#roblox collab
zebracorn-chan · 3 months
An official collab between Poppy Playtime and Roblox has been announced:
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cheezzw1zz · 2 months
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ART COLLAB W @mwaxxxx BUT SPIVE ‼️‼️ ☆
So fruity 🔥🔥
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vinestaff · 2 months
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guys i made a realization with characters ive been infatuated with
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deathrowline · 2 months
COLLAB ART W/ Cirrus/@..yumika2 ON TIKTOK!! (she doesn't have a tumblr)
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I did Prototype and she did Reddy!! I'm aware Prototype is a bit TOO vibrant regarding the colors in the finished artwork but YK I FW IT!!!
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nonymous-nb · 16 days
Yes.. you've read it right, there will be a Phighting x Reader story made by yours truly, NB and @sourle , both of us will be having a collab on this and we wanted to know if y'all want the father or the son LMAO so go on and vote✨
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hydrxnessa · 7 months
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so i hosted a collab back in august for halloween and honestly i didnt expect the slots to fill up completely and almost immediately, like damn guys thanks taking such interest<3 this is the big halloween doors collab, brought to you by me and many amazing artists <3 !!!! here are all the participants, please go check them out !!! (from left to right):
Guiding Light > @ronnierose2845 Figure > pastelzoid [ig] Eyes > @the-4l73rn4t1v3 Void > @markheaffcliff Ambush > @l1ghtfromthecloset Screech > @headspacehysteria Halt > @d-alva45 Jack > bl1nd_sh05 [ig]
Window/Sally > @midgezra Hide > cherolle.on.the.loose [ig] Seek > @scottydeez023k Dupe > @shkotoko Jeff > @izzyindahouse Bob > @supergirlytreiner Snare > @wyverns-ghost Glitch > @thewild78 Rush > @veganbread1
Curious Light > @ap0st3u5 A-60 > @ivathedemon A-90 > @seerterror A-120 > me !!
thanks to all of u for participating, and hopefully i can do another one of these again !! you all killed it x) (if the formatting breaks im so sorry LMAO)
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annieumiandnenebones · 9 months
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Long story short, I lost a bet on IG and had to hop on the redraw train of this
Enjoy :’D
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mizodorito · 10 months
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new murder drones teaser lookin kinda familiar /j
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davidthephoneguy · 5 months
Did a collab with @joiatoons for our one year anniversary <3
Final (click for better detail)
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it was very fun to draw and spend time celebrating our love like this. God I love him so much <3
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rowime · 2 months
Very cool collab with @frothlebottlebunger 😎😎😎
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They are very cool, check 'em out.
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Bestie and I did a silly little art collab :3
Source/base v
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hyp-fixator · 2 months
Yo.. Me and @yamodii-official wrote a lil somethin with Skydrone and Varcity (all of Yam's part will be in the chat text!)
TW! gun mention, blood, swearing, implied abuse (of sorts, I think)
"see the problem with glock is that he's stupider than the other children" he was only seven when he heard that "he is a liability because he's slow!" he was 16 then "you're only likeable when your drunk" 23 now here he was. standing above someone who'd treated him with the same respect as a bug. like someone without a shred of smarts. like an idiot. and now. Blackrock, Lost Temple, everyone had something to fear. he grabbed skydrone by his horns and brought him up to his face. making sky's eyes meet his. "can't dance your way out of this one eh?" he threw him down. sky let out a yelp similar to an injured dog as he hit the cold hard floor. Glockno- Varcity kicked sky straight in the ribs and then got down low "you go back to that shit hole and tell them i'm still kicking, capich?"
Coughing up his deep indigo blood onto the frigid, miserable stone beneath him, Skydrone looked up into the obsidian eyes of malice. Tearing his lazy gaze from the figure above, he searched for an exit. Legs aching with cramps from running from this monster, his eyes locked on the fuzzy wall, light seeping through the hallway turning off, painting it a cold marble white. It was multiple meters away from his current crippled position, but it was a spark of hope in this dimly lit concrete box of a storage facility. Massaging his now swollen ribcage, Sky rose himself to his knees, leaning on his scarred arm as he glared daggers up at Varcity. "And what kind of authority do you think you hold over me in order to demand something so foolish?" His injured grin leaked a smeared stream of his blood as he continued, "You're acting like a child on a deranged playground, claiming to own others and demanding them to follow orders that could kill them. You know nothing about the circumstances over at Blackrock, and deserve no knowledge about it's current status. You left. cut out of the circle. You aren't going to get any information, especially out of me, moron." Skydrone grinned. It's been awhile since he got caught, let alone beat up. It wasn't a good experience, but an exhilarating one after so much monotonous and successful work. Varcity's face twitched with irritation. A tough grimace shot across his face before his arm shot forwards, grabbing the tie of Sky and stopping an inch close before he ended up bashing Skydrone's skull in with his own forehead. Barking out the order again, Varcity's voice stabbed with irritation, the shiteating grin growing on Sky's face as he placed a calm hand on Varcity's face, pushing away the bulldog-man. "Ouugh. Looks like I struck a nerve, beastman?" Blast-injured arm sneaking behind his neck as he touched his bovine legs down on the cold concrete, a click resonated in the room, Sky dropping to the ground and scampering towards the light.
