#saw someone else making this offer on their blog and I think it's a lovely idea
Tomorrow, the Night Market will be doing something a little different. It's Halloween in the Northern Hemisphere on the planet where our errand girl resides. As such, Nxctuary will be opening the inbox until the sun sets, and anyone leaving a note in the Ask box with the words, "Trick or Treat," will receive a token of the Wishmonger's appreciation.
Please advise that all subjects pertaining to the Opress brothers, Nightbrother culture, Dathomir, Star Wars horror, terato/exo, and erotic horror are on the menu for the day, and what you receive is at the Wishmonger's discretion.
Blessings of the Twins upon you,
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hiii how are you?I love your blog,can i please request Leo x fem!reader where she is a daughter of Demeter(no one writes for my mother😭)and she gives him flowers?Like it’s the first time that someone gives him flowers and he so in love with reader?Thank you so much and have a great day🌸🌸🌸 ❞ — anon
in which honeysuckles, orange blossoms and white carnations barely scratch the surface of your love for leo
pairing leo valdez x demeter!reader
warnings none:)
an the demeter cabin has their own personal garden in this. they have one in any of my fics mentioning actually just because i said so LOL also i lowkey hate this idk why sorry in advance
Ever since you were young, you’ve loved the transition between April and May. Days spent indoors as you yearned for a moment in your mother’s domain, the heavy rain reflecting your mood and dampening your spirits, turned into ones where you’d devote your time to harvesting crops and admiring the beautiful flowers, carefully snipping them as different combinations for bouquets flooded your mind
You should be happy right now, since it’s the first week of May. Flowers have begun to bloom and blossom all around you, and your siblings organised a spring festival in celebration. You love everything about spring. However, there was someone you loved more
You and Leo only started dating a few months ago, after about a year of pining, and at first your relationship couldn’t be better. Leo’s so, very sweet and incredibly doting, always checking on you and making gadgets to help with your gardening before you even thought about needing them. However, recently, you couldn’t help but notice how you saw him less and less
In the beginning, he just wouldn’t show up for breakfast, or show up late on the days he did grace you with his presence, and you didn’t think much of it, knowing how busy he tended to get with his machinery. As time progressed, he started skipping dinner too, and capture the flag, and then you stopped seeing him altogether
You thought leaving him alone would fix it - not wanting to come off as overbearing - but now you began to wonder about what this meant for your relationship. Was he doing it on purpose so he could see you less? Had you done something wrong to make him feel this way? Sure, you teased him from time to time, but that was very minimal, and you always made sure he was aware you didn’t mean any harm
Whatever you did, you wanted to set things right. So, in the first week of May, instead of preparing for the spring festival with your brothers and sisters, you made Leo a gift. You weren’t going to force him to forgive you, of course, but the idea of hurting him was really weighing on your heart so you decided to show him you loved him in the best way you knew: flowers. You walked around the gardens outside your cabin, delicately picking out the flowers you were going to put in your bouquet for Leo. Once you’d done that, you picked some fresh fruits for him, hoping he was sustaining himself well
You waded through the forest with a basket of fruits in one hand and a bouquet wrapped with the best tulle and ribbons your cabin could offer in the other. Your heart was just about ready to beat out of your chest, partially due to excitement, partially due to worry
Once you got to Leo’s humble abode (because we all know this boy probs sleeps there more than he sleeps in his cabin don’t play w me rn), you took a deep breath, then knocked on the door
“Come in!” Leo yelled. Carefully, you opened the door and made your way inside, your nose scrunching at the smell of gasoline and Gods know what else. Leo’s back was facing you, but just seeing the mop of curls on his head made your heart flutter. You really missed your boyfriend
“Hey Leo,” you greeted him, absentmindedly playing with the vines that were beginning to grow out of your head - a sign of your nervousness. At the sound of your voice, Leo smiled and decided to finally take a break from all the tinkering he was doing. The vines that tangled with your hair slowly began to disappear as you took in his expression
He patted his lap, and you went to sit there without any hesitation, your body desperately craving his touch. Leo nuzzled into the crook of your neck, taking in the smell of fresh flowers that clung to you, “missed you, amor,” he mumbled, suddenly feeling awfully sleepy. You ran your fingers through his curls, detangling them as you wallowed in the silence that hung between you
“I missed you too,” you said after a little bit, unable to stay quiet anymore, “I’m glad you’re not mad at me.”
At the last bit, Leo looked up, his brows knitted together in clear confusion, “why would I be mad at you? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
The vines started growing again, “well… I rarely ever see you anymore, you’re always here. I thought maybe you did that on purpose because you didn’t wanna see me,” instantly, Leo knew he messed up. He was so busy spending time with his machines that he forgot about you - his lovely, sweet forest fairy
Tenderly rubbing your arm, Leo said, “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, baby. I could never be mad at you, really! You could blow up this whole place and I still wouldn’t be mad,” he got quiet around the end, distractedly fiddling with your fingers
You pulled your hands away from his and cradled his face, taking his appearance in. He was still your Leo, but you could tell he was exhausted. Bags hung under his sleepy eyes, making you want nothing more than to take him to bed, to tell him that it’s okay to take a break and that no one was going to get upset at him if he took a second to think about himself
At that moment, with your palms on his face and your soul in his heart, you remembered the gift you’d prepared for him, which you’d left on a nearby table earlier. Hopping off of Leo’s lap (and startling him in the process), you picked up the bouquet and basket and presented them to him
“I got you these! Fresh from our gardens,” maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t seen you in a while, or the fact that your shy smile seemed to be blinding him, or the fact that no one had ever thought of getting him a bouquet of flowers before, but as Leo took your presents in, he felt tears prick his eyes 
You, being the observant, kind-hearted girl you are, noticed this, “hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, making your way over to him and handing him his gift, which he gratefully accepted and took a second to admire as he blinked his tears away. Leo has always been in love with you, but at that moment, his heart was about to burst with it all. He couldn’t believe he willingly cooped himself up in bunker nine, knowing full well who awaited him outside of it - his daylight
“Nothing’s wrong, amor, I just really really missed you, and I don’t think anyone’s ever even thought of getting me a pretty bouquet of flowers, let alone gone through with it,” at this, you felt your heart break. You knew of the struggles Leo went through, having been a shoulder for him to lean on when he thought he was stuck being an extra wheel forever: always the best man, never the groom, but hearing him voice these thoughts made it even worse
“Well… you deserve them. You're the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for, Leo, don’t doubt that for a single second,” you said, an unwavering confidence in your voice
After that day, Leo always kept a flower in bunker nine, right in front of where he worked, so you’d always be with him. He also invested in a clock so he’d actually be able to tell when one day ended and the other began, never wanting to leave you by your lonesome again
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teardrop-scales · 3 months
Macaque x Reader headcannons 🌙🎭
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A.N: Okay, I'm not dead, hooray! I just lost motivation for LMK. This is just an exception because my bestie really loves Macaque, so this is my gift for her; PLEASE NOTE THAT REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED. Also, my bestie is the author of the art (@kiss-my-ass-2137 - that's her blog btw). One more thing: please beware that my Macaque may be ooc as hell. Also note that the reader is based on my bestie, so this is quite specific and may not be everyone's cup of tea. Not proofread.
I can see him calling you 'plum', 'babe', 'gem' or 'sweetheart' often. However, contrary to Wukong, he also quite often calls you by your name. To him your name sounds pretty and he likes using it just as much as he likes nicknaming you.
He adores how social and outgoing you are. Sometimes Macaque just can't understand how you manage to get along with practically everybody, but that is one of the traits that made him fall in love with you.
He makes sure that you always have VIP seats and access to each of his shadow plays.
Like Wukong, Macaque is also a flirt, but he's a lot more suave and suggestive than Monkey King.
He tries not to get jealous each time you give someone else your attention and have fun with someone else. However Macaque is a pretty jealous person, so most likely he will just stand brooding in the corner, maybe sometimes let a small smile of adoration at seeing you socialize so easily.
But thanks to that, Macaque always feels like the most special person on the planet each time you give him your undivided attention.
By the way, congrats for making this man fall for you. He has a lot of trust issues and is usually pretty closed off underneath that flirty and sassy exterior. So making Macaque fall in love with you is by no means an easy task.
You have to be patient with him; give him some time to open up and try not to rush him. It may take some for him until he becomes comfortable enough to do all the lovey-dovey things that couples do, especially with touch. But he's trying, I promise you.
He may not look like he is, but he is attentive and caring.
He wants to know everything about your interests and hobbies, no matter what they are. Macaque wants to know all about the things that make you happy.
You have a favorite movie or cartoon or whatever? Great, he'll watch it.
You play games or video games? Well, I don't really see him as a big fan of that, but... He once saw you play Genshin Impact. You mentioned that game to Macaque a few times before, but this was the first time he'd seed you actually play it. The graphics and designs of the characters mesmerized him + he knew you loved it so he decided to give it a try.
You helped him a bit in the early stages, but surprisingly or not, Macaque got the hang of it pretty quickly. Like a natural.
He loves this game (I think both Wukong and Macaque would love genshin, but for different reasons probaly). Especially lore, character's stories and the plot. Don't get him wrong, the fights are cool, but Mac is a theatre kid. Of course he's going to focus on and like the plot more, especially since genshin is quite well thought out and interesting in that aspect.
Macaque will also gladly watch all your favorite shows and movies with you. He loves how passionate you are about them.
He likes going out for dates, but because of his sensitive hearing, he prefers more quiet places, or dates around nature or something like this.
He will roll his eyes if you throw any suggestive jokes at him, sometimes if he's in a good mood he may retort with one of his own. That also applies to normal jokes and general banter.
Macaque will also immediately offer to deal with any person who wrongs you or makes you upset. But knowing Macaque, that wouldn't end well, so please stop him from that. Tell him that you appreciate it but don't let him find that person.
What's that? You ride on horses? Well, consider him impressed a bit. He won't try it himself no matter how hard you try to convince him, but as long as there's not many people around and he's free at the time, he'll watch you do it. He may even use his shadow portals to save you from falling off a horse; he'll create a portal to shorten your landing.
Also, he'll often use his powers to suddenly appear beside you without warning. He likes to sneak up behind you and say 'boo' or something like that. He'll chuckle if he manages to surprise you.
But he won't use his shadow portals to teleport you to him without warning you first or your permission. He actually respects you and knows that you may be doing something important and that you have other matters to attend to.
Like I've mentioned, he has sensitive hearing. And while he can control that so he doesn't suffocate as much in daily life, he'll be grateful and will appreciate it if you watch the tone and volume of your voice when around him. He'll say it's not necessary, but on the inside he'll love you forever for being so considerate.
May not be a big fan of cuddling at first. He'll allow it but he'll be very stiff at first and only over time Macaque will get used to it and will start to enjoy cuddling with you.
He knows what kind of effect his voice has on you. And he'll use that knowledge to his advantage, often teasing you by speaking right into your ear with a low, almost husky tone or chuckling smoothly right by your ear.
Like I said before, this man probably has severe trust and abandonment issues. But that will only make him even more dedicated to you. He wouldn't want you to feel like he used to feel deep inside before he met you.
Overall, I think Macaque would be a very good and dedicated boyfriend if you give him time and show him that he can trust you.
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soundlessdreamss · 4 months
Hihihihi! Welcome to my blog and of course I can write this. I am familiar with his character so I’ll do the best of my abilities to make sure it fits him! Also request are open!
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( Ignore the cat, I had no idea what else to put lol :3 )
you were wandering around without any real intentions. You already lost the three most important people you trust, no you didn’t lose them. They betrayed you after you gave them YOUR trust.
as you were in your own mind thinking about all that’s happened a poster flies into your face and you decide to take it off and see what it even is. The poster read “want to be redeemed for a chance to live in heaven! Well come and visit the hasbin hotel!!” It had a photo of the hotel and a smiley face on it. You were bored out of your mind especially with all these dumb sinners, you decided why not go there then? It’s not like anyone remembered who you were before anyways.
after you flew to the hotel with your elemental skill…
It didn’t take you too long to get to the hotel, it was quite easy to see as it was big and bright. And also out in the open. You prepared yourself as you went to knock on the door but paused. What if they broke your trust like how your old friends broke it? What if you make a bad impression? What if you manage to screw everything up once you actually become friends with them?
you couldn’t let that stop you though, you made sure no one old remembers you after you completely changed your identity for the better. Sometimes it’s best to let go of the past. You knocked on the door and waited for someone.
as you waited suddenly the door burst open and a blonde haired girl appeared with a greyish/white haired girl behind her. The blonde one quickly introduced herself as Charlie and the one behind her introduced herself as Vaggie. Charlie seemed overjoyed that someone actually came to the hotel.
once you entered you noticed there was also a spider looking person, a literal human sized snake, a cat, and a small maid the size of a child. But one of the people you saw there caught your eye, he was wearing a red suit and his hair kinda looked like it had ears. You found out from Charlie that his name was Alastor.
He walked over to you and inspected your look. He found you quite intriguing compared to the other females he met in his life, and his hell life. Like the gentleman he is he grabbed your hand and gave a small kiss to it. He politely introduced himself even though Charlie already did but you didn’t mind. You decided to also introduce yourself to him.
as you were walking to your hotel room, Alastor decided to accompany you on the way there even though it wasn’t a long walk. He just wanted to help you get settled in. You guys both realized you had way more in common than you thought, not being able to trust people enough, mother issues, (😭) and also loving to give people a taste of their own medicine.
as you got to your room he offered to get you some food or tea if you’d like. You decided that tea wouldn’t be that bad as it was quite nice to drink tea during the afternoon. He made both of you guys a tea and walked you to the balcony where he opened the door for you to enter first, pulled the chair out for you, and poured you some tea. It was really kind of him even though you barley knew eachother yet.
the afternoon went by so fast as the two of you chatted about your own interests and what you liked. Before you knew it, the night had already settled in and you got a bit sleepy. You both decided that it would be time to rest and you both said your goodbyes. Maybe it would be just fine at this hotel with him around.
two months later…
you and alastor became inseparable after two months together. Like two peas in a pod, you guys were so alike and did so much fun things together! There was a secret you were hiding from him though, the fact that you were starting to grow a crush on him. (Not to worry as he was also growing a crush and attachment to you.)
it got so obvious to the other staff members of the hotel that you guys liked eachother that they started making bets on who would confess first. But they also realized how you were mainly comfortable around Alastor and trusted him the most. Which was rare for you because you didn’t wanna trust anyone anymore but he made it so hard not to trust him.
Alastor decided to be the one to make the first move because if he didn’t then you guys would’ve just stayed quiet about your feelings. You were afraid of him rejecting you and then being left alone. Again.
he offered to take you out to dinner tonight and you happily accepted. You decided to wear a dark blue dress with a sliver necklace. It felt really pretty on you. Alastor decided to just teleport you to the restaurant he made a reservation at and you guys both made your way to the table.
he of course, pulled the chair out for you to sit on before he even sat down. “sooo, what would you like to order dear?” The sudden pet name caught you off guard but he kinda spoke like that to every female so you kept your cool. “I think I’ll just have [whatever your favorite food is reader!].”
Alastor nodded and he placed your orders. In the mean time you both chatted and he started becoming a bit more touchy than usual, like if you put your arm on the table he would slowly brush his hand against it. You know the usual trying to hit on a girl movements.
after a couple minutes both of you're food came and you decided to eat. It was silent as you guys were both eating but after you were done you guys decided to stay there for a bit before leaving. Alastor grabbed your hand as you guys left and pulled you close.
“listen I know this place that I think you’ll love, just close your eyes and trust me alright? He spoke out, this got you all curious now but you just nodded as he covered your eyes and led you there.
after a couple minutes of walking he then took his hands off your eyes and you didn’t realize how close he was. But also the scenery of where he took you was beautiful for hell, it felt like it has romantic vibes in the air. He then took both of your hands and looked you deep in your eyes.
“I have been dying to tell you something dear. Please let me speak for just a couple of minutes because I simply cannot wait anymore.”
you felt your heart racing and you nodded as you waited for him to speak.
“I never thought I could find love in any way shape or form, but when you appeared you suddenly made me feel something. Like a spark was ignited in my heart. I don’t know why you make me feel this way but it’s an amazing feeling. Please dear, tell me if you feel the same.”
was he implying that he loved you? Yeah he was, he just didn’t know how to explain it because this was the first time he genuinely felt it in his heart. It took you a couple of seconds to process what he said and your face turned red from you blushing. (Very logical for your face to turn red when you blush, yes.)
you wanted to give him a kiss right then and there but you’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time and you wanted to make it special.
