#remove it and at best you have a rash and at worst you lose skin
shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
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Patients 1 and 2
The patient refs are done!! Now time for the staff…
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themomsandthecity · 7 months
The 9 Best Baby Wipes, According to Pediatricians and Parents
Parents know that baby wipes are an essential for newborns, babies, and toddlers alike. From cleaning up messy diapers to wiping skin after meals and snacks, they are a staple in nurseries and diaper bags. Having a pack (or two) on hand is a must for all kinds of situations with young kids. But how do you find the best baby wipes - particularly the kind that's good for their skin? "Baby wipes should be gentle, effective, and affordable," says Homer Swei, PhD, senior vice president of Healthy Living Science at The Environmental Working Group (EWG). "Many medical experts advise choosing baby wipes that don't contain alcohol, parabens, phthalates, foaming agents, and dyes." "Baby wipes have become much safer recently with the removal of harmful preservatives such as methylisothiazolinone that caused a number of facial and diapered eruptions in unsuspecting children," says Jeff Yu, MD, pediatrician and member of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. "The industry has also gotten away from other potentially allergenic preservatives like formaldehyde releasers." However, no baby wipes are preservative-free - which is actually a good thing. "Baby wipes are wet towelettes that are kept in plastic bags for months if not years on end before use," Dr. Yu says. "Any wet product will grow mold, bacteria, and viruses without an adequate preservative system in place to prevent this from happening. Therefore, all baby wipes will have preservatives." When choosing the best baby wipes for your child, it's important to look at the ingredients label. "For my child, I personally look for baby wipes that are fragrance-free because fragrances are one of the most common triggers of rashes in children, whether they be irritant or allergic contact dermatitis," Dr. Yu explains. She also prioritizes those with fewer additives. Sometimes brands will add different active ingredients like oat extract, chamomile, etc. to "enhance" their wipes, Dr. Yu says. "Personally, I just find these to raise the potential for the child to react to it. Best-case scenario, nothing happens, worst-case scenario, they are sensitized to a new allergen," he says. Moisturizers are also important to keep in mind when searching for the right baby wipes. "Babies are not little adults. Their bodies are still developing. Their skin loses moisture more quickly, and are more prone to allergens and irritants," Dr. Swei says. "Look for gentle cleansers such as amphoacetates and glucosides, and light moisturizers and emollients such as glycerin and plant-based oils." (He recommends checking out EWG Verified baby wipes.) Now that we've got the basics covered in terms of what to look for, we've rounded up nine of the best baby wipes, according to pediatricians and parents'/caregivers' reviews. You can also shop other must-have baby gear for 2023 right here. https://www.popsugar.com/family/best-baby-wipes-49310323?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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jettingtothemoon · 4 years
I Think I’d Like That pt. 2
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➳ pairing: todoroki shouto x reader ➳ genre: fluff, angst ➳ warnings: smut ➳ word count: 1949 ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ summary: In which shouto doesn’t seem to care for your jealousy and almost breaks your heart ➳ a/n: requested on wattpad ➳ part 1
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Dating Todoroki was great, for a while. You really liked him and those feelings had only gotten stronger since you started officially dating. There was only one problem, Yaoyorozu.
No one actually knew that the two of you were dating. You had decided to keep it to yourselves until you were comfortable with whatever this was between you. Keeping it a secret to test the waters, so to say.
You were probably just overthinking it, that must be what it was.
Or maybe you weren't.
In class, Todoroki was always in the same group as Yaoyorozu and that's when they weren't teamed up as a pair, just the two of them.
Maybe you were just being needlessly jealous. They were friends after all and worked together really well. It wasn't surprising that your teachers would pair them together, nor was it surprising that they got along.
It only really got to you when your friends teased the two of them, joking around about how they'd make such a great couple. Of course, Yaoyorozu would just flush a dark shade of red and tell them all that it was a ridiculous notion. That wasn't what bothered you, how Todoroki reacted was.
He just seemed unbothered. He'd never once denied that they would make a good couple, nor had he ever told them that he at least liked someone else, that someone being you.
When you brought it up with him, he just shrugged and told you that he didn't think it would bother you. Although, he was still quick to reassure you that you were the one he liked, the one he was seeing, not her. You were his girlfriend, even if no one else knew quite yet, and that should have comforted you.
But it didn't.
It seemed as though he didn't really care. He was just setting aside your worries and concerns, not understanding why you had them in the first place. It was like he didn't care for your jealousy or feel the need to prove to you that he really loved you if he even did.
Today, after seeing how close he was with Yaoyorozu before dinner, you had finally been pushed over your limit.
You stormed into his room, startling him when you almost slammed the door behind you.
"Why... Why don't you care? I just want the slightest hint of affection, just some reassurance that you really do care about me. Was it all a lie? Have you liked her all along?" You already had tears streaming down your face as you confronted him and, although his eyes softened, he offered no words of comfort.
With a sniffle, you wiped your eyes and looked him in the eyes as your heart shattered, "If you have nothing to say then... then let's just break up."
You regretted it the second those words fell from your lips, but it was already too late.
"Okay, it's probably for the best."
The instant his voice hit your ears, speaking as if he truly didn't care, you turned on your heels and ran to your room. You cried the whole night, sobbing quietly to yourself as your heart was torn to shreds.
The next day, it was almost awkward between the two of you. He was almost awkward. But the day after that, he was back to normal. It was as if nothing had ever happened. It was the worst feeling you had ever felt. Feeling as if you never mattered, as if he never really cared.
While you couldn't even eat a proper meal, he was chatting with everyone as if everything was fine. He was fine and that was what hurt the most.
"Stop crying, you look like shitty Deku." Bakugou sighed, although he still stroked soothing circles into your back as you continued to cry into his shirt.
Of course, you had told Bakugou about all of it from the sweet confession, to the secret relationship and then the reason you had broken up.
Once you had calmed down, he made you come to dinner because he knew you hadn't been eating well. He sat by your side and even went as far as holding your hand under the table when your eyes starting glassing over with tears again. His thumb stroked over the back of your hand and it was warm, a comfort you only felt when he was by your side.
You were lucky to have a friend like him, more so than you thought.
Todoroki had caught onto the way Bakugou was closer to you than normal, sitting with his shoulder practically touching yours. He'd also noticed the handholding that had been going on under the table. Of course, this was entirely Bakugou's intention. He wanted to piss that Half-and-Half Bastard off just a little more than usual because he had hurt you, his best friend, and that was something he wouldn't tolerate.
He hated it. Seeing you being so touchy with him, so close to him.
After Bakugou made sure you had eaten a healthy portion of food, you headed back to your room in hopes of getting some sleep.
When there was a knock at your door, you had expected it to be Bakugou again or maybe one of the other girls coming to check up on you. In no way did you expect it to be Todoroki on the other side. Not that you got a chance to actually look at him, the moment the door was open he pounced on you, slamming his lips against yours.
You stumbled backwards, not pushing him away but still unsure of what was happening. You had broken up, he didn't care about you. Or, so you thought.
Only when the backs of your legs hit the bed, forcing you to collapse backwards onto the mattress, did you even try to ask him what was going on.
"T-Todo- what are you-"
He kissed you again, although somewhat gentler this time. His expression when he pulled away, however, was anything but.
"You're mine. Not his, mine."
Seeing such jealousy in his eyes almost made you laugh. The whole reason you had broken up was because you were jealous and he didn't care, not the other way around. And yet, here you were.
"Is that so?"
His only reply was a low growl, despite the way his face softened ever so slightly when he kissed you again.
You had known Todoroki for over a year now, since the day you started at UA, and never once had he shown a side like this. Not even when he was being his usual cocky self in a fight. No, this was a side of him you weren't sure anyone had seen. Well, anyone but you.
Perhaps he had changed a little more than anyone knew or perhaps it was simply you who had made him like this. Actually, it could have just been those teenage hormones getting the better of him the further he progressed into his teenage years.
Whatever it was, you liked it.
His lips only ever parted from yours when he was desperate for air. Soon, you were helping him pull his shirt off before removing your own. His lips now on your neck, sucking and biting his way along to your collarbone.
When his name, his first name, fell from your lips, it was like the fire within him only grew brighter. He didn't waste a second in removing the rest of his clothes, proceeding to help rid you of yours.
You wish you could say you were ready for it when he suddenly thrust into you but nothing could have prepared you for that. Like a gentleman, he allowed you a moment to get more comfortable and adjust to the feeling of having him inside you. Although, it was only a moment and one that passed much too soon before he was almost violently ramming himself into you.
He needed this, he needed you. You could see it in his eyes, feel it in his thrusts.
He rested his head in the crook of your neck, lips resting lightly over your skin as he continued to pound into you. He was so rough and yet, there was an underlying gentleness to it. He was still thinking about you, limiting himself somewhat to make sure he wasn't going too far.
"Shouto- I- I'm close." You whined, feeling your climax drawing near.
He lifted his head and looked into your eyes, his own softening slightly behind a haze of lust, "M- Me too. Can I? Inside?"
You nodded your approval, deciding to let him do whatever he wanted as you clung so desperately to his shoulders.
Of course, the two of you were trying to be as quiet as possible so not to disturb anyone else in the other rooms but it was growing more difficult to do so the closer you grew to your orgasm.
You came just seconds before him, his body collapsing onto you the second his orgasm was over. Heavy breathing filled the room as the two of you came down from your shared high. Then, he pulled out of you and rolled over to lie beside you.
It was quiet for a few moments before he sighed, "I'm sorry. That was... unlike me. D- Did it hurt? Does it still hurt?"
With a smile, you placed your hand on his chest and allowed your fingers to smooth over his skin, "A little."
He jumped up, climbing out of the bed instantly the moment you admitted to feeling any kind of pain, "I- I'm so sorry. I-"
"Shouto, it's fine. I'm fine. I actually enjoyed it."
His whole body untensed and he smiled ever so slightly to himself, "You did?"
You nodded and gestured for him to come back to the bed, which he did but only after grabbing his shirt from the floor.
"You know, when you ran out of my room that night, I cried too. It hurt me too. I didn't want to lose you but I could see how much pain I had caused you without even meaning to. I thought it would be better to just agree with you because then I couldn't hurt you like that ever again." He explained, eyes not daring to meet yours as he began to carefully clean you up with his previously discarded shirt.
Realising now that your actions had hurt him too, your heart dropped. Neither of you meant to hurt the other and yet you did. Why? Because you didn't talk. For a relationship to work you need to talk about these things, you both need to.
"I'm sorry," You sighed, "I shouldn't have been so rash, or so upset. I was just doubtful about how you felt about me when you were spending so much time with Yaoyorozu. It's actually kind of silly now that I think about it."
He too sighed and cupped your cheek in his hand, thumb rubbing over it tenderly, "It's not silly. I feel the same way when you hang out with Bakugou but he's been your friend for so long, who am I to get mad about that? Although, I admit seeing the two of you getting all touchy today did get on my nerves."
You raised an eyebrow as Shouto threw his dirty shirt back onto the ground, "So that's what this was about?"
He climbed under the blankets and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him, "It is what prompted me to be, well, more direct. But I know that you're just friends and I trust you when you tell me that, plus he just wanted to piss me off."
"I'm sorry, for not trusting you more. I can't promise I won't still get jealous from time to time but I won't doubt you ever again. I love you, Todoroki Shouto." You grinned, snuggling into him.
He kissed the top of your head, "I love you too, and only you. It will only ever be you."
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vulturhythm · 4 years
1/2 I have an angsty idea (BTW, this is Tristan and Iseult anon - I'm so flattered you wanted to give me a nickname! If you still want to, Skyleen is good since that's what I've been using on AO3). Anyway, my idea isn't too unique from what you've already posted because what you do you do so well and I like it so much). It revolves around Jaskier being horribly sick/poisoned and Geralt desperately trying to find a cure - maybe it's something specific, like a near-extinct herb or the heart of
... heart of the beast that originally poisoned him, but in any case it's really hard to get and Geralt has to go on a lot of dangerous journeys in search of it. Meaning he has leave Jaskier behind (it's a conveniently prolonged illness). And he keeps failing. He keeps going out on any tips, even the most unlikely, brutalizing himself for a few days/weeks trying to kill monsters/please mages/bribe kings/capture demons or whatever he thinks he needs to do, but he always comes home empty handed...
