#royals au
saruhxiii · 2 months
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royals au #neuvifuri duke and duchess in another lifetime.
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folklauerate · 1 month
King Anthony at Highgrove House, photos taken by Queen Kate of course
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lettersfromaphrodite · 11 months
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― pairing : Hyunjin x fem! reader ― content warnings : angst with a happy ending, smut, fluff, royals au, Hyunjin is a Prince, arranged marriage, medieval settings, ⚠️exhibitionism/voyeurism, don’t read if you don’t feel comfortable with it⚠️unprotected sex (wrap it up y’all), fantasy au ― word count : 5.467
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix part one | part two // Jeongin
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The Princess’ unfaltering decision of refusing her arranged marriage was definitely the most entertaining talk of the Castle for the whole month of January.
Nobody but you – her lady in waiting, knew the reason why she was so stubborn with her choice, and your mouth was sealed in loyalty to what was your future Queen - and regardless, always treated you as her friend. You spent every day with her, and in the evening, you would brush her hair as he kept talking about her beloved Duke with a dreamy and enamoured voice, giggling and blushing as she told you every detail about how their forbidden meetings went. You couldn��t help but smile at her, the secret hope that her love would bloom and come true, even if you knew that probably, their secret encounters would never lead to a marriage.
What you obviously did not know, was that while the Princess kept throwing her temper tantrum, the Royal Council kept having meetings, secretly deciding to send a maid in her place, in order to get married to the foreign Prince. Needless to say, said maid was you.
As the King and his Counsellor told you about it, you instinctively sat back in horror on the velvet chair behind you, a hand placed on your hammering heart.
«Your Majesty,» you breathed, your voice shaking weakly as you spoke. «I don’t think I am suited for-»
«I will not tolerate any dissent on your part.» his gruff and authoritative voice interrupted your sentence, and you close your eyes in silent resignation, a lone tear escaping your eyes. «You spent enough time with my daughter to know how a Princess shall behave.»
«Don’t you want to serve your Kingdom?» the Counsellor added, and few men from the royal council murmured among themselves intelligible sentences which you obviously couldn’t understand. You shook your head, giving in, knowing you couldn’t do otherwise.
As you wish, your Highness.» and with that, you excused yourself in order to storm back into your room, not bothering to justify to the other maids and butlers working at the Castle why you were so pale and on the verge of crying.
As soon as you accepted, the news spreaded around even faster than the fact that Princess Illezra was dating a Duke, and that was the main talk for the whole month of February, which you spent refining your manners, since now you had to act like a proper Princess. Illezra developed the habit of sleeping with you, holding your hand and repeating soft «I’m so sorry.» to which you shook your head every time.
«Don’t blame yourself,» you’d say. «I’m just scared.» Illezra would nod, just to repeat the same sentence every day right before falling asleep, and the two of you fell into a peaceful slumber with your fingers tightly interlocked.
Truth was, you weren’t just scared, you were terrified. First of all, you had to pretend to be someone you were not for your whole life, you were being forced into a marriage which you definitely didn’t ask for and most importantly, you didn’t know what your future husband looked like.
For all you knew, he could be a boy around your age, but the chances of him being an old, bald unattractive and evil man were also pretty high. The other Kingdom’s silence was disturbing; they never sent a portrait of your future husband, not even once.
«What if he’s handsome and he thinks I’m ugly?» you whined, pinching the bridge of your nose. «What if I screw up?»
«Language, your Highness!» Illezra giggled, mocking what she had been told countless times. «You’re gorgeous,» she said, sitting behind you on the bed in order to brush your hair, «and if he thinks otherwise, he’s an idiot.»
«What if he’s old and-» you whined, on the verge of crying once again. «I don’t want to think about it, I can’t bring myself to think about it.»
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The day of your departing came sooner than you thought and so, during a chill March morning, you were sitting in an expensive carriage headed to your neighbour Kingdom, your heart sinking in your stomach the further you got from the town where you’ve lived all your life. You tried your best to avoid thinking about your future husband and your future life, and so you opted to engaging a small talk with the butler assigned to stay with you until the day of your marriage.
«What if he finds out everything?» you asked him, anxiety bubbling up in your stomach as you met his sharp yet kind gaze.
«He won’t.» he smiled politely, «No one from their Kingdom ever saw the Princess before.» his words somehow managed to reassure you, and before you realized, almost a day of travelling went by.
The first thing you noticed when your personal butler helped you out of the carriage was that their Castle looked way more expensive than the one you lived in, and the second one was the tall boy with jet black hair which was looking at you with an unreadable expression.
The King immediately welcomed you, introducing himself and the Queen as well, before gesturing to the boy.
«He’s Prince Hyunjin,» he said, «Your future husband.» you politely bowed to him, and he respectfully reached out to kiss the top of your gloved hand.
«Those portrait didn’t do any justice to your beauty.» he said, basically only for you to hear, and the unexpected kind tone of his voice made you wonder if he had been forced to say such a cliché pick up line. Your introductions went smoothly, and the Queen informed about a welcoming banquet being hosted in few hours, so you decided to take up her offer and freshen up.
The first thing you thought as you stepped into your new room was that there was an obvious mistake; the room was huge and decorated with furniture that looked so expensive that you wondered what the Queen’s room would look like. You were particularly happy about the small balcony attached to your room that directly faced the garden, which you would soon find out to remain enlightened all night, thanks to the numerous torches spreaded around.
When shortly after, two maids came to dress you up and do your hair, you thought you could make it work.
When you were sitting at the table while a significant number of people were occasionally staring at you before mumbling things among themselves, you thought you could never make it work.
«Relax,» Hyunjin’s unexpected soft whisper distracted your ministrations of staring blankly at your fork with a bite of food on it. «I promise we’ll excuse ourselves right after the desserts,» he added, before naturally placing his golden caliche in front of his lips, hiding his mouth in order to keep his words even more secret. «They’re probably saying you’re beautiful and wondering when we’re going to produce a heir.» he added, his tone somehow annoyed as he pronounced the last part of the sentence, making you almost choke on your bite of food before you mimicked his action of coveting your mouth with the golden chalice placed in front of you.
«Isn’t it a little bit too soon to talk about an heir?» you asked, noticing that while talking, both you and Hyunjin managed to inch closer, and you also couldn’t help but notice how insanely good he looked up close.
«It is,» Hyunjin chuckled, «but the Royal Counsellor is desperately waiting for heirs.» he smiled at your confused face, before adding a quick «The one completely dressed in purple and looking like an ogre. I bet he’s looking at you.» you tried not to giggle as you met said men’s gaze, before looking back at Hyunjin’s smiling face once again, and he playfully winked at you.
Your heart felt a little lighter knowing that your future husband was at least friendly, and you felt even better when, exactly as he promised, Hyunjin politely excused the both of you before leading you towards the garden.
«Thoughts on the welcoming party?» Hyunjin asked, sitting next to you on a marble bench cornered by small bushes of white roses.
«Definitely… intense.» you offered a small smile, not used to so many people looking at you while studying your every move since you’ve never been a Princess in the first place.
«We’re both obviously new to this,» Hyunjin nodded, before scratching the back of his head in a shy manner. «But I promise I’ll do my best to make it work.» you smiled at him, silently thanking the heaves for your luck, before reciprocating his promise.
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If three months ago, the day you cried yourself to sleep at the unexpected news, someone would have told you that you’d be finding yourself falling in love with your future husband, you would have probably curse at them in a very un-lady like manner.
But yet, there you were, involuntary playing hide and seek with Hyunjin in the small maze inside their garden, trying to find a decent hiding spot while trying to hold back your laughter.
«Really?» Hyunjin asked as he almost appeared out of thin air, walking out from the turn next to yours. «You think I wouldn’t catch up?» he asked, and with a rush of adrenaline, you sprinted out from the blind spot where you were hiding, only for him to almost immediately stop your foolish and useless escape by tightly holding your waist; knowing that there was no use trying to outwit him when he probably knew the maze’s pattern by heart, you gave in with a small yelp as soon as your back crashed against his body due to him pulling your frame to his. With a small pout, you let Hyunjin turn you around, his arms still loosely hugging your waist.  
