#rosa frisk
redloves · 11 months
Name: Dreamswap Nightmare/Moon Frisk
Real Name: Rosa Howard
Nickname: Eclipsa
Here with Color 🤗🌹❤️
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Gift for @redloves
Mermaid!Rosa from MermaidVerse in my style in picrew.me
MermaidVerse and Rosa belong to @redloves whose videos and arts i love to watch ever since i searched for Dreamswap Frans
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coolingrosa · 6 months
Are there any dynamics in RoseVerse that are unhealthy? I mostly see positive relationships
Oh that’s easy to answer.
-Horrorfell Aliza and Sans
-tween Error and Nightmare
- kid Dream and Nightmare 
-Heart (A version of a Something New Au Chara) and Orchid (a Version of a Dust Tale Frisk)
-core frisk and Core chara
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deepestredloves · 2 months
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Dynamic! Dreamswap @deepestredloves
Dream x Rosa
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broomiepen · 2 years
Hello, Can you draw Dreamswap!Rosa Frisk, Dreamswap! Nightmare sans and Dreamswap!Dream? It okay if you don't want too. And sorry for bothering you. Thanks
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It's really okay!! But to be honest I'm not open for request
I'll draw this one because I have free time
Edit: forgot to mention
Dreamswap Rosa by @redloves
Dreamswap brothers by onebizzarrekai
Dreamtale brothers by jokublog
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grapefood · 7 months
Darn Frisk, what did you do this time? 🤨
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Rosastale belongs to me
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naebulla · 1 year
Can Your Lady moon/Moon Frisk Meet my Gangverse!Rosa! Frisk? In your own style ☺️
Hope you like it
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Hey! I saw your sans x pregnant reader post and I really loved it!!
I'm not sure if your requests are open or not but if they are,
What would some of the different Sans (es ) Do with a pregnant reader?
(like just enough to show the baby bump to not be mistaken as just gaining weight but like actually sticking out?)
Clarifications are Preg!Reader fell down the hope pregnant, and let's say for one reason or another, they get into a fight and get some scratches, but then an attack comes and is about to peirece the stomach but the sans (es) stops it, cuz they can sense a second soul in them?
I was hoping maybe the classic 3? (UTsans, UF sans and US sans)
Also sorry if this is all over the place, I have PDD which makes it harder for me to explain my ideas.
((Also if you DO decide to do this, will you tag me? The system hasn't been notifying me when requests or basically any motifs unless I'm mention/tagged, thank you!)
Have a great day/night/afternoon/etc!
I figured you meant that the skellies weren't the dads, but if you meant something else, just tell me! Sorry ^^' and sorry for the very long wait.
I, uh, had some problems and way too many lol.
Anyway! Made them longer to make up for it.
Sans: Look, normally Sans wouldn't do something to help a human. The only reason he helped Frisk out so much was because Toriel asked him to, and they still haven't even gotten them out! Haven't killed anyone either, so Sans was a bit confused. But this was new. A new human fell down, and she was a girl. She was older and so powerful, and the other monsters attacked her, but guess what? She didn't fight back! Like... at all! It was confusing to him, to be honest. She was so strong compared to them, so why wasn't she fighting back? Sans started to follow sneakily, wanting to see what she would do. She got hurt and had some nasty scratches; however, she hadn't tried to hurt or kill any monsters yet, which is nice. But then he noticed something during one of the fights that he hadn't noticed before. A smaller soul, a much smaller one, and still weak. She was pregnant, and... crap! He saw an attack coming for her stomach and before he could stop himself, he teleported in, grabbed her, and disappeared before the other monster could see him. He looks over his shoulder, then down and makes a small oh sound when he sees her staring at him. "Uh... ey, got a stare problem, buddy?" Heh, okay, this was... this was something.
