fruitjuus · 3 months
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elven worsties (but friends when it counts)
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Slashers' as fathers with a child/reader. (Comfort drabbles for anyone like me who has daddy issues).
Notes: 100% NON-ROMANTIC. Platonic love only. Non-binary reader. The reader is less than ten years old (you decide the age). Freddy is alive and NOT a pedophile.
I'm a little embarrassed that I made this but I can't deny that it does comfort me and make me feel better. If it makes you happy as well, then I'm glad. Thank you for reading. I hope you have a nice day.
He was sleeping in his bed when he felt something nudge his arm, the soft callings of your voice quickly rousing him from his slumber. "Daddy? Daddy, please wake up."
Paternal instincts demanding that he instantly wake to check and see if you were okay, Freddy sat up and opened his eyes. Immediately the sight of you standing beside the bed in your pajamas with a sad, frightened look on your face greeted him, and he reached out to gently brush a hand through your messy hair.
"What's the matter, sweetie? Is everything okay?" He asked, gazing around for potential danger.
You whimpered, your little hands anxiously fiddling together as you say sadly, "I... I had a nightmare and I... I got scared."
Relaxing a bit, Freddy sat up all the way in bed and lifted his arms out towards you, "Oh sweetie, come here."
Stepping forward and lifting your arms, you whimper whenever your dad pulled you sideways onto his lap and held you close. He kissed the top of your head and gently patted your back. "Thought I told you not to be having those?" He mumbled.
"I know, but... It was so scary and I-I didn't like it," You whined, burying yourself into the divine safety of his chest, his scent familiar and comforting.
"Shh, shh," Freddy rubbed soothing circles against your back while hugging you securely against him, always prepared to fight all of your demons away- even if your demons were as simple as nightmares. "It's okay, sweetie. You're alright. Daddy's got ya. Everything's gonna be okay."
"Ok..." You whisper, still snuggled against him. He was so comforting and safe. "Daddy? I'm thirsty. Will you get me some juice, please?"
"You want juice?" Freddy tickled your nose causing you to giggle, "Hm?"
"And a story?" You smile at him hopefully.
"And a story? Well, aren't you spoiled," Freddy smiled back and leaned down to nuzzle your forehead, "Sure, sweetie, let's get you some juice."
Grinning at his compliance, you lean forward and give him a big hug. He hugs you back, and it feels so nice and comforting that you feel as if you could go to sleep right then and there.
Freddy holds your hand as he takes you to the kitchen to get you some juice. Then he grabs a book from a shelf and sits down in his arm chair with you sitting in his lap with your blanket and juice in clutch. He reads to you the short story as many times as you want until you've finished your beverage and declared that you were tired again.
"Can I sleep with you, daddy? Please," You ask, fidgeting in the hopes that you wouldn't have to sleep in the dark alone by yourself again tonight.
Freddy doesn't have the heart to tell you "no", so he nods and ruffles your hair, "As long as you promise not to have anymore nightmares. Promise?"
"I promise, daddy," You say happily, crawling into bed with him and immediately going to snuggle into his chest, "I love you."
Freddy kisses your head and tucks you both in with a blanket, one arm wrapping around you to hold you against him. Warm, safe, and comfortable. "Love you too, sweetie. Now get some sleep and, this time, have 'good' dreams."
Bo Sinclair + Uncle Vincent and Lester
"Hey Les, you seen (y/n) around?" Bo asked as he approached Lester's truck.
Lester gave him a look that he came to dread. "Yeah, they're on back with Vincent. Why?"
Relieved by your assured safety, Bo placed his hands on his hips and stared hard at the ground. Guilt chewed on him like a hungry wolf, and shame became a permanent dark cloud hanging all around him. "I-I messed up, Les," He admitted, shaking his head.
Lester raised his eyebrows in suspicion, "What'a ya mean?"
"Yesterday, I... I messed up," Bo huffed, dragging a rough hand through his hair, "An' now they ain't talkin' to me, and I... I just... Uh."
"Oh, so that's why the little critter wanted to spend the night," Lester chuckled and petted his dog's head fondly, "An' here I was hopin' I was the new favorite uncle. Guess I ain't, huh?"
Bo ignored him as he thought about what happened yesterday. He had been angry for reasons unrelated to you, and when you had tried to get his attention he snapped and yelled at you. Even though "what" was all he yelled, he could still tell how much he scared you and hurt your feelings. Now you wouldn't go around him. Gosh, he didn't mean to do it, he just... He was just an idiot.
Lester frowned at him as if noticing his distress, "Well hell, if it's botherin' ya to the pits then why don't ya go talk to them? You are their daddy after all, ain't ya?"
Yes. Yes he was your dad. And no child should ever have to be afraid of their dad.
Making his ultimate decision, Bo adjusted his hat and began stomping away, "Gotta go."
He found you in the house eating snacks with Vincent. When you noticed he was there, you looked at him and then quickly bowed your head like... like you were afraid of him. And it broke Bo's heart. Good grief, what had he done?
