ramblerogue · 9 months
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It's been 3 years, and I still think about the Deep Bleu Sea fight.
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baggebythesea · 1 year
Sometimes I think about the time Adora was given the choice between following the glorious destiny promised her
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And doing what was right
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But making the right choice cost her the woman she loved
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(Note: The catra image is not a screenshot as I first thought, but fanart by @ramblerogue. Check her stuff out - she's an amazing artist)
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merrigelblogs · 1 year
Hell yeah, thanks for the tag @alienjaes !! ✨
1. Are you named after anyone? - Oooghgh boring but not that I know of? So I’ll sub in something similar but funnier- I’ve gone by Kat since the 8th grade because my username on the fockin Animal Crossing Forums that I loved as a child was katelynkat and thus got shortened to Kat, and I liked it so much I brought it to the meatspace LMAO
2. When was the last time you cried? - Bro I just moved internationally and am now Extremely far away from p much every not-my-gf person I love, I Shrimply cannot have this question posed to me rn (like. two days ago.)
3. Do you have kids? - Nah, but we might adopt someday!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? - Yeeaahhh,,, I try not to be Mean about it but being a little asshat runs in my blood, my whole family is like this!!
5. What is the first thing you notice about a person? - Usually their hairstyle, or if they have any really striking clothing/jewelry! They’re my go-tos for compliments since they’re things that people like... Choose, y’know? So they usually seem happy to be complimented on ‘em!
6. What’s your eye color? - Blue! 
7. Scary movie or happy ending? - Yes! This is a wild dichotomy! I’m a weenie tho so it depends on how scary the movie is
8. Any special talents? - Uhhh define special? I uh... I can do :3 irl!
9. Where were you born? - North Carolina babey!
10. What are your hobbies? - Oh goddamn. E. everything. Reading (mostly fantasy/thrillers), playing video games, drawing (ironically less now that it’s my job but y’know), playing dungeons and dragons with my best buds, whatever craft I can get my grubby little mitts on the materials for, doing puzzles, baking, etc etc etc! 
11. Do you have any pets? - Noooo but we wanna get a cat sometime soon!! After we do our travels this year maybe! In the meantime, our dearly departed family dog Finn is forever in my heart
12. What sports do you/have you played? - Okay so I’m an uncoordinated and outta shape lil shit, but I used to LOVE sprinting and (hilarious bc I was So Small) basketball! Ohh badminton too... Nothin’ now tho, got no time or energy or place to go or-
13. How tall are you? - 5′5″, 5′6″ish? Somewhere in there!
14. Favo(u)rite subject in school? - Love that lil concession to the british there LMAO, uhh obviously I loved art but! I also really enjoyed english and psychology! I actually gave myself a bit of a headache in college bc I tried to do all my science credits in psychology and accidentally went past the “this will not count do a class in another subject” limit LMFAO
15. Dream Job? - I mean... I just recently kinda Got it? I’m currently doing my first job as a storyboard artist!! Though the reality is it’s been... Well. Got kind of a tough gig for my first one! Anyhoo, I truthfully do not dream of labor, but if I must then the best thing would be to make enough to live on by FINALLY making that graphic novel of our pirate DnD campaign that I’ve been wanting to do for YEARSSS
Bonus: any significance to your blog's name - Yes and no! No in that it’s a nonsense word, yes in that it’s a nonsense word I made up out of a mishmash of silly references to my favorite things- mer for the sea, and rigel for a star out of my favorite constellation!! Append “blogs” to it to tie this to my art blog (since this is my Main Spot) and badaboom! A personal brand that’s always available bc who else would use this username!
Ooohh tags.... If y’all wanna, I’ll hit up @ramblerogue , @frenchy-and-the-sea , @in-a-hat , @tricklesnitz , and anyone else who wants to!!​
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merrigel · 2 years
CHARACTER SUPERLATIVES!!?? 12, 19, 32, 48, 50 please!!!
MEGANNN YOU'RE TOO NICE!! I've got superlatives on the brain!!
12. is the best singer?
Ooohhh this is a fun one?? I think... See you'd think Mickey, but I think their skills are more in instrumentation and ~*~*PRESENTATION*~*~ I think Aveline has the nicest singing voice! (I also have to throw in that Kieran can't sing Super well, but he can carry a tune and likes singing/playing folk songs, hehe)
19. would be the best therapist?
