#rb this and tag what you see! fun new game :)
luckynumberthreed · 14 days
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Merry (not) Christmas ya filthy animals
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spiritualviolation · 10 months
from the response to this post
hi hello!! this post is a free space for people to come by and share their headcanons about a specific mcyt character, and this post is for grian!
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grian is like. one of those chars that are just headcanon central, so i thought it be appropriate to start with him
not-exactly-rules but some guidelines + my own headcanons under the cut!
- GO ABSOLUTELY NUTS!! share as MANY as you like, i literally don’t mind if you’re going to make a ten page essay about your headcanons. just go wild, just as long as it sticks to the character of this post! bc if it i do multiple characters on one post it might get overwhelming and messy
- you can either do it in the tags or you can just reblog and add to this, i don’t mind as long as it’s convenient for you! you can add to other people’s rbs but i do think it would be better if you rb it straight off this post, but that depends on you!!
- if you want to reblog with your design as well so you can explain your hcs, go ahead! i would absolutely love to see how people design the characters individually!!
i will probably make a masterpost for this but for now we’ll start humble, but i’m aiming to release one post per week, but maybe would speed it up if my schedule allows me!
so yea, go wild!
i will probably start with the life series peeps first but i am thinking of maybe doing qsmp peeps as well after!
my grian headcanons cause i wrote a whole thing in my notes app:
- in my hc, the forms of watchers are dream-like and amorphous, basically visual mindfucks in appearance. grian who was fairly new to the watchers still kept his regular human form, but those who have been watchers for a very long time eventually would lose their individual human identity, and is assimilated into the collective that are the watchers. grian, if give or take maybe a century, the same thing would have eventually happened to him.
- his wings, gifted to him when he was ‘taken’, are generally amorphous and shifting, and you can never focus what shape they’re supposed to be (they can give you a headache the longer you try to look at their genuine form), but he can disguise them in any shape he wants (bird wings, dragon wings, etc.) so it doesn’t hurt to look at them.
- grian cut off his association with them just several months after he was taken, joining hermitcraft not long after, estranging themselves from them.
- he can still use his powers (which include astral projection, and etc.), but because of his cut ties they’re significantly weaker than the average watcher. for example, watchers can ‘watch’ over an entire server, but grian can only ‘watch’ one person at a time.
- his reasons for not wanting to be assimilated into the watchers is that he knows what it’s like to have been pushed and forced to take up a role against his will (ahem high school ahem), and it’s hurt him and he won’t want to let it hurt him again. aside from that, he finds that the watchers are extremely boring, considering all they do is observing passively from the sidelines and all that, which is the complete opposite of how grian likes to operate. he finds it extremely restrictive and prevents him from actively participating in things. not wanting to be confined to that, he cut ties with them.
- however he still uses his powers for troublemaking and mischief, and also to help others when they need it. he doesn’t consider himself affiliated with the watchers because he thinks it’s merely some godly title and also because he wouldn’t want anyone to think him differently, so he doesn’t really hide it.
- as he denied his watcher status very early into joining them, he still has the physicality (stamina, energy and such) of a regular human. only his wings are amorphous instead of his entire form since his wings were given to him when he joined them.
- made the life smp as a fun game for his friends, but in my hc, they did a test run before starting 3rd life. it was during that test run when the watchers seized control over the server.
- during 3rd life, he put admin restrictions on himself to remove his wings so he couldn’t fly and it was fair game for the rest.
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barbietoiles · 6 months
Hello lovely people heres my One discourse post!! I want to keep this blog focused on the kind things but i want to get some things off my chest.
I am putting this post in main tags with care. Take care of yourself too.
I dont have twitter but ive heard all the unsavoury things. I am not having fun on tumblr either. Going into my usual tags and seeing so many greyed out posts with blocked terms.... For me the main drawback to enjoying this is the fandoms behaviour, and seeing the streamers so hurt is even worse; having them goof around WHILE talking about getting messages with death threats.
Of course its very important for streamers to address these things, call the fandom out and (if they so wish) talk openly and honestly about every horrible feeling theyre feeling. I wish they keep doing that.
I also wish people were kinder and the streamers didnt have to be this hurt. Please choose to be kind. We all came together to watch qsmp out of love - for the streamers, for the game, for the roleplay, what have you - so please choose to keep loving.
Feel free to share the things youve been loving about purgatory in my asks or rbs!!! I really do love this event and id love to multiply this enjoyment!!
Personally i LOVE the new gear development!!! Theyre just beating each other up with sticks and yelling !!!!!
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broodwolf221 · 8 days
OC tag game: Intended for Inquisitors but wording it so you can use for other OCs as well! Alternatively you can RB this to make posts for all the OCs you want, in case you don't want to tag others. and feel free to tag me (elvhenprince) or reply to this post so I can see your ocs!
tagged by @jazzmckay this time~
tagging: @dreadfutures | @wailing-willow | @arlathvhenan with the usual no pressure caveat <3 <3 <3
velari lavellan | she/her | 40 | mage, shapeshifter self-centered: originally selfish, now she's switched gears to being outright self-sacrificing, but it's all rooted in the same core of fear
Associated colours/symbols/animals
halla; ram (normal, not august rams); red, gold, and green
What are their hobbies/skills?
she's reasonably skilled with leatherwork and prior to joining the inquisition made her own gear. leather is the only material she feels confident working with though, and is subsequently the only material that gets ornamented. otherwise she reads - a lot. she and solas parallel play study lmao
Is there any art they are good/bad at, or interested in trying?
she considers some of her leatherwork to have an artistic bend to it, but it's not something she would call art. she's very focused on a piece being functional. and although she appreciates art in all its forms, she doesn't feel like it'd serve a purpose for her to create - she undervalues her own perspective and that shows here.
What is their comfort food? Do they cook it themselves?
she will eat whatever, she's not that picky. she likes tea... much to solas' chagrin. herbal, earthy flavors are her preference, but again, not picky.
An activity they like to do with their partner(s)/bestie(s)
reading! and she practices shapeshifting with morrigan - it's an important bonding activity for the both of them.
Would they be able to lie their way through a card game?
absolutely not. she struggles to hide her feelings and reactions, and although she's aware of it she's uh... really not getting that much better about it
With no regards as to whether it exists or is realistic, what would they want as a pet/companion?
something small and soft. i can see her with a cat tbh.