“Alastor I feel the same way. I felt as if everyone left me and broke my trust so many times, but you never did. I know we only met a while ago but you set a spark in my heart that I didn’t know I still had.”
you and him were overjoyed that you both felt the same way about eachother. He then moved his hands so they cupped your face and brought you into a kiss. It didn’t last long but it felt good. Suddenly you heard rustling in the bushes behind you guys. And you saw six heads pop out. Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dust, Husk, Sir pentious, and Nifty.
“I TOLD YOU ALASTOR WOULD BE THE ONE TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!” Angel dust shouted and then the other five took out money and handed it over to him. They were seriously spying and betting on you two. It made you feel heavily embarrassed though. But in the end you got what you wanted so you ignored the embarrassment and just focused on the spark your heart felt right now.
Note: hiiiii again! Thanks for reading all of this if you made it this far. I tried my best with the Scaramouche reader but it was lowkey hard. I hope you enjoyed though!
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coffeejellou · 16 days
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter two
•Previous part•
If you are homophobic dni with my series or blog!!!
What to expect: Crack/Comedy, Fluff, angst?, SLIGHT NSFW, Yumehara having a crush on Y/n, Y/n getting jealous
Things to know: "Saiki speaking telepathically to people/one person"
"Saiki speaking w/ his mouth"
Everyone thinking
(Sometimes) Narrator speaking
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In high school love is always in the air, which is something Saiki considers entirely pointless. You knew this, hence was one of the reasons why you had no intention of confessing your feelings to him.
You knew he wasn't into romance at all, so why bother him and cross his boundaries? It just wasn't worth risking your friendship over. Though there was a huge part of you that was shoved deep into your head.
That part was you that just wanted to tell him already, a part that had been bottled up for 5 years already.
You sighed heavily as you entered the classroom with a box of juice in your hand. You took a deep breath, in and out, clearing your head of any thoughts of Saiki, in case he would hear.
As you walked towards your desk, you saw one of your classmates, staring intently at Saiki. Chio Yumehara. She was blushing and had a lovesick smile on her face.
You have got to be kidding me...
Your jaw dropped slightly and your hand bawled up into a fist, breaking the box of juice you had, and making it spill everywhere.
"Crap..!" You whispered to yourself, luckily no one noticed, well except Saiki and Kaidou. "Hey, Y/n, what's wrong? You seem upset." You saw Kaidou offer his handkerchief to you and you smiled, taking it.
"Hey...I'm fine don't worry! I'm just a little tired.." You muttered as you began to clean up the mess on the floor. "I see, fighting all night were you?" You chuckled and nodded. "That's right, thanks for the handkerchief again! I'll make sure to wash it and bring it back tomorrow."
"Well if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Okay?" Your eyes widened slightly, it was rare to hear Kaidou speak without any chunibuyo. But it was always nice.
He walked off while waving goodbye and you headed to your desk, which was right behind Saiki's. You saw him thinking hard about something, and so was Yumehara.
You figured she was trying to probably get closer to Saiki, seeing as you took a peek at her notebook, which had a picture drawn of Saiki. That confirmed your suspicions, she did in fact, like Saiki.
You looked down at your desk before plopping your head down onto it and closing your eyes. You really didn't have enough energy to deal with this.
"Hey wake up. I need your help." You looked up to see Saiki, who was towering over you. "What..?" You asked with a groggy voice. Saiki rarely asked for help, ever. But you figured it was probably something important.
"What do I do again?" You asked Saiki. He had led you to a random hallway, without giving you any information. "Just walk over there and turn the corner."
You sighed and started to walk, Why does he even want me to do this? What's happening..? As you reached the corner you bumped into something or someone. "Ow..!" You fell to the ground and saw papers flying everywhere.
"Oof..!" You heard someone say, looked up only to see Yumehara, who was rubbing her head in pain. "Oh my gosh! Yumehara! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Yumehara gazed up at you and her face fell in disbelief.
Why does she look like she's disappointed...? You thought before handing her all the papers you had picked up. "Thank you..and don't worry about it, that was my fault.." She muttered before getting up and walking away.
Saiki suddenly appeared from nowhere, "Saiki..what the hell was that about?" You glared up at him, getting up and crossing your arms.
"You know already, don't you?" You scrunched up your face in confusion. "What do you mean?" But then it hit you and you could feel your face heat up. The moment in the classroom when you were jealous of someone else having a crush on Saiki.
"Pfft...that..I dunno what..I was just..-"
"C'mon, we don't have much time.." He took your arm and dragged you back into the classroom, leaving you completely dazed and still a red mess.
"Oh God..she's gonna hate me for this..! You owe me big time!" You huffed out to Saiki, "I'll get you whatever you want, alright? I'm sure she'll find someone else to like soon enough."
You groaned before you saw Yumehara enter the classroom. You quickly ran away from Saiki as she walked in front of him, dropping her handkerchief in the process.
"Oh my goodness, that's really bizarre-" Before she could finish you interrupted her. "Oh Yumehara! You dropped this, here you go!" You picked the pink handkerchief off the ground and handed it to her with a smile.
You saw her glare slightly but she was also trying to keep a smile, "T-T-Thanks..." She grumbled before taking it from your hands and walking off in a pout.
Then, it was your turn to glare, but at Saiki, who looked away. Leaving you muttering angrily to yourself.
I mean I can't lie..even if I'm kinda mad at him at least doing this will probably have her not like him anymore..which is..good.. I guess.
You thought before sitting down at your seat, though it seems you forgot yet again that a certain psychic was just a couple of feet in front of you...
Undeterred, Chio continued on her mission to engage Saiki, however, every one of her plans failed thanks to you, without anyone telling you to do so. Since Saiki only asked you one more time to fail her plans and the rest you accidentally did on your own.
It's raining hard.. good thing I brought my umbrella, or else I'd be soaked. You chuckled to yourself as you put your school shoes away back into your locker and grabbed your umbrella.
You walked out the front doors of the school, only to see Yumehara, standing there on her own. You didn't think twice before going up to her.
"Yumehara! What's wrong? Are you waiting for someone?" You asked, she turned around with a small, "Huh?" Before replying properly.
"O-Oh! N-No..I forgot my umbrella and I think I'm just going to wait for the rain to die down a bit before running to my house quickly.." She smiled sheepishly at you before frowning.
"Here." You handed her your umbrella and her eyes went wide for a second, but then turned into a mess. "W-What! No way! I could never do that to you! I'll be fine I sw-" You interrupted her by taking her hand and placing the umbrella in it.
You put your school bag over your head and ran into the rain before looking back and smiling at her. "Don't worry about it! A pretty girl like you shouldn't be running home in the rain!"
She saw you run off before she held her chest, her face was pink and she had a shocked look on her face.
No one has ever done this for me before...let alone someone as nice as her..and I've never felt like his before! Especially not towards any boys! Heck, even girls......I think I just found my soulmate!!!
Saiki's face dropped, in pure shock as he stood on top of the school. He was going to use his powers to make the rain stop, so Yumehara wouldn't try to share his umbrella with her. But you came along and made her fall in love with you instead.
He was not expecting that...
The rain stopped as you were running and you came to a halt, catching your breath as you did. "Dammit..I'm definitely going to get a cold tomorrow...!"
You then felt a warm hand on your shoulder and you were suddenly in your room. "W-What the..?!"
"Calm down, it's just me." A familiar voice said behind you. Stepping back, you looked to see the pink-haired boy himself. "First off, why were you following me, second of all, why did you telepor-" You interrupted yourself by sneezing loudly and sniffling, wiping boogers off your nose with your sleeve.
"That's why, you're going to get sick if you don't shower right now."
"Oh, who made you the boss of me, huh? I can shower when I wa-" Again you were interrupted but this time by Saiki teleporting you to your bathroom. "Good grief..stop your whining and just shower."
He closed the door behind him, leaving you in your bathroom. You groaned but listened anyway and started undressing.
Meanwhile, Saiki was in your living room, debating on telling you about Yumehara's feelings towards you. He feels it's important to tell you but then again, this was something Yumehara probably didn't want you to know.
In the end, he sighed and decided it was best if you didn't know, or to let Yumehara tell you herself...
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You were in your room, petting your cat and scrolling mindlessly on your phone when it started to buzz. You saw Saiki calling you, it was a very rare occurrence when he did because you actually got to hear his voice and he couldn't read your thoughts most times.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't sit up immediately and start to fumble with your phone as if you were playing hot potato. Your heart was starting to beat faster and your hands were starting to sweat too.
But, a deep breath in and a deep breath out helped a little before you answered the phone, "H-Hey Saiki..whatcha need..?" You answered timidly.
"I know I've been asking you for a lot of favors but this will be the last one in a while.."
For a while you didn't respond, shocked to hear how much Saiki's voice changed over the years. The last time you heard him actually talk was in middle school. And then he decided it was best to just not talk with his voice at all, using telepathy to talk to everyone now.
You slipped out of your trance after your cat meowed to you, calling your attention back. "H-Huh? O-Oh um sure whatever you need I don't mind doing favors for you y'know? It doesn't bother me-"
"Well it bothers me, anyway look, Nendou asked me, well no, my mom forced me to go to the beach with him, and I don't want to stay with just him and Kaidou."
"Right, and you want me to come along with you? Sure, I don't have anything planned. But I'm kind of surprised, aren't I just another nuisance, as you'd put it?" There was teasing behind your tone, and you chuckled slightly.
But despite your laughing, you couldn't stop thinking about his damn voice. How deep it has gotten, it was so much different from what you usually hear.
Your mind was wandering off into more about his voice..the things he could get you to do with just a couple of little words out of his mouth. God..what would he sound like during s-
"You definitely are one but it'll be less annoying with you there to get me away from all the other nuisances."
"Fine, I'll go. It's not like it won't be fun. Let me just get ready and I'll meet you guys there, okay?"
"All right, also, stop thinking lewd things about my voice. Or else I'm never using it again."
With that, he hung up, and you were left dumbfounded. You thought he couldn't read your thoughts right now, but then again your houses weren't that far away from each other.
It was honestly more embarrassing that he caught you thinking things like that...You were too distracted in the conversation to stop yourself from thinking whatever you wanted.
You hid your face your hands in embarrassment, and wanted to just disappear. But the beach awaited you.
"Hey Saiki.." You muttered as you came up behind him. The look on your face said you didn't want to be here right now. And honestly so did your thoughts.
I can't even look at him.. I mean he probably doesn't care but I overstepped! He doesn't like nor care for any sort of love. Stupid thoughts! Ruining everything..I should've just faked sick..it would've been believable too since I ran in the rain yesterday..now I gotta deal with the embarrassment of th-
"Hey, L/n! Check out Kaidou, he can't swim! Can you believe it? C'mon tell L/n how afraid you are of the water!" Nendou said, laughing and teasing Kaidou.
You groaned slightly and sighed. You were still in your regular outfit, your swimsuit under. You were honestly a bit insecure about being so naked. It wasn't like your swimsuit showed much skin but the last time you went to the beach was when you were around 12.
"N-No..! That's not true! I know how to swim you jerk..! I-Im not afraid of the water..!!!" Kaidou walked up to the ocean and stepped slightly into the water, before you were suddenly behind him and pushed him in.
To your surprise, he was..kind of drowning? Not really, he sure did act like he was though. He was barely an inch into the water. But flailing his arms and legs around, screaming and yelling in a high-pitched voice.
"Drowning in inch-deep water isn't easy..." Saiki said to you, you turned to him before walking off. "I'm going to change, be right back.."
Saiki looked at your leave, and to be honest, he felt kind of bad, for invading your privacy during the phone call.
It's not like it bothered him you thought things like that, he knew you liked him and you guys were both in high school, hormones everywhere, so, he didn't care. Sure it was surprising when he heard you think things like that about him here and there, but as said before, it doesn't bother him. Mostly because you try to not think of those things about him, you feel extremely guilty about it and he knows that.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt like throwing up, but you decided to suck it up and go out anyway. What else were you going to do? Not go out?
You sighed heavily and walked out, wearing your bathing suit, making your way to where everyone else was, and it looked like Hairo had joined all of you.
Looking around you saw Nendou trying to talk to some girls, Kaidou was surrounded by girls, who were saying how cute he was and touching his spikey hair, and Hairo saved Kaidou after Nendou buried him in the sand.
As for Saiki, he was nowhere to be found. "Hey guys, where's Saiki?" You asked all three of them. "Dunno, I think he went to the bathroom or something," Nendou replied.
You nodded and sat on the towel he was on before. Everything was peaceful for a moment before you heard screaming from a girl, you looked over to see her drowning..?!
"Hey hold on a sec! That girl's drowning!" You yelled out and ran off to go save her. Nendou was already on his way, but you decided to go anyway, just in case.
"Kaidou, I'll go rescue her and you go get Hairo!" He yelled out, but Kaidou was next to him, swimming just fine. "oh so you can swim..!" He added but Kaidou didn't realize he was swimming until Nendou pointed it out, leaving him to stop and start to sink into the water.
Now Nendou was carrying Kaidou, while also swimming towards the girl. "Nendou! Don't worry about her I got it! Just take care of Shun..!" He nodded before you got to the girl, who was rapidly sinking. You grabbed her arm and put her on your back.
She was a lot lighter than you expected and as you quickly swam to shore you realized why. Kusuo! Of course..! I have to thank him for this later...
The sun set quickly and the girl was now well and alive, "Thank you for saving my life. I appreciate it, and hey, thank you too for trying, sorry I joked about how ugly your face is..." You smiled and Nendou nodded.
You smiled as you walked next to Saiki, along with Kaidou and Nendou. "I'm glad you didn't ask for her number in return for trying to save her life," Kaidou said to Nendou, you nodded in agreement.
"Hm, I try to be a gentleman, but if that hottie fell in love with me I'm not gonna try and turn her down" He smirked, you heard Kaidou whisper something and Nendou got all mad.
But you weren't really paying attention, your attention was more focused on the beautiful sunset that was in front of you.
"You aren't mad?" Saiki asked you, which caused your mind to lose its train of thought. Huh? What are you talking about?
"Nendou basically got all the credit for just trying to save her, but you actually did save her."
Oh, that. No, it doesn't bother me at all, she's safe and that's what matters, and thank you for helping too, without you, she would've died.
He nodded in return, "Oh right...by the way, I'm sorry for invading your space earlier, I can't help what I hear but I shouldn't have brought it up. I just want you to know, it doesn't bother me..so don't feel like you need to shove your thoughts deep into yourself..."
You stopped and he saw your eyes go wide and your face went red, you were muttering out nonsense that he couldn't understand.
Good grief..I should've just kept that to myself...
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It was very rare for you not to walk with Saiki to school, but you had woken up way too late and by the time you did, you figured Saiki was already at school.
But as you ran past Saiki's house, you caught a glimpse of pink through the corner of your eye and immediately stopped.
"...Saiki..? Why are you-"
"Hurry up, we're already late enough." You blinked in surprise for a moment before nodding and walking along with him.
Luckily his house and the school were only about a 5-minute walking distance so it wouldn't take you guys long to get there.
As you walked quickly next to each other, you couldn't help but think why he would wait.. you've never woken up late for school, so you had never been in this situation before.
Never in a million years would you think that Saiki would wait to walk with you, even if you two were very close.
"I waited for you because my mom would be a pain if I didn't. Can you think a little quieter now?"
You jolted up a bit in surprise but sighed, "What's got your panties in a bunch?" Yes, Kusuo always did seem angry or annoyed but usually, he wasn't. Today it was different though, it looked like he was genuinely mad.
He didn't respond though and just continued to glare, not even sparing you a glance. "Fine, don't tell me. Just don't be rude to anyone else who cares about you."
He finally looked at you, with a bit of a shocked look. But you were already walking ahead, leaving him.
You walked into the classroom alone, as Saiki trailed behind. You sat down at your seat with a sigh, hoping to relax at least a little bit before class began.
But of course, that wasn't the case. You heard loud yelling coming from across the classroom, looking up, you saw it was a bunch of boys panicking while surrounding Teruhashi.
"You've got a crush on someone?!"
"Teruhashi is this a joke?"
"Is it one of us?"
Teruhashi looked extremely nervous, trying to calm all the boys down, (although she was failing miserably). "It's someone I ran into over vacation..."
