#senator rogers
howdoyousleep3 · 4 months
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he looks so sharp yet I just want to curl up in his lap 🥹🥹🥹 he's so pretty
and his hair omfg I want to run my fingers through it. imagine Bucky walking into work one day and seeing Steve wearing /glasses/ too 😞😞 ik he would go crazy 🤤
The combination of the open collar and the glasses just! Wow! The things it does to me! I have a theory that the Senator just...completely softens up once him and Bucky are together together and this look supports that theory. 😌
The glasses are absolutely killer, they are just 😮‍💨. The first time Bucky sees them he has nothing to say but, "I...I didn't know you wore glasses," when Steve asks him why he's staring. (I think I maybe wrote that somewhere?! Or maybe it was just a thought lol)
So handsome, so Senator, so 😵‍💫. He would most definitely keep them on during a late night, FaceTime booty call, oh yes.
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maddiewritesstucky · 2 years
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Kiss The Quarterback — Part One
When star quarterback Steve and his right-hand man Bucky lead their team to a National Championship, Senator Rogers takes it upon himself to invite the two young athletes to meet with him in person to celebrate their victory.
But the Senator has more than a congratulatory handshake in mind, and what transpires behind the closed door of the Senator’s office is beyond any reward the boys could ever have expected...
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 3.6k
Tags: gang bang adjacent, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, humiliation (verbal and physical), degradation, voyeurism, authority kink, daddy kink, power dynamics, dom/sub relationship, orgasm control, free use, hand job, light subspace, edging, enthusiastic consent
A/N: Originally written as a birthday gift for our girl @rainbowsandcoconut, Sister K @howdoyousleep3​ and I are so excited to finally share our first ever collaboration! This fic is POV switching, between Jock Steve and Intern Bucky. The scandal is only just beginning — Part 2 coming soon.
Find more of K’s Senator here, and my Jocks here.
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“I’m gonna flirt with him.” 
“Bucky, no.”
“I am, I’m gonna do it.”
“You are not gonna flirt with the state fucking Senator, Bucky. Don’t blow this for us.”
“Oh, I’ll blow something,” Bucky laughs, reaching to tug at the collar of Steve’s dress shirt. “You fuckin’ seen Senator Rogers? Guy looks like he could bench press you.”
Steve bats Bucky’s hands away, and turns to survey his reflection in the floor-to-ceiling window; nervously brushing at his suit. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know that? Fuckin’ knew I should’ve brought Wilson instead.” 
“Jesus, Steve, would you relax? This is a privilege, remember?” Bucky says, dripping sarcasm as he parrots their coach’s words from earlier. “You brought home the championship, and now you get to shake the Senator’s hand, can you believe?” 
“Oh my god, would you shut—”
“Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes?” A woman with dark-rimmed glasses and a clipboard raps on the doorframe of the small waiting room, gesturing for them to follow her out into the hall. “The Senator is ready for you now. This way, please.” 
The way Bucky grins when Steve looks his way does absolutely nothing to quell Steve’s anxiety.
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“You just sit there and look pretty for our guests. You think you can do that for me?” 
The Senator’s breath blows hot and damp across Bucky’s jaw, the drag of Steve’s teeth making him squirm in his chair. A small kiss to his chin is soothing but he wants one on his lips, huffs for it, fingers digging into the front of Steve’s suit jacket. 
“Yes, Daddy,” he replies, easy like a hot knife through butter. He gets a kiss on his cheek for his troubles, but he’s needy, wants a proper kiss, right on his lips. 
“You ever see these guys before? These college jocks?” Steve asks him with a grip of his chin, and Bucky shakes his head in response. 
“I think you’re in for a treat, sweetheart. How hospitable are you feelin’ tonight?” he asks and what...what does that mean? Bucky’s eyebrows knit together in confusion until Steve clarifies.
“Should I offer up my slutty intern to these boys? Give them my own little present for winning the National Championship?” 
Bucky’s body clenches up immediately, neck going weak but the Senator holding his chin taut. This time he is given a kiss to his parted lips, one laced with the ghost of a smirk, one that drinks his whine right off of his mouth. It’s hypothetical, fantasy, an inquiry meant to make Bucky wiggle in his seat, but it makes Bucky achy. 
His Daddy offering him up to someone else? The chance to make the Senator proud? Bucky is more than okay with that.
He purses his lips into the chaste kisses Steve gives him, but now he’s hungry, now he wants more, asks for it with a pull on Steve’s suit. The Senator bats Bucky’s hands away as he stands. 
“Maybe Daddy’ll give you a little treat before you head home tonight if you’re good for me.” 
Bucky has no chance to respond to Steve’s offer, swallowing down yet another disgusting whine instead of letting the older man hear it. Steve turns towards the sharp knock at the door, Bucky standing on wobbly legs and following suit. 
“Gentlemen! I hear congrats are in order…” 
Bucky almost falls right back down into his chair.
“Senator Rogers, thank you so much for inviting us to meet with you.” 