Oh... Oh they're all so.... Oh man I think.... Hiro and Dandy would be the best at listening to you and trying to make you feel better, and Kieran and Av would be more inclined to point out what they think you should do about things (Mickey and Temerity will just shit-talk with you LMAO, like, oh, someone made you feel bad once? Want me to kill them?)
32. is the most likely to be a twitch streamer?
Hiro. Full stop
48. do you consider the most stereotypical/classic example of their class?
OOOHHHHH FUN.... I think.... Partially by virtue of being my first foray into DnD.... That victory has to go to Mister Animal-Talking, Constantly Wild-Shaping, Actual Stoner Kieran Broadoak, The Druid Of All Time
50. is or was your favorite to play in combat?
This has gotta go to Av, fighters can do... SO MUCH DAMAGE.... AND IT'S SO FUN.... But I really really really look forward to trying Temerity out in battle, and I'd love to give Mickey a spin someday too!!
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robogart · 5 years
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Really fun commission I got to finish up the other day of @ramblerogue's character Mayday!! She's a pirate mercenary/assassin and she's plundered my heart??? Help?! Dual-sword wielding is my weakness!! 😭💦👏💖💖💖💖💖💖
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avelineblackwood · 5 years
Tarzan, 101 Dalmatians, Sleeping Beauty, Wreck-It Ralph, Aladdin! (sorry if that's alot!!)
(NOOO I LOVE ALL OF THESE!! I’m gonna answer ‘em outta character for convenience lmao)
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
This is a funny one!! Spending her early years (and then later years once more) in England definitely influenced Av’s outlook towards a lotta things, more than I think she’s consciously aware of! When she was bitty, she was taught to be a proper little English girl for as long as she was on the mainland- much of why she still tends to instinctively hold herself pretty Prim and Proper despite being a literal pirate! She’s also… very unused to Calico’s brand of very earnest but EXTREMELY FORWARD flirtation ladsjfk, which is why it’s so damn easy for him to leave her flustered (among other obvious reasons lmaoooo). However, there’s also a certain level of repressed uptight-ness that can’t be blamed on living under The Crown™ because it’s just. Straight up uncut Aveline babeyyy
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Oh you KNOW babygirl got guns
Swords and other weaponry too, but she’s got a huge soft spot for firearms!! Her collection includes both the functional and the historical, and with the addition of the whalebone sword, the firework fury, and Selim’s harpoon guns, it’s been gettin Pretty Fuckin’ Weird since she joined the Triumph (tho she’s not necessarily complaining in this case lasjfkd)
Sleeping Beauty - What is the worst possible curse your muse could face?
Oooohhhhhh this is a good one….. Like, what curse is Good right?? But if we’re going full-on like, ironic character-based curse… I think Av’s worst nightmare (aside from the obvious “oohh everyone you love’s gonna die” kinda thing because who Wouldn’t hate that) would be having every single one of her endeavors doomed to fail, or to be cursed to forget who she is
Wreck-It Ralph - What does ‘being a winner’ mean to your muse?
I think this song sums it up pretty well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGXzlRoNtHU
LMAO seriously tho, you know Miss Lady likes to win!! In her books, being a winner is achieving whatever she sets out to do, no matter what the difficulty! To be renowned as someone who’s absolutely unstoppable!!
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
HHHMMMM….. This is……. tricky…… I wish Av would relax and wish for some like, party stuff and make my life easier but she’s Too Serious for that so….. I’m gonna base this off where we are in-game and give myself a lil wiggle room
To erase Edward Rackham’s memory of her
To see her friends again
To know if she’s doing the right thing
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infinitejustice · 5 years
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Happy birthday @ramblerogue ! 
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yarbsale · 6 years
intimidation level is at uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3. I feel like it should be higher because you could Actually Throw Me Into The Sun, but you're a really chill dude so i know you wouldn't do that probably
honestly? Word
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crunchynatureboy · 6 years
6 and 9 !!! 🍀🍀🍀
(Ohoho :3c) 
6. Someone describing a time your OC helped them
“Oh, Kieran? He’s such a sweet young man, underneath all that dirt, haha! My cough’s almost cleared up since he started making medicine for me. I feel bad that I can’t really repay him though… Yes, well, inviting him to diner is about all I can do, though he certainly seems to appreciate it. I haven’t had leftovers once after he visits- they aren’t kidding when they say Halflings can really eat! He’s such an odd little fellow though, I swear he spends half the time talking with me and the rest, and half the time talking to the cat! But…. Misty’s stopped clawing the furniture, so he must be getting through to her somehow, haha!”9. A future historian’s account of your OC’s actions
he smoked weed and got knocked out a lot
The druid Kieran Broadoak was among the later Autumnweaver initiates brought to the coven by Captain Pamela Kennecke. After spending several years wandering across Ofox, Kieran was among the group of travelers who caught Kennecke’s eye in Courdray’s Hollow. Despite being recruited into the Autumnweavers by Kenneke, it was surprisingly his bond with another member- Surana Dareth- that guided him and the rest to the Autumnweavers’ inner sanctum. Kieran searched across Ofox and Bethonia alike for the fabled stones of Moradin, joining Lander Stormwind, Sosira “Nox” Bhanaar, and Zarra Vovin in a task force unrivaled in efficacy. Within this task force, Kieran served primarily as a healer (though records show he himself was prone to being knocked unconscious). Kieran currently resides just outside Daggerfall with his husband and daughter.