You felt yourself tense up at that, now it was your turn to be annoyed. Every single time Teruhashi even mentioned liking Saiki you felt all your thoughts turn into jealousy.
You tried not to be because honestly, you were never really a jealous person. You felt there was no reason to be, it only caused problems after all.
But it was so hard trying not to be mad when goddam Teruhashi liked Saiki, the most perfect, pretty, loved, girl there was in the whole universe.
With Yumehara liking Saiki you were jealous, sure. But you didn't hate her, unlike the girl who was right across from you.
You saw her staring at Saiki and you stood up, about to leave to compose yourself, before Teruhashi started up again
"It was the sixth of August when I first fell in love with him.." She closed her eyes and smiled as she spoke, raising a finger.
Yeah, and I've been in love with him for years, try it and come tell me it's all rainbows and sunshine, Teruhashi.
"I remember seeing you that day too, and the guy you were talking with..was Nendou!!" Someone chimed in, you were confused for a second before realizing she probably spoke to him after you had left her.
"YOU ARE WAY OFF IDIOT!" She yelled out, causing the group of guys to jump in fear. It was a surprise to everyone, even to you.
But Saiki had told you what Teruhashi is really like, hence the reason he doesn't like her. So was it really a surprise she burst out like that?
She quickly got back to her persona and started acting all sweet again, lying and telling the guys it was some Russian exchange student.
You groaned slightly in frustration before walking out of the classroom. It was best for yourself if you got out of that room.
"Hey, Y/n!" You heard someone call out to you, you were standing in front of a vending machine that was located near your classroom, this is where you usually went when you needed a drink to calm you down.
"Oh Shun, what's up?" You smiled softly as he ran up to you. "Look, I know this is out of the blue, but will you come with us to spy on Nendou?"
"Huh? Spy on Nendou? Also, what do you mean by 'us'?" He pointed behind him and that's when you saw Saiki.
Your face fell in slight annoyance but you decided to keep talking to them instead of making up some lame excuse.
"Nendou's been acting weird today, don't you think? He'd usually be asking us to go eat ramen with him or do something after school. But he's been real quiet."
You thought for a moment before nodding in agreement, "Now that you mention it, yeah he has been acting strange..alright I'll go with you guys."
Kaidou smirked, before walking away. "Right after school you two! Don't forget!" You smiled before turning back to Saiki. Truth be told, you were trying to figure out if he was still mad. All of a sudden, you remembered something.
You took one of his hands, it startled him slightly but he didn't pull away. You revealed your other hand, which was behind your back, bawled into a fist, and handed him a handful of something.
You took your hands away from his and he stared down at what you gave him, a small bundle of mini coffee jellies, there were about 4 of them.
"Here, take these and stop pouting. If you ever want to talk, I'm here." You mumbled out, he could see the faint blush on your cheeks and he could definitely hear your loud thoughts.
Which consisted of rambling and screaming, he wished he could turn off his telepathy at that moment. But then again, when doesn't he want that?
"Thanks..I really do owe you." Saiki still had to repay the favor you did for ruining Yumehara's plans, going with him to the beach, and now this.
He absolutely hated being in debt to someone, it didn't matter who, he hated it. And you knew this, so you always tried to reassure him. "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal to me. And if you really want to repay me that badly, I'll come up with something. But only if you really want me to."
"Yeah, please do. It's going to bother me, even more than Nendou does. Speaking of, we should probably head back to class."
You nodded in agreement before slightly smirking at him."What now?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about how much of a softie you are."
"His house isn't this way....he's got something going on.." Kaidou whispered to you and Saiki, as you all hid behind a wall.
As planned earlier, you were all trailing Nendou. Kaidou was in some weird disguise, on the other hand, you were in your regular school uniform, and so was Saiki.
"Why are you so excited by this?" Saiki asked him, but instead of responding he struck a weird pose.
"And what's with the outfit? It serves no purpose other than sticking out." You added, though usually you weren't one to judge Kaidou's actions, the disguise seemed a bit much.
"Shut up you two! Hey wait...what's he looking at?" You looked to see him smiling at a little girl with her dad. His smile was awful, scary in fact. He looked like a weirdo.
You all said. "I don't think that thinking the same thing is good.." You mumbled, Saiki nodded.
"Nendou has a thing for little girls?!" Kaidou asked you both, his face looked creeped out and worried. "Doesn't look good...we should probably call the police.."
"Hey, check it out, he's going into a store." You pointed at him, it was strange so it interested all of you.
Nendou went in and very quickly came back with a bouquet of sunflowers.
"Looks like a flower boutique, don't tell me he's got a girl-" Kaidou was interrupted by you and Saiki.
"No not Nendou.."
"Definitely not..."
Nendou started to walk off, all of you following him as he did. He stopped and smiled at another little girl, who was smiling with her father.
"Another one?!"
"That's just gross.." Kaidou muttered under his breath, honestly you didn't want to believe this situation. It's just not like Nendou.
"We'll confirm it after we call the police."
"Hey hold on, I feel like we need more proof, I mean c'mon, lots of people like sunflowers, and it's natural to smile when you see a cute little kid right?" You argued, it really didn't seem like Nendou to be a creep.
Kaidou thought for a moment before agreeing, "Y/n's right, all that is perfectly normal, we can't just stop there without any more evidence!"
"Good point, let's not be rash.."
After following him for a little while longer he went into another shop, "Where's he headed no-"
Kaidou suddenly interrupted you as he looked up at the sign of the store, a cake shop.
"CAKES..?! WOMEN AND CHILDREN CAN'T RESIST SWEET TREATS! SO WHEN YOU COMBINE A WOMAN AND A CHILD YOU GET A LITTLE GIRL!!" He yelled out, pointing to the store and looking back at both you and Saiki.
"Now you're jumping to conclusions.." Saiki said trying to stop Kaidou. But it didn't work, he kept going on and on.
Jesus, make him stop Saiki..
"If I could, I would've already. Trust me"
You sighed in frustration, all this kind of seemed pointless now that you were actually thinking about it. Sure, it was a little creepy, but you were sure there was a reasonable explanation.
Kaidou went on about how Nendou was using the cake and flowers as bait to try and get little girls, but the more he talked the more it sounded like an unreasonable theory.
Nendou came out of the cake shop, holding a small pink box.
"Bummer..they were all out of shortcake..oh well. It's not like anyone will ever eat this.." You all heard him say, he smirked and chuckled as if he was some cartoon villain. It creeped all of you out and made Kaidou freak out even more.
"If it's not for eating it must be bait!" He yelled out and ran off to Nendou. "NENDOU!!!" Nendou turned around in confusion, all he saw was Kaidou running to him at full speed. Everyone was staring.
"YOU'RE SECRETS OUT!! HOW DARE YOU HURT LITTLE KIDS??!!! YOU MONSTER!!" He started punching him, but it sounded like little squeaky balls were hitting Nendou instead. It was no secret that Kaidou wasn't strong but this was surprising to you and Saiki.
"Is that what his punches sound like?"
"Wait..what secret? Do you mean my dad?" Kaidou stopped and you facepalmed. It went quiet for a while, all of you in a bit of shock, Saiki and you weren't as shocked as Kaidou though.
"He's dead?" Kaidou asked as all of you stood in front of Nendou's dad's grave. By now the sun had set and there was no one around.
"I visit him on the anniversary of his bus accident," Nendou explained, you looked down at the grave again, and then back at everyone else.
I knew it wasn't something bad. Nendou is genuinely a nice guy, he wouldn't do anything creepy. He definitely needs to work on his smile though...
"But the flowers and the cake?" Kaidou mumbled out, it was clear he was kind of sad that all his sneaking around was really for nothing.
"Respectful offerings to the dead! It's normal to bring cakes and flowers to a family grave!" Nendou held up the box of cake and smiled.
"To think Nendou's lecturing us on normal.." You heard Saiki's voice but he quickly turned it off once he realized he was still talking to you telepathically.
What's the harm in showing what you're thinking? That's not fair y'know?. You know every little thing I think but when it comes to your thoughts I can't know even a little.
"Yes because they're my thoughts, also how many times do I have to tell you I can't turn off these powers.."
You pouted slightly but sighed and let it go. He was right after all. Like always.
"When did your dad die, Nendou?" Kaidou asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Well, it was before I was born. He died trying to save a little girl who'd run in front of a bus..huh maybe that means he was into little girls.." You cringed at the last part, and so did everyone else.
"Uh..hope not.." Kaidou said, chuckling awkwardly. "That's a dark joke.."
"So if he died before you were born, he must've been pretty young.."
"He was only 18 or 19 years old, here look! I got his picture!"
"Hey, this is just a picture of you!"
"Nah it's him! My mom says I look more like him each year! Weird..!"
"You don't look like him you're, the same!"
Kaidou and Nendou talked and argued a little back and forth. Saiki stayed quiet but you chuckled a little as you heard their bickering.
They really do look alike, it's kinda scary that they look almost like twins. But Nendou has a scar over his left eye, and his dad has over his right. That's a scary thought on its own since they can only be told apart because of one thing. Right, Saiki?
You looked over and saw him up at Nendou's dad's grave, he looked mortified, extremely mortified for that matter. "Hey guys, wanna go get some ramen!?" Nendou called out to you two as he and Kaidou were already walking off.
"Saiki..? What are you looking at?" You asked in a bit of a shaky voice, you weren't scared, you were worried. Seeing Saiki shocked or scared was something you never saw. Ever.
Walking with Saiki alone almost always consisted of awkward silence. But it was different today, Saiki was thinking, and hard. It was obvious, he had his hand on his chin and everything. You'd laugh if you weren't so spooked.
"So are you gonna tell me what you saw..?" As he was about to answer, you reached his house and he saw a piece of mail sticking out.
"Mail?" He took the envelope and it was addressed to him. "What is it?" You peeked over his shoulder and your eyes widened as you read the letter.
"To Mr. Kusuo Saiki, I am someone who knows you're a psychic."
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Next part -> Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter 3 •Coming soon..•
Summary: You and Saiki figure out who sent the letter, and it appears it's some kind of psychic who can see ghosts? You're happy to meet another psychic but Saiki is the opposite. Maybe he's thinking something weird? Who knows. Later, Saiki discovers a cockroach in his house and freaks out, but luckily you come over to save the day..with your cat! But that's not all, Yumehara apparently got a boyfriend to try and get over you, and for some reason, Saiki helps..could he be jealous?
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modifieduchiha · 10 months
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Jealous Friends/Enemies in love - 60 Prompts
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"Oh, look who's here, playing the doting friend as always."
"I see you've found a new source of entertainment. Trying to replace me?"
"Don't think I didn't notice how cozy you've become with them."
"How convenient, showing up whenever they need you."
"You've been spending quite a lot of time with them lately. Anything you'd like to share?"
"I never realized how protective you are of them. Almost like you have something to hide."
"I can't help but wonder if you're just using them to make me jealous."
"You're always so quick to defend them. What's the real reason behind your loyalty?"
"You seem to light up around them. Is there something more going on?"
"Are you trying to make me believe you're not interested? Because I'm not buying it."
"Oh, don't mind me. I'm just the friend who's been pushed aside for someone new."
"You're good at pretending, aren't you? Pretending that you're not hopelessly in love with them."
"It's funny how you get so defensive when I bring up their name."
"I saw the way they looked at you. Do you really think they're just a friend?"
"I thought we had something special, but it seems like you're moving on."
"I've noticed how much they make you smile. Is that why you're always 'busy' with them?"
"Don't act innocent. You know exactly what you're doing."
"You're always so eager to please them. What lengths will you go to?"
"I thought rivalry was our thing, but it seems like you've found a new obsession."
"I can't help but wonder what they offer that I don't."
"You never cared this much before. Why now?"
"You've changed since you started spending time with them. Is it because of their influence?"
"Funny how you're so quick to dismiss my concerns. Afraid I'll hit too close to home?"
"I've seen the way you watch them when you think no one's looking."
"Is it just me, or do you get a little too possessive around them?"
"I thought we were enemies, but it seems like you're my biggest rival for their attention."
"You're always so eager to prove yourself to them. Why is that?"
"They're lucky to have a friend like you. Or is there more to it than that?"
"You're always on their side, even when they're clearly in the wrong."
"I can't help but wonder what it would take for you to admit your feelings for them."
"Did you just show up conveniently, or is this another act in your never-ending drama?"
"I see you've got a new favorite person to save. Is it my turn to be worried?"
"Frequent hangouts with them, huh? Trying to win the award for 'Most Supportive'?"
"You're awfully invested in their life lately. What's the fascination?"
"Funny how you always seem to pop up when they're around."
"So, how long has this new 'friendship' been going on?"
"Oh, don't mind me – I'm just the one you used to spend all your time with."
"You've been on their side more than you've ever been on mine."
"Seeing you light up around them is... interesting."
"Either I'm blind, or there's something brewing between you two."
"I thought we were supposed to be partners in crime, but it seems you've moved on."
"Don't think I didn't notice the shift in your priorities."
"I'm not naive – I can tell when you're trying to impress them."
"Caught their attention, have you? Tell me all about it."
"You seem to be their personal bodyguard these days. What's the deal?"
"Funny how they've turned into your favorite topic of conversation."
"Oh, it's a competition now? Trying to win their undivided attention?"
"I thought rivalry was our thing. Now it's turned into something... else?"
"I've seen that look before. What's cooking between you two?"
"You're quick to get defensive when their name comes up. Interesting."
"Why the sudden need to play the hero for them?"
"They've managed to change you – and not necessarily for the better."
"You're acting like you've got a secret you're not sharing."
"You've been practicing your 'innocent' look whenever they're around, huh?"
"Trying to deny it? I've seen the sparks between you two."
"Enemies turned allies? Or is it something more than that?"
"I've been around long enough to know when someone's trying to replace me."
"There's something different about you – is it them?"
"You're almost too eager to be in their good books. What's the motivation?"
"Do they even know how much energy you're spending on their behalf?"
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© ModifiedUchiha 2023 ★ Feel free to use them for inspiration , but give credit if adding to a list ★
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alexiethymia · 7 months
Hi, love your blog ❤️ especially your analysis on Jinshi and MaoMao. I have read LN till around volume 9 plus manga and I don't have any problem with spoilers.
Can you list all Jinshi X MaoMao moments? Like from volume 10 to whichever volumes you have finished...?
You see, as much as I love other characters, I'm mainly reading it to see my favourite ship sail, i.e. JinshiXMaoMao ✨ so if there are any great shipping moments in future chapters please list them, I'll give it a go. Thank you so much, really loved your char analysis ✨. This gem of a story is not discussed enough!
I can’t recall everything entirely, and the web novel I’m sure will differ from the light novel. But here are a few.
Some of the moments which I loved where when Jinshi asked to hold Maomao’s hands interlacing like in a lover’s hold. From what I read, he sort of marked her middle finger. Maomao later gets embarrassed after the fact. I’m not sure if it’s because she thinks everyone else saw them or because of the mark.
The moment I mentioned in my post was I think the end of LN 12? And also the end of WN 10 if I’m not mistaken. Maomao goes to Jinshi on her own. They end up hugging on the floor and she ends up falling asleep on him. He brings her to his bed (like the time she saved him during the ritual), and kisses her forehead for replenishment.
The recent WN arcs are quite interesting since Maomao has accepted his feelings and in her words, they’re now in a relationship (though of course as characteristic of Maomao she’s still cool towards him). There’s one interesting chapter about a night visit (haha) though nothing happens. In other words Jinshi is restraining himself. But surprisingly! It’s Maomao who’s being a bit forward now. At the end of the recent chapter in the recent arc, Jinshi is stopping himself from touching Maomao because he’ll want to hug her tight (and bite and lick her too, gosh does this man not get embarrassed at all??) and Maomao ends up tracing her finger down the back of his wrist up until his middle finger (maybe as payback to what he did in the Western Capital?) and I don’t know about you but it reads to me as her teasing him, though I might warn her from provoking him too much haha. (But then again maybe Maomao does want something to happen).
It’s also sweet to hear her inner thoughts after the night visit that she was both relieved and disappointed nothing happened and that she wants to both see him and not see him. It’s interesting to see her maybe unsure, and perhaps also a bit restless when Jinshi doesn’t call on her. Because this time she’s the one who asks Chue to call Jinshi to contact her. And finally the piece de resistance, when she wants help with something involving her Joka nee-chan, she thinks about someone she can trust, and the only face that comes to her mind is Jinshi. Arghh my heart. For this wary cat to realize how much she really trusts Jinshi. And perhaps her taking this step in accepting his feelings is her way of showing belief in his words that he will make it so she doesn’t regret them being together.
