#saying to a black kids face ‘i thought u were one of the good ones’ like. those are. very on par with one another
idk i just don’t trust ppl who say “billy is a racist abusive piece of shit” but then turn around and reblog jason content like. okay if u have that opinion that’s your prerogative but it’s MY prerogative to point out that it’s weird af to feel that way abt billy and NOT abt jason
#d speaks#st#billy hargrove#jason carver#like if u hate billy that is your prerogative esp as a black person. that said#these are white ppl i’m seeing who’re like billy is so racist!!!! btw here’s my blorbo jason#it’s just like ??????? does not compute#like if we’re comparing things that got said in canon. saying ‘there are types of ppl u stay away from and that boy is one of them’ and#saying to a black kids face ‘i thought u were one of the good ones’ like. those are. very on par with one another#like there are 4 characters on this show who made racist comments: troy. mike. billy. jason.#as far as i remember at least those are the Big Ones#and while i understand not liking billy and having his racism be one of your driving reasons behind that#i do NOT understand turning around and liking jason?????#mike okay! yes he was fully microaggressive to lucas but yeah he’s a protagonist#and the show does a lot to try and make u like him. he was younger than billy & jason and they also played that moment off for laughs so#like i get if you can sit there and be like i have no reason to dislike mike wheeler for his racism#troy tbh just doesn’t get any talk in the fandom so idk how ppl feel about him. he IS the only one to fully use a slur but#he’s also 13 and i’ve seen many ppl in the fandom who define morality based on this middle schoolers are learning high schoolers should have#already learned and should be better narrative so i wouldn’t be surprised if i saw ppl defending troy#but billy and jason are. very on par with one another in terms of the micro aggressions they committed and the level of antagonism#so i am just very thrown by seeing ppl hating one and praising the other like#it’s almost like they…… don’t actually care about racism and are in fact nowhere near as anti racist as they believe themselves to be#and instead just use the term ‘racist’ as a trump card to try and win arguments abt characters they don’t like without ever actually#putting any critical thought into this show and the way racism is intertwined into every aspect of it#because surprise!!!! it was written by blatant racists lmfao#fandom wank#i suppose lmao. wank in the tags at least#also to clarify. i think both billy AND jason are compelling and interesting multifaceted characters#they’re both good antagonists and they both present very good looks at The Type Of White Boy You Meet In Small Towns#stranger things
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you’re an angel, i’m a dog ; satoru gojo
synopsis; an upcoming exam has been stressing you out, and satoru’s pleas for you to take care of yourself fall on deaf ears. he takes matters into his own hands.
word count; 4.3k
contents; satoru gojo/reader, gn!reader, yan!gojo, as far as yanderes go he’s very mild i think (im sensitive u can trust me!!), mentions of blood, implied murder (not depicted!!), he threatens your professor w a knife lol, surprisingly fluffy??, gojo is soooo lovesick & smitten, he just wants his baby to live a happy life :( is that so wrong :((, also your parents love him <33 and he calls you honey <333 ideal man.
a/n; i blacked out & when i woke up this was in my drafts… mysterious. @kissxcore here u go alexis <33 one very smitten morally gray yan!gojo just for u!! i completely lost the plot halfway through but i had a lot of fun writing this!! :33 i don’t dabble in yan content at all so it was a fun lil challenge hehe, i hope it ended up . Somewhat .. decent…
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satoru thinks you deserve everything good.
— the sigh spills into the air, dripping with exhaustion, a palpable fatigue that has his heart clenching.
just as he feared, you’re here. again. seated on the couch, in the living room, legs crossed and framed by flimsy strings of moonlight; illuminated only by the dim light of the laptop in front of you. carding through your hair, blinking sluggishly.
another sigh. deep, exasperated — from satoru, this time. he keeps a single hand on his hip, brows furrowed in soft disappointment. 
”honey… what do you think you’re doing?”
you jolt, the sudden sound breaking you out of whatever trance you were previously in. when your gaze flits to his, craning your head to see him rest against the wall leading up to your bedroom, he thinks you look a little like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
it makes him smile. despite his disapproval.
”ah — satoru! it’s… um.” a moment passes. he can practically see the gears of your mind turning, searching for a good excuse. ”… not what it looks like?”
he clicks his tongue. ”nice try.”
then he’s walking towards you, in long strides, gliding across the room like a butterfly in search of nectar. from the sweetest flower there ever was.
even when said flower is still awake, past midnight, pulling an all-nighter despite his frequent advice not to. his very frequent, very thoughtful advice not to strain yourself until you just about pass out.
but you just won’t listen.
”’m disappointed in you, baby,” he huffs, just playful enough to ward off any genuine feelings of distress. he could never truly be disappointed in his baby. ”what did we say about studying this late, hm?”
a sheepish chuckle slips past your lips. satoru is standing in front of you, hands on his hips, raising a questioning eyebrow as you squirm. lighthearted, yes, but genuine. it makes you feel a little guilty.
”… sorry,” you breathe, closing the lid of your laptop. knowing he won’t let you stay up any longer. with the loss of light, your face becomes shrouded in darkness. ”just can’t sleep when i’m so stressed.”
at that, satoru makes a tiny noise — something worried, a little sad, from the base of his throat. a soft frown finds its way onto his lips, and he blinks the sleep away from his senses. plopping down beside you.
”i know. i’m not trying to lecture you,” he croons, reaching out to cradle the apple of your cheek. you melt into him like molten honey, easy and sweet. ”just worried. know you’re stressed.”
and he does. he does know — it’s all he’s been able to think about, these past few weeks. to his dismay, he’s even begun to grow used to this sight, used to finding you in the midst of working yourself to exhaustion. fighting the urge to sleep, slumped over your desk, or cooped up on the couch. staring into your laptop like it holds the secrets of the universe.
time and time again, he’s told you to take care of yourself. tried to coax you into relaxing, rubbing your sore shoulders and kissing the puffy skin beneath your eyes. but this exam is important — you’ve told him as much, more times than he can count. he doesn’t doubt that you’re right. 
of course you’d be stressed. he gets it.
still, though.
”but you know it’s not good, yeah? that it’ll just burn you out?” his thumb goes to smooth over the dark crescents beneath your eyes, gentle as a feather. ”we don’t want that, do we?”
you bite your lip. trapping it between your teeth. he knows you know. ”… yeah,” you admit, a flimsy little sigh on your tongue. ”it just feels easier to do this at night. don’t know why.”
”my little night owl.”
that makes you smile, a little, but it’s not enough to satisfy him. he curls an arm around your waist, and drags you into his lap; gentle, always gentle, like all that exists under your skin is made of porcelain. like the lines of your face form a string of words, a label of fragile: handle with care. he always does.
with his heartbeat by your ear, his warmth melting into yours, it’s easier to speak. a pressure on your chest that fades away. ”i’ll try not to do it again,” you murmur, biting back a soft yawn. nuzzling into his neck. ”promise. don’t wanna worry you…”
satoru softens. 
(always so good to him.)
”it’s fine, honey. i understand.” he smiles, smoothing down your spine, counting the bumps of vertebra that slide along his palm. ”don’t worry that pretty little head of yours over me, alright?”
in return for his comfort, you wriggle away, lifting your head to give him a smile. one of your many smiles, each one fervently cherished by him; the one you’re wearing now is tired, a soft curl of your lips, the kind that makes him want to lull you to sleep. just the sight alone makes the anxiety in his veins feel like a worthy investment.
he doesn’t tell you anything that could cause that joy to diminish. doesn’t tell you that he can’t sleep without you, that he can barely breathe knowing you’re this stressed all time. doesn’t tell you that he jolted awake with a sinking feeling of dread, a gaping pit in his stomach when he didn’t immediately feel the warmth of your skin against his. doesn’t tell you that he always, always assumes the worst.
satoru doesn’t tell you these things. it’s a safety measure, an act of love. a bundle of unvoiced syllables, woven into white lies, silky and sweet. tailor-made to put your aching mind at ease. 
satoru thinks you deserve everything good.
it’s a theory, of sorts, a train of thought. a hypothesis made manifest. after many years of pondering, he’s arrived at the following conclusion; you are all that’s good. therefore, it only follows that you deserve everything that’s good, all of it and more. satoru believes you deserve every single thing your little heart desires — and he’s determined to give it to you.
so he’s been worried.
it’s not that he doesn’t trust you. he knows you’ll ace the exam, knows you’ll do your very best, knows you’ll make him proud. you always do. you aren’t the problem, no, never.
he just doesn’t trust your professor. 
that unfair, stuck-up, incompetent professor who’d fail his students just for being a couple minutes late, who curates his exams to be as convoluted as humanly possible. you and your friends are starting to suspect he just likes berating people for a living. satoru knows it all, he’s heard it all, of course he has. satoru pays attention to everything, when it comes to you. he knows all about your professor, the man who’s been making your studies pure hell for the past semester.
it makes his blood boil. steady, ruminating, hot and heavy in his veins. a rivulet of lava.
(it was only a matter of time.)
satoru is a teacher too; he knows that type. one that has no business being a teacher, in the first place, one no student deserves to be subjected to. he’s met more of them in his career than he could even begin to count. the thought of one of his own students being at the mercy of someone so incompetent makes his skin itch.
and the thought of you, seated on the couch, crying and sniffling when he comes home because none of the exam questions made enough sense for you to even try —
it makes satoru want to claw his skin off.
it makes that tiny, tiny cavern in his heart extend, widen, like a maw, swallowing up his liver and lungs and sense of morality. an emptiness begging to be filled. 
there’s only one way to satiate it.
so he plants a wet kiss on your forehead, ruffles your hair, tucks you into bed and waits until you fall asleep. deep and heavy, a slumber you won’t wake up from anytime soon. he presses his lips to your forehead one more time — for good measure.
then he grabs his coat and slips outside.
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the moon is visible through the window.
a thin crescent, nailed next to the dim stars, leaking a dream-like fluorescent shine; illuminating the office, so quiet he can hear those erratic breaths spill out, one by one. a heavy, heavy silence, thick enough to spread like butter over toast. 
(ah, that’s right — he forgot to buy the butter you asked for this morning. no wonder he feels so out of sorts. he’ll have to grab it on his way back.)
”who… w — what are — ?”
satoru stays silent. lips pursed, eyes keen, burning into the back of the man in front of him. close, almost chest to back, enough to have him scowling in displeasure. 
just being in his presence makes satoru feel a little sick. 
he keeps the blade pressed right beneath his adam’s apple, a silver glimmer in an office painted blue and gray. not enough to sink into his skin, but enough to have his heartbeat hammering, enough that satoru can practically feel those rapid flutters of life. brushing against his gloved hand.
he gets straight to the point. voice muffled by the fabric covering his mouth, low enough that it’s barely even audible. he’s careful, about this kind of thing. there’s a delicacy to the ill intent, something he’d be a little enamored with if it weren’t for the compass stuffed into his ribs — the compass that tells him this is wrong.
he just can’t bring himself to care.
”the upcoming exam.” his voice sends a shiver down the man’s spine. satoru can feel it. ”don’t fail a single student.”
silence. pure silence, suffocating them, tangling itself into the air. satoru can practically taste it — fear, familiar, that pang of panic. a ticking time-bomb. the knife stays pressed against warm skin, pushing, sinking, just a little, a drop of red against his pale throat. 
it’s enough to get your professor to make a little noise, one that vaguely resembles a whine. like that of a small animal, rolling over on its belly, eager to play dead. no word is spoken in reply, but he nods, just barely, a nervous tremble of his head.
satoru hums, approving. ”good.” he doesn’t loosen his grip. ”there’s a particular student i’m worried about. marked them down in the catalogue... i’m counting on you.”
another noise. a grunt of affirmation, a silent plea — satoru allows that fear to seep into his own bones, just a little, just to get a taste of it. cold on his tongue. he wonders if this is what helplessness feels like.
then he takes a step back. slow, tentative, dragging the knife with him. not before parting his lips once more. ”don’t turn around,” he warns. ”i’ll be back if there are any complications. this’ll be our little secret, hm?”
the man in front of him doesn’t say a thing. frozen in fear, paralyzed, not moving an inch. a fly trapped in his web. it’s a relief.
before he exits the room, satoru puts the final nail in the coffin. just in case. ”i happen to know what school your daughter goes to.” he waits for a flinch, and it comes almost instantly. like clockwork. “remember that.”
it’s an empty threat. your professor doesn’t know that, though. he doesn’t know that satoru knows his daughter, that he walks past her preschool almost every morning on his way to work. that she waves to him whenever he passes by, and that he makes it a point to always wave back. a little troublemaker; the rowdiest of utahime’s preschoolers. she has a bubbly laugh, and just lost one of her milk teeth. she was giddy when she showed him, a bout of giggles spilling from her lips as he cooed and ruffled her hair. 
he wouldn’t lay a finger on her. 
but your professor doesn’t know that, hasn’t got a single clue, and satoru delights in the fear that must be running through his veins. down his spine, crawling into every narrow of his skeleton, making a home for itself that he’ll never quite be able to root out.
a gulp. satoru hears it, in the quiet of nightfall, just before he shuts the door behind him. good.
the rest of the evening is a blur. satoru gets home, relieved to find you still asleep, and tucks you into his chest. makes a mental reminder to order your favorite take out tomorrow; a little reward for your hard work.
finally, he can sleep easy. knowing you’ll get what you deserve. 
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three weeks later, satoru places his hand on the familiar doorknob in front of him, dragging his weight behind him. blinking sluggishly. 
there’s a sinking feeling in his chest, weighing him down — like an anchor tied to his liver. a compass, tucked between his fourth and fifth rib, one that’ll always stay lodged right there. he’s learned to grow used to it, a natural consequence, a sign that his humanity is still intact. 
that doesn’t make it any less bothersome, though.
(ridding the world of a pest shouldn’t make him feel dirty. especially when he felt nothing but contempt for the pest in question, for the way he whistled as you walked by, the words he spewed before satoru met his eye. vile. putrid. why should he feel guilty for wiping a stain off the pavement?
it does make him feel dirty, though. a sinking feeling in his chest.)
there’s nothing to be done about it. satoru swallows the unpleasant taste on his tongue, and drags the door open, closing it behind him with a softness he reserves for you alone.
and there you are.
on the couch, farther away, already looking his way — lips instantly curling up into what he knows will be a smile. this time, it’s laced with excitement. one of his personal favorites. his gaze devours the joy in your features, the glimpse he gets of your teeth, that familiar crinkle of your eyes. 
you’re smiling. at him. you smile and his world wakes up, it’s dyed in different shades of blue, it’s brimming with life and love and something too good not to kill for. you smile and everything is right, good, worth it. you smile and it's as if the blood has been washed off his hands.
suddenly, all is well again. satoru exhales a blissful little breath.
