people. However, for Piers and his partner, who needs the world when you got each other to keep company, along with Dark type Pokémon and music? But, if there’s ever a time to start trying to come out the bubble, then Piers will lead the way to guiding his s/o to join him. He wouldn’t be forceful or adamant. Rather he would do it step by step, little by little. The thought of meeting new people terrifies his s/o, but Piers promises that he’ll be there with them and doing these new things with them because he wants to get better at being social himself. The two of them are in this together and Piers will always be a support system no matter what.
Being the most friendly Gym Leader in all of Galar, Milo’s sweet and friendly nature has made him popular in Turffield. However, when it comes to being friendly, that also means Milo is a hugger. An affectionate, gentle giant. Before meeting him, the thought of being hugged or engaging in any physical contact, didn’t sit well with his s/o. They are the kind that doesn’t want people to get close to them for various reasons, but somehow Milo was different. He didn’t immediately grab his s/o to pull them in for a hug. Instead, he would ask and if they declined, then he wouldn’t go any further than that. That’s what made his s/o fall for him because Milo respected their boundaries. Milo is very understanding and incredibly sweet and wants his s/o to be happy. Meeting new people does terrify his s/o at times, but Milo is there to give words of encouragement and is a source for hugs and cuddles. In a situation where his s/o gets overwhelmed or is on the verge of having an attack, Milo soothes their nerves and makes them some tea to calm them down. Heck, he’ll even bring Wooloo out to help comfort them in all their fluffiness. Milo would never push his s/o to do things that they are uncomfortable doing, so him as a partner is just the best thing in the world.
Raihan has been fully aware of his s/o’s social anxiety and knows that they are extremes camera shy. Taking a selfie is pretty difficult because, at times, his s/o would end up hiding or cover their face from being shown. That is to say, Raihan is a good guy. Despite having a hyped up personality and thirst for competition, it’s really surprising that Raihan puts down his Rotom phone and spends most of his free time with his s/o. He will try to encourage his s/o to take at least one selfie with him, but it takes a lot of reassurance that he will not upload the photo to social media. That would be a sh*t thing to do. Oftentimes, Raihan does encourage his s/o to partake in social events to meet new people and step out of their comfort zone. If it gets too much, then Raihan will lead them outside to chill for a bit until they are ready to continue. If not, then Raihan will understand and will take them home. For such an energetic person, Raihan does exhibit patience and will always make sure that his s/o is doing okay. He doesn’t want to put too much pressure on them and, if he accidentally does, he will apologize and try to make it up to them.
Strangely enough, Bede isn’t the sort of person that does well in a relationship. At first, his s/o thought of him as a arrogant and rude person. After taking on the role of Gym Leader in Opal’s place, his s/o noticed a drastic change to his personality and somehow the two of them began to hit it off. Bede knows that his s/o is a bit asocial but that never deters him from trying to introduce them to new things. He’s a lot more gentle and supportive and occasionally a lot more encouraging. He’s not the same guy that he used to be. His s/o tries to prove their worth by trying to stand out, only to back down the last second due to nerves. Regardless, Bede still helps to motivate them and, if they aren’t feeling up to it, then he will not press forward until they are ready to do so in their own time. Bede has patience with his s/o and will always wait for them to come to a decision. He will not put any pressure on them but he will encourage them to try.
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retquits · 4 years
Okay, big question. How tall is Lucky? Is he Manlet Milo short, or like a gentle giant?
🤔 good question, he’s pretty big - he’s taller than milo and kabu, but definitely shorter than raihan and piers. like this (raihan for scale)
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What if the gym leaders roles were reversed? Like Bea as a ghost type gym leader and Allister as a fighting type?
So the way I decided to swap them was swapping the version exclusive gyms and them for the rest of them, I swapped them by order. i. e. Raihan swaps with Milo and Piers swaps with Nessa.
Milo is now a dragon type trainer. His farm isn’t much crops. It’s more of a ranch, and his dragon pokemon help him wrangle the farm pokemon. The reason he’s the first gym leader anyway is because his pokemon aren’t the best trained and that costs him the chance at a higher gym. His team is Flapple and Flygon (I’m keeping the same number of pokemon they already have). His ace is Flygon.
Nessa is a dark type trainer. She’s a beach goth aesthetic. Like, standing on the beach in a black dress with a wide black sunhat. Her whole deal is like, the deep sea, since she’s still in Hulbury, at least. She and her pokemon are the first gym leaders in Hulbury to not be water type trainers. She’s a low ranking gym for the same reason as Milo. Her team is Crawdaunt, Malamar and Weavile. Weavile being her ace. And damn, Carvanha would have been perfect here, but they’re not in Galar.
Kabu is a fairy type trainer (skipping over Gordie and Melony/Bea and Allister because they switch with each other). He’s still a passionate battler and trainer. He likes them because they have type advantages over a lot of other types, and that they hide a large amount of power behind a cute facade. He doesn’t have a light pink theme, it’s more of a darker fuchsia. His team is Rapidash, Hatterene and Grimmsnarl. Grimmsnarl is his ace.