“Oh, the pleasure is all mine. I’ve been watching you boys from the beginning of the season and now you’re here? C’mon, I had to congratulate you in person.” 
Bucky is almost certain he’s walked into a wet dream. Chiseled jawlines, summer sky eyes, muscle and strength as far as the eye can see— these athletes have most definitely starred in some of Bucky’s recurring fantasies. Bucky is so taken aback that he barely makes out the Senator’s words as the blond, first through the door, turns to Bucky. 
“This is one of my interns, James,” The Senator offers, and Bucky is nodding his head like he’s got a jar of marbles for a brain, reaching for the extended hand in front of him. The blond beefcake flashes Bucky a dazzling smile that has butterflies swooping down and all throughout Bucky’s belly and he introduces himself with a confident and kind, “Steve. It’s nice to meet you, James.” 
Bucky barely has time to give proper attention to how warm Steve’s hands are, that grip, before Steve is moving to the side and—
Bucky almost bends to pick his jaw up off the floor. 
“How’s it goin’?”
A second grip and handshake Bucky wants to hold tightly to, this time accompanied by a smirk that surely drops panties on the regular. There’s strength behind this handshake as well, an edge of cockiness that Bucky could grow addicted to. Dark hair pulled back, unassuming strength, the plushest mouth Bucky has ever set eyes on, and the axis of Bucky’s world has tilted. 
The Senator, Bucky’s own Daddy, momentarily slips from the forefront of his mind until the older man is guiding, offering up a, “Sit, sit, please,” as he gestures to the sitting area. The notepad that Bucky has been clutching against his chest almost needs to be adjusted to cover his crotch, but he’s afraid that if he moves it whatsoever, his hands will wander to the endless amounts of tightly-packed muscle spread out in front of him. 
He manages to find his seat in the chair next to the Senator’s, coffee table between their pair of chairs and the leather couch the two athletes seat themselves at. When he looks up and over at the man to his left, the man who just kissed him breathless before inviting these jocks into his office, the Senator is already looking over at him. 
Bucky wrings his hands when the state rep gives him a knowing look and a wink. 
“When I invited the Quarterback I wasn’t sure who you’d bring, but I should have known it would have been your right hand man. You two make quite the duo out there on the field, don’t you?”
Bucky has never really been a fan of sports. He goes to games, enjoys the atmosphere, but won’t seek it out on his own. He doesn’t understand but a handful of details about sports as a whole, and he feels himself begin to detach from the conversation playing out in front of him. All he knows are the things that have been mentioned in passing: these two men are on the football team that won the National Championship, one is the Quarterback, and they’re here on Capitol Hill in order to meet with the President, which they had done earlier that day. 
He’s sure he would have paid more attention to sports over the past few years if any of the athletes had looked like this. 
Steve looks like he could carry Bucky around on his hip with one arm, has the biceps to show it, the shoulder span no doubt proof of that as well. Bucky feels like he might begin to sweat under the collar of his shirt when his eyes lock with that plump bottom lip. 
He wants to sit on that bottom lip. 
He blushes furiously, knows his cheeks have to be opaque and obvious. Damn the Senator for planting the seed of fantasy in his brain with a kiss seconds before inviting these men into his office. How is Bucky supposed to have any thoughts that aren’t laced with sex? 
When he diverts his eyes away from Steve in hopes of reeling himself in, he’s met with a smirk on a mouth that might be more sinful than the Quarterback’s. First his lips, the suggestive smirk, then the eyes and Bucky has never felt so caught in his life. 
The dark-haired Wide Receiver is just as startlingly handsome as Steve is, within that sphere of beauty that has Bucky’s pants growing tighter by the second, yet somehow different. Steve almost looks like someone Bucky wants to rough up, a pretty face, eyes that Bucky wants to see messy with tears. He wants to rock himself in Steve’s lap and possibly make him beg. But this other guy? 
Bucky wants this hunk to shove him face-down into the mattress and make him squeal.
The added raise of an eyebrow has him suddenly and desperately thinking of a valid enough excuse to leave the room to get his shit in check. There is business to conduct, pleasantries to be had, and Bucky can’t sit here fantasizing about the plethora of ways he can manage to take both of the athletes on this couch. 
He’s so in his head he hasn’t realized the silence surrounding them all and...it isn’t a pleasant silence. What had Bucky missed? He glances over at the Senator and wishes he had more time to divert the conversation elsewhere, to see if that familiar sneer can be muffled by pointless small talk. 
But nothing could prepare Bucky for Senator Rogers to open his mouth and say, without reservation, “So, Steve, you play this good ‘cause he’s suckin’ your dick, or is he suckin’ it ‘cause you keep on winning shit?”
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Steve’s distantly aware of Bucky barking a laugh that rings way too loud in the confines of the office, but he can’t compute anything beyond the words that have just left the Senator’s mouth. 