Do they have a night-time ritual? Does this differ if they are at their own residence vs somewhere else (e.g. camping)?
she has really, really bad insomnia, so her nighttime ritual is mostly "lay down and pretend like i can sleep." she probably gets somewhere between 3-4 hours of (interrupted!) sleep each night, but she spends a lot more time than that just laying down in bed. when she's with solas she falls asleep much easier. her nighttime routine in that case is, well, normally cleaning up after some fun with him... regardless, basic hygiene stuff and she usually brushes her hair and dresses in comfortable clothes before laying down
What is in their inventory?
almost exclusively practical items - extra rations, sewing materials, bandages and a few other basic first aid items, empty waterproof/oilskin wraps for things like herbs found while traveling, etc. as she's out and about she will take small mementos from animals she's killed, so those go in her pack as well but they stay in her room at skyhold.
Their preferred dress in these settings: Daily, formal, casual/bedding down
daily: long-sleeved but loose tunics, breeches, simple, muted colors formal: whatever josie picks. she's not into formal looks and she doesn't have a strong sense of fashion anyway. if she did pick her own outfit, she'd choose something that looked powerful rather than beautiful casual: same as daily tbh; for bed she usually takes her breeches off and switches to a short-sleeved tunic; alternatively, she'll sometimes sleep in a slip since several nice ones mysteriously ended up in her dresser at skyhold (she suspects josie)
After the events of the Main Plot, did your OC go back home, or reunite with their people from before? Why / why not? If they did, then did they bring any new friends/partners with them?
main plot is different for her and that's all i can say :)
How did your OC deal with permanent injuries/changes/trauma gained from their story, if any?
alas, a major spoiler for bigfic
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Oh, this is fun.
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Thanks @goldheartedchaoticdisaster for the tag!
1. Integrity Compromised - The Mandalorian
It was Greef who recommended her. Of course he ‘knew a guy’. Or woman, in this case.
“An engineer of extraordinary talent,” Greef had said over the holo-com. And she would have to be, if she was going to be able to handle Mandalorian armour.
2. Loyalty, Divided - Uncharted
“Let’s try this again,” Sully said, stretching his hand across the table. “Victor Sullivan. My friends call me Sully.”
The kid smiled a little at that.
Friends. Don't suppose he has a whole lot of those right now.
3. Brothers and Sons - Red Dead Redemption 2
He watched his daddy hang.
A part of him hoped the old man would end with some kind of pride. Show some spine. Jut his chin at the sky and meet his maker like a man. But the bastard was whimpering by the end.
4. On the Road - The Last of Us
“Your watch is broken.”
She points it out as if he hasn’t noticed.
He almost laughs. Snorts air out his nose, but doesn’t bother to reply. There’d be no way to explain it even if he did. The watch’s face is cracked and the battery died long ago, but it would be like losing a limb to take it off. Some days the weight of it is all that keeps him in the world.
5. The Last Strand - Death Stranding
There’s so much he needs to tell her. So much he’s gonna have to teach her. But what the hell does he know? And where does he even begin?
He starts with the alphabet because even though she can’t speak and doesn’t even know what the fuck a letter is, he figures it’s a fundamental thing you’re meant to teach kids and she seems to like the rhythm and recitation of it as he walks.
6. Red Dead Whumptober - Red Dead Redemption 2
The wire sliced into his skin like a snakebite, its barbs latching on and pulling tight into the flesh of his thigh, his side, his arm, ripping tears into his brand new shirt and all. Dutch’d given him that shirt just last week and he’d be givin’ him an earful for bleeding all over it, too.
7. The Longest Dark - The Mandalorian
He did the math without really thinking. His navi-computer was programmed to sync with the Galactic Standard Calendar, based on the Coruscant solar system, but a little conversion in his head and suddenly the date, and its significance, was embedded in his thoughts.
He tried to shake it off. Nostalgia served very little purpose except to distract you from the present, and besides, there was no one to share it with, so what did it matter?
8.  Babysitting Cassie - Uncharted
Sam fidgeted at the front door, listening to the various noises of family life behind it. Little running feet; Nathan’s voice raised in a teasing kind of threat; that big dumb dog of theirs, barking its big dumb head off; Elena yelling at them all to stop fooling around, then giggling as she presumably got caught up in whatever game they were playing.
9.  A Normal Life - Uncharted
“Look, kiddo. I’d rather do a lot of things than eat my vegetables but you gotta do it,” Sam sighed, as Cassie pouted over her plate.
“They’re mushy.”
“They are cooked to perfection you tiny Gordon Ramsay.”
The pout deepened. “I’m not a gord-damn namsy!”
10. Blood Brothers - Uncharted
 Head for the lighthouse.
They were so close. Sam could see the top of the dilapidated tower jutting up above the cliffside. They were gonna make it. Of course they were. It’s what they did – scrambling and half-assing their way through situations that should have been the end of them. If the Drake brothers had a business card, By The Skin Of Our Teeth would be their tagline.
I have no idea who to tag because I am terrible at who the heck is who on here and Ao3 so if you wanna take this and RB please do!
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love-bokumono-fics · 6 months
Casual Prompt November 2023
The votes are in and winning by a slim margin this month, the Casual Prompt is...
✨ Fantasy AU! ✨
There's already lots of magic in the HM/SoS games, but sometimes you just want a different kind of magic. So what will it be this time? Will you drop your favorite characters into a world full of wizards and dragons? Will you have them play a fantasy game together? Sketch out what they would look like as D&D Characters, map out what they would play in a tabletop game? Or will they just be your humble farmer trying to make a living in a world where a dragon might come visit their farm on a whim, or mermaids and fairies are their closest neighbors.
The possibilities are endless, but however you envision it, the results will be magical!
This being a very casual event, you can create whatever you want based off the prompt. Write a long fic or a short fic. Make it shippy or gen. Draw a sketch, or a comic, or paint a whole canvas.
Whatever strikes your fancy!
Make something that you want to make, something you can have fun with! Flex your muscles, stretch your wings, try something new, experiment, go wild! Or use this as a soft landing ground, a place for you to come back and rest in your comfort zone while you work on other projects. Fill the prompt once, fill it twice, do it a dozen times if you’re feeling up to it! There are no rules, just have fun!
You don’t even have to put in in the Bokumono fandoms. If you’re inspired for something else then go for it!
And hey, if one of the other prompt choices for this month inspired you more, you can do that one instead. I won’t stop you.
And if you fill the prompt and want to share, tag the blog so I can rb it, or drop a link to it in the submissions. I want to share and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with.
Happy creating!