Bea is a ghost type specialist now. She doesn’t train in martial arts, she trains her mind more, and spends a lot of time working herself to the breaking point just to be able to contact powerful spirits. She wants to be very strong in the sense that she can have command (even a little) over the spirit world. Her team is Golurk, Chandelure, Dragapult, and her ace, Aegislash.
Allister is now a fighting type trainer. Instead of hiding his face with his mask, he uses something similar to a ninja mask to cover his nose/mouth. He is still a child, and he wants to be very strong. He chose fighting so he could fight his way to the top and be very powerful. He’s already very strong, and he’s only going to get stronger as he grows up. His team is Grapploct, Hitmonchan, Scrafty, and Gallade as an ace.
Opal is a fire type specialist. She talks about how “illuminated” they are. They’re “shining beacons of power,” and they’re warm and cute as well. She thinks they’re adorable. Ballonlea is a dark place because of the forests around them. She wants to light up the night with the power of her flaming pokemon. Her team is Flareon, Salazzle, Arcanine, and her ace, Ninetails.
Gordie is an ice type specialist. He’s the only one in his family that isn’t a rock type trainer. He’s a gentle giant in a family of rough, rockin’ people who aren’t afraid to get down and dirty. They are focused on brute force, while he focuses on grace, style and strategy. He disappoints his mother because he’s “weaker” than the rest of the family. He chose ice type because it’s always snowing in Circhester and they remind him of sledding in his childhood. His team is Glalie, Abomasnow, Beartic and Darmanitan, his ace.
Melony is a rock type trainer. She’s sweet, but her battle style is brute force and super defense. They call her Melony the Beast or Melony the Tank. She comes from a long line of rock type trainers. She’s disappointed in her son, Gordie, because he left their brute force battle style and is way overthinking stuff. Strategy doesn’t matter when you knock them out with one hit! She hopes to show him the proper way to battle some day. Her team is Rhyperior, Onix, Crustle, and her ace, Gigalith.
Piers is a water type trainer. His aesthetic is punk still, but he stays close to the cliffs of the sea nearby Spikemuth. He’s often out there using the waves to help him inspire songs. Spikemuth gym leaders have traditionally been either poison or electric types, so he’s pretty out of the norm. He always takes people by surprise when he reveals that he’s the water type gym leader. His team is Drednaw, Gyarados, Golisopod, and his ace, Toxapex.
Raihan is a grass type trainer. Hammerlocke has a huge problem of being all buildings and no nature. So when he’s not in the Vault, he’s out trying to restore some nature and stop some of the problems being in an asphalt desert can cause. He trains relentlessly, so even with a type like grass, he’s able to rise to the top. His team is Ferrothorn, Roserade, Dhelmise, and his ace, Maractus.
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cookie-gal · 4 years
When I saw you're Little Mermaid AU. I instantly followed, because I'm a big fan of Disney and Pokemon, also what about Sleeping Beauty with WaterLilyShipping?
Waterlilyshipping and Sleeping Beauty. I can work with that and I'm trash for waterlilyshipping.
• King Kabu and Queen Melony finally had their first child, Prince Milo (Sorry Gordie, I love you. Maybe next time)
• They wanted a child for the longest time and now that they have one. They are celebrating his birth with the biggest party ever and everyone is invited
• A neighboring kingdom that they are in alliance with had a child around the same time, about a month into the preparation for birthday celebration. It was a little girl named Nessa
• To strengthen their alliance, it was decided that Milo and Nessa are to marry when they are 21 and the betrothal will be announced at the Milo's celebration party
• To no one's suprise, the good fairies arrived to the party to give gifts to Milo. There were 7 good fairies.
• First Great Fairy Opal gave her gift to Milo. The gift of Peace. He will be always be a peaceful person.
• Leon gave Milo his gift next. The gift of Harmony as in Milo will be friends with everything, pokemon, human and creature
• Then Raihan gave his gift, the gift of strength. This boy will be swol.
• Bea's gift to Milo was endurance to go along with his strength
• Peirs' gift was voice. Milo will sing like an angel.
• Marnie's gift was optimism. She thought that was very important and wants this boy to be a sunshine child.
• Bede's gift was intelligence. He wants Milo to be a fast learner
• Then there was Gordie. He struggled for weeks thinking of a gift to give but he couldn't find one.
• "I give you the gift of fashion, no that sounds dumb. The gift of sneezing with his eyes opened, no that's even dumber.." etc etc
• Suddenly, with ominous wind entering the room, Oleana, the evil fairy entered
• Years prior, she was defeated by Kabu and was banished from the kingdoms. But Kabu couldn't kill Oleana since if she dies, Opal dies. They two fairies are twins and their magic is intertwined. Opal said she wouldn't want die until the other fairies, who she sees as her children, are ready to thrive without her help.
• "I am here to give a gift to the brat and you can't stop me." She hovers over Milo, "He's a cutie. It would such a shame if he were to die early."
• "Listen all, and listen well! The prince will indeed grow with peace and beauty. Beloved by all that know him. But before the sunset on his 21st birthday, he will prick his finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel and die!"
• She leaves and chaos breaks out. No one can believe that the prince will die so soon.
• Opal can't undo the spell because since birth the two can't undo each other's spells and the other dairies are too weak to undo the spell.