And oh! I loved the mother and daughter-in-law talk. For Aduo to finally reveal the truth to Maomao since she sees how serious the both of them are getting, for Aduo to compare herself to Maomao, for Aduo to offer her a chance to escape even if it would make her son unhappy (Chue actually interjects here! Because Aduo ordered her to make his son happy and Chue can’t accomplish that mission with Maomao gone, gah my heart. Chue the captain of the Jinshi x Maomao ship), and despite that chance and learning the truth, for Maomao to gain the resolve to stay (with Jinshi) anyway. They really have come so far.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
Hey there 💞 do you mind if I ask for billy hargrove not knowing how to deal with a crying y/n -prompt 20- please don't cry?
Let’s be real, Billy wouldn’t know what to do with a crying girl
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You and Billy had been playing cat and mouse since he arrived in town. You saw him get out of his car on the first day back to school and your eyes connected in the courtyard. You flirted with each other openly, and sometimes took a little escapade in the back of his prized Camaro - like that night at Tina's Halloween bash.
Although you were known as ‘Billy’s girl’, you weren’t exclusive. He didn't want the trouble of a girlfriend. He wasn’t good with emotions or feelings, or love. 
On Thursday night, Billy was in his room listening to loud music while lifting some weights when he heard someone banging at the door. 
‘’Max! Someone’s at the door,’’ he yelled, his loud voice making the redhead jump on her bed.
She sighed, putting her Wonder Woman comic down and went. ‘’I’m going! No need to yell like that…’’ 
He was the world’s worst babysitter. 
A few seconds later, Max stood in his doorway, a worried look on her face. ‘’Erm, Billy?’’
He groaned in profound annoyance, barking at his step-sister again. ‘’What do you want? I told you to get the damn door.’’ 
‘’I did. It’s…it’s for you.’’ 
Billy put down his dumbbell and sighed. Who the hell could be showing up at their door and asking for him? 
He walked out of his room and turned the corner of the living room, seeing a figure in a hoodie - a girl, according to the pink stripe on her sneakers - in their entrance. The hoodie was big on her and the hood was shielding a part of her face.
Billy approached slowly and you removed the hood, revealing your trembling lips, mascara tears and the worst of all, a developing bruise on your cheekbone. 
‘’The fuck is that on your face?’’ He stepping closer and took your chin between his thumb and index, tilting your face to get a better angle at the angry colors on your cheekbone. ‘’It wasn’t there when I dropped you off.’’ Billy’s jaw was clenched, anger boiling in his veins.
‘’I’m sorry for bothering you. I didn't know where else to go, I-’’
‘’I asked you a question. Who. Did. That.’’ 
‘’Same answer as you,’’ you mumbled, a tear falling from your eyes.
Anger crossed Billy’s. He could take his father’s abuse. He was tough enough to endure a hit or two, but a grown man touching a woman brought him back to when his old man would hit his mother. 
He was seething before you, anger having turned to rage, thinking about getting in his car and nail your father to his grave, but a sob escaped your lips. You tried to cover it, but Billy heard it.
‘’Please don’t cry.’’ His voice came out harsher than intended.
His raised voice made you flinch, reminding you of your father's. Because of his experience with abuse, you knew Billy wasn’t going to touch you. He might talk loudly and yell, but he never got physical with you. 
Billy cursed at your reaction, gently reaching out for you. He shook his head, trying to reformulate his words. ‘’I didn't mean it like that. It’s just, I don’t know what to do with a crying girl.’’ 
‘‘You could offer her some ice. That would be a good start.’‘ 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @Pastel-abyss-x 
Billy Hargrove taglist: @irlganyuy @mystic-moonpie @italk2god @hope1869  @boomhauer @originalsoulcollector @zosia3666 @bubsonnobx bonked-@beyond-belief @evanstanwhore
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randoimago · 2 months
Hii could we have headcanons of Goro Akechi (ps5) as a girl dad? Despite thinking that he'd be like Shido, he'd absolutely be the overprotective, scares off all the boys, will move mountains for her kind of father 🥹 I can picture fatherhood healing him from the pain shido inflicted on him
Ofc, feel free to ignore if it's something you do not wish to write 🫶 lots of love 💓💓
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Akechi
Note(s): I saw the request and I did it, but I like the idea of Akechi reluctantly adopting a kid since idk if he'd heal enough to actually have a partner to have a child with (or feel like he'd deserve it)
Also, I know in my rules it says I don't age characters up, but if it's for fun, platonic thing like this then I don't mind (I'll still be iffy about what kind of things I'll allow tho)
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Ends up accidentally adopting the child of a victim from one of the cases he worked on. He didn't want to (or mean to, he just offered his home for the kid to stay for a night while they tried to find other family).
As Akechi gets used to the idea of having a child, he realizes how afraid he is of messing up. He knows how he turned out and he doesn't want to put any burdens or guilt or anything on this child that lost so much.
He doesn't quite realize how protective he's gotten either. He'll just be out grocery shopping with the kid and see someone talking to her, just light small talk to the child and he immediately has a fake smile plastered on and getting the stranger to leave.
As much as he tries not to spoil his... daughter (it takes him a while to come to terms with calling her that. His face was priceless when she called him "dad" the first time), she definitely developed her own princess-like nature from him and so he can't help but cave and get extra desserts if she asks nicely. That said, he still makes sure she does her chores and gets good grades.
School is another thing I can seem him reminding himself to be careful with. He always pushed himself to be the best in school so he could accomplish his goals. But she's a child. She should have a childhood. So while he does want her to have good grades to decide her own future, he also makes sure she's not too stressed and that her teachers aren't hard asses.
Yeah Akechi isn't letting her have a boyfriend (or partner in general) until she's twenty-six (and he ups the year each time she mentions it). He remembers what a jerk he was with all his pretending. And he also remembers how idiotic some of the Phantom Thieves were (not to mention Joker being a playboy) so he is not trusting her with any boys.
The door stays open if she brings girls or anyone else over just to make sure.
He honestly can't quite believe how attached he's gotten to his daughter though and how much things have changed. When she smiles or hugs him or even just sticks her tongue out because he was a smartass, it makes him happy. His smiles are more real and he finds himself enjoying being a father.
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redpanther23 · 14 days
So now that I'm home I realize all my optimism can only take me so far. I've talked a little here before about the way my family treat my little cousins and their dogs (they beat them with switches and subject them to horrific levels of neglect.) They also hoard trash, and they told me I wasn't allowed to stay if I didn't do more work to clean than anyone else. My aunt and uncle scream abuse at each other and the kids (and me if I'm there) constantly. It's especially shocking because they're the family that raised me, and living in that house with my grandma was the happiest part of my childhood. It's the reason I moved into my car three years ago.
Recently I visited someone who used to be my friend, who I actually used to feature in my comic pretty regularly, and saw his dog, who had so many fleas he had no hair remaining on his body. The infestation was so severe, I got bit 20 or 30 times in the two minutes I was there. There was trash piled high everywhere, and it reminded me so much of home, I realized I'm not ready to go back at all. I offered to help him clean and treat for fleas, but as with my family, to him there's no problem. I've been in a state of shock because of it, honestly.
Most of the family photographs and records are with my great aunt, but I've been warned she won't recognize me and will shoot me if I show up - she doesn't speak to anyone else in the family. My mom made extensive copies of our family photographs and records, and probably has everything I need, but the last time I saw her was when I ran away from home when I was 15 because of how badly she and my step dad treated me. In 2019 she sent a really long message to this blog, telling me that she'll never love me and I should kill myself since I'll never go to college. That was the last I heard from her.
I need to talk to them so I can prove my racial purity to the creek nation, but at this point I'm reluctant to do so. There are some online resources for learning some phrases and words, but if you want to actually learn in a class with other speakers, you have to either have been registered on a list, or you have to jump through hoops to prove who you are. I don't even know if my family would be willing to help at all, because it has no benefit to them - honestly a big reason I wanted this was because I figured it would also make my grandma a tribe member, and my mom, and then my family might be able to have some sort of assisstance or a community (they are extremely isolated, my mom has been in a mental hospital for at least 8 years, so I've heard.) I was informed that I could only apply for myself, and that even though I would be a member because of my grandma's genetic background, my grandma would not be a member despite her genetic background. It doesn't make sense.
It's hard for me to do things that only benefit myself, when I have adopted family who need my help more than I need to learn a language. When my mom dies I might have access to resources to follow through with this, but as it is, I don't think it's possible (I'm not even sure who would tell me if she died, something I've thought about a lot.) I'm just going to keep doing my work and learning what I can from books and my fellow anarchists.
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leonwifey · 2 years
hello! i've just found your blog but totally think your works are really beautiful! As your requests are open, can I ask for some angst? (if you don't feel like it, feel free to ignore) Like Leon and reader are happily married but she can't help but feel like Ada is still on his mind (maby he murmurs her name while having a nightmare or is too eager when someone says even a word abt her). Happy ending or not, just whatever you feel comfortable with. Thank u in advance!
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"𝑯𝑬𝑹 " — there is no use in getting her off leon’s mind.
˚୨୧ genre — angst
˚୨୧ word count — 1,203
˚୨୧ note — WOW... as an aeon lover and supporter, this was painful to write!! i ate the request up though. maybe i just love making our dear reader miserable. anyways, thank you for requesting!! i had so much fun. i also wrote this with RE6 leon/ada in mind because they are very married in that game. and for everyone else here for the pain, my requests are open!
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There is this thing that likes to consume you and your thoughts. It lives to eat at your mind and all of the parts that keep you sane. There is this thing that squeezes you in unyielding doubt like a snake, strangling you with insecurity. It is a thing shrouded in alluring mystery and temptation, you can only wish that it had been a dream all along. Even when you try your damndest to place it away, hidden in a dark room at the deepest depths of your mind, that woman will always be there lurking. 
There is a certain Ada Wong. 
And it seems she likes to live in Leon’s mind, too.
The moment Leon returned from his mission in China, things immediately felt out of place. You had felt the chill the second he stepped into the house and dropped his bags. A chaste kiss at your temple and nothing more. Left stunned and speechless in the dimly lit hallway, you felt like a stranger in your own home as you watched your husband make an immediate march into your shared bedroom. 
You told yourself that he was tired. Leon saw things beyond your imagination, felt emotions you could never endure, erased faces you’d never meet. Those hands had done the unspeakable and still did you make a promise to have and to hold them forever. You knew all too well that the world he lived in was just nowhere near the one you did. Some things were meant to stay unknown. Yet desperately so, you had wanted to believe in him. To believe that it was merely pure exhaustion that loomed over him and hid beneath his heavy eyelids. 
Not the ghostly memory of a love he had lost countless times.
Reunited in the bedroom, you found Leon lying on his back with his arm draped across his face. It seemed that he was still awake, you watched his bare chest rise and fall slowly. This was something you’d seen before, nothing of his was unfamiliar to you anymore. Some nights would be quieter than others, filled with loud thoughts and moonlight. Silently, you crawl back into bed without a word.
A shift in the bed, a toss and a turn, a heavy sigh. Familiar warmth crept beneath your shirt and hooked itself around your stomach, pulling you closer and snug against a beating chest. You felt his lips linger near the shell of your ear, leaving a trail of kisses down to your shoulder. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, fingers searching for yours underneath the duvet.
“It’s okay,” You didn’t make an effort to move, deciding to shut your eyes instead. “Just get some rest, baby. You’ve had a long trip.”
Thinking that that was the closing curtain, you were surprised to be turned around and face the man you had been missing for months. Even in the dark could you see the way those misty blue eyes shimmered. Leon had a face you could never tire from, one that would follow you to the end. You could never be angry at such a face.
“Can’t sleep?” You offered lamely, unsure of what to make of the look he gave you.
You watched as he studied you, for a moment before releasing an exhale. Your hands slipped out of his arms to play with the strands of blonde that had long grown since the last time you had seen him. At your touch, he dipped his face into the crook of your neck. “I missed you like crazy, sweetheart. Couldn’t sleep much without you.” 
 “You poor thing,” You coo, running your fingers through his hair. “I bet you couldn’t sleep on that plane to China.”
He lets out a dry laugh, tickling you with his stubble. “Yeah, you have no idea.”
“I'm just glad you’re home. Finally.”
“Mhm,” Leon lets out a small yawn, almost resembling a tired puppy. “I love you. You know that?”
You twirl a strand of his hair around your finger, pulling your nose against his. “I think I know more than you’ll ever know.”
“Hey,” His nose nudges you sleepily. “Say it back.”
You laughed softly, biting your lip at having his playfulness back. “I love you, too.” 
After the two of you had shared a few laughs and drowsy stories of your time without your other half, you were finally able to bask in the peaceful silence. Finally, were you able to sleep happily, wrapped in the strong arms of your lover in a bed that would no longer remain cold. Smiling at the reassuring sound of Leon’s soft snoring, you slowly wiggled your arm out of his embrace to stretch your hand out in front of you.
In the quiet bedroom with only the moon’s light serving as your night light, you wiggled your fingers in a silly dance. You watched bashfully at how the moonlight caught onto the stone on your fourth finger, a shimmering beacon of hope. Turning your hand in every direction, you were enchanted at the silver band’s lone twinkle in the darkness, a sight almost much like you. 
What rested on your finger was meant to serve as a promise, a symbol of endless days filled with love and sacrifice, an unbreakable key towards forever. And you were so supposed to be happy. 
A low murmuring takes you away from your thoughts. Lowering your hand, you listened carefully, wondering what your husband could be dreaming about. His mumbles had never been hard to decipher, you knew the agent too well. After all, Leon was your husband. Yet you felt your heart crumble when you had realized that what might have been Leon’s dream, was your nightmare.
“Ada…” He groaned, eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t leave.”
Frozen in his hold, you didn’t know what to do. Of course, you had heard of this certain Ada before. It was hard to escape the subject when at times you’d hear stories from Chris or mentions of her during calls with Hunnigan. Leon would always seem too eager when it came to her.
That woman had always been some sort of mystery to you. You wondered about the beauty she held, the circumstances in which she met your husband, how she fell in love with him. Ada Wong was a piece of Leon’s story you will never be able to uncover. 
The thought frustrated you, annoyingly enough. That there would always be another woman sitting in the backburner of your husband’s mind. Someone who had seen parts of him you would never witness, someone who he offered his heart so willingly to. Although Leon promised to choose you as his for eternity, you couldn’t help but wonder if in another life, Ada would be his. 
With a heavy heart and a sigh, you stroked Leon’s head with a shaky hand. Your eyes studied every feature of his face, every detail that you could call yours. Were they Ada’s, too? In the midst of your sleepless night, you listened to the lonely beat of your heart. All you could do was sooth away his aches and fears, holding him close as his body shook. 
“It’ll be okay,” You sorrowfully whispered. “I promise, Ada is okay.”
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
No Angel
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Pairing:  Johnny Cage x Fem Reader 
Quick Authors Note: This fic is supposed to be a bit funny but spicy! Also, the reader is a bit of a daredevil airhead (LOL)
Summary: Living life on a farm, the reader is loaded with excitement as she goes to Hollywood with her best friend, Johnny Cage, for the first time, diving headfirst into a whole new experience that she only wants to share with him...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Swearing, skinny dipping, pool-sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), loss of virginity, foreplay, oral M receiving, pet names (buttercup, baby, angel)
Word Count: 1.7k 
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Considering I only knew life on a farm before Lord Lui Kang changed that, culture shock wasn't even fitting enough to describe my feelings.
First Outworld, then a whole other timeline? My brain was stuffed with loads of new information. Life still had its beautiful days after all I’d seen.
One of my new but best friends, Johnny, offered to let me play my role in his recent work, and when I saw Hollywood? I felt like a kid again, curious and wanting to see everything there.
Since we had the time and Johnny was a megastar, he showed me all there was to see. All the vast buildings, the Walk of Fame, the Hollywood sign. It was all so beautiful.
I was gasping and awing all day, making Johnny laugh yet again as he brought me to his home:
"Hell yeah, buttercup," Opening the door for me, I ran in and stopped to take in his gorgeous home, gasping as I saw the pool with a view of the city before me.
"You even have a pool?!" I squealed, and he continued to laugh at me:
"Wanna go for a swim?"