Pulsing with regret, guilt and shame, Bo slowly approached you and knelt down beside your chair, "Hey there, little critter bug. What'cha eating?"
You were hesitant, keeping your face averted as you timidly mumble, "Grapes."
"Ooh, yummy, can I have some?" He lifted his hands out, uncertain of where and when he should start explaining himself.
Sadness and uncertainty decorated your face as you lifted out the bowl to him. Vincent seemed to understand what his brother was doing, and he stood up to leave and give you some privacy.
As he ate some grapes, Bo was surprised to hear you quietly ask, "Daddy... Are... Are you still mad at me?"
"Oh..." He straightened his posture, set the bowl aside and reached out to gently grasp your shoulder, "Oh, (y/n), I was never mad at ya, I just... I was just havin' a bad day and I..."
Bo sighed, his hand squeezing your shoulder gently in reassurance, "Look, critter bug, I didn't mean to yell at ya, and I definitely ain't mad at ya. I just... Daddy made a mistake, and I'm so, so sorry, (y/n). I promise... I'll never yell at you again. I promise."
Your eyes glistened as you looked at him as if in debate. Bo's throat was dry as he waited for your reaction, the negativity and guilt nearly driving him insane.
Instead of saying anything, you spread your arms and lift them upwards. Bo sighed quietly in relief and went to scoop you into his arms, his aching chest slowly beginning to calm down. He still felt guilty for how he made you feel, and he wasn't lying when he promised that he would never ever make you feel that way again.
Michael + Aunt Laurie
You were both trick-or-treating and having a good evening on Halloween. Michael alternated between carrying you on his back, on his hip, or simply holding your hand while walking. It warmed his heart to see how happy and excited you were, your candy-bag becoming overloaded with sweet treats.
He decided to stop at Lauries for a quick break and some refreshment. You ran back out while he was still inside. It only felt like a minute before he followed your footsteps and soon came to a scene that made his blood boil and his eyes widen.
You were laying on your back against the sidewalk, small, frightened cries spilling from your lips. In the direction you were staring, Michael caught a glimpse of a group of teenagers quickly running away. They must have done something to you. But what?
"D-daddy," You cried as he quickly walked over to you, and you skittered to get to your feet.
Michael barely got to check you over for damage before you were wrapping your arms around his waist and crying into his belly. "They pushed me and stole my candy," You whined loudly against him, "I-I just wanted to be friends, b-b-but they stole my candy. Ehh, daddy, daddy, what do I do? They stole my candy."
Anger invaded every nerve within Michael's body as he held you close protectively. How dare anyone treat you this way. How could they? You were the nicest, sweetest little angel. What was their problem? Michael's eyes burned with the memory of those teenage scum and the direction they fled.
Hearing your loud sniffles, Michael gently coaxed you back and knelt down. Slipping off his mask, he reached out, cupped your cheek and used his jumpsuit sleeve to wipe away your tears and snot. Then he used sign-language to ask if you were okay.
You nodded and cried in great sadness, "But they stole my candy. Wh-why did they do that, daddy? I-I just wanted to be friends."
Michael quickly explained to you how those teenagers were obviously bullies. This same experience happened to him too when he was your age. Everything was going to be alright. They would get you more candy. Calm down. Everything was going to be alright.
Slowly you began to calm down, your sobs and whines diminishing. Michael pulled you into his arms and hauled you against his hip so that he could take you into the house. You stayed attached to him the whole time, and he refused to let you go. Frustration still burned inside him, and he was overwhelmed with the urge to protect and comfort you/his child.
Laurie was there to save the day, thankfully, offering you all of the candy she hadn't yet given out and putting on a fun movie for you to watch.
You were snuggled up against your dad on the couch, your mood significantly eased as he rubbed your head and back and offered you pieces of candy. For the most part you forgot about the incident, but Michael certainly hadn't.
Let's just say that, by tomorrow, you would have your stolen candy back.
He had taken a leave of absence from work so that he could better take care of you while you were sick. It wasn't anything serious; just a small cold. The nurse from your school had sent you home earlier due to a sore throat and a fever. Hannibal had rushed to get you as quickly as he could.
Once he got you home, he had you take a bath and get dressed into your pajamas. You complained of throat and stomach pain, and you had irritated sinuses. He gave you some medication and told you to lie down while he made you some special soup that would soothe your tummy.
As he was cooking, he heard your tiny footsteps echoing from the hallway, and he turned to see your sleepy figure approaching, "Daddy?"
"Yes, my child, what is it?" He asked, setting his cutting knife aside.
"My tummy hurts so bad," You pouted, your voice beginning to sound scratchy, "And I don't feel good. I wanna be with you."
Hannibal grabbed a kleenex from the counter and knelt down to gently clean your messy nose, "I know. And that is precisely why you should be sleeping."
"But I can't sleep," You whimper, looking at him with sad, tired owl eyes, "I wanna be with you. Please, daddy? Let me stay with you."
