#scrapped ideas
goldenshrikecomic · 7 months
What's a fun fact tm about the world of GoldenShrike you haven't gotten a chance to talk about yet?
Err let me tell you about Team Rocket! The pair I scrapped and wept blood for. I mean I've babbled about them around Kasko's chase scene, but there's some ooold old dusty patreon art too.
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Gousla (grey one) was Gitta's older sister, and Retter (blondie) was Prue's older brother. They were tied to Kasko's backstory, and it was ultimately them who nursed him back to health instead of Riptail and Cutlass. Then Kasko accidentally did something terrible and caused the two to hate him to the point of wanting him dead. They'd kind of meddle with the main gang much like team rocket in pkmon, eventually having a change of heart and loosely joining them. Maybe meeting with a sad demise in the end, I didn't get that far.
Oh, and wayyy before Antaras took the honorable title of the main antagonist, these two worked for a boss who was supposed to be the big bad, but I never took the idea further to figure out what their motivations were. I know that team rocket was tasked to make deals around the grassland, essentially gather allies for SOMETHING, and that included boars.
In the end I don't regret one bit scrapping them since they would've brought tons more work that wouldn't serve the plot, but I still liked them a lot. Farewell space cowboys.
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hopeyarts · 2 months
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I looked back in a google docs I made 4 months ago for a Wish rewrite I had and then suddenly stopped. I never released it and don’t really plan on making a rewrite anyways, because there’s plenty of those out there which is all great. I personally just don’t have the effort to do that and writing stories isn’t something I normally do (I can never decide what path to choose). But I found a nice little headcanon I have for the original beloved Queen Amaya.
Originally, in this document she was going to be evil. I found it odd that she’d just be bad for the sake of it and power, which was just very odd. So this backstory would serve as part of the reason why Amaya was evil, because I found no reason for her to be like that in the first place. To be clear, I prefer good Queen Amaya because we’ve had other evil queens, but an evil royal couple isn’t a bad idea. I love that, honestly. But in my opinion as of right now, I favor the good Amaya. Back then I was all over for evil Amaya, and still am, but cutie patootie (im sorry im so tired rn) good Amaya is on my favorites list. That’s not to discourage anyone, this is just me being neutral about things. Also, if you don’t care for the details about the unreleased rewrite and just wanna skip to the headcanon, scroll down to the 🌟 emoji.
Amaya was going to follow the classic fairytale princess trope of being locked away in a castle, simply because Disney was tryna bring back a lot of past references and I thought it’d be a nice contrast to my Asha, who was going to follow the trope of more modern princesses.
So Amaya was a maiden locked away in a castle within a faraway kingdom. Her parents ruled the kingdom and kept her there, and the place was isolated from the world because they refused to ally with kingdoms involving magic. They thought it was dangerous and were paranoid, and etc. Amaya wishes to flee from the island to experience more. Her parents say that she must wait for a knight-in-shining-armor to save her and keep her safe, and only then is she able to leave the kingdom. So Amaya waits for her true love and knight-in-shining-armor, but one never arrives. Her heart turns sour and resentful as time goes on. Years later a sorcerer named Magnifico, who is looking to study more magic but finding none, invades the island by himself (he was going to be downright evil in this unreleased rewrite, which I also have a backstory for that as well). After the island is destroyed, Magnifico suddenly finds Amaya in the locked-up castle. Magnifico, seeing how much she despised the people who she trusted to give her more, like himself (not justified on his own part), asks for her hand in marriage. Amaya gladly accepts his proposal. Like a twisted love at first sight, Amaya sees him as her true knight who wields magic rather than a sword. She finds that magic is much more powerful than a sword, even if her family rejected magic for all these years. Her hate for her parents and her destroyed kingdom helps Magnifico with his plans. They go back to Magnifico’s kingdom (is explained in his own little backstory) and they build Rosas from there. Amaya loves Magnifico with all her heart and praises him. She is so madly in-love with both him and his magical powers that she is willing to do anything to uphold his status. He’s the one with the magic and power, she’s the one with the will to do whatever it takes to uphold those things. Her undying loyalty.