"Please?!" I jumped for joy, not paying attention to him:
"Let me go grab-"
"Thanks for the towel!" That's what I thought he would get, frozen and watching me toss off my clothes, jumping right in, in just my bra and panties, "Ahh, the waters not freezing!"
I was having so much fun, floating on my back and seeing Johnny, still frozen and staring at me.
"What? Have you never swum in panties before? Mine are clean! I swear!"
We both laughed at what I said, Johnny shaking his head at me as he unbuttoned his shirt:
"You are something else, Y/N."
"Just jump in! Hurry up, Johnny!" Bundled with energy, I laughed as he got down to his briefs, jumping in and splashing water all over me.
"Hey!" I smiled, splashing and laughing hard as he choked on the water, "I'm sorry!"
"It's okay. Sike!" Splashing right back, the water went up my nose, making me snort, but I was still smiling, turning to shake off the burn in my nose, getting lost in the view of the city.
"It's beautiful, ain't it?" Joining me at the edge and enjoying the view too, I nodded:
"I see why you love this place so much. Thank you for all you've done for me today. I'm so happy."
"Oh, I know," He chuckled, pinching my plump cheek, "Don't mention it. You saved my ass how many times since we've met? It's the least I can do."
Flowing with happiness and graciousness, I hugged Johnny with a squeeze, expressing:
"Everyone may think a certain way about you, but know, I think you're the best, Johnny."
"Bout time someone's seen that," He was always boastful but hugged me back and smiled, "Thanks, buttercup."
"Of course," Kissing his cheek, my bundled energy wanted me to keep moving, so I offered, "Wanna keep having fun?"
The hand behind my back was ready to splash him again, but I noticed the look in his eyes as he stared at my body:
"You know what skinny dipping is?"
"Swimming naked, right?" I wasn't that out of touch with the modern world; realizing that he was flirting with me, I played along, shrugging, "My bra and undies need to dry, anyhow."
He wasn't expecting me to dive right into the situation, tossing my bra and panties to the floor next to us and letting out a sigh of relief:
"That's better."
"Hell yeah," He murmured, eyeing every part of skin he saw, again taken aback as I came to him, toying with the band of his briefs:
"Need help?"
"He, good one," He chuckled, going to the edge for a moment, "Just a second."
Floating back on the water, I stared at the bright city, looking back at him as I heard music playing softly, noticing his briefs on the floor next to my wet garments.
"Setting the mood?" I giggled, swimming to him and saying, "It's a first for me, but I trust you, Johnny."
"I knew Buttercup was perfect for you," Pulling me to him by the waist, he had so much charm, getting lost in his eyes, "You're so sweet."
"You're sweet too," I smiled, playfully mocking the voice he'd used when saying, "Buttercup."
Laughing but starting to get handsy, the pace picked up as his lips inched closer to mine:
"Never a dull moment with you."
When our lips met, I never felt my blood rush as it did then, knowing what was happening to me but actually processing it for the first time, not wanting to embarrass myself because of my inexperience as I kissed back, not so hard on myself mentally as he dipped his hand down to squeeze my ass:
"Sure that this a first for you?"
"I wouldn't lie to you," Kissing more, he was mindful but wanting more as his tongue rolled:
"Just asking because damn, you're good."
That compliment made me feel even better, daring to go under the water to touch him, a little hesitant till he took my hand, doing so for me, softly wrapping my hand around his cock, his guidance pumping it up and down.
"I'm all yours, buttercup," Letting my hand go as I stroked his cock on my own, all nervousness left me as he cooed, "Go after what you want."
Nodding in my kisses, I didn't notice how fast I began to stroke him, the rush in me taking control, especially when his hands slid between my thighs from behind, a finger gliding through my folds.
I instantly whimpered at the feeling. I stopped what I was doing to adjust my legs, whispering in my blissful sigh, "That's really nice."
"Want something even better?" His whisper in my ear made me twitch with anticipation, moaning at his finger slipping into me, pumping softly.
Resting against his chest, I was smiling with moans, continuing to praise, "That's so, so nice."
"I promise, I'll keep making you feel good," Pumping a bit faster made me want more, palming his cock and making him stare at me from my rather bold offer:
"Just want to fuck already?"
"Again, you sure this is your first time?" Just wanting to be sure, I giggled but meant wholeheartedly:
"I just want you to be my first. I imagine that you won't disappoint me."
"Imagine?" Getting things back on track, we floated to the wall with the view, his charm coming back strong, "You've thought about it before?"
A bit flustered as he guessed correctly, I admitted, "Yeah, I mean, have you seen yourself?"
"Sexy, right?" He chuckled, taking my thighs and picking me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms wrapping around his neck:
"Mega sexy," I giggled, watching his hand under the water.
"Just tell me if you need to stop," Caring that this was my first time, he helped ease the little anxiousness with a kiss, unintentionally biting his lip when I felt a pop inside.
"Johnny-" Whimpering and biting a little harder, I began to stretch open on his girth, grunting as he pushed into me softly.
"You all right, buttercup?" Checking on me, my body made more room for him, begging for more, showing that I was more than alright as I pushed against him, intrusive thoughts taking over my mouth:
"Fuck me."
"My, my," Pushing further, he had no complaints, smiling against my neck, "My sweet, innocent buttercup isn't so innocent, huh?"
"Is that a bad thing?" Shivering with pleasure, I was only curious, back to smiles as his head shook:
"Far from it. Don't worry, angel. I'll hold your halo so you can have a little demon time."
The water started splashing against us as he pulled back and rolled his hips quicker, still soft but making me moan more, clinging and exploring a whole new universe, loving how my nerves jolted and the way he could go deep, learning new points in me that I didn't realize I had.
"You like that?" Watching me moan, I was tight and wet, taking him easier, "You feelin' good?"
"Yeah, yeah!" Feeling our hips inching closer, I wondered if I could take all of him, sharing a loud gasp with him as I pushed myself down onto all his cock, "Yeah, Johnny!"
"Oh fuck," He huffed, proud of me as he had to look to believe, only pulling back a bit of his length, bucking and creating more splashes, "You want it like that?"
"Please," Nodding quickly, I felt a tear in the corner of my eye, "It feels so good."
With our hips meeting, his pelvis brushed against my clit, and after so much, it swelled, pulsating, gasping out each time he hit it again:
"Gonna cum, baby?" Holding my head and finding my eyes, it was hard to stay still, twitching and whining:
"Yeahhh! Make me, Johnny!"
"I gotcha, baby," Hugging my torso and going a bit faster, he started groaning at how I clenched his cock, "Fuck that's tight. Oh, yeaa-."
My head fell back, and when I opened my eyes, all I saw were blurred city lights, then his blurred but bright smile as he picked me back up, hugging his head tight as it hit me, shaking with pleasure and gasping:
"Shit, that's amazing. You're amazing, Johnny."
"So are you," He hummed, slowing to a stop and whispering, "Your pussy's too damn good."
Knowing why he stopped, the water helped me stand upright, turning so that he was against the wall, looking down at how hard he was holding his cock:
"Want me to take care of that?"
"Wanna tell me how?" Cocking his eyebrow, knowing and keeping his hips above water, he shook and gasped at how quickly I sunk and took his tip into my mouth, "Shit, baby. Fuccck-"
He instantly came from my warm, wet mouth, gladly taking his load, picking my head up as I swallowed:
"Sorry, that's all we could do since we're in the pool."
"Don't you dare apologize," He heaved, smiling down at me, "You know how good that feels?"
I thought I couldn't stop smiling before? My smile was stuck on my face as I hugged him, floating as he picked me up, "I love that I make you feel good, too." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
Hi! Can i request a Slasher with a manipulative, attention seeking reader who will do anything for fame and kill which they already have? Slashers can be any you want!
A/N: ooh! I love the idea of this!
Slashers with a S/O who kills for fame:
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[PART I] RATING: SFW with NSFW mentions
FANDOM/GENRE: Slashers, dark romance, horror
TAGS: @kittiescrownedsoul
POV: Second person
Characters: Carrie White, Jill Roberts, Micheal Myers, and Jason Voorhees
REMINDER: Do NOT transfer, translate, modify, copy or steal my work!
Reader: Quotes that you say will be colored.
Appreciation note: Thank you for 100 followers! Love you guys. Stay safe, healthy, and have fun!
CW: Blood, blood kink, weapons, manipulation, gore, killing, comiting crimes for fame, murder, GN! Reader, framing others, sexual themes, sex mentions
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She puts it behind her, acts like it never happened.
You were quite popular at Carries school
You had a blog and everything
Among your followers was Carrie
She uses the library computers and even bought one for her use only
We can say she had a crush on you
A BIG one at that
She could see why you were popular at her school
You were kind, smart, pretty/handsome, but sometimes a bit...off?
You would disappear at times and take very long
You got jittery when someone asked where you were and what were you doing
But you quickly put on this 'nice' persona to throw the person off
Huh, weird.
Another reason Carrie liked you was because you had helped her out many times
Whenever Chris would try and harass her, you'd stop Chris and defend Carrie
"Oh, c'mon. [Name!], why are you sticking up for shitty Carrie?"
"Because she never did anything to you or anyone else. Shes innocent, so leave her alone before I get Ms. Collins on your ass again, Chris."
cue angry chrissy
You were perfect in her eyes
Sometimes you two would hang out!
And she'd trust you enough to tell you about what her mom does
You obvi saw it as abuse, but you didn't say anything
When you asked her to the prom, she was thrilled
But Chris was so ever pissed
She just broke up with Billy to go to the prom with you, and you're going to the prom with CARRIE WHITE instead of her?!?!
So now she had to go back to Billy, and make a goddamn fool of herself by begging for him to come back!
She planned revenge, and how was she going to get revenge? Well, she planned to take your popularity away by making her more popular than you
You notice she started a blog and started copying trends and things you were doing
She started getting more followers, and thats when you realized what she was trying to do
You were absolutely mad!
Who did this dumb, whore think she is?!
You had to take care of this, and fast.
You invited Chris to coffee the next day and she complied
Carrie was at the library and you gave her a spare key to your house, but that meant that you had enough time to go home and freshen up
Clean up your messy, bloody tracks before greeting your girlfriend
By the time you and Chris finished having coffee, you offered a walk around the nearest park
It was night
You both were walking on a small bridge, before she started choking and scratching at her neck
You had poisoned her
She grabbed the bridge railing and tears spilled from her eyes
That's when you bashed the side of her head with a log, splashing blood on your face, and making her fall face first into the running stream
You used your oversized sleeve to hold the log, dropping it too into the river
By the time you got home, Carrie was there
Which threw you off
She wasn't supposed to be home yet
"Oh, [Name ]"
"Oh, my god. What happened to you?!"
"Uhm "
"Are you okay? Who hurt you?!"
"Carrie, let me ex "
"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. We should go to the po "
"Carrie! I did it! I hurt someone..."
"W what...?"
“Chris, it was Chris.”
"The girl who...bothers me...?"
"Yes, and she, uhm, she did some things that got me really mad so i...had to..."
Carrie felt sick
Well, one half of her did. The other felt quite...relieved, for some reason...
Carrie didnt talk to you for days
But when she did, she just wanted to put it all behind her
You agreed and became more careful with your murders
You two continued going to prom together, the prank on Carrie didnt happen because Billy was too devastated to continue on
Ater prom, you convinced Carrie that her mother was abusive and that she should go with you
She did.
After all, she does trust you.
She loves it! You're just like her. You're both soulmates!!
Fell inlove with you instantly
She first found your blog and became an admirer
She found out about your love of the stab movies and what happened in Woodsboro
What happened to her attention seeking cousin, Sideny Prescott...
This couldnt have been a coincidence, right?
Where you two...soulmates?
She loved seeing your post, and would fangirl over your outfits, what you were doing, etc...
She sent you many gifts
All labeled 'Secret admirer'
You thought it was really cute
Always making videos about the gifts she sent you
She was happy to see you liking her gifts
Especially the ghostface mask, plushies, knives, fake blood
She would dream about being ghostface partners with her
With her upcoming plans for Sidney returning back to Woodsboro
And surprisingly, you were also visiting Woodsboro
When she found out, she was absolutely estatic
Where did you live?
Oh, well, luckily you posted a video about showing your front house
She saw the address on the nearby sign that was still on your lawn.
One morning, she happened to stumble across your house
And thats how you met her
She expressed her love for you and your blog right away
"Im such a big fan!"
"You know, im the one who sent the knife, fake blood, not really fake..., ghost face mask, shirt, etc..."
"Oh, really?"
You found her big liking, love, for you really cute.
So you invited her out to coffee and she was so excited
Practically bouncing off the ground
Kirby had never seen her so happy
You two practically hit off when you met on that coffee date
And you two ended up becoming close friends
Enough that she has caught you murdering one of your haters
But you never knew she knew that
She honestly found it hot
And thats when she brought her master plan to kill Sidney, make herself, and you, famous
You loved it, like she expected
The perfect ghost face duo.
A bit annoyed, but mostly doesnt care
He finds it hot
Sex after you've killed
Wants to keep the blood on you if you got messy because BLOOD KINK
No excuses
We all know Micheal would not have a clue on who you are
But, while killing his victims, the computer was on
He managed to catch a glimpse of it and see your face on screen
Your video was playing
Your account was on display
We all know Micheal would not have a clue on who you are
But, while killing his victims, the computer was on
He managed to catch a glimpse of it and see your face on screen
Your video was playing
Your account was on display
He watched a few of your videos, before hearing police sirens
Yep. Victim material you are.
Yes, he wanted to kill you
So he started stalking you a lot
He noticed your habit of seeking out attention, more like fame, a lot
That got him curious about you
You still were gonna be his victim of course
Until...he caught you slaughtering this famous blogger
He didnt expect that coming
He just watched you in silence as you stabbed that persons stomach over and over again
After that, he couldnt bring himself to kill you.
Dammit. Why?
He doesnt even know the answer to that himself
And for you, you've known hes been stalking you
So one day, while he was stalking you, you saw him in position and waved at him
While smiling
He just tilted his head in response
How amusing.
from there he realized what hed been feeling
Hes got a harmless crush on you, and lust
So while you were alone, vulnerable, he just happened to sneak into your house
You caught him standing there, head tilted, in your dark hallway
"Hello, Michael,"
You smiled sweetly at him.
He was annoyed at first, still is a bit
Why? Well, you posted about going to Camp Crystal Lake
So now there were a bunch of weirdos camping there, and trying to meet you 'out of the blue'
When you did get there, he stalked you for a bit
Why werent you going through any of his traps?
What the hell
I mean, he did want you to last a little longer because of how pretty/handsome you were
Maybe you werent so bad
He saw how you were gentle with nature, even though it was only to avoid his traps
When you visited the lake, the first thing you did was pray...for him.
You said you felt bad...felt bad when he drowned
"You didnt deserve that,"
You werent like the other people who had stepped on Camp Crystal Lake
(Not me feeling like a pick me from saying, 'You werent like the other people ')
Anyways, those people were disrespectful
Drinking, partying, fucking, doing drugs. In a place that belonged to Jason and was not for horny teenagers or adults
But you...you respected the camp and...him.
He didnt want to kill you anymore and just let you be
Though, you heard his foot stomp of the branch
"Whose there?!"
He grunted and sighed under his hockey mask
He came out of those dark shadows and let you see him
You just stared at him, eyes bulging out of your sockets.
He nodded
"Oh, my god. Oh, my god!"
You laughed in disbelif
"Im meeting a dead person?! And...even if you are lying and just pretending, holy shit!"
He just shook his head
"Can i take a picture?!"
He shook his head once again, cue a frown-y you
"I get it...but can i stay here?! Oh, my god. I always wonder about dead people, how they work and and stuff!"
He didnt see a problem with it, so sure.
He nodded
"Thank you!"
you squealed with excited
"You're gonna like me. We're gonna be friends!"
He didnt nod nor shook his head, but he shrugged.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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normalaboutfugo · 4 months
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"I can't find an ask box so I'mma just drop this here! I would love something with mafia boss GIORNO finding out his mom had another kid and pretty much goes feral to adopt them !! tyy"
⋆₊☆ ⊂⊃ platonic yandere don!giorno || m.list
[ warning :: PLATONIC/NOT ROMANTIC, kinda kidnapping, platonic yandere ]
[ notes :: first post!! thank you @foundfamyanderes for requesting!! <3 i can't remember what happened to gio's mom but just pretend she left giorno and had reader and left them too lol ]
[ important :: see this post on another blog? likely a repost to my rebranded multi-fandom blog! don't be afraid to check, but if they're not linked w me, let me know! <33 ]
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— when giogio first learns his mother went on to have another kid, he wanted to have a genuine connection, and he did everything in his power to find them. what if you weren't doing so well on your own, assuming that your mother didn't care about you, like she didn't with him? there's no way he'd let his own blood live like this, especially when he was doing so well.