Final poll results under the cut
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void-kissed · 1 year
the changes darkness brings (Clio/Aria)
Shortly after the Keyblade War has taken place, and the Dandelions have successfully resumed life in their new world, Clio receives a special mission from the Foretellers to clear out Heartless in the Corridor of Darkness. In the process of carrying it out, she finally finds Aria again, whom she had not seen since becoming unchained - but something seems to have happened to her.. (4359 words) Set during KHUX Quest 491; note that much of Chirithy's dialogue is taken directly from the game. Sequel to my previous piece of writing for this selfship. Content warning for a monstrously-transformed character (or, rather, my self-insert). This is a Darkling AU.
This piece officially sets the new record for "longest piece of selfship writing I've written" at over four thousand words, ahahaha. This is what happens when I'm able to write fun descriptions, so I hope that it's alright to show this off, because I'm proud of how it turned out!
(Anyone is welcome to comment on and reblog my work if desired, as long as my DNI is respected! Tag list and document transcript are under the readmore.)
Tag list: @sol-rbs | @dragonsmooch | @bugsband | @sunlight-ships | @friezaforce | @hallowed-nebulae | @stargazer-sims | @pvssinboots | @detective-with-one-arm | @deepsea-loves | @sunshimm | @artificervaldi | @thatslikesometaldude (To be tagged in my work in the future, please see this post!)
Document transcript:
It looked like a sunny early morning in Daybreak Town, and the tall Keyblade wielder was ready bright and early to start off her mission for the day, much like she would be on most other days. A mint-green Foxstar was happily keeping pace behind her, eagerly looking around at the familiar buildings the two passed on their way to where today's mission briefing would be given.
The only thing that could be called "out of place" was the fact that, instead of just sticking to her usual comfortable clothing, Clio was instead wearing a suit of shining spiked armour over her clothes, its light blue and dark purple details complementing her eye colour perfectly. Only her head was uncovered, but the crown of clovers that normally adorned her hair was left safely back in her room. She did not normally need - or want - to wear such serious attire, but her companion Chirithy had informed her to make sure that she was prepared for today's mission, so she thought it might come in handy to don the regalia she and the rest of the Sapphires had won for being one of the top one hundred parties in the Anguis Union.
As she made her way out onto the streets and through to one of the town's many open plazas, Chirithy popped into view in front of her, bouncing ahead to perch on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the square.
"Alright then, Chirithy - what are we up to today?" she asked, following it forwards to the fountain. Despite knowing that what was coming was important, her voice kept its usual cheerful tone.
"You've been doing a fantastic job lately." it said in response. "So, I have a present for you!"
It stuck a grey paw into its signature pink purse and rustled around in there for a moment, giving Clio time to sit down next to it on the fountain's edge and watch with curiosity. Tea Leaf, her Foxstar, hopped up next to her as well, as if wondering whether he would get a present too. Finally, Chirithy found what it was looking for, and pulled out a glittering bangle that caught the rays of the rising sun spectacularly.
"Dun dada duun! The Bracelet of Light!" it exclaimed, perhaps slightly too loudly and dramatically for what felt like so early in the morning. It hopped up and pushed the bracelet over Clio's wrist, at which she grinned and leapt up again to twirl it around on her outstretched hand with a laugh.
"I'm glad you're excited, but gee, calm down." it said playfully, the light-hearted tone in its voice showing it wasn't being serious. "Why don't you put it somewhere for safekeeping?"
"Hey, a bracelet's meant for wearing!" Clio countered. She did consider dispelling the armour for a moment to put it away in her pocket underneath, but decided to keep the bracelet on her wrist instead; with how she had to hold her gauntleted hand to get it on in the first place, she was fairly confident it wouldn't fall off of its own accord.
"Thanks for this, by the way!" she told it with another smile. "It means a lot that you think I'm doing well."
"You are!" it said confidently. "But, you also need it for this upcoming mission."
"Oh yeah?"
"With that bracelet, you can protect yourself against darkness." Chirithy explained, regaining a more serious tone of voice. "You'll need it for the special mission we got from the foretellers."
"Huh? Special mission?" Clio's eyes widened slightly at this announcement. "This must be why you wanted me to come in my regalia too, I'm guessing, but- what's this mission all about, then?"
It nodded to show she had guessed correctly. "You'll be doing the same thing - you know, dealing with monsters.. Just in a different, darker place.."
As it spoke, something started to materialise in the plaza, a short distance from the fountain, and it turned to face it. The air seemed to shimmer for a moment, before a ring of dark energy suddenly appeared and transformed into an oval shape. Clio let out a "Whoa!" of surprise, and instinctively stood up from the fountain to try and get a better look at what had just appeared.
"..Wait, you mean I have to go in *there?!*" she exclaimed after a pause. Chirithy's own lack of shock, and subsequent nod in response to her question, had let her figure out that this was intentional, but she still seemed uncertain - and surprised.
"Your mission is to defeat the Heartless in the Corridor of Darkness." it continued matter-of-factly. "But be careful. That bracelet can only protect you for so long."
"Right.." Clio trailed off as she continued looking at the portal, trying to gain some idea of what would lie beyond it but only seeing flowing darkness cloud the doorway. Tea Leaf was now standing on the ground next to her, and trying to look determined, but his tail was slightly bristled due to his fur sticking up, which showed he was also uncertain.
"The fact you're wearing the Anguis Regalia will help you in there too, but there's quite a lot of targets for you to take down, so this isn't going to be easy." said Chirithy, who had really never been too good at sugarcoating things. "I'd recommend you bring your Starlight for this. Or, no, your Sleeping Lion's upgraded all the way, right? Some of your targets are magic-attribute, so having strong speed attacks will be good.."
"Thanks for your insight, Chirithy." Clio replied. Then, she walked away from the fountain, and as she did so, a winged helmet appeared on her head, matching her armour perfectly. A blue cobra, the insignia of Anguis, was emblazoned above her forehead, and her face was now protected by a sheet of purple-tinted glass. Tea Leaf let out a bark at this change, but she crouched down and ruffled his forehead gently with a smile, which was more than enough to reassure him of her presence.
The dark corridor's entrance loomed ominously before her, standing out like a sore thumb in the peaceful fountain square. Tea Leaf raced up to stand next to her, poised and ready to help as always. Chirithy's eyes narrowed as she went against its prior suggestion, choosing to summon Missing Ache again instead of her stronger Sleeping Lion, but any concerns it may have had were allayed when it spotted her determined expression through her visor.
"I'm all set!" she declared, turning to look over her shoulder with a smile.
"I knew I could count on you, kiddo." Chirithy replied. "Now go and get 'em! I'm rootin' for you!"
"I will!"
With the bracelet's light shining, her armour glinting strongly, and her Keyblade's darker colour scheme giving them both space to glow, she stepped into the corridor of darkness.
