#real time portal trucks
eldmandate01 · 3 months
The Road Ahead: A Story of ELDs, Trucking, and Transformation
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in the trucking industry? Well, let me take you on a journey – a journey through the world of electronic logging devices (ELDs), where innovation meets regulation, and fleets are transformed.
Setting the Scene with ELDs
Imagine a bustling truck stop, with rigs lined up as far as the eye can see. Among these behemoths of the road, there's a quiet revolution taking place – the adoption of ELDs. These little devices, tucked away inside the cabs of trucks, are changing the game, one mile at a time.
The Eld Mandate: More Than Just a Rule
Now, you might be wondering, what's the deal with the Eld Mandate? Well, it's more than just a regulatory requirement; it's a catalyst for change. With the Eld Mandate in effect, fleets across the country are transitioning from paper logbooks to digital ELDs, ushering in a new era of compliance and accountability.
ELDs: The Heroes of the Highway
But what makes ELDs so special? Let me tell you – they're like the unsung heroes of the highway. With their ability to track driving hours, monitor rest breaks, and ensure compliance with hours-of-service regulations, ELDs are leveling up the playing field, making roads safer for everyone.
Beyond Compliance: The Hidden Gems of ELDs
But here's the thing – ELDs are about more than just ticking boxes and following rules. They're about efficiency, safety, and empowerment. By providing real-time data on vehicle location, engine status, and driver behavior, ELDs empower fleet managers to make smarter decisions, optimize routes, and keep operations running smoothly.
Introducing GPS Tracking for Online Trucks: A Game-Changer
Now, let's talk about GPS tracking for online trucks – the cherry on top of the ELD sundae. With GPS tracking integrated into ELD systems, fleet managers can keep tabs on their trucks in real-time, tracking routes, monitoring progress, and navigating through any unexpected detours with ease.
The Command Center: Real-Time Portal Access
But wait, there's more! Many ELD systems come with a nifty feature called real-time portal access. It's like having a control center at your fingertips – a hub where fleet managers can access driver logs, analyze vehicle performance, and dive into GPS tracking data, all from the comfort of their office chair.
In Conclusion: Embracing the Journey Ahead
As we journey down the road of trucking innovation, let's embrace the power of ELDs, GPS tracking for online trucks, and real-time portal access. Together, we can navigate the twists and turns of the industry, making roads safer, operations smoother, and fleets stronger.
So buckle up, my friends – the road ahead may be long, but with ELDs by our side, we're ready for whatever comes our way.Visit Our Website :- www.eldmandate.biz
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eldmandate9 · 3 months
Transforming the Trucking Industry with ELD Mandate and Advanced Technologies
In the ever-evolving landscape of the trucking industry, staying compliant with regulations while ensuring efficiency and safety is paramount. The Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate, introduced by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), has significantly impacted how the industry operates. At Eld Mandate.biz, we understand these challenges and are committed to providing comprehensive solutions that not only meet regulatory requirements but also enhance fleet management and road safety.
Understanding the ELD Mandate
The ELD Mandate, which became effective in December 2017, requires commercial motor vehicles to use electronic logging systems (ELS) to record a driver’s Record of Duty Status (RODS). This regulation aims to improve compliance with the Hours of Service (HOS) rules, reduce paperwork, and enhance the efficiency of the trucking industry.
Our Solutions: ELDs, GPS Tracking, and More
At Eld Mandate.biz, we offer a range of solutions designed to help trucking companies comply with the ELD Mandate and enhance their operations:
Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)
Our ELDs are FMCSA-compliant and come with advanced features such as real-time tracking, automated logs, and easy-to-use interfaces. These devices not only help drivers stay compliant with HOS regulations but also provide fleet managers with valuable insights into their operations.
GPS Tracking
Our GPS tracking solutions allow trucking companies to monitor their vehicles in real-time, enabling them to optimize routes, improve fuel efficiency, and enhance overall fleet management. With our online portal, fleet managers can access detailed information about their trucks' locations, speeds, and more.
### Fleet Management
Our comprehensive fleet management solutions go beyond ELDs and GPS tracking. We offer a range of tools and services, including proactive ELD monitoring, driver coaching, and compliance consulting. Our goal is to help our clients not only meet regulatory requirements but also operate more efficiently and safely.
Why Choose Eld Mandate.biz?
Compliance: Our solutions are fully compliant with FMCSA regulations, ensuring that your fleet stays on the right side of the law.
Advanced Technology: We leverage cutting-edge technology to provide our clients with the most accurate and reliable solutions.
Customer Support: Our team of experts is always available to assist you with any questions or issues you may have.
Conclusion The ELD Mandate has transformed the trucking industry, and at Eld Mandate.biz, we are committed to helping our clients navigate this new regulatory landscape. With our advanced ELDs, GPS tracking solutions, and fleet management services, we can help you achieve compliance, improve efficiency, and enhance road safety. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business thrive in the digital age of trucking.
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eldmandate1 · 11 months
Introducing Near Real Time Tracking - ELD Mandate
We are here to offer top-notch ELD services that will help you stay compliant with the ELD Mandate, and it helps you in streamlining your work processes and making your life on the road easier.
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We are the best ELD provider in Canada & US, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. Our ELD devices are user-friendly, reliable, and efficient, helping you to keep track of your hours of service and maintain compliance with federal regulations.
Cargo Theft is estimated to be a $15B to $35B problem per year according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau. Also, less than 20% of stolen cargo is ever recovered. 
To solve this problem, ELD Mandate released our Asset Tracker into the market. So far, the response to our product has been tremendous. We are excited to continue to be trusted by fleet managers across the country with their trucking technology needs. 
Our software team has been hard at work to implement near live tracking capability for our customers. This feature helps our clients in case of any robbery and can also help give better insight into where the truck is at all times. After thorough testing and feedback, we are excited to introduce Near Live Tracking for all our current customers. No extra cost or additional hardware required. Anyone who has purchased our Asset Tracker will have this feature. 
To access near live tracking, please go to the back-end portal:
Asset Tracker Portal
After logging in, and selecting the asset that is of interest, users can now click on Near Live Tracking:
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At first it will get the asset to the current location and then it will show in near real time the location of the asset. This can be very useful to ensure that any stolen cargo is found quickly and also to just check where the truck or trailer is at this very moment. From the comfort of a computer or a smartphone device, our customers can now track their assets on a near real time basis. 
We at ELD Mandate, want to continue to collaborate with our customers and add features that directly impact their business. We have a few more things brewing in the pipeline. Near Real Time tracking adds an extra layer of safety which helps give our customers peace of mind. That is what truly matters. 
0 notes
greenglowinspooks · 7 months
The way that I’m brainrotting over a DCxDP crossover with a Danny who’s a vengeful villain rn
Like, let’s just say that the GiW finally get into contact with the JL. They need help neutralizing a threat, you see, and they’re on their last limb trying to keep civilians safe.
They have video evidence! They have studies to back their claims! The JL have to help them!
Unfortunately, the JL believe them. They join a fight against Danny, and defeat him due to being far more experienced than he is. Danny is locked away and experimented on by the GiW.
That would CHANGE a person. Your heroes turning against you and seeing you as a monster, being experimented on for who knows how long, not knowing if your friends and family are safe.
Danny gets out due to a simple mistake on the GiW’s part; having Blüdhaven as part of their transport route.
Of course the trucks were attacked, they’re government property!
So now, whoever decided to raid the government transport trucks (the Penguin or something) has a ton of experimental weapons with no idea how they work, and a heavily traumatized teenager.
Danny knows how they work. Danny can be useful! They won’t throw him out if he’s useful! And so, now Danny is working for the Penguin, altering the ectoplasm weapons to make them work on humans.
It’s a good deal for both parties. Danny gets to neurotically imprint on the Penguin like a small baby animal, and the Penguin gets a brilliant mind who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
But eventually, Danny finds out what happened to his family in his absence.
Jazz is in Arkham. Not as a psychologist, but as a “patient.” Apparently, she snapped and completely destroyed the house, leveled a few blocks of Amity Park, and conducted organized attacks on government bases (mostly GiW) for months.
Sam and Tucker helped her, eventually splitting once Jazz was captured. Sam travels to areas of extreme pollution, completely overgrowing them with her plant powers. Currently she’s in the Amazon rainforest, engaging in an ongoing feud with logging companies. Sam is winning.
Tucker faked his death, and Danny has no idea where he is. He only knows that the death wasn’t real because of a code that the three of them made together, just in case.
Ellie’s trapped in the Infinite Realms. Danny had a failsafe in place so that if she was ever cornered by the GiW, she would be sent to her haunt in the GZ. However, with the portal destroyed, she can’t come back. Danny just hopes she’s okay.
His parents are now top GiW scientists. They’re traveling the country giving speeches. They’re working on a battery powered by ectoplasm, but apparently started “having difficulties” around the same time that Danny escaped.
None of it is fair. None of it is right.
The Justice League destroyed his life, the lives of his friends, and they’re doing as good as ever. The GiW is respected, and his parents are happily working away for them.
Danny takes up some of his more experimental weapons and breaks Jazz out of Arkham. She’s a little different now, colder and more quiet, but she still loves him all the same. It’s an unimaginable comfort to him to see his sister again.
He can’t use his powers anymore. He’s so used to associating them with pain that even transforming into his ghost form is enough to take him down for hours.
However, he understands ectoplasm more than anyone else in the world. He knows how to use it in virtually everything; how it can become a weapon, how it can be used as a supplemental ingredient in poisons and nerve agents, how it can twist and distort the mind if applied correctly.
He doesn’t care what happens to him. He’s going to take down the GiW, and destroy the lives of the JL members who helped lock him away, just as they did to him.
No matter the cost.
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creepychan08 · 1 year
Yandere Thranduil x Reader
It wasn't supposed to end up like this. You heart's desire becoming a nightmare.
And now there's no way home.
"Thranduil, you can't keep me here. Sooner or later I must return home." You once again plead your case as Thranduil frowned and hold both your hands protectively. But lately it feels like his gentle touches were slowly turning like handcuffs chaining you to him, unable to escape his grasp.
"Meleth nin (My love) please, this is your home. Have I not treated you well? Tell me what more can I do to make you stay by my side?" 
His grip tightened, not in a hurtful way, but just enough to prove his desperation for your continued presence in his kingdom.
"Its not that at all. You have been truly kind to me and for that I am eternally grateful. But I have my family waiting for me. I miss them Thranduil. Terribly." Your eyes glistened with unshed tears and his gaze softened, drawing you closer in an embrace. You welcomed the comfort he provided and lean your head almost close to his chest, the part you can only reach due to your unfortunate stature.
"Have you found some other way to return to your world?"
"How could I when you took away that book and refused to let me out of your kingdom?" The bitter tone of your voice breaks the moment of tranquility when you remembered it was him who didn't allow you to leave and travel to Rivendell to seek help from Gandalf.
Though your tone was bitter, you felt him relaxed more against your embrace as if relieved.
"You know there are threats coming from the orcs resurfacing in the forest. I can't very well allow my beloved to travel and place yourself in harm's way. No, you will stay here with me." His fingers slowly brush down your hair as you feel your anger boil inside.
"I will not allow you to keep me in here like a trophy! No more! I will go out and discover the way back- back to my real home- if you won't help me." 
Thranduil grit his teeth in frustration as he roughly tilt your head up to look at him. His eyes fierce and burning as it stare straight to your soul and your composure faltered, realizing how large he is compared to you and the power he has to crush you any time.
"I will say it again. You won't leave my side forever. You are mine as I am yours."
A whimper unconsciously left your lips as you began to fear and tremble before him. The dominance he was radiating made you feel weak, unable to do anything but submit to his will.
Upon hearing that helpless sound, his seething expression was immediately wiped off, dark glint in his eyes returning to a soft crystal blue filled with worry and regret when he behold the terror he accidentally inflicted on his beloved.
"My starlight, I am so sorry. Please forgive this ignorant King from his careless actions. I did not mean to make you afraid of me. That was the last thing I ever wanted." The sorrow in his voice made you want to reach out and comfort him.
You remembered how it all started. 
