bkdk-prophet · 2 days
MHA 424 SPOILERS - Bkdk holy shit
People cannot fault bkdks for thinking bkdk might be canon cause the amount of content?? The deliberate choice to give Katsuki most of the love interest tropes?? Izuku controlling his heart and being reluctant to voicing out his more personal feelings to and because of Katsuki ?? The suspicious and constant marketing?? Giga Jump cover with pastel colours and cherry blossom petals, distinctly different from other Giga covers?? Bkdk and Ochaco’s Japanese VA’s joking about Katsuki being the “heroine”?? Horikoshi recommending romance manga, particularly “Blooming Love,” which has main characters that resemble bkdk?? Nobuhiko Okamoto (Katsuki’s VA) making a BL manga (Boku no Kamikakushi) that has a childhood friends to lovers premise, with one of the main characters being named “Uzuki”?? The whole of Chapter 348 with the Katsuki sounding narration, telling us that Izuku’s oblivious to romantic feelings cause he’s a “damned nerd,” and the scenario Deku described to be romantic containing “holding hands” in an amusement park?? Bkdk’s Japanese Voice actors frequently being in amusement parks and posting abt them?? Bones’ change of heart, Bones’ change of heart. Ochaco’s All Might keychain, which was symbolic of her romantic feelings for Deku, becoming a symbol of her and Toga’s connection?? Katsuki having his own All Might themed card that also shares a connection with Izuku?? The fact that Hori cld’ve made the falling art canon, but instead made a distinction between Katsuki who, even when supposed to be at the hospital, flew all the way to Izuku to give him the final push and Ochaco who stays with the paramedics and cheers for Izuku from a distance?? The fact that it’s not even the first time similarities and distinctions were made between Ochaco and Katsuki?? Katsuki declaring that he envisioned a “forever” with Izuku??
It’s not even abt shipwars or abt who gets the most content, I am simply questioning the intent behind these choices cause they’re not pointing to the expected ending. Call me delusional but I’m sure it’s just not me who sees these all laid out. Like, I’m still trying to lower my expectations cause romance was never Hori’s focus—maybe his intention is to make them platonic soulmates and I will be fine with that—but dude. dude. The romance of it all is insane.
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fifteendoc · 3 days
theres no way some of you really think lord debling was the better option.
maybe a man that doesnt give a shit and will leave you for 3 years is the best for YOU but penelope wants and needs someone that cares for her, she has been dreaming about love since she was a kid.
she never had a loving family, never had support either, she felt alone her whole life (even though she had eloise and colin). she was ignored and bullied.
she deserves the love she always wanted and she wants a REAL family, a loving one and colin will gladly give it to her because BREAKING NEWS he always loved and cared for her
debling doesnt want a wife, he wants a housekeeper that will take care of his house for free while hes away. he would literally leave her with the family he said he absolutely despises. you guys really think she would be happier with him than she will be with the literal love of her life?
yes, penelope wants freedom and a husband would be able to give her that but i feel like some of you are forgetting that she also wants someone who will love her. one of the first things she asks debling is if he would be able to love her in the future and he says right away it would be difficult. perhaps some of you didnt pay attention to how disappointed she was at that moment. she wouldnt be happy in a marriage with him
do you really think penelope, who has been so lonely her whole life would be happy living like that?
you guys want love for anthony, daphne, francesca and benedict. why is pen any different?
again, she wants freedom but she also wants affection and happiness, if thats not for you and you would rather have a relationship with someone who will never be around thats fine but its not what she wants
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swagging-back-to · 1 day
when i was a kid i was so excited to grow up and to be able to fully experience pride month. I fantasized about month long celebrations, connection, parades, hanging rainbows everywhere and seeing amazing representation. I was only 11 when i had this idea in my mind.
now, not even a decade later, ive completely shunned the idea of pride at all. I hate it. i hate the capitalism, i hate the performatism, i hate the fetish freaks crawling out of the woodwork, i hate the misogynistic and homophobic trans ideology, i hate the rampant homophobia from 'queers', i hate the fact it's referred to as 'queer pride', i hate the 'progress' flag, i hate every single fucking thing about it.
and honestly? im conviced this was the goal. the whole goal was to turn so many gay people against the idea of pride that it slowly fades out of relevancy. and then eventually, there is no pride at all. eventually, there is no gay representation at all. eventually, all that's left is homophobia, misogyny, and transing of everyone and everything.