“‘m home, honey,” he grins, a light pink dusting his cheeks, hanging his coat up before turning to face you. arms wide open. “did you miss me?”
his heartbeat stutters when you practically engulf him, all giddy giggles and that perfect smile, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. “mhm,” is what you chirp, pressing kisses down his collarbone, and he has to bite down on his lip to stop the shivers trailing down his spine. he tastes iron, but laps it up with a coo. sickly-sweet.
“missed you too, precious,” he purrs. “sorry i was gone for so long — had to take care of something.” 
he cups the back of your skull with his palm, large and crafted just to hold you, and marvels at how much you trust him. how you’re melting into his chest, fitting into every crevice of his heart. he wants to keep you there forever. forever and ever, always within reach, always close enough to touch. 
but he also wants you to be happy. he wants to see you run away, wherever the wind takes you, if only so he’ll get to feel you jump into his arms again, when you’ve had your fill of the world. when you come home to him, where you both belong.
satoru would never cage you. never, never, never. he wants you to enjoy your life — confining you wouldn’t do any good, would only stifle that pretty smile he loves so dearly. he wants your world to be large, brimming with life, blooming with fervor, wants the air to be clear enough for your beautiful lungs. he couldn’t build a world for you, here, in this apartment. no matter how big or luxurious. 
so his only option is to bend the world into a kinder shape — twist and mold until it forms a path good enough for you to follow.
(it’s worth it, he knows, he’ll always know. it’s worth it to see that smile.)
“is that a new coat?” you ask, naive and innocent, and it breaks him out of his thoughts, attention wired to the lilt of your voice.
“yeah.” it’s stylish, expensive, a nice shade of black. he had to throw the last one away. “looks nice, right? i’ll get you the same one, pretty.”
“you don’t have to, toru!” you hurriedly exclaim, knowing he’ll jump at the opportunity to spoil you. “i like the one i have now!”
satoru pouts. a soft huff, right by your ear. “you don’t wanna wear matching coats?” he feigns sadness, scratching softly at your scalp, drinking up the little purrs that bubble up in your throat. 
and you giggle. you giggle and all he can think is worth it, worth it, worth it. a stained coat or two means nothing. the blood on his hands is just insurance. 
“well, when you put it like that…” you shift a little, curling your arms around his neck, breathing him in. he wonders if you can smell the cleaning detergent. “i guess i wouldn’t mind a new coat.”
and he grins. “right? want me to buy you new shoes while i’m at it? some jewelry?” he peppers kisses down your neck, amusement laced in his voice. “the whole store?”
again, those giggles. again and again. he laps them up like fine wine. “okay, that’s too much.”
“but you deserve it!” he whines, sickeningly sweet. sick to his stomach with love. “been working so hard, my angel.”
and, suddenly — you light up. his little firefly. brightening, inhaling a giddy breath. pulling away, a little, and he does his best to bite back the frown on his face. you’re practically beaming, sunshine personified, eyes glittering with giddy joy.
“right! i almost forgot!” 
then you’re skipping away, happily, to retrieve your phone. and he knows what you’re going to show him, but still feigns surprise when he sees the score on your exam, that perfect 100 on the screen. still makes an expression of shock that he knows will get you to laugh, still picks you up and spins you around and tells you how proud he is.
he almost, almost feels bad, seeing you smile so wide; at what you assume to be the fruits of your own labour. almost feels ashamed, knowing that perfect 100 wouldn’t exist without the knife at your professor’s throat.
but, then again, this is how it should be. those numbers are the fruits of your own labour, because satoru is a part of you. and you deserve it, deserve it more than anyone — he knows you would have gotten it, even without his help, if your professor was competent enough to see your brilliance. 
satoru smiles. he is proud of you. and this is exactly how it should be. he’s just bending the world into its rightful shape, cutting strings from a wrongly woven web, righting the wrongs of the people around you.
you, you, you. the only thing that exists.
all of him is for you.
”i knew you could do it. never doubted you for a second, baby,” he smiles, so wide his cheeks hurt, and you return it with a kiss to his jaw. 
”thank you. i’m just so relieved,” you exhale a breath, heavy, and it’s like he can practically see the stress melting from your shoulders and eyes. worth it, worth it, worth it. ”gosh. i’m gonna sleep like the dead tonight.”
”as you should,” satoru chirps, pinching your side. softly, brimming with fondness. ”but before that, we’re gonna celebrate. all day. and tomorrow too!”
another smile coaxed from your lips; this time, it’s a little bit shy. bashful, at the praise, his endless excitement. so precious he wants to kiss you breathless. give you all the air in his lungs.
so precious that he forgets about everything else. 
this is what you always do to him; wrap him up in a blanket of your love, cloud his veins with a nectar so sweet he takes the leap into your arms without a second thought. a foolish, lovesick butterfly, sticking to a single rose; dripping with honey, overflowing. the butterfly is too drunk on love to care. 
you’re his flower, his joy, the most useful form of anesthesia. with you in his veins, on his mind, your lips on his jaw — satoru can pretend that his hands are clean. that they always have been.
it all slips from his mind. your professor, the creep who catcalled you, that one classmate you’ve been complaining about recently. he forgets that they even exists, and satoru thinks that must be what love is: something that narrows your world down until you can make a home out of it. 
(something worth cherishing, no matter the cost.)
as always, it’s your voice that snaps him out of the trance he’s in. turning around at the sound of your call, the orpheus to your eurydice, too in love to save you from himself. you’re both getting ready to head out, dressing up for a well-deserved date. 
satoru feels himself smile. he does the dirty work, and you get to reap the rewards. heaven on earth.
“oh, by the way! would you want to have dinner with my parents tomorrow?” you meet his absent gaze with a tilt of your head. “they’ve been asking about you again. it’s such a headache, seriously.”
satoru giggles, barely containing how delighted he is. raising a playful brow. “oh? grumpy that you aren’t the favorite child anymore, hm?”
“okay, first of all —“ you stifle a giggle, pulling a drawer open, rummaging through it. freshly washed clothes. he washes most of your things. “you aren’t their child. and second of all —“
“— yet.”
a pause. 
satoru watches your gaze flick over to him, then back to the drawer, collecting yourself. a cute flush to your cheeks. “… whatever.” you clear your throat. “second of all — i don’t like how much they like you. what kinda spell did you put them under? it’s always satoru this, satoru that!”
a huff fills the air, and you mutter something that sounds a little like mocking, an obnoxiously imitated where’s satoru? that makes him chuckle into his fist. 
he shrugs. “i’m just a natural charmer, y’know? and, for the record; i would love to have dinner with them.” he sends you a wink, playful, and you roll your eyes. “are you joining us?”
a bout of laughter pushes past your lips, and satoru thinks he could die happy — just soaking up the joy that spills from out your throat. he wishes he could live in it, paint your house in it, wear it. he wants your joy to be all he ever feels. he feels sick at the idea of ever being out of earshot for it.
“yes, i’m joining you.” your scoff is dripping with humour. ”i’d hate to be the fourth wheel, but it is what it is.”
satoru stifles a grin. ”lucky me. three beauties all to myself,” he drawls, a seductive lilt to his voice, just to hear that little noise you always make with the back of your throat. vaguely disgusted.
”you’re so gross.”
a coo. like the buzzing of a bee. ”don’t be jealous, honey. know you’re my favorite, don’t you?” satoru smiles — more sincere than you’ll ever know. ”could never love anyone else.”
”so my parents are in second place?” you quirk a brow, amusement lacing your words, and he clicks his tongue. 
”well, they made you. i’d have to be a fool not to worship artists of such caliber.” 
”yours.” the word is a knife at his throat, a stain on his coat, a love so heavy it’ll burn him alive. ”only yours.”
and again, you smile. all he can think is that you deserve everything, everything that’s good, everything he could ever give you. it’s all he can think as you go about your day, as he leads you outside, as he watches that flicker of joy dance within your iris. as he watches you walk wherever your heart takes you.
the thought remains when you return home, when you wrap yourselves up in blankets and he throws a leg over your waist and you curl an arm around his ribcage. it’s all he can think. 
satoru was born to be of service — to someone, to the world, to something or another. he was born to carry a weight on his back. 
so why not bear the weight of your burdens?
all he wants is to protect you. all he’ll ever need is that smile on your face. he was always bound to be just this: a dog at your heels, a halo around your head, the watchful eye keeping you safe from everything rotten in this world. he’s the butterfly, the spider, the web itself. and he’ll never let you be tangled up in it.
he was born to be of service to you. so service you he will, until it all comes back to bite him.
“satoruuu — stop stealing the blanket!”
he prays it never will.
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hxt1b · 4 months
This request is really cliché I'm sorry 😭
Sukuna's friends made a bet to go hit on the reader and not soon after his arrogant ass starts to feel bad and of course reader would find out about the bed and angst this angst that
How would he solve the situation?
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Right babe, I love this shit, cliche's exist for a reason!
"i miss you, i'm sorry" 
-> Sukuna x afab reader - Motocross AU, same world as "i knew the day i met you you'd be the one" (choso one shot). 
-> CW: Sukuna is not a soft man, he never will be - BUT he's desperate for you. Yuji and Sukuna hate each other. Smut Warning [grinding, nipple sucking, hair pulling, rough sex not a lot of foreplay - quickie really]  
-> WC: 2.4k
Masterlist | Prompt List
A/N: okay I started writing this and spiralled. I thought I would have finished this the day you sent in the request, but seeing as I got carried away it took long lol. Thank you for the request I had a lot of fun writing this! That being said idk if its the best written, but regardless I still hope you like it! 
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Guilt was a passing emotion it always would be. Every emotion was passing. Especially for Sukuna, a month ago he'd felt terrible, then miserable, now he was at the end of his rope - desperate. this is the longest he felt something for someone. The strongest he's ever felt for someone. 
Your face flashed in his head, crumbling as your eyes filled with tears. 
"He's lying right?" You'd asked pointing at Yuuji. The motherfucker was standing to the left leaning against the door jam, his hands tucked into his pockets, an amused look passed over his features before he schooled them back into a sneer. Sukuna's hand itched to break the kid's nose again. 
That was it. There wasn't anything else to explain, there still wasn't. But there was something to say, something he had to tell you. 
The bet was fleeting. Everything is fleeting. Especially for me. But you…. 
You weren't answering your phone. You had him blocked, and he couldn't understand. why wasn't this fucking passing and fleeting, why was the hurt and pain still they're stuck in his damned chest. 
Why were you standing with Yuji? Your hands crossed over your chest a painfully beautiful smile spread across your face as you laughed at something that Yuji said. 
Sukuna was leaning on his bike, his racing gear on. The black polyester stuck to him after his race. He'd beat Choso today, he should have been on a high. He hadn't just beat Choso, he'd beat everyone. Come in first place. But the elation that he'd feel for a good hour or two with a win like this was absent. It was won out by the anger and despair in his chest at having you so close but not looking at him. Not talking to him. Not touching him. 
Ditching his helmet on his bike, he decided he'd had enough of your silent treatment, he deserved it sure. But Sukuna never really cared about what he deserved, he cared about what he wanted. And what he wanted was you, your words, your anger, your tears, your smiles, your laughs, your skin on his, your mouth on his. You.  
He ignored everyone as he neared the group, he ignored anything they said or tried to say. He shoved passed Yuji, letting the kid stumble back into Choso, who caught his brother by the shoulder and glared at Sukuna, but didn't say anything. It probably had to do with the girl under Choso's arm. Sukuna's sister. 
None of that mattered right now though. Because Sukuna didn't fucking care. His eyes were geared on you and his hands already grabbing at your wrists. You tugged away and swore something, said something with an indigent tone. Sukuna didn't hear anything. He pulled you, holding your body close to his as he cut a path towards the towering building that hosted the plethora of shit that had to do with Motocross, including his dressing room. 
He shoved you into the room, locking the door behind him before charging across to you where you pushed yourself into the wall. 
"Sukuna," You started but he cut you off. Anything you had to say didn't matter. What mattered was that you understood that he was at his wits end with you, and that his emotions were bubbling over in a flurry of anger and lack of control and patience. 
"No." He said, just before he pressed a harsh kiss onto your lips, his mouth moving against yours coaxing you to move with him, to open your mouth to him. 
You gripped the front of his uniform and pushed him back. 
"Fuck you." You swore, your eyes alight with anger of your own. 
"You can," Sukuna replied and kissed you again. Again you pushed him back, this time shoving him harder forcing him to take a step back, you slipped out from his hold. 
Sukuna quickly spun around and grabbed you again, his arm lopping your waist, stopping you from leaving. 
"Listen to me." He tried again, his fingers circling into your top. 
"You're not talking. Besides I doubt you have anything to say." 
"It was a bet." He started and you snorted. Sukuna narrowed his eyes at your reaction, he expected it but it still bothered him. He turned his head into your hair and sought out your ear, quickly pulling the lobe into his mouth and nipping at the soft skin. 
You gasped, turned around and shoved him off of you. 
"It was a bet, but does it matter?" He asked, letting you take a step away from him. He didn't care to sound eloquent or soft. He just had to get it out. "Does it matter if by the end everything I said was true? I fucking meant it." 
"Why on earth would I believe you?" You asked. He didn't look away from you, his fingers flexed at his side. Everything was telling him to grab you and kiss you again. But he didn't. 
"Why would I lie now?" Sukuna asked. 
"Why wouldn't you?" You retaliated and turned away from him to leave. Sukuna's heart pounded in his chest as you walked out the door. He took a second but quickly followed you into the hall. His hands grabbed at you again pulling you back to him and then straight towards the wall. 
He crowded you, pushing his face towards yours so that his forehead was resting against yours. You scowled up at him, twisting to get out of his hold. 
"How can I prove it?" He asked, his voice filled with desperation. "Tell me. I'll do anything." 
"Nothing." You answered. He let out a large breath from his nose, a deep ache settling into his chest. 
"You're being difficult." He said, trying to keep his voice calm. 
You snorted, "fuck off Sukuna." 
"No." He kissed you again, you didn't kiss him back, not immediately, but he pressed into you tighter. the ridges of his body cutting into yours. Your head tilted up cradled in his hands delicately. His lips were light against yours, moving slowly asking you to move with him. Slowly you did, your hands curled around his wrists as you let him kiss you. As you kissed him back. 
He groaned against your mouth before pulling away from you. 
"Just listen to me." He said. You looked up at him, your eyes still showing your hesitation. "Please." The word was a breath, a soft plea. 
Sukuna never said please. You faltered, and let him pull you back into the dressing room. He let you go, and you walked over to the small couch and sat down. He closed the door and locked it before turning to you his hands tucked into his pockets to keep from reach out to you. 