Being a fan of The Hobbit trilogy movie, you were immediately captivated by the ElvenKing, Thranduil. The daily occurence in your life involves imagining random scenarios and plots with him and deeply wishing to somehow be transported in Middle Earth to meet him. And one day it did come true.
You have no idea of your last memory of how you came to this new world. Whether you were killed by a truck driver and get isekai'd, or if you were just dreaming or worse case in a coma, you have no idea how you are actually faring in the real world. But there was a portal which immediately closed as soon as your feet step into the grounds of the forest of Mirkwood.
Obviously you were taken by the patrolling group of elves and presented to Thranduil. It was not love at sight as you were already crushing on him way back on Earth but it sure did made your heart jumped with excitement as you eagerly and honestly answered each one of his questions.
You were detained in the dungeons for some time as the ElvenKing pondered on your statement to see if you were just lying to get yourself out of this mess. Perhaps it is dark magic then to how you were transported to this world? Are you a threat? But somewhere deep down in his cold heart, he could feel the sincerity radiating off you. And there was something else too- something foreign but pleasant that he felt when he first talked with you.
After careful consideration, Thranduil finally released you from prison and transferred you to a well-furnished room. He was still unsure of what to do with you. Strangely enough, the thought of assigning you to be a servant, a maid, cook, or a warrior didn't sit well with him so he decided to treat you as a guest and get to know you better.
As he did, he finds himself slowly falling for you. Unlike the other elleths (women elves), you possess kindness and genuine concern for other people. You interacted with his guards and other servants with much respect and he saw them slowly warming up to you. Everyday, he would look forward to seeing you first thing in the morning as your smile immediately brightens his day. And during the evening after he finish his work early, he would asks you to walk with him in the gardens.
It was no surprise when he ends up falling head over heels in love. He started properly courting you and sending expensive gifts everyday.
"You know you don't have to send me all these stuff, Thranduil. Its too expensive"
"Nonsense. I am the King and I can give you everything you deserve and more. Unless.. do you not like them? I can have another jewel be made to fit your taste-"
"No! No need, I really like this one. Thank you, Thranduil" You smiled at him gratefully and the corner of his lips lifted up as he stare at you.
"Anything for you, my starlight" He draws his arms open and gently pulled you to his embrace, his robe covering your form as you lean you head on his chest.
You wished those moments would have lasted more.
Thranduil was a gentle lover. Always kind. Always patient. Always caring towards you. He never once raised his voice at you and you greatly appreciated it. But as the days go by, you noticed him getting more possessive and obsessive over you.
"We were just talking! He is your guard long before I came here and he is just my friend" You defended yourself as Thranduil warned you against talking to one of his royal guards.
"I do not like the way he looks at you, meleth nin. You are mine, don't forget that. He should know his place."
"Everyone knows we are together so stop being suspicious of other elves! I am not fond of the way you're acting right now. I will leave you to cool your head first."
As you turn to leave, his arms reach out to wrap around your waist as he hug you from behind. His head bowed low so as to breath in the scent of your hair to calm him down.
"No, don't leave please. I am sorry, my love. I am just afraid of losing you."
You sighed, feeling your heart soften. You turn to face him again and saw the insecurities and doubt swirling in his eyes.
"Now what brought my King such worries? Haven't I told you I only have eyes for you? That my heart beats only for you?" You cup his cheek as he closed his eyes and lean towards your touch.
"I know and I believe you. Sometimes, I just can't help but fear that you'll find someone better than me. I can't live without you, YN"
"You'll always have me Thranduil. My heart belongs only to you." You reassured, hugging him tightly to show your devotion.
Maybe you shouldn't have promised that as months passed and you soon discover a way to open the portal again back to your real world while browsing the library. But you don't understand some of the text written as it was in Elvish language and from what you can read, it also needs the spells only casted by wizards.
"Thranduil, I finally found a way to return back to my world!" You excitedly said as you barge to his throne room, while carrying the book.
His eyes widened and he immediately walked down the stairs of his throne towards you.
"What did you say, my love?" The cutting edge of his tone failed to make its way to your ears as you were excitedly thinking of how soon you can probably go home once this works.
"I said I found a way to open the portal again to my world! But I need some help with the Elvish language and Gandalf as well to complete the steps here." You showed him the book and the pages where it was located.
He was quiet for a while and politely asked for the book. As you gave it to him, he immediately throws it to the ground and asked his servant to seal it in the forbidden section of the library.
"No! Why did you do that?!" You screamed, feeling betrayed by his action. You tried to get back the book but he tightly hold you against him before carrying you towards his bedroom as you continue to resist.
Once he locked the door, he put you down on his bed as you glare at him.
"How could you do that? That was my only way home!"
 His eyes hardened, frown marring his features.
"Exactly. I won't have you leaving me alone here, YN. You promised that I'll always have you, didn't you? And I promised to be yours forever"
You frozed as you remember the promise you said to him months ago. You meant it. You did. But that was before you learned that there is still a way back to your real world after giving up for so long. However, you did promised him and you can't go back on your word.
Bowing your head in shame, you nodded. "Yes, I did. I remember my oath that day, Thranduil." A feeling of frustration and mixed feelings made its way to your heart.
"You know I love you. I do. I just miss my family so much. I wonder what they are doing in my world. I wonder if they are grieving over me or still patiently hoping for my return. Am I selfish, my love?" You looked up at him as tears stream down your cheeks.
Thranduil felt his heart clench as he saw your sorrow. He can't stand to see the anguish in your eyes as it overflows with your tears. He gathered you in his arms and let you cry against his shoulders.
"I'm here, meleth nin. I'm here. Please don't cry." He whispered comforting words and before long, you felt drowsy and fall asleep in his hold.
Thranduil carefully put you in the bed and covered you with blanket. He placed a kiss on your forehead before leaving the room.
From that day on, he decreed an order that you are not allowed to leave his kingdom and that anyone who try to help you escape will be executed.
*End of Flashback*
"You've changed Thranduil" You gaze at him with such disappointment that he falters for a moment.
"No, please don't say that meleth nin. Don't look at me like that. I love you. I can't let you out of my grasp. I can't let you go. Ever." He pulled you closer and tilted your chin so you were looking straight at him.
The sight made you tremble. His eyes which were once full of adoration and pure love for you were now filled with dark obsession.
"Resist me no more, my starlight. Stay here. I will take care of you. I will love and worship you forever." 
He back you slowly into the bed and you didn't notice until you trip and lay sprawled against his bedsheets in a vulnerable state.
You tried to get up but he lightly pushed you down so he towers over you.
"No, no, I have to return home. I need to see my family again. I can still come back here Thranduil. I won't leave you forever." You tried to reassure your lover.
Shadows loomed in his face and when he finally look at you, something dark and dangerous radiated from his being.
You gasped, crawling away from him towards the center of the bed as he followed after you. You grab his pillow to defend yourself.
"Okay- stop. Don't get any closer, Thranduil. You're scaring me."
The blank look in his eyes shifted to that of a predator finally catching its prey as he reach you. A smile of dark insanity painted on his lips. He take hold of the pillow separating you two and throws it to the side.
"You know, I've always wanted to marry you, my starlight. In our culture there are two ways one can get married. First is by traditional exchange of vows and the other-" He paused, pushing you down once more as he hovered above you. "-is by being one in body, two souls bonded forever. If I may be honest, I much prefer the latter."
His fingers slowly slid down your body, touch as light as feather as it passes through your neck, the valley of your breast, down to your stomach and settling on your lower abdomen.
Your breath hitched as you watch him, goosebumps rising on you skin as you feel your heart thumping loudly.
"We will be one tonight, my love. And I will plant my seed inside your fertile womb. Since you miss your family so much, we will have one of our own- a much bigger family. We will have a dozen or more elflings running around the kingdom. And you will soon forget that silly ambition in your mind. I told you before. You won't leave me. Ever. For you are mine and I am yours."
With that he sealed his promise with a passionate kiss as he consume your being, leaving you breathless and gasping for more.
I didn't expect this oneshot to be longer than what I originally planned lol. Anyway, I've been obsessing over Thranduil for weeks now and I thought if he'd be the one going yandere for me, I would immediately give in 😂
But yeah unfortunately he's just a fictional character sooo! Anyway thanks for reading up this far.
Hope you have a great day and stay safe guys! :)))
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learnyouabiology · 2 years
Fun Fact: Hagfish Suffocate their Predators with a Cloud of Slime!
(This week featuring my own art, bc I got a new thing and I wanna USE IT)
Sometimes, I come across an animal that makes me go: “Huh. That seems like a fictional monstrosity, fit only for tabletop roleplaying games and fantasy novels. Except I guess this one is real! Weird!”
 The hagfish is one of those animals.
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Hagfish are quite spooky to behold: Rather than looking like a fish, hagfish look more like scaleless, leathery-skinned worms with little tentacle-like things called barbells around what appears to be their mouth.
Except the polite little opening that you can see in the drawing above is not its mouth. That’s its nostril.
This is its mouth:
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(ok that’s technically a tongue that has teeth on it, but it’s mouth-adjacent so I STAND BY MY STATEMENT). (drawing based on this picture from this paper)
You don’t need to worry too much about the hagfish’s nightmare mouth, though, since hagfish are pretty much only interested in eating things that are already dead (except maybe a few fish, so if you’re a fish, watch out, I guess). 
Plus, they can go more than 6 months without eating and can survive without oxygen for 36 hours, so that’s nice.
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(it’s hard to tell, but this is 2 hagfish eating a dead rockfish, plus a third hagfish possibly taking a nap. They’re having a lovely time!) 
 These guys love a good whale carcass.
Hagfish are a type of jawless fish which are categorised into the class Myxini. They are the only known animals with a skull but no vertebral column and possess 4 “hearts”: a systemic heart in the usual place, a portal heart that’s beside the 1st heart, a cardinal heart in the head, and a caudal heart near the tail. Technically, only the first 2 are considered “true hearts”, but Whatever!  x
All of these things are very strange and wonderful, but the weirdest thing about hagfish, in my opinion, is possibly their most distinct feature.
They possess weaponized slime.
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Remember that time a bunch of hagfish stole a car were dumped onto a highway in 2017? Everyone (human) was fine, but the slime was REAL (source: x). 
This slimey car crash occurred because hagfish excrete slime when disturbed (they caused the slime part, I mean. The crash itself was something else’s fault). Considering the fact that a single hagfish can excrete a maximum of 24 litres of slime (given ideal circumstances) and that there were roughly *checks notes* 13′000 hagfish in the truck, you could end up with around *does some math*... 312’000 litres of slime!
For reference, that’s equivalent to approximately 1’560 bathtubs full of slime. 
(my rough math can be found at the bottom of the post, if you’re curious).
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That said, this crash probably didn’t feature 312′000 litres of actual slime. What the hagfish excretes is a relatively small amount of a substance which is a combination of mucus and long, thin proteins reminiscent of super-fine silk threads.
When this substance is mixed with water, it immediately expands 10′000 times its original volume!
The resulting slime is 99.996% water (source x). So, unless the truck was also carrying 312′000 litres of water to transport the hagfish in (which is doubtful), the slime probably wouldn’t have been able to reach that volume. (assuming they didn’t try to clean the mess up with water, which is... fully possible)
For my favourite demonstration of this, here’s an (admittedly old & grainy) video of someone transforming a beaker of water into a beaker of slime using a itty bit of mucus scraped from a hagfish.
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(it’s cooler in the video, tbh)
What is all this slime even for? Well, mostly to protect the hagfish from predators! 
Imagine if you bit into a sandwich and then 24 litres of slime suddenly exploded into your mouth. That would suck. A lot. You probably wouldn’t even finish the sandwich! Probably. I don’t know your life.
Understandably, predatory fish also hate to have a mouthful of slime, except it’s even worse for them, because the slime quickly gets tangled in the fish’s gills, which are important for gas exchange (aka being alive). It is for this reason that hagfish generally don’t get eaten, it seems!
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(Ha! That’ll teach you to try to eat in the ocean! i love this paper tbh) 
As far as I have been able to research, there are no recorded instances of hagfish being  successfully eaten in the wild (though we have seen predators make unsuccessful attempts, resulting in them having an extremely bad time!)