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druvjelly · 3 days
Oh god. TikTok has found “is Katniss native or not” discourse
People will do everything except accept the possibility of their favorite character being poc
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scarefox · 15 hours
Annoying how some people look at the pride parade footage of QL actors just to shoot at other actors (especially GMMtv) for not being present and just them posting supportive messages on xitter which apparently isn't good enough.
Bitch that isn't a battle of who is the best ally in the coolest outfit (if we ignore that GMMtv has queer actors, writers and directors among them too)
I am queer I don't go to parades. I know many others who don't go as well. For whatever various personal reasons. Doesn't make you less supportive.
I literally don't care as long as these actors show support in whatever way, I am fine with it. I see especially people shooting at Off.... as if he isn't super vocal about same sex marriage since years even outside of pride month. Gun always posting something during pride just more subtle. Also EarthMix whole marriage photo shooting that was about equal rights too. And there is surely more, just the first that come to mind. It is not as if GMMtv actors are all silent and all awful just because some actors said some stupid shit in the past. Stop generalising them all like that...
Same for other companies who don't attempt the parade but somehow people only look at GMM actors. I am not even big with GMMtv it's just a bit unfair imo how people judge here.
Maybe companies at pride is generally a bit questionable, edgy and they don't want to fall into that trap.
Anyways point is if they go there it's cool if not then that's fine too as long as they support in some other way. Besides the fact that Bangkok Pride event only just exists since ... 2-3 years now? It is still pretty new as an event / protest in Thailand.
But if you only pay attention to some of the actors support during pride month and ignore all the other times, then maybe it is a you thing....
(haven't seen that on tumblr btw. but on literally every pride video on tiktok the comment section is so annoying)
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untoldsoup · 1 day
Do Jehova witness's make a list of queer people to target? How do they find out? Legit worried rn.
I live in a hidden apartment. As in, the entrance requires not only trespassing to find, almost no one even knows that door leads to an apartment. In all the years I've lived here no one has ever knocked, EXCEPT Jehova witnesses.
How do they know im gay? How? I have no queer stuff anywhere in my yard or car. I dress and look straight. I have no signs of it.
Yet every first of pride month I get their hate mail on my door. My landlord NEVER gets it. And his door is the front one literally everyone goes to for all mail related things, and all other spam pamphlets go too.
It legit is causing me stress and making me feel targeted. I live in a very conservative area so anyone knowing I'm queer in any way could cost me my life. Not even sure how to handle this.
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iamchriswife · 2 days
its not seasonal depression.
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radskull-69 · 2 days
genuine question
why do people not like mammon? (from helluva boss)
‘He’s toxic and abusive!’ So is like- everyone in hell, EVERYONE IS A BAD GUY. The I.M.P kill people and children, and, fat shame, sexually assault moxie. But that’s okay apparently?
‘He looks like a Christmas tree 😒’ okay?? Every other character looks like they have fucking anorexia. Also, the joke is SO overused
‘He’s sexist!’ Uh-huh, THATS what makes you hate a character? Then people flock to Valentino.
like, you don’t have to favour him or find him attractive. But I constantly see people shit on him or be really surprised to see he has fans/simps, what’s surprising? He’s hot.
if you can simp for alastor (and trust me, I’ve read the fanfics as a kid and TRIED to see the vision but I can’t..) it’s not hard to believe people like the big funny Australian clown.
like, I keep seeing people drawing him skinny and EVERYONE in the comments is saying it’s ‘fixed’ and ‘it’s better’..
don’t even get me started on the merch, all the other characters are in skimpy clothes and sexy poses. But the ONE fat character in the merch is eating a chicken leg and dressed in their normal outfit…
(And then people say viv isn’t fatphobic..)
genuinely at this point I think people are being so biased when it comes to mammon, he’s a good character! He shouldn’t get so much hate..
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This is minor, but whenever I see people complaining about the wedding episode of Steven Universe, I think of how Rebecca Sugar in the Steven Universe podcast noted something; When she was young, LTGBAQ+ content was always PG-13+. As I am the same age as they are, I can confirm this. This was not just the case with published content, it affected websites too. I don't even mean sites like Fanficnet, I mean privately managed websites had 'if you run a slash (m/m term of the day) site, please don't use my art there' disclaimers. One of the websites involved in the Ms Scribe saga was judged harshly for allowing m/m or f/f content. People, without being ordered to, tagged their m/m fics PG-13. Even decades later, Sugar STILL had to sacrifice the rest of her show to have that wedding. Please remember this, people.