"It was a bet, but it didn't stay a bet. You hang out with Yuji and Choso that's what prompted the bet anyway. it was hard to get you on that first date. Remember?" He paused, and you kept your eyes on him. "But it wasn't a bet when I took you on the second date, or the third or the fourth. Or when I kissed you, or when we had sex. Anything after asking you to go on that first date wasn't a bet anymore. Not to me." 
"Were you ever going to tell me?" You asked. 
"Okay." You got up again to leave. Sukuna watched you and didn't move from his spot. "I listened. Goodbye Sukuna," and you walked out. He didn't stop you this 
Sukuna watched you from across the room. You were talking to Megumi, your face burrowed in his phone as you giggled at whatever he showed you. 
Sukuna was a couple of drinks in and the booze was burning in his blood. He'd said what he could and you'd still walked away. He was angry. 
Angry that you walked away. Angry that Yuji told you. Angry he took the bet. Angry that you were laughing at something Megumi was saying, that your hand was holding his bicep. 
Somewhere in his head Sukuna was sure he shouldn't do what he was about to do. But he was drunk. He finished what he had in his cup in two large gulps and headed across the room. 
His hand gripped the nape of your neck as he came upon you. His eyes glared at Megumi as he pulled you into his chest. 
"No goodbye." He muttered and began to drag you down the hall, corralling you with his body. 
"Fuck Sukuna, you can't do this again." You argued. But he wasn't listening. He pushed you into a room and slammed the door with his foot keeping you in his hold. His free hand cradled your jaw and pulled your head towards his. His fingers dug into your cheeks as he lowered his head so that his nose was brushing yours. 
"You listened. Thanks. I didn't. fuck your goodbye." He said and kissed you before pushing you down onto the bed. You gasped quickly rising onto your hands to sit up but he was already pushing down onto you, his body pressing you into the mattress, his hands returning to your hair, his lips back on your skin. Pulling at your jaw, your neck, your collarbone. 
He sensed your anger but he didn't care. You were melting under him and maybe the weed you'd had earlier was helping that. He didn't care. 
"I messed up. But I refuse to mess up more and let you go." He muttered into your skin. "You're mine. Even if you think you're not. You are." 
You gasped again when he took your nipple into his mouth through your top. He moaned against you, his hips grinding into yours. 
"Your nipples were taunting me across the room." He muttered around your peaked bud, "You know how much I love your tits and you wore this shirt that I got you. Am I supposed to believe that's just coincidental?" He knew it wasn't. He was asking to taunt you. 
You ground your hips up into his finally rubbing back up into his hard-on. He groaned and the heat gathered in his spine he was consumed by you, his pull on your hair tilting your head up as he angled his hips to grind against yours. 
You were panting already, your skin heated under his. His cock was twitching with every shaky breath you took. He watched your face. Before letting go of your hair and sitting up on his heels. 
"Look at me." He prompted, and your eyes fluttered open, your heated gaze landed on him and for a second his heart stopped in his chest. 
"Be angry at me, be pissed, hate me. But do not for one second think that you're not mine. That at the end of the day, you don't end up under me. That you can leave. You are mine. Do you understand?" He kept his voice low and smooth as he spoke. His hands moved on your bare torso, pushing your top up so that your breasts were bare to him. 
"Wishful thinking." You muttered, the anger still in your words. "Just cause I'm letting myself do this with you today doesn't mean I forgive you. Or that I'm yours." 
Sukuna smiled down at you, your hips still moving against his hard cock, your cunt rubbing at him through your clothes. Sukuna gripped a tit, rubbing at the nipple with his thumb making your body shudder under his hand. 
"Oh babe, I think that's exactly what it means." He said and grabbed for your pants moving your legs up so that he could get them off, he took your panties with them. Once they were off he chucked them onto the floor, your legs fell open as he slotted himself between your thighs. 
His thumb dragged through your folds, stopping at your clit and pressing onto it. Your mouth fell open and your eyes stayed glued to his. He leaned over and let his other hand caress your face his thumb trailing your lip before settling at the corner of your mouth. 
"Fuck me." You breathed, taking his thumb into your mouth. Sukuna's chest flooded with heat as he watched your suck on his thumb. His hand left your heat and pushed at his pants taking his cock out and letting the cock head pass through your heated folds. 
"Condom." You breathed. Sukuna bit back a scowl, you hadn't used one before but he wouldn't push it tonight. He pulled away from you sitting back again as he pulled a condom from his pocket and put it on. 
He lined himself up with you again and slowly pushed in. Your loud moan vibrated around in his head forcing him to drop his head back as he sank into you. Grabbing your hips tightly as he did. 
Both of you said nothing as he began to rock into you, his cock stretching you with each deep and slow drag, your hands scrambled in the sheets as he gradually picked up his pace his eyes watching your tits bounce as he went at you harder and harder, until your eyes were rolled back and your breathing was stuttered with moans and whines. His name falling from your lips mixed with curses and pleads for him to touch your clit because he wasn't letting you do it yourself. 
He pulled out of you pulling you up into a sitting position before pulling you into his lap as he sat down against the head bored. You sank down on him again, your head rolling back as you moaned, Sukuna grabbed at your hair pulling your head back further. His mouth hot around your nipple as he pulled it back into his mouth. You rode him, grounding your hips with his pulling moans from him that meddled with yours. 
He conceded when you begged for him to touch you, his fingers drawing slow circles on your clit. He was getting close, the oppressive heat pushing at his body driving him to fuck up into you harder. Bite at your skin more aggressively. Dig his fingers into your skin until his fingers cramped. 
You came a second before him, your body writhing into his your hands gripping at his hair pulling. All this triggered his own release, he came in the condom with a groan. His hips still stuttered up into yours as he worked through his orgasm. You whined at the stimulation, your head resting against his, your soft moans pushing his orgasm out until he was spent and panting into your skin. 
"You're coming back with me." He said softly leaving no room for you to argue. You closed your eyes and settled against him for a second, not able to argue anyway. 
Send me a request! 
~hxt1b, feb 19 2024
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rafesslxt · 3 months
Hi! Would you write a smut fic about getting high with Mattheo?
R U High Mine⎥Mattheo Riddle
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summary: you come back from the holiday's with some weed for you and the boys. When you and Mattheo smoke while showing him some songs, it get's a little heated between the two of you.
warnings: Filthy smut yasss, getting high, so drugs/weed, smoking, best friends to lovers, making out, vocal mattheo (ugh), dirty talk, fingering, unprotected p in v, aftercare, mattheo calling reader slut and whore
note: I saw this in the car and had an immediate idea how to write this, had much fun. Thank you for the request I hope you like it. 💚
song: I recommend listening to the song "R U Mine" or "Why'd you only call me when you're high" by Arctic Monkeys, trust me babes. Or hear the playlist "Are you high mine" from my Spotify.
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The boys and Pansy already waited for me in the common room as I arrived at Hogwarts again. It was like Christmas for them, knowing I would always bring them their favorite treat after the holiday's.
I smiled at them, knowing they were thinking the same as me as they smiled back at me. "Y/n!" Pansy was the first to stand up and hug me. From all the people I called my friends, I was closest to her. " Hey Pansy, how are you?" I asked, letting my bags fall to hug her back.
"I'm great! We're waiting for you girl. Everyone's here already." she giggled as she let go of me so I could great the rest.
I gave everyone a hug, at last Mattheo, who kissed my cheek. " How are you princess?" he asked, scanning my face. " I'm good Matt, thanks." I smile at him and sit beside him on the armrest. " What about you?" " Fine now that you're here." I rolled my eyes playfully at his answer.
"You know we're all happy to see you y/n, but do you have it?" Draco asked, shifting impatient in his seat. I think from all of us, he was the one with the most need for it. He was constantly on the edge, maybe even worse If it wasn't for Pansy who comforted him the best she could. He had all the pressure of his father on his shoulders and It was clear to see what it did to him. So a little smoke from now and then did good for him.
"Of course I have it, how could I forget when all of you reminded me the whole 2 weeks of it in each letter you wrote?" I say sarcastic, with a little smirk on the edge of my lips.
I grabbed my purse and pulled out a big black bag with already little packed baggy's, also black so you couldn't see what's in it, for each of them.
"Oh my god it's more than usually, right?" Enzo said, gawking at the little bags in my hand. I chuckled as I gave each one of them their own little bag so they could divide it up for the next few weeks.
"Yeah it is indeed more than usual. Got a good prize for it." " Wait let me pay what we didn't give you." Draco said, grabbing into his pockets but I shook my head. " No it's good. I'm friends with him since we were kids." He nodded and opened his bag to smell it, saying "You know I never thought I would say that but I wouldn‘t have thought I would ever be this happy to have a friend who is part of the muggle world."
I laughed at his comment, before giving the last bag to Mattheo. "I've got something else for you." I grinned at him, knowing he'll love it.
Obviously things like wifi don't exist here so I buyed him an MP3 player with lots and lots of battery's so he could listen to music. This time I brought an CD player and made a few Playlists for him.
His smile got bigger as he saw me pulling it out of my bag. "What's that?" Blaise asked, watching us. " It's an CD Player so you can hear Music a little louder than with headset."
"You wanna hear it?" I ask, Mattheo nodding. " Yeah princess, let's go." He grabbed my bags and gave me my purse. "See you later guy's." I waved at the rest of them.
It became a ritual for us to listen to music every time I came back from holiday's, so the group already knew what's going on.
We walked towards mine and Pansy's dorm we shared which was no issue to her as Mattheo and Draco shared a dorm so she would always go over to Draco's.
"You roll the weed and I'm gonna put on the music mkay? Grinder is in the top drawer." I say while walking towards my desk and putting the CD player on it, putting the battery in it and the first CD I wanted to show him. In the meantime he sat down on my bed and grinned the weed smaller before rolling it into a J.
"Ready." He smiled at me and tapped the place beside him on the bed. "Okay, so this is a band I want to show you, they're called "Arctic Monkeys" and I think you'll love them." Confident I sat down next to him after starting the Music. He lit the J and handed it over to me. "Here, you go first." "Thanks." I took the first drag and inhaled it deeply into my lungs before grinning and exhaling the smoke. " Oh it's good. Marc didn't disappoint." "Marc huh?" he asked as he took his first drag. " So you two are close or anything?"
I shrugged with my shoulders before laying down on my back. " Kind of, but not as close as I'm with you guys. I know him since I'm a kid, he's also the only one who knows about Hogwarts beside my parents."
He scanned my face as I was talking, slowly dragging his gaze from my eyes to my lips. I saw it but didn't think about it as I slowly but surely felt the weed have an effect.
"Damn, you were right. The music is great. It's a bit..edgy." " Yeah I know but it's great for smoking." I giggle and turn my head back towards the ceiling as the song "Why'd you only call me when you're high" started to play. " That's my second favorite." I tell him, feeling the weed calming me down but also making my senses and nerves more sensitive and reactive.
"What's your favorite?" "It comes after a few songs, just wait, I will tell you."
We layed down a little longer, smoking the J until it was ready and we were high as fuck. "Shit, it feels so good to be like this again." he groans, sending shivers down my spine. I turned my head towards him, seeing him looking at the ceiling.
I always had a crush on Mattheo. I loved when he was all flirty with me, while with nobody other. We both had partners before but I always felt some kind of pull towards him. My eyes scanned him, looking at his sharp jawline at first. I also loved looking at it, made me feel some type of way. Especially when it moved while he smoked.
Suddenly his eyes hit mine and maybe it's the weed but I had a feeling as If there was more in his gaze. Again, he looks at my eyes and then at my lips, licking his own.
Then my favorite song started playing. " That's my favorite." I said, watching him looking to the CD player. I wait a litte before he reacts to it. He breathed out heavily before looking at me. "You know where I would love to hear it?" "No tell me." "When we fuck." he says bluntly.
My eyes widened in shock, not knowing If I imagined things now. Before I could say anything he rolled over on top of me, grabbed my neck and kissed me with passion I've never felt before in my life. I opened my mouth as his tongue licked over my bottom lip. He groaned against my lips and pressed his body even more against mine, letting one hand beside my head to support himself and the other which was at my neck, now wandering over my stomach.
My breathing got faster and heavier due the haze and the arousal I suddenly felt. "Fuck, you don't even know how long I've been wanting to do this." He lowers his head down to my throat in a rush, leaving my lips trembling.
Goosebumps erupted over my skin as I felt his tongue licking my skin and his teeth carefully biting it. " Mattheo.." I moaned and let my hands go trough his hair, pulling on some strands. "What princess? What do you need hm?" he mumbles against my neck.
I arched my back and pressed my hips against his, feeling he's already hard. I gasped at the friction and bit my lip right after. " Need to feel you." "Where, tell me where. I wanna hear you say it." he groans, pressing against my hips.
"Everywhere. Fuck me." I would have never said that so bluntly without the weed, but I'm so grateful that we did smoke.
He growled against my skin, leaving wet kisses all over it before sitting up between my legs and letting both his hands roam over my skin under the hoodie I wore. It didn't take him long before pulling it over my head together with my shirt under it, seeing I was wearing no bra.
His lips parted and a smile formed on them. " You're so beautiful y/n, shit why didn't we do this sooner." His hand wandered up to my chest, massaging them and playing with my nipples teasing them. I mewled at the feeling and arched my back again. " Mattheo please. I need more."
"Don't have to ask me twice, princess." He opened the button of my jeans and pulled them down. He got rid of his clothes too until we were both only in our underwear.
I looked down and saw how big he was, just trough his boxershorts, making me gulp a little. "Don't worry, I'll go slow. Or do you want it rough?" I nodded quickly. " Rough. Fuck me like - " " Like what?" I gulped again before answering in a whisper. " Like a slut." " Oh you mean like my slut? Because after this you'll go nowhere but to me If you need to be fucked. Understood?" Ahh imagine him saying this ugh
I nodded. "Good girl." he said smiling, his voice and words making me even wetter. His fingers slowly stroked over my slip, making him biting his lip and almost moan. "Feel how wet you are you fucking slut? Wet for your best friend?"
I moaned and closed my eyes as he slipped a finger under the fabric and right inside of me. "Fuck, you're so tight. Nobody fucked you good the last few months huh?" I shook my head as I couldn't form any words. " Yeah that's gonna change from now on." He pumped his fingers a few more times inside of me, putting pressure to my clit with his thumb before pulling down his boxer shorts and my slip.
He pressed his tip against my entrance, looking at me. " Ready?" "Yeah.." I breathed out. He slowly pushed inside me, scanning my face, his eyes a little hooded.
My hands grabbed his hair again as he completely bottomed me out. "Oh yes.." I moaned, closing my eyes and parting my lips.