Some more information I had for her was that she was going to be both the queen of Rosas AND the head general of the kingdom’s military forces (inspired by the one deleted scene). Honestly, I really like her as either good or evil. I’m not picky about it as long as it is written well.
At the end of the rewrite I was planning for her to either…
Plan A: This is the one where their relationship is completely healthy. They love each other with all the purity in the world. They’d be defeated alongside her husband (who is now trapped in the little mirror because I genuinely love the idea of an evil man obsessed with his looks being trapped in a mirror, just not the movie Magnifico) by the people of Rosas. In the ending scene, we would see an irritated Amaya watching the kingdom from afar. She finds the little mirror in the grass and picks it up. Queen Amaya escapes with the miniature mirror, because she loves her husband, and leaves the island to travel to another, possibly her old abandoned kingdom. Her old kingdom might’ve been rebuilt by other people, because I also liked the idea of an evil Queen Amaya being theorized to be the Evil Queen in the story of Snow White. Her loyal cat, Charo, would follow her off the island. I like dark-ish endings like that.
Plan B: This is the one where their relationship isn’t completely healthy. It’s almost like a heavy dependency and a sacrifice of individuality. I don’t know. I just like giving characters sinister or angsty depths, haha. So Amaya would’ve been evil throughout the story, but come to realize that everything she’s been doing is simply for the benefit of Magnifico. She realizes that their relationship isn’t all that healthy as it seems, and that even if two people love each other very much, it doesn’t excuse the fact of negative dependence on the other person, especially if that other person makes it that way. Don’t know how I’d have done this, but at the end Amaya would’ve seen her mistakes and redeemed herself. Magnifico was always planned to be evil in my AUs and unreleased rewrites, but this could be for a different original story if I ever make it. But anyways, Amaya would’ve built her own character and individuality away from Magnifico and later become the sole ruler of Rosas. It would’ve had the concept of being ‘too attached to someone or something to the point where it’s not good for you’ and making Amaya question whether to continue that habit or letting it go. The movie, however, wasn’t toxic at all and I support Magnifico’s and Amaya’s relationship in the original film.
Again, these are like rough drafts so they’re not perfect and I’m sure you can find plot holes in them. These are all just concepts and ideas I made myself in my free time. Because creativity. 🤷🏽‍♀️
So what about your headcanons for the original Queen Amaya, because these are all for your evil Queen Amaya?
Well, for funsies, I do headcanon that Amaya was a locked away princess or maiden in some nameless castle and was rescued by Magnifico. He was just a humble, curious man who traveled to the nameless kingdom in search to study more magic and spotted the castle no one dared to go near because a dragon or something was guarding it. Not knowing that anyone was in the castle and thought that people were being terrorized by the dragon, Magnifico is like “Gosh, let me save this kingdom real quick and I’ll get back to my magical studies 👍🏽.” Magnifico compromises with the dragon (doesn’t slay it) and it leaves. Magnifico, thinking there could be magic books and artifacts in the castle, searches through it and suddenly finds Amaya. They fall in love and he helps Amaya leave the nameless kingdom to start a new life together. They share their dreams and later found Rosas together. Simple as that! Sweet and beautiful. I like sappy endings too.
OH, and I just thought of this as I’m writing this post to follow up with more of that classic Disney princess stuff. Maybe Amaya can naturally understand animals, like Cinderella or Snow White. I know she was surprised in that one scene where the mouse was talking to her, but like it spoke a human language. You know how the animals in Snow White just chirp and squeak? Well, what if Amaya just understood them, but never heard them legitimately speak? What if she was just surprised in the moment that the mouse spoke plain words to her? Like an “Oh I didn’t expect that, but go on. I’m listening as always 🥰”. Then there could be cute scenarios where Amaya is singing with the birds or little critters hold up a small mirror for her to readjust her hair or whatever.