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Grant is autistic and has a special intrest in sharks. Terry lets him rant about sharks and he shit talks dolphins
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nintendonut1 · 9 hours
Alright, OP deleted the post and the owner of that blog apologized profusely, so I deleted mine too as I said I would.
They also told me that characters are submitted anonymously, and that they don't allow OCs for this exact reason.
So I'm giving out a blanket statement: you all need to treat others' OCs with respect. Don't fucking submit OCs to "hug-marry-kill" blogs. Don't involve them in harmful art. I cannot think of a less respectful way to show your appreciation for someone's work.
Also a hearty "fuck you" to everyone who wanted to kill Feliks in that poll, they're a multifaceted character that I pour my soul and energy into every update they're in.
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j0va-raine · 2 days
Riordanverse continuity sucks
honestly there's multiple plotholes in that whole universe. A small example that doesn't even effect dialogue, in The Last Olympian it says that they are planning on building the new cabins in a Ω shape, however, in The Lost Hero the cabins are said to be in a rectangle. This would be easily explained away by a change in desicion. Something slightly bigger though is how The Sun and the Star starts. It starts with Nico, Will, Kayla, and Austin talking about Star Wars. In The Lightning Thief however it is said that technology is not allowed because it will attract monsters. Chiron does have a computer in a special room coated in celestial bronze(or something like that), but it never sees much use. Is that what they watched Star Wars on? Probably not. So what did they watch on? Why was it allowed? Plotholes are expected in a series where the first book was written so long ago, but that I have to keep my voice small.
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cybermails · 1 day
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It rained so well today and thank god it did, it was sweltering hot here that I had like 4 ice creams last week (a poor attempt at justifying my cravings eheh)
I am planning to not pursue my current subjects anymore. I wish I had taken maths considering it was my best subject (I really don't know why I dropped it) but I can't change that now so I will just give my finals and get over with school soon to go for something I actually like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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gobletofgays · 3 days
Read Best Friends Brother and now I can’t stop thinking about Jegulus??? Like that’s incredible whoever came up with James and Regulus is a genius
chronic sunshineXgrumpy is my weakness I’m obsessed please I beg for more recs because i need a fix
(crimson rivers is on my tbr but I’m scared of being sad (same with art heist baby idk if I can cope with that I know how it ends and I know my weaknesses))
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" I didn't realize you think so low of me"
Weeeell, maybe because you are a royal who behaves as a royal. You have imp servants at your place, IMP SERVANTS, just like Blitzø. He probably had bumped into them once or twice, helloborns like himself, charged for keeping the maison clean, making meals, serving at events, why does he have any reasons to believe he's something different? He kinda always saw, even considering the feelings crescendo, the transition act as a service. Forced somehow ( we can see this very clearly during his trip session, chained, submissive) to do that for the benefit of his business, as he has no alternative. Does he have any other way to begin with, in a society with a strong pyramidal hierarchy portrayed from the very beginning of the show? The same one which exploits Imps and keeps hellhounds as Loona, sentient beings as intelligent as everyone else, as literal pets? And even if he is granted with freedom at the end, how is it noble to reserve this gift only if some romantic feelings are involved, and not because he thinks of imps as individuals deserving much more than exploration? Blitzø's reaction is not surprising at all, even without considering for a moment his low self esteem and traumatic past. And overall, is any good to being "special" to someone who doesn't seem, at least for what we saw until now, interested in ceasing to have servants of his kind? This show is also about privilege and class differences, but we tend to forget this. Just saying.
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thurio-edau · 1 day
tw silly rant :3
just a depressive episode. but trigger warning for another something
i feel fucking terrible that i had to leave my cousin's birthday party. she's the most important person in my entire world yet i had to leave her with our other cousins. it sounded like they wanted me to be there a lot but i couldnt be there. i hate this shit we were laughing and hanging out then suddenly a depressive episode hit me thinking everyone just hates me and wants me to leave out of nowhere and i had to leave because i couldnt take anything anymore. im trying so hard not to cut right now. she understood and tolerated me but i feel like i upset everyone and failed yet again
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