"You feel so good princess." he groaned and started to thrust inside me fast and rough, not thinking twice If someone outside in the common room could hear the bed hitting the wall. I wanted to say something but every word got stuck in my throat at his merciless fucking.
"What huh? Am I fucking you stupid you little whore? Fuck I love this, how fucked out you already look, not even able to speak." he growls into the air.
The only thing I felt was him inside me, thrusting faster and faster every minute that passed. I couldn't concentrate on anything else beside him. "M-mattheo I'm close.." " You wanna cum baby? Beg me like the little slut you wanted to be."
His thrusts became erratic and sloppy and I heard his breathing getting harder. "Fuck, please let me cum Mattheo. Please, I'm begging you." I moan loudly as my walls clench around his cock.
"Fuck fuck fuck.." he groaned, thrusting hard one last time before spilling inside me and circling his fingers on my sensitive clit. "Come around my cock baby." And I did. I did so hard that my vision went black for a moment and his name left my lips over and over again.
"Yeah, love how you almost look possessed. Possessed by my cock." he grins down at me, slowly pulling out of me.
I swallowed and looked at him, mind dizzy." "That was so good Mattheo." I said, trying to catch my breath.
"Oh believe me princess, that won't be the last time. You're mine now."
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I hope you had fun reading, I had so much fun writing this. 😍
Let me know what ya'll think about this hehe. 👀
My Masterlist
xoxo Sarah <3
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sugrhigh · 3 months
FAMILY TIES - ( m.s & c.s )
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summary- you, matt, and chris go to a bruins game with the kids
warnings- none i don’t think!
girl dad!matt and boy dad!chris
a/n: i tried so hard to write this well and im still not sure if im satisfied, but i hope u enjoy!! kinda short but i think after this weeks podcast we all need a bit of fluff lol
@cutenote @rootbeerworshiper @bb-1s-blog @rileysturniolo @mbbsgf @sturnlova @angelworldspost @l9vesick @st7rnioiossblog
“it’s ridiculous that you always wear my clothes better than i do.” matt speaks, interrupting you as you stare at yourself in the full-length mirror.
you’re in one of his many bruins sweatshirts, which is a little too big for you so you have one side tucked into the pocket of your jeans.
you pad over to give him a quick kiss, hand pressed to his chest. “you still look very handsome.”
“thank you, babe.” he gives you a tiny pat on the ass, which still to this day makes your cheeks ignite.
your daughter, eve, comes flying around the corner into your bedroom moments later, almost running right into her dad. she’s all dressed up for the occasion too, clad in her mini bruins jersey.
“woah, slow it down there partner.” he scoops her up into his arms easily, and her eruption of laughter makes you smile.
“can we go now?” eve says through giggles.
“you don’t want to wait for uncle chris and parker?” you ask knowingly, and she sighs, leaning her small head against matt’s chin.
“i guess.”
as if on que, there’s a loud pounding on the front door, and you hear it open. eve’s face lights up, and she claps her hands together in excitement.
“they’re here, they’re here!”
“we’re here evie!” chris calls back, and the smile is clear in his voice.
matt sets your daughter down so she can run for the stairs, the both of you following closely behind her.
parker is hiding behind chris’s legs, one hand grabbing onto his dad’s black cargos for safety. the second eve comes rushing toward him, though, he opens right up as always.
they hold each other tightly for a second as you finally reach the bottom of the grand staircase, which gives you time to pull chris into a quick embrace too.
“good to see you, as always.” you grin, and he matches your expression.
“i can never turn down some family time.”
matt chuckles a little, clapping his brother on the back as they hug next. “you just want an excuse for me to drive so you can get a drink.”
“well, i can’t turn that down either.” chris jokes back.
“alright, who’s ready for some hockey?” you ask, mainly to eve and parker, who both bounce around with each other happily.
“me too!”
you herd everyone into the car and get the kids situated in their respective booster seats beside chris. there’s always an extra in your vehicle, just in case parker is around, which is often.
you love the little guy. he really is like a mini version of his dad, and chris’s wife is gorgeous too, which also shows in his face. you were so upset when you found out she was sick, but she insisted you guys needed to go enjoy without her, so here you are.
most of the drive to the garden is spent singing along to the radio and keeping eve and parker in check. as cute as they are together as cousins, they’re also trouble. to be fair, they’re only three, so it’s in their nature.
you used to think that eve got her rebel streak from her father, but matt insisted it’s a trait that came from you. as the time went on, you realized that she’s definitely inherited it from your side of the family.
thinking about it makes you grin a little bit to yourself. she’s definitely equal parts of you and matt.
eve’s voice interrupts your thoughts, almost like she knew what was going on in your brain.
“are we there mommy?”
“almost, i promise.”
“pinky?” parker chimes in next.
“oh, of course.” you fully lean across the center console so you can extend your pinky finger to him.
he loops his own little hand with yours and shakes it, and you do the same with eve.
it seems like only seconds later you’re pulling into the arena’s parking deck, and the kids start kicking in their seats eagerly.
chris unbuckles them and helps them out into the chilly air as you round the corner of the car. thankfully they’re both all bundled up in their outfits, even complete with their little matching bruins beanies that matt had picked out months ago.
the whole walk toward the entrance, chris and matt take turns swinging parker and eve between themselves, and you’re all still laughing as you approach security.
matt scans the tickets and suddenly you’re meshing with the crowd, keeping the kids close as you head for concessions first.
the rink is all lit up as you finally make your way to your seats minutes later, equipped with two beers, two sodas, and two tubs of popcorn.
the kids munch happily from their seats as they watch warm-ups, just a couple rows back from the glass. you can’t help but beam, sneakily taking pictures of the two of them together because it just warms your heart.
“looking at the two of them kind of makes me want more, you know.” matt leans over from the seat on the other side of you, breath tickling your ear.
you nudge him playfully, though it makes your pulse skyrocket as you turn to look at him.
“just say the word.”
it’s his turn to go slack-jawed, and he has to clear his throat to force himself to stop thinking about the possibility of more children with you, the woman he fucking adores.
you’d never really talked about it after eve, since you were both so hyper-focused on her as new parents. plus, she’s always had her cousin every step of the way.
but maybe she’d like having a little brother or sister of her own.
“maybe they can stay at chris’s place tonight?” matt thinks out loud.
“let him drink that beer a little longer and i’m sure you can convince him.” you grin as you take a sip of your own.
a few minutes later the arena gets dark as the announcer hypes up the crowd, and you’re (mostly) all on your feet cheering once the bruins skate onto the ice.
parker is piggy-backing on chris’s shoulders, arms flung around his neck as his dad supports him. you’ve got eve on your hip so she can get a good view as well, watching the players while the spotlights focus in on the rink.
her eyes are as wide as saucers, like she’s totally entranced by the noise and the movement.
“daddy, look!” eve points at them excitedly, leaning in your arms so she can glance over at matt.
“i know baby! isn’t it cool?” he feeds into her enthusiasm with a wide grin.
your heart soars as you transfer her into matt’s arms, watching as he ruffles her beanie a little bit so she shrieks with laughter. it’s precious, watching him treat her like the little princess she is.
the national anthem plays shortly after, and the game officially begins. you watch as he points out players to eve, telling her different fun facts about each of them.
chris is bopping parker around on his back to the beat of the music, and he smiles along with his dad.
for a moment, you’re completely consumed by your own thoughts, so thankful for this little found family of yours. you turn your head to look at matt, and he meets your eyes immediately.
“i love you.” you mouth, unable to contain your smile.
“i love you more.” he mouths back.
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king-dumbasz · 3 months
Hi🫶🏻🫶🏻 could u do a mammon oneshot that takes place after fizz quits.(pretending the twins don’t exist) Like the reader is like the new face of his brand. Ppl start shipping the reader and him online, so he goes along with it for clout and money. But they both eventually end up catching feelings. ( ik it’s rlly specific but I keep thinking about it) also I like ur writing 💜
The internet is a magical place💚
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I immediately liked the request and had an idea in mind. It's not something too difficult so my mind was happy Lmao
TW:why do I even put it in if there's never anything to worry about except for swear words, but c'mon, it's Helluva Boss
Mammon x GN! Reader
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The news were full of what happened at the last clown pageant. Everything was about Fizzarolli and his relationship with Asmodeus and how Mammon was ridiculed...
Mammon was FURIOUS
He needed a new face, a new someone to put everywhere and make money. He did everything until he finally found it... He found you.
You were perfect! You were funny, good looking and great for the audience! The perfect clown to replace Fizzarolli!
Mammon immediately made plushies, cereal, service bots (you choose what kind of service), hell, even a body pillow of ya!
Phone cases... Halloween costumes for kids... Lamps... Everything!
You became a star!
But like every star, you were a victim of the internet effect of the rule too
For some unknown reason, people shipped you and Mammon
No one knew why, but when you opened your phone, on Envybrl (Tumblr), on Sintter (Twitter or X), there were fanart of you and Mammon
All kind of Fanart! (I know I don't do NSFW, but when I say any kind, I mean any kind)
Mammon saw it too, a lot of it too
"What is that? Wh- why are we hugging in this one?"
He says, pointing at his phone, looking at a fanart of him and you cuddling
"i don't know, sir... The internet scares me"
Mammon didn't understand why. When Fizzarolli was there no one made these things, but with you it was different
The more Mammon watched, the more he realized how beautiful you looked, and how he liked these fanarts
Mammon started to like every post and imagine these things were true...
Every day, you find a new gift at your door from an unknown person, even if it wasn't that unknown because the wrapping was green black and yellow
One day though, Mammon decides to Rizz you up, because obviously he won't do it normally
"Sir, you wanted me here?"
You said after being called in his office, only to find Mammon in his special valentine outfit (It's just the old one but pink and with hearts)
"Hey, Are you a Wi-Fi signal? Because I’m feeling a strong connection"
That was horrible, adorable, but horrible
"Sir... What?"
"oh, shit uh... Well, I'm out of lines"
"What is happening?"
"Well, I never thought that would've happened, since you're a lower class and shit- but, I found myself liking these fan arts mentally unstable people post of us.."
You were stunned. Mammon. THE Mammon... Likes you?"
"Well... If I'm gonna be honest... I also found myself liking some of those posts..."
Mammon didn't realise at first and looks at you confused (Idiot)
"I like you too"
Just after you tell him he realises. Mammon smiles widely and hugs you with his four arms, so tightly you couldn't breath
"oh, you're a bloody legend, Y/N!"
"Eh... The internet is really a magical place..."
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therealbatgirlishere · 6 months
Trips in (tripin p2
recap: miles had questioned you of your appearance due to his annoyance, being curious as to why you got all dolled up.. . X x. Bby dad miles x bb ma y/n
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Do not post my workings please :)
“You wearin makeup? And what’s up with yo fit and hair?” He asked, staring you up and down as he pointed.
As annoyed as you were, wanting to snap at him right then and there you just gave him a very annoyed stare before taking a deep breath then saying.
“Look, we ain’t gonna talk about this alright? Zion’s right here.” You reply, calmly staring down at your kid and stroking his locks gently. He was zoned out, staring off into space or stm. Zion just looked up and gave you his signature small smile. Showing his dimples. A flash of annoyance fell on miles face before going back to deadpan.
“Fine, alr? You can get away with it this time.” Miles responded, giving you a cold stare before looking at his kid with a slight smile. “Hijo, vámonos ahora, ¿vale?” He said to his kid warmly before putting his hand out for him.
“Ok papa.” Little Zion replied softly,  his attention going to his father as he stared up at him with a smile and taking his hand, miles then picked him up with a little fake groan. 
“Getting too big for papa.” He stated to his son Zion, giving him a little smile. He was a good father, or at least a decent enough one. Always tying to keep his calm around him even with his anger issues, taking responsibility for him instead of leaving like a deadbeat. (Bare minimum ong.) he even bought him toys and a whole ass tv for Zion so he can watch Bluey or some shit. 
“Alright.. you two have fun. Be good for mama Zion.” You say, pinching Zion cheeks and pecking it with love. Zion let out a small squeal before nodding. Miles watched silently, giving you a blank stare before nodding. 
“Adios.” Miles said before turning away and holding his son in his arms, you watched him get in the car and drive off, his engine roaring.
Who the fuck did you think you were? 
Dressing up,  going full out. At some fucking club like a slut. Miles thought to himself, staring down at your story you posted on social media. He had just put Zion to bed in his room and was now lying down on his bed, black sheeted duvets as he was only wearing grey sweats, shirtless  and annoyed. You were skulling down a bottle of tequila as your friends cheered you on, encouraging you. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” On and on. You were so beautiful though, he was captivated by your beauty as he watched you. Sure, it wasn’t exactly attractive to see a woman gulp down a bottle of tequila like it was the last thanksgiving meal but hey. It’s was you right? Your angelic face, those deep dimples showing as you grinned widely while chugging down the bottle. Zion really did have your dimples, he was a reminder of you. He could see you in Zion sometimes. The locks, his dimples, the cheeky smile he gives whenever he makes a mess. He had a lot of cute habits that you did too. (He doesn’t mean it in a weird way.) Miles let out a sigh before turning off his phone, lying down into the bed properly as his head tilted back into the soft comfy pillow. Crossing his arms as he places the blanket under his arms,  he was furious. You were still his so why would you go out into the club? Maybe he’ll stop by tomorrow after dropping Zion off to school. Remind you that you don’t get to fuck around with your little friends, you better not have fucking been near any other guys too. But it was time to head for bed. 
End of part 2, my hands kinda hurt 🤭. Might b smut in part 3 idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ sorry if it’s fucked up or if u can’t rlly read it I was tired n rushing
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mwahaechz · 5 months
Omfg just saw ur dad spiderman mark au AND ITS SOOO GOOD CLD WE PERHAPS GET ANOTHER ONE WHEN his daughter has a bf in kindergarten and mark got super jealous and protective????
EEEEE stop i love spiderdad mark so much 🥹🥹 im so sorry uts been so long anon 😭 but here u go i hope u enjoy <3
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spider mark × g!n reader
warnings : fluff, just pure fluff, jealous/overprotective spiderdad mark, spiders, webs, puppy love, kindergarten sweethearts TT, kisses <33, mark is a simp for you !!!!, they’re so in love i might just kms
read pt1 of the spider-dad chronicles. (optional!)
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mark wasn’t one to be jealous, he really wasn’t. so why was he glaring daggers at the little boy sitting next to his daughter on-top of the slide. now, don’t get mark wrong, he trusted his daughter with his whole heart. but knowing that everyone but him knew she had a boyfriend at the ripe age of four and a half was baffling.
“babe.. why didn’t you tell me?” mark whined for the nth time, tugging at your shirt as he kept his eyes on the way the little slightly tannedboy treated jinni. you sighed, hugging him and pecking his lips softly.