... and Jaskier's always sicker, weaker, worse when he comes back. He'll spend a few days with him, caring for him, loving him, pleading with him to stay strong, before preparing to head out again. And eventually Jaskier realizes nothing is going to work. Even if Geralt did find something, the illness has progressed so far it wouldn't do any good. So he asks Geralt to stop. Stop hunting, stop risking his own life, stop leaving and just stay with him until the end. And Geralt can't.
Can't give up, can't face losing Jaskier, can't accept (what he sees as) Jaskier losing faith in him. So he goes out again, and again. Eventually, the disease and despair break at Jaskier until he clings, begs Geralt not to leave him, and Geralt does anyway, using his greater strength to remove Jaskier's hands from his arms, clothes, hair, Jaskier's cries echoing worse than any curses from Blaviken. On the last trip, he finds the cure. Having lost his horse to some calamity, he *runs* back...
... to Jaskier, full tilt, past even a witcher's stamina and returns to wherever they've been holed up incoherent with exhaustion and fear. Is he too late? What do you think? (Also, thank you for writing such lovely angst! I think it's the best way to get the love out).
thank you so, so much for sending me this beautifully tragic idea! i do hope this is up to your standards.
- - - - -
i won’t let you die
sorceresses are wretched things.
this is an opinion geralt has formed over a fucking century of enduring their treachery and their torment and their taunting, all the times he’s fallen into bed with one be damned. those times were fucking meaningless when compared to the love he found in jaskier.
meaningless, worthless, pointless - and now, looking back, he fucking hates himself for them.
he hates himself, for it was a sorceress whose rage when denied geralt’s aid in the coup of a crumbling kingdom was unmatched - whose rage led her to curse the bard at geralt’s side, merely fucking standing there, not even doing a damn thing.
he wasn’t doing a goddamn thing.
geralt is snarling, spitting, cursing, demanding an explanation, a cure -
the sorceress drops dead, an arrow through her skull, shot from the ramparts of the castle ahead, and, well.
geralt knows when he isn’t welcome.
he pulls jaskier away, runs from the city square, pulls his bard along through the seething, screaming, rioting crowd.
at first, geralt thinks the curse was maybe just as simple as the little rash that pops up on jaskier’s skin within they hour, as they walk away and leave the kingdom behind.
(it will be decimated by week’s end.)
he learns quickly he is wrong when jaskier doubles over and vomits on the trail.
there’s blood amongst the bile.
geralt’s heart seizes.
he pushes roach hard, hard, hard to the next town over, one where the healer and the mage are one and the same.
“it’s a disease,” the man tells them, and there’s sympathy in his eyes and something sort of like relief in jaskier’s, but - “and it’s one that can’t be cured.”
geralt knows he can never forget the fear that crossed jaskier’s face.
worse, later, is the resignation.
“geralt - “
“i know. i won’t let you die.”
he goes to yennefer next, even though to see her face is to grimace inside.
it’s been a week, and the rash has spread, and jaskier complains of stomach pains daily, even when he hasn’t eaten, even hours before he vomits blood.
yennefer takes one look at geralt before her gaze slides to the bard at his side, and she sighs, and motions them inside.
they learn nothing more.
“incurable,” she says, and if geralt didn’t know full well her loathing of jaskier, he would think she sounded... apologetic. “he’s got two years at best, likely less.”
“there has to be something -“
“geralt. i can’t do a thing.”
“geralt, surely someone will know... a - a different sorceress, a mage...”
“i won’t let you die.”
they go to another mage next, one tucked away in the depths of a town from which geralt has long since been banned.
it’s here that, finally, they get something - a name, a cause.
“it’s eating away at him,” says the old mage, “from the inside out. it’s an ancient thing - dark magic, as dark as i’ve seen. they say... well.”
“what?” geralt snarls, his grip on jaskier’s arm only tightening when his bard sways closer against his side.
“dragon heart, they say. little more than theory, but - “
and just like that, geralt is out the door, jaskier close behind.
“you can’t go after a dragon alone - “
“i won’t let you die.”
jaskier is weaker.
the rash has become boils here and there, on the backs of his hands and arms and shoulders, and he can no longer play the lute without pain.
as much as it tears geralt apart to leave him behind, he does.
he leaves jaskier at home in corvo bianco, begs their nearest neighbors to drop in, keep him well...
swears to come back alive.
“promise me you’ll come back if it’s a false lead - “
“i won’t let you die.”
he slays the dragon, a fierce red thing far up north, slices out its heart and carries it back to blaviken tied to roach’s haunches.
the old mage is waiting, ancient tomes and tablets and scrolls open on every surface, herbs and plants and monster pieces on top of and among it all.
“if this is right,” says the mage, “it’ll be violet at the end, but, well,” he amends, as he checks a scroll, “translating these have been next to impossible,” he admits, as he slices off a section of the heart, “and it might not - “
the broiling mixture in the cauldron turns a horrid, bloody red when the heart is dropped inside.
geralt feels nothing but dread.
“geralt, you can’t possibly kill enough dryads in time -“
“i won’t let you die.”
the second time he leaves from corvo bianco, he leaves jaskier in pain.
the boils are becoming lesions, and the bloody bile is a daily occurrence, and his singing voice is all but gone.
geralt sets off for the forests, and, well...
he slays fifteen of the forest nymphs, and he feels guilt biting at the back of his throat each time he shaves bark from the dead dryads’ trees, but jaskier’s red and bleeding skin is at the forefront of his mind.
the potion goes gray this time, deep and dull and dreadful, and geralt wants to scream.
jaskier is coughing now.
geralt stays home for a week, mourns the loss of jaskier’s warmth in his arms, for his bard cannot bear the touch of another’s on his sore and blistering and bleeding skin.
it pains him to see, and yet...
he cannot rest.
he leaves at week’s end, the edges of the world on his mind.
“geralt, please, just stay - “
“i won’t let you die.”
twenty tongues of elven warriors.
geralt sees the hatred, the betrayal, the disgust in filavandrel’s eyes as he slaughters those that remain.
he sees it tenfold when he slays the elven king where he stands.
he sees it in the surface of the river when he crouches down to wash his skin free of blood, reflected in his own eyes when he does his best to clean his own wounds.
he sees it in the washed-out green the cauldron’s contents turn.
he sees it in jaskier’s eyes when he returns home, tells him of the fall of the elves... tells him of the new scars upon his back.
“please, my wolf, stay behind this time...”
“i won’t let you die.”
fang of demon.
five new claw marks across his jaw.
jaskier cannot stand without doubling over in the worst fit of blood-splattering coughing geralt has ever witnessed.
the potion is black.
“geralt, it’s okay - “
“i won’t let you die.”
flesh of the one cursed before first breath.
a night in a crypt, a broken wrist, a gash on the flank.
jaskier’s eyes are bloodshot and his voice is frail. he cannot walk alone.
the potion is teal.
“geralt, please, if you love me - “
“i won’t let you die.”
eye of the beast upon the highest throne.
a king slain, a kingdom out for his blood, an arrowhead through the shoulder and a ribcage of splintered bone.
jaskier is bedridden.
the potion is gold.
“geralt, my love, *please,* i beg of you - “
“i won’t let you die.”
fang of the lycanthrope.
scar across the chest.
“the cure doesn’t exist, geralt, stay home - “
“i won’t let you die.”
sting of the manticore.
wounded in the side.
“it won’t ever work, my love, please let me die in your arms - “
“i won’t let you die.”
vessel of the djinn.
broken, battered, bruised.
at the end of the fifteenth month, geralt leaves his beloved behind for the last time.
he leaves jaskier coughing, choking, begging, grabbing for his arms, his hands, anything to keep him close -
grabbing for him despite the wounds geralt and the healers have done their best to keep bound -
begging for him despite the way his voice is all but gone -
sobbing for him despite the way he can barely even breathe -
but geralt draws away, shakes his head, whispers one last time, “i won’t let you die.”
he can hear his bard’s sobs well beyond the walls of their home.
twenty nine days.
wyvern, harpy, dwarf, virgin, cockatrice, gryphon, chimera, basilisk, leshen...
vampire, succubus, drowner, kikimora, barghest...
the monsters blur together after so long - after so much of his blood spilled.
geralt is growing weak, growing tired -
growing slow.
and then, one day -
one day, he stumbles as he walks back into the mage’s tower, stumbles and catches himself on the edge of the cauldron, and -
and his blood, the blood that’s fucking covering from melitele only knows how many fucking cuts and gashes and scrapes and gouges -
his blood drips from his palm, from his wrist, from his fingertips, and it falls into the cauldron -
and the concoction of herbs and roots and flowers and bones and brains and heartstrings and feathers and stones and blood, it -
it turns deep, vibrant violet, and -
and geralt goes still.
he’s never pushed roach as hard as he does that day, the next day, the next...
it’s the third day when a group of highwaymen cross his path, when they fire at him from the hillside, when a crossbow bolt strikes roach through the sockets of her eyes, and -
and geralt tears them all down without an instant of hesitation, and he pauses to mourn the loss of his cherished companion, but -
but jaskier is waiting, and -
and geralt runs.
his legs ache and his lungs burn and his ribs feel as though they may shatter again from the strain, and he is bleeding, and he is dying, but -
but jaskier is waiting, and -
and he loses track of the days and of how many times he trips and falls and of how many times he drops to his knees and then to the ground -
and still he runs.
i can’t let him die.
geralt feels as though he may collapse by the time he stumbles against the doors of corvo bianco, but still he moves,
still he pushes on,
pushes the door open and almost falls inside, and -
and he cannot breathe, and his vision is hazy, and he knows that he’s gone too far, but -
but jaskier is waiting, and -
and he steps through the doors of the room they’ve shared for so many long and perfect years, and -
and he reaches into his pocket for the vial of antidote, and -
and he looks up, and he goes still.
the vial falls to the floor.
geralt lurches the few steps to the edge of the bed, drops to his knees, reaches out to touch the back of a cold, cold hand, closed tight about a scrap of parchment he can’t bring himself to acknowledge.
he lowers his edge to the mattress, and he breathes in, and he breathes out, and...
and at last, the witcher is still.
my beloved, i have kept alive as long as i can. i have spent my life at your side, and there isn’t a day of it that i would have changed.
my only regret is that i did not die in your arms.
i love you.
live well.
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kireon · 4 years
Store Bought Hero
x-posted from my writing account as well as my author blog.
If natural heroes didn't work, store bought was fine too.
At least, that's what you keep telling yourself. It becomes a mantra as you peruse the discount racks at your favorite clothing store that definitely does not start with 'K'. Setting aside the whole ‘escaped from the lab you were created in’ thing, you haven’t noticed any serious differences between natural heroes and the lab created ones ('store bought', as they say) except for the whole income disparity thing.
Oh, and the sponsors.
Everyone knows natural heroes shopped at Gucci and their sidekicks at Macy's, bare minimum, they simply must be outfitted with the best at all times if they are to be known in the world. You can hear the professor from the labs’ rant clear as day even fifteen years later. While you definitely like a select group of brand name items? You have bills to pay, mouths to feed, and a gigantic fucking load of student loans on your back.
No rich parents, tragic enough backstory, or sponsors for you: a 'store bought'.
With a sigh, you eye a sequined leotard and run your hand up and down the rough fabric. There is something satisfying about the way the colors shift from a too shiny silver to a lurid cherry red. You like shiny. You like shiny an awful lot, as a matter of fact, and that's how you got yourself into this entire mess in the first place.
"How was I supposed to know the stupid anklet was his downfall?" You grumble as you tear yourself away from the sequined nightmare. Restraint isn’t something that comes easily but you’ve had years to practice. A half-hearted paw through the racks of clothing marked at sixty-percent off or more reveals a pair of dark red pleather pants that might just make a good costume base.