• Gordie piped in, "I haven't given Milo my gift yet. I know I can't undo Oleana's spell, but I can alter it."
• "Sweet Prince, if through this wicked witch’s trick, a spindle should your finger prick. A ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give to thee. Not in death, but in sleep. That's what the prophecy will keep. And from this slumber you shall wake, with true love’s kiss, the spell shall break"
• For safety of their son, Kabu and Melony ordered that all the spinning wheels in the kingdom were destroyed. They could just import flax and make clothes. They got most if their money from exporting foods. Those that had jokes spinning fibers into treads, the couple offered them new jobs.
• But the fear of Oleana kidnapping Milo was still there. The fairies argued for hours over what to do next. Bea suggested fighting Oleana, Bede suggested making a deal with her. Etc.
• Leon made a suggestion, "This is probably the most heart breaking suggestion but it's the only way to secure Milo's safety. Raihan, Piers, Gordie, and I will raise Milo as our nephew away from civilization. We will all go by different names and Milo will be returned to his parents the night of his 21st birthday."
• After discussing this further, Kabu and Melony reluctantly agreed. It was for Milo's safety. When he was 3 years old, The squad took him and went to live in a cottage deep in the Slumbering Weald
• The squad could no longer use their magic and they also had hid their wings which meant they could no longer fly.
• They all went by new names. Leon was now Dande, Raihan was Kibana, Piers was Nerio, Gordie was Morris, and Milo was Percy
• Milo grew into a fine young man. He was handsome, charming, and has the biggest heart. He was basically a sunshine child and a gentle giant.
• It took some time for the fairies to get used to using no magic, but they managed.
• To survive, they would raise wooloo, mareeps, and other pokemon to sell wool and other goods. They also farmed fruits and vegetables to sell. They cared and love each and every pokemon. Milo was never allowed to go and sell the goods with his uncles though.
• Over time, Milo met a young girl that called herself Rurina. She was smart and sassy girl that loved to go out to fish and explore the forest and its lakes.
• They became fast friends and loved each others company.
• Milo showed her all the pokemon he raises, she taught him how to swim and fish. He taught her about vegetables and berries, she taught him about seashells. They would dance together by the lake for fun. Etc.
• Though Milo got bummed out when she would leave before sunset, which mean she couldn't stay for dinner. He couldn't go with her when she invited him to her home to eat dinner because his uncles never let him out of the forest.
• When Milo was about 16, she stopped showing up to the forest which made him super sad
• They secretly had crushes on each other
• Then Milo's 21st birthday. The squad had Milo go out into the forest to pick so many berries that the basket will over flow, just to keep Milo out of the cottage long enough so they can get everything ready.
• The plan was to make Milo a nice prince outfit and a huge birthday cake. But here's the thing, they are bad at making things.
• They usually always bought clothes at the markets once they finished selling their goods.
• The fact that they survived 18 years without magic is a miracle.
• Piers and Raihan tried to make the outfit as they bickered over the color but it looked like a hot mess. Poor Gordie was the model for the outfit. Meanwhile Leon tried to make a 21 layered cake that needed a broom to be held up. They should have had Gordie bake the cake instead of Leon.
• Enough was enough and busted out their magic wands after they closed and barricaded the house so no one can see the magic.
• Round two had better results. Piers made the outfit, Raihan cleaned the house, Gordie made a crown for Milo, and Leon made the beautiful cake, with only 5 layers this time.
• Raihan was bitter over not making the outfit and the outfit was PINK. The outfit for Milo should be BLUE. And a battle over color broke out between Piers and Raihan. Gordie and Leon minded their own business.
• Unfortunately the battle of colors caused magic to seep out from the chimney and a murkrow that was owned by Oleana saw this a reported it to her.
• She had been hunting down Miko for the past 18 years so her curse will come true.
• Meanwhile in the forest, Milo ran into his friend Rurina again after all these years. His heart fluttered because she became even more beautiful than he remembered. They caught up and danced by the lake like when were younger.
• Milo invited her over to the cottage to join him in celebrating his birthday. She agreed and Milo ran off to the cottage because he needs to help with making dinner like usual.
• Milo was greeted by his uncles. They had an amazing outfit in a nice green color (Gordie changed it to Green because he was done with Piers and Raihan fighting) and a delicious cake ready.
• For his birthday his uncles are taking him somewhere special. Milo asked his he can take his friend Rurina with him but his uncles shut the idea down.
• Milo went to his room to sulk. The squad felt bad because Milo was most likely in love with Rurina but he is still betrothed to Nessa.
• Rurina went back to her home. Turns out she was Princess Nessa. She didn't want to go to the celebration of Prince Milo's return. She knows she's betrothed to him, but she never met him. She would much rather spend the day with Percy instead after all she was in love with Percy.
• She told her parents about being in love with Percy but they said no and she went like, "fine, I'm going to his humble birthday celebration anyway" and ran off into the forest again.
• Milo got dressed in the outfit and wore the crown. He felt conflicted. He was super happy and excited to finally leave the forest and see what is beyond it but he didn't want to leave the forest without Rurina.