“she told me she didn’t want me to tell you, plus, i thought donghyuck would’ve told you..”
“dONGHYUCK..?!? shes dating his son?! nope. im not having it.” mark scoffs, shaking his head and standing up straight to walk over to the toddlers.
you place a hand on his chest and softly push him to sit back down on the bench, cupping his face to make him look at you. “mark, just let the kids be.. its only a puppy love, they’ll forget about it eventually when they get older.” you reassure him, leaning in to get a taste of his pouting lips.
“yeah, but… we were also a puppy love, and look at us now!” he softly whines, pouting even more as he squints his eyes at the little boy helping his daughter up the steep steps of the playground.
“babe, we were both in first grade when we met.” you playfully roll your eyes, leaning your head against your husband’s chest.
“so?” he furrows his brows, leaving a kiss on the back of your hand before playing with it.
your heart flutters, a soft blush growing on your cheeks at his random acts of affection that have you falling in love and wanting to get married again. “they’re in kindergarten.” you say, looking up at him from your place on his chest.
he looks down at you, the words in the back of his throat ready to leave when he suddenly forgets everything but the way your pretty eyes look up at him. mark slightly clears his throat, neck and face burning up. “..and? that’s basically the same thing.”
you giggle at the fact that his words don’t really make sense. “we were both either six or seven years old when we were in first grade, mark, the kids are barely four.”
“two years isn’t that much of a difference, they’re basically already in high schoo—” you cut him off by sweetly kissing him, hands cupping his face as he sighs and melts into the kiss. he leans his forehead on yours, arms wrapping around your waist.
your kisses were his favorite thing to destress with. he would go hours and hours just kissing you if he could. the canadian would constantly kiss you, be it anywhere. your husband just couldn’t keep his lips off you, but you loved it.
you loved the way he would melt into your hold when you kissed him, the way he would throw away anything for just a kiss from you, the way he always made sure to kiss you softly and sweetly, not to mention the fact that he always asks before doing so like a proper gentleman.
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“so.. why didn’t you tell me about the fact that your son had been hitting on my daughter..?!” the canadian male asks the tanned male, eyes glaring at the younger male. donghyuck chuckles, having pulled off his mask to drink his cup of.. banana milk?
“listen, milk-”
“milk. as i was saying.. it’s not that much of a big deal, it’s just a silly lil’ puppy love.” donghyuck says, shrugging as he chugs the rest of his banana milk. his black and red deadpool suit blending in well with the night as he stands up on the side of the parking lot edge.
mark looks up at the male, softly swinging his legs back and forth as he looks at the night sky instead. “.. my little girl is growing up..” he mumbled, memories of when jinni was first born, when she took her first step, when she finally learned she could shoot webs, when she spoke his name, all flooded his mind as his eyes slightly glossed over.
“i love my family,”
“okay, we get it mister ‘friendly neighborhood spider-dad-man’.”
“oh shut up, donghyuck!”
“make me~ … wAIT. NO. NOT THE WEB- MFPH!”
“you had it coming, lee.”
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the ending was slightly rushed bcz i just wanted to publish it before i end up forgetting 😥
but i hope you enjoyed <3
© vqlentinez 2024
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arminsumi · 9 months
𝐆. 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔 — 夏油傑
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NOTE: pls ignore errors this is just a silly little fluff idea that popped into my head and i wrote it in one swing without planning so yes anyways REQUESTS ARE OPEN gimme all ur suguru/satoru/satosugu thoughts pls i accept fluff n smut n angst 🫡 or if u just wanna chat i promise i don't bite hehe
WARNINGS — lowercase used, fem reader, suguru calls you 'princess' once, a small bit of angst and self-deprecation (Suguru), kinda implied that satosugu both crush on you in college, gojo teasing you two bc he's an annoying little shit and i love him for that
JJK works
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 — サクランボ ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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you met him when he was in his final year of high school, in the music room during after a practice lesson with his uptight teacher.
geto suguru was a little bit of a showoff, especially when he saw your face walk into the room. some friends and others hung around him — you know, he's just that kinda person that people want to hang around and be close to and talk to even if they have nothing of interest to say.
he was thumbing at a bass, eyeing you out without making it obvious. each time you tried to speak, someone interrupted like a twittering bird, and it annoyed him like nothing else.
so the next time you two met delighted him — because you were left alone. at first he pretended not to notice you coming in, but he had sharp ears and definitely heard the soft thumping of your footsteps. he had his eyes fixed on his guitar, twisting and turning the pegs at the head, testing until it was tuned to perfection. and then played something smooth and sultry, a melody that wove through the seats and other standing instruments right over to you.
"hey suguru."
"oh hey, didn't notice you there." he lied, voice as smooth and deep as the notes he had just played.
"mind if i listen?" you asked, taking a seat close to him — but not close enough for him. he wanted you closer. oh well, he decided that he'd use his talented fingers to allure you into closer proximity.
"of course." he smiled and continued playing nonchalantly.
that nonchalance is what caught so many high school girl's hearts. he never stopped being popular with the ladies even in college.
and come college, he picked up another instrument to learn; the piano. difficult. challenging. annoying. despite the benefit of his long fingers and naturally graceful movements, it just didn't come as naturally to him as stringed instruments.
but he knew you liked the piano, or so he thought, because he heard you compliment it once when satoru played piano in front of you.
so he asked his best friend, "can you teach me to play this song? it's y/n's favorite." naively thinking that it would be simple. a week is all it took for him to start letting out exasperated sighs over the keyboard.
"suguru, don't be so harsh on yourself." satoru said after hearing a self-deprecating speech from him, "piano is hard. you need a lot of patience, especially if it doesn't come naturally."
"i'm clumsy." suguru sighed, eyes saddening at the sight of his fingers resting over the black and white keys. "i don't think y/n will care to hear her favorite song being played so poorly. she'll force a compliment out of kindness. she's sweet like that."
"it's been a week." satoru shook his head, bumping legs with suguru as he changed his sitting position on the piano seat. "no one in the world is gonna be even averagely good at the piano in a week - that's impossible unless you're — "
" — a real prodigy. like someone i know." suguru smiled, teasing his best friend out of nowhere. "ah, satoru, what i'd give to have a crumb of your talent right now."
he earned a sympathetic arm around his shoulders.
"must suck to be talentless." satoru joked, "kidding. keep practicing, i wanna see those hands moving when i come back. want anything from the store?"
"diet coke." suguru said, "and something spicy? thanks."
when the white-haired boy lankily strode out of the music theater, the atmosphere became somberly quiet. it was a big theater, much bigger than the cramped music room back in high school.
just when suguru had began lamely practicing again, you walked in. he was so caught up in self-deprecating thoughts, so distracted by his own inner criticism, that he didn't notice.
"hey suguru." you greeted, giving him the fright of his life — he visibly jumped, causing a jarring sound to whine from the piano.
"hey? hey! what — hey." he freaked out for a second, then composed himself, "good to see you again, where you been?"
"i'm sorry — prof's been on my ass about missing assignments. and sorry for never replying to messages," you chuckled nervously, coming to an idle stand next to the piano as he watched you. "i'm so shit at texting."
"that you are..." he laughed with you, "but i'm not much better. i prefer talking face-to-face." and he thought to himself; especially if it's your face.
you smiled at him. a small silence passed, then you nodded at the piano and inquired about it. "practicing?"
"yeah... kind of."
"can i listen?"
he began to blush. you'd never seen him blush before that. it was so subtle that you were almost unsure if it really was blush — or just a trick of the noon light streaming in through the tiny square windows.
"i'm really bad." suguru responded self-consciously, nervously wiping his palms on his dress pants.
"don't care, i wanna listen." you pushed, catching hint of his self-consciousness and deciding to attempt to break through it.
"ah, 'nything for my princess, i guess." he chuckled softly under his breath. he'd started using that nickname with you only recently, 'cause he'd been falling more and more in love than in high school.
so he sat and played the piano for you.
awkward notes, some smooth and purposeful — others a noticeable mistake. he grimaced at those mistakes, you had to laugh.
"hey..." you hummed in realization as he played. his eyes flicked up at you from the piano. "that sounds familiar." you said, "learning chopin so early? isn't that a bit advanced?"
"it is, yeah... but i wanted to learn it for y- because i like him. he's great right?"
"mhm..." you smiled at suguru. "i wouldn't have expected you to like him. actually, it's really surprising you're learning piano at all — why did you decide to?"
suguru froze up for a moment.
"i don't know. i just wanted to." he shrugged, lying very smoothly with that voice of flowing rivers.
"it's just that... you've always talked about how bass and guitar are your beloveds, and you'd never touch anything else. so that's why i'm curious."
he froze up again. you were catching onto him, so he just admitted it as nonchalantly as possible.
"i wanted to learn it because you like it."
that made your heart thump a bit more wildly than it already was from being in his presence. something about suguru is that he's capable of making hearts race just with his voice alone.
"really?" you felt the crown of your cheeks warm up, a heat spreading down to your jawline. his face was going completely red.
"yeah?" he swallowed, almost choking, looking away. his pretty hands lightly rested on the keys. you wondered for a second about how it would feel to have them cupping your cheeks.
"that's really sweet of you... thank you." you said sincerely.
maybe it was the effect of your gaze, or your sincerity, or both, but he felt like it was hard to breathe.
"damn, the tension!" satoru's voice boomed, abruptly breaking the quiet between you and suguru. "i could cut it with a knife. you two should just kiss already — i bought popcorn, let me watch." he lifted a convenience store bag.
"satoru, how long have you been standing there!" you laughed nervously.
"a while. you guys would definitely be the first to die in a horror movie." he said, the liveliness of his voice such a jarring contrast for your ears.
suguru's face was still red. your fists were curled up and laid on the edge of the piano.
"okay, just blurt it out already you two! so frustrating! this isn't a damn slow burn romance novel, just get together already."
"shut up," you laughed embarrassedly, "damn third wheel."
"i am not the third wheel — y/n, if you date suguru you're also dating me i hope y'know that. that's just how it works."
suguru let out an incredulous laugh. "oh my god, please, satoru."
"what? just being honest — don't look at me like that y/n i didn't mean i like you!" now satoru started blushing, "i'm just saying!" and then proceeded to over-explain himself while you and suguru dissolved into laughter.
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josibunn · 9 months
one night only—sonder.
fem!reader x jack thurlow :P 18+
smut (obvi) , jack being a little cheater :[ away on vaca from his wife when he finds u at a club and talks his way into your panties. some spanking, hickeys, kissing, blowjob, cunnilingus, p in v unprotected, sort of drunk sex, semi public (he touched you on the dance floor, in a club bathroom) name calling (good girl, pretty girl, baby, sugar) jacks a bit toxic, (degrading his wife :[) little to no aftercare.
a/n: I had fun with this one! black reader is in mind but as always anyone can read :3 minors dni, enjoy! comment if you wanna be on a tag list and requests are open! also he looks so cute in this gif :)
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You sat at the bar of a booming club, a half empty sweet drink in your hand as you swung your crossed legs. You were just about to leave, the music killing your ears and the painfully sweet drink doing quite the opposite of what your friends hoped when they dragged out.
You felt eyes on you though, and not just the bartender who noticed your bored face. They were piercing your backside, making you a bit uncomfortable.
You reached into your purse, ready to pay and dip when a man sat next to you abruptly, making you jump. “Hey.” He spoke with a sigh, leaning on the counter.
“..Hi.” You scanned him quickly, your guard up as you clutched your purse. “Sex on the beach?” He said, referring to the drink you had finished. “That’s so painfully sweet I can feel my teeth rotting.” He snarled his lips, making you crack a little laugh.
“Yeah, uhh it was recommended to me by a friend but it’s..ok? I guess,” you shrugged, twirling the chain of your purse. “Lemme get you a real drink,” he waved down the bartender, ordering something you weren’t familiar with. That was smooth, you thought, smirking amusingly to yourself.
You scanned him more carefully now, he had shoulder length hair that curled at the ends, a baby blue button down that rolled up to his elbows, black jeans and some sneakers. He paired his shirt with thousands of hair ties and colorful silly bands wrapped around his wrists, making you giggle a little.
He had a beautiful hooked nose and plump pink lips that spread nicely across his teeth when he cracked a joke with the bartender. He turned back to you, and that’s what the piercing feeling was. Those sharp, intense blue eyes he held.
You realized he was waiting for you to respond, “I’m sorry, what'd you say?” He chuckled a little, “I said what’s your name,” he looked at you over his glass, sliding yours over to you. You took a drink, the strong taste burning your throat.
He wasn’t kidding about getting you a real drink. You coughed out your name, holding your chest as he laughed at you. “Too much?” He tilted his head slightly.
“Just a little,” you smiled through your cough you managed to choke down. “What’s yours?”
“Jack, nothin’ too special, yeah-I clearly wasn’t the favorite child.” He shrugged, making you giggle. “Jack isn’t that bad of a name, it’s simple.” You shrug, bouncing your leg attentively as you listen to him.
“And simple is boring, s’not as nearly as unique as yours,” he shook his head as he threw his drink back, seemingly swallowing it with ease.
You were still working on yours, circling the rim with your nail. “Well duh, everyone can’t be uniquely named, the world needs boring people like you to balance it out,” you joked, smiling over your glass as you watched him scoff.
“like me??” He laughed, “Hey you said it I’m just agreeing with ya’,” you put your hands up in defense, looking to the side as he laughed at you, making you join him.
“Okay, since you’re so unique, what'd you do for a living?” He said, bobbing his head snarkily, making you roll your eyes.
Your sarcasm paired up perfectly with each other’s, each monotone joke bounced off the last. And he was so smooth, you were kind of in awe that he got you talking so much, if someone would’ve told you you would’ve been here just ten minutes before you’d probably scoff and nod it off.
You found yourself growing closer to him, your knees sat pretty between his legs that were spread wide on the side of you, and with the way you were leaning in close to talk to him because of the music blaring he had the perfect view of your perched up tits in that pretty, pearl white mini dress you wore that accentuate your curves oh so well.
You only caught him staring sometimes.
Okay, a lot.
You smiled at him as he told a story about one of his friends, a little tipsy but still trying to pay attention, though all you could look at were his arms, his shirt hugged his muscles perfectly, the top buttons open a bit, allowing you to see some of his collarbone, making you internally bite your lip.
“Moral of the story, don’t let the stocky, already scary looking lesbian trip set your first time smoking,” he shook his hands and you shared a laugh.
“Can I buy you a drink this..time?” You asked, clearing your throat when you realized how sloppy you sounded, some of your words slurring.