— giorno did everything he could to look for you, searched the internet under the last name shiobana to find a lead, he looked for his mom's profile online, and when he found it, he saw various pictures of drinks, club floors, everything you'd expect from someone like her.
— it took a long time, quite a bit of searching through what seemed like a million pictures of your mom partying — giorno scrolled for hours and hours, ignoring the way his eyes burnt when he looked at the screen for too long.
— finally, after he thought he was starting to fall asleep from staring at the bright computer screen for forever, he found multiple pictures of selfies from his mom with the head of a child in the background; cropped out the best if could be, but still quite obvious you existed.
— it took a long time to find you, but honestly, it confused giorno. why was he so hooked on meeting you? he only found out you existed a few days ago, and you didn't even know you had a half brother.
— when giorno finally found you, he had immediately introduced himself to you — not as the don, but as your brother. he wanted to have a genuine connection with you, because he never had a sibling, and while everyone in bucciarati's gang were like family, but blood ran thicker than water.
— and upon finding out you were broke and living on pickpocketing because your mother left you? giorno spoiled the fuck out of you. when he met you, he treated you to a meal at one of the nicest places in italy because he wanted to make a good impression, but when he finds out you're not used to such good dining and being treated well?
— most definitely takes you shopping for whatever you want, turning you down when you say you'll pay him back for it.
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"Here, whatever you want."
"That's...! Giorno, no, I'll pay you back as soon as I ca-"
"With money you took? Don't worry about it, there's more than enough for you to have what you wanted."
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— reader goes quiet real quick
— not long after meeting him, giorno offers you a place to live. the streets got cold at night, and he would know. gratefully, you accepted it; what else could you do?
— it doesn't take long for giorno to get overbearing. he'll start putting extra locks on the doors, and when questioned, express that he just wants you to feel safer in your new home.
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"..Giorno, what's with the locks on the door?"
"The locks? Oh, I wanted to make sure you felt safe, is all. Is there a problem?"
"Well.. no, I just.. don't you think it's a bit much?"
"Mm.. no, I don't think so. You can never be too sure."
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— he might even give you a curfew at first
— he'll give you the reasoning that the streets of italy aren't safe at later times, which is semi-true. it really wasn't safe to be roaming around at night, especially after you start living with the boss himself; word spreads like wildfire in passione, and a bounty would be placed on your head by traitors before you know it.
— eventually, a curfew turns into him spending every second with you during your outings, and that turns into you just not being allowed to leave the house at all.
— even if he needs to pull a few strings to find a reason to keep you home, he'll do what he needs.
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"The strap on your bag, it's broken."
"Oh, yes.. I noticed a bit ago, but it's no big deal."
"That's fine, we can get you a new one today. There's got to be something identical somewhere."
"Should I get ready to go out, then?"
"No, you don't need to. We can find something online, or I can go find it at the store we bought it from."
"..Oh. Why?"
"I don't want you going out."
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— when you bring up your concerns to him about not being allowed to leave, he takes it really well, as if he'd just up and abandoned his previous reasons for you being kept inside. and after that, you go to bed that night with relief, sleeping easily knowing that it's going to change.
— except for in the morning, when you're leaving the room, you turn the doorknob only to realize you were locked in from the outside. on the nearest table is a notepad, next to a plate of food and a cup of water. written in red ink,
It's wrong to lock you up, but I can't bring myself to put you in danger and allow you to leave. But I can also promise it's only temporary, I want you to be happy here. I had some business with the famiglia, so I left home quite early this morning. I will return, but while I'm not there, I left food and a glass of water next to this note. I'll be seeing you soon.
— Giorno
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nerdieforpedro · 2 days
They're all watching us
Chapter Two of Uncomplicated mi Amor
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Word Count: 2124
Summary: The wedding festivities continue! Jasmine has an unwanted admirer but she's able to share a dance with Javier and a bit more.
Warnings: unwanted attention (is cut short), light drinking, some relatives (always kooky), Nerdie's music choices, flirting, some kissing (very PG 👀), promises were made kinda
Notes: I welcome comments and suggestions. I'm keeping it cute. There will be more some comedy next chapter because it's me.
Main Masterlist/ Javier Pena Masterlist/ AO3 Link
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Peña knows it doesn’t take long to reapply lipstick, so maybe Jasmine got caught up with something else. He was going to head near where the restrooms are, but he didn’t need to. She appeared to be making her way back over, in a hurry. He was going to ask what was wrong, but she was whisked away for the pictures the bride had requested. With arms crossed, he scanned the area nearby where the pictures were taken and saw one man staring intently at the group. Javier recognized this man as one of the lawyers he’d see at the courthouse from time to time. He didn’t remember the man’s name though. As the bride and her guest are dispersing after photos, this man doesn’t appear to be coming to talk to the bride or groom.
No, he’s looking right at Jasmine. She’s still talking with the bride so he’s only inching closer, careful not to get too close. Javier doesn’t like this at all. He grabs two glasses of champagne and walks right up to Eliana and Jasmine, offering the latter a glass and blocking that man’s view of her. “Oh, thank you Javi. I don’t like cham-”
“Jazz, take the glass and mix it with some juice or something. You’ll take her to get some right Javi or Javier? Eliana cut her off and patted her friend’s back. Javi nodded.
“Javi’s fine Ma’am. Congratulations.”
Eliana gave a look of fake disgust. “Don’t call me ma’am. Mrs. Estrada sí?” She whispered to Jasmine, “It looks like Dan is looking for you. Stay with Javi. I’m going to grab Issac.” 
“Okay. Love you Ana.” Jasmine gave a small wave before being whisked away by Javi to the bar. Instead of adding juice, he drank both of their drinks and she ordered a mojito. “Thanks Javi. Maybe I should go though.”
“Do you want to go or is it because of that man?” Javier asks as she sips on her drink, she finishes half of it before setting down. She hasn’t eaten since this morning. It might be a good idea to eat something. 
“I knew he was going to be here. I didn’t think he was going to swap seats with someone to sit at my table. I’ve stopped talking to him and told him why. That I don’t want to date him. He thinks he’ll wear me down or some stupid mess like that.” Jasmine explained while Javi placed a hand between her shoulders and led her to the dance floor. 
“You should stay and dance hermosa (gorgeous). It’s a celebration after all. Bailemos (Let’s dance)!!” Jasmine answered by placing her hands on Pena’s shoulders and following his lead to Santana’s ‘Black Magic Woman.’ His large hands ran down her back, along her sides where her rolls her and landed on her wide hips. He held on as they moved with the drums, they both smiled while Javi pulled her closer with each added cord played by the guitar. When the song stopped, Jasmine’s hand migrated to the back of Javier’s neck.
“Javier…” She only said his name, unsure of what else she meant to say. The thought was lost as his hands didn’t move when the next song began, ‘I Could Fall in Love,’ by Selena. It could have been any song you know, had to be Selena. I love Selena.
“Call me Javi, though if you want to say my name like that cariño, I’m not going to stop you.” He kissed her forehead and brought his lips close to her ear, “I’m not moving my hands for now though. Tell me where you want them and then I’ll move them.”
Her breath hitched while she hummed the chorus, “Keep them there Javier. I like your hands.” Jasmine cleared her throat and turned away. I shouldn’t have said anything. Or just said they’re fine. He makes me nervous and I’m comfortable with him. Just confusing. 
“That so? Good to know for later cariño (sweetheart).” The grin Javier had was criminal according to Jasmine who used her thumb to run across the hairs of the back of his neck. A slow few turns took hold of them during the music while a few of Isaac’s cousins escorted Dan out of the venue. He’d been invited because Eliana’s grandmother insisted that because he’s the bride’s cousin and family is so important, he should be given a chance to redeem himself and not do anything to disrupt the festivities. Following the bride’s best friend around certainly puts a damper on things. 
“Later?” Has she made some unspoken promise now? It sounded like it. Jasmine’s eyes shifted downward in thought, though she was sure of a few things it could be. She’s not opposed to any of them. She should just maybe get a last name at least or they could have a meal. More than a few drinks. 
A deep laugh rolled from Javier’s chest. “Don’t think too hard. Steam will come out of your ears.” The second song ended and they passed by the food table. He’d noticed her eyes looked a bit glossy, she needed to soak some of the liquor up with some food and have some water. They both did. “Come, let’s sit and eat Jasmine. We both need a small recharge.” Sitting down next to Javier, she watched people she considered family and friends dancing and enjoying themselves. 
“It really is a delightful wedding. Eliana and Issac look so happy. It’s been a great afternoon.” Rocking side to side slowly. Jasmine gave Javier a gleeful smile, a thought occurred to her. “Do you live in Laredo Javier?” Covering his mouth to hide a surprised chuckle, he nodded.
“Born and raised though I left for work twice.” He wondered if he should say more, but maybe it was best he didn’t. This was equal footing that he wasn’t used to. There were times he knew a lot about the woman he was seeing either because they had some associations in common, work or otherwise. More recently, women made assumptions about him based on his failed engagement and some recent dalliances. It appeared the woman before him was ignorant of such things. He would have a chance to tell her his perspective and she could have her own opinion not tainted by rumors. 
“I moved here ten years ago with my family as it was cheaper here than up North in DC. I miss it occasionally but I enjoy the quiet and the friends I’ve made down here.” She sat back in her chair as she spoke, the fondness on her face was obvious to Javi. She loved the place and people. The people of Loredo could be in your business too much but they usually meant well. He knew the feeling well. “They keep me mostly aware of what’s going on. I can be out of the loop sometimes.” Jasmine knew all too well that her penchant for keeping to herself and having almost no business to gossip about made her an oddity in Laredo but it had been like that in DC as well. ‘Bless her heart,’ was what she normally heard. Though, she did know had she paid a bit closer attention, she may have been able to tell Dan sooner that she wasn’t interested in him in a romantic sense. 
“The people will have you well informed of the comings and goings of everyone. No matter if you want to or not. But…” Javier took a hold of her soft hands in his, the tips of his fingers grazing her inner wrist. Jasmine made eye contact with his cocoa orbs. “I want to know more about you without all the distractions. And I can tell you anything you wanna know about me too. Maybe over dinner and another dance?” Moving his chair closer to hers and having his lips close to her ear once more, “I’ll keep my hands where you like them hermosa.” The hair of Peña’s mustache ticked her cheek when he pecked the plump skin. The edges of his mouth curved upward while she reached up and held the side of his face.
Issac used his hip to bump his wife’s and nodded in the pair’s direction. Eliana let out a gasp watching Jasmine kiss Javier and continued to keep his face in her hand. “Veo que trabaja rápido (I see he works fast). Should I be concerned given who he is?” Little Rosa bounced up to her father Issac and asked to play with some of the cousins outside, he said yes but to make sure to keep her dress clean and no hitting, unless hit first. His wife pinched his arm. “You can’t be telling her that!” 
“I don’t see why not. You know some of her primos (cousins) are ruffians. And if she keeps her dress clean while getting a few shots in, mi hija (my daughter) has talent.” The newly-married man half-jokes. His wife doesn’t find his advice amusing nor his lack of an answer to his question.
“Isaac…!” Eliana grabs his arm and looks serious. She knows her best friends doesn’t always have the best situational awareness. Ana knows who Javier Peña is despite feigning ignorance, he works as a deputy sheriff where her husband works as a lawyer for the district. She knows they’ve likely met in passing and she knows the tales of brokenhearted women Peña has left in his wake. Eliana had to admit though, everyone was an adult and if you know he’s not known for being in a relationship why did any of those women expect one?
Issac understood his wife’s concern. He’s seen Jasmine work as a paralegal. She is excellent with details, research and preparing briefs for different lawyers. Not so much with people though that’s improved from when she first started working at the district attorney’s office. He knew little more about Javier than his wife did and figured it was best to give him the benefit of the doubt. They don’t know him really at all and who’s to say her friend isn’t entitled to a romp or two with the guy if she wants. Eliana could be a bit too protective of Jasmine in his opinion but he was smart and did not tell his wife that. “She’s a grown woman. She makes her own choices which given that they’re leaving now they’ve decided on something together.”
The bride watched as her friend left with Javier’s arm around her waist. She was still worried but her husband was right. She hated when he was. Eliana was tapped on the shoulder by a tÃa looking to give her advice about her wedding night and married life. “Tía Carmen, you hate tío Rámon and barely speak to him. Why are you trying to give me any advice?”
“Dios mio mi sobrina (Oh Lord my niece), I’m who you should listen to so you don’t grow to hate sweet Issac. Come let me tell you about the year 1985…”
Javier walked Jasmine to her car, she’d picked up her purse from inside and promised to go straight home. He offered to drive but she worried about what would happen with her car. Exchanging phone numbers, Jasmine promised to let Javi know when she got home safely. She placed another kiss on his lips as he opened her car door for her and she hopped in. “I’m glad I met you today Javier. I want to dance with you again and actually share a meal with you.” Peña reached in her open window and glided his thumb along her lips. A good portion of her lipstick was on his plush ones. Looking up at Javi, her eyes followed a small bead of sweat rolling down his neck, to where he’d unbuttoned the top two buttons of his powder blue dress shirt and landed on his waist. Small but had a slight jut of a tummy. Jasmine’s eyes hung there a bit too long she felt and was refocused on his face when she heard him chuckle. 
“We will mi flor bonita (my pretty flower), but you’ve got to make it home safe first. As do I.” He took a step back from the car as she turned her key ignition, feeling herself grow hot again. Waving goodbye, Javier watched her drive off. The former DEA agent knew he would need to find a place with excellent food and music. They both deserved a fun night without any interruptions - Javier was optimistic about where this could lead with Jasmine. A fresh start with someone who could just receive him as Javier Peña before learning about the stagnant waters that wear at his soul. 
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Chapter One. Chapter Three
Wedding guests: @guelyury @yorksgirl @fhatbhabiee @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @javierpena-inatacvest
@theywhowriteandknowthings @chaithetics @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings
@maggiemayhemnj @magpiepills @bishtrouille @vivian-pascal @pascalsanctuary
@readingiskeepingmegoing @survivingandenduring
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tanoraqui · 8 months
hey!! i love your blog so much your takes are *chefs kiss*
i saw an Amazing post a few months ago where someone laid out a really cool plan for a silmarillion tv show and i cant find it again. it haunts my every waking moment. i think i saw it on your blog so i figured id ask if you knew it.
Either way, have a great day!
(note: I got this ask several thousand years ago, and am answering it now because I asked my roommates if I should write something serious tonight, or something ridiculous, or read a book; and they said ridiculous.) (note 2: I wrote the above several days ago. I'm posting at 6.5k words) (note 3: I'm going to pretend this is a deliberately timed gift to @thelordofgifs for their latest fic updates, which were bullet points of heartfelt and sober compelling canon divergence. this...is bullet points of [heartfelt? compelling?] lunacy. I hope you might enjoy it.)
Are you thinking of this, the "Supernatural but make it Silmarillion lore, and also women" show of my dreams? (Me, approaching the Tolkien estate with an offer for the rights to the Silmarillion: I swear, I will ONLY show the First Age in limited flashbacks. Everything else will be the characters as they are at least 10,000 years later, maybe even with an active framing device to identify them as modern interpretations of the characters...")
Oh huh, I forgot I thought a bunch more about that "teeechnically-not-AU" and never added it to that post. Regardless of whether it's the show you were thinking of, dear Anon:
one of the protagonists is definitely the reincarnation of Fëanor. Her name is Seraphina, which translates to something like "fiery divine being", bc her mom had a good sense of these things. They don't know this at first
her slightly older twin sister is Martha, named after their grandmother but it does mean the feminine of "master", because I spent at least an hour trying to translate any name Turin ever had into something reasonably modern and this is the best I could do (they also don't know about this reincarnation at first, ofc)
their father was killed by some sort of monster when they were babies so their mother took up monster-hunting ranging, etc. etc.