Only moments ago, they were talking about the rigors of training schedules and pre-season diets, and now suddenly the Senator is hitting Steve with the one question he’s been living in mortal fear of ever since he and Bucky started their...whatever it is they’re doing. 
Steve doesn’t even know whether it’s a genuine question or just a joke, and he’s sure it’s written all over his face that he has absolutely no fucking idea how he’s supposed to respond.
“What, um...what do you…” 
“Oh, come on, kid,” the Senator rocks back in his chair, smirking conspiratorially. “You don’t have to play dumb in here. You might have the rest of your team fooled, but you’re not gonna sit there and tell me it’s all just sportsmanship I’m seein’ between you two.” 
Steve can only stare, mouth agape and any words he might otherwise hope to speak immovably lodged in his throat. He looks over at Bucky, the pleading look of a drowning man, but Bucky’s fucking cackling; throwing his hands up with a resigned shrug.
“He ain’t wrong, pal,” he grins back at Steve. “My mouth is the real secret to your success.”
“Bucky, I really don’t think we shou—” 
“Hey, hey,” the Senator holds up his hands in a placating gesture, “don’t worry, it’s not gonna leave this room.” His gaze flicks over to the young intern seated next to him, and drifts slow down the length of his body, “...We all got our secrets.”
Steve’s stomach flips at the brazenness of the gesture. There’s nothing subtle about the way James shivers under the Senator’s attention; everything about their rapport screaming headline-in-the-making. 
Senator Rogers is doing fuck all to hide it, too, which is making Steve feel hot in ways that have nothing to do with the tight fit of his suit or the unseasonably warm weather.
“Scandal recognizes scandal, don’t it, Senator?” 
Steve’s head whips round at Bucky’s drawled remark. 
Bucky’s sitting there, completely unflinching in the cocky set of his smile, meeting the full force of the Senator’s surprised stare head-on, and Steve doesn’t know whether to apologize on Bucky’s behalf, or just stand up and show himself out.
He chances a look over at the intern, whose rose-flushed cheeks have bloomed a darker shade of crimson; his eyes carefully glued to the notepad clutched in his lap, and his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
It’s a painfully awkward moment. The entire room is silent save for the heavy, rhythmic tick of the grandfather clock inset into the bookcase, and Steve’s screaming internal monologue, which he’s only half certain no one else can hear at this point. 
“Senator Rogers, I…” 
He’s not sure what he plans to say, he just knows he needs to say something before the tension in the room reaches critical point.
But then, inexplicably, the Senator grins.
“It’s alright, Steve,” he sighs. His eyes don’t budge from their deadlock on Bucky, but they narrow a little as he regards him. “I had a mouth on me too, when I was young.”
Steve looks back and forth between the Senator and Bucky, noting the dusting of pink that’s crept onto Bucky’s cheeks. 
He also notes - with great interest - that Bucky is the one who breaks first, dropping his gaze to the coffee table situated between them.
“Mm, that’s what I thought,” the Senator hums. 
He tilts his head, smiling something calculating as he watches Bucky squirm in his seat. He doesn’t let up his stare, even as he speaks to address his intern.
“James, would you go and close the door, please?”
Bucky looks up at that, looks at Steve with a question in his eyes. But Steve is watching the intern, whose face has done something indecipherable at the request. 
“Of course, sir,” James responds immediately. He rises from his seat to head for the door, but he doesn’t make it two steps before Senator Rogers is stopping him with a hand gripped firmly on his arm. 
“Of course, who?” 
James’s breath catches audibly in his throat. He looks at the Senator; looks over at Steve and Bucky, and then back again, his eyes wide. 
Steve doesn’t know exactly what he’s expecting to happen next, what it is the intern said wrong in that exchange, or what the Senator is wanting from him. But he sure as hell isn’t expecting the next words that come out of James’s sinfully pink mouth. 
“...Of course, Daddy.”
Bucky’s whole body tenses at Steve’s side. “Holy shit,” he whispers, leaning in to get at Steve’s ear. “I’m gonna make you call me that.” 
“No you’re fuckin’ not.” 
There’s a part of Steve that’s saying he and Bucky should probably get up and leave right about now. But there’s another, louder part that wants to find out where the hell this is all going, and what the Senator could possibly have in mind that warrants a closed door. 
More to the point, Steve’s pretty damn certain that he wants to be a very active part of whatever Senator Rogers has in mind.
He watches James walk over and push the heavy oak door shut; the click of the latch resounding through the room. It feels like they’re about to be let in on something illicit, sitting there as the intern closes them all into the privacy of the Senator’s office together.
It becomes really fucking clear that that’s exactly what’s about to happen, when James turns to come back to his seat, and Senator Rogers raises a hand to halt him in his tracks; snapping his fingers, and pointing to the floor by his feet.
“Crawl,” he growls.
The intern sinks lithely to his knees with a soft whine; his gaze fixed glassy and wanting on the Senator, and the practiced ease of the movement isn’t lost on Steve. 