He chuckled at you, “Yeah, don’t give me any bullshit though, nothing too sweet,” he said as you waved down the bartender, and you felt his hand trail up from where it previously sat on your knee to your thigh, his thumb pressing into your skin as he cupped your soft flesh, starting to rub inward.
“Try this, it’s not too bad in my opinion,” you watched him take a sip, his brow raising as he looked up in thought.
“Okay, that’s not too terrible, ‘can still feel my molars cracking, though.” He nodded, making you roll your eyes and chuckle a little.
Your brows furrowed as you watched him sit his cup down, a ring? He’s married???
You grabbed his hand by his ring finger, raising it up. “Oh?”
“Oh,” his face flushed a bit, “Yeah.” Was all he said. “You’re married? At a club—at,” you got your phone out with your free hand to check the time, “One am??”
“Lemme explain,” he put his hands out in defense. “I swear she knows I’m here.”
“She does,” you nodded, furrowing your brows again as you looked to the side, taking a drink. What a shame, you thought. I really liked him too.
“I promise she does, we-okay, man I really didn’t wanna get into this part of my life here,” He cracked a laugh, but you didn’t follow.
“We’ve been having some..problems. Long story short, I lost both parents, and we lost our baby.”
“..Oh.” Yeah, uh—don’t say you’re sorry, I get it literally every day, and it’s almost been a year.”
You nodded, just not saying anything. “And we’ve been arguing day to day, and always going to bed angry, and work has been hell for both of us, so she suggested we go on separate trips with some friends to clear our heads and maybe get the weights off our shoulders.”
Nodding, you take another drink, hoping it’d help you get past this. “Okay, I get that.”
“kay, good. Can we keep this going? Is it weird now? I should’ve worn the ‘I love my wife’ shirt she brought me,” he shook his head as he brought his glass up to his mouth, making you giggle.
“Yeah, we can. How long ‘you been married?”
You listened to him talk about his seemingly loveless marriage, though only had been together a little over four years, and now it made sense why he was here, talking to you. He wanted an escape. A different woman, just for the night. you could give that to him.
“This is my first night here in this town, I’d say it’s going pretty well,” He smiled, his eyes bouncing from your lips, to your breast and lower.
You smiled back before downing the rest of your drink, “Wanna dance?” You took his hand and stood him up before he could answer.
“Uhh,” he stammered, quickly downing his own before following, “I don’t know how to dance.”
“Well I do, you’ll be fine. Just follow me.” “Seriously, I really don’t. Like it’s bad, I’m so bad.”
You laughed at him, stopping near the back of the club where a dip is easily found but with people still around you.
“You a quick learner?” You put his hands on your hips as you pressed your back to his chest. “Somewhat,” he swallowed hard, his fingers pressing into your skin.
“good, just follow me, ok? follow my moves,” you looked back and up at him, him nodding at you in confirmation. neither of you recognized what song was playing, but that didn’t matter to you as you swayed along to the sensual singing, grinding against him with each snare of the beat.
he moved his hips with you, stepping side to side, making you giggle. “jack, you’re moving like a grandpa. loosen up,” you laughed, and he laughed with you, “I told you I don’t know how,” he trailed his right hand up your hip, cupping your boob as his left held a tight grip on his waist, rubbing inward to hold your stomach.
you held his hand softly as you bit your lip, keeping your body close to his, not that you really had a choice. he was so pressed against you you’d thought your body’s would fuse, the feel of his hard on against your ass as he finally swayed smoothly with you made you let out a shuddery breath.
“that’s it,” you praised him, to which he only hummed as you moved your head out the way when you felt his lip glide against your ear to your jaw to your neck, planting soft kisses to your skin, sending heat straight to your core.
you held his head as he worked on your neck, feeling his hand inch under your tiny dress, the side of his index grazing your clit, making you gasp lightly.
he hummed into your neck as he continued prodding at your clit with his thumb, the side of his index rubbing you between your folds. you moaned quietly, gripping his wrists slightly as you grinded back against him, simultaneously moving against his bulge.
“jack,” you gasped, feeling just how hard he was against you. “bathroom?” he breathed into your ear, and you nodded frantically, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the nearest bathroom you knew, not bothering to fix your dress that was pulled up slightly because of him.
you knocked quickly, opening the door once you didn’t receive anything back. you flicked on the light, throwing down your purse before he pushed you against the door, shutting it with your back and smashing you in a kiss, his hands holding your face as you found his shirt, balling the fabric in your fists as your kiss deepened.
you tried not to think about the cold metal of his ring on your cheek as you kissed him, trying to not let the guilt get to you. and luckily, you were drunk enough to let it slip your mind quickly, your focus being on how he lifted you onto his thigh, his knee against the door as he moved you against his thigh by the tight grasp of his hands.
you gasped, moaning into his mouth at the pleasure shooting through you, gripping his biceps as your pussy throbbed against his jeans, feeling yourself dampen, listening to his heavy breathing between the kiss and your moaning.
your hands found the buttons of his shirt, undoing them as quick as you could with your acrylic nails clacking against each other. you flung it open as you got the rest undone, kissing from his collarbones and down his toned chest sloppily, nails grazing his skin as you slid down his thigh onto on his shoe, right against your cunt.
“please baby,” he whimpered, his hand finding his way into your hair, cradling the back of your head as you eagerly unbuttoned his pants, freeing his erection, almost hitting you in the face.
he was surprisingly pretty down there, was nicely trimmed but not overly bushy or too clean shaven, he had about a good 6.5, maybe even seven inches on him with great girth, that curved to the right slightly, veins going up to his mushroom tip red and oozing pre cum impatiently, waiting on you.
you were honestly salivating, you didn’t know if it was the alcohol or your incurable oral fixation. you spat in your hand, stroking him quickly while you peered up at him with wide, blown out eyes, already seeing his head thrown back as he let out a groan, his thumb caressing your head and tightening his grip.
your tongue circled his tip, sucking it slowly before inching more of his length into your mouth until you got to the base, careful not to gag. he let out a guttural groan, his stomach dropping at the feel of your wet, warm tongue around his throbbing cock.
he put a hand against the tile wall to hold himself up as he watched you take him, a grunt coming from him each time you gagged around him. “you’re doing so good sugar, holy fuck,” he moans, brows knit together and mouth ajar as he looked into your eyes, moving the hair off your tear stained cheeks.
he groaned again, watching his cock disappear into your mouth, loving how your lips looked wrapped around him like this. you sucked around the tip quickly, hollowing out your mouth as spit dripped onto his cock and your thighs, stroking the rest of his length that you weren’t focused on.
that sent him over, he was spewing groans and curses out of his mouth like they were scriptures, eyes squeezing shut and head throw back, chest heaving.
“that’s it baby, fuck you’re so good, so fucking good,” he whispered, moving his hair out of his own face. he took yours into a makeshift ponytail with his fist, “hold still, ok?” was the only warning he gave you, and before you could register what he could’ve meant he thrusted his cock into your mouth, all the way to the back of your throat, making you gag.
he pushed your head onto his dick as he fucked your throat to match his thrusts, and you couldn’t control your gagging as your eyes rolled back, gripping onto his thighs for support.
“Yeah just like that baby, good girl,” he groaned, fucking into your mouth faster. you whimpered, your jaw starting to hurt but you felt his thrusts falter in consistency, so you knew he was close.
he swallowed hard above you, letting out low mm mm mm’s and grunting with each thrust, hearing you gag and moan, the vibrations making him twitch in your throat.
he sped up, shoving your head down even tougher now with each thrust, “look at you,’ takin’ it so fuckin’ well,” he praised, other hand holding your cheek affectionately.
“oooh fuck i’m gonna cum, fuck baby i’m gonna cum,” he whimpered, his lip tucked between his teeth, brows knit together before he held your head down on him, nose tickling his pubes as hot spurts of cum shot into your throat, a relieved sigh and heavy breaths coming from Jack.
he pulled off slowly so he wouldn’t waste a drop, holding his tip to your lips as the last little spurts of cum shot onto them. “you gonna spit?” he asked you, putting himself away.
you licked your lips and swallowed, holding onto his jeans as you stuck your tongue out, “Swallowed? good girl, good fuckin’ girl,” he mumbled something about his wife, along the lines of “never swallows” but you were too fucked out to care.
he held your chin as he stood you up and kissed you, hands between your thighs again, rubbing your clit in circles. he pulled away from your lip and got onto his knees, pulling your dress up and sliding your underwear down as he peppered kisses up your thighs, backing you up against the wall again.
he kissed your folds as if to make out with your actual lips, his nose bumping against your clit, making you whimper, brows knit and eyes squeezed, hands laced between his locks, nails gliding over his scalp.
“needa taste, have ta’ have you,” he rasped, his breath hot over your slit. Jacks finger spreading in a V over your throbbing cunt, pressing so he spread you, clit puffy and presented to him.
Flattening his tongue, jacks eyes lifted to yours, licking a long stripe from your glistening hole to your clit, his eyes filled with lust as they eyed you and you only, already starting to fog over and he barely got a taste yet.
he pushed his tongue in you with eagerness, groaning at the taste, the vibrations making you clench down on him, your back arching upwards as you grind against him.
you fisted his hair as you held his held down, bobbing his tongue into you as you rode his face, his eyes rolling back and lashes fluttering at your needy, desperate actions.
you moaned mantras of his name as he dug you out, moaning out when he inserted both fingers into you at once, pulling his hair back at the pleasure. You were reactive, squirming with pleasure, a new rush of adrenaline and ecstasy flooding through your system, his tongue reaching a new area that had your head spinning.
he loved it, every second of it. he loved how you moaned squeakily when your clit hits his nose at the right angle. he loved how you pulled his hair when he hit a sensitive spot, it made him leak all onto the floor.
he grabbed you by the thighs, turning you around so your face and fingers were pressed against the tile wall and your legs spread for him, pussy and ass on display.
he grabbed at the flesh, keeping you down on his as he fingered you at an unforgiving pace while his tongue stimulated your clit, your slick trailing down his arm.
he spread his thick fingers inside you, scissoring you at a brutal pace, and you swear you saw stars, legs shaking as you moaned his name loudly, drooling on the tile as your mouth formed an “o” shape.
“oh jack, awe fuck jack i’m gonna cum, m’gonna cum!” you sobbed, gasping at hiccuping as he sped up his fingers, eyes rolling back into your head.
“oh m’god, my god my god my god fuck, jack!” you came on his fingers, legs shaking endlessly and drawn out moans exiting you, trying to come down softly but he just kept circling your clit with his tongue, overstimming you :(
he pulled out his fingers, moaning as he sucked your cum off of them, lashes fluttering. he stood, rubbing his hard dick as his other hand rubbed your ass, catching his breath.
you babbled nonsense, your head spinning as you came down from your high. “so good, so good so good so good,” you whispered, chest heaving.
jack rubbed his tip against your soaking, pulsing hole, a hand wrapped under your stomach, his lips parted slightly, head filled with the thought of filling your aching pussy. somewhere in the midst of that “so good,” he whispered, “slidin’ in,” in your ear, proceeding to slide his cock in you in one swift, slow motion, making you choke and moan out loudly, way louder than what he let out.
your walls hugged him perfectly as he bottomed out, never feeling as full as you did now. “jack,—gasp—jack! awe!” you moan, squeezing your eyes shut as your brows furrowed to the sky, feeling as if you were fusing with the tile.
he rested his cheek against your head, panting into your hair as his arm planked on the wall, other arm wrapped around your torso, pushing deeper into you, emitting a low groan. “oh yes baby, ohhh yes, so tight” he moans, his hair falling into the peripheral vision of your barely open eyes.
your moans fought each other as he thrusted into your slowly, gripping your body as you clenched around him involuntarily. “you’re so wet baby, fuckin’ look at that,” his eyes were glued on your pussy lips and he he disappeared into you, sucking him greedily as he shoved your body back.
“such a good, hungry pussy for me.” he groaned, speeding up, fucking you deeper, your moans drawing out with each drag of his cock. you felt him all over your skin, the pleasure consuming you as he fucked you dumb, and he only just started.
“my god jack, my god you’re so good, so fucking good,” you damn near whined, tears swelling as your stomach heaved.
“I know baby I know,” he whispered, kissing your head tenderly, and he swore it made you wetter. “wish I could take you home with me, can’t’ get enough of these pretty fuckin’ moans sugar.” he slapped the side of your ass, making your hiccup.
“you think she’d mind? arriving with this pretty thing on my hip?” he sped up, and you didn’t even think it was possible for him to get deeper, feeling him in your fingertips and heels, your toes curling.
“shit baby, think she’d watch, huh? watch me f-fuck the life outta you as if you were the one i married?” he chuckled breathily, and you felt him graze that spongy, sensitive spot, making you gasp and your back arch, not even giving you time to register the shit that spews out of his mouth.
“oh jack right there, please right there baby right there,” you begged, clenching around him. he sat up, gripping l the fat of your tailbone to pull you back onto him even closer, arching your back more. “here baby? right here?” he panted, sending love taps to your newfound sweet spot.
each little thrust against it sent you moaning whiney, nose scrunched, eyes shut, and mouth agape, forming a “O” shape. “there it is,” he groaned, suddenly slamming into that spot repeatedly and mercilessly, his free right hand intertwining with yours that was pressed against the tile, locking fingers, his cheek hot against your hair.
“oh jack, oh jack don’t stop, don’t fucking stop! oh my god!” you cried out, letting out loud ‘awe awe awe’s as he abused your pussy.
you felt your stomach tie up as he didn’t let up his pace, ramming himself into you with raspy panting and low babbling, not even forming coherent sentences. “gonna ruin me baby,” you heard from him, “takin’ me so fuckin good, so fuckin good,” he’d pant.
you screamed out, gripping his interlocked fingers in yours as your dam broke, “oh jack! m’gonna cum, m’gonna cum! awe, oh!!” you hiccuped and cried.
“breath baby breath, you got it,” he cooed, reaching down and playing with your clit. and just like that, your damn broke. you came with a gasp and a raise of your brows, moaning loudly, almost boardering pornographic.
“oh fuck baby, fuck baby you’re squirting,” he sounded elated, putting pressure on your clit as he drew wide circles around it, pulling more moans and fluids out of you, staining his boxers and thighs.
“ooh baby, ooh baby it’s too much, too much you’re too good,” you whined, holding his hand tighter. you were out of it, eyes glossy and big as you looked back at him, tears still welled in your eyes as they rain down your cheeks too.
you watched his lashes flutter, god did he look gorgeous. his hair stuck adorably to his forehead as he watched you suck him in, cheeks flushed pink and lips newly glossy with spit.