Might release more sections of the never to be finished rewrite draft. It’s really just paragraphs of what each character is like, their backstories, how the kingdom functions, what wishes are, and etc. There’s no script, just ideas. 💖 Okay, good night.
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moonshade45 · 8 months
Scrapped Plot ideas in my ocean entity au!
(Warning for brutal torture mentions, the last one is dark)
- Miko was gonna be sharing her ocean dimension with a Nessie (lock ness monster) this got scrapped since I added Peppy and then Sage, i just had no where to put her in, especially after Mr.Cuddles.
- Janet was originally gonna lose empathy for a bit, but would have gotten it back before any major damage.
- peppy was originally supposed to die to give Janet enough to assimilate a sea lion styled tail instead of the fish mermaid like legs.
- Jack was originally gonna be a dragon of sorts.
- Cassie was added in because of inspiration of Grand Manan.
- in the old scraps, Janet\June would have met Art the clown in the middle of his killings, they fight before learning they are both immortal (somewhat). Janet was originally gonna strike a deal with Art that he could use her as a torture test of sorts.
This was originally gonna cause some drama (and trauma) with the bots, specifically Arcee since it was originally planned for Art to just walk through the garage with her there. Weapons in hand.
This was all scrapped in the bin for how violent it was, sure the Thing is brutal, but using someone as a torture test was too much for me to add. 
Ask in the ask box on your thoughts and questions about the Au!
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avaarctic · 11 months
Cut/Scrapped Writing Ideas for "Tangle & Whisper"
I recently posted this on Twitter a while back, but thought I'd share here too as I try to get used to being more active on other platforms, minus the pre-material rambling.
Overall it was to explain how a lot of my ideas were based around what was once the "current" era of IDW Sonic, which was right around the start or middle of the "Test Drive" arc. Therefore, at that time, we hadn't seen much Tangle & Whisper compared to as we do now. At the time, they were kept away from the spotlight, and add a time jump after the Metal Virus, it left a Big gap as to what was going on during that time.
Below are some of the ideas I had while being naïve to the time it takes to take a comic from an idea into a fully colored page. While meant to be part of a larger story, I ended up needing to settle on what would be reasonable to complete, and still be engaging to readers.
With that, I present some of the ideas that I had came up with before what started as an idea of "What if Tangle & Whisper fought Pirates?" into the fan favorite "Tangle & Whisper: New Roads."
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gear-project · 1 month
Was there ever a point in previous Guilty Gear content and lore that Slayer has reversed his age or made himself younger? Or is this just the only time he does it?
The concept itself was discussed in interviews with regard to mechanics for Slayer in Guilty Gear Xrd that they were trying to develop but because of technical complexity and production limitations got shelved for the final build of Xrd as a game.
Beyond that though, no, there hasn't really been much story topics related to Slayer reverting to a younger version of himself (even if he is a Vampire).
Still, as a piece of odd trivia, Slayer mentioned to Anji Mito at one point that he reminded him of himself when he was "younger", and I can't help but state that the resemblance is remarkable (and somewhat uncanny).
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a-student-out-of-time · 10 months
Seeing as lot of original ideas are more or less dead now, would you mind sharing them?
//There's been a few, but here's some I either had planned and decided not to, or some that were just kicking around my head and I changed my mind:
This was originally just going to focus on the canon games, as it was meant to be a fix-fic for Danganronpa 3. Then I saw SDRA2 and everything changed.
Consequently, I didn't think this blog would run for very long, maybe like a year or two, and now we're approaching year four. The story's expanded far more than I was intending, but that seems to have been to everyone's benefit
Because this was solely focused on canon at first, I originally had plans for Mahiru to be part of the Cuddle Puddle, so Hajime would essentially just gain everything back after changing the past. This was changed because both I and other anons felt that there needed to be more character autonomy there to show things were changing.