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(Thriving. Moisturised. In their lane. x)
While the slime sticks to the predator, the hagfish has an easy way to get the slime off its own body: they simply tie themself into a knot, wiping away the slime, and then goes about their day, unphased.
This has been Fun Fact Friday, bringing you nightmare fuel in this, the fine season of Halloween!
I know that it’s September, but if the dollar store can say that it’s already Halloween season THEN SO CAN I DANG NABBIT.
(bonus of that fish getting pwned, just bc I LOVE those pictures:
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(Corrected) math under the cut:
3′400kg of hagfish in the truck (source)
each adult hagfish is around 180-260g (source)
3′400 kg/0.260 kg = ~13′000 hagfish
one hagfish can produce “a teaspoon” of slime (~5 mL), which can expand “10′000 times” its original size when it hits water (~50′000 mL -> 50 L) (source)
This^ is wrong! It’s actually 24 L, max (new source x)
one average bathtub can hold ~200 L of water (source)
(24 L x 13′000 hagfish) / 200 L = 1’560 bathtubs
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jayden-killer · 11 months
part 1
What would happen if your favourite fictional character appeared in your bed...?
A/N: hellooo! Part 2 is finally here! 🙌 exams finished!! So now, full focus on my tumblr blog, heheh. This time chapter is longer. As always, just the reminder that I'm not a native English speaker, so you might find some errors. If you do, point them out to me! Enjoy the reading.~
Warnings: mention of the traumatic life of Miguel (both comics and movie), kinda derealisation if you hint it?, angst haha :)
Taglist (write me down in the comments if you want to be added!): @strxngegirl @d1lf-loverrr @laysmt @musicalhistorical @souichi-sbitch
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I pressed the pillow against him, ready for any movement from the muscular man in front of me. His unkempt hair and a remnant of drool at the corner of his mouth confirmed my previous suspicions: he had fallen asleep in my bed. But how could he be divine even in that way? My eyes fell on his clothing: the holographic Spider-man suit was still on the young man. And he noticed my gaze fell there, then brought his attention back to me.
«Why are you pointing a pillow at me? It's not even a weapon».
«Ha, ha» faked a laughter, «That's is...amusing. How did you end up in my house, Miguel O'Hara? Did you fly with your webs through the window? Do you come from the roof of the building?»
And how do you know that my name is Miguel?" The man slowly approached me, losing his self-doubt demeanor that he had until recently, and I threatened him again with the pillow, lifting it up more as a reminder. «Stop there» My finger pointed to a precise point in the room, «First: what are you doing here. Second: how can you be real?»
«Are you answering my question with another question? Seriously?» Miguel's hands found place on his hips, and his eyebrow rose. I felt I was being watched too much by his eyes, which menacingly scanned me from head to toe.
«I'm in charge here, whether you like it or not, I make the rules here. Now, answer»
A snort left Miguel's lips. He rolled over more than once, shaking his head as if he was trying to find the right words. Well, a clear and comprehensive explanation didn't seem bad.
«Alright. I don't know how it happened, apparently my Gizmo started showing signs of instability as I traveled through the multiverse. The destination was marked for Earth-42. At the last minute, this maldito reloje decided to take me up to Earth-199999» Silence fell between us. I pushed the pillow aside, sitting on the edge of my bed to better focus on Miguel's bizarre story. The man seemed to mutter something in Spanish, but it was hard to decipher what he had said. He continued to look at me without looking away. «I was catapulted into this universe. The portal threw me onto the hood of a truck and the driver, seeing me, almost threw the truck into the wall. Luckily I managed to fly out of there with my webs».
«May I know then why did you come to my house?»
«I'm not done yet.»His eyes narrowed. I gulped fearfully. The man took a deep breath and continued to tell his story. «As I was saying, I flew away immediately. I wandered the streets for a while, and I saw how different your universe is from mine. The means of transport, the buildings, the people. I was tired, my strength was out of me. Your building was the closest. And your window was open. Besides, I would never hurt you. I'm a Spider-Man after all.»
«Yes, but you still attacked a fifteen-year-old boy because he didn't listen to you.»
«What?» I laughed embarrassed. «Okay, I get it big boy. So you had a good sleep in my house, good, but now you should reall-Hey! What are you doing?»
«How can I be a giant poster hanging on your bedroom wall?» His was more than a legitimate question. I would have felt uncomfortable (and also quite lost) if I suddenly saw a poster with my face on it. I wouldn't have liked it at all. Even though Miguel was handling it well. I noticed how his head didn't move an inch, but he instead showed a surprised look at finding himself in poster form.
«Well, it's a long story...» I began.
«I have all the time in the world».
At that moment I looked at Miguel, then at the poster again and heaved a long sigh.
«What I'm trying to say is...you shouldn't be real». I put much more emphasis on the last word. Oh, God. Things were taking a turn for the worse. How could he believe what I was about to tell him? He had always felt real, but to me, he has always been part of the fictional world. It was just a drawing, yet he was here. How was all this possible? He was way beyond the multiverse.
«Miguel, I know it may seem strange to you, but you're part of a movie, you're a comic book character. You're...».
I couldn't.
I didn't want to make him feel like someone out of this world. I already understood what he had been through before. The loss of his mother, his brother Gabriel, the abuse from his father, and even the loss of his daughter, Gabriella. To tell him that it was just pure fiction, an invention of some brilliant mind would have been... not right. But Miguel wasn't stupid and he immediately grasped what I wanted to tell him. His gloved hand curiously and delicately traced his figure on the piece of paper. He shook his head, almost as if I were telling an unfunny joke. I couldn't blame him. I would have reacted way worse than the man. It was at that moment that I noticed the man in question ran a hand through his brown hair and swallowed hard, his back to me the entire time. In the meantime, worried, I was playing with the edges of my nightgown, with the fear that he might tear me to pieces.
«I feel real». His voice boomed off the walls. And I looked up to notice strange movements. «I am true. Even if all this creates a lot of...confusion for me».
«Miguel, you deserved to know...» I broke into the conversation, trying to find valid explanations. «I had to...»
«No». He held up a hand to stop me. A moment of silence followed. «You did the right thing. Being Spider-man also leads to these consequences... doesn't it?». It didn't seem that the sentence was addressed to me, but more to him.
«Maybe you need to take a shower, yes?». I tried to change the subject, my tone going from concerned to persuasive. «I have some clothes left here by my brother in case of an emergency. Maybe they'll fit a little short on the shoulders, but they'll have to go».
Without saying anything, Miguel nodded, then asked me where the bathroom was, so he could freshen up.
«Take your time, so don't rush-»
Shit. What did I do?
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vktrsnclr · 1 year
It's Been A Long, Long Time (R13+)
Pairing: miguel o'hara x f reader
summary: your canon event was losing your family including your husband, Miguel and your daughter, Gabriella. Instead of Miguel, you became this Earth's Spider-woman.
word count: 900+
warning: depression, trauma dumping
characters: hobie brown, jessica drew, miguel o'hara, y/n
A/N: Hi! This'll be my first post in this account. I just love the plot and reality shifted into it and now I got sum tea for all of y'all. This is just a part of what happened in my DR, just added some details.
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Exhausted from yet another grueling overtime shift at work, you arrive home craving to be greeted by the warm embrace of your husband. Instead, you find an empty home, with no signs of life or activity. It's been 4 years since they've passed.
The silence is deafening, and you can't help but feel a sense of emptiness wash over you. You managed to eat a fastfood take out dinner, take a bath, cry in the tub and then go to bed. You laid down and felt a tingling sensation in your brain.
It's your spidey-sense. You knew something bad is gonna happen but you just don't seem to care, your heart froze over the years. Mourning and grief is all you've ever known.
Still, you reached for the lamp and looked by the window in your apartment.
"Why can't they all just die?" You sighed coldly, raising an eyebrow.
Two men was fatally struck and got ran over by a truck. You notice that glitch again as the sirens fill the road, You went back into bed like nothing happened, still as empty as before. It's been a year since you stopped meddling with civilians, you didn't see a point in saving them.
As you drift off to sleep, a bright, glitchy hexagonal portal appeared into your room, interrupting your sleep. A 7 foot tall, muscular spider variant, another female variant and a spiderpunk variant appeared from the portal.
You pressed the arc reactor at the back of your neck and immediately changed into your spidersuit.
"Amor?" The tall variant asked softly. You recognized his voice immediately because he's the only one who calls you that. You started to tear up under the suit and asked yourself if you're only dreaming. Emotions rush back into your brain after a long time.
"Miguel?" You removed your mask.
"Amor mio!" He greeted you with an embrace, his squeezing hug felt real. You froze in place, completely shocked and confused.
"Is she?" Spiderpunk whispered at the lady.
"Yep. Just let him have his moment." She replied calmly.
"You're back." Your voice breaks as he removes his mask, revealing his watery eyes. He looked at the window for a moment and asked the spiderlady and spiderpunk to fix the 'canon disruption' outside.
"What's happening?"
"Amor, you left traces of canon disruptions for the whole year. Lyla, can you run it?" A small holographic display of a virtual assistant appeared next to him. She explained what canon events are and you ignoring your senses and not saving the neighborhood is a canon event that should be stopped.
"So you were monitoring me since then?" A punch of anger and confusion struck your chest.
"Mi vida, I'm not from here. I'm from another dimension." He explains, holding your hand. He's kneeling on your bed where you sat.
"Wow. So, you can do all this, visit me." You scoffed. He looks down, fidgeting his shaky fingers.
"You can access this dimension all this time but you never did." You have so many questions and you're walking back and forth, having a crisis while asking where he's been all this time. Those questions are left in the open, halted by a moment of silence.
"I lost Gabriella too." He sighs. You halted for a moment to face him. He's staring at the floor, inner brow raised, openly expressing his sadness and regret. His words hang in the air, the gravity of what he's just said hits you like a force of a bullet.
"I tried to live in a universe where I was dead and you're both alive..... but tragedy followed me everywhere.
When I found you and this universe, my hopes went up but I realized that I should probably leave you alone cause I got scared."
"It's better being a coward than watch you glitch away repeatedly." His grinned with a pair of watery eyes, trying to hold it back.
"Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't know." You placed your hand on his shoulders. Your touch provided him a sense of comfort and relief.
"I understand, but what you did here, almost causing a nexus event, It's gruesome, It's cold, That's no way to live." He sat next to you, looking directly at your dark hollowed eyes. He's not mad but rather concerned. He knows everything you did, ignoring the city, causing New York to be a hellhole and a safe haven for criminals.
"I know. I feel rotten since you've been gone. I was weak and I didn't know how to cope. I know I can never bring back their lives, I can't save them if I'm drowning but I'll accept the consequences of my actions."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, but this is the only way I can take you with me. I won't make you suffer any longer." He sat you down on the bed and kneeled in front of you, holding your hands in a loving manner.
"Wait.. am I dying? Are you.. are you a ghost?" You cupped his cheeks and lightly taps it, checking his body heat.
"No no no, I'll take you with me. To my universe." He let out a soft chuckle, taking your hand and planted kisses on it.
Your face lightens up, you didn't understand how that would happen but you're just grateful to be together with him. That's what you both longed for, finally having a chance to be together.
"Let's go home."
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angstflavoured · 2 months
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RICK PORTAL 2 BACKSTORY TIME !!! Literally have been sitting on all of this for years and its only ever been told to my two friends 👹 so excited to finally have all of it down.
Nothing graphic, but do be warned that it does deal with very dark topics 💥
Rick grew up DEEP in the rural south in a small little religious town. His family was very poor and had upwards of 5 children. His father was very physically and mentally abusive, and his mother was very neglectful and quiet. He was never close with any of his siblings, and his brothers didn't do much more than add to his problems. 
He started drinking and smoking from about the age of 10, as most boys did in their town. They would all meet up in groups and share goods they stole from their parents and from corner stores.
Through everything, the only real comfort he had was movies--westerns and action flicks. They were too poor to own a TV, so he would sneak into movie theaters and drive-ins. It was a big inspiration for the person he wanted to be when he grew up and served as a good mental escape. He wanted to eventually leave this town and travel the world with nothing but the clothes on his back and a dream.