(the underground community of modern monster-hunters are called Rangers, in reference to the roaming heroes of old)
Seraphina, the Wild One(TM), ran away to go to college, where she double-majored in astrophysics and mechanical engineering and double-minored in linguistics and metallurgical engineering, and wrote an art history thesis. Martha, the Dutiful One(TM), stayed with their mother and kept ranging. They reunite when Martha shows up on Phina's doorstep because "Mom went on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days", etc. etc.
the Bobby-style substitute parent should really, to (kind of) round this out, be a dwarf or hobbit. The full "Team Free Will" should represent all peoples of Arda... But I'm not making up OCs right now (yet)
a unifying legend of the Ranger community is that their unofficial network has been supported and guided for millennia by their cousins, the peredhel, Elrohir and Elladan, who quite simply never Chose and have been wandering the earth, saving people and hunting things, ever since their sister died. They don't NEED to Choose until they die, technically!
This is, in fact, true - or, it was. Until about 25 years ago, when [flips a coin] Elrohir married our heroes' mother, settled down into peaceful domesticity, and a few years later died dramatically to buy [throws a dart at a wheel of names] Laura and their children time to escape the whatever.
Laura knew about his profession and that he was older than he looked, but not his whole deal. She found that out later while vengefully hunting monsters...and never told her daughters.
The plot of Season 1 involves unravelling this mystery, including at some point meeting their elusive uncle Elladan (who has maybe gone a little mad with the sudden death of his twin? That'd be a fun season antagonist/arc/theme...dealing with grief...very topical!)
By the end of s1, all of the above have probably had a nice closure-giving(-ish) confrontation/conversation with Elrohir's ghost - who's been waiting in Mandos for his wife and/or brother despite Mandos's INCREASINGLY strident blandishments to stop acting like a cat in a doorway and choose - and Laura and Elladan are both dead in suitably dramatic circumstances.
...or, Elladan is. Apparently John Winchester didn't die until s2e1! So, what happens is:
- (earlier in the s1 finale episode, Laura, noticed something once or twice which her daughters didn't - saw a curl of smoke, seemed to be examining a McGuffin extra closely...)
- Laura has been mildly injured, and someone needs to guard a McGuffin or maybe a random innocent civilian caught up in this, so she stays behind while Phina and Martha go off to deal with whatever the actual big bad of the season is. Maybe a cult trying to sacrifice half-elves for some reason? Directed, though not personally managed, by whatever killed Elrohir in the first place, which is...I gotta figure an OC balrog? Like, not one of the big ones from canon. We'll just call her (Laura's) Bane henceforth.
- not long later, while Phina and Martha are fistbumping in the remains of the cult's hideout Seraphina maybe have used chemical explosives), or maybe discretely looting Elladan's body for useful weapons laying their uncle to rest, the scene cuts back to Laura
- she's pacing, patrolling. Ready for a fight. She senses something and goes even tenser, drawing her ancient sword. It glows softly blue - but this is no orc. Heavy footsteps, flickering shadows and firelight, maybe the sound of wings. We do not see the enemy, just a middle-aged woman in improvised combat gear with a pistol in one hand and a Gondolin-made sword in the other, and a look of iron determination and defiance. She pulls off the bandage on her arm, revealing that she'd faked her injury so the girls would leave her behind.
- "I knew it was you," she greets her old enemy, unflinching, as a faint reprise rings unnoticed in the Great Music. She moves to attack, met by a whip-crack and a flash of fire, and cut to black.
Season 2 starts where s1 ended, for Martha and Seraphina. They're almost back at their car (the beloved 1967 Chevy Shadowfax). Note: few times in s1, Phina has had strange visions or nightmares, never anything prophetic but once a good clue to defeating the MotW...
She reels with the force and horror of this one. Darkness, utter and choking, pierced eventually by a single desperate torch. A dark and empty hall where there should be life and light. Flickering firelight reveals blood on the floor...
She gasps, "Mom," and demands that Martha drive, drive, fucking drive faster already -
They're too late, of course. Laura is long-since dead.
...so, back to Monster of the Week, with additional focus on tracking down the Bane!
Seraphina's strange dreams and visions get more frequent, more memorable. Sometimes they're peaceful, full of beautiful Light. More often they're dark, or at least, dim - climbing strange, starlit mountains (finding a cousin of aconite which turns out to also be useful for defeating werewolves). Choking grief as her hand brushes the air just above a vibrant tapestry, too afraid to ruin it with touch. Fire in her throat as she shouts world-shaking words in a language she doesn't remember (she repeats them a moment later, fending off a corrupted wind-spirit, and it flinches even before Phina feels a burst of vicious, raging, burning strength.)
Seraphina is curious as hell and keeps pushing herself to learn more, see more. Do more. It's not just visions, eventually - she starts to read minds, here and there. She's always been a fidgeter, happiest with some petty creative task of wire and beads or yarn in her hands, but now she can swear that sometimes her craft supplies sing at times, directly surpassing her ears, and she can make things with quality, with power. A new-knitted scarf is sturdy as a gorget. Glass beads glow. The more Phina does, the more she's frustrated rather than satisfied - she knows she's missing something, and she HATES being ignorant. Being wrong.
Martha, always the responsible one, especially feeling the need to be so now that their mom has died, wishes she would stop. Wishes she wouldn't put herself, put both of them, in danger like this. Martha is literally game to fight an orc with her fists one on one, any day of the week; she's no stranger to a quick temper and impulsive action. But she grew up! Why can't her sister!
(Martha: [venting the above to a stranger in a bar or something. Meanwhile, Seraphina has found an medieval Songbook and is trying to, like, apply principals of Elvencraft to chemical engineering. more arguing ensues.])
Toward the end of the season, there's, idk, several murders at the site of a geothermal drilling experiment in the North Sea, and oh shit, Bane is trying to get something that came out of that drill shaft! Violent interrogation of some evil minions reveals that it's no less precious thing than a Silmaril! Our heroes read about those recently in some ancient tome! (Phina got a headache so bad, and a sense of being aflame, that she passed out.)
In the third-to-last episode of the season, they hunt the Silmaril to the unlucky random research facility to which it's been taken. Mundane authorities and/or scientists are already coveting it as a potential energy source, adding extra mooks...who mostly just die when Laura's Bane arrives. But our girls get to it just slightly faster. The jewel is in a jead-lined box. Phina has been increasingly consumed by single-minded focus on getting this thing; even as the Ban storms in all fire and darkness, she's furiously picking the lock. She flings back the lid; we see a shining gold-white jewel - and the Light consumes the screen.
The second-to-last episode starts with pure Light - then it fades to simple Mingling, as the Noldor hold a funeral for Miriel. They had rites for the fallen in their starlit home of old, when they knew no return. They are having a modified version now, knowing that in her weariness she will, at least, take a very long time; in the hope that it will help those who loved her move through their grief.
- young Fëanor (age 5ish), tears running down his cheeks, whispers to his father that he is sorry, so sorry he killed her. Finwë denies it fiercely, lovingly, and holds him tight. Indis approaches, seeking to offer comfort; Finwë sees her over Fëanor's head and, gratefully, shakes his head. She retreats.
- but in the next memory, it is Fëanor (age 10ish) who watches Finwë and Indis, as they move joyously in unison around their wedding dance floor. Someone says something to him, he responds bitterly.
- (I'm not sure exactly what narrative of Fëanor's life I want to construct here, but assume subsequent memories/short scenes include: dislike of half-siblings (ft. fear of loss/abandonment masked as superiority complex), finding genuine joy and contentment in craft, exploration, and Nerdanel & their children; Melkor & rising tensions with Fingolfin, the Silmarils, the sword Incident, banishment (ft. savage dislike of Valar), Finwë's death (the same memory that struck when Laura died!), the Oath, Alqualondë, the theft and burning of the ships...and Amrod...and shortly thereafter, Fëanor himself, in a rush that only wasn't suicide because he really thought he could bust in and kill a Vala right up until he realized he absolutely could not do that.)
- (very fast final montage of key events post death, only snapshots, maybe styled as tapestry seen from Vairë's Halls? Fingolfin, crowned, raising Maedhros from a bow and embracing him; the glorious hosts and castles of the Noldor, Dagor Bragollach, Fingolfin's death, Doriath & Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin's deaths, Sirion & Amras's death (both with the Silmaril evading them in the background), Morgoth's defeat by Host of the West with Eärendil shining far overhead, the final attack/theft, Maedhros's death, Maglor flinging the third into the sea and collapsing)
- camera close on Seraphina's face as she opens her eyes. They are shining with Light. She says, "Fuck."
- a few second earlier: Martha sees from across the room as Phina opens the box and a joyous Light shines forth, and her sister collapses. The Silmaril falls and rolls.
- Martha doesn't have time to see where it rolls, because she has to fight the monster that killed both her parents. We've seen Laura's Bane in the shape of a woman with cavern-black hair and fiery eyes a few times before, and when it killed Laura and Elrohir, we glimpsed much more. But 2 episodes ago was the first time we saw it in all its terrible, burning darkness. The building is falling apart around it. There were a couple security guards and a scientist here; they're dead within moments.
- like her mother, Martha started out with a gun and a sword. She quickly gives up on the gun - it IS a special magic gun, but she's just better with a sword. She's snarking at the monster as she fights, because this is a gritty urban fantasy show so she's going to die, but by Eru she's going to die with sarcasm on her lips.
- the Bane's whip finally catches her around the wrist. It's not clear if it's the pain of the break or the burn that makes her drop her sword. The Balrog steps over it and grabs her by the throat. Darkness enwraps her, the searing, choking claws and the all-encompassing wings and the swallowing of her vision -
- Light pierces it like a blade. The Balrog falls back, dropping Martha to the floor.
- there stands her sister, Silmaril raised, almost glowing herself with its Light. Her eyes blaze with the particularly fiery Light that was always Fëanor's.
- Power in her voice, in English she says, "I am Seraphina Elrohiel [cool epithet she's picked up as a hunter]"; in the most traditional lisping Quenya she adds, "and I am Fëanáro Finwë-Curufinwë." English again: "I wrought this jewel five ages of the world ago…and to be honest, I don't really know what I can do with it now."
- - (the soundtrack crescendos, the Music crescendos; unseen, all around Arda and beyond, beings tuned into the Great Song of Ëa know that Fëanor once again holds a Silmaril, and go oh, shit, fuck!!)
- she smiles, fey and burning. "Do you think it's a good idea to stay and find out?"
- Laura's Bane flees with a snarl.
- Martha gets to her knees, and no further. She's panting, still catching her breath, bleeding and bruised and burned, and staring up at her incandescent sister(?).
- Seraphina (who is, has always been, Fëanáro Curufinwë) stays standing and glaring for a moment more, making sure the enemy has truly gone. Then -
- - [note: it came up, in their hasty recent recent research into the Silmarils while chasing them, that they are blessed such that evil hands can't touch them. they'd hoped this would be protection against the Bane, if they got there too late to stop it]
- - [note: in the very very brief memory-views of Maedhros and Maglor's last moments, it was clear that their grips on the Silmarils were agony]
- Phina falls to her knees, Silmaril dropping from her hand without protest. Once again it rolls offscreen, glow faded but still bright. All force of presence gone, she cradles her burned hand and sobs in agony and irreparable loss, not to mention the sheer overwhelming experience of everything.
- older sister instincts (again: despite the fact that they're twins) gets Martha moving when nothing else did. Still not actually sure what just happened, she crawls forward and hugs her sister.
...then they get out of there. Martha picks the Silmaril up carefully with a piece of cloth and puts it back in the lead-lined box, and Phina carries the box. For the rest of the episode, they hunt down Laura's Bane before it can escape them utterly - unless it tries to come back and get the Silmaril while they're still off-balance, which is entirely possible! Either way, they kill it so dead!
Season ends with the two of them sitting in a dingy motel room, or maybe back in the Shadowfax [car], staring at the Silmaril box. Martha says, "So...what do we do with this?" Phina says, "We find out what the hell happened to the other two!"
...I stop having particularly coherent ideas for what happens, is what happens in season three
honestly, I was originally conceiving of this as 5 seasons a la Supernatural didn't it have a great show finale in 2010? so great. thank goodness they didn't make 10 more seasons for some canonically godforsaken reason. But Fëanor retrieving even just one Silmaril would so kick off an s4 level of divine intervention and incipient apocalypse...
I dunno, or maybe they CAN have a full season of Monster of the Week plus arcing plot which is half standard hunting, half various supernatural entities tracking them down either to steal the Silmaril or to kill Fëanor (again) for her many crimes?
They retrieve 1 Silmaril that season, while evading, idk, I guess Sauron is our Lilith equivalent... And it WOULD be fun to have s4 start with Martha kicking open Mandos's doors (she's holding 2 Silmarils; she can kick open whatever doors she wants) and demanding her obnoxious sister back...
(We COULD do a thing where the Valar deliberately put Fëanor back asap, but lbr they...would probably rather not, even if they need her alive to do certain things. On the other hand, if they did, what a fun conflict for her! On the third hand, SOMEONE has to Lúthien the other's Beren at least once - not that Martha is singing. She's going more for the 'threatens Ainur with swords' side of her heritage.)
(That WOULD create a fun 'Martha has been doing increasingly badass and angsty shit offscreen (while Seraphina was dead)' scenario that could lead smoothly into some flashbacks about what Martha was doing before the show started - namely, increasingly badass (and angsty) shit while Seraphina was in college...)
Because in terms of focus, the first 2 seasons are a little more about Seraphina. Having not Ranged for a while, she's more the audience's pov character to start, and then the big plotty drama is focussed on her in s2...and in s3, as they hunt the next Silmaril and she adjusts to being... That is, Fëanor adjusts to being...
She was Fëanor for a MUCH longer time than she's been Seraphina, but she's been Seraphina more recently and kinda more...vividly? She hasn't fully processed being Fëanor. Her hröa is human (and female-shaped and human-female-gendered, and elves don't define gender the same way and don't have gendered pronouns at all, so she's sticking with 'she/her' and it's not a big deal), and her fëa has been acting human, so her memory capacity is still mostly human, as are her reflexes, her need for sleep, etc... She's getting better, but it takes time.
But boy has this enhanced ALL of Seraphina's natural attention-seeking, forward-leaping, fight-starting, prideful, self-centered Protagonist(TM) behavior!
Which is driving Martha CRAZY, all the moreso because there's reason for it now. Aside from the fact that even with no memory of her past life, Seraphina was always brilliant, while Martha was just...normal at best. Clumsy and un-witty except with a weapon in her hand. Prone to sulking and shyness. Downright unlucky, while the universe seems to shower blessings on her sister.
Even when Fëanor is trying not to start a fight, she's so condescending. to her sister who is a mere mortal Man. Having been one for 25-odd years - still being one, in fact - Fëanor has lost much of her suspicion of Man as an usurping species (it was never really about Men anyway). But she's SO condescending.
(Martha IS her sister, still. Martha can hold the Silmaril without the Oath pushing Seraphina to burning wrath, because she is Fëanor's kin.)
(Though "Fëanor's kin" was only ever a stand-in for, roughly, "people Fëanor could trust to temporarily hold a Silmaril because he knew they'd give it back to him instantly if he asked." So, as the rift deepens between then, as she grows paranoid again...)
...returning to the point above: as Seraphëanor steps up as Person Who Can Explain Advanced Supernatural Shit, audience pov connects a little more with Martha. Also because Fëanor's radius of destruction is really fun to watch from the outside.
Yeah...Seraphina gets pretty high up her own ass over the course of s3, then dies, maybe heroically or maybe as foolishly as last time, then post-season hiatus smash cut to Martha kicking in Mandos's front door and dragging her back to life... I do love that.
After the shock wears of, the classic Fëanorian paranoia isn't helped by the fact that Martha IS keeping secrets. What she's been doing, who she's been doing it with...(some Maia, maybe even an Úmaia?) Though Arda's mythology doesn't have the same Heaven/Hell dichotomy as Earthly Christianity, so alaos we can't have the sexy sexy s4 thing of an angel on one sister's shoulder and a devil on the other's...
But basically I think s3 has to have been somewhat of a tragedy, as Túrin (unknowing) and Fëanor (just bad at this) played out their old tragedies in tandem. Rashness was often the undoing of both. Leaping to conclusions, action or both, though usually in opposite directions. With maybe a dash of parallels with ancient (ie, Second Age) Elf vs Man conflict - Martha is increasingly down on herself, but also, jealous of Seraphina's Protagonist Energy and increasingly ready to do some violence about it.