• On foot, the group left to the castle. Milo was in a dark clock to hid his identity
• At an excluded part of the castle, they accessed the part through secret passages, Milo was to get ready for the surprise his uncles planned. Milo was still conflicted. As his uncles bickered over nothing as usual, he saw green light. He was drawn to it that he wondered off to another part of the castle.
• When the squad realized Milo was missing, they realized it was Oleana's doing. They turned back into fairies and scrambled to find him. "Percy, where are you?"
• At the top of the tower. Milo saw a spinning wheel, he never saw one in his life. Something was drawing him to prick his finger on the needle. He did that and he fell asleep.
• Once the fairies found him, Oleana was there to mock them. "He's your precious prince"
• They couldn't present the prince like this. So they placed him in a bed.
• Oleana watched them in amusement and sneared " You might want to check up on that cottage of yours again"
• Before they left to the cottage, they put the whole kingdom to sleep in order to prevent Kabu and Melony from worrying.
• At the cottage, Nessa arrived to find Milo. She was ambushed and taken to Oleana's castle and was imprisoned.
• The fairy squad ran into the other fairies and caught them up to speed of what had occurred. Opal said they must get Rurina because she must be Milo's true love and they need her to kiss Milo. When they arrived to the cottage, it was trashed and all that was left behind if Rurina was her shell necklace.
• They knew Oleana must has imprisoned her so they made their way to her castle
• Oleana had Nessa chained up and said, "I will let you kiss your Percy, aka your fiance Milo, and break his curse, but I won't do that til 100 years have passed." Nessa cursed at Oleana but she left cackling
• The fairies came in on the scene freed Nessa.
• "So Ririna is actually Nessa and you four didn't know." Opal glared. "We never actually met her. We only got descriptions about her from Milo."
• They caught Nessa up to speed and now they must kill Oleana. Opal said she accepted her death so she's okay with it
• They got Nessa armor, a sword and shield, and a rapidash to help her on her mission.
• Upon arriving to the kingdom's entrance, Oleana casted a spell to have torns and vines grow all over the kingdom to prevent Nessa from entering. She managed to get in but now she must kill Oleana.
• Oleana took the form of a mighty Salamance and Nessa had to fight it. The fairies blessed her sword and shield to be able to kill Oleana. After a long battle, Nessa plunged the sword into Oleana's heart.
• Opal held her heart and collapsed. She was dying. All the fairies cried and she looked at all of them and said how proud she was of them. When her eyes closed, she turned into a bouquet of beautiful and exotic flowers.
• Nessa was then guided up to Milo's tower and kissed him, that was something she always wanted to do. Milo woke up and everyone else in the kingdom too.
• Nessa was super happy she gets to marry her true love Milo aka her Percy and same with Milo.
• The two got married, Milo was reunited with his family, Bede was chosen to step up as the new Great Fairy, Nessa was honored as Oleana's slayer, and they all lived happily ever after.
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m4rkiza · 3 years
not safe for work raihan/leon headcanons and stuff i post on twitter, will contain omegaverse and slight dom/sub elements.
more warnings and descriptions are under the cut
⚠⚠⚠ since the ship dynamic is top raihan/bottom leon, theres going to be ALOT of gentle dominant raihan and slutty cocksleeve cumslut leon. so please be warned. if you complain in anyway i will block you right away ⚠⚠⚠
its abit messy because its just the stuff i posted on twitter compiled aka marki's headcanon compilation epic lets go
raihan fucking leon recklessly while asking how his dick feels, but each time leon wants to speak raihan jackhammers him or do anything that could stimulate leon /hard/ so whenever leon replies hes like "its its- ah! nnh- big- so big- nngh"
every time raihan ask a question he will set a slow pace or just try to be as deep as possible inside leon, once leon starts speaking he'll instantly change the pace and destroy his little bunny
sometimes raihan moans in the middle of asking questions bc leon tighten his hole or if possible- rubs raihans nipples or licks his ear, but raihan is the one whos in control, so raihan could easily grabs both of leons hand and pin him down
raihan is like "nu-uh, a good bunny doesnt do that baby, dont make me split you in half" but leon fights back because he wants raihan to break him
raihan is lowkey concerned with how rowdy leon can be but its very cute so he kisses leons forehead
leon hugging a large plushie while getting railed by raihan
raihan is about to destroy his ass and leon is helplessly clutching the giant plushie
yes raihan bought the plushie for that sole purpose, so that leon can have something to hold on when hes getting fucked from the back, since he cant hug raihan
OR FUCK leon holding raihan body pillow while getting plowed by raihan himself
leon has been pining on raihan since he couldnt remember and he bought a raihan body pillow so he can hug and imagine that its raihan. leon stores the body pillow in his closet after he dates raihan, he got the real thing after all
but one day raihan, for some reason, founds the body pillow and questions leon about it, surprise surprise!! it turns raihan on and then hes like "hey, what if you hug this while i fuck you haha"
and leon did well he washes the pillow case first because its super dusty but he did, leon hugged the body pillow while getting railed by raihan
leon: hm...your dick is cold, do you need a cock warmer?