The only real friend he had through it all was Teddy. Rick was a troubled kid and could be a bit mean due to his upbringing, but Teddy was the one person he was always nice to. Something about him made him soft. They were best friends since they were toddlers and while other people came and went, those two always stuck together and stayed close. 
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Somewhere along the way, their relationship ended up becoming romantic. They were so young that the whole thing was confusing, but they knew well enough to keep it a secret from everyone else. Rick knew that something was deeply wrong with it and it always ate up at him inside and made him ashamed, but Teddy didn't have a care in the world. Rick made him happy and that was all that mattered.
Then when Rick turned 16, he decided that he'd had enough with school and church and his parents. He was ready to leave it all behind--but he wasn't going to bring Teddy. Teddy had a sister he was really close with, and more friends than Rick had. He had more to lose and Rick didn't want him uprooting his whole entire life for him. 
So Rick broke things off with Teddy and told him never to tell another soul what had happened between them and to forget the whole thing, forget Rick. Then he jumped onto a boxcar train and left town.
He was homeless for a good bit, but managed to get a small job that gave him enough money to save up for an old, broken down truck that he lived out of. He never stayed in one place too long, hopping around and getting jobs here and there, stealing off of folks in town to get enough for food. 
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Rick had a hard, but very adventurous and rewarding few years out on the road, but at the end of it all, he couldn't find anyone even close to Teddy. It wasn't the same without him around and Rick decided that maybe it was worth a shot going back and seeing if somehow Teddy was still in the town they grew up in. 
Rick drove back, now a full grown adult, hoping there was a way that he'd still want to talk to him again. But when he got back to town and asked around, it turned out that Teddy wasn't as great at keeping the secret as he hoped. 
Teddy had tried to flirt with a man at a bar, and he didn't take too kind to it. His friends dragged Teddy outside and beat him to death, where his family found his body a few days later. By the time Rick got back to town, Teddy was long buried in a small marked grave. 
It really fucked with Rick's head. After that, he buried everything that happened between them deeeep deep down and honestly just convinced himself it never happened. They were kids and they didn't know what they were doing. 
After that, Rick went a lot harder on traveling around with the intent of meeting people to have one night stands with in maybe some hopes of further cementing the fact that he only liked women. 
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He already had a problem with drinking before, but it got worse and worse as years went on. Most of his money went straight back into drinks. He couldn't keep any sort of job for more than a few days because he was constantly day drinking, showing up wasted. 
It was a great big blur for a lot of years of sleeping with women, getting fucked up on drugs, driving drunk, waking up places he didn't remember. He got into a lot of fights, most of which he started himself (definitely didn't have a weird thing where he liked fighting because it was the only time he got to touch a man.... cus that would be WEIRD ASF 🗣🗣🗣 AND MAKE HIM A FREAK.) All the while he was living out of the same truck he'd gotten at 16 which constantly needed repairs. He hardly had enough money for gas, so he usually had to siphon it from other cars. Times were ROUGH
Then one day, he met a very nice, charming man at a bar. They hit it off right away, spent the whole night talking and drinking and dancing. It felt so nice and familiar in a way that Rick couldn't place, until at one point the man tried to make an advance on him. A deep, primal panic rose inside him and Rick immediately got LIVID, punching the guy right in the face and cussing him out in the middle of the bar, calling him names and slurs before leaving once the bartender told him to.
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Rick felt a deep emptiness and strange longing that he hadn't felt since he was a little kid. He thought about it for days--more than anything the fact how much he really, really did want to go home with that man. 
That was when he decided that he couldn't do this anymore. He was getting too old to be living out of his truck. He hadn't had a real home since he was a kid, and that mixed with all of the drugs and high stakes adventures and fights, he was going to drive himself into an early grave. 
It was time that he got an actual job, and an actual home. And maybe that would help distract him from thinking too much about that nice man at the bar. 
After driving around and searching, eventually he ended up at Aperture. Nice easy desk job, impossible to get fired from, and hours and hours of overtime. He luckily ended up landing a cheap apartment because he was able to seduce the owner of the building into a lower rate and flexible payments. 
Rick still had a hard time with showing up to work drunk and slacking off, but at the very least he had a roof over his head. 
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bathomet-writes · 1 year
stayin’ alive
summary: During the Kraang invasion, you try your best to help the turtles save the city. Agent Bishop and the Earth Protection Force seem to have everything under control, or so they say.
relationship: Donnie x GN!reader
warnings: romantic, fluff, humor, slight angst/comfort, near-death experience, CPR, kissing, angst with a happy ending
word count: 4,604
author's note: here's the request for @/sweetchildcloud!! thank u!
“Does anybody read me?”
You spoke harshly into your earpiece. While the turtles, April, and the others were out fighting the Kraang, you tasked yourself with trying to, in some way, help out down on the ground. You were down in the bowels of the city, being herded like cattle into rescue buses carting people out of the burrow. 
You weren’t exactly a ninja, or had any special skills to speak of, but you couldn’t let yourself get taken away so easily. Not when there was something you could do. Not when your friends were still out there fighting for their lives. 
Thankfully, April wasn’t too busy to pick up her comm. 
“We’re– we’re fine. But Leo…”
Your heart sinks. Looking up into the sky, you finally notice that the Technodrome was forced back into the prison dimension. At least half of it anyway. The portal-chopped remains crashed down into the buildings below, sending a wave of dust and debris to come sailing through the streets. You cough and shield your eyes, before peeling off from the crowd. 
You didn’t want to believe it, but you knew. Leo still wasn’t back yet. 
“Goddamn him and his hero complex,” you frown. 
But there was no time to mourn. You didn’t even want to call it ‘mourning.’ In your frustration, you turn off your earpiece. 
“Come on, think.”
All of the sudden you felt restless. There must be something you could do, something to help–
“Get these people out of here. We have readings that the aliens planted some kind of bomb.”
Your ears perk up, and you turn to look behind you. There were a couple of suits; real Men in Black-looking types, talking amongst themselves. One stood out as their leader, directing the others toward the caravan of trucks pulling in. Without thinking, you run over to talk with him. 
“These–” He stutters, too swamped to even come up with a nickname. “Whatever they’re called– don’t respond to any conventional human weapons.”
“The Kraang,” you gasp, catching your breath. 
The tall man searches around for a moment before landing on you. You cough a bit and stand up to meet his perplexed gaze. It takes a while, considering he was much taller than you. 
“What did you say?”
Wait…did he really not know their names? Quickly, you collect yourself. 
“The Kraang. But why would they bomb us?”
You thought the Kraang wanted to enslave humanity. Infect our brains and rule over as a hive mind. Why would they use a weapon like that, especially when they weren’t even here anymore? Your mind buzzed with a million questions. It made no sense. 
The man straightens, dusting himself off. Maybe you weren’t just a normal civilian after all, he thought to himself. 
“Special Agent Bishop, Earth Protection Force.”
He doesn’t bother waiting for you to introduce yourself. Quietly, he leads you over to the other side of the armored truck you were standing behind. You eagerly oblige, following him until he stops at the edge of the street. 
Straining your eyes, you see the abandoned docks the Foot Clan used as their temporary hideout. You recognized those shipping containers, littered with graffiti. 
“Tell me, what do you see down there?” He nods over to the docks. 
“I see…”
Leaning over the cement barrier, you manage to see a couple of people still lingering about down there. They were Foot soldiers, still infected with Kraang residue. They shuffled along like mindless zombies, and it made your stomach churn. 
“And do you see that?”
You follow Bishop’s hand as he points over to a device sitting on the top of one of the shipping containers. You see a blinking red light, pulsating. Instantly, you grab at his sleeve and urge Bishop back to the truck.
“We have to do something! Don’t you guys have a way to defuse it?”
Calmly, he tears his arm away from you. He adjusts his suit with a detached huff. 
“We have no resources and no knowledge about…the Kraang? Is that what you called them? What else do you know?”
You scoff, looking back at the bomb. “Listen, I can tell you anything you want. Just do something about the bomb!”
If the Kraang really did put that there, who knows how many more bombs were planted around the city. You watch as Bishop regards you coldly. He pushes his sunglasses higher up on the bridge of his nose before walking away. 
“I’d suggest you clear the area. When that bomb goes off, it’s going to blow those poor souls down there to kingdom come.”
He clicks his tongue, and you shudder with fear. 
What the actual fuck was this guy’s deal? Internally, you debate with yourself. Sure, they were villains, but that didn’t mean they deserved to be blown up. And you knew April said something earlier about the Kraang reacting to the glowing, blue vials. The ones she swiped from the lab at Eastlaird. There was a way to cure them. To cure everyone that was infected.
“Pesticides! The Kraang’s weakness is pesticides, you piece of shit! Now you and your government goons can go grab some and–”
“Pest, that’s an apt description.” He spits, twisting around to face you. “You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders, I’d suggest you tell your friends to come back down here and help clean up the mess they made.”
You slowly back away, putting your hands out behind you. Blindly, you feel around for the concrete slab. The way Bishop was looking at you made you nervous. There was a distinct sense of dread that flooded your mind. You knew he wasn’t here to help you, he was here to gather intel. And it looked like he knew quite a bit more about your friends than you thought. 
With a final look back at the docks, you steel yourself. If the so-called ‘Earth Protection Force’ wasn’t going to do anything, it might as well be you. 
“Well,” you smirk, flipping him the bird. “I guess today’s a good day to die!”
You throw your legs over the divider and run down to the docks. Bishop moves a bit, reaching out to stop you.
“You idiot! You’re going to…” 
Then, he sighs. Speaking into his own earpiece, he makes an announcement.
“Get me Eastlaird University.”
You run at full speed, dodging and dipping past the infected Foot soldiers. Like zombies, they didn’t hesitate to claw and bite. You barely miss one that gnashes its mangled teeth at your skull. 
You drop to the ground and slide a bit, your knees digging against the pavement. It's only a couple of yards to the shipping container, and only a few feet up to reach the bomb. You really didn’t expect today to end with you defusing an alien weapon, but here you are. 
Reaching up, you activate your comms again. You hope you didn’t accidentally miss any important events while you went silent. 
“Please tell me something good.”
To your surprise, you hear a chorus of cheers blaring from the speaker. You can make out nearly everyone’s voices, even Leo’s. As you awkwardly shimmy up to the first container, you feel your heart begin to fill back up with life. 
“Y/N! We did it!” Mikey screams, jumping up and down. 
Your voice warbles with emotion. “Is Leo…?”
“Back and better than ever. Didya miss me?” Leo smiles, cutting in. 
“I can’t believe it, he’s really gone.” You sniffle, wiping away a fake tear. “I knew I would still hear your sweet, annoying voice speak to me beyond the grave.”
He playfully scoffs. “It’s fine, I totally didn’t just save your life or anything.”
Kicking off another Foot zombie, you manage to get to the top of the shipping containers. You stand there, suddenly frozen. 
“Oh yeah, speaking of saving– I’m kind of standing next to a Kraang bomb right now. Where are you guys, not too far I hope?”
“We’re on Staten Island, so we’re probably pretty far from– Wait…A BOMB?” Raph’s voice goes from calm to panicked in mere seconds. 
Donnie overrides all the communicators, speaking directly and only to you. 
“What do you mean ‘a Kraang bomb’? They never deployed any bombs!”
He paces around, working on his wrist gauntlet and locking onto your exact coordinates. To his despair, you were miles away from them. 
“Well, I’m standing here looking at a big box, with a blinking red light on it. It’s probably not a Kraang gift basket. ‘Sorry for almost taking over the planet, here’s some assorted cheeses.’” 
You cautiously approach and crawl onto your knees. You didn’t want to accidentally set this thing off, but you have utterly no idea what to do about it. There wasn’t a handy timer to show you a countdown, and there wasn’t a panel of wires you could cut. 
If only Donnie were here. 
He was still miles away, but Donnie was already flying to your location. As he glides past the spires of buildings and various police helicopters, his brow was furrowed in sharp concentration. 
“Listen to me, don’t touch it. Get as far away from it as you can!”
You gulp. Hearing Donnie sound so stern was a bit jarring. 