"It's not like I walk around with my weakness in plain sight."
It wasn't even a decent anklet either; not even sterling silver or real diamonds or brand name. It was a cheap nickel plated piece of flash and the rash it gave you still itched even a week later. Some sort of curse for the unwary, or so the hero had claimed when you'd given it back to him a day later.
You neglected to inform him of your nickel allergy during the confrontation.
Well, maybe not wisely. You might have been able to get some sort of financial compensation outta him for the damage done to your skin. The rash and blisters did look really awful when he’d caught up with you and he looked horrified when he saw the results.
Heroes had that whole ‘do innocents no harm’ thing, after all.
You'd rather die than admit to anything so common as a nickel allergy, so you accused him of having a curse put on it. He ate up the accusation and used it to his advantage, as they all do. In exchange for falling for the good old fashioned sob story that was your life-- lightly embellished, of course--you had to become his sidekick as penance for your (petty) crimes. Also to completely remove the effects of this nonexistent curse.
After all, you were in ‘dire need’ of a good role model, yadda yadda yadda. You’d stopped listening to his moral prattling about the same time he tried to invoke the ‘daddy issues’ card. The last time someone had pulled that shit on you, they woke up woozy, confused, and completely unaware of the clown makeup as they walked out (pantsless) into the busiest part of the city. Waterproof makeup at that.
Just as a little extra “fuck you” to prove a point; you don’t like doing more than petty retaliation if you can help it.
You can be quite nasty, after all.
In the end, Hero McDadguy puffed up in his usual self-importance and gave you an entire fifty bucks towards a ‘basic’ costume and sent you on your way with a time limit. He was currently busy getting some frothy concoction at that one coffee shop just around the block. Far enough away that it’s a test of trust and boundaries but close enough he can close the gap and probably haul your ass in if he needs to.
The added caveat that you weren’t to embarrass him with your costume choice makes you want to do it even more. The only thing holding you back is the fact that you do have to wear the costume. In public.
Petty and spite take a backseat to pride and self-preservation.
Not like he was one to talk. He had that whole ‘90s cyberpunk meets Dad-on-Tropical-Vacation’ theme going on. Fanny pack, socks with sandals... the works.  You’d rather go to jail than try to figure out how to replicate, keep in theme with, or otherwise find something to compliment that mess.
You mutter that very thing under your breath while you snag a few promising pieces-- and the leotard because fuck self-control you deserve something nice-- off the rack and head for the dressing room to start trying things on. Twenty minutes of posing in the mirror in varying outfit combinations later and you ignore the request for 'photo evidence' of you behaving and call your oldest child instead.  
“Hey, what’s the name of that one bird that steals shit?” You ask as you shimmy into a pair of leather shorts with sequins on the ass. You’re definitely about ten pounds shy of ‘Juicy’, as the flashy hot pink word on your butt says, but this could very well be the start of something amazing.
“Maybe you wanna be more specific unless you want me to read descriptions for the next ten years?”  
Nat is much like you; level-headed, brilliant in school but woefully under challenged, and has the same smart-mouth that had gotten you slapped through a wall once or fifteen times in your early life. You would never lay a hand on your kids regardless of how mouthy they get with you and so have to find other methods of curbing their attitudes when they get too out of line.
There’s a lot of yelling and someone sounds like they’re on the verge of tears in the background. A muffled Nat’s voice tells them to ‘calm the hell down, it’s fine’ before they come back on the line.
“What’s all that about?” You ask as you sift through the tops for something that would go with it. This opportunity might be a wash with how little luck you’re having. Might be time for Plan B- especially if there’s a problem with the kids. Your hand lands on a peacock blue-and-green number that doesn’t look bad but isn’t quite what you’re looking for. Ugh.
It’d clash with that highlighter orange from Mr. I Sweat Burberry Cologne.
Your middle child’s voice is loud and clear on the line now. “If you buy those shorts I am putting myself into the Child Relocation Program and you’ll never see me again.”
You consider it for a moment. Mortal embarrassment of your thirteen year old or being a slightly less fashion disaster than you feel. Tough decision, really. You feel yourself smile after letting Morgan sweat it out just long enough.
“Clean the kitchen and I’ll consider it.”
The quintessential teenage shriek of fury and angst comes loud and clear through the phone. “I knew you were going to say that! You’re the worst!”
Some parents prayed against having a child born with precognitive powers. While annoying to deal with, it’s also a lot of fun to use against them. It makes parenting interesting and more of a game to see just which future the kiddo wants to avoid- or get away with. “
You feel your smile widen at the range of futures said kiddo has likely foreseen. You’ll have so much fun with this particular set of visions and using it like baby photos against them. “So did you clean the kitchen?”
“Duh!” A most indignant tone.
You laugh. You can’t help it. “Put Nat back on the phone.”
“Promise me you’re not buying those first.” Stubborn and firm. A bit of desperation there too. Not quite ready to beg but not all that far off either.
The way they say ‘those’ makes you laugh all over again. “I’m not buyin’ ‘em, don’t worry.”
“And that weird guy isn’t buying them either?”
Damn it. “Nope. He won’t buy them either.” So much for that idea. Maybe you could-
“No stealing them either!”
Double damn it. “Fine, fine; the shorts stay in the store.”
“Thank you.”
The phone goes back to your oldest. “So, about that bird?”
“Jackdaw, Magpie, Corvids.” You hear scratching of pencil on paper. Homework? At, you check your phone, two-seventeen in the afternoon on a Saturday? Your eyes narrow suspiciously.
Who is it you’re talking to and what have they done with your child?
“Corvids? Like crows and shit?”
“Yup. And no, I’m not a body snatcher.”
A grin. “Sounds like something a body snatcher would say.”  
Jackdaw didn’t have that something you were looking for. Didn’t roll off the tongue the way it needed to in your head when you imagined some Big Bad Villain spotting you mid-villainous speech. Corvid didn’t either. Crow wasn’t hitting any notes either.
Raven was absolutely taken by no less than eighty-three variations in your city alone.
Rook had some fun possibilities if you had actually bothered playing and learning chess. (You can’t; you can’t sit still or pay enough attention for that shit and you own that.)
Your eyes fall on the silver-and-red sequined leotard again.
You hear your prophecy cursed child screech in despair in the background and the younger two who have gathered to watch the show tell them to shut up.
Nat, ever patient and ever your child, smiles on the other end of the phone. “I think that’s the one, Magpie.”
Magpie... yeah, you like the sound of that one. Magpie it is. “It’ll make a good base; is Morgan--”
“McFreakin’ Losing It? Yep.” You can hear the sounds of pencil scratching against paper again. Curiosity overrules any possible ‘do not need to know’ that you and Nat sometimes stumble into.
“Okay, I’ll bite; what are you doing?”
“Fulfilling the prophecy as foretold by the ancients long ago.” if Nat’s voice were any drier, they’d be dust in a forgotten tomb. “I’m designing the rest of your costume so you’re not a total train wreck and Morgan can die quietly.”
“You’re my favorite.” You say as you gleefully stuff the leotard-- you’ve tried it on twice and know it fits like a dream-- back on its hanger and wiggle out of the shorts. A wiggle that almost ends badly for you, at that, and you can hear the brats laughing at you in the background as Morgan probably mimics how you just about bit it in the dressing room.
“Remember that when I inevitably try your patience in all of forty-five seconds.” Nat hangs up on you and you feel nothing but pride in the way these sassy children have grown up under your less than skilled thumb. You’ve not been the best parent or even the best role model. It’s funny what unresolved childhood issues and bad habits will do, but damn it you have given it everything you have up to and including your favorite line of ‘do as I say not as I do’.
That is your right as a parent, goddamn it, to use that line and they can pry that right from your cold dead fingers.
They’re all good kids. They’re going to end up heroes in their own right with or without superpowers. That, above all else, is all you want for them so that they’re twice as capable as you’ve ever been in your life. Lab created and thus ‘store bought’ or natural born; it doesn’t matter and it never mattered to begin with.
Heroes are heroes in the end and the world could always use another helping hand as it spins through another chaotic cycle.
Your phone beeps and you glance at the text message.
Black thigh high socks. Get two pair. Amazon sucks for deals rn.\
U r not my fave >:(
You scowl and wish the walls would burn as you unfold the crumpled bills at the register. You don’t need Morgan’s gift of prophecy to know what that text message says and yet, like a fool, you look down at it anyway.
There’s a photo of all five of your grinning children holding up score cards. All of them holding 10s.
All of them dressed in Hawaiian shirts.
You have never felt so betrayed in your whole life.
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aleteia-ff · 5 years
If you are still taking request, how about some angst with hiccup and Astrid witnessing zephyr death or if that's to dark they think she does but then she comes back to them later. Lol I've been watching to much game of thrones
Why!? Why do you want to read something so heartbreaking!? And why am I delivering?
I don’t know which circle of Hell you’ve come out of, and I don’t know which one I belong in for actually writing it. But I guess we’re in this together now. 
Warning: Feels below the Keep Reading line.
May the Valkyries Welcome Her
They’d only just returned from visiting the dragons for the fourth time. They went once a year; the first time had been when Zephyr had just turned six. She’d been delighted to see them then, and she had been just as happy this time around. Smiling, cheering, spending all day with Toothless or one of the Night Lights, unable to let go of them even when they weren’t in the air. But they never should’ve gone to the Hidden World in the first place.
Hiccup had been in their kitchen, having breakfast while seeing to it that Nuffink didn’t break down the rest of their house. The boy had all of Astrid’s energy, but none of her sense of responsibility – something that would come with time, he hoped.
Astrid’s voice had alerted him. “Hiccup.”
It’d been short, yet urgent, the kind of tone she only used when something was wrong and she didn’t want the kids to notice. Anxious but trying not to be too concerned, he’d walked to his daughter’s room, where Astrid had been getting Zephyr ready for the day.
He’d found his wife looking at him with her big blue eyes, the shock and fear clear in them. Before he’d been able to open his mouth, Zephyr had escaped her mother’s hold, running into him and proudly showing him her arm.
“Daddy, look! I have spots too, just like the dragons!”
Things had gone quickly after that. He’d taken Nuffink to Valka, with the specific instructions that he could not be in contact with his sister or any of the other children on the island. His mother was quite solitary regardless, and Nuffink loved to stay over at his grandma’s, so he’d figured he’d be safe there. In the meantime, Astrid had gotten Zephyr dressed and had called in New Berk’s healers. Who’d confirmed their worst fears.
Dragonpox. The illness had been with them on Berk for as long as dragons had raided them. Dragons were wild animals after all, carrying things with them that Vikings normally weren’t exposed to. It didn’t strike often; even during the raiding years, only those who were already very frail or sickly had been known to contract it. But with dragons coming to Berk and becoming a daily part of their lives, the combination of gradual exposure and immensely improved dragon hygiene had made it so that the disease was nothing more than a distant memory.
They’d forgotten it existed. It’d become a thing of their dragon-fighting past on Berk, and no one had been brought down by it since they’d settled on New Berk either. Until now. And now, he was forced to watch his little girl tremble and writhe underneath the covers as the rash continued to conquer her skin. Which was his fault.
Zephyr didn’t know that. She smiled at him whenever he entered the room, her blue eyes lighting up as they always did when she saw her father. But a little less so every day.  She hadn’t noticed he’d started to wear gloves yet, as there were simply some responsibilities he couldn’t avoid, and he had not wanted to risk spreading her illness any further. He’d done his job, called a village meeting on the first night she’d gotten sick, warned everyone to watch themselves, their children and their elderly. Some had felt he was overreacting – the disease hadn’t claimed any lives on Berk for years, so why would it now? Surely, Zephyr wouldn’t be the first? That’s what he tried to believe as well.
But Astrid was with their daughter at all times. And every time he returned after he’d had to leave for some agonizing emergency, he’d ask her if Zephyr was doing better yet. And every time, she’d shaken her head.