Hannibal tilted his head at you, his brows lifting in debate. While he would rather you be getting some decent rest, he knew that you were young and still filled with energy even whilst you were sick. He didn't have much left to do cooking wise either, so he figured that having you stay around wouldn't harm anything.
"Alright then," Hannibal leaned forward and picked you up, swiftly positioning you on his hip and supporting you with one arm so that he could use the other to cook with.
You held onto his neck while resting your head against his shoulder, your eyes mostly shut as you listened to the sound of his heart beat. Safety and warmth enveloped you making you feel much, much better than what you had before. Your dad was always so cozy and comforting.
Hannibal was able to finish cooking dinner with you on his hip the entire time. Once it was time to eat, he set you down on a chair and made you a drink and a bowl of soup. You ate quietly which worried him a little, but he knew it was just because you weren't feeling good.
"Feeling better?" He asked when you were finished.
You smiled and nodded at him, "Mhm, it was real yummy. Thank you, daddy."
"You're welcome, my child," He reached out and gently squeezed your cheek before taking your bowl and cleaning it, "I don't suppose telling you to get back in bed will do any good, will it?"
Your pitiful whimper was enough of an answer. Hannibal chuckled, dried his hands and went to pick you up again, holding you close as he carried you to the living room. "A movie it is then."
"Can Will come over?" You asked, grinning.
Hannibal gave you a look, "I'm beginning to believe that you're not sick at all."
All good fathers' should fight their child's nightmares away, not be the reason why they have them.
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the-darkestminds · 3 months
Idk about y’all but the idea of a rejected mating bond is so incredibly unromantic to me it makes me cringe. Who would want that
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tweetsofyj · 7 months
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pepijopa · 8 months
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found family
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natikoko · 2 months
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me and my friend
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vyrtuosoart · 3 months
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During That Scene I genuinely thought he was gonna do this so i just had to draw it out
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minhkhoas · 2 months
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Batgirl & Robin <3
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gaycragula · 1 month
Hey may I ask for a part two of Refound Family only now that the kid is now joining the task force and that he passed all of the test like it was sliding on ice (easy and smooth) then one day they meet on a mission and the kido team and 141 decided to team up for that one mission because they had gotten the order to take down the same terrorist organisation.
Lead the Way, Private
Pairing: Task Force 141 x M!Reader (Platonic/Paternal) Part 2 of the Refound family short Warning(s): very vaguely hinted relationship with your sergeant, captain m!reader, military setting, hinted at minor character death like super duper vaguely, random callsigns for extra characters Extra Note: I've no clue how the military works so I apologize in advance Word Count: 1558 Masterlist
The weight of your gear had become a welcome feeling along with the feel of the wind on your face as you and your team were transported to a secondary hangar. 
After you’d found your family, you’d decided to join the military. Your adoptive parents were hesitant at first, trying to get you to think about it. You’d told Price about your wishes and your parents' doubts. 
The next time you’d spoken to them, they were supportive but still hesitant. You assume Price had a talk with them.
That had been 10 years ago. You’d gotten through boot camp without many difficulties despite being one of the older guys there. Most had been teenagers, fresh out of high school. There were only two or three other guys in their 20s like you.
 You were in your 30s, sitting comfortably in the position of captain. You wore the medal with pride.
 You’d been with your men for just over 9 years. Three of them as a sergeant and four as a lieutenant before you got your current position. Your men respected you. You’d been with them long enough to know what they were capable of and rarely ever pushed them past what they were able to do. They trusted and respected you.
There was only one person on your team who proved difficult. The newest soldier who joined just after you’d been promoted to captain. Torch was the name he’d made for himself. He seemed to find joy in testing the waters in how far he could push you. He didn’t succeed in getting far very often. 
The helicopter landed and you were the first to land on the concrete of the hangar and you came face to face with another man.
It wasn’t new to be assigned a mission with another team. Especially taking down a big terrorist organization. So getting off the helicopters and finding yourself face to face with the captain of another team was not unusual. You expected it.
What you didn’t expect was the captain to be none other than John Price. He seemed just as surprised to see you before he was pulling you into a tight but brief hug with a laugh. 
“Captain?” The word was echoed by two different people.
You turned to look at your Sergeant and Price turned to where Soap had just called for him.
“Yes Sergeant?” You hum, adjusting your vest momentarily as you step away from Price. You just barely miss the look Price gives you before he’s repeating your actions, walking towards Soap to see what he needed.
“You know him?” Your Sergeant asked. You nod with a smile.
“Long story. I’ll have to tell you about it later.”
“Better keep your word, sir,” the sergeant teases.
You let out a laugh, nudging the soldier playfully. “When have I not?”
You almost miss the look of disdain pass over one of the private’s face before they were turning away from you. You take a mental note before telling your men to grab their gear and head inside. 
“Sooo.. Captain?” Gaz whistles as you sit down across from him. “Moving up quick, kid.”