Red: Of course he noticed the girl falling after Rosa! That hadn't happened before, so it caught his attention! Of course his main attention was Rosa, but he couldn't help checking up on the fallen human girl every so often. He noticed during those times that she, just like Rosa, wasn't hurting anyone or fighting back against any of the monsters. Ugh, damn it, he was hoping at least one of them would be bad... eh, whatever. Sometimes he liked poking fun at her for getting hurt, saying that it would be so much easier if she tried to kill them, but she never did. During one of the times he was watching her, he noticed something. Another small souling in her stomach, and he didn't think that she had eaten another human. Crap... He could ignore it. He SHOULD ignore it! Yeah, he didn't. He sent out a bone attack to distract the other monster and ran by, grabbing her hand and dragging her away fast. "Come on, get your stupid legs movin'!" Man, if he got caught, he would be dusted so fast. Majesty wouldn't care that she had a baby... why did he care? Maybe he could ask the lady at the door for some help. Probably could trick his brother into helping him out too.
Blueberry: When he first met the human that fell down, he got so excited! He knew the first one, then another fell? And this time it was a grown one. How exciting! Two humans at almost the same time. Stretch didn't seem as excited, but he didn't care. He greeted the human and helped her out with any of her wounds, then told her that he was going to have to take her to Lady later on. They got separated a few times, and one of the times they met back up, he noticed that she was getting attacked by another monster! He thought about helping, but figured that that would be bad to do! They were training, weren't they? Or... he sighs, shaking his head at the idea. Then he noticed something. During the fight, he saw another souling in her stomach! His eyesockets widened, and he ran forward, holding up his hand, "Stop the fight!" He lowered his hand to make a bone, which knocked her out of the way since the attack was aiming straight for her stomach. "You know the rules. No attacking a souling or anyone carrying one. If Lady found out, you would be charged!" he scolded the other monster, who seemed shocked. As did the human, who sneaked away while he was ranting.
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shorukarts · 10 months
If required is still open
Can you draw this?
If not it's okay
Thank you and Take care ❤️
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Name: Swapdream Nightmare/Moon Frisk
Real Name : Rosa Howard
Nickname: Selena
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There ya go red✨❤️✨
She was so fun to draw !!
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emmaralesser · 5 months
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Fragmentale: Los Skelebros...
Los Hermanos Esqueleto. El hermano Mayor Sans (Zion), y el hermano menor Papyrus ( aún sin nombre oficial)
Papyrus como todo un esqueleto fuerte entreno con Undyne hasta ser un guardiá real. Pero al salir del subsuelo. Este trabajo desapareció. Dado a esto los integrantes de la guardia. Se apuntaron a ser Policías. Para seguir protegiendo ahora a Humanos y monstruos por igual.
Papyrus es un exelente cocinero de comida italiana, a menudo en sus monólogos se debate entre ser un chef profesional o ser un policía (según su visión casi súper héroe para los demás.)
El hermano mayor, Como todos los Sans cumplió con su papel de Juez, rutas pacifistas y rutas genocidas en sus huesos y memorias están guardados los rastros de todas esas rutas.
Al salir del underground como buen vago, que lo es, tomo un trabajo en un puesto de hotdogs en el parque.
Sans tiene una buena relación con toriel. Son amigos de Bromas. Y juntos fastidian a Papyrus y uno que otro incauto, con bromas telefónicas.
Al salir del subsuelo. Frisk la alma liberadora del Subsuelo. Se convierte en la Embajadora de ambas razas. Sus estudios son parte fundamental.
Familia Esqueleto.
5 años en la superficie Frisk de 13 años, asiste a la escuela donde Muriel (Toriel) es maestra. Vive con ella y a veces con los Skelebros,
Sans suele cuidarle y enseñarle sobre Relatividad y líneas temporales, también le habla de física, matemáticas y otros temas escolares... Aunque hay temas que no hablan mucho
Frisk comienza a tener más amistades tanto humanas como de monstruos, trata de mantener un equilibrio para que molesten a sus amigos.
En una ocacion un grupo de chicos mayores invitan a frisk a salir con ellos. Ella tratando de ser cortes acepto. Entre ellos había un chico que se le insinuaba demaciado a frisk llegando a incomodarle. Le invitaba a irse a otro lugar Y dado a qué no entendía las negativas. Sans intervino, tomándole con fuerza la mano.