«I could walk around here with my eyes closed,» Hyunjin said, faking an arrogant tone, a slight pant in his breath matching yours.
«So?» you asked, your hands on his chest and your gaze locking in a silent challenge.
«So,» Hyunjin’s voice lowered to a mumble, «Running away from me is useless.» he added, and his lips slowly inched towards yours, searching in your eyes any kind of doubt or refusal, leaving you all the time in the world to walk away from his embrace. Hyunjin never found a trace of doubt in your eyes, and so you stood on your tiptoes, closing the space between you and felt Hyunjin smile into the kiss as he held you closer to his body.
That kiss was the first one of many, countless, infinite kisses shared between the two of you, with innocent hearts full of love.
Even if you loved and trusted Hyunjin, you never told him the truth; even if you thought that you couldn’t live a lie for your whole life, you still couldn’t bring yourself to face the consequences of him finding out about your identity.
Deep down, you knew that Hyunjin didn’t fall in love with you for your status and you doubted he would care whether you were born in the royal family or not, but you also knew that this kind of lie was classified as treason, and you couldn’t bring yourself to face Hyunjin’s disappointment towards you.
Illezra kept sending you letters, and you had a very secret correspondence with her, which apparently was trying to let her parents accept her relationship and make her a Duchess so that her and her lover could be together. Despite being happy for her, these letters were the constant reminder of your lies, and Hyunjin never said anything as he saw you glancing sadly out of the window. He would simply hug you, kiss your head and mumbling that since you were homesick, as soon as you got married, he would love to visit your kingdom, too. Hyunjin’s kindness made you wonder if you really deserved him.
Approximatively six months after your arrival, strange rumours started to spread out among the royal council. Needless to say, those rumours completely revolved around your identity, but you’d never heard about them until eventually, it was too late.
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By now, Hyunjin had sneaked into your bedroom a countless times, only to leave in order to return to his before morning came – his room was adjacent to yours, so he just needed to open a small door and throw himself in the bed of the communicant room right before his butler came to wake him up.
As cliché as it was, you believed you could never get enough of the feeling of Hyunjin’s warm body against yours, and for him, it was just the same. There was something about Hyunjin moaning your name as he came while trying to keep his voice low that you couldn’t help but love; there was something about the sense of intimacy of Hyunjin passionately making love to you every night that you could not help but wish for those moments to last forever.
Happiness proved itself to be such a fleeting feeling, as one day you returned to your room, only to see Hyunjin partially leaning against your desk, an unreadable expression on his face while holding an envelope you immediately recognized.
«What are you doing?» you asked, your voice trembling in fear as your hands weakly gripped the door’s golden handle behind your back.
«Why are you reading my-» with a rush of emotion, you tried to approach him with the intent of taking the letter out of his hands – even if you knew it was probably too late, when Hyunjin held his hand in mid-air, signalling you to stop.
«This letter comes from the Princess,» Hyunjin said, and your heart sank as you heard his cold tone, «which is very weird, because I’m marrying her in three days.» you felt the blood drain from your face, Hyunjin was about to find out the truth and all you could do was standing there, petrified. You held Hyunjin’s emotionless gaze while tears started to cloud your view, realizing that Hyunjin was blocking you out and showing you the face he showed to everyone else, and not the innocent eyes full of emotion you fell in love with.
Hyunjin effortlessly broke the royal sealing wax while still holding your gaze, the small noise of wax being torn was the only sound echoing in the room.
«Dear Princess,» Hyunjin began to read Illezra’s neat calligraphy, «I deeply wish your marriage is working out, and your fiancée is half as good as mine. I will never stop reminding you that I’m sorry, and that I’m infinitely thankful to you for taking my place.» Hyunjin scoffed, before throwing the letter on the table without bothering to read the rest of it. «Care to explain?» his harsh tone softened for a moment at the sight of your panicked state, but his disappointment was too great. 
Hyunjin politely waited for you to talk with his hands crossed in front of his chest, as if the gesture would have helped him to keep in one place the world about to crash on him. You did not know why, but still you could not bring yourself to say a word; the thoughts of having disappointed both the man you loved and your kingdom were the only thoughts swirling around your head and with another scoff, Hyunjin stood up, walking past your frame and in his room without sharing another word.
For the first time since you arrived there, Hyunjin locked the door connecting your rooms, and you broke down in silent tears, kneeling in the middle of your room oh a Thursday morning, three days before your marriage.
You knew that you both did not have any task for the day, since you could hear Hyunjin moving around in the room next to yours. You spent half of your day sitting next to the door, not even bothering to change in more informal clothes, before few drops of common sense decided to silently make their way back into your head.
«Would Illezra go down without a fight?» you whispered to yourself. «Neither am I.» you sighed and stood up, walking to your nightstand and taking out a small key and a big amount of letters tied up with a silk ribbon from the top drawer.
«I have a spare key, Hyunjin,» you said loudly as you approached the door, «And I’m not afraid to use it.» you politely waited, deciding that if he didn’t unlock the door by himself, you would have done that. You were about to marry, but most importantly, you were in love; you’d never let anything walk between the two of you.
Surprisingly enough, Hyunjin unlocked the door few seconds later, and you stormed into his room and immediately sat on his bed, facing him, which was staring at you, confused at your sudden bravery and wondering why you decided to bring so many letters along.
When Hyunjin first asked you to explain, you wondered for a moment about lying through your teeth, but who would want a marriage based on lies? Certainly, not you.
Therefore, with that thought resonating in your head and in your heart, you told Hyunjin everything. With hesitant steps, Hyunjin slowly sat next to you on his canopy bed, as he listened to anything and everything you had to say; you told him about how the news crashed down on you and how about since then, you have felt pressured of living by the standards of living and behaving like people expected and imposed you to do. Hyunjin held your hand as your confession of you being terrified of this whole situation, but also the fact of not wanting to get married to a stranger.
«You could have been anyone,» you said, wiping another tear that effortlessly escaped your now puffy eyes, «I was terrified of you being old and ugly and evil.» you admitted, a small and sad smile appearing on Hyunjin’s lips which you didn’t see, too busy playing with his fingers interlocked with yours.
Hyunjin politely waited for you to finish your outburst, while never letting go or stop caressing your hand. «I can’t find a reason to blame you, but» Hyunjin’s gentle voice said. «I want to know if you meant what happened between us, or it was just part of what your King ordered you to do.» he asked, and as your eyes locked for the first time after you walked into his room, you saw Hyunjin looking so vulnerable you felt your heart tremble.
«It wasn’t a lie.» you quickly shook your head, relaxing a bit seeing Hyunjin’s soft smile once again. «I could never lie about loving you.» you admitted, and Hyunjin hugged you, affectionately kissing the side of your head as you wiped the last tears escaping your eyes.
«Then, I don’t care, the rumours will eventually stop.» Hyunjin sighed. «You’re going to be my wife, and married couples are allowed to keep secrets.» you nodded, hugging him back and wondering what were the chances of you finding such a gentle and caring boy as Hyunjin as your future husband.
«I’m sorry, too.» Hyunjin broke the comfortable silence that enveloped the two of you, now cuddling on his bed – with some difficulty, due to your formal clothes. «I was too focused on the fact that you lied, that I didn’t consider that you had more than valid reasons to do so.» Hyunjin’s words were soft and sincere, and you instantly cuddled closer to his chest, whispering not to worry.
«I never believed I would fall in love,» he chuckled, talking more to himself, «And yet, here I am.»
«Here we are.» you gently pointed out, and he simply answered by kissing the top of your head.
«Yeah, here we are.» Hyunjin mumbled softly, few moments later.
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Now, if you thought that Hyunjin’s Castle and the room you have been given were expensive looking, you definitely did not expect the wedding to look so… extravagant.