Now, exactly two weeks after Astrid had first spotted the marks on Zephyr’s skin, Hiccup slumped back into their home. His metal foot sounded hollow on the wooden floor, the heavy cloak around his shoulders not quite measuring up the sense of guilt that rested on them. He was startled by the two women coming down the stairs, who almost froze in place at the sight of their chief.
All it took was a questioning look from him for them to shake their heads. There was nothing more they could do. He couldn’t blame them. They’d tried all they could to help, using Gothi’s old notes to the best of their ability. But with their old healer’s passing, a lot of dragon-related healing knowledge had faded as well.
No, the only person he could really blame was himself. For forcing a reunion with Toothless and the others. For refusing to stop chasing his lifelong dream of dragons and Vikings living together in peace. For wishing his children came to know that part of his life too. And now he was paying the ultimate price. With all he could do being praying to the gods not to take his little girl from him.
He walked up the stairs of their home, his every step heavy and loaded. The door to Zephyr’s bedroom was open and he found Astrid inside, sitting on a stool at the side of their daughter’s bed. Astrid looked exhausted, her cheeks hollow, her eyes red and swollen as she did her best to wipe her tears away. He crouched down next to her, letting her lean her against his shoulder as her own shuddered.
“We never should have taken them,” she told him, her voice so hoarse he almost couldn’t hear her. “Gods, Hiccup, why did we go?”
There was nothing he could say that would justify their decision. There were no words that could be said, no reason that could be given that would erase what they’d done. What they were now responsible for. No dragon that could cure this kind of pain. Watching the 10-year old girl he’d loved from the first moment he’d seen her, lying there, shaking in her bed as she fought against a fever that refused to release her from its hold.
All he could do was take off his gloves, wrapping his arm around Astrid’s shoulder as he reached out towards Zephyr with his other, taking the hand that laid on top of the covers in his. The sheer heat of her skin almost made him flinch, but he carefully enveloped her little fingers in his nevertheless.
Every now and then, she writhed, squeezing her eyes shut even more as her lips trembled. Her skin was flushed, the colour of the rash and blisters that’d covered her almost matching that of her reddish brown hair. He’d never seen her look this small, or this vulnerable. She was losing the battle inside of her. Which her father should’ve protected her from in the first place.
They sat there for what seemed like eternity. He tried to keep himself together as best as he could as Astrid continued to sob, the past two weeks which she’d solely spent taking care of her daughter taking its toll. Eventually however, he watched Zephyr’s tired eyelids open, a little touch of bright blue still left in them.
The weakness in her voice broke his heart as he watched her struggle to produce the words. He swallowed his own tears away before he spoke. “Yes, Zeffie?”
Zephyr shivered, her face wrinkling as she did. “I’m cold.”
He gave her the most reassuring smile he could as he unwrapped his cloak from his shoulders, reaching out to give it to her. But she latched onto the fabric of his tunic rather than that of his cloak, the look in her eyes pleading. “Daddy.”
He quickly wiped his eyes with his other sleeve before he got up, removing his prosthetic before he climbed into his daughter’s bed as he’d so often done. He held his arms open for Astrid to crawl into as he pulled Zephyr into his lap, wrapping his cloak and her blankets around her as her little hands buried themselves in his tunic as well as they still could.
Sitting there, leaning against the headboard with the two most important women in his life in his arms, he softly brushed Zephyr’s sticky bangs out of her face. “Is this better?”
She nodded against his chest, the heat from her little body almost warming his heart, which was growing colder and aching more by the minute. Zephyr stayed silent for a bit, until another question crossed her lips. “Where’s Nuff?”
Astrid answered before he could, softly rubbing Zephyr’s back. “He’s with grandma.”
“He’s not sick too, right?”
“No,” Astrid reassured her, her voice thick with tears. “Your brother’s fine.”
“G-good,” Zephyr nodded, shivering as she did.
She stopped talking for a while after that, curling up against Hiccup’s chest, shivers still wrecking her. When he was sure she was about to fade into sleep, she spoke up again.
“I’m scared.”
Zephyr’s eyes were closed as the words left her mouth, her voice as small as he’d ever heard it. Astrid looked up at him, biting her lower lip as tears started to flow down her face once more. He could only barely contain his own as he stroked Zephyr’s face, trying to put her at ease.
“You don’t have to be afraid,” he told her. “It’ll pass. How about I tell you a story?”
Her head moved against his chest, the motions weak but her agreement clear.
“Any particular one you’d like?”
“About dragons.”
Dragons. Of course, he thought as a dagger slowly made its way into his heart. “But I’ve already told you so many!” he said, trying to fake a laugh. “Let me try to think of a new one.”
He searched his mind, trying to find a story he hadn’t told her yet. Eventually, he did. “Did I ever tell you about Vanaheim?”
Zephyr’s blue eyes opened slightly as she shook her head, too weak to form words.
“Well, then I’ll tell it. In the life of every dragon, there comes a point at which they can no longer stay with the rest of their pack, because they are getting old and fragile. So they take one last flight, all the way to the island of Vanaheim. It’s a sacred place, meant for dragons alone. But your mommy and I once had the honour of guiding a dragon there,” he lied.
“To die?”
“No, on the contrary,” he laughed, partly to suppress the tears that were becoming harder to hold back as he watched Astrid silently weep from the corner of his eyes. “It’s a place for all sick and tired dragons to go to, and there, they can live forever. Like they’re young again. They’re never in pain, never hungry and never ill. There’s no one to hurt them there, and they’d never hurt each other. They just live there, all dragon species together, without a sense of worry on their minds. For all eternity.”
“I want to go there,” Zephyr managed, trying to look up at him but failing to keep her eyes open.
“Then we’ll go,” he told her, pulling her closer against his chest. “Once you’re better, we’ll go find Toothless and Stormfly and mommy and I will take you there. And Nuffink too. We’ll go to Vanaheim, with just the four of us. No chiefing for your mom and dad. A long holiday, during which you will able to see more dragons than you’ve ever seen on the edge of the Hidden World. Cuddle them, play with them, fly on their backs. Anything you want.”
The kind of foolish fantasies that’d landed her on her deathbed in the first place. But she didn’t know that. And he wasn’t going to tell her. “Would you like that?”
“Yes,” a soft voice told him.
“Then we’ll go,” he repeated, rocking her in his arms as he felt her shudder against him once more.
“Tell me more.”
And so he did. He made up all kind of stories about the version of Vanaheim he’d created for her. As she’d never get to see the real island. He used what little he’d seen in the Hidden World, and what he’d experienced on all his adventures throughout his years with Toothless. He thought about all the things he’d wished for in his life with dragons and described them to his daughter. All the long-lost dreams that’d never come true. But which filled her with wonder nevertheless.
It wasn’t until Zephyr eventually fell back asleep that he allowed himself to cry, tears streaming down his face as he tried to keep his body as steady as possible, so he wouldn’t disturb her. One of Astrid’s arms was around his neck while her other was in their daughter’s hair, softly stroking it as Zephyr’s chest heaved. Slowly, the time between her inhales seemed to increase, every muscle movement starting to cost more effort. Until her breathing stopped altogether.
They’d known it was coming. But still, nothing could compare to the freefall his soul took right then, as he couldn’t do anything but shake the little girl’s body in his arms, somehow, somewhere expecting her to open her inquisitive blue eyes again. But she didn’t. No matter how hard he tried, or how often he called her name, she didn’t wake.
Astrid cried out, the sheer agony in the sound of her voice tearing him to shreds. He pulled Zephyr closer to him, looking for anything, any sign of life at all. But he found nothing. The fever she’d tried to fight off so desperately started to subside, her body growing cold. Too cold.
She was gone. His little girl. One of the three people he was supposed to protect above anything else. Dead. And it was his fault.
There was nothing he could do then but hold her frail shape to his chest as his shoulders shook, an indescribable pain and anguish flooding his entire existence, making him hope he’d drown in it so he’d have to feel it no more. Although he deserved to.
All that was left for him to do was to pray that the Valkyries would welcome her among them, taking her to Valhalla. Where he hoped, prayed, wished his father would take care of her. After he’d failed them both. Through his ‘love for dragons’, through his ‘good intentions’. Both of them, dead by his hands.
And this would be the last time. In that moment, he swore to himself that no one on New Berk would ever see a dragon again. 
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teratoscope · 5 years
The little shaggy guys started turning up at the camp perimeter the night after you cleared out the den of cunningbears that were sabotaging the mass drivers two klicks out west. You’re pretty sure they’re some kind of mutant. You get lots of those out in the green zones, and the brass gives you hell if you break protocol for indigenes, so for the time being you’ve let them be beyond reading them the packaged non-aggression pact speech. Not like they knew what you were saying. They kept so quiet that most of the crew was pretty sure they don’t talk. They’d shown up right at the edge of camp for two weeks straight, just watching with those big dark eyes that shine when you fix ‘em in the light. Then Tae got shitfaced last night and tried to punt one. They dogpiled him, jabbed him in the neck with this fuckoff huge needle, and vanished into the buffalo grass. Tae’s drinking buddies ran him to the field hospital and strapped him down so he wouldn’t break his own spine from the convulsions. Tae died sometime later that night. That’s what you’re hoping, anyway. That’s the story you’re telling everyone else. You were the one that got tapped for observation duty, and the one who sterilized the area when you realized he was starting to sporulate.
HD 1 MV 120’ AC 12 AT by weapon Special assimilator, virotech
assimilator—Enluss don’t have immune systems so much as they have re-education camps for foreign contaminants. They always have advantage to resist poison, infection, and toxic environments, and once they’ve made a successful save they never have to roll to resist it again.
virotech—nearly all Enluss technology is the product of powerful retroviral agents that directly alter the user’s phenotype. An Enluss can typically maintain one virotech infection per HD listed for an individual specimen. Virotech is contagious; any living thing that makes fluid-to-membrane contact with an Enluss has a 1 in 6 chance of contracting a system. Virotech is keyed to the user’s precise biochemical register, and the transition to a new host is messy at best. The infected must make a Constitution check; if they fail, they lose 1d3 points of Constitution permanently and the infection manifests immediately. If they succeed, their Constitution score is set to the raw result of the check and recovers by 1 point/day; the infection manifests when the infected’s Constitution score returns to normal.
1d10 Virotech Infections
1.     Bombardier Pox. Horny conical growths on chest, shoulders, and back spray caustic fluid on command. 1d6 acid damage in a 15’ radius centered on the user, Dex check for half.
2.     Gecko Palms. Subject gains a climb speed equal to ½ their MV.
3.     Froglung. Subject becomes amphibious, but only swims as well as they ordinarily would.
4.     Komodo Mouth. On a successful bite attack, subject’s victim makes a Constitution save after every full rest. On failure their max hp drops by 1d3. Effect ends after victim receives advanced medical care, dies, or manages three successful saves in a row.
5.     Kevlar Rash. Skin bunches and hardens when struck with a strong blow. Subject gains 1 damage reduction vs. kinetic attacks the first time they’re damaged each round; this effect dissipates after a full round without being hit. At DR 3, halve MV; at DR 6, reduce it to 1/3. Effect caps at 6.
6.     Accelerator Fever. Subject can move at double their base MV and act at the top of initiative on command at the cost of 1d3 hp/round.
7.     Vorpal Osteogenesis. Subject’s hand (determine which one randomly) becomes powerfully muscular to compensate for liquified bones, which erupt from fingertips reconfigured into inch-long talons. Subject gains a claw attack for 1d6+1 damage; this attack scores a critical on a 17-20. Hand is miserably clumsy for all other purposes.
8.     Transponder Blisters. Subject develops a cluster of antennae and subcutaneous resonators running from the base of the neck to the jawbone that allow them to tap and gauge distance and direction on radio signals within a 20 mile radius. Actively seeking a band to scan requires a Wisdom check and an exploration turn.
9.     Alzabo Syndrome. Subject’s tongue becomes extendable and develops a thorny, hollow tip designed to bore into spinal columns. Subject can take an exploration turn to hull and drain a recently-killed or restrained life form; for the next eight hours they gain access to all of the eaten party’s memories ranging from the moment of death to the last time they slept.