The process of going through the portal was noticeably uncomfortable - it was nothing like anything that Clio had previously experienced, and the darkness felt heavy and constricting even through the armour she was wearing. Thankfully, that sense of heavy closeness opened up somewhat once she had made it into the corridor itself, but there was still a foreboding sense of discomfort that hung in the air. Red and blue threads seemed to weave their way through the floor like wires, and misty clouds of darkness obscured the details of her surroundings; everything had a sense of flowing movement to it that would almost make her feel like she was floating underwater if not for how solid the ground felt at her feet.
It only took a few moments before the first signs of trouble made themselves known to her; a Violet Waltz and a Shadow both rushed towards her quite suddenly, as if they had appeared out of nowhere from the darkness itself. Thankfully, such relatively weak Heartless were of no threat to a seasoned Keyblade wielder like Clio - she was a Sapphire for a reason, after all - and two uses of Nature's Gift were more than enough to let the rest of her Medals defeat them. Tea Leaf helped her out as well, using his tricks as a Spirit Pet to help dispel status conditions the Heartless tried to inflict on her. Even still, despite all of these advantages, she could tell that these enemies were noticeably stronger than normal as she fought them, and they also seemed to be appearing more frequently than she was used to as well.
As she tentatively made her way through the corridor, she remained aware of the bracelet on her wrist, which was giving off enough light for her to always be able to see her surroundings and not feel pressured by the darkness despite how much of it there was around her. While its presence was undoubtedly essential, especially as Chirithy had stressed its importance before starting the mission, she couldn't help but wonder whether its powerful light was somehow interfering with the Reversed Medals that she had equipped on her Keyblade. They were by no means her strongest, but she could still hold her own with the powers she had to hand - and the fact she had wielded Missing Ache since arriving in the new world with her fellow Dandelions was a sentimental gesture more than a strength-based one anyway.
It was as she found the first target that things started to take a turn.
Chirithy had told her to be on the lookout for a Darkball before moving to the next part of the corridor, and sure enough, one was now hovering idly some distance away from her. Despite its lazily-floating appearance, Clio knew that this type of Heartless was not to be underestimated, because of how they could sap an opponent's strength before raising their own. She decided not to take any chances once she had spotted it, and made a strong first strike using Ultimate Sword - the Medal's power let her summon a ring of shining swords around herself before soaring forwards to attack the Heartless three times in rapid succession. It was clearly not expecting such a powerful move, and one of Tea Leaf's tricks gave her an opportunity to strike an extra time with her attack, giving the Darkball no time to react before being soundly defeated in a burst of light and Lux.
"Alright, that's the first main target down!" she said aloud, reaching down to give Tea Leaf another well-earned head ruffle for its hard work in helping her. Her Keyblade was still in her other hand, but she felt confident in her pace, even despite how harsh the environment around her was.
It was then that she heard an unrecognisable sound, this time from behind her. And when she turned around, nothing could have prepared her for what she saw.
The figure looked a bit like it was crouching, touching the ground with all four limbs - its claws were a deep red, fading down into a dark blue-black that covered much of the arms and legs. However, most of the arms and legs were obscured by admittedly-tattered pieces of clothing - torn brown trousers that were ragged at the ends, a fluffy black fleece that had tears in the sleeves, the remains of a white T-shirt still draped over the body like a shroud, and what could have once been a red scarf sitting wrapped around the neck. Its messy hair was a strange mix of golden and black, and fell wildly over most of its face; two horn-like structures appeared to rise up from the top of its head, and a pair of black wings with dark red feathers jutted out from its back, looking decidedly too thin for their length.
Despite everything about what was in front of her - the powerful darkness it was emanating, the many monstrous features it possessed - it only took Clio a moment to fully recognise what could have been facing her, which happened as soon as she spotted the loops of empty red ribbon on the left side of its head.
"No.. There's- there's no way.."
Her words held denial, but she had already realised the truth. Now, she faced the awful decision of what to do next as her body shook with apprehension. In that moment, the tension paralysed her so strongly and she had gripped her Keyblade so tightly that it sputtered out and disappeared, causing her to freeze further with rising panic. The figure had seemed poised to leap when she first saw it, as if ready to attack at any moment; it held itself tensely on its claws, and a growling sound could be heard coming out of its mouth. However, at the dissipating of Clio's Keyblade, it almost seemed to settle very slightly, all of a sudden appearing like at least slightly less of a threat. Clio could see this change happen, and was filled with even more emotion at the sight of it - her relief at not being immediately attacked was quickly swallowed whole by the implications of what that meant.
When she spoke again, Clio's voice was shaking almost as much as she was.
"Aria, what *happened* to you..?"
Tears started welling up and running down her cheeks as she made the admission and said the name aloud - as she admitted that what she was looking at was painfully suspected to be the partner she had been separated from at the flight of the Dandelions, her girlfriend whom she had been forced to leave behind for the sake of escaping the war. The figure seemed to become more alert in response to her words, but gave no indication of replying, still staring up at her silently with what could possibly have been mistaken for apprehension.
It was then that Clio remembered she was wearing her regalia - a full-body suit of armour that obscured most of her features and was said to provide protection and defence against darkness. She did not normally choose to wear it for most missions - in fact, as Aria had joined the Sapphires some time after the regalia was awarded, she had actually never seen Clio wearing the whole thing herself. Taking any part of it off seemed like a death sentence, not only in such a dangerous place as a corridor of darkness, but also with such a monstrous entity present directly in front of her.. but it was the only thing Clio could think to do in her desperation and hope that she could somehow be recognised, and the idea had settled in her mind with soul-crushing finality.
"Please.. *Please* still be in there somewhere, Ari.. I- I'm trusting you..!"
With her eyes tightly shut, Clio reached up to grab her winged helmet with trembling hands. In one motion, she lifted it off of her head, only to freeze as it tumbled from her grasp, holding her breath and tensing up all over again as it landed on the floor.
And then the figure lunged forwards.
Clio had braced herself as much as she could in the state she was in, but she was still thrown down to the ground herself from the force. The impact was not as hard as she had feared, and it took her a moment to realise that this was because her head and her back had been cushioned by a pair of arms that hit the ground ahead of her. She became aware of a very slight weight on top of her as she opened her eyes - a blood-red claw was curled around the left side of her face, but no part of it dug in whatsoever, and it was even splayed as if to avoid hurting her eye by accident. Something was pressing itself into the base of her neck, but then lifted. The weight shifted, though its movement could scarcely be felt for how light it was, and Clio was met with a face - and she could finally make out the details that distance and darkness (and the purple tint of her visor) had previously clouded.