If you were still living as a lady in waiting, your marriage would have been a humble ceremony into the town’s chapel but as a Princess, you were about to walk into the Capital’s Cathedral, your path surrounded by sumptuous and expensive decorations and unknown faces focusing on any detail from your hair to your dress, which made you look like as if you walked out from a fairy tale – a bit too much for your tastes, but Hyunjin’s face as he saw you was enough to forget everything, from your doubt about the veil being too long, to your discomfort at being once again the centre of attention, to your fears about tripping on your feet.
«You look stunning.» Hyunjin mouthed as soon as you stopped in front of him, and you instantly rolled your eyes as a wide blush covered your cheeks.
The ceremony went smoothly and rather quickly, unlike what you expected. Hyunjin kissed you longer than he was supposed to, with both his hands on your cheeks, and since then you couldn’t focus on anything else but the lingering taste of his lips on yours and the feeling of absolute happiness you felt anytime your eyes met.
«Organizing a surprise in three days is almost impossible, but I hope you’re going to like my special gift.» Hyunjin smiled as he led you away from the crowd of people attending your wedding reception, and your brows furrowed in confusion. 
Hyunjin slightly turned towards you only to offer you a wink, looking even more handsome now that he had unbuttoned the first two buttons of his white shirt; even if you asked him few times what he meant, he never gave you a proper answer, and so you trusted him, until he led you to the marble bench where you comfortably sat under the moonlight on the first night you met.
Hyunjin abruptly stopped and you almost crashed against his body, but managed to stop just in time; you were about to ask him why did he stop so suddenly, when your attention was caught by a very familiar figure now standing up from the bench.
There was no way you could confuse her petite figure, the way she held her fan, or simply the way she brushed his gown exactly two seconds after she stood up; after all, you spent years living with her, and you knew that probably at some point, even your heartbeats were synchronized.
«Illezra?!» you asked, dumbfounded, but also feeling your heart speed up with excitement; you looked at Hyunjin, asking for a silent confirmation that you weren’t having hallucinations due to your corset being too tight, and as soon as he nodded, you ran towards her.
Illezra immediately hugged you close, her sweet perfume enveloping you and making you feel like you were in the privacy of her sumptuous bedroom instead of a Castle’s garden, you hugged her even closer, and the two of you stayed like that for a while. The hug you and Illezra shared held a silent conversation full of “I’m sorry”, “I’m glad this worked out”, in base of how tight you were hugging each other; a small cough caught your attention, and you shifted your attention to the figure behind Illezra, before detaching from her, which still tightly held your hand.
«You’d be happy to hear that we can freely hang out with Duchess Illezra and her husband, from now on.» Hyunjin’s soft voice said as he gently wrapped his arm around your waist.
«Duchess?» you incredulously asked her, your eyes widening in surprise. Illezra simply nodded, and officially introduced you to the Duke, which you’ve heard her talk about for countless nights.
«I owe you a lot,» Illezra said, clutching your intertwined fingers against her chest, but you simply shook your head. The four of you spent part of the afternoon by yourselves, before joining once again the other guests and excusing yourselves for having ran off; you could not stop thanking Hyunjin for this surprise – you never thought you could meet Illezra in public ever again, but he simply shrugged anytime you mentioned it, leaning in to peck your lips in a soft and sweet kiss.
Despite the day went great and you felt the happiest you’ve ever felt, there was a thing you actually feared: your first night as a married couple. You and Hyunjin have made love a countless number of times by now, hidden in the shadows of your bedroom, but you knew about a particular fucked up tradition that royals had.
Apparently, both for good auspicious and in order to verify the first night of marriage was consumed, the heavy curtains of the canopy bed would be tightly closed while outside; few members of the court would wait for the couple to finish their intercourse.
Of course, both you and Hyunjin weren’t exactly happy about it, but you both knew that refusing this stupid ceremony meant that someone could have contested the veracity of the marriage.
Hyunjin sat right in front of you on the soft mattress of the room you’ll be sharing from now on, his legs crossed while mirroring your posture, looking at you with an amused yet shy smile. You shrugged, covering your eyes in embarrassment knowing that a layer of fabric was separating you and your husband from indiscreet eyes; you opted for re-adjust your positions in order to cuddle, chuckling at how surreal this situation was.
«I’m really not fond of having an audience.» you mumbled, caressing Hyunjin’s hair while he had his head on your chest; you felt him nod against your skin.
«Neither I am,» he admitted, shifting just enough to place his chin on top of your breast to look at you. «We don’t have to do anything, if you’re not comfortable.» he added, and you loved how considerate he was being once again. You sighed a little too loudly, immediately covering your mouth since that sigh could be misinterpreted, and Hyunjin’s head followed your chest’s movement with an amused smile on his lips.  
«As long as you hold my hand, I suppose I’m gonna be okay.» you furrowed your brows, running your hand through Hyunjin’s long and soft hair, and he closed his eyes in bliss at the sensation of your fingers playing with it.
«We can stop anytime,» Hyunjin mumbled, supporting his weight on his arms while hovering above you, «and just jump on the bed while moaning randomly.» he added, barely above a whisper, and you couldn’t help but giggle at his childish yet mischievous expression.
A thing Hyunjin was exceptionally good was keeping promises; for the whole night, he kept holding your hand, from the moment his fingers were buried deep inside you, to the moment where his length was moving with hard and deep strokes. Hyunjin had one hand buried in the mattress, right next to your head, while the other was tightly intertwined with yours; while your free hand was tightly placed in front of your mouth to muffle your moans, despite the sound of the bed creaking and slamming against the wall was giving away pretty obviously that you decided to act up to your duties. 
Hyunjin was staring at you with hooded eyes, silently loving how your body was so responsive and sensitive to his touch; his eyes glanced to his left, and he stilled his hips inside you with a harsh thrust, making you whine while arching your back and closing your legs around his hips in the desperate attempt to make him sink deeper. Opening your eyes, you saw Hyunjin’s mischievous eyes focusing on the hand in front of your mouth, before he eventually shifted to partially support his weight on his elbow, his sweaty and hot body now pressed flush against yours, making you instinctively clench around his length.
«Let them hear, sweetie.» Hyunjin sinfully mumbled against your hear, slowly placing his right hand over the one you had on your mouth in order to slowly moving it away, allowing you to decide if you were comfortable with it. Once again, Hyunjin saw no trace of doubts in your eyes as he slowly leaned back, and he just smirked, moving his hips in order to create some friction between your bodies; you shut your eyes with a deep intake of breath, his stiff length filling you up just perfectly. «Let them know who’s make you feel so good» he added, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck as his warm, big hand delicately caressed your body only for it to stop under your left tight just to lift it up while slightly spreading it even more. «Who’s making you this wet.» Hyunjin’s soft moans in your ear were about to make you see stars, and you sank your nails in his left hand – which was still interlocked with yours, as he proved his point with a harsh thrust which only made you whimper a loud «Please.»
Hyunjin’s cocky attitude only came out when you were having sex, so the fact that he kept moving in slow strokes while raising his eyebrow and mumbling an innocent «Please, what?» didn’t surprise you, on the contrary, it made you even wetter, if possible. If you thought that there was something fucked up about part of the royal court waiting for two people to finish their sexual intercourse while standing outside a canopy bed staring at some closed curtains, you also believed that there was something fucked up about both you and Hyunjin obviously enjoying it. There was something about Hyunjin’s body – how perfectly it moved against yours and how you felt like two puzzle pieces finally connecting, which always had the ability to bring you on your knees, figuratively and metaphorically.
«I’m yours, please.» you whined, already too far gone to properly answer to Hyunjin’s request, but he complied nonetheless, and he started to move at a slight faster place while holding your left leg higher, in order to have a deeper access into you.
