yvesdot · 1 year
🎇 Year-End Asks 🎇 GENERAL: Question #1 (if you're still taking asks)
I answered this here! For a bonus emotion I'll say exhaustion, too, because I keep overbusying myself and with great feedback comes great... putting things out... edness. So while I'm very happy with everything I did there was also a lot of stress behind the scenes, due only to my own insanity.
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i-love-you-very-much · 5 months
beep the meep. you agree. rebeep
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strix-mix · 1 year
Damn, cute bird! Rebeep
Aw, thank youuu
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custer-mp3 · 3 years
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eight0fspades · 4 years
101 notes in 8 minutes.
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wlw-wombat · 5 years
honestly yall dont know how many fucking times non stone lesbians and assorted wlw have forced me to do sexual shit i wasnt comfortable or scared to do bc i wasnt "reciprocating" and i know yall non stonies wont call it rape or assault but it fuckin iss!!!!!!
pressuring/forcing stone femmes into doing sexual acts bc you dont think were "reciprocating" is just as gross n rapey as pressuring/forcing stone butches to accept sexual touch bc you think theyre "being closed off n boring"
like honestly imma only date stone butches for thee rest of my life bc my sweet stone butch has only ever made me feel so loved cherished and valued durring sex!!!! they dont have the want or expectation that i have to touch, she doesnt pressure me into doing things, i respect my sweertnesses boundries and dysphoria by not touching!!! shes happy that i am the way im, they love their stone femme and i wouldnt wanna be with my butch anyother way 💖💖💖
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whiteteethblacksuit · 5 years
Me: I don't dissociate I'm just spacing out and pretending its somethint worse!I'm a fakey fake faker
Also me: *cant remember what it feels like to have a face and has a panic attack about it a foot away from my body*
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800-dick-pics · 6 years
my job gives me dysphoria more often than not but i just love helping people :///
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sdfghjklertyuio · 7 years
Deleting this blog
I don't interact with nsp gg stuff much anymore so if you still want to follow me you can follow me @fluffy--moth or @autisticphobos but I will probably delete this blog and free up the Url for anyone who wants it
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I guess I just happened to check tumblr the moment you reblogged it?
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nestorquik · 7 years
Rebeep if you love Ethan's nose
Lov his schnoz 👃🏻
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princetrolls · 5 years
Rebeep for a sketch!
Howdy howdy! I’ve been inactive for like......awhile while life doody piled up but i’m more sorted right now and want to play around in the comm more actively! So reblog this post with a ref of your char + a little blurb about them and i’ll draw up something of some vague notion of quality
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If u wanna toss a coffee to caffeinate me too that’d be rad but dont feel obligated I just want to have some fun
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caretaker-au · 7 years
Is Chara having a twitter acount canon?
chara doesn’t have a twitter account because there is no human internet in the underground. they have a beeper account and they only beep about monster gossip. sometimes they rebeep posts about baked goods.
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quietriverrage · 7 years
Lather, Rinse, rebeep...
Life is redundancy…
Nothing we have lived hasn’t been lived before.
The trinkets may update,
As we tip tap touch our words into our screens and feel so loud and powerful…
But our story isn’t new
Recycled for centuries reduced and reused
Yeah…close that loop
What is that beep?
Let’s pour more thoughts out
Unburden our hearts of the darkness we drape within them with our curse of recollection
So what if my reflection isn’t who I saw before
Reality sets in and I make my connections
Dripping into the loop and ready for the next distraction
What is that beep…?
I am on the floor
I am out the door
Wake up it’s time to be a person and baa baa black sheep…
Have you any rules?
The lies are coming unraveled…
A monster has been revealed
We are all the same
I am you, but dressed as me
And we float through life
Armored for each new replay…
Ready for the next repeat of this days version of yesterday…
Oh, the repugnance….
So very abundant…
WHAT is that beep??
An open eye…
A fumbled grab…
Just hit snooze…
Count the baa…baaa…black sheep….
Beep beep beeeep
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pawberrykit · 7 years
haha whoah, that sure blew up! thank you for all the rebeeps, youre super kind, it really helps me out!
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stimmystoner · 6 years
i fucking hate my ex hes such a fucking horrible person like !!! you acted all " uwu im a smo trans guy l, idk how do things or handle things bc im autstic, so im gonna socially isolate, manipulate, coherce, physicaly and mentally abuse you so i can control how you act, and when i got caught in the role assaulting you im gonna play the victim bc i have have issues too!"
like i fucking hate that i have to live in my brain having the feeling you shaking me over and over and over like !!! feel you yelling at me, you buying me things so i forget you hit me or restrained me or fucking raped me bc
but oops!!! everything an accident, everything was a mistake, was a fuck up, and its not like im actively sucking your dry, putting your housing in danger, socially isolating you, and abusing you!!, im not a cishet man!! i have flaws so my abuse is an accident or a mistake!!!
i hate you so fucking much you used anything you could to sheild yourself from any critisim, to make youself seem like so innoccent, to get absolved of blame
you fucking KNEW my best friend would pop off if i told her half the shit you were doing but i couldnt because you were always with me, you never let me be alone with my friends, you were the only person i could be alone with and i hated that
i hate that i carry this trauma, i hate that this recent relapse in bad toxic addictive behavior is because this is the time of year your abuse manipluation and social isolation ramped up, i hate that everyone is always gonna view you as the "uwu smol queer autstix trans boy with anxiety" you paint yourself as
i hate how you manipulated me and everyone around me, just like how your fucking dad does to your mom, youre one on the same
deadbeat abusive manipulative white men
(if you reblog or like this post i will block you)
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