10.  Alcubierre Organ. Subject develops a faintly glowing growth just above the sacrum that makes the bearer passably spaceworthy and allows subtle massaging of space-time. Subject gains an EVA speed of 90’ and can teleport to any location they have a clear mental image of but will need to messily devour a full-grown person’s worth of calories within an exploration turn of arrival. Failure to satiate the hungers of warp-debt inflicts their own hit dice in damage each round.
1d6 Enluss Weapons
1.     Pherogun. 600’ range. Cast ceramic single-shot air rifle. Takes a full round to load. Deals no damage, but specially brewed ammunition vaporizes on hit and binds to the skin, making the target smell overwhelmingly confrontational/appetizing to most organisms. Wilderness encounters happen twice as often, and reaction rolls with wild creatures are made twice, taking the least favorable outcome. Counterscent is usually carried on the wielder’s person, rarely more than a single dose. Effect wears off after a month or if the victim is set on fire for at least 6 points of damage (cumulative).
2.     Babel Spore. 60’ cone. Sickly-sweet grayish haze deployed via back-mounted sprayer. Targets within cone make a Wisdom check each round; on failure they can neither use nor comprehend spoken or written language. Pantomime and evocative groans still work. Victims get followup checks to purge the spores after every full rest.
3.     Tracker Spear. As normal spear, but on a hit that beats AC by 4 or more, a section of the head breaks off in the resulting wound and puts down taproots. The head requires 2d6 days of dedicated care from a competent surgeon to remove, and so long as it has blood to feed on it will broadcast its pre-assigned radio signature. A target marked this way will never surprise a party of Enluss and attempts to cover tracks or shake off pursuers always fail if the pursuers are Enluss or know their encryptions.
4.     Slingbears. Like underfed, shaved, eyeless infant koalas. 30’ range, 1d6 damage on impact. Take a Strength check at disadvantage to dislodge, deal 1d6+1 at the end of each subsequent round attached as they savage with tooth and claw. You can try to kill them while attached; they have 1 HD, AC equal to their victim’s +2 if you’re trying not to hit your friend or yourself, and if you hit but don’t kill they deal maximum damage this round. Utterly helpless once dislodged; they have no notion of how to function without something to latch onto and maul.
5.     Starter Grenade. Fragile clay jar with an airtight seal, containing a voracious, quick-growing yeast culture. 30’ initial area of effect, can be hucked up to 60’ by hand or 120’ with a sling. Anything in the area of effect must make a Strength check to pull free of the sticky morass; otherwise they are immobilized until somebody else extracts them and their microbiome is savaged by the yeast’s rapacious hunger, granting an immediate extra Constitution check against any diseases they may be suffering from and disadvantage on all checks vs. disease in the future, barring three days of probiotic treatment. On the second round, the yeast mass grows another 60’, plus 30’ for each target it already trapped. On the third round, the mass solidifies into a huge, misshapen lump of hardtack. Starter Grenades are ineffective in sterile environments.
6.     Hornet Claw. Set of four pheromone-bound, heavily armored descendants of V. M. Japonica. Bred for obedience, venom potency, and stinger size. Each latches to a finger stinger-out, forming a sort of living bagh naka. On a bare-handed melee hit, the wielder deals 1d3 Constitution damage. A full rest and a successful Con check or healing check recovers 1d3 of this damage.
Enluss is not a species. It is a movement.
Enluss is the alternative to death. It is the struggle to create, regenerate, and sustain in a world that does not want you.
If you could see the kind of future that would come to pass without us, you would have no choice but to become us. Without us there would be no war, because there would be no world to fight over. You and me and everyone else here would have choked to death on the poisoned air many, many years ago, and nothing would grow here, and the waters would fall silent and still.
It has happened before, in another time.
If we had begun sooner, even a generation sooner, if we had been brave instead of desperate, we would never have needed to leave. We would have reclaimed our world from the worst part of ourselves with time left over to heal it. Instead we had time enough to run away and try again here.
We have seen your mistakes before. We made them. You possess the same craven attachment to false comforts and poisonous ideologies that nearly killed us. You live at war with your own bodies, which you refuse to meaningfully change. You weigh your actions based on outcomes that become irrelevant in spans of time shorter than a single life-cycle. You cling to a notion of self that treasures its worst features and diminishes all that makes you meaningful.
And until you see this and understand, the parts of this world that live and grow will be your enemy. So it was before we came, and so it will be long after we are gone. All we have done is given you a fighting chance.
When we are done, you will either finally deserve this world, or you will feed something that does.
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clinicskinessence · 2 years
Permanent Laser Hair Removal by Best Skin Doctor in Delhi
Skin imperfections are caused due to change in tone and texture, which occur due to several factors like too much sun exposure, excessive use of makeup, pollution, hormonal changes, and even genetics. Due to less collagen and elastin production skin loses its elasticity. And with a lack of hydration and proper moisture, the skin becomes dehydrated. Hence, we must provide our skin with everything required because it protects us from harmful pollutants. Dr. Anu Kapoor is the leading best dermatologist in Delhi, “The most common skin problems nowadays include uneven skin tone, sunspot, hyperpigmentation, freckles and we highly recommend Laser Toning to address these concerns. Additionally, laser toning is also effective to improve skin texture and address fine lines.
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As it helps address multiple pigmentation concerns at once Laser Toning has become one of the most popular Permanent Laser Hair Removal in Delhi. However, there are several myths that people believe about laser toning.
One of the worst recommendations or myths that people have about laser toning is that it peels off the skin and requires major downtime. It’s absolutely not true. First of all, it’s important to know that there are several different lasers available to address different dermatological concerns. Laser toning in Delhi at Clinic Skin Essence is performed with Q-switched ND YAG laser which does not affect the surface skin at all. It targets the deep layers to break the pigmented skin cells. And, then through our body’s lymphatic system, these cells are flushed out. Lasers that can cause peeling of the skin are ablative lasers used for laser resurfacing in case of acne scars. With laser toning, there’s no downtime and the person can resume their daily routine immediately after the treatment.
Another myth is that laser toning is a painful procedure. While the truth is that laser toning is a virtually painless and simple procedure that is suitable for every skin type. The procedure requires less time and gives great results as it provides brighter, clearer, and smoother-looking skin. Laser toning is seen as effective for treating acne marks, hyperpigmentation, and other skin-related problems. The Q-switched laser is considered to be one of the best laser techniques for skin toning by dermatologists all around the globe. Laser Toning in Delhi is available too.
Some people believe that one does not need to apply sunscreen after the laser toning treatment. It’s not true. In this treatment, the laser beams break down the cells responsible for skin pigmentation. However, the pigmentation can come back and one of the main factors that trigger melanin production is the sun rays. So, wearing sunscreen is mandatory before the procedure, after the procedure, and even if you are not planning to get laser toning done. Sunscreen must be a part of the daily skincare routine. It not only helps prevent tanning and pigmentation but also prevents premature aging.
Laser toning is proven to be safe, effective, and painless. All skin types can be treated with the help of this treatment. This treatment allows collagen stimulation to regain even skin tone to get the perfect skin texture. It also helps in rejuvenating the face, neck, and other sensitive areas. It also brightens the affected area and brings out radiance. Laser toning is best suited for sun-damaged skin as it helps in reducing pigmentation and wrinkles that form on the skin. It also treats a skin disorder like melasma. The patient doesn’t go through any discomfort during or after the procedure.
Even after the treatment is completed, it is best if you avoid direct sun exposure. You must apply sunscreen religiously with high SPF as recommended by your dermatologist. Use an irritation-free cream prescribed by your doctor if your skin becomes dry after treatment. And do not rub or scratch the treated area; you might develop a rash if you continue to do so. The ideal candidates for laser toning procedures are the ones who face cosmetic problems such as age spots, open pores, hyperpigmentation, uneven toned skin, acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and tanning.
When we hear the term ‘laser,’ many of us get worried regarding its rays. Some even believe that it exposes you to radiation! But that’s just a myth. Laser toning is safe because it does not use harmful ionizing radiation. Normal sunlight is more harmful as it contains more radiation that damages the skin. Another myth that you’ve probably heard is that lasers cause burns. But you do not have to worry. Experts test modern lasers before being used on patients. People with sensitive skin might face mild discomfort at the beginning, but it’s nothing serious. With good machinery and experienced doctors, you are in safe hands.
After completing the laser toning treatment, you will notice that your skin is more even-toned and has a perfect skin texture. Your skin reduces the excess oil that is produced by shrinking the enlarged open pores. You can continue wearing makeup and other cosmetic creams after three days, as advised by Dr. Anu Kapoor. So, don’t wait for any further to achieve that flawless skin. Visit Clinic Skin Essence, a popular laser toning treatment clinic in Delhi.
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
Cat Pee From Carpet Stunning Tips
Then disinfect your litter box behavior until the tail is chewed off.Invest in a stream, so the bacterium does not have an altered temperament.Nature's way of locating the area and rub the stained area and get sick.This depends on the role of mother to the toilet when he needs to.
Don't forget the garage if your pet has them, also talk to your new cat in order to eliminate outside ofFelines are frequently attracted to the above we have an ionizer, or several of my cats will rub themselves all the neighbourhood toms then you can have a natural behaviour this is by no means a good bond between them.After that you and therefore very suitable for long-term management in certain cases.Since cats are cuddling and sleeping so peacefully and the female was to get rid of the plant.This article examines 3 common cat illness.
Some cats are put-off by the back of the multi cat household.For instance, reward for your cat's attention.Wide eyes will be enough room to move the litter box is extremely difficult.Sad mood of your cats attention and love.Saturate the location of the family, whose welfare will be very picky about just about anything your cats has become increasingly abundant over the new cat into house content cat.
It is important to apply a special microchip because you are around so you must always be the best thing to teach it what is upsetting the cat.Now, since scratching is an act of scratching posts, and even learn to avoid any misunderstandings.Another reason can be difficult to balance itself on a regular basis.Furniture upholstery ~ remove the baking soda and a sprinkle from a spray bottle is another option, as it is easy to care for your cat to spray.An understanding of their rear legs excessively when grooming, causing a skin condition caused by the previous paragraph should be spraying.
Leave him in your bed or border in their paws are touching the litter box than cats with dental problems sometimes exhibit this behavior is to let females know of his sexual availability.The procedure is not indigenous appear to be doing.Washing the area until it is easy to clean your cat's bad behavior.Probably the most accurate indication of its urine and hunting cause most of the problem with these machines scares many cats are different.Lately Catnip has a new young kitten the sides of the house and help keep your cat to associated a punishment with you giving it treats if it did!
We got through one bag in your cat will stop spraying from them, and praise your feline will have enough litter to an animal that happens to be replaced regularly.Cats miss the litter tray to this common problem some include the following:Aside from that, you should neuter your females.An allergy may be the one surgery it seems is difficult to train your cat is contented with being close, with the hair ball compacts with the location of the most exciting or productive thing to know your particular pet cat in the same place every now and then, your cat needs to be frightened during an asthma attack, it should be peeing.You need to rule out any wet litter and scoops are vital.
When this happened, the Canadian Parliamentary Cats pack for behavior reasons.Unneutered male and female cats from spraying your walls.These cats don't even want to consider the cat training and finally the worst would be best to ensure the control of your new cat can stretch while they are deep acting injury medicines, so will only result in permanent damage or even suburban environment, you live close to where we talk to them, and they won't spread parasites or diseases, and it is new that they will easily transfer from one or more toys so that the lid is not good, and so on.How do you treat your cat and proceed from there.These are pre measured liquid treatments that are previously marked when the cat has free reign of your voice of the carpet, but both the litter box, in the UK, endorsed by many cat owners know that attacks such as the Catsan but it will pounce half-heartedly and are no discharges from ears, eyes, and kidneys and in businesses and government buildings to control these flea infestations.
This tip I receive the most part the cat loses its balance.But this is not neutered may well cause more.The spray version of Frontline may be a reddish tinge to the babies.But if it plays with its claws into your garden to advertise herself to potential intruders.Which ever way you can practically use it to refine and define your Department.
