northforthcrow · 3 months
Random ideas
•Encanto x DreamWorks Trolls
John Dory being forced to listen to Surface Pressure. I wanna see him cry.
Bruce and Clay listening to What Else Can I Do
Forcing Peppy to listen to Two Oruguitas. Make him suffer.
We don't talk about Branch.
•Kismet and Branch
Playing Uno
Playing Monopoly
Playing Among Us
The Holy Trio Games of Patience,Pain and Betrayal. If there's fics of these with Branch included,please recommend.
Muse Kismet and MegaraBranch singing I won't say I'm in love
An idea that won't let me rest is
Penguins of Madagascar gets transported into the Trolls universe without a way to immediately go back. The utter hilarity and chaos of it all.
I can easily see Rico getting along with the rock trolls and the regenade trolls.
Private with the pop and kpop trolls.
Kowalski would either be enthralled with funks technology or get along well with the classical trolls. Both could work.
Skipper would undoubtedly not be having a good time. I can see him with the putt putt trolls tho but would get on Clays nerves resulting in both of them being nemesis trying to one up another.
On another note do Penguins exist in the Trolls universe?
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curry-cook · 4 months
1/1 イトーヨーカドーでお年賀を買って、0:30に新年の挨拶をしに実家を訪ねる。お雑煮を食べてコーヒーを飲み3時間ほど滞在。ぐらっと家全体が大きく長く揺れたと思うと、なんと能登で震度7。年明け早々なんてことだろう。TVは全て地震報道に切り替わる。帰りがけに弟と電話で少し話しをしたら、インスタ投稿の件でちくっとピリつく。妻はおせちを食べたが、自分はお腹が空いておらずタッパーに詰めてもらい持ち帰る。帰宅後即それを食べて、歩いて駅前のトーホーシネマズへ向かい、楽しみにしていた『PERFECT DAYS』鑑賞。帰るとまだ地震報道。充実した一日だったがやはりやるせない。
1/2〜5 出勤。食事は人生初の発注おせちを少しずつ。それと妻が実家で作って持ってきてくれたおせちのお惣菜、それにお雑煮などを食べて過ごす。途中からシチューで、これもうまし。年始から物騒な、暗くなるニュースばかりが流れるが、それとはあまり関係なく仕事始めはしんどいしうまくいかない。毎晩一本U-NEXTで映画を観る。
1/6 有給休暇。朝から晩までU-NEXT漬け。合計6本。
1/7 休暇。朝から鎌倉へ。いつも停めている駐車場に停めると、「今日は停めてはいけない日ですよ。私たちは特別電話番号を教わってオーナーと連絡をとって許可されたけど」と隣に停めた中年夫妻に言われて動揺したが、親切な男性に電話番号がGoogleで公開されていることをうかがい、ちゃんと手続きを踏んで駐車できた。最近映画ばかり観ているせいか、ああいう夫婦って物語上必要なキャラかもな、と思えてくる。VERVEというカフェでお茶をして、初めて入る島森書店で松岡正剛『ルナティックス』を購入し、由比ヶ浜まで歩いてから戻り、御成通り→小町通りと散策して鎌倉を発つ。帰りに近所の百貨店に寄り、かつ福でいつもの牛カツ定食を食べ、新星堂で新入荷レコードを確認し、隣の八重洲ブックセンターで悩みに悩んで『ゴダール映画史(全)』購入。帰って『アステロイド・シティ』と『小さな兵隊』を観て就寝。
(★×1 = 傑作 ★×2 = 年間ベスト級 ★×3 = 人生ベスト級)
 1. PERFECT DAYS / ヴィム・ヴェンダース(トーホーシネマズ上大岡) ★★
 2. 絶好調 / ピエール・エテックス(U-NEXT)
 3. 幸福な結婚記念日 / ピエール・エテックス(U-NEXT)
 4. 破局 / ピエール・エテックス (U-NEXT)
 5. 愛しのタチアナ / アキ・カウリスマキ(U-NEXT) ★★
 6. 健康でさえあれば / ピエール・エテックス(U-NEXT)
 7. 真夜中の虹 / アキ・カウリスマキ (U-NEXT) ★
 8. 勝手にしやがれ / ジャン・リュック・ゴダール (U-NEXT) ★★
 9. パラダイスの夕暮れ / アキ・カウリスマキ (U-NEXT) ★
 10. まぼろしの市街戦 / フィリップ・ド・ブロカ (U-NEXT)
 11. 恋する男 / ピエール・エテックス (U-NEXT)
 12. ノマドランド / クロエ・シャオ (U-NEXT)
 13. ジャズ大名 / 岡本喜八 (U-NEXT) ★
 14. アステロイド・シティ / ウェス・アンダーソン (U-NEXT) ★
 15. 小さな兵隊 / ジャン・リュック・ゴダール (U-NEXT)
 1. Horses / パティ・スミス ★
『PERFECT DAYS』における#2のかかり方が最高だったので早速聴いた。想像していたよりずっとキュートな名盤。
 2. PERFECT DAYS (playlist by sumire)
 3. Metamorphosis / ザ・ローリング・ストーンズ
 4. My Golden Years - Single / The Lemon Twigs
 5. Absolute / スクリッティ・ポリッティ
 6. Cadillacs / The Regenades
 7. The Lilac Time / ザ・ライラック・タイム ★
 8. The Strange Underworld of the Tall Poppies / The Pearlfishers
 9. Draining the Glass : 1982-1986 / The Jazz Butcher
 10. オトナブルー - Single / 新しい学校のリーダーズ
 11. ケセラセラ - Single / 新しい学校のリーダーズ
 12. 言葉が尽きるまで待って / ランタンパレード
 1. 源氏と漱石(千夜千冊エディション) ★
 1. 100分de名著 100分de宗教論 (Eテレ)
 2. SUPER DOMMUNE 2023/5/24 「Nouveau DICTIONNAIRE francais」Chapitre5 “Jean-Luc Godard" 「ジャン=リュック・ゴダールの革命」 (YouTube) ★
 3. ブギウギ 1/4〜5 (NHKプラス)
 4. 6時だよ!3345 (KBS京都Radio → radiko)
 5. 特別番組「モノミユザーン」ゲスト:細野晴臣 (NHK-FM→YouTube)
 6. 村上RADIO〜色んなお便りを読みながら大晦日〜 (TOKYO-FM → radiko)
 7. 「映画監督 是枝裕和のまなざし」 (鎌倉市川喜多映画記念館) ★
 1. ルナティクス / 松岡正剛 1,026円
 2. ゴダール映画史(全) / ジャン・リュック・ゴダール 2,530円
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ttthealcott · 1 year
dream surprise song combo: forever winter/regenade and ivy/getaway car
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rodshows · 1 year
Dustin Rhodes vs
Toni Storm vs Willow
Toni Storm & Saraya vs The Regenade Twins
Riho vs
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paigelts05 · 1 year