 You roll your eyes with a low chuckle. “Gotta prove I’m not a little kid anymore,” you joke as you lean back in your chair. 
Gaz laughs, shaking his head. The room began to fill up, your sergeant taking the seat to your left while Soap took the seat to your right. A quick debrief before you went out into the field. A much needed 30 minutes of information spewing on what the plan was.
You were reviewing with your men, making sure they had it drilled in their heads who they would be working with. The private gave you a look and you shot one back at him. “Is there an issue, Torch?” You ask. Your voice was louder than it needed to be and, even with the balaclava covering his face, you can tell you’ve embarrassed him.
“No sir,” he mumbles, eyes shifting to his boots. A huff leaves your mouth and you order your men on the carrier. They were quick to do so and you could hear your sergeant say something to the private.
You walked over to where Price was standing speaking to Ghost. Ghost nods to you in acknowledgement as you stop next to Price. He dismisses Ghost onto the carrier before turning to you. 
“All set, Cap,” you hum. “Ready for takeoff.”
“Atta boy,” Price chuckles, ruffling your hair like he used to when you were a boy. “Let’s get goin’ then.”
He pats you on the back as you turn to join your men, taking the hand your sergeant offered you to hoist you into the carrier. The aircraft shook for a moment as it took off before it was speeding towards your drop off location.
Drop off was quick. Everyone grabbed their weapons and got out of the way so the carriers could take back off and leave you in silence. 
The group waited for the sound of the carriers to fall off completely before beginning the 15 mile trek to your target. Price led the group while you brought up the rear. Leaves crunched under boots and you wondered for a moment why they decided to do this in the middle of autumn. 
At the 10 mile mark, four men branched off. Two to the east and two to the west. The designated snipers. All four were your men. Your sergeant and your corporal went west. Your lieutenant and one of the privates went east. 
“They good shots?” Ghost asks, falling in line next to you.
“Killer,” you nod, finding joy in the amused huff Ghost gave in reply.  With the four branching off, that left yourself, all four of the 141, and two of your privates. “Trust them with my life.”
“Good to have that trust,” Ghost hums as he glances at the other three members of his team. “How long have you been with them?”
“Spent Three years as a sergeant with them. Four as a lieutenant and two so far as their captain,” you answer. “Been on the team for 9 years. With my men for 8.”
Ghost casts a sideways glance that you ignore. You didn’t feel like going into detail and he seemed to respect the silent wish as he didn’t press on the matter. “How are your parents?”
“Good. They’ve come to terms with my decision. We write to each other whenever we can,” you smile. Ghost hums and it seemed that was the end of the conversation. It was rare for you to talk to him for long. He’d rather give you encouraging pats on the back or be a shoulder to cry on than hold a conversation.
You never minded. When you were younger, it was rare for Ghost to be alone anyway. Soap was always around and talked enough for both of them. You’re sure it still rings true now. 
The line came to a halt as the building you’d be sweeping peeked over a hill. “What’s it looking like down there, Kicker?” You ask  over the radio.
Static before your lieutenant answered. “About fifty gathered to the east. Unloading materials from the looks of it. Lots of cars coming in and out.”
“‘Bout fifteen keeping guard 30 yards from the back entrance, Cap,” your sergeant answers. 
You thank both of them and nod to Price. “We go east,” you say.
“You sure?” Your private quips. You turned to the man, fighting the urge to snarl. 
“Would you like to go west, Torch?” You ask. You manage to keep your voice steady. “If you would like to do so, please lead the way.”
You make a show of gesturing to the west, watching the soldier intently. The private didn’t say anything for a moment and you let out a huff. “Soap, come with,” you say before looking at Price who nodded. “We’re going west. Price, Gaz, and Ghost, roll out east.”
The private sputtered on whatever he was going to say next, choking out an apology. You huffed in response, nudging the soldier forward with a scowl. “Too late to back down, private. But we will be having a chat when we get back,” you hiss, gesturing for Soap to join yourself and both of your privates. You saw your other private hit Torch over the back of his head, cursing him out.
“Aye, Captain,” Soap nods, glaring at Torch as he moved to stand next to you. 
You repeat the change of plans to the four snipers, waiting for acknowledgement before you start west. 
“Quit starin’ boys,” Price chuckles, pulling Ghost’s and Gaz’s attention back to himself. “He’ll be fine. That private is in for one hell of a talking to.”
“Didn’t think he would’ve had it in him,” Gaz muses as the three of them head east. “Always was a soft spoken kid. Rare to get him riled up.”
“Can’t help but be proud of him can you?” Price chuckles. 
Ghost let out a hum of agreement. You weren’t their little boy anymore. You aren’t the boy they pulled from that smoking rubble, who latched onto them, screaming and crying when you were adopted. You were a man now and you didn’t need the protection you needed all those years ago.
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theart0fthestars · 7 months
Cletho art!
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I genuinely love this pairing
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kaerumi · 11 months
Having Nami as your older sister
Arlong Park Arc - Pt 1.