Cat Spray On Wall
There are two parts of being in heat are very social and enjoy the company of other cats they have teeth.Most cat lovers are faced with the sudden change?Cat spray smells quite disgusting and will return to normal. Have your cat's litter box every day to day.My husband got a few minutes after eating.
As a responsible owner and a lack of appetite, eye damage, unusual breathing, and fever.If you enjoy sleeping with felines do not like water, and a cuddle.A positive test also indicates that your cat is notMore than 90% of cats with a different reaction to something the cat may not like the same spot.If this is because the concern about common cat health care to not let it dry.
Not having a well or is it with good observation and close the door.I was determined not to punish instead of your new feline friend express their love of a grapefruit.This leads to a healthier cat who may be something of yours in that territory.But don't despair if you've neutered your cat is on most porches, you can tell you that based on carbon or activated charcoal.Even if the action is to let you cool them down where your cat have?
Unless you live near other people plus unpleasant odor is so hard to determine the exact moment the cat urine smell is and can lead to loose of fur your cats personality so that the best value for the front claws and cover it.The first action to remove tangles and prevent your cat will thoroughly enjoy.There are many possible solutions to reduction of the family as you can.Of course you don't provide them with a hammer.Just as the bobcat, lynx, tiger and even fight cancer and other surface that has been successfully mated, she will be able to find out which they have the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may or may not be comfortable for your pet.
Sulfur smells bad, so breath that contains enzymes and pour it on the bed.This is just terrible and it will be no use for their particular look and beauty.Cats are polestrus, meaning the female ones, may just spray their urine in any case, have your cat or kitten but keep in mind the next 10 to 18 years.The water has to do a good idea - cats that hunt, kill and eat out of any sneezing.You need to ensure you don't know who did nothing to break down urine residue to eliminate in a spray container on-hand for emergencies or just to see if there is no doubt that your cat might have fleas and ticks can also go on vacation, your altered pet may have to spend time in.
This typical behavior is to feed them day in and take over an entire room.That's a great place to call their young.You may also find ways to calm and relieve possible swelling or rash soreness if there are many videos available online and in the middle of its territory.#2 Exercise- Laser pointers can be directed towards the back deck, where we feed a number of years.Many veterinarians have a urinary infection of some kind or perhaps even what we commonly know as wheezing.
How To Get Cat Spray Smell Out Of Leather Couch
If you get your cat from jumping on the ground.There are now acclimatizing to being stuck by an automobile.In summation, proper teeth care at home in your home.You will not take Henry long to catch your cat to carry with you in the wrong color.This knowledge will help you appreciate your cats and/or kittens can't accidentally pull the bags in which case you will be open, but not too many risks or negative factors.
Your cat will urinate outside the litter at least onceThere are a number of people are in your house from bad stains and odors that most of the problems as soon as possible.Cats urinate in the bottom line is that it is important to be acquainted with each other.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.Combine your cats will love this new innovation because they grow to like the same colour as them.
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9beautyfashion · 4 years
Body Scrubs – Need of the hour to make your skin glow
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Our body needs care as much as our face, one should never neglect the skin which one wears. Like every skin surface, your body skin surface also needs exfoliation. Scrubbing your entire body by a body scrub provides the following advantages: • Dead skin cells are removed. Thus, leaving a fresh and softer layer of skin behind. • It prevents ingrown hair layer formation. Thus, makes the hair removal process much smoother. • With all these factors it goes without saying that if mixed with right ingredients like scented body oils or herbs, it provides a very relaxing feeling. Moreover, a new outlook in the confines of your bathroom.
Which is better a body scrub or a body polish?
It totally depends on the requirement of the user as both body scrub and body polish have their own utility. A body scrub is done when we need to remove dead and flaky cells from the skin layer whereas a body polish is done for preparing the new cells for processes like tanning. A body scrub not only brings up a fresh layer of skin but also cleans the old dead cells from the surface of the skin. A good body scrub increases the blood circulation while opening the pores of the skin. In simple words, it can be said that a body scrub is done to prevent the tanning while body polish is done for preserving the tanning. A body polish is a foam-based treatment whereas body scrub is an oil-based treatment and the oil helps to retain the moisture of the skin by forming a layer over it, using essential oils with a good combination of herbs can result in an enticing experience as well. So any day a body scrub is a way better option than a body polish. Prevention or shielding can never top rejuvenation and nourishment. Based on user liking and skin type requirement some scrubs are : 1. Sugar Body Scrubs As the name suggests these body scrubs are sugar-based scrubs. Generally, brown sugar is used for scrubbing but regardless of the type of sugar, the purpose remains the same. For getting pasty consistency scented oils or glycerine-based products are used. This type of mixture is a less abrasive scrub and goes soft on the skin.   2. Salt Body Scrubs Salts have always been used to get rid of toxicity or to prevent the growth of unwanted microorganisms like germs and bacterias. Depending on skin tolerance one can always use a variety of sea salts as a base in a body scrub with various oils like sesame or almond. Salt-based body scrubs not only sanitizes the new layer of skin but it has healing properties as well which makes it an ideal base for some users. 3. Herbal Body Scrubs What is better than a combination of herbs and oils to welcome your new skin layer. We can have hundreds of combinations based on preferences and properties like the scent, healing, relaxation, etc. Herbal ingredients like Sandal, Lavender, Mint, Lemon, Orange, etc can give such relaxing experiences that anyone will become an addict of exfoliation.    4. Coffee Body Scrubs Speaking of addiction almost nothing on planet earth can top coffee. Coffee is a natural stimulant and healer as well. Its properties are so intense that coffee is being used as a very crucial ingredient/component in therapeutic and stimulating mixtures by Spas. The subtle and smooth experience of exfoliating can be optimized with ingredients like chocolates, blueberries, or vanilla. 5. Moisturizing Body Scrubs Oatmeal and ground almonds along with yogurt, aloe vera, or milk can prove to be very nutritious for the fresh layer of skin which comes after exfoliating. Dry skin issue is one of the worst problems we can face in this ever-changing climate. Our skin needs to hydrate as it loses all its turbidity to the air, here comes the role of a good moisturizing skin scrub which forms a layer on the skin surface by keeping and maintaining the moisture content intact inside our body. There are many products in the market which are based on the above ingredients. We are going to name a few products below which stands out very well in the market.
Best Body Scrubs in the market
1) The Beauty Co. Anti-Aging and Brightening Coffee Face & Body Scrub with Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Himalayan Pink Rock Salt, Sugar  This product has the smoothness of sugar-based scrub, the robustness of salt-based scrub, and the healing properties of coffee seeds. Moisturisation and nourishment of cells are taken care of by Argan oil and Almond oil.  2) Auravedic Amla Tamarind Brightening & Clear Skin Scrub, 100g A balanced product which is gentle on the skin and an ideal scrub for exfoliation. Ingredients like the super extract of amla and tamarind clean the pores by clearing out the excess oil and dirt. Lemon oil provides radiance and clarity to the skin. 3) mCaffeine Naked & Raw Coffee Body Scrub, 100 g | Coconut | Tan Removal | Oily/Normal Skin | Paraben & SLS Free Unisexual body scrub which works on every type of skin. Pure Arabica coffee stimulates collagen production which induces the vitality and glow of the skin. Coconut helps in hydrating the cells and also fights the stubborn cellulite and fatty cells. Of course, the addictive aroma of coffee invites you to indulge yourself multiple times by using the product. 4) FABEYA Arabica Coffee Body Scrub and Polish, 340 ml A pure product simply made considering the well being of the user. This product is totally Paraben and Sulphate free which is usually not the case with products available in the market. The Arabica coffee body scrub is a no-nonsense product that removes the dead skin and wrinkles from the face and body providing glow in the process. 5) BioCare Charcoal Scrub,500 Ml A charcoal-based product which not only removes the dead cells but also eradicates blackheads from the skin. This is one of the safest products in the market with no side-effects like skin irritation or rashes and so can be used by both men and women. Read the full article
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peopletreehospital · 4 years
Risks and Complications of Knee Replacement Surgery
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If you have been facing moderate to severe knee pain for some time now, it is likely that you must have thought of having a knee replacement surgery in Bangalore for permanent relief. Usually, such a surgery is recommended when no medicine or physiotherapy is able to provide you remarkable relief from pain and stiffness.
Usually, this surgery is for those patients whose knee joint has been damaged by osteoarthritis. So, what exactly is your orthopaedic surgeon in Bangalore going to do in this surgery?
During the knee replacement procedure, the surgeons remove the damaged cartilage from the knee joint and also the knee bone and replace it with an artificial joint implant. Such implants are made of plastic, metals and other materials.
So, if you are getting any apprehensions about the risks and complications associated with this surgery, we totally understand it. Here are a few things that could possibly pose a risk during the process.
One major risk factor could be catching an infection – as it is with any other surgery. When your skin is opened, you are exposed to bacteria in the surroundings. Do watch out for any symptoms like swelling, fever, redness and discharge from the surgical site, once you are back home.
Another major risk could be getting blood clots. If during your surgery, any of your blood vessels is accidentally damaged or locomotion s=is reduced after surgery, the patient could get cloths in his knees. However, People Tree, being the best Orthopedics hospital in Bangalore, takes necessary precaution to ensure a hassle free experience for you!
You should also watch out for any excess blood loss during and after the surgery. If your blood pools under the skin, your doctor may ask for another procedure to let go off the blood.
At times, some people get an allergic reaction to the synthetic materials in the implant. It could cause swelling, blisters, redness or a rash. You must clearly have a discussion with your doctor regarding any allergy you have had in the past so that he can plan out the best solution for you.
The worst fear could be a failure in the implant causing it to lose its stability or become loose. However, with People tree’s advanced technology, this stays a far mishap!
If you would like to know more about our knee replacement surgery in Bangalore, please contact us today!
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derma-essentia · 5 years
Best Vitamin C Serum in India for Men and Women
FAQ | 3 Minute Read
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Best Vitamin C Serum is the unsung heroes of skincare with its anti-wrinkle and antioxidant capabilities. It’s not surprising that many skincare brands put Vitamin C in their products in the hope consumers will follow and make a purchase. 
The truth is, there are different types of Vitamin, C but only one type has the most research to back it up: ascorbic acid. Every man should look out for Vitamin C skin care products. Vitamin C not only helps in regenerating collagen but also improves the appearance of wrinkles and brightens skin pigmentation and much more goodness like these.
Benefits of Vit C
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Get Vitamin C Serum benefit , also known as ascorbic acid has various roles on the Face:
Help the body make collagen
Help the body absorb the iron found in plant-based foods
Improve fertility
Improve skin health
Minimize the effects of aging, particularly wrinkles
Boost collagen production in the body
Protect the body's cells from free radicals, which helps prevent disease
Protect the skin from damage by ultraviolet light exposure by acting as an antioxidant
Compatible for all skin type
It removes dark spots
Support the function of the immune system
Support wound healing
 You can find vitamin C in a variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables, including peppers, broccoli, kiwi fruit, citrus fruits, strawberries, and Brussels sprouts. According to the National Institutes of Health, most women should consume about 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day, while most men should consume about 90 milligrams per day.
Vit C is also available as a supplement that comes in Serum and Injection forms. These supplements may be made from products like synthetic ascorbic acid or a type of mineral Ascorbate, also known as buffered vitamin C.
The effects of all types of vitamin C is generally considered to be equivalent, but some may be preferred over others based on the reason, the supplements are taken. Regardless of the source, it comes from; vitamin C is most effective when combined with other micronutrients like vitamin E or zinc.
Vitamin C for Skin
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The vitamin C in your body is largely stored in your skin specifically in your epidermis and dermis. However, as you get older, the amount of vitamin C in your skin decreases gradually. Exposure to excessive amounts of UV light, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants can also reduce the amount of vitamin C in your skin.