I briefly contemplated adding others, including Chisa, but then I realized how much was wrong with that idea and scrapped it pretty quickly.
I thought about making Aoi the fourth time traveler, but felt Sayaka would add a whole new dynamic in comparison.
When shipping was more of a priority to me, I also did consider pairing up Makoto with Kyoko, Aoi, Sayaka, and Mukuro, even getting as far as line art for a Naekusaba kid, but this was changed for two main reasons. The first is that I really liked the more unique ship with him and Iroha, as suggested by the anons, while the second is that shipping again feels like it takes character autonomy away for the sake of a relationship. Mukuro in particular has a lot more benefits to the story and more to explore beyond "she can be redeemed because she loves Makoto."
Rather than killing or mindwiping her, I thought about making Kanade a recurring antagonist, but decided she's a little too one-note to really make that work. And that was before I realized how many flaws there were with her ^^;
In a similar vein, Naoko was originally going to be Kanade's daughter, as was the case in Nextgenronpa, and her existence would be what makes keeping her alive so complicated. I changed her mother to Mai both because the motherhood angle feels gross on a lot of levels, and because Mai and Shikamaru already had plans to have another kid after Nagisa to experiment on. It works much better like that.
The parents weren't going to play nearly as big a role in the story as they do now, and while I had plans to make OCs for Chiaki's parents, Mod Poi and Mod Honey were kind enough to let me use theirs. This obviously lead to some complications through lack of communication, but ultimately worked out in the end.
There were originally going to be robots sent back in time by The Basilisk trying to kill people the QC had interacted with, ala Terminator, but that didn't match the rules I'd established for time travel here, so the robots remain in the future.
//So those are ten scrapped ideas from ASooT's development. A lot's changed since then and I haven't scrapped as many since, and we have a lot planned for the rest of this season ^^
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rattlebear25 · 10 months
I saw some people think/draw/tell Dimentio's backstories pre Super Paper Mario events...
I would try to say something too. Idk lol.
My version of Dimentio was a god like being, like the Ancient Tribe.
(I see the Ancients like deities because in SPM there is a church/sanctuary about them in Flipside.)
Dimentio was the last one remained of the Ancients Tribe and he was sane in the beginning.
Unfortunately, he was really prone to stress unlike the others Ancients and for him was particulary overwhelming ruling all universes/ dimentions but with the help of the other Ancients the work was more simple...
One day the Tribe of Ancients got erased suddenly because people who lived in the worlds ruled by the Ancients don't liked their rules. Only Merlee and Merlon survived. Dimentio too. But his mind changed after the trauma.
He swore revenge on the rebels and to create a world where anyone can't escape his control and his goverment.
He already suffered of narcissist personality disorder but now more than ever...
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shrekrekrek · 2 years
this is the worst fucking design that the cec costume department ever made
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almostzander · 2 years
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Nothing matters when you're dead!
These are from forever ago, they were a quick concept i had that didn't turn out well so I scrapped it half way through. Ill never finish it so I thought I'd share.
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allthingsencanto · 2 years
One of the scrapped ideas Encanto had that I liked was Luisa secretly having a hidden theme park in her room, a place she went to be a playful kid that she couldn’t show to anyone else.
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It was a really cute idea, just the thought of Luisa playing and having fun like a child at a theme park shows that vulnerability side to her, it shows that even though she’s strong and older than Mirabel, she’s a child deep inside and just wants to have fun. Of course though, I can see why it was scrapped. It is a disappointment that we didn’t get to see her room, but had there been a theme park in the final film, it would have been a bit too drastic in my eyes. I also like the idea better of Luisa not even being ABLE to indulge in the innocent things she would like, because it proves to the audience just how trapped she feels of keeping this strong image to her, how horrible Alma’s expectations take on the family, as well as the bittersweet message that Mirabel was the one to she had to open up to, since Surface Pressure already beautiful demonstrates how vulnerable and emotional Luisa is. Still, like I said this was a REALLY cute idea, I wouldn’t mind seeing more art of Luisa playing games and on rides, just being the kid she didn’t really get to be at a young age. 🥺💜
Oh, and don’t worry, I definitely have more things to share regarding scrapped Encanto stuff and ideas in the future!