FNAF 1 - A Choked Scream
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Published: Feb 14, 2021
Regenade File Server Location: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23843413
I decided to play FNAF 1 again (first time in ages, I know) some time in late January, and I managed to make it through night 1 first try, and then when I got to night 2, I made it to four AM before getting caught by Bonnie. So I decided to use this to write another short story about Mike's night shift experience. Within the Renegade AU, the animatronics get reset each week so that on Monday (morning) they're at a low level of activity, known as "night 1 activity". By night seven, the animatronics are at maximum activity. The reset involves wiping and replacing the code within the animatronic so that it struggles to control it's suit, making the maximum activity a result of the animatronic having full control over the suit and being able to do as it pleases. The story was written first, and then I made the drawing. I always knew what I wanted from the drawing, but it took ages for me to figure out a camera angle, but once the angle was figured out after a few thumbnail sketches on paint.net made whilst I was waiting for lobbies when playing DBD, I got to drawing after fleshing out my favourite thumbnail sketch and managed to whack out the sketch and linework in one evening. °•.🌹 Story 🌹.•°
Mike was used to the night shift by now. He knew thier patterns. What rooms they'd go to. What rooms they wouldn't go to. He had even learned some sound cues that the animatronics gave off. But even with all this knowledge, he still knew that he had to be on his toes to make it out unscathed. The first night of the week was always the worst for his sanity. Whilst they were inactive, his nerves were no less shredded by the inaction of the machines. Despite Krasnyy being long since saved, Mike let the automated phone calls play. It usually gave him a cue as to when they'd start moving, but he kept on checking just in case. He felt like he checked the cameras too much, but what else should he do? Wait around? He looked around and focused. He knew he could make it, but that made him no less nervous. As the call ended and Bonnie begun to move, he kept flicking between the stage, the cove, and keeping track of Bonnie. Keeping an eye on everyone was tough, but all he needed to see were the silhouettes and he'd be able to tell who was where. Once Bonnie had made it to the hall corner, Chica was off the stage an in the dining area. 'As soon as he moves, I'm checking the door.' Flicking through the cameras again, he saw the hall corner was empty, so closed the cameras and hit the door lights. 'Bonnie!' His hand deftly slipped from the lights button to the door button, shutting the rabbit out. He kept flicking through the cameras, ensuring the other two who were active this night were where they were last. 'Where is Chica?' He closed the cameras and checked the lights, finding her to not be there. Then, he noted the faint sound of pots and pans. 'Kitchen.' Noting that Bonnie had wandered back into the cameras field of view, he opened the door, keeping constant tabs on Bonnie and Chica. It was close to five, and Bonnie had wandered into the corner again. Mike considered spending the rest of the night with the doors closed, but he didn't want to spark any bad habits, so he continued as of it were still midnight. He checked the door lights, and again shut Bonnie out. The power dipped into the thirties, and made a rash decision: he closed both doors to check the cameras. Whilst it did waste power, he re-confirmed the locations of Bonnie and Chica. Then, he opened the doors, and continued as normal. Bonnie moved between the dining area and the hall, and Chica stuck with tossing pots and pans about in the kitchen. As he was checking the cameras again, six AM took him by suprise. He didn't realize until now how much his heart was racing and