Sans- hehehe... No estoy seguro chico, de las contumbres humanas... Pero tengo entendido que *NO* es *No* tanto en humano como mosntruo...
Chico- Diagh! un Monstruo... Esto No te incumbe saco de Huesos. Esto es entre dos Humanos ...
Sans- he Que rudo!- sonríe y le guiña el ojo - Hehe creo que Incómodas al Kiddo Frisk y no quiere aceptar tu invitación.-
Chico- y a ti que te Importa Huesudo, no eres su Dueño, ni su padre Hahaha... Tratas de fingir que te importa y nisiquiera es de tu familia!-
*Sans increíble mente molestó apareció su ojo mágico, refunfuñando entre dientes*
Sans- Ahora verás pequeño engendro fffhf- *se teletransporto a la oficina del Alcalde Teodoro Sunshine (alma rosa perseverancia)*
Alcalde- Sans?? Es un susto verte aquí, hehe aún no me acostumbro a tus atajos... Sucedió algo mi calcificado amigo?
Sans- No hay tiempo para eso!! Teo Tienes los Papeles que te Pedí??? -
Alcalde- papeles... Ooooh si, sii aquí están! - saca de su cajón un pila de papeles agarrados por un clip- solo firma esto y que firme también...
Sans-Yeep - toma la pluma del escritorio y firma rápido - Prestamela luego te la regreso!-
Alcalde- Sans.... Espero que tomarás la decisión correcta! ... Y a la otra habla con mi secretaria primero hehe-
Sans - Hehehe ya me conoces no hago promesas hehe , te debo una!- desaparece
*De inmediato aparece frente al joven que parece amedrentado por la actitud de Frisk*
Chico- Ya calma... Ya creí que eras una de esas chicas que le gusta divertirse!
Sans- Ajaaa! Ahora sí engendro del Demonio! Frisk ante la ley es mi Kiddo!- le muestra el papel legalmente Sellado- Soy su Padre legalmente!- festejando
Frisk*le pregunta a Sans si no es una broma y si son papeles reales*
Sans- cae en cuenta de lo que acaba de hacer.... -Eh... Hehe hehehe... Bueno tu sabes Kiddo... Ya eras parte de la familia... Aún sin ese papel....
*Frisk lo abraza y si tardar toma la pluma , y le pone la capucha a Sans. Para poner los papeles en la espalda de Sans y firmarlo.*
Frisk- le dice que está feliz y lo llama papá
Sans- me Llenas de orgullo ahora te llamaras Frisky Dulcecito de fresa Skeleton!- le guiña una cuenca
Frisk- apresurado revisa los papeles para ver asustado- *Sans tramposo* - lo empujó un poco
Sans- Caiste hahaha, vamos Kiddo es tarde y Paps seguramente ya tiene la cena lista.
Chico- son unos raritos.... - se va molesto.
*Frisk al llegar va corriendo a la cocina emocionado a contarle a papá*
Sans- ya sabes bro... Todos quieren ser tu familia por lo genial que eres! -
*Toriel de piedra al enterarse que los Skelebros Adoptaron a frisk primero*
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randommessibe · 6 days
Since it's day 4 of Pride Month and I just remembered I have a tumblr, here are some of my Undertale ocs canon identities, pronouns, and sexualities!
The Fates:
Pendulum - Non-binary (he/him), no label
Sastro - Non-binary (he/him), bisexual
Calame - Non-binary (they/he), panromantic-asexual
Clover - Non-binary (he/they/xem), bisexual
Cryptid Oddities:
Hedone - Genderfluid (any pronouns, most of the time she/they), pansexual (maybe cupioromantic???)