The surreal situation you were in, added to Hyunjin’s praises on how good you were and how perfectly tight you felt, accompanied by the harsh movements of his hips, quickly helped you to build up your orgasm, and in return, your loud moans and pleads added to the fact that you kept writhing in pleasure under your husband’s body in order to feel even closer to him, quickly helped Hyunjin to quickly approach his own. Hyunjin came with a loud groan, his brows furrowed together and his eyes tightly closed as he buried himself inside you, and that vision alone triggered your orgasm as well. Hyunjin welcomed you back from your post orgasm state while rubbing your noses together, and you leaned in to peck his lips with a soft giggle while your heart softened at the feeling of your hands still locked together.
Both of you turned your attention to the sound of steps hurriedly exiting the room, and as the door closed, leaving you two finally alone, Hyunjin captured your lips in a sweet and passionate kiss, his long strands of hair resting on your forehead in the process; you gently pushed on his shoulder, signalling him to roll back, and he eagerly complied, careful to not slid out of you as you were now sitting on top of him.
«Always so eager,» Hyunjin mumbled, his hands naturally gripping your hips as your mouth came in contact with the bare and sweaty skin of his neck, marking it up to your heart’s content. Now, you finally had the night for yourselves.
The following day, you and Hyunjin couldn’t help but giggle to yourselves as apparently, the court’s member couldn’t hold your gaze any longer.
«Do you think we somehow scared them?» you whispered to him, hiding part of your face behind your pastel green fan.
«Probably,» Hyunjin chuckled, «And this is why I believe,» he said, circling your hips with his strong arms, «That in order to remind them who’s in charge, we should renew our vows every ten years.»
«You’re an pervert,» You blushed, hitting his shoulder with your now closed fan, «Once was more than enough.» Hyunjin hummed, giving you a playful smirk, «You definitely looked like you were enjoying it-»
«Hyunjin!» you laughed, placing a hand on his lips, in order to prevent him from finishing his sentence, and you quickly glanced around just in case someone could have heard. Something wet met the palm of your hand, and you retreated it, looking at Hyunjin with an incredulous yet amused expression.
«Did you just lick my hand?» you asked, and Hyunjin shrugged, before you both laughed together.
At least, your marriage wasn’t going to be boring.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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fandomnerd101 · 11 months
I finally finished it :)
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I love your au so much I absolutely had to make fan art. One of my favorite things in stories with royalty or just in a royal ish setting is people being cute on balconies so here you go. Andrew and Abram on balconies! I don’t know how they got here or what they’re talking about but here they are :)
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Here’s a sketch where you can see their outfits better. Thanks for that Pinterest board btw it really did help :D
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stars-of-kyber · 1 month
You Used To Live in My Head (Now I Carry You In My Heart) - Chapter 3
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Anthony and Kate's friendship continues to develop and everyone but them can see where that's going.
Hello, it's Thursday and we're here for another update! I hope you enjoy the silly.
Next Thursday Kate'll be officially meeting the last two 🐝s (or not 2 🐝s? Wholy shit that was terrible, ignore me, Idk how @harnitbee thinks I'm any good at this, my sense of humour is broken) in the sibling clan and we'll have access to our fave group "No Future Monarchs Allowed". We'll let you wonder who's part of that group and what's being discussed there.
Don't forget to let us know what you think!
Lots of love,
Cee and Anita!
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flapajacker · 1 month
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Queen Donnie! But make her ✨fabcy✨
(Also ty for the likes on the last post <333)
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gydasdream1000 · 3 months
Future fic Ideas
Currently thinking about making an Assassins Creed AU where Desmond is the perfect dream of queen Victoria. Heir of a lot of royal houses and important people from around europe. And Altaïr and Ezio, commoners who fall in love whit him. Altaïr son of a general, Ezio son of a Banker. But for his family standars, commoners. Disclamers: It would be a Modern AU, and Desmond isn't really a future king, but his cousins are. So he has the power and the money, but he doesn't apper to much in the media. The perfect balance.
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milfsenthusiast2 · 2 months
Castles crumbling
Marauders fic - Royal setting AU
Pandora is a rebel princess and Lily is her Knight/Guard
A court of lies and betrayals, uncommon romances and dangerous trials.
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australiansquid · 1 year
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bridgertonbabe · 5 months
In the Royals AU does Charles get a little wearing a bathrobe while meeting a foreign leader moment like Prince George? Or is it one of his siblings instead?
It would be during a state visit from Princess Lucy's country that such a meeting takes place, with Lucy attending a state banquet with her family and asking Princess Sophie about her children. Sophie asks if she'd like to pop round to see Charles, recalling how fond Lucy was of her son, but of course understands just how jam-packed Lucy's itinerary must be to make time for such a visit. Fortunately Lucy does have time to spare seeing as her parents and brother have the bigger bulk of engagements to attend, and she accepts Sophie's impromptu invitation.
In the early evening the following day Lucy came over to Benedict and Sophie's home and after being greeted by the latter, Benedict entered the room hand in hand with Charles who was all dressed for bed in his pyjamas, a little robe, and slippers.
"He's gotten to stay up past his bedtime so he could meet you." Sophie mentioned as Charles padded over and curiously eyed up the newcomer.
While the young prince didn't remember his first meeting with Lucy, it only took a matter of seconds for him to warm up to her after she crouched down to greet him, shook his hand, and presented him with a teddy bear she had bought just for him. The two and half year old then began babbling away to Lucy, animatedly telling her about his toys and how much he loves to play football with his dad in the garden and how he helps his mum cook dinner every night.
The time flew by and soon enough it was time for Lucy to go and for Charlie to go to bed, but not before the little prince insisted on showing his new friend something. He eagerly took her by the hand and led her through the house and up the stairs, with his parents following behind watching in amusement, intrigued to know what their son was so keen to show to Lucy.
"You have to be very quiet." Charlie said in a hushed voice to Lucy before they entered the door he had led them to.
Immediately Lucy understood Charlie's instruction to keep quiet when she spotted the crib in the room they had just walked into and after the little prince tugged her over to it she peered in and laid eyes on an even smaller prince sleeping peacefully.
"This is my baby brother, Alex." Charlie informed her. "He doesn't do much." he added in a disappointed tone.
"Well he is only little." Lucy smiled. "But I bet you're the best big brother to Alex."
"Yeah. Mummy and Daddy tell me that all the time." Charlie puffed his chest out proudly.
"Do you love your baby brother?"
"Yes!" he toothily grinned up at her. "I love him so much! Except when he does really smelly poos."
"I bet." Lucy lightly laughed. She glanced over her shoulder where Sophie and Benedict were hovering in the doorway and while they were more than content to watch the scene in front of them, Lucy didn't wish to outstay her welcome or keep Charlie up any longer and disrupt his routine. "Well it was lovely to meet Alex,"
"No, wait! Alex hasn't met you yet!" Charlie gasped out. "Alex! Alex!" he called out, ditching his hushed voice in favour of raising his volume as he tugged at the boat-patterned blanket his baby brother was swaddled in.
"Oh no, Charlie, that's okay. He's sleeping." Lucy frantically insisted and attempted to prevent the young boy from disturbing the baby.
Charlie however wasn't going to allow his brother to suffer from FOMO and used both of his hands to yank at Alex's swaddling, a sudden movement which got the result Charlie was after as his little brother grumbled before letting out a wail.
"Charlie." Benedict groaned as he and Sophie rushed over.
"I'm so sorry," Lucy began to say, feeling awful for inadvertently waking up the baby prince from his slumber.
"It's not your fault." Sophie assured her and gently touched her arm before picking up Alexander to comfort him.
"Charlie, you don't wake the baby up when he's sleeping." Benedict softly chided his firstborn.
"But I wanted him to meet Lucy!" Charlie argued, defending his actions he had done in goodwill.
"Shush, shush, shush, it's okay Alex." Sophie rubbed Alex's back as she lightly bounced him. "Go back to sleep, my love."
The combination of his mother's voice and affection quickly eased Alex's cries and it didn't take too long for him to doze off again as Sophie rocked him to sleep.
"He's so precious." Lucy breathed at the adorable bundle in Sophie's arms.