how much he was shaking, but at least he had made it through the night without incident. As the dusk of the next night set in, he knew that the animatronics would be more active and that power would be naturally consumed at a faster rate than the night before. With a deep breath, he sat in the office chair, and got to work. The night begun, and the call started. This time, he knew to check the cameras before the call ended, and as he checked, he saw that Bonnie had moved to backstage, aka parts and services: the room with the endoskeleton, and the room that Mike didn't want to have to pay a visit to. The animatronic had its face up against the camera, and he felt as if it were staring directly at him. He closed the cameras for a few seconds to conserve power. Flicking between backstage, the show stage, and pirates cove, Chica was the next to move rooms, going from the show stage to the dining area. Going back to check for Bonnie, Mike noticed that the rabbit had moved from looking directly into the camera to step back close to the door. He begun his own cycle of not doing anything for a few seconds in order to conserve power to quickly flicking through the cameras. Bonnie was the most active, as per usual, and was already standing in the corridor. Soon, Chica had also moved, roaming from the dining area to the kitchen. Repeating his process of save power, check cameras, save power, check cameras, he was struggling to keep track of Bonnie. The robot was running the length of the restaurant in seconds, and now it was in the hall corner. Chica had also moved again to the hallway. After checking the cove and noting no movement, Mike went back to check the hall corner to see that Bonnie had gone. As he had done many times before, he checked the lights and closed the door upon seeing the purple rabbit's face mere inches away from his own. Checking the other door before checking the cameras as to not give Chica an opportunity to ambush him, he flicked on the lights and saw nothing. Then, when he checked the cameras, he saw that the chicken had stayed mostly putt, and Bonnie had moved back to the corridor. After opening the door, Mike checked the cameras again and found Chica in the hall corner. He located Bonnie in the walk-in storage cupboard, and then lost sight of Chica. Not wanting to lose to them again, he closed the cameras and checked the door lights, and as deftly as he had shut out Bonnie before, the door was slammed in Chicas face too. Going back to monitoring the west hall menaces, Mike noted the cove was still closed, but Bonnie was moving eraticaly. This movement pattern was normal, but it terrified Mike each time. It was about three AM, and he was at just about fifty percent power. Usual, but always a concern. Bonnie was back in the storage cupboard as Chica left the east door, giving Mike some breathing room to open the door. After doing so, he checked the cameras again to find no sign of Bonnie. Closing the cameras, he shut the door without a second thought. Checking the cameras again, he found the cove shut and Chica in the bathrooms, but no Bonnie. With a deep breath, he needed to confirm his suspicions. He flicked on the light and opened the door to see Bonnie right in front of him, and as quickly as the door opened, it was shut again. He then went back to checking the cameras. Chica still in the bathrooms, Foxy still securely in the cove, Bonnie still outside his door. After some more waiting and ensuring that Chica and Foxy hadn't moved, Mike found Bonnie back in the storage cupboard. He then opened the door. Resuming checking the cameras again, he noticed the Chica had moved, and located her position as back in the kitchen again. Bonnie had also moved to the corridor. He was doing ok. About four AM with about thirty percent power. A damn sight better than his first Tuesday. Looking through the cameras once again, he located Chica in the corridor, but couldn't find Bonnie. He wasn't in the