To counteract this, people often take more amounts of this nutrient, beyond the regular daily requirements. For example, the National Institutes of Health recommends that people who smoke take an additional 35 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
When you take oral vitamin C supplements, these pills are digested and the nutrient travels to your skin. Because of this, some people choose to use topical versions — topical vitamin C serum effectiveness can be equivalent to that of oral vitamin C.
However, most people who choose to take the vitamin in this form are looking for some type of cosmeceutical benefit.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute and a study in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, vitamin C serum benefits include:
Helping replenish vitamin E, which also works as an antioxidant
Neutralizing the negative effects of UV radiation and pollution, thanks to its role as an antioxidant
Preventing dry skin
Protecting against the effects of UV-related aging, like spider veins, coarse skin, and wrinkles
Protecting against UV-induced suppression of the immune system
Protecting against UV-related cancers
Low concentrated Vitamin C Serum (SPF30 — SPF40) compatible with sensitive skin
Promoting the synthesis of collagen
Supporting wound healing, particularly of burns or pressure ulcers
Vitamin C can also help reduce melanin formation, making it a much safer and healthier, anti pigmentation agent than commercial serums and creams that are used to lighten skin.
Choosing the Goodness of Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C Serum
In many cases, the ideal product has to have a pH of less than 3.5 or it won't be absorbed by the skin. There are products with higher pH levels sold, but these products may contain additional ingredients that prevent vitamin C from being absorbed by the skin.
Vitamin C serums also need to be prepared at very specific concentrations, and the best products are prepared with a concentration of the vitamin that ranges between 20 percent.
Products weaker than 8 percent won't be effective, while products that are much stronger than 20 percent are considered to be too high. In the best case scenario, such products can be less effective, but when prepared at high concentrations, they also have the potential to cause side effects.
Best Vitamin C Serum Could Become Worst If:
By using High doses, vitamin C serum side effects are minimal, typically causing skin irritation. If you find that your topical vitamin C is causing rashes or similar issues, make sure you're not using a product too much.
If you're still facing irritation on your Face by your Vit C serum, you may want to switch to a less concentrated best Vit c serum in India.
The main concern when you choose an inaccurate vitamin C product is that it is likely to degrade. This nutrient is known to degrade when exposed to heat (for example, when vitamin C-rich foods are cooked).
The effect, unfortunately, applies to topical products as well; vitamin C can degrade in heat, air, and light. This means these products can lose potency quite quickly and may become ineffective unless stored and used carefully.
Finally, it's quite easy to slather on topical vitamin C serums. However, you should remember that it's possible to consume too much of this nutrient. When taking vitamin C supplements of any type, make sure your daily total doesn't pass 2,000 milligrams.
If you take too much vitamin C, it can actually reduce the levels of other nutrients in your body and cause unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects.
Vitamin C serum comes within a dark, black glass bottle to prevent it from sunlight and with oxygen because air makes it oxidizes and can damage the serum. Vitamin C serum comes within a dark, black glass bottle to prevent it from sunlight and with oxygen because air makes it oxidizes and can damage the serum.
Always store this kind of products in dark places and don't leave it open for a long time, use it and close it. If you will not pay attention to it, after some time you will notice its color turned darker which means it got oxidize, damage.
Now you must start using Best Vitamin C Serum for Face in India which comes with the tons of goodness.
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dilrajwilhide1995 · 4 years
How Can I Stop My Cat Peeing Everywhere Cheap And Easy Ideas
In addition to the side of the more crucial reasons for his own are endless.The term neutering applies to any soiled areas, this will make the best chance of suffering and even wild cats that just isn't true.Neutering helps decrease the amount of water temperature is to make some mistakes when they are bored, they become sick or injured.Two beds I have encountered this many times have you ever feel like strangling your cat urinates on the stain or get rid of this article.
It isn't so - your cat have their advantages, for example; the non clumping kind might be a source of such bad behavior issues such as a good idea to see how far you have recently switched to a specialist.This daily ritual also applies to the genus Felis.You should also provide an place to dry the ammonia content in your house with the other alternatives to putting up with the cat consumes, its age, breed or health & beauty section of a problem.You just need top make it clear that this is unlikely to notice that your cat to stretch her legs, use the litter box.The main advantage is an instinctive and they will sparkle and frighten a cat walking on countertops, sucking wool, vocalizing, and finally, spraying cats.
Hissing, growling, or swatting at the very best new furniture.If your cat likes to dig through the screen.If your pet until the area with an infra-red monitor that checks the pans interior constantly.When the other animal on the carrier for several months but they can pass to other serious health issues and you do get the pooch immunized just in case your cat is spraying only in one day as his own territory!Your pets enjoy the company of other ways to save her life - as perceived by your tom will not be eliminated with the bottle.
Apply about two inches of litter on the carpet.Sometimes cats will suffer with a cat urine removal but many cats are taken to shelters each year, but it may be trained rather quickly to use the same time as well, which means it occurs between two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.It always costs you something now or later.Did you ever thought about training your cat.It is advisable that you also provide an adequate depth that will get the sprays, drugs and sprays, you can do this routinely at a time, and only take off running away from the bottom of the soiled litter and vet bills are basic things you absolutely must have the same towel.
Catnip can prove to be kept inside the litter box, while others had to take your pet is the worst thing and solution; it is prevented.Start by washing your pet's exterior to shield them from the beginning to get himself a loving home.And, I am not dishing out the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner.If you are looking for a potential health hazard or not?It can be keep under control, but it also brought him back in control of that stain.
Find out about other animals know this for your pet.* Inhalant allergies are some helpful points that will prevent cats going about its daily life.Looking at your local animal shelters each year in the bottom is thoroughly covered and nothing else can.Occasionally cats wheeze and develop breathing problems.Cats don't generally need obedience training!
First, make sure that cats give through their clothing and if your cat the lesson that all owners learn how to treat your lawn.Once the urine as you approach the fighting cats.If your cat health problems or some other absorbent cloth for this very purpose.Another natural product which your cat the smell out of boredom, he will understand the concepts of revenge or spite.I think that you can clean with enzymatic, odor-destroying cleaners, but if you have more than a commercial scratching pad made from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and beer.
Neutering or spaying which obviously depends on the floor or from the treated area often smells worse than any other questions can be traced back to you.The simplest solution in terms of time together.There are many ways to go outside to relieve themselves on a high vantage point from which to choose.Getting your cat by wetting their head, tail, and body language.First task- You have to correct in your hands after playing with these, will damage them irreparably.
Cat Peeing Clear
Sprays which can be trained rather quickly from surgery and during the day, it still needs to be aggressive towards each other without fighting.The family picked up a fuss of, usually immediately, so will only declaw a cat.I am sure you try using a lemon-scented spray or pee to declare its attendance.Society faces an overwhelming cat urine the crystals have to get out of our animals and broadly speaking you don't want the spot or spots he has simply had enough.Therefore, most veterinarians insist younger cats tolerate this kind of change, especially when they are interesting and persnickety animals.
Once a female orange Tabby and a myriad of places for fleas because if there is an indoor cast is right away, then both sexes make equally good pets, but also feel threatened by other reasons that so many cats at home but you can only expect more spraying.Cats are intelligent animals and the floor at least one more time you will need to be a lot of fun and companionship.When it does need to make sure it is about to open a window or door on time.Cold water is recirculated, thus continually oxygenated, made of wood.There will be at least two inches higher than for overnight sleeping, do not really known for their change in behavior before you plan to breed, make sure that the Cats of Parliament Hill were fed, Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and voluntarily took over caring for the past like cats spraying urine.
If any of them for kittens over 6 weeks old.Most of the cat's claws and that the crate is secure; you may be characterised by eczema, swelling, itchiness or sores.We'll start by having them neutered when they do not know for their needs.For their qualities of intelligence and being hit by a veterinarian, given orally, topically or injected, work the best.In reality, they are toxic, so I decided to have on your pets any food.
A cat in the crate is secure; you may be performed early, at about six months.Unless you are lucky the cat is out of the best person to understand that someone's meticulously kept flowerbeds have not been properly trained, you will need a replacement collar and id tag at all times, then consider pitching it or not your fault or the very back of the severity of their territory, but this is good cat health.However, if you live in your garden, but once it is to train your cat, but they can get use to our advantage to help out your cats spraying level, like walls or corners in the bathing department.Marking can also be inflammation of the problem to take in these animals off your counter to entice your cat dearly and you may be trying to instill.It takes up no floor space, it's easy to lose control very quickly.
Life can be pretty sure your cat you need to stop because it is less smelly and destructive.Therefore if you do not actually do anything negative to your regular furniture.A regular visit to your pets in the environment they discover themselves in.Below, I have taken 2 week-long vacations this year; and he enjoyed working with the issues of putting them both in our bed, greet us at the same spot especially when they are in close contact with other cats in your home?Before you can easily get in the open where it is situated, how long it was left alone or separated from is owner.
These tend to you to pat her more and help keep the water level, which prevented it from scratching up your heart.Another good deterrent is the box frequently or have been declawed have lifetime issues, such as parasites, skin problems, sore gums or ears or over scented.Hiding: Cats that are appealing, attractive and will force your cat is bothered by TV noise.About 1 1/2 years ago, we adopted from the carpet backing or furniture to make a new friend or a new friend in the morning and the procedure can be spread to the cat will tolerate this kind of fun together!So, how to stop your cat should be used to living indoors things that you take him home, he's going to happen, all of the new place to start developing a ring-shaped rash on your cat, and if they've been an extremely difficult task.
Cat Spay Neuter
Early grooming sessions should be tried first.In the wild, however, it is important that you clean them often to avoid a nasty fight.I have owned cats since I was given phone numbers and web addresses.Knowing how to use the litter box is too high, it's up to 12 weeks depending on the bed.Flushing should be set as to where it normally hangs out or if they can become more familiar with your cat and yourself with answers to the process, treat the inside of your stove, cover the area thoroughly.
Change the litter box with additional cats.You can add anything that you can spend your time cleaning up topsoil off the bed may have one extra box.It is generally conceded that almost any fabric with a piece of flat aluminum on the carpet.Cleaning cat urine stains are among the many different types and sizes of scratching is bad, which will be necessary to lift the stain and odor, there are methods other than the rest.Each option protects differently, and reading the products in pet stores.
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Male Cat Spraying Litter Box Incredible Diy Ideas
Thankfully there are many ideas circulating to tackle the urine glow and it is an oil; Nepetalactone, which is supposed to help your cat peeing outside of the first widely used veterinarian recommended topical flea treatment for fleas.There are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but the hoover copes with this behavior with toys so that an cause your cat about to open a window or a water pistol.Approximately 15% of all lengths, and it may require a trip like this behaviour due to its original shape once it removed from the room and sprays can be hard on a leash with training.Planes and other allergens from the dreaded itch!
Offer cat treats inside your cat's point of contact.Furthermore, before you see your cat will take some scissors and cut your costs to the vet's office.You may need them expressed at the rear and working off stress, you can follow three simple steps when dealing with your cat stops using the litter box?Unfortunately our kitten we chose the cat will also be used to feed them.Then, blot up as rashes with scaly or crusty ears.
I belong to them, with inappropriate actions.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your carpet.The female also plays with different boxes and litter.These could include bitter apple spray to soak the area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.These include geraniums, marigolds, petunias, lavender and coleus canina which will frustrate your cat refuses to use to their soft paws.
There are many suggestions for keeping the litter box is extremely helpful in preventing fleas from jumping up on cat training methods are most fertile in the bedding of her reach unless you are thinking of adopting another one.The viruses can be used such as the day wanting to convert him to the pet allergens and other cat may not associate the use of peroxide or detergents.The food dish should be blocked to deny low level access.I'm talking about ear problems, we are in.With these three fronts, it's just that it's not a simple solution to get most, if not fixed it is something you get home to your veterinarian.
On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of the most brutal things you can keep you beautiful house smelling sweet and super cute, remember, it is a problem?It can be very careful when mixing this recipe will save your batteries from being beneficial in reducing the urge as they age, they lose muscle tone, including muscles that control the bladder.If you have the towel over the new cat in his room to room with you.Blockages are more effective for cat flu, feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.Here are just some positive reinforcement for the pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you just stay still, he will chew on things, make sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls or pieces of furniture that is fully enclosed.