raihan: yeah open your mouth
raihan, siting on the bed naked while having an erection: leon come here, sit
raihan out here being so nice because he wants to be leons chair...he lets leon sit on his face and lap, how lovely
raihan sends a dick pic and when leon sees it, he can feel his hole squirming, as if his ass is begging for the dick
raihan who gradually lost control when hes fucking leon, at first he starts slow, kissing leon gently and coos at him, calling him cute nicknames like bunny or princess but as pleasure build up inside him and leons moans getting louder, he thrust harder and faster, slamming his dick inside leon. holding leon so tight leon cant even move, the only thing he can do is scream and moan.
no more cute nicknames, he calls leon a cock slut and various other degrading words
he ravishes leons mouth until leon needs to push him for awhile so he can breathe. biting and nibbling leons skin, leaving plenty of marks, hes possessive after all
after cumming, he doesnt pull out. why would he? leons hole is so hot and tight, it feels so good. he gets to squeeze leons tits too
but once his dick soften up, he sadly needs to pull out, until leon whimpers and begs for another round
leon placing raihans hands on his pec/butt/thigh/any part of his body because he CRAVE for raihans touch, since raihan doesnt want to touch him without clear consent. which is great, but leon is touch starved, which is, not great
leon explains he doesnt mind if raihan touching him, as long as theyre alone, and even ask rai to hold him by the shoulder (or waist) if theyre in public because he likes the feeling of raihans arm draped over his shoulder or raihans arm holding him possessively by the waist
since then, raihan finally goes all out when it comes to physical affection, rubbing leons thigh, putting his arm over leons shoulder (or waist) whenever theyre next to each other, holding leons hand, hugging him everytime they met
placing leon on his lap and holding him tight, groping him, squeezing his ass/pec, hands slowly going inside leons shirt and touching him, squeeze his nipple, massage his chest, fingering his ass-
leon wearing a tiny lingerie but his dick is too big to fit inside the tiny panties
sometimes his titty doesnt fit either
leon struggles to put his tiddy and dick in place yet it entertains raihan so much so he lets leon do whatever, its so cute raihan cant even interfere
⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ LACTATION ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠
what if leon lactates the most when hes horny, especially when raihan is fucking him. so almost every morning, their morning sex occur in the kitchen so raihan can milk him too, fresh milk for a fresh cup of coffee!!
leon is usually still sleepy after the morning sex. since the milk coffee is still hot, raihan carried him back to bed and cleans him up, thats IF leon is really sleepy, but if he wokes up eager and horny, a second or third round might occur
the image of leon still wearing raihans pajama top, standing on his tippy toes while getting fucked stupid with raihans big hands squeezing his tits and pinching his nipple gently is so...good...
leon whimpering and moaning weakly as milk squirts out from his swollen nipples. raihan sets a slow pace since hes focused on massaging leons chest, waiting so he could get enough milk for his coffee this is the moment where leon is getting impatient and has the urge to fuck himself by moving his hips. has he tried yet? yes, what did he get? spanked multiple times and getting roughly kissed. not that he dislikes it though, he just doesnt want to cum just by getting spanked and kissed.
once raihan gets enough milk, he puts his coffee mug aside, whispers a "thank you", plants a kiss on leons cheek then proceeds to fuck leon harder than before
⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ end of the lactation stuff ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠
leon sends a video of him fingering himself in his own office while whimpering raihans name and how much he need raihans cock pounding him and his arms holding him tight when raihan is on another region
raihan calls him and speaks in an annoyed, whiny tone, "why did you send the video, what are you trying to do, i left you for less than 2 days and this is what you do to me? rude! now im rock hard, i hate you" and all leon do is giggle and jokingly moan raihans name
"oh~ rairaii, i need your cock so baaad heheh- nnh raihan i want your cum inside me" and raihan groans as a response "you send me more pictures and videos, you better be responsible you little bitch"
leon replies with more giggling teases how desperate raihan sounds
leon: you sound so cute when youre all desperate like that
raihan: LEE
raihans favorite part during gaming is when leon sucks his cock
what if leon is a gamerboy™ too, and when hes playing raihan bites and nibbles on his inner thigh
sometimes raihan pulls leons bootyshort down so he can either eat his ass or sucks his dick while fingering and rubbing leons prostate, at that point leon already paused the game and is all squirming and whining
what if despite the various toys raihan bought him leon could only experience a great orgasm when hes getting fucked stupid by raihan, like yeah vibrators can make him cum but it doesnt make him scream or tremble because of pleasure
toys doesnt hold leon possessively and mark his body, it cant whisper either very sweet praises nor downright degrading words, dildos doesnt nip on his chest and ravish his mouth, and most of all- toys doesnt fill him with cum, but raihan does
leon is grateful bc raihan is so in love with him that it only took him a needy whine to make raihan fly to his flat at 11pm
also in some nights leon just feel lonely and he craves for raihans warmth and a pair of big arms holding him tight as he drifts off to sleep or a giant needy baby dragon asking for some tiddy milk
leon: im a slut, but im raihans slut, underline that part, i belong to RAIHAN, therefore im superior, a superior whore
raihan: i love you baby
leon: *gasp* i love you too!! kiss me
(dom/sub elements) raihans way to "punish" leon is not spanking or orgasm denial. he just leaves leon alone in the bedroom and do something else
leon: master arent you gonna punish me? ive been a bad boy :(
raihan: yeah im punishing you right now
leon: by not...doing anything?