Headcanons, Gn Reader, Plotonic
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You and Nami have a 3-year difference (15 and 18, 17 and 20)
You're biologically related to Nami.
When Nami came back to your village she found you in bandages, this enraged Nami a lot.
You had to keep telling Nami you were fine despite the bandages.
When you found Nami about to stab herself again you stopped her along with a Straw hat kid.
The kid gave Nami his hat to comfort her and left to Deal with Arlong.
"I'm a horrible older sister... You were getting hurt the whole time..." "No, you're not! There was nothing you could do!" "You shouldn't have to go through this!" "I'm fine Nami! Now let's go we can't have that friend of yours fight Arlong all alone!"
You and Nami ran after the kid.
When Arlong fell down the Kid looked at him.
"I've been wanting to do this ever since you made that deal with Nami."
The glare you gave him was horrifying...
You unraveled the bandages revealing scars.
You ran at Arlong and punched him into the ground.
Everyone looking at you was shocked.
Your fist had turned black the moment you punched Arlong.
"That's for killing Bell-mère right in fount of us."
You kicked him hard in the stomach.
He coughed blood
"That's for hurting Nami and Nojiko. This however-"
You kicked him into the broken pieces of the building.
"Is for everything else and for hurting me over and over again."
The kid looked at you and had starry eyes.
Nami and Nojiko ran to you immediately hugging you and showering you with affection.
"Never do that again!" "Shihehehe! No promises!"
The straw hat kid immediately asked you to be on his crew, Nami was about to yell at him until you agreed to be on the crew.
Nami was surprised while the kid who's name you learned to be Luffy was very very happy with this.
You met all of the crew. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Luffy.
Usopp and Nami were bestfriends while Sanji and Zoro are rivals and the left and right hand men of Luffy. You got along with everyone
Nami, your older sister, lets you stay in her navigation room when she's working, you'll often fall asleep while hugging her.
Luffy, the captain, likes to play with you a lot, you're the only one that can match Luffy's childish personality.
Usopp, the liar and sharp shooter, teaches you a bit about inventing things.
Sanji, the cook, you being Nami's little sibling gets you a lot of advantages one of those is getting first come first serve. You also get the special drinks and dishes Sanji makes. This also applies to Sanji teaching you to cook.
Zoro, the swordsmen, you like watching him train and help put some of the weights on the rod he uses.
Then there's You, the younger sibling of Nami.
Zoro likes watching you train.
Sanji likes how many recipes you can find.
Usopp likes watching you write all of their adventures.
Luffy like you in general.
Nami loves cuddling with you.
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amndees · 29 days
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doodles for my tdlosk oc :)
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+ full version of the drawing i posted w their lore previously ^^
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docwritesshit · 2 months
now am I gonna appear with more ideas yes I am! now *pulls up in drive-thru*
now can I order a....Shadow peach x reader and that they fight over smh you can choose if I cant have that then a Redson x Sister!reader who is sneaky af and can you pls involve DBK & PIF if you can't that's fine bye- *pays bill and pulls up to the next window8
Aight imma need more details on the Shadowpeach one cause the brain is braining
So Redson it is!
Redson and Sister!Sneaky!Reader
This poor mechanic
I feel like you and him would butt heads a lot because you would sneak into their locked workshop and garage and just steal some shit for funsies
She definitely has set out traps for you
She also has definitely gone overboard with the traps, DBK and PIF has said so
Legit the dude would walk into the garage with a cup of coffee in their hand and just see you doing something in there and this ma’am would just explode
You were always like this so DBK and PIF always had to keep a close eye on ya
There was definitely a phase where they put you in a baby tether, even though you could get out of it by the next hour
You have been put on multiple missions to try and get on Flower Fruit Mountain
You would always come back freshly groomed by the inhabitants, but have no information on Sun Wukong cause you got distracted by said monkeys
You have also been sent to befriend MK to gain info on him.
The only info you gained are from the multiple Wukong info dumps. And you were very sure this man wasn’t neroutypical
But the time where you and Refs really shine is when you two pull off some shit at galas and balls hosted by other demons and the celestial court
Idk why, but it feels to me y’all just go into sync and you two can just talk up someone very important and get information off of them (and a jewel or two-)
PIF gets angry that you didn’t run it by her first, but DBK sends you both some food after you are sent to your rooms and just gives yall a genuine smile
Also trinkets. Your room is full of ‘trinkets’. No one is asking you were you got that fan that can combust into flames, it is a just a trinket you found
Red is always the one least inclined to know because you share with them and she does like to experiment with new toys
Anyways that’s all :3 and that is your two for this week!
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shhh-secret-time · 4 months
You know what would be so cute? Reader being Clyde’s unnamed sister! Because we know NOTHING about her! Can we get some headcanons about them maybe? Thaaaaanks baby!! I am loving your stuff!! 💋💖
Fuck dude that's such a great request! I am was so excited to do this one! Doing a request that's platonic love is so rare! Hope you like it babes!