corner, not in the dining area. Mike begun to feel his heart race like it was trying to tell him something. Bonnie wasn't in the hall, or the cupboard either. Even though he only checked each camera for less than a second, it felt like it was too long. He then checked the hall corner. Bonnie wasn't there. Mike swiftly closed the cameras, already reaching out to close the door. A few seconds too late. Before Mike could even scream, Bonnie had fixed one of its robotic paws around Mike's throat, turning what would have been a scream into a choked gasp for air. The robotic rabbits other paw had clasped itself around Mike's left wrist. The shrieking rabbit had already made Mike's ears ring, and as the noise faded, he wasn't sure whether the animatronic was quieting down or if he was losing his hearing. Bonnie closing its mouth and letting out a loud chuckle luckily implied the former of the two. Before Mike could do anything - dispite there being nothing he could do - he was pulled out of his chair by his neck. Over the course of less than a second, Mike's feet went from being firmly on the ground to dangling in the air as the animatronic pulled the helpless guard upwards. Bonnie seemed quite proud of himself, making some kind of noise that seemed like a happy squeak. It was quite rare for Mike to slip up on an earlier night, so it was usually Foxy or Freddy that got to him, so he could see why Bonnie would be so happy to have caught him for once. Trying to fight back, Mike used his free hand to try and break Bonnie's grip around his neck. After nearly getting his hand under Bonnie's metal thumb, the robot retaliated by strengthening its grip, making a delighted sounding robotic chirp as it watched Mike struggle. Without even realising it, Mike had begun to kick the animatronic, swinging his legs about to try and find the chair - or anything - to stand on. This seemed to entertain Bonnie. Mike continued to struggle, even though all it was achieving was keeping Bonnie entertained. It was all he could do to avoid being taken backstage; that was all he needed to do: not get taken backstage. Whilst he was far smaller than the animatronics and had the figure of a stick insect, he didn't want to take any risks, and the best way to avoid said risks was to keep Bonnie from getting bored of his suffering. It was incredibly messed up to be surviving by ensuring that your would be killer is too entertained to land the killing blow, but it was something that Mike and other posessed guards had learned had to be done. Slowly, his vision begun to blur. The noises around him felt more and more muffled. How much he was kicking had decreased, and his attempts at breaking Bonnie's grip were already completely hopeless. Bonnie had noticed this too, and with what looked like a sigh, the rabbit tossed Mike against the wall. He swear he heard something crack, but he didn't have time to process any of it. He tried to take deep breaths, but all he could manage were quick shallow ones as he stared at the animatronic looming above him, smiling. His neck and wrist felt warm. Mike wasn't sure if it was blood or blood rushing back, returning circulation to his head and hand. The animatronic then reached down and grabbed Mike's wrists, dragging him back to his feet. His left hand looked far too pale. Even a bit blue. He didn't want to think about what his face looked like, and certainly didn't want to think about what he neck looked like. As the animatronic dragged him down the corridor, Mike couldn't fight back, or even stand upright; he just let himself get dragged across the tiles, which rushed up to meet his face as Bonnie seemed to walk away without him. His hearing was too muffled to figure out what was going on, but then he rolled over and saw Chica walking through the dining area and back to the stage. He'd made it out alive, but not as cleanly as he hoped. =°•.🌹.•°=
if this uploads a double, let me know; the queue is being a bit iffy rn.