James moves like he’s done this a thousand times, shoulders and hips rolling slow as he shifts forward on hands and knees. The implication of it has Steve’s head spinning; has his cock twitching behind his zipper. 
He looks up to find the Senator staring right at him with a knowing smirk.
“He’s something, ain't he?” Senator Rogers cocks his head toward James, now kneeling at his feet. “Fuckin’ nightmare trying to find a good intern these days, I swear.”
“Yeah…I don’t think they cover submission in PoliSci,” Bucky scoffs, though Steve can hear the faint tinge of awe in his voice. 
The Senator must catch it too, because he pins Bucky with a look and slowly extends a hand down towards James, two fingers outstretched.
“Indeed not, Mr. Barnes,” he sighs as James takes his fingers into his mouth, “James is what we call a ‘natural talent.’”
If they were anywhere else, Steve would be screaming. He’d be smacking Bucky on the arm, and pointing wildly across the room, and asking if this entire fucking thing is some unhinged dream.
Because there is no way, no way, that the actual, real life Senator Rogers is sitting across from them, making direct eye contact as his fingers get a suck job from his intern...who is unashamedly making sex noises, and all but rocking his hips down into the floor as he works his mouth around his boss’s digits.
It’s a scene plucked straight out of a porno - one that Steve would save in his bookmarks bar, and create a desktop shortcut to, and have a link pasted into the notes section of his phone, just in case he somehow lost his other access to it. 
It’s all so deeply wrong, and Steve knows that objectively he should be feeling a whole lot of things about what he’s seeing right now...but it’s fucking hot. 
The Senator is hot, and the intern is fifty shades of Steve’s type, and Steve’s never had much of a poker face when it comes to seeing something he likes.
“Think you’ve got a fan, James,” the Senator rumbles. 
He slips his fingers free from between James’ spit-slick lips, hushing him when he whines and gripping him instead by the chin. 
“Lucky for you, Steve,” the Senator begins, “James here was just telling me before you boys came in that he’s feeling particularly generous today. Ain’t that right, sugar?” 
Steve’s pulse rate goes through the roof as the intern nods, flicking his tongue out over his lips.
“Yeah, you’re gonna be real hospitable, aren’t you?” The timbre of Senator Rogers’ voice dips dark as he leans in to speak right up against James’ lips. “Gonna treat our guests nice, make sure everyone’s taken care of…” 
James is nodding vehemently; huffing soft, breathy moans that are going straight to Steve’s dick. 
Bucky’s not faring much better; keyed-up energy coming off him in waves as he sits there with fingernails dug into his thighs and his breaths shuddering slightly on the exhale. 
Steve desperately wants to know what Bucky’s face is doing right now, but he couldn’t look away from this if he tried; his stare fixed on the flush creeping down beneath the intern’s collar as he hangs on the Senator’s every word.
“Give Daddy a kiss,” Senator Rogers commands. 
He sits back just enough to see that James has to work to reach him, but reach him he does; fighting past the Senator’s grip on his chin with a frustrated huff that only makes the older man laugh. 
When their lips meet, the Senator doesn’t so much kiss his intern, as he allows the intern the privilege of kissing him, and it’s clear that James knows where the power lies. He knows, and he’s weak for it; kissing Senator Rogers like he’s trying to prove a point. 
Steve doesn’t even realize he’s tucked a hand between his own thighs to press at the ache in his dick until the Senator pulls back, eyeing Steve pointedly and using his grip on the intern’s chin to turn his face toward Steve.
“Now look at that, I think the Quarterback’s feelin’ a little lonely over there...Go show him how well you keep a lap warm, James.”
Steve’s pulse turns erratic as he watches the intern slowly get to his feet and walk towards him. Senator Rogers is murmuring encouragement aimed at the both of them, telling Steve to relax and prompting James to ‘be a good host’, but Steve still feels like he’s been sprung doing something he shouldn’t when the intern looks at him from under his lashes, and sinks down to sit across his thighs.
“Goddamn,” Bucky breathes, shaking his head. “Tell him he’s pretty, Stevie, I wanna see if he blushes.” 
Steve swallows hard. James feels so slight in his lap, almost dainty in the way he’s perched, and Steve just about has to sit on his hands to stop them migrating to the guy’s waist just to see if they can span around his middle. He is pretty, even more so up close with his cupid’s bow lips and the little dip in his chin, and the vaguely glazed look in his eyes like getting passed around is all he’s ever wanted in life. 
But that doesn’t change the fact that the Senator is watching Steve’s every move with an inscrutable smile, and Steve has no clue where the limits are in this situation.
“He’s, uh...he’s…”
“Oh, your boy’s shy, huh?” the Senator grins at Bucky. “Get a little dumb with something sweet in his lap?” 
Bucky huffs a laugh, kicking a foot out to scuff at Steve’s. “With anything in his lap.”
“Mm, there’s something about these easy boys, ain’t there?” Senator Rogers sighs fondly with a tilt of his head. “How does he like to be kissed?” 