The bowtie lays in Varcity's rough grip.
it took him two seconds to react "too slow, try again" subspace would've said but Varcity was out for blood "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" he roared "How DARE you call me a fucking DOG!?" he spat as he chased sky down those narrow, cold halls. gods, it had been a while since he ran, much less chased someone. he could remember those days. the small division in Blackrock that took children and shaped them into the perfect soldiers. they put trackers in them, made them train until they bled and formed the second best things after a biograft. "and time, Glock, you've failed" he blinked no, he wasn't there. he was chasing that fucking twink. and that's when he pulled out his glocks.
Hearing the loading click of those guns, forever engrained into his mind, Sky's eyes darted behind him. he knew damn well the slow fuck would resort to shooting him dead. A good spy never stops studying their opponent, afterall. Focusing his weak steps one after the other, he dashed towards the door, glancing behind himself and looking directly into the barrel of the gun pointed at his head. It didn't take much to summon a gear, but in such a difficult area, it's like opening an umbrella indoors. Turning around and jogging backwards Skydrone held his right arm infront of him. In a split second, the gun explodes. Cobalt Blue metal erupts from the barrel of the glock, knocking back Varcity as the drone wedges itself into the freezing ground. Jolting forwards from the eruption and the sudden stop, Varcity bashes his head against this massive platform, his own blood spraying from his now broken nose. Skydrone makes the last push to the fire exit door, slamming his body into the side and easing the door open, holding his left arm open to call back his drone. Shrinking back to pocket sized, the remnants of the glock drops to the ground as the drone whizzes back to it's owner through the small crack of the fire exit door, clicking shut instantly after.
"Fucking DAMMIT!" he screamed the orange copper tasteing ooze stained his shirt and seeped into his gloves Varcity slowly rose from the ground, letting his nose bleed as he picked up what remained of his glock. "no good soldier loses their gear" those cursed rules were ingraved in his mind, like the deep scar on his left arm, where fur would never grow again. he had clawed out the tracker with his bar claws, yet nothing hurt more than this. this bloody nose, this broken gear this- "failure" Varcity spun around to find himself in a memory "that drone fuck did this" he muttered as he entered an all to familier light blue room.
so many children, all in the same grey uniform. the only way to tell them apart was hair and horns. and thats how he found himself. alone. struggling to do even the simplest of test and puzzles. and of course, there was subspace "Glock, we dont accept failiure. just because you have your brute strength doesn't mean you don't need to use your brain" Glock just nodded his head and tried again the scene faded he was in his room. one wall was a flowing lava waterfall straight from the banlands everything else was just standered things, bed, nightstand, desk and chair, rug, shelves, and a trunk Varcity sat on the floor beside the bed where Glock sat "fuckin smartass skydrone" glock muttered as he placed a bag of ice on his thigh "maybe if you weren't so heavy and slow, you could've dodged that" Varcity wanted to say something, anything but before he could even breath,someone was pulling him out of the rubble.
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kittydrawz17real · 2 months
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here you go @justonesillygirl, I drew him as a cat cuz I am a cat person, meow, meow, meow.
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cyanb0ba · 23 days
just saying; if poob was in PHIGHTING his gear would be confetti cannon
i WILL draw this, just you wait
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naomi-fae22 · 4 months
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Roblox w/@zoocave
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hydrxnessa · 10 months
Calling all doors artists !!!
yours truly is hosting a big art collab due for halloween !! all i need from u is a fullbody artwork of an entity (with halloween aspects added), and i'll compile them all into one giant canvas! simply claim a slot for an entity (check the doc for the list open), either by messaging me or commenting on this post, and i'll tell u if u got it!
interested? this doc has all the info u need~
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