“cmon baby, I know you can take more. look at you, so fuckin’ greedy f’me,” he groaned, his head rolling over as he watched your pussy drool around him, throbbing inside. he groaned, the sound of your juices squelching sending him through the roofs. “never had pussy like this before, gotta savor it, alla’ it.”
“oh my god baby, gonna fucking cum, mmm i’m gonna fuckin’ cum, oh fuck,” he croaks, his hand moving to grip your hips, pushing into you and shoving you more into the tile as he rammed into your recklessly, chasing his release.
his orgasm hit him like a train as he came inside of you, groaning and panting heavily, eyes shutting as you both tried to catch your breath. he wraps his arms around you and lays his head on yours, you whining softly as he mumbled praises to you, kissing your head with, “so good, did so fuckin good for me,” sprinkling some pretty girl’s in there before he pulled out, careful not to hurt you.
he sat you on the toilet as he cleaned you up with a wet paper towel, making you and himself look presentable again, fixing his shirt and putting you back in your underwear, bringing your dress back to it’s original length.
“thank you,” you mumble, thinking he was just gonna slip off after cumming. “f’course. you were so good, I wish I could take you home,” he sighs, kissing you softly, his thumb rubbing your cheek.
“how long are you gonna be down here?” you ask between kisses, and thankfully he had a few days left.
he slips his number into your purse as you follow him to the mirror, him wiping your cheeks as you fixed your hair, surprised it still looked good, although you couldn’t say the same for your makeup.
he said nothing but kissed your forehead before he left, and you followed soon after, finding your friends to tell them about your little hookup.
a/n: ahh that was so long i’m sorry! I had a lot of fun with this if you couldn’t tell, it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while :) I hope you enjoyed!
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sage-green-matcha · 11 months
can you please do “there’s only one bed” trope with Ethan Landry and it’s pure fluff but reader and Ethan are just “friends”, pretty please and thank you 🩷🤗
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“You know me, better show me that you could say it to my face. 'Cause you know we're the same, there's worse things I can take” - beabadoobee
Content includes: fluff!! Sweet Ethan!
A/n: thank you smm for the request! I hope u love it!
"Damn Y/n, is your bag really that heavy?" Sam watched as your shoulder sunk to one side, the heavy bag pulling you down. "Yea you're struggling, do you really need all of that?" Tara chuckled.
"Okay well first of all, Yes. I do need all of this. Also yes, it's really heavy" you mumbled, kicking the bag in front of your legs as you walked. "Hey, woah! You're gonna snap yourself in half" Ethan lifted the bag off your shoulders, sliding it easily into his. "Thanks..." Chad smirked as you looked up at Ethan.
Everyone knew you two had a thing for each other, which is exactly why they made a plan. A very thought-out one, but not very original. "It's working!" Mindy mumbled with a big smile. "It hasn't even started" Chad looked back at the two of you with a smirk.
Ethan had confirmed he was crushing on you, accidentally slipping it out when he was tipsy. For days he begged Chad not to tell anyone. But the whole group already knew. That was just confirmation. "You sure this is gonna work?" Tara walked by his side. "I know this is gonna work"
"Okay! Pair up with your hotel room buddies" Everyone ran to one another, it seemed like you and Ethan were sick with how fast they paired off, avoiding the two of you. "Well uh, guess we'll be good roommates right?" You nodded, your heart beating like crazy. You didn't wanna room with him, you couldn't. Being next to him made you all giddy so staying in the same room with him? You could never.
"Okay, good!” Mindy smiled, walking up to the front desk. "We have a reservation.." You blacked out as she talked, nerves filling your body. This could go so wrong. Or so good. Or it could be the most mediocre thing that you're overthinking about. But you also knew that nothing that included Ethan was mediocre.
"Here's the room keys" she handed them out, everyone slumped as they walked over to the elevators. "I'm so tired" you mumbled, everyone, shaking their heads. "You slept the whole ride, Ethan's shoulder suffered from your fat head" "Mindy, shut up!" You glared at her.
You all got to your floor, everyone spreading out to find their rooms. "What number is it?" You stood on your tiptoes, holding onto Ethan's arm. "306" you furrowed your eyebrows. "Huh...that's separated from everybody else" he just shrugged, pulling up your bag while he looked around. "Looks like It's on the other side of the hall" 
You eventually found the room, swiping the key onto the door lock. You searched for the light, your eyes widening when you saw the bed. "Uh...are we sure this is the right room?" He plopped your bag down, looking around the room. "Well..? The key worked"
You ended up dragging Mindy and Ethan to the front desk, making her ask for a different room. "Sorry kids, that's the only one available at the moment. We're packed for the next couple of nights" You wanted to die. "Tara, please! You know damn well you're gonna sleep in the same bed as Chad. Just trade rooms please?" She shook her head, hiding her smile. "No, I'm not sleeping with a drunk ass Chad" you groaned, covering your eyes.
You asked everyone. They all said no. "You guys are so rude" you mumbled, walking back to your room in defeat. "So...what did they say?" Ethan prayed that they all said no. As much as this was uncomfortable for him he was kinda happy about it.
"They said no" You slipped off your shoes, sitting on the bed next to him. "I can just sleep on the chair…it’s fine! Really!” You shook your head. "It's whatever, we'll figure it out" You knew it was wrong, that you didn't wanna figure it out. Your heart bounced around inside of you, nervous for the night. It could be normal, one of you on the couch and the other on the bed. But maybe, somehow you two could end up together on the same bed.
After a long afternoon of chatter and laughter in Tara and Chad's room, you headed back to yours. You were too tired to even care about the bed, completely forgetting about it till you opened the door.
"What are we gonna do about the bed?" Ethan mumbled, wiping his eyes. "It's okay, we can share" "Are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable. I can just sleep on the chair..." you took a glance at the red chair in the corner of the room. "It's okay Ethan, trust me. That chair is way too small for you" his face got hot as he saw your smile, watching you grab your pajamas before walking into the bathroom.
A swarm of butterflies flew around in your belly, making your face heat up. You didn't wanna get too excited. You wouldn't even be facing him anyways. He was just a friend and nothing more, this was just a friend thing! You tried to convince yourself but you couldn't get that feeling out of your stomach. You felt creepy. He definitely didn’t feel the same way, but you decided to let your delusions take over for a bit.
As you walked out of the bathroom Ethan was already laying in bed. He cuddled up to one of the pillows, his face smushed against the fabric. He looked so cute.
“Is it okay if I keep one of the lamps on…?” “Uhm, yea it’s okay” You peeled back the white bed sheets, adding your favorite throw on top. The room was dark besides the lamp and the moonlight that peaked in through the blinds. The smell of cleaning products filled your nose as the sound of a fan played in the background.
You were glad Ethan let you keep the light on. You could never sleep with it being pitch black, it gave you the heebie-jeebies. You positioned yourself, trying to get comfortable as you faced away from Ethan. You tried your best to get comfortable but you couldn’t, turning around to face Ethan’s back.
Ethan quickly caught onto this, also feeling the same amount of discomfort you were in. “This bed isn’t very comfortable, is it?” His voice was low and raspy, facing you with a small smile. “Uh uh” your hair rubbed against the sheets, the small sound filling your ears.
You scanned his face as he stared back at you, noticing details that you never got to see before. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, small marks all over his skin. “You have really nice eyelashes” It just fell out of your mouth, but you meant it. “I- oh. Thank you” You noticed how his cheeks filled up in a pinky hue, gaining you some confidence.
You could go on and on about his face. How full his lips were, the pretty color of his skin. But you didn’t wanna creep him out, keeping it to yourself. “I like your lips…” you held back a smile, covering the bottom of your face with the blanket. “Thank you” your laughs were whispered, Ethan, noticing how flustered you were getting.
You felt yourself move back as he brought his hand up to your face, realizing how weird it probably was. “Sorry, sorry. I don’t know what l was doing” You chewed on your lip as he brought his hand down, pulling the side of your face closer to his. “It’s okay” your whisper was unstable. Your nervousness escaped your body through your voice.
You watched as his eyes scanned your face. From your lips to your eyes, an unorganized pattern of movements that slightly confused you. You could tell he was nervous, his hand getting warmer with each second that it was on your skin. His face was inches away, feeling his soft breath on your face.
You had begun to grow impatient, lips seconds away from touching. The anticipation made you go insane, only paying attention to the way his heart was beating with your hand on his chest.
As crazy as it seemed his was probably pounding harder than yours, lips on lips. “Don’t be a tease E” Your lips brushed against his, the feeling of warmth and satisfaction filling every pore in your body.
Your face grew hot, Ethan pulling you in as he became addicted to your taste. Your lips were soft and cushiony, perfectly fitting onto his. Breaths and words were jumbled as you two got even closer, Ethan’s hands finding their way to your hips.
All you could feel was fire. It was like a giant firework was exploding in your stomach. Your hands ran through his soft curls, noses touching as you pulled away for air. His face was so red. Making you giggle with a hand on his cheek.
“You look so cute when you blush…” you combed your hand through his hair, pushing it all back as he admired you. He pulled you closer, hugging your body tightly into his. “Better?” “Way better”
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caeunot · 5 months
johnnie guilbert x reader
getting your lip pierced and him accompanying u!!
➷ you have always wanted to get snake bites since you were a kid but you also happened to be terrified of needles. johnnie noticed the jealousy in your face when one of your friends got it done and since he also had some experience with lip piercings he thought he would be able to help you get some !!
"hey baby you know you would look so good with snake bites" johnnie says as he puts his arms around you from behind and kisses your neck. "you know I've been thinking it over lately.. fuck I wish I wasn't such a baby when it came to needles" you turn around to face him and scrunch your face up. "what if I help you! I could hold your hand while you get it done and look after you and the piercing with extra care!" "are you sure? I don't want to be a burden.."
he takes your face in his hands and gives you a kiss. "y/n you will never be a burden okay?" you smile and hug him tight and he gently grabs your hair.
a week later and he's driving you to your favorite food place to eat something good since your lips will hurt for awhile after they are pierced. he sees your nerves and puts his hand on your thigh. once you two have eaten your fill you start asking him a bunch of questions about the healing process and the pain, which you already researched all about but you needed extra confirmation to ease your nerves, thankfully Johnnie acted as if it was the first time you have ever asked him this and gave forward answers.
as you two get out of the car he immediately takes your hand in his and gives it a squeeze as if to say 'you got this'. "hello can I get snake bites please", "no problem! please lie down over here then" the piercer advises and you gulp and look johnnie in the eyes. "your okay darling your fine deep breathes! think about how sick u will look once it's done kay?" you nod and lie down, still holding onto his hand
the moment the first needle goes in you feel johnnie using his thumb to gently caress your hand to calm you. once the second needle goes in you feel awful and all of a sudden everything goes black....
you wake up in the back of johnnie car laying on his lap. "fuck your finally awake!! I was so worried y/n please never do that to me again" as you sit up he immediately goes in for a strong hug and dugs his head into your neck.
"what happened...?" you say as the long hug ends but his hands still haven't stopped holding onto you. "you passed out when the second needle went in! they had to put the piercing in while you were blacked out.. they say you should have woken up immediately after but you didn't.. I was so worried y/n I thought I was going to lose you I promise I'll never encourage you to do anything your scared of ever again i-" you interrupt him by giving him a soft kiss.
after you start feeling a bit better you check yourself out in the car mirror and to be honest you looked really good. "do u think it suits me?" you ask johnnie. "is that even a question. you were the most beautiful girl ever before but this is on a whole other level, at this point you could be classified as a goddess"
"oh shut up" you say with a giggle as you take his free hand in your own and hold it tight
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babyyweebbitch · 4 days
haiii! im super impressed w ur writing. It's so good (must admit). can I have a Simon "Ghost" Riley when he found out I trying to hide wounds after fighting?
It's okie for no, thx u and luv uuu <3
no problem bubba :)) i wanted to do something like this but didn’t know how to | i just reread everything and saw u said fight 🧍🏾‍♀️ chat pls to kill me its been a while and i JUST woke up from a nap. i hope this is okay tho!!
content warning : Black female reader, blood, hiding wounds , simon being angy
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you had gotten back from a solo week long mission a few days ago, you were being quite distant and secretive from everyone… nobody knew why but they didn’t pry thinking it was just you wanting space after a tough mission especially going alone… nobody blamed you
one day, you were walking through the base in regular clothing but baggy clothing, which Simon thought was odd because you were always known to wear shorts or something, you grabbed a few medical supplies and hid them before quickly going to your room across the bass, he noticed this.
how odd… what would you need with these items? he decided to follow far behind you and watched as you went into your room. after a few minutes he knocked on your door and waited for a response
“im busy! one moment!” you yelled out sounding panicked and hurried.
“can i come in?” simon called out from the other side, his deep, thick British accent was very easy to tell who it was because of how it sounded. after a few seconds you opened the door but leaned against the door putting weight on one leg as you did, opening it just so much so he couldn’t see the rest of your room
“whats up?” you asked, having a face of trying to hide pain, which he took notice of very quickly. he raised an eyebrow and looked at you, taking a few seconds to answer
“i saw you got medical supplies… is everything okay?” he asked with clear worry in his voice, which only showed with you
“yeah everything is okay, i was just getting them for Johnny” you said clearly lying, Johnny has been with Ghost most of the day
“you’re lying — what is wrong?” he said, with a stern voice, you kinda just looked at him with a look of ‘oh shit, im cooked’ but you wanted to try and lie again
“im telling the truth, Si…”
“lying again! Y/N what is going on, let me in”
you both just looked at each other before you slowly opened the door, simon saw all of your bloodied bandages on the floor along with the new ones you had just gotten… he didn’t say anything at first but once he did you felt like a kid being yelled at again
“what the hell? what happened?” he said with a angry tone, he looked at you and the look in his eyes scared you. you avoided eye contact and you just looked at the floor
“it happened on my mission… i got banged up pretty bad and didn’t want to tell anyone…”
“why?!” simons voice was raised just a little bit once he asked this, he was angry that you didn’t say anything about it and he was angry you let it go this long. after a few seconds he walked into your room and closed the door “show me now, you don’t have an option” he said, standing directly in front of you with his arms crossed. you were about to protest but after seeing he was dead serious you untied your sweatpants and let them drop, once he saw your legs you had a few cuts and bruises but the worst one was a gash on your upper thigh that was still healing. he sighed and he pointed to your bed without further explanation
you sat down and simon started to take care of the gash on your thigh first before the rest. he didn’t have anything to stitch it with so he just wrapped it tightly after cleaning it and he prayed for the best.
“take your shirt off, i know theres more” he said as he tossed bloody tissues away and he looked at you, you took your shirt off and you had a tank top underneath, there were a few scrapes and bruises here and there on your arms and rest of your body but nothing that wouldn’t heal on its own.