Warning: Talk of suicide, Strong Language, Clyde being an absolute dork!
⚠️ Note: Listen there's a little talk of transphobia in the last half of this request. It's not Clyde but his dad. I want you to feel comfortable and safe reading this, if you're not do not read the last half! ⚠️
Pairings: None! Reader is Clyde's sister
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> Oh boy being Clyde's sister in a world where most of the guys in South Park are fucking stupid
> So when you come along all small and wrapped up in those soft hospital blankets
> Little Clyde knows he's gotta keep you safe.
> Kids are fucking mean, they know your insecurities before you do!
> Growing up Clyde's always been just a smidge overprotective
》He's not controlling just... careful? He needs to know you'll be alright
> Because let's be real for a second, he's not a fighter. Clyde Donovan cannot fight
> He's more of a "lover", maybe it's me but I've always seen the little dude to be a charmer, a little guy.
》You gonna have beef with him he's just a little dude?
> So if he can prevent you from being targeted in anyway he'll do it.
> So of course that means his friends become yours.
> "Meet your older brothers, no you don't get a say in it sit down!"
> Tweek, Craig, Jimmy, and Tolkien are your little family now. They all have their rolls.
》Gee, how come your dad let's you have five brothers?
> And the best part of this is that Craig came with a free sister too!
> You and Tricia get along so well! First bonding over how annoying your brothers can be, then it was little things like TV shows and games.
> Now when Clyde's little, "surround you by the only people he can trust and keep you safe" plan goes well, he can focus on annoying the shit out of you
》His absolute favorite thing to do is come into your room and just dance. He'll have his hands in his pocket, wearing whatever comfy clothes he has on and just start stepping side to side. If you ask what he's doing, he'll give you nothing. You get a bored expression and just him in your doorway dancing.
"Clyde? What are you doing? I'm busy playing games with Trish!" You hiss at him looking up from your Switch.
Clyde says nothing, of course he doesn't. That would ruin the bit. He just keeps bobbing side to side, taking a step closer to you only to step back. You know your glares do nothing but encourage him, but God damn it you wish he'd at least tell you why he's being annoying.
"Stop it! Get out of my room! You're so annoying!"
Ah typical sibling spats. It was a normal thing to do, but if asked you'd have no answer why he made you so mad. Why that little dance in your doorway pissed you off. Maybe it was because it was distracting? Maybe because he didn't ask to come in he just fucking smooth criminals his way in like it's something to do! Maybe it's because he's Clyde and he had a punchable face!
Clyde left your room with bruises on his arm that night. Immediately running down to tell your dad! You had to run after him and try to stop him, promises of doing his chores tomorrow if he didn't tell.
> Yeah it's hard to tell who the older sibling is sometimes
> The best thing to come out of Clyde's friends was Craig and Tweek teaching you to fight
> They remember the last time Clyde even tried to throw a punch and nearly broke his thumb
》Someone has to protect that idiot when they're not around
> You all agree Clyde may be an idiot, but he's you guy's idiot!
> That's not to say Jimmy and Tolkien aren't great!
> Jimmy is your gaming buddy when Tricia is busy!
》Dude had a dedicated Minecraft server for just you two. You're on hard-core survival mode.
> It's weird too because Jimmy just knows when you're upset or sad.
》He's not the best at giving advice but he's there for a laugh and he won't stop until you smile
> Which can land him in hot water sometimes but it's worth it if he knows he's helped you
> Tolkien knows when you're upset too, they both have this sixth sense.
》It's so strange because they don't have siblings, they live alone with their parents.
> Tolkien on the other hand seems to know exactly what to say and the greatest advice to give.
> If you're mad at Clyde for something, Tolkien just listens to you rant and rave about him.
"I swear he's such a pig sometimes! Who leaves their clothes lying around like that?! Does he think I'm his maid?!" You're stomping back and forth in the living room, whatever show playing on the TV is a distant thought.
Tolkien just watches you with a small smile on his face, he's messing with a little Rubik's cube half-ass solving it. He nods along with your complaints, he knows. He plays football with Clyde and has seen the way the man keeps his locker.
"You've got maids right Tolkien? How much does your family pay them?"
"Uhh..." The question catches him off guard at first, he's about to answer when you cut him off again.
"I'm gonna start charging Clyde that! Everytime I have to clean up after him, I'm gonna be like that's five percent from your paycheck dick!"
Tolkien shook his head in response. When you looked over and uncrossed your arms he almost chuckled at the betrayed look you cast him.
"Ten percent, don't settle for less."
Your grin widened and you nodded at him. Such sage wisdom. Tolkien was your favorite!
> Yeah no one is on Clyde’s side if you argue.
》 R.I.P sweet boy
> That being said Clyde is always there for you
>I mean always. He does everything in his power to make sure you're alright.
> That means physically, mentally, any of it.
> If you're sick, Clyde is right there beside you to help you feel better.
》He's complaining about it and picking on you because "Haha your nose is red and you look like throw up had a baby."