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cheapspeedsite · 2 years
Juego de gp moto acuaticahack apk riptide gp
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However, ensure that you connect a controller to Windows, as the keyboard makes it hard to master those tricky corners. Riptide GP: Renegade Mod Apk 1.2.1 septiemmods, riptide gp mod apk, riptide gp regenade android apk mod Experimenta el futuro de las carreras ilegales de motos acuticas, en las que pilotos con armadura realizan acrobacias que desafan a l. With enhanced graphics and more tracks to master, you'll enjoy racing towards becoming champion. It's undeniable that MotoGP 2 provides improvements over its predecessor. Yet, if you're new to the franchise, there is a steep learning curve. Riptide GP: Renegade Experience the future of illicit hydrojet racing, where armored riders kick out death-defying stunts over massive waterfalls, dodge cops through public waterways, and boost at breakneck speeds across surging waves. If you've played MotoGP 1, then you should master the controls with ease. There's also the issue of difficulty progression. If you connect a controller to your PC, you'll have a much better experience. HYTR KZYV Peinture sur Toile sans Cadre Cascade Aube Creative Modle Maison Salon Chambre. And we do it all with a rare level of empathy. We connect them with current, trusted news and information. It's easier to control the steering with analogue controls, which you can turn in small increments. BioNews Services is a leading online health, science, and research publication company that exists to improve the lives of patients living with rare diseases. However, the keyboard makes this task incredibly difficult. You may want to lean into some corners slightly. Incluso puedes jugar de forma local en carreras en pantalla partida de hasta cuatro jugadores Con emocionantes pistas de carreras repletas de atajos, secretos y obstculos interactivos, Riptide GP: Renegade es el juego de carreras de arcade de accin para una nueva generacin. Gameplay adaptabilityĮffectively taking corners on a bike requires the best steering control. If you prefer racing against real players online, there is also a multiplayer section. You can try the Championship mode, show off your stunts, or take on the best in Career mode. There are six different modes available for the single-player segment. For further important information about PS Now go to. Full terms apply: PSN Terms of Service at /legal. PS Now trials not available to current and/or previous PS Now subscribers/trialists and only 1 trial is available per user. Current and/or previous PS Now subscribers/trialists are not eligible for a trial. If eligible for a trial and you do not cancel your PlayStation Now trial prior to the end of your trial it will automatically roll into a paid-for ongoing subscription on that basis. PS Now subscription is an ongoing subscription with a recurring subscription fee which is charged every month (at the then current Store price). Approved payment method details required. MotoGP 17 Game freeload For PC Keseruan MotoGP memang tiada henti-hentinya, hal ini dibuktikan dengan munculnya game MotoGP 17 yang cukup membuat para pecinta motogp berdecak kagum ketika mengetahui segalanya tentang game yang menarik satu ini. Games included in PS Now are subject to change at any time. For PS Now on PC, minimum system requirements apply and can be found at PS Now games may differ from or lack some of the features that can be found in downloaded or disc-based games. PS Store and PS Now subject to terms of use and country and language restrictions. PlayStation™Now (PS Now) subscription only available to account holders of PlayStation Network (PSN) who are aged 18 and over with access to PlayStation®Store (PS Store) and high-speed internet (recommended min connection speed 5 Mbps).
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radicaldyinglight · 2 years
Regenades showing up ready for a fight but staying for a history lesson.