The intern tenses in Steve’s lap, gasping quiet to match Steve’s own. 
Bucky looks at Steve’s mouth as he answers, flippant like Steve’s not right fucking there. “Kissing’s not part of our deal, I only ever did it once. But if I remember right, he almost shot off from having that fat bottom lip sucked.”
Senator Rogers hums an approving sound. He settles back in his seat, turning his attention back to Steve and his lapful of vaguely trembling intern. 
“Go on then, James,” the Senator nods, uncrossing his legs and letting them splay open a little wider as he looks on. “Kiss the quarterback.”
...to be continued
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bobbyo-1967 · 1 year
Rogers Night In Question Part 2
26 February 2023 Honorable Foster Town Clerk Susan M. Dillon Office of the Foster Town Clerk Foster Town Hall 181 Howard Hill Road Foster, RI 02825 Honorable Clerk Dillon: Under the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act, §38-2-1 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that deal with arrest records.  On or about Thursday February 2nd,…
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noknowshame · 3 months
always a fun time when real life people are doomed by their own narratives. like guys you know it doesn’t have to be like this right? this isn’t a stageplay the foreshadowing isn’t real until you make it real
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scandinavianfairytale · 4 months
Pairing: Senator Steve Rogers x Assistant Reader
Warnings: This is straight up filth 😅 18+, Rated R 🙈 Smut, including but not limited to: oral, PinV, cheating, power dynamic is askew, age gap...
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It was wrong. So wrong. So very wrong. For a number of reasons.
1. He was married.
2. He was significantly older than you. And we're talking about that he could be you father older than you.
3. He was your boss.
You could probably think of other reasons why, but these were the major ones. Yet, it didn't stop you from lusting after the senator. And you tried to distract yourself, mainly with work, but whenever you were alone with him, your knees shook, your core throbbed, and your head felt dizzy.
But you couldn't seduce a married man.
Or maybe you could.
Just not as directly as you would any other men.
In the beginning you were subtle. A button opened there, a skirt too short there. A little moan or gasp sprinkled in between the meetings. A hand lingering too long.
Nothing. There was no reaction from Steve.
So then you resorted to blatant tactics. Before going into his office you changed into the same clothes, just two sizes two small. On a number of occasions you even forgot the bra.
Still nothing. He was driving you insane. After every meeting where you basically offered yourself on a silver plate,.you had to go to the restroom and take the edge off. Your hands felt like cheap alternative to what you were actually after. Even at home, your toys paled in comparison to the fantasies that were playing in your head.
In one last ditch effort, you put on the tightest skirt you had in your wardrobe, a skirt that was more like a second skin than a piece of clothing. Ditching the thong, you entered Senator Rogers office, knees shaking in anticipation of what might happen.
He fucked you that night. Three times. Your head was spinning by the end of the fuck session. You were bent over the table, taken on the floor, on all fours, the couch used for support after your arms gave out and then to properly finish the evening, you got down on your knees and sucked him off.
After that, you were hooked. You were insatiable. How could you not be? The way he looked, sounded, and carried himself was enough to drive a woman insane. Put that together with the best fuck you experienced in your life and you got yourself a proper cock whore.
Steve was preparing his notes for tomorrows speech when a soft knock on the door of his office interrupted his train of thought. Your head poked through the crack and he smiled, motioning you in.
"Why are you still here so late?" Steve asked as he patted the chair next to him, insinuating that you can or should sit.
"Well, there are so many things left to do by tomorrow." You replied as you sat down. Steve picked up his scotch and leaned back in the leather sofa he was sitting in.
"There's always a lot of work to be done. And I know all the necessary things have already been done, so why don't you try again, sweetheart." He smirked.
"I wanted to catch you alone." You bit your bottom lip.
"Oh?" Steve cocked an eyebrow.
"I want to help you. I can see you're stressed and I thought, maybe I could help."
"How do you think you could help me?" You stood up, and you took his hand, guiding it under your skirt. Steve's eyes widened as his hand came into contact with your bare and very wet pussy. Your breathing deepend as his guided hand cupped you, and your tummy tensed in anticipation.
"I think you might be right." Steve smirked as he scanned your face, eyes hodded, lips parted and a little flush in the cheeks.
"Stand wider. I want to feel you." He commanded, and you obeyed, no questions asked. As soon as your skirt was hiked up, Steve's fingers invaded your slippery hole, making you moan. He started fingering you, and those wet, squelching noises that he loved started coming from you. Plus combining with your pants and moans...music to his ears.
He knew he was bad. Sick, some would even call him. After all, he was MUCH older than you and in a position of power.
But it's not like you were that innocent either. Not when you flaunted your assests just to get a rise out of your boss. You definitely were not innocent when you grabbed his tie, pulling him into a supply closet at the Gala and giving him the best head he's ever had, while his wife was looking for him. And especially not when after just swallowing his cum, you talked to his wife, laighing with her as if you were good friends.