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geezmarty · 3 years
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A few commissions I’ve worked on recently!! (for @theHedash, @ponikichii &  @ramblerogue on twitter!)
commissions are still open, info here :3
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ramblerogue · 8 months
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Say "BLEGH!", Fang Gang! ⚰️🩸🦇🌕🗡️
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merrigelblogs · 6 years
ramblerogue replied to your post “Oh hey!! It’s the time of year tooooo try to not feel bad about the...”
Bluh i'm so sorry :'(( I know that must suck! For the record tho, you're doing so well for where you are, if it's any consolation! Hit me up if u wanna talk about it
Ehehe, it’s alright! I appreciate it, ty Megan!!
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merrigel · 5 years
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Birthday present for @ramblerogue​ featuring her great and fantastic characters!! (Go send her some birthday wishes!!)
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hollowknightzine · 5 years
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~ Previews of artist’s work! ~
We are NOW offering an early bird special! You can preorder our “Arcane Egg Edition” of the zine (Full bundle version which offers free shipping). Hurry while they last!! -- Only 10 copies available 
                                    ✦ PREORDER HERE! ✦
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avelineblackwood · 5 years
you find a note pinned to the boards of your bunk bed right above your pillow: "HI AV!!! I heard you started taking fan mail too!! GOSH, everyone's gonna love you! I hope you don't mind if I join in, PPFFTT- OF COURSE YOU WONT! OH- and don't worry I won't ask any GRIM, DEATH, TRAUMATIC questions this time ha HA!" ("Angel of Small Death and The Codeine Scene", "Dinner and Diatribes", "Moment’s Silence", "Foreigner’s God")
Oh my lord. You…. You’re far too kind. (And don’t let me be the one to pull you away from your grim and morbid notions, it would be unfair- after all, you’re the darkest and most tormented soul on this ship, yes? Death and darkness and an utter lack of bubbly exuberance, obviously all decidedly Tiller traits.)
Angel Of Small Death and The Codeine Scene- Any addictions?
The only thing I’m “addicted” to is being the only reasonable individual for nautical miles, if history in any indication.
[This is a lie, winning and being right are both straight-up Aveline crack]
Dinner and Diatribes- What’s your favorite food?
Hmm….. You’d think a pirate would grow tired of fish, but against all odds my fondness for it remains. (I know a large part of my enjoyment was likely due to our state of transformation, as it was, but the way Biscuit prepared that fish raw was still delectable.) Beyond that, I also enjoy dark chocolate.
Moment’s Silence- What do you find beautiful about the situation you’re in now?
Now, this is this kind of question I’d expect from you. Very… sentimental. Sweet.
I still have much to learn before I can begin to understand it, but I admit that there can be a wondrous element to the magic that all of you lot do. The way Frath puts those little glowing baubles into the air as he plays… That trick you did with your tattoo, bringing it almost to life… Even whatever the hell the captain does with that eye is interesting to watch. (This isn’t even to mention Nephrem, which was objectively stunning, of course.)
In the less literal sense, however….. It’s as I said before. You lot are very different from other pirates.
Foreigner’s God- Do you ever talk to yourself or something above?
For the last time, Tiller, I’m telling you that you misheard- I was having a conversation with Milo and he ran off before you arrived, I was NOT talking to Snapper!
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infinitejustice · 6 years
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At long last, a late Christmas present for my DND friends - It’s a formal portrait of our crew! (and a less formal polaroid for the wallet) 
From left to right there’s: Lander @negajustice , Kieran @merrigel , Zarra @anonimousplatipus , and Nox @ramblerogue ! Plus, hovering invisibly around all of them is our one and only DM, The God Himself, @yarbsale , couldn’t have made it this far without ya. 
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