"See, he got to meet her!" Charlie said to his father, who fondly rolled his eyes before picking up the toddler.
Once Sophie had settled her baby back into his crib the four of them left the nursery and Lucy said her goodbyes.
"Thank you so much for having me, it's been such a pleasure to meet the boys."
"It's been a pleasure having you visit." Sophie returned in kind.
"And what do you say, Charlie?" Benedict said to his son in his arms.
"Thank you!" Charlie answered.
"I love you!" Charlie beamed at Lucy, melting the princess's heart.
"Are you going to say goodbye to Lucy?" Benedict chuckled as he prompted his son for the third time.
"Goodbye Auntie Lucy!" he cheered.
Sophie and Benedict both opened their mouths to correct him but after exchanging an amused glance they mutually decided not to bother - though little did they know that their son had actually predicted the future by inadvertently identifying Princess Lucy as his Uncle Greg's bride.
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keepingupwithkarasuno · 8 months
Picture this.... Akaashi and Bokuto royals childhood friends forbidden lovers type au where they used to be childhood friends but grow apart due to their parents having a disagreement and once prince Akaashi is of age his father throws him a courting ball and invites prince Bokuto to court his son bc Akaashi dad (the king) just wants his son happy and Bokuto makes Akaashi happy but Akaashi forgets about Bokuto (not in a mean way just as in how you forget about someone after not seeing them for awhile and the last time Akaashi saw Bokuto they were like eight and now they’re in their twenties homies change) and Bokuto is the last prince Akaashi has to dance with and honestly he just wants this to end and have a hot bath and get in bed and read for a little before he passes out so they dance and Bokuto realizes the Akaashi doesn’t know who he is and he gives him shit about it like “hmm I guess I’m not too memorable am I Akaashi” and Akaashi is like “uh?? Do I know you?” And Bokuto is like “ah you wound me little prince” and Akaashi is like “????” And Bokuto “you know I never thought you’d forget me now your father I could see because of how my father was a little harsh during the disagreement but you Akaashi you promised.” And it all comes flooding back to Akaashi and tears well up in his eyes bc that’s his first ever love his first ever best friend and Bokuto smiles as his name falls from Akaashis lips and the honey eyed boy pulls the other prince close to his chest and Akaashi “never leave me again.” And Bokuto “would never dream of it, my love” and the king see them from were he is sat on the thrown and he smiles wide he’s happy for his son.
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folklauerate · 3 months
Thank you for your awesome writing. Can we expect an update to The Set Up anytime soon? We left at such a cliffhanger with their fight, and the author's note promised more angst, so I'm getting antsy waiting for it, and I wanna go visit King Anthony and Kate in their royal world 😍😣😩🥸🥺🙏🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Sorry for the wait! I’m working on the update; irl and other writing commitments have been taking priority. Update is hopefully coming soon. In the meantime, here’s a snippet!
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Thank you for reading and being interested in this fic and being along for the ride 🥰🩷 sending you love anon
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lettersfromaphrodite · 11 months
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― pairing : Han Jisung x fem! reader ― content warnings : smut, fluff, royals au, vampire au, Han is a vampire, reader is a vampire Queen, mentions of blood, unprotected sex, medieval settings as always // I used some of the Black Desert Online cities’ names because I don’t have enough creativity to come up with brand new names. ― word count : 5.863 ― notes : if you don’t know, a Queen can rule while being unmarried and if she ever decides to marry, her husband won’t automatically become King, but simply be referred as the Consort Prince. ― notes : ⚠️ This fic will appear on BOTH Royals and Vampire Series! ⚠️
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix part one | part two // Jeongin
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The amount of wealth you slowly accumulated during the centuries allowed you to realize one of your biggest dreams: an entire room dedicated to a giant pool filled with thermal water, inside one of the private underground rooms in your Castle. You still remember Felix’s face as you announced him about the prospect of setting up a room just for a Victorian-style spa, and of course, the four golden waterfalls at the respective corners of the tub were not something you were willing to give up.
Slowly, within the years, that room became your favourite one and you spent most of your time in there; therefore, Felix – your Royal Counsellor, knew exactly where to find you anytime you were neither in the throne room nor in your private quarters.
And today was definitely not an exception.
«The Royal Council had a meeting,» Felix announced, elegantly walking in the room with his hands behind his back.
«Without the Queen? Now, that’s treason.» you remarked, raising your eyebrow while sipping blood from a golden chalice. «What did they say to make you run here?»
«Apparently, you need to get married.» he dramatically announced, faking an innocent expression as he tilted his head, his fluffy white hair moving along as he shifted his gaze to the left with a sudden amused smile at the memory to what happened to your first and only husband.
«I’ve been running this Kingdom on my own for more than 800 years,» you slowly savoured another sip of blood, shifting your position in the water in order to sit more comfortably, «what could have happened to make so weak to the point of needing a man?» your gaze burned into Felix’s gentle one, finding there the same sight of pure love and submission that had been there every day since the day you turned him, centuries ago. From the moment you had saved him from certain death, Felix had loved you in the most innocent way, seeing you as his saviour and therefore, immediately submitting to your power not only as a Queen, but also as a woman. 
«The Kingdom of the West wants us to give up the City or Epheria to them.» Felix referred you what they had been talking about during the meeting. An annoyed, exasperated sigh escaped your lips as you were about to answer the obvious: only an idiot would give up a port city as big as Epheria, when Felix interrupted you again, «They threatened to conquer Calpheon if we don’t.»
«What?!» you asked in disbelief, «Are they planning to cut us out from every western resource?»
«The Council…» Felix watched as you carefully placed the golden cup of blood on the floor and far away enough so that it wouldn’t mistakenly fall into the water. «…said we could ask for help to the Kingdom of the East. King Changbin not only is powerful but also unmarried.»
As you immersed yourself even further in the water so that only your face remained outside, you had to admit to yourself that probably, it would have been the best thing to do.
As much as you hated the idea of submitting to a man and therefore depend on him, your priority has always been thinking about your Kingdom and the people who lived in it. Probably, this was the main reason why you managed to turn a small and helpless Kingdom into one of the largest and most influential realms.
Calpheon, however, was a big and lively city, its geographical position in the centre of your territories made it particularly coveted; you managed to conquer the city with extreme fatigue not more than two centuries ago, and since then, you had to always pay particular attention to the number of soldiers assigned to the city’s protection. Cases of attempted invasion by external realms were not uncommon, but you were more than determined to defend what you conquered and therefore, if you managed to get the Kingdom of the East’s alliance, it would have been impossible for someone else to conquer it.
As for King Changbin, it was certainly not the first time you killed a vampire, you could eventually get rid of him as soon as he got too annoying for your tastes. The victorious smile on Felix’s lips slowly grew wider as he saw you mentally fighting with yourself before eventually, giving up.
«I will immediately send them a letter.» he added, before excusing himself and letting you quietly finish your bath.
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As expected, King Changbin’s reply came few days later.
«Why is he sending his emissary?» you mumbled in disbelief, re-reading his letter as both you and Felix sat on your bed. Felix shrugged, his lips slightly tainted from the blood he sipped from one of your expensive chalices; despite you were confused with why King Changbin wasn’t personally coming, you smiled with adoration at the boy sitting with crossed legs in front of you.
Felix’s soft white hair was in stark contrast to his deep crimson eyes; however, the innocent look he had anytime he drank blood made him somehow look some sort of angelic. You reached out with your thumb in order to collect the driblet of blood threatening to fall from his lips before sucking on your tainted finger.
«You’ve been a vampire for more than 800 years and you’re still a messy eater,» you chuckled, «oh, Lixie, you’re such a baby.» you chanted, smiling softly at Felix, which simply stuck his tongue out.
If you were to be honest, you expected the East Kingdom’s emissary to look like a lot of things: an old man, a grumpy bishop – even more annoying than the one admitted in your Council, but definitely, you didn’t expect him to look like a hot, young boy with dark blonde hair and a constant unbothered expression.