“But I can’t just do nothing! These government guys, they were just going to let it go off and–”
Again, your body moves without thinking. Your hands lightly move around the box, hoping to find some kind of button. Surely most bombs are built with convenient off-switches, right? You grumble to yourself. 
“Wait,” You gasp. 
“What did I just say?” Donnie growls, his voice low and gravely.
Wordlessly, you spin the box around to get a better look at the other side. There was a faded, scratched-up logo. It was hard to make out, but you could swear you’ve seen it somewhere before. 
There was an American eagle, its claws holding onto a sigil of the planet. Above its head, those words you hoped you didn’t have to read were inscribed. The color drains from your face. 
‘Earth Protection Force.’ 
Your voice is quiet, weak. You felt so defeated. 
“Donnie, this isn’t the Kraang.”
You hear him sigh with relief. Donnie couldn’t really handle any more life-or-death situations today. 
“Fuck, thank goodness. I’m almost there.”
He speaks words of encouragement to you, but you don’t hear them. His familiar voice becomes more and more distant. You stare at the box, the blinking red light a grim reminder that at any moment, you would most certainly die. Did Bishop plan this whole thing from the start?
Maybe they would just write it off as more collateral damage from the Kraang. It would be easy to sweep under the rug. The only people who would perish were a bunch of nameless Foot thugs, and you. 
You thought you could help, you thought you could make a difference. So much for that. 
Chuckling dryly, you stand up. 
The docks were right next to the ocean, maybe you could just jump and spare yourself the trouble. A watery end wasn’t that much better than getting blown up, but you guess you at least had the choice. You wish you had the foresight to talk with Donnie one last time. Instead, you use all the strength you have to lift the box up and toss it into the harbor. 
The bomb tumbles down, causing an enormous splash. 
But, it doesn’t go off. 
“Huh,” you sigh. “That was weird.”
Behind you, the telltale sound of Donnie’s drone wings close in. You didn’t realize he could move that fast. In slow motion, you feel yourself turn. 
There was Donnie, his face etched with worry. 
“What are you still doing here?” He shouts. 
You hear his voice call out to you in the distance, having already pulled out your ear piece. As you turn to fully face him, you fail to notice the bubbling from the water below. You were far too busy staring like an idiot at the purple-clad turtle.
“Dee?” You whisper, your hand weakly reaching up. 
You watch as his eyebrows raise, his eyes widen. What was he looking at, you wonder. 
Then, it happens. 
The piercing sound of an explosion rocks you to your core. The shipping container instantly gets knocked about by the tidal wave that cascades from below. The bomb finally went off, but thankfully it was deep in the bottom of the harbor. That’s all you can think about as you fall off, your feet slipping off the edge of the metal. 
Thank goodness it went off before Donnie got here. Please, let him be safe. 
Those were your last thoughts. 
Your body smacks against the surface of the water like you fell onto straight concrete. The blow knocks you unconscious, and your lungs slowly begin to fill up. The water tasted bitter, almost sour. 
Finally, you plunge into the darkness. 
“No! No, no, no, no!”
Donnie screams, shielding himself from the explosion. The bomb goes off and sends a great deal of water up into the sky. The shipping container you were standing on breaks from the impact, and he watches as you fall into the harbor. 
He seethes, gritting his teeth. You were an idiot. A stupid, impulsive idiot. Why were you still here? Next to a fucking bomb?
Donnie flies over to the water and immediately dives in. He would have risked everything to get you to safety. He guessed having to expose his tech to water would be an acceptable sacrifice.
With little effort, he manages to swim in and find you. You drifted along, your body limp and lifeless. His tech goggles covered his eyes and allowed him to see within the clouded water. 
He got enough self-sacrificing from Leo today, why did you have to go and do something so brave.
“I hate you,” he spits, lifting you up into the air. “How dare you make me carry you.”
He couldn’t go back to the docks. It was still crawling with Foot zombies. The dirty beach would just have to do. The sand buckles and shifts below Donnie’s feet as he slung your dead weight over his shoulder. 
“Please. Please don’t be dead.”
He sets you down against the course sand, careful not to jostle you too much. He quickly assesses your wounds. Your body was relatively unscathed, but you were still unconscious.
Gulping, he angles your neck up. Feels at your pulse.
Thank God, you still had one. It was weak, but it was there. Donnie takes you by the shoulders and shakes you about.
“Wake up. C’mon, don’t make me have to—“
His eyes desperately rake over you, looking for any sort of response. You didn’t stir, your body still slack. 
Donnie sucked in a bit of air through his nostrils. You definitely were water-logged, and you were unresponsive. He hated to admit it, but there was no other way.
“Alright! Here goes nothing…!”
Donnie places his hands in the center of your chest and gives you a set of quick compressions. He hadn’t had to administer life-saving protocols before, but he prided himself on being fully prepared for any scenario. 
He just didn't think he’d have to do them on you.
After about 30 compressions, he stops. 
“Wake up,” he urges. “Wake up already.”
Your eyes remained shut. Looking down, Donnie’s heart seizes. Your mouth was slack, slightly open and with no breath escaping.
No, please. Anything but that.
Before he could spiral down into his own self-pity, Donnie grabs at your head. Pinching your nostrils closed, he leans down to linger upon your lips. 
It was only two breaths, two measly breaths. He had to shift into a medical mindset. This was for your own good.
“You better not be faking it.”
With one last sharp inhale, Donnie smashes his lips into yours. One breath, two breaths. He felt your chest rise with the second breath. 
Lifting himself off of you, he gazes upon you with quiet reverence. You looked like you always did, only a little drenched. And cold. Donnie’s hands wander down to your arms, squeezing you tightly. 
You simply couldn’t be dead. It was a scientific impossibility. Sure, you were as mortal as he was, and we all have to bite it someday. But he wouldn’t let that happen today. He would rewrite the laws of the universe if he had to. 
He felt the tears that he fought so hard to keep in start to run down his cheeks. 
“You’re stronger than this. You can’t just—“
His eyes bore into your closed eyelids, willing them to finally open. Any second now. Donnie resumed the chest compressions with a little more desperation. He didn’t even care that he might be bruising your ribcage at this point.
“Don’t you know that there are people who still need you? We still have to finish the Jupiter Jim marathon! You’ve only seen the first 7!”
Donnie’s voice started with a quiet, commanding tone before lilting into a shout. There was so much left for you to do here, you just couldn’t leave now. What would his brothers say? Or April? Your parents?
After the last couple of compressions, Donnie stilled. That was it.
“You’re…” He whispers, tears streaming down his face. 
He needed to call Leo, or send a distress signal. He needed to do anything except sit there and stare at you. He felt despair begin to creep in, slowly consuming his every thought. Immediately, Donnie pushes it away with a slam of his fists on the sand beside your head. 
Anger. No, rage. White-hot rage. 
“I told you to leave. And like always, you didn’t listen.”
Donnie glowered at you, his eyes going dark. But for some reason, all his fury disappeared once he got a good look at your face. He’s been angry with you plenty of times before. You were kind of an annoying person. He lets out a light chuckle before scooping you up into his arms. Carefully, slowly. 
He’d never really hugged you before though. It was nice, feeling your body lean up against his, but…
“I wish this were under different circumstances.” Donnie smiles, feeling a new bittersweet emotion bubble up in his chest.
“Usually you have something funny to say back. Or something stupid. Remember when I caught you reading my book of life-saving procedures?”
It was still a work in progress, but he was on a mission to draft a follow-up to his New York Times worst-selling hit, Donnie’s Big Book of Bad Guy Codes.
He didn’t realize until just now, but you were the only one who read either of his books.
“You were at the CPR chapter, practicing on Sheldon. You two were singing that song to keep the correct pace…”
Donnie sniffled and brought you in closer to his chest. Even though you were soaking wet and covered in sand, he needed to bury his face in your hair. 
What was that stupid song anyway? It was probably for the best that he couldn’t remember, he wouldn’t be able to listen to it again. It would remind Donnie too much of you.
“It’s alright.” A small voice spoke.
“No, it’s not alright.”
He didn’t know who exactly was speaking to him right now. Donnie squeezes you even tighter, all of the sudden hearing someone wheeze.
“It’s alright, it’s okay.” 
You finally stir, petting Donnie’s battle shell. You tried to be as soothing and calm as possible, but you knew there wouldn’t be much time left before you puke up a bunch of water. 
“Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother, you’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Feel the city breakin’ and everybody shakin’ and you’re stayin’—AUGGH!”
Finally, you cough and sputter, water shamelessly spilling from your mouth. You really didn’t want to have to do this while Donnie was holding you so sweetly. 
Donnie’s sad expression falls away. “What the—?”
He pulls you away and searches your face. Your eyes were screwed shut as you continued to get out all the water that was in your stomach and lungs. Mindlessly, Donnie slams his arms against your back to help you.
Then, the realization hits him. You were alive! And not only that, you were your same annoying self! 
“Donnie! I— augh, God. I need to tell you about Bishop. There’s this—“
Donnie shuts you up, pulling you back in for a spine-breaking hug. Or at least, a rib-breaking one. You recoil a bit and cry out in pain, feeling a weird ache in your chest.
“OW!” You shudder.
“You’re an idiot. A dumb, stupid, reckless, insubordinate idiot. Please don’t ever leave!” He cries, nuzzling his head against yours. 
Somehow, you ignore Donnie’s unusual show of affection. There was still Bishop and the E.P.F., and the Foot Zombies clambering above you both. This was not the time or place to be canoodling.
“We have to go! Where are the guys? I think there’s a secret Black Ops that knows about you? And they—“
Once again, you’re cut off by Donnie. Another sting of pain runs throughout your body, and you push yourself off. 
“Jesus! And I thought drowning in the Hudson was suffocating.” 
You smirk at Donnie, wiping off the last bit of water from your chin. He was still caught up in…emotions? Is that what he was experiencing right now? You lean forward, leveling him with a teasing grin.
“Ha-ha, you saved me.” You chuckle.
But looking at Donnie’s face…his dumb, happy, handsome face. It made you nearly tear up yourself. You suddenly remember the events that led up to this moment. The bomb, the falling, the almost dying. 
Your smile curls into a frown, complete with a quivering lip. “You…you saved me.”
“Well, duh. I only did what Donnie’s Big Book of Life-Saving Procedures taught me.”
Donnie finally lets his familiar snark return. With a flippant smirk, he reaches into his battle shell and pulls out a spare handkerchief. He always kept one or two on his person, just in case. 
He supposes he could have used his robotic arms to hand it to you, and to pat you down with it too. He could have used them to resuscitate you as well, now that he thought about it. But he didn’t. 
With a light touch, he places the rag against your cheek and your hair. It didn’t really do that much, considering you were both soaking wet. It didn’t matter. 
Your eyes meet, and you both finally smile at one another. A genuine, thankful smile. They said all they needed to say without any words. 
Still, you felt a little bad for making Donnie have to do CPR on you. You’re sure it wasn’t a pleasant experience for him, what with all the…physical contact involved.
“I’m sorry for not listening to you. And for all this.” You gesture vaguely to your chest. “I guess I thought I could be a hero like you guys…”
“We’re no heroes. Just a couple of highly-trained, highly volatile young adults with advanced weaponry and mystic powers. What’s so heroic about that?”
Up above on the docks, you hear a suspicious sound. More so the lack of sound, since the Foot zombies were somehow no longer growling up above. 
“Wait—“ You stand up, your legs a little wobbly.
“Woah, slow down there cowboy.” 
Donnie quickly catches you before you fall, putting a solid arm around your midsection. You blush, feeling his hand grab you so firmly.
“You do know that in the last couple of minutes, we’ve had more physical contact than we ever had since…ever?”
“Yeah, I know.” He sighs.
You chance a sheepish look to him as he leads you over to the other end of the beach. Getting a clearer view of the docks, you both see a couple of government workers in hazmat suits spraying people down. The Kraang infections begin to slowly fade away, and you grab ahold of Donnie’s arm.
“Wait, how did they…?”
“The pesticides. I guess someone managed to tell them that the Kraang had a weakness. And to think they were just going to leave them, or worse.”
Donnie smirks down at you, giving you a gentle but reassuring pat on the back.