What she had briefly mistaken for horns were in fact still a pair of ears, lynx-like and lined with thick, darkness-covered fur. They poked upwards from the head of identically-coloured hair, once a dark golden blonde that had since been mostly stained with inky black, and from this lack of distance, she could finally see the figure's face clearly from beneath the messy hair. A scar ran down the left side of her face, but it hadn't healed like a normal injury would - instead, it looked like melting darkness had covered or perhaps created the wound, staining her sclera pitch-black. In fact, both eyes were now set in that same darkness, which was spreading out to form a leopard-like pattern around them. Her eyes themselves *blazed* with glowing amber, predator's pupils carving through them like slits cut by a knife - and were those tears welling up at the corners? When her mouth opened, it did so to reveal fangs that were even sharper than they had been before; they looked as though they could pierce through skin just as easily as water.
More incredibly, when her mouth opened, what came out was a warped and scratched - but still unmistakeable - voice.
"Clio.. *My* Clio.. You're here.. you're- really here.."
"I found you.. I *found you..* I finally.. finally found you..!"
As she spoke, emotion rose up in her voice until it was shaking, and her eyes were fully filled with the same tears that Clio’s had held before. This was enough to set both of them crying into each other, hugging so tightly that it looked like they would never let go. A whirlwind of feelings - joy, exhaustion, happiness, disbelief, desperation, hope, elation, and a thousand other things - overwhelmed the pair so strongly that it was almost as if their feelings could be physically seen in the air. All that could be heard ringing out through the darkness were both of their sobs as they lay on the floor of the corridor, holding each other as much as they could out of such all-encompassing relief to have found each other again.
It was Aria’s tears that finally slowed first, but she was content to stay where she was once they had come under control, emitting a sound that almost made Clio nervous again before realising it was more of a purr than a growl this time. Finally, the Keyblade wielder caught her breath and was able to speak up herself.
“Ari, we- we should probably go. I need to get you out of here.”
“We can leave..? You can still leave?” she replied tentatively. Her voice was slightly less hoarse now considering how much she had just been crying, and would sound almost fully familiar if not for the fearful quality some of it still held. Her eyes still glowed strongly like before, and Clio could see that they kept darting about, looking at every part of her face except her own eyes directly. The familiarity of that movement was enough to make her smile, and it brought her yet another sense of relief.
"Yeah, don't worry. I know how to get out of here, and I'm not leaving without you."
She shifted to start to get off the ground, which prompted Aria to quickly move off to the side in order to let her stand. Once she was up, Clio held out her hand to help Aria stand up as well- but she flinched away upon touching the bracelet of light that still hung from Clio's wrist.
Both of them made the same sort of sound at the same time, but Aria was holding the side of her claw as if it had caught on something sharp as Clio took a step backwards. A shock of worry shot through her system, but she was able to settle down once confident that her girlfriend had not been seriously hurt.
"Uh.. Hmm.. I don't want to keep this on if it hurts you, but I kind of need to keep it close before we get out, just in case.." Clio mumbled.
Aria stared up at her for a moment, before giving a nod. "That's.. I understand. It's- This is-"
She started shaking her hand up and down in the air, just like she sometimes used to when the right words would not come to mind for a moment.
"..This place is not safe for you." she finally settled on. "Even so- I won't let anything here hurt you."
A gentle smile appeared on Clio's face. "Thank you, Ari - that really means a lot.."
She trailed off in thought again, trying to decide what to do about the bracelet, before looking down towards the ground and catching sight of her Spirit Pet, who had dutifully been standing guard for the pair. A burst of inspiration came to mind, and she crouched low to the floor in front of him.
"Hey, Tea Leaf, could you maybe hold this for me?" she asked. As she did so, she took hold of the bracelet and managed to twist it off of her wrist. Tea Leaf let out a happy-sounding bark, and took hold of the bracelet in his mouth once Clio had shown it to him. With a few wags of his tail, he took a step back to look at Aria and Clio in succession. The bracelet still shone with the same light as before.
"You.. would really do that for my sake?" Aria asked quietly, still sitting half-upright on the floor of the corridor.
"In a heartbeat." Clio replied, once again smiling brightly. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe."
For the first time in what felt like far too long, Aria smiled back, and she took Clio's hand with as much softness as her claws could muster. It was easy for Clio to help her stand up, and she used the momentum to embrace her love once more, before quickly letting go to let her lead the way out.
In a flash of green-tinged darkness, Clio summoned Missing Ache once again, and reached around with her other hand as soon as she sensed Aria flinch behind her at its materialising. A part of her was sad that even Keyblades with such a strong Reversed focus, and the Keyblade she had been wielding ever since having to leave Aria behind because of that focus, triggered such a strong instinctive response in her now; but any concerns that were building dissipated just as easily when she felt her girlfriend's hand - now clawed, and now stained, but still *hers* - hold on gently to her own.
Light flooded into the corridor as an entryway was made within it with the Keyblade, the way out shining blindingly with the might of the breaking day. Aria lowered her head behind Clio's shoulder to hide from its brightness, so she gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, always reminding her that she was there for her again now. The pair stepped through the portal together, keeping close to one another as Tea Leaf brought up the rear.
"Your mission is to defeat the Heartless in the Corridor of Darkness."
That was what Chirithy had said to her, what felt altogether like so recently and so long ago back at the fountain.
Instead, she had abandoned her mission entirely just after starting it, and while what was left of Aria's clothing made it unclear whether she now bore an Emblem on her chest, Clio knew in her heart that a Heartless was who was now following her back into the world that was supposed to be light-filled.
Even so, she was firm in her decision, and knew that she was doing the right thing - love and care for the people she cared about had always been more dear to her than mindlessly following rules, after all.
There could be time for tricky questions after everything had settled - after she had held her arm out over Aria's eyes upon stepping back out into Daybreak Town, after she had breathed a sigh of relief to see the plaza still empty, after she had successfully made it back to her room and closed the curtains to make the space as dark as possible for Aria to relax and remain in.
For now, all that mattered was that the two had finally fulfilled their earlier promise, and come back to each other once more.
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marley-manson · 1 year
hahaha yes.jpg i was hoping you'd rb that writing ask game i am v curious about 💝💋🍭🌿 and may be back with others if i see no one asks them
Oh nice, tyvm! Glad I decided to reblog after all lol
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
hmmm, I'm a litte surprised that my Hawkeye/Frank fic got a lot of positive comments, but as a smaller pair it does kinda make sense since people looking through the ship tag are more likely to find it and be excited about a new fic.