The Council had a meeting few hours after Jisung’s arrival and, surprisingly, he didn’t come to sign the marriage’s papers. 
«My King wants me to stay for a bit and send him some reports if this marriage is worth the effort.» Jisung’s gaze teasingly locked with yours, and you felt your cheeks heating up.
«Worth the effort?» you immediately answered, but he simply nodded at you in a polite way; with an annoyed scoff, you placed your chin in the palm of your hand while raising your eyebrow, silently waiting for him to explain himself.
«The effort, obviously, would be risking a war against the Kingdom of the West.» he added, but before he could talk further, the bishop interrupted him.
«Maybe you should write a report to your King and ask him how long you should extend your stay.» you uncomfortably shifted in your seat at how rude he had just been to your guest.
«Remind me why do we need a Catholic icon when we’re literally walking corpses.» you mumbled, leaning towards Felix which simply looked at you in an almost scolding manner.
«Well, because at least three quarters of the people of this Kingdom are not.» he mumbled back, reminding you once again that, even if he was the most obnoxious man you’ve met in almost a millennium, you still somehow needed his presence.
Vampires and human got somehow along with each other, even if cases of vampires murdering people due to their hunger weren’t uncommon. However, during the years, people slowly got used to the idea of having a vampire as their Queen and most absolute authority and so, some people started to willingly offer their blood to vampires, instead of letting them kill people in order to feed.
Jisung politely smiled at the bishop, imperceptibly raising his eyebrow, «Forgive me, your Grace, but I know exactly how to behave, since I’ve been serving my King for as long as I can remember,» despite the fact that he kept a gentle tone, his eyes were narrowed, and the bishop furiously blushed in embarrassment.
«He shut him up so easily!» you whispered to Felix, as the both of you shared a surprised look. «I like him already.» you mumbled again before raising your voice for everyone at the table to hear you loud and clear.
«At least, we’ll have some entertainment.» Felix remarked, commenting on how in almost a millennium, occasions to feel honestly amused eventually started to decrease.
«If all the problems have been settled,» you glared at the bishop which was refraining from meeting your stern gaze, «Jisung will remain for as long as he needs.»
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The citizen of your country deeply respected you and they meticulously followed your rules, knowing that eventually, your forgiveness wouldn’t have been something easy to obtain.
Over the years, however, your hatred remained particularly focused on a very particular guild and so, as you were looking at five wanted criminals being harshly pushed on their knees, their wrists tightly handcuffed behind their back, you smirked in victory, not bothering to hear their pathetic excuses to defend themselves.
«For what concerns me,» your voice echoed through the throne room, «I consider you guilty of all the charges that have been made.» you moved your hand towards the captain of the guards which immediately understood.
Immediately, the criminals were dragged away from the throne room and escorted to the dungeons where eventually, they would either die or become a tasty midnight snack.
«Did you notice the seal embroided on their cape?» Felix whispered, politely leaning towards you from his standing position; you nodded, your eyes still focused on the writhing men being dragged away. There was no way you could forget; there was only one Guild which used two crossed axes as their symbol, and it was the Guild which almost killed Felix centuries ago.
«This is why, I want them gone.» you suddenly turned your head towards Felix, smiling softly at him before leaning in and gently head-butting your forehead against his; the two of you giggled, an exchange which didn’t go unnoticed to Jisung’s eyes, watching the two of you from a close distance.
It was not uncommon for people to mistaken your relationship with Felix; your eyes met Jisung’s across the room, and you immediately understood he was studying the two of you, trying to figure out the bond the two of you were sharing.
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Although days passed by rather quickly, you never expected to find Jisung’s presence so enjoyable and entertaining; you spent most of your days showing him around – both the Castle and the Kingdom, and he always seemed positively surprised anytime by how many things reminded him of his Kingdom, therefore unexpectedly praising you at random times and making you advert your gaze in a sort of embarrassment you didn’t understand. 
Jisung was clever boy, a few centuries younger than you were; you learned that as much as you did with Felix, Changbin was the one that turned him. Him and Changbin were actually good friends during Jisung’s mortal life, but eventually, Jisung got ill and Changbin decided to turn him into a vampire – of course with the boy’s approval.
Anytime Jisung talked about his King or his Kingdom, you could see a sense of pride and affection in his eyes, and you smiled anytime, glad to know that you weren’t the only one blessed with a faithful and loyal counsellor.
By the way Jisung talked about his friendship with Changbin, you found it easy to see yourself in his King; you knew that Changbin would have burned the world to ashes for Jisung if needed, exactly as you would have done for Felix.
Jisung, unexpectedly, was also very talented in giving you mixed feelings; he was undoubtedly attractive, and he thought the same thing about you, but he acted in a way no one in your Kingdom has ever dared to. Jisung would occasionally answer with sarcastic remarks, giving you the impression that he wanted to challenge you but honestly, he was only trying to get under your skin; you quickly catched up with his game of his, entertained and intrigued.
Therefore, the tension between the two of you inevitably started to grow to the point where anytime you were alone in your carriage and he was looking at you as if he would have wanted to devour you, you had to focus on the small talk you were having, in order not to move from your position and sit on his lap.
Sometimes, you had the feeling that you and Jisung were having a sort of competition, playing a game where you had to make the other give in to your mutual desire first.
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Jisung looked breath taking dressed in white, you thought, walking towards him as he was politely waiting for you in front of the wide glass door leading to the garden.
«If I may ask, your Majesty,» despite your authorization to drop the formalities, he kept referring to you by your title; a normal act which, however, escaping his lips always seemed incredibly provocative. Jisung politely offered you his arm, and you gladly linked yours with his, content about the small touches you shared. «I was wondering why you and Felix seemed to be so close.» he wondered as the both of you slowly strolled through the extensive and blooming garden of your castle during a spring afternoon.
«Why, are you doubting my loyalty?» advertising your gaze from Jisung’s attractive features, you prevented an amused giggle from escaping your lips, «Can you keep a secret?» you felt Jisung’s eyes on you at your sudden whisper, «Felix was the first human I turned, long ago. I was barely over the new-born phase when I managed to save him from the grasp of death,» your eyebrows knitted in a momentarily sad expression at the bittersweet memory of that night, Felix’s pained screams sometimes haunting your nightmares even after all these years. «We were both thieves back then, when eventually, we were so thirsty that we sucked both a Duke’s and his wife’s blood, before stealing their titles, moving to the Capital and living their expensive lives.»
Jisung listened carefully while glancing at you every now and then. «Did you steal the former Queen’s life, too?» he wondered, and you laughed at his innocent question.
«I didn’t need to. I simply convinced the King to divorce and marry me instead.» you explained with a smug expression, opening your expensively decorate fan, a mere act of pretend, since you were immune at the temperature as much as Jisung was. «You’d be surprised about how a young girl could manipulate an old man; with the false promises of exchanging sexual favours for a title, he easily subdued. What a pity,» you cooed, not doing anything to change the unapologetic tone of your voice, «He couldn’t stay alive to see the sunset that evening.» even by a quick glance, you could feel the curiosity that Jisung’s eyes were showing, along with unspoken questions.
«Killing a vampire isn’t easy, I know,» you explained, your hand slightly tightening around Jisung’s firm arm, «This is why I've been poisoning him for months, thanks to Felix’s help. He died as soon as he touched the bed; the potion was created to have the same symptoms as a heart attack. I nominated Felix as my one and only Royal Counsellor, and I guess we simply grew even closer… I consider him as my little brother, and he sees me as his saviour.» you confessed, looking ahead of you with a sincere and content smile, «I believe Felix is the only one who gave me his love without asking for something in return.» 
Jisung attentively listened to your story, fascinated but also not completely surprised by your wit; even if no one knew the details of your ascent to the throne, everyone knew about the vampire Queen that managed to turn a small and helpless Kingdom into one of the largest and most important ones, all by herself. Therefore, the unexpected threaten to your Kingdom was, to others, a more than rich occasion to become even more powerful.