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cosmic-nest · 2 years
I initially had this as a fanfic idea, but life prevented me from writing it. The story is scrapped, but I may or may not write ficlets based on the chapters ideas I had. It was intended to follow Randy’s journey through the rest of high school.
While Randy is doing summer training for the next following years as the ninja, he has the idea of reviving the Norisu Nine. Not by physically bringing them back. Instead, he searches for other Norrisville High students. This was initially supposed to be a surprise for First Ninja, despite Howard vehemently denying this being a good idea. First Ninja eventually does find out and isn’t happy about it.
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starrcrossrose · 11 months
Asking a handful of creators:
Do you save things that, for one reason or another, you never ended up posting? I always love seeing scrapped WIPs / deleted scenes / etc, and was just curious!
(Absolutely no pressure to post any of it, of course!)
Oooo I like this question actually!
Yes I absolutely do. I even still have my earliest childhood sketchbooks and notebooks bc I like being able to look back and see how much I've grown as an artist and a writer. (Even though I cringe sometimes... a lot, LOL)
I've actually been recently sharing some Aftermath deleted scenes and notes to my Patreon! When Aftermath is finished, I'd love to share them publicly, too. :) As far as art WIP's, I have SO many of those. I usually don't share them bc I don't like them, they're not quite finished enough, or they were for self practice. But! I have also been sharing more of them to my Patreon, as well!
(I don't expect anyone to check that out, btw, this is just my way of saying, yes I do share them but as a little bit of extra special content for those who support me monetarily <3)
Creating anything takes practice, and while I have abandoned ideas, or left them unfinished, I still like to look back at them fondly. <3
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applepi00 · 2 years
Unused/scrapped idea from Phantoms:
In early planning for Perfect Disaster, there was going to be snap shots at the beginning of chapter one of Dazai working with and quitting various therapists before Yuumi, for various and sundry reasons. Notably, there was going to be one that was just a little too reminiscent of Mori that was going to cause a panic attack but I decided I didn’t like that format and just opened with Yuumi and Dazai talking.
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Recently realized there’s still a bunch of of these scrapped/incomplete animatics around on my device collecting digital dust and will probably be lost to time and space if I don’t throw them into the internet oblivion….so here we are again! It’s a bit of a wild ride with how the songs keep switching between hella depressing and upbeat sillies so just be prepared for whiplash and lots of confusion. But otherwise it’s just looking through old ideas I had at the time and whatnot. Just trying to preserve this hectic mess somehow idk
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cherrythepuppet · 6 months
Marlene Peaches
Marlene was going to Penny's older sister the one who took care of her after Anna passed since George is hardly ever home
I later decided to not make Marlene canon to Prnny lore since i thought it would be better if Penny had to learn how to take care of herself
As this later plays into her daily life
But if anyone does want to see how Marlene would look and if I should make her canon to the Penny lore let me know!
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newwavesailor · 6 months
Ever have any ideas you thought about years ago, decided it wasn't worth it, but suddenly now want to pick it up again?
Here's mine.
A few years ago, I started writing a fanfic AU for Garfield, wherein Garfield is cast as a teenage furry who is brothers with Odie and whose father is Jon. (Don't ask about the biological aspects, they're adopted)
Basically, it was going to be sort of a slice-of-life high school story but with Garfield characters, acting as they would in the comic strip. Eventually, I decided that it really wasn't going anywhere, and I scrapped it.
Now, looking back, I'm kind of wishing I continued it. Of course, since I deleted the original file, I will have to start over on it.
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