“if you do something this stupid again, i will tell Price about it…” he said getting up from the floor and subconsciously cleaning up the old bloodied bandages and other trash from your floor. he didn’t say anything else afterwards, he was upset with you and didn’t know what to say or do with you. you kinda just watched him and once he was done cleaning up he left the room.
you felt horrible now…
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toruro · 1 year
— ✧ the letter (smut)
description. you and minghao are really going to miss each other
tags. smut (18+), oral (f receiving), fluffy yummy cute
w/c. 1.3k
a/n. so fuck tumblr community labels i'm going to [redacted]. anyways the full story is here. i guess u could read this smut as a stand alone but it rly wouldn't make any sense.
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“M-Ming—hao,” you whine, hands fisting the linen beneath you. A string of slick connects his mouth to your glistening folds, tethering him down to you even as he lifts his face. His eyes stare down at the slobbering mess between your legs, ignoring your soft chanting of his name before diving back down to close his mouth around your clit.
“Tastes so good,” he groans into you, hot breath fanning down on your folds as he licks fat stripes up and down into your cunt. One of his large hands reaches up and you instinctively guide it so that he can grasp one of your tits, squeezing tightly as your back arches into him.
“Fuck—Hao!” you cry out, when he peels his mouth away from you again. He looks up at you with heavy lidded eyes and a shiny wet chin and bright grin. “Was s’close … s’close,” you whimper, as he presses kisses on the inside of your thighs, licking and nipping at the soft flesh.
“I know baby, I know, but I wanna cum with you,” Minghao murmurs against your skin before crawling up onto his arms and over you. Your eyes flutter shut as he presses his lips against yours, sliding his tongue against yours fiercely.
Moaning at the taste of yourself, you wind your arms around his neck to pull his burning body flush against yours, grinding upwards in a determined mess to make sure the remnants of your almost-orgasm don’t ebb away.
You feel his hard length prodding against the inside of your thigh as Minghao shifts above you, adjusting his hands so they’re resting by your head when he finally pulls away, panting. Black hair sticking to his sweat-slick forehead, cheeks flushed, lips swollen—you don’t think you’ll ever get used to seeing Minghao like this.
You gasp loudly when you feel his cock brush against your already sensitive folds, burying your face into the crook of his neck as he runs one hand up and down your body. “Spread your legs a little,” he mutters, tapping at your knee so that you raise your thighs so he can settle better between you.
You’re about to egg him on and tell him to speed it up but then Minghao is punching the air out of your lungs in one ruthless thrust, forcing his fat cock into you in one go.
You’re in such a haze right now, you almost forget that you’ll have to face your brother and parents in less than an hour. Minghao and Jun were, after all, going back to Korea today, but your pre-orgasmic state pushes away the nasty thought of having to say goodbye to your boyfriend and brother so soon after having them to yourself.
It wasn’t easy, of course—the first few months after you came back home from Korea with the title of being Minghao’s girlfriend hanging above your head. It was what he’d been most worried about, when he first asked you to make things official the night before you left.
“I know what I’m doing Minghao, trust me.”
And trust you, he did. He trusted you when you were kids, when he was just your brother’s best friend, when you called him (almost) every night, and he trusts you now, as he’s ramming his cock into you.
Gripping onto his back tightly, you lodge your bottom lip between your teeth as you feel the rough drag of Minghao’s cock against your walls when he pulls his hips back halfway before pounding himself back in.
“God, fuck—I’m gonna miss this so much,” he grunts, punctuating his last word with an especially harsh thrust that has your body lurching against the sheets.
“M-me too,” you gasp, forcing your eyes open so you can watch the way his neck is strained and eyes are dilated as Minghao looks down at you.
“Yeah?” Minghao chuckles between heavy breaths, using one hand to cup your jaw while the other goes down to pinch at your clit. The touch against your sensitive nub as your mouth goes wide as you whine into Minghao’s mouth, lips swallowing up your loud moans while he kisses you.
Tongue and teeth meet in a clashing mess as you struggle to hold onto your last bit of sanity, his rough movements against your clit now turning to more a sharp and calculated circular motion that has you clenching around his cock.
“Minghao, fuck—” Your curse is cut off by the obnoxious ringing of your phone from the nightstand. Minghao groans, stilling his movements while his cock is pressed balls deep inside of you as he reaches over and grabs it.
“Just hang up,” you instruct but Minghao sighs, holding it up to show you the caller ID. Rolling your eyes, you grab the phone and hold it up to ear as you try and calm down your erratic breaths.
“Jun, I’m kind of busy—”
“I don’t care. Just make sure you guys come in like the next hour,” Jun says into the phone before pausing. “Why are you breathing like—ew. Gross. Forget I ever called. Well, don’t forget what I said, but you get the point. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to vomit now.”
Your phone beeps before the call cuts and you throw it to the side, clutching Minghao’s face to smash his lips on yours. “You heard him,” you mumble into his lips. “We don’t have a lot of time …”
Minghao sighs heavily, pressing his forehead to yours when you pull your lips away and glance down at the wet mess where his cock slams into your cunt. You feel your orgasm creep up on you again, tickling your stomach and spreading through your bones as you begin to squirm beneath him.
“Fuck, I’m close,” you moan, starting to lift your hips weakly to meet his thrusts while Minghao presses wet kisses to your collarbone. Your skin feels like it’s on fire and every snap of his hips is sending you closer and closer to the edge until you feel his cock twitch inside of you, triggering the storm to clock in on you. “‘m cumming—fuck, Hao, feels s’good. Feel s‘full,” you mewl when his eyes finally meet yours and you let go.
Your limbs convulse in a haphazard mess as a long awaited orgasm racks through your body, the waves of pleasure only heightening when you feel Minghao’s thick spurts of cum shoot through your swollen cunt. He weakly thrusts into you for a few final moments until you’re both in a buzzing, overstimulated haze, his body going limp when he finally collapses on top of you.
“Do you think we have time for another—” Minghao begins to ask, lifting his head to look at you when you lightly smack a hand over his head.
“Minghao, this is our third round,” you groan when he slips out of you, rolling off of you so you have room to cool down.
“And? I’m not going to see you for at least another month,” he whines, squeezing your cheek from the side.
Pressing a kiss to the side of his cheek, you murmur, “I wish we could but you heard Jun. We need to shower, still …”
Minghao rolls his eyes, propping himself up on his arms, eyes flickering between you and the shower before smirking. “So … are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“You horndog,” you scoff, sitting up straight as Minghao gets up from the bed. He turns to you, an eyebrow raised.
“So is that a yes or a no?”
Giggling, you kick the covers off and follow after him. “Only if you’re quick with it.”
Minghao grabs your arm, yanking you close to him as you stumble into the bathroom. “I love you,” he murmurs, your tits pressing close to his chest.
“I love y—” The words melt on your tongue before they can be heard, Minghao’s mouth engulfing your breath.
You’ll really have to apologize to Jun for being late.
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shawtuzi · 2 years
more of plug eren plssss it was too good 😩😩
this might be a little messy and rushed but i hope y’all like it </3
this is 18+///cw include: smut, some fluff, drug usage, black coded reader
- plug!eren loves buying you different kinds of jewelry his favorite being the silver anklet with a small e dangling from it. he loves the way it jingles ever so softly by his ear whenever he’s got you on your back legs up in the air. ah yes he loves that anklet very much but the tennis necklace that sits so pretty on your neck is a close second
- whenever you sleepover at his apartment (which is almost every night) he’s always the first to wake up and does his daily wake and bake. he ofc has another blunt set aside for when you wake up knowing you wouldn’t let him hear the end of it for smoking without you
- i don’t see him being much of a drinker for obvious reasons but when he does drink girl he is a SLUT!!! give this man a couple shots of hennessy and he’ll have you folded in a mating press whining and bitching about how much he wants to cum in you and how much he loves you. get him cross faded and he’ll become the definition of a service dom, giving you multiple orgasms until you have to tap out only for him to breathlessly plead in your ear, “c’mon baby just one more time you feel so fucking good”
- plug!eren’s first post with the two of you on his ig is captioned “me & my bitch” and this man genuinely thought he was being romantic and still does to this day so he refuses to change it
- plug!eren will never admit it to anyone except you ofc but he loves baking. you don’t know when he got into it or why but he loves it and he infuses everything obviously. you tried making a simple red velvet with him one night and everything was going fine until you suggested the two of you have some wine while you wait which lead to eren suggesting a quickie which lead to the poor cake slowly burning while eren had your face pushed in his mattress
- KING OF BACKSHOTS!!!! omfg the way he can reach so deep and bump against that special spot with every stroke is straight up insanity. he def does the thing where he holds his shirt up with his teeth so he can see himself fucking into you
- don’t even think about buying from another plug or even a dispensary plug!eren considers it cheating but 10x worse
- “where did you get that?” eren asked referring to the disposable pen you were holding. “umm….connie….” you mumbled looking everywhere but eren’s face. “wow y/n just wow” he huffed crossing his arms an adorable pout on his face. you learned that day that plug!eren is very possessive over his clientele especially you
- baby boy secretly loves to be praised whether it’s about his looks, his performance in bed, or how good his weed is he just loves hearing good things about himself
- is the type to grab you by your throat/jaw and say “stop playin’ with me” whenever ur acting bratty and then gives u a lil kiss on the lips to let you know you’re gonna get ur way. he just cannot help but spoil you his woman deserves the finest of everything in this world
- your contact name in his phone is “wife” and the contact picture is a pic of you sleeping clutching onto the hello kitty plushie he bought for you
- plug!eren absolutely adores having slow sensual sex while he’s high!!! he loves having you ride him omfg the way he’s able to slowly run his hands over your body and admire the pretty fucked out look on your face <333 the dirty talk is elite as well and don’t even get me started on his facial expressions
- “fuuuck you feel so good baby” eren rasped using what little strength he had to bounce you on his dick. you couldn’t even reply your mind too foggy to come up with a response all you could muster were tiny moans and whines. he looked so pretty. his brows were furrowed and his nose was scrunched homeboy was completely basked in the feeling of your pussy. “this fucking pussy i swear y/n i’m gonna fuck a kid in you if you keep squeezin’ me like that” *screams internally*
- loves to roll blunts on you. he’ll roll up on your tits, back, ass, stomach it doesn’t matter he just loves to do it
- plug!eren doesn’t like to share as we all know but there was this one time you convinced him to watch you and mikasa fool around and he liked it way more then he admitted. smoking a blunt and watching the two women he trusted more than anything make out and touch each other??? yeah he loved it but don’t worry eren knew good and well his dick belonged to you and would never think about be intimate with another woman even if you were okay with it no one compares to his pretty lil gf </3
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fushiguroshotwife · 8 months
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♡TW!: Thrusting, him eating you up, oral sex, unprotected sex. Hard Spanking.
♡Ve's note!: Okay I definitely didn't add sum trigger warnings but idk and that's all I could think of, this one's pretty simple for the theme of it, hope u like it <3
°~♡ What happens?: he thrusts you hard :)
Toji fushiguro X black!fem!reader
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Almost everyone is aware that you and Toji are dating since you share an apartment room. You had sex every day, whenever you wanted, was the bare minimum.
However, he grew tired of the typical intercourse and thus wanted to try something different.
One day as you were returning from work, your pocket-sized phone -- which you had with you at all times -- rang. "Toji?... Isn't it late? I'll be returning soon." "Y/n..". You thought you heard toji's dark toned voice responding.
You responded in a flustered tone, "Y..yes?," you say, sounding like a total dork.
He responded in an irritated tone, "Nothing.. come back soon.. ", which made you completely don't understand what you had misspoken. You simply rush back to your shared dorm.
After that, you hurry to get there. You notice Toji, your frustratingly attractive lover, sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and his arms resting on the edge of the couch.
If he weren't already fucking shirtless, of course, you wouldn't care—
Finally, you gather yourself; fortunately, he didn't see how flustered you appeared, because, well, let's just say it won't end the way you imagined it would.
He finally broke the hush by speaking. "You're late, what a bad girl you are, eh? Let's go to bed."
"Wha—what? " you responded, embarrassed as hell.
"You heard me, bedroom, Now." He replied, totally chill bout 'it not mindin' a thing ever.
"Y—uh, yes, sir." You say, He chuckled at your response, got up from the couch, and wrapped his arms around your lower hip region before spitting out. He then lifted you up like a shopping bag, made his way into the bedroom, and casually dropped you onto the bed.
He dumped you onto the bed with your belly touching the sheets, and while you lay there with your face buried in the pillows, he gradually tore off your shirt like it was nothing at all.
You speak softly and quietly as you say, "Toji.." He responded with a raspy "mhm?.." You express desperation.You pleadingly say, "Toji.. please.. fuck me.." "Well, I can't say no to that.. can I?" Toji says after clearing his throat. He chuckled. He grumbled "mm.. Well, work for it, put on a show for me, and maybe I'll fuck you.."
As you whimper, he then thrusts you from behind."Toji! TOJI!" You grunt.
He said the words "Mmm.. take it all in.." with a downright psychotic chuckle. He shoves his dick into your walls harder, causing you to whimper and roll your eyes back as he smirks at how well you're handling it all.
"mm.. what a good girl.. take it all, my sweet girl" he mocked. "Ngh! Toji!—" you spat out "Wrong. Did someone forget how you call me?.." he mocked you even more, as if that already wasn't enough.
"silly girl, looks like someone can't get their words right." He gives you a hard big slap onto your ass cheek making it burn and turn a bright creamy red, he thrusts he big cock right into you harder back and forth making your shiver and bop your head as your eyes roll back.
"A—ahh!~ da— " you moaned softly, he gives you another slap on the pussy making you scream with fear "wrong again. Cat got your tongue? Say it, now." He says, his voice commanding and loud as you quiver hardly taking it in you as he deeply thrusts his big bulge into your pussy, you scream..
"Daddy!—mm—" you repeat bopping your head to the side making yourself grunt, "you gonna take in my cock, kid?" You nod as he lifts up your legs putting them on his shoulders as you stuf your head into a pillow as tears fill your eyes, Toji grunts "hey kid, you gonna cum?.. hold it, will ya?" He commands as your face is a wet mess under that pillow, toji cums inside of you as you just moan deeply into the pillows as toji spoke
"now cum, sweet woman." He said, you let it out squirming and squirting while he's inside you milking you whole.
"hey kid.. you still alive or not?" He laughs at you, as he always loved mocking and degrading you as a hobby of his.
" H—huh of course I am!-" you protest, he laughs again like a psychopath " yeah right, was that too much for ya kid?" As he looked down on you, still wet and messy,
"Oh right, is it your bedtime? " he added. He always loved to treat you like a kid because of how small you were compared to him, how cute and little you seemed. How innocent you looked..
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