«I don’t understand why you shared such an important secret with me,» Jisung provoked you, leaning dangerously against your ear, «I could always tell someone else.» you stopped walking, a knowing smile adorning your lips as you stepped in front of him with a small graceful movement.
«You probably wouldn’t like to underestimate me, Han Jisung.» you ignored the crimson shadow flashing into his eyes, as you delicately closed your fan in order to hold on it with both hands behind your back, before taking another imperceptible step closer and pressing your chest against his. «I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty.» you whispered, and Jisung held your gaze; something you were definitely not used to. Beside Felix, everyone was scared of you to the point to advert their gaze immediately – some didn’t dare to look at you in the eyes in the first place, and the fact that Jisung’s mischievous and provocative gaze was burning into yours made something into your soul spark into a foreign sensation you haven’t felt in centuries.
Jisung was challenging you: not your authority as a Queen, but as a person. He loved to see how you reacted every time, to see you always on the verge of losing yourself to your instinct and desires but somehow, always managing to refrain yourself from doing so; Jisung wanted you and he hoped, deep inside, that someday you would forget about the etiquette.
With your chest pressed against his, you had the sensation that anyone could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife; it was obvious that you were attracted to each other, but he was an emissary from another Kingdom, while you were somehow being tested for your attitude and whether your Kingdom was a valid choice. Even if you wanted to abandon yourself to these new and definitely addictive feelings by easily closing the gap between your lips and let Jisung take you right there, behind a bush of roses in full bloom, you knew that your Kingdom was in danger, and so you needed Changbin’s help. Therefore, sleeping with his emissary wouldn’t have been a great move.
«Believe me, Your Majesty,» Jisung’s eyes shifted between your lips and your eyes, tentatively licking his lips as you felt his fingers sliding on your corset until they stopped at your hips, «Neither am I.» his hold was tight – not enough to hurt but enough to feel his fingertips firmly holding onto your waist; your breathing quickened, your corset accentuating the rise and fall of your chest. 
Jisung’s gaze alone almost made your knees weak, and the mere thought of how his touch would feel on your bare skin made all the long forgotten carnal desires immediately spark once again in a new and lively flame.
However, you were more than a young and naive girl and so, with a polite smile, you eventually detached yourself and the two of you went back on your peaceful afternoon walk. 
«You could always sneak him into your chambers, it’s not like you’ve never done it.» Felix commented as the two of you were sitting on your bed that same evening and you finished telling him about your somehow blooming feelings towards Jisung. «What was his name, again?» he added, looking at the ceiling while leaning back and propping his weight on his hands, «Seungmin? Well, you know who, the midnight snack.» Felix winked at you, and you threw a pillow at him.
«It’s a little bit different, this time,» you sighed, «He’s not the gardener, I literally have to marry his best friend.»
«I still don’t see the problem.» Felix shrugged, and you wished to be a little more like him.
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Eventually, the small conversation you had with Felix did wonders to your ego and therefore, a week later, Jisung was quietly walking next to you, your arms brushing against each other’s every now and then; even if you were probably too close despite the minimum distance your etiquette imposed, neither of you cared. Your destination was once again the garden, the protagonist of your early afternoon walks and in order to get there, you had to walk in front your private chambers doors.
As soon as you were almost in front of the familiar white and golden door, Jisung quickly backed you against the wall with a sudden move, taking advantage of the white marble pillar partially hiding your bodies from indiscreet eyes. Instinctively, you had grabbed onto his arm so that now, while your back was pressed flush against the wall, your right hand was gripping his bicep and your left hand was pressed against his chest. You were strong, and therefore you could easily push him away whether you didn’t want to be so close to him or weren’t completely sure about it; Jisung would have accepted your choice.
As your eyes shortly admired his delicate features, the hand on his chest travelled upwards, now resting on his shoulder and close to his nape; in return, Jisung was holding your waist once again, before slowly raising his right hand until he moved a wild strand of hair behind your ear.
Without a word being shared between the two of you, Jisung’s fingertips gently caressed your cheek; it was a soft, almost imperceptible touch and you were sure that if your eyes were closed, you wouldn’t have noticed it so easily. Despite his skin being cold, you somehow felt as if the path his fingertips were slowly tracing was burning, slowly setting your soul on fire with such an innocent movement. 
Jisung’s eyes kept boring into yours as his fingers went lower, caressing your jaw, your neck, until they eventually came to a stop on your collarbones, lowering just enough to hover above the line of the middle of your breasts, as much as your corset allowed him to.
Despite your desire and the fact that you were tempted to lower your gaze and follow the path of his fingertips, your gaze never faltered from his, finding the sight much more entertaining. Jisung’s eyes never showed you any trace of lie, and this time, you could see lust and desire slowly cloud his gaze, at the point where his eyes gradually turned from a warm brown to a deep and bright crimson red.
Neither of you dared to say anything, both too afraid to break the small bubble that had built itself around the two of you; Jisung’s face inched closer, to the point where his lips where hovering above yours and you could almost savour the taste of his lips.
The hold on his nape tightened, and you were about to close your eyes, certain that he would have closed the gap and finally satisfy your mutual desire when suddenly, Jisung took a step back, a smug expression on his face and his crimson eyes making him look even more attractive.
Jisung was provoking you once again, and you knew that it was his way to show you his intentions while hiding between his gestures the silent question of how far were you supposed to go. Rising an eyebrow, you scoffed, wondering if he would leave you hanging also during other more intimate situations, the desire to find out lighting up into your soul.
With a quick glance, you looked to your left and to your right to see of someone was in sight. Just to be sure, you repeated the action: once, twice, three times, until you took a step forward and pressed yourself against Jisung’s chest - which actually looked surprised for a moment, before quickly sliding his left hand on the side of your neck, almost as if he was waiting for you to initiate the kiss so that he could deepen it and pulling you closer.
«I’m not going another day without knowing what you feel like underneath me.» you mumbled, your voice breaking the silence and giving you the confirmation that it was real.
That afternoon, instead of going for a ride on the countryside with Jisung in order to enjoy the gentle spring afternoon breeze, you rode Jisung on your wide canopy bed, his nails sinking in your waist and his mouth firmly attached on an invisible and always different path from your lips, to your neck, to your breasts.
As cliché as it was, you and Jisung fit like puzzle pieces also in the bedroom, Jisung submitting naturally to your dominant behaviour and making you want to reward him in return, all because he was always so incredibly good for you that, for a moment, you wished you could marry him instead of Changbin.
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A month had gone by since the day you first made love, and you and Jisung didn’t bother to hide the development of your relationship; the fact that Jisung and Felix grew close as well made your heart swell.
There was a small plan building itself in your mind, a small possibility which would have let you keep both boys as close as you needed, and you hoped to have the King of the East’s benevolence; even if you knew that eventually, you wouldn’t give up so easily, you never did.
As days went by while you were diligently scheming, the moment where you were holding a Royal Council while both Changbin and Jisung were sitting in front of you eventually arrived.
«I was thinking that King Changbin should focus on getting the Queen of the South’s favour.» you suddenly spoke, «and maybe, ask for her hand in marriage.»
Everyone’s eyes were suddenly on you, while Felix simply rolled his eyes with an amused scoff; during the years, he got used to your dramatic behaviour to the point where he simply enjoyed the others’ reaction, since he already figured out what you were about to say.
Needless to say, everyone was pretty shocked by your sudden proposal; King Changbin was looking at you with his brow furrowed in confusion, even if he quickly put the pieces together as he briefly glanced at Jisung, looking at you with his eyes as wide as the moon.
«I was wondering about blessing your emissary with the pleasure if marrying me. He’d be Consort Prince, our territories will be united and we could still expand our reign; opportunity we’d immediately lose if me and Changbin got married.»
Somehow, your theory was incontrovertible, and Changbin agreed with an amused laugh - completely aware of the situation between you and Jisung, thanks to the fact that he often read about you in the latter’s report letters.