Also in general any comments about someone being emotionally affected by what I write is a little surprising (and really awesome), because I'm pretty emotionally detached from my own writing, and I tend to aim for subtle indications of emotion over big statements and idk if it works most of the time lol, so if I make someone feel some kind of way it feels like a real success.
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
I actually don't care either way, whatever the author does is fine with me. If I leave a long involved comment I might look forward to a response, but if I don't get one I'll forget about it in a day or two anyway lol, and it's nbd.
🍭why did you start writing?
Like way back when I was a kid I just had ideas I wanted to express somehow, and I was no good at drawing lol so it had to be writing. I usually only wrote summaries and outlines of stuff at first, then I started writing scenes and failed attempts at fic that never got anywhere bc I'd run out of steam after half a scene, then longer scenes, and now I'm finally writing full fics. And I still write because I have ideas/opinions/hot takes that I want to express and sometimes meta just doesn't cut it.
There's also a 'be the change you want to see' mentality lol, I only feel inspired to write if no one else is writing [concept]. One nice thing about being really picky about characterization is that the motivation to write remains pretty constant, because the more specific I am about what I want to see, the less likely it is that someone else has already written it.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
I enjoy it! If I didn't enjoy it I wouldn't do it lol, I have v little willpower to push myself through something I don't want to or have to do. I do find it most enjoyable when writing from Hawkeye's pov right now - like I genuinely really enjoy describing things from Hawkeye's pov, the comparisons he makes, the way he phrases stuff, it's super fun to emulate and I always get a little kick when I write something that feels genuinely funny or witty lol. If I'm writing "my own" prose (or BJ's pov lol) then I find that the act of putting words together feels more like work and I have to get enjoyment from just creating what I want to see.
I'm actually unofficially planning to polish up and finish a Berserk wip I've had in my docs for like 5 years for a fandom event, and I'm wondering if I'll have fun or find it a chore lol, since I'm not at the height of my Berserk obsession and neither character has an intrinsically fun voice to write in.
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3vocatio · 1 year
peeped here out of curiosity (i know u have good takes and rb good/interesting takes + filtered words don’t work when viewing blogs and i’ve filtered every single om tag ever) and uknow what? while there’s aspects of the (supposedly) satan-focused i greatly enjoyed (mostly as writing inspo and just the enjoyment of the moment itself more than its part in the overall narrative tbh) i was endlessly frustrated by the fact that diavolo got the true highlight. i couldn’t place why the hell it made me so annoyed but you’re right—the real main character of the story was diavolo and it annoys the hell out of me that satan was painted as more of the bad guy. despite having the most screen time, satan felt like he was simply a means to an end, with the end being some way to show/remind the audience all of diavolo’s princely qualities that often get sidelines in favor of his usual behavior in events.
like. i greatly enjoyed seeing satan lose his shit to the point of terrifying crowds of demons. i liked seeing him lock himself away after to try and process everything by himself. the bits of vulnerability when mc finally manages to speak to him? love. (not that much of it is actually new info but i do enjoy that it’s there)
but the rest of everything else has me pulling at my hair. especially the ending… i wanted mc to ask for something that would be primarily to satan’s benefit after all the bullshit that happened. (and also satan thanking diavolo for giving mc his stars felt… idk. it felt like it encapsulated how a lot of the story key part felt; reminding us that diavolo’s the actual ‘hero’ here and not satan.)
ahdksjakdja so yknow. just some thoughts i wanted to send you. i didnt wanna log into my om blog even though i probably should for thoughts like this >.>;; once again a majority of my real fun came from rewriting everything, which i guess is something since almost all of the non-bday om content for the last several months hasn’t even gotten me inspired enough to bother rewriting anything.
/end yet another rant abt om content shdjssjs
hello...pretend i responded to this first /j
to validate what you mentioned, i also only enjoyed snippets of that event (though as we know, it's been like this for most obey me events for a long time); diavolo aside, witnessing satan compose himself with such sincerity and generousity felt like a blessing tbh. he knows his limits, he knows what upsets him and he should be listened to, even if he gets emotional about it. so what! most of us become emotional when defending something we hold close to our hearts, and satan was no different.
i've said this in the other ask you sent, but you came back right on time as the new lore-focused obm game has been announced! satan was one of their focal points that they mentioned, as well as lore surrounding the (pre & post) celestial realm, solomon, and the attic. it's gotten the entire fandom riled up including myself, and everything looks promising so far :)
i was wondering why the spacing between events in-game have been getting longer and longer, and i'm glad to know it's because they're putting importance on quality over quantity. they began making baby steps in the previous "single character-focused" events, but i'd like to mention that i am very satisfied with the release of simeon's new birthday event, especially when you compare it to the first one for symbolism reasons.
i won't go in-depth about it now unless someone asks me to share my thoughts, but it was the right amount of promising writing i needed to give me hope. for you specifically, satan didn't delve into any cat shenanegains and when he confronted lucifer & brought up a good point, he was acknowleged and listened to. everyone did such a good job...aaaa <3
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arisatominakos · 1 year
i want your gif making lore. 7, 9, 17, 15, 20, 26, 40, 45, and 49!
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers
ohmans thats hard khfdsa. i actually am big fans of a lot of gifmakers out there that i dont follow but i see their stuff all the time in the tags & rb from them etc etc. but like i do follow a lot of folks who’s stuff i rlly enjoy and are folks that tend to inspire me. its a bit unfair to list just three so fkjsdha uhh @aartyom  @eurodynamic @onewingedangels @preciousgyro @entreri @marogarreh @thequantumranger @trident
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs
i dont fully remember, i think a mix of just fandom stuff w/ friends & rp blogs. i do remember it was a hellacious journey until i could figure it out and since then i just have tried to keep improving or learning new things etc etc.
17. 10 sets, 8 sets, 6 sets? How many gifs to you prefer in a set
this is VERY dependent on the set im making at the time. i try to avoid like sets with a lot of images bc i get very tired with the task. but some stuff like i try to do between 2-5 so it looks nice in a post.
15. Have you ever had gifs stolen and reposted
constantly. usually its my avan gifs or star trek gifs. which is like the major reason i dont do them anymore or do a lot of non-video game slash anime sets. i tend to confront the person or ask them to take it down & it goes as well as you expect half the time: not the best. the worst time was a rp blog stealing all my avan gifs, not aware i was in the same rp circles so like tons of mutuals( most shared between the two of us ) notified me & they blocked me on said blog so i had to message them from my personal + other blogs i had at the time as well as said mutuals spoke with them as well before they took them down. it was a very frustrating day.
