denikatt · 5 years
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Saeyoung week 2019
I couldn’t make drawings for everyday of his week 😭😭😭😭 But at least here is a painted sketch, i love him so much!❤️
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elvendara · 5 years
Saeyoung Week 2019 Day 6
Day 6: MC for @saeyoungweek ugh, a day late and so short, but, I think this is a good beginning =D
“Who are you?” Seven opened his door to reveal a brunette woman with large honey brown eyes behind black rimmed glasses. She was only a few inches shorter than him, her tailored blue suit was well fitted and looked immaculate.
“Agent 707, you may refer to me as MC.” The woman walked past him into his bunker as if she owned it or was it him she owned. “Hmm…” she ran her finger along the side table in the entry way and sighed heavily as she reached the kitchen on the left and the living room on the right. “I see the problem.”
“Wait, you didn’t answer me, who are you?” Seven closed the door and followed the woman down the hall. Suddenly, he was cognizant of what a pig sty his place looked like. A pair of his pants was tossed on the floor in the living room and fast food bags were strewn around the place along with Honey Buddha Chips and PhD Pepper cans. The look on her face was one of distaste. He tried to ignore it, what did he care what this woman thought of his lifestyle?
“Apparently you don’t listen either. I told you to call me MC.”
“Sure, but that doesn’t tell me who you are and what you’re doing in my house.” He pushed his horn-rimmed glasses up his nose and tried to sweep the fringe of his red hair away from his eyes but was so unsuccessful he simply gave up.
“Where is your workstation?” she scanned the room and eyed the hallway that led further into the home.
Seven straightened his shoulders and crossed his arms. “I think you should leave.” It was a bluff on Seven’s part, her knowing who he was meant she was sent here be the agency for some reason. He should be scared, but he was more annoyed than anything. Whoever she was, whatever reason she was here, he didn’t want her.
“Fine.” She sighed and turned to him, looking him in the eyes. “I’m to be your new handler.” She pulled her glasses off and tucked them between her breasts. Seven’s amber eyes traveled from her face to her chest, following the movement. He blinked several times attempting to understand what he was hearing.
“Wait, wh…bu…Mary?” he stuttered.
MC rolled her eyes, “And that is one of the reason’s you’re getting a new handler. Agent Vanderwood has been too lenient on you and you have been producing less and less in the last year. Now, where is your workstation?” she insisted.
“You’re punishing Vanderwood because of me?”
“You assume the agent wished to stay, trust me, they were ecstatic to be given a new assignment.” The woman smirked at it irritated Seven. Who did she think she was? She didn’t know him. Vanderwood didn’t even know him, but Vanderwood was a known entity and he’d figured out where the boundaries were. This was a brand new landscape he would have to learn.
“MC is it? What does that stand for?” he attempted to be charming, giving her his best bad boy lopsided grin.
“Your clearance isn’t high enough to know that.”
“Is that so?”
“Agent 707…” she began.
“Just Seven, if you don’t mind.”
“Fine, Seven. This little cat and mouse game that you’re trying to play will not work with me. You might have drawn agent Vanderwood into your game, but I can assure you, that is a dead end where I am concerned. Now, don’t make me ask you again.” She arched her eyebrow and her fingers began to tense.
“Very well, follow me MC.” He led the way to the room he did his work in, if she wanted a tour, he’d give her one. Let her get to know him, with all his faults. It wouldn’t take long for her to be begging for Vanderwood to come back. He grinned, feeling the gaze of his new handler on the back of his head. This could be fun.
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kazumi404 · 5 years
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Day 1: secrets
A picture taken by Vanderwood showing a big secret :)
a doodle for @saeyoungweek​ \o/
I hope I can make something better in next days ~
I can finally participate after many failed attempts \o/
(More Mysmes posts here) 
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nanoyaro · 6 years
Saeyoung Week 2018
Prompt #1: Childhood
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Prompt #2: After End
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Prompt #3: Identity
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Prompt #4: Cars
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Prompt #5: Reconciliation
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Prompt #6: Agency
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Prompt #7: Cats
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For belated @saeyoungweek.
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kkas-art · 6 years
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@saeyoungweek 1st Day:  Family // Childhood
RFA 2.0 family dinner with lots of laughter and bickering~  
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themagicgoatishere · 5 years
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I really want to partecipate to the Saeyoung week, but I still have a lot of drawings to do. So you might see just some sketches (like these were day 1 and 2)
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leiram-art · 6 years
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PROMT: RESET THEORY @saeyoungweek day 3
Late entry for day 3... This is super long... sorry! I also wanted to color it, but it’s too much and I didn’t have enough time lol... maybe in the future??... lol Please let me know if I have a mistake with my English so I can fix it... lol
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aehruh · 6 years
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Saeyoung Week Day 2: After/true end | Space station
Sorry for the loooong post! ^^; ( I kinda like the “webtoon format” for comics;;; but I’m still learning about it hehe) I tried to use the two prompts of today.