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For the first time in your life, you didn’t find revolting the thought of being married; probably, because Jisung was your husband. The wedding ceremony took place a week after Changbin arrived, so that the two of you could enjoy the innocent and surprised look Jisung had plastered on his face as he was nominated Consort Prince.
«I’ll leave him in good hands,» Changbin joked, about to walk back on the carriage ready to bring him back home.
«Yeah, about that,» Felix’s answer came before than yours, «come check on him once in a while.» he mouthed at the King while suggestively pointing at you with his index finger, action which made Changbin and Jisung laugh while you harshly grabbed Felix by his left ear.
«I didn’t hear that,» you laughed, trying to keep a serious expression, «care to repeat?»
As Felix was pretending to wince in pain, you felt a strange and pleasing sensation in your soul. During your existence, you and Felix had always relied on one another and somehow, it felt disorientating but also nice to know that you could count on someone else which seemed to love you just as much as you did.
Jisung easily rolled the two of you around on your now shared bed, his hard length pressed against your inner thigh; it was something you were used to, Jisung would roll you on your back so that you’d immediately roll over once again because you were the one in charge and Jisung has always made it clear that he was more than willing to submit to you.
However, this time, as your back met the soft mattress and your wrists were trapped in Jisung’s hold, you didn’t move, looking at him expectantly, waiting for his next move. Keeping his gaze, you tilted your head on your side, baring your neck in a silent sign of submission; this time - for the first time in your life, you were more than willing to let someone else take control, and you knew that it was a special exception you were willing to make only for Jisung. He did the same you as soon as your marriage was announced, baring his neck to you only for you to claim, willing to be yours for eternity.
Jisung’s lips immediately attached to your neck in order to kiss and lick at your unmarked skin, and as soon as his hands left your wrists in order to spread your legs a bit wider and lifting them higher around his waist, yours flew into his now messy blonde hair, tugging and pulling while trying to guide him wherever you wanted to feel his lips more.
«Not so fast,» he murmured, grazing his fangs along the skin of your left breast, «don’t forget who’s in control.» you suppressed a moan at his audacity, completely aware about the fact that due to the continuous teasing that Jisung’s neglected length did anytime he brushed against your folds, you were so wet that you eventually coated part of Jisung’s length.
Jisung’s fangs drew a pattern along from your left breast to your left hipbone and you were about to go crazy because of that sensation, wanting him to actually sink his fangs in your neck as soon as possible, marking you as his.
«Don’t forget I could just take control, once again.» you whined even if you didn’t really want to, while trying to lift your hips in order to get more friction. Jisung took his time to answer, gradually licking and kissing his way back to your mouth.
«You will not,» he simply smirked, his lips hovering above yours and his crimson eyes matching yours; he reached down, pressing the tip of his length against your folds and moving it with slow and teasing movements, spreading your wetness around even more. «You’re enjoying this way too much.» something in Jisung’s tone made you want to whisper him to ruin you, but you refrained from doing so, opting instead from closing your legs around his hips as he carefully pressed inside you only the tip of his length, making you instinctively clench. Jisung’s moans were addictive, and you wondered how loud and demanding he could get now that he was in charge.
«Can you do it, or do I still need to potty train you on how to pleasure me?» you teased, knowing what Jisung’s next move would have been and your breath was ragged and uneven due to anticipation.
«Watch your mouth,» Jisung’s hand covered your lips while a smug smirk was plastered on his face, «or you don’t get to come.» with that, he buried himself inside you with a deep and quick movement of his hips, and you closed your legs behind his waist as tight as you could, in bliss from the sudden stretch and from finally getting what you wanted.
Even if he was in charge, Jisung was still a gentleman and he patiently waited for you to adjust to the sudden stretch and therefore, allowing him to move while his head was buried in your neck – his fangs teasingly grazing at the skin, and when you did, you regretted the fact that you waited so much to let him take control in the first place.
Submissive Jisung was an intoxicating experience, he would be willing to do anything to please you while meticulously and obediently following your orders but you had to admit, dominant Jisung was just as mind blowing; he’d still do anything to please you but this time, following his own rules.
Just like that, you discovered a new and addictive side of Jisung: the one that liked to restlessly pound into you, bringing you close to your release and suddenly slow down his pace or stilling his hips while being buried deep inside you – enjoying the sensation of your wetness repeatedly clenching tight around his length and also, enjoying your reactions as you writhed underneath him, trying to move by yourself in order to finally come, movements which were always prevented from Jisung’s firm hold forcing you to keep still, everything while he praised you and ordered you to suck on his fingers or had his hand loosely wrapped around your throat.
«You look like a Goddess,» he praised, sucking at the skin of your neck as a particular harsh thrust made you choke on a breath you forgot to take.
As his thrusts increased speed, he tilted his head to the side, baring his neck in a silent question; the moment your fangs sinked into the side of Jisung’s neck, you came together, your bodies sweaty, your breath ragged, and matching content smiles. Jisung carefully rolled around - sliding out of you in the process, letting you finish feeding from him, whimpering in pleasure at the feeling of your tongue carefully lapping at the skin of his neck to clean it from any further trace of blood.
When few minutes later, you and Jisung were cuddling under the blankets, you mindlessly caressed his marked neck, and his arms tightened around you, affectionately kissing your forehead.
«I owe Changbin a lot.» you heard him sigh, content.
«I’m glad you know.» you smiled against his skin, and you chuckled together before eventually, falling asleep.
Both you and Jisung groaned to the sudden light that hit your bodies.
«Wake up, little fuckers,» you heard Felix’s deep voice say as the two of you brought the blanket on top of your head with a coordinated movement, in a useless attempt to prolong your sleep, «pun intended.» you heard him add, immediately followed by Jisung’s breathless and sleepy laugh.
«Lix, close the windows,» you groaned. «It’s snowing.»
Felix turned towards you, which now were sitting on the bed while rubbing the remaining traces of sleep from your eyes. «It stinks in there, you horny teenagers.»
«You’re just envious,» you heard Jisung joke, and you were glad that they got along so well to joke so much with each other.
«Come here, let’s cuddle.» you opened your arms towards Felix which immediately joined you while remaining on top of the covers, saying that he “didn’t want to be traumatized for the rest of his life, since it was still kinda long,”, comment which made both you and Jisung burst out laughing as you laid there, cuddling to the two people you loved the most.
Eventually, exactly 184 years after you got married, you let Jisung mark you, proof that you were now completely equal; Jisung didn’t belong to you anymore, you belonged to each other.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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stars-of-kyber · 15 days
You Used To Live in My Head (Now I Carry You In My Heart) - Chapter 7
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It's the Easter Holiday. Anthony is making plans, Edwina is amused, Mary is curious and Kate's ready to put to test the influence she holds over her 🐝s.
Happy T🐝T!
Let's have some Sharmas and the Easter Madness, shall we?
And as the weekly little gift for you ( @harnitbee is spoiling us all too much):
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flapajacker · 3 months
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It’s here! It’s finally here! Part one of chapter one of the royals au! Aaah!
Just wanna say thank it for all the support you’ve given me, this has been really ambitious, especially considering it’s only been my first year on tumblr. I hope you enjoy it as much as my hand is cramped
Transcript under cut cause my handwriting can get kinda small
Part Two Part three
Donnie: it all started when we were sparring. It was just Leo…
Leo: Ready?
Donnie: And I
Leo: Dad still set on making you king?
Donnie: Unfortunately, yes
Leo: That sucks. He’s preventing you from sparring. It’s not the same without you
Donnie: Thanks. I don’t mind the academics, but it’s just incredibly boring, putting it lightly
Leo: I see. Well, it’s better than losing to me
Donnie: Ha!
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otpcompendium · 2 years
A is the head of an underground rebel group who wants to overthrow the crown, and B is a particularly reformist prince who would also very much like to see their family overthrown, actually. B offers information and aid in A's goals, in exchange for one thing: power when it's all over.
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