20. Mac or PC
i have experience with both mac & pc, however my default is my pc which is built for gaming. i’ve had mac laptops in the past via my older sister who would give me her school handmedowns. as far as specifically creating art gifs what have you, i have no preference between the two.
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
sO I KNOW A LOT OF PPL DO THAT WHERE THEY MAKE STUFF AND SAVE IT IN DRAFTS BUT IM DKSJHA i just i dont have the like mental fortitude to make something and not post it soon after. back when i was doing rp stuff & writing i used my drafts very heavily for wips & i sorta do that w/ gifsets in a way. as i make them i have a opened draft to upload each one to see how they look on tumblr, if they upload correctly, & to check coloring between my main monitor secondary monitor & phone as well so i make sure colors are good theres no washes etc. so usually if there is something in the drafts im currently working on it or its about to be posted so there are zero things in my drafts other than this ask kfsha
40. Why do you make gifs
good question. no clue. fkjhdsa but its fun & i enjoy it. its also just fun to share my interests in a way that can be shared by other people in reblogs etc. reading the tags of my sets & seeing ppls reactions or just opinions or whatever is just it rlly makes it. I Make Gifs For The People.
45. Ever gotten hate over a set
i’ve had ppl disrespect me bc of a gifset but ive never gotten hate persay. i do get a lot of bitchy people upset about my “do not repost or remove caption.” that i add to my posts which like i tend to ignore. realistically i cant stop ppl from doing such but it has helped so i keep doing it. usually i get a comment on said set they reblogged that day or in the tag but ive gotten 1 ask once about it & it was p funny. but proper hate with a valid reason ? nah.
49. How much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing
oH SO MUCH LOL. from coloring, to timing of the frames, to composition, to typography, to quality. the more i make the better i get. && there are things i want to redo to see how much i’ve improved. im not using the best tools to make these, but i’ve seen my improvement i’ve seen how much better i am & it’s rlly nice to be able to visually see your growth.
                                     /  GIFMAKER ASKS
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the-gray-ghosty · 2 years
Tag game time!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @imaturtledontchaknow !! <33
Name: Gray
Sign: Aries
Height: 5"9
Time: 6:40
Birthday: March 21st
Favorite bands/artists: Cavetown and Foo Fighters (Though I also love Pentatonix and the How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack)
Last movie: last night my friend and I watched Sing 2 as we painted (I didn't pay much attention but it seemed like a good movie)
Last show: supernatural
When I created this blog: I think May from two years ago but that might be wrong-- honestly I don't remember
What I post: mostly Supernatural stuff (mainly about Sam), and random other interests
Last thing I googled: "what kinds of scorpions are poisonous" (yesterday my friend just got stung by a scorpion so we were trying to figure out if he should go to the hospital or not lmaooo (he's fine now btw))
Other blogs: @legoninjagoheadcanons (I am very inactive on there and mostly post/rb fanart whenever new seasons come out)
Do I get asks: yeah! Mostly from mutuals and/or from ask games. but I have gotten a few hate anon asks which are always fun to see
Following: I'm currently following 292
Average hours of sleep: 6-7
Instruments: none 🤷
What I'm wearing: green tiedye sweat pants and a grey t-shirt
Dream job: an avian veterinarian (birds) or maybe a zoo veterinarian,, but idk
Dream trip: New Zealand, Britain or Rome
Nationality: American
Favorite songs: uhhhh too many to list but I really love Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons
Last book I read: I re-read the Hobbit a while ago, I think that's the last book. (I read so much fanfiction though so)
3 fiction universes I'd live in: i don't know, I guess maybe Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Jurassic Park (because I would love to see a dinosaur)
Tagging: @birdgirl1772 @ghost-go-roasty-mctoasty @bradycore @moostiel @itdobecannon @finalgirlsammie @approximately7raccoons @fandom-hoarder @cordellwinchesterwalker @samsuperman @frostysfrenzy @disneyprincesssamwinchester @iwantsilmarils @violenceadvocate @heaven-ecologist @fae-and-night
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fucky-oureyes · 7 days
*folds hands together* 😎 welcome. we have some redwood art by @/soulsilvers who is to blame for this. and general old art in the tags. wonderful doodles btw, I can't believe you went and drew an extra doodle!! they're so great <3 I found your dad Lance post and you are the perfect person to influence with rare pairs and agendas I see. Two cool gen 3 gals?? Why not why not yk? If you look at Leaf's concept art, she has a Combusken with her in the snow. If you believe, maybe May is somewhere off screen. When I mentioned Evolutions, they just have that action-based personality that seems to click you know? That reckless adventure thing? If you go further deep into Pokemon lore with the Kanto war theory, Silph rivalry with Devon, and the economy. Then Hoenn is arguably better off than Kanto, which is more impoverished without a Champion in Gen 1 and Team Rocket running around. You have Birth Island, where you can find Deoxys in both FRLG and in Emerald. There are places they can meet. Siri play "a whole new world" from Aladdin because you gotta take your new bff not yet gf to a clean functioning region and watch her be baffled at all the new things and concepts. You will never find a food court in Kanto, they will charge you a million for a bike. I am also huge on extending the Dad Lance agenda to Leaf (she's the most neglected pokegirl in fandom, and excluded even here where Red and Blue aren't.) Some of this is Pokemon Special, some of this is the fact Trace calls her "big sis" in the Japanese version of Evolutions, some of this is beta!Blue (the first version of her character of the unnamed female protagonist) that we make angsty art of in a metaphysical sense as if these characters know they were deleted from the game. It's fun. In my little world, she was late to Giovanni's gym and found the HGSS cutscene of Gio leaving happening while she hid behind a lampost and kicked Lance's door down like "yo old man, you'll never guess what I just saw" except my brain is more complicated than that and I go back and forth on how the story plays out for one ask. It can get more angsty and tragic too because imagine texting your bff not yet gf while chilling in Lance's office (if Red is on a mountain, Blue is running the gym, then by all means, split the champion title between them so he doesn't collapse at his desk) and in Kanto: one day Cinnabar island erupts, and in Hoenn one day: there's a meteor set to destroy the world in 4 days. imagine their world being the world where ORAS Devon succeeded in transporting it into another dimension. what do you say at the end of the world? think about the potential Celebi holds when you want to save someone. think of the consequences of attempting to use a mythical Pokemon like that when Arceus/Mew find out. will you become the villain here just for that...?