“Whoever did that sure is a real hero.”
You tear your eyes away from the docks to look back at Donnie. Your stomach fills with butterflies at his tender gaze. He’s never really looked at you like that before. Tonight was a night of many firsts. 
You shrug, feeling embarrassed. “I guess you’re right.”
“I’m always right. Why does it take the world to nearly end for people to understand that?”
Chuckling, you stand up a little straighter. You definitely needed to rest, your body would be a mess tomorrow. Donnie’s hand shifts a bit to lay on your hip, and you find yourself leaning into his hold. 
“So, we saved the day? Do you think that means you guys will be given some kind of award? Key to the city?”
Donnie scoffs, helping you walk up back to the street. “I’m sure our valiant efforts will go relatively unnoticed. Not that we need to be congratulated, but…it doesn’t really matter.”
“Sure it does. I’m not an official or anything, but I think you all deserve some kind of honor. A plaque at least.”
You manage to climb back up to the pavement with Donnie’s help. Once you dust yourself off a bit, you wring out your damp hair. 
“Oh yeah, they’ll be putting up statues of us in no time. Sing our praises in the streets. Ugh, and then there are the public appearances. I would hate to have to kiss a baby.”
As you two walked back toward the rest of the gang (you both agreed that flying was a little out of the question for your slightly broken body), you moved to be a little closer to Donnie. 
“Nah, kissing’s gross. I only do it in emergency medical situations.” You tease, knocking against Donnie’s shoulder with your own.
Donnie suddenly stops, a deep blush filling his cheeks. 
“I— It was protocol! It’s two breaths, with minimal skin-on-skin contact. If I was going to kiss you, I wouldn’t be so cold and clinical about it.”
You feel yourself begin to laugh before you clutch at your tender muscles. Ah, there’s the pain again. Why was Donnie so cute and funny, he was going to be the death of you.
“Whatever you say.”
With a little hop and a skip, you manage to plant a small kiss on Donnie’s cheek. You know it’s not nearly enough of the thanks he deserves, but you hope it makes him feel a little more…heroic. 
“Thanks for helping me stay alive.” You smile.
In a charged couple of seconds, Donnie peeks down at you. You’re almost afraid that you’ve overstepped your boundaries when he doesn’t say anything. Eventually, his lips tug into a small smirk. 
Quietly, he begins to sing. His voice is comically flat. 
“Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.”
You give him an even bigger, goofier smile. After he loops back around to the chorus, you happily join him, with a little more enthusiasm in your delivery.
You hook your arm around his, singing and laughing all the way. You would deal with the fallout and boring stuff later. Right now, you were just glad to be with Donnie. You should be glad you aren’t dead too, but that was secondary. 
taglist: @saspas-corner
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maltmealo · 2 months
Chapter 2: Who are you, really?
A conversation floated around, it was muffled like I was in a different room. Maybe you were in a different room, you didn't know anymore. You were either dead and in robot purgatory or giant robots are real and some psychopath demon teleported you to Nevada, hooray.
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Tiredly you lift up your head, expecting to see the crappy popcorn ceiling of your college dorm, but instead seeing a… stone ceiling, you got kidnapped, great.
Sitting up was a mistake, memories flooded your head, leftover bile from earlier resurfaced as your body finally gave in to your disgust and fear. After you were done throwing up, you slapped your hands over your body, checking for any damage. Nothing. you got hit by a fucking semi-truck and you weren’t even hurt anymore.
Standing up on two shaky legs as you observed your surroundings. A stone corridor, the ceiling was being held up by statues of… you don't even know what those are, robots? A part of the corridor was sunk and drowning in water, slowly you made your way to the water peering over the edge, you couldn’t see the bottom, which may be because of the barely light environment you were in. Down the other way was… a guy, a guy who was watching you. you froze in place holding your breath hoping that he couldn’t see you.
Suddenly, he spoke, “Run.” he spoke like he was scared, “Run and don't look back!” he shouted your name as someone, no, something appeared behind him. He pointed behind you and kept repeating the phrase. Out of instinct, you took a step back, right into the mysterious dark water. Panic swelled in your chest as you sunk below the surface, it felt like a current was pulling you toward the bottom.
Voices, muffled voices were coming from the bottom, and a bright light appeared, seemingly the source of the voices. The current was dragging you toward the light, in a desperate attempt to stop the current you kicked and flailed like that would do something. A bright flash of light obscured your vision, the voices became clearer.
“-m sure that they fell from some sorta portal!” a male voice said, seemingly agitated.
“And then you brought her here? Bulkhead, what if they were a Decepticon spy!” a gruffer, older voice yelled at ‘Bulkhead’.
“Ratchet is right, bulkhead,” a new voice answered, “But then again, they appeared to be in distress, and as Autobots, it is our duty to help those in distress.”
Slowly, you managed to open your eyes to see a giant hovering over you. You let out a horrified scream and sat up. Another round of vomit rose from your stomach and you covered your mouth and scampered back from the giant… robot, it was a giant robot.
“Great, they’re awake.” the iron giant said then mumbled something along the lines of, ‘We can't protect a human.’
“Hello, I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, you are safe.” You whip around to the source of the voice, a red and blue giant, even bigger than the orange and white one. Your body refused to move, your hand still glued to your mouth and your eyes wide as saucers. There was a beat of silence before he spoke again, “We do not wish to harm you, we found you after you fell from a portal, can you tell us who you are?”
“I,” you took your hand off your mouth and slowly started to inch away from the giant metal robots, you tried to answer his question but no other words came out of your mouth. Suddenly you were blocked from going any further, you turned to see a large hand blocking you from falling from the ledge. Slowly your eyes follow towards a green robot this time, he gave a nervous smile.
“Don’t want you falling again, I’m Bulkhead, team prime’s wrecker!” he said introducing himself, he held out a finger from his other hand for you to shake, his other still keeping you from moving any further back. you shook his hand, still not talking.
Finally gainly back your voice, you stuttered, “You… your giant robots.”
The orange and white one finally spoke up, “We are cybertronians, and you are?” he grumbled and watched you like he was trying to figure out what you were.
you tell them your name, and hug your knees close to your chest, “How’d you get here?” They shared a look between themselves the red and blue one, Optimus, got down to your eye level.
“We were scanning the area when our devices felt a disturbance in the Electromagnetic fields, it was great enough to be of concern. Myself and bulkhead,” he said gesturing to the green one behind me, “went to the site of the disturbance, only to see you falling through a rift of light or as bulkhead says, a portal.”
Bulkhead let out a hefty laugh, “Yeah! And if Optimus didn't catch you on time you probably would have went splat!” your face must have gotten paler.
“Bulkhead!” the orange and white one shouted angrily, making you flinch at the volume, “I’m sure they could’ve gone their whole life without ever needing to know they almost died!”
you almost died. you didn’t almost die, you did die! Black spots danced in your vision as you cradled your head and tried to slow your breathing, nagging claws of panic digging into your back, peering over your shoulder like some long-lost friend. Ringing entered your ears next, forcing the arguing of the two cybertronians out of your head. you could feel tears welling up, the choking anxiety forcing a painful lump to the back of your throat.
“Are you okay?” Optimus said, you hadn’t realized but the other two had stopped arguing and the only sound was your muffled, choked sobs.
“As okay as someone who was just hit by a truck can be.” you chuckle a bit, before whipping away the remaining tears and trying to stop more from coming up, “and as okay for someone who was just about murdered by an insane psychopath.”
The silence was deafening, the orange and white one spoke up first, “You were hit by a truck? We did an examination on you and you have no signs of any damage anywhere!.” He too got lower to see you eye to eye.
“I don’t… I don’t know…” somehow you managed to curl up even further into yourself, “I remember being chased by a serial killer and then getting hit by a truck, and then I woke up here.” a thought came running through your head, “Oh my god, am I dead? Is this some sort of afterlife?” you began babbling on the possibilities as more began to flood into your head.
“You are not dead, this place is quite real, you can assure you, you are safe and will remain unharmed, we have contacted your government and have informed them of your presence,” Optimus said gently, “unfortunately, you will have to be under our watch for the time being.”
A loud scoff came from the orange and white one, “Optimus if you haven’t noticed we already are watching three human children! We do not need to take care of another!”
“I’m not a child,” you said snappily, “And I can take care of myself, I just want to go home, and then I’ll be out of your hair.” They all shared a look of confusion.
“We do not have hair, nor would you be in it if we did.” Optimus said, “But I'm afraid you don't have a choice on whether or not you stay here, you still have very strong traces of the EMF disturbance, and Decepticons will no doubt try and track you.”
“Decepticons? What are those?” you croaked out, your panic attack could wait until later, now you were curious.
“Decepticons are the faction we are at war with, they seek to take over the earth and terraform it to better suit cybertronian life, destroying all organic life in the process,” Optimus spoke, almost as if this was rehearsed.
“Not to mention that the leader is a tyrant with a vendetta against Optimus.” the orange and white one said. “But… Optimus is right, now that you know of our existence you will need protection.”
“Why the change of mind?” you say turning to him, the bright fluorescent lights flickered, your stomach dropped and you covered your mouth again. He was going to come and get me, Meryl was dead, and he was going to come and get me. A sudden pain shot through your forehead and you gasped and held your head.
“You’re bleeding!” Bulkhead said, seemingly panicked “Ratchet do something!”
you brought your hand away from your forehead, blood. you were bleeding, your breath sped up. This was a dream and real life was seeping through the cracks. A hand, a giant hand was reaching for me, temporarily forgetting where you were, you screamed.
“Don’t touch me!” your voice was high-pitched and manic, scampering further away from both Bulkhead and Ratchet. your forehead was bleeding still, blood now getting into your eyes, “This isn’t real! I’m still laying on the side of the fucking road bleeding out!” dizziness streamed into your mind, your vision getting foggy.
“Hey, listen now, don’t do anything stupid, okay? This is real, you’re not on the side of the road, you're in Jasper, Nevada.” Bulkhead said, slowly inching his way toward me.
“No!” you gasp, “I can’t be in Nevada! I was just in South Carolina working on an essay for college!” you were now walking backward at a steady face. Warm metal suddenly stopped you, wrapping around your body and stopping you from walking any further.
“You are injured and confused, we will not hurt you, you promise you,” Optimus said as you started to struggle, he wasn’t squeezing you in any way, he was just keeping you from walking off the edge. “You have nothing to fear from us.” The dizziness had started to form black dots in your vision, if Optimus wasn’t holding you you probably would have collapsed.
“No, no, no! This can’t be real, if it is that means my friend is dead and the fucking psychopath is still out there!” Sobs forced their way out of your throat, “This can’t be real…” as your Harsh sobs died down, exhaustion began to weigh down on your mind, either that or blood loss. you didn’t talk anymore, you couldn’t, you could barely keep your eyes open. you were too comfortable to stay awake anyway.
A conversation floated around, it was muffled like you were in a different room. Maybe you were in a different room, you didn't know anymore. you were either dead and in robot purgatory or giant robots are real and some psychopath demon teleported you to Nevada, hooray.
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pugsbone · 5 months
Opinions on Penny getting the Kenny Treatment? (Murdered more than once)
Frankly, I thought it was just a waste of a potential arc of Penny learning what it's actually like to be human.
There are a few things that I really dislike about Penny's treatment during the Atlas arc, and some of this does bleed into her initial appearances in the first three volumes.
I hate the fact that they keep telling us she's a real person when we already know this. When it first happened after she stopped the truck, it was a sweet moment, and we all agreed with Ruby, Penny is real. Even her coming back from the dead didn't change that, she was still real, which got proven again when she became the Maiden. But then it turns out she wasn't real enough, since they make such a big deal about her now becoming human, so that she is now a real human being to them. She has always been a real person, doesn't matter if she's an android or flesh and blood, she was always real. (Side note, I dislike the way Yang referred to her prosthetic as just an extra part. As someone who depends on medication to live a technically normal life, they are a part of me, for without them, I could not actually be me. Just feels off, but I'll get back on track.)
The fact that she did come back with no real drawbacks was kind of boring. Would have been neat if she was brought back, but lacked either the memories from after she left for Beacon, or had no memories of the time before she died. Like she had to be rebooted to her last cloud save, sort of thing. Would have been a good opportunity at angst, and while it is great to have her back, to show that she didn't get brought back without a scratch or two.