This story is based on a song in spanish called "Espacio sideral" (outer space) by Jessy & Joy. Whenever I hear it I think about Saeyoung <3 hahahah ^^ you can hear the song (in spanish) here if you want! :D @saeyoungweek *Please do not repost without permission and credits. Thank you! <3
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shiroponx · 6 years
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Saeyoung Week
Day 7(07): cats | honey buddha chips
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silviacomic2007 · 6 years
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5th Day (July 13th ): Warm hug.
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zetina · 6 years
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- @saeyoungweek - ⮡ day 6 - crossdressing
Isn’t 707 beautiful???
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denikatt · 6 years
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Saeyoung week, third day: Reset theory / Identity
Let's continue! I chose the "Reset theory" for the day 3 hehe
This theory makes me feel so sad, Saeyoung deserves the bestt;💔
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elvendara · 5 years
Saeyoung Week 2019 Day 4
Day 4: Nostalgia for @saeyoungweek Posting a little late and this was written on the fly so I hope the feeling I was going for comes across.
“Surprise!” they yelled as Saeyoung walked into the room. His amber eyes flared in disbelief. How had they pulled off a surprise like this? The RFA stood in the small room, smiles of triumph on their faces. Saeran smirked as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed, mint green eyes alive with satisfaction.
The simple banner above the large bay window read HAPPY BIRTHDAY with silver and black balloons in the background.
“But, it’s not my birthday.” He was bewildered.
“I know, it was the only way we could think of not to have you ruin the surprise.” MC informed him. “We only communicated face to face so you wouldn’t find out.” She slid her arm around Saeyoung’s and pulled him towards the refreshment table. They had all his favorites, including a punch bowl full of PhD Pepper. The cake was Jumin’s contribution, commissioning a popular baker to make an Elizabeth the 3rd replica with buttercream frosting. He looked quite pleased with himself.
“This is amazing!” Saeyoung took it all in as his friends, no, his family surrounded him and gave him gifts. He was overwhelmed with emotions and was having a difficult time maintaining any sort of decorum. He settled at one of the tables as MC brought him food and a drink. They knew to give him space and time to realign himself. One by one they sat around him, each with a gift in hand but waited for him to let them know he was ready for more interaction. They didn’t crowd him, nor did their body language indicate anything else than utter ease and comfort in the situation. Saeyoung was grateful for each and every one.
He nodded to MC which signaled that it was time to present him with his gifts. Each was unique and showed they had taken time and thought about him into consideration, he especially enjoyed the Cat Care for Idiots book Jumin had given him.
“This one’s from me and MC. And don’t expect another gift on our actual birthday, this is it.” Saeran huffed, handing over the brightly wrapped box. Saeyoung beamed at his brother as he tore through the paper. MC bounced on her seat, her hands clasped in front of her, anxiously. He revealed a cardboard box and pulled off the lid. Inside there was a photo book. The cover was red but there was no photo in the pocket dead center of the square. Pulling it out he set the box at his side and the book on the table.
His eyes became misty as he viewed the first page, then his eyes were drowning in tears as they freely fell, leaving tracks down his cheeks. Page after page was another moment in time that he thought he would never want to remember.
“I see you look at those books so often Saeyoung, I thought it would be a good idea to get them copied so you can look at them as much as you want without ruining the originals. I noticed how some of the ink and pencil is being rubbed off.” “And she asked me if I would add to it. I thought it was stupid, but…” Saeran added.
Saeyoung gasped as he turned the last few pages. The doodles and childish drawings gave way to professional quality art. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine the notebooks he’d saved from their childhood, the little bit of Saeran he had saved and hidden from everyone during the years he’d given the agency, would have become one of his greatest treasures. Their lives had been so difficult, and these moments had been some of the happiest he’d ever had. Seeing the smile on his brother’s face, the pride at his accomplishment, and seeing how incredible his skill had become was worth more than all the money he could ever obtain.
Some days he missed those times. He knew he was seeing it with rose colored glasses, but he and his brother had never been closer than then. Him leaving had created a chasm that was difficult to traverse, and Rika had wedged them even further apart. It was a slow process, but he was hopeful they could regain that ease and comfort with each other again. This gift proved that Saeran was willing to meet him halfway and was eager to regain their closeness as well.
“Thank you.” He croaked out in a ragged whisper. It was all he could manage as he was engulfed in loving arms.
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sukranii · 5 years
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Saeyoung Week - Day 1: Secret
I’m honestly always late to the party for these things. I doubt I’ll get em all by the 18th but it’s still inspiring and fun~ @saeyoungweek 
This took longer than intended so excuse me--it’s my bedtime now.
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ashleymeowtese · 6 years
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@saeyoungweek Day 1 - Family or Childhood 
“We’re going on a trip, in our favorite rocket ship…” 
These two had a happy childhood and you can rip that dream from my cold, dead hands!! 
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monkeyhazard · 6 years
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Saeyoung week | Day 6 July 14th: Crossdressing /or/ agency
On a quest to find all the 707 pokemons 
Gotta catch em all ᕙ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) ᕗ
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