And it's not like he didn’t feel the guilt. His wife was the love of his life. They made a life together. A good life. He still loved her. Steve knew he would always love Peggy. He knows he will never love anyone else, but love and lust are not the same. Missionary sex once a month in the shared bed is not the same as the risky, almost violent, ball busting sex in all positions in all places at all times pf the day or night.
"Senator." You moaned, as you stopped holding back your need and your hips started gyrating against his hand. That. That right there, that was what sealed the deal for him. That was when he realized that while it was a regrettable mistake, he was going to make it again and again. And again.
"Are you gonna cum?" Steve's eyes darkened as he watched your pussy grinding against his hand and knuckles and how your juices oozed out, dripping down his forearms.
"Uh-huh" Your needy voice surprised you. You have never been this needy before.
"Come here." He demanded, his other hand grabbing your hips, steadying them and he blew on your hot pussy, making you throw your head back, screaming in pleasure. Steve smirked before delving next to his fingers, and he started lapping at your juices, savoring the taste like a starved man.
"More. Pleaseee, senator." You begged.
"Call me Steve." He smirked and he stopped everything he was doing, making you keen.
"Steve! Please, don't stop." You uncleanched your eyes, but he could see how much you wanted to roll your eyes in pleasure.
"Better. Now cum, sweetheart, let me taste you, properly."
It took only a few thrusts before you squirted all over his face. He held you in place, saving you from crumpling down on the floor as your knees shook. Steve kissed your pussy, smiling up at you as your breathing started getting back normal.
"Let me take care of you." You whispered as you straddled his hips, opening his trousers and pulling his painfully hard cock out before slowly sinking on him, your overly sensitive pussy, pulsating as it made room for his gritty cock.
"You feel amazing." Steve moaned as he felt your wet walls. You kissed him, pressing your body as close as you could, letting both of you feel the stretch. His hands traveled down to your ass, gripping it tight before he started thrusting up.
"Wait." You stopped him. "You just sit here, I'll do everything."
How could he refuse? How could he say no to you, really?
Sure enough, you got to work, grinding against his pelvis, thrusting your hips up and down, sending shivers and pulses down to your tiptoes. But Steve could not just sit still while you did all the work. He unbuttoned your blouse and pulled down your bra so your breasts spilled out. He realized all your cloths fit you now, as opposed to a few weeks ago.
"Before we started this, did you change your clothes every time before coming to see me?" He asked as he grabbed your jaw, making you look at him.
"Yes." You moaned. "I wanted to give you a preview."
"You certainly don't leave anything to the imagination, you dirty whore." He smirked and slapped your tit. He thought back to that day when this began. You nervously entered his office, bringing him the files he asked for. Just before reaching him, you tripped, and all the papers fell on the floor. He was going to help you, but then he noticed how tight the skirt you were wearing was and how it stuck to your skin, providing a visible outline of your pussy. At that point, he had been trying so hard to resist the temptation, but having this clear of a view of your pussy, he snapped. He bent you over the desk that night.
"Fuck yes." You screamed as his hand went to your clit and pinched it.
"Come on, you said you wanted to take care of me. Do it." Steve taunted. "Try harder."
You started circling your clit, while grinding at his pelvis. He could feel you clenching around him, and he knew you were close. He pinched one of your nipples, rolling it in between his fingers, while his mouth started sucking on the other.
"God, yes. Steve-I-" Your voice broke as you squirted again. You bucked your hips a couple of more times, before you climbed off of him and kneeled in front of his opened legs. His cock was just perfect, a little red, soaking from his precum and your juices and so thick. Your mouth practically watered at the sight of Senator's Rogers dick.
"Fuck." Steve let out as you took him down your throat. You were always eager to give a blowjob. You knew guys usually don't get good head and women in general don't like giving head. But you fucking loved it. There was so much power in this.
You took him whole, until your nose touched his hair base. Staying there, breathing through your nose, you stared at him.
"Fuck." He groaned as he looked at you.
Finally, you started bobbing your head up and down his shaft, the noises both of you were making were egging you on. One of your hands massaged his balls, while the other stroked his perineum, making the man above you shudder and thrust his hips further into your mouth. You smirked with your mouth full of cock. It really was a power move.
"C'mon, stop playing and make me come." Steve groaned in frustration, slapping you face and shoved your head down to the base of his cock, making you choke. You tapped his thigh and he let you go.
"Use my throat." You leaned back on your heels, opening your mouth, inviting him in. Steve stood up and pushed his cock down your throat again. His hands framed your head, and he started thrusting into you.
"God yes." Steve yelled in ecstasy. Your hands went to your pussy. One started playing with your clit while with the other you shoved three fingers in it.
"That's it, play with yourself." He shoved his cock faster and harder into your mouth. Like he was fucking your pussy and it made you so wet. It was the perfect sinful melody that filled the office. As you listened to him pant and groan, you knew he was close. His thrusts became erratic until finally he slammed your head down his cock and kept you there as he emptied his sack. You came at the same time, he shoved you down last time, squirting again.