> He learned how to cook after you guy's mom passed. Someone had to since your dad is always working or at the bar.
> That's another thing. Mom
> He still hasn't forgiven himself for driving her to suicide. He believes it'd his fault, even if you have reassured him a thousand times over.
"It wasn't your fault, you can't keep blaming yourself. She wouldn't want you to." Your arms wrap around him and pull him into a tight hug.
Clyde let's out a little sigh and rests his chin on your head. He's heard this too many times now, he's starting to lose track the amount of times you've had to say it. He slowly wraps his arms around you and his shoulders slump forward.
You smile a little, it was progress. When he first got like this he would freeze and shut down. Just staring out into the void with those dead colored eyes. Just muttering how it was his fault she died.
You were too young to know what really happened. Clyde and Dad won't really go into it, but you know Clyde would never do something to purposely hurt someone. Much less your own mother.
"We still have da-"
"Each other. We still have each other and mom would want us to stay together, I know." He cuts you off and ruffles your hair, the smile across his lips don't reach his eyes. They never do.
You know in your heart you'll never be able to fix the pain your brother feels over losing mom. The rift it put between him and dad, but you'd never allow him to go to the deep end. You loved your brother and you want him with you always.
> And don't think for a moment it's just you comforting Clyde, he's right there for you if you ever need to talk.
> If talking isn't your style, then he takes you out. You go all over town trying to find something to do.
> Maybe it's the park, maybe it's sneaking into the movie theater, maybe it's throwing rocks across the pond, maybe it's him dropping you off at your friends house.
》Clyde nearly lost his shit when he found out you were friends with one of the goth kids.
> Firkle that little shit
> You shut him down about that immediately, reminding him of his need to flirt with every woman
> All in all Clyde is your typical dorky brother, the kind that definitely plays pranks on you and does things to get under your skin.
> But he loves you, so much. You're his precious little sister and when he's not getting into trouble with his friends he's happy to be with you.
> Now hold on before we wrap this up let's talk about something important.
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"Hey um Clyde...can I...talk to you about something?" You're in his door way, meekly shifting from one foot to the other.
Clyde raises a brow at you from his bed, his arm tucked under his head to prop his head up.
"Uh...sure? What's wrong, did you get in trouble with dad again?" He asks tossing his phone to the side.
"Kinda? He scolded me again." Your voice is a soft whimper as you try not to cry, padding across the room towards him and his bed.
Clyde's lips press into a thin line, he doesn't even realize his eyes are narrowed into the ground as he listens to you. "He caught you wearing mom's skirt again."
"Yeah. Says it's not right for a boy to be wearing his mom's clothes."
He watches you crawl into bed to sit next to him, you immediately go for his coat the red one he's always sporting around. He lets you, its one of your favorite things to steal.
"Ignore dad. He's just being an ass, you can wear whatever you want!"
There's a silence that falls over you two as you trace the blocky words on his coat. Until you finally speak up, choking back another sob. "Am I wrong because I want to be a girl? Do you think there's something wrong with me Clyde?"
"What?!" He exclaims maybe a little louder than he should.
He sits up and gives you his full attention now, his brown eyes staring you down. For a minute you think he's angry too, you think he's going to scold you like dad. But when you see how soft his the brown in his eyes are, it melts away. He pulls you into a tight hug, wrapping you up in his jacket.
"No way! There's nothing wrong with you! If you wanna be a girl, be a girl! If you feel comfortable in skirts and dresses then wear 'em! If you wanna be a girl who only wears dude clothes then do that too! But don't you ever say you're wrong for wanting to do that!" His voice is steady, there's no playful tone behind it like there usually is. He's being serious, Clyde Donovan is more serious than he's ever been in his life. You don't know what to say, don't know how to respond so you just sit there with your head laying against his shoulder.
"Look, I'm not a smart guy. I don't think I'll ever really understand. But I do know this, you're my sibling. My annoying little shit of a sibling. And whatever you identify as, will not take away how annoying you are. Or how much I love you. So be patient with me, but I'll start calling you sister in front of that old dick." You giggle a little when he calls your dad a dick. You wipe the tears from your eyes and nod at him with a smile. It's only then that he smiles back and pets the top of your head. A horrible habit he's had since you first learned to talk, was ruffling your hair.
"Thanks Clyde...you're the best. Sometimes."
"All the times."
"Don't push it."
"All of 'em. I'm the coolest brother in South Park. I'm telling everyone my sister thinks I'm the coolest."
> So yeah it doesn't matter what you identify as he loves you
》 If some day down the road you wanna be his brother again, cool. If you don't want to be neither, awesome. If you're both, whoa that's amazing!
> Clyde Donovan loves his sibling!
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an-abyssal-odyssey · 1 year
501st Shenanigans -Incorrect Quotes Rex: A mouse!
Jesse, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Hardcase, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Kix, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Echo, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Fives: His name is Remi, dummy.
Rex: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Rex: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Fives: No.
Echo: I did not.