And none of that resolves in s3! Seraphina just gets killed!
So in s4, they have to figure it out. Seraphina needs to learn some sort of (gasp) humility, and how to let grievances (and loved ones) go. Martha needs to learn how to cope with regret and grief with means other than changing her name and moving to a different city.
(She's already starting, though! This time, she asked "what would Seraphina do', then broke into Mandos and demanded solutions!)
(...and Mandos, perhaps, was very ready to refuse until he got a good look at her fëa, silently went 'huh' in recognition, and waved them out.)
Then Martha starts having strange dreams and visions - maybe after they fight an ancient dragon? or maybe she already was, in the s3-s4 gap (after fighting an ancient dragon with her new Maia friend?)
Seraphina is initially PSYCHED about this- twinnies for real!! But they get some entity to look at Martha's fëa and they confirm that she's 100% a Man.
Monster of the Week episodes are still the main focus btw. Vampires and werewolves, cursed magical objects, rogue petty nature maiar, peacekeeping between factions of non-humans still dwelling secretly here and there... Though perhaps the masquerade is starting to fracture?
And, of course, some (other?) Maia has shown up and informed them that Sauron is embodied again and trying to complete a ritual to break a hole in the envelope of the world to let Melkor back in, which our heroes must stop!
Also, definitely need to get the 3rd Silmaril back this season. They got the one in the earth and the one in the sea...
- so, a fan favorite recurring character [a/n: IT'S MY IMAGINARY TV, I CAN IMAGINE THE FANDOM'S REACTIONS, TOO, AND ALSO TBH I'M CERTAIN I COULD DELIBERATELY CRAFT A FAN FAVORITE CHARACTER] is the twins' Uncle Earl, who isn't technically their uncle but rather an old family friend of their mother's. He is, in short, kind of an old kook. Some flavor of Southern - I'll flip a coin and say Louisianan? Lives on a houseboat, refuses to go ashore unless absolutely necessary because "the feds'll get me." Visiting nieces means there's someone else to go get groceries and gasoline (necessary, but he doesn't trust most delivery services or modern technology, either), so they've possibly never seen him set foot on land except maybe once on an isolated beach in rural Oregon. Fought in Korea. Has probably looked grizzled since age 12. Eats mostly fish, talks to birds, talks back to the radio.
- to be clear, this guy is not filling the Bobby 'faux-parent' role. ...okay maybe he is a little, emotionally. But he's not involved in "the family business." In terms of SPN characters, he's roughly Garth - appears once a season or so, is a delight for 1 episode, then we part ways. He calls Martha in s1 because there's been some "weird deaths" in the port he's in right now, and he knows they deal with "this sort of thing" but he can't get ahold of Laura. There's a mention of him in s2, that they called to tell him Laura had died. In s3, they need to lay low for a while so they join him on his boat for a few weeks, go stir-crazy and end up fighting a sea monster.
- Idk if he calls them again in s4 or they're trying to lie low again or they just run into him by chance...but they're dealing with MotW murders in some swampy Florida shore-town and on his ship (The Flower) when something much bigger than a swamp monster catches up with them. Say, Sauron sent an unstoppable Carcharoth-sized wolf monster, or maybe a super-vampire (some aerial combat would be fun), or just some Úmaia miniboss that a season or two would've been a season-climax boss fight...
- they're moored up when it arrives. Phina curses, Martha shouts for Earl to drive, drive the boat out as far and fast as he can! Earl was half-asleep at the table; he starts awake demanding if it's the feds?! Phina leaps to the wheel herself and slams the gas, while Martha grabs the old shotgun off the wall and fires at the giant shadowy wolf-monster.
They leave it howling on the pier. They'll have to go back and face it eventually, but they're not ready right now. Maybe they can even re-land far upshore, and it'll have lost their scent again...
- the giant shadow-wolf finishes howling starts chasing them running on the water
- Martha curses, and shouts Phina to drive faster. Earl (looking over Martha's shoulder, also cursed, almost impressed, at the sight of the wolf) tells her to give him the wheel. Phina shoves him away and shouts back as she yanks the wheel that they need to turn back, they can't win this fight on the water -
- the wolf is snapping at the Flower's keel. Phina curses in Valarian and yells at Earl to take the wheel and steer them back to land, while she runs back to help Martha fight the wolf.
- Earl flips a red lever in the [boat mechanics] cabinet under the wheel which we've probably seen before (Seraphina fixed something in s1), labeled "High Octane" and shouts, "Hold on, girls!" He slams the throttle again and the whole houseboat hydroplanes. The wolf falls overboard; Phina goes with it but Martha grabs her.
- the wolf gets to its feet on the water, and starts chasing them again
- "Confession time, girls!" Uncle Earl calls, steering the boat beyond full throttle while Martha and Phina get to their feet. "I did befriend your ma's dad while he was fighting in Korea. He whispered to the stars at night, when he felt lost." Adjusts a standing spyglass, tugs a string a couple times to turn on the lanterns on the prow and above the steering console, dons his navy blue-and-gold captain's hat. "I thought I couldn't have been happier to guide him home - then Elrohir met his Laura, and they fell in love. And had the two of you!"
- "Do you have a point?" Phina shrieks. She's scrambling to get her jacket out of her bag under one of the seats, because her Silmarils are in its pockets and the shadow-wolf is gaining. Martha, shooting at the wolf again, glances back, maybe having noticed that the old anecdote is phrased differently than before. Old Uncle Earl is standing unusually straight, his grizzled-gray hair gold-ish in the warm lantern light.
- "Yes!" he calls, jerking the boat away from the wolf again. Some of his Louisiana accent has fallen away, too. "Don't lose your wits - and keep holding on to something!"
- he tugs the light-cord again and the yellowy lantern-case above the wheel opens, and the light that shines forth is far brighter and paler. Its source falls into his hand as the lantern shakes with the Flower's speed, and he sets it on the brim of his hat - the illusion of which fades, leaving only the golden band on his brow with the Silmaril set upon, and Eärendil standing as tall, young, and golden-haired as when he first sailed the sacred seas. He gives the wheel another stern yank and the ship's prow rises even higher - and keeps rising, with the rest of the Flower in tow - the Foamflower, Vingilotë, every plank now aglow.
- "Also," he admits, looking over his shoulder to make sure neither of the twins has fallen off (again), "I'm your great-grandfather. I really am sorry to have - hey!"
- that's for Seraphina, who is Fëanor, Oath blazing in her heart, regaining her balance, sprinting up the deck and lunging with wrath in her eyes for the Silmaril.
- Eärendil dodges smoothly, while still keeping one hand on the wheel. "I said," he says reprovingly - while Martha bodily tackles her sister to the floor - "keep your wits Fëanáro. I'm here to help, as I ever have been for the people of Arda."
- the girls wrestle on the deck for a few more seconds before Seraphina calms down. It helps that they realize the wolf had grown giant wings of shadow and is chasing them aloft as well.
- btw: late in s4, the dwarvish researcher who's Bobby's fill-in and/or Martha's probably-trustworthy Maia friend should really be present as well for all of the above, but this ain't really about them. So I think they're just kinda. awkwardly Present for this family not-reunion. helping fight the wolf & all that.
- (Eärendil doesn't actually give back the Silmaril. But he lets Seraphina hold it for a few minutes, during which she is more at peace than she has been in millennia, and promises to let her have it again if/when she really needs it, if it isn't more urgently needed elsewhere. This is, more or less, satisfying to the Oath: as discussed "Fëanor's kin" was only ever shorthand for "people whom Fëanor could trust to hold a Silmaril without ever withholding it from him.")
Eeexcept it turns out that even Eärendil doesn't know that the Valar DO want Morgoth back, because they're kinda totally down to have Dagor Dagorath and reboot the world. Look it'll be great - Túrin - that's you, Martha - will help Eonwë and Tulkas slay him, then Fëanor will break the Silmarils, releasing the Light so that Eru can use it to Remake the world, Unmarred this time - Hey, where are you Children going? Stop stabbing people! Stab only the people we tell you to stab!
(Ulmo, ever wise, offscreen: When has that EVER worked? Especially with Fëanáro and his kin?)
Yeah, there's a scene very much like the end of SPN s4, wherein Martha gets grabbed by the celestial "good guys" and they admit that this is all kinda set-up but don't worry - here's your destined fuckoff-huge black sword, just wait a few minutes for your "sister" to once again achieve an evil end that's the exact opposite of what she intended; and then Martha has to convince the Maia she's been befriending all season to help her escape and go rescue Seraphina before she jumpstarts the apocalypse...
(Nb: Martha was already trying to stop Sauron from freeing Morgoth when the season started - she broke Seraphina out of Mandos party bc she loved and missed her sister, partly because she needed a Silmaril expert. But she's grown skeptical of the task somehow, while Seraphina - perhaps because Seraphina - has gotten vengefully obsessed with it. As Fëanor is wont to do. Hell, she has even more reason than she used to - she knows what Sauron did to her grandson.)
So, y'know
They do, of course, accidentally free Morgoth.
On the plus side, in the process, they get to jointly murder the SHIT out of Sauron, who was the REAL mastermind behind much of Laura's Bane's actions (and, honestly? Might've been the real one who killed Laura, and only set it up to look like a Balrog. Flames and shadows both can have many masters!)
SEASON FIVE, THE FINAL SEASON DEFINITELY FOLLOWED BY NO FURTHER SEASONS despite the temptation of a terrible sexy humanoid Ungoliant
I only have 3 ideas for season 5:
1. They go to Valinor at some point, of course. Perhaps to rally aid? The first elf they find, they introduce themselves grandly, Fëanor and Túrin Turambar here seeking allies to fight Morgoth! and the elf says blankly, "I have never heard of either of you." *squints* "You're Men, you say? Lord Ulmo keeps a Man on Tol Eressëa, I think. You could go to him?" But after that, as a running joke all episode, every other elf they meet recognizes Fëanor on sight (she has a very distinctive fëa) and immediately punches her in the face...and every other elf recognizes Tùrin on sight and all but tackle-hugs Martha while shouting joyfully that they never expected to see him again. Some (Beleg) actually do tackle-hug her (and nearly gets stabbed again) (#worthit).
2. To everyone's surprise, including the other Valar, Morgoth started his war upon creation subtly when he returned...but doesn't remain subtle for long, nor do those opposing him. By the end of the season, the masquerade that non-human sentient peoples and various other supernatural beings still live in Arda is all but shattered.
3. Then it's THOROUGHLY shattered in the finale. I don't know if the general human populace participates in the final battle - though I am SO weak for a moment when, like, the regular-ass armed forces, who are not necessarily allies to the heroes, show up to help fight a massive superhuman threat. When the SHIELD helicarrier shows up to evacuate civilians in Age of Ultron, when UNIT does pretty much anything in Doctor Who...I love it when the best protections & warriors the mundane human race could pull together also show the fuck up and help save the day because damnit, this is their planet too. ...Which is, in fact, very on-theme for Tolkien. So yes, actually, this definitely happens. Probably there's some conflict with US military forces mid-season, our heroes have to talk (fight & escape) their way out of being arrested for blowing up a national landmark while fighting a balrog, and the general in charge whom they'd half-convinced returns in the finale with a battalion to slam some missiles into Morgoth...
oh, and 4: Ar-Pharazón et al totally do come back from the dead. Probably on Morgoth's side lbr. They get a twisted undead immortality wherein they cannot die, just go on fighting for the dark lord to whom they once turned in jealous worship...
More importantly...
Okay, I really don't know exactly how the Dagor Dagorath goes. We're following the version that Eärendil will chase Morgoth from the skies; Tulkas, Eonwë and Túrin will fight him upon the field and Túrin will avenge his House and all the Race of Men by slaying him; and Fëanor will break the Silmarils and Yavanna will use their Light to remake the Trees, and the lands will be leveled or in some cases raised from the depths, and everyone will live happily ever after except possibly Men who aren't mentioned beyond Túrin.
This is what the Valar expect to happen (though they don't actually know-know Eru's plans.)
What happens instead is...
Most of the Morgoth-defeating does go exactly like that. Except probably they don't kill him for good - they CAN'T, because the Marring of the world is part of what Morgoth is, and the only way to undo him completely is to remake the world completely.
Which maybe could be done, by Eru if no one else, if He were beseeched? Which might be done with the strength of the Silmarils, their Light released?
And Seraphina does break the Silmarils. That's important for her - giving up her Protagonist role, just as slaying Morgoth - embracing her Protagonist role - is important for Martha.
...but I don't think they give the Light back to Yavanna. No offense to the Trees, but they never illuminated most of Arda anyway, and the world is round now anyway - and making it flat again would fuck it up - and we have, like, electrical lights, now.
Hell, maybe Seraphina is ready to give up the Light... Her instinct is to hold it back, to follow her own novel plans with it, but, oh, to regain what was lost! And she has come around on...some of the Valar. Selectively. Yavanna's one of the okay ones.
- but Martha, half-dead from the battle, drops to her knees beside her and catches her hands before she can loose the Light upward unto the grasp of the Tree-Queen.
- "Together?" Martha says (Túrin Turambar, ever the greatest Men had to offer - bull-headed, loyal, brave, unafraid of death, loving and losing and loving again).
- Seraphina's trembling lips curve into a fierce grin (Fëanäro Curufinwë, ever the greatest Elves had to offer - brilliant in mind and spirit, devoted, ever seeking to preserve and glorify the beauty of the world, and eventually learning some wisdom about letting go).
- "Together," she agrees.
- together, they hold the Light that once shone in the Trees, the Lamps, and the Flame Eternal of Creation itself; and as they release it, reach for the Great Music of Ëa that is deep in both their blood - for they are the daughters of Elrohir, son of Elrond, son of Elwing daughter of Dior son of Lúthien Tinúviel, daughter of Melian the Maia; and indeed, even before that, they are both trueborn Children of Eru, are they not? - and eschew utterly the Choice of the Peredhel by leaving the world round but Un-Sundering the Sea, that the kindred might still live apart, if they wished it - the Elder in their land undying, the Younger in their realms of quick and sometimes joyful, often savage change - but that they might visit one another, at least, as they pleased.
(I mean, wasn't the false division of siblings the whole problem from the start?)
Random Additional Features of this Show/AU/Thing
All elf and ainu side characters, canonical and not, will be cast gender-blindly, and characters referred to with the understanding that elvish personal pronouns don't necessarily correlate with physical phenotype, but Ainur do generally try to match local standards of gender assignment. Dwarves will all use he/him (and have beards!) even when fairly clearly female.
I have no idea what Martha is doing for gender once she remembers being Túrin. With all the time Túrin spent with Elves, she probably rolls pretty smoothly with being she/her now, though it's weird. Her memories definitely integrate more easily than Fëanor/Seraphina's, though, as much because she's the same kind of being both times as because there's less of them.
Both protagonists are definitely bisexual. Martha has a range of love interests; it's a running joke (at first) that Seraphina has a total Thing for redheads. Any kind of redhead. But especially creative ones - any kind of art or invention.
The role of Gabriel WILL be played by Maglor, albeit with a different death (don't worry, he'll be back for the finale) and much more...gloominess. And angst. Okay, and maybe his first appearance, in s1 or 2, IS cursing them - not knowing who they are - into a musical episode. (A WOMAN HAS NEEDS; THE WOMAN IS ME.)
When Martha meets Fingolfin and/or any of Fëanor's other siblings, probably in s5 but maybe s4, they immediately Vibe completely. It's the shared experience of growing up with Fëanor for a sibling. Needless to say, Seraphina Hates This.
Their chief researcher friend is a dwarf, who is also on the young-ish side I think, and a woman (he/him).
There's gotta be a notable hobbit on the Team before the end, too...but overall, hobbits remain symbolically representative of the Civilians in this war story.
Durin is alive again somewhere. Durin usually reincarnates in time to guide his people through particularly difficult times - or, to try. Their dwarf friend - what the hell, I'll just call him Bobby - tries SO hard to be Cool about meeting him, and fails SO hard.
I generally prefer to judge and characterize the Valar and associated Maiar as fallible to the point of clumsiness or negligence but basically wise and thoroughly benevolent...but I AM willing to throw some of them under the characterization bus for ease of making conflict in this hypothetical CW show.
...I probably have many more random thoughts but it's 3am and I want to post this whole insane thing. Feel free to ask me questions if you have them! And/or petition both the Tolkien estate and a major TV network for the rights, money, and support to help me make the terrible but wonderful show we deserve!
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