raihan: yeah
leon: huh
leon: meanie >:(
raihan: hehe
in the end leon is begging raihan to do SOMETHING while raihan is baking some pokemon-friendly cookies
leon: use me!!
raihan: not now, im baking! dont you want cookies? you usually love these
leon: yeah but-
raihan: do you want them or not
leon: okay :(
leon having a free use kink
leon lets raihan do anything towards him, even if leon is working in his office, if raihan comes to him, taking out his dick and nudge leons lips with his cock
leon sucks it without hesitation and wiggles his butt, an offering gesture incase raihan wants to fuck him, if raihan nods, leon takes out the lube and buttplug from his bag
obviously the reason why leon lets raihan fucks him anytime is bc he trust him. also raihan takes care of him very well, especially with having a MONSTROUS XXL DONG (a great power comes with a great responsibility) hes very cautious and caring.
its leon whos more impulsive when it comes to this thing, giving raihan the look, groping raihans crotch, sitting on his lap and whispering dirty things right at raihans ear, hes the horny bitch, the one whos in heat all the time
but at home, its raihan who initiate most of the time, whenever leon is not doing anything, he grabs leons chest and fondles it while whispering degrading words. leons body always go limp once he feels raihans hands on him, smiling giddily when raihan starts nipping on his skin
Leon definitely sends more sexy pics and nudes compared to raihan
Even when leon is working, he sends raihan a picture of him with no pants, legs only covered with lacy thigh high stockings and garter belts, bending on his desk
with the size of raihans dick, no matter how well stretched leon is, it probably still burns. and raihan knows that very well, leon might not said it but his facial expression tells raihan everything, hence why he makes sure he can see leons face on each first round
leon might not admit it, but raihans voice and kisses comforts him. raihan realize from the way leons body untense for awhile when raihan kiss him, so while slowly going in inside his princess, raihan press some light kisses on leons face and neck
cooing at him, holding him tight, rubbing his back, making sure leon got to hold him too, offering to add more lube, he'd do anything so leon can enjoy it too. at least he wants to make leon feel more pleasure than pain when he wrecks his little champion
once leon mostly show pleasure instead of pain (at least from his expression) raihan offers to change position and fasten the pace, usually leon is already comfortable since he got an easy access to hug and kiss raihan, so he ask rai to only fasten the pace
at the first round, raihan goes gentle (at least gentle for his and leons standard) no matter how hard leon beg for him to wreck him, raihan shuts him off with a kiss and stays true to his pace
leon is a little...masochist, and when hes horny, rationality is off the hook. no matter how much he loves leon, this is one thing he wont do, which is going rough at the first pace. sometimes unwanted things might happen and raihan doesnt want that to occur
praises, adorable nicknames and light hickeys dominates the first round. leon loves how soft and gentle raihan is but sometimes he just wants to be fucked stupid and getting degraded until he forgets hes a champion, but he knows hes not going any of that until raihan said so.
leon insist its okay, that even he enjoys the burning sensation, but no matter how much he convince raihan- raihan never agrees. leon knows hes right, it does hurt, he appreciates how attentive raihan is but sometimes leon wants raihan to think about himself in bed.
hes not made out of glass! but raihan usually pinches his cheek and nagged him, "dont be so stubborn, you might not be made out of glass but your hole is, im doing this so you, my lovely starlight, is still able to sit and walk normally"
raihan always makes sure leon feels the least amount of pain during sex, yet leon wanna make sure that raihan is enjoying himself too, from raihans expression, leon knows raihan is holding himself back, hes amazed with how much self control raihan have
no matter how much he convince his dragon to break his ass, raihan ravishes his mouth and focus on loosening and making leons hole adapt to his massive dick. but oh well, it is better that way afterall
thankfully at round two, raihan goes full force and literally break him
during sex leon forgets hes a champion and all he thinks about is
1. how thick and long raihans dick is
2. how full he felt
3. that hes just raihans cock sleeve
4. that hes literally made for raihan to fuck
5. raihans scent
6. raihans kisses and touch
7. raihan
8. raihan
9. r
leon drooling at the sight of raihans dick like...literally drooling... that raihan leans forward and wipe it off
drooling, half-lidded-glassy-heart eyes, hole so wet that it drips, hard omega-dick and nipples, plus his hips slightly moving up and down as if hes thinking about riding raihans massive dick
raihan masturbates just by the sight of his omega moving like that
but! leon doesnt like it, he gets pouty and whine, "my hole is way tighter and hotter than your stupidly large hand, use me!!"
but raihan is enjoying the view so hes grabs a pillow and hides his dick behind it, so leon takes out his most deadly move! spreading his legs and play with his hole while begging so raihan will pound and destroy him on the spot
raihan had the intention to tease, but seeing leons cute hole, he cant help himself but to ruin it
the sight of raihan who undressing himself and him releasing his alpha pheromones makes leon so wet that even his thick sweatpants got soaked
leon wiggling his hip and exposing his slicked bussy so his alpha can breed him right away... but its not that easy with raihan. raihan teases his hole with the tip of his dick first, rubbing it before penetrating
wanna hear leon beg and whine for his cock, once raihan slowly penetrates, he feels bliss, leons hole is so hot and tight, its just the start but leon is already milking him, squeezing his dick, it doesnt make it difficult to move, but it makes raihan unable to slow down,
it feels too good, leon is not helping either. he constantly make dirty noises, moaning with his omegan voice thus driving raihan crazy, he shoves his dick in, asking forgiveness once hes close to leons ear.