As he let you go, you opened your mouth, showing him you swallowed every last drop.
Steve zipped up his pants while you sat in your own release, still panting. He brought you tissues to clean yourself up before helping you stand up and giving you a glass of water.
"Do you feel better?" You asked. Steve let out a chuckle.
"I feel much better. I think tomorrow's speech is going to go smoothly." He observed you. "Let me take you home. You shouldn't be driving this exhausted."
You nodded before taking his hand and letting him take you to his car. Steve let the driver know where to go, and he closed the door, waving you off, before returning back to his office and cleaning the mess you created.
Thank you for reading 🙈
The GIF doesn't belong to me 💙
Yeah...so I have no words other than this is filthy 🙈 I'm not sorry though 🙈
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Jonathan Nicholson at HuffPost:
Donald Trump’s “guilty” verdict on 34 counts of falsifying business records in his hush money trial could make it harder for the Senate to get much work done in the next few months — at least, if a group of pro-Trump senators has their way. Eight Republican senators said Friday they would try to slow down the Senate’s business in response to the verdict. Unlike the House, the Senate runs its day-to-day business under small, temporary agreements between the majority Democrats and minority Republicans. It’s a system that can be undermined sometimes by even one obstinate senator.
“The White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways. As a Senate Republican conference we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart,” said the eight senators in a letter. Signatories included Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). Specifically, the group promised three things: to not allow any increase in “non-security” funding or spending bills that fund “partisan lawfare”; to not vote for any of the White House’s political or judicial nominees; and to not allow faster consideration of Democratic legislative priorities “not directly relevant to the safety of the American people.”
“Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable,” Lee said in a social media post about the letter. “We are no longer cooperating with any Democrat legislative priorities or nominations, and we invite all concerned Senators to join our stand.”
8 felon-coddling Republican Senators signed a letter that they’ll muck up even more business in the Senate in protest of the guilty verdict handed down by a jury in the Trump business records falsification trial.
The 8 signatories are: Mike Lee, J.D. Vance, Tommy Tuberville, Eric Schmitt, Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Roger Marshall, and Marco Rubio.
Surprisingly, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom Cotton didn’t sign on to it.
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lovemesomerafael · 3 months
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The Adventures of Captain and Mr. America
Part 511
Who besides me is tired of winter and resents the fact that in Leap Year we have to endure an extra day of the ugliest month of all? Maybe you should just shut the drapes and read all the parts of The Adventures of Captain and Mr. America on AO3. There's over 500 of them now, so that should get you to spring.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
#7 BOC Steve and reader
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Soft glowing lights radiating in the bathroom had transcended the mood from the dinner you’d had before the skyline, to the crisp apple ale you sipped in clear champagne flutes, finally to the bathroom where you and Steve had spent time soaking together in the tub.
With your little one safely back at home with the nanny, one that Bucky had found himself highly interested in, it was a weekend away for you and the man in charge. It was a weekend seemingly free, where he could relax and spend time with his wife. It was planned for months, almost falling apart after a potential road bump had risen though it finally came together.
And with the plans to spend the weekend together, you and Steve were as self indulgent as ever. In each other. In your hotel. In your food. In your need for each other.
You were insatiable for the other, ravaging in the heat of desire and want. Friday had been spent rampantly being filled and toyed with on every surface, Saturday morning was a lazy day in bed, and Saturday night was dinner and drinks and a spa in the hotel room.
It was blissful, it was carrying from one languid event to the next. And the feeling followed you from bed to the bathroom, your phone in hand to check in on your little one and the nanny. The first few texts were standard and ordinary, with a little addition of a selfie of yourself in a face mask, seemingly completely ordinary. As you were sending the last text after the selfie was sent, you felt Steve come up behind you with an air of electrifying eroticism that made your belly flip.
His hands pulled the edge of your robe up over your hips, fingers tugging and twisting the hem of your panties as they were shifted away from you. His thumb brushed back and forth over your hips, his mouth trailing up and down the column of your neck as he conveyed his whispered desire.
Your head looked back, eyes fluttering closed when his teeth grazed against your neck. Your legs had become parted, his hand slipping between your thighs in order for his fingertips to move against your puffy pussy lips.
His name fell from your mouth as an airy sigh, your phone slowly pulled from your hand and set down against the counter. You shuddered pleasantly as he groaned into your ear, his husky voice delivering a promise to you.
“By the time we leave the weekend, you’re going to be dripping my seed.” Steve’s fingers plunged into your cunt, his name squealed as you rocked your hood against his thrusts. “You wanna give me another baby?”
“Yes, sir,” you whined, resting against his firm chest, “yes, Mr. President.”
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Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell bluntly warned Republican senators in a private meeting not to sign on to a bill from Sen. Josh Hawley aimed at limiting corporate money bankrolling high-powered outside groups, telling them that many of them won their seats thanks to the powerful super PAC the Kentucky Republican has long controlled.
