anikymation · 3 months
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some quick doodles of regret!chara (cassia) 🏵
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starryaike · 10 months
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To all of you out there who Get It
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ourselvers · 8 months
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chara has joined the party!
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elizakai · 9 months
SO, as promised, I’m bringing to fruition every Undertale fans worst nightmare. I’ll be giving a taste of the dark recesses of every UT fans past. The old art. 🧎🏽‍♀️ I’ve picked 9 random, and silly drawings I did back in…somewhere around 2016? I was like 11 or something. I couldn’t use a lot of the others because most were referenced
if you ARE NOT interested in the challenge, skip to below the cut for a laugh⬇️
DRAW THIS IN YOUR STYLE CHALLENGE, but based off of …these. (Seriously…don’t get to excited.)
GET CREATIVE. THIS IS A FUN THING, the point is to see how creative you can get from a…not so great starting point💀
in fact, I would ENCOURAGE just basing loosely!! Get creative with it ;p
(I will also redraw some lol)
You can do as many or few as you like, as serious or silly as you like :D
This is super chill and just for laughs, draw however you want <3
❗️I’ll share below the cut in a moment❗️
Any medium is fine! Keep anything you intend to share sfw! Be nice to eachother!
Tag me @elizakai so I can see!! AND TAG #100kaidies (cause I am dying.)
But again this is so not serious, feel free to draw afterwards if you want to.
I’ll give details on that after the challenge, but I don’t really have limits on the drawing size wise. (And for fairness sake, I obviously won’t be picking two entries from the same person!)
❗️2 HONORABLE MENTIONS will get doodle requests and bragging rights❗️
1- the red pen is ‘current me’ commentating, it’s scrawled. If you need me to type it just ask!
2- feel free to roast these. I laughed real hard looking back at the hundreds of drawings I have stashed on cheap printer paper.
3- simple and messy enough to be interpreted however, but if you want better context just ask!
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⬆️Click to see the images fully⬆️
if this inspires anyone to expose their own old work, then I have won.
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justanechoflower · 2 months
Take this life advice
(I hand Flowey the punch card)
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8/25 - Monster soul
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sunny1927 · 6 months
I think my Epic Mickey and Undertale fans will enjoy this… (btw I don’t know much of the game so I apologise if I got something wrong in this)💚💛🍫✨
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milkbreadtoast · 11 months
so this is happening......
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ut-regret · 1 year
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Start from the beginning here
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swiftiephobe · 2 years
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genshinweek 2022 — day 3 strongest 5* — KAEDEHARA KAZUHA "SCARLET LEAVES PURSUE WILD WINDS"
"there will always be those who dare to brave the lightning's glow."
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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hoenstly i'm going to do like. a small few pages for the ACTUAL epilogue comic and ahve it tie into the bonus story. I will do this after work tomorrow (or saturday)
THIS IS IT THIS IS THE ENDING (of the tumblr version please read the redraw and stay)
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moe-broey · 11 months
Was there a particular moment where the characters of FEH really sunk their claws in for you?
For me personally was the half a body, half a mind page from the silly little side comic (aka where Robin asks Kiran if Alfonse is their other half and they chose to interpret that very literally). The revelation that Alfonse and Kiran’s dynamic switches who has the braincell in the prince/tactician dynamic was eye opening. And then the follow up of Sharena being fucking gobsmacked that local introvert prince managed to S rank Kiran was beautiful 10/10 makes me both happy and sad. And from then on the brain rot has been STRONG. No thoughts head empty only these lil guys.
Oughgh I'VE. BEEN RUMINATING ON THIS.... (which is. Why it took so long for me to respond to LMFAOO)
BUT.... first of all YOUR INTERPRETATION. OF THE "Half a body, half a mind" bit is HUGE. Like you're so right, there is a lot of symbolism there even if it's silly!!! And esppp Sharena's reaction to Alfonse making a close friend, so easily in her eyes... that absolutely would be a sleeper agent thing for me actually. Like. I wouldn't consider it until Much later, and when I did it just never left my mind.
And I think that's the thing!! I've actually been having a lot of trouble, trying to pinpoint exactly Where each took such a strong hold on me LMFAO. I think, because it's this gradual and constant process of taking in information, noticing something Odd, re-examining, re-contextualizing, and gaining new perspective.
It def happened quicker w Alfonse though, cause he's actually much easier to read. Immediately you can tell his words and actions aren't matching up, and through that you can tell his feelings aren't matching his words either. You also see the clear reason Why he's Like That, on. Several different levels.