Luno - Demi-boy (he/they), bisexual
Quetzi - Transgender ftm (he/him), bisexual
Leon - Non-binary (he/they), pansexual
Hoshi - Non-binary (any pronouns, mainly he/him), demisexual
Garrick - Cisgender (he/him), straight ally
Clementine - Intersex (she/her), lesbian
Rosa - Demi-girl (she/they), lesbian
Espy - Cisgender (he/him), straight ally
Frisk - Non-binary (they/them), questioning
Toriel - Cisgender (she/her), straight ally
Asgore - Cisgender (he/him), questioning
Graves (Sans) - No labels (he/him), asexual
Scratch (Papyrus) - No labels (he/him), no labels
Ghostie (Sans 2.0???) - Bigender (she/he), bisexual
Undyne - Demi-girl (she/they), sapphic
Alphys - Demi-girl (she/they), bisexual
Mettaton - Transgender ftm (he/him), no labels
Napstablook- No labels (he/they), asexual
Armani - Cisgender (she/her), questioning
Flowey - No labels (he/him), (unexpected) ally
Surfi - Cisgender (he/him), Cinthean/gay
(More characters may be potentially added)
Music box:
Frisk - Non-binary (they/them)
Tinker (Sans) - no labels (any pronouns), no labels
(More characters may be potentially added)
LemonGrass (Sans variant???) - No labels (any pronouns)
Kondi - No labels (any pronouns), demisexual
Alvah - Non-binary (he/him), demisexual
(More characters may potentially be added)
More characters may be added and/or updated as I go down my lists again of which characters I've made as well as my aus! But for now, I hope that y'all like this! Happy pride month again! (Also, before anyone asks about GhostTwist Frisk, they are canonically in their 20's in my au.)
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redloves · 2 years
“ May I have your order ”
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Dreamswap Rosa 👀
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I may not be good at drawing human figures but I can draw dresses of girls hehe
@redloves the first gown can be perfect for one of your Frisk OCs :)
Also I never thought that I would do Yor's dress that perfect with a mannequin
Anyone who wants their character (or maybe a Sans 😏😏😏😏😏😏) to wear these dressess please mention me because I drew them with all my hardwork
Also when yesterday I did some anime or Gacha clothing doodles at school, my teachers said that I would become a fashion designer and the girls of my class said that they wanted to buy the dresses, the boys ..... welp they said that I am a good artist but they also said that whether I was going to study about fashion designing, I told that these were clothes that I was thinking to do in my animations of Gacha :)
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coolingrosa · 6 months
you tend to pair up the frisks with the sanses a lot. How come? Just curious since I usually see frisk and chara with Toriel or Asgore
You kinda answered the question for me! It’s not done as often, and I tend to like to explore unpopular dynamics!
But the longer answer is that I was always fascinated by the Frisk and Sans dynamic in most aus. In regular Undertale, Sans jumps all over the place with his attitude towards Frisk, but at the end of the day, shows he really cares by telling Frisk to take care of themselves and keeping his promise in the mercy run by not killing them.
I also don’t think Toriel would be healed enough to care for a child anyways. After losing so many children, we see how depressed and traumatized she is in the ruins. Another child will not help. She has to come to terms with her grief and move on from the others before taking in another that will likely leave her constantly paranoid and worried. This isn’t an insult to her by any means. She just needs to heal, along with a lot of the characters in Undertale. That leaves Sans and Papyrus, both of who show to be decently healthy people (minus San’s depression, and Papyrus’s self confidence issues) and could be a good household for Frisk to grow up in.
Let’s not forget the many interpretations of Sans having to raise Papyrus. It’s the most common interpretation of the two, which means Sans does have history in raising kids. Or at least shows he’s good with them. The way he interacts with Frisk in general showcases this. He’s able to crack jokes that he hints make Frisk actually laugh in the mercy run, most being toned down for a kid. He’s a good fit. And with Papyrus’s positive attitude, it’s a good environment for a child, especially when they get to watch Sans and Papyrus interact positively. It’s a good example of a healthy friendship/ dynamic, where as if Frisk was raised by Toriel and Asgore, they’d have to deal with hostility between the two co-parents.
This extends to any au too. Especially with Underfell and underswap, where the need to care and protect the human are even greater.
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deepestredloves · 4 months
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Swapdream Rosa
Trying a new art style
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broomiepen · 1 year
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Anything for you red,Here you go☺️
Dreamswap Rosa by @redloves
Suggest 2/6
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