Her existence feels like a mixture of fanservice and a need for a character to be close to the heroes. What I mean by that is her becoming the Maiden is kind of meaningless in the long run since Winter still gets it. Like I get that they wanted to give Winter more time to switch sides, but it just feels weird that she would be the last person that Penny would think of. Like the two never really talked in the first three seasons, Penny never really mentioned her at all, so it just felt kind of forced. Wish they had used Ciel instead, showing their relationship growing from just a chaperone to two really close friends. Would have been sweet.
Not really a fan of Jaune being the one to kill her, mostly because it felt like just another way to give him something to angst over. Also just kind of boring since this is just after they went through everything to keep her from dying from the virus, only to get immediately killed once they step through the portal. Wish she had just thrown herself off the edge instead or something, let Ruby think she could've made it into the Ever After too, only to tragically find out that she died from her wounds, the maiden powers already moving to Winter. Just an idea, really.
But also, yeah, it would have been sweet to watch her enjoy all kinds of brand new sensations. Real disney princess moment as she smells flowers, tastes fresh bread, things like that.
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eldmandate9 · 3 months
How to Find Truck Loads for Owner Operators
More than 70% of transported goods are moved by trucks in the United States. More than 90% of companies in the United States long-distance freight trucking industry are owner-operators. Getting frequent, reliable, and well-paying truck loads is crucial for the smooth running of any trucking business. In the past, owner-operators had to constantly check physical load boards, wait in truck shops, or make several calls a day in order to get loads. Times have now changed. The internet, smartphones, apps, etc. offer an advantage to finding a reliable source to get truck loads. If you are still in the researching phase of becoming a new owner operator please see our full guide on how to start a trucking business in 2024. 
Below are a few ways in which an owner-operator can find loads:
Load boards
Load boards are the most common way to find loads. This is especially a reliable option for a new business to get rolling quick. A Load board is essentially an online site that provides a shared platform for shippers and truckers/owner-operators. The shippers post information of the load such as the origin, distance, destination and other important details, and owner operators can apply to pick up transport those loads. Load boards can be very helpful if the business is not leased onto a dedicated carrier. 
Load board apps are also available on smartphones that provides multiple listings to help owner-operators find suitable loads. Load boards differ from one service provider to another. While some may provide the services for free, others charge a fee to access the boards. We discuss the best load board sites for owner operators:
Paid load board websites that also offer free trial:
Direct Freight - https://www.directfreight.com/home/
DAT - https://www.dat.com/load-boards
Get loaded - http://www.getloaded.com/
Truckers Edge - https://www.truckersedge.net/
Load Match - https://www.loadmatch.com/
Free load board websites:
Trucker Path - https://truckerpath.com/truckloads/free-load-board/
Trulos - http://www.trulos.com/
DSSLN - http://www.dssln.com/
Freight Finder - https://www.freightfinder.com/
Load up - http://www.usacanadaloadup.com/
Trucker Path
Truckloads & Freight
All the websites or apps above should give a start to owner operators on how to find truck loads with a load board. Other options apart from public load boards are below. 
Some companies have a private load board. These are specifically for owner-operators to lease-on with that company. This option provides the owner-operator with the stability of a big company – which is an added advantage for a new owner-operator. It also gives the freedom to choose the freight directly from a load board. Some companies also offer discounts on operating expenses to owner-operators. Hence, it helps the owner-operator utilize its purchasing power. Owner-operators may also get paid a fuel surcharge versus per mile.
Freight brokers
Freight brokers help finding loads. Choosing a freight broker can be a handy option if an owner-operator is not looking to lease-on with a trucking company. A freight broker eases the process by doing most of the leg-work. This includes dispatching loads, tracking shipments, payrolls, invoicing, etc. A freight broker assists a shipper in finding a carrier that is qualified to move its load. Once a deal is negotiated, the broker connects the shipper with the owner-operator. The broker negotiates the highest amount with the shipper for the load, and connects the shipper with a carrier that is willing to move it at the lowest amount. The margin is called a spread, and is charged by the broker as a fee for the service provided. The spread is usually 15-25% of the profit. 
For example, an owner-operator agrees to move a load for $6000. A freight broker negotiates with the shipper for $7000 to do the trip. The margin of $1000 is the spread, goes directly to the freight broker.
A freight broker can be an individual or a company. When looking for one to partner with, it is recommended to find ones who are registered with the FMCSA and cover insurance costs. It is a great option for beginner owner-operators who are yet to get a strong foothold in the industry. It is important to have clarity regarding the impact of the spread on the profits made for a business. 
A dispatcher manages the flow of the freight for efficient movement of the truck load. This is done by avoiding empty miles in the trips. Doing so helps in maximizing profits for owner-operators. One of the keys to smooth functioning of this service is constant communication with the owner-operator. A dispatcher ensures compliance and usually provides customer service. In addition to finding loads for the owner-operator, dispatchers also aid in various backend operations. This includes all associated paperwork like tax records, permits, insurance, etc. Some dispatchers provide end to end services. This means the dispatcher takes care of finding and managing the loads, as well as ensuring timely payment from the shipper. The fee is charged either at a flat rate, or as a certain percentage of the load. An owner-operator can hire an individual dispatcher or a trucking dispatch service provider. This is another way for owner operators to find truck loads.
Government Contracts
Federal, state, and local governments often outsource their transportation requirements. To be considered as an option for moving government loads, an owner-operator has to register on the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) website as a company. Registering as a government contractor can help an owner-operator find loads in their own city/area. Obtaining contracts can vary depending upon the security clearance required for winning the bids. A contract with government entities like the US postal service or getting the business’ name on the GSA list can bring in steady work-flow and also offer great pay. Government contracts are a great option for finding loads for an owner operator.
Prospecting is the continual process of finding loads. It revolves around researching shippers in the local area. The owner-operator should research the number of shippers, the kind of loads needed to move, destinations catered to, etc. This will help the owner-operator determine a prospect shipper to get loads from. The process requires the owner-operator to connect with the prospect shipper by reaching out to them. In the communication, an owner-operator can enquire about the shipper’s requirement and any trips suitable for the owner-operator to undertake. It also helps in finding any future opportunities that the shipper might offer. This requires a bit more work for the owner operator but also provides a good opportunity to find more loads.
Just like any other business, networking can be a key step for ensuring an owner-operator’s visibility and possible growth in the industry. Creating friendships can lead to prospective clients. Getting involved in associations like the American Association of Owner Operators (AAOO) or other local events can help in professional connections that may be a great pathway for getting loads. It not only helps in staying informed about news in the trucking industry, but also helps in tips and guidelines to grow business.Owner operators should choose a strategy or combination of strategies above to determine what works best for the business. At first, an owner-operator might not have a lot of load options to choose from. The owner-operator may have to take up any available job to keep the business running. Though overwhelming at first, it gets easier with each trip. Owner Operators need the best technology and ELD Mandate provides some of the best products from Asset Trackers, Dash Cams, ELDs, Tablets and Data for all owner operators.
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skulgore · 2 years
“𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐞.”
MWAH! i love these idea so so much, i just wanted to combine them.
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warning: religious ideology/discrimination? (idk it's not real religions), blood, extreme gore (red marks beginning and end, really short)
twins aren't specified
The Abyss scoffed at the idea of the Creator. If this Creator was so loving, how come they didn't grace them with their presence during the fall of Khaenri'ah? Even the nation without a god was praying for your help. But to no avail, you didn't answer. You abandoned them. Celestia announced your arrival, they couldn't help but feel bitter. Why awaken now. You betrayed the Abyss Order.
Then they caught word of an imposter. Who shall they believe? Should they defend their non-religious belief, or help this imposter insult the "Creator's" name?
The Abyss lives to taunt the Creator, since many of their people died from them not preventing it. Damn you. They all screamed in vain, begging for help. Children, families, loved ones all died because of you.
You recently found yourself in the game you downloaded all that time ago, you knew the game inside out. But never have you heard of the Creator.
Shrugging it off as if nothing was a mistake, and now you're being hunted by everyone in Teyvat. But you've read those SAGAU stories on Tumblr? So, you'll be fine! Just run to the Tsaritsa or even the Abyss. You know they'll have your back.
Or so you thought. When you were seeking refuge, you went straight to the Abyss with a shining look in your eyes. Disappearing by boat with a cloak that hidden your form. It was as if the waves of Teyvat were pleading for you to not head in that direction since the boat nearly flipped twice. Nonetheless, you carried on.
Reaching the familiar steps of the portal you took a deep breath in, and as you were exhaling you walked into the Spiral Abyss.
You saw many people surrounding you, defensive position. The Abyss. Looking up slowly, you met the eyes of gold, and a sword pointed to your chest. “How dare you walk into the grounds of the Abyss?" The Abyss twins face was filled with such bitterness. It made you want to curl up on the spot.
“I don't even know who the Creator is!" You kept eye contact with the twin, pleading. “I'm not from here, I just want to get home..." Turning away, nostalgia hitting you like a truck of the place you hated so much, but miss so dearly.
“Prove it.”
“Show me your blood.”
Your absent-mindedness made the twin angry, lightly cutting your cheek with the sword in their hand. Surprised to see red blood ooze out. They sheathe their sword. Offering you their hand to get you off your knees.
“Nobody has had your courage to put dirt on the Creators name like this,” the twin gleams as you take their hand with yours and pull yourself up while wiping your cheek with the other. “You might've just as well started a revolution.”
You're glad to be alive but you would rather not be in this predicament right now. “You see I-” you try to draw your hand back from their grasp but they quickly take your hand again.
“You want to lead the rebellion with me.”
“Well I didn't quite say that,” pausing to let yourself think. “But hell, it'd be nice!” You found yourself with shelter and protection. And not just any protection, but the Abyss. It can't get any better from here.
You find yourself soon leading a battalion against the same people that tried murdering you. You smile at the satisfaction revenge gives you. The Abyss follows your every command, but really all you want to do is get home.
You find playing pretend for a little doesn't hurt, and when it comes to killing people with your own hands? Hesitation. You know these are game characters but the look of fear in their eyes never fails to send shivers down your spend. When they give you those stupid puppy dog eyes for their life, you have the urge to carve their face off. How dare they beg for their lives when you begged for yours and nobody did anything?
Hearing and watching Celestia fall is like a harmony. Seeing the Creator walk out of their palace, smug look on their face. You wanted to explode the entirety of Teyvat after that. You were held by an Abyss mage and teleported over to Celestia, then soon disappearing. Nobody concerned, more terrified.
You walked straight towards the Creator and locked eyes. “I didn't want to do this, I really didn't,” your eyes expressed fake pity. “You see, I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't send out a hit for me.”
“Oh my Celestia, am I sorry.” The Creator dropped to their knees, bowing in front of you, holding onto your ankles. Head hung low.
“Look up at me.” You can feel them shaking from below you. "Look," you used the tip of the shoe to pick the Creators chin up. "at me."
“I'm sorry, m'lord. I never will do this again, just please spare my life.” Never have you ever wanted to kick them in the head as hard as you did right now. “I repent, my god. I repent.”
You scoffed- taking a step back even, bending down to make direct eye contact. “No,” you grabbed its chin roughly. “No gods,” you squeezed its cheeks with your hand. “No Celestia," you tugged at the hair to hold it up. “No Divine Principles," you tightened your grip.
Fear doesn't even begin to describe what the entirety of Teyvat felt after what you said next. “No Creator," a sinful smile crept up from you, directly to contradict the Creators.
“Only. Me.”
You summoned your sword and slashed its neck, strong enough to behead them. When the body was still breathing, in a fit of a rage you stomped on the corpse. The blood and guts spilling all over your outfit. You raised your sword to stab the body over and over and over again. The loud sounds of bones cracking every time you stab. You lift your leg and broke the head. More guts and blood. Step, step, step. Crimson covering your form.
“Your- your highness?" You heard vomiting from behind you. What did you do. You looked towards your hands, back to reality. you laughed, a sinister smile falling upon you again. Is this how much power you had in the first place? Turning around, you saw your comfort character and your blood runs cold.