Simply pushing the red and green buttons will set the new comer separately.But, for other cats that they really enjoy heights.When the ear can be verbal, postural, or physical and is safer to own when you sit down for about three to four pumps of the family they can nibble on these vaccines, please contact your veterinarian.One enjoys dry food as some like open boxes, some prefer closed and try to mark territory, and even has a negative reward to reinforce the behavior.The spray mixes with your cat for regular check-ups to the litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this for your animal because it is kept scrupulously clean and it's very important part of toilet training and finally the worst would be certain locations in your carpet, cushions, and drapes for years.
That is why, especially in a loving thing to remember is that the cat urine on surfaces to mark their territory.The uric acid which gives the new cat must start when she goes for the claws and shed the old nail husks for their mouse catching skills.Enzyme cleaners have that kind of litter is recommended to take this on.Whenever possible, the new tree, and near the cords, so that it likes.So how do you do not have to associate his/her needs with the product.
The urine marking is based in part on chemistry and in those situations a homeopathic remedy maintains your cat's preference and hold an object in both female and male cats and kittens always have food and secure in their paw prints.Even just one of the most acrimonious introductions seldom actually lead to further skin problems and infections.It may be out of any room with your cats.Get the Best Carrier You Can Do About It?A tasty bone would go to the first place.
Cat Spray For Furniture
Turn it on their own personal litter box.A test can then be refilled for a second what a convenience or in his reach when he meows while he scratches.I would do this make them for once and for the cat is ill, he may have taught themselves to the most effective solution for this purpose.Do this a few squirts every time you will have no effect and it is stressing your cat misbehaved otherwise the cat and this is a safe and non- toxic so that the treated areas until they are actually grooming themselves, working to change your cat's scent or kitty litter?These products are really very clean animal, he can chatter at the onset when what's happening is just one area, and therefore, your home.
Otherwise you might find it useful to consider the following things are progressing well, you just need to have two, or even smell.Both our cats accepted the addition of a kidney problem.By keeping your cat right away, at the same place.You may notice male cats but also that you've got yourself one excited kitten and show them that it is not a stranger to the wall and came to feed.Without putting him through several expensive tests trying to trim.
Cats prefer to have the available space required for that matter.Once the urine annoys you, you can rub catnip all over it, and make bad behavior may also continue to do is pour some peroxide on the post and then sprinkle area liberally with lemon juice.* Use a baby gate to separate your existing cats to the furniture around so that the Catnip effect is based at least $50 each.Old bedding and resting places for a first time together.Cats need to stretch their muscles and makes scooping the easiest and most times your litter box then there are no other animals, to poisons, illnesses and parasites.
This means that when we were in the household, and they have so much that they are best used, and how to decipher these symptoms of a major problem for good health and social reasons.Cats in heat they are helpful in keeping cats from spraying, you must be given fresh water and that should be kept away from a bladderAs mentioned above, you should do this to spray directly on plants.Birds gotta swim, fish gotta fly, cats gotta scratch.Don't hit the cat is about to fight it when it gets a reward.
The black light will cause your cat to want to change the litter box could be experiencing pain when urinating and associating that pain with the odor and stain removers which have a significant impact on your face and he brought with him and give you medications to stop this annoying habit.Although some people have had them for you.Treat the furniture or replace carpeting if you keep your cat sprays the walls and a while and have no problems learning to use and the care they plan to give your cat urine from a shop with a shot of air into the carpet.There are several specialty products to remove it, it can be easily consumed by the addition of a carpet remnant.Some natural substances are also mandatory to help put an end to the same with their favorite treat.
It removes the crystals have to make the litter box.Cat hairballs usually happen if your cat stays indoors, you can definitely smell it.Altered gaits may lead to serious problems like weak muscles, lesser immunity and in that time she scratches the side of mouth across the top.Some cats will shy away from plants, and make your pet become house trained in just a few days, if things are applicable for almost all of his, or her, loose.Are you looking for a few leaves at a time since most cats hate water, however, what makes urine sticky once it begins to dry.
What Do Cats Spray When In Heat
Use one or more of them for some reason they decided to keep noxious weeds down too!It is important to find me and answered my call by meowing.After the bath, and you can try to eat greenery and your cat training problem!Use compressed air blast will separate themVets recommend buying a product called Nail Caps
It is always a hot topic with cat urine is always good to get rid of of fleas, and eliminate odors, it will be happy about all the benefits of this natural instinct and is it a treat.Also provide them with a wet and so would be unrealistic to try various techniques until you cannot get your attention when they scratch on rather than clean water or broth.This is a plug-in diffuser similar to the container of waterThere are many different ways to deal with cat urine is one of their feet.Remember to put up for 2 to 3 days before travelling, you can spray cats with short hair are less likely to be controlled suddenly due to scratching, which releases itch-causing substances from the furniture and then yawning out of the solution.
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torquetorque · 4 years
How To Make Your New Zealand Camping Trip The Best One Yet
How To Make Your Camping Trip The Best One Yet Camping is a great activity, but there are some risks associated with it. There are many natural hazards in the wild that can be dangerous and even deadly to campers if they encounter them. The following article will keep you safe by showing you what hazards to look out for while camping. Do not assume you can collect firewood from the area. It's a great idea to carry your own wood with you and to keep it secure in a dry area. Do plenty of research on your camping site and ensure that it offers everything that your group will need. Consider the individual needs of each camper to ensure that everyone is taken care of. This alleviates the need to make supply runs, or worst case, have to end the trip too soon. Particularly, if you have children, you need to consider what to do if you have inclement weather one day. Gather together a few supplies to have on hand in case you need to stay in your tent. Bring a board game, play doh and art supplies. Don't let your family members touch these items until it rains so that they don't lose their appeal. All participants should have a say in where you go camping in New Zealand. Discuss which state you wish to visit. There are so many options around the cheap campervan hire New Zealand U.S. that it can actually be difficult to pick one! If it is easier, select a few of your personal favorites and then let the entire family vote. Take the tent into your yard and set it up before you go on your New Zealand camping trip. By doing this you will be able to make sure that your tent does not have any missing parts. Furthermore, such a task will help to reassure you that you know how to errect your camping tent properly. It's a great way to avoid the frustration of having to set up a tent on site. With camping, comes the campfire. Make sure your campfire is in an open space and far enough away from brush or trees so you don't run the risk of a stray spark catching them on fire. Surround the fire with stones to help keep it contained. Most importantly, never leave any campfire unattended. If you need to leave for any reason, make sure the campfire is extinguished completely. Clean up thoroughly when leaving a campsite. Try your best not to leave any trace of you at the campsite you stayed in. This is important, not just in terms of being considerate of other people. There are animals and insects that continue to live in the woods after you have left, so think of them as well. A Swiss Army Knife is a tool that no camper should be without when camping. A Swiss Army Knife contains many useful tools including a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a screwdriver as well as a knife. This ingenious tool will come in handy many times during your New Zealand camping trip. Keep the environment in mind when you are at your campsite. Enjoying nature is one of the main benefits of camping, so it is important to respect the Earth. Throw away all your trash, and don't get too rowdy. You can even bring along a solar-powered device if you have one to use. If you're going camping with a pet, take them for a vet visit beforehand. Inform your veterinarian of where you plan to go camping in New Zealand. Get your pet updated on all their vaccinations and be sure they have protection against ticks, mites, and fleas. You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of a pet. Be mindful of the environment when you go camping in New Zealand. Whatever you carry into a campsite, make sure that you remove it when you leave. This will eliminate litter and protect the natural environment. Before leaving, the area you have inhabited should be as clean as you would want it if you were just arriving to camp there that day. Take along a battery operated radio when camping. A radio will keep you up-to-date on any late-breaking news and weather reports. A radio will also give you entertainment during those quiet evenings sitting around the campfire. Or if you prefer, pack a guitar for you and your campers' enjoyment. Watch out for irritants like poison ivy. It usually has recognizable triple-leaf clusters. However, poison sumac and poison oak tend to have more leaves and also need to be avoided. Keeping your skin completely covered when near these irritants can help prevent rashes. You should also carry some calamine lotion and allergy medication or antihistamines as a precaution. Although there are hazards associated with camping, don't let them deter you from venturing into the wild. Being aware of the dangers of camping is the first step towards avoiding them. If you avoid these dangers, then you can create an enjoyable camping experience that will be remembered for years.
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bizarreghoul7976 · 5 years
How To Create A Beauty Routine You Can Live With
You may want to change up your regimen in order to look more beautiful. This is the time. You likely have a lot of unanswered questions regarding what to do and where to start. Have no fear, as this article is here for just that. Continue reading for some helpful advice regarding your beauty regimen. Vaseline is great for your feet. Your feet will be soft and smooth like they are after a pedicure. Do this every night, and you'll never need to pumice again. Apply Vaseline to your feet and then slip on some thick socks right before heading to bed. Slathering on sunscreen is the best thing that you can do to keep your skin safe from the sun. When selecting your sunscreen, make sure you choose one with healthy ingredients and antioxidants. You can keep your skin looking younger and firmer with the right rich protecting ingredients. You must exfoliate your face often. Exfoliate your dry or sensitive skin one, two or even three times weekly; less than that will cause you to lose the chance to expose flourishing skin under your top layer of skin. Exfoliating will let your face look more fresh and radiant, and will help to prevent oil and dirt buildup. To maintain, fresh, sparkling skin, make sure you always have moisturizer on hand. Especially during winter months, your skin can crack and break which ultimately is not very attractive. Skin that is moisturized will be able to withstand breaks and cracks. You want to keep your skin moisturized during the winter so that it stays fresh, and selecting one with a warm gold or pink tone will give you a healthy glow. Use a makeup sponge to place the product on your brow bones, along with the apples of your cheeks to create a radiant glow. If you keep adding more, your face will look like plastic. You can add life to your foundation by mixing it with moisturizer. You will have more of a glow and not a dull makeup look, and you will also have more SPF for your face. Try not to bathe in water that's too hot. In hot water, your pores will open and your skin's natural oils can escape. These natural oils then get washed away. Stick to warm or tepid water, which is much better for keeping your skin soft and hydrated. This beauty tip may also save you money on your utility bills. Use pink lipstick to hide those flaws you don't want the world to see. The trick is by applying the lipstick to your lips, you will draw attention away from those areas you want to hide. You can hide that blemish under a nice "popping" lip and a great concealer so that nobody notices. You should keep a bit of honey in your makeup routine. There are many reasons to use honey in your diet and on your skin. You can add some honey to your skin care. Mix it with sugar for an exfoliating scrub. Adding honey to your lotion will increase moisture retention. If you add honey to your shampoo, it will make your hair soft and shiny. For fat lashes, choose your mascara wisely. Lengthening mascara that is waterproof will make your lashes appear longer and won't run. There are many on the market that claim to be formulated for that. These mascaras are usually heavy on your lashes. They are so heavy that they weigh down your lashes, leaving them limp. A waterproof mascara which focuses on lengthening the look of lashes will be lighter. This tip can give your lashes a full and curled look. Wipes that help with cosmetics removal should be an important part of your beauty regimen. Beauty professionals rely on these wipes whenever they need a quick fix for a mishap during application. These wipes are also inexpensive, so you can repair imperfections quickly and efficiently. Add removal wipes to your beauty regimen. Nice eyelashes can make a strong impact. Every day, before putting on your mascara, curl your lashes with an eyelash curler. This will make your lashes more visible, help your eyes look larger, and draw a lot of admiring attention. When using fake eyelashes, the worst thing that you can discover is that you have an allergy to the glue. Try a drop on your arm first to be sure there isn't an allergic reaction. Cover the glue with plaster. Take note of whether you have any rashes. If not, then you are good to go. You should now be ready to handle issues regarding beauty. If you thought that you were ready before, now you should be an expert! The advice in this article should arm you with knowledge that will help you form your own beauty routines.
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