YES I SAW THE SOULSILVERS REDWOOD ART i have to go rb that actually.... also yes when i first got the redwood request my first instict was to go "huh???" but i stopped and thought about them for 2 seconds and i'm now obsessed with them. my new favorite rare pair. and also yes i am the perfect person to influence with agendas and rarepairs. gestures at my own agendas like rocket siblings. i used to spend Hours with my friend coming up with aus and obscure dynamics i am So Susceptible to agendas.
also yeah leaf is absolutely one of the most just. underrated and overlooked female protagonists. from what i've seen it'd be her and the alola protag i think. and the reasons you've outlined are a huge chunk of the reasons why!
ALSO YESS THAT'S SO GOOD ACTUALLY!!! leaf after seeing the state in kanto seeing how Stunning hoenn is and just going ??????
also yes absolutely i believe in lance adopting leaf as well propaganda. i think lance is just That Kind Of Guy considering his canon spiels about being proud of seeing the rise of a new champion etc. also i'm a sucker for leaf and silver dynamics after pokespe.
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authortobenamedlater · 5 months
15, 16, and 29 for the AO3 ask game?
AO3 wrapped
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
This is mean 😭🤣 Uh, all of them? Most notably my fic about the near-divorce of Tom and Chyler, though. And this one Iron Man fic I have to kick myself in the butt to finish.
@rainintheevening I’m going to try to get yours done before 2024, but that may come into the new year with me too. I have a whole two sentences written 😂😂😂
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
I don’t see a way to filter this in stats, but looking over this year’s work I’m going to guess “Highway To Rarepair Hell” and/or “Hold RB To Ride In AU Warthog”/“Alternate Universe.”
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I answered this one here so I get to pick another contender:
Chyler wanted to say so many things—It’s not your fault; You couldn’t have seen it coming; You made the best decision you could—but kept them quiet for the time being. She could be his wife later. Tom needed his first officer now.
From Underestimated.
It’s not the most profound or clever thing I’ve ever written but I liked the look into their relationship here. Even though Tom and Chyler have some fun with their situation in other fics (they have to, really, or it would eat them alive), the husband-wife vs. superior-subordinate tightrope is not easy to walk at all. Which is why it would never happen, of course, but how else would I make this off the wall rarepair AU? 😂
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najuwu · 9 months
What do you think about tumblrs vs. Twitter
Which one is better for sharing interest or user differents
Bro tumblr is sooooooo much better than Twitter for fandoms and interests. The tags make it infinitely easier to find what u like and people that talk about what u like. The main reason I migrated here cuz all of my favorite things have non existent fandoms in twitter, and here I was able to find SOOOO much content and people that share the same interests as me!!! It’s so fun
Also the user culture around here is a lot friendlier, u don’t have to walk on eggshells when interacting with someone. It’s not weird to go through someone’s entire blog and like everything, it’s not weird to comment or rb anything, it’s just so much easier to make friends! Like this very ask, smth like this would never happen on Twitter. I’m still kinda shy here and the twitter culture hasn’t completely left my brain, but I’ve met some very cool people! And there isn’t a new drama or discourse everyday
I’m saying all this as someone that exclusively used Twitter for 4 years and was kinda addicted to it, I only stopped completely when the new Zelda game came out and I if I got any spoilers before playing it I would combust into flames. So I came to tumblr, cuz just as it is super easy to find what u like, it’s super easy to filter out anything u want to avoid. I muted every possible variation of “tears of the kingdom spoilers” and every character’s names. And I didn’t get any spoilers for 2 months! If this was twitter I would’ve gotten some in the first day of release.
All in all, here I can only see what I want and super easily, the culture is much friendlier, and isn’t owned by Elongated Muskrat :) twitter is set on fire every day now, I’m glad I jumped the boat before it got too bad (I quit in may). The only thing I miss about it is the cool people I left there and I also used it to see news, idk about any news accounts here in tumblr, besides the destiel memes lmao (also I’m Brazilian so I highly doubt anyone will post news about my country here, 99,9999% of everything is in English). Also the video player in tumblr is DOGSHIT lmao. But anyways. Tumblr very good 👍
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petriquors · 1 year
Tumblr media
my stuff → all of my new writing
my fluff → my new fluffy writing
my angst → my new angsty writing
my [character’s full name] stuff/fluff/angst→ my new writing, sorted by character
my [fandom—no abbreviations] stuff/fluff/angst → my new writing, sorted by fandom 
maria writes → all of my old writing
loved stuff → all fic recs
loved fluff → all fluffy fic recs
loved angst → all angsty fic reds
loved [character’s full name] stuff/fluff/angst → fic recs, sorted by character
loved [fandom—no abbreviations] stuff/fluff/angst → fic recs, sorted by fandom
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game night! → ask games
mariacore → get to know me better
pretty things → aesthetic stuff
[characther’s given name] 🤍 → rb’s about a character that aren’t fic recs
Chikaria 🤍 → maria x ennoshita selfship content
🤍 → soft things, reminders to myself
fic inspo → what you see on the tin
Maria’s office comedy → me venting about my job
Maria bakes → baking tag (tw: food)
Maria cooks → cooking tag (tw: food)
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love letters → answered asks
love from [mutual’s alias] → mutuals
diary → my ramblings :’)
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love-bokumono-fics · 7 months
October Casual Prompt
The votes are in and coming in with a narrow win, the winning prompt for this month is...
Trick or Treat!
(No surprise, given it's Spooky Season)
Between now and October 31st, make anything to do with Trick or Treat! Will your villagers celebrate one of the in-game candy holidays like Pumpkin Day? Will they don costumes and prowl about the neighborhood pranking their friends and neighbors? Will they use the turn of phrase as a reason to spend some quality time with their love interest? There's so much potential and the choice is all yours!
This being a very casual event, you can create whatever you want based off the prompt. Write a long fic or a short fic. Make it shippy or gen. Draw a sketch, or a comic, or paint a whole canvas.
Whatever strikes your fancy!
Make something that you want to make, something you can have fun with! Flex your muscles, stretch your wings, try something new, experiment, go wild! Or use this as a soft landing ground, a place for you to come back and rest in your comfort zone while you work on other projects. Fill the prompt once, fill it twice, do it a dozen times if you’re feeling up to it! There are no rules, just have fun!
You don’t even have to put in in the Bokumono fandoms. If you’re inspired for something else then go for it!
And hey, if one of the other prompt choices for this month inspired you more, you can do that one instead. I won’t stop you.
And if you fill the prompt and want to share, tag the blog so I can rb it, or drop a link to it in the submissions. I want to share and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with.
Happy creating!
Final poll results below the cut
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