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coldgoldlazarus · 11 months
After rewatching Into the Spiderverse last week, and my third viewing of Across the Spiderverse this weekend, a bit of a crack theory has been percolating in my head. Some spoilers here, so putting this under a readmore:
I think Doc Ock has a chance of returning in Beyond The Spiderverse. A slim chance, but a chance nonetheless.
Point A: Lack Of Resolution
This is pretty obvious so I won't belabor it; despite her role as a pretty significant villain in ItSV, along with Kingpin and Prowler, the mind behind the supercollider and given a pretty fantastic reveal, she also winds up getting hit by a truck during the climax and not being heard from again. The Prowler died, Kingpin got defeated and webbed up for the police, even Tombstone was seen getting arrested and shoved in a cop car, and the other henchmen like Scorpion also got pretty conclusive defeats at the hands of the 2D spideys during the fight itself.
But with Liv, there's no real confirmation of what happened afterwards; whether she got arrested, or ran off, or the impact was fatal and her body recovered, or what; no clue. (And if she did end up shoved through the Collider and landed in another dimension, she'd be subject to the same glitching, cell decay, and eventual death as the others, without the Spider-society tech to stabilize herself.) And like, that doesn't necessarily mean anything on its own, but at the very least the principle of "didn't see the body" is in play.
(Interestingly, I remember hearing somewhere that there was a deleted scene of her intentionally jumping into the collider portal while saying the "power of the [X] in the palm of my hands!" line that later went to Spot. Though idk where I heard it, so am unsure if this is actually legit. And even if it is, it was still a scene they chose to remove from the final film, so while it could mean that intent is still there, they also could have changed their minds on the idea entirely.)
On its own, I'd be willing to accept that that's probably the last we've seen of her... but as of AtSV, it actually isn't.
Point B: Aaron Haunts The Narrative
This part has no direct connection to her, but bear with me here. If you've seen it, (I hope you have) you know that AtSV ends with the reveal that Miles wasn't sent to his home timeline/universe, but a darker parallel version where his dad is dead but Uncle Aaron is not, and is working with the parallel version of Miles as the Prowler. He does say "I'm not" when our Miles refers to him that way, but the impression I got is that he's halfway-retired from the role but still acting as support for Miles G; the "guy in the chair" if you will.
I digress. Point is, it ends with a return for both Uncle Aaron and the Prowler identity, but this didn't come out of nowhere; all throughout the movie leading up to this, Aaron and/or the Prowler are brought up or indirectly hinted at on an honestly pretty frequent basis. Gwen's drumming recap at the beginning, the memorial grafitti on the rooftop, the Donald Glover cameo, the flash of him on the side of the building during Miles' breakdown sequence as he's rushing to get home, plus a few smaller mentions here and there. ("He takes after his uncle!" during the meeting with the guidance councilor, and a visual comparison with Uncle Ben during the "canon events" presentation, and I feel like there may be a couple others yet that I'm forgetting as well.)
The movie goes out of its way to remind you of him and his importance to Miles at every turn, and part of that is just inherently because he is so important to Miles. But it also feels like, from a writer-to-audience perspective, part of the purpose is also as a reminder; if anyone either saw ItSV but forgot most of it in the intervening time, or simply missed it altogether and for some reason decided to see AtSV first anyway, this makes sure they know exactly who and what he is, so the reveal at the end carries the full emotional weight it needs to. No matter what, you will have the proper context to appreciate Miles' reaction when Aaron steps through that door.
(Also, I just wanna say that I love that reaction in of itself; the hyperventilating panic at first, only to rush in for a tight hug. The mix of terror and comfort that comes with full awareness of both sides of him, and all the associated memories both good and bad, combined with this unexpected chance to see him (or at least a version of him) again. It's just a really great moment on that front.)
But anyway, I'm getting off track again, too many Prowler feels. ^^; What does this have to do with Doc Ock?
Point C: Aaron Isn't Alone In Haunting
This is admittedly both the key part of my theory and also the weakest one overall, so I will readily admit upfront that I may be reading too much into things, and Liv really did bow out for good in ItSV. That being said, here's my thought:
Even if a much lesser extent than Aaron, I couldn't help but notice a similar-seeming trend of brief reminders of her. On one hand, most of these can be fairly easily dismissed as simply maintaining continuity and connection with the first movie, as the bulk of them were in relation to The Spot's backstory as Jonathan Ohm; she was there for the flashback to the misplaced 42 Spider, and then seen again in a framed photo of him, when Gwen was inspecting the remains of his makeshift apartment lab. So while it's a neat inclusion, it doesn't necessarily mean anything more, right? Kingpin got mentioned too, during the Guggenheim fight with Vulture, but I'm pretty sure he isn't going to be making a comeback.
But there is one other instance that feels a bit more significant and out of place, and is what led to this theory in the first place. I mentioned this scene already in relation to the Uncle Aaron foreshadowing/reminders, but going back to it now, there is what I've dubbed the Falling Apart sequence. (From the score that plays during it.) Right after Gwen's talk with her father resolves, we cut back to Miles, swinging through the city in a desperate rush to get back home to his parents in time. (Unaware yet that this isn't his city, his home, his parents, because this isn't his universe.)
Tangential Gushing Over That Scene
It's sort of a dark parallel to the Leap Of Faith/What's Up Danger scene from ItSV, with previous bits of dialogue and past moments echoing in his mind again. There, it was all the inspiration pushing him to finally take the leap and truly become Spiderman; whereas here it's reminders of all the stress and uncertainty he's under as he races against time and possibly destiny itself, not to mention being plagued by doubts after Miguel revealed he possibly shouldn't have become Spiderman to begin with.
But what I especially love is the animation of this sequence, which on first watch I thought was stuff actually happening, but reads more on subsequent viewings like hallucinations during what's basically a panic attack. It's both gorgeous and stressful, with trains derailing and rerailing to chase Miles; the space between the skyscrapers growing narrower and more claustrophobic; and stuff like the 42 Spider, the Spot's arms, and Doc Ock's tentacles also appear briefly to hem him in even further until the end. He finally breaks free at the end, with Aaron's dying words to "just keep going" pushing him to make it the rest of the way 'home' unimpeded, a tiny bit of much-needed catharsis amidst all the overwhelming... everything else.
I really love this scene, in case it wasn't obvious.
Point C, Continued: Why Tentacle Happen?
But to get back on track, nearly everything about this sequence is mainly focused on ideas introduced in Across; the Spot, Miguel, Jefferson's predicted demise. The Spider is from the first movie, but still given extra context now; the first big exception is the reuse of Spider-Ham's line about how "the hardest part of this job is that you can't always save everyone" while images of him, Noir, and Peni appear on the glass building Miles is swinging past. Even that is still relevant to the current crisis, and their appearance there is further justified when they too properly show up again in Gwen's 'band' at the very end.
But then there's this:
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The dialogue at this point is a line from Rio; while the appearance of the tentacles definitely further intensifies the claustrophobic crush of the city, it also feels like much more of a non-sequitor than even the 2D Spideys just a few shots earlier. Liv has had nothing to do with anything going on, (or at most, very indirect involvement like the displacing of the 42 Spider) has no dialogue called back to here; and heck, even in ItSV felt more like a rival to Peter B specifically instead of being especially relevant to Miles, compared to Prowler and Kingpin. So why call back to her here? It could indeed just be that the tentacles are good for adding to that entrapped feeling, but given how well-constructed the rest of the sequence was, and how deliberate animation as a process is in general, this would seem oddly careless to include so casually.
On the whole, I'll still readily admit that this is a pretty flimsy bit of 'evidence' (more just symbolism, really) to base a whole theory off of. Yet still, between that part of the Falling Apart sequence, the parallels to how Aaron and Miles G were foreshadowed, Liv's abrupt disappearance and lack of closure in the first film, and the knowledge that this is the first half of a split script, with all sorts of other setup in Across still awaiting payoff in Beyond, I do kinda at least feel like there may be something here.
(At the same time, the docket is already packed with a shitton of stuff that Beyond needs to be able to address and resolve, plus apparently some additional new stuff mentioned in interviews like another Gwen, Toei Spiderman, and Hobie's universe. So with all that going on, I'm not entirely sure they'd have the room for yet another returning character in amidst literally everything else.)
So while I'm not strictly counting on this to come to pass, at least for now, the basic idea is that Doc Ock got hit by that truck, fell through the collider portal and into another universe, (probably Earth 42, possibly elsewhere we may have yet to visit) and somehow found a way to stabilize her glitching to survive during the intervening time, set to make a dramatic return appearance during Beyond.
As to what role she may play, I'm not sure. I could see her making some sort of temporary truce with one of the main Spider-people for a common goal, without giving up on her evil mad science in the long run. Possibly with Miguel's group against the Spot, in exchange for freedom to keep experimenting with the Multiverse instead of getting sent back home, though I also don't think he would be willing to make that bargain unless things are truly desparate and he's fully lost the support of the rest of the Spider Society. So it could also be with Gwen or Miles, against both the Spot and Miguel; the former's more unpredictable tampering and newly eldritch nature getting in the way of her research, while the latter would of course want to put an end to her experiements and send her back home in his efforts to restore order, giving her reason to ally against.
On the other hand, her remaining entirely villainous and antagonistic would also make a lot of sense, if not moreso. If she landed in Earth 42, she could wind up as the big obstacle of the detour instead of Miles G, allowing the latter a more nuanced and dynamic role. Alternately, I could possibly see her further experimentation being connected in some way to the destruction of the universe Miguel replaced himself in, unknowingly sending him on his canon-hardliner spiral, which would certainly give her a lot more relevance to the current conflict.
But ultimately, all of that depends on whether she really would show up again, which as neat as it would be, definitely does feel like a bit of a long shot at the moment. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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myechoecho · 4 months
Rewatching W: Two Worlds
This drama is really holding up.
Ep 4
In his desperation to destroy Cheol, Sung Moo got sloppy. It's the illogical occurrences - Cheol's actions the day he got stabbed, getting stabbed, the nurse, the truck etc all have Cheol's attention. If there is one thing that Cheol hates it the lack of connection or logical reason. It makes Cheol question more and more. If Sung Moo has been more careful, would Cheol have even become aware?
As illogical as Yeon Joo appears, she is also the most logical. He knows she has the answers he seeks and that she is protecting him.
Yeon Joo notes that the comic is changing genres - going from action to romance. Again, my memories on her creating Cheol is fuzzy, but I think this was part of her intention for him given she was a teen girl at the time. Her being there is righting her vision of the story.
As for the secretary, I get the reasoning behind what she did. Cheol is acting oddly towards Yeon Joo, who to be fair is quite suspicious. She is trying to protect him. She's jealous and that played an almost equal part in her decision to get Yeon Joo captured. But she completely miscalculated his reaction (which makes me curious as to how well she actually knows him). Cheol instinctively trusts Yeon Joo and she has saved him. But because of the mystery around her, he knows how eager people will be to make her the scapegoat. He understands it all to well. He's spent time and money helping others to not get into that situation. So he is livid that Soo Hui went behind his back and put Yeon Joo that position. She's just lucky that Cheol only fired from her job and not as his friend.
I loved the prison scene. Yeon Joo is exhausted and terrified, but she is steadfast in her refusal to tell him. It will destroy him. Cheol has to WORK at getting her to tell him. She's resistant to the very end. It is only when he says he's not really happy now does she relent and she's still reluctant.
The revelation shocks him to his core. You can see him putting all the pieces together. And no matter how illogical is seems to be, it is the only logical explanation. It's the answer to the questions he's been searching for all his lif. It's devastating to him, though not quite as devastating as we will see in the next episode when he's in real world and sees all his life on display for entertainment.
Once he fully believes that his world is fake, everything stands still. The portal opens, and he remembers that he was the one who pulled Yeon Joo in. He makes the choice to go to the real world and Yeon Joo. I think here is where he is “born”; he’s no longer a character but a living breathing person.
Oh, the tablet! This must be where Sung Moo was staying! I don’t think I connected the broken tablet to the hotel Sung Moo was staying. That’s why Kang Cheol popped out there.
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