I think.... the lines of dialogue that always stick with me. His entire level 40 convo. I'm always thinking about it. I'll often revisit it. And, a lot of his lines to or about the summoner: "Please, remain with us, [summoner]?", "Or... is it that reality has been reshaped by my fear of having lost [summoner]?"
BUT, I think. What really got me was actually his Forging Bonds with Dieck. Like at this point I was already in way too deep LMFAO BUT. Dieck's fucking dialogue fucked me up SO much actually
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I AM LITERALLY ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS FUCKING DIALOGUE ‼️‼️‼️‼️It REALLY opened my eyes AND put words to something that was Constantly nagging at me. How Alfonse, from the very start, will say one thing, and then. Directly contradict himself. Not because he's disingenuous -- but because he's so split in two.
AND. AUGHHGH!! THAT'S!!!! You think he's so reserved, and he is. But he wears his heart on his sleeve and will talk openly with anyone who will listen. You think he's the cool and collected type, he OFTEN leaves people with that impression. But SO many times he acts rashly, with little regard for himself. He claims, he can't be driven by emotion because those driven by emotion cannot rule. BUT HE. IS. SUCH A PAINFULLY EMOTIONAL CHARACTER. Almost EVERYTHING he does is driven by his emotions -- I absolutely think so much about how he has a bit of a temper on him, and I think about all the little ways he so clearly and deeply loves Sharena, I think about how much of a mess he is over Bruno, I think about just how quickly he warmed up to the summoner despite insisting upon keeping his distance. Hell, you think he's like. This very serious guy. And he is! Aaand then next thing you know he's dug a ditch and he's thrown himself into it and he's covered in mud. AND. THE WILDEST PART OF THAT. Is the Way he does it, the reason Why, it. Tracks. Like yeah. He would do that. That's actually not out of character for him.
(ALSO as a side his Forging Bonds w f!Alear also live in my head rent free -- another instance of, taking a step back and re-evaluating. It was actually so refreshing in a way? You get used to just how warm he is with the summoner, that you forget just how cold he can be too. That's ALSO something I'm so not normal about. The asshole tendencies. The coldness, and the ruthlessness. It's subtle, but There. He does have a harsher side to him.)
AND ALL OF THIS....... still only feels like the tip of the iceberg. But literally I will never shut up about it LMFAOOO I GOTTA. BECAUSE. SHARENA‼️‼️‼️
I think actually I have an easier time pinning down where I started having Thoughts about her. Because, I made the same mistake a lot of charas in-universe make, even Alfonse, himself. Assuming, that just because she's outgoing and friendly, that she has an easier time making friends. When like. Really, it's been present the whole time actually -- from that FEH comic, to the Paralogues featuring Katarina, like. She doesn't. She struggles just as much, if not more.
But I think, the exact point I actually internalized this was in her Forging Bonds w f!Byleth. Like. Those convos REALLY make it clear, so much so I felt stupid for not even seeing that sooner. And, it helped me re-contextualize her level 40 convo also! When I first got that dialogue, I really didn't know what to make of it. LIKE. ABSOLUTELY she's so sweet and I love her. But. I really had no idea what to make of it! Until like. It became clear to me, ohhhhhhhh I. Fell for the front she puts up as a defense mechanism. You can be cheerful and silly and deeply hurt and have just as many interpersonal issues as someone who like. Shows clearer signs of having those issues. Okay! Got it 🫡 SHKAHSJSHJAJ
And then I think that's when I became just deeply unwell about her too LMFAOOOOOOO
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anikymation · 10 months
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My Frisk and Chara solely remind me of my sister's kittens. They all share the timid, uncertain nature and it broke my heart a little. So it turned into doodling out the two together ;w; 💔❤️‍🩹
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starryaike · 7 months
You talked about Kagerou project songs and Undertale, consider: Chara and additional Memory
Y'all might actually convince me to do an animatic on this one. I keep rotating it in my mind
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lilybug-02 · 11 months
Chara is experiencing the horrors
Chara: S☟◆t.. Up. St◆pid sm☜◆aksss… mM I need to… do C☟emistr⍓ H⚐mework….
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hran-art · 2 years
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Race of Something???
Chara from FellSwapX by @xxtha-blog
Chara from Epictale by @yugogeer012
Hah, now which Chara is which?
Art by H. Ran
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
florian's such a nice kid who has such a kind heart and tries his best to not hurt ppl he cares about— *shoves what happened between him and ortega behind my back* ignore that.
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