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rororororoboat · 5 years
Nova: Here's a fun Christmas idea! We'll hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing whoever is under it, you have to fight instead.
Adrian: We are not doing that
Nova: Mistlefoe™
Adrian: No, Nova
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I am SO in love with renegade 💕 i don‘t know how but this song reflects my situation painfully correct. And for someone struggling with mental health for most of her life it felt like a relief. Although i see myself in the position of the crumbled person who really doesn‘t get their shit together, the lyrics are still reflecting my thoughts of being in the way of my own happiness. I love so much about it but especially that the person in which perspective this is written from seems so desperate at this point because they just want to help so bad but all they can do is just watching whether their partner fixes himself or not.
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Heyyyy. If anyone finished Archenemies hmu. I've got rants to give.
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mirith-sombrero · 6 years
HEY Y’ALL. im gonna be streaming some Mass Effect tonight at 9 pm EST so come join me @ twitch.tv/atlasgamin !!
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sunkissedchldrecon · 2 years
For The Game:
Hey! Hope you're doing well ! The game you're conducting is actually a really interesting one tbh 👀❤️
Initials- zas
Age- 19, almost 20 this year lol.
Favorite Love Song(s)-- Regenade by Aaryan isn't a love song but I'm obsessed with it's beat. Secondly, Wonderland by Taylor Swift is really an underrated song and its lyrics are beautiful with it's embodied fantasy world in a way.
[[ 🪞🔞𝑬𝒈𝒐 — what will your next partner’s or future spouse’s shadow side be like? how will this translate into their sex life? ]]
Have a good day ahead!
i'm happy you find the game interesting!! i kinda prefer my last game in terms of layout, but i'm happy somebody likes it lmaoo
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your future spouse may be a little possessive/stingy. they might feel the need to control everything because they want everything they touch to be perfect if that makes sense? although they feel this way on the inside, they don't show it to the public often. therefore, sex between you two will be where they let those inner feelings shine.
this will likely transfer over into sex as them being somewhere on the bdsm spectrum - specifically the bondage side. they might like tying you up/suspending you like shibari and things of that nature. they like the idea of you having to trust them (and your safety and pleasure is important to them!!). you get all their attention.
they may fantasize about what they want to do to you often like during the day planning what it is they want to try at night. sex with you helps them to deal with their shadow side in a healthy way.
shufflemancy: "one step closer" by linkin park
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bianxiee · 7 years
Posted my first speedpaint!! I drew this ages ago but i just figured out how to do speedpaints (lame ik ) ;w; Anyways enjoy this melancholy piece!! Btw, happy 2nd anniversary to Undertale!! ^w^
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poisonfireleafs · 2 years
Song URL game!
I was tagged by @plumnamedbob! Thank you!
The rules are simple: Spell your username with songs, and then tag as many people as there are in letters.
Pretty Polly - Vandaveer
Ode to My Family - The Cranberries
I’m Not Like Everybody Else - The Kinks
Somebody to Love - Jefferson Airplane
Oxford Town - Crooked Still
Not an Addict - K’s Choice
Frühling in Paris - Rammstein
If You Run - Desert Sessions Vol. 11
Regenade - Styx
Exit Music - Radiohead
Like Clockwork - Queens of the Stone Age
Ecstasy - Crooked Still 
And I Love Her - Kurt Cobain
Five String Serenade - Mazzy Star
Sister of Pearl - Baio
I tag everyone who wants to do this!
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nitkat360 · 3 years
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Ladies and gents it’s captian!! As you see here she’s pretty fucked up from the experiments that she went through from the past that she unfortunately does not remember for now. But let’s just say before being well...fucked up she was a plumber apprentice and that’s all what I’m going to say!
She’s the infamous Captain of Regenade Alpha!! A skilled fighter and hardcore drinker! Thanks to her mutations from her time being...Well that’s something that will be explored to the future. She’s a hardcore lesbian and will flirt with any single woman in a very respectful way. She’s fiercely protective of her crew and would do anything in her power to protect them even if it means doing atrocities.
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