According to multiple sources familiar with the Tuesday lunch meeting, McConnell warned GOP senators that they could face “incoming” from the “center-right” if they signed onto Hawley’s bill. He also read off a list of Senators who won their races amid heavy financial support from the Senate Leadership Fund, an outside group tied to the GOP leader that spends big on TV ads in battleground Senate races. On that list of senators: Hawley himself, according to sources familiar with the matter.
McConnell has long been a chief opponent of tighter campaign finance restrictions. But there’s also no love lost between McConnell and Hawley, who has long criticized the GOP leader and has repeatedly called for new leadership atop their conference. Just on Tuesday, Hawley told CNN that it was “mistake” for McConnell to be “standing with” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, in their push to tie Ukraine aid to an Israel funding package.
Hawley’s new bill, called the Ending Corporate Influence on Elections Act, is aimed at reversing the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision that loosened campaign finance laws – an effort that aligns the conservative Missouri Republican with many Democrats. Hawley’s bill would ban publicly traded corporations from making independent expenditures and political advertisements – and ban those publicly traded companies from giving money to super PACs.
In an interview, Hawley defended his bill and said that corporate influence should be limited in elections.
“I think that’s wrong,” Hawley told CNN. “I think it’s wrong as an original matter. I think it’s warping our politics, and I see no reason for conservatives to defend it. It’s wrong as a matter of the original meaning of the Constitution. It is bad for our elections. It’s bad for our voters. And I just think on principle, we ought to be concerned.”
According to a list of Senators obtained by CNN, McConnell singled out a number of lawmakers who benefited from his outside group over the last three cycles: Mike Braun of Indiana, Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Dan Sullivan of Alaska, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Roger Marshall of Kansas, Susan Collins of Maine, Steve Daines of Montana, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Katie Britt of Alabama, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Eric Schmitt of Missouri, Ted Budd of North Carolina, JD Vance of Ohio and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.
In 2018, Hawley benefited from more than $20 million from McConnell’s group.
McConnell’s office declined to comment.
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thingstrumperssay · 2 years
He’s going to let children starve because some of those children may be part of the LGBT+.
All republican in power are evil.
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howdoyousleep3 · 6 months
Hey, mama! I've been rereading your "Jealousy" story about intern Bucky ignoring his senator's calls (which is just amazing by the way) again. And when Steve's text asked for a damn good reason to ignore his calls, I just couldn't help but shudderd with a thought of what if... What if Bucky actually had a good reason, something minor, a little car accident, where his phone broke? maybe they even took Bucky to the hospital just to check him? The anger slowly turning into anxiety and then guilt for the senator... Ugh... I just gonna leave this thought here... but good god!
Oh! 😭 I like the idea of something happening to Bucky that is serious but for the most part he's unharmed, just needing to be taken in and checked out. Imagine the senator being required to keep his composure as best he can because of prying eyes.
But then once they're alone, once Steve has asked others to step out so he can talk to his intern privately, all bets would be off. He'd have to touch, he'd have to kiss, he'd have to hold. He'd sound so angry as he talks to Bucky, as he checks him and his injuries out for himself, but Bucky knows that's Daddy's Worried Voice. He's not angry at Bucky, he's angry at the situation, at all of the other factors.
"Called you so many fuckin' times, was ready to turn that ass red for leaving my messages unread, for not calling me back. Goddamnit, Bucky. Are you alright? Where'd you get hurt? Told them to bring you here because I know this doctor, trust Banner with my life. He's been good to you? Yeah? Fuck, kid. C'mere..."
Steve demands Bucky come home with him once he's cleared to leave and Bucky easily listens. He's exhausted and desires comfort and there's no better person to bring him comfort than his Daddy. Plus, he has a sneaking suspicion that the senator is going to dote on him, spoil him maybe, and that sounds exactly like something he needs after a day like today.
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maddiewritesstucky · 2 years
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This cannot possibly be real.  
This is just...this could be the product of concussion. They probably never won the game at all - Steve’s probably laid out in the middle of the field right now, surrounded by medics ‘cause he got sacked so bad his brain’s having to fire off hyper-realistic porn scenarios just to give him something to live for.  
The intern is sucking on his bottom lip like it’s a fucking gummy candy, humming a happy little sound like it’s some kinda treat for him that Steve’s just said yes to a blow job, and the Senator - the goddamn Senator -  is the playmaker of it all.
Fuck, Steve might be dead.
—Crossover coming October—
Get to know my Jocks and K’s Senator 🤍 Find K’s teaser here
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itsbansheebitch · 6 months
Mr. Rodgers literally saved PBS's ass in 1969. Bro is a fucking legend
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Captain America: Symbol of Truth #007, “Pax Mohannda: Part 2”
Art by Ig Guara and Jesus Aburtov
Written by Tochi Onyebuchi
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afn-4-blog · 11 days
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For all your advertising and promotional needs: https://www.ashleynitkin.wordpress.com
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kp777 · 1 month
Unexpected Michigan Senate race could determine control of the chamber | AP News
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