Hardcase: I may have actually forgotten one.
Kix: Also no.
Jesse: Oh good, neither did I.
Rex: *Exhausted sigh*
Echo: Fives and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Fives: Sentences.
Echo: Don't interrupt me.
Fives: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Echo: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Hardcase: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Dogma: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Fives: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Tup: How can you still say that?
Fives: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Kix: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail
Jesse: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
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normalaboutfugo · 4 months
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"I can't find an ask box so I'mma just drop this here! I would love something with mafia boss GIORNO finding out his mom had another kid and pretty much goes feral to adopt them !! tyy"
⋆₊☆ ⊂⊃ platonic yandere don!giorno || m.list
[ warning :: PLATONIC/NOT ROMANTIC, kinda kidnapping, platonic yandere ]
[ notes :: first post!! thank you @foundfamyanderes for requesting!! <3 i can't remember what happened to gio's mom but just pretend she left giorno and had reader and left them too lol ]
[ important :: see this post on another blog? likely a repost to my rebranded multi-fandom blog! don't be afraid to check, but if they're not linked w me, let me know! <33 ]
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— when giogio first learns his mother went on to have another kid, he wanted to have a genuine connection, and he did everything in his power to find them. what if you weren't doing so well on your own, assuming that your mother didn't care about you, like she didn't with him? there's no way he'd let his own blood live like this, especially when he was doing so well.
— giorno did everything he could to look for you, searched the internet under the last name shiobana to find a lead, he looked for his mom's profile online, and when he found it, he saw various pictures of drinks, club floors, everything you'd expect from someone like her.
— it took a long time, quite a bit of searching through what seemed like a million pictures of your mom partying — giorno scrolled for hours and hours, ignoring the way his eyes burnt when he looked at the screen for too long.
— finally, after he thought he was starting to fall asleep from staring at the bright computer screen for forever, he found multiple pictures of selfies from his mom with the head of a child in the background; cropped out the best if could be, but still quite obvious you existed.
— it took a long time to find you, but honestly, it confused giorno. why was he so hooked on meeting you? he only found out you existed a few days ago, and you didn't even know you had a half brother.
— when giorno finally found you, he had immediately introduced himself to you — not as the don, but as your brother. he wanted to have a genuine connection with you, because he never had a sibling, and while everyone in bucciarati's gang were like family, but blood ran thicker than water.
— and upon finding out you were broke and living on pickpocketing because your mother left you? giorno spoiled the fuck out of you. when he met you, he treated you to a meal at one of the nicest places in italy because he wanted to make a good impression, but when he finds out you're not used to such good dining and being treated well?
— most definitely takes you shopping for whatever you want, turning you down when you say you'll pay him back for it.
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"Here, whatever you want."
"That's...! Giorno, no, I'll pay you back as soon as I ca-"
"With money you took? Don't worry about it, there's more than enough for you to have what you wanted."
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— reader goes quiet real quick
— not long after meeting him, giorno offers you a place to live. the streets got cold at night, and he would know. gratefully, you accepted it; what else could you do?
— it doesn't take long for giorno to get overbearing. he'll start putting extra locks on the doors, and when questioned, express that he just wants you to feel safer in your new home.
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"..Giorno, what's with the locks on the door?"
"The locks? Oh, I wanted to make sure you felt safe, is all. Is there a problem?"
"Well.. no, I just.. don't you think it's a bit much?"
"Mm.. no, I don't think so. You can never be too sure."
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— he might even give you a curfew at first
— he'll give you the reasoning that the streets of italy aren't safe at later times, which is semi-true. it really wasn't safe to be roaming around at night, especially after you start living with the boss himself; word spreads like wildfire in passione, and a bounty would be placed on your head by traitors before you know it.
— eventually, a curfew turns into him spending every second with you during your outings, and that turns into you just not being allowed to leave the house at all.
— even if he needs to pull a few strings to find a reason to keep you home, he'll do what he needs.
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"The strap on your bag, it's broken."
"Oh, yes.. I noticed a bit ago, but it's no big deal."
"That's fine, we can get you a new one today. There's got to be something identical somewhere."
"Should I get ready to go out, then?"
"No, you don't need to. We can find something online, or I can go find it at the store we bought it from."
"..Oh. Why?"
"I don't want you going out."
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— when you bring up your concerns to him about not being allowed to leave, he takes it really well, as if he'd just up and abandoned his previous reasons for you being kept inside. and after that, you go to bed that night with relief, sleeping easily knowing that it's going to change.
— except for in the morning, when you're leaving the room, you turn the doorknob only to realize you were locked in from the outside. on the nearest table is a notepad, next to a plate of food and a cup of water. written in red ink,
It's wrong to lock you up, but I can't bring myself to put you in danger and allow you to leave. But I can also promise it's only temporary, I want you to be happy here. I had some business with the famiglia, so I left home quite early this morning. I will return, but while I'm not there, I left food and a glass of water next to this note. I'll be seeing you soon.
— Giorno
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