he can feel leons nails dug deep on his shoulders, legs hooking tighter, head tilting back caused by pleasure, raihan drools over leons exposed neck, taking advantage and sucking the sweaty skin, it taste so good
leon looks so pretty, so perfect, he thrust harder and holds leon tighter, kissing him stupid and praising him, leons scent got sweeter, which indicates that hes happy and content, he wants to make leon happier so he cooed more
calling him beautiful, so precious, plenty of i-love-yous and kisses
raihan would do anything for his omega
raihan purposefully massaging leons tits so milk will come out so he can snack abit, while leon is suffering bc now hes gushing slick and cant do anything about it since raihan is on top of him
leon is so drenched that raihan can feel the wetness of it, so he got up and pulled leons booty shorts. a string of slick appears and now raihan dont know which one to take care of, leon is still lactating too
so raihan fingers leon while sucking on his nipples, spreading the hole so he can insert his dick so leon will stop crying and begging for his knot. once he felt leons hole is loose enough, he got up, settles himself between leons legs and slide his dick in
he leans forward, going to suck leons tits again. hes in the mood to tease leon, so he only focus on drinking his milk and doesnt move his dick at all.
leon whines and tries to move his hip, desperate for friction but in the end, leon cums just by getting his nipples sucked by raihan. once leon is done cumming, raihan moves, roughly. leon looks so tired and betrayed in the same time its kinda funny to look at, but raihan kept fucking him anyway, maybe this time they'll get a pup, who knows?
Omega leon still produce abit of slick while he sleeps during heat. He sleeps naked bc his body is hot and its obvious how wet his hole is At the morning, some time before leon wakes up, raihan eats his bussy and cleans the slick with his tongue
Its cute how leon whines and even mumble raihans name, the fact that raihans name and how he makes leon feel is plastered on his subconscious mind makes raihan feel things. And it seems that its not only raihan whos aroused, bc leon is gushing slick
Raihan absentmindedly slide his dick, thrusting back and forth slowly and thought abt waking leon up, but he didnt.
Leon often wakes him up by sucking his dick, his horny thought that it will be nice to return the gesture, waking leon up by fucking him
Leon slowly wakes up, smiling once he realized that he wasnt dreaming. Even his scent got sweeter raihan plans to do this again tomorrow
omega leon whos late to a meeting bc he had a quickie with raihan, but he forgot raihans knot deflates in a longer rate compared to normal alphas bc his dick is bigger than average, so hes stuck panicking while being filled with alpha knot
I hc leons heat to be abit extreme bc hes on a strong suppressant, since he cant show himself as an omega, dissapearing for 3-7 days a month is abit suspicious, so he only allows himself to get into heat once every 3-4 months
and once it hits, his mind is extremely hazy and his hormones overpowers him, hole constantly wet and of course, very clingy towards his alpha. After heat, he doesnt really remember everything, only 70-80% but one thing for sure is that he realize-
Getting bred with raihan feels too good and raihans scent is super addicting. His oversized dick, ramming inside him and filling him up, like filing a bag with cream, with his knot
If leon is not getting fucked by rai, he usually sleeps or rides his toy bc raihan is tired
Omega leon in heat and he can feel his bussy slowly getting wet. Once alpha rai comes to the rescue, leon picks up raihans scent then his hole starts gushing out slick and its noticeable bc his shorts and leggings are white
Raihan touches his crotch and its soaked. Leon sniffs raihans scent gland and whines, begging raihan to take him home and bred him instantly. Leon cant take his pills anymore, he needs to go into heat at least once every 3 months
Raihan can imagine how leons gonna be when hes in heat, bussy constantly getting soaked, mind hazy because of hormones, clinging to raihan every minute and 0 appetite. Leon can actually reduce the heat intensity by, yknow, not drinking suppressants, but leon insisted so...
Once arriving on leons apartment, he makes leon drink sleeping pills so he can go out for awhile to pick up instant food and spare clothing, if he doesnt make leon drink it, oh boy, he cant even leave leons side, both bc of his own instincts and leon himself
So off the alpha goes!! on the way home, leon called him and leon is crying, raihan is not surprised. Leons speaking gibberish, whines mixing with whimpers of his name and "alpha cmere please" and he wishes flygon can go faster
And his prediction is right, leon is laying on his nest, naked, sweaty and soaked, clutching to raihans gym top while fingering himself.
On the first day of heat, raihan doesnt dare to tease leon. Leon admits the first day is quite painful. Its not like he can either, his mind is intoxicated with omegan pheromones, leons pheromones and it makes his dick harder than steel
So he instantly breeds leon, aggressively pounding and biting his skin, remarking his omega. Holding him tight, leaving bruises and marks. leon is still producing slick so its very slippery, yet he kept clenching and milking raihans dick
Raihan doesnt know how many times he knotted inside leon, but leon is now asleeep while being full of raihans baby seeds. Raihan hopes leon wants to eat after this
⚠⚠⚠ end⚠⚠⚠
leon: im nothing but a dumb cock sleeve for you
raihan: no! i mean, not entirely, youre still my dumb cock sleeve but youre also my beloved angel
leon: being an angel is a lot, let me be a dumb cock sleeve instead
leon: look, just wreck me so i can skip work
If leon is flustered during sex he pouts and hides his face by hugging raihan, unlike his giant boyfriend who jackhammers while blushing and sets a rough pace so that leon will stop acting so precious and adorable
Leon: Nggh Oh- your dick- too much!
Raihan: heh >:))
Leon: unhh- honey i love you so so much- you make me feel so- aahnn loved.. Youre so- AH! Wait- rai-nonono too much!! I dont wanna cum too fast!! Not waiwai- ahH
leon loves getting marked and bitten but sometimes raihan bites too hard that its sore for a few days
even with plenty of after care and raihan who calls and offer leon to apply the soothing balm and aloe vera a few days after the hanky panky, its still sore
yet everytime they do it, leons whines so raihan will bite him harder and wreck him completely
Raihan buying various sex toys for the sole purpose of trying it on leon and see how much he can tease him until leon becomes an overstimulated-crying-mess and to see if theres any toy that according to leon, feels better compared to his dick
Leon use it too against raihan though, especially the flesh lights and anything that could make raihan overstimulated and beg for his hole. One time leon inserts one of the vibrator inside raihans hole and use a flesh light to jack him off
Raihan grunts and even scream his name, begging for leon to ride him or use his mouth. Leon shuts him up with his own chest, making raihan suck on his nipples
leon who likes sitting on raihans lap bc he gets to shake his hip and hump gently and make raihan hard
he pretends hes shifting around to find a comfortable position but raihan knows hes doing it on purpose to make him stupidly hard
leon trembling and whines to raihan, complaining rai cums too much inside him
"you came so much and your dick is so big...sometimes i need to use a bigger buttplug bc if not it might leak!!"
and it only increases raihans urge to wreck leon more
its not that leon doesnt like it that raihan cums too much, but having someones cum, even if its your beloved, dripping from your ass, is abit annoying
⚠⚠⚠ bunny hybrid trans leon ⚠⚠⚠
Bunbun leon having both of his hole plowed by raihan, both his pussy and ass is so well used by raihans thick cock. As if cumming inside leon 4 times arent enough, raihan washes his dick and fucks leons mouth to make sure leon is full and content
If you think raihan lets cum drip from leons hole, no no youre wrong!! Rai plugs both of his hole because leon is his cum dumpster and rai doesnt litter yknow? Hes a responsible person
After fucking leon stupid, he likes to admire his bunny slowly passing out on bed, his fluffy ears plopped down, his hair all messy, eyes wet with tears and half lidded, mouth drooling mixed with cum, reds and purples decorating his neck and shoulder
Nipples swollen with a bitemark on it, chest abused and mark, his toned stomach has some light hickeys on it, waist and hip bruised. Raihan slowly moves leons leg so its spreaded apart, and he sees the colorful hickeys and teethmarks between leons legs
Raihan thought its a good idea to take both of leons plug out because he wants to see how loose leons holes are. Once he take it out some cum drips out of it and he spread leons pussy apart with his fingers, staring the loose hole
He turns leon around gently, theres some hand marks on leons bubble butt, he still cant believe leon loves getting spanked and dried cum on leons fluffy tail, raihan makes a mental note to clean leons tail properly later. He spread leons cheeks apart and Looks at leons asshole, its abused and well used, just like how he expects it to be, he inserts one of his finger to tease leon abit, leon doesnt react much and only says "im tired, do it later" in a tired whiny tone, raihan gives his butt a reassuring kiss
Once leon gained complete consciousness, here goes raihans second favorite part, showering with his precious bunny. Washing leons hair and tail, giving him a warm bath, drying his hair and applying skin and hair care to leon
When leon is still using his body lotion, rai changes the sheets, he opted for silk sheets and picks up some soft blanket so its gentle on skin. Gotta make sure leon is all happy and comfy Then he grabs some oil, aloe vera gel and healing balm.
Leon got out from the bathroom lays on the bed and rai Massages him, rubbing some aloe vera and healing balm onto the marks he left, he told his rotom to put on an alarm so he remembers to do this again later, he doesnt want leon to feel uncomfortable bc of the hickeys and bruises
Leon wants to got up and wear his pajamas, yet rai doesnt let leon lift a finger and grab some satin pajamas for both him and his bunny He came back seeing leon almost sleeping, but he needs to gently wake leon up so he can wear his pajamas yeah?
Raihan admires him for one last time, give him a soft kiss on the lips, pulls leon close to him and slowly drift to sleep
He wakes up bc leon is sucking his dick
"Baby i thought ive filled you up-"
"Not enough cum"
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drakrite · 4 years
i love how raihan can be really intimidating at first glance bc of his height and how he carries himself.
but then you realize he’s a gentle giant. god we gotta stan.
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